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http://purl.uniprot.org/unirules/MF_04061#construct-template-72http://spinrdf.org/sp#object"Protein covalently bound to the viral DNA that acts as a primer for viral genomic replication by DNA strand displacement. Assembles on the viral origin of replication in an initiation complex with viral polymerase, DBP, host NFIA and host POU2F1/OCT1. During initiation, the polymerase covalently couples the first dCTP with Ser-580 of pTP. The terminal protein stimulates the template activity over 20 fold compared to protein-free templates. Neo-synthesized viral genomes are linked to two preterminal proteins, one for each 5' end. These new genomes are encapsidated in the nucleus, and during capsid maturation by viral protease, preterminal protein is first cleaved into intermediary (iTP), then into mature TP. May play a role in host nuclear matrix localization of genomic DNA."xsd:string