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HAMAP rule MF_03038

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PURL https://purl.expasy.org/hamap/rule/MF_03038
Accession MF_03038
Dates 20-JUL-2009 (Created)
19-NOV-2022 (Last updated, Version 12)
Name NUBP1
Scope(s) Eukaryota
Template(s) P53384 (NUBP1_HUMAN); P52920 (NBP35_YEAST); Q9R060 (NUBP1_MOUSE); Q8H1Q2 (NBP35_ARATH); [ Recover all ]
Triggered by
case c? <OC:Eukaryota>
HAMAP; MF_03038 (Get profile general information and statistics)
end case

Propagated annotation [?]

Identifier, protein and gene names [?]

case <OC:Fungi> or <OC:Viridiplantae>
Identifier NBP35
Identifier NUBP1
end case
case <OC:Mammalia>
Protein name RecName: Full=Cytosolic Fe-S cluster assembly factor NUBP1;
AltName: Full=Nucleotide-binding protein 1;
                 Short=NBP 1;
else case <OC:Vertebrata>
Protein name RecName: Full=Cytosolic Fe-S cluster assembly factor ;
AltName: Full=Nucleotide-binding protein 1;
                 Short=NBP 1;
else case <OC:Fungi>
Protein name RecName: Full=Cytosolic Fe-S cluster assembly factor ;
AltName: Full=Nucleotide-binding protein 35;
else case <OC:Viridiplantae>
Protein name RecName: Full=Cytosolic Fe-S cluster assembly factor NBP35;
Protein name RecName: Full=Cytosolic Fe-S cluster assembly factor NUBP1 homolog;
end case
case <OC:Vertebrata>
Gene name Name=NUBP1;
else case <OC:Fungi> or <OC:Viridiplantae>
Gene name Name=NBP35;
end case

Comments [?]

case <OC:Saccharomycetes>
FUNCTIONComponent of the cytosolic iron-sulfur (Fe/S) protein assembly (CIA) machinery. Required for maturation of extramitochondrial Fe-S proteins. The NBP35-CFD1 heterotetramer forms a Fe-S scaffold complex, mediating the de novo assembly of an Fe-S cluster and its transfer to target apoproteins. Required for biogenesis and export of both ribosomal subunits, which may reflect a role in assembly of the Fe/S clusters in RLI1, a protein which performs rRNA processing and ribosome export.
else case <OC:Fungi>
FUNCTIONComponent of the cytosolic iron-sulfur (Fe/S) protein assembly (CIA) machinery. Required for maturation of extramitochondrial Fe-S proteins. The @gn(NBP35)-@gn(CFD1) heterotetramer forms a Fe-S scaffold complex, mediating the de novo assembly of an Fe-S cluster and its transfer to target apoproteins.
else case <OC:Viridiplantae>
FUNCTIONComponent of the cytosolic iron-sulfur (Fe-S) protein assembly (CIA) machinery. Required for maturation of extramitochondrial Fe-S proteins. Functions as Fe-S scaffold, mediating the de novo assembly of an Fe-S cluster and its transfer to target apoproteins. Essential for embryo development.
else case <OC:Mammalia>
FUNCTIONComponent of the cytosolic iron-sulfur (Fe/S) protein assembly (CIA) machinery. Required for maturation of extramitochondrial Fe-S proteins. The @gn(NUBP1)-@gn(NUBP2) heterotetramer forms a Fe-S scaffold complex, mediating the de novo assembly of an Fe-S cluster and its transfer to target apoproteins. Implicated in the regulation of centrosome duplication.
FUNCTIONComponent of the cytosolic iron-sulfur (Fe/S) protein assembly (CIA) machinery. Required for maturation of extramitochondrial Fe-S proteins. The @gn(NUBP1)-@gn(NUBP2) heterotetramer forms a Fe-S scaffold complex, mediating the de novo assembly of an Fe-S cluster and its transfer to target apoproteins.
end case
case <OC:Viridiplantae>
COFACTOR Name=[4Fe-4S] cluster; Xref=ChEBI:CHEBI:49883; Note=Binds 3 [4Fe-4S] clusters per homodimer. Contains two stable clusters in the N-termini and one labile, bridging cluster between subunits of the homodimer.;
else case <OC:Fungi>
COFACTOR Name=[4Fe-4S] cluster; Xref=ChEBI:CHEBI:49883; Note=Binds 4 [4Fe-4S] clusters per heterotetramer. Contains two stable clusters in the N-termini of @gn(NBP35) and two labile, bridging clusters between subunits of the @gn(NBP35)-@gn(CFD1) heterotetramer.;
COFACTOR Name=[4Fe-4S] cluster; Xref=ChEBI:CHEBI:49883; Note=Binds 4 [4Fe-4S] clusters per heterotetramer. Contains two stable clusters in the N-termini of @gn(NUBP1) and two labile, bridging clusters between subunits of the @gn(NUBP1)-@gn(NUBP2) heterotetramer.;
end case
case <OC:Viridiplantae>
SUBUNITHomodimer and homotetramer. Predominantly homodimeric.
else case <OC:Mammalia>
SUBUNITHeterotetramer of 2 NUBP1 and 2 NUBP2 chains. Interacts with KIFC1.
else case <OC:Fungi>
SUBUNITHeterotetramer of 2 @gn(NBP35) and 2 @gn(CFD1) chains.
SUBUNITHeterotetramer of 2 @gn(NUBP1) and 2 @gn(NUBP2) chains.
end case
case <OC:Saccharomycetes>
end case
SIMILARITYBelongs to the Mrp/NBP35 ATP-binding proteins family. NUBP1/NBP35 subfamily.
case <OC:Viridiplantae>
MISCELLANEOUSAlthough plant and algal NBP35 proteins lack the characteristic CXXC motif in the C-terminus, thought to be required for Fe-S cluster binding, they can bind a [4Fe-4S] cluster in the C- terminus. Also, in this linage, no CFD1 partner protein homolog as found in other eukaryotes can be found.
end case

Keywords [?]

case <FTGroup:1> or <FTGroup:2>
end case
case <FT:1>
end case
case <OC:Saccharomycetes>
end case

Gene Ontology [?]

GO:0051539; Molecular function:4 iron, 4 sulfur cluster binding
GO:0016226; Biological process:iron-sulfur cluster assembly
GO:0005737; Cellular component:cytoplasm

Cross-references [?]

PROSITE PS01215; MRP; 1;
Pfam PF10609; ParA; 1;

Features [?]

From: NBP35_YEAST (P52920)
Key From To Description Tag Condition FTGroup
BINDING 80 87 /ligand="ATP"
BINDING 27 27 /ligand="[4Fe-4S] cluster"
C 1
BINDING 41 41 /ligand="[4Fe-4S] cluster"
C 1
BINDING 44 44 /ligand="[4Fe-4S] cluster"
C 1
BINDING 50 50 /ligand="[4Fe-4S] cluster"
C 1
case not <OC:Viridiplantae>
BINDING 253 253 /ligand="[4Fe-4S] cluster"
/ligand_note="ligand shared with heterodimeric partner"
C 2
BINDING 256 256 /ligand="[4Fe-4S] cluster"
/ligand_note="ligand shared with heterodimeric partner"
C 2
end case

Additional information [?]

Size range 310-345 amino acids
Related rules MF_02040
Fusion Nter: None Cter: None

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