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HAMAP rule MF_01061

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Accession MF_01061
Dates 17-JUN-2003 (Created)
25-APR-2024 (Last updated, Version 15)
Name DnaT
Scope(s) Bacteria
Template(s) P0A8J2 (DNAT_ECOLI); [ Recover all ]
Triggered by HAMAP; MF_01061 (Get profile general information and statistics)

Propagated annotation [?]

Identifier, protein and gene names [?]

Identifier DNAT
Protein name RecName: Full=Primosomal protein 1;
AltName: Full=Primosomal protein I;
Gene name Name=dnaT;

Comments [?]

FUNCTIONThis protein is required for primosome-dependent normal DNA replication; it is also involved in inducing stable DNA replication during SOS response. It forms, in concert with DnaB protein and other prepriming proteins DnaC, N, N', N'' a prepriming protein complex on the specific site of the template DNA recognized by protein N'.
SIMILARITYBelongs to the DnaT family.

Keywords [?]

Gene Ontology [?]

GO:0006269; Biological process:DNA replication, synthesis of primer

Cross-references [?]

Features [?]

Additional information [?]

Size range 164-179 amino acids
Related rules None
Fusion Nter: None Cter: None

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