AC MF_00173; DC Protein; auto TR HAMAP; MF_00173; -; 1; level=0 XX Names: Arg_repressor XX ID ARGR DE RecName: Full=Arginine repressor; GN Name=argR; XX CC -!- FUNCTION: Regulates arginine biosynthesis genes. CC -!- PATHWAY: Amino-acid biosynthesis; L-arginine biosynthesis [regulation]. CC -!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Cytoplasm. CC -!- SIMILARITY: Belongs to the ArgR family. XX DR Pfam; PF01316; Arg_repressor; 1; trigger=no DR NCBIfam; TIGR01529; ArgR_whole; 1; trigger=no XX KW Cytoplasm KW Transcription KW Transcription regulation KW DNA-binding KW Repressor KW Amino-acid biosynthesis KW Arginine biosynthesis XX GO GO:0003700; F:DNA-binding transcription factor activity GO GO:1900079; P:regulation of arginine biosynthetic process GO GO:0006355; P:regulation of DNA-templated transcription GO GO:0005737; C:cytoplasm XX FT None XX Size: 145-179; Related: None; Template: P17893; P0A6D0; O31408; O86130; Q8VL04; P0A1B3; P95721; Q9WW19; Scope: Bacteria Fusion: Nter: None Cter: None Duplicate: in CLOPE Plasmid: None Comments: Some members of this family (e.g. Q8GND0) are actually positive coregulators of the arginine catabolism via the arginine deiminase pathway. XX # Revision 1.40 2024/04/30 //