AC MF_04113; DC Protein; auto TR HAMAP; MF_04113; -; 1; level=0 XX Names: CAPSID_P_T4 XX ID CAPSP DE RecName: Full=Capsid vertex protein; DE AltName: Full=gp24; case DE Contains: DE RecName: Full=Mature capsid vertex protein; DE AltName: Full=gp24*; end case XX CC -!- FUNCTION: Capsid protein that self-associates to form pentons, building CC the capsid in association with hexamers of the major capsid protein and CC one dodecamer of the portal protein. CC -!- SUBUNIT: Homopentamer. Interacts with the portal protein. Interacts CC with the major capsid protein that forms hexamers. CC -!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Capsid vertex protein: Virion. Note=Part of the CC icosahedric capsid shell of the immature virion. CC -!- SIMILARITY: Belongs to the Tevenvirinae capsid vertex protein family. case CC -!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Mature capsid vertex protein: Virion. Note=Part CC of the icosahedric capsid shell of the mature virion. CC -!- PTM: Proteolytic cleavage at the N-terminus by the prohead core protein CC protease gives rise to the mature capsid vertex protein. end case XX KW Capsid protein KW Late protein KW Virion XX GO GO:0019028; C:viral capsid XX FT From: CAPSP_BPT4 (P19896) FT SITE 10..11 FT /note="Cleavage" FT Tag: cleavage; Optional; Condition: E-S FT CHAIN Nter..Cter FT /note="Capsid vertex protein" case FT CHAIN 11..Cter FT /note="Mature capsid vertex protein" end case XX Size: 298-440; Related: None; Template: P19896; Scope: Viruses; Caudoviricetes Fusion: Nter: None Cter: None Duplicate: None Plasmid: None Comments: None XX # Revision 1.5 2024/04/18 //