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HAMAP rule MF_03100

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PURL https://purl.expasy.org/hamap/rule/MF_03100
Accession MF_03100
Dates 17-AUG-2009 (Created)
7-FEB-2023 (Last updated, Version 10)
Name Endonuc_su_Slx1
Scope(s) Eukaryota
Template(s) P38324 (SLX1_YEAST); Q9BQ83 (SLX1_HUMAN); Q9P7M3 (SLX1_SCHPO); [ Recover all ]
Triggered by HAMAP; MF_03100 (Get profile general information and statistics)

Propagated annotation [?]

Identifier, protein and gene names [?]

Identifier SLX1
case <OC:Vertebrata>
Protein name RecName: Full=Structure-specific endonuclease subunit ;
AltName: Full=GIY-YIG domain-containing protein 1;
else case <OC:Caenorhabditis>
Protein name RecName: Full=Structure-specific endonuclease subunit ;
AltName: Full=GIY-YIG domain-containing protein 1;
else case <OC:Fungi>
Protein name RecName: Full=Structure-specific endonuclease subunit ;
Protein name RecName: Full=Structure-specific endonuclease subunit SLX1 homolog;
end case
case <OC:Vertebrata>
Gene name Name=SLX1; Synonyms=GIYD1;
else case <OC:Caenorhabditis>
Gene name Name=slx-1; Synonyms=giyd-1;
else case <OC:Fungi>
Gene name Name=SLX1;
end case

Comments [?]

case <OC:Mammalia>
FUNCTIONCatalytic subunit of the @gn(SLX1)-@gn(SLX4) structure- specific endonuclease that resolves DNA secondary structures generated during DNA repair and recombination. Has endonuclease activity towards branched DNA substrates, introducing single-strand cuts in duplex DNA close to junctions with ss-DNA. Has a preference for 5'-flap structures, and promotes symmetrical cleavage of static and migrating Holliday junctions (HJs). Resolves HJs by generating two pairs of ligatable, nicked duplex products.
else case <OC:Vertebrata> and not <OC:Mammalia>
FUNCTIONCatalytic subunit of the @gn(SLX1)-@gn(SLX4) structure- specific endonuclease that resolves DNA secondary structures generated during DNA repair and recombination. Has endonuclease activity towards branched DNA substrates, introducing single-strand cuts in duplex DNA close to junctions with ss-DNA.
else case <OC:Saccharomyces>
FUNCTIONCatalytic subunit of the SLX1-SLX4 structure-specific endonuclease that resolves DNA secondary structures generated during DNA repair and recombination. Has endonuclease activity towards branched DNA substrates, introducing single-strand cuts in duplex DNA close to junctions with ss-DNA. Has a preference for simple Y, 5'-flap and replication fork-like structures. It cleaves the strand bearing the 5'-non-homologous arm at the branch site junction and generates ligatable, nicked products from the 5'-flap or replication fork substrates. Plays a critical role in maintaining the integrity of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) loci, where it has a role in re-starting stalled replication forks. Has Holliday junction resolvase activity in vitro.
else case <OC:Fungi> and not <OC:Saccharomyces>
FUNCTIONCatalytic subunit of the @gn(SLX1)-@gn(SLX4) structure- specific endonuclease that resolves DNA secondary structures generated during DNA repair and recombination. Has endonuclease activity towards branched DNA substrates, introducing single-strand cuts in duplex DNA close to junctions with ss-DNA.
FUNCTIONCatalytic subunit of a heterodimeric structure-specific endonuclease that resolves DNA secondary structures generated during DNA repair and recombination. Has endonuclease activity towards branched DNA substrates, introducing single-strand cuts in duplex DNA close to junctions with ss-DNA.
end case
COFACTOR Name=a divalent metal cation; Xref=ChEBI:CHEBI:60240;
case <OC:Vertebrata> or <OC:Fungi>
SUBUNITForms a heterodimer with @gn(SLX4).
else case <OC:Drosophilidae>
SUBUNITForms a heterodimer with mus312/SLX4.
else case <OC:Caenorhabditis>
SUBUNITForms a heterodimer with him-18/slx-4.
SUBUNITForms a heterodimer with a member of the SLX4 family.
end case
SIMILARITYBelongs to the SLX1 family.

Keywords [?]

Gene Ontology [?]

GO:0005634; Cellular component:nucleus
GO:0033557; Cellular component:Slx1-Slx4 complex
case <OCellular component:Mammalia>
GO:0008821; Molecular function:crossover junction DNA endonuclease activity
end case
case <OCellular component:Mammalia> or <OC:Saccharomyces>
GO:0017108; Molecular function:5'-flap endonuclease activity
else; https://www.ebi.ac.uk/QuickGO/term/else
GO:0004520; Molecular function:DNA endonuclease activity
end case
GO:0006310; Biological process:DNA recombination
GO:0006281; Biological process:DNA repair

Cross-references [?]

PROSITE PS01359; ZF_PHD_1; 0-1;
PROSITE PS50016; ZF_PHD_2; 0-1;
Pfam PF01541; GIY-YIG; 0-1;

Features [?]

From: SLX1_HUMAN (Q9BQ83)
Key From To Description Tag Condition FTGroup
ZN_FING 186 238 /note="SLX1-type" C-x(1,2)-C-x*-C-x(1,7)-C-x(1,4)-[CH]-x(2)-C-x*-C-x(2)-C

Additional information [?]

Size range 246-705 amino acids
Related rules None
Fusion Nter: None Cter: None

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