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HAMAP rule MF_01682

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Accession MF_01682
Dates 4-NOV-2008 (Created)
30-APR-2024 (Last updated, Version 21)
Name Salvage_MtnD
Scope(s) Bacteria
Template(s) Q9ZFE7 (MTND_KLEOX); O31669 (MTND_BACSU); [ Recover all ]
Triggered by HAMAP; MF_01682 (Get profile general information and statistics)

Propagated annotation [?]

Identifier, protein and gene names [?]

Identifier MTND
Protein name RecName: Full=Acireductone dioxygenase;
AltName: Full=1,2-dihydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentene dioxygenase;
                 Short=DHK-MTPene dioxygenase;
AltName: Full=Acireductone dioxygenase (Fe(2+)-requiring);
AltName: Full=Acireductone dioxygenase (Ni(2+)-requiring);
Gene name Name=mtnD;

Comments [?]

FUNCTIONCatalyzes 2 different reactions between oxygene and the acireductone 1,2-dihydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentene (DHK-MTPene) depending upon the metal bound in the active site. Fe-containing acireductone dioxygenase (Fe-ARD) produces formate and 2-keto-4- methylthiobutyrate (KMTB), the alpha-ketoacid precursor of methionine in the methionine recycle pathway. Ni-containing acireductone dioxygenase (Ni-ARD) produces methylthiopropionate, carbon monoxide and formate, and does not lie on the methionine recycle pathway.
CATALYTIC ACTIVITY Reaction=1,2-dihydroxy-5-(methylsulfanyl)pent-1-en-3-one + O2 = 3- (methylsulfanyl)propanoate + CO + formate + 2 H(+); Xref=Rhea:RHEA:14161, ChEBI:CHEBI:15378, ChEBI:CHEBI:15379, ChEBI:CHEBI:15740, ChEBI:CHEBI:17245, ChEBI:CHEBI:49016, ChEBI:CHEBI:49252; EC=;
CATALYTIC ACTIVITY Reaction=1,2-dihydroxy-5-(methylsulfanyl)pent-1-en-3-one + O2 = 4- methylsulfanyl-2-oxobutanoate + formate + 2 H(+); Xref=Rhea:RHEA:24504, ChEBI:CHEBI:15378, ChEBI:CHEBI:15379, ChEBI:CHEBI:15740, ChEBI:CHEBI:16723, ChEBI:CHEBI:49252; EC=;
COFACTOR Name=Fe(2+); Xref=ChEBI:CHEBI:29033; Note=Binds 1 Fe(2+) cation per monomer.;
COFACTOR Name=Ni(2+); Xref=ChEBI:CHEBI:49786; Note=Binds 1 nickel ion per monomer.;
PATHWAYAmino-acid biosynthesis; L-methionine biosynthesis via salvage pathway; L-methionine from S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate: step 5/6.
SIMILARITYBelongs to the acireductone dioxygenase (ARD) family.

Keywords [?]

Gene Ontology [?]

GO:0005506; Molecular function:iron ion binding
GO:0010308; Molecular function:acireductone dioxygenase (Ni2+-requiring) activity
GO:0010309; Molecular function:acireductone dioxygenase [iron(II)-requiring] activity
GO:0016151; Molecular function:nickel cation binding
GO:0019509; Biological process:L-methionine salvage from methylthioadenosine

Cross-references [?]

Pfam PF03079; ARD; 1;

Features [?]

Key From To Description Tag Condition FTGroup
BINDING 97 97 /ligand="Fe(2+)"
BINDING 97 97 /ligand="Ni(2+)"
BINDING 99 99 /ligand="Fe(2+)"
BINDING 99 99 /ligand="Ni(2+)"
BINDING 103 103 /ligand="Fe(2+)"
BINDING 103 103 /ligand="Ni(2+)"
BINDING 141 141 /ligand="Fe(2+)"
BINDING 141 141 /ligand="Ni(2+)"
SITE 96 96 /note="May play a role in metal incorporation in vivo" E
SITE 102 102 /note="May play a role in transmitting local conformational changes" D
SITE 105 105 /note="Important to generate the dianion" R

Additional information [?]

Size range 165-206 amino acids
Related rules None
Fusion Nter: None Cter: None

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