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http://purl.uniprot.org/unirules/MF_04079#construct-template-134http://spinrdf.org/sp#object"Transcriptional activator that increases RNA Pol II processivity, thereby increasing the level of full-length viral transcripts. Recognizes a hairpin structure at the 5'-LTR of the nascent viral mRNAs referred to as the transactivation responsive RNA element (TAR) and recruits the cyclin T1-CDK9 complex (P-TEFb complex) that will in turn hyperphosphorylate the RNA polymerase II to allow efficient elongation. The CDK9 component of P-TEFb and other Tat-activated kinases hyperphosphorylate the C-terminus of RNA Pol II that becomes stabilized and much more processive. Other factors such as HTATSF1/Tat-SF1, SUPT5H/SPT5, and HTATIP2 are also important for Tat's function. Besides its effect on RNA Pol II processivity, Tat induces chromatin remodeling of proviral genes by recruiting the histone acetyltransferases (HATs) CREBBP, EP300 and PCAF to the chromatin. This also contributes to the increase in proviral transcription rate, especially when the provirus integrates in transcriptionally silent region of the host genome. To ensure maximal activation of the LTR, Tat mediates nuclear translocation of NF-kappa-B by interacting with host RELA. Through its interaction with host TBP, Tat may also modulate transcription initiation. Tat can reactivate a latently infected cell by penetrating in it and transactivating its LTR promoter. In the cytoplasm, Tat is thought to act as a translational activator of HIV-1 mRNAs."xsd:string