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http://purl.uniprot.org/unirules/MF_04087#construct-template-74http://spinrdf.org/sp#object"Interacts with protein NP; this interaction probably directs the encapsidated genome to budding sites. Interacts (via RING domain) with polymerase L; this interaction inhibits viral transcription and replication. Interacts with the glycoprotein complex; this interaction plays a role in virion budding. Interacts with host eIF4E; this interaction results in eIF4E reduced affinity for its substrate, the 5'-m7 G cap structure. Interacts (via late-budding domain) with host TSG101; this interaction is essential for budding and release of viral particles. Interacts with host RPLP0; this interaction may serve to load ribosome-like particles inside the virion. Interacts with host PML; this interaction induces PML bodies redistribution in the cytoplasm upon viral infection."xsd:string