AC MF_04135; DC Protein; auto TR HAMAP; MF_04135; -; 1; level=0 XX Names: PORTAL_LAMBDA XX ID PORTL case DE RecName: Full=Portal protein B; DE AltName: Full=GpB; DE AltName: Full=Minor capsid protein B; else DE RecName: Full=Portal protein; end case case DE Contains: DE RecName: Full=Protein B*; end case case GN Name=B; end case XX CC -!- FUNCTION: Forms the portal vertex of the capsid. This portal plays CC critical roles in head assembly, genome packaging, neck/tail CC attachment, and genome ejection. The portal protein multimerizes as a CC single ring-shaped homododecamer arranged around a central channel. CC Binds to the terminase subunits to form the packaging machine. CC -!- SUBUNIT: Homododecamer. Interacts with the terminase complex composed CC of two small and one large terminase subunits. CC -!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Virion. CC -!- PTM: Proteolytically cleaved by the viral protease during capsid CC maturation. CC -!- SIMILARITY: Belongs to the siphoviridae portal protein family. XX DR Pfam; PF05136; Phage_portal_2; 1; trigger=no DR NCBIfam; TIGR01539; portal_lambda; 1; trigger=no DR General; Coiled_coil; -; 0-unlimited; trigger=yes XX KW Capsid protein KW DNA-binding KW Viral capsid assembly KW Viral genome ejection through host cell envelope KW Viral genome packaging case KW Viral long flexible tail ejection system end case case KW Viral contractile tail ejection system end case case KW Viral short tail ejection system end case KW Viral penetration into host cytoplasm KW Viral release from host cell KW Virion KW Virus entry into host cell XX GO GO:0046798; C:viral portal complex GO GO:0005198; F:structural molecule activity case GO GO:0099001; P:symbiont genome ejection through host cell envelope, long flexible tail mechanism end case GO GO:0019068; P:virion assembly XX FT From: PORTL_LAMBD (P03710) case FT CHAIN Nter..Cter FT /note="Portal protein B" else FT CHAIN Nter..Cter FT /note="Portal protein" end case FT SITE 22..23 FT /note="Cleavage; by viral protease" FT Tag: cleavage; Condition: [GA]-G case FT CHAIN 23..Cter FT /note="Protein B*" end case XX Size: 490-590; Related: None; Template: P03710; Scope: Viruses; Caudoviricetes Fusion: Nter: None Cter: None Duplicate: None Plasmid: None Comments: None XX # Revision 1.8 2024/03/01 //