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HAMAP rule MF_01116

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PURL https://purl.expasy.org/hamap/rule/MF_01116
Accession MF_01116
Dates 27-NOV-2003 (Created)
3-SEP-2024 (Last updated, Version 28)
Name TSR3
Scope(s) Archaea
Template(s) Q12094 (TSR3_YEAST); E1QU22 (TSR3_VULDI); [ Recover all ]
Triggered by
case c? <OC:Archaea>
HAMAP; MF_01116 (Get profile general information and statistics)
end case

Propagated annotation [?]

Identifier, protein and gene names [?]

Identifier TSR3
Protein name RecName: Full=16S rRNA aminocarboxypropyltransferase;

Comments [?]

FUNCTIONAminocarboxypropyltransferase that catalyzes the aminocarboxypropyl transfer on pseudouridine corresponding to position 914 in M.jannaschii 16S rRNA. It constitutes the last step in biosynthesis of the hypermodified N1-methyl-N3-(3-amino-3- carboxypropyl) pseudouridine (m1acp3-Psi).
CATALYTIC ACTIVITY Reaction=an N(1)-methylpseudouridine in rRNA + S-adenosyl-L-methionine = N(1)-methyl-N(3)-[(3S)-3-amino-3-carboxypropyl]pseudouridine in rRNA + S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine + H(+); Xref=Rhea:RHEA:63296, Rhea:RHEA- COMP:11634, Rhea:RHEA-COMP:16310, ChEBI:CHEBI:15378, ChEBI:CHEBI:17509, ChEBI:CHEBI:59789, ChEBI:CHEBI:74890, ChEBI:CHEBI:146234; EC=;
SIMILARITYBelongs to the TDD superfamily. TSR3 family.

Keywords [?]

Gene Ontology [?]

GO:0005737; Cellular component:cytoplasm
GO:1904047; Molecular function:S-adenosyl-L-methionine binding
GO:0000455; Biological process:enzyme-directed rRNA pseudouridine synthesis
GO:0006364; Biological process:rRNA processing

Cross-references [?]

Pfam PF04034; Ribo_biogen_C; 1;
Pfam PF04068; RLI; 1;

Features [?]

From: TSR3_VULDI (E1QU22)
Key From To Description Tag Condition FTGroup
BINDING 19 19 /ligand="S-adenosyl-L-methionine"
BINDING 69 69 /ligand="S-adenosyl-L-methionine"
BINDING 93 93 /ligand="S-adenosyl-L-methionine"
BINDING 108 108 /ligand="S-adenosyl-L-methionine"
BINDING 112 112 /ligand="S-adenosyl-L-methionine"

Additional information [?]

Size range 163-208 amino acids
Related rules None
Fusion Nter: None Cter: None

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