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http://purl.uniprot.org/unirules/MF_04091#construct-template-84http://spinrdf.org/sp#object"The secreted form acts as an enterotoxin that causes phospholipase C-dependent elevation of the intracellular calcium concentration in host intestinal mucosa cells. Increased concentration of intracellular calcium disrupts the cytoskeleton and the tight junctions, raising the paracellular permeability. Potentiates chloride ion secretion through a calcium ion-dependent signaling pathway, inducing age-dependent diarrhea. To perform this enterotoxigenic role in vivo, NSP4 is released from infected enterocytes in a soluble form capable of diffusing within the intestinal lumen and interacting with host plasma membrane receptors on neighboring epithelial cells such as integrins ITGA1/ITGB1 and ITGA2/ITGB1."xsd:string