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Taxonomic distribution of MF_00022 matches in UniProtKB reference proteomes



Candidatus Altarchaeota (0/1, 0 hit, 1 weak hit)
Candidatus Altiarchaeia Candidatus Altarchaeales Candidatus Altiarchaeales archaeon WOR_SM1_SCG (UP000094058) UniProtKB Star A0A1D2R258_9ARCH


Candidatus Micrarchaeota (0/3, 0 hit, 3 weak hits)
Candidatus Mancarchaeum Candidatus Mancarchaeum acidiphilum (UP000197679) UniProtKB Star A0A218NLU5_9ARCH Candidatus Micrarchaeia Candidatus Micrarchaeales Candidatus Micrarchaeaceae Candidatus Micrarchaeum Candidatus Micrarchaeum acidiphilum ARMAN-2 (UP000332487) UniProtKB Star C7DHS0_MICA2 Candidatus Micrarchaeum sp. AZ1 (UP000184145) UniProtKB Star A0A1M2YFZ0_9ARCH


Candidatus Nanohalarchaeota (0/1, 0 hit, 1 weak hit)
Candidatus Nanohalobia Candidatus Nanohalobiales Candidatus Nanohalobiaceae Candidatus Nanohalobium Candidatus Nanohalobium constans (UP000377803) UniProtKB Star A0A5Q0UF64_9ARCH


Candidatus Undinarchaeota (0/3, 0 hit, 2 weak hits)
Candidatus Undinarchaeia Candidatus Naiadarchaeales Candidatus Naiadarchaeaceae Candidatus Naiadarchaeum Candidatus Naiadarchaeum limnaeum (UP000646946) UniProtKB Star A0A832XGV1_9ARCH Candidatus Naiadarchaeales archaeon SRR2090159.bin1288 (UP000652933) Candidatus Undinarchaeales Candidatus Undinarchaeaceae Candidatus Undinarchaeum Candidatus Undinarchaeum marinum (UP000604391) UniProtKB Star A0A832XIJ5_9ARCH


Methanobacteriati (0/254, 0 hit, 220 weak hits)
Methanobacteriota Archaeoglobi Archaeoglobales Archaeoglobaceae Archaeoglobus Archaeoglobus fulgidus (strain ATCC 49558 / DSM 4304 / JCM 9628 / NBRC... (UP000002199) UniProtKB Star SYE_ARCFU Archaeoglobus profundus (strain DSM 5631 / JCM 9629 / NBRC 100127 / Av... (UP000001901) UniProtKB Star D2RH51_ARCPA Archaeoglobus sulfaticallidus PM70-1 (UP000013307) UniProtKB Star N0BAD8_9EURY Archaeoglobus veneficus (strain DSM 11195 / SNP6) (UP000008136) UniProtKB Star F2KNG5_ARCVS Ferroglobus Ferroglobus placidus (strain DSM 10642 / AEDII12DO) (UP000002613) UniProtKB Star D3RYT9_FERPA Geoglobus Geoglobus ahangari (UP000034723) UniProtKB Star A0A0F7DCC1_9EURY Methanomada group Methanobacteria Methanobacteriales Methanobacteriaceae Candidatus Methanobinarius Candidatus Methanobinarius endosymbioticus (UP000253099) UniProtKB Star A0A366MDH9_9EURY Methanobacteriaceae archaeon (UP001174625) UniProtKB Star A0AA43ZVA4_9EURY Methanobacterium Methanobacterium alkalithermotolerans (UP000681041) UniProtKB Star A0A8T8KF93_9EURY Methanobacterium congolense (UP000094707) UniProtKB Star A0A1D3L2Q0_9EURY Methanobacterium lacus (strain AL-21) (UP000007490) UniProtKB Star F0TBC3_METLA Methanobacterium sp. A39 (UP000094736) UniProtKB Star A0A1D2WBW6_9EURY Methanobacterium sp. MB1 (UP000017867) UniProtKB Star U6EDP6_9EURY Methanobrevibacter Methanobrevibacter arboriphilus JCM 13429 = DSM 1125 (UP000191661) UniProtKB Star A0A1V6N347_METAZ Methanobrevibacter curvatus (UP000077245) UniProtKB Star A0A166CKX6_9EURY Methanobrevibacter cuticularis (UP000077275) UniProtKB Star A0A166D1R3_9EURY Methanobrevibacter filiformis (UP000077066) UniProtKB Star A0A166E8J8_9EURY Methanobrevibacter millerae (UP000067738) UniProtKB Star A0A0U2TU95_9EURY Methanobrevibacter olleyae (UP000066376) UniProtKB Star A0A126QZ06_METOL Methanobrevibacter sp. AbM4 (UP000014066) UniProtKB Star R9SKY9_9EURY Methanobrevibacter woesei (UP000245577) UniProtKB Star A0A2U1S7P7_9EURY Methanosphaera Methanosphaera sp. SHI613 (UP000249359) UniProtKB Star A0A328SMQ9_9EURY Methanosphaera sp. rholeuAM270 (UP000249457) Methanosphaera sp. rholeuAM6 (UP000248984) Methanosphaera sp. rholeuAM74 (UP000248971) UniProtKB Star A0A328SEL6_9EURY Methanosphaera stadtmanae (strain ATCC 43021 / DSM 3091 / JCM 11832 / ... (UP000001931) UniProtKB Star SYE_METST Methanothermobacter Methanothermobacter tenebrarum (UP000249782) UniProtKB Star A0A328PF32_9EURY Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus (strain ATCC 29096 / DSM 1053 /... (UP000005223) UniProtKB Star SYE_METTH Methanothermaceae Methanothermus Methanothermus fervidus (strain ATCC 43054 / DSM 2088 / JCM 10308 / V2... (UP000002315) UniProtKB Star E3GZG6_METFV Methanococci Methanococcales Methanocaldococcaceae Methanocaldococcus Methanocaldococcus jannaschii (strain ATCC 43067 / DSM 2661 / JAL-1 / ... (UP000000805) UniProtKB Star SYE_METJA Methanotorris Methanotorris igneus (strain DSM 5666 / JCM 11834 / Kol 5) (UP000009227) UniProtKB Star F6BEG2_METIK Methanococcaceae Methanococcus Methanococcus maripaludis (strain DSM 14266 / JCM 13030 / NBRC 101832 ... (UP000000590) UniProtKB Star SYE_METMP Methanococcus voltae (strain ATCC BAA-1334 / A3) (UP000007722) UniProtKB Star D7DU65_METV3 Methanothermococcus Methanothermococcus sp. SCGC AD-155-M21 (UP000766671) Methanofervidicoccus Methanofervidicoccus abyssi (UP000290527) UniProtKB Star A0A401HQI4_9EURY Methanopyri Methanopyrales Methanopyraceae Methanopyrus Methanopyrus kandleri (strain AV19 / DSM 6324 / JCM 9639 / NBRC 100938) (UP000001826) UniProtKB Star SYE_METKA Methanonatronarchaeia Methanonatronarchaeales Methanonatronarchaeaceae Candidatus Methanohalarchaeum Methanohalarchaeum thermophilum (UP000185744) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q6DRX7_METT1 Methanonatronarchaeum Methanonatronarchaeum sp. AMET6-2 (UP000830204) UniProtKB Star A0A8T9VU24_9EURY Stenosarchaea group Candidatus Nanohaloarchaea Candidatus Haloredivivus Haloredivivus sp. (strain G17) (UP000003484) Nanohaloarchaea archaeon H01 (UP001166461) UniProtKB Star A0AA41M7I9_9EURY Halobacteria Halobacteriales Haladaptataceae Haladaptatus Haladaptatus litoreus (UP000186914) UniProtKB Star A0A1N6XHV9_9EURY Haladaptatus paucihalophilus DX253 (UP000184203) UniProtKB Star E7QS70_HALPU Halorussus Halorussus gelatinilyticus (UP000830434) UniProtKB Star A0A8U0IHB6_9EURY Haloarculaceae Halapricum Halapricum desulfuricans (UP000663292) UniProtKB Star A0A897NNE0_9EURY Halapricum salinum (UP000296706) UniProtKB Star A0A4D6HG49_9EURY Halapricum sp. CBA1109 (UP000468503) Haloarcula Haloarcula marismortui (strain ATCC 43049 / DSM 3752 / JCM 8966 / VKM ... (UP000001169) UniProtKB Star SYE_HALMA Haloarcula pellucida (UP000605784) UniProtKB Star A0A830GKQ2_9EURY Haloarcula salinisoli (UP000783863) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7YIT4_9EURY Haloarculaceae archaeon H-GB1-1 (UP001213575) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3PEB3_9EURY Halocatena Halocatena salina (UP000831768) UniProtKB Star A0A8U0A388_9EURY Halococcoides Halococcoides cellulosivorans (UP000244727) UniProtKB Star A0A2R4X0Y6_9EURY Haloglomus Haloglomus irregulare (UP000319894) UniProtKB Star A0A554N7I0_9EURY Halomarina Halomarina oriensis (UP000451471) Halomicrobium Halomicrobium mukohataei (strain ATCC 700874 / DSM 12286 / JCM 9738 / ... (UP000001746) UniProtKB Star C7NZE7_HALMD Halomicrobium zhouii (UP000199062) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6LQF5_9EURY Halorhabdus Halorhabdus sp. CBA1104 (UP000426082) UniProtKB Star A0A650A450_9EURY Halorhabdus utahensis (strain DSM 12940 / JCM 11049 / AX-2) (UP000002071) UniProtKB Star C7NTZ3_HALUD Halorientalis Halorientalis sp. IM1011 (UP000187924) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q1FF23_9EURY Halosegnis Halosegnis rubeus (UP000326865) UniProtKB Star A0A5N5U5M8_9EURY Halosimplex Halosimplex carlsbadense 2-9-1 (UP000011626) UniProtKB Star M0CUP2_9EURY Halovenus Halovenus aranensis (UP000198856) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8VBX9_9EURY Halovenus carboxidivorans (UP000466535) UniProtKB Star A0A6B0T2Q0_9EURY Natronomonas Natronomonas aquatica (UP001139494) UniProtKB Star A0A9R1CT94_9EURY Natronomonas moolapensis (strain DSM 18674 / CECT 7526 / JCM 14361 / 8... (UP000011867) UniProtKB Star M1XRM6_NATM8 Natronomonas pharaonis (strain ATCC 35678 / DSM 2160 / CIP 103997 / JC... (UP000002698) UniProtKB Star SYE_NATPD Natronomonas salsuginis (UP000308037) UniProtKB Star A0A4U5JEG6_9EURY Natronomonas sp. CBA1123 (UP000431469) UniProtKB Star A0A6A9SQD9_9EURY Salinirubellus Salinirubellus salinus (UP001057580) UniProtKB Star A0A9E7R701_9EURY Halobacteriaceae Halanaeroarchaeum Halanaeroarchaeum sulfurireducens (UP000069906) UniProtKB Star A0A0F7PE88_9EURY Halarchaeum acidiphilum MH1-52-1 (UP000016986) Halarchaeum rubridurum (UP000614609) UniProtKB Star A0A830FZA5_9EURY Halarchaeum sp. CBA1220 (UP000267112) UniProtKB Star A0A7D5HWI2_9EURY Halobacterium Halobacterium bonnevillei (UP000471521) UniProtKB Star A0A6B0SKU8_9EURY Halobacterium hubeiense (UP000066737) UniProtKB Star A0A0U5H670_9EURY Halobacterium jilantaiense (UP000198518) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0QUA2_9EURY Halobacterium salinarum NRC-34001 Halobacterium salinarum (strain ATCC 700922 / JCM 11081 / NRC-1) (UP000000554) UniProtKB Star SYE_HALSA Halocalculus Halocalculus aciditolerans (UP000607197) UniProtKB Star A0A830FGY6_9EURY Halodesulfurarchaeum Halodesulfurarchaeum formicicum (UP000186165) UniProtKB Star A0A1D8S3P3_9EURY Salarchaeum sp. JOR-1 (UP000320004) UniProtKB Star A0A518SBY5_9EURY Halococcaceae Halalkalicoccus Halalkalicoccus paucihalophilus (UP000075321) UniProtKB Star A0A151AGH8_9EURY Halococcus Halococcus hamelinensis 100A6 (UP000011566) UniProtKB Star M0LXN7_9EURY Halococcus morrhuae DSM 1307 (UP000011568) UniProtKB Star M0M8Q3_HALMO Halococcus saccharolyticus DSM 5350 (UP000011669) UniProtKB Star M0MNY6_9EURY Haloferacaceae Candidatus Halobonum Candidatus Halobonum tyrrellensis G22 (UP000017840) UniProtKB Star V4HNJ2_9EURY Halalkaliarchaeum Halalkaliarchaeum desulfuricum (UP000263012) UniProtKB Star A0A343TL40_9EURY Halobaculum Halobaculum gomorrense (UP000184357) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5U6W0_9EURY Halobellus Halobellus clavatus (UP000199170) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3F2J5_9EURY Halobellus limi (UP000236740) UniProtKB Star A0A1H5U7N3_9EURY Halobellus salinus (UP000653099) UniProtKB Star A0A830EKB1_9EURY Halobellus sp. Atlit-38R (UP000277703) UniProtKB Star A0A498GB12_9EURY Haloferax Haloferax volcanii (strain ATCC 29605 / DSM 3757 / JCM 8879 / NBRC 147... (UP000008243) UniProtKB Star D4GW53_HALVD Halogeometricum Halogeometricum borinquense (strain ATCC 700274 / DSM 11551 / JCM 1070... (UP000006663) UniProtKB Star E4NR47_HALBP Halogeometricum limi (UP000243250) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6I0S1_9EURY Halogeometricum sp. CBA1124 (UP000487987) Halogranum gelatinilyticum (UP000199451) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9SZC1_9EURY Halohasta Halohasta litchfieldiae (UP000198888) UniProtKB Star A0A1H6UQ92_9EURY Halolamina pelagica (UP000050535) UniProtKB Star A0A0N8HZP6_9EURY Halolamina salifodinae (UP000823736) UniProtKB Star A0A8T4GXC5_9EURY Halonotius Halonotius aquaticus (UP000276588) UniProtKB Star A0A3A6PQ14_9EURY Halonotius sp. J07HN4 (UP000030639) UniProtKB Star U1P6H3_9EURY Halonotius terrestris (UP000705823) UniProtKB Star A0A8J8TC35_9EURY Halopelagius inordinatus (UP000198876) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2REX1_9EURY Halopenitus Halopenitus malekzadehii (UP000199215) UniProtKB Star A0A1H6K7V5_9EURY Haloplanus Haloplanus rallus (UP000428325) UniProtKB Star A0A6B9F7J1_9EURY Haloplanus vescus (UP000236755) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3WGB3_9EURY Haloprofundus Haloprofundus sp. MHR1 (UP000298727) UniProtKB Star A0A4D7H6S9_9EURY Haloquadratum Haloquadratum walsbyi (strain DSM 16790 / HBSQ001) (UP000001975) UniProtKB Star SYE_HALWD Halorarum Halorarum halophilum (UP000509750) UniProtKB Star A0A7D5GB08_9EURY Halorarum salinum (UP000509626) UniProtKB Star A0A7D5LB91_9EURY Halorubrum Halorubrum alkaliphilum (UP000823588) UniProtKB Star A0A8T4GGJ4_9EURY Halorubrum cibi (UP000319712) UniProtKB Star A0A521CPZ7_9EURY Halorubrum lacusprofundi (strain ATCC 49239 / DSM 5036 / JCM 8891 / AC... (UP000000740) UniProtKB Star B9LS24_HALLT Halorubrum saccharovorum (UP000053331) Halorubrum saccharovorum DSM 1137 (UP000011514) UniProtKB Star M0E3V0_9EURY Halorubrum sp. CBA1125 (UP000432575) UniProtKB Star A0A6A9T5C8_9EURY Halorubrum sp. Ib24 (UP000216554) Halorubrum sp. JWXQ-INN 858 (UP000473608) UniProtKB Star A0A6G2HG56_9EURY Halorubrum sp. SD626R (UP000305339) UniProtKB Star A0A4U7F6A1_9EURY Halorubrum vacuolatum (UP000198397) UniProtKB Star A0A238VZ42_HALVU Natronocalculus Natronocalculus amylovorans (UP001203207) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3FZN4_9EURY Salinigranum Salinigranum rubrum (UP000236584) UniProtKB Star A0A2I8VK65_9EURY Halorubellaceae Haloarchaeobius Haloarchaeobius iranensis (UP000199370) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9U0B1_9EURY Halorubellus Halorubellus sp. JP-L1 (UP000752746) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7ZFJ4_9EURY Natrialbaceae Halobiforma Halobiforma lacisalsi AJ5 (UP000011555) UniProtKB Star M0L335_HALLS Halobiforma nitratireducens JCM 10879 (UP000011607) UniProtKB Star M0MAT9_9EURY Halopiger Halopiger xanaduensis (strain DSM 18323 / JCM 14033 / SH-6) (UP000006794) UniProtKB Star F8D6B7_HALXS Halostagnicola Halostagnicola larsenii XH-48 (UP000019024) UniProtKB Star W0JRV0_9EURY Halostagnicola sp. A56 (UP000027027) Haloterrigena Haloterrigena salina JCM 13891 (UP000011657) UniProtKB Star M0C634_9EURY Halovivax Halovivax ruber (strain DSM 18193 / JCM 13892 / XH-70) (UP000010846) UniProtKB Star L0IDQ7_HALRX Natrarchaeobaculum Natrarchaeobaculum aegyptiacum (UP000250088) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z2HP09_9EURY Natrarchaeobaculum sulfurireducens (UP000258613) UniProtKB Star A0A346PSM7_9EURY Natrialbaceae archaeon AArc-T1-2 (UP001242572) UniProtKB Star A0A9Y1Z945_9EURY Natrarchaeobius Natrarchaeobius halalkaliphilus (UP000273828) UniProtKB Star A0A3N6LRW8_9EURY Natrialba Natrialba asiatica (strain ATCC 700177 / DSM 12278 / JCM 9576 / FERM P... (UP000011554) UniProtKB Star M0AVI0_NATA1 Natrialba magadii (strain ATCC 43099 / DSM 3394 / CCM 3739 / CIP 10454... (UP000001879) UniProtKB Star D3SXZ3_NATMM Natrialba swarupiae (UP000324104) UniProtKB Star A0A5D5AKZ4_9EURY Natrinema Natrinema altunense (strain JCM 12890 / CGMCC 1.3731 / AJ2) (UP000011511) UniProtKB Star L9ZJ45_NATA2 Natrinema halophilum (UP000509241) UniProtKB Star A0A7D5H5S5_9EURY Natrinema limicola JCM 13563 (UP000011615) UniProtKB Star M0CCI1_9EURY Natrinema saccharevitans (UP000189370) UniProtKB Star A0A1S8AVB5_9EURY Natrinema salifodinae (UP000183275) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0M6Y4_9EURY Natrinema sp. CBA1119 (UP000223005) UniProtKB Star A0A2B7GY24_9EURY Natronobacterium Natronobacterium gregoryi (strain ATCC 43098 / DSM 3393 / CCM 3738 / C... (UP000010468) UniProtKB Star L0AIV5_NATGS Natronococcus Natronococcus occultus SP4 (UP000010878) UniProtKB Star L0K0D3_9EURY Natronococcus pandeyae (UP000766904) UniProtKB Star A0A8J8TQ64_9EURY Natronolimnobius Natronolimnobius baerhuensis (UP000196084) UniProtKB Star A0A202E7A6_9EURY Natronolimnohabitans Natronolimnohabitans innermongolicus JCM 12255 (UP000011602) Natronorubrum Natronorubrum daqingense (UP000185687) UniProtKB Star A0A1N7ED61_9EURY Natronorubrum halalkaliphilum (UP000434101) UniProtKB Star A0A6B0VM05_9EURY Natronorubrum sulfidifaciens JCM 14089 (UP000011661) UniProtKB Star L9WFG7_9EURY Natronosalvus Natronosalvus rutilus (UP001056855) UniProtKB Star A0A9E7N6M3_9EURY Salinadaptatus Salinadaptatus halalkaliphilus (UP000318864) UniProtKB Star A0A4S3TIC8_9EURY Natronoarchaeaceae Halostella Halostella sp. JP-L12 (UP000753532) UniProtKB Star A0A8J8CYF7_9EURY Natranaeroarchaeum Natranaeroarchaeum sulfidigenes (UP000663586) UniProtKB Star A0A897MQ34_9EURY Natronoarchaeum philippinense (UP000219453) UniProtKB Star A0A285N3J4_NATPI Salinarchaeum Salinarchaeum sp. Harcht-Bsk1 (UP000014072) UniProtKB Star R4W2V6_9EURY Salinarchaeum sp. IM2453 (UP000826685) UniProtKB Star A0A8G1M517_9EURY halophilic archaeon (UP000252983) UniProtKB Star A0A365TJW4_9EURY Halorutilales Halorutilaceae Halorutilus Halorutilus salinus (UP001149411) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q4GFB7_9EURY Methanomicrobia Methanocellales Methanocellaceae Methanocella Methanocella arvoryzae (strain DSM 22066 / NBRC 105507 / MRE50) (UP000000663) UniProtKB Star SYE_METAR Methanocella conradii (strain DSM 24694 / JCM 17849 / CGMCC 1.5162 / H... (UP000005233) UniProtKB Star H8IB12_METCZ Methanomicrobiales Methanocalculaceae Methanocalculus Methanocalculus chunghsingensis (UP000730161) UniProtKB Star A0A8J8B3R6_9EURY Methanocorpusculaceae Methanocorpusculum Methanocorpusculum labreanum (strain ATCC 43576 / DSM 4855 / Z) (UP000000365) UniProtKB Star SYE_METLZ Methanorbis Methanorbis furvi (UP001273136) UniProtKB Star A0AAE4SA52_9EURY Methanomicrobiaceae Methanoculleus Methanoculleus bourgensis (UP000069850) UniProtKB Star A0A0X3BJD6_9EURY Methanoculleus bourgensis (strain ATCC 43281 / DSM 3045 / OCM 15 / MS2) (UP000009007) UniProtKB Star I7LLM9_METBM Methanoculleus taiwanensis (UP000290932) UniProtKB Star A0A498GYI4_9EURY Methanofollis Methanofollis fontis (UP000292580) UniProtKB Star A0A483CLL7_9EURY Methanofollis formosanus (UP000826709) UniProtKB Star A0A8G1A3F7_9EURY Methanogenium Methanogenium organophilum (UP001163096) UniProtKB Star A0A9X9S3J8_METOG Methanolacinia Methanolacinia petrolearia (strain DSM 11571 / OCM 486 / SEBR 4847) (UP000006565) UniProtKB Star E1RIV0_METP4 Methanomicrobium Methanomicrobium antiquum (UP001218895) UniProtKB Star A0AAF0FLE7_9EURY Methanoplanus Methanoplanus limicola DSM 2279 (UP000005741) UniProtKB Star H1YW87_9EURY Methanoregulaceae Methanoregula Methanoregula boonei (strain DSM 21154 / JCM 14090 / 6A8) (UP000002408) UniProtKB Star SYE_METB6 Methanoregula formicica (strain DSM 22288 / NBRC 105244 / SMSP) (UP000010824) UniProtKB Star L0HC14_METFS Methanosphaerula Methanosphaerula palustris (strain ATCC BAA-1556 / DSM 19958 / E1-9c) (UP000002457) UniProtKB Star B8GEF1_METPE Methanospirillaceae Methanospirillum Methanospirillum hungatei JF-1 (strain ATCC 27890 / DSM 864 / NBRC 100... (UP000001941) UniProtKB Star SYE_METHJ Methanospirillum lacunae (UP000245657) UniProtKB Star A0A2V2NAT4_9EURY Methanosarcinales Candidatus Methanoperedenaceae Candidatus Methanoperedens Candidatus Methanoperedens sp. (UP000813842) UniProtKB Star A0A964DBQ8_9EURY Methanosarcinaceae Methanimicrococcus Methanimicrococcus blatticola (UP000294855) UniProtKB Star A0A484F3E6_9EURY Methanococcoides Methanococcoides methylutens MM1 (UP000033048) UniProtKB Star A0A0E3SPL1_METMT Methanohalobium Methanohalobium evestigatum (strain ATCC BAA-1072 / DSM 3721 / NBRC 10... (UP000000391) UniProtKB Star D7E6C0_METEZ Methanohalophilus Methanohalophilus mahii (strain ATCC 35705 / DSM 5219 / SLP) (UP000001059) UniProtKB Star D5E727_METMS Methanolapillus Methanolapillus africanus (UP001271789) UniProtKB Star A0AAE4SDN3_9EURY Methanolobus Methanolobus halotolerans (UP000297295) UniProtKB Star A0A4E0PX48_9EURY Methanolobus mangrovi (UP001183006) UniProtKB Star A0AA51UFU3_9EURY Methanomethylovorans Methanomethylovorans hollandica (strain DSM 15978 / NBRC 107637 / DMS1) (UP000010866) UniProtKB Star L0KV90_METHD Methanosalsum Methanosalsum zhilinae (strain DSM 4017 / NBRC 107636 / OCM 62 / WeN5) (UP000006622) UniProtKB Star F7XNR4_METZD Methanosarcina Methanosarcina acetivorans (strain ATCC 35395 / DSM 2834 / JCM 12185 /... (UP000002487) UniProtKB Star SYE_METAC Methanosarcina sp. MTP4 (UP000033049) UniProtKB Star A0A0E3P1W8_9EURY Methanosarcinales incertae sedis ANME-2 cluster Candidatus Syntrophoarchaeum Candidatus Syntrophoarchaeum butanivorans (UP000185779) UniProtKB Star A0A1F2P416_9EURY Candidatus Syntrophoarchaeum caldarius (UP000186940) UniProtKB Star A0A1F2P865_9EURY Methanotrichales Methanotrichaceae Methanothrix Methanothrix harundinacea (strain 6Ac) (UP000005877) UniProtKB Star G7WNC0_METH6 Methanothrix soehngenii (strain ATCC 5969 / DSM 3671 / JCM 10134 / NBR... (UP000007807) UniProtKB Star F4BUH5_METSG Methanothrix thermoacetophila (strain DSM 6194 / JCM 14653 / NBRC 1013... (UP000000674) UniProtKB Star SYE_METTP Theionarchaea Theionarchaea archaeon (UP000732480) Thermococci Thermococcales Thermococcaceae Pyrococcus Pyrococcus furiosus (strain ATCC 43587 / DSM 3638 / JCM 8422 / Vc1) (UP000001013) UniProtKB Star SYE_PYRFU Thermococcus Thermococcus gammatolerans (strain DSM 15229 / JCM 11827 / EJ3) (UP000001488) UniProtKB Star C5A1K8_THEGJ Thermococcus kodakarensis (strain ATCC BAA-918 / JCM 12380 / KOD1) (UP000000536) UniProtKB Star SYE_THEKO Thermococcus paralvinellae (UP000019027) UniProtKB Star W0I5H5_9EURY Thermococcus sibiricus (strain DSM 12597 / MM 739) (UP000009079) UniProtKB Star C6A1V5_THESM candidate division MSBL1 candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA259A05 (UP000070163) candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA259B11 (UP000070184) candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA259D14 (UP000070589) UniProtKB Star A0A133U5E9_9EURY candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA259D18 (UP000070195) candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA259E17 (UP000070373) candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA259E19 (UP000070284) candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA259E22 (UP000070657) UniProtKB Star A0A133UEK7_9EURY candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA259I07 (UP000070155) candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA259I09 (UP000070463) UniProtKB Star A0A133UV38_9EURY candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA259I14 (UP000070414) candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA259J03 (UP000070257) candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA259M10 (UP000070341) candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA259O05 (UP000070344) UniProtKB Star A0A133V460_9EURY candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA261C02 (UP000070520) UniProtKB Star A0A133V276_9EURY candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA261D19 (UP000070400) UniProtKB Star A0A133V6C1_9EURY candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA261F17 (UP000070035) candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA261F19 (UP000070565) candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA261G05 (UP000070405) candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA261O19 (UP000070076) UniProtKB Star A0A133VE21_9EURY candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA382A03 (UP000070549) UniProtKB Star A0A133VEV7_9EURY candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA382A13 (UP000070311) candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA382A20 (UP000070263) UniProtKB Star A0A133VK68_9EURY candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA382C18 (UP000070404) candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA382F02 (UP000070491) UniProtKB Star A0A133VHI2_9EURY candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA382K21 (UP000070504) candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA382N08 (UP000070175) candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA385D11 (UP000070256) candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA385M02 (UP000070248) candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA833F18 (UP000070399) candidate division MSBL1 archaeon SCGC-AAA833K04 (UP000070038) Thermoplasmatota Candidatus Poseidoniia Candidatus Poseidoniales Candidatus Poseidoniales archaeon (UP000267582) UniProtKB Star A0A3A5WB81_9ARCH DHVE2 group Candidatus Aciduliprofundum Aciduliprofundum boonei (strain DSM 19572 / T469) (UP000001400) UniProtKB Star B5IEN1_ACIB4 Thermoplasmata Methanomassiliicoccales Methanomassiliicoccaceae Candidatus Methanoplasma Candidatus Methanoplasma termitum (UP000030787) UniProtKB Star A0A0A7LE83_9ARCH Methanomassiliicoccaceae archaeon DOK (UP000464077) UniProtKB Star A0A6B9T9S9_9ARCH Methanomassiliicoccus Methanomassiliicoccus intestinalis (strain Issoire-Mx1) (UP000014070) UniProtKB Star R9TA89_METII Methanomassiliicoccales archaeon LGM-RCC1 (UP001231094) UniProtKB Star A0AAF0MGJ9_9ARCH Methanomassiliicoccales archaeon RumEn M1 (UP000051144) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4BEE8_9ARCH Methanomassiliicoccales archaeon RumEn M2 (UP000053922) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4BA39_9ARCH Methanomethylophilaceae Methanomethylophilus Candidatus Methanomethylophilus sp. 1R26 (UP000054237) Methanomethylophilus alvi (strain Mx1201) (UP000012672) UniProtKB Star M9SJS1_METAX Thermoplasmata archaeon (UP001174571) UniProtKB Star A0AA43ULM9_UNCTM Thermoplasmatales Cuniculiplasmataceae Cuniculiplasma Cuniculiplasma sp. C_DKE (UP000197475) UniProtKB Star A0A218ZNR3_9ARCH Ferroplasmaceae Acidiplasma Acidiplasma cupricumulans (UP000050301) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q0S145_9ARCH Ferroplasma Ferroplasma acidarmanus Fer1 (UP000014660) UniProtKB Star S0AQ03_FERAC Picrophilaceae Picrophilus Picrophilus torridus (strain ATCC 700027 / DSM 9790 / JCM 10055 / NBRC... (UP000192315) UniProtKB Star A0A8G2FVI5_PICTO Thermogymnomonas Thermogymnomonas acidicola (UP000632195) UniProtKB Star A0AA37BSM1_9ARCH Thermoplasmataceae Thermoplasma Thermoplasma acidophilum (strain ATCC 25905 / DSM 1728 / JCM 9062 / NB... (UP000001024) UniProtKB Star SYE_THEAC Thermoplasmatales archaeon (strain BRNA1) (UP000012076) UniProtKB Star M4YUB2_THEXX Thermoplasmatales archaeon AK (UP001183445) UniProtKB Star A0AA90U2F2_9ARCH Thermoplasmatales archaeon B_DKE (UP000197915) UniProtKB Star A0A218ZPK0_9ARCH Thermoplasmatales archaeon (strain ISO4-H5) (UP000058290) UniProtKB Star A0A120MI88_THEX5


Nanobdellota (0/2, 0 hit, 2 weak hits)
Candidatus Nanoarchaeia Nanoarchaeales Nanoarchaeaceae Nanoarchaeum Nanoarchaeum equitans (strain Kin4-M) (UP000000578) UniProtKB Star SYE_NANEQ Nanopusillaceae Candidatus Nanobsidianus Nanobsidianus stetteri (UP000053279) UniProtKB Star R1FU10_NANST


Nitrososphaerota (0/20, 0 hit, 17 weak hits)
Candidatus Cenarchaeales Candidatus Cenarchaeaceae Candidatus Cenarchaeum Cenarchaeum symbiosum (strain A) (UP000000758) UniProtKB Star SYE_CENSY Candidatus Nitrosotenuis Candidatus Nitrosotenuis cloacae (UP000266745) UniProtKB Star A0A3G1B475_9ARCH Conexivisphaeria Conexivisphaerales Conexivisphaeraceae Conexivisphaera Conexivisphaera calida (UP000509448) UniProtKB Star A0A4P2VB72_9ARCH Marine Group I Marine Group I thaumarchaeote (UP000554454) UniProtKB Star A0A7K4MY56_9ARCH Marine Group I thaumarchaeote SCGC AAA799-B03 (UP000029384) Marine Group I thaumarchaeote SCGC AAA799-P11 (UP000029387) UniProtKB Star A0A087RZN8_9ARCH Nitrososphaeria Candidatus Nitrosocaldales Candidatus Nitrosocaldaceae Candidatus Nitrosocaldus Candidatus Nitrosocaldus cavascurensis (UP000236248) UniProtKB Star A0A2K5ASR1_9ARCH Nitrosopumilales Nitrosopumilaceae Nitrosarchaeum Candidatus Nitrosarchaeum limnium BG20 (UP000014065) UniProtKB Star S2DYP7_9ARCH Nitrosopumilaceae archaeon (UP000290298) UniProtKB Star A0A9W4UVM1_9ARCH Nitrosopumilus Nitrosopumilus maritimus (strain SCM1) (UP000000792) UniProtKB Star SYE_NITMS Nitrosopumilus sp. b1 (UP001027841) UniProtKB Star A0A9D2X3V9_9ARCH Nitrososphaerales Nitrososphaeraceae Candidatus Nitrosocosmicus Candidatus Nitrosocosmicus franklandus (UP000294299) UniProtKB Star A0A484IEJ9_9ARCH Candidatus Nitrosocosmicus oleophilus (UP000058925) UniProtKB Star A0A654LYL4_9ARCH Candidatus Nitrosocosmicus sp. SS (UP000323283) UniProtKB Star A0A5B2YVS1_9ARCH Nitrososphaera Nitrososphaera gargensis (strain Ga9.2) (UP000008037) UniProtKB Star K0IJ10_NITGG Nitrososphaera viennensis EN76 (UP000027093) UniProtKB Star A0A060HN78_9ARCH Nitrososphaeraceae archaeon (UP000452269) UniProtKB Star A0A6A7LBN5_9ARCH Nitrosotaleales Nitrosotaleaceae Nitrosotalea Candidatus Nitrosotalea sp. TS (UP000800317) Nitrosotalea sinensis (UP000232412) UniProtKB Star A0A2H1EEE2_9ARCH Thaumarchaeota archaeon SCGC AB-539-E09 (UP000031483)


Promethearchaeati (0/1, 0 hit, 1 weak hit)
Promethearchaeota Promethearchaeia Promethearchaeales Promethearchaeaceae Promethearchaeum Promethearchaeum syntrophicum (UP000321408) UniProtKB Star A0A5B9D591_9ARCH


Thermoproteota (0/43, 0 hit, 41 weak hits)
Candidatus Korarchaeia Candidatus Korarchaeales Candidatus Korarchaeaceae Candidatus Korarchaeum Korarchaeum cryptofilum (strain OPF8) (UP000001686) UniProtKB Star SYE_KORCO Thermoprotei Acidilobales Acidilobaceae Acidilobus Acidilobus saccharovorans (strain DSM 16705 / JCM 18335 / VKM B-2471 /... (UP000000346) UniProtKB Star D9Q0A2_ACIS3 Caldisphaeraceae Caldisphaera Caldisphaera lagunensis (strain DSM 15908 / JCM 11604 / ANMR 0165 / IC... (UP000010469) UniProtKB Star L0AAJ2_CALLD Desulfurococcales Desulfurococcaceae Aeropyrum Aeropyrum pernix (strain ATCC 700893 / DSM 11879 / JCM 9820 / NBRC 100... (UP000002518) UniProtKB Star SYE_AERPE Desulfurococcaceae archaeon AG1 (UP000245022) UniProtKB Star A0A2R4ZVP1_9CREN Desulfurococcaceae archaeon MEX13E-LK6-19 (UP001221761) UniProtKB Star A0AAF0FVW3_9CREN Desulfurococcus Desulfurococcus mucosus (strain ATCC 35584 / DSM 2162 / JCM 9187 / O7/1) (UP000001068) UniProtKB Star E8R7H4_DESM0 Desulfurococcus sp. (UP001071570) UniProtKB Star A0A9E5DH52_9CREN Ignicoccus Ignicoccus hospitalis (strain KIN4/I / DSM 18386 / JCM 14125) (UP000000262) UniProtKB Star SYE_IGNH4 Ignicoccus islandicus DSM 13165 (UP000060778) UniProtKB Star A0A0U3E0B9_9CREN Ignicoccus pacificus DSM 13166 (UP001063698) UniProtKB Star A0A977K8V1_9CREN Ignisphaera Ignisphaera aggregans (strain DSM 17230 / JCM 13409 / AQ1.S1) (UP000001304) UniProtKB Star E0SQA3_IGNAA Staphylothermus Staphylothermus marinus (strain ATCC 43588 / DSM 3639 / JCM 9404 / F1) (UP000000254) UniProtKB Star SYE_STAMF Thermogladius Thermogladius calderae (strain DSM 22663 / VKM B-2946 / 1633) (UP000005270) UniProtKB Star I3TDX5_THEC1 Thermosphaera Thermosphaera aggregans (strain DSM 11486 / M11TL) (UP000002376) UniProtKB Star D5U3E5_THEAM Pyrodictiaceae Hyperthermus Hyperthermus butylicus (strain DSM 5456 / JCM 9403 / PLM1-5) (UP000002593) UniProtKB Star SYE_HYPBU Pyrodictium Pyrodictium occultum (UP000053352) UniProtKB Star A0A0V8RXE0_PYROC Pyrolobus Pyrolobus fumarii (strain DSM 11204 / 1A) (UP000001037) UniProtKB Star G0EE94_PYRF1 Fervidicoccales Fervidicoccaceae Fervidicoccus Fervidicoccus fontis (strain DSM 19380 / JCM 18336 / VKM B-2539 / Kam9... (UP000007391) UniProtKB Star I0A0D5_FERFK Sulfolobales Sulfolobaceae Acidianus Acidianus brierleyi (UP000248044) UniProtKB Star A0A2U9IF50_9CREN Acidianus sulfidivorans JP7 (UP000248410) UniProtKB Star A0A2U9IM62_9CREN Candidatus Acidianus copahuensis (UP000024332) UniProtKB Star A0A031LMQ5_9CREN Candidatus Aramenus Candidatus Aramenus sulfurataquae (UP000054284) UniProtKB Star W7KZC8_9CREN Metallosphaera Metallosphaera sedula (strain ATCC 51363 / DSM 5348 / JCM 9185 / NBRC ... (UP000000242) UniProtKB Star SYE_METS5 Metallosphaera yellowstonensis MK1 (UP000003980) UniProtKB Star H2C8T8_9CREN Saccharolobus Saccharolobus solfataricus (strain ATCC 35092 / DSM 1617 / JCM 11322 /... (UP000001974) UniProtKB Star SYE_SACS2 Stygiolobus Stygiolobus azoricus (UP000423396) UniProtKB Star A0A650CNH9_9CREN Sulfodiicoccus Sulfodiicoccus acidiphilus (UP000276741) UniProtKB Star A0A348B6W0_9CREN Sulfolobaceae archaeon (UP001069355) UniProtKB Star A0A9E5DFT1_9CREN Sulfolobus Sulfolobus acidocaldarius (strain ATCC 33909 / DSM 639 / JCM 8929 / NB... (UP000001018) UniProtKB Star SYE_SULAC Sulfolobus sp. D5 (UP000715278) Sulfuracidifex Sulfuracidifex metallicus DSM 6482 = JCM 9184 (UP000470772) UniProtKB Star A0A6A9QSM2_SULME Sulfurisphaera Sulfurisphaera tokodaii (strain DSM 16993 / JCM 10545 / NBRC 100140 / 7) (UP000001015) UniProtKB Star SYE_SULTO Sulfolobales archaeon HS-7 (UP000825755) UniProtKB Star A0A8D5U1B6_9CREN Thermofilales Thermofilaceae Infirmifilum Infirmifilum lucidum (UP000594121) UniProtKB Star A0A7L9FKZ0_9CREN Infirmifilum uzonense (UP000067434) UniProtKB Star A0A0F7FJY9_9CREN Thermofilum Thermofilum adornatum (UP000015543) UniProtKB Star S5ZWC5_9CREN Thermofilum pendens (strain DSM 2475 / Hrk 5) (UP000000641) UniProtKB Star SYE_THEPD Thermoproteales Thermoproteaceae Caldivirga Caldivirga maquilingensis (strain ATCC 700844 / DSM 13496 / JCM 10307 ... (UP000001137) UniProtKB Star SYE_CALMQ Pyrobaculum Pyrobaculum aerophilum (strain ATCC 51768 / DSM 7523 / JCM 9630 / CIP ... (UP000002439) UniProtKB Star SYE_PYRAE Thermocladium Thermocladium modestius (UP000610960) UniProtKB Star A0A830GV87_9CREN Thermoproteus Thermoproteus tenax (strain ATCC 35583 / DSM 2078 / JCM 9277 / NBRC 10... (UP000002654) Vulcanisaeta Vulcanisaeta distributa (strain DSM 14429 / JCM 11212 / NBRC 100878 / ... (UP000006681) UniProtKB Star E1QS27_VULDI


environmental samples (0/4, 0 hit, 3 weak hits)
uncultured archaeon A07HB70 (UP000030648) UniProtKB Star V4ZTG6_9ARCH uncultured archaeon A07HN63 (UP000030667) uncultured archaeon A07HR60 (UP000030679) UniProtKB Star V4Y770_9ARCH uncultured archaeon A07HR67 (UP000030660) UniProtKB Star V4XKM8_9ARCH


Acidobacteriota (42/44, 52 hits, 22 weak hits)
Acidobacteria bacterium AB60 (UP000324789) UniProtKB Star A0A5M8SG71_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5M8SHR8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5M8SQG6_9BACT Blastocatellia Blastocatellales Pyrinomonadaceae Pyrinomonas Pyrinomonas methylaliphatogenes (UP000031518) UniProtKB Star A0A0B6X2I3_9BACT Chloracidobacterium Chloracidobacterium thermophilum (strain B) (UP000006791) UniProtKB Star G2LI85_CHLTF Holophagae Acanthopleuribacterales Acanthopleuribacteraceae Acanthopleuribacter Acanthopleuribacter pedis (UP000664417) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7U5J7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A8J7QBB9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A8J7QEM4_9BACT Sulfidibacter Sulfidibacter corallicola (UP000663929) UniProtKB Star A0A8A4TLG0_SULCO UniProtKB Star A0A8A4TZ40_SULCO UniProtKB Star A0A8A4TY02_SULCO Holophagales Holophagaceae Geothrix Geothrix sp. (UP000653166) UniProtKB Star A0A8J8HIX4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A8J8HKH7_9BACT Mesoterricola Mesoterricola sediminis (UP001228113) UniProtKB Star A0AA48HI66_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AA48H2Z7_9BACT Thermotomaculales Thermotomaculaceae Thermotomaculum Thermotomaculum hydrothermale (UP000595564) UniProtKB Star A0A7R6SYA1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7R6SY39_9BACT Terriglobia Bryobacterales Bryobacteraceae Paludibaculum Paludibaculum fermentans (UP000593892) UniProtKB Star A0A7S7SJG6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7S7SKN1_9BACT Candidatus Acidiferrales Candidatus Acidiferrum Candidatus Acidiferrum panamense (UP000567293) UniProtKB Star A0A7V8NLH3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7V8NND0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7V8NPQ3_9BACT Terriglobales Acidobacteriaceae Acidipila Acidipila rosea (UP000295210) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1LFA3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4R1KZ77_9BACT Acidipila sp. EB88 (UP000279598) UniProtKB Star A0A3P0X7Z0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3P0X7P4_9BACT Acidisarcina Acidisarcina polymorpha (UP000253606) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5G612_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5FV89_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5G224_9BACT Acidobacterium Acidobacterium capsulatum (strain ATCC 51196 / DSM 11244 / BCRC 80197 ... (UP000002207) UniProtKB Star C1F3W8_ACIC5 UniProtKB Star C1F761_ACIC5 UniProtKB Star C1F7T3_ACIC5 Alloacidobacterium Alloacidobacterium dinghuense (UP000515312) UniProtKB Star A0A7G8BGW1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7G8BQZ6_9BACT Bryocella Bryocella elongata (UP000236728) UniProtKB Star A0A1H6B2G4_9BACT Edaphobacter Edaphobacter acidisoli (UP000648801) UniProtKB Star A0A916RP08_9BACT Edaphobacter aggregans (UP000269669) UniProtKB Star A0A428MEC8_9BACT Edaphobacter dinghuensis (UP000647241) UniProtKB Star A0A917HAD7_9BACT Edaphobacter lichenicola (UP000568106) UniProtKB Star A0A7W8IF81_9BACT Edaphobacter modestus (UP000292958) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7YQE5_9BACT Edaphobacter sp. 4G125 (UP000515460) UniProtKB Star A0A7G8BSX1_9BACT Granulicella Granulicella aggregans (UP000540989) UniProtKB Star A0A7W8E172_9BACT Granulicella arctica (UP000589520) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9PGW4_9BACT Granulicella mallensis (strain ATCC BAA-1857 / DSM 23137 / MP5ACTX8) (UP000007113) UniProtKB Star G8P252_GRAMM Granulicella pectinivorans (UP000199024) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6M2S5_9BACT Granulicella rosea (UP000198356) UniProtKB Star A0A239II12_9BACT Granulicella sibirica (UP000289437) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0SW57_9BACT Granulicella sp. 5B5 (UP000515496) UniProtKB Star A0A7D8B967_9BACT Granulicella sp. WH15 (UP000513480) UniProtKB Star A0A7L5AD69_9BACT Granulicella tundricola (strain ATCC BAA-1859 / DSM 23138 / MP5ACTX9) (UP000000343) UniProtKB Star E8X3I2_GRATM Occallatibacter Occallatibacter riparius (UP001059380) UniProtKB Star A0A9J7BYM5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A9J7BVA4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A9J7BR51_9BACT Paracidobacterium Paracidobacterium acidisoli (UP000264702) UniProtKB Star A0A372ILU7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A372IJ69_9BACT Silvibacterium Silvibacterium bohemicum (UP000538666) UniProtKB Star A0A841JMR7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A841K7J1_9BACT Silvibacterium dinghuense (UP000290253) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1SI45_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1SI11_9BACT Terriglobus Terriglobus albidus (UP000321820) UniProtKB Star A0A5B9EII3_9BACT Terriglobus roseus (UP000182427) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7EYW5_9BACT Terriglobus roseus (strain DSM 18391 / NRRL B-41598 / KBS 63) (UP000006056) UniProtKB Star I3ZCU5_TERRK Terriglobus saanensis (strain ATCC BAA-1853 / DSM 23119 / SP1PR4) (UP000006844) UniProtKB Star E8V5G9_TERSS Candidatus Korobacteraceae Candidatus Korobacter Koribacter versatilis (strain Ellin345) (UP000002432) UniProtKB Star SYE1_KORVE UniProtKB Star SYE2_KORVE Thermoanaerobaculia Thermoanaerobaculales Thermoanaerobaculaceae Thermoanaerobaculum Thermoanaerobaculum aquaticum (UP000027284) UniProtKB Star A0A062XY35_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A062XVJ6_9BACT Vicinamibacteria Vicinamibacterales Vicinamibacteraceae Luteitalea Luteitalea pratensis (UP000076079) UniProtKB Star A0A143PFM8_LUTPR UniProtKB Star A0A143PV41_LUTPR UniProtKB Star A0A143PI45_LUTPR Luteitalea sp. (UP000441471) UniProtKB Star A0A6A7L3J4_9BACT Luteitalea sp. TBR-22 (UP000604530) UniProtKB Star A0A915XLM4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A915UE90_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A915UEG0_9BACT


Aquificota (15/15, 15 hits, 1 weak hit)
Aquificia Aquificales Aquificaceae Aquifex Aquifex aeolicus (strain VF5) (UP000000798) UniProtKB Star SYE_AQUAE Hydrogenivirga Hydrogenivirga caldilitoris (UP000267841) UniProtKB Star A0A497XQR1_9AQUI Hydrogenivirga sp. 128-5-R1-1 (UP000005981) UniProtKB Star A8UU25_9AQUI UniProtKB Star A8V186_9AQUI Hydrogenobacter Hydrogenobacter sp. T-8 (UP000501418) UniProtKB Star A0A6C1BTX7_9AQUI Hydrogenobacter thermophilus (strain DSM 6534 / IAM 12695 / TK-6) (UP000002574) UniProtKB Star D3DGV8_HYDTT Hydrogenobaculum Hydrogenobaculum sp. HO (UP000011725) UniProtKB Star M1RSG9_9AQUI Thermocrinis Thermocrinis albus (strain DSM 14484 / JCM 11386 / HI 11/12) (UP000002043) UniProtKB Star D3SN35_THEAH Thermocrinis minervae (UP000189810) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6RH52_9AQUI Hydrogenothermaceae Hydrogenothermus Hydrogenothermus marinus (UP000280842) UniProtKB Star A0A3M0BLV8_9AQUI Persephonella Persephonella marina (strain DSM 14350 / EX-H1) (UP000001366) UniProtKB Star C0QSM6_PERMH Sulfurihydrogenibium Sulfurihydrogenibium azorense (strain DSM 15241 / OCM 825 / Az-Fu1) (UP000001369) UniProtKB Star C1DUZ1_SULAA Sulfurihydrogenibium yellowstonense SS-5 (UP000005540) UniProtKB Star C4FI30_9AQUI Venenivibrio Venenivibrio stagnispumantis (UP001157947) UniProtKB Star A0AA46AFW4_9AQUI Desulfurobacteriales Desulfurobacteriaceae Desulfurobacterium Desulfurobacterium indicum (UP000187408) UniProtKB Star A0A1R1MJN5_9BACT Desulfurobacterium thermolithotrophum (strain DSM 11699 / BSA) (UP000007102) UniProtKB Star F0S3X2_DESTD


Atribacterota (2/2, 2 hits, 1 weak hit)
Atribacteria Atribacterales Atribacteraceae Atribacter Atribacter laminatus (UP000594463) UniProtKB Star A0A7T1F1U4_ATRLM UniProtKB Star A0A7T1AL74_ATRLM Candidatus Atribacteria bacterium MT.SAG.1 (UP000297787) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8HZP9_9BACT


Bacillati (4029/4143, 4189 hits, 1708 weak hits)
Abditibacteriota Abditibacteriia Abditibacteriales Abditibacteriaceae Abditibacterium Abditibacterium utsteinense (UP000237684) UniProtKB Star A0A2S8SSA6_9BACT Actinomycetota Acidimicrobiia Acidimicrobiales Acidimicrobiaceae Acidimicrobium Acidimicrobium ferrooxidans (strain DSM 10331 / JCM 15462 / NBRC 10388... (UP000000771) UniProtKB Star C7M0E3_ACIFD Acidithrix Acidithrix ferrooxidans (UP000032360) UniProtKB Star A0A0D8HKL9_9ACTN Ferrimicrobium Ferrimicrobium acidiphilum DSM 19497 (UP000032336) UniProtKB Star A0A0D8FW12_9ACTN Ferrithrix Ferrithrix thermotolerans DSM 19514 (UP000184295) UniProtKB Star A0A1M4VG23_9ACTN Iamiaceae Actinomarinicola Actinomarinicola tropica (UP000334019) UniProtKB Star A0A5Q2RJG1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A5Q2RM61_9ACTN Aquihabitans Aquihabitans sp. G128 (UP000824224) UniProtKB Star A0A8F4J6Y1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A8F4FRV8_9ACTN Iamia Iamia majanohamensis (UP001216390) UniProtKB Star A0AAF0BRB3_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0AAE9Y9K8_9ACTN Ilumatobacteraceae Ilumatobacter Ilumatobacter coccineus (strain NBRC 103263 / KCTC 29153 / YM16-304) (UP000011863) UniProtKB Star A0A6C7E3W6_ILUCY UniProtKB Star A0A6C7E0Q0_ILUCY UniProtKB Star A0A6C7E6G4_ILUCY Ilumatobacter fluminis (UP000294558) UniProtKB Star A0A4R7I1W8_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A4R7I016_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A4R7HU75_9ACTN Acidimicrobiia bacterium (UP000473322) UniProtKB Star A0A6L5F6G4_9ACTN Actinomycetes Acidothermales Acidothermaceae Acidothermus Acidothermus cellulolyticus (strain ATCC 43068 / DSM 8971 / 11B) (UP000008221) UniProtKB Star SYE_ACIC1 Actinobacteria bacterium IMCC26207 (UP000036180) UniProtKB Star A0A0J0V0E0_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A0J0YNW1_9ACTN Actinobacteria bacterium IMCC26256 (UP000035517) UniProtKB Star A0A0G3UZQ0_9ACTN Actinobacteria bacterium OK074 (UP000037991) UniProtKB Star A0A0N0MNY3_9ACTN Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinobaculum Actinobaculum massiliense ACS-171-V-Col2 (UP000009888) UniProtKB Star K9ECU9_9ACTO UniProtKB Star K9EEU2_9ACTO Actinobaculum sp. 352 (UP000273303) UniProtKB Star A0A3S0CJP4_9ACTO UniProtKB Star A0A430JNG5_9ACTO Actinobaculum sp. oral taxon 183 str. F0552 (UP000016495) UniProtKB Star U1RIF7_9ACTO UniProtKB Star U1QBE3_9ACTO Actinobaculum suis (UP000182744) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7D6K5_9ACTO UniProtKB Star A0A1G7CMQ9_9ACTO Actinomyces Actinomyces bowdenii (UP000271272) UniProtKB Star A0A3P1V870_9ACTO Actinomyces gaoshouyii (UP000614239) UniProtKB Star A0A8H9HDN5_9ACTO Actinomyces glycerinitolerans (UP000184291) UniProtKB Star A0A1M4RZY3_9ACTO Actinomyces graevenitzii C83 (UP000003822) UniProtKB Star G9PDQ4_9ACTO Actinomyces howellii (UP000266895) UniProtKB Star A0A448HDE0_9ACTO Actinomyces massiliensis F0489 (UP000002941) UniProtKB Star J1H1X0_9ACTO Actinomyces respiraculi (UP000594637) UniProtKB Star A0A7T0LKD6_9ACTO Actinomyces slackii (UP000276899) UniProtKB Star A0A448KD45_9ACTO Actinomyces sp. 2119 (UP000284680) UniProtKB Star A0A418UTT3_9ACTO Actinomyces sp. HMSC065F12 (UP000176960) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z0VQI1_9ACTO Actinomyces sp. HMT897 (UP000595973) UniProtKB Star A0A974NB35_9ACTO Actinomyces sp. S4-C9 (UP000035029) UniProtKB Star A0A095WQ47_9ACTO Actinomyces sp. S6-Spd3 (UP000029604) UniProtKB Star A0A095YSC1_9ACTO UniProtKB Star A0A095WTN1_9ACTO Actinomyces sp. oral taxon 448 str. F0400 (UP000005351) UniProtKB Star F9EHS7_9ACTO Actinomyces sp. oral taxon 849 str. F0330 (UP000003600) UniProtKB Star G9PMS6_9ACTO Actinomyces urogenitalis DSM 15434 (UP000004778) UniProtKB Star C0W2L3_9ACTO Actinomyces weissii (UP000595895) UniProtKB Star A0A7T7MB33_9ACTO Actinotignum Actinotignum schaalii FB123-CNA-2 (UP000014393) UniProtKB Star S2WFP3_9ACTO UniProtKB Star S2VMG3_9ACTO Ancrocorticia Ancrocorticia populi (UP000245283) UniProtKB Star A0A2V1KG09_9ACTO UniProtKB Star A0A2V1K7J1_9ACTO Arcanobacterium Arcanobacterium bovis (UP000293036) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9V212_9ACTO Arcanobacterium haemolyticum (strain ATCC 9345 / DSM 20595 / CCM 5947 ... (UP000000376) UniProtKB Star C7SZ46_ARCHD UniProtKB Star D7BLZ2_ARCHD Arcanobacterium sp. S3PF19 (UP000054502) UniProtKB Star A0A095ZCA8_9ACTO UniProtKB Star A0A095X711_9ACTO Boudabousia Boudabousia liubingyangii (UP000186785) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q5PMW0_9ACTO Boudabousia marimammalium (UP000186465) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q5PPE3_9ACTO UniProtKB Star A0A1Q5PNZ5_9ACTO Boudabousia tangfeifanii (UP000176288) UniProtKB Star A0A1D9MJA6_9ACTO Bowdeniella Bowdeniella nasicola (UP000185628) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q5Q4L9_9ACTO Buchananella Buchananella hordeovulneris (UP000185612) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q5PVZ5_9ACTO Flaviflexus Flaviflexus ciconiae (UP000280344) UniProtKB Star A0A3S9PX22_9ACTO UniProtKB Star A0A3S9PYE7_9ACTO Flaviflexus salsibiostraticola (UP000270021) UniProtKB Star A0A3S8Z824_9ACTO UniProtKB Star A0A3S8Z9Z0_9ACTO Gleimia Gleimia coleocanis DSM 15436 (UP000010301) UniProtKB Star C0W155_9ACTO Mobiluncus Mobiluncus curtisii (strain ATCC 43063 / DSM 2711 / V125) (UP000006742) UniProtKB Star D6ZFU6_MOBCV Mobiluncus mulieris ATCC 35239 (UP000003045) UniProtKB Star E0QPW2_9ACTO Nanchangia Nanchangia anserum (UP000627538) UniProtKB Star A0A8I0GDK0_9ACTO Pauljensenia Pauljensenia hongkongensis (UP000095214) UniProtKB Star A0A1D8B1B4_9ACTO Peptidiphaga Peptidiphaga gingivicola (UP000078368) UniProtKB Star A0A179B665_9ACTO UniProtKB Star A0A179B2E0_9ACTO Schaalia Schaalia canis (UP000280444) UniProtKB Star A0A3P1SEG0_9ACTO UniProtKB Star A0A3P1SCL7_9ACTO Schaalia cardiffensis F0333 (UP000013015) UniProtKB Star N6X320_9ACTO UniProtKB Star N6W6M3_9ACTO Schaalia hyovaginalis (UP000617426) UniProtKB Star A0A923E7Q4_9ACTO UniProtKB Star A0A923IX64_9ACTO Schaalia odontolytica (UP000250192) UniProtKB Star A0A2X0TY18_9ACTO UniProtKB Star A0A2X0U2F7_9ACTO Schaalia sp. 19OD2882 (UP000683503) UniProtKB Star A0A975XWV7_9ACTO UniProtKB Star A0A975SVK8_9ACTO Schaalia sp. ZJ405 (UP000594631) UniProtKB Star A0A7T0PD50_9ACTO UniProtKB Star A0A7T0KLT0_9ACTO Schaalia turicensis ACS-279-V-Col4 (UP000003994) UniProtKB Star K0YPC9_9ACTO UniProtKB Star K0Z409_9ACTO Trueperella Trueperella bernardiae (UP000054404) UniProtKB Star A0A0W1KIF5_9ACTO Trueperella bialowiezensis (UP000269542) UniProtKB Star A0A448PGI6_9ACTO Varibaculum Varibaculum cambriense (UP001200537) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ1BCJ9_9ACTO UniProtKB Star A0AAJ1F8A2_9ACTO Winkia Winkia neuii BV029A5 (UP000006075) UniProtKB Star K0YWZ2_9ACTO Actinomycetales bacterium JB111 (UP000196124) UniProtKB Star A0A1R4FV18_9ACTO Actinomycetales bacterium SN12 (UP000233335) UniProtKB Star A0A2N1JND9_9ACTO Actinomycetes incertae sedis Halopolyspora Halopolyspora algeriensis (UP000253495) UniProtKB Star A0A368VCY6_9ACTN Actinopolysporales Actinopolysporaceae Actinopolyspora Actinopolyspora mortivallis (UP000239352) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0GU46_ACTMO Actinopolyspora mzabensis (UP000199213) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9FAR2_ACTMZ Bifidobacteriales Bifidobacteriaceae Aeriscardovia Aeriscardovia aeriphila (UP000228976) UniProtKB Star A0A261FD33_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A261F8N8_9BIFI Alloscardovia Alloscardovia macacae (UP000243657) UniProtKB Star A0A261F761_9BIFI Alloscardovia omnicolens F0580 (UP000016519) UniProtKB Star U1SLI7_9BIFI Bifidobacterium Bifidobacterium [indicum] DSM 20214 = LMG 11587 (UP000028569) UniProtKB Star A0A087VSX7_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A087VW21_9BIFI Bifidobacterium actinocoloniiforme DSM 22766 (UP000029015) UniProtKB Star A0A086Z1V6_9BIFI Bifidobacterium adolescentis (strain ATCC 15703 / DSM 20083 / NCTC 118... (UP000008702) UniProtKB Star SYE_BIFAA UniProtKB Star A1A3H1_BIFAA Bifidobacterium aemilianum (UP000252530) UniProtKB Star A0A366K9U4_9BIFI Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (strain AD011) (UP000002456) UniProtKB Star B8DVM7_BIFA0 UniProtKB Star B8DSJ7_BIFA0 Bifidobacterium aquikefiri (UP000216451) UniProtKB Star A0A261G8P7_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A261G9B8_9BIFI Bifidobacterium biavatii DSM 23969 (UP000029108) UniProtKB Star A0A086ZLW4_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A087A2V9_9BIFI Bifidobacterium bifidum BGN4 (UP000006173) UniProtKB Star I3WFX1_BIFBI Bifidobacterium bohemicum DSM 22767 (UP000029096) UniProtKB Star A0A086ZF12_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A086ZEY7_9BIFI Bifidobacterium bombi DSM 19703 (UP000028730) UniProtKB Star A0A080N3A7_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A086BNQ9_9BIFI Bifidobacterium boum (UP000029093) UniProtKB Star A0A086ZLG8_9BIFI Bifidobacterium breve DSM 20213 = JCM 1192 (UP000003191) UniProtKB Star D4BLZ9_BIFBR Bifidobacterium callitrichos (UP000240228) UniProtKB Star A0A2T3GA24_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A2T3GA83_9BIFI Bifidobacterium canis (UP000487882) UniProtKB Star A0A7K1J4M4_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A7K1J6H9_9BIFI Bifidobacterium castoris (UP000288052) UniProtKB Star A0A430F945_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A430F5I2_9BIFI Bifidobacterium catenulatum subsp. kashiwanohense (UP001161916) UniProtKB Star A0AA43P624_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0AA43T685_9BIFI Bifidobacterium choloepi (UP000469292) UniProtKB Star A0A6I5N2D7_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A6I5N8Z7_9BIFI Bifidobacterium commune (UP000242610) UniProtKB Star A0A1C4H6W1_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A1C4H537_9BIFI Bifidobacterium cuniculi (UP000029067) UniProtKB Star A0A087AN05_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A087AIH7_9BIFI Bifidobacterium dentium (strain ATCC 27534 / DSM 20436 / JCM 1195 / Bd1) (UP000008693) UniProtKB Star D2Q7X4_BIFDB UniProtKB Star D2Q6N6_BIFDB Bifidobacterium dolichotidis (UP000287609) UniProtKB Star A0A430FQL8_9BIFI Bifidobacterium felsineum (UP000229239) UniProtKB Star A0A2M9HLK9_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A2M9HIA8_9BIFI Bifidobacterium goeldii (UP000287533) UniProtKB Star A0A430FKY4_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A430FDT8_9BIFI Bifidobacterium jacchi (UP000326336) UniProtKB Star A0A5N5RFL5_9BIFI Bifidobacterium lemurum (UP000216352) UniProtKB Star A0A261FSS5_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A261FRW1_9BIFI Bifidobacterium leontopitheci (UP000441772) UniProtKB Star A0A6I1GLF5_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A6I1GEL7_9BIFI Bifidobacterium longum (strain NCC 2705) (UP000000439) UniProtKB Star SYE_BIFLO UniProtKB Star GLUQ_BIFLO Bifidobacterium magnum (UP000029052) UniProtKB Star A0A087BAX0_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A087BES3_9BIFI Bifidobacterium merycicum (UP000029060) UniProtKB Star A0A087BJG1_9BIFI Bifidobacterium minimum (UP000029014) UniProtKB Star A0A087BRD8_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A087BLC1_9BIFI Bifidobacterium mongoliense DSM 21395 (UP000029082) UniProtKB Star A0A087C4Q9_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A087BR35_9BIFI Bifidobacterium moraviense (UP000588277) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y0HZQ5_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A7Y0F3B1_9BIFI Bifidobacterium oedipodis (UP000532194) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y0ERA2_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A7Y0HTG2_9BIFI Bifidobacterium primatium (UP000229095) UniProtKB Star A0A2M9H8X4_9BIFI Bifidobacterium pseudolongum PV8-2 (UP000030636) UniProtKB Star A0A0A7I6M4_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A0A7I9W8_9BIFI Bifidobacterium psychraerophilum (UP000029050) UniProtKB Star A0A087CLT9_9BIFI Bifidobacterium pullorum subsp. gallinarum (UP000029046) UniProtKB Star A0A087AP23_9BIFI Bifidobacterium pullorum subsp. saeculare (UP000718821) UniProtKB Star A0A938WXN0_9BIFI Bifidobacterium ramosum (UP000482084) UniProtKB Star A0A6L4X1B9_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A6L4X1N1_9BIFI Bifidobacterium reuteri DSM 23975 (UP000028984) UniProtKB Star A0A087CYC8_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A087CM98_9BIFI Bifidobacterium samirii (UP000287470) UniProtKB Star A0A430FHF3_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A430FW57_9BIFI Bifidobacterium scaligerum (UP000228755) UniProtKB Star A0A2M9HQF8_9BIFI Bifidobacterium scardovii (UP000029033) UniProtKB Star A0A087DEH6_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A087DDD3_9BIFI Bifidobacterium simiarum (UP000231451) UniProtKB Star A0A2M9HF33_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A2M9HF42_9BIFI Bifidobacterium stellenboschense (UP000029004) UniProtKB Star A0A087DRC1_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A087DNG1_9BIFI Bifidobacterium subtile (UP000029055) UniProtKB Star A0A087E885_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A087E553_9BIFI Bifidobacterium tissieri (UP000216444) UniProtKB Star A0A261FHL3_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A261FHM5_9BIFI Bifidobacterium tsurumiense (UP000029080) UniProtKB Star A0A087ECV7_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A087EI08_9BIFI Bombiscardovia Bombiscardovia coagulans (UP000216004) UniProtKB Star A0A261EVM3_9BIFI Galliscardovia Galliscardovia ingluviei (UP000619536) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3EWQ7_9BIFI Gardnerella Gardnerella vaginalis (UP000258888) UniProtKB Star A0A3E1IQX2_GARVA UniProtKB Star A0A3E1IS56_GARVA Parascardovia Parascardovia denticolens DSM 10105 = JCM 12538 (UP000004946) UniProtKB Star E6K1U7_PARDN Pseudoscardovia Pseudoscardovia suis (UP000216454) UniProtKB Star A0A261EXJ2_9BIFI UniProtKB Star A0A261F4B7_9BIFI Scardovia Scardovia inopinata F0304 (UP000005777) UniProtKB Star W5IH45_SCAIO Scardovia wiggsiae F0424 (UP000006415) UniProtKB Star J0WYR3_9BIFI Candidatus Nanopelagicales Candidatus Nanopelagicaceae Candidatus Nanopelagicus Candidatus Nanopelagicus abundans (UP000217210) UniProtKB Star A0A249L4Y7_9ACTN Candidatus Planktophila Candidatus Planktophila limnetica (UP000217221) UniProtKB Star A0A249LGD1_9ACTN Candidatus Planktophila sulfonica (UP000217215) UniProtKB Star A0A249KFX9_9ACTN Candidatus Planktophila vernalis (UP000217186) UniProtKB Star A0A249KTT4_9ACTN Catenulisporales Actinospicaceae Actinocrinis Actinocrinis puniceicyclus (UP000677913) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7WPQ1_9ACTN Actinospica Actinospica acidithermotolerans (UP000676325) UniProtKB Star A0A941IKK4_9ACTN Actinospica durhamensis (UP000675781) UniProtKB Star A0A941ENP8_9ACTN Actinospica robiniae DSM 44927 (UP000019485) Catenulisporaceae Catenulispora Catenulispora acidiphila (strain DSM 44928 / JCM 14897 / NBRC 102108 /... (UP000000851) UniProtKB Star C7Q8J6_CATAD UniProtKB Star C7Q5H6_CATAD Cryptosporangiales Cryptosporangiaceae Cryptosporangium Cryptosporangium arvum DSM 44712 (UP000021053) Cryptosporangium aurantiacum (UP000184440) UniProtKB Star A0A1M7HP44_9ACTN Cryptosporangium phraense (UP000317982) UniProtKB Star A0A545ASE7_9ACTN Frankiales Frankiaceae Frankia Candidatus Frankia alpina (UP000305282) UniProtKB Star A0A4V3Z0L1_9ACTN Frankia alni (strain DSM 45986 / CECT 9034 / ACN14a) (UP000000657) UniProtKB Star SYE_FRAAA Frankia canadensis (UP000234331) UniProtKB Star A0A2I2KMS6_9ACTN Frankia casuarinae (strain DSM 45818 / CECT 9043 / HFP020203 / CcI3) (UP000001937) UniProtKB Star SYE_FRACC Frankia nepalensis (UP000604475) UniProtKB Star A0A937UQQ1_9ACTN Frankia sp. EI5c (UP000077018) UniProtKB Star A0A166QZY4_9ACTN Frankia sp. R43 (UP000050262) UniProtKB Star A0A0P7C3M4_9ACTN Parafrankia Parafrankia colletiae (UP000179627) UniProtKB Star A0A1S1R7C2_9ACTN Parafrankia soli (UP000179769) UniProtKB Star A0A1S1RBV2_9ACTN Protofrankia Candidatus Protofrankia californiensis (UP000199013) Candidatus Protofrankia datiscae (UP000001549) UniProtKB Star F8B527_9ACTN Pseudofrankia Pseudofrankia asymbiotica (UP000188929) UniProtKB Star A0A1V2I9C8_9ACTN Pseudofrankia inefficax (strain DSM 45817 / CECT 9037 / DDB 130130 / E... (UP000002484) UniProtKB Star E3J8Y3_PSEI1 Frankineae bacterium MT45 (UP000243755) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8SHA6_9ACTN Geodermatophilales Antricoccaceae Antricoccus Antricoccus suffuscus (UP000237752) UniProtKB Star A0A2T1A4F7_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A2T0ZWB4_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A2T0Z034_9ACTN Geodermatophilaceae Blastococcus Blastococcus haudaquaticus (UP000219482) UniProtKB Star A0A286GC51_9ACTN Blastococcus mobilis (UP000198403) UniProtKB Star A0A238WBS2_9ACTN Blastococcus saxobsidens (UP000292507) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7Y9F9_9ACTN Blastococcus saxobsidens (strain DD2) (UP000007517) UniProtKB Star H6RWQ0_BLASD Blastococcus sp. CCUG 61487 (UP000305560) UniProtKB Star A0A4U3CF68_9ACTN Blastococcus sp. CT_GayMR16 (UP000297781) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9QDH7_9ACTN Blastococcus sp. CT_GayMR19 (UP000298197) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9NUZ7_9ACTN Blastococcus sp. CT_GayMR20 (UP000297836) Blastococcus sp. DSM 46786 (UP000198952) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7T189_9ACTN Blastococcus sp. TF02-09 (UP000253272) UniProtKB Star A0A366ZNW3_9ACTN Blastococcus sp. TF02-8 (UP000252403) UniProtKB Star A0A367B5P3_9ACTN Blastococcus sp. TF02A-26 (UP000252630) UniProtKB Star A0A366ZYP3_9ACTN Blastococcus sp. TF02A-30 (UP000253175) UniProtKB Star A0A367AFS9_9ACTN Blastococcus tunisiensis (UP000198589) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2CV02_9ACTN Geodermatophilus Geodermatophilus dictyosporus (UP000198857) UniProtKB Star A0A1I5KTM5_9ACTN Geodermatophilus nigrescens (UP000184471) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5P2W2_9ACTN Geodermatophilus obscurus (strain ATCC 25078 / DSM 43160 / JCM 3152 / ... (UP000001382) UniProtKB Star D2SEI8_GEOOG Geodermatophilus ruber (UP000199152) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4I4J6_9ACTN Geodermatophilus sabuli (UP000219514) UniProtKB Star A0A285EIT8_9ACTN Geodermatophilus sp. DF01-2 (UP000297607) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9N2D0_9ACTN Geodermatophilus sp. LHW52908 (UP000262362) UniProtKB Star A0A372IX11_9ACTN Geodermatophilus sp. Leaf369 (UP000051830) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5VNB6_9ACTN Geodermatophilus sp. TF02-6 (UP000253027) UniProtKB Star A0A367A1R4_9ACTN Goekera Goekera deserti (UP000470470) UniProtKB Star A0A7K3WH49_9ACTN Klenkia Klenkia marina (UP000198981) UniProtKB Star A0A1G4YHR2_9ACTN Modestobacter Modestobacter caceresii (UP000029713) UniProtKB Star A0A098Y4E0_9ACTN Modestobacter italicus (strain DSM 44449 / CECT 9708 / BC 501) (UP000006461) UniProtKB Star I4F2I9_9ACTN Modestobacter muralis (UP000468828) UniProtKB Star A0A6P0EWT7_9ACTN Modestobacter roseus (UP000321490) UniProtKB Star A0A562ISG6_9ACTN Modestobacter sp. DSM 44400 (UP000199500) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3DLJ8_9ACTN Modestobacter sp. VKM Ac-2676 (UP000093049) Modestobacter versicolor (UP000247602) UniProtKB Star A0A323VKH2_9ACTN Petropleomorpha Petropleomorpha daqingensis (UP000541969) UniProtKB Star A0A853C8V7_9ACTN Glycomycetales Glycomycetaceae Glycomyces Glycomyces algeriensis (UP001144313) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6G8N4_9ACTN Glycomyces buryatensis (UP000308760) UniProtKB Star A0A4S8QFT7_9ACTN Glycomyces paridis (UP000305792) UniProtKB Star A0A4V4HPU7_9ACTN Natronoglycomyces Natronoglycomyces albus (UP000662939) UniProtKB Star A0A895XPT4_9ACTN Stackebrandtia Stackebrandtia albiflava (UP000321617) UniProtKB Star A0A562V9Z1_9ACTN Stackebrandtia endophytica (UP000317043) UniProtKB Star A0A543ASU1_9ACTN Stackebrandtia nassauensis (strain DSM 44728 / CIP 108903 / NRRL B-163... (UP000000844) UniProtKB Star D3PZJ2_STANL Jatrophihabitantales Jatrophihabitantaceae Jatrophihabitans Jatrophihabitans endophyticus (UP000186132) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5D8N0_9ACTN Jiangellales Jiangellaceae Haloactinopolyspora Haloactinopolyspora alba (UP000243528) UniProtKB Star A0A2P8E961_9ACTN Jiangella Jiangella asiatica (UP000294739) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5DG55_9ACTN Jiangella aurantiaca (UP000295217) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5A399_9ACTN Phytoactinopolyspora Phytoactinopolyspora alkaliphila (UP000469185) UniProtKB Star A0A6N9YSJ5_9ACTN Phytoactinopolyspora halophila (UP000250462) UniProtKB Star A0A329QPH9_9ACTN Phytoactinopolyspora halotolerans (UP000475214) UniProtKB Star A0A6L9SGW3_9ACTN Phytoactinopolyspora mesophila (UP000460435) UniProtKB Star A0A7K3MC21_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A7K3MCY4_9ACTN Kineosporiales Kineosporiaceae Angustibacter sp. Root456 (UP000051170) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7JTW7_9ACTN Kineococcus Kineococcus aurantiacus (UP000521922) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9DHA4_9ACTN Kineococcus radiotolerans (strain ATCC BAA-149 / DSM 14245 / SRS30216) (UP000001116) UniProtKB Star SYE_KINRD Kineococcus xinjiangensis (UP000239485) UniProtKB Star A0A2S6IW32_9ACTN Kineosporia Kineosporia babensis (UP001138997) UniProtKB Star A0A9X1N997_9ACTN Pseudokineococcus Pseudokineococcus lusitanus (UP000276232) UniProtKB Star A0A3N1HMR4_9ACTN Pseudokineococcus marinus (UP000555552) UniProtKB Star A0A849BJH0_9ACTN Quadrisphaera Quadrisphaera granulorum (UP000245469) UniProtKB Star A0A316AG65_9ACTN Quadrisphaera sp. DSM 44207 (UP000199015) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1DF18_9ACTN Kitasatosporales Carbonactinosporaceae Carbonactinospora Carbonactinospora thermoautotrophica (UP000070188) UniProtKB Star A0A132MPB3_9ACTN Streptomycetaceae Actinacidiphila Actinacidiphila alni (UP000199323) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2FYU8_9ACTN Actinacidiphila bryophytorum (UP001153328) UniProtKB Star A0A9W4E4I1_9ACTN Actinacidiphila glaucinigra (UP000198280) UniProtKB Star A0A239GYZ6_9ACTN Actinacidiphila guanduensis (UP000199341) UniProtKB Star A0A1H0RLT0_9ACTN Actinacidiphila oryziradicis (UP000305778) UniProtKB Star A0A4U0SUE0_9ACTN Actinacidiphila paucisporea (UP000184111) UniProtKB Star A0A1M7KZF7_9ACTN Actinacidiphila reveromycinica (UP000595703) UniProtKB Star A0A7U3UX24_9ACTN Actinacidiphila rubida (UP000181951) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8L487_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1H8DT83_9ACTN Actinacidiphila yanglinensis (UP000236754) UniProtKB Star A0A1H6EFE9_9ACTN Allostreptomyces Allostreptomyces psammosilenae (UP000567795) UniProtKB Star A0A853A0W7_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A852ZS95_9ACTN Embleya Embleya scabrispora (UP000190037) UniProtKB Star A0A1T3P0L1_9ACTN Kitasatospora Kitasatospora acidiphila (UP000319103) UniProtKB Star A0A540W4R4_9ACTN Kitasatospora atroaurantiaca (UP000318416) UniProtKB Star A0A561EVP7_9ACTN Kitasatospora aureofaciens (UP000037395) UniProtKB Star A0A1E7MZ88_KITAU Kitasatospora cheerisanensis KCTC 2395 (UP000027178) UniProtKB Star A0A066YY72_9ACTN Kitasatospora griseola (UP000032066) UniProtKB Star A0A0D0PTN7_KITGR Kitasatospora indigofera (UP000617734) UniProtKB Star A0A919KXH7_9ACTN Kitasatospora kifunensis (UP000540506) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7R0W7_KITKI Kitasatospora setae (strain ATCC 33774 / DSM 43861 / JCM 3304 / KCC A-... (UP000007076) UniProtKB Star E4NHD7_KITSK Kitasatospora sp. MMS16-BH015 (UP000239175) UniProtKB Star A0A2H5B616_9ACTN Kitasatospora sp. Root187 (UP000051829) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8PN02_9ACTN Kitasatospora viridis (UP000317940) UniProtKB Star A0A561UEL7_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A561T6F1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A561T6C6_9ACTN Mangrovactinospora Mangrovactinospora gilvigrisea (UP000243342) UniProtKB Star A0A1J7CD87_9ACTN Peterkaempfera Peterkaempfera bronchialis (UP000249340) UniProtKB Star A0A345T6G5_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A345T620_9ACTN Streptacidiphilus Streptacidiphilus fuscans (UP000657385) UniProtKB Star A0A931B3Z2_9ACTN Streptacidiphilus jiangxiensis (UP000183015) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7PRJ2_STRJI Streptacidiphilus pinicola (UP000248889) UniProtKB Star A0A2X0KAJ0_9ACTN Streptantibioticus Streptantibioticus cattleyicolor (strain ATCC 35852 / DSM 46488 / JCM ... (UP000007842) UniProtKB Star G8WUX4_STREN UniProtKB Star G8WQR5_STREN Streptomyces Streptomyces abyssalis (UP000176087) UniProtKB Star A0A1E7JIV3_9ACTN Streptomyces acidicola (UP000373149) UniProtKB Star A0A5N8WPZ1_9ACTN Streptomyces acidiscabies (UP000037151) UniProtKB Star A0A0L0KP68_9ACTN Streptomyces actinomycinicus (UP000661858) UniProtKB Star A0A937JMU4_9ACTN Streptomyces actuosus (UP000247634) UniProtKB Star A0A2U9P7D5_STRAS Streptomyces adustus (UP000325849) UniProtKB Star A0A5N8VD50_9ACTN Streptomyces afghaniensis 772 (UP000015001) UniProtKB Star S4MQR3_9ACTN Streptomyces agglomeratus (UP000095759) UniProtKB Star A0A1E5P5L6_9ACTN Streptomyces aidingensis (UP000199207) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1NV31_9ACTN Streptomyces alanosinicus (UP000655443) UniProtKB Star A0A919D4J1_9ACTN Streptomyces albidoflavus group Streptomyces coelicolor (strain ATCC BAA-471 / A3(2) / M145) (UP000001973) UniProtKB Star SYE_STRCO Streptomyces albiflavescens (UP000600365) UniProtKB Star A0A918D782_9ACTN Streptomyces alboflavus (UP000195880) UniProtKB Star A0A1Z1WK79_9ACTN Streptomyces albus (strain ATCC 21838 / DSM 41398 / FERM P-419 / JCM 4... (UP000031523) UniProtKB Star A0A0B5ETK4_STRA4 Streptomyces alkaliphilus (UP000538929) UniProtKB Star A0A7W3TBN6_9ACTN Streptomyces alkaliterrae (UP000320857) UniProtKB Star A0A5P0YMZ1_9ACTN Streptomyces antioxidans (UP000033615) UniProtKB Star A0A1V4CXH6_9ACTN Streptomyces apricus (UP000324965) UniProtKB Star A0A5A9ZYT8_9ACTN Streptomyces argyrophyllae (UP000502641) UniProtKB Star A0A6M4PFY3_9ACTN Streptomyces armeniacus (UP000254425) UniProtKB Star A0A345XNG1_9ACTN Streptomyces aurantiacus group Streptomyces alboniger (UP000326553) UniProtKB Star A0A5J6HTX0_STRAD Streptomyces aurantiacus (UP000516444) UniProtKB Star A0A7G1NX06_9ACTN Streptomyces aurantiacus JA 4570 (UP000014629) UniProtKB Star S4APW6_9ACTN Streptomyces dioscori (UP000240429) UniProtKB Star A0A2P8PUR9_9ACTN Streptomyces flaveus (UP000637788) UniProtKB Star A0A917QGZ2_9ACTN Streptomyces griseoaurantiacus M045 (UP000003022) UniProtKB Star F3NFB8_9ACTN Streptomyces resistomycificus (UP000037251) UniProtKB Star A0A0L8L945_9ACTN Streptomyces aurantiogriseus (UP000658320) UniProtKB Star A0A918CD45_9ACTN Streptomyces auratus AGR0001 (UP000009036) UniProtKB Star J2K636_9ACTN Streptomyces avermitilis (strain ATCC 31267 / DSM 46492 / JCM 5070 / N... (UP000000428) UniProtKB Star SYE_STRAW Streptomyces beijiangensis (UP000664167) UniProtKB Star A0A939FGC0_9ACTN Streptomyces benahoarensis (UP000320888) UniProtKB Star A0A553ZQ16_9ACTN Streptomyces bingchenggensis (strain BCW-1) (UP000000377) UniProtKB Star D7CCB7_STRBB Streptomyces boluensis (UP000598297) UniProtKB Star A0A964ULI9_9ACTN Streptomyces boncukensis (UP000477722) UniProtKB Star A0A6G4WRA7_9ACTN Streptomyces brasiliensis (UP000657574) UniProtKB Star A0A917P1V8_9ACTN Streptomyces broussonetiae (UP000436138) UniProtKB Star A0A6I6N945_9ACTN Streptomyces buecherae (UP000509303) UniProtKB Star A0A7H8NDQ3_9ACTN Streptomyces bungoensis (UP000053024) UniProtKB Star A0A117RBQ0_9ACTN Streptomyces caatingaensis (UP000037288) UniProtKB Star A0A0K9XDB4_9ACTN Streptomyces cacaoi (UP000319210) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y3REZ9_STRCI Streptomyces caelestis (UP000037773) UniProtKB Star A0A0M8QL11_9ACTN Streptomyces caeruleatus (UP000053429) UniProtKB Star A0A101TPU5_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A101TMZ8_9ACTN Streptomyces calvus (UP000316215) UniProtKB Star A0A514JNF9_9ACTN Streptomyces candidus (UP000540423) UniProtKB Star A0A7X0HLF6_9ACTN Streptomyces capitiformicae (UP000603227) UniProtKB Star A0A919L7H2_9ACTN Streptomyces carminius (UP000230407) UniProtKB Star A0A2M8M537_9ACTN Streptomyces cellostaticus (UP000054241) UniProtKB Star A0A101NGN9_9ACTN Streptomyces chattanoogensis (UP000037982) UniProtKB Star A0A0N0Y249_9ACTN Streptomyces chromofuscus (UP000594008) UniProtKB Star A0A7M2T4T3_STRCW Streptomyces chumphonensis (UP000632289) UniProtKB Star A0A927IFQ2_9ACTN Streptomyces cinnamoneus group Streptomyces cinnamoneus (UP000222531) UniProtKB Star A0A2G1XCT5_STRCJ Streptomyces clavuligerus (UP000002357) UniProtKB Star E2Q8V5_STRCL Streptomyces collinus (strain DSM 40733 / Tue 365) (UP000015423) UniProtKB Star S5VA72_STRC3 Streptomyces colonosanans (UP000179935) UniProtKB Star A0A1S2P9F3_9ACTN Streptomyces coryli (UP000481583) UniProtKB Star A0A6G4TVR3_9ACTN Streptomyces corynorhini (UP000253741) UniProtKB Star A0A370BE19_9ACTN Streptomyces curacoi (UP000054024) UniProtKB Star A0A124GUM9_9ACTN Streptomyces cyaneogriseus subsp. noncyanogenus (UP000032234) UniProtKB Star A0A0C5FVB7_9ACTN Streptomyces daliensis (UP000675554) UniProtKB Star A0A8T4ITL2_9ACTN Streptomyces dangxiongensis (UP000268329) UniProtKB Star A0A3G2JA93_9ACTN Streptomyces davaonensis (strain DSM 101723 / JCM 4913 / KCC S-0913 / ... (UP000008043) UniProtKB Star K4R1L3_STRDJ Streptomyces diacarni (UP000252914) UniProtKB Star A0A367EQ67_9ACTN Streptomyces diastatochromogenes (UP000215483) UniProtKB Star A0A233S592_STRDA UniProtKB Star A0A233SJ83_STRDA Streptomyces dysideae (UP000053260) UniProtKB Star A0A101UW37_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A101V419_9ACTN Streptomyces echinatus (UP000585836) UniProtKB Star A0A7W9UTL6_9ACTN Streptomyces echinoruber (UP000623010) UniProtKB Star A0A918RLU1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A918QX04_9ACTN Streptomyces eurocidicus (UP000235945) UniProtKB Star A0A2N8NNY0_STREU Streptomyces fagopyri (UP000326179) UniProtKB Star A0A5Q0LAL6_9ACTN Streptomyces ferrugineus (UP000594205) UniProtKB Star A0A7M2SG40_9ACTN Streptomyces filamentosus (UP000632849) UniProtKB Star A0A919EIT4_STRFL UniProtKB Star A0A919BNT8_STRFL Streptomyces filipinensis (UP000618795) UniProtKB Star A0A918ME48_9ACTN Streptomyces finlayi (UP000515307) UniProtKB Star A0A7G7BHB8_9ACTN Streptomyces formicae (UP000221011) UniProtKB Star A0A291QH24_9ACTN Streptomyces fructofermentans (UP000645555) UniProtKB Star A0A918KRA3_9ACTN Streptomyces fulvorobeus (UP000498980) UniProtKB Star A0A7J0CD21_9ACTN Streptomyces fumanus (UP000630718) UniProtKB Star A0A919ARY4_9ACTN Streptomyces fungicidicus (UP000282170) UniProtKB Star A0A494UZ83_9ACTN Streptomyces fuscichromogenes (UP000653411) UniProtKB Star A0A917XEH4_9ACTN Streptomyces galilaeus (UP000325988) UniProtKB Star A0A5J6EX00_STRGJ Streptomyces gardneri (UP000315226) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y3RY98_9ACTN Streptomyces genisteinicus (UP000516230) UniProtKB Star A0A7H0HY83_9ACTN Streptomyces gilvosporeus (UP000192726) UniProtKB Star A0A1V0TY31_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1V0U1W9_9ACTN Streptomyces glaucescens (UP000029482) UniProtKB Star A0A089X9U0_STRGA Streptomyces globosus (UP000252004) UniProtKB Star A0A344TWX9_9ACTN Streptomyces griseicoloratus (UP000621210) UniProtKB Star A0A926L1V1_9ACTN Streptomyces griseomycini (UP000579523) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7PVV5_9ACTN Streptomyces griseorubiginosus (UP000054375) UniProtKB Star A0A117R4G7_9ACTN Streptomyces hainanensis (UP000295345) UniProtKB Star A0A4R4TNU1_9ACTN Streptomyces harbinensis (UP000198873) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6VUJ9_9ACTN Streptomyces hoynatensis (UP000272474) UniProtKB Star A0A3A9YU92_9ACTN Streptomyces humidus (UP000606194) UniProtKB Star A0A918L4W1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A918LD05_9ACTN Streptomyces hundungensis (UP000271554) UniProtKB Star A0A387HHK3_9ACTN Streptomyces indicus (UP000199155) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8W1C6_9ACTN Streptomyces inhibens (UP000262477) UniProtKB Star A0A371Q8N0_STRIH Streptomyces inusitatus (UP000630936) UniProtKB Star A0A918QIK5_9ACTN Streptomyces ipomoeae 91-03 (UP000010411) UniProtKB Star L1L7L1_9ACTN Streptomyces jeddahensis (UP000077381) UniProtKB Star A0A177HJJ5_9ACTN Streptomyces jumonjinensis (UP000419138) UniProtKB Star A0A646KJI2_STRJU Streptomyces kanasensis (UP000054011) UniProtKB Star A0A100Y674_9ACTN Streptomyces kaniharaensis (UP000450000) UniProtKB Star A0A6N7KR97_9ACTN Streptomyces kasugaensis (UP000292452) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9I0N1_STRKA Streptomyces klenkii (UP000270343) UniProtKB Star A0A3B0BWA6_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A3B0BC38_9ACTN Streptomyces lacrimifluminis (UP000625682) UniProtKB Star A0A917L7D4_9ACTN Streptomyces laurentii (UP000217676) UniProtKB Star A0A160P572_STRLU Streptomyces lavendofoliae (UP000636661) UniProtKB Star A0A918HYA8_9ACTN Streptomyces lavendulae subsp. lavendulae (UP000231791) UniProtKB Star A0A2K8PBY7_STRLA Streptomyces liangshanensis (UP000501179) UniProtKB Star A0A6G9GW94_9ACTN Streptomyces lincolnensis (UP000092598) UniProtKB Star A0A1B1MI89_STRLN Streptomyces lonarensis (UP000578686) UniProtKB Star A0A7X6D3K2_9ACTN Streptomyces longispororuber (UP000608024) UniProtKB Star A0A918ZUX2_9ACTN Streptomyces longwoodensis (UP000053271) UniProtKB Star A0A124HQD4_9ACTN Streptomyces lucensis JCM 4490 (UP000620224) UniProtKB Star A0A918JDJ9_9ACTN Streptomyces lunaelactis (UP000244201) UniProtKB Star A0A2R4T8V6_9ACTN Streptomyces luteolifulvus (UP000442707) UniProtKB Star A0A6H9UVX7_9ACTN Streptomyces luteoverticillatus (UP000267900) UniProtKB Star A0A3S9PN01_STRLT Streptomyces lydicus (UP000094094) UniProtKB Star A0A1D7VS85_9ACTN Streptomyces malaysiense (UP000034838) UniProtKB Star A0A1J4Q768_9ACTN Streptomyces mangrovisoli (UP000034196) UniProtKB Star A0A1J4NWU7_9ACTN Streptomyces marincola (UP000194218) UniProtKB Star A0A1W7CV86_9ACTN Streptomyces mashuensis (UP000638313) UniProtKB Star A0A919EDN8_9ACTN Streptomyces mexicanus (UP000517694) UniProtKB Star A0A7X1I4K1_9ACTN Streptomyces minutiscleroticus (UP000619244) UniProtKB Star A0A918KUE4_9ACTN Streptomyces mobaraensis (UP000327000) UniProtKB Star A0A5N5W278_STRMB Streptomyces monashensis (UP000179642) UniProtKB Star A0A1S2QLF3_9ACTN Streptomyces montanisoli (UP000670475) UniProtKB Star A0A940MJV4_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A940RYV4_9ACTN Streptomyces morookaense (UP000587462) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y7BAN1_STRMO Streptomyces naganishii JCM 4654 (UP000608955) UniProtKB Star A0A919CYF5_9ACTN Streptomyces nanshensis (UP000176005) UniProtKB Star A0A1E7LAY6_9ACTN Streptomyces netropsis (UP000556436) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7PHV2_STRNE Streptomyces nitrosporeus (UP000326178) UniProtKB Star A0A5J6F8K2_9ACTN Streptomyces niveoruber (UP000653493) UniProtKB Star A0A918GTQ9_9ACTN Streptomyces nodosus (UP000031526) UniProtKB Star A0A0B5DN41_9ACTN Streptomyces noursei (UP000236047) UniProtKB Star A0A2N8PCP0_STRNR Streptomyces oceani (UP000176101) UniProtKB Star A0A1E7JRQ4_9ACTN Streptomyces olivochromogenes (UP000217446) UniProtKB Star A0A250VC44_STROL Streptomyces olivoverticillatus (UP000556084) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7LIY2_9ACTN Streptomyces pactum (UP000189443) UniProtKB Star A0A1S6J6G9_9ACTN Streptomyces palmae (UP000297948) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0HGQ8_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0HCI4_9ACTN Streptomyces paludis (UP000253868) UniProtKB Star A0A345HUY3_9ACTN Streptomyces phaeofaciens (UP000646776) UniProtKB Star A0A918HKI3_9ACTN Streptomyces phaeolivaceus (UP000327294) UniProtKB Star A0A5P8KB39_9ACTN Streptomyces phyllanthi (UP000326979) UniProtKB Star A0A5N8VYS8_9ACTN Streptomyces pilosus (UP000656732) UniProtKB Star A0A918BUI4_9ACTN Streptomyces piniterrae (UP000308697) UniProtKB Star A0A4U0MZ32_9ACTN Streptomyces pluripotens (UP000031501) UniProtKB Star A0A221P3E2_9ACTN Streptomyces poonensis (UP000622166) UniProtKB Star A0A918P7Z8_9ACTN Streptomyces populi (UP000236178) UniProtKB Star A0A2I0SUM4_9ACTN Streptomyces pristinaespiralis (strain ATCC 25486 / DSM 40338 / CBS 91... (UP000002805) UniProtKB Star B5HGI3_STRE2 Streptomyces purpureus (UP000619486) UniProtKB Star A0A918HBG7_9ACTN Streptomyces qinglanensis (UP000175829) UniProtKB Star A0A1E7K8B5_9ACTN Streptomyces qinzhouensis (UP000320580) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8JNI8_9ACTN Streptomyces radiopugnans (UP000199055) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9IFK4_9ACTN Streptomyces regalis (UP000053923) UniProtKB Star A0A117MMV5_9ACTN Streptomyces roseochromogenus subsp. oscitans DS 12.976 (UP000017984) UniProtKB Star V6KNL1_STRRC Streptomyces roseolilacinus (UP000654123) UniProtKB Star A0A918B594_9ACTN Streptomyces roseus (UP000035932) UniProtKB Star A0A0J6XVC0_9ACTN Streptomyces rubellomurinus (strain ATCC 31215) (UP000033699) UniProtKB Star A0A0F2T755_STRR3 UniProtKB Star A0A0F2T8S9_STRR3 Streptomyces ruber (UP000620156) UniProtKB Star A0A918EW88_9ACTN Streptomyces rubrolavendulae (UP000095349) UniProtKB Star A0A1D8G749_9ACTN Streptomyces scabichelini (UP000472335) UniProtKB Star A0A6G4V3F2_9ACTN Streptomyces scabiei (strain 87.22) (UP000001444) UniProtKB Star C9Z561_STRSW UniProtKB Star C9YW08_STRSW Streptomyces scopuliridis RB72 (UP000245992) UniProtKB Star A0A2T7T739_9ACTN Streptomyces seoulensis (UP000292547) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6U0L1_STRSO Streptomyces shenzhenensis (UP000270471) UniProtKB Star A0A3M0IQJ3_9ACTN Streptomyces showdoensis (UP000265325) UniProtKB Star A0A2P2GW93_STREW Streptomyces silvensis (UP000054804) UniProtKB Star A0A0W7X6L6_9ACTN Streptomyces smaragdinus (UP000466345) UniProtKB Star A0A7K0CFE8_9ACTN Streptomyces solincola (UP000239322) UniProtKB Star A0A2S9Q2G5_9ACTN Streptomyces somaliensis (strain ATCC 33201 / DSM 40738 / JCM 12659 / ... (UP000570003) UniProtKB Star A0AA44DBL2_STRE0 Streptomyces sp. (strain CB03234) (UP000186270) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q5LXQ9_STRX0 Streptomyces sp. (strain SirexAA-E / ActE) (UP000001397) UniProtKB Star G2NJ20_STREK Streptomyces sp. 1-11 (UP000317474) UniProtKB Star A0A510TKA4_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. 1331.2 (UP000219030) UniProtKB Star A0A285QJE3_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. 136MFCol5.1 (UP000199326) UniProtKB Star A0A1G5LRX5_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. 150FB (UP000031584) UniProtKB Star A0A0C2B6P0_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A0C2BG37_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. 3213.3 (UP000198754) UniProtKB Star A0A1H5JS69_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. 3214.6 (UP000190947) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5WY29_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. 846.5 (UP000295370) UniProtKB Star A0A4R7MMN3_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. 8K308 (UP000294502) UniProtKB Star A0A4R4PFM1_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. A0642 (UP000310616) UniProtKB Star A0A4S2TSQ7_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. A1136 (UP000307332) UniProtKB Star A0A4S2T9D5_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. A73 (UP000680340) UniProtKB Star A0A8T4HPK6_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. AC1-42W (UP000249154) UniProtKB Star A0A384IRC8_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. ADI93-02 (UP000281963) UniProtKB Star A0A3N6GAU5_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. ADI95-17 (UP000274768) UniProtKB Star A0A3N6HAG7_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. ADI96-02 (UP000273170) UniProtKB Star A0A3N6FNY0_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A3N6E4W2_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. ADI97-07 (UP000281409) UniProtKB Star A0A3N6INB3_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. AJS327 (UP000555167) UniProtKB Star A0A7V8NG40_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. AS58 (UP000037758) UniProtKB Star A0A0M8UW61_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. AVP053U2 (UP000054731) UniProtKB Star A0A1D2ID96_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. Act143 (UP000245455) UniProtKB Star A0A2U2ZSG4_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. Ag109_G2-6 (UP000277533) UniProtKB Star A0A3N5BN34_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. Ag109_O5-1 (UP000271204) UniProtKB Star A0A3N4SUT3_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. Ag109_O5-10 (UP000198812) UniProtKB Star A0A1H5JH00_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. Amel2xC10 (UP000192930) UniProtKB Star A0A1X7H709_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. B93 (UP000677896) UniProtKB Star A0A940Z8H0_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. BA2 (UP000431136) UniProtKB Star A0A6I4NCF4_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. BK239 (UP000292555) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7WS07_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. BR123 (UP000528419) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y8WVA0_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. CB00455 (UP000185643) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q5N227_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. CB01249 (UP000186839) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q5E3H5_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. CB01373 (UP000232070) UniProtKB Star A0A2M9ICU5_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. CB01580 (UP000186318) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q5GYH5_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. CB01635 (UP000232157) UniProtKB Star A0A2M9JSC3_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. CB01881 (UP000323285) UniProtKB Star A0A2L0N2C3_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. CB01883 (UP000186398) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q5L004_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. CB02056 (UP000186379) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q4WKZ4_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. CB02400 (UP000185993) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q5LEU4_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. CB02488 (UP000186200) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q5M8M5_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. CB02923 (UP000185893) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q4W9E9_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. CB02959 (UP000231976) UniProtKB Star A0A2M9MFA5_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. CC53 (UP000179639) UniProtKB Star A0A1S2K3S3_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. CNQ-509 (UP000034283) UniProtKB Star A0A0F7NC78_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. CS113 (UP000196190) UniProtKB Star A0A209BZW4_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A209BT46_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. CdTB01 (UP000068029) UniProtKB Star A0A0U3QLB1_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. DH-12 (UP000236211) UniProtKB Star A0A2K2RG79_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. DI166 (UP000198690) UniProtKB Star A0A1A9C8C5_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. DJ (UP000235150) UniProtKB Star A0A2N5XI98_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. DSM 15324 (UP000053431) UniProtKB Star A0A124IB34_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. DSM 40868 (UP000501663) UniProtKB Star A0A6H0CTB3_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A6H0CQ22_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. DvalAA-14 (UP000199020) UniProtKB Star A0A1C4SYC1_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. ERV7 (UP000078470) UniProtKB Star A0A197SKD1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A197SM85_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. F-1 (UP000095403) UniProtKB Star A0A1K2FQ22_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. F-3 (UP000078145) UniProtKB Star A0A170YJ11_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. F001 (UP000293662) UniProtKB Star A0A4V2BRH9_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. FH025 (UP000664166) UniProtKB Star A0A939L1Z1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A939RFJ2_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. GMY02 (UP000570581) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y0J5E5_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. GS7 (UP000464558) UniProtKB Star A0A6I6SC96_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. Go-475 (UP000253251) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5K8H4_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. H-KF8 (UP000093719) UniProtKB Star A0A1A5P609_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. HG99 (UP000231274) UniProtKB Star A0A2G5IQZ9_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. HGB0020 (UP000014410) UniProtKB Star S2Z3P8_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. HPH0547 (UP000014390) UniProtKB Star S3B5U6_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. IB201691-2A2 (UP000317862) UniProtKB Star A0A550HRE0_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. ICBB 8177 (UP000245673) UniProtKB Star A0A2U3C5E2_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. ICC1 (UP000250268) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z4V1X0_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. ISL-1 (UP000686739) UniProtKB Star A0A944EMF1_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. ISL-10 (UP000685402) UniProtKB Star A0A944HJJ9_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. ISL-11 (UP000693098) UniProtKB Star A0A944E996_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A944E7R5_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. ISL-12 (UP000686402) UniProtKB Star A0A944IJZ4_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. ISL-63 (UP000687896) UniProtKB Star A0A944J233_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. ISL-66 (UP000692692) UniProtKB Star A0A944PHL3_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. ISL-86 (UP000690178) UniProtKB Star A0A944IQ54_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. ISL-94 (UP000689511) UniProtKB Star A0A944JTX2_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. ISL-96 (UP000686288) UniProtKB Star A0A944K4Q4_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. ISL-98 (UP000686833) UniProtKB Star A0A944L2A1_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. M41(2017) (UP000192467) UniProtKB Star A0A1V9KGC3_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. MA5143a (UP000240682) UniProtKB Star A0A2P9F6Y5_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. MMG1121 (UP000037687) UniProtKB Star A0A0M8VN04_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. MMG1533 (UP000037741) UniProtKB Star A0A0M8TTP7_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. MP131-18 (UP000189065) UniProtKB Star A0A1V2RET1_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. MZ04 (UP000297691) UniProtKB Star A0A4R9EWL2_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. Mg1 (UP000035653) UniProtKB Star B4V592_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. MnatMP-M17 (UP000198886) UniProtKB Star A0A1C5EF78_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. NA02950 (UP000509142) UniProtKB Star A0A7H8IIY0_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. NA04227 (UP000509509) UniProtKB Star A0A7H8JXI1_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. NBRC 110611 (UP000094479) UniProtKB Star A0A1B6ADJ3_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. NL15-2K (UP000287539) UniProtKB Star A0A401MAW9_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. NP160 (UP000312855) UniProtKB Star A0A5C4Y0N4_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. NRRL B-3648 (UP000037702) UniProtKB Star A0A0M8XKC7_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. NRRL F-4428 (UP000033569) UniProtKB Star A0A0F0GGX9_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. NRRL F-4489 (UP000053256) UniProtKB Star A0A0X3V529_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. NRRL F-5122 (UP000054048) UniProtKB Star A0A0X3RX05_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. NRRL S-1521 (UP000053420) UniProtKB Star A0A0X3W629_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. NRRL WC-3605 (UP000052945) UniProtKB Star A0A0X3XJS1_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. NRRL WC-3618 (UP000037738) UniProtKB Star A0A0M8WR19_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. NTH33 (UP000248559) UniProtKB Star A0A2W2M2H2_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. NWU339 (UP000245372) UniProtKB Star A0A2U2Z539_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. NWU49 (UP000245632) UniProtKB Star A0A2U3HCJ4_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. Ncost-T10-10d (UP000198750) UniProtKB Star A0A1C5C9A6_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. PAN_FS17 (UP000199275) UniProtKB Star A0A1H4YZL6_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. PBH53 (UP000036399) UniProtKB Star A0A0H4C2G3_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A0H4CAA5_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. PT12 (UP000252839) UniProtKB Star A0A365YSP8_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. PTY087I2 (UP000093256) UniProtKB Star A0A1B9EZS1_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. QHH-9511 (UP000429360) UniProtKB Star A0A7L4Y5W8_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. R302 (UP000541839) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y0FZ21_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A7Y0FZ72_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. RB17 (UP000435531) UniProtKB Star A0A6I1ZEU9_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. RKND-216 (UP000308406) UniProtKB Star A0A4S2R191_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. RP5T (UP000271004) UniProtKB Star A0A426UPK8_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. Rer75 (UP000509480) UniProtKB Star A0A7L5T176_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. Root1304 (UP000051136) UniProtKB Star A0A0T1S4V3_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A0T1SLS4_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. Root1310 (UP000050884) UniProtKB Star A0A0T1UDY5_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. Root264 (UP000051177) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q9A9Y9_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. Ru71 (UP000237414) UniProtKB Star A0A2S4Z2Z4_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. Ru72 (UP000237426) UniProtKB Star A0A2S4YY22_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. Ru73 (UP000236956) UniProtKB Star A0A2S4XT67_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. Ru87 (UP000222409) UniProtKB Star A0A2B8B5F3_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. S4.7 (UP000472328) UniProtKB Star A0A6C0QAZ0_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SAJ15 (UP000437567) UniProtKB Star A0A7M3M848_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SAT1 (UP000078022) UniProtKB Star A0A1A9J3A0_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SCA2-2 (UP000291870) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q6VCI8_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SDr-06 (UP000253031) UniProtKB Star A0A367HGA2_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SID10815 (UP000481022) UniProtKB Star A0A6B2UVL4_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SID10853 (UP000478642) UniProtKB Star A0A6B2S278_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A6B2RNJ8_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SID13726 (UP000476900) UniProtKB Star A0A6B2X9F0_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SID14478 (UP000473262) UniProtKB Star A0A6G3SAS1_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SID161 (UP000479902) UniProtKB Star A0A6G2VL70_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SID2119 (UP000462206) UniProtKB Star A0A7K2ZJ10_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SID3343 (UP000470372) UniProtKB Star A0A7K2YSA8_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SID4985 (UP000452311) UniProtKB Star A0A7K2FF57_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SID5785 (UP000444212) UniProtKB Star A0A7K3DLZ9_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SID5789 (UP000451726) UniProtKB Star A0A7K3GGW6_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SID5910 (UP000465865) UniProtKB Star A0A7K2JI13_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SID625 (UP000469395) UniProtKB Star A0A6I5CJV5_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SID7760 (UP000462747) UniProtKB Star A0A7K2QIW0_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SID7982 (UP000482171) UniProtKB Star A0A6B3GT05_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SID8111 (UP000472955) UniProtKB Star A0A6B3AXD3_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SID8352 (UP000463027) UniProtKB Star A0A7K2T9Y4_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SID8354 (UP000474881) UniProtKB Star A0A6G2RQP5_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SID8379 (UP000450869) UniProtKB Star A0A7K3A118_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SID8455 (UP000481552) UniProtKB Star A0A6B3IP73_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SLBN-118 (UP000318566) UniProtKB Star A0A542QNG1_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. So13.3 (UP000310490) UniProtKB Star A0A5R9LVU2_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A5R9LV57_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. SolWspMP-5a-2 (UP000199131) UniProtKB Star A0A1C4SFN2_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. TLI_185 (UP000276963) UniProtKB Star A0A3N5AHH1_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. TRM68367 (UP000641258) UniProtKB Star A0A926JD01_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. TRM68416 (UP000602348) UniProtKB Star A0A926QX50_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. TS71-3 (UP000677732) UniProtKB Star A0A919H8K5_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A919LMT6_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. TSRI0281 (UP000186952) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q4YI40_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1Q4ZAV8_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. Tue6028 (UP000217789) UniProtKB Star A0A2A3GYB7_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. TverLS-915 (UP000198957) UniProtKB Star A0A1C4K8W9_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1C4JK33_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. UH6 (UP000545961) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z0PW79_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. W1SF4 (UP000273501) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q8WAM1_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. WAC 01438 (UP000271045) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q8VAN4_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A3S8WVP9_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. WAC00469 (UP000269080) UniProtKB Star A0A429NJK8_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. WAC04657 (UP000075363) UniProtKB Star A0A150VTY4_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. WAC06614 (UP000277644) UniProtKB Star A0A3R9VEW8_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. WAC08241 (UP000277902) UniProtKB Star A0A429PYS1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A3R9U2W6_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A3R9TQ18_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. WM4235 (UP000037699) UniProtKB Star A0A0M9YVW3_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. WM6386 (UP000033641) UniProtKB Star A0A0F5VYK6_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. WMMB 714 (UP000182206) UniProtKB Star A0A1C6NYF7_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. WZ.A104 (UP000217525) UniProtKB Star A0A2A4KPX9_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. YIM 121038 (UP000308220) UniProtKB Star A0A5B7UZZ3_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. YIM 130001 (UP000266479) UniProtKB Star A0A399GP81_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. Z26 (UP000288048) UniProtKB Star A0A498DZW2_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. adm13(2018) (UP000466190) UniProtKB Star A0A652JX13_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A652K3H1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A652KGM8_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. cf386 (UP000198720) UniProtKB Star A0A1H0QAC1_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. ms191 (UP000431352) UniProtKB Star A0A652KFV7_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. sk2.1 (UP000483393) UniProtKB Star A0A6N2HRL7_9ACTN Streptomyces sp. yr375 (UP000198568) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9XTJ8_9ACTN Streptomyces sparsogenes DSM 40356 (UP000186168) UniProtKB Star A0A1R1SQF2_9ACTN Streptomyces spinoverrucosus (UP000317881) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y3VJB3_9ACTN Streptomyces spiralis (UP000641386) UniProtKB Star A0A918ZX62_9ACTN Streptomyces spongiae (UP000400924) UniProtKB Star A0A5N8XU87_9ACTN Streptomyces sporangiiformans (UP000317378) UniProtKB Star A0A505DEJ0_9ACTN Streptomyces subrutilus (UP000095705) UniProtKB Star A0A1E5PWG9_9ACTN Streptomyces sulfonofaciens (UP000603708) UniProtKB Star A0A919L8L0_9ACTN Streptomyces tagetis (UP000677875) UniProtKB Star A0A940XGK7_9ACTN Streptomyces taklimakanensis (UP000473014) UniProtKB Star A0A6G2BGH6_9ACTN Streptomyces tardus (UP000694501) UniProtKB Star A0A949N3S8_9ACTN Streptomyces tateyamensis (UP000248039) UniProtKB Star A0A2V4N4P0_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A2V4MZX0_9ACTN Streptomyces termitum (UP000644020) UniProtKB Star A0A918T739_9ACTN Streptomyces tirandamycinicus (UP000244900) UniProtKB Star A0A2S1SXL6_9ACTN Streptomyces toyocaensis (UP000028341) UniProtKB Star A0A081XSI9_STRTO Streptomyces triculaminicus (UP000664781) UniProtKB Star A0A939FN08_9ACTN Streptomyces tsukubensis (UP000190539) UniProtKB Star A0A1V3ZYP3_9ACTN Streptomyces tubercidicus (UP000431826) UniProtKB Star A0A640ULV0_9ACTN Streptomyces turgidiscabies Car8 (UP000010931) UniProtKB Star L7F1Z4_9ACTN Streptomyces uncialis (UP000186455) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q4V182_9ACTN Streptomyces venezuelae (UP000323046) UniProtKB Star A0A5P2BGU4_STRVZ Streptomyces venezuelae (strain ATCC 10712 / CBS 650.69 / DSM 40230 / ... (UP000006854) UniProtKB Star F2R5C3_STRVP UniProtKB Star F2R6U9_STRVP Streptomyces viridochromogenes (strain DSM 40736 / JCM 4977 / BCRC 120... (UP000004184) UniProtKB Star D9XIX6_STRVT Streptomyces xanthii (UP000516428) UniProtKB Star A0A7H1B5A5_9ACTN Streptomyces xanthophaeus (UP000600026) UniProtKB Star A0A919GYB8_9ACTN Streptomyces xinghaiensis (UP000028058) UniProtKB Star A0A3R7IBL4_9ACTN Streptomyces yokosukanensis (UP000053127) UniProtKB Star A0A101NYE7_9ACTN Streptomyces zagrosensis (UP000588098) UniProtKB Star A0A7W9QA23_9ACTN Streptomyces zhaozhouensis (UP000219072) UniProtKB Star A0A286E0Y9_9ACTN Streptomyces zinciresistens K42 (UP000004217) UniProtKB Star G2GHP7_9ACTN UniProtKB Star G2G6D6_9ACTN Streptomycetaceae bacterium MP113-05 (UP000017915) UniProtKB Star V6LDV7_9ACTN Wenjunlia Wenjunlia tyrosinilytica (UP000641932) UniProtKB Star A0A917ZU33_9ACTN Wenjunlia vitaminophila (UP000050867) UniProtKB Star A0A0T6LNH0_WENVI Yinghuangia Yinghuangia soli (UP001165378) UniProtKB Star A0AA41Q0A2_9ACTN Micrococcales Beutenbergiaceae Beutenbergia Beutenbergia cavernae (strain ATCC BAA-8 / DSM 12333 / CCUG 43141 / JC... (UP000007962) UniProtKB Star C5C3C2_BEUC1 Litorihabitans Litorihabitans aurantiacus (UP001157161) UniProtKB Star A0AA37UWT9_9MICO Miniimonas Miniimonas arenae (UP000313849) UniProtKB Star A0A5C5BEB4_9MICO Salana Salana multivorans (UP000275356) UniProtKB Star A0A3N2CZX3_9MICO Serinibacter Serinibacter arcticus (UP000297318) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1E399_9MICO Serinibacter salmoneus (UP000224915) UniProtKB Star A0A2A9D2V5_9MICO Bogoriellaceae Bogoriella Bogoriella caseilytica (UP000280668) UniProtKB Star A0A3N2B9Q1_9MICO Georgenia Georgenia muralis (UP000280726) UniProtKB Star A0A3N4ZJ98_9MICO Georgenia ruanii (UP000429644) Georgenia satyanarayanai (UP000250222) UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9AL53_9MICO Georgenia soli (UP000222106) UniProtKB Star A0A2A9ERF7_9MICO Georgenia subflava (UP000437709) UniProtKB Star A0A6N7EJB2_9MICO Georgenia yuyongxinii (UP000318693) UniProtKB Star A0A552WT68_9MICO Brevibacteriaceae Brevibacterium Brevibacterium casei S18 (UP000009879) UniProtKB Star K9ALL8_9MICO UniProtKB Star K9B757_9MICO Brevibacterium celere (UP000253509) UniProtKB Star A0A366ING6_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A366IL91_9MICO Brevibacterium jeotgali (UP000234462) UniProtKB Star A0A2H1L2V7_9MICO Brevibacterium linens (UP000031488) UniProtKB Star A0A0B9A9C3_BRELN UniProtKB Star A0A0B9ARG6_BRELN Brevibacterium luteolum (UP000235703) UniProtKB Star A0A2N6PJN6_9MICO Brevibacterium mcbrellneri ATCC 49030 (UP000005714) UniProtKB Star D4YP29_9MICO Brevibacterium ravenspurgense (UP000243589) UniProtKB Star A0A150HCB9_9MICO Brevibacterium rongguiense (UP000469215) UniProtKB Star A0A6N9H4M1_9MICO Brevibacterium sp. CS2 (UP000298752) UniProtKB Star A0A4P8HDA3_9MICO Sediminivirga Sediminivirga luteola (UP000616114) UniProtKB Star A0A8J2TVA0_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A8J2TWU5_9MICO Spelaeicoccus Spelaeicoccus albus (UP000539111) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z0D2M4_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A7Z0IJA5_9MICO Cellulomonadaceae Actinotalea Actinotalea fermentans (UP000321484) UniProtKB Star A0A511YTD1_9CELL Actinotalea ferrariae CF5-4 (UP000019753) UniProtKB Star A0A021VV09_9CELL Actinotalea soli (UP000664209) UniProtKB Star A0A939LNK5_9CELL Cellulomonas Cellulomonas aerilata (UP000321181) UniProtKB Star A0A512DH16_9CELL Cellulomonas bogoriensis 69B4 = DSM 16987 (UP000054314) UniProtKB Star A0A0A0C168_9CELL Cellulomonas carbonis T26 (UP000029839) UniProtKB Star A0A0A0BQG3_9CELL Cellulomonas cellasea DSM 20118 (UP000029833) UniProtKB Star A0A0A0B6D2_9CELL Cellulomonas chitinilytica (UP000632740) UniProtKB Star A0A919P554_9CELL Cellulomonas composti (UP000321720) UniProtKB Star A0A511JBW8_9CELL Cellulomonas denverensis (UP000581206) UniProtKB Star A0A7X6KY39_9CELL Cellulomonas fimi (UP000562124) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y0QIG9_CELFI Cellulomonas fimi (strain ATCC 484 / DSM 20113 / JCM 1341 / CCUG 24087... (UP000008460) UniProtKB Star F4H6N4_CELFA Cellulomonas flavigena (strain ATCC 482 / DSM 20109 / BCRC 11376 / JCM... (UP000000849) UniProtKB Star D5UBK9_CELFN Cellulomonas gilvus (strain ATCC 13127 / NRRL B-14078) (UP000000485) UniProtKB Star F8A1G7_CELGA Cellulomonas hominis (UP000321723) UniProtKB Star A0A511FAZ1_9CELL Cellulomonas marina (UP000199012) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0YR06_9CELL Cellulomonas pakistanensis (UP000642125) UniProtKB Star A0A919U3M0_9CELL Cellulomonas persica (UP000321386) UniProtKB Star A0A510UPH5_9CELL Cellulomonas soli (UP000321798) UniProtKB Star A0A512PDQ4_9CELL Cellulomonas sp. B6 (UP000054319) UniProtKB Star A0A0V8SHT1_9CELL Cellulomonas sp. JH27-2 (UP000612875) UniProtKB Star A0A927IQT3_9CELL Cellulomonas sp. JZ18 (UP000427475) UniProtKB Star A0A6I6A0R2_9CELL Cellulomonas sp. KH9 (UP000199404) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3YAB3_9CELL Cellulomonas sp. Leaf395 (UP000051971) UniProtKB Star A0A0T0MKZ4_9CELL Cellulomonas sp. PhB143 (UP000276333) UniProtKB Star A0A3N2JJM6_9CELL Cellulomonas sp. PhB150 (UP000273256) UniProtKB Star A0A3N2FU10_9CELL Cellulomonas sp. SLBN-39 (UP000315994) UniProtKB Star A0A542UPY7_9CELL Cellulomonas sp. WB94 (UP000245142) UniProtKB Star A0A2T9XUE8_9CELL Cellulomonas triticagri (UP000269289) UniProtKB Star A0A3M2JG73_9CELL Oerskovia Oerskovia sp. Root918 (UP000051694) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q9CB08_9CELL Paraoerskovia Paraoerskovia marina (UP000185663) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1RIQ0_9CELL Pseudactinotalea Pseudactinotalea sp. HY158 (UP000374843) UniProtKB Star A0A5Q2VWN5_9CELL Sediminihabitans Sediminihabitans luteus (UP000231693) UniProtKB Star A0A2M9CPJ3_9CELL Demequinaceae Demequina Demequina activiva (UP000652354) UniProtKB Star A0A919Q410_9MICO Demequina lutea (UP000547973) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z0CJM8_9MICO Demequina mangrovi (UP000183315) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7B9Y2_9MICO Dermabacteraceae Brachybacterium Brachybacterium alimentarium (UP000218598) UniProtKB Star A0A2A3YIM6_9MICO Brachybacterium endophyticum (UP000245590) UniProtKB Star A0A2U2RHY1_9MICO Brachybacterium faecium (strain ATCC 43885 / DSM 4810 / JCM 11609 / LM... (UP000001919) UniProtKB Star C7MDM1_BRAFD Brachybacterium muris UCD-AY4 (UP000019754) UniProtKB Star A0A022KQ20_9MICO Brachybacterium nesterenkovii (UP000195981) UniProtKB Star A0A1X6X3Q7_9MICO Brachybacterium phenoliresistens (UP000023067) UniProtKB Star Z9JVV3_9MICO Brachybacterium sp. SGAir0954 (UP000301626) UniProtKB Star A0A4P8TIZ8_9MICO Brachybacterium sp. UMB0905 (UP000235560) UniProtKB Star A0A2N6U541_9MICO Brachybacterium vulturis (UP000218165) UniProtKB Star A0A291GNL4_9MICO Dermabacter Dermabacter sp. HFH0086 (UP000014577) UniProtKB Star S3XX50_9MICO Helcobacillus Helcobacillus massiliensis (UP000568050) UniProtKB Star A0A839QNU7_9MICO Dermacoccaceae Allobranchiibius Allobranchiibius huperziae (UP000571817) UniProtKB Star A0A853DAQ6_9MICO Barrientosiimonas Barrientosiimonas humi (UP000318336) UniProtKB Star A0A542XDA7_9MICO Branchiibius Branchiibius sp. NY16-3462-2 (UP000075667) UniProtKB Star A0A151BTN9_9MICO Dermacoccus Dermacoccus nishinomiyaensis (UP000027986) UniProtKB Star A0A075JH30_9MICO Dermacoccus sp. 147Ba (UP000294039) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q4BWW0_9MICO Flexivirga Flexivirga aerilata (UP000557772) UniProtKB Star A0A849AL91_9MICO Flexivirga caeni (UP000271678) UniProtKB Star A0A3M9MDG4_9MICO Flexivirga endophytica (UP000636793) UniProtKB Star A0A916WYG3_9MICO Flexivirga oryzae (UP000559182) UniProtKB Star A0A839N434_9MICO Leekyejoonella Leekyejoonella antrihumi (UP000320244) UniProtKB Star A0A563E0H5_9MICO Luteipulveratus Luteipulveratus halotolerans (UP000037397) UniProtKB Star A0A0L6CP15_9MICO Luteipulveratus mongoliensis (UP000066480) UniProtKB Star A0A0K1JQ50_9MICO Metallococcus Metallococcus carri (UP000744769) UniProtKB Star A0A967AXY1_9MICO Rudaeicoccus Rudaeicoccus suwonensis (UP000318297) UniProtKB Star A0A561E9C3_9MICO Yimella Yimella sp. RIT 621 (UP000291176) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q3XN32_9MICO Yimella sp. cx-51 (UP000637846) UniProtKB Star A0A926KGZ3_9MICO Dermatophilaceae Austwickia Austwickia chelonae NBRC 105200 (UP000008495) UniProtKB Star K6W484_9MICO UniProtKB Star K6UKQ6_9MICO Dermatophilus Dermatophilus congolensis (UP000242637) UniProtKB Star A0A239VFZ0_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A239VG01_9MICO Kineosphaera Kineosphaera limosa NBRC 100340 (UP000008366) UniProtKB Star K6WZT0_9MICO UniProtKB Star K6WZS5_9MICO Mobilicoccus Mobilicoccus pelagius NBRC 104925 (UP000004367) UniProtKB Star H5UNH5_9MICO UniProtKB Star H5UNG8_9MICO Intrasporangiaceae Arsenicicoccus Arsenicicoccus cauae (UP000431092) UniProtKB Star A0A6I3IKG7_9MICO Humibacillus Humibacillus sp. DSM 29435 (UP000175826) UniProtKB Star A0A1E8CXH2_9MICO Humibacillus xanthopallidus (UP000316747) UniProtKB Star A0A543HW26_9MICO Intrasporangium Intrasporangium calvum (strain ATCC 23552 / DSM 43043 / JCM 3097 / NBR... (UP000008914) UniProtKB Star E6SFR7_INTC7 Intrasporangium chromatireducens Q5-1 (UP000019494) UniProtKB Star W9GDI1_9MICO Intrasporangium oryzae NRRL B-24470 (UP000019489) UniProtKB Star W9G3Y4_9MICO Janibacter Janibacter alkaliphilus (UP000592181) UniProtKB Star A0A852WX38_9MICO Janibacter cremeus (UP000554054) UniProtKB Star A0A852VR96_9MICO Janibacter indicus (UP000182938) UniProtKB Star A0A1L3MEZ2_9MICO Janibacter melonis (UP000076976) UniProtKB Star A0A176QAG0_9MICO Janibacter sp. HTCC2649 (UP000005063) UniProtKB Star A3TR85_9MICO Knoellia Knoellia aerolata DSM 18566 (UP000030013) UniProtKB Star A0A0A0K2X2_9MICO Knoellia koreensis (UP000588586) UniProtKB Star A0A849HGE5_9MICO Knoellia locipacati (UP000321793) UniProtKB Star A0A512SW30_9MICO Knoellia remsis (UP000237822) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0UTT5_9MICO Knoellia subterranea KCTC 19937 (UP000030011) UniProtKB Star A0A0A0JM28_9MICO Lapillicoccus Lapillicoccus jejuensis (UP000317893) UniProtKB Star A0A542E342_9MICO Marihabitans Marihabitans asiaticum (UP000315628) UniProtKB Star A0A560W9S7_9MICO Nostocoides Nostocoides australiense Ben110 (UP000035763) UniProtKB Star W6JT87_9MICO Nostocoides japonicum T1-X7 (UP000035721) UniProtKB Star A0A077M614_9MICO Nostocoides jenkinsii Ben 74 (UP000035720) UniProtKB Star A0A077M2P3_9MICO Nostocoides sp. F2B08 (UP000437955) UniProtKB Star A0A6I1G5I3_9MICO Nostocoides sp. HKS02 (UP000423741) Ornithinicoccus Ornithinicoccus hortensis (UP000319516) UniProtKB Star A0A542YRL0_9MICO Oryzihumus Oryzihumus leptocrescens (UP000319514) UniProtKB Star A0A542ZLQ4_9MICO Pedococcus Pedococcus badiiscoriae (UP000573599) UniProtKB Star A0A852WL32_9MICO Pedococcus cremeus (UP000199019) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9RAM6_9MICO Pedococcus dokdonensis (UP000199077) UniProtKB Star A0A1H0LMS8_9MICO Phycicoccus Phycicoccus avicenniae (UP000677016) UniProtKB Star A0A941DBR7_9MICO Phycicoccus duodecadis (UP000233781) UniProtKB Star A0A2N3YGD9_9MICO Phycicoccus elongatus Lp2 (UP000013167) UniProtKB Star N0E168_9MICO Phycicoccus endophyticus (UP000515976) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9QYC7_9MICO Phycicoccus flavus (UP000287866) UniProtKB Star A0A8T6R2Q6_9MICO Phycicoccus sp. HDW14 (UP000501702) Phycicoccus sp. Root563 (UP000051641) UniProtKB Star A0A0T2IK03_9MICO Terrabacter Terrabacter aerolatus (UP000321534) UniProtKB Star A0A512CX95_9MICO Terrabacter sp. MAHUQ-38 (UP000614522) UniProtKB Star A0A926Q6J9_9MICO Terracoccus Terracoccus luteus (UP000278440) UniProtKB Star A0A495XY64_9MICO Jonesiaceae Flavimobilis Flavimobilis marinus (UP000198520) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2G4T2_9MICO Flavimobilis soli (UP000221394) UniProtKB Star A0A2A9EGW6_9MICO Jonesia Jonesia denitrificans (strain ATCC 14870 / DSM 20603 / BCRC 15368 / CI... (UP000000628) UniProtKB Star C7QYU5_JONDD Kytococcaceae Kytococcus Kytococcus aerolatus (UP000198122) UniProtKB Star A0A212U1G7_9MICO Kytococcus sp. HMSC28H12 (UP000176675) UniProtKB Star A0A1F1KDM7_9MICO Luteimicrobium Luteimicrobium subarcticum (UP000231586) UniProtKB Star A0A2M8WQP7_9MICO Luteimicrobium xylanilyticum (UP000326702) UniProtKB Star A0A5P9QBY9_9MICO Microbacteriaceae Agreia Agreia sp. Leaf210 (UP000051653) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4FGG8_9MICO Agrococcus Agrococcus carbonis (UP000199649) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1LUK1_9MICO Agrococcus casei LMG 22410 (UP000195787) UniProtKB Star A0A1R4GC63_9MICO Agrococcus pavilionensis RW1 (UP000016462) UniProtKB Star U1LSE5_9MICO Agrococcus sp. SGAir0287 (UP000302312) UniProtKB Star A0A4P8R5P7_9MICO Agromyces Agromyces agglutinans (UP000431080) UniProtKB Star A0A6I2F9X8_9MICO Agromyces albus (UP000293865) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2KV16_9MICO Agromyces archimandritae (UP000671914) UniProtKB Star A0A975FKV0_9MICO Agromyces atrinae (UP000292686) UniProtKB Star A0A4V1R206_9MICO Agromyces aureus (UP000078437) UniProtKB Star A0A191WER7_9MICO Agromyces badenianii (UP000244729) UniProtKB Star A0A2S0WWV1_9MICO Agromyces bauzanensis (UP000636956) UniProtKB Star A0A917PAK3_9MICO Agromyces intestinalis (UP000324678) UniProtKB Star A0A5C1YLJ3_9MICO Agromyces kandeliae (UP000476511) UniProtKB Star A0A6L5R5K7_9MICO Agromyces mariniharenae (UP000325243) UniProtKB Star A0A5S4V8Y4_9MICO Agromyces mediolanus (UP000610303) UniProtKB Star A0A918FCZ0_AGRME Agromyces protaetiae (UP000291259) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6FCD8_9MICO Agromyces rhizosphaerae (UP001144396) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6CZN9_9MICO Agromyces seonyuensis (UP000438182) UniProtKB Star A0A6I4P046_9MICO Agromyces sp. NDB4Y10 (UP000185889) UniProtKB Star A0A161T0E1_9MICO Agromyces tardus (UP000275048) UniProtKB Star A0A3M8AFC1_9MICO Alpinimonas Alpinimonas psychrophila (UP000524237) UniProtKB Star A0A7W3JTM9_9MICO Amnibacterium Amnibacterium flavum (UP000244893) UniProtKB Star A0A2V1HXI4_9MICO Amnibacterium setariae (UP000265742) UniProtKB Star A0A3A1TYM1_9MICO Arenivirga Arenivirga flava (UP001157160) UniProtKB Star A0AA37UBT0_9MICO Aurantimicrobium Aurantimicrobium photophilum (UP000246894) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z3RYK7_9MICO Canibacter Canibacter oris (UP000571183) UniProtKB Star A0A840DIM1_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A840DGI5_9MICO Clavibacter Clavibacter michiganensis (UP000195101) UniProtKB Star A0A251YSD4_9MICO Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (UP000195062) UniProtKB Star A0A251XH84_CLAMM Cnuibacter Cnuibacter physcomitrellae (UP000192775) UniProtKB Star A0A1X9LV56_9MICO Compostimonas Compostimonas suwonensis (UP000230161) UniProtKB Star A0A2M9BBE1_9MICO Conyzicola Conyzicola lurida (UP000536685) UniProtKB Star A0A841AQZ9_9MICO Conyzicola nivalis (UP000606922) UniProtKB Star A0A916SIN3_9MICO Cryobacterium Cryobacterium arcticum (UP000092582) UniProtKB Star A0A1B1BL09_9MICO Cryobacterium cheniae (UP000298433) UniProtKB Star A0A4R8XRJ2_9MICO Cryobacterium frigoriphilum (UP000297447) UniProtKB Star A0A4R9A1K9_9MICO Cryobacterium fucosi (UP000298313) UniProtKB Star A0A4R9B8I9_9MICO Cryobacterium lyxosi (UP000298424) UniProtKB Star A0A4R8ZGK2_9MICO Cryobacterium psychrophilum (UP000298218) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8KLW8_9MICO Cryobacterium psychrotolerans (UP000198701) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9F7I1_9MICO Cryobacterium roopkundense (UP000029864) UniProtKB Star A0A099JGJ5_9MICO Cryobacterium sp. MDB2-A-2 (UP000297903) UniProtKB Star A0A4R8WNJ9_9MICO Cryobacterium tepidiphilum (UP000279859) UniProtKB Star A0A3M8L204_9MICO Cryobacterium zongtaii (UP000237340) UniProtKB Star A0A2S3Z9U7_9MICO Curtobacterium Curtobacterium sp. ISL-83 (UP000684586) UniProtKB Star A0A944Q0W3_9MICO Curtobacterium sp. Leaf261 (UP000050821) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4V0I6_9MICO Curtobacterium sp. MCBD17_032 (UP000248716) UniProtKB Star A0A2W1T091_9MICO Curtobacterium sp. MCBD17_040 (UP000249296) UniProtKB Star A0AAF0LCC1_9MICO Curtobacterium sp. MCSS17_008 (UP000248620) UniProtKB Star A0A2W1YV70_9MICO Curtobacterium sp. MR_MD2014 (UP000069933) UniProtKB Star A0A0N7A406_9MICO Diaminobutyricibacter Diaminobutyricibacter tongyongensis (UP000474967) UniProtKB Star A0A6L9XZW4_9MICO Diaminobutyricimonas Diaminobutyricimonas aerilata (UP000228758) UniProtKB Star A0A2M9CIY0_9MICO Frigoribacterium Frigoribacterium sp. CG_9.8 (UP000619453) UniProtKB Star A0A931DRF4_9MICO Frigoribacterium sp. Leaf164 (UP000051005) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5LDM9_9MICO Frigoribacterium sp. Leaf172 (UP000051720) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5N229_9MICO Frigoribacterium sp. PhB160 (UP000280987) UniProtKB Star A0A3N2II90_9MICO Frigoribacterium sp. RIT-PI-h (UP000037934) UniProtKB Star A0A0N1D4A3_9MICO Frondihabitans Frondihabitans australicus (UP000280008) UniProtKB Star A0A495II10_9MICO Frondihabitans sp. 762G35 (UP000264876) UniProtKB Star A0A2R2W637_9MICO Frondihabitans sp. Leaf304 (UP000051456) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5C678_9MICO Frondihabitans sp. PAMC 28766 (UP000070552) UniProtKB Star A0A126YYH0_9MICO Frondihabitans sp. PhB188 (UP000269803) UniProtKB Star A0A3N1QIW7_9MICO Galbitalea Galbitalea soli (UP000479756) UniProtKB Star A0A7C9TRF8_9MICO Glaciibacter Glaciibacter flavus (UP000307380) UniProtKB Star A0A4S4FYW5_9MICO Glaciihabitans Glaciihabitans arcticus (UP000294194) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9GU29_9MICO Glaciihabitans sp. INWT7 (UP000515346) UniProtKB Star A0A7G6Z5V0_9MICO Glaciihabitans tibetensis (UP000237983) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0VFZ0_9MICO Gryllotalpicola Gryllotalpicola protaetiae (UP000275069) UniProtKB Star A0A387BJA7_9MICO Gulosibacter Gulosibacter chungangensis (UP000433493) UniProtKB Star A0A7J5B834_9MICO Gulosibacter macacae (UP000274391) UniProtKB Star A0A3P3VW28_9MICO Gulosibacter sp. 10 (UP000195931) UniProtKB Star A0A1R4G473_9MICO Herbiconiux Herbiconiux flava (UP000549913) UniProtKB Star A0A852SUD9_9MICO Herbiconiux ginsengi (UP000198891) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3RZZ8_9MICO Herbiconiux oxytropis (UP001165587) UniProtKB Star A0AA41XD30_9MICO Herbiconiux sp. SALV-R1 (UP000501494) UniProtKB Star A0A6M5J034_9MICO Homoserinibacter Homoserinibacter sp. GY 40078 (UP000321701) UniProtKB Star A0A5C8IBV4_9MICO Homoserinimonas Homoserinimonas aerilata (UP000317998) UniProtKB Star A0A542YHF5_9MICO Humibacter Humibacter ginsenosidimutans (UP000320216) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8M2P1_9MICO Klugiella Klugiella xanthotipulae (UP000318331) UniProtKB Star A0A543I420_9MICO Labedella Labedella populi (UP000288603) UniProtKB Star A0A3S3ZR91_9MICO Lacisediminihabitans Lacisediminihabitans changchengi (UP000636458) UniProtKB Star A0A934W1Z3_9MICO Lacisediminihabitans profunda (UP000321379) UniProtKB Star A0A5C8URB6_9MICO Leifsonia Leifsonia poae (UP001142372) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6HD13_9MICO Leifsonia psychrotolerans (UP000537260) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z0EDL4_9MICO Leifsonia sp. 21MFCrub1.1 (UP000198709) UniProtKB Star A0A1H4F292_9MICO Leifsonia sp. AK011 (UP000537030) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9MFH0_9MICO Leifsonia sp. CL147 (UP000198997) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4MTU5_9MICO Leifsonia sp. Leaf336 (UP000050966) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5M525_9MICO Leifsonia sp. Root112D2 (UP000051914) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6Q2G9_9MICO Leifsonia sp. Root227 (UP000051819) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8V097_9MICO Leifsonia sp. Root60 (UP000051073) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8CQQ3_9MICO Leifsonia sp. ZF2019 (UP001162682) UniProtKB Star A0A9E7BPJ3_9MICO Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (strain CTCB07) (UP000001306) UniProtKB Star SYE_LEIXX Leucobacter Leucobacter chromiiresistens (UP000070810) UniProtKB Star A0A147EMH0_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A147EQA9_9MICO Leucobacter chromiisoli (UP000608530) UniProtKB Star A0A934UV51_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A934Q980_9MICO Leucobacter denitrificans (UP000515934) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9S670_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A7G9S5Y7_9MICO Leucobacter edaphi (UP000618733) UniProtKB Star A0A934UX66_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A934UXB6_9MICO Leucobacter exalbidus (UP000675163) UniProtKB Star A0A940PRS6_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A940PRK2_9MICO Leucobacter insecticola (UP000501387) UniProtKB Star A0A6G8FJA2_9MICO Leucobacter komagatae (UP000032120) UniProtKB Star A0A0D0H7D5_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A0D0IVM1_9MICO Leucobacter luti (UP000295601) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6RTE4_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A4R6RZG7_9MICO Leucobacter massiliensis (UP000238650) UniProtKB Star A0A2S9QQG3_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A2S9QQ61_9MICO Leucobacter ruminantium (UP000664398) UniProtKB Star A0A939RVV7_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A939RZ95_9MICO Leucobacter soli (UP000693892) UniProtKB Star A0A916NUM6_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A916NV35_9MICO Leucobacter sp. 7(1) (UP000195513) UniProtKB Star A0A1R4I1R3_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A1R4HZU1_9MICO Leucobacter sp. Ag1 (UP000033836) UniProtKB Star A0A0M2LW46_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A0M2LM95_9MICO Leucobacter sp. G161 (UP000053012) UniProtKB Star A0A0W7W4Z3_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A0W7W7X2_9MICO Leucobacter sp. OH1287 (UP000281351) UniProtKB Star A0A3P1XPJ8_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A3P1XTZ3_9MICO Leucobacter sp. UCD-THU (UP000026917) UniProtKB Star A0A061M051_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A061LWX6_9MICO Leucobacter sp. cx-328 (UP000658476) UniProtKB Star A0A926KB13_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A926KCI6_9MICO Leucobacter sp. cx-87 (UP000628933) UniProtKB Star A0A926K894_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A926Q9C0_9MICO Leucobacter sp. wl10 (UP000263010) UniProtKB Star A0A373DHI1_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A373DUG9_9MICO Leucobacter tardus (UP000668403) UniProtKB Star A0A939QDE0_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A939TKA0_9MICO Leucobacter triazinivorans (UP000289260) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6KIH0_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A4P6KK20_9MICO Leucobacter viscericola (UP000502677) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7XIM9_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A6G7XBK7_9MICO Leucobacter weissii (UP000664382) UniProtKB Star A0A939MLC4_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A939S8V9_9MICO Luna cluster Luna-1 subcluster Aquiluna Aquiluna borgnonia (UP000501003) UniProtKB Star A0A7D4UK53_9MICO Candidatus Aquiluna sp. IMCC13023 (UP000054510) UniProtKB Star I0R2N9_9MICO Candidatus Aquiluna sp. UB-MaderosW2red (UP000243284) UniProtKB Star A0A1G4VZB4_9MICO Rhodoluna Candidatus Rhodoluna planktonica (UP000243784) UniProtKB Star A0A1D9DZU7_9MICO Rhodoluna lacicola (UP000067708) UniProtKB Star A0A060JMQ5_9MICO Lysinibacter Lysinibacter cavernae (UP000541033) UniProtKB Star A0A7X5R0N2_9MICO Marisediminicola Marisediminicola antarctica (UP000464507) UniProtKB Star A0A7L5AJG3_9MICO Microbacteriaceae bacterium (UP000665863) Microbacteriaceae bacterium MWH-Ta3 (UP000244011) UniProtKB Star A0A2T5X683_9MICO Microbacterium Microbacterium aerolatum (UP000321225) UniProtKB Star A0A511AAW4_9MICO Microbacterium album (UP000657592) UniProtKB Star A0A917ML29_9MICO Microbacterium allomyrinae (UP001139354) UniProtKB Star A0A9X1S3Y3_9MICO Microbacterium aurum (UP000187185) UniProtKB Star A0A1P8U7Y2_9MICO Microbacterium azadirachtae (UP000033448) UniProtKB Star A0A0F0KJX1_9MICO Microbacterium barkeri (UP001142462) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6H0P4_9MICO Microbacterium bovistercoris (UP000262172) UniProtKB Star A0A371NTA5_9MICO Microbacterium caowuchunii (UP000326838) UniProtKB Star A0A5N0TNC8_9MICO Microbacterium chocolatum (UP000037737) UniProtKB Star A0A0N0RRF3_9MICO Microbacterium dextranolyticum (UP001142291) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6HNP2_9MICO Microbacterium esteraromaticum (UP000196320) UniProtKB Star A0A1R4JNG3_9MICO Microbacterium faecale (UP000633205) UniProtKB Star A0A917DFW8_9MICO Microbacterium foliorum (UP000033572) UniProtKB Star A0A0F0KAH3_9MICO Microbacterium ginsengisoli (UP000033451) UniProtKB Star A0A0F0LSV9_9MICO Microbacterium ginsengiterrae (UP000517712) UniProtKB Star A0A7W9FE46_9MICO Microbacterium halimionae (UP000526083) UniProtKB Star A0A7W3JQY2_9MICO Microbacterium hydrocarbonoxydans (UP000033900) UniProtKB Star A0A0M2HNR4_9MICO Microbacterium immunditiarum (UP000576969) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9GPG0_9MICO Microbacterium imperiale (UP001142317) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6M2R6_9MICO Microbacterium invictum (UP000549113) UniProtKB Star A0AA40VKW4_9MICO Microbacterium keratanolyticum (UP001142325) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6HTK8_9MICO Microbacterium kyungheense (UP000320235) UniProtKB Star A0A543F2D9_9MICO Microbacterium lacticum (UP000319804) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y3UIH1_9MICO Microbacterium laevaniformans (UP000075357) UniProtKB Star A0A150H6U4_9MICO Microbacterium lemovicicum (UP000276888) UniProtKB Star A0A3S9WAI0_9MICO Microbacterium mangrovi (UP000031030) UniProtKB Star A0A0B2A760_9MICO Microbacterium marinum (UP000573729) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7BQT5_9MICO Microbacterium maritypicum MF109 (UP000016033) UniProtKB Star T5KDN7_MICMQ Microbacterium mitrae (UP000321196) UniProtKB Star A0A5C8HPB4_9MICO Microbacterium oleivorans (UP000024001) UniProtKB Star A0A031G0B3_9MICO Microbacterium oryzae (UP000422989) UniProtKB Star A0A6I6E2R0_9MICO Microbacterium paludicola (UP000298358) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9FSG8_9MICO Microbacterium protaetiae (UP000293995) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6EFP5_9MICO Microbacterium pseudoresistens (UP000552045) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9EWE4_9MICO Microbacterium pygmaeum (UP000199009) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7ZX42_9MICO Microbacterium rhizomatis (UP000325827) UniProtKB Star A0A5J5J589_9MICO Microbacterium saccharophilum (UP000321949) UniProtKB Star A0A5C8I5U2_9MICO Microbacterium saperdae (UP000317209) UniProtKB Star A0A543BNF3_9MICO Microbacterium schleiferi (UP000594480) Microbacterium sediminis (UP000093355) UniProtKB Star A0A1B9NFI4_9MICO Microbacterium sorbitolivorans (UP000253508) UniProtKB Star A0A367Y8I5_9MICO Microbacterium sp. (UP000315916) UniProtKB Star A0A519GCS2_MICSX Microbacterium sp. ABRD28 (UP000280903) UniProtKB Star A0A3G6ZN95_9MICO Microbacterium sp. BK668 (UP000294645) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6GCS5_9MICO Microbacterium sp. C448 (UP000028883) UniProtKB Star W0Z6S3_9MICO Microbacterium sp. CGR2 (UP000278458) UniProtKB Star A0A3B0B790_9MICO Microbacterium sp. CH12i (UP000027096) UniProtKB Star A0A062VUE6_9MICO Microbacterium sp. Gd 4-13 (UP000245623) UniProtKB Star A0A2U0HC25_9MICO Microbacterium sp. JB110 (UP000252505) UniProtKB Star A0A368LE43_9MICO Microbacterium sp. KSW-48 (UP001288380) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ2TU36_9MICO Microbacterium sp. Leaf203 (UP000051381) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4DIY2_9MICO Microbacterium sp. MYb72 (UP000238041) UniProtKB Star A0A2S9ABL7_9MICO Microbacterium sp. No. 7 (UP000059097) UniProtKB Star A0A0P0DK64_9MICO Microbacterium sp. RG1 (UP000298650) UniProtKB Star A0A4V1EQ23_9MICO Microbacterium sp. RU33B (UP000187047) UniProtKB Star A0A1R3W521_9MICO Microbacterium sp. Root166 (UP000051650) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8ATV9_9MICO Microbacterium sp. Root180 (UP000050802) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8LMQ2_9MICO Microbacterium sp. Root53 (UP000051407) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7TTT4_9MICO Microbacterium sp. Root61 (UP000051216) UniProtKB Star A0A0T2KVF1_9MICO Microbacterium sp. SA39 (UP000033425) UniProtKB Star A0A0F2C543_9MICO Microbacterium sp. SLBN-146 (UP000318564) UniProtKB Star A0A542FWD5_9MICO Microbacterium sp. SYP-A9085 (UP000432812) UniProtKB Star A0A6I2FND8_9MICO Microbacterium sp. Se63.02b (UP000515718) Microbacterium sp. T32 (UP000076494) UniProtKB Star A0A161RLP7_9MICO Microbacterium sp. TNHR37B (UP000076535) UniProtKB Star A0A164C712_9MICO Microbacterium sp. ZXX196 (UP000440939) UniProtKB Star A0A6I3LCT9_9MICO Microbacterium sp. cf046 (UP000199422) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6LUC0_9MICO Microbacterium sp. dk485 (UP000297593) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9PN48_9MICO Microbacterium stercoris (UP000680132) UniProtKB Star A0A939QSL5_9MICO Microbacterium telephonicum (UP000273158) UniProtKB Star A0A498C916_9MICO Microbacterium tenebrionis (UP001139289) UniProtKB Star A0A9X1LNS5_9MICO Microbacterium terrae (UP000033956) UniProtKB Star A0A0M2GYQ5_9MICO Microbacterium thalassium (UP000537775) UniProtKB Star A0A7X0FR62_9MICO Microbacterium trichothecenolyticum (UP000034098) UniProtKB Star A0A0M2HFC1_MICTR Microbacterium ulmi (UP000543598) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y2Q0G2_9MICO Microcella Chryseoglobus sp. 28M-23 (UP000517724) UniProtKB Star A0A7L8D7B7_9MICO Microcella daejeonensis (UP001164706) UniProtKB Star A0A9E8S8X9_9MICO Microcella frigidaquae (UP000552883) UniProtKB Star A0A840X8W0_9MICO Microcella putealis (UP000293519) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7LXH2_9MICO Yonghaparkia sp. Root332 (UP000051768) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6RDD5_9MICO Microterricola Microterricola viridarii (UP000058305) UniProtKB Star A0A0Y0Q2B9_9MICO Mycetocola Mycetocola lacteus (UP000269438) UniProtKB Star A0A3L7AKV3_9MICO Mycetocola manganoxydans (UP000270299) UniProtKB Star A0A3L6ZRZ5_9MICO Mycetocola miduiensis (UP000198867) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4ZKT0_9MICO Mycetocola reblochoni REB411 (UP000196778) UniProtKB Star A0A1R4JAT9_9MICO Mycetocola zhujimingii (UP000244962) UniProtKB Star A0A2U1THH4_9MICO Naasia Naasia lichenicola (UP000309133) UniProtKB Star A0A4S4FNI2_9MICO Okibacterium Okibacterium fritillariae (UP000190857) UniProtKB Star A0A1T5J4Z8_9MICO Paramicrobacterium Paramicrobacterium agarici (UP000221369) UniProtKB Star A0A2A9DZK9_9MICO Paramicrobacterium humi (UP000199183) Planctomonas Planctomonas sp. JC2975 (UP000558183) UniProtKB Star A0A848RYF1_9MICO Plantibacter Plantibacter sp. Leaf314 (UP000051200) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5EBW6_9MICO Pontimonas Pontimonas salivibrio (UP000243077) UniProtKB Star A0A2L2BPF6_9MICO Protaetiibacter Protaetiibacter intestinalis (UP000278886) UniProtKB Star A0A387B3W1_9MICO Protaetiibacter larvae (UP000322159) UniProtKB Star A0A5C1YCS3_9MICO Protaetiibacter sp. SSC-01 (UP000516154) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9XNH5_9MICO Pseudoclavibacter Pseudoclavibacter caeni (UP000481339) UniProtKB Star A0A7C8BRX7_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A7C8FQ07_9MICO Pseudoclavibacter chungangensis (UP000467240) UniProtKB Star A0A7J5BP63_9MICO Pseudoclavibacter endophyticus (UP000431744) UniProtKB Star A0A6H9WHP3_9MICO Pseudoclavibacter sp. CFCC 13611 (UP000437453) UniProtKB Star A0A6H9X016_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A6H9WSF1_9MICO Pseudoclavibacter sp. RFBA6 (UP000237697) UniProtKB Star A0A2S5X8A1_9MICO Pseudolysinimonas Pseudolysinimonas yzui (UP000617531) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3DTY8_9MICO Rathayibacter Rathayibacter sp. Leaf294 (UP000051858) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5AH54_9MICO Rathayibacter sp. Leaf296 (UP000050868) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5AWZ5_9MICO Rathayibacter tanaceti (UP000076717) UniProtKB Star A0A162FV84_9MICO Rathayibacter toxicus (UP000052979) UniProtKB Star A0A0C5B960_9MICO Rathayibacter tritici (UP000077071) UniProtKB Star A0A160KR96_9MICO Rhodoglobus Rhodoglobus vestalii (UP000316560) UniProtKB Star A0A8H2K6N5_9MICO Salinibacterium Salinibacterium hongtaonis (UP000244978) UniProtKB Star A0A2U1SZT3_9MICO Salinibacterium sp. dk2585 (UP000321885) UniProtKB Star A0A5B9G1N8_9MICO Salinibacterium xinjiangense (UP000219440) UniProtKB Star A0A2C8YSR2_9MICO Schumannella Schumannella sp. 10F1B-5-1 (UP000315365) UniProtKB Star A0A506XU89_9MICO Subtercola Subtercola boreus (UP000256486) UniProtKB Star A0A3E0VFJ6_9MICO Subtercola lobariae (UP000598775) UniProtKB Star A0A917EWB8_9MICO Subtercola sp. PAMC28395 (UP000679172) UniProtKB Star A0A975SJZ5_9MICO Subtercola vilae (UP000306192) UniProtKB Star A0A4T2BRW7_9MICO Terrimesophilobacter Terrimesophilobacter mesophilus (UP000298488) UniProtKB Star A0A4R8V9G6_9MICO Micrococcaceae Arthrobacter Arthrobacter alpinus (UP000062833) UniProtKB Star A0A0M4QQ77_9MICC Arthrobacter cavernae (UP000664164) UniProtKB Star A0A939KHW4_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A939HHZ7_9MICC Arthrobacter crusticola (UP000295411) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5U2C0_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A4R5TUQ6_9MICC Arthrobacter crystallopoietes (UP000181917) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1G2W3_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A1H1ADV9_9MICC Arthrobacter crystallopoietes BAB-32 (UP000010729) UniProtKB Star N1V0C8_9MICC UniProtKB Star N1V3R2_9MICC Arthrobacter echini (UP000305233) UniProtKB Star A0A4S5E4F5_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A4S5E387_9MICC Arthrobacter glacialis (UP000237061) UniProtKB Star A0A2S3ZZU8_ARTGL Arthrobacter globiformis (strain ATCC 8010 / DSM 20124 / JCM 1332 / NB... (UP000003828) UniProtKB Star H0QLV6_ARTG1 UniProtKB Star H0QSP1_ARTG1 Arthrobacter livingstonensis (UP000247832) UniProtKB Star A0A2V5LBN0_9MICC Arthrobacter mobilis (UP000544090) UniProtKB Star A0A7X6K637_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A7X6K642_9MICC Arthrobacter nitrophenolicus (UP000011189) UniProtKB Star L8TX85_9MICC UniProtKB Star L8TII1_9MICC Arthrobacter oryzae (UP000273807) UniProtKB Star A0A3N0BW55_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A3N0C8H3_9MICC Arthrobacter pigmenti (UP000547458) UniProtKB Star A0A846RNR8_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A846RDM0_9MICC Arthrobacter psychrochitiniphilus (UP000246303) UniProtKB Star A0A2V3DRC3_9MICC Arthrobacter psychrolactophilus (UP000247980) UniProtKB Star A0A2V5IUE9_9MICC Arthrobacter rhombi (UP000195913) UniProtKB Star A0A1R4GB73_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A1R4GFX3_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. (strain FB24) (UP000000754) UniProtKB Star SYE_ARTS2 UniProtKB Star A0K240_ARTS2 Arthrobacter sp. Bz4 (UP000244710) UniProtKB Star A0A2T7TH51_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A2T7TLG1_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. C9C5 (UP000565445) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y6E8J1_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A7Y6AMV3_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. CAU 1506 (UP000305124) UniProtKB Star A0A4U0HA70_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A4U0HCA7_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. ERGS1:01 (UP000060433) UniProtKB Star A0A0M4LLX8_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. Edens01 (UP000054460) UniProtKB Star A0A0P7HDS4_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A0P7FIC1_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. HMWF013 (UP000244718) UniProtKB Star A0A2R7RBR8_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A2R7RGC9_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. ISL-28 (UP000692783) UniProtKB Star A0A944QFR9_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. ISL-30 (UP000683653) UniProtKB Star A0A944Q9Y6_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A944L9I7_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. ISL-48 (UP000687525) UniProtKB Star A0A944QH12_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A944LRE5_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. KBS0703 (UP000190512) UniProtKB Star A0A554VVI7_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. MN05-02 (UP000283134) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q9WQB3_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A3T0Y1U6_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. MYb227 (UP000239972) UniProtKB Star A0A2S8WPZ4_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A2S8WLV7_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. NIO-1057 (UP000054434) UniProtKB Star A0A0V8HZY1_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A0V8HSR8_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. NamB2 (UP000306826) UniProtKB Star A0A4U6N7H4_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A4U6NDH0_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. PAMC 25486 (UP000030301) UniProtKB Star A0A0A1CVC3_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. PAMC25564 (UP000296209) UniProtKB Star A0A4V1CNP6_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. RIT-PI-e (UP000053253) UniProtKB Star A0A0L0BGX0_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A0L0BGX3_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. SRS-W-1-2016 (UP000190514) UniProtKB Star A0A1S9M4A7_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A1S9M8W4_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. SW1 (UP000176251) UniProtKB Star A0A1E8FUP3_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A1E8FSG3_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. U41 (UP000095776) UniProtKB Star A0A1C9WUY7_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A1C9WNK9_9MICC Arthrobacter sp. UKPF54-2 (UP000317144) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8KFR5_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A5B8JL36_9MICC Arthrobacter subterraneus (UP000199258) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8FKW3_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A1G8HXT7_9MICC Arthrobacter sunyaminii (UP000680588) UniProtKB Star A0A975S4W4_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A975XMI1_9MICC Arthrobacter terrae (UP000655366) UniProtKB Star A0A931G9Y7_9MICC Arthrobacter terricola (UP000295511) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5KLC8_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A4R5K7M0_9MICC Arthrobacter ulcerisalmonis (UP000280861) UniProtKB Star A0A3P5X362_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A3P5WQL3_9MICC Arthrobacter wenxiniae (UP000543556) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y7LYF4_9MICC Arthrobacter woluwensis (UP000182652) UniProtKB Star A0A1H4NG92_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A1H4NYG8_9MICC Arthrobacter yangruifuii (UP000326852) UniProtKB Star A0A5N6MRP6_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A5N6MGV8_9MICC Auritidibacter Auritidibacter sp. NML120636 (UP000247286) UniProtKB Star A0A318AFP6_9MICC Citricoccus Citricoccus muralis (UP000256727) UniProtKB Star A0A3D9LAK5_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A3D9LD79_9MICC Citricoccus sp. SGAir0253 (UP000306924) UniProtKB Star A0A4P9JDA4_9MICC Enteractinococcus coprophilus (UP000319746) UniProtKB Star A0A543AIQ1_9MICC Falsarthrobacter Falsarthrobacter nasiphocae (UP001247307) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3YID3_9MICC Galactobacter Galactobacter caseinivorans (UP000273119) UniProtKB Star A0A496PN87_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A496PHM4_9MICC Galactobacter valiniphilus (UP000265419) UniProtKB Star A0A399J6T4_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A399JA36_9MICC Garicola Garicola koreensis (UP000547528) UniProtKB Star A0A7W5TPJ8_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A7W5TU67_9MICC Glutamicibacter Glutamicibacter creatinolyticus (UP000307000) UniProtKB Star A0A5B7WS33_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A5B7WPM2_9MICC Glutamicibacter sp. BW77 (UP000218926) UniProtKB Star A0A2A3Y9S1_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A2A3YD07_9MICC Glutamicibacter uratoxydans (UP000316612) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y4DKA9_GLUUR UniProtKB Star A0A4Y4DRH7_GLUUR Kocuria Kocuria coralli (UP000325957) UniProtKB Star A0A5J5L400_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A5J5L0X6_9MICC Kocuria dechangensis (UP000638848) UniProtKB Star A0A917LV29_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A917GRD3_9MICC Kocuria palustris PEL (UP000009877) UniProtKB Star M2XA65_9MICC UniProtKB Star M2XWQ0_9MICC Kocuria polaris (UP000030466) UniProtKB Star A0A0A6VQV0_9MICC Kocuria rhizophila (strain ATCC 9341 / DSM 348 / NBRC 103217 / DC2201) (UP000008838) UniProtKB Star SYE_KOCRD UniProtKB Star B2GHL1_KOCRD Kocuria soli (UP000270616) UniProtKB Star A0A3N4A3P6_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A3N4AF77_9MICC Kocuria sp. HSID16901 (UP000277032) UniProtKB Star A0A3S0VFT3_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A433H4V3_9MICC Kocuria sp. WRN011 (UP000218573) UniProtKB Star A0A2A3AFJ8_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A2A3AJZ0_9MICC Micrococcus Micrococcus cohnii (UP000540191) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7GMR7_9MICC Micrococcus luteus (strain ATCC 4698 / DSM 20030 / JCM 1464 / CCM 169 ... (UP000000738) UniProtKB Star C5CAC1_MICLC Micrococcus sp. HMSC067E09 (UP000177882) UniProtKB Star A0A1F1IDM8_9MICC Micrococcus terreus (UP000198881) UniProtKB Star A0A1I7MGX0_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A1I7MND6_9MICC Neomicrococcus Neomicrococcus aestuarii (UP000183530) UniProtKB Star A0A1L2ZLL0_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A1L2ZNZ8_9MICC Nesterenkonia Nesterenkonia alkaliphila (UP000460157) UniProtKB Star A0A7K1UGL8_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A7K1UJQ8_9MICC Nesterenkonia cremea (UP000633136) UniProtKB Star A0A917AMS9_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A917AWA0_9MICC Nesterenkonia jeotgali (UP000054023) UniProtKB Star A0A0W8IGJ7_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A0W8IJU2_9MICC Nesterenkonia natronophila (UP000266615) UniProtKB Star A0A3A4F5F6_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A3A4F3D2_9MICC Nesterenkonia sedimenti (UP000523139) UniProtKB Star A0A7X8YEG1_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A7X8TJI5_9MICC Nesterenkonia xinjiangensis (UP000535437) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z0GPI1_9MICC Paenarthrobacter Paenarthrobacter aurescens (UP000317715) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y3NFH3_PAEAU UniProtKB Star A0A4Y3NNY1_PAEAU Paenarthrobacter sp. YJN-5 (UP000594187) UniProtKB Star A0A7M2C146_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A7M2BXC1_9MICC Paeniglutamicibacter Paeniglutamicibacter cryotolerans (UP000523000) UniProtKB Star A0A839QNF6_9MICC Paeniglutamicibacter gangotriensis Lz1y (UP000012015) UniProtKB Star M7MY06_9MICC UniProtKB Star M7MLY7_9MICC Pseudarthrobacter Pseudarthrobacter enclensis (UP000053199) UniProtKB Star A0A0V8IX08_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A0V8I7L7_9MICC Pseudarthrobacter sp. BIM B-2242 (UP000522009) UniProtKB Star A0A7L7VPG2_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A7L7VQY7_9MICC Pseudarthrobacter sp. NBSH8 (UP000515474) UniProtKB Star A0A7G6WLY7_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A7G6WQ62_9MICC Pseudoglutamicibacter Pseudoglutamicibacter albus DNF00011 (UP000053528) UniProtKB Star A0A096AFW2_9MICC Psychromicrobium Psychromicrobium lacuslunae (UP000061839) UniProtKB Star A0A0D4BYP7_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A0D4C1U5_9MICC Psychromicrobium silvestre (UP000521748) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9LS89_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9S9C4_9MICC Renibacterium Renibacterium salmoninarum (strain ATCC 33209 / DSM 20767 / JCM 11484 ... (UP000002007) UniProtKB Star SYE_RENSM UniProtKB Star A9WV44_RENSM Rothia Rothia aeria (UP000250241) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5QZQ9_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5R2Z9_9MICC Rothia aerolata (UP000600171) UniProtKB Star A0A917IPS4_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A917IT30_9MICC Rothia amarae (UP000516421) UniProtKB Star A0A7H2BM67_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A7H2BMP1_9MICC Rothia dentocariosa (UP000219947) UniProtKB Star A0A2A8D7X9_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A2A8D8Y9_9MICC Rothia kristinae (UP000053171) UniProtKB Star A0A147E526_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A147DWB2_9MICC Rothia mucilaginosa (strain DY-18) (UP000001883) UniProtKB Star D2NSH6_ROTMD UniProtKB Star D2NRC2_ROTMD Rothia nasimurium (UP000192359) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1RR12_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1RRN9_9MICC Rothia santali (UP001139502) UniProtKB Star A0A9X2HJW2_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A9X2KIQ2_9MICC Rothia sp. ZJ932 (UP000663268) UniProtKB Star A0A974VQB6_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A974VNF9_9MICC Rothia terrae (UP000516404) UniProtKB Star A0A7H2BG06_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A7H2BEW6_9MICC Sinomonas Sinomonas atrocyanea (UP000070134) UniProtKB Star A0A127A1P1_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A127A458_9MICC Sinomonas humi (UP000030982) UniProtKB Star A0A0B2ABC7_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A0B2APV2_9MICC Sinomonas sp. R1AF57 (UP000199767) UniProtKB Star A0A221R6T6_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A221RA13_9MICC Tersicoccus Tersicoccus phoenicis (UP000187085) UniProtKB Star A0A1R1LLB1_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A1R1LP23_9MICC Zafaria Zafaria cholistanensis (UP000325307) UniProtKB Star A0A5A7NN14_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A5A7NU95_9MICC Zhihengliuella Zhihengliuella flava (UP000625033) UniProtKB Star A0A931D719_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A931GFU9_9MICC Zhihengliuella halotolerans (UP000292685) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q8ABP8_9MICC UniProtKB Star A0A4Q8AH38_9MICC Micrococcales bacterium KH10 (UP000198369) UniProtKB Star A0A239F6I4_9MICO Ornithinimicrobiaceae Ornithinimicrobium Ornithinimicrobium avium (UP000253790) UniProtKB Star A0A345NII8_9MICO Ornithinimicrobium cerasi (UP000219688) UniProtKB Star A0A285VM90_9MICO Ornithinimicrobium ciconiae (UP000315395) UniProtKB Star A0A516GCC2_9MICO Ornithinimicrobium humiphilum (UP000315133) UniProtKB Star A0A543KQD6_9MICO Ornithinimicrobium pratense (UP000326546) UniProtKB Star A0A5J6V5E5_9MICO Ornithinimicrobium sp. CNJ-824 (UP000185694) UniProtKB Star A0A1U7MQA1_9MICO Ornithinimicrobium tianjinense (UP000605670) UniProtKB Star A0A917F3T1_9MICO Serinicoccus Serinicoccus chungangensis (UP000054837) UniProtKB Star A0A0W8I260_9MICO Serinicoccus hydrothermalis (UP000092482) UniProtKB Star A0A1B1NGS4_9MICO Pengzhenrongella Pengzhenrongella frigida (UP000293764) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q5MX21_9MICO Pengzhenrongella sicca (UP000663937) UniProtKB Star A0A8A4ZCC9_9MICO Promicromonosporaceae Antribacter Antribacter soli (UP001165405) UniProtKB Star A0AA41UC58_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0AA41QIU8_9MICO Cellulosimicrobium Cellulosimicrobium arenosum (UP000610846) UniProtKB Star A0A927J219_9MICO Cellulosimicrobium funkei (UP000035265) UniProtKB Star A0A0H2L4I7_9MICO Cellulosimicrobium sp. CUA-896 (UP000185790) Cellulosimicrobium sp. MM (UP000028634) Isoptericola Isoptericola dokdonensis DS-3 (UP000076794) UniProtKB Star A0A168E753_9MICO Isoptericola sediminis (UP000557204) UniProtKB Star A0A849K5P9_9MICO Isoptericola sp. CG 20/1183 (UP000239858) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0Y055_9MICO Isoptericola variabilis (strain 225) (UP000009236) UniProtKB Star F6FQ63_ISOV2 Krasilnikoviella Krasilnikoviella flava (UP000189777) UniProtKB Star A0A1T5KQP3_9MICO Myceligenerans Myceligenerans xiligouense (UP000280501) UniProtKB Star A0A3N4YLP5_9MICO UniProtKB Star A0A3N4YLK0_9MICO Promicromonospora Promicromonospora citrea (UP000655589) UniProtKB Star A0A8H9GLE0_9MICO Promicromonospora soli (UP000627369) UniProtKB Star A0A919FL44_9MICO Promicromonospora sukumoe (UP000540568) UniProtKB Star A0A7W3JBK0_9MICO Xylanimonas Xylanimonas allomyrinae (UP000291758) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6EYK1_9MICO Xylanimonas cellulosilytica (strain DSM 15894 / JCM 12276 / CECT 5975 ... (UP000002255) UniProtKB Star D1BVR0_XYLCX Xylanimonas oleitrophica (UP000248783) UniProtKB Star A0A2W5WLU9_9MICO Xylanimonas protaetiae (UP000292118) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6F3B8_9MICO Xylanimonas ulmi (UP000293852) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7M0V2_9MICO Rarobacteraceae Rarobacter Rarobacter faecitabidus (UP000315389) UniProtKB Star A0A542ZXG3_RARFA Rarobacter incanus (UP000316181) UniProtKB Star A0A542SRK0_9MICO Ruaniaceae Occultella Occultella aeris (UP000419743) UniProtKB Star A0A7M4DN95_9MICO Ruania Ruania alba (UP000199220) UniProtKB Star A0A1H5HRK2_9MICO Ruania alkalisoli (UP000593758) UniProtKB Star A0A7M1SQV4_9MICO Ruaniaceae bacterium KH17 (UP000214750) UniProtKB Star A0A239QQL1_9MICO Sanguibacteraceae Sanguibacter Sanguibacter antarcticus (UP000225548) UniProtKB Star A0A2A9E0X2_9MICO Sanguibacter gelidistatuariae (UP000199039) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6WEE4_9MICO Sanguibacter sp. HDW7 (UP000503453) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7Z4I5_9MICO Sanguibacter sp. Leaf3 (UP000050811) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6FTE2_9MICO Sanguibacter suaedae (UP000602087) UniProtKB Star A0A934M6P3_9MICO Tropherymataceae Tropheryma Tropheryma whipplei (strain Twist) (UP000002200) UniProtKB Star SYE_TROWT Micromonosporales Micromonosporaceae Actinocatenispora Actinocatenispora rupis (UP000612808) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3NCK2_9ACTN Actinocatenispora sera (UP000680750) UniProtKB Star A0A810L8G4_9ACTN Actinoplanes Actinoplanes aureus (UP000598146) UniProtKB Star A0A931CDZ4_9ACTN Actinoplanes awajinensis subsp. mycoplanecinus (UP000053244) UniProtKB Star A0A0X3VC35_9ACTN Actinoplanes campanulatus (UP000590749) UniProtKB Star A0A7W5FJ26_9ACTN Actinoplanes cyaneus (UP000619479) UniProtKB Star A0A919ICV7_9ACTN Actinoplanes derwentensis (UP000198688) UniProtKB Star A0A1H2C5M0_9ACTN Actinoplanes italicus (UP000239415) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0KIT6_9ACTN Actinoplanes lutulentus (UP000249341) UniProtKB Star A0A327ZER2_9ACTN Actinoplanes missouriensis (strain ATCC 14538 / DSM 43046 / CBS 188.64... (UP000007882) UniProtKB Star I0H0J8_ACTM4 Actinoplanes octamycinicus (UP000546162) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7M771_9ACTN Actinoplanes philippinensis (UP000199645) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2BZZ7_9ACTN Actinoplanes regularis (UP000198415) UniProtKB Star A0A239J1V6_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A238WRB4_9ACTN Actinoplanes siamensis (UP000629619) UniProtKB Star A0A919N4U6_9ACTN Actinoplanes sp. (strain ATCC 31044 / CBS 674.73 / SE50/110) (UP000005440) UniProtKB Star G8S6H0_ACTS5 Actinoplanes sp. (strain N902-109) (UP000013541) UniProtKB Star R4L9R3_ACTS9 Actinoplanes sp. ATCC 53533 (UP000287606) UniProtKB Star A0A428XY37_9ACTN Actinoplanes sp. TBRC 11911 (UP000539830) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y0PC47_9ACTN Actinoplanes teichomyceticus (UP000320239) UniProtKB Star A0A561WIG8_ACTTI Actinoplanes utahensis (UP000054537) UniProtKB Star A0A0A6UM57_ACTUT Actinorhabdospora Actinorhabdospora filicis (UP001165079) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6SPB3_9ACTN Allocatelliglobosispora Allocatelliglobosispora scoriae (UP000587527) UniProtKB Star A0A841BMS2_9ACTN Amorphoplanes Amorphoplanes auranticolor (UP000681340) UniProtKB Star A0A919SL65_9ACTN Amorphoplanes digitatis (UP000578112) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7I3D9_9ACTN Amorphoplanes friuliensis DSM 7358 (UP000017746) UniProtKB Star U5VWL8_9ACTN Amorphoplanes nipponensis (UP000647172) UniProtKB Star A0A919JJX5_9ACTN Asanoa Asanoa hainanensis (UP000198362) UniProtKB Star A0A239M004_9ACTN Catellatospora Catellatospora methionotrophica (UP000660339) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3PFF0_9ACTN Catellatospora sp. IY07-71 (UP000676360) UniProtKB Star A0A810NU66_9ACTN Catellatospora sp. TT07R-123 (UP000680286) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3HGP4_9ACTN Catenuloplanes Catenuloplanes atrovinosus (UP001183643) UniProtKB Star A0AAE4CB84_9ACTN Couchioplanes Couchioplanes caeruleus subsp. caeruleus (UP000182486) UniProtKB Star A0A1K0FIV7_9ACTN Dactylosporangium Dactylosporangium matsuzakiense (UP001143480) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6NN24_9ACTN Dactylosporangium siamense (UP000660611) UniProtKB Star A0A919UCW9_9ACTN Dactylosporangium sucinum (UP000642070) UniProtKB Star A0A917TXJ3_9ACTN Krasilnikovia Krasilnikovia cinnamomea (UP000292564) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7ZQK9_9ACTN Longispora Longispora fulva (UP000622552) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7KP78_9ACTN Mangrovihabitans Mangrovihabitans endophyticus (UP000656042) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3FN23_9ACTN Micromonospora Micromonospora avicenniae (UP000186004) UniProtKB Star A0A1N7FFT8_9ACTN Micromonospora craniellae (UP000262621) UniProtKB Star A0A372FV15_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A372FQ92_9ACTN Micromonospora craterilacus (UP000248924) UniProtKB Star A0A2W2EHS3_9ACTN Micromonospora deserti (UP000248749) UniProtKB Star A0A2W2DSH7_9ACTN Micromonospora echinaurantiaca (UP000198217) UniProtKB Star A0A1C5H2C2_9ACTN Micromonospora echinofusca (UP000198251) UniProtKB Star A0A1C5G5A8_MICEH Micromonospora endolithica (UP000281726) UniProtKB Star A0A3A9ZSQ4_9ACTN Micromonospora endophytica (UP000248627) UniProtKB Star A0A2W2BW06_9ACTN Micromonospora globispora (UP000245683) UniProtKB Star A0A317JZI1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A317K9Y5_9ACTN Micromonospora haikouensis (UP000032254) UniProtKB Star A0A0D0VIU8_9ACTN Micromonospora halophytica (UP000199408) UniProtKB Star A0A1C5GZX3_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1C5H325_9ACTN Micromonospora inyonensis (UP000198906) UniProtKB Star A0A1C6S0G3_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1C6RRP5_9ACTN Micromonospora kangleipakensis (UP000294114) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q8BJ38_9ACTN Micromonospora krabiensis (UP000199393) UniProtKB Star A0A1C3NCM5_9ACTN Micromonospora lupini str. Lupac 08 (UP000003448) UniProtKB Star I0L9J6_9ACTN Micromonospora marina (UP000198551) UniProtKB Star A0A1C5A5D8_9ACTN Micromonospora narathiwatensis (UP000198765) UniProtKB Star A0A1A8ZYS4_9ACTN Micromonospora nigra (UP000199699) UniProtKB Star A0A1C6RIF5_9ACTN Micromonospora olivasterospora (UP000319825) UniProtKB Star A0A562I4B6_MICOL Micromonospora pattaloongensis (UP000242415) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3SS02_9ACTN Micromonospora pisi (UP000277671) UniProtKB Star A0A495JEP0_9ACTN Micromonospora polyrhachis (UP000578819) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7STW8_9ACTN Micromonospora rhizosphaerae (UP000199413) UniProtKB Star A0A1C6T8Z2_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1C6SHQ8_9ACTN Micromonospora rosaria (UP000070620) UniProtKB Star A0A136PR47_9ACTN Micromonospora sediminimaris (UP000607311) UniProtKB Star A0A9W5US08_9ACTN Micromonospora siamensis (UP000198210) UniProtKB Star A0A1C5JQ21_9ACTN Micromonospora sonchi (UP000608890) UniProtKB Star A0A917U1W2_9ACTN Micromonospora sp. (strain ATCC 39149 / NRRL 15099 / SCC 1413) (UP000010307) UniProtKB Star C4RMR5_MICS3 UniProtKB Star C4RJR6_MICS3 Micromonospora sp. CB01531 (UP000186700) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q5C2D8_9ACTN Micromonospora sp. CP22 (UP000437171) UniProtKB Star A0A7K1H4A9_9ACTN Micromonospora sp. HM5-17 (UP000281230) UniProtKB Star A0A3N2NYW9_9ACTN Micromonospora sp. KC723 (UP000295555) UniProtKB Star A0A4R4L7W2_9ACTN Micromonospora sp. Llam0 (UP000275308) UniProtKB Star A0A3N1AP38_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A3N1AYH1_9ACTN Micromonospora sp. MH33 (UP000240342) UniProtKB Star A0A2P8AQS4_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A2P8B1U7_9ACTN Micromonospora sp. MW-13 (UP000258607) UniProtKB Star A0A3E2YFL0_9ACTN Micromonospora sp. WMMC415 (UP000427831) UniProtKB Star A0A6I5W9U2_9ACTN Micromonospora wenchangensis (UP000197174) UniProtKB Star A0A246RKI2_9ACTN Micromonospora yangpuensis (UP000198937) UniProtKB Star A0A1C6V222_9ACTN Micromonosporaceae bacterium (UP000439336) UniProtKB Star A0A6N7GBK5_9ACTN Natronosporangium Natronosporangium hydrolyticum (UP000662857) UniProtKB Star A0A895Y6D4_9ACTN Paractinoplanes Paractinoplanes abujensis (UP000542742) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7G3S3_9ACTN Paractinoplanes atraurantiacus (UP000219612) UniProtKB Star A0A285HEG0_9ACTN Paractinoplanes ferrugineus (UP000598174) UniProtKB Star A0A919J7T2_9ACTN Paractinoplanes rishiriensis (UP000636960) UniProtKB Star A0A919N180_9ACTN Paractinoplanes tereljensis (UP000623608) UniProtKB Star A0A919TSV3_9ACTN Phytohabitans flavus (UP000502508) UniProtKB Star A0A6F8XYW7_9ACTN Phytohabitans houttuyneae (UP000482800) UniProtKB Star A0A6V8KTC1_9ACTN Phytohabitans rumicis (UP000482960) UniProtKB Star A0A6V8LC21_9ACTN Phytohabitans suffuscus (UP000503011) UniProtKB Star A0A6F8YDV1_9ACTN Phytomonospora Phytomonospora endophytica (UP000548476) UniProtKB Star A0A841FRS3_9ACTN Pilimelia Pilimelia anulata (UP000649739) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3F6Y3_9ACTN Pilimelia terevasa (UP000662200) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3BQ11_9ACTN Planosporangium Planosporangium flavigriseum (UP000653674) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3LLF5_9ACTN Planosporangium mesophilum (UP000599074) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3T9T3_9ACTN Plantactinospora Plantactinospora soyae (UP000649753) UniProtKB Star A0A927MF58_9ACTN Plantactinospora sp. BB1 (UP000240645) UniProtKB Star A0A2R4FWM7_9ACTN Plantactinospora sp. KBS50 (UP000216795) UniProtKB Star A0A248YRA9_9ACTN Polymorphospora Polymorphospora rubra (UP000680866) UniProtKB Star A0A810MQL8_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A810NC30_9ACTN Pseudosporangium Pseudosporangium ferrugineum (UP000239209) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0REC3_9ACTN Rhizocola Rhizocola hellebori (UP000612899) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3QDP3_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A8J3VER8_9ACTN Rugosimonospora Rugosimonospora africana (UP000642748) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3QVX2_9ACTN Salinispora Salinispora tropica (strain ATCC BAA-916 / DSM 44818 / JCM 13857 / NBR... (UP000000235) UniProtKB Star SYE_SALTO Spirilliplanes Spirilliplanes yamanashiensis (UP000652013) UniProtKB Star A0A8J4DMF5_9ACTN Virgisporangium Virgisporangium aliadipatigenens (UP000619260) UniProtKB Star A0A8J4DRG0_9ACTN Virgisporangium aurantiacum (UP000612585) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3Z5U7_9ACTN Virgisporangium ochraceum (UP000635606) UniProtKB Star A0A8J4EDS7_9ACTN Winogradskya Winogradskya consettensis (UP000680865) UniProtKB Star A0A919VX43_9ACTN Motilibacterales Motilibacteraceae Motilibacter Motilibacter peucedani (UP000281955) UniProtKB Star A0A420XV57_9ACTN Motilibacter rhizosphaerae (UP000293638) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7NP42_9ACTN Vallicoccaceae Vallicoccus Vallicoccus soli (UP000265614) UniProtKB Star A0A3A3Z8I7_9ACTN Mycobacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium Corynebacterium alimapuense (UP000266975) UniProtKB Star A0A3M8K7X9_9CORY UniProtKB Star A0A3M8K6W8_9CORY Corynebacterium aquatimens (UP000658613) UniProtKB Star A0A931DWL6_9CORY Corynebacterium aquilae DSM 44791 (UP000185478) UniProtKB Star A0A1L7CFL1_9CORY Corynebacterium argentoratense DSM 44202 (UP000016943) UniProtKB Star U3GU17_9CORY Corynebacterium aurimucosum (strain ATCC 700975 / DSM 44827 / CIP 1073... (UP000002077) UniProtKB Star C3PFY6_CORA7 UniProtKB Star C3PJP7_CORA7 Corynebacterium bovis (UP000278422) UniProtKB Star A0A3R8QJD2_9CORY Corynebacterium callunae DSM 20147 (UP000011760) UniProtKB Star M1UYL4_9CORY UniProtKB Star M1UCQ4_9CORY Corynebacterium camporealensis (UP000033566) UniProtKB Star A0A0F6TAE8_9CORY UniProtKB Star A0A0F6T9I5_9CORY Corynebacterium canis (UP000320791) UniProtKB Star A0A5C5URH2_9CORY Corynebacterium choanae (UP000269019) UniProtKB Star A0A3G6J631_9CORY UniProtKB Star A0A3G6JD72_9CORY Corynebacterium diphtheriae (strain ATCC 700971 / NCTC 13129 / Biotype... (UP000002198) UniProtKB Star SYE_CORDI Corynebacterium doosanense CAU 212 = DSM 45436 (UP000029914) UniProtKB Star A0A097IFN3_9CORY UniProtKB Star A0A097ID91_9CORY Corynebacterium durum F0235 (UP000010445) UniProtKB Star L1MM19_9CORY Corynebacterium efficiens (strain DSM 44549 / YS-314 / AJ 12310 / JCM ... (UP000001409) UniProtKB Star SYE_COREF UniProtKB Star GLUQ_COREF Corynebacterium endometrii (UP000296352) UniProtKB Star A0A4P7QHK4_9CORY Corynebacterium epidermidicanis (UP000035368) UniProtKB Star A0A0G3GQW6_9CORY Corynebacterium falsenii (UP000285278) UniProtKB Star A0A418Q739_9CORY Corynebacterium flavescens (UP000185479) UniProtKB Star A0A1L7CLF1_CORFL Corynebacterium frankenforstense DSM 45800 (UP000185434) UniProtKB Star A0A1L7CSY8_9CORY Corynebacterium freneyi DNF00450 (UP000029548) UniProtKB Star A0A095Z8C2_9CORY Corynebacterium genitalium ATCC 33030 (UP000004208) UniProtKB Star D7WD75_9CORY UniProtKB Star D7WBH3_9CORY Corynebacterium gerontici (UP000271587) UniProtKB Star A0A3G6J4F6_9CORY Corynebacterium glaucum (UP000217209) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q2HW97_9CORY Corynebacterium glutamicum (strain ATCC 13032 / DSM 20300 / JCM 1318 /... (UP000000582) UniProtKB Star SYE_CORGL Corynebacterium glyciniphilum AJ 3170 (UP000023703) UniProtKB Star X5DRF8_9CORY Corynebacterium halotolerans YIM 70093 = DSM 44683 (UP000011723) UniProtKB Star M1NXU2_9CORY Corynebacterium heidelbergense (UP000251577) UniProtKB Star A0A364V7H4_9CORY Corynebacterium humireducens NBRC 106098 = DSM 45392 (UP000031524) UniProtKB Star A0A0B5DB92_9CORY UniProtKB Star A0A0B5D4V3_9CORY Corynebacterium imitans (UP000028780) UniProtKB Star A0A076NNN9_9CORY Corynebacterium incognita (UP000515743) UniProtKB Star A0A7G7CPD3_9CORY UniProtKB Star A0A7G7CMC3_9CORY Corynebacterium jeikeium (strain K411) (UP000000545) UniProtKB Star SYE_CORJK Corynebacterium kalinowskii (UP000427071) UniProtKB Star A0A6B8VPW3_9CORY Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii (strain DSM 44385 / JCM 11950 / CIP 105... (UP000001473) UniProtKB Star C4LJG6_CORK4 Corynebacterium kutscheri (UP000033457) UniProtKB Star A0A0F6R1I2_9CORY Corynebacterium lizhenjunii (UP000594681) UniProtKB Star A0A7T0PC24_9CORY Corynebacterium lowii (UP000050488) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q0YVQ0_9CORY Corynebacterium marinum DSM 44953 (UP000031928) UniProtKB Star A0A0B6TSX4_9CORY UniProtKB Star A0A0B6TQG9_9CORY Corynebacterium maris DSM 45190 (UP000015388) UniProtKB Star S5TIW5_9CORY UniProtKB Star S5SZP7_9CORY Corynebacterium matruchotii ATCC 14266 (UP000004218) UniProtKB Star E0DHU8_9CORY Corynebacterium mendelii (UP000664332) UniProtKB Star A0A939IY07_9CORY UniProtKB Star A0A939DZJ7_9CORY Corynebacterium meridianum (UP000645966) UniProtKB Star A0A934I4I7_9CORY Corynebacterium mustelae (UP000035199) UniProtKB Star A0A0G3GX63_9CORY Corynebacterium mycetoides (UP000199350) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9M3S3_9CORY Corynebacterium occultum (UP000424462) UniProtKB Star A0A6B8W5E9_9CORY Corynebacterium otitidis ATCC 51513 (UP000006078) UniProtKB Star K0Z4B1_9CORY Corynebacterium phocae (UP000185491) UniProtKB Star A0A1L7D6E0_9CORY Corynebacterium pilosum (UP000254467) UniProtKB Star A0A376CPT5_9CORY Corynebacterium poyangense (UP000516320) UniProtKB Star A0A7H0SNI6_9CORY Corynebacterium provencense (UP000247696) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z3YNG9_9CORY Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis (strain C231) (UP000000276) UniProtKB Star D9QA06_CORP2 Corynebacterium pyruviciproducens ATCC BAA-1742 (UP000014408) UniProtKB Star S3A2Z5_9CORY Corynebacterium renale (UP000221653) UniProtKB Star A0A2A9DR47_9CORY Corynebacterium resistens (strain DSM 45100 / JCM 12819 / GTC 2026 / S... (UP000000492) UniProtKB Star F8DYV0_CORRG UniProtKB Star F8E3B0_CORRG Corynebacterium riegelii (UP000060016) UniProtKB Star A0A0K1RAS7_9CORY Corynebacterium sp. 13CS0277 (UP000238368) UniProtKB Star A0A2S9Z1H6_9CORY Corynebacterium sp. 366 (UP000439070) UniProtKB Star A0A6I0FJS3_9CORY Corynebacterium sp. ATCC 6931 (UP000029247) UniProtKB Star A0A088QUG9_9CORY UniProtKB Star A0A088QI93_9CORY Corynebacterium sp. DNF00584 (UP000070591) UniProtKB Star A0A133ZJL1_9CORY Corynebacterium sp. ED61 (UP000639349) UniProtKB Star A0A929L8A2_9CORY Corynebacterium sp. HMSC04H06 (UP000177657) UniProtKB Star A0A1F1KS10_9CORY Corynebacterium sp. HMSC077D03 (UP000176924) UniProtKB Star A0A1F1E9I5_9CORY Corynebacterium sp. HMSC08D02 (UP000177600) UniProtKB Star A0A1F1URE9_9CORY Corynebacterium sp. KPL1821 (UP000017152) UniProtKB Star U7L7F8_9CORY Corynebacterium sp. KPL1989 (UP000017102) UniProtKB Star U7MJP8_9CORY Corynebacterium sp. TAE3-ERU30 (UP000762474) UniProtKB Star A0A949TYQ6_9CORY UniProtKB Star A0A949U964_9CORY Corynebacterium sp. sy039 (UP000317518) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8NWQ9_9CORY Corynebacterium sphenisci DSM 44792 (UP000185469) UniProtKB Star A0A1L7CXB6_9CORY Corynebacterium spheniscorum (UP000199065) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2SK12_9CORY Corynebacterium stationis (UP000076947) UniProtKB Star A0A177IQJ4_9CORY Corynebacterium tapiri (UP000312032) UniProtKB Star A0A5C4U5X8_9CORY UniProtKB Star A0A5C4U565_9CORY Corynebacterium terpenotabidum Y-11 (UP000014809) UniProtKB Star S4XKG1_9CORY Corynebacterium testudinoris (UP000035540) UniProtKB Star A0A0G3H9R6_9CORY Corynebacterium timonense (UP000182237) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1PVB8_9CORY Corynebacterium tuscaniense (UP000235836) UniProtKB Star A0A2N6T7H6_9CORY Corynebacterium urealyticum (strain ATCC 43042 / DSM 7109) (UP000001727) UniProtKB Star SYE_CORU7 UniProtKB Star B1VIU3_CORU7 Corynebacterium ureicelerivorans (UP000028939) UniProtKB Star A0A077HK15_9CORY Corynebacterium urogenitale (UP000326711) UniProtKB Star A0A5J6Z6M7_9CORY UniProtKB Star A0A5J6ZAN1_9CORY Corynebacterium uropygiale (UP001139336) UniProtKB Star A0A9X1QSM2_9CORY UniProtKB Star A0A9X1QMJ0_9CORY Corynebacterium uterequi (UP000035548) UniProtKB Star A0A0G3HC45_9CORY UniProtKB Star A0A0G3HE02_9CORY Corynebacterium vitaeruminis DSM 20294 (UP000019222) UniProtKB Star W5Y086_9CORY Corynebacterium yudongzhengii (UP000244989) UniProtKB Star A0A2U1T967_9CORY UniProtKB Star A0A2U1T5L0_9CORY Dietziaceae Dietzia Dietzia sp. ANT_WB102 (UP000323458) UniProtKB Star A0A5A9ZQH4_9ACTN Gordoniaceae Gordonia Gordonia aichiensis NBRC 108223 (UP000010988) UniProtKB Star L7KKL6_9ACTN UniProtKB Star L7KFG5_9ACTN Gordonia amarae NBRC 15530 (UP000006023) UniProtKB Star G7GK52_9ACTN UniProtKB Star G7GM90_9ACTN Gordonia asplenii (UP000550729) UniProtKB Star A0A848L0Z4_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A848L255_9ACTN Gordonia bronchialis (strain ATCC 25592 / DSM 43247 / BCRC 13721 / JCM... (UP000001219) UniProtKB Star D0LC36_GORB4 UniProtKB Star D0LDC8_GORB4 Gordonia crocea (UP000444980) UniProtKB Star A0A7I9UZV5_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A7M3SV08_9ACTN Gordonia desulfuricans (UP000466307) UniProtKB Star A0A7K3LJD2_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A7K3LY82_9ACTN Gordonia effusa NBRC 100432 (UP000035034) UniProtKB Star H0QZY4_9ACTN UniProtKB Star H0R4Z5_9ACTN Gordonia hirsuta DSM 44140 = NBRC 16056 (UP000053405) UniProtKB Star L7L7V4_9ACTN UniProtKB Star L7LCW0_9ACTN Gordonia humi (UP000551501) UniProtKB Star A0A840EZS1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A840EVC9_9ACTN Gordonia insulae (UP000271469) UniProtKB Star A0A3G8JVB7_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A3G8JNZ7_9ACTN Gordonia iterans (UP000239814) UniProtKB Star A0A2S0KHQ8_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A2S0KCE8_9ACTN Gordonia jinhuaensis (UP000621454) UniProtKB Star A0A916SY13_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A916T1Y8_9ACTN Gordonia malaquae NBRC 108250 (UP000035009) UniProtKB Star M3UJ89_GORML UniProtKB Star M3VEM0_GORML Gordonia mangrovi (UP000475545) UniProtKB Star A0A6L7GMV4_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A6L7GP13_9ACTN Gordonia polyisoprenivorans (strain DSM 44266 / VH2) (UP000009154) UniProtKB Star H6MUN0_GORPV Gordonia rhizosphera NBRC 16068 (UP000008363) UniProtKB Star K6VZU0_9ACTN UniProtKB Star K6WPQ3_9ACTN Gordonia sihwensis NBRC 108236 (UP000035083) UniProtKB Star L7LI74_9ACTN UniProtKB Star L7LMD9_9ACTN Gordonia soli NBRC 108243 (UP000011666) UniProtKB Star M0QDB6_9ACTN UniProtKB Star M0QH60_9ACTN Gordonia sp. YY1 (UP000467328) UniProtKB Star A0A7J5WU94_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A7J5WXN4_9ACTN Skermania Skermania sp. ID1734 (UP000320451) UniProtKB Star A0A554V6Y9_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A554V607_9ACTN Hoyosellaceae Hoyosella Hoyosella rhizosphaerae (UP000641514) UniProtKB Star A0A916TY49_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A916UJL6_9ACTN Hoyosella subflava (strain DSM 45089 / JCM 17490 / NBRC 109087 / DQS3-... (UP000009235) UniProtKB Star F6ENG4_HOYSD UniProtKB Star F6EF92_HOYSD Lolliginicoccus Lolliginicoccus lacisalsi (UP000642993) UniProtKB Star A0A927JDX6_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A927JDJ9_9ACTN Lawsonellaceae Lawsonella Lawsonella clevelandensis (UP000068137) UniProtKB Star A0A0M4MWW7_9ACTN Mycobacteriaceae Mycobacterium Mycobacterium adipatum (UP000077143) UniProtKB Star A0A172UQN5_9MYCO Mycobacterium asiaticum (UP000093629) UniProtKB Star A0A1A3N5X7_MYCAS Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) Mycolicibacterium paratuberculosis (strain ATCC BAA-968 / K-10) (UP000000580) UniProtKB Star SYE_MYCPA Mycobacterium bohemicum (UP000193990) UniProtKB Star A0A1X1R6B1_MYCBE Mycobacterium botniense (UP000465361) UniProtKB Star A0A7I9Y3D2_9MYCO Mycobacterium conspicuum (UP000467385) UniProtKB Star A0A7I7YBL3_9MYCO Mycobacterium cookii (UP000465866) UniProtKB Star A0A7I7L326_9MYCO Mycobacterium dioxanotrophicus (UP000195331) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0C7M5_9MYCO Mycobacterium fragae (UP000194000) UniProtKB Star A0A1X1V6Y4_9MYCO Mycobacterium haemophilum (UP000036334) UniProtKB Star A0A0I9UR06_9MYCO Mycobacterium heckeshornense (UP000595446) UniProtKB Star A0A2G8BAC0_9MYCO Mycobacterium helveticum (UP000320513) UniProtKB Star A0A557XUQ9_9MYCO Mycobacterium kansasii (UP000516380) UniProtKB Star A0A7G1IMP0_MYCKA Mycobacterium kiyosense (UP001064782) UniProtKB Star A0A9P3UZG3_9MYCO Mycobacterium lacus (UP000466396) UniProtKB Star A0A7I7NM77_9MYCO Mycobacterium leprae (strain TN) (UP000000806) UniProtKB Star SYE_MYCLE Mycobacterium pseudokansasii (UP000268285) UniProtKB Star A0A498QNF7_9MYCO Mycobacterium shinjukuense (UP000467236) UniProtKB Star A0A7I7MKE0_9MYCO Mycobacterium simiae complex Mycobacterium heidelbergense (UP000192566) UniProtKB Star A0A1X0DJX6_MYCHE Mycobacterium parascrofulaceum ATCC BAA-614 (UP000003653) UniProtKB Star D5PIY2_9MYCO Mycobacterium parmense (UP000467105) UniProtKB Star A0A7I7YTA2_9MYCO Mycobacterium saskatchewanense (UP000193387) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ3NPU4_9MYCO Mycobacterium sherrisii (UP000094224) UniProtKB Star A0A1E3T7E9_9MYCO Mycobacterium shigaense (UP000217736) UniProtKB Star A0A1Z4EFL2_9MYCO Mycobacterium simulans (UP000554965) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z7N9S6_9MYCO Mycobacterium sp. 1164966.3 (UP000092060) UniProtKB Star A0A1A0MAE1_9MYCO Mycobacterium sp. 1274761.0 (UP000092027) UniProtKB Star A0A1A3STX9_9MYCO Mycobacterium sp. 1423905.2 (UP000092291) UniProtKB Star A0A1A3I3F5_9MYCO Mycobacterium sp. 852013-51886_SCH5428379 (UP000091910) UniProtKB Star A0A1A0TSA0_9MYCO Mycobacterium sp. ACS1612 (UP000092025) UniProtKB Star A0A1A1YSN9_9MYCO Mycobacterium sp. E740 (UP000092151) UniProtKB Star A0A1A3BAB8_9MYCO Mycobacterium sp. E787 (UP000092152) UniProtKB Star A0A1A2ZZ37_9MYCO Mycobacterium sp. GA-2829 (UP000053444) UniProtKB Star A0A101ASD0_9MYCO UniProtKB Star A0A117JXI2_9MYCO Mycobacterium sp. NAZ190054 (UP000070146) UniProtKB Star A0A132T9Q7_9MYCO Mycobacterium sp. Root135 (UP000051127) UniProtKB Star A0A0T1WKF2_9MYCO Mycobacterium sp. shizuoka-1 (UP000223528) UniProtKB Star A0A2C9SYQ8_9MYCO UniProtKB Star A0A2C9SRM1_9MYCO Mycobacterium spongiae (UP000682202) UniProtKB Star A0A975JWB0_9MYCO Mycobacterium talmoniae (UP000179734) UniProtKB Star A0A1S1NQB4_9MYCO Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex Mycobacterium bovis (strain ATCC BAA-935 / AF2122/97) (UP000001419) UniProtKB Star SYE_MYCBO Mycobacterium tuberculosis (strain ATCC 25177 / H37Ra) (UP000001988) UniProtKB Star SYE_MYCTA Mycobacterium tuberculosis (strain ATCC 25618 / H37Rv) (UP000001584) UniProtKB Star SYE_MYCTU Mycobacterium tuberculosis (strain ATCC 35801 / TMC 107 / Erdman) (UP000007568) UniProtKB Star A0A0H3LHL2_MYCTE Mycobacterium tuberculosis (strain CDC 1551 / Oshkosh) (UP000001020) UniProtKB Star SYE_MYCTO Mycobacterium ulcerans group Mycobacterium marinum (strain ATCC BAA-535 / M) (UP000001190) UniProtKB Star SYE_MYCMM Mycobacteroides Mycobacteroides abscessus Mycobacteroides abscessus (strain ATCC 19977 / DSM 44196 / CCUG 20993 ... (UP000007137) UniProtKB Star SYE_MYCA9 Mycobacteroides franklinii (UP000295165) UniProtKB Star A0A4R8R1N2_9MYCO Mycolicibacillus Mycolicibacillus trivialis (UP000193090) UniProtKB Star A0A1X2EQL5_9MYCO Mycolicibacter Mycolicibacter sinensis (strain JDM601) (UP000009224) UniProtKB Star F5YYE1_MYCSD Mycolicibacterium Mycolicibacterium agri (UP000220914) UniProtKB Star A0A2A7NDP2_MYCAG Mycolicibacterium anyangense (UP000467249) UniProtKB Star A0A6N4W3T7_9MYCO UniProtKB Star A0A6N4WCT9_9MYCO Mycolicibacterium aurum (UP000279306) UniProtKB Star A0A3S4T8P3_MYCAU Mycolicibacterium brumae (UP000230551) UniProtKB Star A0A2G5P9L0_9MYCO UniProtKB Star A0A2G5PE93_9MYCO Mycolicibacterium chitae (UP000282551) UniProtKB Star A0A448I8L9_MYCCI Mycolicibacterium chubuense (UP000036176) UniProtKB Star A0A0J6WCR9_MYCCU Mycolicibacterium chubuense (strain NBB4) (UP000006057) UniProtKB Star I4BH81_MYCCN UniProtKB Star I4BQN4_MYCCN Mycolicibacterium confluentis (UP000466931) UniProtKB Star A0A7I7XYM5_9MYCO UniProtKB Star A0A7I7Y526_9MYCO Mycolicibacterium cosmeticum (UP000028870) UniProtKB Star W9B6K6_MYCCO Mycolicibacterium doricum (UP000193564) UniProtKB Star A0A1X1TFX0_9MYCO UniProtKB Star A0A1X1T2L8_9MYCO Mycolicibacterium duvalii (UP000467006) UniProtKB Star A0A7I7K0G3_9MYCO Mycolicibacterium fallax (UP000193484) UniProtKB Star A0A1X1RI79_MYCFA UniProtKB Star A0A1X1RJC5_MYCFA Mycolicibacterium fortuitum (UP000057134) UniProtKB Star A0A0N7H8H1_MYCFO UniProtKB Star A0A0N9Y8D3_MYCFO Mycolicibacterium grossiae (UP000178953) UniProtKB Star A0A1E8Q874_9MYCO Mycolicibacterium hassiacum (strain DSM 44199 / CIP 105218 / JCM 12690... (UP000006265) UniProtKB Star K5BGU8_MYCHD UniProtKB Star K5B9N3_MYCHD Mycolicibacterium holsaticum (UP000094243) UniProtKB Star A0A1E3R5G1_9MYCO UniProtKB Star A0A1E3S2E8_9MYCO Mycolicibacterium insubricum (UP000192801) UniProtKB Star A0A1X0DIS5_9MYCO UniProtKB Star A0A1X0DAX8_9MYCO Mycolicibacterium llatzerense (UP000032221) UniProtKB Star A0A0D1J2A6_9MYCO UniProtKB Star A0A0D1L3D8_9MYCO Mycolicibacterium madagascariense (UP000466517) UniProtKB Star A0A7I7XF50_9MYCO UniProtKB Star A0A7I7XNX3_9MYCO Mycolicibacterium moriokaense (UP000247781) UniProtKB Star A0A318HMB1_9MYCO Mycolicibacterium neoaurum VKM Ac-1815D (UP000018763) UniProtKB Star V5XC80_MYCNE Mycolicibacterium obuense (UP000034150) UniProtKB Star A0A0M2K155_9MYCO Mycolicibacterium phlei DSM 43239 = CCUG 21000 (UP000325690) UniProtKB Star A0A5N5V4I1_MYCPH Mycolicibacterium poriferae (UP000466785) UniProtKB Star A0A6N4V9W5_9MYCO UniProtKB Star A0A6N4V4V2_9MYCO Mycolicibacterium rhodesiae (strain NBB3) (UP000005442) UniProtKB Star G8RQB1_MYCRN Mycolicibacterium sarraceniae (UP000466445) UniProtKB Star A0A7I7SXH6_9MYCO UniProtKB Star A0A7I7SN16_9MYCO Mycolicibacterium sediminis (UP000467193) UniProtKB Star A0A7I7QSF7_9MYCO UniProtKB Star A0A7I7QJI6_9MYCO Mycolicibacterium smegmatis (strain ATCC 700084 / mc(2)155) (UP000000757) UniProtKB Star SYE_MYCS2 Mycolicibacterium sp. P9-64 (UP000323700) UniProtKB Star A0A5A7WN78_9MYCO Mycolicibacterium sp. TUM20983 (UP001157188) UniProtKB Star A0AA37RS60_9MYCO UniProtKB Star A0AA37RMZ5_9MYCO Mycolicibacterium thermoresistibile (strain ATCC 19527 / DSM 44167 / C... (UP000004915) UniProtKB Star G7CMP5_MYCT3 UniProtKB Star G7CFL4_MYCT3 Mycolicibacterium tokaiense (UP000254978) UniProtKB Star A0A378TAX1_9MYCO Mycolicibacterium vanbaalenii (UP000430146) UniProtKB Star A0A5S9R767_MYCVN Mycolicibacterium wolinskyi (UP000070612) UniProtKB Star A0A132PGL4_9MYCO UniProtKB Star A0A132PJT9_9MYCO [Mycobacterium] manitobense (UP001140293) UniProtKB Star A0A9X2Y887_9MYCO Nocardiaceae Antrihabitans Antrihabitans cavernicola (UP000322244) UniProtKB Star A0A5A7SJ05_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A5A7SJD4_9NOCA Antrihabitans sp. YC2-6 (UP000620813) UniProtKB Star A0A934U7E6_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A934U9Z0_9NOCA Antrihabitans stalactiti (UP000535543) UniProtKB Star A0A848KE10_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A848KPD5_9NOCA Antrihabitans stalagmiti (UP000655868) UniProtKB Star A0A934U1F4_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A934NRC8_9NOCA Nocardia Nocardia amikacinitolerans (UP000219565) UniProtKB Star A0A285LVJ0_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A285LRJ5_9NOCA Nocardia arthritidis (UP000503540) UniProtKB Star A0A6G9YND0_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A6G9Y4R5_9NOCA Nocardia asteroides NBRC 15531 (UP000017048) UniProtKB Star U5E4W2_NOCAS UniProtKB Star U5E568_NOCAS Nocardia aurantia (UP000431401) UniProtKB Star A0A7K0DV70_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A7K0DM58_9NOCA Nocardia aurantiaca (UP000432464) UniProtKB Star A0A6I3KQS1_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A6I3KVS4_9NOCA Nocardia bovistercoris (UP000655751) UniProtKB Star A0A931IKQ5_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A931IFZ9_9NOCA Nocardia brasiliensis (strain ATCC 700358 / HUJEG-1) (UP000006304) UniProtKB Star K0F440_NOCB7 UniProtKB Star K0EL50_NOCB7 Nocardia camponoti (UP000612956) UniProtKB Star A0A917QC86_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A917QUY0_9NOCA Nocardia cerradoensis (UP000215506) UniProtKB Star A0A231HEY3_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A231HCT7_9NOCA Nocardia cyriacigeorgica (strain GUH-2) (UP000008190) UniProtKB Star H6R608_NOCCG UniProtKB Star H6R8M7_NOCCG Nocardia donostiensis (UP000188836) UniProtKB Star A0A1W0AX89_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A1V2TAG1_9NOCA Nocardia farcinica (strain IFM 10152) (UP000006820) UniProtKB Star SYE_NOCFA UniProtKB Star GLUQ_NOCFA Nocardia gamkensis (UP000540698) UniProtKB Star A0A7X6L1X9_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A7X6L8H2_9NOCA Nocardia huaxiensis (UP000515512) UniProtKB Star A0A7D6V893_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A7D6ZXT4_9NOCA Nocardia ignorata (UP000295087) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6PU70_NOCIG UniProtKB Star A0A4R6P4J9_NOCIG Nocardia jinanensis (UP000638263) UniProtKB Star A0A917VMS7_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A917RVP8_9NOCA Nocardia macrotermitis (UP000438448) UniProtKB Star A0A7K0CZP1_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A7K0CYP2_9NOCA Nocardia mangyaensis (UP000183810) UniProtKB Star A0A1J0VVT8_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A1J0VLC2_9NOCA Nocardia mexicana (UP000255355) UniProtKB Star A0A370H511_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A370GKN0_9NOCA Nocardia nova SH22a (UP000019150) UniProtKB Star W5TMH9_9NOCA UniProtKB Star W5T6U4_9NOCA Nocardia otitidiscaviarum (UP000255467) UniProtKB Star A0A378YRK3_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A378YD39_9NOCA Nocardia panacis (UP000266677) UniProtKB Star A0A3A4KJX3_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A3A4KDA9_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A3A4L5W2_9NOCA Nocardia pseudobrasiliensis (UP000254869) UniProtKB Star A0A370IF90_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A370I527_9NOCA Nocardia puris (UP000252586) UniProtKB Star A0A366E4W1_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A366D2K4_9NOCA Nocardia sp. NRRL S-836 (UP000037746) UniProtKB Star A0A0M8W8P1_9NOCA Nocardia sp. SYP-A9097 (UP000429627) UniProtKB Star A0A6I2GG29_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A6I2FJM9_9NOCA Nocardia speluncae (UP000565715) UniProtKB Star A0A846XFY4_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A846XJE1_9NOCA Nocardia stercoris (UP000279275) UniProtKB Star A0A3M2LFY6_9NOCA Nocardia terpenica (UP000076512) UniProtKB Star A0A164J9K3_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A164HEC1_9NOCA Nocardia transvalensis (UP000540412) UniProtKB Star A0A7W9P9J2_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A7W9PCR1_9NOCA Nocardia uniformis (UP000586827) UniProtKB Star A0A849C9M9_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A849CJ39_9NOCA Nocardia vermiculata (UP000565711) UniProtKB Star A0A846Y263_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A846XVL5_9NOCA Nocardia wallacei (UP000516173) UniProtKB Star A0A7G1KG48_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A7G1KEA5_9NOCA Prescottella Prescottella equi ATCC 33707 (UP000004245) UniProtKB Star E9T3X0_RHOHA UniProtKB Star E9T4Q6_RHOHA Rhodococcoides Rhodococcoides fascians (UP000076038) UniProtKB Star A0A143QP93_RHOFA Rhodococcoides kyotonense (UP000077519) UniProtKB Star A0A177YAZ1_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A177YJ31_9NOCA Rhodococcoides trifolii (UP000654257) UniProtKB Star A0A917FW54_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A917LF72_9NOCA Rhodococcus Rhodococcus coprophilus (UP000249091) UniProtKB Star A0A2X4UIY8_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A2X4U1D1_9NOCA Rhodococcus erythropolis group Rhodococcus qingshengii JCM 15477 (UP000831484) UniProtKB Star A0AB38RJK0_RHOSG UniProtKB Star A0AB38REA7_RHOSG Rhodococcus gordoniae (UP000254569) UniProtKB Star A0A379LXG9_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A379M3I5_9NOCA Rhodococcus maanshanensis (UP000198677) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7FG21_9NOCA Rhodococcus oxybenzonivorans (UP000245711) UniProtKB Star A0A2S2BX53_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A2S2BQ05_9NOCA Rhodococcus rhodnii LMG 5362 (UP000013525) UniProtKB Star R7WLR3_9NOCA UniProtKB Star R7WQF9_9NOCA Rhodococcus ruber BKS 20-38 (UP000011731) UniProtKB Star M2YMW5_9NOCA UniProtKB Star M2ZTC9_9NOCA Rhodococcus sp. (UP000317480) UniProtKB Star A0A520F1L3_RHOSO Rhodococcus sp. (strain AD45) (UP000032323) UniProtKB Star A0A0D8HW62_RHOSX UniProtKB Star A0A0D8I589_RHOSX Rhodococcus sp. 1168 (UP000192546) UniProtKB Star A0A1X0UHN9_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A1X0URR5_9NOCA Rhodococcus sp. ABRD24 (UP000292013) UniProtKB Star A0A4V1A0N0_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A4P6U942_9NOCA Rhodococcus sp. CX (UP000640043) UniProtKB Star A0A931HS63_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A931HNV4_9NOCA Rhodococcus sp. EPR-157 (UP000077673) UniProtKB Star A0A161TDQ3_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A164IMU3_9NOCA Rhodococcus sp. Leaf258 (UP000051962) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6JN08_9NOCA Rhodococcus sp. PBTS 1 (UP000076180) UniProtKB Star A0A143Q7G0_9NOCA Rhodococcus sp. RD6.2 (UP000044872) UniProtKB Star A0A0K2YMG9_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A0K2YU36_9NOCA Rhodococcus sp. SMB37 (UP000295305) UniProtKB Star A0A4V2RLR5_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A4R2D580_9NOCA Rhodococcus sp. T7 (UP000471148) UniProtKB Star A0A6N7CGG8_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A6N7CQJ5_9NOCA Rhodococcus sp. WMMA185 (UP000178767) UniProtKB Star A0A1D8T427_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A1D8T7X0_9NOCA Rhodococcus spelaei (UP000316256) UniProtKB Star A0A541B4B7_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A541BRF6_9NOCA Rhodococcus triatomae (UP000183263) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8EQX6_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A1G8I9C8_9NOCA Rhodococcus tukisamuensis (UP000199417) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6XEL4_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A1G6MRQ7_9NOCA Rhodococcus xishaensis (UP000283479) UniProtKB Star A0A438B385_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A438AMW6_9NOCA Williamsia Williamsia sp. 1138 (UP000193618) UniProtKB Star A0A261D2V5_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A261D3R3_9NOCA Williamsia sp. Leaf354 (UP000051980) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5QJQ5_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5QL67_9NOCA Williamsia sterculiae (UP000186218) UniProtKB Star A0A1N7G4F1_9NOCA UniProtKB Star A0A1N7F783_9NOCA Segniliparaceae Segniliparus Segniliparus rotundus (strain ATCC BAA-972 / CDC 1076 / CIP 108378 / D... (UP000002247) UniProtKB Star D6Z990_SEGRD Segniliparus rugosus (strain ATCC BAA-974 / DSM 45345 / CCUG 50838 / C... (UP000004816) UniProtKB Star E5XS37_SEGRC UniProtKB Star E5XM42_SEGRC Speluncibacteraceae Speluncibacter Speluncibacter jeojiensis (UP001152755) UniProtKB Star A0A9X4LZE1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A9X4M0L1_9ACTN Tomitella Tomitella fengzijianii (UP000317344) UniProtKB Star A0A516X3U8_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A516X1C1_9ACTN Tsukamurellaceae Tsukamurella Tsukamurella paurometabola (strain ATCC 8368 / DSM 20162 / CCUG 35730 ... (UP000001213) UniProtKB Star D5UTG4_TSUPD Nakamurellales Nakamurellaceae Nakamurella Nakamurella aerolata (UP000562984) UniProtKB Star A0A849A5N1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A849A3Y5_9ACTN Nakamurella alba (UP000460221) UniProtKB Star A0A7K1FJS5_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A7K1FML0_9ACTN Nakamurella antarctica (UP000268084) UniProtKB Star A0A3G8ZVH4_9ACTN Nakamurella endophytica (UP000655208) UniProtKB Star A0A917WA69_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A917WBX4_9ACTN Nakamurella flava (UP000306985) UniProtKB Star A0A4U6QLI4_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A4U6Q961_9ACTN Nakamurella flavida (UP000663801) UniProtKB Star A0A939C0U1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A939C531_9ACTN Nakamurella leprariae (UP000663792) UniProtKB Star A0A938YCG7_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A939BZD3_9ACTN Nakamurella multipartita (strain ATCC 700099 / DSM 44233 / CIP 104796 ... (UP000002218) UniProtKB Star C8XEL6_NAKMY UniProtKB Star C8X7B6_NAKMY Nakamurella panacisegetis (UP000198741) UniProtKB Star A0A1H0HX63_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1H0MM63_9ACTN Nakamurella sp. PAMC28650 (UP000515859) UniProtKB Star A0A7G8WK11_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A7G8WPW5_9ACTN Propionibacteriales Actinopolymorphaceae Actinopolymorpha Actinopolymorpha pittospori (UP000638648) UniProtKB Star A0A927RPP3_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A927N4D7_9ACTN Actinopolymorpha singaporensis (UP000198983) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1Y5X7_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1H1YES2_9ACTN Kribbellaceae Kribbella Kribbella amoyensis (UP000318380) UniProtKB Star A0A561B9J2_9ACTN Kribbella antiqua (UP000295573) UniProtKB Star A0A4V2S3G5_9ACTN Kribbella flavida (strain DSM 17836 / JCM 10339 / NBRC 14399) (UP000007967) UniProtKB Star D2Q0S8_KRIFD Kribbella sandramycini (UP000534306) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y4P132_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A7Y4KVS5_9ACTN Kribbella solani (UP000558997) UniProtKB Star A0A841DEK3_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A841E0S5_9ACTN Kribbella sp. VKM Ac-2500 (UP000295820) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2CBH7_9ACTN Kribbella sp. VKM Ac-2527 (UP000295388) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6KM75_9ACTN Kribbella turkmenica (UP000295172) UniProtKB Star A0A4R4X231_9ACTN Kribbella voronezhensis (UP000295151) UniProtKB Star A0A4R7STB7_9ACTN Nocardioidaceae Aeromicrobium Aeromicrobium camelliae (UP000275225) UniProtKB Star A0A3N6X7Z8_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A3N6ZHP4_9ACTN Aeromicrobium erythreum (UP000067689) UniProtKB Star A0A0U4DAU3_9ACTN Aeromicrobium flavum (UP000321769) UniProtKB Star A0A512HVM7_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A512HSW1_9ACTN Aeromicrobium marinum DSM 15272 (UP000003111) UniProtKB Star E2SB16_9ACTN UniProtKB Star E2SBY4_9ACTN Aeromicrobium sp. A1-2 (UP000257855) UniProtKB Star A0A3B7DFK7_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A3B7D9A9_9ACTN Aeromicrobium sp. IC_218 (UP000293071) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1AM24_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A4R1AJD8_9ACTN Aeromicrobium sp. Leaf289 (UP000051640) UniProtKB Star A0A0S9R0V6_9ACTN Aeromicrobium sp. PE09-221 (UP000195423) UniProtKB Star A0A200H428_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A200H5X2_9ACTN Aeromicrobium sp. Root344 (UP000051702) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6VB59_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6VMC1_9ACTN Aeromicrobium sp. Root472D3 (UP000050971) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7K6A3_9ACTN Aeromicrobium sp. Root495 (UP000051970) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7Q671_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7QCD6_9ACTN Aeromicrobium terrae (UP000321571) UniProtKB Star A0A5C8NKJ8_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A5C8NMG0_9ACTN Aeromicrobium yanjiei (UP000392064) UniProtKB Star A0A5Q2MIQ0_9ACTN Friedmanniella Friedmanniella luteola (UP000199092) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1R1X4_9ACTN Marmoricola Marmoricola endophyticus (UP000649179) UniProtKB Star A0A917BG56_9ACTN Marmoricola sp. Leaf446 (UP000051542) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6FPH3_9ACTN Micropruina Micropruina glycogenica (UP000238164) UniProtKB Star A0A2N9JBE6_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A2N9JDJ6_9ACTN Micropruina sp. (UP000510929) UniProtKB Star A0A7L5ZEJ8_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A7L5ZF67_9ACTN Mumia Mumia flava (UP000230842) UniProtKB Star A0A0B2BBN1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A0B2B740_9ACTN Mumia sp. ZJ1417 (UP000515537) UniProtKB Star A0A7G5LZY6_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A7G5LW80_9ACTN Nocardioidaceae bacterium (UP000510787) UniProtKB Star A0A7L5Z0F4_9ACTN Nocardioides Nocardioides acrostichi (UP000656804) UniProtKB Star A0A930Y9I6_9ACTN Nocardioides agariphilus (UP000660668) UniProtKB Star A0A930VP03_9ACTN Nocardioides agri (UP000473525) UniProtKB Star A0A6L6XRX8_9ACTN Nocardioides albidus (UP000313231) Nocardioides anomalus (UP000502996) UniProtKB Star A0A6G6WAR4_9ACTN Nocardioides antri (UP000324351) UniProtKB Star A0A5B1LZE4_9ACTN Nocardioides baekrokdamisoli (UP000271573) UniProtKB Star A0A3G9J411_9ACTN Nocardioides bruguierae (UP001139485) UniProtKB Star A0A9X2D6E3_9ACTN Nocardioides caeni (UP000307087) UniProtKB Star A0A4V4HLC6_9ACTN Nocardioides cavernae (UP000549911) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9GZI0_9ACTN Nocardioides cavernaquae (UP000276542) UniProtKB Star A0A3A5H6J3_9ACTN Nocardioides currus (UP000244867) UniProtKB Star A0A2R7YWR5_9ACTN Nocardioides daedukensis (UP000540656) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9RZI1_9ACTN Nocardioides dokdonensis FR1436 (UP000077868) UniProtKB Star A0A1A9GN39_9ACTN Nocardioides donggukensis (UP000616839) UniProtKB Star A0A927K794_9ACTN Nocardioides euryhalodurans (UP000294894) UniProtKB Star A0A4P7GPJ0_9ACTN Nocardioides faecalis (UP000663791) UniProtKB Star A0A939BTA8_9ACTN Nocardioides flavescens (UP000473325) UniProtKB Star A0A6L7ELD4_9ACTN Nocardioides ganghwensis (UP000293291) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2SDD0_9ACTN Nocardioides gansuensis (UP000246018) UniProtKB Star A0A2T8F6W5_9ACTN Nocardioides guangzhouensis (UP000295198) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q4ZM13_9ACTN Nocardioides humilatus (UP000325003) UniProtKB Star A0A5B1LG54_9ACTN Nocardioides immobilis (UP000283644) UniProtKB Star A0A417Y5R8_9ACTN Nocardioides iriomotensis (UP000291189) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q5J1P4_9ACTN Nocardioides islandensis (UP000640489) UniProtKB Star A0A930YJY6_9ACTN Nocardioides jejuensis (UP000295453) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1BWD2_9ACTN Nocardioides jishulii (UP000307808) UniProtKB Star A0A4U2YJZ7_9ACTN Nocardioides lianchengensis (UP000199034) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6NK79_9ACTN Nocardioides luteus (UP000033772) UniProtKB Star A0A1J4ND91_9ACTN Nocardioides luti (UP000523955) UniProtKB Star A0A7X0RE39_9ACTN Nocardioides mangrovicus (UP000281708) UniProtKB Star A0A3L8P8D5_9ACTN Nocardioides marinus (UP000537326) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9YFL0_9ACTN Nocardioides marmoriginsengisoli (UP000267128) UniProtKB Star A0A3N0CPV7_9ACTN Nocardioides marmorisolisilvae (UP000277094) UniProtKB Star A0A3N0DW99_9ACTN Nocardioides marmotae (UP000433406) UniProtKB Star A0A6I3JBA5_9ACTN Nocardioides mesophilus (UP000515947) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9RHN5_9ACTN Nocardioides panacis (UP000683575) UniProtKB Star A0A975T2M3_9ACTN Nocardioides panaciterrulae (UP000535511) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9E7K8_9ACTN Nocardioides perillae (UP000544110) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9RTQ4_9ACTN Nocardioides piscis (UP000502035) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7YJV6_9ACTN Nocardioides pocheonensis (UP000279994) UniProtKB Star A0A3N0GTI2_9ACTN Nocardioides psychrotolerans (UP000198649) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3CRV1_9ACTN Nocardioides scoriae (UP000198859) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1YCV8_9ACTN Nocardioides seonyuensis (UP000294853) UniProtKB Star A0A4P7IB47_9ACTN Nocardioides silvaticus (UP000245507) UniProtKB Star A0A316TF77_9ACTN Nocardioides soli (UP000589626) UniProtKB Star A0A7W4VS75_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. (UP000308550) UniProtKB Star A0A4S5ABL4_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. (strain ATCC BAA-499 / JS614) (UP000000640) UniProtKB Star SYE_NOCSJ Nocardioides sp. AX2bis (UP000432847) Nocardioides sp. BP30 (UP001177495) UniProtKB Star A0AA95FU84_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. CF8 (UP000015971) UniProtKB Star R7XV03_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. GY 10113 (UP000304990) UniProtKB Star A0A4T0V895_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. GY 10127 (UP000308193) UniProtKB Star A0A4T0UQH1_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. HDW12B (UP000502132) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7XR79_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. J9 (UP000320031) UniProtKB Star A0A562D3M9_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. JQ2195 (UP000500693) UniProtKB Star A0A6H1A6M7_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. LS1 (UP000288271) UniProtKB Star A0A401YBJ0_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. Leaf285 (UP000051495) UniProtKB Star A0A0S9QBC2_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. PD653 (UP000194147) UniProtKB Star A0A1V1W704_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. Root122 (UP000051395) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6UYL7_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. Root1257 (UP000051939) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7C4X5_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. Root151 (UP000051274) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7ZB36_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. Root190 (UP000050886) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8PYN2_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. Root614 (UP000051699) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8DBK3_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. Root79 (UP000051414) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8UWI3_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. S-1144 (UP000309647) UniProtKB Star A0A5B7RFV5_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. S5 (UP000663365) UniProtKB Star A0A974X444_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. dk884 (UP000326325) UniProtKB Star A0A5Q0NRX2_9ACTN Nocardioides sp. zg-1228 (UP000662940) UniProtKB Star A0A975A4P3_9ACTN Nocardioides szechwanensis (UP000199004) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9UPX6_9ACTN Nocardioides terrae (UP000198832) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1IY74_9ACTN Nocardioides thalensis (UP000530424) UniProtKB Star A0A853C0N7_9ACTN Nocardioides zeae (UP000468687) UniProtKB Star A0A6P0HMT9_9ACTN Nocardioides zhouii (UP000291101) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2T4E4_9ACTN Pimelobacter Nocardioides simplex (UP000030300) UniProtKB Star A0A0A1DLH1_NOCSI Propionicimonas Propionicimonas paludicola (UP000226079) UniProtKB Star A0A2A9CRE2_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A2A9CRM1_9ACTN Solicola Solicola gregarius (UP001164390) UniProtKB Star A0AA46TIB3_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0AA46TM96_9ACTN Thermasporomyces Thermasporomyces composti (UP000256485) UniProtKB Star A0A3D9V0C4_THECX UniProtKB Star A0A3D9V1M7_THECX Propionibacteriaceae Acidipropionibacterium Acidipropionibacterium jensenii (UP000277858) UniProtKB Star A0A3S4YQI0_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A448P1E2_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A3S4V1S0_9ACTN Acidipropionibacterium virtanenii (UP000251995) UniProtKB Star A0A344US72_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A344US71_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A344UTH5_9ACTN Arachnia Arachnia propionica (UP000273044) UniProtKB Star A0A3S4VK41_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A3S4W7Z9_9ACTN Auraticoccus Auraticoccus cholistanensis (UP000435304) UniProtKB Star A0A6A9V0M2_9ACTN Auraticoccus monumenti (UP000198546) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7CRT6_9ACTN Cutibacterium Cutibacterium avidum ATCC 25577 (UP000005332) UniProtKB Star G4CVD0_9ACTN UniProtKB Star G4CVD1_9ACTN Cutibacterium granulosum DSM 20700 (UP000016307) UniProtKB Star U1F6W5_9ACTN UniProtKB Star U1F825_9ACTN Desertihabitans Desertihabitans brevis (UP000252770) UniProtKB Star A0A367YZT7_9ACTN Enemella Enemella dayhoffiae (UP000216311) UniProtKB Star A0A255H3F0_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A255H306_9ACTN Enemella evansiae (UP000215896) UniProtKB Star A0A255G1D7_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A255G243_9ACTN Luteococcus Luteococcus japonicus LSP_Lj1 (UP000188342) UniProtKB Star A0A1R4IUQ1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1R4IUL4_9ACTN Microlunatus Microlunatus antarcticus (UP000565572) UniProtKB Star A0A7W5P6A9_9ACTN Microlunatus elymi (UP000319263) UniProtKB Star A0A516Q1D7_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A516Q5Y2_9ACTN Microlunatus endophyticus (UP000613840) UniProtKB Star A0A917W010_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A917SA74_9ACTN Microlunatus kandeliicorticis (UP000523079) UniProtKB Star A0A7W3P6Y6_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A7W3P6R7_9ACTN Microlunatus parietis (UP000569914) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9I3W5_9ACTN Microlunatus phosphovorus (strain ATCC 700054 / DSM 10555 / JCM 9379 /... (UP000007947) UniProtKB Star F5XSH3_MICPN UniProtKB Star F5XS91_MICPN Microlunatus sagamiharensis (UP000198825) UniProtKB Star A0A1H2LY91_9ACTN Microlunatus soli (UP000199103) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1UCR4_9ACTN Microlunatus sp. Gsoil 973 (UP000425099) Naumannella Naumannella cuiyingiana (UP000527616) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z0DBC8_9ACTN Naumannella halotolerans (UP000295371) UniProtKB Star A0A4R7J8N5_9ACTN Parenemella Parenemella sanctibonifatiensis (UP000216300) UniProtKB Star A0A255EHS5_9ACTN Propionibacterium Propionibacterium acidifaciens F0233 (UP000017052) UniProtKB Star U2SAH6_9ACTN UniProtKB Star U2QFI7_9ACTN Propionibacterium australiense (UP000263928) UniProtKB Star A0A383S5T4_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A383S2E0_9ACTN Propionibacterium cyclohexanicum (UP000198815) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9S1Z4_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1H9Q4S9_9ACTN Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii (strain ATCC 9614 / ... (UP000000936) UniProtKB Star D7GJ25_PROFC UniProtKB Star D7GDV5_PROFC Propionibacterium sp. oral taxon 192 str. F0372 (UP000014567) UniProtKB Star S3XAH4_9ACTN UniProtKB Star S3X417_9ACTN Propioniciclava Propioniciclava coleopterorum (UP000501058) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7Y417_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A6G7Y784_9ACTN Propioniciclava flava (UP000290624) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2EFE8_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2ECB3_9ACTN Propioniciclava sinopodophylli (UP000292373) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9KFN6_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9KEQ2_9ACTN Propioniciclava tarda (UP000291933) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9KI17_PROTD UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9KI19_PROTD Propioniferax Propioniferax innocua (UP000316196) UniProtKB Star A0A542Z7F2_9ACTN Propionimicrobium Propionimicrobium lymphophilum ACS-093-V-SCH5 (UP000014417) UniProtKB Star S2W3R7_9ACTN UniProtKB Star S2W415_9ACTN Raineyella Raineyella antarctica (UP000199086) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6GRK6_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1G6GMR4_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1G6GU94_9ACTN Raineyella fluvialis (UP000386847) UniProtKB Star A0A5Q2FHT9_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A5Q2FJZ2_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A5Q2FFV1_9ACTN Tessaracoccus Tessaracoccus antarcticus (UP000275256) UniProtKB Star A0A3M0GB99_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A3M0G2C5_9ACTN Tessaracoccus aquimaris (UP000188145) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q2CND6_9ACTN Tessaracoccus bendigoensis DSM 12906 (UP000184512) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6IVH5_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1M6IVS8_9ACTN Tessaracoccus defluvii (UP000516117) Tessaracoccus flavescens (UP000188235) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q2CV60_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1Q2CV71_9ACTN Tessaracoccus flavus (UP000188324) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q2CCS9_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1Q2CCT0_9ACTN Tessaracoccus lapidicaptus (UP000093501) UniProtKB Star A0A1C0ASJ1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1C0ASH0_9ACTN Tessaracoccus oleiagri (UP000199475) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9KRR3_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1G9KRG9_9ACTN Tessaracoccus rhinocerotis (UP000317638) UniProtKB Star A0A553K5D6_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A553K5D9_9ACTN Tessaracoccus sp. OH4464_COT-324 (UP000274803) UniProtKB Star A0A3P1WL31_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A3P1WK67_9ACTN Tessaracoccus sp. ZS01 (UP000187142) UniProtKB Star A0A1R1IEK0_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1R1IEK8_9ACTN Propionibacteriales bacterium (UP000444577) UniProtKB Star A0A7J9VU75_9ACTN Pseudonocardiales Pseudonocardiaceae Actinoalloteichus Actinoalloteichus hoggarensis (UP000204221) UniProtKB Star A0A221W8L3_9PSEU Actinocrispum Actinocrispum wychmicini (UP000295680) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2JKH1_9PSEU Actinokineospora Actinokineospora alba (UP000199651) UniProtKB Star A0A1H0HZ19_9PSEU Actinokineospora auranticolor (UP000239203) UniProtKB Star A0A2S6GGJ1_9PSEU Actinokineospora bangkokensis (UP000186040) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q9LHW2_9PSEU Actinokineospora fastidiosa (UP000660680) UniProtKB Star A0A918GP94_9PSEU Actinokineospora globicatena (UP001165042) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6VBD6_9PSEU Actinokineospora iranica (UP000199501) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6N5K9_9PSEU Actinokineospora spheciospongiae (UP000019277) UniProtKB Star W7J0J9_9PSEU Actinomycetospora Actinomycetospora cinnamomea (UP000245639) UniProtKB Star A0A2U1FHR1_9PSEU Actinomycetospora corticicola (UP000535890) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9DTY3_9PSEU Actinomycetospora sp. TBRC 11914 (UP000584836) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y0KLL0_9PSEU Actinophytocola algeriensis (UP000520767) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7Q7C0_9PSEU Actinophytocola oryzae (UP000294927) UniProtKB Star A0A4R7W1N2_9PSEU Actinophytocola sp. (UP000478898) UniProtKB Star A0A6L5EXB9_9PSEU Actinophytocola xanthii (UP000185596) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q8CWN6_9PSEU Actinophytocola xinjiangensis (UP000185696) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z0WPM4_9PSEU Actinosynnema Actinosynnema mirum (strain ATCC 29888 / DSM 43827 / JCM 3225 / NBRC 1... (UP000002213) UniProtKB Star C6WG52_ACTMD Alloactinosynnema sp. L-07 (UP000076116) UniProtKB Star A0A0H5D2S3_9PSEU Allokutzneria Allokutzneria albata (UP000183376) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9WFE3_ALLAB UniProtKB Star A0A1G9SVG4_ALLAB UniProtKB Star A0A1G9WFI7_ALLAB Allosaccharopolyspora Allosaccharopolyspora coralli (UP000371041) UniProtKB Star A0A5Q3QD34_9PSEU Amycolatopsis Amycolatopsis acidicola (UP000319769) UniProtKB Star A0A5N0V3K2_9PSEU Amycolatopsis acidiphila (UP000318578) UniProtKB Star A0A557ZZ66_9PSEU Amycolatopsis alkalitolerans (UP000305546) UniProtKB Star A0A5C4LVJ8_9PSEU Amycolatopsis antarctica (UP000242444) UniProtKB Star A0A263D7S1_9PSEU Amycolatopsis arida (UP000198727) UniProtKB Star A0A1I5NTY6_9PSEU Amycolatopsis bartoniae (UP000658656) UniProtKB Star A0A8H9MBD7_9PSEU Amycolatopsis cihanbeyliensis (UP000320876) UniProtKB Star A0A542DH53_AMYCI Amycolatopsis eburnea (UP000267081) UniProtKB Star A0A427SXI6_9PSEU Amycolatopsis endophytica (UP000549616) UniProtKB Star A0A853AWB2_9PSEU Amycolatopsis japonica group Amycolatopsis keratiniphila (UP000013968) UniProtKB Star R4TA90_9PSEU Amycolatopsis jiangsuensis (UP000581769) UniProtKB Star A0A840J5S3_9PSEU UniProtKB Star A0A840IVB7_9PSEU Amycolatopsis marina (UP000243799) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0YGQ1_9PSEU Amycolatopsis mediterranei (strain U-32) (UP000000328) UniProtKB Star A0A0H3D6F5_AMYMU Amycolatopsis methanolica group Amycolatopsis methanolica 239 (UP000062973) UniProtKB Star A0A076MS31_AMYME Amycolatopsis pithecellobii (UP000440096) UniProtKB Star A0A6N7ZBT1_9PSEU Amycolatopsis rhizosphaerae (UP000320011) UniProtKB Star A0A558ANH6_9PSEU Amycolatopsis saalfeldensis (UP000198582) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8YM35_9PSEU Amycolatopsis sacchari (UP000199025) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4BXR6_9PSEU Amycolatopsis sp. CA-230715 (UP000679054) UniProtKB Star A0A975MU19_9PSEU Amycolatopsis sp. FDAARGOS 1241 (UP000641283) UniProtKB Star A0A974UM86_9PSEU Amycolatopsis sp. M39 (UP000078429) UniProtKB Star A0A178WTU3_9PSEU Amycolatopsis sp. YIM 10 (UP000327322) UniProtKB Star A0A5P9PGE6_9PSEU Amycolatopsis suaedae (UP000292003) UniProtKB Star A0A4V2EMC1_9PSEU Amycolatopsis sulphurea (UP000243542) UniProtKB Star A0A2A9F7B3_9PSEU Amycolatopsis taiwanensis (UP001165136) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6R3G3_9PSEU Amycolatopsis xylanica (UP000199515) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3CUZ4_9PSEU Crossiella Crossiella cryophila (UP000533598) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7FYA0_9PSEU Goodfellowiella Goodfellowiella coeruleoviolacea (UP001206128) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3GC45_9PSEU Haloechinothrix Haloechinothrix alba (UP000198348) UniProtKB Star A0A238VMS1_9PSEU Haloechinothrix halophila YIM 93223 (UP000054357) Halosaccharopolyspora Halosaccharopolyspora lacisalsi (UP000569329) UniProtKB Star A0A839DWQ3_9PSEU Herbihabitans Herbihabitans rhizosphaerae (UP000294257) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7KQK1_9PSEU Kibdelosporangium Kibdelosporangium aridum (UP000192674) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5XXL9_KIBAR Kibdelosporangium phytohabitans (UP000063699) UniProtKB Star A0A0N7F534_9PSEU Kutzneria Kutzneria albida DSM 43870 (UP000019225) UniProtKB Star W5WE47_9PSEU UniProtKB Star W5WGC1_9PSEU Kutzneria kofuensis (UP000585638) UniProtKB Star A0A7W9KRF7_9PSEU Kutzneria sp. (strain 744) (UP000030658) UniProtKB Star W7TGK5_KUTS7 Labedaea Labedaea rhizosphaerae (UP000295444) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6SAQ6_LABRH Lentzea Lentzea aerocolonigenes (UP000033393) UniProtKB Star A0A0F0GL17_LENAE Lentzea albidocapillata (UP000192840) UniProtKB Star A0A1W2FFH1_9PSEU Lentzea tibetensis (UP000316639) UniProtKB Star A0A563ETR1_9PSEU Longimycelium Longimycelium tulufanense (UP000637578) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3CA04_9PSEU Prauserella Prauserella cavernicola (UP000635245) UniProtKB Star A0A934V7L7_9PSEU Prauserella flavalba (UP000247892) UniProtKB Star A0A318LDL9_9PSEU Prauserella isguenensis (UP000550714) UniProtKB Star A0A839S6K5_9PSEU Prauserella marina (UP000199494) UniProtKB Star A0A222VL91_9PSEU Prauserella muralis (UP000249915) UniProtKB Star A0A2V4AZ84_9PSEU Prauserella shujinwangii (UP000238362) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0LWF6_9PSEU Pseudonocardia Pseudonocardia ammonioxydans (UP000199614) UniProtKB Star A0A1I5CLJ2_PSUAM Pseudonocardia asaccharolytica DSM 44247 = NBRC 16224 (UP000321328) UniProtKB Star A0A511D2R8_9PSEU Pseudonocardia autotrophica (UP000194360) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2N9Q1_PSEAH Pseudonocardia bannensis (UP000586918) UniProtKB Star A0A848DJX7_9PSEU Pseudonocardia broussonetiae (UP000505377) UniProtKB Star A0A6M6JHR9_9PSEU Pseudonocardia cypriaca (UP000319818) UniProtKB Star A0A543GAE6_9PSEU Pseudonocardia dioxanivorans (strain ATCC 55486 / DSM 44775 / JCM 1385... (UP000007809) UniProtKB Star F4CR05_PSEUX Pseudonocardia endophytica (UP000295560) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1HFE6_PSEEN Pseudonocardia halophobica (UP001143463) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6KZP1_9PSEU Pseudonocardia hydrocarbonoxydans (UP000320338) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y3WJZ3_9PSEU Pseudonocardia oroxyli (UP000198967) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7MUM1_PSEOR Pseudonocardia sediminis (UP000291591) UniProtKB Star A0A4V2FRB1_PSEST Pseudonocardia sp. C8 (UP000650035) UniProtKB Star A0A923EV20_9PSEU Pseudonocardia sp. CNS-004 (UP000186863) Pseudonocardia sp. EC080619-01 (UP000066228) UniProtKB Star A0A0P0SEQ0_9PSEU Pseudonocardia sp. HH130629-09 (UP000062082) UniProtKB Star A0A0M4Q398_9PSEU Pseudonocardia sp. HH130630-07 (UP000092926) UniProtKB Star A0A1B1ZIP3_9PSEU Pseudonocardia sp. MH-G8 (UP000216936) UniProtKB Star A0A263DT05_9PSEU Pseudonocardia sulfidoxydans NBRC 16205 (UP000321685) UniProtKB Star A0A511DEL7_9PSEU Pseudonocardia thermophila (UP000184363) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6PHM2_PSETH Pseudonocardiaceae bacterium (UP000468742) UniProtKB Star A0A6N7HWA8_9PSEU Pseudonocardiaceae bacterium YIM PH 21723 (UP000285726) UniProtKB Star A0A419HCC4_9PSEU Saccharomonospora Saccharomonospora glauca K62 (UP000005087) UniProtKB Star I1CYZ1_9PSEU Saccharomonospora marina XMU15 (UP000004926) UniProtKB Star H5WYG6_9PSEU Saccharomonospora piscinae (UP000192591) UniProtKB Star A0A1V8ZYZ2_SACPI Saccharomonospora sp. CUA-673 (UP000186761) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q9V8H0_9PSEU Saccharomonospora viridis (strain ATCC 15386 / DSM 43017 / JCM 3036 / ... (UP000000841) UniProtKB Star C7MXF2_SACVD Saccharopolyspora Saccharopolyspora elongata (UP000294947) UniProtKB Star A0A4R4Z3B3_9PSEU Saccharopolyspora erythraea (strain ATCC 11635 / DSM 40517 / JCM 4748 ... (UP000006728) UniProtKB Star SYE_SACEN Saccharopolyspora gloriosae (UP000580474) UniProtKB Star A0A840NN24_9PSEU Saccharopolyspora hordei (UP000587002) UniProtKB Star A0A853AEY1_9PSEU Saccharopolyspora phatthalungensis (UP000584374) UniProtKB Star A0A840QAG0_9PSEU Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula (UP000031419) UniProtKB Star A0A073AT82_9PSEU Saccharopolyspora rhizosphaerae (UP000274515) UniProtKB Star A0A426JSX2_9PSEU Saccharopolyspora sp. ASAGF58 (UP000501808) UniProtKB Star A0A6H1R2V4_9PSEU Saccharopolyspora sp. HNM0983 (UP000598360) UniProtKB Star A0A929BDS5_9PSEU Saccharopolyspora subtropica (UP000597989) UniProtKB Star A0A917JJW8_9PSEU Saccharothrix Saccharothrix algeriensis (UP000671828) UniProtKB Star A0A8T8HTI6_9PSEU Saccharothrix australiensis (UP000282084) UniProtKB Star A0A495W7N3_9PSEU Saccharothrix coeruleofusca (UP000639606) UniProtKB Star A0A918AK19_9PSEU Saccharothrix ecbatanensis (UP000552097) UniProtKB Star A0A7W9HNT1_9PSEU Saccharothrix espanaensis (strain ATCC 51144 / DSM 44229 / JCM 9112 / ... (UP000006281) UniProtKB Star K0KA63_SACES Saccharothrix sp. ALI-22-I (UP000188617) UniProtKB Star A0A1V2Q4Y6_9PSEU Saccharothrix sp. CB00851 (UP000186828) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q4Y751_9PSEU UniProtKB Star A0A1Q4X1N9_9PSEU Saccharothrix sp. ST-888 (UP000033409) UniProtKB Star A0A0F0HHE3_9PSEU Saccharothrix syringae (UP000325787) UniProtKB Star A0A5Q0HA52_SACSY UniProtKB Star A0A5Q0H4W4_SACSY Saccharothrix tamanrassetensis (UP000547510) UniProtKB Star A0A841CEQ8_9PSEU Saccharothrix variisporea (UP000272729) UniProtKB Star A0A495XMS3_9PSEU Saccharothrix violaceirubra (UP000542674) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7T041_9PSEU Solihabitans Solihabitans fulvus (UP000323454) UniProtKB Star A0A5B2X821_9PSEU Streptoalloteichus Streptoalloteichus hindustanus (UP000184501) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5GR80_STRHI Tamaricihabitans Tamaricihabitans halophyticus (UP000294911) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2QSG0_9PSEU Umezawaea Umezawaea tangerina (UP000239494) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0TAR5_9PSEU Sporichthyales Sporichthyaceae Epidermidibacterium Epidermidibacterium keratini (UP000463857) UniProtKB Star A0A7L4YSM9_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A7L4YSD2_9ACTN Streptosporangiales Allonocardiopsis Allonocardiopsis opalescens (UP000237846) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0PVW1_9ACTN Nocardiopsidaceae Actinorugispora Actinorugispora endophytica (UP000295281) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6V6C4_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A4R6V4J3_9ACTN Haloactinospora Haloactinospora alba (UP000317422) UniProtKB Star A0A543NL86_9ACTN Halostreptopolyspora Halostreptopolyspora alba (UP000269198) UniProtKB Star A0A3N0EAF1_9ACTN Lipingzhangella Lipingzhangella halophila (UP000523007) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7RKC6_9ACTN Marinactinospora Marinactinospora thermotolerans DSM 45154 (UP000190637) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4SF70_9ACTN Marinitenerispora Marinitenerispora sediminis (UP000253318) UniProtKB Star A0A368TBW4_9ACTN Murinocardiopsis Murinocardiopsis flavida (UP000240542) UniProtKB Star A0A2P8CLW2_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A2P8DEB9_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A2P8CLW9_9ACTN Nocardiopsis Nocardiopsis algeriensis (UP000536604) UniProtKB Star A0A841IQD4_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A841IL77_9ACTN Nocardiopsis ansamitocini (UP001165092) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6UHH6_9ACTN Nocardiopsis composta (UP000572635) UniProtKB Star A0A7W8VDZ5_9ACTN Nocardiopsis dassonvillei (strain ATCC 23218 / DSM 43111 / CIP 107115 ... (UP000002219) UniProtKB Star D7AU73_NOCDD Nocardiopsis eucommiae (UP000682416) Nocardiopsis flavescens (UP000184452) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6KMN4_9ACTN Nocardiopsis gilva YIM 90087 (UP000215005) UniProtKB Star A0A223SAT2_9ACTN Nocardiopsis kunsanensis (UP000654947) UniProtKB Star A0A918XBZ7_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A918X7L3_9ACTN Nocardiopsis metallicus (UP000579647) UniProtKB Star A0A840WQL4_9ACTN Nocardiopsis sp. CNR-923 (UP000185703) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q9TMV6_9ACTN Nocardiopsis sp. JB363 (UP000195722) UniProtKB Star A0A1R3UGM1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1R3URD4_9ACTN Nocardiopsis sp. L17-MgMaSL7 (UP000246681) UniProtKB Star A0A317MAK4_9ACTN Nocardiopsis sp. NRRL B-16309 (UP000037694) UniProtKB Star A0A0M8Y2Z0_9ACTN Spinactinospora Spinactinospora alkalitolerans (UP000589036) UniProtKB Star A0A852TUT9_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A852TZ63_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A852TZW7_9ACTN Streptomonospora Streptomonospora alba (UP000031675) Streptomonospora litoralis (UP000292235) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6Q292_9ACTN Streptomonospora nanhaiensis (UP000575985) UniProtKB Star A0A853BJR1_9ACTN Thermobifida Thermobifida fusca TM51 (UP000014184) UniProtKB Star A0A9P2TCK1_THEFU Thermobifida halotolerans (UP000265719) UniProtKB Star A0AA97M413_9ACTN Streptosporangiaceae Acrocarpospora Acrocarpospora corrugata (UP000334990) UniProtKB Star A0A5M3VT30_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A5M3W5W3_9ACTN Acrocarpospora phusangensis (UP000640052) UniProtKB Star A0A919UQG7_9ACTN Acrocarpospora pleiomorpha (UP000377595) UniProtKB Star A0A5M3XUJ5_9ACTN Bailinhaonella Bailinhaonella thermotolerans (UP000265768) UniProtKB Star A0A3A4A8Y9_9ACTN Herbidospora Herbidospora galbida (UP000308705) UniProtKB Star A0A4U3MJB4_9ACTN Microbispora Microbispora bryophytorum (UP000653480) UniProtKB Star A0A8H9H7Q6_9ACTN Microbispora fusca (UP000309033) UniProtKB Star A0A5R8YIH1_9ACTN Microbispora oryzae (UP000674234) UniProtKB Star A0A941AGS5_9ACTN Microbispora sp. ATCC PTA-5024 (UP000018869) UniProtKB Star W2ELJ8_9ACTN Nonomuraea Nonomuraea aridisoli (UP000249304) UniProtKB Star A0A2W2G401_9ACTN Nonomuraea cavernae (UP000646523) UniProtKB Star A0A917YV08_9ACTN Nonomuraea cypriaca (UP000605361) UniProtKB Star A0A931AI63_9ACTN Nonomuraea dietziae (UP000579945) UniProtKB Star A0A7W5V5I2_9ACTN Nonomuraea endophytica (UP000568380) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7ZZS1_9ACTN Nonomuraea fuscirosea (UP000238312) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0ML34_9ACTN Nonomuraea glycinis (UP000660745) UniProtKB Star A0A917ZY26_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A918AEA1_9ACTN Nonomuraea jabiensis (UP000579153) UniProtKB Star A0A7W9FZ79_9ACTN Nonomuraea jiangxiensis (UP000199202) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8ZHD0_9ACTN Nonomuraea longispora (UP000295157) UniProtKB Star A0A4R4N986_9ACTN Nonomuraea maritima (UP000198683) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8VEL2_9ACTN Nonomuraea montanisoli (UP000586042) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y6IB95_9ACTN Nonomuraea muscovyensis (UP000583800) UniProtKB Star A0A7X0F325_9ACTN Nonomuraea phyllanthi (UP000312512) UniProtKB Star A0A5C4WF11_9ACTN Nonomuraea polychroma (UP000284824) UniProtKB Star A0A438MFI7_9ACTN Nonomuraea pusilla (UP000198953) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8ANG1_9ACTN Nonomuraea solani (UP000236732) UniProtKB Star A0A1H6EA35_9ACTN Nonomuraea soli (UP000530928) UniProtKB Star A0A7W0HSG8_9ACTN Nonomuraea sp. C10 (UP000321164) UniProtKB Star A0A5C8JNU3_9ACTN Nonomuraea sp. WAC 01424 (UP000286861) UniProtKB Star A0A429B508_9ACTN Nonomuraea wenchangensis (UP000199361) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0D684_9ACTN Nonomuraea zeae (UP000306628) UniProtKB Star A0A5S4G7A1_9ACTN [Actinomadura] parvosata subsp. kistnae (UP000190797) UniProtKB Star A0A1V0AG36_9ACTN Planobispora Planobispora rosea (UP000655044) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3S2M7_PLARO Planobispora takensis (UP000634476) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3SYK7_9ACTN Planomonospora Planomonospora sphaerica (UP000077701) UniProtKB Star A0A171D1J0_9ACTN Planomonospora venezuelensis (UP000562352) UniProtKB Star A0A841D3J2_PLAVE Planotetraspora Planotetraspora silvatica (UP000644610) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3XSQ8_9ACTN Planotetraspora thailandica (UP000605992) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3V6A6_9ACTN Sinosporangium Sinosporangium album (UP000198923) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8AXQ7_9ACTN Sinosporangium siamense (UP000606172) UniProtKB Star A0A919RHT9_9ACTN Sphaerimonospora Sphaerimonospora thailandensis (UP000610966) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3RDV6_9ACTN Sphaerisporangium Sphaerisporangium album (UP000253094) UniProtKB Star A0A367FRU1_9ACTN Sphaerisporangium krabiense (UP000588112) UniProtKB Star A0A7W8Z660_9ACTN Sphaerisporangium melleum (UP000645217) UniProtKB Star A0A917QVE0_9ACTN Sphaerisporangium rubeum (UP000555564) UniProtKB Star A0A7X0MAC0_9ACTN Sphaerisporangium rufum (UP000655287) UniProtKB Star A0A919R154_9ACTN Spongiactinospora Spongiactinospora gelatinilytica (UP000248544) UniProtKB Star A0A2W2H4J8_9ACTN Streptosporangiaceae bacterium NEAU-GS5 (UP000677189) UniProtKB Star A0A8T4EY32_9ACTN Streptosporangium Streptosporangium album (UP000534286) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7RT46_9ACTN Streptosporangium becharense (UP000540685) UniProtKB Star A0A7W9IIQ7_9ACTN Streptosporangium carneum (UP001143474) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6I927_9ACTN Streptosporangium roseum (strain ATCC 12428 / DSM 43021 / JCM 3005 / K... (UP000002029) UniProtKB Star D2AVN4_STRRD Streptosporangium saharense (UP000552644) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7QRV7_9ACTN Streptosporangium sandarakinum (UP000576393) UniProtKB Star A0A852V2V2_9ACTN Streptosporangium subroseum (UP000198282) UniProtKB Star A0A239H9P0_9ACTN Thermobispora Thermobispora bispora (strain ATCC 19993 / DSM 43833 / CBS 139.67 / JC... (UP000006640) UniProtKB Star D6Y688_THEBD Thermocatellispora Thermocatellispora tengchongensis (UP000578449) UniProtKB Star A0A840P3U8_9ACTN Thermopolyspora Thermopolyspora flexuosa (UP000319213) UniProtKB Star A0A543ITV7_9ACTN Streptosporangiales bacterium (UP000440306) UniProtKB Star A0A6N7IKJ8_9ACTN Thermomonosporaceae Actinoallomurus Actinoallomurus bryophytorum (UP000316096) UniProtKB Star A0A543CE85_9ACTN Actinoallomurus iriomotensis (UP001165074) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6VYF4_9ACTN Actinocorallia Actinocorallia herbida (UP000272400) UniProtKB Star A0A3N1CT79_9ACTN Actinomadura Actinomadura barringtoniae (UP000669179) UniProtKB Star A0A939PMK7_9ACTN Actinomadura chibensis (UP000323380) UniProtKB Star A0A5D0N769_9ACTN Actinomadura coerulea (UP000546324) UniProtKB Star A0A7X0FV94_9ACTN Actinomadura craniellae (UP000251891) UniProtKB Star A0A365HCR0_9ACTN Actinomadura darangshiensis (UP000295578) UniProtKB Star A0A4R4ZNF5_9ACTN Actinomadura hallensis (UP000316706) UniProtKB Star A0A543IE44_9ACTN Actinomadura harenae (UP000282674) UniProtKB Star A0A3M2LPH8_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A3M2M4S7_9ACTN Actinomadura latina (UP000579250) UniProtKB Star A0A846YY73_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A846YZ97_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A846YY83_9ACTN Actinomadura litoris (UP000432015) UniProtKB Star A0A7K1LDN3_9ACTN Actinomadura logoneensis (UP000261811) UniProtKB Star A0A372JBX9_9ACTN Actinomadura macrotermitis (UP000487268) UniProtKB Star A0A7K0BLD6_9ACTN Actinomadura madurae (UP000183413) UniProtKB Star A0A1I5Y595_9ACTN Actinomadura meyerae (UP000198318) UniProtKB Star A0A239MTH7_9ACTN Actinomadura namibiensis (UP000572680) UniProtKB Star A0A7W3LYY5_ACTNM Actinomadura physcomitrii (UP000462055) UniProtKB Star A0A6I4MBC9_9ACTN Actinomadura rubrisoli (UP000294513) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5BGM3_9ACTN Actinomadura rubrobrunea (UP001165124) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6PUZ4_9ACTN Actinomadura rubteroloni (UP000242367) UniProtKB Star A0A2P4UF85_9ACTN Actinomadura rudentiformis (UP000468735) UniProtKB Star A0A6H9YIY7_9ACTN Actinomadura sp. BRA 177 (UP000522477) UniProtKB Star A0A850JGR2_9ACTN Actinomadura sp. KC06 (UP000295596) UniProtKB Star A0A4V2YHD1_9ACTN Actinomadura sp. KC345 (UP000295623) UniProtKB Star A0A4R4S2R4_9ACTN Actinomadura sp. WAC 06369 (UP000288610) UniProtKB Star A0A429FZ82_9ACTN Actinomadura spongiicola (UP000262882) UniProtKB Star A0A372G7Q5_9ACTN Actinomadura viridis (UP000614047) UniProtKB Star A0A931DHS4_9ACTN Thermomonospora Thermomonospora cellulosilytica (UP000539313) UniProtKB Star A0A7W3RB12_9ACTN Thermomonospora curvata (strain ATCC 19995 / DSM 43183 / JCM 3096 / KC... (UP000001918) UniProtKB Star D1A5Q4_THECD Thermomonospora echinospora (UP000236723) UniProtKB Star A0A1H6E6P0_9ACTN Thermomonospora umbrina (UP000256661) UniProtKB Star A0A3D9T491_9ACTN Thermostaphylospora Thermostaphylospora chromogena (UP000217103) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1AEA3_9ACTN Treboniaceae Trebonia Trebonia kvetii (UP000460272) UniProtKB Star A0A6P2C9E0_9ACTN marine actinobacterium PHSC20C1 (UP000003868) UniProtKB Star A4AL98_9ACTN Actinomycetota bacterium (UP000678472) UniProtKB Star A0A942QGH0_9ACTN Actinomycetota incertae sedis Candidatus Hakubellales Candidatus Hakubellaceae Candidatus Hakubella Candidatus Hakubella thermalkaliphila (UP000588083) UniProtKB Star A0A6V8Q2I9_9ACTN Coriobacteriia Coriobacteriales Atopobiaceae Atopobium Atopobium deltae (UP000070675) UniProtKB Star A0A133XSK9_9ACTN Atopobium minutum 10063974 (UP000012651) UniProtKB Star N2BNG4_9ACTN UniProtKB Star N2C084_9ACTN Atopobium sp. oral taxon 199 str. F0494 (UP000014384) UniProtKB Star S2ZVD6_9ACTN UniProtKB Star S2ZPK9_9ACTN Fannyhessea Fannyhessea vaginae DSM 15829 (UP000005947) UniProtKB Star F1T6G9_9ACTN Lancefieldella Lancefieldella parvula (strain ATCC 33793 / DSM 20469 / CCUG 32760 / J... (UP000000960) UniProtKB Star C8W9Z7_LANP1 UniProtKB Star C8W8G5_LANP1 Olsenella Olsenella profusa F0195 (UP000016638) UniProtKB Star U2TQT5_9ACTN Olsenella sp. An188 (UP000196278) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4K0I4_9ACTN Olsenella sp. HMSC062G07 (UP000176754) UniProtKB Star A0A1E8VXV1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1E8VZV1_9ACTN Olsenella sp. KH1P3 (UP000190585) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4P8S1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1T4MF43_9ACTN Olsenella sp. oral taxon 809 str. F0356 (UP000003446) UniProtKB Star G5F5H2_9ACTN UniProtKB Star G5F2D0_9ACTN Olsenella uli (strain ATCC 49627 / DSM 7084 / CCUG 31166 / CIP 109912 ... (UP000000333) UniProtKB Star E1QVN5_OLSUV UniProtKB Star E1QXI4_OLSUV Parafannyhessea Parafannyhessea umbonata (UP000198528) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6JSX0_9ACTN Parolsenella Parolsenella catena (UP000273154) UniProtKB Star A0A3G9JXZ3_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A3G9K6A9_9ACTN Thermophilibacter Thermophilibacter immobilis (UP000593735) UniProtKB Star A0A7S7M7A9_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A7S7M8B3_9ACTN Tractidigestivibacter Tractidigestivibacter scatoligenes (UP000054078) UniProtKB Star A0A100YUG2_TRASO UniProtKB Star A0A117J4T6_TRASO Coriobacteriaceae Collinsella Collinsella acetigenes (UP000546970) UniProtKB Star A0A7X9UBK3_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A7X9UAF2_9ACTN Collinsella intestinalis (UP000283983) UniProtKB Star A0A414NG57_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A414NDZ2_9ACTN Collinsella sp. 4_8_47FAA (UP000029702) UniProtKB Star A0A096KPX2_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A096LGP3_9ACTN Collinsella sp. AK_207A (UP000400317) UniProtKB Star A0A5K1JB47_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A5K1IT19_9ACTN Collinsella sp. An2 (UP000195399) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4HPZ0_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4HYC4_9ACTN Collinsella sp. An271 (UP000195889) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4DTM5_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4DZK3_9ACTN Collinsella sp. An307 (UP000196349) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4A8W6_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4AE75_9ACTN Collinsella sp. BA40 (UP000321063) UniProtKB Star A0A5C7F139_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A5C7F0I8_9ACTN Collinsella sp. zg1085 (UP000681649) UniProtKB Star A0A975SCF7_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A975XQI2_9ACTN Collinsella stercoris DSM 13279 (UP000003560) UniProtKB Star B6GC65_9ACTN UniProtKB Star B6GAI7_9ACTN Collinsella tanakaei YIT 12063 (UP000004830) UniProtKB Star G1WG57_9ACTN UniProtKB Star G1WIN9_9ACTN Coriobacteriaceae bacterium (UP000307753) UniProtKB Star A0A4S2EVC1_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A4S2EV31_9ACTN Coriobacteriaceae bacterium BV3Ac1 (UP000016652) UniProtKB Star U2U2X2_9ACTN UniProtKB Star U2U3R8_9ACTN Coriobacteriaceae bacterium CHKCI002 (UP000199067) UniProtKB Star A0A143X9X7_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A143XBR4_9ACTN Coriobacteriaceae bacterium EMTCatB1 (UP000191049) UniProtKB Star A0A1V1RF27_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1V1RID9_9ACTN Coriobacterium Coriobacterium glomerans (strain ATCC 49209 / DSM 20642 / JCM 10262 / ... (UP000006851) UniProtKB Star F2N9T6_CORGP UniProtKB Star F2N7C0_CORGP Enorma Enorma massiliensis (UP000196560) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3U4G8_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3U320_9ACTN [Collinsella] massiliensis (UP000195781) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3XNG2_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3XTE9_9ACTN Parvibacter Parvibacter caecicola (UP000309454) UniProtKB Star A0A3N0ACK8_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A3N0ADA7_9ACTN Senegalimassilia Senegalimassilia anaerobia (UP000253792) UniProtKB Star A0A369L6N2_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A369LB57_9ACTN Coriobacteriales bacterium DNF00809 (UP000070490) UniProtKB Star A0A133ZF74_9ACTN Coriobacteriales bacterium OH1046 (UP000289029) UniProtKB Star A0A437UYC0_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A437UX10_9ACTN Eggerthellales Eggerthellaceae Adlercreutzia Adlercreutzia caecimuris B7 (UP000014204) UniProtKB Star R9L6J5_9ACTN UniProtKB Star R9L1U0_9ACTN Berryella Berryella intestinalis (UP000031121) UniProtKB Star A0A0A8B4X2_9ACTN Berryella wangjianweii (UP000503297) UniProtKB Star A0A6M8J2M4_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A6M8IWA5_9ACTN Cryptobacterium Cryptobacterium curtum (strain ATCC 700683 / DSM 15641 / CCUG 43107 / ... (UP000000954) UniProtKB Star C7MNQ8_CRYCD UniProtKB Star C7MNE7_CRYCD Denitrobacterium Denitrobacterium detoxificans (UP000182975) UniProtKB Star A0A172RYB4_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A172RY93_9ACTN Eggerthella Eggerthella lenta (strain ATCC 25559 / DSM 2243 / CCUG 17323 / JCM 997... (UP000001377) UniProtKB Star C8WGN0_EGGLE UniProtKB Star C8WHG3_EGGLE Eggerthella sp. (strain YY7918) (UP000008929) UniProtKB Star F7V0X3_EEGSY Eggerthellaceae bacterium zg-893 (UP000486668) UniProtKB Star A0A7K3XX16_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A7K3XXZ1_9ACTN Ellagibacter Ellagibacter isourolithinifaciens (UP000468668) UniProtKB Star A0A6N6NR96_9ACTN Enterorhabdus Enterorhabdus sp. P55 (UP000486032) UniProtKB Star A0A7K3KZW5_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A7K3L219_9ACTN Enteroscipio Enteroscipio rubneri (UP000236197) UniProtKB Star A0A2K2UD55_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A2K2UDH1_9ACTN Gordonibacter Gordonibacter pamelaeae 7-10-1-b (UP000008805) Gordonibacter sp. 28C (UP000253913) UniProtKB Star A0A369LRD5_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A369LS67_9ACTN Paraeggerthella Paraeggerthella hongkongensis (UP000278632) UniProtKB Star A0A3N0B638_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A3N0BJ66_9ACTN Phoenicibacter Phoenicibacter congonensis (UP001168575) UniProtKB Star A0AA43U5J6_9ACTN Slackia Slackia equolifaciens (UP000269591) UniProtKB Star A0A3N0B237_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A3N0AUP8_9ACTN Slackia exigua (strain ATCC 700122 / DSM 15923 / CIP 105133 / JCM 1102... (UP000006001) UniProtKB Star D0WE78_SLAES UniProtKB Star D0WEE6_SLAES Slackia heliotrinireducens (strain ATCC 29202 / DSM 20476 / NCTC 11029... (UP000002026) UniProtKB Star C7N536_SLAHD UniProtKB Star C7N635_SLAHD Slackia isoflavoniconvertens (UP000271472) UniProtKB Star A0A3N0IFX8_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A3N0IG04_9ACTN Slackia piriformis YIT 12062 (UP000006069) UniProtKB Star K0YM29_9ACTN UniProtKB Star K0YLG0_9ACTN Nitriliruptoria Egibacterales Egibacteraceae Egibacter Egibacter rhizosphaerae (UP000291469) UniProtKB Star A0A411YCR3_9ACTN Egicoccales Egicoccaceae Egicoccus Egicoccus halophilus (UP000650511) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3ES30_9ACTN Euzebyales Euzebya pacifica (UP000264006) UniProtKB Star A0A346Y108_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A346XVH2_9ACTN Nitriliruptorales Nitriliruptorales bacterium (UP000451738) UniProtKB Star A0A7J9WG75_9ACTN Rubrobacteria Rubrobacterales Rubrobacteraceae Rubrobacter Rubrobacter marinus (UP000502706) UniProtKB Star A0A6G8PTZ5_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A6G8PV31_9ACTN Rubrobacter radiotolerans (UP000025229) UniProtKB Star A0A023X6F0_RUBRA UniProtKB Star A0A023X598_RUBRA UniProtKB Star A0A023X1C7_RUBRA Rubrobacter taiwanensis (UP000295244) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1BR56_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A4R1BGM7_9ACTN Rubrobacter tropicus (UP000501452) UniProtKB Star A0A6G8QBZ0_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A6G8QB01_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A6G8QF70_9ACTN Rubrobacter xylanophilus (strain DSM 9941 / JCM 11954 / NBRC 16129 / P... (UP000006637) UniProtKB Star SYE2_RUBXD UniProtKB Star SYE1_RUBXD Thermoleophilia Gaiellales Gaiellaceae Gaiella Gaiella occulta (UP000254134) UniProtKB Star A0A7M2YXY5_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A7M2YZ45_9ACTN Solirubrobacterales Baekduiaceae Baekduia Baekduia soli (UP000321805) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8UDS3_9ACTN Capillimicrobiaceae Capillimicrobium Capillimicrobium parvum (UP001162834) UniProtKB Star A0A9E6XXK5_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A9E7C175_9ACTN Conexibacteraceae Conexibacter Conexibacter arvalis (UP000585272) UniProtKB Star A0A840II60_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A840ILW5_9ACTN Conexibacter sp. JD483 (UP001180463) UniProtKB Star A0AAE4A673_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0AAE4AAE2_9ACTN Conexibacter woesei (strain DSM 14684 / CCUG 47730 / CIP 108061 / JCM ... (UP000008229) UniProtKB Star D3F0G1_CONWI UniProtKB Star D3FA44_CONWI Paraconexibacteraceae Paraconexibacter Paraconexibacter algicola (UP000240739) UniProtKB Star A0A2T4UB85_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A2T4UE80_9ACTN Patulibacteraceae Patulibacter Patulibacter medicamentivorans (UP000005143) UniProtKB Star H0E0Z7_9ACTN UniProtKB Star H0E222_9ACTN Solirubrobacteraceae Solirubrobacter Solirubrobacter ginsenosidimutans (UP001149140) UniProtKB Star A0A9X3MYV3_9ACTN Solirubrobacter pauli (UP000278962) UniProtKB Star A0A660LAP0_9ACTN Solirubrobacteraceae bacterium (UP000668897) UniProtKB Star A0A940FDN4_9ACTN UniProtKB Star A0A940F6N0_9ACTN Solirubrobacterales bacterium (UP000435342) UniProtKB Star A0A7J9YPI3_9ACTN Thermoleophilales Thermoleophilaceae Thermoleophilum Thermoleophilum album (UP000222056) UniProtKB Star A0A1H6FX16_THEAL Armatimonadota Armatimonadetes bacterium Uphvl-Ar1 (UP000196284) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0GYE0_9BACT Armatimonadetes bacterium Uphvl-Ar2 (UP000195582) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0H811_9BACT Armatimonadia Armatimonadales Armatimonadaceae Armatimonas Armatimonas rosea (UP000520814) UniProtKB Star A0A7W9SPF9_ARMRO Capsulimonadales Capsulimonadaceae Capsulimonas Capsulimonas corticalis (UP000287394) UniProtKB Star A0A402D3M4_9BACT Chthonomonadia Chthonomonadales Chthonomonadaceae Chthonomonas Chthonomonas calidirosea (strain DSM 23976 / ICMP 18418 / T49) (UP000014227) UniProtKB Star S0ESF3_CHTCT Fimbriimonadia Fimbriimonadales Fimbriimonadaceae Fimbriimonas Fimbriimonas ginsengisoli Gsoil 348 (UP000027982) UniProtKB Star A0A068NLK3_FIMGI UniProtKB Star A0A068NTF2_FIMGI Bacillota Bacilli Bacillales Abyssicoccaceae Abyssicoccus albus (UP000277108) UniProtKB Star A0A3N5BBU3_9BACL Alicyclobacillaceae Alicyclobacillaceae bacterium (UP001071586) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q4CV54_9BACL Alicyclobacillaceae bacterium I2511 (UP000286298) UniProtKB Star A0A418MLP3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A418MD89_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A418M1J8_9BACL Alicyclobacillus Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius subsp. acidocaldarius (strain ATCC 270... (UP000001917) UniProtKB Star C8WXQ7_ALIAD UniProtKB Star C8WTZ5_ALIAD UniProtKB Star C8WUE4_ALIAD Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris (strain ATCC 49025 / DSM 3922 / CIP 1... (UP000829401) UniProtKB Star T0DCH5_ALIAG UniProtKB Star T0BZR7_ALIAG UniProtKB Star T0BRX9_ALIAG Alicyclobacillus cellulosilyticus (UP000637695) UniProtKB Star A0A917KHQ1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A917KBW9_9BACL Alicyclobacillus ferrooxydans (UP000050482) UniProtKB Star A0A0P9CD67_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A0P9GSV4_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A0N8PNX7_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A0P9CCT2_9BACL Alicyclobacillus hesperidum (UP000182589) UniProtKB Star A0A1H2TBF9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1H2VHN6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1H2S0F2_9BACL Alicyclobacillus macrosporangiidus (UP000183508) UniProtKB Star A0A1I7JAR2_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1I7I5T1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1I7F417_9BACL Alicyclobacillus mengziensis (UP000663505) UniProtKB Star A0A9X7VVN3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A9X7W2P4_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A9X7W1G1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A9X7W1F6_9BACL Alicyclobacillus montanus (UP000184016) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6MG62_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1M6VLI4_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1M6QPD2_9BACL Alicyclobacillus sp. SO9 (UP000595468) UniProtKB Star A0A7T5EQR0_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7T5ETK8_9BACL Effusibacillus Effusibacillus dendaii (UP000593802) UniProtKB Star A0A7I8DDL2_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7I8DF41_9BACL Effusibacillus lacus (UP000217785) UniProtKB Star A0A292YLH8_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A292YKT6_9BACL Ferroacidibacillus Ferroacidibacillus organovorans (UP000190229) UniProtKB Star A0A1V4EPQ4_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1V4ET36_9BACL Kyrpidia Kyrpidia spormannii (UP000231932) UniProtKB Star A0A2K8NAH2_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A2K8N4H8_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A2K8NB87_9BACL Sulfoacidibacillus Sulfoacidibacillus thermotolerans (UP000245380) UniProtKB Star A0A2U3DBD5_SULT2 UniProtKB Star A0A2U3D8A5_SULT2 Tumebacillus Tumebacillus algifaecis (UP000214688) UniProtKB Star A0A223D6S1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A223CX06_9BACL Tumebacillus flagellatus (UP000027931) UniProtKB Star A0A074M6T3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A074LMT4_9BACL Bacillaceae Aeribacillus Aeribacillus pallidus (UP000076476) UniProtKB Star A0A161ZUF6_9BACI Alkalibacillus Alkalibacillus haloalkaliphilus (UP000321440) UniProtKB Star A0A511W9Y0_9BACI Alkalicoccobacillus Alkalicoccobacillus porphyridii (UP000318521) UniProtKB Star A0A553ZTA7_9BACI Alkalicoccus Alkalicoccus daliensis (UP000198778) UniProtKB Star A0A1H0FE17_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1H0K6K2_9BACI Alkalicoccus saliphilus (UP000240509) UniProtKB Star A0A2T4U512_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A2T4U2W8_9BACI Alkalicoccus urumqiensis (UP000243650) UniProtKB Star A0A2P6MEE9_ALKUR UniProtKB Star A0A2P6MK57_ALKUR Alkalihalobacillus Alkalihalobacillus alcalophilus ATCC 27647 = CGMCC 1.3604 (UP000002754) UniProtKB Star A0A094WKS4_ALKAL UniProtKB Star A0A094YSA7_ALKAL Alkalihalobacillus macyae (UP000035996) UniProtKB Star A0A0J6FNR7_9BACI Alkalihalobacillus trypoxylicola (UP000075806) UniProtKB Star A0A162EXB3_9BACI Alkalihalophilus Alkalihalophilus pseudofirmus (strain ATCC BAA-2126 / JCM 17055 / OF4) (UP000001544) UniProtKB Star D3FR49_ALKPO UniProtKB Star D3FTI3_ALKPO Allobacillus Allobacillus sp. SKP2-8 (UP000316127) UniProtKB Star A0A556PGL6_9BACI Alteribacillus Alteribacillus bidgolensis (UP000199017) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8PG22_9BACI Alteribacillus iranensis (UP000199516) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2F936_9BACI Alteribacillus persepolensis (UP000199163) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8HIC8_9BACI Alteribacter Alteribacter keqinensis (UP000278746) UniProtKB Star A0A3M7TKT6_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A3M7TRQ5_9BACI Alteribacter lacisalsi (UP000248066) UniProtKB Star A0A2W0HQ19_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A2W0HHC3_9BACI Amphibacillus Amphibacillus marinus (UP000199300) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8SF05_9BACI Amphibacillus xylanus (strain ATCC 51415 / DSM 6626 / JCM 7361 / LMG 1... (UP000006294) UniProtKB Star K0IZ28_AMPXN Anaerobacillus Anaerobacillus alkalidiazotrophicus (UP000180057) UniProtKB Star A0A1S2MA26_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1S2MB94_9BACI Anaerobacillus alkaliphilus (UP000290649) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0VWA7_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0VVH5_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0VXC9_9BACI Anaerobacillus arseniciselenatis (UP000180098) UniProtKB Star A0A1S2LSC9_9BACI Anaerobacillus isosaccharinicus (UP000180175) UniProtKB Star A0A1S2MHW2_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1S2LHQ7_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1S2KYG0_9BACI Anoxybacillus Anoxybacillus amylolyticus (UP000076865) UniProtKB Star A0A160F5M1_9BACI Anoxybacillus caldiproteolyticus (UP000523087) UniProtKB Star A0A7V9Z9Y7_9BACI Anoxybacillus calidus (UP000580891) UniProtKB Star A0A7V9Z344_9BACI Anoxybacillus sp. B7M1 (UP000076753) UniProtKB Star A0A160F7J6_9BACI Anoxybacillus suryakundensis (UP000182738) UniProtKB Star A0A0K6GRK9_9BACI Aquibacillus Aquibacillus halophilus (UP000799092) UniProtKB Star A0A6A8DLY0_9BACI Aquibacillus koreensis (UP001145072) UniProtKB Star A0A9X3WLS9_9BACI Aquibacillus salsiterrae (UP001145069) UniProtKB Star A0A9X4AF95_9BACI Aquisalibacillus Aquisalibacillus elongatus (UP000276443) UniProtKB Star A0A3N5BQU7_9BACI Aureibacillus Aureibacillus halotolerans (UP000295632) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6TQA1_9BACI Bacillaceae bacterium SAS-127 (UP000217062) UniProtKB Star A0A261QEP6_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A261QDQ6_9BACI Bacillus Bacillus aerolatus (UP000429595) UniProtKB Star A0A6I1FBL1_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A6I1FCY2_9BACI Bacillus aquiflavi (UP000472971) UniProtKB Star A0A6B3VTH5_9BACI Bacillus benzoevorans (UP000531594) UniProtKB Star A0A7X0LYH2_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A7X0HVL8_9BACI Bacillus cereus group Bacillus anthracis (UP000000594) UniProtKB Star SYE_BACAN Bacillus cereus (strain ATCC 14579 / DSM 31 / CCUG 7414 / JCM 2152 / N... (UP000001417) UniProtKB Star SYE_BACCR Bacillus manliponensis (UP000027822) UniProtKB Star A0A073JTU1_9BACI Bacillus thuringiensis (UP000194143) Bacillus coahuilensis p1.1.43 (UP000074108) UniProtKB Star A0A147K5F3_9BACI Bacillus gobiensis (UP000067625) UniProtKB Star A0A0M4FJK4_9BACI Bacillus infantis NRRL B-14911 (UP000017805) UniProtKB Star U5L458_9BACI UniProtKB Star U5L6Y8_9BACI Bacillus licheniformis (strain ATCC 14580 / DSM 13 / JCM 2505 / CCUG 7... (UP000000606) UniProtKB Star SYE_BACLD Bacillus mesophilum (UP000441354) UniProtKB Star A0A7V7RJF5_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A7V7UUD8_9BACI Bacillus mesophilus (UP000481043) UniProtKB Star A0A6M0QCS0_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A6M0Q7Z5_9BACI Bacillus methanolicus (strain MGA3 / ATCC 53907) (UP000027602) UniProtKB Star I3E455_BACMM UniProtKB Star I3E312_BACMM Bacillus oleivorans (UP000219546) UniProtKB Star A0A285D779_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A285CGT8_9BACI Bacillus safensis (UP000325032) UniProtKB Star A0A5C0WHC2_BACIA Bacillus salacetis (UP000265801) UniProtKB Star A0A3A1QS29_9BACI Bacillus smithii 7_3_47FAA (UP000011747) UniProtKB Star G9QNB7_9BACI Bacillus solimangrovi (UP000095209) UniProtKB Star A0A1E5LGI7_9BACI Bacillus sp. (strain OxB-1) (UP000031651) UniProtKB Star A0A0A8JEL3_BACSX Bacillus sp. 165 (UP000666543) UniProtKB Star A0A940DWM6_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A940E1Y7_9BACI Bacillus sp. 1NLA3E (UP000013300) UniProtKB Star N0AM91_9BACI UniProtKB Star N0ARM5_9BACI Bacillus sp. 7884-1 (UP000216214) UniProtKB Star A0A268JRD8_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A268JWP1_9BACI Bacillus sp. AFS018417 (UP000220085) UniProtKB Star A0A2A8S8I5_9BACI Bacillus sp. AFS040349 (UP000222674) UniProtKB Star A0A2C1K513_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A2C1KA20_9BACI Bacillus sp. AFS041924 (UP000226441) UniProtKB Star A0A2C0ZPG9_9BACI Bacillus sp. AFS073361 (UP000223997) UniProtKB Star A0A2B2CAE5_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A2B2BWW9_9BACI Bacillus sp. B-jedd (UP000042335) UniProtKB Star A0A098ETK2_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A098EUM7_9BACI Bacillus sp. B1-b2 (UP000437773) UniProtKB Star A0A6I1EXC9_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A6I1FDQ6_9BACI Bacillus sp. DNRA2 (UP000575961) UniProtKB Star A0A7X9QSW1_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A7X9LX01_9BACI Bacillus sp. FJAT-18017 (UP000060713) UniProtKB Star A0A0M5JD69_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A0M4GGK7_9BACI Bacillus sp. FJAT-26390 (UP000092623) UniProtKB Star A0A1B8WEZ6_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1B8W077_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1B8WAX6_9BACI Bacillus sp. FJAT-27231 (UP000037077) UniProtKB Star A0A0K9H224_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A0K9H3C9_9BACI Bacillus sp. FJAT-27916 (UP000036953) UniProtKB Star A0A0K9GHG7_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A0K9G7U6_9BACI Bacillus sp. FJAT-27986 (UP000092673) UniProtKB Star A0A1B9AXM1_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1B9ABJ9_9BACI Bacillus sp. FJAT-49711 (UP000678491) UniProtKB Star A0A942UKT6_9BACI Bacillus sp. FJAT-49736 (UP000679638) UniProtKB Star A0A942STI6_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A942Q0N6_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A942Q0X6_9BACI Bacillus sp. FJAT-50079 (UP000678477) UniProtKB Star A0A942U0J9_9BACI Bacillus sp. HMF5848 (UP000274811) UniProtKB Star A0A3R9LW12_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A428J2Z5_9BACI Bacillus sp. HNG (UP000263943) UniProtKB Star A0A371S1I5_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A371S4F5_9BACI Bacillus sp. J14TS2 (UP000677829) UniProtKB Star A0A919WSU4_9BACI Bacillus sp. MRMR6 (UP000185615) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q9PKY0_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1Q9Q205_9BACI Bacillus sp. MUM 116 (UP000180019) UniProtKB Star A0A1S2R4A0_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1S2QPT0_9BACI Bacillus sp. MUM 13 (UP000180199) UniProtKB Star A0A1S2R0U4_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1S2R381_9BACI Bacillus sp. OK048 (UP000199133) UniProtKB Star A0A1H0E403_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1G9UEK3_9BACI Bacillus sp. PS06 (UP000615181) UniProtKB Star A0A927G2U2_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A927G4E4_9BACI Bacillus sp. SA1-12 (UP000034887) UniProtKB Star A0A0M2PCW3_9BACI Bacillus sp. SJS (UP000028527) UniProtKB Star A0A176J928_9BACI Bacillus sp. T33-2 (UP000235118) UniProtKB Star A0A2N5GZF3_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A2N5H0L3_9BACI Bacillus sp. THAF10 (UP000326479) UniProtKB Star A0A5P9HJT2_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A5P9HGY2_9BACI Bacillus sp. V3-13 (UP000234805) UniProtKB Star A0A2N5GAZ6_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A2N5GB36_9BACI Bacillus sp. V5-8f (UP000235260) UniProtKB Star A0A2N5MLY1_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A2N5MNN9_9BACI Bacillus sp. V59.32b (UP000258625) UniProtKB Star A0A3E2JXT3_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A3E2JE59_9BACI Bacillus sp. cl95 (UP000199578) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6CEI5_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1I6C1T5_9BACI Bacillus suaedae (UP000678228) UniProtKB Star A0A941AU20_9BACI Bacillus subtilis (strain 168) (UP000001570) UniProtKB Star SYE_BACSU Bacillus taeanensis (UP000253314) UniProtKB Star A0A366XUB3_9BACI Bacillus thermotolerans (UP000031563) UniProtKB Star A0A0F5HNL5_BACTR UniProtKB Star A0A0F5HWC8_BACTR Bacillus weihaiensis (UP000181936) UniProtKB Star A0A1L3MWH4_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1L3MVN4_9BACI Caldalkalibacillus Caldalkalibacillus thermarum (strain TA2.A1) (UP000010716) UniProtKB Star F5L3Z3_CALTT Caldibacillus Caldibacillus debilis GB1 (UP000286235) UniProtKB Star A0A420VID8_9BACI Caldibacillus thermoamylovorans (UP000040576) UniProtKB Star A0A090IU76_9BACI Calditerricola Calditerricola satsumensis (UP000637720) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3BD67_9BACI Calidifontibacillus/Schinkia group Calidifontibacillus Calidifontibacillus erzurumensis (UP000625804) UniProtKB Star A0A8J8KC33_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A8J8GHL1_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A8J8GAR3_9BACI Schinkia Schinkia azotoformans LMG 9581 (UP000006315) UniProtKB Star K6CR20_SCHAZ UniProtKB Star K6D498_SCHAZ Cerasibacillus Cerasibacillus quisquiliarum (UP000321491) UniProtKB Star A0A511UZ85_9BACI Cerasibacillus terrae (UP000321574) UniProtKB Star A0A5C8NGY8_9BACI Compostibacillus Compostibacillus humi (UP000602050) UniProtKB Star A0A8J2XFM5_9BACI Cytobacillus Cytobacillus dafuensis (UP000321555) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8YZ41_CYTDA UniProtKB Star A0A5B8Z646_CYTDA UniProtKB Star A0A5B8Z0V3_CYTDA Cytobacillus depressus (UP000481030) UniProtKB Star A0A6L3V0F1_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A6L3V344_9BACI Cytobacillus firmus DS1 (UP000019270) UniProtKB Star W7L2A5_CYTFI UniProtKB Star W7L220_CYTFI Cytobacillus horneckiae (UP000233343) UniProtKB Star A0A2N0ZGX4_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A2N0ZBZ6_9BACI Cytobacillus kochii (UP000215137) UniProtKB Star A0A248THM7_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A248TEZ4_9BACI Cytobacillus solani (UP000050996) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q3VQX9_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A0Q3VG33_9BACI Domibacillus Domibacillus epiphyticus (UP000188613) UniProtKB Star A0A1V2AAE8_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1V2AAP7_9BACI Domibacillus iocasae (UP000095658) UniProtKB Star A0A1E7DSB3_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1E7DQ56_9BACI Domibacillus mangrovi (UP000186524) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q5P117_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1Q5P1J2_9BACI Ectobacillus Ectobacillus ponti (UP001156102) UniProtKB Star A0AA41XD02_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0AA41X947_9BACI Evansella Evansella caseinilytica (UP000198935) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3UIY1_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1H3R961_9BACI Evansella cellulosilytica (strain ATCC 21833 / DSM 2522 / FERM P-1141 ... (UP000001401) UniProtKB Star E6TSG9_EVAC2 UniProtKB Star E6TY83_EVAC2 Falsibacillus Falsibacillus albus (UP000276770) UniProtKB Star A0A3L7JN61_9BACI Falsibacillus pallidus (UP000255326) UniProtKB Star A0A370G5E7_9BACI Fervidibacillus Fervidibacillus halotolerans (UP001164726) UniProtKB Star A0A9E8LZ48_9BACI Fictibacillus Fictibacillus aquaticus (UP000215059) UniProtKB Star A0A235F7P9_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A235F5R0_9BACI Fictibacillus arsenicus (UP000077412) UniProtKB Star A0A1B1YZG9_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1B1YZY9_9BACI Fictibacillus enclensis (UP000054099) UniProtKB Star A0A0V8IUH9_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A0V8J2K0_9BACI Fictibacillus macauensis ZFHKF-1 (UP000004080) UniProtKB Star I8UAY1_9BACI UniProtKB Star I8UD73_9BACI Filobacillus Filobacillus milosensis (UP000297975) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8IHG6_9BACI Geobacillus Geobacillus thermoleovorans group Geobacillus kaustophilus (strain HTA426) (UP000001172) UniProtKB Star SYE_GEOKA Gottfriedia Gottfriedia endophytica (UP000682134) UniProtKB Star A0A940NRN5_9BACI Gracilibacillus Gracilibacillus boraciitolerans JCM 21714 (UP000019102) UniProtKB Star W4VKU6_9BACI Gracilibacillus dipsosauri (UP000245624) UniProtKB Star A0A317KW32_9BACI Gracilibacillus halophilus YIM-C55.5 (UP000012283) Gracilibacillus halotolerans (UP000572212) UniProtKB Star A0A841RFL8_9BACI Gracilibacillus kekensis (UP000184184) UniProtKB Star A0A1M7QZ09_9BACI Gracilibacillus thailandensis (UP000435187) UniProtKB Star A0A6N7R390_9BACI Gracilibacillus ureilyticus (UP000199687) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9VDQ5_9BACI Halalkalibacillus Halalkalibacillus sediminis (UP000243524) UniProtKB Star A0A2I0QRB8_9BACI Halalkalibacter Halalkalibacter akibai (strain ATCC 43226 / DSM 21942 / CIP 109018 / J... (UP000018896) UniProtKB Star W4QT31_HALA3 UniProtKB Star W4QZM7_HALA3 Halalkalibacter hemicellulosilyticusJCM 9152 (UP000018895) UniProtKB Star W4QJG9_9BACI UniProtKB Star W4QE28_9BACI Halalkalibacter krulwichiae (UP000193006) UniProtKB Star A0A1X9MA72_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1X9M5Y7_9BACI Halalkalibacter nanhaiisediminis (UP000315711) UniProtKB Star A0A562QA14_9BACI Halalkalibacter oceani (UP001139179) UniProtKB Star A0A9X2DUJ9_9BACI Halalkalibacter okhensis (UP000030832) UniProtKB Star A0A0B0IG59_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A0B0IMZ8_9BACI Halalkalibacter wakoensis JCM 9140 (UP000018890) UniProtKB Star W4Q3S8_9BACI UniProtKB Star W4Q9A4_9BACI Halalkalibacterium (ex Joshi et al. 2022) Halalkalibacterium halodurans (strain ATCC BAA-125 / DSM 18197 / FERM ... (UP000001258) UniProtKB Star SYE_HALH5 Halobacillus Halobacillus andaensis (UP000660110) UniProtKB Star A0A917BC72_HALAA Halobacillus halophilus (strain ATCC 35676 / DSM 2266 / JCM 20832 / KC... (UP000007397) UniProtKB Star I0JH70_HALH3 Halobacillus karajensis (UP000028868) UniProtKB Star A0A024P9J0_9BACI Halobacillus salinus (UP000297982) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0GWS1_9BACI Halobacillus sp. BAB-2008 (UP000010769) UniProtKB Star L5N8Y8_9BACI Halobacillus sp. BBL2006 (UP000030879) Halobacillus yeomjeoni (UP000614490) UniProtKB Star A0A931MX19_9BACI Halolactibacillus Halolactibacillus alkaliphilus (UP000321400) UniProtKB Star A0A511X1Y0_9BACI Heyndrickxia Heyndrickxia ginsengihumi (UP000030588) UniProtKB Star A0A0A6VGL1_9BACI Heyndrickxia oleronia (UP000189761) UniProtKB Star A0A8E2LGK7_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A8E2I7V7_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A8E2I488_9BACI Heyndrickxia shackletonii (UP000051888) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q3WU15_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A0Q3WTK5_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A0Q3TA13_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A0Q3TIY2_9BACI Heyndrickxia sporothermodurans (UP000075666) UniProtKB Star A0A150LFG5_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A150L8C7_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A150KU03_9BACI Weizmannia acidilactici (UP000391919) UniProtKB Star A0A5J4JLP2_9BACI Lederbergia Lederbergia citrea (UP000676456) UniProtKB Star A0A942Z5M6_9BACI Lederbergia galactosidilytica (UP000077881) UniProtKB Star A0A178A9J8_9BACI Lederbergia lenta (UP000249134) UniProtKB Star A0A2X4VTK7_LEDLE Lentibacillus Lentibacillus amyloliquefaciens (UP000050331) UniProtKB Star A0A0U4F734_9BACI Lentibacillus cibarius (UP000319280) UniProtKB Star A0A549YH14_9BACI Lentibacillus halodurans (UP000198642) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1AB58_9BACI Lentibacillus kapialis (UP000658382) UniProtKB Star A0A917UXT2_9BACI Lentibacillus populi (UP000621492) UniProtKB Star A0A9W5TYW6_9BACI Lentibacillus salicampi (UP000298484) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9AEV1_9BACI Lentibacillus sp. CBA3610 (UP000509424) UniProtKB Star A0A7H8SGI5_9BACI Lentibacillus sp. JNUCC-1 (UP000435583) UniProtKB Star A0A6N8HP01_9BACI Litchfieldia Litchfieldia salsa (UP000199159) UniProtKB Star A0A1H0WV19_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1H0U8Y1_9BACI Lottiidibacillus Lottiidibacillus patelloidae (UP000217083) UniProtKB Star A0A263BQ52_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A263BSY6_9BACI Lysinibacillus Lysinibacillus alkalisoli (UP000616608) UniProtKB Star A0A917G8T5_9BACI Lysinibacillus composti (UP000274033) UniProtKB Star A0A3N9UAY0_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A3N9U9E4_9BACI Lysinibacillus endophyticus (UP000272238) UniProtKB Star A0A494Z4I3_9BACI Lysinibacillus odysseyi 34hs-1 = NBRC 100172 (UP000030437) UniProtKB Star A0A0A3IV25_9BACI Lysinibacillus sp. 2017 (UP000244315) UniProtKB Star A0A2S1H632_9BACI Lysinibacillus sp. BF-4 (UP000029097) UniProtKB Star A0A087N419_9BACI Lysinibacillus sphaericus (UP000237319) UniProtKB Star A0A2S5CUV5_LYSSH Lysinibacillus telephonicus (UP000276349) UniProtKB Star A0A431UXN9_9BACI Lysinibacillus yapensis (UP000265692) UniProtKB Star A0A396S6C9_9BACI Mangrovibacillus Mangrovibacillus cuniculi (UP000593626) UniProtKB Star A0A7S8CDJ5_9BACI Marinococcus Marinococcus luteus (UP000199488) UniProtKB Star A0A1H2Y3N1_9BACI Melghiribacillus Melghiribacillus thermohalophilus (UP000294650) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3N1W9_9BACI Mesobacillus Mesobacillus boroniphilus JCM 21738 (UP000018949) UniProtKB Star W4RVD7_9BACI UniProtKB Star W4RVH7_9BACI Mesobacillus campisalis (UP000034166) UniProtKB Star A0A0M2SVN9_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A0M2SST0_9BACI Mesobacillus foraminis (UP000295689) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2AZW2_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A4R2BA45_9BACI Mesobacillus persicus (UP000198553) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8J2J7_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1H8CT67_9BACI Mesobacillus selenatarsenatis (strain DSM 18680 / JCM 14380 / FERM P-1... (UP000031014) UniProtKB Star A0A0A8X728_MESS1 UniProtKB Star A0A0A8X2C8_MESS1 Mesobacillus subterraneus (UP000032512) UniProtKB Star A0A0D6Z9X9_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A0D6ZDZ3_9BACI Mesobacillus zeae (UP000265816) UniProtKB Star A0A398BEC9_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A398B9R1_9BACI Metabacillus Metabacillus arenae (UP000626844) UniProtKB Star A0A926RZ65_9BACI Metabacillus indicus (UP000028549) UniProtKB Star A0A084GQ89_METID UniProtKB Star A0A084GJW7_METID Metabacillus lacus (UP000448867) UniProtKB Star A0A7X2J0N2_9BACI Metabacillus litoralis (UP000078534) UniProtKB Star A0A179SZ15_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A179T2R7_9BACI Metabacillus sediminilitoris (UP000310334) UniProtKB Star A0A4S4BMV5_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A4S4BUU6_9BACI Natribacillus Natribacillus halophilus (UP000198853) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8QY95_9BACI Natronobacillus Natronobacillus azotifigens (UP001084197) UniProtKB Star A0A9J6RDU0_9BACI Neobacillus Neobacillus bataviensis LMG 21833 (UP000006316) UniProtKB Star K6DLJ8_9BACI UniProtKB Star K6DP98_9BACI Neobacillus cucumis (UP000234950) UniProtKB Star A0A2N5HXM7_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A2N5HJT4_9BACI Neobacillus massiliamazoniensis (UP000199087) UniProtKB Star A0A0U1P4J5_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A0U1NV77_9BACI Neobacillus mesonae (UP000282892) UniProtKB Star A0A3T0HS80_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A3Q9QUG6_9BACI Neobacillus piezotolerans (UP000257144) UniProtKB Star A0A3D8GLA0_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A3D8GS85_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A3D8GT24_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A3D8GQM9_9BACI Neobacillus rhizophilus (UP000679749) UniProtKB Star A0A942UDC2_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A942YV00_9BACI Neobacillus sp. PS3-34 (UP001244702) UniProtKB Star A0AA51QAL3_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0AA51L7C3_9BACI Neobacillus sp. WH10 (UP001178236) UniProtKB Star A0AA95MI05_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0AA95MEN2_9BACI Neobacillus thermocopriae (UP000481621) UniProtKB Star A0A6B3TS49_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A6B3TQF9_9BACI Niallia Niallia circulans (UP000036045) UniProtKB Star A0A0J1IDP9_NIACI UniProtKB Star A0A0J1ILD6_NIACI Niallia endozanthoxylica (UP000326671) UniProtKB Star A0A5J5HD74_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A5J5HAL8_9BACI Niallia nealsonii (UP000233375) UniProtKB Star A0A2N0Z4T8_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A2N0Z6I3_9BACI Niallia taxi (UP000288024) UniProtKB Star A0A437K3K7_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A437K6Y0_9BACI Oceanobacillus Oceanobacillus bengalensis (UP000281813) UniProtKB Star A0A494YVP8_9BACI Oceanobacillus halophilus (UP000269301) UniProtKB Star A0A494ZZL4_9BACI Oceanobacillus iheyensis (strain DSM 14371 / CIP 107618 / JCM 11309 / ... (UP000000822) UniProtKB Star SYE_OCEIH Oceanobacillus indicireducens (UP000624041) UniProtKB Star A0A917Y0T9_9BACI Oceanobacillus limi (UP000198618) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0GNY6_9BACI Oceanobacillus oncorhynchi (UP000040453) UniProtKB Star A0A0A1MP17_9BACI Oceanobacillus picturae (UP000028863) UniProtKB Star W9BFP7_9BACI Oceanobacillus piezotolerans (UP000270219) UniProtKB Star A0A498D9I7_9BACI Oceanobacillus polygoni (UP001138793) UniProtKB Star A0A9X0YXW3_9BACI Oceanobacillus sp. J11TS1 (UP000678504) UniProtKB Star A0A920C3P4_9BACI Oceanobacillus zhaokaii (UP000253908) UniProtKB Star A0A345PC42_9BACI Oikeobacillus Oikeobacillus pervagus (UP001237207) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ1WJP1_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0AAJ1T3P3_9BACI Ornithinibacillus Ornithinibacillus bavariensis (UP000676917) UniProtKB Star A0A919XBW3_9BACI Ornithinibacillus caprae (UP000469125) UniProtKB Star A0A6N8FRL2_9BACI Ornithinibacillus halophilus (UP000183988) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5HA23_9BACI Ornithinibacillus halotolerans (UP000613512) UniProtKB Star A0A916WCH8_9BACI Ornithinibacillus hominis (UP000637359) UniProtKB Star A0A923RKW7_9BACI Paenalkalicoccus Paenalkalicoccus suaedae (UP000318138) UniProtKB Star A0A859F9X2_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A859FIX8_9BACI Parageobacillus Parageobacillus caldoxylosilyticus NBRC 107762 (UP000023561) UniProtKB Star A0A023DHF5_9BACI Parageobacillus thermoglucosidasius (UP000093052) UniProtKB Star A0AAN1D5P2_PARTM Paraliobacillus Paraliobacillus quinghaiensis (UP000618460) UniProtKB Star A0A917TT91_9BACI Paraliobacillus ryukyuensis (UP000252254) UniProtKB Star A0A366DT77_9BACI Paraliobacillus sp. PM-2 (UP000199066) UniProtKB Star A0A0U1KRA4_9BACI Pelagirhabdus Pelagirhabdus alkalitolerans (UP000242949) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6MC68_9BACI Peribacillus Peribacillus asahii (UP000266016) UniProtKB Star A0A398B0L5_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A398AWR5_9BACI Peribacillus cavernae (UP000267430) UniProtKB Star A0A3S0VW47_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A3S0WAY5_9BACI Peribacillus deserti (UP000234748) UniProtKB Star A0A2N5MAH9_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A2N5M7L5_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A2N5M1B4_9BACI Peribacillus faecalis (UP000602076) UniProtKB Star A0A927CX32_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A927CUM0_9BACI Peribacillus loiseleuriae (UP000037146) UniProtKB Star A0A0K9GNH3_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A0K9GZN9_9BACI Peribacillus muralis (UP000077926) UniProtKB Star A0A1B3XI08_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1B3XVT1_9BACI Peribacillus psychrosaccharolyticus (UP000595254) UniProtKB Star A0A974RYU1_PERPY UniProtKB Star A0A974NJQ6_PERPY Peribacillus saganii (UP000264541) UniProtKB Star A0A372LMR7_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A372LNI5_9BACI Perspicuibacillus Perspicuibacillus lycopersici (UP001209318) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3LPS7_9BACI Piscibacillus Piscibacillus halophilus (UP000199427) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9JE44_9BACI Pontibacillus Pontibacillus chungwhensis BH030062 (UP000030153) UniProtKB Star A0A0A2V7R7_9BACI Pontibacillus halophilus JSM 076056 = DSM 19796 (UP000030528) UniProtKB Star A0A0A5GB69_9BACI Pontibacillus litoralis JSM 072002 (UP000030401) UniProtKB Star A0A0A5G2V0_9BACI Pontibacillus marinus BH030004 = DSM 16465 (UP000030403) UniProtKB Star A0A0A5I0K9_9BACI Pontibacillus yanchengensis Y32 (UP000030147) UniProtKB Star A0A0A2TDL2_9BACI Priestia Priestia filamentosa (UP000036202) UniProtKB Star A0A1X7GAC0_9BACI Priestia koreensis (UP000037558) UniProtKB Star A0A0M0KPV6_9BACI Priestia megaterium (strain ATCC 12872 / QMB1551) (UP000000935) UniProtKB Star D5DVR1_PRIM1 Priestia taiwanensis (UP000605259) UniProtKB Star A0A917AWW1_9BACI Priestia veravalensis (UP000053681) UniProtKB Star A0A0V8JL17_9BACI Pseudalkalibacillus Pseudalkalibacillus caeni (UP000308230) UniProtKB Star A0A5R9EXE8_9BACI Pseudogracilibacillus Pseudogracilibacillus auburnensis (UP000247978) UniProtKB Star A0A2V3VXY3_9BACI Pseudoneobacillus Pseudoneobacillus rhizosphaerae (UP000789845) UniProtKB Star A0A9C7GCT7_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A9C7G9L8_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A9C7G781_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A9C7L8U5_9BACI Psychrobacillus Psychrobacillus glaciei (UP000325517) UniProtKB Star A0A5J6SS63_9BACI Psychrobacillus insolitus (UP000248646) UniProtKB Star A0A2W7MMY8_9BACI Psychrobacillus psychrotolerans (UP000198734) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6AAU3_9BACI Psychrobacillus soli (UP000318937) UniProtKB Star A0A544TIH3_9BACI Psychrobacillus sp. BL-248-WT-3 (UP000544039) UniProtKB Star A0A7X9MRZ4_9BACI Psychrobacillus sp. FJAT-21963 (UP000051878) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q3W0N9_9BACI Pueribacillus Pueribacillus theae (UP000245998) UniProtKB Star A0A2U1K6V1_9BACI Radiobacillus Radiobacillus deserti (UP000315215) UniProtKB Star A0A516KBU6_9BACI Robertmurraya Robertmurraya siralis (UP000682111) UniProtKB Star A0A920BVG2_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A919WH96_9BACI Robertmurraya yapensis (UP000271374) UniProtKB Star A0A3S0KHG0_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A431VYQ0_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A431WJF0_9BACI Rossellomorea Rossellomorea aquimaris (UP000182062) UniProtKB Star A0A1J6WXH7_9BACI Rossellomorea marisflavi (UP000037405) UniProtKB Star A0A0M0FZ09_9BACI Rossellomorea vietnamensis (UP000050398) UniProtKB Star A0A0P6WKZ0_9BACI Salibacterium qingdaonense (UP000199668) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4QFN7_9BACI Salibacterium salarium (UP000275076) UniProtKB Star A0A3R9P3X1_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A428MTJ2_9BACI Salicibibacter Salicibibacter halophilus (UP000319756) UniProtKB Star A0A514LJ05_9BACI Salimicrobium Salimicrobium jeotgali (UP000011746) UniProtKB Star K2G7L1_9BACI Salinibacillus Salinibacillus xinjiangensis (UP000480185) UniProtKB Star A0A6G1XAM7_9BACI Salipaludibacillus agaradhaerens (UP001057753) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q4B5J4_SALAG UniProtKB Star A0A9Q4FZC8_SALAG Salipaludibacillus keqinensis (UP000248214) UniProtKB Star A0A323TGY9_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A323T5L2_9BACI Salipaludibacillus neizhouensis (UP000281498) UniProtKB Star A0A3A9JWM6_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A3A9K6P7_9BACI Salirhabdus Salirhabdus euzebyi (UP000581688) UniProtKB Star A0A841Q9X0_9BACI Salisediminibacterium Salisediminibacterium beveridgei (UP000094463) UniProtKB Star A0A1D7QZZ6_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1D7QR34_9BACI Salisediminibacterium haloalkalitolerans (UP000199318) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9USB9_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1H9W862_9BACI Saliterribacillus Saliterribacillus persicus (UP000252585) UniProtKB Star A0A368XC46_9BACI Salsuginibacillus Salsuginibacillus halophilus (UP000242310) UniProtKB Star A0A2P8H507_9BACI Sediminibacillus Sediminibacillus albus (UP000198694) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9D437_9BACI Shouchella Shouchella clausii (strain KSM-K16) (UP000001168) UniProtKB Star SYE_SHOC1 UniProtKB Star GLUQ_SHOC1 Shouchella lehensis G1 (UP000027142) UniProtKB Star A0A060LR51_9BACI Shouchella lonarensis (UP000242662) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6LYN8_9BACI Siminovitchia Siminovitchia fortis (UP000273811) UniProtKB Star A0A443ISN6_9BACI Streptohalobacillus Streptohalobacillus salinus (UP000247922) UniProtKB Star A0A2V3W3I3_9BACI Sutcliffiella Sutcliffiella cohnii (UP000215224) UniProtKB Star A0A223KX35_9BACI Tenuibacillus Tenuibacillus multivorans (UP000199334) UniProtKB Star A0A1H0F3A7_9BACI Tepidibacillus Tepidibacillus decaturensis (UP000070352) UniProtKB Star A0A135L7E5_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A135L6Y1_9BACI Tepidibacillus fermentans (UP000295788) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3KFZ7_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A4R3KFY1_9BACI Tepidibacillus sp. HK-1 (UP000095212) Terribacillus Terribacillus goriensis (UP000027980) UniProtKB Star A0A075LPK8_9BACI Terrihalobacillus Terrihalobacillus insolitus (UP001145050) UniProtKB Star A0A9X3WTM9_9BACI Terrilactibacillus Terrilactibacillus tamarindi (UP000440978) UniProtKB Star A0A6N8CRW8_9BACI Texcoconibacillus Texcoconibacillus texcoconensis (UP000551878) UniProtKB Star A0A840QUQ1_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A840QRQ5_9BACI Thalassobacillus Thalassobacillus cyri (UP000198584) UniProtKB Star A0A1H4HBG1_9BACI Thermolongibacillus Thermolongibacillus altinsuensis (UP000295658) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1QKX1_9BACI Virgibacillus Virgibacillus indicus (UP000216498) UniProtKB Star A0A265N734_9BACI Virgibacillus massiliensis (UP000028875) UniProtKB Star A0A024QG22_9BACI Virgibacillus necropolis (UP000204391) UniProtKB Star A0A221M7U2_9BACI Virgibacillus oceani (UP000622860) UniProtKB Star A0A917HM36_9BACI Virgibacillus pantothenticus (UP000036780) UniProtKB Star A0A0L0QWW0_VIRPA Virgibacillus phasianinus (UP000198312) UniProtKB Star A0A220U0R3_9BACI Virgibacillus salarius (UP000675284) UniProtKB Star A0A941IAK1_9BACI Virgibacillus salinus (UP000199444) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1GR52_9BACI Virgibacillus sp. MSP4-1 (UP000478414) UniProtKB Star A0A6B9YH45_9BACI Virgibacillus sp. SK37 (UP000027985) UniProtKB Star A0A075JIV9_9BACI Vulcanibacillus Vulcanibacillus modesticaldus (UP000243739) UniProtKB Star A0A1D2YRY2_9BACI UniProtKB Star A0A1D2YSZ2_9BACI Bacillales Family X. Incertae Sedis Brockia Brockia lithotrophica (UP000267019) UniProtKB Star A0A660KUH1_9BACL Hydrogenibacillus Hydrogenibacillus schlegelii (UP000243024) UniProtKB Star A0A132MH13_HYDSH UniProtKB Star A0A179IPD7_HYDSH Bacillales Family XII. Incertae Sedis Exiguobacterium Exiguobacterium chiriqhucha RW-2 (UP000016464) UniProtKB Star U1N3V9_9BACL Exiguobacterium sibiricum (strain DSM 17290 / CCUG 55495 / CIP 109462 ... (UP000001681) UniProtKB Star SYE_EXIS2 Gemellaceae Gemella Gemella haemolysans ATCC 10379 (UP000006004) UniProtKB Star C5NX42_9BACL Gemella sp. GH3 (UP000590819) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z0RRL5_9BACL Gemella sp. GL1.1 (UP000614586) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q2FFS7_9BACL Gemella sp. zg-570 (UP000676219) UniProtKB Star A0A975SB92_9BACL Geomicrobium Geomicrobium halophilum (UP000568839) UniProtKB Star A0A841Q0S3_9BACL Geomicrobium sp. JCM 19038 (UP000027014) UniProtKB Star A0A061P4A0_9BACL Geomicrobium sp. JCM 19039 (UP000027177) UniProtKB Star A0A061PGA8_9BACL Listeriaceae Brochothrix Brochothrix campestris FSL F6-1037 (UP000019243) UniProtKB Star W7CYR2_9LIST Brochothrix thermosphacta (UP000243591) UniProtKB Star A0A1D2LJ95_BROTH Listeria Listeria booriae (UP000029844) UniProtKB Star A0A099W014_9LIST Listeria fleischmannii subsp. fleischmannii (UP000250257) UniProtKB Star A0A2X3HDZ2_9LIST Listeria grayi DSM 20601 (UP000010119) UniProtKB Star D7UVS1_LISGR Listeria kieliensis (UP000257055) UniProtKB Star A0A3D8TRJ6_9LIST Listeria monocytogenes serovar 1/2a (strain ATCC BAA-679 / EGD-e) (UP000000817) UniProtKB Star SYE_LISMO Paenibacillaceae Aneurinibacillus group Ammoniphilus Ammoniphilus oxalaticus (UP000284219) UniProtKB Star A0A419SG57_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A419SHG3_9BACL Ammoniphilus sp. CFH 90114 (UP000289396) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1T1T7_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1T184_9BACL Aneurinibacillus Aneurinibacillus danicus (UP000321157) UniProtKB Star A0A511VAF3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A511VB89_9BACL Aneurinibacillus migulanus (UP000037269) UniProtKB Star A0A0D1VIF2_ANEMI UniProtKB Star A0A0D1XFS2_ANEMI Aneurinibacillus soli (UP000217696) UniProtKB Star A0A0U5AW29_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A0U4WN44_9BACL Aneurinibacillus sp. XH2 (UP000065566) UniProtKB Star A0A0X8D6X4_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A0X8DBI8_9BACL Brevibacillus Brevibacillus aydinogluensis (UP001189619) UniProtKB Star A0AA48MDW4_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0AA48RG77_9BACL Brevibacillus borstelensis AK1 (UP000012081) UniProtKB Star M8DTP4_9BACL UniProtKB Star M8DG54_9BACL Brevibacillus brevis (strain 47 / JCM 6285 / NBRC 100599) (UP000001877) UniProtKB Star C0ZIF5_BREBN UniProtKB Star C0Z899_BREBN Brevibacillus centrosporus (UP000198915) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4DWN2_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1I3UZ19_9BACL Brevibacillus fluminis (UP000271031) UniProtKB Star A0A3M8CTV1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3M8D6H1_9BACL Brevibacillus fulvus (UP000717624) UniProtKB Star A0A939BTK3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A939BTD6_9BACL Brevibacillus laterosporus LMG 15441 (UP000005850) UniProtKB Star A0A075QY70_BRELA UniProtKB Star A0A075RC55_BRELA Brevibacillus panacihumi W25 (UP000017973) UniProtKB Star V6LZU2_9BACL UniProtKB Star V6M0H2_9BACL Brevibacillus sp. SYP-B805 (UP000478765) UniProtKB Star A0A6M1UFK2_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A6M1UAN0_9BACL Chengkuizengella Chengkuizengella marina (UP000448943) UniProtKB Star A0A6N9Q664_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A6N9Q361_9BACL Cohnella Candidatus Cohnella colombiensis (UP001178662) UniProtKB Star A0AA95EXK2_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0AA95ETW6_9BACL Cohnella abietis (UP000289856) UniProtKB Star A0A3T1DD91_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3T1D986_9BACL Cohnella candidum (UP000269097) UniProtKB Star A0A3G3K108_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3G3JW93_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3G3JUB9_9BACL Cohnella cholangitidis (UP000515679) UniProtKB Star A0A7G5BXB2_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7G5BTR9_9BACL Cohnella endophytica (UP000282076) UniProtKB Star A0A494X9J0_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A494Y457_9BACL Cohnella faecalis (UP000266340) UniProtKB Star A0A398CGR6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A398CLU0_9BACL Cohnella fermenti (UP000310636) UniProtKB Star A0A4V6RXK6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4S4BWE4_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4S4BH79_9BACL Cohnella herbarum (UP000502248) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z2VL62_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7Z2ZL04_9BACL Cohnella lubricantis (UP000574133) UniProtKB Star A0A841TGL5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A841T3H8_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A841TB21_9BACL Cohnella luojiensis (UP000297900) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8LX29_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8LYV0_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8MBD0_9BACL Cohnella lupini (UP000256869) UniProtKB Star A0A3D9HYI9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3D9IVJ0_9BACL Cohnella nanjingensis (UP000547209) UniProtKB Star A0A7X0VIA8_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7X0RKT9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7X0RVL2_9BACL Cohnella pontilimi (UP000309673) UniProtKB Star A0A4U0F3J8_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4U0FGZ1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4U0FEU4_9BACL Cohnella rhizosphaerae (UP001153404) UniProtKB Star A0A9X4KUE0_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A9X4KW15_9BACL Cohnella sp. AR92 (UP000267180) UniProtKB Star A0A3S0YMG4_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A433RH92_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A433RKX6_9BACL Cohnella sp. CIP 111063 (UP000215193) UniProtKB Star A0A231R287_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A231RS12_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A231RSQ7_9BACL Cohnella sp. OV330 (UP000198686) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1CHA6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1I0YS13_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1I1AEC4_9BACL Cohnella terricola (UP000316330) UniProtKB Star A0A559J739_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A559JMK1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A559JL68_9BACL Cohnella thailandensis (UP000535838) UniProtKB Star A0A841T0B3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A841T1B4_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A841T773_9BACL Cohnella xylanilytica (UP000553776) UniProtKB Star A0A841TYN5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A841U6M5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A841U4K0_9BACL Cohnella zeiphila (UP000564644) UniProtKB Star A0A7X0SVW0_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7X0SHV1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7X0SGN1_9BACL Fontibacillus Fontibacillus panacisegetis (UP000198972) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7RQN5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1G7U4Z2_9BACL Fontibacillus phaseoli (UP000253090) UniProtKB Star A0A369AXK8_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A369B942_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A369BCA5_9BACL Insulibacter Insulibacter thermoxylanivorax (UP000654993) UniProtKB Star A0A916QHB4_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A916VFU7_9BACL Paenibacillaceae bacterium (UP000289243) UniProtKB Star A0A4V1R180_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2LW45_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2LK60_9BACL Paenibacillaceae bacterium GAS479 (UP000198637) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1T7J3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1H2AQG5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1H1WD42_9BACL Paenibacillus Paenibacillus abyssi (UP000644756) UniProtKB Star A0A917D1X9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A917FX82_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A917FLI8_9BACL Paenibacillus agri (UP000564806) UniProtKB Star A0A850EH53_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A850EET3_9BACL Paenibacillus albicereus (UP000502136) UniProtKB Star A0A6H2GTC0_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A6H2GXS0_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A6H2H2Q6_9BACL Paenibacillus albidus (UP000637643) UniProtKB Star A0A917FVR3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A917FYX5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A917CHI8_9BACL Paenibacillus albiflavus (UP000295418) UniProtKB Star A0A4R4DVQ9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4R4EL77_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4R4EFW2_9BACL Paenibacillus albilobatus (UP000679779) UniProtKB Star A0A920CCQ8_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A919XF79_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A919XDU1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A919XHR7_9BACL Paenibacillus albus (UP000272528) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q8X1P6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3Q8XAD7_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3S9A5Y1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3S8ZYW6_9BACL Paenibacillus algicola (UP000300879) UniProtKB Star A0A4V1G4F0_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4P8XRR9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4P8XK87_9BACL Paenibacillus anaericanus (UP000279446) UniProtKB Star A0A433Y1F0_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3S1DCL0_9BACL Paenibacillus antarcticus (UP000077355) UniProtKB Star A0A168LZP6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A168QCV8_9BACL Paenibacillus antri (UP000309676) UniProtKB Star A0A5R9GAT0_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A5R9GHN5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A5R9G8K8_9BACL Paenibacillus apis (UP000678895) UniProtKB Star A0A920CLB0_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A919Y246_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A920CLW9_9BACL Paenibacillus aquistagni (UP000193834) UniProtKB Star A0A1X7M0Z4_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1X7KTE8_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1X7JIC5_9BACL Paenibacillus arenilitoris (UP000632125) UniProtKB Star A0A927CSN8_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A927CLW0_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A927CM31_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A927CLC2_9BACL Paenibacillus athensensis (UP000298246) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8PU98_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8PWM9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8QAS6_9BACL Paenibacillus baekrokdamisoli (UP000275368) UniProtKB Star A0A3G9JM48_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3G9JL42_9BACL Paenibacillus beijingensis (UP000032633) UniProtKB Star A0A0D5NIQ2_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A0D5NNU7_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A0D5NH82_9BACL Paenibacillus bovis (UP000078148) UniProtKB Star A0A172ZMF0_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A172ZMG7_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A172ZAC4_9BACL Paenibacillus catalpae (UP000198855) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2HW46_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1I1UM19_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1I1T3R7_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1I2H0J1_9BACL Paenibacillus cellulosilyticus (UP000246635) UniProtKB Star A0A2V2YV47_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A2V2Z6N4_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A2V2Z3U7_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A2V2YQT0_9BACL Paenibacillus contaminans (UP000250369) UniProtKB Star A0A329LUK1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A329MSQ1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A329MKP4_9BACL Paenibacillus crassostreae (UP000077134) UniProtKB Star A0A167E6C0_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A167B4G1_9BACL Paenibacillus cremeus (UP000317036) UniProtKB Star A0A559K380_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A559KF79_9BACL Paenibacillus curdlanolyticus YK9 (UP000005387) UniProtKB Star E0I8L1_9BACL UniProtKB Star E0I4F4_9BACL UniProtKB Star E0IES2_9BACL Paenibacillus darwinianus (UP000053750) UniProtKB Star A0A9W5S176_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A9W5RZH9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A9W5W6K1_9BACL Paenibacillus dendritiformis C454 (UP000003900) UniProtKB Star H3SEJ6_9BACL UniProtKB Star H3SHA9_9BACL UniProtKB Star H3SGD7_9BACL Paenibacillus dendrobii (UP000460318) UniProtKB Star A0A7X3ISP9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7X3LGP0_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7X3IPJ5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7X3IG24_9BACL Paenibacillus donghaensis (UP000249890) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z2KWD3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A2Z2KXT5_9BACL Paenibacillus durus (UP000029409) UniProtKB Star A0A089HWE3_PAEDU UniProtKB Star A0A089HR60_PAEDU UniProtKB Star A0A089HKQ5_PAEDU UniProtKB Star A0A089J140_PAEDU Paenibacillus endophyticus (UP000518605) UniProtKB Star A0A7W5GE54_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7W5GBA0_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7W5GB61_9BACL Paenibacillus faecis (UP000325218) UniProtKB Star A0A5D0CMJ6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A5D0CWB3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A5D0CRK2_9BACL Paenibacillus ferrarius (UP000190626) UniProtKB Star A0A1V4HCS2_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1V4HF25_9BACL Paenibacillus flagellatus (UP000247476) UniProtKB Star A0A2V5JVK5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A2V5KA49_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A2V5K4G2_9BACL Paenibacillus foliorum (UP000641588) UniProtKB Star A0A972JYS1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A972K3H5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A972GP04_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A972GPL9_9BACL Paenibacillus ginsengarvi (UP000282311) UniProtKB Star A0A3B0BRP3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3B0CFP0_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3B0CKP2_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3B0CKB8_9BACL Paenibacillus graminis (UP000029500) UniProtKB Star A0A089MFU6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A089MFH6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A089MDS4_9BACL Paenibacillus hemerocallicola (UP000307943) UniProtKB Star A0A5C4SZQ4_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A5C4SXN8_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A5C4TGR7_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A5C4T690_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A5C4T7V5_9BACL Paenibacillus kribbensis (UP000214666) UniProtKB Star A0A222WI96_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A222WMT7_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A222WIC5_9BACL Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae DSM 25430 (UP000029431) UniProtKB Star V9WBJ2_9BACL UniProtKB Star V9WD05_9BACL Paenibacillus lemnae (UP000565468) UniProtKB Star A0A848M902_PAELE UniProtKB Star A0A848M333_PAELE Paenibacillus lentus (UP000273145) UniProtKB Star A0A3S8RT86_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3Q8S448_9BACL Paenibacillus lutimineralis (UP000270678) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q9ICB6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3S9V078_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3S9V561_9BACL Paenibacillus lutrae (UP000490800) UniProtKB Star A0A7X3FMC7_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7X3K109_9BACL Paenibacillus lycopersici (UP000476064) UniProtKB Star A0A6C0G669_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A6C0G295_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A6C0G3T6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A6C0FW72_9BACL Paenibacillus macerans (UP000029278) UniProtKB Star A0A090XGE3_PAEMA UniProtKB Star A0A090ZF60_PAEMA UniProtKB Star A0A090XFR9_PAEMA Paenibacillus methanolicus (UP000323257) UniProtKB Star A0A5S5BKY6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A5S5CDT9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A5S5CAN9_9BACL Paenibacillus montanisoli (UP000249260) UniProtKB Star A0A328TUU9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A328TZC2_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A328TX07_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A328TTE7_9BACL Paenibacillus montaniterrae (UP000683139) UniProtKB Star A0A919YSZ6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A919YVT9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A919YPN9_9BACL Paenibacillus monticola (UP000463051) UniProtKB Star A0A7X2HBW7_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7X2H625_9BACL Paenibacillus mucilaginosus 3016 (UP000007523) UniProtKB Star H6NRG2_9BACL UniProtKB Star H6NGN1_9BACL UniProtKB Star H6NE84_9BACL Paenibacillus nanensis (UP000266482) UniProtKB Star A0A3A1UMZ4_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3A1UQ11_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3A1UR08_9BACL Paenibacillus nasutitermitis (UP000612456) UniProtKB Star A0A916ZJI2_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A917DSE5_9BACL Paenibacillus nuruki (UP000094578) UniProtKB Star A0A1E3L1Q9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1E3L3P2_9BACL Paenibacillus oceani (UP000639396) UniProtKB Star A0A927CHY3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A927CCB9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A927CET1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A927H035_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A927C396_9BACL Paenibacillus oryzae (UP000092024) UniProtKB Star A0A1A5YSC2_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1A5YJX6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1A5YDP9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1A5YDI0_9BACL Paenibacillus paeoniae (UP000261905) UniProtKB Star A0A371P0R3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A371P6L1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A371P2B4_9BACL Paenibacillus pectinilyticus (UP000093309) UniProtKB Star A0A1C0ZS24_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1C1A6P7_9BACL Paenibacillus phyllosphaerae (UP000570361) UniProtKB Star A0A7W5FR87_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7W5FMJ5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7W5FLR1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7W5FN41_9BACL Paenibacillus pini JCM 16418 (UP000019364) UniProtKB Star W7Z7C7_9BACL UniProtKB Star W7YSG6_9BACL Paenibacillus piri (UP000295636) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5K8G8_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4R5KGP8_9BACL Paenibacillus popilliae ATCC 14706 (UP000029453) UniProtKB Star M9LLS1_PAEPP UniProtKB Star M9LLM9_PAEPP Paenibacillus prosopidis (UP000252415) UniProtKB Star A0A368VKE2_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A368VWA7_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A368VUX0_9BACL Paenibacillus protaetiae (UP000293568) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6EXM9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4P6EUB4_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4P6ETD3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4P6F5S3_9BACL Paenibacillus psychroresistens (UP000426246) UniProtKB Star A0A6B8RDI8_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A6B8RSU6_9BACL Paenibacillus radicis (ex Gao et al. 2016) (UP000600247) UniProtKB Star A0A917MDK1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A917HHH6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A917M0U7_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A917HNE2_9BACL Paenibacillus rhizosphaerae (UP000187172) UniProtKB Star A0A1R1E2B1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1R1F2U3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1R1EEW2_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1R1F1T1_9BACL Paenibacillus rigui (UP000215509) UniProtKB Star A0A229UIG9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A229UJN4_9BACL Paenibacillus roseus (UP000640274) UniProtKB Star A0A934J3U6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A934MR48_9BACL Paenibacillus sabuli (UP000621560) UniProtKB Star A0A927BR55_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A927GSY8_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A927BV45_9BACL Paenibacillus sambharensis (UP000249522) UniProtKB Star A0A2W1LZ05_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A2W1LNL6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A2W1LSJ8_9BACL Paenibacillus sedimenti (UP000650466) UniProtKB Star A0A926KYW3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A926KS10_9BACL Paenibacillus selenitireducens (UP000190188) UniProtKB Star A0A1T2WZU2_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1T2WZF1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1T2XFS9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1T2X7C3_9BACL Paenibacillus silvestris (UP000481087) UniProtKB Star A0A6L8V1I8_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A6L8UXA7_9BACL Paenibacillus solanacearum (UP000693672) UniProtKB Star A0A916NRH8_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A916NWI9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A916NM11_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A916JT69_9BACL Paenibacillus solani (UP000036932) UniProtKB Star A0A0M1N343_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A0M1P5Z6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A0M1N236_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. 32O-W (UP000059673) UniProtKB Star A0A0U2W2Y8_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A0U2WR14_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A0U2WHN3_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. 598K (UP000288287) UniProtKB Star A0A401I6Z5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A401HX30_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. 7541 (UP000215741) UniProtKB Star A0A269VTG3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A269VX62_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A269W1I0_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. CAA11 (UP000244407) UniProtKB Star A0A2S0UEA6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A2S0U9D5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A2S0UES5_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. D9 (UP000036611) UniProtKB Star A0A0F5R701_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A0F5R0G6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A0F5R4E9_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. FSL H7-0331 (UP000187480) UniProtKB Star A0A1R1BD87_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1R1BD59_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1R1BHH5_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. FSL H7-0357 (UP000029508) UniProtKB Star A0A089JIB9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A089ID04_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A089JHS6_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. FSL H7-0737 (UP000029519) UniProtKB Star A0A089ISQ7_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A089ISA9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A089ITB4_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. FSL H8-0548 (UP000187405) UniProtKB Star A0A1R1CNM4_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1R1DCH6_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. FSL R5-0912 (UP000029512) UniProtKB Star A0A089K830_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A089LH71_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A089KA40_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. FSL R7-0331 (UP000029487) UniProtKB Star A0A089L0R5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A089L541_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A089L4E9_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. GP183 (UP000199177) UniProtKB Star A0A1H4QN51_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1H4R0T8_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. GSMTC-2017 (UP000649612) UniProtKB Star A0A931NCA0_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A931IRG1_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. HGF7 (UP000003445) UniProtKB Star F5LKL3_9BACL UniProtKB Star F5LET9_9BACL UniProtKB Star F5LGV7_9BACL UniProtKB Star F5LPD3_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. IHBB 10380 (UP000032320) UniProtKB Star A0A0D3VFE5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A0D3VHH1_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. J2TS4 (UP000678008) UniProtKB Star A0A919Z465_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. J31TS4 (UP000676098) UniProtKB Star A0A920DB32_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A920D7B5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A919ZAK7_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. J45TS6 (UP000677034) UniProtKB Star A0A919ZN34_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A919ZI53_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. JCM 10914 (UP000018028) UniProtKB Star V9GGT6_9BACL UniProtKB Star V9G526_9BACL UniProtKB Star V9GAB6_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. KS1 (UP000092663) UniProtKB Star A0A1B8UTD7_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1B8UW06_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1B8UKR1_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. Leaf72 (UP000051722) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4RHQ6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4RDN4_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. MY03 (UP000195591) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5K3T3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5KCI4_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5KC53_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5KAW5_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. N3.4 (UP000321402) UniProtKB Star A0A5C8LPH5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A5C8M7I4_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. NEAU-GSW1 (UP000462417) UniProtKB Star A0A7X3ABL3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7X3A8W0_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7X3A587_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. NFR01 (UP000198735) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0KYA3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1I0IC85_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1I0KLT5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1I0JQM5_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. OAS669 (UP000608782) UniProtKB Star A0A927LX24_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A927LR99_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A927QUC9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A927LUL0_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. PvR098 (UP000674088) UniProtKB Star A0A940T0S9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A940PKM5_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. Root444D2 (UP000051657) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7JKP7_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7JY65_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. TCA20 (UP000028160) UniProtKB Star A0A069DLA5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A069DL25_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A069DF67_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. UNC496MF (UP000198714) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3V3I3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1I3LPN1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1I3IPW0_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1I3PSH9_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. UNCCL117 (UP000182480) UniProtKB Star A0A1K1R9W9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1K1QIX4_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1K1NGC1_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. YN15 (UP000251619) UniProtKB Star A0A329LBY7_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A329L5E3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A329KUQ5_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. oral taxon 786 str. D14 (UP000003981) UniProtKB Star C6J670_9BACL UniProtKB Star C6IW84_9BACL UniProtKB Star C6IXV9_9BACL Paenibacillus sp. yr247 (UP000198936) UniProtKB Star A0A1H0NXF8_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1H0G5C9_9BACL Paenibacillus spiritus (UP000367750) UniProtKB Star A0A5J5FTU5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A5J5G8T9_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A5J5FXP3_9BACL Paenibacillus stellifer (UP000029507) UniProtKB Star A0A089LXV1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A089LSU1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A089LWS3_9BACL Paenibacillus swuensis (UP000076927) UniProtKB Star A0A172TI95_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A172TID6_9BACL Paenibacillus thalictri (UP000293142) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9DF38_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9DQF2_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9DUP4_9BACL Paenibacillus tyrfis (UP000028123) UniProtKB Star A0A081NVD3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A081P256_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A081NYL9_9BACL Paenibacillus uliginis N3/975 (UP000192940) UniProtKB Star A0A1X7GFL2_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1X7HGA1_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1X7HGD3_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1X7GA34_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1X7HCK9_9BACL Paenibacillus validus (UP000450917) UniProtKB Star A0A7X2ZFU7_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A7X2ZBR0_9BACL Paenibacillus whitsoniae (UP000276128) UniProtKB Star A0A430J7B5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3S0A997_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3S0A7C6_9BACL Paenibacillus wynnii (UP000029734) UniProtKB Star A0A098MEN5_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A098MCP1_9BACL Paenibacillus xerothermodurans (UP000214746) UniProtKB Star A0A2W1N7N5_PAEXE UniProtKB Star A0A2W1NLB3_PAEXE Paenibacillus xylanivorans (UP000037688) UniProtKB Star A0A0M9BSB8_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A0M9BN82_9BACL Paenibacillus yonginensis (UP000092573) UniProtKB Star A0A1B1N3M6_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1B1MY64_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A1B1N7B2_9BACL Paenibacillus zeisoli (UP000272464) UniProtKB Star A0A3S1B547_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A3S1BU05_9BACL Saccharibacillus Saccharibacillus brassicae (UP000316968) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y6USX6_SACBS UniProtKB Star A0A4Y6V2H2_SACBS UniProtKB Star A0A4Y6UTC8_SACBS Saccharibacillus sacchari DSM 19268 (UP000053380) Thermobacillus Thermobacillus composti (strain DSM 18247 / JCM 13945 / KWC4) (UP000010795) UniProtKB Star L0E861_THECK UniProtKB Star L0EDM3_THECK UniProtKB Star L0EI47_THECK Xylanibacillus Xylanibacillus composti (UP000677918) UniProtKB Star A0A8J4M493_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A8J4H291_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A8J4H3U0_9BACL Planococcaceae Bhargavaea Bhargavaea cecembensis DSE10 (UP000011919) UniProtKB Star M7NXI0_9BACL Caryophanon Caryophanon tenue (UP000093199) UniProtKB Star A0A1C0YLG0_9BACL Filibacter Filibacter tadaridae (UP000270468) UniProtKB Star A0A3P5WAK1_9BACL Jeotgalibacillus Jeotgalibacillus alimentarius (UP000031950) UniProtKB Star A0A0C2VXN6_9BACL Jeotgalibacillus campisalis (UP000031972) UniProtKB Star A0A0C2VTJ1_9BACL Jeotgalibacillus soli (UP000031938) UniProtKB Star A0A0C2W8E8_9BACL Jeotgalibacillus sp. R-1-5s-1 (UP000297458) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8L9I5_9BACL Jeotgalibacillus sp. S-D1 (UP000295327) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5XIF2_9BACL Kurthia Kurthia sibirica (UP000245938) UniProtKB Star A0A2U3AMA5_9BACL Kurthia sp. 11kri321 (UP000058129) UniProtKB Star A0A0X1RWJ2_9BACL Kurthia sp. 3B1D (UP000288623) UniProtKB Star A0A433RPK4_9BACL Paenisporosarcina Paenisporosarcina antarctica (UP000294292) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6ZTI0_9BACL Paenisporosarcina cavernae (UP000265725) UniProtKB Star A0A385YUS0_9BACL Paenisporosarcina sp. HGH0030 (UP000014412) UniProtKB Star S2YCF5_9BACL Planococcaceae bacterium Storch 2/2-2 (UP000446825) UniProtKB Star A0A844Q7U0_9BACL Planococcus Planococcus halotolerans (UP000251002) UniProtKB Star A0A365KK90_9BACL Planococcus lenghuensis (UP000188184) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q2KUE4_9BACL Planococcus massiliensis (UP000043699) UniProtKB Star A0A098EQ78_9BACL Planococcus rifietoensis (UP000067683) UniProtKB Star A0A0U2J797_9BACL Planococcus salinus (UP000275473) UniProtKB Star A0A3M8P5T8_9BACL Planococcus sp. PAMC 21323 (UP000031496) UniProtKB Star A0A0B4R7C4_9BACL Planomicrobium Planomicrobium sp. CPCC 101110 (UP000316502) UniProtKB Star A0A5C5UAV7_9BACL Planomicrobium sp. YIM 101495 (UP000473875) UniProtKB Star A0A6L6H4C6_9BACL Rummeliibacillus Rummeliibacillus sp. TYF005 (UP000271255) UniProtKB Star A0A3N6ATD3_9BACL Rummeliibacillus stabekisii (UP000076021) UniProtKB Star A0A143HGD9_9BACL Savagea Savagea serpentis (UP000622653) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7G5Z2_9BACL Solibacillus Solibacillus silvestris (strain StLB046) (UP000006691) UniProtKB Star F2F3B1_SOLSS Solibacillus sp. R5-41 (UP000222866) UniProtKB Star A0A2D1SYQ3_9BACL Sporosarcina Sporosarcina limicola (UP000658225) UniProtKB Star A0A927RCX3_9BACL Sporosarcina luteola (UP000321901) UniProtKB Star A0A511Z7W6_9BACL Sporosarcina pasteurii (UP000254519) UniProtKB Star A0A380CJ68_SPOPA Sporosarcina sp. BI001-red (UP000256461) UniProtKB Star A0A3D8YWF6_9BACL Sporosarcina sp. HYO08 (UP000070230) UniProtKB Star A0A135W7E4_9BACL Sporosarcina sp. JAI121 (UP000519817) UniProtKB Star A0A852UTU1_9BACL Sporosarcina sp. Marseille-Q4063 (UP000680589) UniProtKB Star A0A975Q900_9BACL Sporosarcina sp. P19 (UP000231607) UniProtKB Star A0A2G5XL61_9BACL Sporosarcina sp. Te-1 (UP000663910) UniProtKB Star A0A975CBV6_9BACL Tetzosporium Tetzosporium hominis (UP000217065) UniProtKB Star A0A264W4S2_9BACL Ureibacillus Ureibacillus manganicus DSM 26584 (UP000030416) UniProtKB Star A0A0A3IY96_9BACL Ureibacillus massiliensis 4400831 = CIP 108448 = CCUG 49529 (UP000030595) UniProtKB Star A0A0A3J4T6_9BACL Ureibacillus sinduriensis BLB-1 = JCM 15800 (UP000030408) UniProtKB Star A0A0A3HSE9_9BACL Ureibacillus terrenus (UP000315753) UniProtKB Star A0A540V2P4_9BACL Viridibacillus Viridibacillus arenosi FSL R5-213 (UP000019062) UniProtKB Star W4F6X7_9BACL Salinicoccaceae Lacicoccus Lacicoccus alkaliphilus DSM 16010 (UP000184206) UniProtKB Star A0A1M7I3L1_9BACL Phocicoccus Phocicoccus pinnipedialis (UP000588186) UniProtKB Star A0A6V7R526_9BACL Sporolactobacillaceae Pullulanibacillus Pullulanibacillus camelliae (UP000628775) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3E127_9BACL Pullulanibacillus pueri (UP000656813) UniProtKB Star A0A8J2ZYN1_9BACL Scopulibacillus Scopulibacillus darangshiensis (UP000295416) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2NQN0_9BACL Sinobaca Sinobaca qinghaiensis (UP000285120) UniProtKB Star A0A419UTN8_9BACL Sporolactobacillus Sporolactobacillus inulinus (UP000319716) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y1ZFG4_9BACL Sporolactobacillus inulinus CASD (UP000035553) UniProtKB Star A0A0U1QNY2_9BACL Sporolactobacillus laevolacticus DSM 442 (UP000018296) UniProtKB Star V6J1I9_9BACL Sporolactobacillus putidus (UP000654670) UniProtKB Star A0A917W4T3_9BACL Sporolactobacillus shoreae (UP000298347) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0GJP7_9BACL Staphylococcaceae Aliicoccus Aliicoccus persicus (UP000243605) UniProtKB Star A0A662Z463_9STAP Jeotgalicoccus Jeotgalicoccus saudimassiliensis (UP000044136) UniProtKB Star A0A078MDK4_9STAP Macrococcoides Macrococcoides canis (UP000194154) UniProtKB Star A0A1W7AEH4_9STAP Macrococcus caseolyticus (strain JCSC5402) (UP000001383) UniProtKB Star B9E8R9_MACCJ Macrococcus Macrococcus lamae (UP000294802) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6BV70_9STAP Macrococcus sp. DPC7161 (UP000293889) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1B2F8_9STAP Mammaliicoccus Mammaliicoccus stepanovicii (UP000242084) UniProtKB Star A0A240AA75_9STAP Nosocomiicoccus Nosocomiicoccus ampullae (UP000579136) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q2HF55_9STAP Salinicoccus Salinicoccus sediminis (UP000034287) UniProtKB Star A0A0M2SQH7_9STAP Staphylococcus Staphylococcus aureus (strain NCTC 8325 / PS 47) (UP000008816) UniProtKB Star SYE_STAA8 Staphylococcus carnosus (strain TM300) (UP000000444) UniProtKB Star B9DKX4_STACT Staphylococcus epidermidis (strain ATCC 35984 / DSM 28319 / BCRC 17069... (UP000000531) UniProtKB Star SYE_STAEQ Staphylococcus massiliensis S46 (UP000009885) UniProtKB Star K9B0V9_9STAP Staphylococcus saccharolyticus (UP000255425) UniProtKB Star A0A380HAB8_9STAP Staphylococcus saprophyticus subsp. saprophyticus (strain ATCC 15305 /... (UP000006371) UniProtKB Star SYE_STAS1 Staphylococcus sp. HGB0015 (UP000014407) UniProtKB Star S2Y938_9STAP Staphylococcus sp. HMSC071G07 (UP000185883) UniProtKB Star A0A1E9A3H0_9STAP Thermoactinomycetaceae Baia Baia soyae (UP000294746) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2RYX1_9BACL Desmospora Desmospora activa DSM 45169 (UP000241639) UniProtKB Star A0A2T4Z1T2_9BACL Hazenella Hazenella coriacea (UP000294937) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3L9R1_9BACL Kroppenstedtia Kroppenstedtia eburnea (UP000186795) UniProtKB Star A0A1N7MYG7_9BACL Kroppenstedtia pulmonis (UP000503088) UniProtKB Star A0A7D4CX35_9BACL Laceyella Laceyella tengchongensis (UP001157946) UniProtKB Star A0AA45WRA6_9BACL Lihuaxuella Lihuaxuella thermophila (UP000199695) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8HUN3_9BACL Marininema Marininema mesophilum (UP000198534) UniProtKB Star A0A1H2X8H3_9BACL Marinithermofilum Marinithermofilum abyssi (UP000625210) UniProtKB Star A0A8J2YAW0_9BACL Melghirimyces Melghirimyces algeriensis (UP000315636) UniProtKB Star A0A521E802_9BACL Melghirimyces profundicolus (UP000244240) UniProtKB Star A0A2T6BPY5_9BACL Melghirimyces thermohalophilus (UP000199387) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6PBG6_9BACL Novibacillus Novibacillus thermophilus (UP000188603) UniProtKB Star A0A1U9K3A2_9BACL Paenactinomyces Paenactinomyces guangxiensis (UP000535491) UniProtKB Star A0A7W1WTN9_9BACL Paludifilum Paludifilum halophilum (UP000215459) UniProtKB Star A0A235B3L4_9BACL Planifilum Planifilum fulgidum (UP000198661) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2KBX5_9BACL Polycladomyces Polycladomyces abyssicola (UP000677436) UniProtKB Star A0A8D5UCU5_9BACL Polycladospora Polycladospora coralii (UP000661691) UniProtKB Star A0A926RT57_9BACL Seinonella Seinonella peptonophila (UP000184476) UniProtKB Star A0A1M4X6D2_9BACL Shimazuella Shimazuella alba (UP000430692) UniProtKB Star A0A6I4VYV3_9BACL Thermoactinomyces Thermoactinomyces daqus (UP000530514) UniProtKB Star A0A7W1X958_9BACL Thermoactinomyces mirandus (UP000538292) UniProtKB Star A0A7W1XTW5_9BACL Thermoactinomyces sp. AS95 (UP000076382) UniProtKB Star A0A151YVX1_9BACL Thermoflavimicrobium Thermoflavimicrobium daqui (UP000251213) UniProtKB Star A0A364K8I2_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A364K307_9BACL UniProtKB Star A0A364K107_9BACL Thermoflavimicrobium dichotomicum (UP000199545) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3QTM2_9BACL Bacilli bacterium VT-13-104 (UP000034981) UniProtKB Star A0A0K0G966_9FIRM Lactobacillales Aerococcaceae Abiotrophia Abiotrophia defectiva ATCC 49176 (UP000019050) UniProtKB Star W1Q1B3_ABIDE Aerococcus Aerococcus christensenii (UP000234775) UniProtKB Star A0A2I1K8M2_9LACT Aerococcus incertae sedis Aerococcus urinae (strain CCUG 59500 / ACS-120-V-Col10a) (UP000008129) UniProtKB Star F2I770_AERUA Aerococcus kribbianus (UP001146670) UniProtKB Star A0A9X3JF85_9LACT Aerococcus sanguinicola (UP000069912) UniProtKB Star A0A109RES5_9LACT Aerococcus sp. HMSC10H05 (UP000177048) UniProtKB Star A0A1F2EMF7_9LACT Aerococcus suis (UP000243884) UniProtKB Star A0A1W1YVX8_9LACT Aerococcus urinaehominis (UP000062260) UniProtKB Star A0A0X8FLI4_9LACT Dolosicoccus Dolosicoccus paucivorans (UP000235682) UniProtKB Star A0A2N6SP33_9LACT Eremococcus Eremococcus coleocola ACS-139-V-Col8 (UP000005990) UniProtKB Star E4KNP2_9LACT Facklamia Facklamia hominis CCUG 36813 (UP000004465) UniProtKB Star K1LXZ1_9LACT Facklamia languida CCUG 37842 (UP000006190) UniProtKB Star H3NIH7_9LACT Facklamia miroungae (UP000199708) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7SWF7_9LACT Facklamia sp. 252 (UP000483027) UniProtKB Star A0A6M0LGG1_9LACT Falseniella Falseniella ignava CCUG 37419 (UP000005147) UniProtKB Star K1M090_9LACT Fundicoccus Fundicoccus ignavus (UP000430975) UniProtKB Star A0A6I2GJQ2_9LACT Globicatella Globicatella sp. HMSC072A10 (UP000176615) UniProtKB Star A0A1E8YJ63_9LACT Ignavigranum Ignavigranum ruoffiae (UP000198833) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9C1G6_9LACT Ruoffia Ruoffia halotolerans (UP000571018) UniProtKB Star A0A839A3N0_9LACT Suicoccus Suicoccus acidiformans (UP000263232) UniProtKB Star A0A347WNK3_9LACT Carnobacteriaceae Alkalibacterium Alkalibacterium kapii (UP000321662) UniProtKB Star A0A511AUR1_9LACT Alkalibacterium pelagium (UP000199081) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7PRE3_9LACT Alkalibacterium sp. 20 (UP000182750) UniProtKB Star A0A1L8P9B6_9LACT Alkalibacterium sp. AK22 (UP000020164) UniProtKB Star A0A011RPQ4_9LACT Alloiococcus Alloiococcus otitis ATCC 51267 (UP000009875) UniProtKB Star K9EUT1_9LACT Atopobacter Atopobacter sp. AH10 (UP000283681) UniProtKB Star A0A421BEL9_9LACT Atopococcus Atopococcus tabaci (UP001171751) UniProtKB Star A0AA43ZRU6_9LACT Atopostipes Atopostipes suicloacalis DSM 15692 (UP000184128) UniProtKB Star A0A1M4W980_9LACT Carnobacteriaceae bacterium zg-C25 (UP000680540) UniProtKB Star A0A8T8I8S0_9LACT Carnobacterium Carnobacterium divergens DSM 20623 (UP000051658) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2HW10_CARDV Carnobacterium iners (UP000193435) UniProtKB Star A0A1X7MS71_9LACT Carnobacterium maltaromaticum LMA28 (UP000000212) UniProtKB Star K8E7K1_CARML Carnobacterium sp. (strain 17-4) (UP000008304) UniProtKB Star F4BRH2_CARS1 Carnobacterium sp. CP1 (UP000064734) UniProtKB Star A0A0U3P5I7_9LACT Desemzia Desemzia incerta (UP000199136) UniProtKB Star A0A1I5Y844_9LACT Dolosigranulum Dolosigranulum pigrum ATCC 51524 (UP000003599) UniProtKB Star H3NCY6_9LACT Granulicatella Granulicatella adiacens ATCC 49175 (UP000005926) UniProtKB Star C8NHM9_9LACT Granulicatella balaenopterae (UP000198556) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9MGG6_9LACT Granulicatella elegans ATCC 700633 (UP000002939) UniProtKB Star D0BM23_9LACT Granulicatella sp. WM01 (UP000298203) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9J6H1_9LACT Granulicatella sp. zg-ZJ (UP000473671) UniProtKB Star A0A6M0L6J5_9LACT Isobaculum Isobaculum melis (UP000198948) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9SH41_9LACT Jeotgalibaca Jeotgalibaca dankookensis (UP000188993) UniProtKB Star A0A1S6IRH0_9LACT Jeotgalibaca porci (UP000501830) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7WHG4_9LACT Jeotgalibaca sp. PTS2502 (UP000187137) UniProtKB Star A0A1U7EDG2_9LACT Marinilactibacillus Marinilactibacillus sp. 15R (UP000184433) UniProtKB Star A0A1L4BWF0_9LACT Pisciglobus halotolerans (UP000198668) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3B6H1_9LACT Trichococcus Trichococcus palustris (UP000242754) UniProtKB Star A0A143YZ45_9LACT Enterococcaceae Catellicoccus Catellicoccus marimammalium M35/04/3 (UP000016057) UniProtKB Star K8ZK86_9ENTE Enterococcus Enterococcus alcedinis (UP000622610) UniProtKB Star A0A917JIA8_9ENTE Enterococcus aquimarinus (UP000182149) UniProtKB Star A0A1L8QTY2_9ENTE Enterococcus asini ATCC 700915 (UP000013777) UniProtKB Star R2PJ69_9ENTE Enterococcus canis (UP000181884) UniProtKB Star A0A1L8REC3_9ENTE Enterococcus casseliflavus EC20 (UP000012675) UniProtKB Star C9A8U3_ENTCA Enterococcus cecorum DSM 20682 = ATCC 43198 (UP000017415) UniProtKB Star S1RPQ7_9ENTE Enterococcus columbae DSM 7374 = ATCC 51263 (UP000014113) UniProtKB Star S0K1Y1_9ENTE Enterococcus devriesei (UP000183700) UniProtKB Star A0A1L8SX61_9ENTE Enterococcus dispar ATCC 51266 (UP000014127) UniProtKB Star S0K511_9ENTE Enterococcus faecalis (strain ATCC 700802 / V583) (UP000001415) UniProtKB Star SYE_ENTFA Enterococcus florum (UP000290567) UniProtKB Star A0A4P5P866_9ENTE Enterococcus gallinarum (UP000254807) Enterococcus hermanniensis (UP000182077) UniProtKB Star A0A1L8TG53_9ENTE UniProtKB Star A0A1L8TMU2_9ENTE Enterococcus italicus (strain DSM 15952 / CCUG 50447 / LMG 22039 / TP ... (UP000010296) UniProtKB Star E6LEI4_ENTI1 Enterococcus lacertideformus (UP000637757) UniProtKB Star A0A931AZX8_9ENTE Enterococcus pallens ATCC BAA-351 (UP000013782) UniProtKB Star R2SR86_9ENTE Enterococcus phoeniculicola ATCC BAA-412 (UP000013785) UniProtKB Star R3U5Q5_9ENTE Enterococcus ratti (UP000182152) UniProtKB Star A0A1L8WRR8_9ENTE Enterococcus rivorum (UP000095256) UniProtKB Star A0A1E5KUH2_9ENTE Enterococcus saccharolyticus subsp. saccharolyticus ATCC 43076 (UP000014136) UniProtKB Star S0JCF9_9ENTE Enterococcus sp. 10A9_DIV0425 (UP000194933) UniProtKB Star A0A242JVV2_9ENTE Enterococcus sp. 8G7_MSG3316 (UP000195043) UniProtKB Star A0A242A258_9ENTE Enterococcus sp. 9D6_DIV0238 (UP000196151) UniProtKB Star A0A200J0F6_9ENTE Enterococcus sp. 9E7_DIV0242 (UP000195141) UniProtKB Star A0A242K7K3_9ENTE Enterococcus sp. NBRC 3427 (UP000321556) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y3JQH2_9ENTE Enterococcus sp. PFB1-1 (UP001160119) UniProtKB Star A0AA43I7G6_9ENTE Enterococcus sulfureus ATCC 49903 (UP000015961) UniProtKB Star S0L568_9ENTE Enterococcus thailandicus (UP000078516) UniProtKB Star A0A179EQH4_ENTTH Enterococcus villorum (UP000192477) UniProtKB Star A0A1V8YQR4_9ENTE Melissococcus Melissococcus plutonius (strain ATCC 35311 / DSM 29964 / CIP 104052 / ... (UP000008456) UniProtKB Star F3Y7Q7_MELPT Pilibacter Pilibacter termitis (UP000190328) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4NQ45_9ENTE Tetragenococcus Tetragenococcus halophilus subsp. halophilus (UP000236214) UniProtKB Star A0A2H6CQW8_TETHA Tetragenococcus muriaticus 3MR10-3 (UP000029381) UniProtKB Star A0A091C5X4_9ENTE Vagococcus Vagococcus acidifermentans (UP000286773) UniProtKB Star A0A430AP73_9ENTE Vagococcus allomyrinae (UP000674938) UniProtKB Star A0A940SYI2_9ENTE Vagococcus carniphilus (UP000288028) UniProtKB Star A0A430B6J7_9ENTE Vagococcus coleopterorum (UP000500890) UniProtKB Star A0A6G8AM16_9ENTE Vagococcus elongatus (UP000287605) UniProtKB Star A0A430B1I1_9ENTE Vagococcus entomophilus (UP000288669) UniProtKB Star A0A430AFX4_9ENTE Vagococcus fessus (UP000287101) UniProtKB Star A0A430A4K8_9ENTE Vagococcus fluvialis (UP000288197) UniProtKB Star A0A369B3V4_9ENTE Vagococcus humatus (UP000277864) UniProtKB Star A0A3R9ZVT6_9ENTE Vagococcus intermedius (UP001179647) UniProtKB Star A0AAF0CUI2_9ENTE Vagococcus lutrae LBD1 (UP000018126) UniProtKB Star V6Q2G4_9ENTE Vagococcus penaei (UP000188246) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q2D575_9ENTE Vagococcus salmoninarum (UP000287239) UniProtKB Star A0A429ZQZ4_9ENTE Vagococcus silagei (UP000310506) UniProtKB Star A0A4S3B1H5_9ENTE Vagococcus teuberi (UP000191200) UniProtKB Star A0A1J0A7X8_9ENTE Vagococcus vulneris (UP000287857) UniProtKB Star A0A430A0J6_9ENTE Vagococcus zengguangii (UP000298615) UniProtKB Star A0A4D7CTE2_9ENTE Lactobacillaceae Acetilactobacillus Acetilactobacillus jinshanensis (UP000294321) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6ZM43_9LACO Agrilactobacillus Agrilactobacillus composti DSM 18527 = JCM 14202 (UP000051236) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1XZY5_9LACO Amylolactobacillus Amylolactobacillus amylophilus DSM 20533 = JCM 1125 (UP000051230) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1YSD0_9LACO Apilactobacillus Apilactobacillus kunkeei (UP000037778) UniProtKB Star A0A0M9DCF5_9LACO Apilactobacillus ozensis DSM 23829 = JCM 17196 (UP000052012) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2B0B4_9LACO Bombilactobacillus Bombilactobacillus apium (UP000563523) UniProtKB Star A0A850QZ74_9LACO Bombilactobacillus mellifer (UP000033558) UniProtKB Star A0A0F4LUY1_9LACO Bombilactobacillus mellis (UP000033695) UniProtKB Star A0A0F4L158_9LACO Companilactobacillus Companilactobacillus allii (UP000187499) UniProtKB Star A0A1P8PZQ1_9LACO Companilactobacillus farciminis (UP000295257) UniProtKB Star A0A4V3A3E5_9LACO Companilactobacillus tucceti DSM 20183 (UP000050929) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1IZ32_9LACO Companilactobacillus versmoldensis DSM 14857 = KCTC 3814 (UP000051647) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1SG44_9LACO Dellaglioa Dellaglioa algida DSM 15638 (UP000051450) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1HHD6_9LACO Fructilactobacillus Fructilactobacillus cliffordii (UP001055911) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q8ZQP4_9LACO Fructilactobacillus florum 8D (UP000019474) UniProtKB Star W9EKR3_9LACO Fructilactobacillus fructivorans (UP000031397) UniProtKB Star A0A0C1LX08_9LACO Fructilactobacillus lindneri DSM 20690 = JCM 11027 (UP000051565) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2JWI0_9LACO Fructilactobacillus sanfranciscensis (strain TMW 1.1304) (UP000001285) UniProtKB Star G2KV09_FRUST Fructobacillus Fructobacillus durionis (UP000199376) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1GXJ6_9LACO Fructobacillus pseudoficulneus (UP000061227) UniProtKB Star A0A3F3GWX2_9LACO Furfurilactobacillus Furfurilactobacillus rossiae DSM 15814 (UP000051999) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1RA99_9LACO UniProtKB Star A0A0R1RHC9_9LACO Furfurilactobacillus siliginis (UP000051139) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2KXX3_9LACO Holzapfeliella Holzapfeliella floricola DSM 23037 = JCM 16512 (UP000051378) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2DLA0_9LACO Lacticaseibacillus Lacticaseibacillus brantae DSM 23927 (UP000051672) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2AX94_9LACO Lacticaseibacillus camelliae DSM 22697 = JCM 13995 (UP000050865) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2F965_9LACO Lacticaseibacillus manihotivorans DSM 13343 = JCM 12514 (UP000051790) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1QIV3_9LACO Lacticaseibacillus nasuensis JCM 17158 (UP000051804) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1JIJ8_9LACO Lacticaseibacillus paracasei (strain ATCC 334 / BCRC 17002 / CCUG 3116... (UP000001651) UniProtKB Star SYE_LACP3 Lacticaseibacillus saniviri JCM 17471 = DSM 24301 (UP000050969) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2N2T3_9LACO Lacticaseibacillus sharpeae JCM 1186 = DSM 20505 (UP000051679) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1ZMT3_9LACO Lacticaseibacillus thailandensis DSM 22698 = JCM 13996 (UP000051789) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2C4R5_9LACO Lactiplantibacillus Lactiplantibacillus mudanjiangensis (UP000289996) UniProtKB Star A0A660DYV5_9LACO Lactiplantibacillus plantarum (strain ATCC BAA-793 / NCIMB 8826 / WCFS1) (UP000000432) UniProtKB Star SYE_LACPL Lactobacillus Lactobacillus acetotolerans (UP000035709) UniProtKB Star A0A0D6A2A7_9LACO Lactobacillus acidophilus (strain ATCC 700396 / NCK56 / N2 / NCFM) (UP000006381) UniProtKB Star SYE_LACAC Lactobacillus amylolyticus DSM 11664 (UP000004069) UniProtKB Star D4YT73_9LACO Lactobacillus apis (UP000033682) UniProtKB Star A0A0F4LTG8_9LACO Lactobacillus corticis (UP000677218) UniProtKB Star A0A916QKY6_9LACO Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus (strain ATCC 11842 / DSM 2... (UP000001259) UniProtKB Star SYE_LACDA Lactobacillus helveticus CIRM-BIA 951 (UP000017248) UniProtKB Star U6F404_LACHE Lactobacillus hominis DSM 23910 = CRBIP 24.179 (UP000009320) UniProtKB Star I7KGE3_9LACO Lactobacillus iners DSM 13335 (UP000004115) UniProtKB Star C8PBH8_9LACO Lactobacillus johnsonii (strain FI9785) (UP000002627) UniProtKB Star D0R294_LACJF Lactobacillus kalixensis DSM 16043 (UP000051036) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1UIH2_9LACO Lactobacillus pasteurii DSM 23907 = CRBIP 24.76 (UP000009311) UniProtKB Star I7JY40_9LACO Lactobacillus psittaci DSM 15354 (UP000051931) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1SCX7_9LACO Lactobacillus rodentium (UP000257317) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6TDR5_9LACO Lactobacillus selangorensis (UP000051645) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2FNB3_9LACO Lactobacillus sp. IBH004 (UP001207711) Lactobacillus sp. LL6 (UP000319179) UniProtKB Star A0A556UB23_9LACO Lactobacillus xujianguonis (UP000288291) UniProtKB Star A0A437SVD8_9LACO Lapidilactobacillus Lapidilactobacillus concavus DSM 17758 (UP000051315) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1WCC9_9LACO Lapidilactobacillus dextrinicus DSM 20335 (UP000051813) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2BV41_9LACO Latilactobacillus Latilactobacillus sakei subsp. sakei (strain 23K) (UP000002707) UniProtKB Star SYE_LATSS Lentilactobacillus Lentilactobacillus buchneri subsp. silagei Lentilactobacillus buchneri subsp. silagei CD034 (UP000007332) UniProtKB Star J9W8S3_LENBU Lentilactobacillus curieae (UP000030361) UniProtKB Star A0A1S6QJI1_9LACO Lentilactobacillus hilgardii (strain ATCC 8290 / DSM 20176 / CCUG 3014... (UP000003752) UniProtKB Star C0XG00_LENH9 Lentilactobacillus parafarraginis F0439 (UP000004625) UniProtKB Star G9ZMK3_9LACO Lentilactobacillus senioris DSM 24302 = JCM 17472 (UP000051256) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2CQR8_9LACO Leuconostoc Leuconostoc carnosum (strain JB16) (UP000006299) UniProtKB Star K0DBW9_LEUCJ Leuconostoc citreum (strain KM20) (UP000002166) UniProtKB Star SYE_LEUCK Leuconostoc fallax (UP000295681) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5N9F4_9LACO Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides (strain ATCC 8293 / DSM... (UP000000362) UniProtKB Star SYE_LEUMM Leuconostocaceae bacterium R-53105 (UP000199277) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6HI61_9LACO Levilactobacillus Levilactobacillus bambusae (UP000245080) UniProtKB Star A0A2V1MWE8_9LACO Levilactobacillus brevis (strain ATCC 367 / BCRC 12310 / CIP 105137 / ... (UP000001652) UniProtKB Star SYE2_LEVBA UniProtKB Star SYE1_LEVBA Levilactobacillus suantsaii (UP000290602) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0VKG3_9LACO Ligilactobacillus Ligilactobacillus agilis DSM 20509 (UP000051008) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2A9F2_9LACO Ligilactobacillus apodemi DSM 16634 = JCM 16172 (UP000051324) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1TVY3_9LACO Ligilactobacillus araffinosus DSM 20653 (UP000051291) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1ZMS6_9LACO Ligilactobacillus ceti DSM 22408 (UP000051500) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2KPX2_9LACO Ligilactobacillus equi DPC 6820 (UP000018559) UniProtKB Star V7HZP2_9LACO Ligilactobacillus hayakitensis DSM 18933 = JCM 14209 (UP000051054) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1WKF1_9LACO Ligilactobacillus pobuzihii (UP000051886) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2L8P8_9LACO Ligilactobacillus ruminis (strain ATCC 27782 / RF3) (UP000001279) UniProtKB Star G2SRP9_LIGR2 Ligilactobacillus saerimneri 30a (UP000011912) UniProtKB Star M5J5A8_9LACO Ligilactobacillus salivarius (strain UCC118) (UP000006559) UniProtKB Star SYE_LIGS1 Ligilactobacillus ubinensis (UP001139006) UniProtKB Star A0A9X2FLF1_9LACO Limosilactobacillus Limosilactobacillus coleohominis 101-4-CHN (UP000003987) UniProtKB Star C7XXW7_9LACO Limosilactobacillus equigenerosi DSM 18793 = JCM 14505 (UP000051084) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1URU3_9LACO Limosilactobacillus fermentum (UP000094714) UniProtKB Star A0A1D7ZXJ9_LIMFE Limosilactobacillus fermentum (strain NBRC 3956 / LMG 18251) (UP000001697) UniProtKB Star SYE_LIMF3 Limosilactobacillus frumenti DSM 13145 (UP000051445) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1P4P8_9LACO Limosilactobacillus gastricus PS3 (UP000004567) UniProtKB Star H4GKA9_9LACO Limosilactobacillus ingluviei (UP000051639) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2H3Z3_9LACO Limosilactobacillus mucosae LM1 (UP000003645) UniProtKB Star A0A0D4CM68_LIMMU Limosilactobacillus panis DSM 6035 (UP000051412) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1X8I0_9LACO Limosilactobacillus reuteri (strain DSM 20016) (UP000001991) UniProtKB Star SYE_LIMRD Limosilactobacillus secaliphilus (UP000050934) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2I8E8_9LACO Liquorilactobacillus Liquorilactobacillus cacaonum DSM 21116 (UP000051131) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2CFN7_9LACO Liquorilactobacillus capillatus DSM 19910 (UP000051621) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1MGL2_9LACO Liquorilactobacillus nagelii (UP000324497) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q8CU83_9LACO Liquorilactobacillus oeni DSM 19972 (UP000051686) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1MA13_9LACO Liquorilactobacillus vini DSM 20605 (UP000051576) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2CB80_9LACO Loigolactobacillus Loigolactobacillus backii (UP000078582) UniProtKB Star A0A192H2J6_9LACO Loigolactobacillus bifermentans DSM 20003 (UP000051461) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1GK52_9LACO Loigolactobacillus coryniformis subsp. coryniformis CECT 5711 (UP000007271) UniProtKB Star J2Z4L3_9LACO Loigolactobacillus rennini DSM 20253 (UP000051638) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2DHC2_9LACO UniProtKB Star A0A0R2CUQ7_9LACO Nicoliella Nicoliella spurrieriana (UP000831181) UniProtKB Star A0A976RSK2_9LACO Oenococcus Oenococcus kitaharae DSM 17330 (UP000004959) UniProtKB Star G9WI00_9LACO Oenococcus oeni (strain ATCC BAA-331 / PSU-1) (UP000000774) UniProtKB Star SYE_OENOB Paucilactobacillus Paucilactobacillus oligofermentans DSM 15707 = LMG 22743 (UP000051697) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1RLR0_9LACO Paucilactobacillus vaccinostercus DSM 20634 (UP000051733) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2A0F5_9LACO Paucilactobacillus wasatchensis (UP000032279) UniProtKB Star A0A0D1A7D4_9LACO Pediococcus Pediococcus acidilactici group Pediococcus acidilactici DSM 20284 (UP000004470) UniProtKB Star E0NFM0_PEDAC Pediococcus argentinicus (UP000051249) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2NLU1_9LACO Pediococcus cellicola (UP000051568) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2IV04_9LACO Pediococcus claussenii (strain ATCC BAA-344 / DSM 14800 / JCM 18046 / ... (UP000005444) UniProtKB Star G8PB57_PEDCP Periweissella Periweissella cryptocerci (UP000292886) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6YT28_9LACO Periweissella fabalis (UP000549765) UniProtKB Star A0A7X6N2Y1_9LACO Philodulcilactobacillus Philodulcilactobacillus myokoensis (UP001144204) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6ET64_9LACO Schleiferilactobacillus Schleiferilactobacillus perolens DSM 12744 (UP000051330) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1N7S1_9LACO Secundilactobacillus Secundilactobacillus kimchicus JCM 15530 (UP000050911) UniProtKB Star A0A0R1HMG6_9LACO Secundilactobacillus malefermentans (UP000294854) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5NNC0_9LACO Secundilactobacillus mixtipabuli (UP000198374) UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5IDZ8_9LACO Secundilactobacillus paracollinoides (UP000093267) UniProtKB Star A0A1B2IZE6_9LACO Secundilactobacillus similis DSM 23365 = JCM 2765 (UP000051442) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2EZW3_9LACO Weissella Weissella ceti (UP000029079) UniProtKB Star A0A075U0D2_9LACO Weissella cibaria (UP000032287) UniProtKB Star A0A0D1LPD7_9LACO Weissella diestrammenae (UP000515800) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9T3T2_9LACO Weissella halotolerans DSM 20190 (UP000051296) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2G2E9_9LACO Weissella kandleri (UP000051655) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2JHQ7_9LACO Weissella koreensis (UP000516446) UniProtKB Star A0A7H1MME4_9LACO Weissella oryzae (strain DSM 25784 / JCM 18191 / LMG 30913 / SG25) (UP000030643) UniProtKB Star A0A069CUC6_WEIOS Weissella paramesenteroides ATCC 33313 (UP000004528) UniProtKB Star C5R8M3_WEIPA Weissella soli (UP000254912) UniProtKB Star A0A288QNY1_9LACO Weissella viridescens (UP000051992) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2HAG7_WEIVI Streptococcaceae Floricoccus Floricoccus tropicus (UP000178622) UniProtKB Star A0A1E8GLA4_9LACT Lactococcus Lactococcus allomyrinae (UP000269374) UniProtKB Star A0A387BJH6_9LACT Lactococcus cremoris subsp. cremoris Lactococcus cremoris subsp. cremoris TIFN6 (UP000015854) UniProtKB Star T0S449_LACLC Lactococcus fujiensis JCM 16395 (UP000218181) UniProtKB Star A0A2A5RKV4_9LACT UniProtKB Star A0A2A5RKC8_9LACT Lactococcus garvieae (strain Lg2) (UP000008520) UniProtKB Star F9VH20_LACGL Lactococcus hircilactis (UP000439550) UniProtKB Star A0A7X1ZAF0_9LACT Lactococcus hodotermopsidis (UP000480303) UniProtKB Star A0A6A0B8U0_9LACT Lactococcus insecticola (UP000475928) UniProtKB Star A0A6A0B899_9LACT Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (strain IL1403) (UP000002196) UniProtKB Star SYE_LACLA Lactococcus plantarum (UP000242246) UniProtKB Star A0A2A5RXG4_9LACT Lactococcus reticulitermitis (UP000218689) UniProtKB Star A0A224WY27_9LACT Lactococcus termiticola (UP000245021) UniProtKB Star A0A2R5HEL1_9LACT Lactovum Lactovum miscens (UP000562464) UniProtKB Star A0A841C057_9LACT Streptococcus Streptococcus agalactiae serotype V (strain ATCC BAA-611 / 2603 V/R) (UP000000821) UniProtKB Star SYE_STRA5 Streptococcus anginosus group Streptococcus intermedius B196 (UP000016233) UniProtKB Star T1ZGG8_STRIT Streptococcus danieliae (UP000563349) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z0LCE7_9STRE Streptococcus downei MFe28 (UP000254082) UniProtKB Star A0A380JDY1_STRDO Streptococcus ferus (UP000249495) UniProtKB Star A0A2X3VTR2_9STRE Streptococcus gordonii (strain Challis / ATCC 35105 / BCRC 15272 / CH1... (UP000001131) UniProtKB Star SYE_STRGC Streptococcus henryi (UP000182508) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6AQN6_9STRE Streptococcus hillyeri (UP000279194) UniProtKB Star A0A3L9DQJ6_9STRE Streptococcus himalayensis (UP000660801) UniProtKB Star A0A917AAK0_9STRE Streptococcus hyointestinalis (UP000254924) UniProtKB Star A0A380KGV4_9STRE Streptococcus ictaluri 707-05 (UP000003330) UniProtKB Star G5K4U1_9STRE Streptococcus infantis ATCC 700779 (UP000002815) UniProtKB Star E8JXX1_9STRE Streptococcus massiliensis (UP000254634) UniProtKB Star A0A380L1J1_9STRE Streptococcus merionis (UP000215185) UniProtKB Star A0A239SX99_9STRE Streptococcus minor (UP000281771) UniProtKB Star A0A3P1VCZ9_9STRE Streptococcus mutans serotype c (strain ATCC 700610 / UA159) (UP000002512) UniProtKB Star SYE_STRMU Streptococcus ovuberis (UP000522720) UniProtKB Star A0A7X6S1L7_9STRE Streptococcus pantholopis (UP000077317) UniProtKB Star A0A172Q554_9STRE Streptococcus parasanguinis CC87K (UP000018716) UniProtKB Star V8B7S9_STRPA Streptococcus pasteurianus (strain ATCC 43144 / JCM 5346 / CCUG 46074 ... (UP000007946) UniProtKB Star F5X3L5_STRPX Streptococcus phocae (UP000049578) UniProtKB Star A0A0P6SK61_9STRE Streptococcus pluranimalium (UP000238956) UniProtKB Star A0A2L0D6K9_9STRE Streptococcus pneumoniae (strain ATCC BAA-255 / R6) (UP000000586) UniProtKB Star SYE_STRR6 Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 2 (strain D39 / NCTC 7466) (UP000001452) UniProtKB Star SYE_STRP2 Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 4 (strain ATCC BAA-334 / TIGR4) (UP000000585) UniProtKB Star SYE_STRPN Streptococcus pyogenes serotype M1 (UP000000750) UniProtKB Star SYE_STRP1 Streptococcus sanguinis (strain SK36) (UP000002148) UniProtKB Star SYE_STRSV Streptococcus sp. DD10 (UP000072050) UniProtKB Star A0A139NFM2_9STRE Streptococcus sp. DD12 (UP000070638) UniProtKB Star A0A139NI43_9STRE Streptococcus sp. DD13 (UP000070387) UniProtKB Star A0A139NNS3_9STRE Streptococcus sp. HSISB1 (UP000015934) UniProtKB Star T0T4L9_9STRE Streptococcus sp. X16XC17 (UP000291494) UniProtKB Star A0A4R0QRR9_9STRE Streptococcus sp. oral taxon 056 str. F0418 (UP000004514) UniProtKB Star F9HFQ5_9STRE Streptococcus sp. sy004 (UP000318879) UniProtKB Star A0A5C5TAF4_9STRE Streptococcus sp. zg-36 (UP000469321) UniProtKB Star A0A6I3J6Q3_9STRE Streptococcus suis (strain BM407) (UP000009077) UniProtKB Star A0A0H3MXM3_STRS4 Streptococcus thermophilus (strain ATCC BAA-250 / LMG 18311) (UP000001170) UniProtKB Star SYE_STRT2 Streptococcus uberis (strain ATCC BAA-854 / 0140J) (UP000000449) UniProtKB Star B9DVW7_STRU0 Streptococcus urinalis 2285-97 (UP000005388) UniProtKB Star G5KH90_9STRE Streptococcus varani (UP000198604) UniProtKB Star A0A0E4H6C3_9STRE Streptococcus zalophi (UP000644875) UniProtKB Star A0A934UDK5_9STRE Bacillota bacterium (UP000681864) UniProtKB Star A0A942EFF0_UNCFI UniProtKB Star A0A942I701_UNCFI Bacillota incertae sedis Caldicellulosiruptorales Caldicellulosiruptoraceae Caldicellulosiruptor Caldicellulosiruptor owensensis (strain ATCC 700167 / DSM 13100 / OL) (UP000006889) UniProtKB Star E4Q5Q3_CALOW UniProtKB Star E4Q5M4_CALOW Capillibacterium Capillibacterium thermochitinicola (UP000657177) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6LRU6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A8J6HZ23_9FIRM Clostridia Caldicoprobacterales Caldicoprobacteraceae Caldicoprobacter Caldicoprobacter faecalis (UP000198577) UniProtKB Star A0A1I5X3A9_9FIRM Christensenellales Christensenellaceae Candidatus Borkfalkia Candidatus Borkfalkia ceftriaxoniphila (UP000291269) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2K9C8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2KBA0_9FIRM Christensenella Christensenella hongkongensis (UP000034076) UniProtKB Star A0A0M2NH25_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0M2NJ08_9FIRM Christensenella minuta (UP000070366) UniProtKB Star A0A136Q1C6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A136Q1C2_9FIRM Gehongia Gehongia tenuis (UP000623172) UniProtKB Star A0A926D730_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A926D655_9FIRM Guopingia Guopingia tenuis (UP000617951) UniProtKB Star A0A926HX04_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A926HW20_9FIRM Luoshenia Luoshenia tenuis (UP000654279) UniProtKB Star A0A926CZB9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A926CZA8_9FIRM Clostridia bacterium (UP000655701) UniProtKB Star A0A974Z1K1_UNCCL Eubacteriales Acutalibacteraceae Acutalibacter Acutalibacter sp. 1XD8-33 (UP000270929) UniProtKB Star A0A3A9EGT1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3A9EH13_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3A9EPP4_9FIRM Anaeromassilibacillus Anaeromassilibacillus sp. An172 (UP000195869) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4NAA1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4NA71_9FIRM Anaeromassilibacillus sp. An200 (UP000195336) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4HTH1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4HZR4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4HV69_9FIRM Anaeromassilibacillus sp. An250 (UP000195568) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4EZQ3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4EMJ4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4F8I2_9FIRM Caproicibacter Caproicibacter fermentans (UP000469440) UniProtKB Star A0A6N8HUV2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A6N8HUP9_9FIRM Caproiciproducens Caproiciproducens galactitolivorans (UP000297714) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0YA52_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0YAZ1_9FIRM Caproiciproducens sp. NJN-50 (UP000287564) UniProtKB Star A0A410Q2T4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A410Q7J7_9FIRM Hydrogeniiclostridium Hydrogeniiclostridium mannosilyticum (UP000249377) UniProtKB Star A0A328UDD0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A328UH98_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A328UE77_9FIRM Anaerotalea Anaerotalea alkaliphila (UP000461585) UniProtKB Star A0A7X5KNG2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A7X5HW65_9FIRM Bianqueaceae Bianquea Bianquea renquensis (UP000657006) UniProtKB Star A0A926DWF9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A926DQY3_9FIRM Butyricicoccaceae Agathobaculum Agathobaculum faecis (UP000606499) UniProtKB Star A0A923LS09_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A923LUH0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A923LT08_9FIRM Butyricicoccus Butyricicoccus porcorum (UP000194903) UniProtKB Star A0A252F793_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A252F4C9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A252F745_9FIRM Butyricicoccus pullicaecorum 1.2 (UP000013981) UniProtKB Star R8W932_9FIRM UniProtKB Star R8W8X0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star R8VTX5_9FIRM Clostridiaceae Anaeromonas Anaeromonas frigoriresistens (UP000724672) UniProtKB Star A0A942Z748_9CLOT Anoxynatronum Anoxynatronum buryatiense (UP001158066) UniProtKB Star A0AA45WYS5_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0AA45WY77_9CLOT Caloramator Caloramator australicus RC3 (UP000007652) UniProtKB Star I7LIQ2_9CLOT UniProtKB Star I7LIA0_9CLOT Caloramator fervidus (UP000242850) UniProtKB Star A0A1H5WBD4_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1H5SN83_9CLOT Caloramator mitchellensis (UP000052015) UniProtKB Star A0A0R3JSE4_CALMK UniProtKB Star A0A0R3K331_CALMK Caloramator sp. E03 (UP000304999) UniProtKB Star A0A5B7TJP4_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A5B7TIT0_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A5B7TNI3_9CLOT Candidatus Arthromitus Candidatus Arthromitus sp. SFB-rat-Yit (UP000001273) UniProtKB Star G2IEN1_9CLOT UniProtKB Star G2IG10_9CLOT Clostridiaceae bacterium 14S0207 (UP000250207) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z4WA96_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A2Z4W7E4_9CLOT Clostridiaceae bacterium AF18-31LB (UP000286029) UniProtKB Star A0A416TTE6_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A416TUV4_9CLOT Clostridiaceae bacterium JG1575 (UP000237298) UniProtKB Star A0A2I0N069_9CLOT Clostridiaceae bacterium OM08-6BH (UP000284832) UniProtKB Star A0A3R6TIK5_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A3R6WHQ5_9CLOT Clostridium Clostridium aceticum (UP000035704) UniProtKB Star A0A0D8I7K1_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A0D8IAH7_9CLOT Clostridium acetireducens DSM 10703 (UP000175744) UniProtKB Star A0A1E8EX28_9CLOT Clostridium acetobutylicum (strain ATCC 824 / DSM 792 / JCM 1419 / IAM... (UP000000814) UniProtKB Star SYE_CLOAB Clostridium acidisoli DSM 12555 (UP000192468) UniProtKB Star A0A1W1XKF5_9CLOT Clostridium aciditolerans (UP000622687) UniProtKB Star A0A934LZQ8_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A934HVD3_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A934HWF6_9CLOT Clostridium aminobutyricum (UP000664545) UniProtKB Star A0A939IHJ3_CLOAM UniProtKB Star A0A939IIZ6_CLOAM Clostridium amylolyticum (UP000184080) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6KTK2_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1M6AZ81_9CLOT Clostridium argentinense CDC 2741 (UP000031366) UniProtKB Star A0A0C1U0H1_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A0C1R3Z5_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A0C1TZA6_9CLOT Clostridium baratii str. Sullivan (UP000030635) UniProtKB Star A0A0A7FWZ9_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A0A7FY72_9CLOT Clostridium bornimense (UP000019426) UniProtKB Star W6RUF7_9CLOT UniProtKB Star W6RZA7_9CLOT UniProtKB Star W6SE74_9CLOT Clostridium botulinum (strain Hall / ATCC 3502 / NCTC 13319 / Type A) (UP000001986) UniProtKB Star SYE_CLOBH Clostridium butyricum E4 str. BoNT E BL5262 (UP000003081) UniProtKB Star C4IHU6_CLOBU Clostridium cadaveris (UP000182135) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2L605_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1I2J0R6_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1I2J2G5_9CLOT Clostridium carboxidivorans P7 (UP000004198) UniProtKB Star C6PW99_9CLOT UniProtKB Star C6PQ14_9CLOT Clostridium cavendishii DSM 21758 (UP000184310) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6JF81_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1M6UV64_9CLOT Clostridium celatum DSM 1785 (UP000010420) UniProtKB Star L1QKR1_9CLOT UniProtKB Star L1QKM7_9CLOT Clostridium cellulovorans (strain ATCC 35296 / DSM 3052 / OCM 3 / 743B) (UP000002730) UniProtKB Star D9SVN3_CLOC7 UniProtKB Star D9SV30_CLOC7 Clostridium chauvoei JF4335 (UP000190476) UniProtKB Star S6FB28_9CLOT UniProtKB Star S6F0Z3_9CLOT Clostridium chromiireducens (UP000191056) UniProtKB Star A0A1V4IZB7_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1V4IZ93_9CLOT Clostridium colicanis DSM 13634 (UP000075374) UniProtKB Star A0A151ART7_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A151AKX6_9CLOT Clostridium collagenovorans DSM 3089 (UP000184526) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5UYB0_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1M5U0F3_9CLOT Clostridium cylindrosporum DSM 605 (UP000036756) UniProtKB Star A0A0J8D8G0_CLOCY UniProtKB Star A0A0J8G3Q5_CLOCY Clostridium estertheticum subsp. estertheticum (UP000182569) UniProtKB Star A0A1J0GE50_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1J0GLM3_9CLOT Clostridium fallax (UP000184035) UniProtKB Star A0A1M4Z6T3_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1M4Z890_9CLOT Clostridium frigidicarnis (UP000198619) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0WUT8_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1I0UYS0_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1I0WS57_9CLOT Clostridium fungisolvens (UP000580568) UniProtKB Star A0A6V8SB80_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A6V8SBP4_9CLOT Clostridium gasigenes (UP000198597) UniProtKB Star A0A1H0NIP3_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1H0NIH0_9CLOT Clostridium grantii DSM 8605 (UP000184447) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5RHM7_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1M5RUB6_9CLOT Clostridium homopropionicum DSM 5847 (UP000037043) UniProtKB Star A0A0L6ZEM2_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A0L6Z569_9CLOT Clostridium intestinale URNW (UP000016721) UniProtKB Star U2Q3C6_9CLOT UniProtKB Star U2NR83_9CLOT Clostridium isatidis (UP000264883) UniProtKB Star A0A343JG43_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A343JDV4_9CLOT Clostridium kluyveri (strain ATCC 8527 / DSM 555 / NBRC 12016 / NCIMB ... (UP000002411) UniProtKB Star SYE_CLOK5 UniProtKB Star SYQ_CLOK5 Clostridium lentum (UP000662088) UniProtKB Star A0A8I0ACS1_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A8I0A8U3_9CLOT Clostridium liquoris (UP000239706) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0B430_9CLOT Clostridium luticellarii (UP000237798) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0BGZ4_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A2T0BN72_9CLOT Clostridium magnum DSM 2767 (UP000076603) UniProtKB Star A0A162QQY8_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A162R7E2_9CLOT Clostridium manihotivorum (UP000286268) UniProtKB Star A0A3R5QXF3_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A3R5U896_9CLOT Clostridium neonatale (UP000220840) UniProtKB Star A0A2A7MKC1_9CLOT Clostridium niameyense (UP000473885) UniProtKB Star A0A6M0RBK0_9CLOT Clostridium novyi (strain NT) (UP000008220) UniProtKB Star SYE_CLONN UniProtKB Star A0Q2C1_CLONN Clostridium oryzae (UP000190080) UniProtKB Star A0A1V4IRE9_9CLOT Clostridium paraputrificum (UP000092714) UniProtKB Star A0A1B8RLI8_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A174WW40_9CLOT Clostridium paridis (UP000623681) UniProtKB Star A0A937FEI2_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A937K528_9CLOT Clostridium pasteurianum BC1 (UP000013523) UniProtKB Star R4KC95_CLOPA Clostridium pasteurianum DSM 525 = ATCC 6013 (UP000030905) UniProtKB Star A0A0H3J6M4_CLOPA Clostridium perfringens (strain 13 / Type A) (UP000000818) UniProtKB Star SYE_CLOPE UniProtKB Star SYQ_CLOPE Clostridium polyendosporum (UP000679179) UniProtKB Star A0A919S1P9_9CLOT Clostridium puniceum (UP000190890) UniProtKB Star A0A1S8TBW3_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1S8T2U4_9CLOT Clostridium putrefaciens (UP000254664) UniProtKB Star A0A381J7Y4_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A381J8F7_9CLOT Clostridium ragsdalei P11 (UP000093954) UniProtKB Star A0A1A6AXC6_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1A6AZG7_9CLOT Clostridium saccharobutylicum DSM 13864 (UP000017118) UniProtKB Star U5MS48_CLOSA Clostridium saccharoperbutylacetonicum N1-4 (UP000011728) UniProtKB Star M1LNE6_9CLOT UniProtKB Star M1M8S9_9CLOT Clostridium sartagoforme (UP000306888) UniProtKB Star A0A4S2DP92_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A4S2DQB3_9CLOT Clostridium senegalense (UP000481872) UniProtKB Star A0A6M0H7M5_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A6M0H7J3_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A6M0H9L3_9CLOT Clostridium sp. 'deep sea' (UP000594441) UniProtKB Star A0A7M1PXE2_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A7M1Q156_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A7M1PY97_9CLOT Clostridium sp. (strain MSTE9) (UP000004073) UniProtKB Star J0WUZ4_CLOS9 UniProtKB Star J0N5P6_CLOS9 Clostridium sp. (strain SY8519) (UP000008937) UniProtKB Star F7V3H7_CLOSS UniProtKB Star F7V5T2_CLOSS Clostridium sp. 7_2_43FAA (UP000017809) UniProtKB Star V9HHH5_9CLOT UniProtKB Star V9H8D6_9CLOT Clostridium sp. AF02-29 (UP000266135) UniProtKB Star A0A396N3K4_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A396N7H6_9CLOT Clostridium sp. AF17-2 (UP000285998) UniProtKB Star A0A416UTX5_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A416UXX2_9CLOT Clostridium sp. AF34-13 (UP000285285) UniProtKB Star A0A3R6S2W0_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A416E3A2_9CLOT Clostridium sp. AF36-4 (UP000262576) UniProtKB Star A0A373LYT2_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A373M658_9CLOT Clostridium sp. AM22-11AC (UP000266052) UniProtKB Star A0A396K8F7_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A396KB36_9CLOT Clostridium sp. AM29-11AC (UP000286559) UniProtKB Star A0A3R6UZK8_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A3R6R794_9CLOT Clostridium sp. AM33-3 (UP000286369) UniProtKB Star A0A417EQ69_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A417EHU4_9CLOT Clostridium sp. AM58-1XD (UP000266320) UniProtKB Star A0A395YQX3_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A395YL06_9CLOT Clostridium sp. BL8 (UP000015873) UniProtKB Star T0N6N7_9CLOT UniProtKB Star T0PQE3_9CLOT UniProtKB Star T0N2J4_9CLOT Clostridium sp. C105KSO13 (UP000198973) UniProtKB Star A0A0U5NN57_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A0U5P0S1_9CLOT Clostridium sp. CT7 (UP000230839) UniProtKB Star A0A2M8T8L4_9CLOT Clostridium sp. D5 (UP000003978) UniProtKB Star F0Z4F2_9CLOT UniProtKB Star F0Z103_9CLOT Clostridium sp. DL-VIII (UP000005106) UniProtKB Star G7M8K7_9CLOT UniProtKB Star G7M8K2_9CLOT Clostridium sp. DSM 8431 (UP000198524) UniProtKB Star A0A1I7FJ69_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1I7FJ63_9CLOT Clostridium sp. FS41 (UP000033604) UniProtKB Star A0A0F0CHU4_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A0F0C893_9CLOT Clostridium sp. HMP27 (UP000030009) UniProtKB Star A0A099S601_9CLOT Clostridium sp. JN-9 (UP000287890) UniProtKB Star A0A410PN06_9CLOT Clostridium sp. KNHs216 (UP000320543) UniProtKB Star A0A542AGP2_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A542AGV7_9CLOT Clostridium sp. MD294 (UP000012445) UniProtKB Star N1ZKG5_9CLOT UniProtKB Star N1ZEF3_9CLOT Clostridium sp. N3C (UP000184869) UniProtKB Star A0A1M4N955_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1M4NBR6_9CLOT Clostridium sp. OM05-9BH (UP000285437) UniProtKB Star A0A3R6U4R4_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A417RSJ5_9CLOT Clostridium sp. SM-530-WT-3G (UP000545014) UniProtKB Star A0A7X9S487_9CLOT Clostridium sp. USBA 49 (UP000190748) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4X333_9CLOT Clostridium sp. cel8 (UP000559354) UniProtKB Star A0A7W2G2P8_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A7W2IZU8_9CLOT Clostridium sp. chh4-2 (UP000236356) UniProtKB Star A0A2K2TZ37_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A2K2TX86_9CLOT Clostridium sulfidigenes (UP000028542) UniProtKB Star A0A084JBE7_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A084J8N9_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A084J9Y9_9CLOT Clostridium taeniosporum (UP000094652) UniProtKB Star A0A1D7XKI6_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1D7XKK4_9CLOT Clostridium tagluense (UP000287872) UniProtKB Star A0A401UPR7_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A401UNA9_9CLOT Clostridium tarantellae (UP000430345) UniProtKB Star A0A6I1MNC4_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A6I1MV01_9CLOT Clostridium tepidiprofundi DSM 19306 (UP000075531) UniProtKB Star A0A151B5W3_9CLOT Clostridium tetani (strain Massachusetts / E88) (UP000001412) UniProtKB Star SYE_CLOTE Clostridium tetanomorphum (UP000563151) UniProtKB Star A0A923E5M7_CLOTT Clostridium thailandense (UP000694308) UniProtKB Star A0A949TZ17_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A949WSC6_9CLOT Clostridium thermobutyricum (UP000013097) UniProtKB Star N9WCK0_9CLOT UniProtKB Star N9XYE3_9CLOT Clostridium thermosuccinogenes (UP000236151) UniProtKB Star A0A2K2FKL4_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A2K2FF29_9CLOT Clostridium tyrobutyricum DIVETGP (UP000019482) UniProtKB Star W6N1S6_CLOTY UniProtKB Star W6N4L3_CLOTY Clostridium uliginosum (UP000199263) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1N6U6_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1I1N7V3_9CLOT Clostridium vincentii (UP000239471) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0BA80_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A2T0B9Z2_9CLOT Crassaminicella Crassaminicella thermophila (UP000324646) UniProtKB Star A0A5C0S9B9_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A5C0SBT3_9CLOT Fervidicella Fervidicella metallireducens AeB (UP000019681) UniProtKB Star A0A017RXJ9_9CLOT Fonticella Fonticella tunisiensis (UP000295325) UniProtKB Star A0A4R7KDY8_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A4R7KQD7_9CLOT Hathewaya Hathewaya histolytica (UP000308489) UniProtKB Star A0A4U9R6N4_HATHI UniProtKB Star A0A4U9QXF3_HATHI Hathewaya proteolytica DSM 3090 (UP000183952) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6P454_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1M6LZ56_9CLOT Isachenkonia Isachenkonia alkalipeptolytica (UP000449710) UniProtKB Star A0AA44BEJ3_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0AA43XH88_9CLOT Lactonifactor Lactonifactor longoviformis DSM 17459 (UP000184245) UniProtKB Star A0A1M4VK30_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1M5B1Y5_9CLOT Mordavella Mordavella massiliensis (UP000713880) UniProtKB Star A0A938WYR4_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A939BIN3_9CLOT Oceanirhabdus Oceanirhabdus seepicola (UP001056429) UniProtKB Star A0A9J6P1T1_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A9J6P049_9CLOT Oxobacter Oxobacter pfennigii (UP000050326) UniProtKB Star A0A0P8WRT4_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A0P8W7K0_9CLOT Proteiniclasticum Proteiniclasticum aestuarii (UP000664218) UniProtKB Star A0A939HAX0_9CLOT Proteiniclasticum ruminis (UP000181899) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4XWQ6_9CLOT Proteiniclasticum sediminis (UP000675379) UniProtKB Star A0A941CLF1_9CLOT Sarcina Sarcina sp. DSM 11001 (UP000199127) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9JME6_9CLOT UniProtKB Star A0A1G9L283_9CLOT Senegalia Senegalia massiliensis (UP000467132) UniProtKB Star A0A845R0D7_9CLOT Thermobrachium Thermobrachium celere DSM 8682 (UP000014923) UniProtKB Star R7RRU0_9CLOT UniProtKB Star R7RN26_9CLOT Youngiibacter Youngiibacter fragilis 232.1 (UP000017747) UniProtKB Star V7HZQ5_9CLOT Clostridiales Family XVI. Incertae Sedis Carboxydocella Carboxydocella sporoproducens DSM 16521 (UP000189933) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4S5X2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1T4S8E4_9FIRM Clostridiales Family XVII. Incertae Sedis Candidatus Hydrogenisulfobacillus Candidatus Hydrogenisulfobacillus filiaventi (UP000503399) UniProtKB Star A0A6F8ZJJ6_9FIRM Sulfobacillus Sulfobacillus acidophilus (strain ATCC 700253 / DSM 10332 / NAL) (UP000005439) UniProtKB Star G8TVQ6_SULAD Sulfobacillus harzensis (UP000533476) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y0L5X3_9FIRM Sulfobacillus sp. hq2 (UP000237334) UniProtKB Star A0A2S3QK59_9FIRM Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans (strain DSM 9293 / VKM B-1269 / AT-1) (UP000192660) UniProtKB Star A0A1W1WAS4_SULTA Thermaerobacter Thermaerobacter marianensis (strain ATCC 700841 / DSM 12885 / JCM 1024... (UP000008915) UniProtKB Star E6SL00_THEM7 Clostridiales bacterium (UP000681244) UniProtKB Star A0A942JU23_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A942JSP4_9FIRM Clostridiales bacterium CHKCI001 (UP000198774) UniProtKB Star A0A143XFC3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A143XY06_9FIRM Clostridiales bacterium CHKCI006 (UP000198633) UniProtKB Star A0A143WVT5_9FIRM Clostridiales bacterium COT073_COT-073 (UP000266937) UniProtKB Star A0A3P2APJ4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3P2AQZ8_9FIRM Clostridiales bacterium KA00134 (UP000070500) UniProtKB Star A0A137SVS2_9FIRM Clostridiales bacterium KLE1615 (UP000077212) UniProtKB Star A0A176U2H7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A176U537_9FIRM Clostridiales bacterium PH28_bin88 (UP000034222) UniProtKB Star A0A0M2U9T2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0M2TZY2_9FIRM Clostridiales bacterium oral taxon 876 str. F0540 (UP000016490) UniProtKB Star U2E5X6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star U2D8Z4_9FIRM Colidextribacter Colidextribacter sp. OB.20 (UP000461734) UniProtKB Star A0A845R6Y5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A845R5U0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A845R7N4_9FIRM Desulfallaceae Desulfallas Desulfallas thermosapovorans DSM 6562 (UP000323166) UniProtKB Star A0A5S4ZPY6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A5S4ZUC6_9FIRM Desulfoscipio Desulfoscipio geothermicus DSM 3669 (UP000199584) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6DVE8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I6DWT8_9FIRM Desulfoscipio gibsoniae DSM 7213 (UP000013520) UniProtKB Star R4KBF6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star R4KWA0_9FIRM Desulfotruncus Desulfotruncus arcticus DSM 17038 (UP000199337) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2W502_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I2VG10_9FIRM Sporotomaculum Sporotomaculum syntrophicum (UP000798488) UniProtKB Star A0A9D2WNT8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A9D2WST7_9FIRM Desulfitobacteriaceae Dehalobacter Dehalobacter sp. 12DCB1 (UP000295664) UniProtKB Star A0A4R4CX99_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4R4D002_9FIRM Desulfitobacterium Desulfitobacterium dichloroeliminans (strain LMG P-21439 / DCA1) (UP000010797) UniProtKB Star L0F4I2_DESDL UniProtKB Star L0FCC1_DESDL Desulfitobacterium hafniense (strain Y51) (UP000001946) UniProtKB Star SYE_DESHY UniProtKB Star Q24MH1_DESHY Desulfitobacterium metallireducens DSM 15288 (UP000010847) UniProtKB Star W0E9H0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star W0EGI9_9FIRM Desulfosporosinus Desulfosporosinus acididurans (UP000036356) UniProtKB Star A0A0J1IIG4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0J1FWV4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0J1FUI0_9FIRM Desulfosporosinus fructosivorans (UP000298460) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0QZP5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0R261_9FIRM Desulfosporosinus metallidurans (UP000186102) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q8QYK0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Q8R324_9FIRM Desulfosporosinus orientis (strain ATCC 19365 / DSM 765 / NCIMB 8382 /... (UP000006346) UniProtKB Star G7W9H9_DESOD UniProtKB Star G7W7M2_DESOD UniProtKB Star G7WHL8_DESOD Desulfosporosinus sp. BG (UP000094434) UniProtKB Star A0A1C3F9V8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1C3FAR0_9FIRM Desulfosporosinus sp. HMP52 (UP000029916) UniProtKB Star A0A099SG45_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A099S1L4_9FIRM Desulfosporosinus sp. I2 (UP000033442) UniProtKB Star A0A0F2JDS5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0F2J8X7_9FIRM Desulfosporosinus sp. Sb-LF (UP000297375) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0QQU9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0QVL5_9FIRM Desulfosporosinus sp. Tol-M (UP000030439) UniProtKB Star A0A0A2U4U4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0A2TJT9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0A2U448_9FIRM Desulfosporosinus youngiae DSM 17734 (UP000005104) UniProtKB Star H5Y1A3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star H5Y0P8_9FIRM Syntrophobotulus Syntrophobotulus glycolicus (strain DSM 8271 / FlGlyR) (UP000007488) UniProtKB Star F0SXC3_SYNGF UniProtKB Star F0T045_SYNGF Desulfocucumaceae Desulfocucumis Desulfocucumis palustris (UP000239549) UniProtKB Star A0A2L2XMZ9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A2L2XH61_9FIRM Desulfotomaculaceae Desulfotomaculum Desulfotomaculum copahuensis (UP000078532) UniProtKB Star A0A1B7LGR2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1B7LKD8_9FIRM Desulfotomaculum nigrificans (strain DSM 14880 / VKM B-2319 / CO-1-SRB) (UP000009226) UniProtKB Star F6B570_DESCC UniProtKB Star F6B568_DESCC Pelotomaculum Pelotomaculum isophthalicicum JI (UP001154312) UniProtKB Star A0A9X4GZQ9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A9X4H4D1_9FIRM Pelotomaculum propionicicum (UP000297597) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y7RLD4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4Y7RY75_9FIRM Pelotomaculum schinkii (UP000298324) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y7RH34_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4Y7RIL1_9FIRM Pelotomaculum thermopropionicum (strain DSM 13744 / JCM 10971 / SI) (UP000006556) UniProtKB Star SYE_PELTS UniProtKB Star A5CY90_PELTS Eubacteriaceae Acetobacterium Acetobacterium bakii (UP000036873) UniProtKB Star A0A0L6U0Y3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0L6TXR5_9FIRM Acetobacterium paludosum (UP000616595) UniProtKB Star A0A923HUF5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A923HWK2_9FIRM Acetobacterium woodii (strain ATCC 29683 / DSM 1030 / JCM 2381 / KCTC ... (UP000007177) UniProtKB Star H6LC10_ACEWD UniProtKB Star H6LDB4_ACEWD Alkalibacter Alkalibacter rhizosphaerae (UP000663499) UniProtKB Star A0A975AHR3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A974XF58_9FIRM Alkalibacter saccharofermentans DSM 14828 (UP000184251) UniProtKB Star A0A1M4UB37_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1M4XQZ9_9FIRM Alkalibaculum Alkalibaculum bacchi (UP000253490) UniProtKB Star A0A366IAB8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A366I6U8_9FIRM Alkalibaculum sporogenes (UP000440004) UniProtKB Star A0A6A7KDX5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A6A7K8H6_9FIRM Anaerofustis Anaerofustis stercorihominis DSM 17244 (UP000005178) UniProtKB Star B1C6N3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star B1C740_9FIRM Eubacteriaceae bacterium CHKCI004 (UP000199324) UniProtKB Star A0A143Y388_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A143Y1H5_9FIRM Eubacteriaceae bacterium CHKCI005 (UP000199521) UniProtKB Star A0A143ZUF6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A143ZTH9_9FIRM Eubacteriaceae bacterium Marseille-Q4139 (UP000678227) UniProtKB Star A0A8T4K3N9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A8T4JWV4_9FIRM Eubacterium Eubacterium aggregans (UP000199394) UniProtKB Star A0A1H4A5V5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H4D9B6_9FIRM Eubacterium cellulosolvens (strain ATCC 43171 / JCM 9499 / 6) (UP000005753) UniProtKB Star I5AQC5_EUBC6 UniProtKB Star I5ASJ8_EUBC6 Eubacterium coprostanoligenes (UP000190657) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4MVC5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1T4MVG9_9FIRM Eubacterium maltosivorans (UP000218387) UniProtKB Star A0A4P9CEH4_EUBML UniProtKB Star A0A4P9C544_EUBML Eubacterium oxidoreducens (UP000199228) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6BF75_EUBOX UniProtKB Star A0A1G6B5K2_EUBOX Eubacterium plexicaudatum ASF492 (UP000012589) UniProtKB Star N1ZZV1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star N2AE50_9FIRM Eubacterium pyruvativorans (UP000198817) UniProtKB Star A0A1I7GBT7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I7FRV2_9FIRM Eubacterium ramulus (UP000245288) UniProtKB Star A0A2V1JN34_EUBRA UniProtKB Star A0A2V1JYT8_EUBRA Eubacterium ramulus ATCC 29099 (UP000016608) UniProtKB Star U2R035_EUBRA UniProtKB Star U2Q2M0_EUBRA Eubacterium ruminantium (UP000189857) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4NCB3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1T4PBU3_9FIRM Eubacterium sp. 14-2 (UP000014176) UniProtKB Star S0J1F6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star S0J3T5_9FIRM Eubacterium sp. AF15-50 (UP000283445) UniProtKB Star A0A416W5P1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A416WCI6_9FIRM Eubacterium sp. AF19-12LB (UP000286164) UniProtKB Star A0A416T044_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A416T2B1_9FIRM Eubacterium sp. AF22-8LB (UP000284400) UniProtKB Star A0A412I6F6_9FIRM Eubacterium sp. AF36-5BH (UP000262191) UniProtKB Star A0A373LR94_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A373LPZ7_9FIRM Eubacterium sp. OM08-24 (UP000262897) UniProtKB Star A0A374UMM6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A374UMT2_9FIRM Eubacterium uniforme (UP000190814) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4VNX7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1T4V4L0_9FIRM Eubacterium ventriosum (UP000284779) UniProtKB Star A0A413R8M9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A414R6F8_9FIRM Garciella Garciella nitratireducens DSM 15102 (UP000196365) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4KP76_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1T4NC41_9FIRM Irregularibacter Irregularibacter muris (UP001205748) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3KYL5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0AAE3KZK8_9FIRM Pseudoramibacter Candidatus Pseudoramibacter fermentans (UP000473648) UniProtKB Star A0A6L5GR96_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A6L5GRT0_9FIRM Pseudoramibacter alactolyticus ATCC 23263 (UP000004754) UniProtKB Star E6MEH5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star E6MEZ1_9FIRM Eubacteriales Family XII. Incertae Sedis Fusibacter Fusibacter sp. 3D3 (UP000095197) UniProtKB Star A0A1B6BJ34_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1B6BDA7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1B6BFU6_9FIRM Fusibacter sp. A1 (UP000290764) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1ZZ00_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1ZR47_9FIRM Eubacteriales Family XIII. Incertae Sedis Clostridiales bacterium S5-A14a (UP000029601) UniProtKB Star A0A095XH79_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A095XGQ7_9FIRM Eubacterium brachy ATCC 33089 (UP000017536) UniProtKB Star V1DCS9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star V1CKP4_9FIRM Eubacterium infirmum F0142 (UP000004504) UniProtKB Star H1PL54_9FIRM UniProtKB Star H1PKJ8_9FIRM Eubacterium nodatum ATCC 33099 (UP000018868) UniProtKB Star W2C210_9FIRM UniProtKB Star W2BZE5_9FIRM Eubacterium saphenum ATCC 49989 (UP000018436) UniProtKB Star C7H0E0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star C7GZU3_9FIRM Hominibacterium Hominibacterium faecale (UP001065549) UniProtKB Star A0A9J6QV60_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A9J6QIF8_9FIRM Hornefia Hornefia porci (UP000187404) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q9JKQ9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Q9JI57_9FIRM Lentihominibacter Lentihominibacter faecis (UP000644115) UniProtKB Star A0A923NEH3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A923SLR2_9FIRM Lentihominibacter hominis (UP000610862) UniProtKB Star A0A926E9N6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A926E8J6_9FIRM Sinanaerobacter Sinanaerobacter chloroacetimidivorans (UP000675664) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7W0N1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A8J7W7J8_9FIRM Zhenpiania Zhenpiania hominis (UP000602647) UniProtKB Star A0A923SQR9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A923NGZ1_9FIRM Evtepia Evtepia gabavorous (UP000260649) UniProtKB Star A0A3E2B578_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3E2B2T7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3E2B6K5_9FIRM Feifaniaceae Feifania Feifania hominis (UP000620366) UniProtKB Star A0A926DED8_9FIRM Fenollaria Fenollaria massiliensis (UP000831151) UniProtKB Star A0A9E7DJB8_9FIRM Flintibacter Flintibacter faecis (UP000602260) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6M3N6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A8J6J4D5_9FIRM Flintibacter hominis (UP000628736) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6J1G4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A8J6M6H7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A8J6J0D6_9FIRM Gemmiger Gemmiger formicilis (UP000190286) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4X7U1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1T4WFA0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1T4X4H3_9FIRM Gemmiger sp. An120 (UP000195783) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4TML2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4TGJ3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4THE9_9FIRM Gemmiger sp. An194 (UP000196090) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4IZ88_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4J4B3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4ITD4_9FIRM Heliobacteriaceae Heliobacterium Heliobacterium mobile (UP000430670) UniProtKB Star A0A6I3SKP4_HELMO UniProtKB Star A0A6I3SGY4_HELMO UniProtKB Star A0A6I3SLY6_HELMO Heliomicrobium Heliobacterium modesticaldum (strain ATCC 51547 / Ice1) (UP000008550) UniProtKB Star SYE_HELMI UniProtKB Star B0TCD2_HELMI UniProtKB Star B0TID1_HELMI Heliophilum Heliophilum fasciatum (UP000294813) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2RNS3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4R2RYN3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4R2S7X6_9FIRM Heliorestis Heliorestis acidaminivorans (UP000468766) UniProtKB Star A0A6I0ENU0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A6I0F0J5_9FIRM Intestinimonas Intestinimonas butyriciproducens (UP000064844) UniProtKB Star A0A0S2W541_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0S2W2P9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0S2W2I8_9FIRM Oscillospiraceae Acetanaerobacterium Acetanaerobacterium elongatum (UP000199182) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9UZA2_9FIRM Acetivibrio Acetivibrio clariflavus (strain DSM 19732 / NBRC 101661 / EBR45) (UP000005435) UniProtKB Star G8LWJ5_ACECE UniProtKB Star G8LX57_ACECE Acetivibrio ethanolgignens (UP000054874) UniProtKB Star A0A0V8QFZ3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0V8QG66_9FIRM Acetivibrio saccincola (UP000233534) UniProtKB Star A0A2K9E5Q4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A2K9EBC0_9FIRM Acetivibrio straminisolvens JCM 21531 (UP000019109) UniProtKB Star W4VCA4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star W4V8G5_9FIRM Acetivibrio thermocellus (strain ATCC 27405 / DSM 1237 / JCM 9322 / NB... (UP000002145) UniProtKB Star SYE_ACET2 UniProtKB Star A3DDX2_ACET2 Amygdalobacter Amygdalobacter nucleatus (UP000070080) UniProtKB Star A0A133YBZ9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A133YC87_9FIRM Anaerobacterium Anaerobacterium chartisolvens (UP000253034) UniProtKB Star A0A369APJ8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A369API9_9FIRM Anaerofilum Anaerofilum hominis (UP000659630) UniProtKB Star A0A923ID92_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A923RF58_9FIRM Anaerofilum sp. An201 (UP000195817) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4HCQ7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4HB97_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4HIL1_9FIRM Anaerotruncus Anaerotruncus colihominis (UP000446866) UniProtKB Star A0A845QKQ7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A845QK85_9FIRM Anaerotruncus colihominis DSM 17241 (UP000003803) UniProtKB Star B0PAC2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star B0PAC3_9FIRM Anaerotruncus massiliensis (ex Liu et al. 2021) (UP000276301) UniProtKB Star A0A498CKW1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A498CKT4_9FIRM Anaerotruncus sp. AF02-27 (UP000284135) UniProtKB Star A0A413G6R7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A413G6V9_9FIRM Anaerotruncus sp. G3(2012) (UP000014129) UniProtKB Star R9LCK7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star R9LCD5_9FIRM Brotocaccenecus Brotocaccenecus cirricatena (UP001199319) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3AFX3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0AAE3ADV4_9FIRM Caproicibacterium Caproicibacterium amylolyticum (UP000516046) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9WKE7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A7G9WFH2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A7G9WKE8_9FIRM Congzhengia Congzhengia minquanensis (UP000611762) UniProtKB Star A0A926DME2_9FIRM Drancourtella Drancourtella sp. An57 (UP000196207) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3WMA3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3W8T7_9FIRM Dysosmobacter Dysosmobacter segnis (UP000620327) UniProtKB Star A0A923MEN1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A923MIW2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A923MI23_9FIRM Dysosmobacter welbionis (UP000298642) UniProtKB Star A0A4D7AMP8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A856I1X7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4D7AJP9_9FIRM Ethanoligenens Ethanoligenens harbinense (strain DSM 18485 / JCM 12961 / CGMCC 1.5033... (UP000001551) UniProtKB Star E6U795_ETHHY Faecalibacterium Faecalibacterium gallinarum (UP001055185) UniProtKB Star A0AA37IXF3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0AA37IX56_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0AA37IW68_9FIRM Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (UP000406184) UniProtKB Star A0A564T0Y4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A564UKY9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A564SB84_9FIRM Faecalibacterium prausnitzii L2-6 (UP000008804) UniProtKB Star D4JXC9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star D4K0A7_9FIRM Faecalibacterium sp. An121 (UP000196164) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4T5E4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4TF39_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4SZH8_9FIRM Faecalibacterium sp. OF04-11AC (UP000261974) UniProtKB Star A0A373NDM1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A373NVT4_9FIRM Flavonifractor Flavonifractor plautii 1_3_50AFAA (UP000029585) UniProtKB Star A0A096BAW9_FLAPL UniProtKB Star A0A096AY07_FLAPL UniProtKB Star A0A096BAL5_FLAPL Flavonifractor sp. An10 (UP000196537) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4WHK5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4WKE0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4WRP8_9FIRM Flavonifractor sp. An100 (UP000196191) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4W8X3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4W725_9FIRM Flavonifractor sp. An135 (UP000196472) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4RUZ6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4S7B2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4RRV0_9FIRM Flavonifractor sp. An306 (UP000195472) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4BPK3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4BGL4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4BSP7_9FIRM Flavonifractor sp. An52 (UP000195424) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3XN79_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3XKW6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3XBB9_9FIRM Fumia Fumia xinanensis (UP000610760) UniProtKB Star A0A926E4X0_9FIRM Harryflintia Harryflintia acetispora (UP000294682) UniProtKB Star A0A9X8UJ70_9FIRM Hominenteromicrobium Hominenteromicrobium mulieris (UP001199424) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3DG39_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0AAE3AK01_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0AAE3DH65_9FIRM Hungateiclostridiaceae bacterium KB18 (UP000092525) UniProtKB Star A0A1C7GJR3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1C7GUQ0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1C7GJX2_9FIRM Hydrogenoanaerobacterium Hydrogenoanaerobacterium saccharovorans (UP000199158) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8ABG8_9FIRM Lawsonibacter Lawsonibacter faecis (UP000607645) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6JKM0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A8J6JJ49_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A8J6M887_9FIRM Lawsonibacter hominis (UP000661435) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6J441_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A8J6M9U0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A8J6M531_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A8J6JGE1_9FIRM Ligaoa Ligaoa zhengdingensis (UP000653127) UniProtKB Star A0A926DXL6_9FIRM Mageeibacillus Mageeibacillus indolicus (strain UPII9-5) (UP000008234) UniProtKB Star D3R1M6_MAGIU UniProtKB Star D3R1M5_MAGIU Massiliimalia Massiliimalia timonensis (UP000632659) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6U0V7_9FIRM Merdimmobilis Merdimmobilis hominis (UP000774750) UniProtKB Star A0A938XB83_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A938X8H8_9FIRM Neglectibacter Neglectibacter sp. 59 (UP000469514) UniProtKB Star A0A6N9PSZ4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A6N9PTV8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A6N9PXV5_9FIRM Neobittarella Neobittarella massiliensis (UP000597668) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6LT87_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A8J6IM91_9FIRM Oscillibacter Oscillibacter hominis (UP000515960) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9B7Z9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A7G9B7V0_9FIRM Oscillibacter sp. 1-3 (UP000014108) UniProtKB Star R9M6V4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star R9LYH2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star R9M8N3_9FIRM Oscillibacter sp. PC13 (UP000198573) UniProtKB Star A0A1I5MJE9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I5LH26_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I5MPN4_9FIRM Oscillospiraceae bacterium HV4-5-C5C (UP000526778) UniProtKB Star A0A7X6CUN1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A7X6CV05_9FIRM Oscillospiraceae bacterium Marseille-Q3528 (UP000678348) UniProtKB Star A0A8T4JRK1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A8T4JL56_9FIRM Oscillospiraceae incertae sedis [Clostridium] cellulosi (UP000032431) UniProtKB Star A0A078KUQ2_9FIRM [Clostridium] leptum (UP000284751) [Clostridium] leptum DSM 753 (UP000220611) UniProtKB Star A7VSM0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A7VSM1_9FIRM [Clostridium] methylpentosum DSM 5476 (UP000003340) UniProtKB Star C0EB03_9FIRM [Eubacterium] siraeum V10Sc8a (UP000007050) UniProtKB Star D4MNK8_9FIRM Papillibacter Papillibacter cinnamivorans DSM 12816 (UP000192790) UniProtKB Star A0A1W1YJ90_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1W1ZI70_9FIRM Pseudobacteroides Pseudobacteroides cellulosolvens ATCC 35603 = DSM 2933 (UP000036923) UniProtKB Star A0A0L6JV09_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0L6JS99_9FIRM Pseudoflavonifractor Pseudoflavonifractor capillosus ATCC 29799 (UP000003639) UniProtKB Star A6P0L5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A6P2K9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A6NVR4_9FIRM Pseudoflavonifractor sp. AF19-9AC (UP000285063) UniProtKB Star A0A416RFQ6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A416REJ8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A416REP1_9FIRM Pseudoflavonifractor sp. An176 (UP000196146) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4MBP9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4M7C9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4M1Y0_9FIRM Pseudoflavonifractor sp. An184 (UP000196588) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4LF08_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4LI60_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4LIU2_9FIRM Pusillibacter Pusillibacter faecalis (UP000679848) UniProtKB Star A0A830QXA8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A810Q4W4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A830UB69_9FIRM Qingrenia Qingrenia yutianensis (UP000647416) UniProtKB Star A0A926F962_9FIRM Ructibacterium Ructibacterium gallinarum (UP000806542) UniProtKB Star A0A9D5R8N6_9FIRM Ruminiclostridium Ruminiclostridium cellobioparum subsp. termitidis CT1112 (UP000014155) UniProtKB Star S0FM70_RUMCE UniProtKB Star S0FG35_RUMCE Ruminiclostridium cellulolyticum (strain ATCC 35319 / DSM 5812 / JCM 6... (UP000001349) UniProtKB Star B8I450_RUMCH Ruminiclostridium herbifermentans (UP000306409) UniProtKB Star A0A4U7JLA6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A7H1VSF0_9FIRM Ruminiclostridium hungatei (UP000191554) UniProtKB Star A0A1V4SK29_RUMHU UniProtKB Star A0A1V4SLV8_RUMHU Ruminiclostridium sufflavum DSM 19573 (UP000248132) UniProtKB Star A0A318XNK7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A318XT98_9FIRM Ruminococcaceae bacterium AF10-16 (UP000283331) UniProtKB Star A0A416ZAS7_9FIRM Ruminococcaceae bacterium AM28-23LB (UP000284026) UniProtKB Star A0A417HEE0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A417HMI5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A417HEH5_9FIRM Ruminococcaceae bacterium BL-4 (UP000509748) UniProtKB Star A0A6S6XHG3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A6S6XM45_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A6S6XHS4_9FIRM Ruminococcaceae bacterium BL-6 (UP000509668) UniProtKB Star A0A6S6XJM7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A6S6XLV6_9FIRM Ruminococcaceae bacterium CPB6 (UP000195433) UniProtKB Star A0A1W6WE52_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1W6WED4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1W6WEH6_9FIRM Ruminococcaceae bacterium D16 (UP000002801) UniProtKB Star F4X9C3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star F4XGD1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star F4XDG7_9FIRM Ruminococcaceae bacterium FB2012 (UP000199364) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6AER3_9FIRM Ruminococcaceae bacterium KH2T8 (UP000198503) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0MAA0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I0M8C7_9FIRM Ruminococcaceae bacterium YAD3003 (UP000199204) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3DLD8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H3DKY9_9FIRM Ruminococcaceae bacterium YRB3002 (UP000199293) UniProtKB Star A0A1G4Q408_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1G4Q5B0_9FIRM Ruminococcus Ruminococcus albus 8 (UP000004259) UniProtKB Star E9SCK4_RUMAL Ruminococcus albus SY3 (UP000021369) UniProtKB Star A0A011UAY1_RUMAL Ruminococcus bovis (UP000301475) UniProtKB Star A0A4P8XZS5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4P8Y190_9FIRM Ruminococcus bromii (UP000233425) UniProtKB Star A0A2N0UJ60_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A2N0UJB8_9FIRM Ruminococcus champanellensis (strain DSM 18848 / JCM 17042 / KCTC 1532... (UP000007054) UniProtKB Star D4LAM8_RUMC1 Ruminococcus difficilis (UP000633365) Ruminococcus flavefaciens 007c (UP000019365) UniProtKB Star W7UGK7_RUMFL Ruminococcus sp. AF17-6 (UP000263382) UniProtKB Star A0A373WRN4_9FIRM Ruminococcus sp. AF31-8BH (UP000262205) UniProtKB Star A0A373NLF9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A373NCD7_9FIRM Ruminococcus sp. AM42-11 (UP000284976) UniProtKB Star A0A417CS27_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A417CYT4_9FIRM Ruminococcus sp. OM06-36AC (UP000264338) UniProtKB Star A0A374W0I3_9FIRM Ruminococcus sp. YE71 (UP000182164) UniProtKB Star A0A1K1N7I7_9FIRM Ruthenibacterium Ruthenibacterium lactatiformans (UP000032483) UniProtKB Star A0A0D8IXI3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0D8IVS0_9FIRM Sporobacter Sporobacter termitidis DSM 10068 (UP000183995) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5WW38_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1M5VKF3_9FIRM Subdoligranulum Subdoligranulum sp. APC924/74 (UP000253465) UniProtKB Star A0A367GEE3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A367GIR8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A367G9Q4_9FIRM Subdoligranulum variabile DSM 15176 (UP000003438) UniProtKB Star D1PR60_9FIRM UniProtKB Star D1PN66_9FIRM Thermoclostridium Thermoclostridium caenicola (UP000324781) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6G7V4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1M6CXQ4_9FIRM Thermoclostridium stercorarium (strain ATCC 35414 / DSM 8532 / NCIMB 1... (UP000011220) UniProtKB Star L7VU96_THES1 Vescimonas Vescimonas coprocola (UP000681035) UniProtKB Star A0A810PYK2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A810Q0U9_9FIRM Vescimonas fastidiosa (UP000681343) UniProtKB Star A0A810Q266_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A810PV37_9FIRM Youxingia Youxingia wuxianensis (UP000623678) UniProtKB Star A0A926ESX0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A926EQR5_9FIRM Zongyangia Zongyangia hominis (UP000660861) UniProtKB Star A0A926IBB3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A926ICC2_9FIRM Peptococcaceae Candidatus Desulforudis Desulforudis audaxviator (strain MP104C) (UP000008544) UniProtKB Star SYE_DESAP Desulfofarcimen Desulfofarcimen acetoxidans (strain ATCC 49208 / DSM 771 / KCTC 5769 /... (UP000002217) UniProtKB Star C8W3W2_DESAS UniProtKB Star C8VXA2_DESAS Desulfofundulus Desulfofundulus kuznetsovii (strain DSM 6115 / VKM B-1805 / 17) (UP000009229) UniProtKB Star A0AAU8PEV7_DESK7 Desulfofundulus salinus (UP000271256) UniProtKB Star A0A494WRI7_9FIRM Desulfofundulus thermobenzoicus (UP000441717) UniProtKB Star A0A6N7IPY0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A6N7IRR7_9FIRM Desulfonispora Desulfonispora thiosulfatigenes DSM 11270 (UP000192731) UniProtKB Star A0A1W1UTS3_DESTI UniProtKB Star A0A1W1VTB8_DESTI Desulforamulus Desulforamulus ferrireducens (UP000189464) UniProtKB Star A0A1S6IT32_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1S6IT30_9FIRM Desulforamulus hydrothermalis Lam5 = DSM 18033 (UP000009315) UniProtKB Star K8DY89_9FIRM UniProtKB Star K8DYE8_9FIRM Desulforamulus profundi (UP000222564) UniProtKB Star A0A2C6L302_9FIRM Desulforamulus reducens (strain ATCC BAA-1160 / DSM 100696 / MI-1) (UP000001556) UniProtKB Star SYE_DESRM UniProtKB Star A4J0Y5_DESRM Desulforamulus ruminis (strain ATCC 23193 / DSM 2154 / NCIMB 8452 / DL) (UP000009234) UniProtKB Star F6DNN0_DESRL UniProtKB Star F6DNM8_DESRL Peptococcaceae bacterium (UP000681387) UniProtKB Star A0A942G7M9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A942G5S9_9FIRM Peptococcaceae bacterium CEB3 (UP000035957) UniProtKB Star A0A0J1FDN4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0J1F6F3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0J1F6X1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0J1F654_9FIRM Peptococcaceae bacterium SCADC1_2_3 (UP000027084) UniProtKB Star A0A086YST7_9FIRM Peptococcus Peptococcus niger (UP000198995) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6WP50_PEPNI UniProtKB Star A0A1G6VWA3_PEPNI Thermanaerosceptrum Thermanaerosceptrum fracticalcis (UP000515847) UniProtKB Star A0A7G6E5R8_THEFR UniProtKB Star A0A7G6E3R6_THEFR Proteiniborus Proteiniborus ethanoligenes (UP000198625) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3RIB8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H3RTM8_9FIRM Proteiniborus sp. DW1 (UP000185208) UniProtKB Star A0A1M4M8V0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1M4M7M1_9FIRM Proteinivoraceae Alkalicella Alkalicella caledoniensis (UP000516160) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9W801_ALKCA UniProtKB Star A0A7G9W8R9_ALKCA Anaerobranca Anaerobranca californiensis DSM 14826 (UP000243547) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6QYQ8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1M6M586_9FIRM Symbiobacteriaceae Caldinitratiruptor Caldinitratiruptor microaerophilus (UP001163687) UniProtKB Star A0AA35CPV3_9FIRM Symbiobacterium Symbiobacterium thermophilum (strain DSM 24528 / JCM 14929 / IAM 14863... (UP000000417) UniProtKB Star SYE_SYMTH UniProtKB Star GLUQ_SYMTH Syntrophomonadaceae Candidatus Syntrophocurvum Candidatus Syntrophocurvum alkaliphilum (UP000426444) UniProtKB Star A0A6I6DI70_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A6I6DJ80_9FIRM Syntrophomonadaceae bacterium (UP000678406) UniProtKB Star A0A942KM37_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A942KUF0_9FIRM Syntrophomonas Syntrophomonas wolfei subsp. wolfei (strain DSM 2245B / Goettingen) (UP000001968) UniProtKB Star SYE1_SYNWW UniProtKB Star SYE2_SYNWW UniProtKB Star Q0AU56_SYNWW Syntrophomonas zehnderi OL-4 (UP000045545) UniProtKB Star A0A0E4GBR9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0E3W2J5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0E4G8Y6_9FIRM Syntrophothermus Syntrophothermus lipocalidus (strain DSM 12680 / TGB-C1) (UP000000378) UniProtKB Star D7CJP7_SYNLT UniProtKB Star D7CK81_SYNLT Thermosyntropha Thermosyntropha lipolytica DSM 11003 (UP000242329) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5NRI2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1M5Q345_9FIRM Thermincolaceae Thermincola Thermincola potens (strain JR) (UP000002377) UniProtKB Star D5X9T4_THEPJ Yeguiaceae Yeguia Yeguia hominis (UP000651482) UniProtKB Star A0A926HRT9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A926D773_9FIRM [Bacteroides] pectinophilus ATCC 43243 (UP000003136) UniProtKB Star B7AQM0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star B7AQZ2_9FIRM butyrate-producing bacterium SM4/1 (UP000008959) Halanaerobiales Anoxybacter Anoxybacter fermentans (UP000267250) UniProtKB Star A0A3S9T195_9FIRM Halanaerobiaceae Halanaerobium Halanaerobium hydrogeniformans (UP000007434) UniProtKB Star E4RJE0_HALHG Halanaerobium praevalens (strain ATCC 33744 / DSM 2228 / GSL) (UP000006866) UniProtKB Star E3DPZ1_HALPG Halanaerobium saccharolyticum subsp. saccharolyticum DSM 6643 (UP000012063) UniProtKB Star M5E0H2_9FIRM Halanaerobium salsuginis (UP000199006) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4MHJ2_9FIRM Halanaerobium sp. DL-01 (UP000253016) UniProtKB Star A0A368YK21_9FIRM Iocasia Iocasia fonsfrigidae (UP000665020) UniProtKB Star A0A8A7KN98_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A8A7K557_9FIRM Halarsenatibacteraceae Halarsenatibacter Halarsenatibacter silvermanii (UP000199476) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9SYN7_9FIRM Halonatronomonas Halonatronomonas betaini (UP000621436) UniProtKB Star A0A931AS62_9FIRM Halobacteroidaceae Acetohalobium Acetohalobium arabaticum (strain ATCC 49924 / DSM 5501 / Z-7288) (UP000001661) UniProtKB Star D9QT02_ACEAZ Halanaerobacter Halanaerobacter jeridensis (UP000774000) UniProtKB Star A0A939BT46_9FIRM Halobacteroides Halobacteroides halobius (strain ATCC 35273 / DSM 5150 / MD-1) (UP000010880) UniProtKB Star L0K584_HALHC Orenia Orenia marismortui (UP000295832) UniProtKB Star A0A4R8GTE4_9FIRM Orenia metallireducens (UP000093514) UniProtKB Star A0A1C0ABY6_9FIRM Selenihalanaerobacter Selenihalanaerobacter shriftii (UP000190625) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4QCS7_9FIRM Halothermotrichaceae Halothermothrix Halothermothrix orenii (strain H 168 / OCM 544 / DSM 9562) (UP000000719) UniProtKB Star B8CZA8_HALOH UniProtKB Star B8D0A2_HALOH Koleobacterales Koleobacteraceae Koleobacter Koleobacter methoxysyntrophicus (UP000662904) UniProtKB Star A0A8A0RL22_9FIRM Lachnospirales Anaerotignaceae Anaerotignum Anaerotignum faecicola (UP000287361) UniProtKB Star A0A401LC56_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A401L9U2_9FIRM Anaerotignum lactatifermentans DSM 14214 (UP000183975) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6MAG2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1M6Q5U8_9FIRM Anaerotignum neopropionicum (UP000070539) UniProtKB Star A0A136WHZ1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A136WDH9_9FIRM Cellulosilyticaceae Cellulosilyticum Cellulosilyticum lentocellum (strain ATCC 49066 / DSM 5427 / NCIMB 117... (UP000008467) UniProtKB Star F2JI99_CELLD UniProtKB Star F2JI32_CELLD Holtiella Holtiella tumoricola (UP001169242) UniProtKB Star A0AA42J054_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0AA42J2G2_9FIRM Defluviitaleaceae Defluviitalea Defluviitalea raffinosedens (UP000483018) UniProtKB Star A0A7C8LH61_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A7C8HDQ5_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae Acetatifactor Acetatifactor muris (UP000236311) UniProtKB Star A0A2K4ZM18_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A2K4ZHD6_9FIRM Acetitomaculum Acetitomaculum ruminis DSM 5522 (UP000198838) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0VLU0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I1AGI4_9FIRM Agathobacter Agathobacter rectalis (UP000049472) UniProtKB Star A0A0M6WLK6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0M6WIR8_9FIRM Agathobacter ruminis (UP000224563) UniProtKB Star A0A2G3E5H7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A2G3E6E2_9FIRM Anaerobium Anaerobium acetethylicum (UP000199315) UniProtKB Star A0A1D3TS39_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1D3TT61_9FIRM Anaerobutyricum Anaerobutyricum hallii (UP000284621) UniProtKB Star A0A414B5F1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A173Y0A6_9FIRM Anaerocolumna Anaerocolumna aminovalerica (UP000198806) UniProtKB Star A0A1I5DCM1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I5DX94_9FIRM Anaerocolumna cellulosilytica (UP000515561) UniProtKB Star A0A6S6QP55_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A6S6RAI4_9FIRM Anaerocolumna chitinilytica (UP000515703) UniProtKB Star A0A7I8DUN8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A7I8DGK3_9FIRM Anaerocolumna jejuensis DSM 15929 (UP000184386) UniProtKB Star A0A1M7CLD3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1M6VBZ1_9FIRM Anaerocolumna sedimenticola (UP000464314) UniProtKB Star A0A6P1TN83_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A6P1TI22_9FIRM Anaerocolumna xylanovorans DSM 12503 (UP000184612) UniProtKB Star A0A1M7Y5N1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1M7YHP2_9FIRM Anaeromicropila Anaeromicropila herbilytica (UP000595897) UniProtKB Star A0A7R7EJ96_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A7R7ENW3_9FIRM Anaeromicropila populeti (UP000199659) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6HL28_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I6LNL4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I6KQ37_9FIRM Anaerosacchariphilus Anaerosacchariphilus hominis (UP000649345) UniProtKB Star A0A923LF77_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A923LC19_9FIRM Anaerosacchariphilus polymeriproducens (UP000255036) UniProtKB Star A0A371AXL0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A371ASF7_9FIRM Anaerosporobacter Anaerosporobacter mobilis DSM 15930 (UP000184038) UniProtKB Star A0A1M7MDG5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1M7JSQ8_9FIRM Anaerostipes Anaerostipes butyraticus (UP000613208) UniProtKB Star A0A916Q6W4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A916Q7N9_9FIRM Anaerostipes rhamnosivorans (UP000298653) UniProtKB Star A0A4P8IIW3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4P8IGV9_9FIRM Anaerostipes sp. 494a (UP000242190) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q9JRI9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Q9JVB4_9FIRM Anaerostipes sp. 992a (UP000187371) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q9K725_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Q9K612_9FIRM Blautia Blautia argi (UP000250003) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z4UA71_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A2Z4UCJ3_9FIRM Blautia faecicola (UP000290106) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1RI93_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4V1NRQ5_9FIRM Blautia hydrogenotrophica (strain DSM 10507 / JCM 14656 / S5a33) (UP000003100) UniProtKB Star C0CLZ1_BLAHS UniProtKB Star C0CNI7_BLAHS Blautia liquoris (UP000593601) UniProtKB Star A0A7M2RJE0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A7M2RCK1_9FIRM Blautia luti (UP000408482) UniProtKB Star A0A564VKL5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A564WAJ7_9FIRM Blautia obeum (UP000409147) UniProtKB Star A0A174FH56_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A174CE99_9FIRM Blautia obeum A2-162 (UP000008955) UniProtKB Star D4LX71_9FIRM UniProtKB Star D4LXY7_9FIRM Blautia pseudococcoides (UP000092574) UniProtKB Star A0A1C7I7X0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1C7IAY1_9FIRM Blautia sp. AF19-10LB (UP000262342) UniProtKB Star A0A373VST0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A373VIM5_9FIRM Blautia sp. AM23-13AC (UP000262787) UniProtKB Star A0A373GQK0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A373GVD9_9FIRM Blautia sp. An249 (UP000195974) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4FC63_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4F1Z3_9FIRM Blautia sp. An46 (UP000196301) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3YEY9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3Y6M7_9FIRM Blautia sp. OF03-15BH (UP000285119) UniProtKB Star A0A413I444_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A413I5S3_9FIRM Blautia wexlerae (UP000366766) UniProtKB Star A0A564WYL7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A174DN01_9FIRM Brotaphodocola Brotaphodocola catenula (UP001198962) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3DJN0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0AAE3DKW2_9FIRM Butyrivibrio Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens (UP000245488) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9U5Q0_BUTFI UniProtKB Star A0A317FZJ1_BUTFI Butyrivibrio hungatei (UP000179284) UniProtKB Star A0A1D9P169_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1D9P4X0_9FIRM Butyrivibrio proteoclasticus (strain ATCC 51982 / DSM 14932 / B316) (UP000001299) UniProtKB Star E0RWD6_BUTPB UniProtKB Star E0RZQ2_BUTPB Butyrivibrio sp. CB08 (UP000281491) UniProtKB Star A0A3A9TAK8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3A9SR75_9FIRM Butyrivibrio sp. INlla14 (UP000199551) UniProtKB Star A0A1G5HT20_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1G5CHK6_9FIRM Butyrivibrio sp. M55 (UP000199511) UniProtKB Star A0A1I7FI88_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I7HVS2_9FIRM Butyrivibrio sp. Su6 (UP000236727) UniProtKB Star A0A1H5SDM0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H5URV6_9FIRM Butyrivibrio sp. XB500-5 (UP000280135) UniProtKB Star A0A3A9TDY5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3A9SN61_9FIRM Butyrivibrio sp. YAB3001 (UP000198944) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1CZH9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I1EF51_9FIRM Butyrivibrio sp. ob235 (UP000199418) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7GJ95_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H7IKE5_9FIRM Candidatus Epulonipiscium Epulopiscium sp. AS2M-Bin001 (UP000190284) UniProtKB Star A0A1S9CKJ0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1S9C9A1_9FIRM Epulopiscium sp. Nele67-Bin004 (UP000190174) UniProtKB Star A0A1S9CU50_9FIRM Epulopiscium sp. Nele67-Bin005 (UP000190895) UniProtKB Star A0A1S9CM16_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1S9CM12_9FIRM Epulopiscium sp. Nuni2H_MBin001 (UP000189057) UniProtKB Star A0A1V2YGG6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1V2YJ39_9FIRM Epulopiscium sp. Nuni2H_MBin003 (UP000189211) UniProtKB Star A0A1V2YLA6_9FIRM Epulopiscium sp. SCG-B10WGA-EpuloB (UP000189438) UniProtKB Star A0A1V2MEV7_9FIRM Epulopiscium sp. SCG-C07WGA-EpuloA2 (UP000189533) UniProtKB Star A0A1V2MD75_9FIRM Epulopiscium sp. SCG-D08WGA-EpuloA1 (UP000188637) Candidatus Galacturonibacter Candidatus Galacturonibacter soehngenii (UP000461768) UniProtKB Star A0A7V7QN02_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A7V7QNV2_9FIRM Candidatus Weimeria Candidatus Weimeria bifida (UP000460257) UniProtKB Star A0A6N7J1F5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A6N7IYP4_9FIRM Catenibacillus Catenibacillus scindens (UP000543642) UniProtKB Star A0A7W8H7F2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A7W8HCV9_9FIRM Catonella Catonella morbi ATCC 51271 (UP000018227) UniProtKB Star V2Y361_9FIRM UniProtKB Star V2Z5A7_9FIRM Clostridium symbiosum (strain WAL-14163) (UP000002970) UniProtKB Star E7GIP4_CLOS6 UniProtKB Star E7GPJ0_CLOS6 Coprococcus Coprococcus catus (UP000261231) UniProtKB Star A0A3E2XS15_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3E2XRN6_9FIRM Coprococcus comes (UP000283360) UniProtKB Star A0A174L7T4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3R5ZG90_9FIRM Coprococcus sp. AF21-14LB (UP000285019) UniProtKB Star A0A3R6ADG4_9FIRM Coprococcus sp. OM04-5BH (UP000285840) UniProtKB Star A0A3R6W1D9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3R6T5A2_9FIRM Coprococcus sp. OM06-34AC (UP000262987) UniProtKB Star A0A374JSN6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A374K2R7_9FIRM Cuneatibacter Cuneatibacter caecimuris (UP000292927) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7PJY5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7PP43_9FIRM Diplocloster Diplocloster agilis (UP000712157) UniProtKB Star A0A949K2U6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A949K2R2_9FIRM Dorea Dorea formicigenerans (UP000261055) UniProtKB Star A0A3E5GQP9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3E4LEI1_9FIRM Dorea longicatena (UP000284095) UniProtKB Star A0A414SUD1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A414SRM2_9FIRM Dorea phocaeensis (UP000528555) UniProtKB Star A0A850HIZ8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A850HKI3_9FIRM Dorea sp. AF36-15AT (UP000266623) UniProtKB Star A0A396L6T8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A396LKD6_9FIRM Dorea sp. D27 (UP000037233) UniProtKB Star A0A0K9N915_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0K9NEW0_9FIRM Dorea sp. OM07-5 (UP000286043) UniProtKB Star A0A417QNA0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A417QS43_9FIRM Eisenbergiella Eisenbergiella massiliensis (UP000260812) UniProtKB Star A0A3E3I165_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3E3I9H1_9FIRM Enterocloster Enterocloster bolteae 90A9 (UP000013126) UniProtKB Star R0C8W7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star R0BE39_9FIRM Enterocloster clostridioformis (UP000251853) UniProtKB Star A0A174PX13_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A174P0U7_9FIRM Enterocloster lavalensis (UP000198508) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0JAD3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I0JQR2_9FIRM Eshraghiella Eshraghiella crossota DSM 2876 (UP000006238) UniProtKB Star D4S0U7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star D4S1G9_9FIRM Faecalicatena Faecalicatena contorta (UP000254051) UniProtKB Star A0A316AER3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A316A149_9FIRM Faecalicatena orotica (UP000245845) UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9BDU3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9BHH6_9FIRM Frisingicoccus Frisingicoccus caecimuris (UP000295711) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2LLJ8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4R2LI30_9FIRM Herbinix Herbinix hemicellulosilytica (UP000236497) UniProtKB Star A0A0H5SYQ8_HERHM Herbinix luporum (UP000196053) UniProtKB Star A0A0K8J8H4_9FIRM Hespellia Hespellia stercorisuis DSM 15480 (UP000184301) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6M0S8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1M6VWJ9_9FIRM Hominifimenecus Hominifimenecus microfluidus (UP001198182) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3E8Z5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0AAE3EC33_9FIRM Hungatella Hungatella effluvii (UP000248057) UniProtKB Star A0A2V3XW82_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A2V3XWL4_9FIRM Hungatella hathewayi WAL-18680 (UP000005384) UniProtKB Star G5IE67_9FIRM UniProtKB Star G5IDI4_9FIRM Johnsonella Johnsonella ignava ATCC 51276 (UP000003011) UniProtKB Star G5GH34_9FIRM UniProtKB Star G5GFS9_9FIRM Kineothrix Kineothrix alysoides (UP000295718) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1QZZ2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4R1R4J6_9FIRM Lachnobacterium Lachnobacterium bovis DSM 14045 (UP000183918) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3EVP7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H3HQS1_9FIRM Lachnoclostridium phytofermentans (strain ATCC 700394 / DSM 18823 / IS... (UP000000370) UniProtKB Star SYE_LACP7 UniProtKB Star A9KSJ6_LACP7 Lachnoclostridium sp. An118 (UP000199786) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4U2V2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4U2S4_9FIRM Lachnoclostridium sp. An131 (UP000199743) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4SC01_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4SCG3_9FIRM Lachnoclostridium sp. An14 (UP000196089) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4RIK8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4RP87_9FIRM Lachnoclostridium sp. An169 (UP000195962) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4P2G9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4P0Z1_9FIRM Lachnoclostridium sp. An181 (UP000242090) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4L3G4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4LB46_9FIRM Lachnoclostridium sp. An196 (UP000199780) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4IBJ7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4IQ35_9FIRM Lachnoclostridium sp. An76 (UP000199802) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3THC5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3TCH4_9FIRM Lachnospira Lachnospira eligens (strain ATCC 27750 / DSM 3376 / VPI C15-48 / C15-B4) (UP000001476) UniProtKB Star C4Z6B0_LACE2 UniProtKB Star C4Z3P7_LACE2 Lachnospira multipara (UP000236726) UniProtKB Star A0A1H5UE23_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H5WBL6_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium (UP000191179) UniProtKB Star A0A1T5BLU0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1T5CHS2_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium 10-1 (UP000014134) UniProtKB Star R9N4L7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star R9MZL6_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium 1_1_57FAA (UP000004973) UniProtKB Star A0A828T180_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A828T4F1_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium 1_4_56FAA (UP000004289) UniProtKB Star F7JPV8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star F7JJ84_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium 28-4 (UP000014112) UniProtKB Star R9JCP5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star R9J8H8_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium 2_1_46FAA (UP000018451) UniProtKB Star F3B9D0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star F3B8G0_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium 3-1 (UP000014188) UniProtKB Star R9ISB4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star R9IRC3_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium 3_1_57FAA_CT1 (UP000003336) UniProtKB Star F7K987_9FIRM UniProtKB Star F7KF99_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium 5_1_57FAA (UP000005617) UniProtKB Star F7KSV6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star F7KQQ0_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium 6_1_63FAA (UP000004368) UniProtKB Star F3ABD0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star F3ABL5_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium 9_1_43BFAA (UP000003620) UniProtKB Star F3AJJ1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star F3AKV2_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium A10 (UP000198998) UniProtKB Star A0A1H6QGP4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H6QHC3_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium A2 (UP000014150) UniProtKB Star R9KRT5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star R9KEA9_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium A4 (UP000014118) UniProtKB Star R9JNM7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star R9JUL5_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium AM48-27BH (UP000285913) UniProtKB Star A0A416JU19_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A416JTA7_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium C7 (UP000198643) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2NAR1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I2PCC9_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium G11 (UP000198652) UniProtKB Star A0A1G5V5G7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1G5WG69_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium G41 (UP000199016) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8WD26_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1G8S953_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium KH1T2 (UP000198626) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4EYU5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I4F3R9_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium KHCPX20 (UP000199590) UniProtKB Star A0A1H2PZH8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H2SL39_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium KM106-2 (UP000424606) UniProtKB Star A0A7U6QLJ3_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium M18-1 (UP000014090) UniProtKB Star R9K3H2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star R9K3M9_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium MD308 (UP000014117) UniProtKB Star R9MKW6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star R9MG19_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium MD329 (UP000461358) UniProtKB Star A0A7X5HYS9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A7X5HYN7_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium MD335 (UP000014081) UniProtKB Star R9K844_9FIRM UniProtKB Star R9L0D3_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium NE2001 (UP000199680) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9A690_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H9C099_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium NK3A20 (UP000199449) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3W1I5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H3YTW5_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium OF09-33XD (UP000265865) UniProtKB Star A0A396QJN7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A396QEC5_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium OM04-12BH (UP000284430) UniProtKB Star A0A417UFA3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A417UCD6_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium RM5 (UP000199252) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8ZPV9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H9A6D8_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium TWA4 (UP000032079) UniProtKB Star A0A0D0SCK7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0D0QLG4_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium XBB1006 (UP000199554) UniProtKB Star A0A1I5U5X2_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium XBB2008 (UP000199089) UniProtKB Star A0A1G5FNJ4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1G5CLQ5_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium XBD2001 (UP000199425) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6XYU5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I6XKM7_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium XPB1003 (UP000199543) UniProtKB Star A0A1G5BIB6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1G5BBM5_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae bacterium YSD2013 (UP000199278) UniProtKB Star A0A1G4V3N0_9FIRM Lachnospiraceae oral taxon 107 str. F0167 (UP000003263) UniProtKB Star F3B028_9FIRM UniProtKB Star F3B145_9FIRM Lachnotalea Lachnotalea glycerini (UP000216411) UniProtKB Star A0A318EYA8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A255I9V9_9FIRM Lachnotalea sp. AF33-28 (UP000285302) UniProtKB Star A0A416EQC4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A416EQH3_9FIRM Lacrimispora Lacrimispora algidixylanolytica (UP000284277) UniProtKB Star A0A419T0A4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A419SZU4_9FIRM Lacrimispora celerecrescens (UP000028525) UniProtKB Star A0A084JPJ1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A084JH29_9FIRM Lacrimispora xylanisolvens (UP000237749) UniProtKB Star A0A2S6HT23_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A2S6HUE5_9FIRM Marvinbryantia Marvinbryantia formatexigens DSM 14469 (UP000005561) UniProtKB Star C6LEN6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star C6LA93_9FIRM Mediterraneibacter Mediterraneibacter butyricigenes (UP000265643) UniProtKB Star A0A391P7M2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A391NZA6_9FIRM Mediterraneibacter catenae (UP000322025) UniProtKB Star A0A5M9I152_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A5M9I385_9FIRM Mediterraneibacter gnavus (strain CC55_001C) (UP000018690) UniProtKB Star A0A829NIN5_MEDG5 UniProtKB Star A0A829NUQ0_MEDG5 Mediterraneibacter hominis (UP000652477) UniProtKB Star A0A923LGC4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A923LGG4_9FIRM Mediterraneibacter sp. gm002 (UP000292621) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q8U1B8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4V2I5M2_9FIRM [Ruminococcus] lactaris ATCC 29176 (UP000003254) UniProtKB Star B5CQZ9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star B5CL17_9FIRM [Ruminococcus] torques (UP000363661) UniProtKB Star A0A564U468_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A656CMG5_9FIRM Mobilisporobacter Mobilisporobacter senegalensis (UP000273083) UniProtKB Star A0A3N1XXS3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3N1XJH4_9FIRM Mobilitalea Mobilitalea sibirica (UP000623269) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7L330_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A8J7H3D9_9FIRM Moryella Moryella indoligenes (UP001241537) UniProtKB Star A0AAE4AL78_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0AAE3VAR9_9FIRM Oribacterium Oribacterium parvum ACB1 (UP000018461) UniProtKB Star G9WNB8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star G9WMD1_9FIRM Oribacterium sinus F0268 (UP000004121) UniProtKB Star C2KV16_9FIRM UniProtKB Star C2KWA2_9FIRM Oribacterium sp. C9 (UP000190219) UniProtKB Star A0A1S9BVT4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1S9BWW8_9FIRM Oribacterium sp. KHPX15 (UP000199483) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3Y5E5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H4BQQ8_9FIRM Oribacterium sp. oral taxon 078 str. F0263 (UP000016659) UniProtKB Star U2US48_9FIRM UniProtKB Star U2WA52_9FIRM Parablautia Parablautia intestinalis (UP000280696) UniProtKB Star A0A3A9AMC8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3A9AVP4_9FIRM Parablautia muri (UP001154420) UniProtKB Star A0A9X5GQS6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A9X5BEA8_9FIRM Parasporobacterium Parasporobacterium paucivorans DSM 15970 (UP000184342) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6FMX4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1M6FT04_9FIRM Pseudobutyrivibrio Pseudobutyrivibrio ruminis (UP000182321) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7I9D8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H7G0I6_9FIRM Pseudobutyrivibrio xylanivorans DSM 14809 (UP000184185) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6EM96_PSEXY UniProtKB Star A0A1M6BHF8_PSEXY Qiania Qiania dongpingensis (UP000515823) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9G495_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A7G9G468_9FIRM Robinsoniella Robinsoniella sp. RHS (UP000036477) UniProtKB Star A0A0J1J9M1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0J1G680_9FIRM Roseburia Roseburia faecis (UP000049979) UniProtKB Star A0A0M6WNA9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0M6WW27_9FIRM Roseburia hominis (strain DSM 16839 / JCM 17582 / NCIMB 14029 / A2-183) (UP000008178) UniProtKB Star G2T2V5_ROSHA UniProtKB Star G2T2K7_ROSHA Roseburia intestinalis (UP000479531) UniProtKB Star A0A6L6XF49_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Q6SH20_9FIRM Roseburia intestinalis L1-82 (UP000294398) UniProtKB Star A0AAQ2Z7J8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star C7GGI6_9FIRM Roseburia inulinivorans (UP000049828) UniProtKB Star A0A0M6WBL3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0M6WWD5_9FIRM Roseburia sp. 1XD42-69 (UP000279120) UniProtKB Star A0A3A9H594_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3A9GTA3_9FIRM Roseburia sp. AF12-17LB (UP000285665) UniProtKB Star A0A416Z150_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3R6PI16_9FIRM Roseburia sp. AM16-25 (UP000286373) UniProtKB Star A0A3R6L7P7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3R6IG83_9FIRM Roseburia sp. AM59-24XD (UP000285778) UniProtKB Star A0A416HPF2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3R6T0T5_9FIRM Roseburia zhanii (UP000606720) UniProtKB Star A0A923LNX6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A923LQL7_9FIRM Schaedlerella Schaedlerella arabinosiphila (UP000274920) UniProtKB Star A0A3R8KT49_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3R8KT98_9FIRM Sellimonas Sellimonas intestinalis (UP000261080) UniProtKB Star A0A3E3K5S4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3E3K1U2_9FIRM Shuttleworthella Shuttleworthella satelles DSM 14600 (UP000003494) UniProtKB Star C4GBK8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star C4G8U7_9FIRM Sporofaciens Sporofaciens musculi (UP000460412) UniProtKB Star A0A7X3SIQ7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A7X3SJI4_9FIRM Stomatobaculum Stomatobaculum longum (UP000018466) UniProtKB Star A0AA36Y530_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0AA36Y3N2_9FIRM Tyzzerella Tyzzerella sp. An114 (UP000196526) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4UMS0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4UPJ6_9FIRM Variimorphobacter Variimorphobacter saccharofermentans (UP000574276) UniProtKB Star A0A839JWX5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A839JZY5_9FIRM Wujia Wujia chipingensis (UP000515819) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9FP16_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A7G9FQA3_9FIRM Zhenhengia Zhenhengia yiwuensis (UP000655830) UniProtKB Star A0A926EHX1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A926ELL3_9FIRM [Clostridium] aminophilum (UP000199820) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0ER87_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I0ELN1_9FIRM [Clostridium] fimetarium (UP000199701) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0MXA1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I0NKG6_9FIRM [Clostridium] polysaccharolyticum (UP000199800) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9YM54_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I0D4I4_9FIRM Natranaerovirgaceae Natranaerovirga Natranaerovirga hydrolytica (UP000294545) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1N7C7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4R1N1M9_9FIRM Natranaerovirga pectinivora (UP000294902) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3ML64_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4V2V0F5_9FIRM Vallitaleaceae Petrocella Petrocella atlantisensis (UP000279029) UniProtKB Star A0A3P7P5C6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3P7NUI2_9FIRM Vallitalea Vallitalea longa (UP001144256) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6DFI3_9FIRM Vallitalea pronyensis (UP000683246) UniProtKB Star A0A8J8SHH8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A8J8SHF6_9FIRM Lutisporales Lutisporaceae Lutispora Lutispora thermophila DSM 19022 (UP000184442) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6B798_9FIRM Monoglobales Monoglobaceae Monoglobus Monoglobus pectinilyticus (UP000235589) UniProtKB Star A0A2K9P3U9_9FIRM Moorellales Calderihabitantaceae Calderihabitans Calderihabitans maritimus (UP000197032) UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5HNN0_9FIRM Moorellaceae Moorella Moorella humiferrea (UP000238415) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0AXI8_9FIRM Moorella thermoacetica (UP000182811) UniProtKB Star A0A1J5P4G2_MOOTH Thermanaeromonas Thermanaeromonas sp. C210 (UP000498820) UniProtKB Star A0A829ZWD4_9FIRM Thermanaeromonas toyohensis ToBE (UP000192569) UniProtKB Star A0A1W1VWP4_9FIRM Natranaerobiales Natranaerobiaceae Natranaerobius Natranaerobius thermophilus (strain ATCC BAA-1301 / DSM 18059 / JW/NM-... (UP000001683) UniProtKB Star SYE_NATTJ Natranaerobius trueperi (UP000214588) UniProtKB Star A0A226C008_9FIRM Peptostreptococcales Acidaminobacteraceae Acidaminobacter Acidaminobacter hydrogenoformans DSM 2784 (UP000199208) UniProtKB Star A0A1G5S6G7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1G5RZD0_9FIRM Anaerovoracaceae Aminicella Aminicella lysinilytica (UP000295500) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6Q7V9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4R6QDQ7_9FIRM Aminipila Aminipila butyrica (UP000466848) UniProtKB Star A0A858BTF8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A858C1U0_9FIRM Aminipila luticellarii (UP000287601) UniProtKB Star A0A410PSV3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A410PZE7_9FIRM Aminipila terrae (UP000463883) UniProtKB Star A0A6P1MBD2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A6P1MEV6_9FIRM Emergencia Emergencia timonensis (UP000284841) UniProtKB Star A0A415DZ06_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A415DW37_9FIRM Mogibacterium Mogibacterium sp. CM50 (UP000003142) UniProtKB Star J6HAW8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star J5WNJ8_9FIRM Caminicellaceae Caminicella Caminicella sporogenes DSM 14501 (UP000184082) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6SR51_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1M6TGU4_9FIRM Maledivibacter Maledivibacter halophilus (UP000190285) UniProtKB Star A0A1T5MI08_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1T5K6M1_9FIRM Paramaledivibacter Paramaledivibacter caminithermalis (strain DSM 15212 / CIP 107654 / DV... (UP000184465) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6TL94_PARC5 UniProtKB Star A0A1M6KKD5_PARC5 Filifactoraceae Acetoanaerobium Acetoanaerobium sticklandii (strain ATCC 12662 / DSM 519 / JCM 1433 / ... (UP000007041) UniProtKB Star E3PUC5_ACESD UniProtKB Star E3PXN6_ACESD Criibacterium Criibacterium bergeronii (UP000093352) UniProtKB Star A0A371IMA6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A371IL15_9FIRM Filifactor Filifactor alocis (strain ATCC 35896 / CCUG 47790 / D40 B5) (UP000007468) UniProtKB Star D6GU14_FILAD Peptoanaerobacter Peptoanaerobacter stomatis (UP000005244) UniProtKB Star J6HCT1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star J6H5M6_9FIRM Natronincolaceae Alkaliphilus Alkaliphilus metalliredigens (strain QYMF) (UP000001572) UniProtKB Star SYE_ALKMQ UniProtKB Star A6TVW4_ALKMQ Alkaliphilus oremlandii (strain OhILAs) (UP000000269) UniProtKB Star SYE_ALKOO UniProtKB Star A8MKS5_ALKOO Alkaliphilus peptidifermentans DSM 18978 (UP000198636) UniProtKB Star A0A1G5LBG8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1G5D7I9_9FIRM Alkaliphilus pronyensis (UP000432715) UniProtKB Star A0A6I0F057_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A6I0F800_9FIRM Alkaliphilus serpentinus (UP000465601) UniProtKB Star A0A833MAI8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A833HLZ5_9FIRM Alkaliphilus sp. (UP000678142) Alkaliphilus sp. B6464 (UP000679658) UniProtKB Star A0A975PIH3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A975J5K5_9FIRM Anaerovirgula Anaerovirgula multivorans (UP000198304) UniProtKB Star A0A239E1L8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A239FKX1_9FIRM Natronincola Natronincola ferrireducens (UP000198718) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9IP70_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1G9F361_9FIRM Natronincola peptidivorans (UP000199568) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0GQ01_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I0AS68_9FIRM Serpentinicella Serpentinicella alkaliphila (UP000295504) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2TEX6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4R2TGZ9_9FIRM Peptoclostridiaceae Peptoclostridium Peptoclostridium acidaminophilum DSM 3953 (UP000019591) UniProtKB Star W8TCD6_PEPAC Peptoclostridium litorale DSM 5388 (UP000027946) UniProtKB Star A0A069RJ93_PEPLI Peptostreptococcaceae Asaccharospora Asaccharospora irregularis DSM 2635 (UP000243255) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5RJC7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1M5KPT9_9FIRM Clostridioides Clostridioides difficile (strain 630) (UP000001978) UniProtKB Star SYE_CLOD6 UniProtKB Star SYQ_CLOD6 Paraclostridium Paraclostridium benzoelyticum (UP000034407) UniProtKB Star A0A0M3DH99_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0M3DLE6_9FIRM Peptacetobacter Peptacetobacter hiranonis (strain DSM 13275 / JCM 10541 / KCTC 15199 /... (UP000003178) UniProtKB Star B6G099_PEPHT UniProtKB Star B6FZS9_PEPHT Peptacetobacter hominis (UP000317863) UniProtKB Star A0A544QUB9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A544QX80_9FIRM Peptostreptococcaceae bacterium AS15 (UP000006605) UniProtKB Star J4UGV7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star J5GTB8_9FIRM Peptostreptococcaceae bacterium oral taxon 113 str. W5053 (UP000016618) UniProtKB Star U2JTG2_9FIRM Peptostreptococcaceae bacterium pGA-8 (UP000242361) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1XB98_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I1Y7D6_9FIRM Peptostreptococcus Peptostreptococcus anaerobius 653-L (UP000004206) UniProtKB Star D3MT12_9FIRM UniProtKB Star D3MUK1_9FIRM Peptostreptococcus russellii (UP000199512) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8EJJ8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H8ES61_9FIRM Peptostreptococcus sp. D1 (UP000199190) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2C612_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I2ANP4_9FIRM Peptostreptococcus stomatis DSM 17678 (UP000003244) UniProtKB Star E0E2X1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star E0E1A8_9FIRM Romboutsia Romboutsia hominis (UP000245695) UniProtKB Star A0A2P2BVF4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A2P2BR38_9FIRM Romboutsia ilealis (UP000245622) UniProtKB Star A0A1V1I478_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1V1I1S2_9FIRM Romboutsia lituseburensis DSM 797 (UP000199068) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9UDP0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1G9K639_9FIRM Romboutsia maritimum (UP000243494) UniProtKB Star A0A371IQK9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A371IQB7_9FIRM Romboutsia sp. CE17 (UP000503601) UniProtKB Star A0A6H1X345_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A6H1WZS8_9FIRM Romboutsia weinsteinii (UP000215694) UniProtKB Star A0A371IXY5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A371J5C7_9FIRM Tepidibacter Tepidibacter thalassicus DSM 15285 (UP000242520) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5T0D6_9FIRM Terrisporobacter Terrisporobacter othiniensis (UP000031189) UniProtKB Star A0A0B3VVF1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0B3WRT9_9FIRM Tepidibacteraceae Alkalithermobacter Alkalithermobacter paradoxus (UP000190140) UniProtKB Star A0A1V4I4M4_9FIRM Thermotaleaceae Anaeromicrobium Anaeromicrobium sediminis (UP000216024) UniProtKB Star A0A267MDK6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A267MJK7_9FIRM Anaerosolibacter Anaerosolibacter carboniphilus (UP000579281) UniProtKB Star A0A841KVH4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A841L1D1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A841KRY7_9FIRM Geosporobacter Geosporobacter ferrireducens (UP000095743) UniProtKB Star A0A1D8GJQ5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1D8GQC8_9FIRM Marinisporobacter Marinisporobacter balticus (UP000294919) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2L760_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4R2KXR0_9FIRM Thermotalea Thermotalea metallivorans (UP000070456) UniProtKB Star A0A140L2N5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A140L2X3_9FIRM Tindalliaceae Tindallia Tindallia californiensis (UP000199230) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3R9X4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H3MW00_9FIRM Thermoanaerobacterales Thermoanaerobacteraceae Aceticella Aceticella autotrophica (UP000671913) UniProtKB Star A0A975AUM1_9THEO UniProtKB Star A0A975AVF7_9THEO Ammonifex Ammonifex degensii (strain DSM 10501 / KC4) (UP000002620) UniProtKB Star C9RBP8_AMMDK Caldanaerobacter Caldanaerobacter subterraneus subsp. tengcongensis (strain DSM 15242 /... (UP000000555) UniProtKB Star SYE1_CALS4 UniProtKB Star SYE2_CALS4 Caldanaerobius Caldanaerobius fijiensis DSM 17918 (UP000184088) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5A965_9THEO Calorimonas Calorimonas adulescens (UP000322976) UniProtKB Star A0A5D8Q905_9THEO Carboxydothermus Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans (strain ATCC BAA-161 / DSM 6008 / Z-... (UP000002706) UniProtKB Star SYE_CARHZ Gelria Gelria sp. Kuro-4 (UP000826003) UniProtKB Star A0A9C7AQK8_9THEO UniProtKB Star A0A9C7ATE1_9THEO Thermacetogenium Thermacetogenium phaeum (strain ATCC BAA-254 / DSM 26808 / PB) (UP000000467) UniProtKB Star K4LG20_THEPS Thermoanaerobacter Thermoanaerobacter pseudethanolicus (strain ATCC 33223 / 39E) (UP000002156) UniProtKB Star SYE2_THEP3 UniProtKB Star SYE1_THEP3 Thermoanaerobacteraceae bacterium SP2 (UP000271566) UniProtKB Star A0A3A9JQU8_9THEO Thermoanaerobacterium Thermoanaerobacterium sp. RBIITD (UP000218492) UniProtKB Star A0A285BJI9_9THEO UniProtKB Star A0A285BGU1_9THEO Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum (strain ATCC 7956 / DSM 57... (UP000001626) UniProtKB Star D9TP54_THETC UniProtKB Star D9TRT1_THETC Thermodesulfitimonas Thermodesulfitimonas autotrophica (UP000282654) UniProtKB Star A0A3N5B2I0_9THEO Thermoanaerobacterales Family III. Incertae Sedis Syntrophaceticus Syntrophaceticus schinkii (UP000046155) UniProtKB Star A0A0B7MI15_9FIRM Thermoanaerobacterales Family IV. Incertae Sedis Mahella Mahella australiensis (strain DSM 15567 / CIP 107919 / 50-1 BON) (UP000008457) UniProtKB Star F4A0L8_MAHA5 UniProtKB Star F3ZW70_MAHA5 Thermosediminibacterales Tepidanaerobacteraceae Tepidanaerobacter Tepidanaerobacter acetatoxydans (strain DSM 21804 / JCM 16047 / Re1) (UP000010802) UniProtKB Star F4LWU9_TEPAE Tepidanaerobacter syntrophicus (UP000062160) UniProtKB Star A0A0U9HEF6_9FIRM Thermosediminibacteraceae Fervidicola Fervidicola ferrireducens (UP000070427) UniProtKB Star A0A140LCY1_9FIRM Thermosediminibacter Thermosediminibacter oceani (strain ATCC BAA-1034 / DSM 16646 / JW/IW-... (UP000000272) UniProtKB Star D9S106_THEOJ Thermovenabulum Thermovenabulum gondwanense (UP000075737) UniProtKB Star A0A162MVX8_9FIRM Culicoidibacteria Culicoidibacterales Culicoidibacteraceae Culicoidibacter Culicoidibacter larvae (UP000306912) UniProtKB Star A0A5R8QJN1_9FIRM Desulfuribacillia Desulfuribacillales Desulfuribacillaceae Desulfuribacillus Desulfuribacillus alkaliarsenatis (UP000094296) UniProtKB Star A0A1E5G4E9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1E5G3G5_9FIRM Desulfuribacillus stibiiarsenatis (UP000095255) UniProtKB Star A0A1E5L8F2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1E5L5F1_9FIRM Dethiobacteria Dethiobacterales Dethiobacteraceae Dethiobacter Dethiobacter alkaliphilus AHT 1 (UP000006443) UniProtKB Star C0GIM5_DETAL UniProtKB Star C0GCI2_DETAL Dethiobacter sp. (UP000677327) UniProtKB Star A0A942EHF2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A942EKL2_9FIRM Erysipelotrichia Erysipelotrichales Coprobacillaceae Catenibacterium Catenibacterium sp. AM22-15 (UP000263750) UniProtKB Star A0A373I0R3_9FIRM Coprobacillus Coprobacillus cateniformis (UP000003157) UniProtKB Star E7GBJ0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star E7G6H4_9FIRM Eggerthia Eggerthia catenaformis OT 569 = DSM 20559 (UP000011758) UniProtKB Star M2Q2Y5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star M2ND93_9FIRM Faecalibacillus Faecalibacillus faecis (UP000241201) UniProtKB Star A0A2T3FWA0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A2T3FWC7_9FIRM Kandleria Kandleria vitulina DSM 20405 (UP000051841) UniProtKB Star A0A0R2HPC4_9FIRM Longibaculum Longibaculum muris (UP000295515) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3Z5U9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4R3Z3B5_9FIRM Sharpea Sharpea azabuensis (UP000183028) UniProtKB Star A0A1H6X882_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H6R4P3_9FIRM Thomasclavelia Erysipelatoclostridium sp. AM42-17 (UP000284957) UniProtKB Star A0A417CE05_9FIRM Erysipelatoclostridium sp. An173 (UP000196550) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4N7R1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4NAV0_9FIRM Thomasclavelia cocleata (UP000198558) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0C239_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I0I1A6_9FIRM Thomasclavelia ramosa DSM 1402 (UP000005798) UniProtKB Star B0N4L7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star B0N597_9FIRM Thomasclavelia spiroformis DSM 1552 (UP000004910) UniProtKB Star B1BYZ8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star B1C2A0_9FIRM Erysipelotrichaceae Absicoccus Absicoccus porci (UP000276568) UniProtKB Star A0A3N0I2F4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3N0I2G1_9FIRM Amedibacillus Amedibacillus dolichus (UP000284868) UniProtKB Star A0A415PCS3_9FIRM Amedibacterium Amedibacterium intestinale (UP000464754) UniProtKB Star A0A6N4THT5_9FIRM Anaerorhabdus Anaerorhabdus furcosa (UP000243297) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4PEI2_9FIRM Breznakia Breznakia sp. PF5-3 (UP001221861) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ1JY29_9FIRM Bulleidia Bulleidia extructa W1219 (UP000005017) UniProtKB Star D2MPV3_9FIRM Catenisphaera Catenisphaera adipataccumulans (UP000539953) UniProtKB Star A0A7W8FU01_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A7W8CY37_9FIRM Copranaerobaculum Copranaerobaculum intestinale (UP000434036) UniProtKB Star A0A6N8U945_9FIRM Dielma Dielma fastidiosa (UP000247612) UniProtKB Star A0A318LAC3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A318L537_9FIRM Dubosiella Dubosiella newyorkensis (UP000186705) UniProtKB Star A0A1U7NQ49_9FIRM Erysipelothrix Erysipelothrix inopinata (UP000515928) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9S086_9FIRM Erysipelothrix larvae (UP000063781) UniProtKB Star A0A0X8H288_9FIRM Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae ATCC 19414 (UP000003028) UniProtKB Star E7FWL9_ERYRH Erysipelothrix sp. HDW6A (UP000500713) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7WWB9_9FIRM Erysipelothrix sp. HDW6B (UP000503239) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7Z806_9FIRM Erysipelothrix sp. HDW6C (UP000503549) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7XWW1_9FIRM Erysipelotrichaceae bacterium 5_2_54FAA (UP000016858) UniProtKB Star U5F8C5_9FIRM Erysipelotrichaceae bacterium MTC7 (UP000093409) UniProtKB Star A0A1C0BWZ5_9FIRM Erysipelotrichaceae bacterium OH741_COT-311 (UP000270315) UniProtKB Star A0A3P1SAC7_9FIRM Erysipelotrichaceae bacterium RD49 (UP000655907) UniProtKB Star A0A929Q0X0_9FIRM Faecalibaculum Faecalibaculum rodentium (UP000069771) UniProtKB Star A0A140DWU5_9FIRM Faecalicoccus Faecalicoccus pleomorphus (UP000255523) UniProtKB Star A0A380LN12_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A380LKY1_9FIRM Faecalitalea Faecalitalea cylindroides (UP000195447) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4LVV0_9FIRM Faecalitalea cylindroides T2-87 (UP000008801) UniProtKB Star D4JF80_9FIRM Holdemania Holdemania filiformis (UP000284178) UniProtKB Star A0A412G444_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A412G0P3_9FIRM Ileibacterium Ileibacterium valens (UP000186341) UniProtKB Star A0A1U7NJE7_9FIRM Intestinibaculum Intestinibaculum porci (UP000268059) UniProtKB Star A0A3G9JMH1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A3G9JC27_9FIRM Massilimicrobiota Massilimicrobiota sp. An134 (UP000195713) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4SJT8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4SGX2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4SIG8_9FIRM Solobacterium Solobacterium moorei F0204 (UP000004097) UniProtKB Star E7MPR7_9FIRM [Clostridium] innocuum 2959 (UP000013051) UniProtKB Star N9WLZ3_CLOIN [Eubacterium] hominis (UP000515856) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9GJ74_9FIRM Turicibacteraceae Turicibacter Turicibacter sp. H121 (UP000057144) UniProtKB Star A0A0X1TKI3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0X1TL38_9FIRM Turicibacter sp. HGF1 (UP000003021) UniProtKB Star A0A828RXH7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A828RTL4_9FIRM Erysipelotrichia bacterium (UP000679022) UniProtKB Star A0A942KHU5_9FIRM Firmicutes bacterium AF12-30 (UP000262638) UniProtKB Star A0A374AKQ1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A374AKN7_9FIRM Firmicutes bacterium AF22-6AC (UP000284963) UniProtKB Star A0A416NV10_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A416NPC9_9FIRM Firmicutes bacterium AF36-19BH (UP000285872) UniProtKB Star A0A416CPE0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A416CGY8_9FIRM Firmicutes bacterium AM10-47 (UP000261988) UniProtKB Star A0A373IXQ7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A373J9M1_9FIRM Firmicutes bacterium AM41-11 (UP000283624) UniProtKB Star A0A417CY24_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A417CWY8_9FIRM Firmicutes bacterium AM55-24TS (UP000263944) UniProtKB Star A0A373QFZ9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A373QEG1_9FIRM Firmicutes bacterium ASF500 (UP000017395) UniProtKB Star V2YE63_9FIRM UniProtKB Star V2ZH65_9FIRM UniProtKB Star V2YA93_9FIRM Firmicutes bacterium M10-2 (UP000014154) UniProtKB Star R9LQD8_9FIRM Hydrogenispora Hydrogenispora ethanolica (UP000295008) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1REF0_HYDET UniProtKB Star A0A4R1S898_HYDET UniProtKB Star A0A4R1RSC3_HYDET Limnochordia Limnochordales Limnochordaceae Limnochorda Limnochorda pilosa (UP000065807) UniProtKB Star A0A0K2SJI8_LIMPI UniProtKB Star A0A0K2SHD9_LIMPI Negativicutes Acidaminococcales Acidaminococcaceae Acidaminococcus Acidaminococcus fermentans (strain ATCC 25085 / DSM 20731 / CCUG 9996 ... (UP000001902) UniProtKB Star D2RII5_ACIFV UniProtKB Star D2RJ60_ACIFV Acidaminococcus intestini (strain RyC-MR95) (UP000007093) UniProtKB Star G4Q686_ACIIR UniProtKB Star G4Q8W2_ACIIR Phascolarctobacterium Phascolarctobacterium succinatutens YIT 12067 (UP000004923) UniProtKB Star E8LDB7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star E8LDX8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star E8LBG1_9FIRM Succiniclasticum Succiniclasticum ruminis DSM 9236 (UP000198896) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1XCH9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I1ZVU4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1I2A3P2_9FIRM Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Anaerovibrio Anaerovibrio lipolyticus (UP000030993) UniProtKB Star A0A0B2JEF6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0B2JUF6_9FIRM Megamonas Megamonas hypermegale (UP000215383) UniProtKB Star A0A239TL01_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A239U6A0_9FIRM Mitsuokella Mitsuokella sp. AF33-22 (UP000284511) UniProtKB Star A0A415R7Z6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A415RES8_9FIRM Mitsuokella sp. oral taxon 131 str. W9106 (UP000016614) UniProtKB Star U2TEM0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star U2WDC9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star U2TE97_9FIRM Pectinatus Pectinatus brassicae (UP000559117) UniProtKB Star A0A840UMI3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A840UFS3_9FIRM Pectinatus cerevisiiphilus (UP000295188) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3K424_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4R3K389_9FIRM Propionispira Propionispira arboris (UP000199662) UniProtKB Star A0A1H6YAG3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H7D4R1_9FIRM Schwartzia Schwartzia succinivorans DSM 10502 (UP000184404) UniProtKB Star A0A1M4XKT0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1M4W9M7_9FIRM Selenobaculum Selenobaculum gibii (UP001243623) UniProtKB Star A0A9Y2AEK1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A9Y2AJG8_9FIRM Selenomonas Selenomonas bovis (UP000543804) UniProtKB Star A0A848BB05_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A848B2U1_9FIRM Selenomonas ruminantium (UP000182958) UniProtKB Star A0A1K1P178_SELRU UniProtKB Star A0A1K1NZ90_SELRU Selenomonas ruminis (UP000323646) UniProtKB Star A0A5D6W919_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A5D6W905_9FIRM Selenomonas sp. F0473 (UP000009883) UniProtKB Star K9CE92_9FIRM UniProtKB Star K9CIZ7_9FIRM Selenomonas sputigena (strain ATCC 35185 / DSM 20758 / CCUG 44933 / VP... (UP000011124) UniProtKB Star F4EXU5_SELS3 UniProtKB Star F4EZT1_SELS3 Selenomonadales bacterium (UP000682650) UniProtKB Star A0A942L8C7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A942L2C4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A942L897_9FIRM Sporomusaceae Acetonema Acetonema longum DSM 6540 (UP000003240) UniProtKB Star F7NMH7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star F7NI20_9FIRM UniProtKB Star F7NGR6_9FIRM Anaerospora Anaerospora hongkongensis (UP000295063) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1PW73_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4R1QCS9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4R1Q536_9FIRM Anaerosporomusa Anaerosporomusa subterranea (UP000076268) UniProtKB Star A0A154BVA3_ANASB UniProtKB Star A0A154BW08_ANASB UniProtKB Star A0A154BVM1_ANASB Dendrosporobacter Dendrosporobacter quercicolus (UP000214880) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9V3E7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1G9URH6_9FIRM Methylomusa Methylomusa anaerophila (UP000276437) UniProtKB Star A0A348AJS9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A348AN78_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A348AFT4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A348AMP3_9FIRM Pelosinus Pelosinus fermentans JBW45 (UP000005361) UniProtKB Star I8TY79_9FIRM UniProtKB Star I8TYD8_9FIRM Pelosinus sp. UFO1 (UP000027983) UniProtKB Star A0A075K8Y1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A075KKT4_9FIRM Propionispora Propionispora sp. 2/2-37 (UP000041641) UniProtKB Star A0A0K8JJG7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0K8JGK4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0K8JAD9_9FIRM Propionispora vibrioides (UP000198847) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8XY58_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H8X894_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H8Y0C6_9FIRM Sporomusa Sporomusa malonica (UP000192738) UniProtKB Star A0A1W2EYB8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1W2EVQ5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1W1ZHA3_9FIRM Sporomusa ovata (UP000049855) UniProtKB Star A0A0U1L3B2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0U1KW66_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0U1KTD0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0U1L649_9FIRM Sporomusa sp. KB1 (UP000317217) UniProtKB Star A0A562GZH4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A562GKM0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A562GGF1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A562H0E2_9FIRM Sporomusa termitida (UP000320776) UniProtKB Star A0A517DN49_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A517DXT2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A517DW02_9FIRM Sporomusaceae bacterium FL31 (UP000287175) UniProtKB Star A0A402BUS8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A402BW97_9FIRM Thermosinus Thermosinus carboxydivorans Nor1 (UP000005139) UniProtKB Star A1HTF3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A1HTI2_9FIRM Veillonellales Veillonellaceae Allisonella Allisonella histaminiformans (UP000199689) UniProtKB Star A0A1G5V785_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1G5V881_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1G5W5S8_9FIRM Anaeroglobus Anaeroglobus geminatus F0357 (UP000005481) UniProtKB Star G9YJN5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star G9YI41_9FIRM UniProtKB Star G9YH49_9FIRM Dialister Dialister hominis (UP000320585) UniProtKB Star A0A8D5A246_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A8D4UUB3_9FIRM Dialister invisus DSM 15470 (UP000004736) UniProtKB Star C9LKY8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star C9LLM2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star C9LL45_9FIRM Dialister micraerophilus DSM 19965 (UP000003503) UniProtKB Star F2BV76_9FIRM UniProtKB Star F2BVM3_9FIRM Dialister succinatiphilus YIT 11850 (UP000003277) UniProtKB Star H1CZ84_9FIRM UniProtKB Star H1CZ49_9FIRM UniProtKB Star H1CZB9_9FIRM Lucifera Lucifera butyrica (UP000277811) UniProtKB Star A0A498R6Z6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A498R722_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A498R8B0_9FIRM Megasphaera Megasphaera cerevisiae DSM 20462 (UP000036503) UniProtKB Star A0A0J6WWX4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0J6WR38_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0J6ZQV6_9FIRM Megasphaera elsdenii DSM 20460 (UP000010111) UniProtKB Star G0VQ69_MEGEL UniProtKB Star G0VPK3_MEGEL UniProtKB Star G0VQU7_MEGEL Megasphaera lornae (UP000003242) UniProtKB Star D3LUV4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star D3LWN5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star D3LWH2_9FIRM Megasphaera micronuciformis F0359 (UP000003195) UniProtKB Star E2ZCN7_9FIRM UniProtKB Star E2ZDE5_9FIRM UniProtKB Star E2ZC67_9FIRM Megasphaera paucivorans (UP000199309) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9Q7J8_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1G9XXC2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1G9UJ42_9FIRM Megasphaera sp. AM44-1BH (UP000284368) UniProtKB Star A0A413QVF6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A413QTR4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A413R117_9FIRM Megasphaera sp. An286 (UP000195529) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4CPL2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4CRT9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4CC53_9FIRM Megasphaera vaginalis (ex Srinivasan et al. 2021) (UP000017090) UniProtKB Star U7UCE2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star U7UFF0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star U7UQK2_9FIRM Negativicoccus Negativicoccus succinicivorans (UP000591941) UniProtKB Star A0A841R205_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A841R3D9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A841R0L8_9FIRM Veillonella Veillonella criceti (UP000255367) UniProtKB Star A0A380NIP0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A380NLP2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A380NFJ7_9FIRM Veillonella montpellierensis DNF00314 (UP000029628) UniProtKB Star A0A096AM05_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A096CR79_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A096AMY9_9FIRM Veillonella sp. HPA0037 (UP000014380) UniProtKB Star S3AD50_9FIRM UniProtKB Star S3ABU1_9FIRM UniProtKB Star S3A031_9FIRM Veillonella sp. oral taxon 780 str. F0422 (UP000010295) UniProtKB Star F9N7G2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star F9N458_9FIRM Veillonellaceae bacterium DNF00626 (UP000070542) UniProtKB Star A0A134CA00_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A134CNF0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A134CN13_9FIRM Tissierellia Dethiosulfatibacter Dethiosulfatibacter aminovorans DSM 17477 (UP000184052) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6KGT4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1M6J5D2_9FIRM Ezakiella Ezakiella coagulans (UP000245793) UniProtKB Star A0A2U1E6L9_9FIRM Sedimentibacter Sedimentibacter hydroxybenzoicus DSM 7310 (UP000611629) UniProtKB Star A0A974BMR1_SEDHY UniProtKB Star A0A974BGZ5_SEDHY Sedimentibacter saalensis (UP000315343) UniProtKB Star A0A562JE44_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A562J643_9FIRM Sedimentibacter sp. zth1 (UP000663361) UniProtKB Star A0A975AFW4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A975AG44_9FIRM Tissierellales Gottschalkiaceae Andreesenia Andreesenia angusta (UP000180254) UniProtKB Star A0A1S1V6W4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1S1V7G1_9FIRM Gottschalkia Gottschalkia acidurici (strain ATCC 7906 / DSM 604 / BCRC 14475 / CIP ... (UP000006094) UniProtKB Star K0B3Z4_GOTA9 UniProtKB Star K0B1B3_GOTA9 Gottschalkia purinilytica (UP000037267) UniProtKB Star A0A0L0W9L7_GOTPU UniProtKB Star A0A0L0WD70_GOTPU Peptoniphilaceae Aedoeadaptatus Aedoeadaptatus coxii (UP000070442) UniProtKB Star A0A134AE79_9FIRM Aedoeadaptatus ivorii (UP000269544) UniProtKB Star A0A3S5F7Y7_9FIRM Anaerococcus Anaerococcus lactolyticus ATCC 51172 (UP000005984) UniProtKB Star C2BF72_9FIRM Anaerococcus nagyae (UP000261011) UniProtKB Star A0A3E2TL70_9FIRM Anaerococcus prevotii ACS-065-V-Col13 (UP000005286) UniProtKB Star F0GVB8_9FIRM Anaerococcus vaginalis ATCC 51170 (UP000003821) UniProtKB Star C7HWR1_9FIRM Anaerosphaera Anaerosphaera aminiphila DSM 21120 (UP000184032) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5ULU1_9FIRM Finegoldia Finegoldia magna (strain ATCC 29328 / DSM 20472 / WAL 2508) (UP000001319) UniProtKB Star SYE_FINM2 Helcococcus Helcococcus kunzii ATCC 51366 (UP000004191) UniProtKB Star H3NNS2_9FIRM Helcococcus ovis (UP000297454) UniProtKB Star A0A4V3IYA9_9FIRM Parvimonas Parvimonas micra (UP000031386) UniProtKB Star A0A0B4S2Q5_9FIRM Peptoniphilus Peptoniphilus duerdenii ATCC BAA-1640 (UP000003280) UniProtKB Star E0NIY4_9FIRM Peptoniphilus harei ACS-146-V-Sch2b (UP000003705) UniProtKB Star E4L0V8_9FIRM Peptoniphilus indolicus ATCC 29427 (UP000003422) UniProtKB Star G4D139_9FIRM Peptoniphilus lacrimalis 315-B (UP000005711) UniProtKB Star D1VSN4_9FIRM Peptoniphilus sp. BV3C26 (UP000017105) UniProtKB Star U7UF56_9FIRM Peptoniphilus sp. ING2-D1G (UP000032409) UniProtKB Star A0A090I136_9FIRM Peptoniphilus sp. oral taxon 386 str. F0131 (UP000004712) UniProtKB Star D7N5D4_9FIRM Urinicoccus Urinicoccus massiliensis (UP000377798) UniProtKB Star A0A8H2M6I4_9FIRM Sporanaerobacteraceae Anaerosalibacter Anaerosalibacter bizertensis (UP001108123) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q4FM40_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A9Q4AB65_9FIRM Anaerosalibacter massiliensis (UP001142078) UniProtKB Star A0A9X2S5I0_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A9X2ML78_9FIRM Sporanaerobacter Sporanaerobacter acetigenes DSM 13106 (UP000184389) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5VWB3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1M5YRK8_9FIRM Sporanaerobacter sp. PP17-6a (UP000179042) UniProtKB Star A0A1G4FMA6_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1G4FKZ9_9FIRM Tepidimicrobiaceae Keratinibaculum Keratinibaculum paraultunense (UP000294567) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3KZG3_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A4R3KTN5_9FIRM Schnuerera [Clostridium] ultunense Esp (UP000245423) UniProtKB Star M1Z9G2_9FIRM Tepidimicrobium Tepidimicrobium xylanilyticum (UP000198828) UniProtKB Star A0A1H2QK75_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A1H3D585_9FIRM Thermohalobacteraceae Caldisalinibacter Caldisalinibacter kiritimatiensis (UP000013378) UniProtKB Star R1CCQ9_9FIRM Caloranaerobacter Caloranaerobacter sp. TR13 (UP000050435) UniProtKB Star A0A0P8XPV2_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A0P8VHZ9_9FIRM Thermohalobacter Thermohalobacter berrensis (UP000284177) UniProtKB Star A0A419T8C9_9FIRM Tissierellaceae Paratissierella Paratissierella segnis (UP000601171) UniProtKB Star A0A926EUY4_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A926EXG9_9FIRM Soehngenia Soehngenia longivitae (UP000298381) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0DAB4_9FIRM Tissierella Tissierella creatinophila DSM 6911 (UP000186112) UniProtKB Star A0A1U7M4F5_TISCR Tissierella praeacuta DSM 18095 (UP000184114) UniProtKB Star A0A1M4Y110_9FIRM Tissierella sp. P1 (UP000216906) UniProtKB Star A0A265Q154_9FIRM Tissierellia bacterium KA00581 (UP000070503) UniProtKB Star A0A133YPP1_9FIRM endosymbiont 'TC1' of Trimyema compressum (UP000196836) UniProtKB Star A0A191HUT9_9FIRM UniProtKB Star A0A191HUV1_9FIRM Candidatus Dormiibacterota Candidatus Dormibacteria Candidatus Dormibacterales Candidatus Dormibacteraceae Candidatus Nephthysia Candidatus Nephthysia bennettiae (UP000612893) UniProtKB Star A0A2W6AID7_9BACT Candidatus Margulisiibacteriota Candidatus Marinamargulisbacteria Candidatus Marinamargulisbacteria bacterium SCGC AAA071-K20 (UP000249251) UniProtKB Star A0A328RS39_9BACT Candidatus Marinamargulisbacteria bacterium SCGC AG-343-D04 (UP000249596) UniProtKB Star A0A328RCL1_9BACT Candidatus Marinamargulisbacteria bacterium SCGC AG-410-N11 (UP000249836) UniProtKB Star A0A328RRI8_9BACT Candidatus Termititenacia Candidatus Termititenacales Candidatus Termititenacaceae Candidatus Termititenax Candidatus Termititenax dinenymphae (UP000282196) UniProtKB Star A0A388TJX9_9BACT Candidatus Termititenax persephonae (UP000275925) UniProtKB Star A0A388TGV2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A388THX7_9BACT Candidatus Termititenax spirochaetophilus (UP000276170) Termititenax aidoneus (UP000269352) UniProtKB Star A0A388TBX6_TERA1 UniProtKB Star A0A388T8V8_TERA1 Candidatus Melainabacteria Candidatus Gastranaerophilales Candidatus Gastranaerophilus Candidatus Gastranaerophilus sp. (ex Termes propinquus) (UP000243008) UniProtKB Star A0A2L2X6P4_9BACT Chloroflexota Anaerolineae Anaerolineae bacterium (UP000510895) UniProtKB Star A0A7L5YQ61_9CHLR Anaerolineales Anaerolineaceae Anaerolinea Anaerolinea thermolimosa (UP000253922) Anaerolinea thermophila (strain DSM 14523 / JCM 11388 / NBRC 100420 / ... (UP000008922) UniProtKB Star E8N3J7_ANATU UniProtKB Star E8MZ01_ANATU Bellilinea Bellilinea caldifistulae (UP000050514) UniProtKB Star A0A0P6XX12_9CHLR UniProtKB Star A0A0P6XNX1_9CHLR Flexilinea Flexilinea flocculi (UP000053370) UniProtKB Star A0A0S7BYQ9_9CHLR UniProtKB Star A0A0S7BUW6_9CHLR Leptolinea Leptolinea tardivitalis (UP000050430) UniProtKB Star A0A0P6WRH3_9CHLR Levilinea Levilinea saccharolytica (UP000050501) UniProtKB Star A0A0P6XIV8_9CHLR Longilinea Longilinea arvoryzae (UP000055060) UniProtKB Star A0A0S7BK43_9CHLR UniProtKB Star A0A0S7BID9_9CHLR Ornatilinea Ornatilinea apprima (UP000050417) UniProtKB Star A0A0P6XIU6_9CHLR UniProtKB Star A0A0N8GL42_9CHLR Pelolinea Pelolinea submarina (UP000256388) UniProtKB Star A0A3E0AGI1_9CHLR UniProtKB Star A0A347ZQJ6_9CHLR Thermanaerothrix Thermanaerothrix daxensis (UP000050544) UniProtKB Star A0A0P6XGR0_9CHLR Anaerolineales bacterium (UP000664790) UniProtKB Star A0A916MTR0_9CHLR UniProtKB Star A0A916MJ92_9CHLR Ardenticatenia Ardenticatenales Ardenticatenaceae Ardenticatena Ardenticatena maritima (UP000037784) UniProtKB Star A0A0M9UE05_9CHLR Candidatus Promineifilales Candidatus Promineifilaceae Candidatus Promineifilum Candidatus Promineifilum breve (UP000215027) UniProtKB Star A0A170PFQ6_9CHLR UniProtKB Star A0A160T325_9CHLR Caldilineae Caldilineales Caldilineaceae Caldilinea Caldilinea aerophila (strain DSM 14535 / JCM 11387 / NBRC 104270 / STL... (UP000007880) UniProtKB Star I0I3E0_CALAS UniProtKB Star I0I3E1_CALAS Litorilinea Litorilinea aerophila (UP000317371) UniProtKB Star A0A540VLZ2_9CHLR UniProtKB Star A0A540VB88_9CHLR Candidatus Thermofonsia Phototrophicales Phototrophicaceae Phototrophicus Phototrophicus methaneseepsis (UP000594468) UniProtKB Star A0A7S8ICJ9_9CHLR Chloroflexi bacterium AL-W (UP000655226) UniProtKB Star A0A972JUD0_9CHLR Chloroflexia Chloroflexales Chloroflexales bacterium ZM16-3 (UP000517844) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y2SQU8_9CHLR Chloroflexineae Chloroflexaceae Chloroflexus Chloroflexus aurantiacus (strain ATCC 29366 / DSM 635 / J-10-fl) (UP000002008) UniProtKB Star SYE_CHLAA Oscillochloridaceae Candidatus Chloroploca Candidatus Chloroploca asiatica (UP000220922) UniProtKB Star A0A2H3KM51_9CHLR Candidatus Viridilinea Candidatus Viridilinea mediisalina (UP000220527) UniProtKB Star A0A2A6REZ2_9CHLR Oscillochloris Oscillochloris trichoides DG-6 (UP000054010) UniProtKB Star E1IBY9_9CHLR Roseiflexineae Roseiflexaceae Kouleothrix Kouleothrix aurantiaca (UP000050509) Roseiflexus Roseiflexus castenholzii (strain DSM 13941 / HLO8) (UP000000263) UniProtKB Star SYE_ROSCS Chloroflexia bacterium SDU3-3 (UP000462167) UniProtKB Star A0A7V7ZGN0_9CHLR Herpetosiphonales Herpetosiphonaceae Herpetosiphon Herpetosiphon geysericola (UP000050277) UniProtKB Star A0A0P6XJ13_9CHLR Dehalococcoidia Dehalococcoidales Dehalococcoidaceae Dehalococcoides Dehalococcoides mccartyi (strain VS) (UP000002506) UniProtKB Star D2BIW0_DEHMV Dehalogenimonas Dehalogenimonas alkenigignens (UP000053947) UniProtKB Star A0A0W0GG36_9CHLR Dehalogenimonas formicexedens (UP000185934) UniProtKB Star A0A1P8F4V3_9CHLR Dehalococcoidia bacterium (UP000471295) UniProtKB Star A0A6I1QRF1_9CHLR SAR202 cluster Candidatus Lucifugimonadales Candidatus Lucifugimonadaceae Candidatus Lucifugimonas Candidatus Lucifugimonas marina (UP001219901) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ5ZGD0_9CHLR SAR202 cluster bacterium AC-409-J13_OGT_754m (UP000327238) UniProtKB Star A0A5N8YG94_9CHLR UniProtKB Star A0A5N8YHC0_9CHLR SAR202 cluster bacterium AC-647-N09_OGT_505m (UP000327242) SAR202 cluster bacterium AC-647-P02_OGT_505m (UP000391590) UniProtKB Star A0A5N8YMF7_9CHLR UniProtKB Star A0A5N8YIJ9_9CHLR SAR202 cluster bacterium AD-493-K16_JPT_193m (UP000326424) SAR202 cluster bacterium AD-802-E10_MRT_200m (UP000327239) SAR202 cluster bacterium AD-802-F09_MRT_200m (UP000327232) SAR202 cluster bacterium AD-802-K11_MRT_200m (UP000327261) UniProtKB Star A0A5N8YQI5_9CHLR SAR202 cluster bacterium AD-802-L14_MRT_200m (UP000327263) UniProtKB Star A0A5N8YEG7_9CHLR SAR202 cluster bacterium AD-804-J14_MRT_500m (UP000327227) UniProtKB Star A0A5N8YXR1_9CHLR SAR202 cluster bacterium AD-812-D07_MRT_10900m (UP000326137) Ktedonobacteria Ktedonobacterales Dictyobacteraceae Dictyobacter Dictyobacter alpinus (UP000287171) UniProtKB Star A0A402B1U2_9CHLR Dictyobacter arantiisoli (UP000322530) UniProtKB Star A0A5A5T9M6_9CHLR Dictyobacter aurantiacus (UP000287224) UniProtKB Star A0A401ZA00_9CHLR UniProtKB Star A0A401ZGY0_9CHLR UniProtKB Star A0A401ZHT2_9CHLR Dictyobacter kobayashii (UP000287188) UniProtKB Star A0A402AE06_9CHLR UniProtKB Star A0A402AQP0_9CHLR UniProtKB Star A0A402AMQ7_9CHLR Dictyobacter vulcani (UP000326912) UniProtKB Star A0A5J4KG72_9CHLR Tengunoibacter Tengunoibacter tsumagoiensis (UP000287352) UniProtKB Star A0A402AAE0_9CHLR UniProtKB Star A0A402A5U2_9CHLR UniProtKB Star A0A402A2I7_9CHLR Ktedonobacteraceae Ktedonobacter Ktedonobacter racemifer DSM 44963 (UP000004508) UniProtKB Star D6TKP7_KTERA Ktedonospora Ktedonospora formicarum (UP000612362) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3HXR0_9CHLR UniProtKB Star A0A8J3HXZ8_9CHLR Ktedonosporobacteraceae Ktedonosporobacter Ktedonosporobacter rubrisoli (UP000290365) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6JSB9_KTERU UniProtKB Star A0A4P6K1A5_KTERU Reticulibacteraceae Reticulibacter Reticulibacter mediterranei (UP000597444) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3MZ64_9CHLR Thermosporotrichaceae Thermosporothrix Thermosporothrix hazakensis (UP000248806) UniProtKB Star A0A326UE12_THEHA UniProtKB Star A0A326UCW6_THEHA Ktedonobacteria bacterium brp13 (UP000593783) UniProtKB Star A0A7I8EWK4_9CHLR UniProtKB Star A0A7I8EMD6_9CHLR Thermogemmatisporales Thermogemmatisporaceae Thermogemmatispora Thermogemmatispora tikiterensis (UP000248706) UniProtKB Star A0A328VLJ1_9CHLR Tepidiformia Tepidiformales Tepidiformaceae Tepidiforma Tepidiforma thermophila (strain KCTC 52669 / CGMCC 1.13589 / G233) (UP000223071) UniProtKB Star A0A2A9HFN9_TEPT2 Thermobaculum Thermobaculum terrenum (strain ATCC BAA-798 / CCMEE 7001 / YNP1) (UP000000323) UniProtKB Star D1CDJ3_THET1 Thermoflexia Thermoflexales Thermoflexaceae Thermoflexus Thermoflexus hugenholtzii JAD2 (UP000197025) UniProtKB Star A0A212R6W3_9CHLR Thermoflexales bacterium (UP000664289) UniProtKB Star A0A916FLD0_9CHLR UniProtKB Star A0A916FP16_9CHLR Cyanobacteriota Cyanobacteria bacterium FACHB-502 (UP000627505) UniProtKB Star A0A926Y5V3_9CYAN Cyanobacteria bacterium FACHB-DQ100 (UP000621849) UniProtKB Star A0A926PMN9_9CYAN Cyanophyceae Acaryochloridales Acaryochloridaceae Acaryochloris Acaryochloris marina (strain MBIC 11017) (UP000000268) UniProtKB Star SYE_ACAM1 Acaryochloris thomasi Acaryochloris thomasi RCC1774 (UP000248857) UniProtKB Star A0A2W1JME3_9CYAN Thermosynechococcaceae Thermosynechococcus Thermosynechococcus vestitus (strain NIES-2133 / IAM M-273 / BP-1) (UP000000440) UniProtKB Star SYE_THEVB Chroococcidiopsidales Aliterellaceae Aliterella Aliterella atlantica CENA595 (UP000032452) UniProtKB Star A0A0D8ZVN4_9CYAN Chroococcidiopsidaceae Chroococcidiopsis Chroococcidiopsis thermalis (strain PCC 7203) (UP000010384) UniProtKB Star K9U3V7_CHRTP Coleofasciculales Coleofasciculaceae Allocoleopsis Allocoleopsis franciscana Allocoleopsis franciscana PCC 7113 (UP000010471) UniProtKB Star K9WN73_9CYAN Coleofasciculus Coleofasciculus chthonoplastes PCC 7420 (UP000003835) UniProtKB Star B4W3H7_9CYAN Coleofasciculus sp. FACHB-SPT36 (UP000607678) UniProtKB Star A0A926XI27_9CYAN Coleofasciculus sp. LEGE 07092 (UP000619145) UniProtKB Star A0A929ARP2_9CYAN Limnofasciculus Limnofasciculus baicalensis Limnofasciculus baicalensis BBK-W-15 (UP001204953) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3KRT1_9CYAN Desertifilales Desertifilaceae Desertifilum Desertifilum tharense IPPAS B-1220 (UP000095472) UniProtKB Star A0A1E5QDZ9_9CYAN Roseofilum Roseofilum reptotaenium AO1-A (UP000183940) UniProtKB Star A0A1L9QXI7_9CYAN Geitlerinematales Geitlerinemataceae Geitlerinema Geitlerinema sp. PCC 7407 (UP000010383) UniProtKB Star K9S5A2_9CYAN Gloeobacterales Gloeobacteraceae Gloeobacter Gloeobacter kilaueensis (strain ATCC BAA-2537 / CCAP 1431/1 / ULC 316 ... (UP000017396) UniProtKB Star U5QHY8_GLOK1 UniProtKB Star U5QSF9_GLOK1 Gloeobacter violaceus (strain ATCC 29082 / PCC 7421) (UP000000557) UniProtKB Star SYE_GLOVI Gloeomargaritales Gloeomargaritaceae Gloeomargarita Gloeomargarita lithophora Alchichica-D10 (UP000180235) UniProtKB Star A0A1J0AE45_9CYAN Gomontiellales Chamaesiphonaceae Chamaesiphon Chamaesiphon minutus (strain ATCC 27169 / PCC 6605) (UP000010366) UniProtKB Star K9UM13_CHAP6 Gomontiellaceae Crinalium Crinalium epipsammum PCC 9333 (UP000010472) UniProtKB Star K9W4V4_9CYAN Leptolyngbyales Leptolyngbyaceae Alkalinema Alkalinema sp. CACIAM 70d (UP000194922) UniProtKB Star A0A251WK96_9CYAN Leptolyngbya group Leptolyngbya Leptolyngbya boryana NIES-2135 (UP000217895) UniProtKB Star A0A1Z4JDI6_LEPBY Leptolyngbya cf. ectocarpi LEGE 11479 (UP000615026) UniProtKB Star A0A928X2A7_LEPEC Leptolyngbya iicbica Leptolyngbya iicbica LK (UP000292459) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7E8P3_9CYAN Leptolyngbya sp. 'hensonii' (UP000186296) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q8ZGP9_9CYAN Leptolyngbya sp. BL0902 (UP000596184) UniProtKB Star A0A7T5E0C7_9CYAN Leptolyngbya sp. Cla-17 (UP000658199) UniProtKB Star A0A937S183_9CYAN Leptolyngbya sp. FACHB-16 (UP000624057) UniProtKB Star A0A926ZE87_9CYAN Leptolyngbya sp. FACHB-261 (UP000602621) UniProtKB Star A0A926U566_9CYAN Leptolyngbya sp. FACHB-321 (UP000619131) UniProtKB Star A0A926TMF1_9CYAN Leptolyngbya sp. FACHB-36 (UP000661179) UniProtKB Star A0A926TGP2_9CYAN Leptolyngbya sp. Heron Island J (UP000017515) UniProtKB Star U9WE02_9CYAN Leptolyngbya sp. NIES-3755 (UP000062150) UniProtKB Star A0A0S3TZ10_9CYAN Leptolyngbyaceae cyanobacterium JSC-12 (UP000001332) UniProtKB Star K8GP39_9CYAN Myxacorys Myxacorys almedinensis Myxacorys almedinensis A (UP000646053) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7Z2B0_9CYAN Phormidesmis Phormidesmis priestleyi ULC007 (UP000238634) UniProtKB Star A0A2T1DN83_9CYAN cf. Phormidesmis sp. LEGE 11477 (UP000631728) UniProtKB Star A0A928WR28_9CYAN Romeriopsis Romeriopsis navalis Romeriopsis navalis LEGE 11480 (UP000625316) UniProtKB Star A0A928VLA3_9CYAN Stenomitos Stenomitos frigidus ULC18 (UP000239576) UniProtKB Star A0A2T1E0Y2_9CYAN Neosynechococcaceae Neosynechococcus Neosynechococcus sphagnicola sy1 (UP000030170) UniProtKB Star A0A098TIK9_9CYAN Trichocoleusaceae Trichocoleus Trichocoleus sp. FACHB-262 (UP000631777) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6X061_9CYAN Trichocoleus sp. FACHB-832 (UP000622887) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6RQ12_9CYAN Nodosilineales Cymatolegaceae Leptothoe Leptothoe spongobia Leptothoe spongobia TAU-MAC 1115 (UP000717364) UniProtKB Star A0A947DHI3_9CYAN Vasconcelosia Vasconcelosia minhoensis Vasconcelosia minhoensis LEGE 07310 (UP000636505) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7A9D7_9CYAN Nodosilineaceae Halomicronema Halomicronema hongdechloris C2206 (UP000191901) UniProtKB Star A0A1Z3HME5_9CYAN Nodosilinea Nodosilinea sp. LEGE 07088 (UP000624767) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7JMM9_9CYAN Nostocales Aphanizomenonaceae Chrysosporum Chrysosporum bergii ANA360D (UP001159387) UniProtKB Star A0AA43GNJ0_9CYAN Cuspidothrix Cuspidothrix issatschenkoi CHARLIE-1 (UP000239589) UniProtKB Star A0A2S6CZZ6_9CYAN Cylindrospermopsis Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii CENA303 (UP000192997) UniProtKB Star A0A1X4G705_9CYAN Nodularia Nodularia spumigena UHCC 0039 (UP000244056) Sphaerospermopsis Sphaerospermopsis reniformis (UP000300142) UniProtKB Star A0A480A5K1_9CYAN Calotrichaceae Brunnivagina Brunnivagina elsteri CCALA 953 (UP000218238) UniProtKB Star A0A2A2TFS4_9CYAN Calothrix Calothrix sp. 336/3 (UP000065745) UniProtKB Star A0A0T7BLT8_9CYAN Calothrix sp. NIES-3974 (UP000218621) UniProtKB Star A0A1Z4NMY7_9CYAN Calothrix sp. NIES-4101 (UP000290974) UniProtKB Star A0A1Z4RBC4_9CYAN Calothrix sp. PCC 6303 (UP000010477) UniProtKB Star K9V2E7_9CYAN Calothrix sp. PCC 7507 (UP000010390) UniProtKB Star K9PS62_9CYAN Dulcicalothrix Dulcicalothrix desertica PCC 7102 (UP000271624) UniProtKB Star A0A3S1CGD7_9CYAN Chlorogloeopsidaceae Chlorogloeopsis Chlorogloeopsis fritschii PCC 6912 (UP000268857) UniProtKB Star A0A433N897_CHLFR Fortieaceae Roholtiella aff. Roholtiella sp. LEGE 12411 (UP000641405) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7AB49_9CYAN Hapalosiphonaceae Fischerella Fischerella thermalis JSC-11 (UP000004344) UniProtKB Star G6FZM2_9CYAN Mastigocoleus Mastigocoleus testarum BC008 (UP000053372) UniProtKB Star A0A0V7ZRF4_9CYAN Nostocaceae Amazonocrinis Amazonocrinis nigriterrae Amazonocrinis nigriterrae CENA67 (UP000632766) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7LBA2_9NOST Anabaena Anabaena cylindrica (strain ATCC 27899 / PCC 7122) (UP000010474) UniProtKB Star K9ZLQ0_ANACC Anabaena sp. 90 (UP000010101) UniProtKB Star K7VWX3_9NOST Anabaena sp. FACHB-1237 (UP000640021) UniProtKB Star A0A926UKA5_9NOST Atlanticothrix Atlanticothrix silvestris Atlanticothrix silvestris CENA357 (UP000599391) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7HPR0_9NOST Cylindrospermum Cylindrospermum sp. NIES-4074 (UP000282767) UniProtKB Star A0A1Z4QL36_9NOST Cylindrospermum stagnale PCC 7417 (UP000010475) UniProtKB Star K9WX84_9NOST Nostoc Nostoc commune NIES-4072 (UP000245124) UniProtKB Star A0A2R5FHV0_NOSCO Nostoc cyanobionts Nostoc sp. 'Peltigera malacea cyanobiont' DB3992 (UP000223928) UniProtKB Star A0A2D0HLY3_9NOSO Nostoc flagelliforme CCNUN1 (UP000232003) UniProtKB Star A0A2K8SQL0_9NOSO Nostoc minutum NIES-26 (UP000252107) UniProtKB Star A0A367QU51_9NOSO Nostoc punctiforme (strain ATCC 29133 / PCC 73102) (UP000001191) UniProtKB Star SYE_NOSP7 Nostoc sp. (strain ATCC 29411 / PCC 7524) (UP000010378) UniProtKB Star K9QRD7_NOSS7 Nostoc sp. (strain PCC 7120 / SAG 25.82 / UTEX 2576) (UP000002483) UniProtKB Star SYE_NOSS1 Nostoc sp. ATCC 43529 (UP000252906) UniProtKB Star A0A367QBF4_9NOSO Nostoc sp. FACHB-888 (UP000642483) UniProtKB Star A0A926ZM88_9NOSO Nostoc sp. PCC 7107 (UP000010381) UniProtKB Star K9QDR9_9NOSO Nostoc sp. T09 (UP000195076) UniProtKB Star A0A252E9R2_9NOSO Nostoc sphaeroides CCNUC1 (UP000326678) UniProtKB Star A0A5P8W218_9NOSO Richelia Richelia intracellularis HH01 (UP000053051) UniProtKB Star M1WZF8_9NOST Richelia sinica FACHB-800 (UP000683511) UniProtKB Star A0A975T9J4_9NOST Trichormus Nostoc azollae (strain 0708) (UP000001511) UniProtKB Star D7E1Q5_NOSA0 Trichormus variabilis SAG 1403-4b (UP000276103) UniProtKB Star A0A3S1CNV3_ANAVA Nostocales cyanobacterium HT-58-2 (UP000196302) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0RXH8_9CYAN Nostocales cyanobacterium LEGE 11386 (UP000625354) UniProtKB Star A0A928ZL46_9CYAN Rivulariaceae Rivularia Rivularia sp. PCC 7116 (UP000010380) UniProtKB Star K9REP7_9CYAN Scytonemataceae Brasilonema Brasilonema sennae CENA114 (UP000503129) UniProtKB Star A0A856MBS6_9CYAN Iningainema tapete Iningainema tapete BLCC-T55 (UP000629098) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6XPY1_9CYAN Scytonema Scytonema hofmannii PCC 7110 (UP000076925) UniProtKB Star A0A139WXA0_9CYAN Scytonema sp. HK-05 (UP000186363) UniProtKB Star A0AA91GTP7_9CYAN Tolypothrichaceae Tolypothrix Tolypothrix bouteillei VB521301 (UP000029738) UniProtKB Star A0A8S9TEK6_9CYAN Tolypothrix sp. NIES-4075 (UP000198313) UniProtKB Star A0A218QTA2_9CYAN Tolypothrix tenuis PCC 7101 (UP000218785) UniProtKB Star A0A1Z4MS80_9CYAN Oculatellales Oculatellaceae Oculatella Oculatella sp. FACHB-28 (UP000627988) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6SWY1_9CYAN Oculatella sp. LEGE 06141 (UP000642708) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7EQ00_9CYAN Thermocoleostomius Thermocoleostomius sinensis A174 (UP001163152) UniProtKB Star A0A9E8ZDX5_9CYAN Thermoleptolyngbya Thermoleptolyngbya sichuanensis Thermoleptolyngbya sichuanensis A183 (UP000505210) UniProtKB Star A0A6M8BEE4_9CYAN Oscillatoriophycideae Chroococcales Aphanothecaceae Aphanothece Aphanothece hegewaldii CCALA 016 (UP000239001) UniProtKB Star A0A2T1M132_9CHRO Aphanothece sacrum FPU1 (UP000287247) UniProtKB Star A0A401IEG0_APHSA Candidatus Atelocyanobacterium Candidatus Atelocyanobacterium thalassa Atelocyanobacterium thalassa (isolate ALOHA) (UP000001405) UniProtKB Star D3EQ54_ATETH Crocosphaera Crocosphaera subtropica Crocosphaera subtropica (strain ATCC 51142 / BH68) (UP000001203) UniProtKB Star SYE_CROS5 Crocosphaera watsonii WH 8501 (UP000003922) UniProtKB Star Q4C980_CROWT Gloeothece Gloeothece citriformis Gloeothece citriformis (strain PCC 7424) (UP000002384) UniProtKB Star B7K6X0_GLOC7 Gloeothece verrucosa Gloeothece verrucosa (strain PCC 7822) (UP000008206) UniProtKB Star E0U9M9_GLOV7 Rippkaea Rippkaea orientalis Rippkaea orientalis (strain PCC 8801 / RF-1) (UP000008204) UniProtKB Star B7K1D2_RIPO1 Rubidibacter Rubidibacter lacunae KORDI 51-2 (UP000016960) UniProtKB Star U5DMP9_9CHRO Chroococcaceae Chondrocystis Chondrocystis sp. NIES-4102 (UP000217698) UniProtKB Star A0A1Z4RME8_9CHRO Gloeocapsa Gloeocapsa sp. PCC 73106 (UP000011180) UniProtKB Star L8LP87_9CHRO Gloeocapsa sp. PCC 7428 (UP000010476) UniProtKB Star K9XGR9_9CHRO Entophysalidaceae Chlorogloea Chlorogloea sp. CCALA 695 (UP000238278) UniProtKB Star A0A2T1EQ48_9CHRO Geminocystaceae Cyanobacterium Cyanobacterium aponinum (strain PCC 10605) (UP000010480) UniProtKB Star K9YZV5_CYAAP Cyanobacterium stanieri (strain ATCC 29140 / PCC 7202) (UP000010483) UniProtKB Star K9YQ65_CYASC Geminocystis Geminocystis sp. NIES-3708 (UP000060542) UniProtKB Star A0A0D6AHL8_9CHRO Picosynechococcus Picosynechococcus sp. (strain ATCC 27264 / PCC 7002 / PR-6) (UP000001688) UniProtKB Star SYE_PICP2 [Limnothrix rosea] IAM M-220 (UP000185811) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q4R4J6_9CHRO Halothecacae Halothece cluster Euhalothece Euhalothece natronophila Z-M001 (UP000318453) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8NPU4_9CHRO Halothece Halothece sp. (strain PCC 7418) (UP000010481) UniProtKB Star K9Y8I5_HALP7 Microcystaceae Microcystis Microcystis aeruginosa NIES-4325 (UP000376575) UniProtKB Star A0A5J4FA83_MICAE Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806SL (UP000192439) UniProtKB Star A0AB33BXS9_MICA7 Oscillatoriales Aerosakkonemataceae Aerosakkonema Aerosakkonema funiforme FACHB-1375 (UP000641646) UniProtKB Star A0A926VHY5_9CYAN Microcoleaceae Hydrocoleum Hydrocoleum sp. CS-953 (UP000215798) Kamptonema Kamptonema sp. PCC 6506 (UP000004532) UniProtKB Star D8G4X9_9CYAN Lyngbya Lyngbya sp. (strain PCC 8106) (UP000000737) UniProtKB Star A0YI93_LYNSP Microcoleus Microcoleus sp. FACHB-1515 (UP000646638) UniProtKB Star A0A926U161_9CYAN Microcoleus sp. FACHB-68 (UP000627787) UniProtKB Star A0A926T6L1_9CYAN Microcoleus sp. FACHB-831 (UP000619409) UniProtKB Star A0A926SZ65_9CYAN Microcoleus sp. FACHB-SPT15 (UP000624774) UniProtKB Star A0A926PHC5_9CYAN Okeania Okeania hirsuta (UP000269154) Okeania sp. KiyG1 (UP000642724) UniProtKB Star A0A916RE05_9CYAN Planktothrix Planktothrix agardhii (strain NIVA-CYA 126/8) (UP000027395) UniProtKB Star A0A073CF00_PLAA1 Planktothrix tepida PCC 9214 (UP000184315) UniProtKB Star A0A1J1LNI1_9CYAN Plectonema Plectonema cf. radiosum LEGE 06105 (UP000620559) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7FPM0_9CYAN Tychonema Tychonema bourrellyi FEM_GT703 (UP000226442) UniProtKB Star A0A2G4F0Z9_9CYAN Oscillatoriaceae Moorena Moorena producens PAL-8-15-08-1 (UP000177870) UniProtKB Star A0A1D8TTB9_9CYAN Oscillatoria Oscillatoria acuminata PCC 6304 (UP000010367) UniProtKB Star K9TF67_9CYAN Oscillatoria nigro-viridis PCC 7112 (UP000010478) UniProtKB Star K9VQU2_9CYAN Oscillatoria sp. FACHB-1406 (UP000634205) UniProtKB Star A0A926XQ94_9CYAN Oscillatoria sp. FACHB-1407 (UP000645501) UniProtKB Star A0A926X8Q3_9CYAN Oxynema Oxynema aestuarii Oxynema aestuarii AP17 (UP000500857) UniProtKB Star A0A6H1TVK3_9CYAN Phormidium Phormidium ambiguum IAM M-71 (UP000185860) UniProtKB Star A0A1U7IRN0_9CYAN Phormidium tenue NIES-30 (UP000185557) UniProtKB Star A0A1U7J0T6_9CYAN Planktothricoides Planktothricoides sp. SR001 (UP000037054) UniProtKB Star A0A0M1JPU8_9CYAN Oscillatoriales cyanobacterium USR001 (UP000093314) UniProtKB Star A0A1C0VXK7_9CYAN Oscillatoriales incertae sedis Zarconia Zarconia navalis Zarconia navalis LEGE 11467 (UP000621799) Sirenicapillariaceae Limnoraphis Limnoraphis robusta CS-951 (UP000033607) UniProtKB Star A0A0F5Y9E3_9CYAN Limnospira Limnospira maxima CS-328 (UP000004061) UniProtKB Star B5W4R0_LIMMA filamentous cyanobacterium LEGE 07170 (UP000627638) UniProtKB Star A0A929A4Q0_9CYAN Pleurocapsales Dermocarpellaceae Stanieria Stanieria cyanosphaera (strain ATCC 29371 / PCC 7437) (UP000010473) UniProtKB Star K9XP94_STAC7 Hyellaceae Hyella Hyella patelloides LEGE 07179 (UP000320055) UniProtKB Star A0A563VQE5_9CYAN Pleurocapsa Pleurocapsa sp. CCALA 161 (UP000239836) UniProtKB Star A0A2T1CIS2_9CYAN Pleurocapsa sp. PCC 7327 (UP000010382) UniProtKB Star K9T412_9CYAN Waterburya Waterburya agarophytonicola Waterburya agarophytonicola KI4 (UP000729733) UniProtKB Star A0A964BT30_9CYAN Pleurocapsales cyanobacterium LEGE 06147 (UP000646314) UniProtKB Star A0A929B1Z1_9CYAN Pleurocapsales cyanobacterium LEGE 10410 (UP000651301) UniProtKB Star A0A928WAN7_9CYAN Xenococcaceae Xenococcus Xenococcus sp. PCC 7305 (UP000011203) UniProtKB Star L8M7F4_9CYAN Prochlorotrichales Prochlorotrichaceae Prochlorothrix Prochlorothrix hollandica PCC 9006 = CALU 1027 (UP000034681) UniProtKB Star A0A0M2PZZ5_PROHO Pseudanabaenales Pseudanabaenaceae Limnothrix Limnothrix sp. P13C2 (UP000093334) UniProtKB Star A0A1C0V247_9CYAN Pseudanabaena Pseudanabaena cinerea Pseudanabaena cinerea FACHB-1277 (UP000631421) UniProtKB Star A0A926UV71_9CYAN Pseudanabaena sp. FACHB-2040 (UP000648700) UniProtKB Star A0A926ZWX1_9CYAN Pseudanabaena sp. PCC 7367 (UP000010386) UniProtKB Star K9SG34_9CYAN Pseudanabaena sp. SR411 (UP000215660) UniProtKB Star A0A256B8I5_9CYAN Pseudanabaena sp. lw0831 (UP000608065) UniProtKB Star A0A916PXH1_9CYAN Pseudanabaenaceae cyanobacterium LEGE 13415 (UP000597582) UniProtKB Star A0A928VEQ3_9CYAN Spirulinales Lusitaniellaceae Lusitaniella Lusitaniella coriacea LEGE 07157 (UP000654482) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7IUH3_9CYAN Synechococcales Merismopediaceae Merismopedia Merismopedia glauca CCAP 1448/3 (UP000238762) UniProtKB Star A0A2T1C0T3_9CYAN Synechocystis Synechocystis sp. (strain ATCC 27184 / PCC 6803 / Kazusa) (UP000001425) UniProtKB Star SYE_SYNY3 Synechocystis sp. B12 (UP001232355) Petrachlorosaceae Petrachloros Petrachloros mirabilis Petrachloros mirabilis ULC683 (UP000607397) UniProtKB Star A0A8K1ZYL4_9CYAN Prochlorococcaceae Cyanobium Cyanobium sp. CACIAM 14 (UP000028237) UniProtKB Star A0A081GNB7_9CYAN UniProtKB Star A0A081GJ17_9CYAN Cyanobium sp. PCC 7001 (UP000003950) UniProtKB Star B5IQ49_9CYAN Cyanobium usitatum str. Tous (UP000243002) UniProtKB Star A0A2P7MVC4_9CYAN UniProtKB Star A0A2P7MZA1_9CYAN Prochlorococcus Prochlorococcus marinus (strain MIT 9211) (UP000000788) UniProtKB Star SYE_PROM4 UniProtKB Star A9BBU2_PROM4 Prochlorococcus marinus (strain MIT 9301) (UP000001430) UniProtKB Star SYE_PROM0 Prochlorococcus marinus (strain MIT 9313) (UP000001423) UniProtKB Star SYE_PROMM Prochlorococcus marinus (strain NATL2A) (UP000002535) UniProtKB Star SYE_PROMT Prochlorococcus marinus (strain SARG / CCMP1375 / SS120) (UP000001420) UniProtKB Star SYE_PROMA Synechococcaceae Synechococcus Candidatus Synechococcus spongiarum (UP000182631) UniProtKB Star A0A164YWD2_9SYNE Candidatus Synechococcus spongiarum LMB bulk15M (UP000242636) UniProtKB Star A0A1T1CRB7_9SYNE Synechococcus elongatus (strain ATCC 33912 / PCC 7942 / FACHB-805) (UP000889800) UniProtKB Star SYE_SYNE7 Synechococcus lacustris str. Tous (UP000240206) UniProtKB Star A0A2P7EFM1_9SYNE UniProtKB Star A0A2P7ECE7_9SYNE Synechococcus sp. (strain ATCC 27167 / PCC 6312) (UP000010379) UniProtKB Star K9RQD2_SYNP3 Synechococcus sp. (strain ATCC 29403 / PCC 7335) (UP000005766) UniProtKB Star B4WM77_SYNS7 Synechococcus sp. (strain CC9311) (UP000001961) UniProtKB Star SYE_SYNS3 Synechococcus sp. (strain CC9902) (UP000002712) UniProtKB Star SYE_SYNS9 Synechococcus sp. (strain JA-2-3B'a(2-13)) (UP000001938) UniProtKB Star SYE_SYNJB Synechococcus sp. (strain RCC307) (UP000001115) UniProtKB Star SYE_SYNR3 Synechococcus sp. (strain WH7803) (UP000001566) UniProtKB Star SYE_SYNPW Synechococcus sp. (strain WH7805) (UP000001224) UniProtKB Star A4CRU8_SYNPV Synechococcus sp. CBW1002 (UP000594557) UniProtKB Star A0A7T1MDF2_9SYNE UniProtKB Star A0A7T1MFB1_9SYNE Synechococcus sp. CBW1004 (UP000594525) UniProtKB Star A0A7T1HZ25_9SYNE UniProtKB Star A0A7T1HZA6_9SYNE Synechococcus sp. GFB01 (UP000035901) UniProtKB Star A0A0J6E7L4_9SYNE UniProtKB Star A0A0J6BCL8_9SYNE Synechococcus sp. KORDI-100 (UP000028591) UniProtKB Star A0A076H0M0_9SYNE Synechococcus sp. LTW-R (UP000515370) UniProtKB Star A0A7G7KPC3_9SYNE UniProtKB Star A0A7G7KNW3_9SYNE Synechococcus sp. MIT S9508 (UP000076799) UniProtKB Star A0A164CVW2_9SYNE Synechococcus sp. PCC 7502 (UP000010385) UniProtKB Star K9ST71_9SYNE Synechococcus sp. RS9916 (UP000004972) UniProtKB Star Q05WR9_9SYNE Synechococcus sp. RSCCF101 (UP000325996) UniProtKB Star A0A5J6Q0H8_9SYNE UniProtKB Star A0A5J6Q1Y2_9SYNE Synechococcus sp. SynAce01 (UP000182608) UniProtKB Star A0A1J0PD71_9SYNE Synechococcus sp. WH 5701 (UP000002935) UniProtKB Star A3Z024_9SYNE cyanobiont of Ornithocercus magnificus (UP000321200) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y3FV26_9CYAN cyanobacterium endosymbiont of Rhopalodia gibberula (UP000264686) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5SWS2_9CYAN filamentous cyanobacterium CCP2 (UP000239512) UniProtKB Star A0A2T1CQT6_9CYAN filamentous cyanobacterium CCP5 (UP000240885) UniProtKB Star A0A2P8WGA4_9CYAN filamentous cyanobacterium Phorm 6 (UP000239157) UniProtKB Star A0A2T1FIJ8_9CYAN Mycoplasmatota Candidatus Izimaplasma Candidatus Izemoplasmatales Candidatus Izemoplasmataceae Candidatus Xianfuyuplasma Candidatus Xianfuyuplasma coldseepsis (UP000514720) UniProtKB Star A0A7L7KRF7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7L7KRQ8_9BACT Hujiaoplasmataceae Hujiaoplasma Hujiaoplasma nucleasis (UP000512167) UniProtKB Star A0A7L6N3T5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7L6N7I3_9BACT Candidatus Izimaplasma bacterium HR1 (UP000029408) UniProtKB Star A0A088T1R6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A088T2K3_9BACT Candidatus Izimaplasma bacterium HR2 (UP000029254) UniProtKB Star A0A094J332_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A094J564_9BACT Mollicutes Acholeplasmatales Acholeplasmataceae Acholeplasma Acholeplasma hippikon (UP000290909) UniProtKB Star A0A449BKD3_9MOLU UniProtKB Star A0A449BKY3_9MOLU Acholeplasma laidlawii (strain PG-8A) (UP000008558) UniProtKB Star SYE_ACHLI UniProtKB Star A9NHW4_ACHLI Acholeplasma oculi (UP000032434) UniProtKB Star A0A061AD82_9MOLU UniProtKB Star A0A061AF12_9MOLU Alteracholeplasma Alteracholeplasma palmae (strain ATCC 49389 / J233) (UP000032740) UniProtKB Star U4KLR8_ALTPJ UniProtKB Star U4KQY1_ALTPJ Candidatus Phytoplasma 16SrI (Aster yellows group) 'Catharanthus roseus' aster yellows phytoplasma (UP000289726) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6MEG0_9MOLU UniProtKB Star A0A4P6M8M6_9MOLU 16SrII (Peanut WB group) Candidatus Phytoplasma citri (UP000189722) UniProtKB Star A0A1S9M5M5_9MOLU UniProtKB Star A0A1S9M263_9MOLU 16SrIII (X-disease group) Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni (UP000037386) UniProtKB Star A0A0M1N0G5_9MOLU UniProtKB Star A0A0M1MZX1_9MOLU 16SrIX (Pigeon pea witches'-broom group) Candidatus Phytoplasma phoenicium (UP000037086) UniProtKB Star A0A0L0MJN9_9MOLU UniProtKB Star A0A0L0MJS6_9MOLU 16SrV (Elm yellows group) Ziziphus jujuba witches'-broom phytoplasma (UP000272462) UniProtKB Star A0A660HMR7_ZIZJU UniProtKB Star A0A660HMS2_ZIZJU 16SrVIII (Loofah witches'-broom group) Loofah witches'-broom phytoplasma (UP000672038) UniProtKB Star A0A975ILZ6_LOWBP UniProtKB Star A0A975FHZ9_LOWBP 16SrX (Apple proliferation group) Phytoplasma mali (strain AT) (UP000002020) UniProtKB Star B3QZY4_PHYMT UniProtKB Star B3R0M4_PHYMT 16SrXI (Rice yellow dwarf group) Candidatus Phytoplasma oryzae (UP000249343) UniProtKB Star A0A328IHQ7_9MOLU UniProtKB Star A0A139JR64_9MOLU 16SrXII (Stolbur group) Candidatus Phytoplasma solani (UP000283896) UniProtKB Star A0A421NUL9_9MOLU UniProtKB Star A0A421NXK9_9MOLU Phytoplasma australiense (UP000008323) UniProtKB Star SYE_PHYAS UniProtKB Star B1VAQ5_PHYAS Candidatus Phytoplasma pini (UP000320078) UniProtKB Star A0A559KJI9_9MOLU UniProtKB Star A0A559KJX7_9MOLU Haploplasma Haploplasma axanthum (UP000289841) UniProtKB Star A0A449BCX5_HAPAX UniProtKB Star A0A449BB64_HAPAX Mariniplasma Mariniplasma anaerobium (UP000620133) UniProtKB Star A0A7U9TIP7_9MOLU UniProtKB Star A0A7U9TH71_9MOLU Paracholeplasma Paracholeplasma brassicae (UP000032737) UniProtKB Star U4KMH6_9MOLU UniProtKB Star U4KQB5_9MOLU Anaeroplasmatales Anaeroplasmataceae Anaeroplasma Anaeroplasma bactoclasticum (UP000266506) UniProtKB Star A0A397R5A5_9MOLU UniProtKB Star A0A397S0B0_9MOLU Candidatus Hepatoplasmataceae Candidatus Hepatoplasma Candidatus Hepatoplasma crinochetorum Av (UP000019450) UniProtKB Star W8GNM7_9MOLU Entomoplasmatales Entomoplasmataceae Entomoplasma Entomoplasma freundtii (UP000232222) UniProtKB Star A0A2K8NQI5_9MOLU Mesoplasma Mesoplasma corruscae (UP000239785) UniProtKB Star A0A2S5RHQ5_9MOLU Mesoplasma florum (strain ATCC 33453 / NBRC 100688 / NCTC 11704 / L1) (UP000006647) UniProtKB Star SYE_MESFL Mesoplasma lactucae ATCC 49193 (UP000232227) UniProtKB Star A0A291ISG1_9MOLU Mesoplasma syrphidae (UP000233419) UniProtKB Star A0A2K9BU85_9MOLU Spiroplasmataceae Spiroplasma Spiroplasma apis B31 (UP000018550) UniProtKB Star V5RLT1_SPIAP Spiroplasma chinense (UP000323144) UniProtKB Star A0A5B9Y5E5_9MOLU Spiroplasma clarkii (UP000231179) UniProtKB Star A0A2K8KP56_9MOLU Spiroplasma culicicola AES-1 (UP000019267) UniProtKB Star W6AI46_9MOLU Spiroplasma diminutum CUAS-1 (UP000014983) UniProtKB Star S5MFF2_9MOLU Spiroplasma eriocheiris (UP000035661) UniProtKB Star A0A0H3XHL5_9MOLU Spiroplasma gladiatoris (UP000294309) UniProtKB Star A0A4P7AIA0_9MOLU Spiroplasma helicoides (UP000094378) UniProtKB Star A0A1B3SMA5_9MOLU Spiroplasma kunkelii CR2-3x (UP000062963) UniProtKB Star A0A0K2JF88_SPIKU Spiroplasma mirum ATCC 29335 (UP000019260) UniProtKB Star W0GKI7_9MOLU Spiroplasma platyhelix PALS-1 (UP000584587) UniProtKB Star A0A846UDQ4_9MOLU Spiroplasma poulsonii (UP000031565) UniProtKB Star A0A2P6FB62_9MOLU Spiroplasma sabaudiense Ar-1343 (UP000019265) UniProtKB Star W6AKJ0_9MOLU Spiroplasma sp. NBRC 100390 (UP000182033) UniProtKB Star A0A1J0TZM5_9MOLU Spiroplasma sp. TIUS-1 (UP000464855) UniProtKB Star A0A858ART7_9MOLU Spiroplasma syrphidicola EA-1 (UP000013963) UniProtKB Star R4U319_9MOLU Spiroplasma taiwanense CT-1 (UP000014984) UniProtKB Star S5MIC3_9MOLU Spiroplasma turonicum (UP000067243) UniProtKB Star A0A0K1P7X2_9MOLU Williamsoniiplasma Williamsoniiplasma luminosum (UP000232063) UniProtKB Star A0A2K8NUX8_9MOLU Williamsoniiplasma somnilux (UP000232230) UniProtKB Star A0A2K8P0P9_9MOLU Haloplasmatales Haloplasmataceae Haloplasma Haloplasma contractile SSD-17B (UP000005707) UniProtKB Star U2EBE4_9MOLU UniProtKB Star U2FQA3_9MOLU UniProtKB Star U2FKS4_9MOLU Mycoplasmataceae Mycoplasma Candidatus Mycoplasma haematobovis (UP000077623) UniProtKB Star A0A1A9QCK8_9MOLU Mycoplasma amphoriforme A39 (UP000261764) UniProtKB Star A0A292IHJ1_9MOLU Mycoplasma crocodyli (strain ATCC 51981 / MP145) (UP000001845) UniProtKB Star D5E5V0_MYCCM Mycoplasma haematolamae (strain Purdue) (UP000006502) UniProtKB Star I7C595_MYCHA Mycoplasma haemocanis (strain Illinois) (UP000009135) UniProtKB Star H6N5J7_MYCHN Mycoplasma marinum (UP000294192) UniProtKB Star A0A4R0XPI7_9MOLU Mycoplasma miroungigenitalium (UP000500686) UniProtKB Star A0A6M4JFB7_9MOLU Mycoplasma miroungirhinis (UP000502118) UniProtKB Star A0A6M4JBY8_9MOLU Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides SC (strain CCUG 32753 / NCTC 10114... (UP000001016) UniProtKB Star SYE_MYCMS Mycoplasma nasistruthionis (UP000315201) Mycoplasma parvum str. Indiana (UP000017119) UniProtKB Star U5NCU2_9MOLU Mycoplasma phocimorsus (UP001224428) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ1UWI7_9MOLU Mycoplasma phocoenae (UP000501060) UniProtKB Star A0A858U6P9_9MOLU Mycoplasma putrefaciens Mput9231 (UP000012984) UniProtKB Star M9W918_9MOLU Mycoplasma sp. (ex Biomphalaria glabrata) (UP000063836) UniProtKB Star A0A0U2VR33_9MOLU Mycoplasma sp. 1654_15 (UP000503231) UniProtKB Star A0A6H2DTG4_9MOLU Mycoplasma sp. Mirounga ES2805-ORL (UP000663392) UniProtKB Star A0A975A3E4_9MOLU Mycoplasma sp. NEAQ87857 (UP000430783) UniProtKB Star A0A857DBT4_9MOLU Mycoplasma sp. OR1901 (UP000509375) UniProtKB Star A0A6N1DSG0_9MOLU Mycoplasma sp. Pen4 (UP000515910) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9LXM2_9MOLU Mycoplasma struthionis (UP000275883) UniProtKB Star A0A3G8LFT8_9MOLU Mycoplasma suis (strain Illinois) (UP000007484) UniProtKB Star F0QR07_MYCSL Mycoplasma tauri (UP000772186) UniProtKB Star A0A953NDD9_9MOLU Mycoplasma testudineum (UP000295518) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6IB43_9MOLU Mycoplasma todarodis (UP000291072) UniProtKB Star A0A4R0XIA6_9MOLU Mycoplasma wenyonii (UP000249762) UniProtKB Star A0A328PTR4_9MOLU Mycoplasma wenyonii (strain Massachusetts) (UP000009005) UniProtKB Star I6Z655_MYCWM endosymbiont GvMRE of Glomus versiforme (UP000265887) UniProtKB Star A0A397FSQ5_9MOLU UniProtKB Star A0A397FS26_9MOLU UniProtKB Star A0A397FR13_9MOLU Mycoplasmatota bacterium (UP000678917) UniProtKB Star A0A975LMB5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A975LL79_9BACT Mycoplasmoidales Metamycoplasmataceae Mesomycoplasma Mesomycoplasma bovoculi M165/69 (UP000019229) UniProtKB Star W5UTM1_9BACT Mesomycoplasma conjunctivae (strain ATCC 25834 / NCTC 10147 / HRC/581) (UP000001491) Mesomycoplasma flocculare ATCC 27399 (UP000031129) UniProtKB Star A0A0A8ECM1_MESFC Mesomycoplasma hyopneumoniae (UP000215452) UniProtKB Star A0A223M9U7_MESHO Mesomycoplasma neurolyticum (UP000289440) UniProtKB Star A0A449A5K1_9BACT Mycoplasma mobile (strain ATCC 43663 / 163K / NCTC 11711) (UP000009072) UniProtKB Star SYE_MYCM1 Metamycoplasma Metamycoplasma alkalescens 14918 (UP000013137) UniProtKB Star N9SQW0_9BACT Metamycoplasma arthritidis (strain 158L3-1) (UP000008812) UniProtKB Star SYE_META1 Metamycoplasma canadense (UP000031641) UniProtKB Star A0A077LB57_9BACT Metamycoplasma hominis (strain ATCC 23114 / DSM 25592 / NBRC 14850 / N... (UP000002631) UniProtKB Star D1J8M7_METH1 Metamycoplasma hyosynoviae (UP000264882) UniProtKB Star A0A4P1QFU7_9BACT Metamycoplasma orale (UP000290482) UniProtKB Star A0A448ZX90_9BACT Metamycoplasma phocicerebrale (UP000256585) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q9VAJ1_9BACT Metamycoplasma salivarium (UP000289692) UniProtKB Star A0A7R9C9Z9_METSV Metamycoplasma subdolum (UP000267246) UniProtKB Star A0A3M0AEH1_9BACT [Mycoplasma] anseris (UP000250218) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z4NDM2_9BACT [Mycoplasma] falconis (UP000319776) UniProtKB Star A0A501XBW3_9BACT [Mycoplasma] phocae (UP000252477) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5ISW9_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis Mycoplasmopsis agalactiae (strain NCTC 10123 / CIP 59.7 / PG2) (UP000007065) UniProtKB Star SYE_MYCAP Mycoplasmopsis agassizii (UP000216943) UniProtKB Star A0A269TK51_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis anatis 1340 (UP000005055) UniProtKB Star F9QDN8_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis bovigenitalium 51080 (UP000013220) UniProtKB Star N9TS72_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis bovirhinis (UP000289952) UniProtKB Star A0A449AD95_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis californica (UP000027088) UniProtKB Star A0A059XRI0_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis canis UFG4 (UP000006229) UniProtKB Star I1A4N0_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis citelli (UP000290985) UniProtKB Star A0A449B1Y6_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis columbina SF7 (UP000004978) UniProtKB Star F9UK00_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis columbinasalis (UP000290876) UniProtKB Star A0A449B9Z7_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis columboralis (UP000289497) UniProtKB Star A0A449B762_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis cynos (strain C142) (UP000010466) UniProtKB Star L0RW95_MYCC1 Mycoplasmopsis edwardii (UP000257559) Mycoplasmopsis felis (UP000464317) UniProtKB Star A0A809S0L6_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis fermentans (strain ATCC 19989 / NBRC 14854 / NCTC 10117... (UP000006810) UniProtKB Star C4XG35_MYCFP Mycoplasmopsis gallinacea (UP000290568) UniProtKB Star A0A449A2F3_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis gallinarum (UP000076983) UniProtKB Star A0A168R874_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis gallopavonis (UP000289862) UniProtKB Star A0A449AZ95_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis glycophila (UP000290815) UniProtKB Star A0A449AUX9_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis maculosa (UP000290243) UniProtKB Star A0A449B402_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis meleagridis ATCC 25294 (UP000033750) UniProtKB Star A0A0F5H059_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis mucosicanis (UP000320801) UniProtKB Star A0A507SV54_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis mustelae (UP000295757) UniProtKB Star A0A4V3FNW7_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis phocirhinis (UP000289326) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6MMZ0_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis pullorum (UP000184322) UniProtKB Star A0A1L4FSH0_9BACT Mycoplasmopsis pulmonis (strain UAB CTIP) (UP000000528) UniProtKB Star SYE_MYCPU Mycoplasmopsis synoviae (strain 53) (UP000000549) UniProtKB Star SYE_MYCS5 Mycoplasmopsis verecunda (UP000190389) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4L4E2_9BACT Mycoplasmoidaceae Malacoplasma Candidatus Malacoplasma girerdii (UP000030066) UniProtKB Star A0A097ST65_9BACT Malacoplasma iowae DK-CPA (UP000028523) UniProtKB Star A0A084U3I4_MALIO Malacoplasma penetrans (strain HF-2) (UP000002522) UniProtKB Star SYE_MALP2 Mycoplasmoides Mycoplasma genitalium (strain ATCC 33530 / DSM 19775 / NCTC 10195 / G37) (UP000000807) UniProtKB Star SYE_MYCGE Mycoplasma pneumoniae (strain ATCC 29342 / M129 / Subtype 1) (UP000000808) UniProtKB Star SYE_MYCPN Mycoplasmoides gallisepticum (strain R(low / passage 15 / clone 2)) (UP000001418) UniProtKB Star SYE_MYCGA Ureaplasma Ureaplasma diversum NCTC 246 (UP000028537) UniProtKB Star A0A084EZQ5_9BACT Ureaplasma parvum serovar 3 (strain ATCC 700970) (UP000000423) UniProtKB Star SYE_UREPA


Bacteroidota (991/1014, 993 hits, 942 weak hits)
Bacteroidetes bacterium B1(2017) (UP000216329) UniProtKB Star A0A257L738_9BACT Bacteroidetes bacterium SCGC AAA795-G10 (UP000246014) UniProtKB Star A0A2U2RZN1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2U2RZB2_9BACT Bacteroidetes bacterium UKL13-3 (UP000075224) UniProtKB Star A0A142L6U9_9BACT Bacteroidetes bacterium oral taxon 272 str. F0290 (UP000015345) UniProtKB Star S8GRV6_9BACT UniProtKB Star S8H033_9BACT Bacteroidetes oral taxon 274 str. F0058 (UP000004685) UniProtKB Star D7JEY8_9BACT UniProtKB Star D7JFN8_9BACT Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Bacteroidaceae Bacteroidaceae bacterium (UP000490672) UniProtKB Star A0A6F9ZK12_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6F9ZHE1_9BACT Bacteroidaceae bacterium HV4-6-C5C (UP000319088) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6HPY0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C6HLE7_9BACT Bacteroides Bacteroides caccae CL03T12C61 (UP000002965) UniProtKB Star I8UXK4_9BACE UniProtKB Star I9PTY6_9BACE Bacteroides caecimuris (UP000092631) UniProtKB Star A0A1C7H4Q5_9BACE UniProtKB Star A0A1C7H2F3_9BACE Bacteroides coprosuis DSM 18011 (UP000018439) UniProtKB Star F3ZRJ5_9BACE UniProtKB Star F3ZUB0_9BACE Bacteroides faecichinchillae (UP000184436) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5CW74_9BACE UniProtKB Star A0A1M5DXS6_9BACE Bacteroides finegoldii CL09T03C10 (UP000007995) UniProtKB Star K5BSZ7_9BACE UniProtKB Star K5DAV4_9BACE Bacteroides fluxus YIT 12057 (UP000003416) UniProtKB Star F3PSX0_9BACE UniProtKB Star F3PPL3_9BACE Bacteroides fragilis CL05T12C13 (UP000003917) UniProtKB Star I9B133_BACFG UniProtKB Star I9V4D8_BACFG Bacteroides graminisolvens DSM 19988 = JCM 15093 (UP000027601) UniProtKB Star A0A069D4F9_9BACE UniProtKB Star A0A069D921_9BACE Bacteroides helcogenes (strain ATCC 35417 / DSM 20613 / JCM 6297 / CCU... (UP000008630) UniProtKB Star E6SRA0_BACT6 UniProtKB Star E6SPP2_BACT6 Bacteroides heparinolyticus (UP000279562) UniProtKB Star A0A3P2AD80_9BACE UniProtKB Star A0A3P2AA47_9BACE Bacteroides luti (UP000184509) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5DAJ3_9BACE UniProtKB Star A0A1M4V6G1_9BACE Bacteroides nordii CL02T12C05 (UP000003089) UniProtKB Star I8X1T7_9BACE UniProtKB Star I9RSR2_9BACE Bacteroides oleiciplenus YIT 12058 (UP000009872) UniProtKB Star K9DWW7_9BACE UniProtKB Star K9EAQ5_9BACE Bacteroides pyogenes (UP000324383) UniProtKB Star A0A5D3EJK3_9BACE UniProtKB Star A0A5D3E8W8_9BACE Bacteroides reticulotermitis JCM 10512 (UP000019131) UniProtKB Star W4UPH9_9BACE UniProtKB Star W4UXY0_9BACE Bacteroides salyersiae CL02T12C01 (UP000005150) UniProtKB Star I9T5H8_9BACE UniProtKB Star I8Y1U8_9BACE Bacteroides sp. An279 (UP000195322) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4DRY4_9BACE UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4D8Q6_9BACE Bacteroides sp. An322 (UP000195527) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4A9T9_9BACE UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4AP37_9BACE Bacteroides sp. D2 (UP000003135) UniProtKB Star E5CHW1_9BACE UniProtKB Star E5CDL9_9BACE Bacteroides sp. OF04-15BH (UP000284249) UniProtKB Star A0A416GB35_9BACE UniProtKB Star A0A416GGD1_9BACE Bacteroides sp. OM05-12 (UP000264777) UniProtKB Star A0A374W9J0_9BACE UniProtKB Star A0A374WCW3_9BACE Bacteroides sp. OM08-11 (UP000262405) UniProtKB Star A0A374VCS4_9BACE UniProtKB Star A0A374VAB3_9BACE Bacteroides stercoris (UP000056419) UniProtKB Star A0A108T990_BACSE UniProtKB Star A0A108T7A4_BACSE Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron (strain ATCC 29148 / DSM 2079 / JCM 5827 ... (UP000001414) UniProtKB Star SYE_BACTN UniProtKB Star Q8A849_BACTN Bacteroides uniformis dnLKV2 (UP000014212) UniProtKB Star R9I5M0_BACUN UniProtKB Star R9HNZ0_BACUN Caecibacteroides Caecibacteroides pullorum (UP000698924) UniProtKB Star A0AA40ZTR8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AA40ZTF9_9BACT Jilunia Jilunia laotingensis (UP000651085) UniProtKB Star A0A926IPA6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A926F737_9BACT Mediterranea Mediterranea sp. An20 (UP000196631) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4HEY5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4HN08_9BACT Phocaeicola Phocaeicola coprocola (UP000285864) UniProtKB Star A0A412GYD5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A412GEM6_9BACT Phocaeicola coprophilus (UP000283855) UniProtKB Star A0A413T404_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A413T1S9_9BACT Phocaeicola massiliensis B84634 = Timone 84634 = DSM 17679 = JCM 13223 (UP000017831) UniProtKB Star U6RG32_9BACT UniProtKB Star U6RKF3_9BACT Phocaeicola plebeius (UP000260862) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q6GA24_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3E4WKU0_9BACT Phocaeicola vulgatus CL09T03C04 (UP000004219) UniProtKB Star I9UDJ0_PHOVU UniProtKB Star I9U4A8_PHOVU Bacteroidales bacterium (UP000676034) UniProtKB Star A0A942NRH8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A942NRX5_9BACT Bacteroidales bacterium 6E (UP000251980) UniProtKB Star A0A0K8QZA0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0K8QYH9_9BACT Bacteroidales bacterium Barb4 (UP000078495) UniProtKB Star A0A180F7I0_9BACT Bacteroidales bacterium Barb6XT (UP000078346) UniProtKB Star A0A180EYF0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A180FBM7_9BACT Bacteroidales bacterium Barb7 (UP000078281) UniProtKB Star A0A180FQC2_9BACT Bacteroidales bacterium KA00251 (UP000070662) UniProtKB Star A0A133XRD1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A133XUY2_9BACT Bacteroidales bacterium KA00344 (UP000070254) UniProtKB Star A0A133YVD5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A133YWT0_9BACT Bacteroidales bacterium KHT7 (UP000198526) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7PU09_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1G7HI92_9BACT Bacteroidales bacterium WCE2004 (UP000189975) UniProtKB Star A0A1T5JVI5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1T5INI8_9BACT Bacteroidales bacterium WCE2008 (UP000190446) UniProtKB Star A0A1T5K3W2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1T5IK50_9BACT Balneicellaceae Balneicella Balneicella halophila (UP000251835) UniProtKB Star A0A7L4UQV2_BALHA UniProtKB Star A0A7L4UR14_BALHA Barnesiellaceae Barnesiella Barnesiella intestinihominis YIT 11860 (UP000006044) UniProtKB Star K0XFN0_9BACT UniProtKB Star K0X965_9BACT Barnesiella sp. WM24 (UP000298121) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9IVZ6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9J2C5_9BACT Coprobacter Coprobacter fastidiosus NSB1 = JCM 33896 (UP000269493) UniProtKB Star A0A495W9I0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A495WJD9_9BACT Coprobacter secundus subsp. similis (UP000594042) UniProtKB Star A0A7G1I172_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7G1HU39_9BACT Candidatus Azobacteroides Azobacteroides pseudotrichonymphae genomovar. CFP2 (UP000000723) UniProtKB Star SYE_AZOPC UniProtKB Star B6YQY1_AZOPC Dysgonomonadaceae Dysgonamonadaceae bacterium (UP000234415) UniProtKB Star A0A2N4S674_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2N4SBG9_9BACT Dysgonomonas Dysgonomonas capnocytophagoides (UP000297861) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8KY65_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8KX98_9BACT Dysgonomonas gadei ATCC BAA-286 (UP000004913) UniProtKB Star F5J085_9BACT UniProtKB Star F5J1C8_9BACT Dysgonomonas hofstadii (UP000555103) UniProtKB Star A0A840CNK3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A840CEH7_9BACT Dysgonomonas macrotermitis (UP000184480) UniProtKB Star A0A1M4ZMC4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1M4TZ11_9BACT Dysgonomonas mossii DSM 22836 (UP000006420) UniProtKB Star F8WWT8_9BACT UniProtKB Star F8WVL9_9BACT Dysgonomonas sp. BGC7 (UP000633952) UniProtKB Star A0A927J3R1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A927J3Y4_9BACT Dysgonomonas sp. HDW5A (UP000501314) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7XAP0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6G7X3Y8_9BACT Dysgonomonas sp. Marseille-P4677 (UP000629836) UniProtKB Star A0A934TAM2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A934TFZ5_9BACT Dysgonomonas sp. PF1-16 (UP001160472) UniProtKB Star A0AA43HY90_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AA43HXD6_9BACT Dysgonomonas sp. PH5-37 (UP001160381) UniProtKB Star A0AA43LGM0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AA43LHD5_9BACT Fermentimonas Fermentimonas caenicola (UP000032417) UniProtKB Star A0A098C3Z6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A098BZQ0_9BACT Petrimonas Petrimonas mucosa (UP000178485) UniProtKB Star A0A1G4G4L7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1G4G6V6_9BACT Proteiniphilum Proteiniphilum saccharofermentans (UP000187464) UniProtKB Star A0A1R3T569_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1R3SWV5_9BACT Lentimicrobiaceae Lentimicrobium Lentimicrobium saccharophilum (UP000053091) UniProtKB Star A0A0S7BTK1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0S7C2W4_9BACT Muribaculaceae Duncaniella Duncaniella freteri (UP000297635) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0V4J7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0V651_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0VAB3_9BACT Duncaniella muris (UP000244905) UniProtKB Star A0A2V1IJS4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2V1IPP3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2V1IJ14_9BACT Muribaculaceae bacterium (UP000491043) UniProtKB Star A0A7J0AB32_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7J0AE67_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7J0ACX7_9BACT Muribaculaceae bacterium Isolate-002 (UP000290632) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0J0I5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0J168_9BACT Muribaculaceae bacterium Isolate-037 (UP000275399) UniProtKB Star A0A3N2MAF9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3N2LWE9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3N2LYU8_9BACT Muribaculaceae bacterium Isolate-080 (UP000277934) UniProtKB Star A0A3N2KIE1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3N2KRC7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3N2KW46_9BACT Muribaculaceae bacterium Isolate-102 (UP000272558) UniProtKB Star A0A3N2MYS0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3N2MSZ2_9BACT Muribaculaceae bacterium Isolate-104 (UP000266993) UniProtKB Star A0A3N2MK71_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3N2M3K0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3N2MKY0_9BACT Muribaculaceae bacterium Isolate-110 (UP000275373) UniProtKB Star A0A3N2N7L0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3N2N785_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3N2NGY0_9BACT Muribaculaceae bacterium Isolate-114 (UP000273368) UniProtKB Star A0A3N2NP79_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3N2NJ80_9BACT Muribaculum Muribaculum intestinale (UP000186351) UniProtKB Star A0A1B1SCH1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1B1SD42_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1B1SA76_9BACT Muribaculum sp. An287 (UP000243574) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4CD17_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4C9K1_9BACT Paramuribaculum Paramuribaculum intestinale (UP000244925) UniProtKB Star A0A2V1IWL9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2V1ITF8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2V1IU57_9BACT Odoribacteraceae Butyricimonas Butyricimonas sp. An62 (UP000196559) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3W6N9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3W1X6_9BACT Odoribacter Odoribacter laneus YIT 12061 (UP000004892) UniProtKB Star H1DJ22_9BACT UniProtKB Star H1DJK7_9BACT Odoribacter splanchnicus (strain ATCC 29572 / DSM 20712 / CIP 104287 /... (UP000006657) UniProtKB Star F9Z4K4_ODOSD UniProtKB Star F9Z9C5_ODOSD Paludibacteraceae Paludibacter Paludibacter jiangxiensis (UP000076586) UniProtKB Star A0A161LU15_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A170Z1L3_9BACT Paludibacter propionicigenes (strain DSM 17365 / JCM 13257 / WB4) (UP000008718) UniProtKB Star E4T428_PALPW UniProtKB Star E4T766_PALPW Porphyromonadaceae Microbacter Microbacter margulisiae (UP000544222) UniProtKB Star A0A7W5H1A8_9PORP UniProtKB Star A0A7W5DRL2_9PORP Porphyromonadaceae bacterium COT-184 OH4590 (UP000030107) UniProtKB Star A0A0A2EW01_9PORP UniProtKB Star A0A0A2EPU0_9PORP Porphyromonas Porphyromonas asaccharolytica (strain ATCC 25260 / DSM 20707 / BCRC 10... (UP000006545) UniProtKB Star F4KND2_PORAD UniProtKB Star F4KLP3_PORAD Porphyromonas cangingivalis (UP000030125) UniProtKB Star A0A0A2EWG4_PORCN UniProtKB Star A0A0A2EP26_PORCN Porphyromonas catoniae ATCC 51270 (UP000023482) UniProtKB Star Z4WXT3_9PORP UniProtKB Star Z4WV37_9PORP Porphyromonas crevioricanis (UP000249300) UniProtKB Star A0A0A2FT98_9PORP UniProtKB Star A0A0A2FIF5_9PORP Porphyromonas endodontalis (strain ATCC 35406 / DSM 24491 / JCM 8526 /... (UP000004295) UniProtKB Star C3JCU7_POREA UniProtKB Star C3J9J2_POREA Porphyromonas gingivalis (strain ATCC BAA-308 / W83) (UP000000588) UniProtKB Star SYE_PORGI UniProtKB Star Q7MTK0_PORGI Porphyromonas gingivicanis (UP000030134) UniProtKB Star A0A0A2G707_9PORP UniProtKB Star A0A0A2G4C5_9PORP Porphyromonas levii (UP000297225) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8WRQ1_9PORP UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8WP03_9PORP Porphyromonas macacae (UP000030103) UniProtKB Star A0A0A2E7K9_9PORP UniProtKB Star A0A0A2E8J4_9PORP Porphyromonas sp. COT-108 OH1349 (UP000030126) UniProtKB Star A0A0A2DQP9_9PORP UniProtKB Star A0A0A2DP21_9PORP Porphyromonas sp. COT-239 OH1446 (UP000030150) UniProtKB Star A0A0A2E4B9_9PORP UniProtKB Star A0A0A2E0C8_9PORP Porphyromonas sp. COT-290 OH860 (UP000030116) UniProtKB Star A0A0A2F9S7_9PORP UniProtKB Star A0A0A2FEE0_9PORP Porphyromonas sp. HMSC065F10 (UP000177035) UniProtKB Star A0A1F1EAV0_9PORP UniProtKB Star A0A1F1DZT7_9PORP Porphyromonas sp. HMSC077F02 (UP000178655) UniProtKB Star A0A1F0G453_9PORP UniProtKB Star A0A1F0G340_9PORP Porphyromonas sp. oral taxon 279 str. F0450 (UP000004156) UniProtKB Star J4VLR0_9PORP UniProtKB Star J4VRA8_9PORP Sanguibacteroides Sanguibacteroides justesenii (UP000031980) UniProtKB Star A0A0C3R4S0_9PORP UniProtKB Star A0A0C3R5H9_9PORP Prevotellaceae Alloprevotella Alloprevotella rava F0323 (UP000015993) UniProtKB Star G5GBX7_9BACT UniProtKB Star G5G989_9BACT Alloprevotella sp. Lung230 (UP000652041) UniProtKB Star A0A8I0BCV6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A8I0B533_9BACT Alloprevotella sp. OH1205_COT-284 (UP000272376) UniProtKB Star A0A3P1ZA94_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3P1ZB25_9BACT Alloprevotella sp. oral taxon 473 str. F0040 (UP000010460) UniProtKB Star L1MKH5_9BACT UniProtKB Star L1MTQ5_9BACT Alloprevotella tannerae ATCC 51259 (UP000003460) UniProtKB Star C9LJF1_9BACT UniProtKB Star C9LD18_9BACT Hallella Hallella bergensis DSM 17361 (UP000003160) UniProtKB Star D1PZG9_9BACT UniProtKB Star D1PYD7_9BACT Hallella multisaccharivorax DSM 17128 (UP000002772) UniProtKB Star F8N8Z3_9BACT UniProtKB Star F8N951_9BACT Hoylesella Hoylesella marshii DSM 16973 = JCM 13450 (UP000004394) UniProtKB Star E0NTY3_9BACT UniProtKB Star E0NQ65_9BACT Hoylesella oralis ATCC 33269 (UP000005580) UniProtKB Star E7RQB0_9BACT UniProtKB Star E7RRY5_9BACT Hoylesella pleuritidis F0068 (UP000016600) UniProtKB Star U2KS93_9BACT UniProtKB Star U2LHT3_9BACT Hoylesella saccharolytica F0055 (UP000010433) UniProtKB Star L1N9G3_9BACT UniProtKB Star L1NIS4_9BACT Hoylesella timonensis CRIS 5C-B1 (UP000004001) UniProtKB Star D1W0X8_9BACT UniProtKB Star D1VZG4_9BACT Leyella Leyella stercorea (UP000286598) UniProtKB Star A0A3R6FFF8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3R6FF96_9BACT Marseilla Marseilla massiliensis (UP000706891) UniProtKB Star A0A939B710_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A939B785_9BACT Paraprevotella Paraprevotella xylaniphila YIT 11841 (UP000005546) UniProtKB Star F3QVQ2_9BACT UniProtKB Star F3QRB3_9BACT Prevotella Prevotella aff. ruminicola Tc2-24 (UP000199373) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0P8I5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1I0MH92_9BACT Prevotella bivia DSM 20514 (UP000002786) UniProtKB Star I4Z8R4_9BACT UniProtKB Star I4ZBZ7_9BACT Prevotella brunnea (UP000321612) UniProtKB Star A0A5C8GLB0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C8GJK0_9BACT Prevotella communis (UP000198779) UniProtKB Star A0A1H0FEW3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1H0FVH9_9BACT Prevotella corporis (UP000070533) UniProtKB Star A0A133QHW9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A133PR50_9BACT Prevotella dentalis (strain ATCC 49559 / DSM 3688 / JCM 13448 / NCTC 1... (UP000010862) UniProtKB Star F9D164_PREDD UniProtKB Star F9D5K8_PREDD Prevotella histicola F0411 (UP000004597) UniProtKB Star G6AD45_9BACT UniProtKB Star G6AEL7_9BACT Prevotella koreensis (UP000278983) UniProtKB Star A0A3S0PAL0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A432LMZ3_9BACT Prevotella lacticifex (UP000825483) UniProtKB Star A0A9R1CY97_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A9R1CUE5_9BACT Prevotella micans F0438 (UP000016023) UniProtKB Star H1Q4S9_9BACT UniProtKB Star H1PZK2_9BACT Prevotella multiformis DSM 16608 (UP000005697) UniProtKB Star F0F731_9BACT UniProtKB Star F0F8P4_9BACT Prevotella nigrescens CC14M (UP000018727) UniProtKB Star V8CN04_9BACT UniProtKB Star V8CQW6_9BACT Prevotella pectinovora (UP000032046) UniProtKB Star A0A0D0I4X0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0D0IYU2_9BACT Prevotella sp. 885 (UP000216632) UniProtKB Star A0A264Y8Q9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A264Y584_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A264YAD5_9BACT Prevotella sp. KH2C16 (UP000198560) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2SF19_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1I2MX96_9BACT Prevotella sp. P3-120 (UP000216094) UniProtKB Star A0A255SE97_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A255SGX9_9BACT Prevotella sp. P3-122 (UP000215645) UniProtKB Star A0A255TAB6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A255SXZ9_9BACT Prevotella sp. P4-51 (UP000216226) UniProtKB Star A0A255UD94_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A255UBT4_9BACT Prevotella sp. P5-92 (UP000216769) UniProtKB Star A0A255T0C7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A255SSY8_9BACT Prevotella sp. S7 MS 2 (UP000029732) UniProtKB Star A0A099BUE3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A099BVE9_9BACT Prevotella sp. S7-1-8 (UP000029597) UniProtKB Star A0A095Y2X8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A095ZEW4_9BACT Prevotella sp. TF12-30 (UP000262185) UniProtKB Star A0A374TBX9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A374T9V5_9BACT Prevotella sp. ne3005 (UP000199132) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8EK33_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1H8ACP0_9BACT Prevotella sp. oral taxon 299 str. F0039 (UP000015929) UniProtKB Star D3IDD0_9BACT UniProtKB Star D3IDR3_9BACT Prevotella sp. oral taxon 317 str. F0108 (UP000003829) UniProtKB Star D3IKZ4_9BACT UniProtKB Star D3IHK0_9BACT Prevotella sp. tc2-28 (UP000199625) UniProtKB Star A0A1H4CGS8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1H4F259_9BACT Prevotella sp. tf2-5 (UP000198673) UniProtKB Star A0A1I5MMM6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1I5HYW5_9BACT Prevotella veroralis F0319 (UP000003327) UniProtKB Star C9MRJ5_9BACT UniProtKB Star C9MQM7_9BACT Prevotellaceae bacterium HUN156 (UP000182805) UniProtKB Star A0A1K1N099_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1K1N9R6_9BACT Prevotellaceae bacterium KH2P17 (UP000214740) UniProtKB Star A0A239RGK7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A239RL52_9BACT Pseudoprevotella Pseudoprevotella muciniphila (UP000249375) UniProtKB Star A0A5P8E6Z0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5P8E3X3_9BACT Segatella Segatella baroniae B14 (UP000004524) UniProtKB Star D8DU35_9BACT UniProtKB Star D8DV77_9BACT Segatella baroniae F0067 (UP000016648) UniProtKB Star U2P9L2_9BACT UniProtKB Star U2NR87_9BACT Segatella buccae ATCC 33574 (UP000003112) UniProtKB Star E6K3X2_9BACT UniProtKB Star E6KAV7_9BACT Segatella copri (UP000384372) UniProtKB Star A0A6A7WB86_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6A7WBD3_9BACT Segatella copri DSM 18205 (UP000004477) UniProtKB Star D1PG21_9BACT UniProtKB Star D1P9S4_9BACT Segatella hominis (UP000297872) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8VNT5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8VL73_9BACT Segatella maculosa OT 289 (UP000003167) UniProtKB Star H1HNM7_9BACT UniProtKB Star H1HPB7_9BACT Segatella oris C735 (UP000003805) UniProtKB Star D7NAZ8_9BACT UniProtKB Star D7NA23_9BACT Segatella oulorum F0390 (UP000005141) UniProtKB Star G1WCM9_9BACT UniProtKB Star G1WA58_9BACT Segatella salivae DSM 15606 (UP000003874) UniProtKB Star E6MPB8_9BACT UniProtKB Star E6MML3_9BACT Xylanibacter Xylanibacter rarus (UP000036951) UniProtKB Star A0A8E1QWK4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A8E1QVX4_9BACT Xylanibacter ruminicola (strain ATCC 19189 / DSM 19721 / CIP 105475 / ... (UP000000927) UniProtKB Star D5EUZ5_XYLR2 UniProtKB Star D5EST1_XYLR2 Rikenellaceae Acetobacteroides Acetobacteroides hydrogenigenes (UP000294830) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2ETY2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4R2ES57_9BACT Alistipes Alistipes communis (UP000318946) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y1WW77_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Y1WVF9_9BACT Alistipes dispar (UP000319374) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y1WYS3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Y1WZH5_9BACT Alistipes indistinctus YIT 12060 (UP000006008) UniProtKB Star G5H9W5_9BACT UniProtKB Star G5H7V1_9BACT Alistipes onderdonkii (UP000195772) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3QV96_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3QSX8_9BACT Alistipes putredinis DSM 17216 (UP000005819) UniProtKB Star B0MWX2_9BACT UniProtKB Star B0MWY4_9BACT Alistipes shahii WAL 8301 (UP000008794) UniProtKB Star D4IL40_9BACT Alistipes sp. AF17-16 (UP000265869) UniProtKB Star A0A396M5K5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A396M633_9BACT Alistipes sp. An31A (UP000196483) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4AQY9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4AQX9_9BACT Alistipes sp. An66 (UP000195674) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3VMB5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3VH56_9BACT Alistipes sp. CHKCI003 (UP000198813) UniProtKB Star A0A143XSR7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A143XPS4_9BACT Alistipes timonensis JC136 (UP000183253) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3YVV8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1H3WY11_9BACT Mucinivorans Mucinivorans hirudinis (UP000027616) UniProtKB Star A0A060RAY4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A060RDD2_9BACT Rikenella Rikenella microfusus (UP000255233) UniProtKB Star A0A379MWH0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A379MNK7_9BACT Salinivirgaceae Salinivirga Salinivirga cyanobacteriivorans (UP000064893) UniProtKB Star A0A0S2I199_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0S2HZ15_9BACT Tannerellaceae Parabacteroides Parabacteroides chartae (UP000190852) UniProtKB Star A0A1T5DB29_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1T5C681_9BACT Parabacteroides chinchillae (UP000236725) UniProtKB Star A0A8G2F2B3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A8G2BTE6_9BACT Parabacteroides distasonis (strain ATCC 8503 / DSM 20701 / CIP 104284 ... (UP000000566) UniProtKB Star SYE_PARD8 UniProtKB Star A6LBT2_PARD8 Parabacteroides gordonii MS-1 = DSM 23371 (UP000033035) UniProtKB Star A0A0F5JNL7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0F5IS40_9BACT Parabacteroides johnsonii CL02T12C29 (UP000001218) UniProtKB Star K5ZC69_9BACT UniProtKB Star K5Y0F4_9BACT Parabacteroides sp. AM08-6 (UP000285678) UniProtKB Star A0A3R6IYP7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A415E1X9_9BACT Parabacteroides sp. An277 (UP000196154) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4CZP1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4DAI5_9BACT Parabacteroides sp. PFB2-22 (UP001160363) UniProtKB Star A0AA43LMC1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AA43LMR8_9BACT Parabacteroides sp. PM6-13 (UP001160361) UniProtKB Star A0AA43HZS8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AA43KZ40_9BACT Tannerella Tannerella forsythia (strain ATCC 43037 / JCM 10827 / CCUG 21028 A / K... (UP000005436) UniProtKB Star G8UPN9_TANFA UniProtKB Star G8UNB8_TANFA Tannerella sp. oral taxon 808 (UP000235918) UniProtKB Star A0A2N8N871_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2N8N8L1_9BACT Tannerella sp. oral taxon BU063 isolate Cell 1/3 (UP000034982) UniProtKB Star W2CFN2_9BACT Tenuifilaceae Tenuifilum Tenuifilum thalassicum (UP000500961) UniProtKB Star A0A7D3XCL2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7D4BLA4_9BACT Williamwhitmaniaceae Williamwhitmania Williamwhitmania taraxaci (UP000199452) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6MZC5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1G6MZB9_9BACT Marinilabiliales Marinifilaceae Ancylomarina Ancylomarina longa (UP000282985) UniProtKB Star A0A434AUC1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A434AU94_9BACT Ancylomarina salipaludis (UP000289703) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1JKD4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1JKH1_9BACT Labilibaculum Labilibaculum filiforme (UP000233535) UniProtKB Star A0A2N3HXJ0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2N3HXK3_9BACT Marinifilum sp. N1E240 (UP000472801) UniProtKB Star A0A6L5E119_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6L5DY50_9BACT Marinilabiliaceae Alkalitalea Alkalitalea saponilacus (UP000191055) UniProtKB Star A0A1T5FIX4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1T5FNC9_9BACT Breznakibacter Breznakibacter xylanolyticus (UP000249239) UniProtKB Star A0A2W7NDW6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2W7NPQ9_9BACT Carboxylicivirga Carboxylicivirga sediminis (UP000679220) UniProtKB Star A0A941IW58_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A941F005_9BACT Carboxylicivirga sp. M1479 (UP000317149) UniProtKB Star A0A553GRF7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A553GRI0_9BACT Geofilum Geofilum rubicundum JCM 15548 (UP000032900) UniProtKB Star A0A0E9M0G0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0E9LZP1_9BACT Marinilabilia Marinilabilia rubra (UP000244956) UniProtKB Star A0A2U2B4L2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2U2B4H7_9BACT Marinilabilia salmonicolor (UP000252733) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0X616_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A368UMJ5_9BACT Plebeiobacterium Plebeiobacterium marinum (UP001207408) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3MDY0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AAE3ME01_9BACT Plebeiobacterium sediminum (UP001209229) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3M3X3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AAE3SF57_9BACT Saccharicrinis Saccharicrinis carchari (UP000319040) UniProtKB Star A0A521D6U7_SACCC UniProtKB Star A0A521D977_SACCC Saccharicrinis fermentans DSM 9555 = JCM 21142 (UP000019402) UniProtKB Star W7YHK8_9BACT UniProtKB Star W7YAH6_9BACT Thermophagus Thermophagus xiamenensis (UP000181976) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2DI09_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1I2DJ73_9BACT Xiashengella Xiashengella succiniciproducens (UP001056426) UniProtKB Star A0A9J6ZPT2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A9J6ZNY9_9BACT Prolixibacteraceae Aquipluma Aquipluma nitroreducens (UP001193389) UniProtKB Star A0A5K7S6S1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5K7S7G2_9BACT Draconibacterium Draconibacterium aestuarii (UP001145087) UniProtKB Star A0A9X3F715_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A9X3F835_9BACT Draconibacterium sediminis (UP000032544) UniProtKB Star A0A0D8JCF0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0D8J6F2_9BACT Gaoshiqia Gaoshiqia sediminis (UP001163821) UniProtKB Star A0AA41Y726_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AA42C9L6_9BACT Mangrovibacterium Mangrovibacterium diazotrophicum (UP000283387) UniProtKB Star A0A419WAM4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A419W8K9_9BACT Mangrovibacterium marinum (UP000243525) UniProtKB Star A0A2T5C6L9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2T5BYL7_9BACT Maribellus Maribellus comscasis (UP000428260) UniProtKB Star A0A6I6K3V0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6I6JQC5_9BACT Maribellus luteus (UP000265926) UniProtKB Star A0A399T1K6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A399SZM1_9BACT Mariniphaga Mariniphaga anaerophila (UP000184164) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5CWZ1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1M4YBC7_9BACT Mariniphaga sediminis (UP000266441) UniProtKB Star A0A399CY87_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A399D1E4_9BACT Prolixibacter Prolixibacter sp. SD074 (UP000353036) UniProtKB Star A0A5M4AQL6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5M4ASI9_9BACT Sunxiuqinia Sunxiuqinia dokdonensis (UP000036958) UniProtKB Star A0A0L8VFR3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0L8V9Y8_9BACT Sunxiuqinia elliptica (UP000198964) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2CNH1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1I2KPR5_9BACT Tangfeifania Tangfeifania diversioriginum (UP000184050) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6P518_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1M6KZZ7_9BACT Bacteroidota bacterium (UP000509427) UniProtKB Star A0A7D5N743_UNCBA UniProtKB Star A0A7D5N308_UNCBA Candidatus [Bacteroides] periocalifornicus (UP000054172) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4B9B9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4AZU6_9BACT Chitinophagia Chitinophagales Chitinophagaceae Arachidicoccus Arachidicoccus ginsenosidivorans (UP000321291) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8VLL3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5B8VNW1_9BACT Arachidicoccus rhizosphaerae (UP000199041) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3Y6H1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1H3WCV7_9BACT Arachidicoccus soli (UP000266118) UniProtKB Star A0A386HKQ3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A386HRT1_9BACT Arachidicoccus sp. BS20 (UP000078308) UniProtKB Star A0A191TH58_9BACT Chitinophaga Chitinophaga agri (UP000476411) UniProtKB Star A0A6B9ZIP4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6B9ZKT2_9BACT Chitinophaga agrisoli (UP000324611) UniProtKB Star A0A5B2W221_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5B2W204_9BACT Chitinophaga barathri (UP000279089) UniProtKB Star A0A3N4M9P1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3N4M8S6_9BACT Chitinophaga caeni (UP000220133) UniProtKB Star A0A291QSM8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A291QST8_9BACT Chitinophaga costaii (UP000242818) UniProtKB Star A0A1C4DUN1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1C4DRD4_9BACT Chitinophaga cymbidii (UP000321436) UniProtKB Star A0A512RIS0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A512RIQ0_9BACT Chitinophaga flava (UP000253410) UniProtKB Star A0A365Y4X3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A365Y384_9BACT Chitinophaga ginsengisegetis (UP000190166) UniProtKB Star A0A1T5NQT9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1T5NQA8_9BACT Chitinophaga japonensis (UP000316778) UniProtKB Star A0A562TD94_CHIJA UniProtKB Star A0A562TCM9_CHIJA Chitinophaga jiangningensis (UP000184420) UniProtKB Star A0A1M7DJQ3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1M7DJM3_9BACT Chitinophaga lutea (UP000278351) UniProtKB Star A0A3N4QQX5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3N4Q331_9BACT Chitinophaga niabensis (UP000185003) UniProtKB Star A0A1N6JB75_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1N6JB71_9BACT Chitinophaga niastensis (UP000240971) UniProtKB Star A0A2P8HU98_CHINA UniProtKB Star A0A2P8HU71_CHINA Chitinophaga oryziterrae (UP000468388) UniProtKB Star A0A6N8JIF5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6N8JKS4_9BACT Chitinophaga parva (UP000244450) UniProtKB Star A0A2T7BMI6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2T7BMK6_9BACT Chitinophaga rupis (UP000198984) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7I7X8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1H7I7R2_9BACT Chitinophaga silvatica (UP000260644) UniProtKB Star A0A3E1YA95_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3E1YA97_9BACT Chitinophaga skermanii (UP000249547) UniProtKB Star A0A327QK64_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A327QJB2_9BACT Chitinophaga solisilvae (UP000281028) UniProtKB Star A0A3S1BJE1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3S1JEX6_9BACT Chitinophaga sp. MD30 (UP000217148) UniProtKB Star A0A249SR06_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A249SQM2_9BACT Chitinophaga tropicalis (UP000461730) UniProtKB Star A0A7K1TX89_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7K1TX66_9BACT [Flexibacter] sp. ATCC 35208 (UP000188534) UniProtKB Star A0A1V2B8K0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1V2B8H9_9BACT Chitinophagaceae bacterium (UP000293149) UniProtKB Star A0A4V2A0K4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Q5SWE0_9BACT Chitinophagaceae bacterium BSSC1 (UP000217121) UniProtKB Star A0A257I1C5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A257HVQ6_9BACT Chitinophagaceae bacterium IBVUCB1 (UP000194327) UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5SIW1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5SKJ7_9BACT Chitinophagaceae bacterium IBVUCB2 (UP000194400) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2R0S3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2RED9_9BACT Cnuella Cnuella takakiae (UP000184368) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5HYP4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1M4Y523_9BACT Deminuibacter Deminuibacter soli (UP000261284) UniProtKB Star A0A3E1NPH4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3E1NI40_9BACT Dinghuibacter Dinghuibacter silviterrae (UP000294498) UniProtKB Star A0A4R8DQG1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4R8DHZ3_9BACT Filimonas Filimonas effusa (UP000290545) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1D435_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1DCR6_9BACT Filimonas lacunae (UP000186917) UniProtKB Star A0A173MNN4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A173MAR1_9BACT Filimonas zeae (UP000627292) UniProtKB Star A0A917J322_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A917ILK5_9BACT Flaviaesturariibacter Flaviaesturariibacter flavus (UP000295334) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1B8F0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4R1BA58_9BACT Flavihumibacter Flavihumibacter petaseus NBRC 106054 (UP000033121) UniProtKB Star A0A0E9MW55_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0E9N3N7_9BACT Flavihumibacter solisilvae (UP000031408) UniProtKB Star A0A0C1L6W7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0C1L3U0_9BACT Flavihumibacter sp. ZG627 (UP000031400) UniProtKB Star A0A0C1L4X3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0C1KRW4_9BACT Flavipsychrobacter Flavipsychrobacter stenotrophus (UP000239872) UniProtKB Star A0A2S7SVE4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2S7SYJ3_9BACT Flavisolibacter Flavisolibacter ginsengisoli DSM 18119 (UP000184048) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5AYL3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1M5A874_9BACT Flavisolibacter ginsenosidimutans (UP000321204) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8ULB7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5B8UPT7_9BACT Flavisolibacter sp. (UP000665315) UniProtKB Star A0A940RCW7_9BACT Flavisolibacter tropicus (UP000077177) UniProtKB Star A0A172TVD9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A172TSL8_9BACT Ginsengibacter Ginsengibacter hankyongi (UP000326903) UniProtKB Star A0A5J5IQB8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5J5IG54_9BACT Hanamia Hanamia caeni (UP000267223) UniProtKB Star A0A3M9NJG3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3M9NJ65_9BACT Haoranjiania Haoranjiania flava (UP001209317) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3IK36_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AAE3IJF1_9BACT Hydrobacter Hydrobacter penzbergensis (UP000198711) UniProtKB Star A0A8X8IGD5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A8X8IDU6_9BACT Hydrotalea Hydrotalea sandarakina (UP000249720) UniProtKB Star A0A2W7RVB2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2W7RXX3_9BACT Ilyomonas Ilyomonas limi (UP000305848) UniProtKB Star A0A4U3LAI5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4U3L8T5_9BACT Lacibacter Lacibacter luteus (UP000290204) UniProtKB Star A0A4V1M7D1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1CM01_9BACT Limnovirga Limnovirga soli (UP000598971) UniProtKB Star A0A8J8FGQ1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A8J8JV68_9BACT Niabella Niabella drilacis (strain DSM 25811 / CCM 8410 / CCUG 62505 / LMG 2695... (UP000198757) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6MXU3_NIADE UniProtKB Star A0A1G6JN86_NIADE Niabella ginsenosidivorans (UP000077667) UniProtKB Star A0A1A9HXN1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1A9I536_9BACT Niabella soli DSM 19437 (UP000003586) UniProtKB Star W0F0B9_9BACT UniProtKB Star W0EYC0_9BACT Niastella Niastella populi (UP000192276) UniProtKB Star A0A1V9GAQ2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1V9FD80_9BACT Niastella vici (UP000192796) UniProtKB Star A0A1V9G2X4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1V9FLG7_9BACT Niastella yeongjuensis (UP000192610) UniProtKB Star A0A1V9ELY7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1V9F8M4_9BACT Panacibacter Panacibacter ginsenosidivorans (UP000321533) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8VAN4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5B8V5G1_9BACT Panacibacter microcysteis (UP000628448) UniProtKB Star A0A931GUK5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A931MCB3_9BACT Parafilimonas Parafilimonas terrae (UP000199031) UniProtKB Star A0A1I5YIX5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1I5YGR8_9BACT Paraflavisolibacter Paraflavisolibacter caeni (UP001155483) UniProtKB Star A0A9X2XW28_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A9X2XWE8_9BACT Paraflavitalea Paraflavitalea soli (UP000263900) UniProtKB Star A0A3B7MS26_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3B7MJV3_9BACT Phnomibacter Phnomibacter ginsenosidimutans (UP000426027) UniProtKB Star A0A6I6GRA8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6I6GDY0_9BACT Pinibacter Pinibacter aurantiacus (UP000812270) UniProtKB Star A0A9E2SEH2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A9E2SDP7_9BACT Pseudobacter Pseudobacter ginsenosidimutans (UP000293874) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7MUS5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7MJE1_9BACT Pseudoflavitalea Pseudoflavitalea sp. G-6-1-2 (UP000569858) UniProtKB Star A0A848FM82_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A848FXJ0_9BACT Puia Puia dinghuensis (UP000607559) UniProtKB Star A0A8J2UGN0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A8J2U9F4_9BACT Rhizosphaericola Rhizosphaericola mali (UP000292424) UniProtKB Star A0A5P2G4X5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5P2G1W3_9BACT Sediminibacterium Sediminibacterium ginsengisoli (UP000190888) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4N844_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1T4R4Q1_9BACT Sediminibacterium sp. Gen4 (UP000579846) UniProtKB Star A0A851GQH4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A851GQ56_9BACT Segetibacter Segetibacter aerophilus (UP000321513) UniProtKB Star A0A512BDH5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A512B8A8_9BACT Taibaiella Taibaiella chishuiensis (UP000240572) UniProtKB Star A0A2P8DB51_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2P8DAJ5_9BACT Taibaiella lutea (UP000323632) UniProtKB Star A0A5M6CKE0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5M6CEG0_9BACT Taibaiella soli (UP000248745) UniProtKB Star A0A2W2BYW2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2W2ACG5_9BACT Taibaiella sp. KBW10 (UP000279469) UniProtKB Star A0A3N7CDQ3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3N6ZRW0_9BACT Terrimonas Terrimonas sp. (UP000244333) UniProtKB Star A0A2T7Q2M9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2T7QDN4_9BACT Thermoflavifilum Thermoflavifilum thermophilum (UP000199537) UniProtKB Star A0A1I7NDW7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1I7NDS2_9BACT Cytophagia Cytophagales Amoebophilaceae Candidatus Amoebophilus Amoebophilus asiaticus (strain 5a2) (UP000001227) UniProtKB Star SYE_AMOA5 Candidatus Cardinium Candidatus Cardinium hertigii (UP000245872) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z3LAA5_9BACT Cardinium endosymbiont of Culicoides punctatus (UP000294777) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5P1K7_9BACT Cardinium endosymbiont of Dermatophagoides farinae (UP000320483) Cardinium endosymbiont of Oedothorax gibbosus (UP000838250) UniProtKB Star A0A8X6ENM4_9BACT Bernardetiaceae Bernardetia Bernardetia litoralis (strain ATCC 23117 / DSM 6794 / NBRC 15988 / NCI... (UP000006054) UniProtKB Star I4ALI3_BERLS Catalimonadaceae Catalinimonas Catalinimonas alkaloidigena (UP000198510) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9DLD6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1G9ILI6_9BACT Cesiribacteraceae Cesiribacter Cesiribacter andamanensis AMV16 (UP000011910) UniProtKB Star M7NVK3_9BACT UniProtKB Star M7NY47_9BACT Chryseotaleaceae Chryseotalea Chryseotalea sanaruensis (UP000288227) UniProtKB Star A0A401UCD6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A401UAK5_9BACT Cyclobacteriaceae Algoriphagus Algoriphagus aquimarinus (UP000198790) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1BJU4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1I0Y7P7_9BACT Algoriphagus kandeliae (UP000297647) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9QLJ5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9R2J3_9BACT Algoriphagus machipongonensis (UP000003919) UniProtKB Star A3HW12_9BACT UniProtKB Star A3HT02_9BACT Algoriphagus sanaruensis (UP000073816) UniProtKB Star A0A142EKF1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A142EPQ5_9BACT Algoriphagus zhangzhouensis (UP000184609) UniProtKB Star A0A1M7ZFX1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1M7Z5B9_9BACT Aquiflexum Aquiflexum gelatinilyticum (UP001142175) UniProtKB Star A0A9X2PAP8_9BACT Belliella Belliella baltica (strain DSM 15883 / CIP 108006 / LMG 21964 / BA134) (UP000006050) UniProtKB Star I3Z3Q2_BELBD Cecembia Cecembia lonarensis (strain CCUG 58316 / KCTC 22772 / LW9) (UP000004478) UniProtKB Star K1LD16_CECL9 UniProtKB Star K1L857_CECL9 Cyclobacteriaceae bacterium (UP000509630) UniProtKB Star A0A7D5MJN2_9BACT Cyclobacterium Cyclobacterium lianum (UP000184513) UniProtKB Star A0A1M7KIK8_9BACT Cyclobacterium marinum (strain ATCC 25205 / DSM 745 / LMG 13164 / NCIM... (UP000001635) UniProtKB Star G0J2E9_CYCMS Echinicola Echinicola pacifica (UP000619457) UniProtKB Star A0A918PR85_9BACT Echinicola vietnamensis (strain DSM 17526 / LMG 23754 / KMM 6221) (UP000010796) UniProtKB Star L0FW98_ECHVK Indibacter alkaliphilus (strain CCUG 57479 / KCTC 22604 / LW1) (UP000006073) UniProtKB Star S2DC19_INDAL Lunatimonas lonarensis (UP000013909) UniProtKB Star R7ZNK3_9BACT Mariniradius Mariniradius saccharolyticus AK6 (UP000010953) UniProtKB Star M7Y884_9BACT UniProtKB Star M7XD61_9BACT Mongoliitalea Mongoliitalea lutea (UP000642809) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3G6G5_9BACT Nitritalea Nitritalea halalkaliphila LW7 (UP000005551) UniProtKB Star I5CA83_9BACT Cytophagaceae Anditalea Anditalea andensis (UP000027821) UniProtKB Star A0A074KWS8_9BACT Cytophaga Cytophaga hutchinsonii (strain ATCC 33406 / DSM 1761 / CIP 103989 / NB... (UP000001822) UniProtKB Star SYE_CYTH3 Cytophagaceae bacterium BCCC1 (UP000215757) UniProtKB Star A0A257IP57_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A257IW74_9BACT Rhabdobacter Rhabdobacter roseus (UP000557307) UniProtKB Star A0A840TVM8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A840TRD6_9BACT Rhodocytophaga Rhodocytophaga rosea (UP000480178) UniProtKB Star A0A6C0GGX3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6C0GFL2_9BACT Rhodonellum Rhodonellum psychrophilum GCM71 = DSM 17998 (UP000016843) UniProtKB Star U5BPI9_9BACT Rudanella Rudanella paleaurantiibacter (UP000488299) UniProtKB Star A0A7J5U135_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7J5U5R0_9BACT Siphonobacter Siphonobacter aquaeclarae (UP000198901) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9WCY6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1G9PRA5_9BACT Siphonobacter sp. BAB-5385 (UP000215802) UniProtKB Star A0A261Q889_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A261QB98_9BACT Siphonobacter sp. SORGH_AS_0500 (UP000233394) UniProtKB Star A0A2N1KSU5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2N1KPF6_9BACT Spirosoma Spirosoma agri (UP000477386) UniProtKB Star A0A6M0IDQ5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6M0IKQ2_9BACT Spirosoma endophyticum (UP000198598) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1T6W9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1I1W5M4_9BACT Spirosoma montaniterrae (UP000187941) UniProtKB Star A0A1P9X2P1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1P9WVF7_9BACT Spirosoma profusum (UP000598820) UniProtKB Star A0A926XZG0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A926XWP6_9BACT Spirosoma radiotolerans (UP000033054) UniProtKB Star A0A0E3ZRH6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0E4A192_9BACT Spirosoma rhododendri (UP000501128) UniProtKB Star A0A7L5DIZ2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7L5DR56_9BACT Spirosoma sordidisoli (UP000290407) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2UIY4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2UJB2_9BACT Spirosoma sp. KCTC 42546 (UP000319550) UniProtKB Star A0A515AAR5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A515A0C3_9BACT Spirosoma sp. KUDC1026 (UP000509425) UniProtKB Star A0A8U0M9M0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A8U0M8K2_9BACT Spirosoma taeanense (UP000502756) UniProtKB Star A0A6M5Y531_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6M5YCB3_9BACT Spirosoma telluris (UP000249016) UniProtKB Star A0A327NMZ2_9BACT Spirosoma validum (UP000653797) UniProtKB Star A0A927AXY7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A927GEV1_9BACT Sporocytophaga Sporocytophaga myxococcoides (UP000030185) UniProtKB Star A0A098LFH6_9BACT marine bacterium AO1-C (UP000186474) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q3H2W3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1Q3GN95_9BACT Cytophagales bacterium WSM2-2 (UP000628204) UniProtKB Star A0A919I3Q2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A919I735_9BACT Flammeovirgaceae Flammeovirga Flammeovirga pacifica (UP000179797) UniProtKB Star A0A1S1YVM4_FLAPC UniProtKB Star A0A1S1YV22_FLAPC Flammeovirga pectinis (UP000267268) UniProtKB Star A0A3S9P004_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3S9NZY7_9BACT Flammeovirga sp. SJP92 (UP000075267) UniProtKB Star A0A150AKE3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A150AKB8_9BACT Flammeovirgaceae bacterium 311 (UP000064112) UniProtKB Star A0A0D3LFY2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0D3LLL3_9BACT Imperialibacter Imperialibacter sp. EC-SDR9 (UP000383022) UniProtKB Star A0A5E7XSR3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5E8A0U3_9BACT Marinigracilibium Marinigracilibium pacificum (UP000559010) UniProtKB Star A0A848IUR7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A848IY04_9BACT Sediminitomix Sediminitomix flava (UP000245535) UniProtKB Star A0A315ZVB5_SEDFL UniProtKB Star A0A316A095_SEDFL Flectobacillaceae Aquirufa Aquirufa antheringensis (UP000293583) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9BFM1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9BHL7_9BACT Aquirufa nivalisilvae (UP000245468) UniProtKB Star A0A2S2DTU2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2S2DYN2_9BACT Arcicella Arcicella aurantiaca (UP000245489) UniProtKB Star A0A316E196_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A316DT15_9BACT Arcicella rosea (UP000524404) UniProtKB Star A0A841EHX8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A841EXG7_9BACT Flectobacillus Flectobacillus sp. BAB-3569 (UP000215844) UniProtKB Star A0A267T575_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A267TGI0_9BACT Pseudarcicella Pseudarcicella hirudinis (UP000199306) UniProtKB Star A0A1I5Z1W5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1I5WN60_9BACT Sandaracinomonas Sandaracinomonas limnophila (UP000282832) UniProtKB Star A0A437PRG6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A437PTX2_9BACT Flexibacteraceae Flexibacter Flexibacter flexilis DSM 6793 (UP000199514) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1FDW3_9BACT Fulvivirgaceae Chryseolinea Chryseolinea serpens (UP000184212) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5XLD4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1M5JXK7_9BACT Fulvivirga Fulvivirga imtechensis AK7 (UP000011135) UniProtKB Star L8JMC1_9BACT UniProtKB Star L8JRQ1_9BACT Fulvivirga lutea (UP000662783) UniProtKB Star A0A974WIX1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A974WEB9_9BACT Fulvivirga marina (UP000614216) UniProtKB Star A0A937G110_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A937G137_9BACT Fulvivirga sedimenti (UP001139409) UniProtKB Star A0A9X1KZ80_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A9X1HNV1_9BACT Fulvivirga sediminis (UP000659388) UniProtKB Star A0A937F270_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A937K172_9BACT Fulvivirga sp. M361 (UP000317847) UniProtKB Star A0A553EZL2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A553FW65_9BACT Ohtaekwangia Ohtaekwangia koreensis (UP000190961) UniProtKB Star A0A1T5LBY3_9BACT Pseudochryseolinea Pseudochryseolinea flava (UP000251889) UniProtKB Star A0A364YB82_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A364Y8X8_9BACT Hymenobacteraceae Adhaeribacter Adhaeribacter aerolatus (UP000321532) UniProtKB Star A0A512AUQ8_9BACT Adhaeribacter pallidiroseus (UP000253919) UniProtKB Star A0A369QND3_9BACT Adhaeribacter soli (UP000326570) UniProtKB Star A0A5N1IQB8_9BACT Hymenobacter Hymenobacter actinosclerus (UP000198697) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0IWC1_9BACT Hymenobacter aquaticus (UP000297549) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0PTR0_9BACT Hymenobacter busanensis (UP000326380) UniProtKB Star A0A7L4ZY23_9BACT Hymenobacter cellulosilyticus (UP000831796) UniProtKB Star A0A8T9QAI0_9BACT Hymenobacter crusticola (UP000194873) UniProtKB Star A0A243W6P8_9BACT Hymenobacter cyanobacteriorum (UP001139193) UniProtKB Star A0A9X1VHI8_9BACT Hymenobacter daecheongensis DSM 21074 (UP000184418) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6B7G6_9BACT Hymenobacter ginkgonis (UP000441336) UniProtKB Star A0A7K1TD00_9BACT Hymenobacter jejuensis (UP000305398) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8A1L6_9BACT Hymenobacter lutimineralis (UP000322791) UniProtKB Star A0A5D6V9A6_9BACT Hymenobacter montanus (UP000612233) UniProtKB Star A0A927GK73_9BACT Hymenobacter oligotrophus (UP000262802) UniProtKB Star A0A3B7R2M4_9BACT Hymenobacter polaris (UP000559626) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y0FNE3_9BACT Hymenobacter qilianensis (UP000516093) UniProtKB Star A0A7H0GYM2_9BACT Hymenobacter roseosalivarius DSM 11622 (UP000192266) UniProtKB Star A0A1W1UMH6_9BACT Hymenobacter sedentarius (UP000059542) UniProtKB Star A0A0U4BL16_9BACT Hymenobacter sp. APR13 (UP000028590) UniProtKB Star A0A076HQW5_9BACT Hymenobacter sp. BRD67 (UP000501630) UniProtKB Star A0A7D3WRS1_9BACT Hymenobacter sp. CRA2 (UP000189843) UniProtKB Star A0A1S9B683_9BACT Hymenobacter sp. DG25B (UP000030789) UniProtKB Star A0A0A7LI17_9BACT Hymenobacter sp. NBH84 (UP000515410) UniProtKB Star A0A7G6YRT5_9BACT Hymenobacter sp. PAMC 26628 (UP000059956) UniProtKB Star A0A126PF32_9BACT Hymenobacter swuensis DY53 (UP000019423) UniProtKB Star W8FDV5_9BACT Hymenobacter taeanensis (UP000501623) UniProtKB Star A0A6M6BF10_9BACT Hymenobacter telluris (UP000664144) UniProtKB Star A0A939EXQ0_9BACT Pontibacter Pontibacter akesuensis (UP000182491) UniProtKB Star A0A1I7HYY5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1I7IFC9_9BACT Pontibacter arcticus (UP000251692) UniProtKB Star A0A364RIW3_9BACT Pontibacter cellulosilyticus (UP000603640) UniProtKB Star A0A923N7M2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A923SIG9_9BACT Pontibacter diazotrophicus (UP000256708) UniProtKB Star A0A3D8LA96_9BACT Pontibacter fetidus (UP000478546) UniProtKB Star A0A6B2GY70_9BACT Pontibacter flavimaris (UP000186551) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q5PEU6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1Q5PFU2_9BACT Pontibacter lucknowensis (UP000185924) UniProtKB Star A0A1N6ULK2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1N6U5G7_9BACT Pontibacter qinzhouensis (UP000321926) UniProtKB Star A0A5C8K8W4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C8JM93_9BACT Pontibacter sp. 172403-2 (UP000632594) UniProtKB Star A0A931C2H9_9BACT Pontibacter sp. SGAir0037 (UP000303242) UniProtKB Star A0A4P8RGL0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4V1FCW5_9BACT Pontibacter ummariensis (UP000198432) UniProtKB Star A0A239CFD8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A239IJA1_9BACT Rufibacter Rufibacter quisquiliarum (UP000563094) UniProtKB Star A0A839GQA4_9BACT Rufibacter radiotolerans (UP000036458) UniProtKB Star A0A0H4VSV1_9BACT Rufibacter sp. DG15C (UP000070672) UniProtKB Star A0A127B680_9BACT Rufibacter tibetensis (UP000061382) UniProtKB Star A0A0P0CUK2_9BACT Leadbetterellaceae Arcticibacterium Arcticibacterium luteifluviistationis (UP000249873) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z4G9X2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2Z4GHL6_9BACT Emticicia Emticicia aquatilis (UP000609064) UniProtKB Star A0A916YLV5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A916YW43_9BACT Emticicia sp. TH156 (UP000234203) UniProtKB Star A0A2N4XIQ1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2N4X9V3_9BACT Jiulongibacter Jiulongibacter sediminis (UP000050454) UniProtKB Star A0A0P7BSP9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0P7BYE3_9BACT Leadbetterella Leadbetterella byssophila (strain DSM 17132 / JCM 16389 / KACC 11308 /... (UP000007435) UniProtKB Star E4RWT4_LEAB4 UniProtKB Star E4RYW1_LEAB4 Marivirgaceae Marivirga Marivirga atlantica (UP000642920) UniProtKB Star A0A937DIR4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A937A8R2_9BACT Marivirga aurantiaca (UP000611723) UniProtKB Star A0A934WYX4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A934WWI3_9BACT Marivirga lumbricoides (UP000240608) UniProtKB Star A0A2T4DRJ9_9BACT Marivirga tractuosa (strain ATCC 23168 / DSM 4126 / NBRC 15989 / NCIMB... (UP000008720) UniProtKB Star E4TNT1_MARTH UniProtKB Star E4TMR6_MARTH Microscillaceae Microscilla Microscilla marina ATCC 23134 (UP000004095) UniProtKB Star A1ZHJ1_MICM2 UniProtKB Star A1ZJN5_MICM2 Persicobacteraceae Aureibacter Aureibacter tunicatorum (UP001185092) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3XKD7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AAE3XMX0_9BACT Raineyaceae Raineya Raineya orbicola (UP000233387) UniProtKB Star A0A2N3IH87_9BACT Reichenbachiellaceae Ekhidna Ekhidna lutea (UP000198393) UniProtKB Star A0A239KQ16_EKHLU UniProtKB Star A0A239EDU1_EKHLU Marinoscillum Marinoscillum furvescens DSM 4134 (UP000256779) UniProtKB Star A0A3D9LII3_MARFU UniProtKB Star A0A3D9L5Y0_MARFU Marinoscillum sp. 108 (UP000437459) UniProtKB Star A0A654E3I3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A654E170_9BACT Reichenbachiella Reichenbachiella faecimaris (UP000192472) UniProtKB Star A0A1W2GBH8_REIFA UniProtKB Star A0A1W2G837_REIFA Reichenbachiella sp. 5M10 (UP000229466) UniProtKB Star A0A2G5L4M8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2G5KY26_9BACT Rhodocytophagaceae Xanthocytophaga Xanthocytophaga agilis (UP001232063) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3QW59_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AAE3UE76_9BACT Roseivirgaceae Roseivirga Roseivirga echinicomitans (UP000075615) UniProtKB Star A0A150XDH2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A150X398_9BACT Roseivirga misakiensis (UP000095552) UniProtKB Star A0A1E5T3E6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1E5SXW9_9BACT Roseivirga pacifica (UP000199437) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0NHP7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1I0RB53_9BACT Roseivirga spongicola (UP000075606) UniProtKB Star A0A150XFC6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A150WZL5_9BACT Spirosomataceae Arsenicibacter Arsenicibacter rosenii (UP000181790) UniProtKB Star A0A1S2VIU8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1S2VNG1_9BACT Arundinibacter Arundinibacter roseus (UP000295706) UniProtKB Star A0A4R4KBT6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4R4K3C8_9BACT Dyadobacter Dyadobacter fermentans (strain ATCC 700827 / DSM 18053 / CIP 107007 / ... (UP000002011) UniProtKB Star C6W109_DYAFD UniProtKB Star C6W1J1_DYAFD Dyadobacter jejuensis (UP000245880) UniProtKB Star A0A316ARR2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A316AEY4_9BACT Dyadobacter koreensis (UP000199532) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7ALQ3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1H6S0P0_9BACT Dyadobacter luteus (UP000256373) UniProtKB Star A0A3D8YCW5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3D8Y525_9BACT Dyadobacter luticola (UP000306402) UniProtKB Star A0A5R9KW07_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5R9KU49_9BACT Dyadobacter psychrotolerans (UP000294850) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5DMY7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4R5E216_9BACT Dyadobacter sediminis (UP000309788) UniProtKB Star A0A5R9K8D1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5R9KIK0_9BACT Dyadobacter sp. CECT 9275 (UP000680038) UniProtKB Star A0A916J7Z7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A916JAL9_9BACT Dyadobacter sp. Leaf189 (UP000051810) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5TRQ8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5T7H4_9BACT Fibrella Fibrella aestuarina BUZ 2 (UP000011058) UniProtKB Star I0K4D0_9BACT UniProtKB Star I0KCJ5_9BACT Fibrella rubiginis (UP000664034) UniProtKB Star A0A939GF14_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A939K6S7_9BACT Fibrisoma Fibrisoma limi BUZ 3 (UP000009309) UniProtKB Star I2GT01_9BACT UniProtKB Star I2GH70_9BACT Larkinella Larkinella knui (UP000274271) UniProtKB Star A0A3P1CHQ7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3P1CY25_9BACT Persicitalea Persicitalea jodogahamensis (UP000598271) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3D4X2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A8J3DAB5_9BACT Runella Runella slithyformis (strain ATCC 29530 / DSM 19594 / LMG 11500 / NCIM... (UP000000493) UniProtKB Star A0A7U4E5X1_RUNSL UniProtKB Star A0A7U3ZQM7_RUNSL Runella sp. SP2 (UP000270973) UniProtKB Star A0A3G3GVV6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3G3GSW3_9BACT Salmonirosea Salmonirosea aquatica (UP000479293) UniProtKB Star A0A7C9FPI2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7C9BGB6_9BACT Spirosomataceae bacterium TFI 002 (UP000217493) UniProtKB Star A0A286IJW1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A286IJX8_9BACT Thermoflexibacteraceae Thermoflexibacter Thermoflexibacter ruber (UP000199513) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2GWP9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1I2BKI2_9BACT Thermonemataceae Thermonema Thermonema lapsum (UP000537126) UniProtKB Star A0A846MSN0_9BACT Cytophagia bacterium (UP000533470) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y7EDU5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7Y7ED51_9BACT Flavobacteriia Flavobacteria bacterium (strain BBFL7) (UP000002172) UniProtKB Star Q26H49_FLABB UniProtKB Star Q26H55_FLABB Flavobacteria bacterium MS024-3C (UP000003631) UniProtKB Star C0BLX7_9BACT UniProtKB Star C0BLX5_9BACT Flavobacteriales Blattabacteriaceae Blattabacterium Blattabacterium sp. subsp. Periplaneta americana (strain BPLAN) (UP000002225) UniProtKB Star D0J9A8_BLASP UniProtKB Star D0J9P6_BLASP Candidatus Karelsulcia Karelsulcia muelleri (strain CARI) (UP000002231) UniProtKB Star E0TJ93_KARMC UniProtKB Star E0TJ85_KARMC Candidatus Uzinura Candidatus Uzinura diaspidicola str. ASNER (UP000011174) UniProtKB Star L7VN69_9FLAO Candidatus Walczuchella Candidatus Walczuchella monophlebidarum (UP000027148) UniProtKB Star A0A068DSC6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A068DRV2_9FLAO Crocinitomicaceae Brumimicrobium Brumimicrobium oceani (UP000245370) UniProtKB Star A0A2U2XAX7_9FLAO Brumimicrobium salinarum (UP000236654) UniProtKB Star A0A2I0R6A6_9FLAO Fluviicola Fluviicola taffensis (strain DSM 16823 / NCIMB 13979 / RW262) (UP000007463) UniProtKB Star F2IF58_FLUTR Lishizhenia Lishizhenia tianjinensis (UP000236454) UniProtKB Star A0A1I7BB74_9FLAO Putridiphycobacter Putridiphycobacter roseus (UP000249248) UniProtKB Star A0A2W1MYT3_9FLAO Taishania Taishania pollutisoli (UP000652681) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6P858_9FLAO Cryomorphaceae Acidiluteibacter Acidiluteibacter ferrifornacis (UP000470771) UniProtKB Star A0A6N9NK66_9FLAO Cryomorpha Cryomorpha ignava (UP000486602) UniProtKB Star A0A7K3WML0_9FLAO Cryomorphaceae bacterium (UP000664968) UniProtKB Star A0A975ETN7_9FLAO Cryomorphaceae bacterium 1068 (UP001143598) UniProtKB Star A0A9X3H4U3_9FLAO Flavobacteria bacterium BAL38 (UP000003784) UniProtKB Star A3J349_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A3J352_9FLAO Flavobacteriaceae Abyssalbus Abyssalbus ytuae (UP000831290) UniProtKB Star A0A9E7D1H5_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A9E7CV22_9FLAO Aequorivita Aequorivita aquimaris (UP000070138) UniProtKB Star A0A137RKE9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A137RKV9_9FLAO Aequorivita sp. CIP111184 (UP000250201) UniProtKB Star A0A330MF44_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A330MH23_9FLAO Aequorivita sp. H23M31 (UP000285517) UniProtKB Star A0A410G4N8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A410G4W8_9FLAO Aequorivita viscosa (UP000184172) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6BVF0_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1M6BTW8_9FLAO Aestuariibaculum suncheonense (UP000602057) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6QYA8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A8J6QHV3_9FLAO Aggregatimonas Aggregatimonas sangjinii (UP000310017) UniProtKB Star A0A5B7ST84_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5B7SXT8_9FLAO Algibacter Algibacter lectus (UP000029644) UniProtKB Star A0A090W470_9FLAO Algibacter luteus (UP000184396) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6DCG6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1M6DCW9_9FLAO Algibacter mikhailovii (UP000636004) UniProtKB Star A0A918R809_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A918R753_9FLAO Algibacter pectinivorans (UP000199439) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1NGE2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1I1NFG4_9FLAO Allomuricauda Allomuricauda sp. (UP000280438) UniProtKB Star A0A3M8GPE6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A3M8GS22_9FLAO Altibacter/Constantimarinum group Constantimarinum Constantimarinum furrinae (UP000515514) UniProtKB Star A0A7G8PT32_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A7G8PT40_9FLAO Antarcticibacterium Antarcticibacterium arcticum (UP000321954) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8YLN2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5B8YL75_9FLAO Antarcticibacterium flavum (UP000309016) UniProtKB Star A0A5B7X9K8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5B7X4M3_9FLAO Aquaticitalea Aquaticitalea lipolytica (UP000598120) UniProtKB Star A0A8J2TPV3_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A8J2XFN4_9FLAO Aquimarina Aquimarina aggregata (UP000076715) UniProtKB Star A0A162Z4F2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A162Z4P8_9FLAO Aquimarina algicola (UP000315540) UniProtKB Star A0A504JMD0_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A504JJ09_9FLAO Aquimarina algiphila (UP000318833) UniProtKB Star A0A554VDV5_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A554VDX6_9FLAO Aquimarina amphilecti (UP000198521) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7JZF3_AQUAM UniProtKB Star A0A1H7JYD7_AQUAM Aquimarina atlantica (UP000023541) UniProtKB Star A0A023BYN6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A023BZV0_9FLAO Aquimarina brevivitae (UP000292262) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7PK67_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7PG52_9FLAO Aquimarina intermedia (UP000324376) UniProtKB Star A0A5S5CC19_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5S5CC15_9FLAO Aquimarina muelleri (UP000601108) UniProtKB Star A0A918JV56_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A918JUP8_9FLAO Aquimarina mytili (UP000651057) UniProtKB Star A0A936ZSP1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A936ZYK6_9FLAO Aquimarina sp. MMG016 (UP000680284) UniProtKB Star A0A941CB03_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A941HIC6_9FLAO Aquimarina sp. RZ0 (UP000323420) UniProtKB Star A0A5B1BH51_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5B1BKE9_9FLAO Aquimarina sp. TRL1 (UP000509763) UniProtKB Star A0A7H8PKC6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A7H8PJY5_9FLAO Aquimarina spongiae (UP000184432) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6FCD3_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1M6FCN7_9FLAO Arenibacter Arenibacter aquaticus (UP000267585) UniProtKB Star A0A3S0B0K1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A3S0C934_9FLAO Arenibacter certesii (UP000634668) UniProtKB Star A0A918J1V9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A918J584_9FLAO Arenibacter nanhaiticus (UP000184231) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6A0A3_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1M6A036_9FLAO Aurantibacter Aurantibacter aestuarii (UP000238426) UniProtKB Star A0A2T1ND06_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2T1ND04_9FLAO Aureibaculum Aureibaculum marinum (UP000270856) UniProtKB Star A0A3N4NWE4_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A3N4P6E8_9FLAO Aureicoccus Aureicoccus marinus (UP000239366) Aureitalea Aureitalea marina (UP000239800) UniProtKB Star A0A2S7KSD2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2S7KS51_9FLAO Avrilella Avrilella dinanensis (UP000231960) UniProtKB Star A0A2M9R4E0_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2M9R477_9FLAO Bizionia Bizionia arctica (UP000625976) UniProtKB Star A0A917GC86_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A917GC96_9FLAO Bizionia argentinensis JUB59 (UP000003730) UniProtKB Star G2EEB6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star G2EEC3_9FLAO Bizionia paragorgiae (UP000198846) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3W5H4_BIZPA UniProtKB Star A0A1H3W3S9_BIZPA Capnocytophaga Capnocytophaga canimorsus (strain 5) (UP000008895) UniProtKB Star F9YUN7_CAPCC UniProtKB Star F9YPW2_CAPCC Capnocytophaga canis (UP000045051) UniProtKB Star A0A0B7IG47_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0B7HZV8_9FLAO Capnocytophaga cynodegmi (UP000038055) UniProtKB Star A0A0B7HCX2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0B7HFT0_9FLAO Capnocytophaga ochracea (strain ATCC 27872 / DSM 7271 / CCUG 9716 / JC... (UP000006650) UniProtKB Star C7M9I7_CAPOD UniProtKB Star C7M4D2_CAPOD Capnocytophaga sp. oral taxon 332 str. F0381 (UP000010419) UniProtKB Star L1NRD3_9FLAO UniProtKB Star L1P5G5_9FLAO Capnocytophaga sp. oral taxon 338 str. F0234 (UP000003023) UniProtKB Star F0IGI6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star F0II06_9FLAO Cellulophaga Cellulophaga algicola (strain DSM 14237 / IC166 / ACAM 630) (UP000008634) UniProtKB Star E6XA96_CELAD UniProtKB Star E6XA94_CELAD Cellulophaga lytica (strain ATCC 23178 / DSM 7489 / JCM 8516 / NBRC 14... (UP000007487) UniProtKB Star F0RHB1_CELLC UniProtKB Star F0RHA9_CELLC Cellulophaga tyrosinoxydans (UP000192360) UniProtKB Star A0A1W1YTV6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1W1YT52_9FLAO Cerina Cerina litoralis (UP001200642) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3ERT7_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0AAE3EQL4_9FLAO Christiangramia Christiangramia flava JLT2011 (UP000186230) UniProtKB Star A0A1L7I3C8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1L7I4S1_9FLAO Christiangramia fulva (UP000241507) UniProtKB Star A0A2R3Z3I8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2R3ZAU3_9FLAO Christiangramia salexigens (UP000182510) UniProtKB Star A0A1L3J6P1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1L3J6P4_9FLAO Gramella jeungdoensis (UP000298517) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8ARN3_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8AR99_9FLAO Cochleicola Cochleicola gelatinilyticus (UP000077013) UniProtKB Star A0A167J1N8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A167J1S8_9FLAO Confluentibacter Confluentibacter flavum (UP000233435) UniProtKB Star A0A2N3HLE2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2N3HLG0_9FLAO Costertonia Costertonia aggregata (UP000509302) UniProtKB Star A0A7H9APD9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A7H9APC3_9FLAO Croceibacter Croceibacter atlanticus (strain ATCC BAA-628 / JCM 21780 / CIP 108009 ... (UP000002297) UniProtKB Star A3U696_CROAH UniProtKB Star A3U6A4_CROAH Croceitalea Croceitalea dokdonensis DOKDO 023 (UP000050280) UniProtKB Star A0A0P7ACI9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0P7AFS7_9FLAO Croceivirga Croceivirga radicis (UP000191680) UniProtKB Star A0A1V6LVR2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1V6LVQ5_9FLAO Dokdonia Dokdonia donghaensis DSW-1 (UP000030140) UniProtKB Star A0A0A2GUJ4_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0A2GX83_9FLAO Dokdonia pacifica (UP000198379) UniProtKB Star A0A238WG48_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A238WFC9_9FLAO Dokdonia sinensis (UP000281985) UniProtKB Star A0A3M0GEN1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A3M0GEQ1_9FLAO Euzebyella Euzebyella marina (UP000276309) UniProtKB Star A0A3G2LBC1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A3G2L1G6_9FLAO Flagellimonas Allomuricauda ruestringensis (strain DSM 13258 / CIP 107369 / LMG 1973... (UP000008908) UniProtKB Star G2PPB9_ALLRU UniProtKB Star G2PPB3_ALLRU Flagellimonas allohymeniacidonis (UP000291981) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q8QD05_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4Q8QDF5_9FLAO Flagellimonas eckloniae (UP000050827) UniProtKB Star A0A0N8WG64_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0Q1HAH5_9FLAO Flagellimonas lutaonensis (UP000032726) UniProtKB Star A0A0D5YRQ3_9FLAO Flagellimonas maritima (UP000248536) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z4LRV6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2Z4LS23_9FLAO Flagellimonas meridianipacifica (UP000237640) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0MH53_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2T0MH67_9FLAO Flagellimonas nanhaiensis (UP000261828) UniProtKB Star A0A371JQN0_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A371JQM9_9FLAO Flagellimonas oceani (UP000502928) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7J673_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A6G7J716_9FLAO Flagellimonas ochracea (UP000667650) UniProtKB Star A0A964TCD9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A964TDW1_9FLAO Flagellimonas zhangzhouensis (UP000199592) UniProtKB Star A0A1H2UTB5_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1H2UTL9_9FLAO Flaviramulus Flaviramulus basaltis (UP000182544) UniProtKB Star A0A1K2ICL4_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1K2ID11_9FLAO Flavivirga Flavivirga aquatica (UP000095713) UniProtKB Star A0A1E5T459_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1E5T3Y7_9FLAO Flavivirga eckloniae (UP000235826) UniProtKB Star A0A2K9PS89_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2K9PQS6_9FLAO Flavivirga rizhaonensis (UP000307602) UniProtKB Star A0A4S1DRZ9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4S1DZF0_9FLAO Flavobacteriaceae bacterium (UP000260281) UniProtKB Star A0A3A9UPT8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A3A9UPH9_9FLAO Flavobacteriaceae bacterium (strain 3519-10) (UP000001512) UniProtKB Star C6X2B8_FLAB3 Flavobacteriaceae bacterium 144Ye (UP000293664) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q4B9P0_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4Q4BA35_9FLAO Flavobacteriaceae bacterium Ap0902 (UP000435338) UniProtKB Star A0A6N8UM40_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A6N8UBN6_9FLAO Flavobacteriaceae bacterium EG-1 (UP000431755) UniProtKB Star A0A7K0E830_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A7K0E8U0_9FLAO Flavobacteriaceae bacterium LYZ1037 (UP000245547) UniProtKB Star A0A2U3AZB0_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2U3AZV1_9FLAO Flavobacteriaceae bacterium MAR_2010_188 (UP000199442) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6EWG2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1G6EW59_9FLAO Flavobacteriaceae bacterium MAR_2010_72 (UP000265779) UniProtKB Star A0A397LJE0_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A397LKR4_9FLAO Flavobacteriaceae bacterium PRS1 (UP000276892) UniProtKB Star A0A3M7KKC2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A3M7KM12_9FLAO Flavobacteriaceae bacterium R38 (UP000481537) UniProtKB Star A0A6L9F156_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A6L9F003_9FLAO Flavobacteriaceae bacterium UJ101 (UP000183895) UniProtKB Star A0A1J0LLC2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1J0LMJ5_9FLAO Flavobacterium Flavobacterium aciduliphilum (UP000248840) UniProtKB Star A0A328YJC3_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A328YFU5_9FLAO Flavobacterium agri (UP000535020) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9C6D6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A7Y8Y0G0_9FLAO Flavobacterium agrisoli (UP000609172) UniProtKB Star A0A934PNG5_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A934PLQ7_9FLAO Flavobacterium akiainvivens (UP000037755) UniProtKB Star A0A0M8MAJ0_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0M9VIW3_9FLAO Flavobacterium album (UP000244929) UniProtKB Star A0A2S1QVJ8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2S1QW14_9FLAO Flavobacterium alvei (UP000237310) UniProtKB Star A0A2S5ABE9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2S5ABJ5_9FLAO Flavobacterium amnicola (UP000290283) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1K622_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1K5R0_9FLAO Flavobacterium aquatile LMG 4008 = ATCC 11947 (UP000029554) UniProtKB Star A0A095V1M4_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A095SWM0_9FLAO Flavobacterium arcticum (UP000253951) UniProtKB Star A0A345HAQ2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A345HAQ6_9FLAO Flavobacterium aurantiibacter (UP000216035) UniProtKB Star A0A255ZT64_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A255ZKY5_9FLAO Flavobacterium beibuense F44-8 (UP000030129) UniProtKB Star A0A0A2M4T2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0A2LTM9_9FLAO Flavobacterium bizetiae (UP000479938) UniProtKB Star A0A6J4H1B4_9FLAO Flavobacterium branchiophilum (strain FL-15) (UP000009186) UniProtKB Star G2Z352_FLABF UniProtKB Star G2Z351_FLABF Flavobacterium caeni (UP000199354) UniProtKB Star A0A1G5JDD7_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1G5JBR2_9FLAO Flavobacterium cellulosilyticum (UP000295479) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5CPY5_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4R5CKD8_9FLAO Flavobacterium cerinum (UP000287527) UniProtKB Star A0A3S4T136_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A3S3SEE0_9FLAO Flavobacterium columnare (strain ATCC 49512 / CIP 103533 / TG 44/87) (UP000005638) UniProtKB Star G8X9K9_FLACA UniProtKB Star G8X9K5_FLACA Flavobacterium commune (UP000178198) UniProtKB Star A0A1D9P969_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1D9P9A3_9FLAO Flavobacterium crassostreae (UP000093510) UniProtKB Star A0A1B9E5F0_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1B9E5I7_9FLAO Flavobacterium croceum DSM 17960 (UP000237056) UniProtKB Star A0A2S4NBD7_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2S4NBD3_9FLAO Flavobacterium cyanobacteriorum (UP000216605) UniProtKB Star A0A255ZSA9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A256A2D8_9FLAO Flavobacterium dankookense (UP000295260) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6QBS5_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4V3CSB5_9FLAO Flavobacterium enshiense DK69 (UP000030149) UniProtKB Star V6SDB8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star V6SD43_9FLAO Flavobacterium faecale (UP000244527) UniProtKB Star A0A2S1LBA6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2S1LAU4_9FLAO Flavobacterium fluvii (UP000184516) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5EZN1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1M5EZD5_9FLAO Flavobacterium fontis (UP000184147) UniProtKB Star A0A1M4VSH6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1M4VSV9_9FLAO Flavobacterium haoranii (UP000184232) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6EN27_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1M6ENI3_9FLAO Flavobacterium hercynium (UP000198345) UniProtKB Star A0A226GNZ5_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A226GSW1_9FLAO Flavobacterium humi (UP000297407) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0L9Y2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0LBB9_9FLAO Flavobacterium indicum (strain DSM 17447 / CIP 109464 / GPTSA100-9) (UP000007599) UniProtKB Star H8XNA7_FLAIG UniProtKB Star H8XNA4_FLAIG Flavobacterium kingsejongi (UP000244677) UniProtKB Star A0A2S1LLE2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2S1LLC4_9FLAO Flavobacterium laiguense (UP000245618) UniProtKB Star A0A2U1K2B2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2U1K220_9FLAO Flavobacterium macacae (UP000271937) UniProtKB Star A0A3P3WHM9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A3P3WHB2_9FLAO Flavobacterium micromati (UP000184020) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5KXH0_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1M5KXW1_9FLAO Flavobacterium muglaense (UP000641454) UniProtKB Star A0A923N4F4_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A923N2X9_9FLAO Flavobacterium noncentrifugens (UP000199580) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8SYK6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1G8SXU5_9FLAO Flavobacterium orientale (UP000625735) UniProtKB Star A0A916XYQ1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A916XYQ6_9FLAO Flavobacterium pallidum (UP000244937) UniProtKB Star A0A2S1SFC1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2S1SFH3_9FLAO Flavobacterium piscinae (UP000289734) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1KTX9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1KW83_9FLAO Flavobacterium psychrophilum (strain ATCC 49511 / DSM 21280 / CIP 1035... (UP000006394) UniProtKB Star SYE_FLAPJ UniProtKB Star A6H2H2_FLAPJ Flavobacterium psychrotolerans (UP000245449) UniProtKB Star A0A2U1JPW3_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2U1JPQ8_9FLAO Flavobacterium pygoscelis (UP001139260) UniProtKB Star A0A9X2BKA9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A9X1XS25_9FLAO Flavobacterium restrictum (UP000316371) UniProtKB Star A0A553E5N7_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A553E676_9FLAO Flavobacterium rivuli WB 3.3-2 = DSM 21788 (UP000030152) UniProtKB Star A0A0A2LZJ9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0A2M2H2_9FLAO Flavobacterium rivulicola (UP000536509) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y3VXX1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A7Y3R6Z1_9FLAO Flavobacterium sangjuense (UP000296862) UniProtKB Star A0A4P7PRH4_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4P7PQI6_9FLAO Flavobacterium sediminis (UP000245429) UniProtKB Star A0A2U8QU70_9FLAO Flavobacterium silvaticum (UP000712080) UniProtKB Star A0A972G0X7_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A972FLW9_9FLAO Flavobacterium soyangense (UP000646211) UniProtKB Star A0A930U5N1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A930XTA5_9FLAO Flavobacterium sp. (UP000316154) UniProtKB Star A0A519KAF0_FLASP UniProtKB Star A0A519KA81_FLASP Flavobacterium sp. 123 (UP000271452) UniProtKB Star A0A495SH40_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A495SGY7_9FLAO Flavobacterium sp. 316 (UP000032747) UniProtKB Star A0A0D6TL67_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0D6TK46_9FLAO Flavobacterium sp. 9AF (UP000437116) UniProtKB Star A0A653Q590_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A653Q4Z7_9FLAO Flavobacterium sp. A45 (UP000188437) UniProtKB Star A0A1V3QJM6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1V3R1V4_9FLAO Flavobacterium sp. ABG (UP000036173) UniProtKB Star A0A0J0YK85_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0J1BXB8_9FLAO Flavobacterium sp. AG291 (UP000254305) UniProtKB Star A0A370EFH0_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A370EGC7_9FLAO Flavobacterium sp. ALD4 (UP000233842) UniProtKB Star A0A2N1G582_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2N1G593_9FLAO Flavobacterium sp. BFFFF2 (UP000216176) UniProtKB Star A0A257KA45_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A257K9Y1_9FLAO Flavobacterium sp. CS20 (UP000671923) UniProtKB Star A0A975FSR3_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A975FS04_9FLAO Flavobacterium sp. FPG59 (UP000195161) UniProtKB Star A0A243SHB0_9FLAO Flavobacterium sp. GT3R68 (UP000315429) UniProtKB Star A0A553AJ63_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A553AJ87_9FLAO Flavobacterium sp. HMWF030 (UP000244410) UniProtKB Star A0A2R7KDF2_9FLAO Flavobacterium sp. Leaf359 (UP000051024) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5USZ6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5UW89_9FLAO Flavobacterium sp. NKUCC04_CG (UP000761667) UniProtKB Star A0A951J8B5_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A951J613_9FLAO Flavobacterium sp. PL002 (UP000630340) UniProtKB Star A0A927LG66_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A927QN02_9FLAO Flavobacterium sp. Root420 (UP000051729) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7FGT2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7FIE8_9FLAO Flavobacterium sp. Sd200 (UP000649634) UniProtKB Star A0A964RZ66_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A964W8K2_9FLAO Flavobacterium sp. TAB 87 (UP000059935) UniProtKB Star A0A0X7B8K8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A105TRA2_9FLAO Flavobacterium sp. xlx-221 (UP000557042) UniProtKB Star A0A7W2FXB7_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A7W2IWS5_9FLAO Flavobacterium subsaxonicum WB 4.1-42 = DSM 21790 (UP000030111) UniProtKB Star A0A0A2MJD9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0A2MMP3_9FLAO Flavobacterium succinicans (UP000093807) UniProtKB Star A0A199XNU1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A199XPQ8_9FLAO Flavobacterium supellecticarium (UP000307507) UniProtKB Star A0A4S3ZQ54_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4S3ZQA9_9FLAO Flavobacterium terrae (UP000184488) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6AUX0_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1M6AUJ8_9FLAO Flavobacterium tibetense (UP000253319) UniProtKB Star A0A365P503_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A365P4Y2_9FLAO Flavobacterium urocaniciphilum (UP000198648) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9BTN0_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1H9BSZ0_9FLAO Formosa Formosa agariphila (strain DSM 15362 / KCTC 12365 / LMG 23005 / KMM 39... (UP000016160) UniProtKB Star T2KRV5_FORAG UniProtKB Star T2KRW1_FORAG Formosa sp. Hel1_31_208 (UP000199458) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1LHY4_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1H1LHS9_9FLAO Formosa sp. Hel1_33_131 (UP000094750) UniProtKB Star A0A1D7XYC8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1D7XY85_9FLAO Formosa sp. Hel3_A1_48 (UP000094318) UniProtKB Star A0A1D7XSQ2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1D7XSN3_9FLAO Galbibacter Galbibacter marinus (UP000007364) UniProtKB Star K2QPE0_9FLAO UniProtKB Star K2QPC0_9FLAO Galbibacter orientalis DSM 19592 (UP000004690) UniProtKB Star I3C3Z2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star I3C3Z8_9FLAO Gelidibacter Gelidibacter algens (UP000248987) UniProtKB Star A0A1A7QWQ0_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1A7QXH7_9FLAO Gelidibacter salicanalis (UP000321734) UniProtKB Star A0A5C7AJC1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5C7ALF6_9FLAO Gillisia Gillisia hiemivivida (UP000321367) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6ZX72_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5C6ZZ00_9FLAO Gillisia limnaea (strain DSM 15749 / LMG 21470 / R-8282) (UP000003844) UniProtKB Star H2BU99_GILLR UniProtKB Star H2BU93_GILLR Gillisia sp. Hel1_33_143 (UP000199552) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1MGD4_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1H1MJ15_9FLAO Gilvibacter Gilvibacter sp. SZ-19 (UP000196054) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0MND1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0MP18_9FLAO Haloflavibacter Haloflavibacter putidus (UP000317169) UniProtKB Star A0A507ZYE2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A507ZW61_9FLAO Halomarinibacterium Halomarinibacterium sedimenti (UP001138686) UniProtKB Star A0A9X1FMH3_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A9X1FMB6_9FLAO Hanstruepera Hanstruepera neustonica (UP000236641) UniProtKB Star A0A2K1E3G2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2K1E574_9FLAO Hyunsoonleella aquatilis (UP000656244) UniProtKB Star A0A923HKC2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A923HFN1_9FLAO Hyunsoonleella jejuensis (UP000198999) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9B542_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1H9B3B2_9FLAO Hyunsoonleella pacifica (UP000292372) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9FQF5_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9FPE4_9FLAO Ichthyenterobacterium Ichthyenterobacterium magnum (UP000284892) UniProtKB Star A0A420DX31_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A420DX56_9FLAO Imtechella Imtechella halotolerans K1 (UP000005938) UniProtKB Star I0WJF1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star I0WJF3_9FLAO Kordia Kordia antarctica (UP000464657) UniProtKB Star A0A7L4ZM13_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A7L4ZNR2_9FLAO Kordia sp. SMS9 (UP000253780) UniProtKB Star A0A345GX78_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A345GX69_9FLAO Kriegella Kriegella aquimaris (UP000199440) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9QEU0_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1G9QEL0_9FLAO Lacinutrix Lacinutrix neustonica (UP001164705) Lacinutrix sp. (strain 5H-3-7-4) (UP000008297) UniProtKB Star F6GFZ7_LACS5 UniProtKB Star F6GG03_LACS5 Lacinutrix sp. Bg11-31 (UP000232662) UniProtKB Star A0A2K8XJF1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2K8XJ80_9FLAO Lacinutrix sp. WUR7 (UP000662963) UniProtKB Star A0A974U2K1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A974U4Z6_9FLAO Leeuwenhoekiella Leeuwenhoekiella blandensis (strain CECT 7118 / CCUG 51940 / KCTC 2210... (UP000001601) UniProtKB Star A3XRH7_LEEBM UniProtKB Star A3XRH1_LEEBM Lentiprolixibacter Lentiprolixibacter aurantiacus (UP001207116) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3SMJ6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0AAE3MJE0_9FLAO Leptobacterium Leptobacterium flavescens (UP000468581) UniProtKB Star A0A6P0ULI3_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A6P0UQE7_9FLAO Lutibacter Lutibacter agarilyticus (UP000198384) UniProtKB Star A0A238W2T3_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A238VWS1_9FLAO Lutibacter maritimus (UP000199312) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6PLB3_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1I6PHI0_9FLAO Lutibacter oceani (UP000256429) UniProtKB Star A0A3D9S1A6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A3D9RV04_9FLAO Lutibacter oricola (UP000199595) UniProtKB Star A0A1H2QNA2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1H2R2E0_9FLAO Lutibacter profundi (UP000059672) UniProtKB Star A0A109RNQ5_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A109RNP6_9FLAO Lutibacter sp. B1 (UP000583015) UniProtKB Star A0A7X8NAC6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A7X8RNY7_9FLAO Lutibacter sp. HS1-25 (UP000290960) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1ITH9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1IC55_9FLAO Lutibacter sp. Hel_I_33_5 (UP000316877) UniProtKB Star A0A559S1Z9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A559S1K3_9FLAO Mangrovimonas Mangrovimonas sp. DI 80 (UP000188854) UniProtKB Star A0A1V1ZJI6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1V1ZJG3_9FLAO Mangrovimonas yunxiaonensis (UP000028521) UniProtKB Star A0A084TKN4_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A084TKP0_9FLAO Maribacter Maribacter algarum (UP000310314) UniProtKB Star A0A5S3PVL4_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5S3PVJ4_9FLAO Maribacter aurantiacus (UP000308382) UniProtKB Star A0A5R8MAD3_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5R8MAG7_9FLAO Maribacter hydrothermalis (UP000092164) UniProtKB Star A0A1B7Z4F0_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1B7Z4F4_9FLAO Maribacter luteus (UP000443153) UniProtKB Star A0A6I2MPB8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A6I2MNB5_9FLAO Maribacter sp. (strain HTCC2170 / KCCM 42371) (UP000001602) UniProtKB Star A4AP78_MARSH UniProtKB Star A4AP80_MARSH Maribacter sp. 4U21 (UP000243243) UniProtKB Star A0A2G5KEQ1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2G5KFN7_9FLAO Maribacter sp. ACAM166 (UP000304908) UniProtKB Star A0A5R9AS44_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5R9APT2_9FLAO Maribacter sp. MMG018 (UP000676486) UniProtKB Star A0A941HLD2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A941CHM1_9FLAO Maribacter vaceletii (UP000269412) UniProtKB Star A0A495EFW6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A495ED57_9FLAO Mariniflexile Mariniflexile fucanivorans (UP000295455) UniProtKB Star A0A4V6NGZ6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4R1RTF6_9FLAO Mariniflexile sp. TRM1-10 (UP000259852) UniProtKB Star A0A385BNJ6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A385BNV0_9FLAO Marixanthomonas Marixanthomonas spongiae (UP000245962) UniProtKB Star A0A2U0I2P5_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2U0I231_9FLAO Mesoflavibacter Mesoflavibacter sp. HG96 (UP000238805) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7RTY7_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A6G7RTT6_9FLAO Mesohalobacter Mesohalobacter halotolerans (UP000306552) UniProtKB Star A0A4U5TSY8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4V6ALH4_9FLAO Mesonia Mesonia algae (UP000249542) UniProtKB Star A0A2W7IGC6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2W7IDL2_9FLAO Mesonia hippocampi (UP000553034) UniProtKB Star A0A840EU68_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A840EGP9_9FLAO Mesonia phycicola (UP000184225) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6D3S9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1M6D430_9FLAO Mesonia sp. HuA40 (UP000321259) UniProtKB Star A0A5C8LAI2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5C8L8N0_9FLAO Mesonia sp. K7 (UP000249791) UniProtKB Star A0A2W1JYH8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2W1JYA8_9FLAO Muriicola Muriicola soli (UP000290889) UniProtKB Star A0A411EC97_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A411ECS9_9FLAO Myroides Myroides guanonis (UP000243887) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3RM55_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1I3RKM9_9FLAO Myroides indicus (UP000295215) UniProtKB Star A0A4R7F195_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4R7EXD2_9FLAO Myroides odoratus (UP000255024) UniProtKB Star A0A378U560_MYROD UniProtKB Star A0A378U548_MYROD Myroides pelagicus (UP000488936) UniProtKB Star A0A7K1GKM7_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A7K1GKM4_9FLAO Myroides phaeus (UP000243588) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8B4B4_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1G8B427_9FLAO Neptunitalea Neptunitalea chrysea (UP001143545) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6B7D4_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A9W6EU21_9FLAO Nonlabens Nonlabens ponticola (UP000279600) UniProtKB Star A0A3S9MVJ9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A3S9MVD4_9FLAO Nonlabens sp. MB-3u-79 (UP000232401) UniProtKB Star A0A2K8X6V9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2K8X6W8_9FLAO Nonlabens spongiae (UP000193431) UniProtKB Star A0A1W6MLK8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1W6MLK7_9FLAO Nonlabens tegetincola (UP000029221) UniProtKB Star A0A090PYQ2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A090Q2G6_9FLAO Oceanihabitans Oceanihabitans sediminis (UP000252249) UniProtKB Star A0A368P980_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A368P640_9FLAO Oceanihabitans sp. IOP_32 (UP000325630) UniProtKB Star A0A5Q0JVK6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5Q0JU47_9FLAO Olleya aquimaris (UP000248703) UniProtKB Star A0A327RPK4_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A327RL30_9FLAO Olleya namhaensis (UP000199559) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3JM08_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1I3JKE2_9FLAO Paenimyroides Paenimyroides aquimaris (UP000199634) UniProtKB Star A0A1H6JM49_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1H6LWB5_9FLAO Paenimyroides tangerinum (UP000275719) UniProtKB Star A0A3P3W6I7_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A3P3W7A4_9FLAO Patiriisocius Patiriisocius marinistellae (UP000326994) UniProtKB Star A0A5J4FUN9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5J4FV05_9FLAO Patiriisocius marinus (UP000326509) UniProtKB Star A0A5J4IWC6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5J4IV34_9FLAO Paucihalobacter Paucihalobacter ruber (UP000317332) UniProtKB Star A0A506PMH9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A506PN18_9FLAO Pelagihabitans Pelagihabitans pacificus (UP000707206) UniProtKB Star A0A967AWU8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A967ATS4_9FLAO Planktosalinus Planktosalinus lacus (UP000652231) UniProtKB Star A0A8J2Y4J4_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A8J2V482_9FLAO Polaribacter atrinae (UP000076923) UniProtKB Star A0A176TFV7_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A176TCJ4_9FLAO Polaribacter gangjinensis (UP000237608) UniProtKB Star A0A2S7WDN9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2S7WEJ7_9FLAO Polaribacter glomeratus (UP000239068) UniProtKB Star A0A2S7WGP4_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2S7WHL8_9FLAO Polaribacter irgensii 23-P (UP000003053) UniProtKB Star A4BXC9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A4BXX0_9FLAO Polaribacter marinus (UP001139369) UniProtKB Star A0A9X1VMV5_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A9X1VNM8_9FLAO Polaribacter pacificus (UP000633278) UniProtKB Star A0A917HWT9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A917MCV1_9FLAO Polaribacter pectinis (UP000515808) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9L8U2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A7G9L910_9FLAO Polaribacter porphyrae (UP000238882) UniProtKB Star A0A2S7WQR9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2S7WRX7_9FLAO Polaribacter reichenbachii (UP000092612) UniProtKB Star A0A1B8TUH3_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1B8TUR6_9FLAO Polaribacter sp. ALD11 (UP000232878) UniProtKB Star A0A2K8XS25_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2K8XRI7_9FLAO Polaribacter sp. Hel1_33_78 (UP000198843) UniProtKB Star A0A1H2DWU7_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1H2H0M1_9FLAO Polaribacter sp. IC066 (UP000321094) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6YCZ6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5C6YDR5_9FLAO Polaribacter sp. KT25b (UP000199117) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1SXJ2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1H1S1Y0_9FLAO Polaribacter sp. MED152 (UP000006470) UniProtKB Star A2TYA8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A2TXE9_9FLAO Polaribacter sp. SA4-10 (UP000195822) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0M9Q8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0MAD1_9FLAO Polaribacter sp. SA4-12 (UP000195470) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0N110_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0N2J7_9FLAO Polaribacter sp. WD7 (UP000252687) UniProtKB Star A0A395JUB7_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A395JQP1_9FLAO Polaribacter vadi (UP000092584) UniProtKB Star A0A1B8TUI3_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1B8U3P2_9FLAO Pontimicrobium Pontimicrobium aquaticum (UP000307657) UniProtKB Star A0A4U0EWM8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4U0ESM8_9FLAO Poritiphilus Poritiphilus flavus (UP000475249) UniProtKB Star A0A6L9E8T1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A6L9E8C1_9FLAO Pricia Pricia antarctica (UP000199109) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6X4N8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1G6X580_9FLAO Pseudalgibacter Pseudalgibacter alginicilyticus (UP000057981) UniProtKB Star A0A0P0CHF8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0P0D9S7_9FLAO Pseudozobellia Pseudozobellia thermophila (UP000184543) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6BJA1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1M6BI76_9FLAO Psychroflexus Psychroflexus gondwanensis ACAM 44 (UP000012317) UniProtKB Star N1X037_9FLAO UniProtKB Star N1WQJ8_9FLAO Psychroflexus halocasei (UP000198820) UniProtKB Star A0A1H4BFF9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1H3VRL1_9FLAO Psychroflexus maritimus (UP000643701) UniProtKB Star A0A967DZ66_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A967DYQ9_9FLAO Psychroflexus salarius (UP000184462) UniProtKB Star A0A1M4UXC7_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1M4VGI7_9FLAO Psychroflexus salis (UP000599688) UniProtKB Star A0A916ZM14_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A916ZXZ6_9FLAO Psychroflexus sediminis (UP000199296) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7YFG6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1G7YU13_9FLAO Psychroserpens Psychroserpens burtonensis (UP000321938) UniProtKB Star A0A5C7BB39_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5C7B9U9_9FLAO Pukyongia Pukyongia salina (UP000238442) UniProtKB Star A0A2S0HVN7_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2S0HVA3_9FLAO Pustulibacterium Pustulibacterium marinum (UP000199138) UniProtKB Star A0A1I7ETE2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1I7ETF8_9FLAO Rasiella Rasiella rasia (UP000505306) UniProtKB Star A0A6G6GMZ8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A6G6GN22_9FLAO Robertkochia Robertkochia marina (UP000305939) UniProtKB Star A0A4S3M2M1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4S3M4S5_9FLAO Robiginitalea Robiginitalea biformata (strain ATCC BAA-864 / DSM 15991 / KCTC 12146 ... (UP000009049) UniProtKB Star A4CI36_ROBBH UniProtKB Star A4CI41_ROBBH Robiginitalea myxolifaciens (UP000199534) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6G3B9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1I6G325_9FLAO Salegentibacter Salegentibacter echinorum (UP000183945) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5DY00_SALEC UniProtKB Star A0A1M5DYF2_SALEC Salegentibacter flavus (UP000199153) UniProtKB Star A0A1I5A2E3_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1I5A303_9FLAO Salegentibacter mishustinae (UP000051643) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q9ZCE0_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0Q9ZL68_9FLAO Salinimicrobium Salinimicrobium catena (UP000199448) UniProtKB Star A0A1H5IIN8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1H5IJH9_9FLAO Salinimicrobium marinum (UP000610456) UniProtKB Star A0A918VZJ6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A918VXI0_9FLAO Salinimicrobium sediminis (UP000219193) UniProtKB Star A0A285X248_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A285X226_9FLAO Saonia Saonia flava (UP000590442) UniProtKB Star A0A846QZ45_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A846QTE8_9FLAO Sediminicola Sediminicola luteus (UP000219559) UniProtKB Star A0A2A4GF34_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2A4GFT4_9FLAO Sediminicola sp. YIK13 (UP000063759) UniProtKB Star A0A0S1SF32_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0S1SDG2_9FLAO Seonamhaeicola algicola (UP000321790) UniProtKB Star A0A5C7AXZ8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5C7AWA7_9FLAO Seonamhaeicola aphaedonensis (UP000256629) UniProtKB Star A0A3D9HHQ6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A3D9HHR6_9FLAO Seonamhaeicola maritimus (UP000321080) UniProtKB Star A0A5C7GHU9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5C7GHV8_9FLAO Seonamhaeicola sp. S2-3 (UP000187101) UniProtKB Star A0A1U7DR30_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1U7DRG1_9FLAO Siansivirga Siansivirga zeaxanthinifaciens CC-SAMT-1 (UP000032229) UniProtKB Star A0A0C5W9C5_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0C5WC23_9FLAO Sinomicrobium Sinomicrobium oceani (UP000182248) UniProtKB Star A0A1K1QZ99_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1K1QXR1_9FLAO Sinomicrobium sp. N-1-3-6 (UP000250485) UniProtKB Star A0A329N3D1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A329N4U6_9FLAO Sinomicrobium weinanense (UP000653730) UniProtKB Star A0A926JTK7_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A926JTZ2_9FLAO Snuella Snuella sedimenti (UP000610931) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7LNW1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A8J7J2B0_9FLAO Spongiivirga Spongiivirga citrea (UP000474296) UniProtKB Star A0A6M0CHS9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A6M0CHJ5_9FLAO Subsaximicrobium Subsaximicrobium wynnwilliamsii (UP000321578) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6ZI63_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5C6ZEW1_9FLAO Tamlana Tamlana fucoidanivorans (UP000308713) UniProtKB Star A0A5C4SSU8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5C4SRL8_9FLAO Tamlana haliotis (UP000441333) UniProtKB Star A0A6N6MD39_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A6N6MB22_9FLAO Tamlana nanhaiensis (UP000032361) UniProtKB Star A0A0D7W8C6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0D7W4U7_9FLAO Tenacibaculum Tenacibaculum adriaticum (UP000323136) UniProtKB Star A0A5S5DVI3_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5S5DVM5_9FLAO Tenacibaculum aiptasiae (UP000467305) UniProtKB Star A0A7J5AS18_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A7J5AN44_9FLAO Tenacibaculum holothuriorum (UP000194221) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2PF23_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2PEQ5_9FLAO Tenacibaculum jejuense (UP000215214) UniProtKB Star A0A238U452_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A238U3Y5_9FLAO Tenacibaculum lutimaris (UP000285780) UniProtKB Star A0A420E519_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A420E4Y0_9FLAO Tenacibaculum maritimum NCIMB 2154 (UP000231564) UniProtKB Star A0A2H1E599_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2H1E658_9FLAO Tenacibaculum piscium (UP000234211) UniProtKB Star A0A2H1YK89_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2H1YKB9_9FLAO Tenacibaculum soleae (UP000093186) UniProtKB Star A0A1B9Y197_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1B9Y0Y7_9FLAO Tenacibaculum sp. Bg11-29 (UP000233844) UniProtKB Star A0A2N1F4S5_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2N1F540_9FLAO Tenacibaculum sp. MAR_2009_124 (UP000199366) UniProtKB Star A0A1H4SE14_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1H4RR38_9FLAO Tenacibaculum sp. MAR_2010_89 (UP000198792) UniProtKB Star A0A1H5FAQ8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1H5EXZ2_9FLAO Tenacibaculum sp. SG-28 (UP000239112) UniProtKB Star A0A2S7TKR9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2S7TL27_9FLAO Tenacibaculum sp. SZ-18 (UP000232695) UniProtKB Star A0A2K8VGB9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2K8VGJ7_9FLAO Tenacibaculum todarodis (UP000181898) UniProtKB Star A0A1L3JL29_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1L3JL57_9FLAO Ulvibacter Ulvibacter antarcticus (UP000271339) UniProtKB Star A0A3L9ZH20_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A3L9Z6I8_9FLAO Ulvibacter litoralis (UP000199321) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7D9P8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1G7DBX1_9FLAO Ulvibacterium Ulvibacterium marinum (UP000276603) UniProtKB Star A0A3B0CDM3_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A3B0CCL3_9FLAO Urechidicola Urechidicola croceus (UP000176050) UniProtKB Star A0A1D8P983_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1D8P922_9FLAO Wenyingzhuangia Wenyingzhuangia fucanilytica (UP000092967) UniProtKB Star A0A1B1Y919_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1B1Y9D1_9FLAO Winogradskyella Winogradskyella aurantia (UP000216840) UniProtKB Star A0A265UZV8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A265UZX7_9FLAO Winogradskyella endarachnes (UP000478208) UniProtKB Star A0A6L6UC38_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A6L6UDV6_9FLAO Winogradskyella epiphytica (UP000248054) UniProtKB Star A0A2V4Y358_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2V4XWY8_9FLAO Winogradskyella flava (UP000533900) UniProtKB Star A0A842IQ85_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A842IME2_9FLAO Winogradskyella ouciana (UP000447545) UniProtKB Star A0A7K1GH26_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A7K1GFD1_9FLAO Winogradskyella psychrotolerans RS-3 (UP000014962) UniProtKB Star S7VWK4_9FLAO Winogradskyella sp. J14-2 (UP000187462) UniProtKB Star A0A1P8RX05_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1P8RWX9_9FLAO Winogradskyella sp. KYW1333 (UP000253188) UniProtKB Star A0A368MBQ5_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A368MCM0_9FLAO Winogradskyella sp. PAMC22761 (UP000515825) UniProtKB Star A0A7G8W8Z4_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A7G8W8Z7_9FLAO Winogradskyella sp. PC-19 (UP000195547) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0MIE1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0MHC1_9FLAO Winogradskyella sp. PG-2 (UP000031636) UniProtKB Star A0A024FGF4_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A024FF89_9FLAO Wocania Wocania arenilitoris (UP001199795) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3EK52_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0AAE3JL08_9FLAO Yeosuana Yeosuana aromativorans (UP000612329) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3BSE0_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A8J3BQ15_9FLAO Zeaxanthinibacter Zeaxanthinibacter enoshimensis (UP000295468) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6TSG1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4R6TMV8_9FLAO Zhouia Zhouia amylolytica AD3 (UP000018850) UniProtKB Star W2UJ82_9FLAO UniProtKB Star W2UIT0_9FLAO Zobellia Zobellia galactanivorans (strain DSM 12802 / CCUG 47099 / CIP 106680 /... (UP000008898) UniProtKB Star G0LB38_ZOBGA UniProtKB Star G0LB33_ZOBGA Zunongwangia Zunongwangia atlantica 22II14-10F7 (UP000192746) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1T2H6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1T3S3_9FLAO Flavobacteriales bacterium (UP000664181) UniProtKB Star A0A916HDE2_9FLAO Flavobacteriales bacterium ALC-1 (UP000003630) UniProtKB Star A8UG19_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A8UPZ9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A8UG12_9FLAO Ichthyobacteriaceae Ichthyobacterium Ichthyobacterium seriolicida (UP000243197) UniProtKB Star A0A1J1E9K6_9FLAO Luteibaculaceae Luteibaculum Luteibaculum oceani (UP000321168) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6VPU1_9FLAO Owenweeksiaceae Croceimicrobium Croceimicrobium hydrocarbonivorans (UP000516305) UniProtKB Star A0A7H0VJE7_9FLAO Owenweeksia Owenweeksia hongkongensis (strain DSM 17368 / CIP 108786 / JCM 12287 /... (UP000005631) UniProtKB Star G8R691_OWEHD Parvicellaceae Parvicella Parvicella tangerina (UP000683507) UniProtKB Star A0A916JJP0_9FLAO Phaeocystidibacteraceae Phaeocystidibacter Phaeocystidibacter luteus (UP000468650) UniProtKB Star A0A6N6RG90_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A6N6REW7_9FLAO Phaeocystidibacter marisrubri (UP000484164) UniProtKB Star A0A6L3ZGK9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A6L3ZGP9_9FLAO Salibacteraceae Salibacter Salibacter halophilus (UP000435357) UniProtKB Star A0A6N6M3W3_9FLAO Schleiferiaceae Thermaurantimonas Thermaurantimonas aggregans (UP000286715) UniProtKB Star A0A401XMQ2_9FLAO Vicingaceae Vicingus Vicingus serpentipes (UP000321721) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6RZ77_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5C6RXK6_9FLAO Weeksellaceae Apibacter Apibacter adventoris (UP000238042) UniProtKB Star A0A2S8A7M6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A2S8A760_9FLAO Apibacter mensalis (UP000182761) UniProtKB Star A0A0X3ASQ1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0X3APE8_9FLAO Apibacter muscae (UP000319499) UniProtKB Star A0A563DH98_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A563DFZ4_9FLAO Bergeyella Bergeyella cardium (UP000464318) UniProtKB Star A0A6P1QRY5_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A6P1QUT0_9FLAO Bergeyella zoohelcum ATCC 43767 (UP000006085) UniProtKB Star K1MPJ8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star K1ML56_9FLAO Chryseobacterium group Chryseobacterium Chryseobacterium aquaeductus (UP000662618) UniProtKB Star A0A9N8MHB2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A9N8MIE8_9FLAO Chryseobacterium hagamense (UP000321863) UniProtKB Star A0A511YNN2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A511YMT9_9FLAO Chryseobacterium koreense CCUG 49689 (UP000035900) UniProtKB Star A0A0J7IYI1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0J7IXY4_9FLAO Chryseobacterium lacus (UP000252172) UniProtKB Star A0A368N437_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A368MWR3_9FLAO Chryseobacterium piperi (UP000028709) UniProtKB Star A0A086BLQ1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A086BKP3_9FLAO Chryseobacterium salivictor (UP000294419) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6ZF80_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A4P6ZCN8_9FLAO Chryseobacterium sp. (UP000319994) UniProtKB Star A0A519LQ14_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A519LGR8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A519LNF5_9FLAO Chryseobacterium sp. 3008163 (UP000273471) UniProtKB Star A0A3G2GDM6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A3G2G512_9FLAO Chryseobacterium sp. 6424 (UP000270538) UniProtKB Star A0A3G2TE30_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A3G2TAG2_9FLAO Chryseobacterium sp. FH1 (UP000028641) UniProtKB Star A0A085B8B4_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A085B700_9FLAO Chryseobacterium sp. Leaf180 (UP000051405) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5Q3H2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5QG19_9FLAO Chryseobacterium sp. Leaf394 (UP000051822) UniProtKB Star A0A0T0MCQ9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0T0MAM3_9FLAO Chryseobacterium sp. Leaf404 (UP000051183) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5ZBH2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5ZSW1_9FLAO Chryseobacterium sp. RU37D (UP000185978) UniProtKB Star A0A1N6P4Z4_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1N6VFT7_9FLAO Chryseobacterium sp. SC28 (UP000279525) UniProtKB Star A0A3R8RVW6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A3R8PTF1_9FLAO Chryseobacterium taklimakanense (UP000215196) UniProtKB Star A0A239XAW5_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A239X4B3_9FLAO Planobacterium oryzisoli (UP000694480) UniProtKB Star A0A931E8H1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A930YUM8_9FLAO Halpernia Halpernia frigidisoli (UP000198931) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3HXY3_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1I3FJR2_9FLAO Soonwooa Soonwooa buanensis (UP000191112) UniProtKB Star A0A1T5FLP8_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1T5D5Z7_9FLAO Cloacibacterium normanense (UP000095601) UniProtKB Star A0A1E5UDR9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1E5UFN8_9FLAO Cruoricaptor Cruoricaptor ignavus (UP000184335) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6CY83_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1M5ZXW8_9FLAO Elizabethkingia Elizabethkingia argenteiflava (UP000553459) UniProtKB Star A0A845PSL6_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A845PYQ1_9FLAO Elizabethkingia meningoseptica (UP000188947) UniProtKB Star A0A1T3HI54_ELIME UniProtKB Star A0A1V3TXE9_ELIME Elizabethkingia sp. JS20170427COW (UP000309120) UniProtKB Star A0A5B7UDZ1_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A5B7UFY3_9FLAO Empedobacter Empedobacter falsenii (UP000254737) UniProtKB Star A0A376J2A9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A376FY11_9FLAO Faecalibacter Faecalibacter rhinopitheci (UP000608754) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7KAN9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A8J7G5G8_9FLAO Frigoriflavimonas Frigoriflavimonas asaccharolytica (UP000610746) UniProtKB Star A0A8J8GAG2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A8J8KBT0_9FLAO Moheibacter Moheibacter lacus (UP000552241) UniProtKB Star A0A838ZHL9_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A838ZJZ6_9FLAO Moheibacter sediminis (UP000192393) UniProtKB Star A0A1W1Y814_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1W1YIC1_9FLAO Ornithobacterium Candidatus Ornithobacterium hominis (UP000262142) UniProtKB Star A0A383TUY2_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A383TUP9_9FLAO Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (strain ATCC 51463 / DSM 15997 / CCUG ... (UP000006051) UniProtKB Star I3ZZ80_ORNRL UniProtKB Star I3ZYZ3_ORNRL Profundicola Profundicola chukchiensis (UP001152599) UniProtKB Star A0A9X4MY41_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A9X4RU28_9FLAO Riemerella Riemerella anatipestifer RA-CH-1 (UP000006276) UniProtKB Star J9R1I1_RIEAN UniProtKB Star J9R922_RIEAN Riemerella columbipharyngis (UP000198517) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7CZJ0_9FLAO UniProtKB Star A0A1G6YIR8_9FLAO Weeksella Weeksella virosa (strain ATCC 43766 / DSM 16922 / JCM 21250 / CCUG 305... (UP000008641) UniProtKB Star F0P196_WEEVC UniProtKB Star F0P157_WEEVC Saprospiria Saprospirales Haliscomenobacteraceae Haliscomenobacter Haliscomenobacter hydrossis (strain ATCC 27775 / DSM 1100 / LMG 10767 ... (UP000008461) UniProtKB Star F4L1X9_HALH1 UniProtKB Star F4KP95_HALH1 Phaeodactylibacter Phaeodactylibacter luteus (UP000321580) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6S535_9BACT Phaeodactylibacter xiamenensis (UP000029736) UniProtKB Star A0A098RZI9_9BACT Portibacter Portibacter lacus (UP001156666) UniProtKB Star A0AA37SSC9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AA37WE44_9BACT Lewinellaceae Flavilitoribacter Flavilitoribacter nigricans (strain ATCC 23147 / DSM 23189 / NBRC 1026... (UP000223913) UniProtKB Star A0A2D0NGK8_FLAN2 Lewinella Lewinella sp. 4G2 (UP000076582) UniProtKB Star A0A180EJX1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A180ES67_9BACT Lewinella sp. W8 (UP000297740) UniProtKB Star A0A7H5EYX6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7H5EYD2_9BACT Lewinellaceae bacterium SD302 (UP000223945) UniProtKB Star A0A2C6CW67_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2C6BAH7_9BACT Neolewinella Neolewinella agarilytica (UP000199021) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9BPS2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1H9NQB9_9BACT Neolewinella aurantiaca (UP000321907) UniProtKB Star A0A5C7FMN0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C7FEA6_9BACT Neolewinella lacunae (UP000650081) UniProtKB Star A0A923TAK2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A923PFB0_9BACT Neolewinella marina (UP000226437) UniProtKB Star A0A2G0CBF4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2G0CCB8_9BACT Saprospiraceae Aureispira Aureispira anguillae (UP001060919) UniProtKB Star A0A916DVA6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A916DVQ7_9BACT Membranihabitans Membranihabitans marinus (UP000753961) UniProtKB Star A0A953LCZ2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A953HR18_9BACT Saprospira Saprospira grandis (strain Lewin) (UP000007519) UniProtKB Star H6L393_SAPGL UniProtKB Star H6LAA2_SAPGL Sphingobacteriia Sphingobacteriales Sphingobacteriaceae Albibacterium Albibacterium bauzanense (UP000294616) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1LUJ5_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A4V6NF34_9SPHI Anseongella Anseongella ginsenosidimutans (UP000295807) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3KXI6_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A4R3KUR8_9SPHI Arcticibacter Arcticibacter pallidicorallinus (UP000238034) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0U7H0_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A2T0U7R1_9SPHI Arcticibacter svalbardensis MN12-7 (UP000014174) UniProtKB Star R9GYI6_9SPHI UniProtKB Star R9GPW7_9SPHI Arcticibacter tournemirensis (UP000290848) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0MEL5_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A4V1KIS7_9SPHI Daejeonella Daejeonella lutea (UP000189981) UniProtKB Star A0A1T5DSI2_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1T5DJP3_9SPHI Daejeonella rubra (UP000199226) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9Q6S6_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1G9RHV0_9SPHI Hufsiella Hufsiella arboris (UP000466586) UniProtKB Star A0A7K1Y4X6_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A7K1Y4Y9_9SPHI Hufsiella ginkgonis (UP000451233) UniProtKB Star A0A7K1XV55_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A7K1XT87_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter Mucilaginibacter agri (UP000638732) UniProtKB Star A0A966DS41_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A965ZG77_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter aquatilis (UP000434850) UniProtKB Star A0A6I4I6U1_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A6I4IAL4_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter arboris (UP000462014) UniProtKB Star A0A7K1SS37_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A7K1SSQ0_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter auburnensis (UP000242687) UniProtKB Star A0A2H9VTH0_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A2H9VRJ2_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter corticis (UP000318733) UniProtKB Star A0A556MKK9_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A556MV18_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter frigoritolerans (UP000317010) UniProtKB Star A0A562UDP2_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A562UC47_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter galii (UP000662074) UniProtKB Star A0A917N1H4_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A917JDC9_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter gilvus (UP000286701) UniProtKB Star A0A444MP59_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A444MTH4_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter ginkgonis (UP000429232) UniProtKB Star A0A6I4IPK3_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A6I4IN78_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter ginsenosidivorans (UP000321479) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8UQZ3_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A5B8USJ8_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter glaciei (UP000619078) UniProtKB Star A0A926NXI1_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A926NMD4_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter gotjawali (UP000218263) UniProtKB Star A0A110B0E8_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter gracilis (UP000268007) UniProtKB Star A0A495IXE5_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A495IXK3_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter hurinus (UP000253209) UniProtKB Star A0A367GJZ0_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A367GPT2_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter limnophilus (UP000282759) UniProtKB Star A0A3S2VLX4_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A3S2VKW7_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter mali (UP000505355) UniProtKB Star A0A7D4UG70_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A7D4ULS6_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter mallensis (UP000199679) UniProtKB Star A0A1H2B0W0_MUCMA UniProtKB Star A0A1H2C507_MUCMA Mucilaginibacter myungsuensis (UP000622475) UniProtKB Star A0A929KVU1_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A929KV79_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter oryzae (UP000245678) UniProtKB Star A0A316GZM1_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A316H189_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter pallidiroseus (UP000320042) UniProtKB Star A0A563UGX3_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A563UF93_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter paludis DSM 18603 (UP000002774) UniProtKB Star H1Y6P8_9SPHI UniProtKB Star H1Y2G9_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter pedocola (UP000189739) UniProtKB Star A0A1S9PHU0_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1S9PI49_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter pineti (UP000199072) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7FGU7_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1G7FPA1_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter polytrichastri (UP000186720) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q6A3V4_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1Q6A4V5_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter robiniae (UP000503278) UniProtKB Star A0A7L5DXQ8_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A7L5E7U6_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter segetis (UP000613193) UniProtKB Star A0A934PVT0_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A934UMZ3_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter sp. E4BP6 (UP000538158) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9I1M8_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9L8T8_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter sp. FT3.2 (UP000556237) UniProtKB Star A0A7X0E1D3_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A7X0A6B7_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter sp. JRF (UP000646821) UniProtKB Star A0A929PF47_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A929JWJ9_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter sp. MD40 (UP000242486) UniProtKB Star A0A2A2S1I0_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A2A2S1J0_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter sp. OK268 (UP000199553) UniProtKB Star A0A1H0XE80_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1H0XDT2_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter sp. PPCGB 2223 (UP000095113) UniProtKB Star A0A1C2GL24_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1C2GGE5_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter sp. SP1R1 (UP000521691) UniProtKB Star A0A7W9XK81_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A7W9XKU6_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter straminoryzae (UP001139450) UniProtKB Star A0A9X1X426_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A9X2B9G0_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter terrenus (UP000260823) UniProtKB Star A0A3E2NNZ2_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A3E2NPW1_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter terrigena (UP000293331) UniProtKB Star A0A4V1ZBI2_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A4Q5LJZ2_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter xinganensis (UP000215002) UniProtKB Star A0A223NRC4_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A223NRN1_9SPHI Mucilaginibacter yixingensis (UP000244168) UniProtKB Star A0A2T5JCS8_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A2T5JD17_9SPHI Olivibacter Olivibacter sp. LS-1 (UP000323829) UniProtKB Star A0A5C0ZK48_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A5C0ZCU4_9SPHI Olivibacter sp. SDN3 (UP000515877) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9BNV8_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A7G9BS59_9SPHI Parapedobacter Parapedobacter composti (UP000199577) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1F480_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1I1EVU6_9SPHI Parapedobacter indicus (UP000198670) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3LIZ4_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1I3NKE9_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1I3VCN3_9SPHI Parapedobacter luteus (UP000190541) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4ZX16_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1T5BTE1_9SPHI Parapedobacter pyrenivorans (UP000660862) UniProtKB Star A0A917HLS0_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A917HLH9_9SPHI Parapedobacter sp. SGR-10 (UP000474712) UniProtKB Star A0A6M1E6N1_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A6M1E3M5_9SPHI Pararcticibacter Pararcticibacter amylolyticus (UP000245647) UniProtKB Star A0A2U2PMJ9_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A2U2PM86_9SPHI Pedobacter Pedobacter africanus (UP000192756) UniProtKB Star A0A1W2B8B0_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1W2B9T8_9SPHI Pedobacter antarcticus 4BY (UP000028007) UniProtKB Star A0A081PGE7_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A081PGF4_9SPHI Pedobacter changchengzhani (UP000295668) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5MPC7_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A4R5MPG5_9SPHI Pedobacter chitinilyticus (UP000284120) UniProtKB Star A0A443YVI0_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A3S3R670_9SPHI Pedobacter cryoconitis (UP000071561) UniProtKB Star A0A127VIT9_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A127VIV1_9SPHI Pedobacter cryophilus (UP000308181) UniProtKB Star A0A4U1C792_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A4U1C548_9SPHI Pedobacter cryotolerans (UP000310477) UniProtKB Star A0A4U1C7F4_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A4U1C7G5_9SPHI Pedobacter duraquae (UP000295499) UniProtKB Star A0A4V3C2P5_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A4V3C2P7_9SPHI Pedobacter frigoris (UP000307244) UniProtKB Star A0A4U1CEX9_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A4U1CEY9_9SPHI Pedobacter ginsengisoli (UP000223749) UniProtKB Star A0A2D1U9K9_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A2D1U9H9_9SPHI Pedobacter hartonius (UP000198850) UniProtKB Star A0A1H4FD62_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1H4FFG7_9SPHI Pedobacter heparinus (strain ATCC 13125 / DSM 2366 / CIP 104194 / JCM ... (UP000000852) UniProtKB Star C6XXD6_PEDHD UniProtKB Star C6XXC6_PEDHD Pedobacter hiemivivus (UP000291117) UniProtKB Star A0A4R0MID3_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A4V2MHF5_9SPHI Pedobacter insulae (UP000199666) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2XIL0_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1I2XLN7_9SPHI Pedobacter metabolipauper (UP000295620) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6SW36_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A4R6SW48_9SPHI Pedobacter nutrimenti (UP000248198) UniProtKB Star A0A318UIE1_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A318UJH8_9SPHI Pedobacter nyackensis (UP000192678) UniProtKB Star A0A1W2BQ99_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1W2BRJ4_9SPHI Pedobacter planticolens (UP000601055) UniProtKB Star A0A923E2C1_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A923DZX8_9SPHI Pedobacter polaris (UP000309488) UniProtKB Star A0A4U1CVK7_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A4U1CTJ2_9SPHI Pedobacter psychrophilus (UP000078459) UniProtKB Star A0A179DE99_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A179DLQ0_9SPHI Pedobacter psychroterrae (UP000293347) UniProtKB Star A0A4R0NU67_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A4R0NQB5_9SPHI Pedobacter puniceum (UP000462931) UniProtKB Star A0A7K0FP41_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A7K0FPZ8_9SPHI Pedobacter quisquiliarum (UP000651668) UniProtKB Star A0A916U2P5_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A916U197_9SPHI Pedobacter rhizosphaerae (UP000199572) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9J2G7_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1H9J9Y7_9SPHI Pedobacter sp. (UP000315466) UniProtKB Star A0A519X2Z1_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A519X7H4_9SPHI Pedobacter sp. BAL39 (UP000003664) UniProtKB Star A6EDQ0_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A6EDR0_9SPHI Pedobacter sp. BMA (UP000036014) UniProtKB Star A0A0J0Y4X5_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A0J1BIL3_9SPHI Pedobacter sp. BS3 (UP000325329) UniProtKB Star A0A5D8YZB1_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A5D8Z1A8_9SPHI Pedobacter sp. HMWF019 (UP000244301) UniProtKB Star A0A2R7L1H7_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A2R7L0P8_9SPHI Pedobacter sp. Hv1 (UP000050543) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q1EY28_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A0Q0V8D8_9SPHI Pedobacter sp. Leaf176 (UP000051556) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5NAM4_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5N822_9SPHI Pedobacter sp. Leaf194 (UP000051708) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5U9X0_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5T937_9SPHI Pedobacter sp. Leaf216 (UP000051744) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4GKS1_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4H0Q2_9SPHI Pedobacter sp. MC2016-24 (UP000601292) UniProtKB Star A0A929PN42_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A929KDQ7_9SPHI Pedobacter sp. PACM 27299 (UP000062859) UniProtKB Star A0A0P0NBK7_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A0P0NAN4_9SPHI Pedobacter steynii (UP000094313) UniProtKB Star A0A1D7QDH7_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1D7QDI4_9SPHI Pedobacter yulinensis (UP000240912) UniProtKB Star A0A2T3HRU0_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A2T3HRW0_9SPHI Pelobium Pelobium manganitolerans (UP000283433) UniProtKB Star A0A419SBJ2_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A419S6Y9_9SPHI Pseudopedobacter Pseudopedobacter saltans (strain ATCC 51119 / DSM 12145 / JCM 21818 / ... (UP000000310) UniProtKB Star F0S7W3_PSESL UniProtKB Star F0S7S6_PSESL Rhinopithecimicrobium Rhinopithecimicrobium faecis (UP000679691) UniProtKB Star A0A8T4H8A6_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A8T4H8R2_9SPHI Solitalea Solitalea canadensis (strain ATCC 29591 / DSM 3403 / JCM 21819 / LMG 8... (UP000007590) UniProtKB Star H8KM55_SOLCM UniProtKB Star H8KL89_SOLCM Solitalea koreensis (UP000315971) UniProtKB Star A0A521BXE6_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A521BXG5_9SPHI Solitalea longa (UP000236893) UniProtKB Star A0A2S5A938_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A2S5A9E0_9SPHI Sphingobacteriaceae bacterium (UP000294109) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q5SD36_9SPHI Sphingobacterium Sphingobacterium allocomposti (UP000325105) UniProtKB Star A0A5S5DJ33_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A5S5D2F2_9SPHI Sphingobacterium corticibacter (UP000245627) UniProtKB Star A0A2T8HKJ5_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A2T8HFG6_9SPHI Sphingobacterium deserti (UP000031802) UniProtKB Star A0A0B8T9Y5_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A0B8T0D4_9SPHI Sphingobacterium gobiense (UP000238642) UniProtKB Star A0A2S9JCW5_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A2S9JNY9_9SPHI Sphingobacterium hungaricum (UP000616201) UniProtKB Star A0A928UWD6_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A928YPH4_9SPHI Sphingobacterium olei (UP000306808) UniProtKB Star A0A4U0P3K8_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A4U0P402_9SPHI Sphingobacterium paucimobilis HER1398 (UP000016584) UniProtKB Star U2H9N6_9SPHI UniProtKB Star U2I019_9SPHI Sphingobacterium psychroaquaticum (UP000192980) UniProtKB Star A0A1X7L0H0_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1X7KH62_9SPHI Sphingobacterium soli (UP000614460) UniProtKB Star A0A8H9FWF1_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A8H9KX39_9SPHI Sphingobacterium sp. CZ-2 (UP000294533) UniProtKB Star A0A4P7DNF2_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A4P7DUC0_9SPHI Sphingobacterium sp. CZ-UAM (UP000188865) UniProtKB Star A0A1V3MXD8_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1V3MXB0_9SPHI Sphingobacterium sp. HMSC13C05 (UP000178216) UniProtKB Star A0A1F2KDR1_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1F2JHM6_9SPHI Sphingobacterium sp. JB170 (UP000195951) UniProtKB Star A0A1R4KK16_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1R4L112_9SPHI Sphingobacterium sp. ML3W (UP000028992) UniProtKB Star A0A088F5H0_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A088F205_9SPHI Sphingobacterium sp. SGG-5 (UP000473835) UniProtKB Star A0A6M1N809_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A6M1N5Y6_9SPHI Sphingobacterium sp. SGL-16 (UP000472777) UniProtKB Star A0A6M1NMJ6_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A6M1NLF6_9SPHI Sphingobacterium spiritivorum ATCC 33861 (UP000006258) UniProtKB Star D7VLA6_SPHSI UniProtKB Star D7VL60_SPHSI Sphingobacterium wenxiniae (UP000198785) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6RB81_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A1I6R643_9SPHI Sphingobacteruim zhuxiongii (UP000326921) UniProtKB Star A0A5Q0Q523_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A5Q0QHR6_9SPHI Sphingobacteriales bacterium UPWRP_1 (UP000240367) UniProtKB Star A0A2P7TVU3_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A2P7TIX5_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A2P7TN38_9SPHI UniProtKB Star A0A2P7TA78_9SPHI environmental samples unidentified eubacterium SCB49 (UP000003659) UniProtKB Star A6EL88_9BACT UniProtKB Star A6EL76_9BACT


Balneolota (16/16, 16 hits, 2 weak hits)
Balneolia Balneolales Balneolaceae Balneola Balneola sp. (UP000280416) UniProtKB Star A0A3M8G2D1_9BACT Balneola sp. EhC07 (UP000078514) UniProtKB Star A0A1B6YBG3_9BACT Balneolaceae bacterium (UP001181810) UniProtKB Star A0AAE4D7L6_9BACT Fodinibius Aliifodinibius salipaludis (UP000218831) UniProtKB Star A0A2A2GC73_9BACT Fodinibius halophilus (UP000479132) UniProtKB Star A0A6M1T178_9BACT Fodinibius roseus (UP000184041) UniProtKB Star A0A1M4UTD6_9BACT Fodinibius salinus (UP000324595) UniProtKB Star A0A5D3YIW2_9BACT Fodinibius sediminis (UP000317593) UniProtKB Star A0A521C640_9BACT Gracilimonas Gracilimonas mengyeensis (UP000317557) UniProtKB Star A0A521F923_9BACT Gracilimonas sediminicola (UP001139125) UniProtKB Star A0A9X2L3X7_9BACT Halalkalibaculum Halalkalibaculum roseum (UP000473278) UniProtKB Star A0A6M1SWQ6_9BACT Rhodohalobacter Rhodohalobacter barkolensis (UP000233398) UniProtKB Star A0A2N0VHH3_9BACT Rhodohalobacter mucosus (UP000245533) UniProtKB Star A0A316TLD1_9BACT Rhodohalobacter sp. SW132 (UP000263328) UniProtKB Star A0A371QLN7_9BACT Cyclonatronaceae Cyclonatronum Cyclonatronum proteinivorum (UP000254808) UniProtKB Star A0A345UGN7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A345UGS8_9BACT Natronogracilivirga Natronogracilivirga saccharolytica (UP000673975) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7RK98_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A8J7UUT0_9BACT


Bdellovibrionota (17/17, 18 hits, 4 weak hits)
Bacteriovoracia Bacteriovoracales Bacteriovoracaceae Bacteriovorax Bacteriovorax sp. BSW11_IV (UP000015857) UniProtKB Star T0RJH3_9BACT Bacteriovorax sp. DB6_IX (UP000015812) UniProtKB Star T0RQY2_9BACT Bacteriovorax sp. Seq25_V (UP000015895) UniProtKB Star T0SF19_9BACT Bacteriovorax stolpii (UP000235584) UniProtKB Star A0A2K9NQ18_BACTC Halobacteriovoraceae Halobacteriovorax Halobacteriovorax marinus (strain ATCC BAA-682 / DSM 15412 / SJ) (UP000008963) UniProtKB Star E1WYY1_HALMS UniProtKB Star E1WYY0_HALMS Halobacteriovorax sp. DA5 (UP000237396) UniProtKB Star A0A2S3QU68_9BACT Bdellovibrionia Bdellovibrionales Pseudobdellovibrionaceae Bdellovibrio Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus (UP000075320) UniProtKB Star A0A150WIA8_BDEBC Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus (strain ATCC 15356 / DSM 50701 / NCIMB 9529... (UP000008080) UniProtKB Star SYE_BDEBA UniProtKB Star Q6MN89_BDEBA Bdellovibrio sp. (UP000669657) UniProtKB Star A0A940L8M8_9BACT Bdellovibrio sp. NC01 (UP000316460) UniProtKB Star A0A514WYQ3_9BACT Bdellovibrio sp. SKB1291214 (UP000197566) UniProtKB Star A0A254QHL4_9BACT Micavibrio Micavibrio aeruginosavorus (strain ARL-13) (UP000009286) UniProtKB Star G2KSP4_MICAA UniProtKB Star G2KPR9_MICAA Pseudobdellovibrio Pseudobdellovibrio exovorus JSS (UP000012040) UniProtKB Star M4VB48_9BACT Oligoflexia Oligoflexales Pseudobacteriovoracaceae Pseudobacteriovorax Pseudobacteriovorax antillogorgiicola (UP000192907) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y6B215_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1Y6BWJ7_9BACT Silvanigrellales Silvanigrellaceae Fluviispira Fluviispira multicolorata (UP000442694) UniProtKB Star A0A833JEX0_9BACT Silvanigrella Silvanigrella aquatica (UP000184731) UniProtKB Star A0A1L4D0U9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1L4D471_9BACT Spirobacillus Spirobacillus cienkowskii (UP000253934) UniProtKB Star A0A369KWG1_9BACT


Caldisericota/Cryosericota group (2/2, 3 hits, 0 weak hit)
Caldisericota Caldisericia Caldisericales Caldisericaceae Caldisericum Caldisericum exile (strain DSM 21853 / NBRC 104410 / AZM16c01) (UP000004793) UniProtKB Star A0A7U6GFC1_CALEA UniProtKB Star A0A7U6JH22_CALEA Candidatus Cryosericota Candidatus Cryosericia Candidatus Cryosericales Candidatus Cryosericaceae Candidatus Cryosericum Candidatus Cryosericum terrychapinii (UP000266328) UniProtKB Star A0A398D261_9BACT


Calditrichota (1/1, 2 hits, 1 weak hit)
Calditrichia Calditrichales Calditrichaceae Caldithrix Caldithrix abyssi DSM 13497 (UP000004671) UniProtKB Star H1XP90_CALAY UniProtKB Star H1XTQ7_CALAY UniProtKB Star H1XSK9_CALAY


Campylobacterota (79/81, 134 hits, 43 weak hits)
Desulfurellia Desulfurellales Desulfurellaceae Desulfurella Desulfurella amilsii (UP000194141) UniProtKB Star A0A1X4XUI3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1X4XX59_9BACT Hippeaceae Hippea Hippea maritima (strain ATCC 700847 / DSM 10411 / MH2) (UP000008139) UniProtKB Star F2LUT1_HIPMA UniProtKB Star F2LUQ1_HIPMA Epsilonproteobacteria Campylobacterales Arcobacteraceae Aliarcobacter Aliarcobacter butzleri (strain RM4018) (UP000001136) UniProtKB Star SYE1_ALIB4 UniProtKB Star SYE2_ALIB4 Arcobacter Arcobacter caeni (UP000251135) UniProtKB Star A0A363D3E2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A363CYA7_9BACT Arcobacter nitrofigilis (strain ATCC 33309 / DSM 7299 / CCUG 15893 / L... (UP000000939) UniProtKB Star D5V490_ARCNC UniProtKB Star D5V1E5_ARCNC UniProtKB Star D5V0R1_ARCNC Arcobacter sp. CECT 8983 (UP000289850) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0ZZA7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0ZRI7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1A1G1_9BACT Arcobacter sp. FWKO B (UP000516527) UniProtKB Star A0A7L8V891_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7L8V3L9_9BACT Candidatus Marinarcus Candidatus Marinarcus aquaticus (UP000290657) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0XQE6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0XTC7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0XN50_9BACT Halarcobacter Halarcobacter anaerophilus (UP000290191) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0Y1T6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0Y105_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0Y723_9BACT Malaciobacter Malaciobacter halophilus (UP000233248) UniProtKB Star A0A2N1IZJ9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2N1J2J8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2N1J2A6_9BACT Poseidonibacter Poseidonibacter parvus (UP000186074) UniProtKB Star A0A1P8KIM3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1P8KM88_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1P8KLG8_9BACT Campylobacteraceae Campylobacter Campylobacter avium LMG 24591 (UP000201169) UniProtKB Star A0A222MY72_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A222MX04_9BACT Campylobacter blaseri (UP000240535) UniProtKB Star A0A2P8R444_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2P8QZZ1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2P8QYK2_9BACT Campylobacter corcagiensis (UP000594749) UniProtKB Star A0A7M1LHW6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7M1LEX9_9BACT Campylobacter curvus (strain 525.92) (UP000006380) UniProtKB Star SYE2_CAMC5 UniProtKB Star SYE1_CAMC5 Campylobacter devanensis (UP000194309) UniProtKB Star A0A1X9SQT5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1X9SSS8_9BACT Campylobacter geochelonis (UP000069632) UniProtKB Star A0A128ECS6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A128EK24_9BACT Campylobacter gracilis RM3268 (UP000005709) UniProtKB Star C8PF68_9BACT UniProtKB Star C8PJR5_9BACT Campylobacter hominis (strain ATCC BAA-381 / DSM 21671 / CCUG 45161 / ... (UP000002407) UniProtKB Star SYE1_CAMHC UniProtKB Star SYE2_CAMHC Campylobacter iguaniorum (UP000028486) UniProtKB Star A0A076FCJ6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A076FEX6_9BACT Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni serotype O:2 (strain ATCC 700819 / ... (UP000000799) UniProtKB Star SYE2_CAMJE UniProtKB Star SYE1_CAMJE Campylobacter lari (strain RM2100 / D67 / ATCC BAA-1060) (UP000007727) UniProtKB Star B9KDH2_CAMLR UniProtKB Star B9KG61_CAMLR Campylobacter massiliensis (UP000552683) UniProtKB Star A0A842JCX1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A842JBY6_9BACT Campylobacter mucosalis CCUG 21559 (UP000503264) UniProtKB Star A0A6G5QEW4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6G5QGS0_9BACT Campylobacter pinnipediorum subsp. caledonicus (UP000190868) UniProtKB Star A0A1S6U6H1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1S6U8L7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1S6U7S8_9BACT Campylobacter portucalensis (UP000476338) UniProtKB Star A0A6L5WGJ2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6L5WIE3_9BACT Campylobacter sp. MIT 12-5580 (UP000306069) UniProtKB Star A0A4U7BPP1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4U7BCD0_9BACT Campylobacter sp. RM16192 (UP000502820) UniProtKB Star A0A6G5R1A6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6G5R486_9BACT Campylobacter sputorum subsp. sputorum (UP000254920) UniProtKB Star A0A381DKJ5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A381DKV1_9BACT Campylobacter ureolyticus ACS-301-V-Sch3b (UP000014539) UniProtKB Star S3XHZ9_9BACT UniProtKB Star S3YK41_9BACT Candidatus Campylobacter infans (UP000509414) UniProtKB Star A0A7H9CNH6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7H9CLB1_9BACT Helicobacteraceae Helicobacter Helicobacter anseris (UP000256695) UniProtKB Star A0A3D8JAP9_9HELI UniProtKB Star A0A3D8J358_9HELI Helicobacter apodemus (UP000029920) UniProtKB Star A0A4U8UC47_9HELI UniProtKB Star A0A4U8UFP9_9HELI Helicobacter bilis ATCC 43879 (UP000005085) UniProtKB Star C3XHV5_9HELI UniProtKB Star C3XG89_9HELI Helicobacter bizzozeronii (strain CIII-1) (UP000008387) UniProtKB Star F8KRV4_HELBC Helicobacter canadensis MIT 98-5491 (UP000007032) UniProtKB Star C5ZW51_9HELI UniProtKB Star C5ZXM9_9HELI Helicobacter canis NCTC 12740 (UP000018688) UniProtKB Star V8CFB2_9HELI UniProtKB Star V8CF02_9HELI Helicobacter cholecystus (UP000257067) UniProtKB Star A0A3D8IZ65_9HELI Helicobacter cinaedi (UP000255335) UniProtKB Star A0A377JP61_9HELI UniProtKB Star A0A377JMU4_9HELI Helicobacter didelphidarum (UP000256379) UniProtKB Star A0A3D8IQW8_9HELI UniProtKB Star A0A3D8IKT0_9HELI Helicobacter enhydrae (UP000092884) UniProtKB Star A0A1B1U543_9HELI Helicobacter fennelliae MRY12-0050 (UP000018143) UniProtKB Star T1DVV8_9HELI UniProtKB Star T1CZX5_9HELI Helicobacter hepaticus (strain ATCC 51449 / 3B1) (UP000002495) UniProtKB Star SYE1_HELHP UniProtKB Star SYE2_HELHP Helicobacter macacae MIT 99-5501 (UP000018731) UniProtKB Star V8CCI2_9HELI UniProtKB Star V8C6Q3_9HELI Helicobacter muridarum (UP000255139) UniProtKB Star A0A099TYL9_9HELI UniProtKB Star A0A099TUT3_9HELI Helicobacter mustelae (strain ATCC 43772 / CCUG 25715 / CIP 103759 / L... (UP000001522) UniProtKB Star D3UG51_HELM1 UniProtKB Star D3UGK2_HELM1 Helicobacter pylori (strain ATCC 700392 / 26695) (UP000000429) UniProtKB Star SYE1_HELPY UniProtKB Star SYE2_HELPY Helicobacter pylori (strain G27) (UP000001735) UniProtKB Star SYE1_HELPG UniProtKB Star SYE2_HELPG Helicobacter saguini (UP000029714) UniProtKB Star A0A347VRX8_9HELI UniProtKB Star A0A347VRZ9_9HELI Helicobacter sp. 10-6591 (UP000251062) UniProtKB Star A0A329ZMB4_9HELI UniProtKB Star A0A329ZPT3_9HELI Helicobacter sp. 11S03491-1 (UP000216568) UniProtKB Star A0A268TD40_9HELI UniProtKB Star A0A268TGK1_9HELI Helicobacter sp. 13S00401-1 (UP000216091) UniProtKB Star A0A268U4L2_9HELI UniProtKB Star A0A268U485_9HELI Helicobacter sp. 15-1451 (UP000251881) UniProtKB Star A0A329ZMV0_9HELI UniProtKB Star A0A329ZXL1_9HELI Helicobacter sp. CLO-3 (UP000092701) UniProtKB Star A0A1B8J8A6_9HELI UniProtKB Star A0A1B8J9Y2_9HELI Helicobacter sp. MIT 14-3879 (UP000256842) UniProtKB Star A0A3D8I7A6_9HELI UniProtKB Star A0A3D8IJN5_9HELI Helicobacter sp. MIT 99-10781 (UP000256765) UniProtKB Star A0A3D8HV71_9HELI UniProtKB Star A0A3D8HTL4_9HELI Helicobacter sp. MIT 99-5507 (UP000256421) UniProtKB Star A0A3D8I0E6_9HELI UniProtKB Star A0A3D8HWH8_9HELI Helicobacter sp. TUL (UP000218502) UniProtKB Star A0A2A2GUR3_9HELI UniProtKB Star A0A2A2GTH0_9HELI Helicobacter suis HS5 (UP000054093) UniProtKB Star E7G3L1_9HELI Helicobacter valdiviensis (UP000249746) UniProtKB Star A0A2W6MUI2_9HELI UniProtKB Star A0A2W6MTA2_9HELI Helicobacter winghamensis (UP000233350) UniProtKB Star A0A2N3PKZ3_9HELI UniProtKB Star A0A2N3PHW3_9HELI Wolinella Wolinella succinogenes (strain ATCC 29543 / DSM 1740 / CCUG 13145 / JC... (UP000000422) UniProtKB Star SYE1_WOLSU UniProtKB Star SYE2_WOLSU Hydrogenimonadaceae Hydrogenimonas Hydrogenimonas sp. (UP000272365) UniProtKB Star A0A3G9H0P8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3G9GVR0_9BACT Hydrogenimonas thermophila (UP000199227) UniProtKB Star A0A1I5LKQ1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1I5NL72_9BACT Sulfurimonadaceae Sulfuricurvum Sulfuricurvum sp. MLSB (UP000029313) UniProtKB Star A0A091B810_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A091B410_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A091AHA6_9BACT Sulfurimonas Candidatus Sulfurimonas marisnigri (UP000593836) UniProtKB Star A0A7S7RQL4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7S7RPN6_9BACT Sulfurimonas aquatica (UP000671852) UniProtKB Star A0A975AY76_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A975GCS1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A975GCY7_9BACT Sulfurimonas autotrophica (strain ATCC BAA-671 / DSM 16294 / JCM 11897... (UP000007803) UniProtKB Star E0URI8_SULAO UniProtKB Star E0USL2_SULAO UniProtKB Star E0USL1_SULAO Sulfurimonas denitrificans (strain ATCC 33889 / DSM 1251) (UP000002714) UniProtKB Star SYE1_SULDN UniProtKB Star SYE2_SULDN Sulfurimonas gotlandica (strain DSM 19862 / JCM 16533 / GD1) (UP000006431) UniProtKB Star B6BGI0_SULGG UniProtKB Star B6BJE5_SULGG UniProtKB Star B6BJE4_SULGG Sulfurimonas hongkongensis (UP000015520) UniProtKB Star T0L076_9BACT UniProtKB Star T0JQ92_9BACT Sulfurimonas lithotrophica (UP000326944) UniProtKB Star A0A5P8P3L3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5P8P111_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5P8P1E2_9BACT Sulfurimonas marina (UP000593910) UniProtKB Star A0A7M1B0M9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7M1AXI7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7M1AY34_9BACT Thiovulum Thiovulum sp. ES (UP000005330) UniProtKB Star J0UVX9_9BACT UniProtKB Star J0UYC5_9BACT Sulfurospirillaceae Sulfurospirillum Sulfurospirillum deleyianum (strain ATCC 51133 / DSM 6946 / 5175) (UP000002222) UniProtKB Star D1B538_SULD5 UniProtKB Star D1B0A0_SULD5 UniProtKB Star D1B099_SULD5 Sulfurovaceae Nitratifractor Nitratifractor salsuginis (strain DSM 16511 / JCM 12458 / E9I37-1) (UP000008633) UniProtKB Star E6X2U7_NITSE UniProtKB Star E6WYY0_NITSE UniProtKB Star E6X3B4_NITSE Sulfurovum Sulfurovum lithotrophicum (UP000034444) UniProtKB Star A0A7U4LZQ7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7U4M120_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7U4RQG2_9BACT Sulfurovum sp. AR (UP000003180) UniProtKB Star I2K4D8_9BACT UniProtKB Star I2K877_9BACT UniProtKB Star I2K876_9BACT Sulfurovum sp. bin170 (UP000476761) UniProtKB Star A0A6M0L1Q8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6M0KYX9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6M0L474_9BACT Nautiliales Nautiliaceae Lebetimonas Lebetimonas natsushimae (UP000217944) UniProtKB Star A0A292YHK2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A292YEP8_9BACT Nitratiruptoraceae Nitratiruptor Nitratiruptor sp. (strain SB155-2) (UP000001118) UniProtKB Star SYE2_NITSB UniProtKB Star SYE1_NITSB


Candidatus Absconditabacteria (1/1, 1 hit, 0 weak hit)
candidate division SR1 bacterium RAAC1_SR1_1 (UP000217256) UniProtKB Star A0A288DH21_9BACT


Candidatus Bipolaricaulota (1/1, 1 hit, 1 weak hit)
Candidatus Bipolaricaulia Candidatus Bipolaricaulales Candidatus Bipolaricaulaceae Candidatus Bipolaricaulis Candidatus Bipolaricaulis anaerobius (UP000249818) UniProtKB Star A0A2X3KWE8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2X3ML33_9BACT


Candidatus Dependentiae (3/4, 6 hits, 0 weak hit)
Candidatus Babeliae Candidatus Babeliales Candidatus Babeliaceae Candidatus Babela Candidatus Babela massiliensis (UP000018769) UniProtKB Star V6DHJ7_9BACT UniProtKB Star V6DFR4_9BACT Candidatus Chromulinivoraceae Candidatus Chromulinivorax Candidatus Chromulinivorax destructor (UP000254834) UniProtKB Star A0A345ZAI7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A345ZB64_9BACT Vermiphilus candidate division TM6 bacterium JCVI TM6SC1 (UP000032214) UniProtKB Star A0A0D2JF48_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0D2JML3_9BACT candidate division TM6 bacterium Zodletone_IIa (UP000242648)


Candidatus Kryptoniota (2/2, 2 hits, 0 weak hit)
Candidatus Chrysopegis Candidatus Chrysopegis kryptomonas (UP000199197) UniProtKB Star A0A0P1MLG3_9BACT Candidatus Kryptobacter Kryptobacter tengchongensis (UP000243065) UniProtKB Star A0A656D8U6_KRYT1


Candidatus Latescibacterota (1/1, 1 hit, 0 weak hit)
Latescibacterota bacterium (UP000681675) UniProtKB Star A0A942LZ42_UNCLA


Candidatus Mcinerneyibacteriota (1/1, 1 hit, 0 weak hit)
Candidatus Mcinerneyibacteria Candidatus Mcinerneyibacteriales Candidatus Mcinerneyibacteriaceae Candidatus Mcinerneyibacterium Candidatus Mcinerneyibacterium aminivorans (UP000324143) UniProtKB Star A0A5D0MLT3_9BACT


Candidatus Methylomirabilota (1/1, 1 hit, 0 weak hit)
Candidatus Methylomirabilia Candidatus Methylomirabilales Candidatus Methylomirabilaceae Candidatus Methylomirabilis Candidatus Methylomirabilis lanthanidiphila (UP000334340) UniProtKB Star A0A564ZIA3_9BACT


Candidatus Moduliflexota (2/2, 2 hits, 2 weak hits)
Candidatus Moduliflexia Candidatus Moduliflexales Candidatus Moduliflexaceae Candidatus Moduliflexus flocculans (UP000030700) UniProtKB Star A0A0S6VVI5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A081BLX9_9BACT Candidatus Vecturitrichia Candidatus Vecturitrichales Candidatus Vecturitrichaceae Candidatus Vecturithrix Vecturithrix granuli (UP000030661) UniProtKB Star A0A081C8J3_VECG1 UniProtKB Star A0A081C284_VECG1


Candidatus Neomarinimicrobiota (3/3, 5 hits, 0 weak hit)
Candidatus Marinimicrobia bacterium MT.SAG.2 (UP000298410) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8I7K1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8I6G7_9BACT Candidatus Marinimicrobia bacterium MT.SAG.3 (UP000297774) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8I7Q5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8IB72_9BACT Candidatus Marinimicrobia bacterium MT.SAG.4 (UP000297497) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8ICA7_9BACT


Candidatus Nomurabacteria (0/1, 0 hit, 0 weak hit)
Candidatus Nomurabacteria bacterium (UP000557613)


Candidatus Omnitrophota (2/2, 2 hits, 0 weak hit)
Candidatus Omnitrophus Candidatus Omnitrophus magneticus (UP000033428) UniProtKB Star A0A0F0CLR0_9BACT Candidatus Velamenicoccus Velamenicoccus archaeovorus (UP000287243) UniProtKB Star A0A410P6U7_VELA1


Candidatus Parcubacteria (1/1, 1 hit, 0 weak hit)
Parcubacteria bacterium RAAC4_OD1_1 (UP000018547) UniProtKB Star V7PVV9_9BACT


Candidatus Saccharibacteria (9/11, 9 hits, 0 weak hit)
Candidatus Saccharibacteria bacterium (UP000608889) UniProtKB Star A0A931NV24_9BACT Candidatus Saccharibacteria bacterium RAAC3_TM7_1 (UP000018523) UniProtKB Star V5RVJ0_9BACT Candidatus Saccharibacteria bacterium TM7i (UP001064844) UniProtKB Star A0A976S2Y7_9BACT Candidatus Saccharibacteria incertae sedis Candidatus Minimicrobia Candidatus Minimicrobia naudis (UP000679129) Candidatus Minimicrobia vallesae (UP000677117) Candidatus Mycosynbacter Candidatus Mycosynbacter amalyticus (UP001059824) UniProtKB Star A0A857MLL2_9BACT Candidatus Saccharimonadia Candidatus Nanosynbacterales Candidatus Nanosynbacteraceae Candidatus Nanosynbacter Candidatus Nanosynbacter lyticus (UP000030902) UniProtKB Star A0A6S4GSY7_9BACT Candidatus Saccharimonadales Candidatus Saccharimonadaceae Candidatus Chaera Candidatus Chaera renei (UP000289269) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0AIT9_9BACT Candidatus Microsaccharimonas Candidatus Microsaccharimonas sossegonensis (UP000289257) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0AIZ1_9BACT Candidatus Saccharimonas Candidatus Saccharimonas aalborgensis (UP000013893) UniProtKB Star R4PLP5_9BACT candidate division TM7 genomosp. GTL1 (UP000003056) UniProtKB Star A5KS90_9BACT


Chlamydiota (15/17, 15 hits, 1 weak hit)
Chlamydiia Chlamydiales Chlamydiaceae Chlamydia/Chlamydophila group Chlamydia Chlamydia trachomatis serovar D (strain ATCC VR-885 / DSM 19411 / UW-3... (UP000000431) UniProtKB Star SYE_CHLTR Chlamydiales bacterium SCGC AB-751-O23 (UP000196784) UniProtKB Star A0A212KPD9_9CHLA Chlamydiales bacterium SCGC AG-110-M15 (UP000196862) UniProtKB Star A0A212KUN3_9CHLA Chlamydiales bacterium SCGC AG-110-P3 (UP000196763) UniProtKB Star A0A212KTN3_9CHLA Parachlamydiales Candidatus Parilichlamydiaceae Candidatus Similichlamydia Candidatus Similichlamydia laticola (UP000253816) Candidatus Rhabdochlamydiaceae Candidatus Rhabdochlamydia Candidatus Rhabdochlamydia sp. T3358 (UP000335940) UniProtKB Star A0A486XQ80_9BACT Criblamydiaceae Criblamydia Criblamydia sequanensis CRIB-18 (UP000031552) UniProtKB Star A0A090E259_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A090E0Z4_9BACT Estrella Estrella lausannensis (UP000220251) UniProtKB Star A0A0H5DQT6_9BACT Parachlamydiaceae Candidatus Protochlamydia Candidatus Protochlamydia naegleriophila (UP000069902) UniProtKB Star A0A0U5CMR7_9BACT Protochlamydia amoebophila (strain UWE25) (UP000000529) UniProtKB Star SYE_PARUW Neochlamydia Neochlamydia sp. S13 (UP000289195) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q9XXV6_9BACT Parachlamydia Parachlamydia acanthamoebae (strain UV7) (UP000000495) UniProtKB Star F8KWB2_PARAV Parachlamydia sp. AcF125 (UP000676288) UniProtKB Star A0A942PJW0_9BACT Parachlamydiaceae bacterium (UP000509179) UniProtKB Star A0A7D5RSR8_9BACT Simkaniaceae Simkania Simkania negevensis (strain ATCC VR-1471 / DSM 27360 / Z) (UP000000496) UniProtKB Star F8L439_SIMNZ Simkania sp. (UP000681280) Waddliaceae Waddlia Waddlia chondrophila (strain ATCC VR-1470 / WSU 86-1044) (UP000001505) UniProtKB Star D6YSI4_WADCW


Chlorobiota (10/10, 10 hits, 0 weak hit)
Chlorobiia Chlorobiales Chlorobiaceae Chlorobaculum Chlorobaculum tepidum (strain ATCC 49652 / DSM 12025 / NBRC 103806 / T... (UP000001007) UniProtKB Star SYE_CHLTE Chlorobium/Pelodictyon group Chlorobium Chlorobium ferrooxidans DSM 13031 (UP000004162) UniProtKB Star Q0YRY5_9CHLB Chlorobium limicola (UP000053937) UniProtKB Star A0A101JNY1_CHLLI Chlorobium phaeobacteroides (strain DSM 266 / SMG 266 / 2430) (UP000008701) UniProtKB Star SYE_CHLPD Pelodictyon Chlorobium luteolum (strain DSM 273 / BCRC 81028 / 2530) (UP000002709) UniProtKB Star SYE_CHLL3 Pelodictyon phaeoclathratiforme (strain DSM 5477 / BU-1) (UP000002724) UniProtKB Star SYE_PELPB Prosthecochloris Prosthecochloris sp. CIB 2401 (UP000092496) UniProtKB Star A0A1B1Q454_9CHLB Prosthecochloris sp. GSB1 (UP000201322) UniProtKB Star A0A222SH38_9CHLB Prosthecochloris sp. ZM_2 (UP000253798) UniProtKB Star A0A3R7ICF3_9CHLB Chloroherpetonaceae Chloroherpeton Chloroherpeton thalassium (strain ATCC 35110 / GB-78) (UP000001208) UniProtKB Star SYE_CHLT3


Chrysiogenota (2/2, 2 hits, 0 weak hit)
Chrysiogenia Chrysiogenales Chrysiogenaceae Desulfurispira Desulfurispira natronophila (UP000528322) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7Y2L1_9BACT Desulfurispirillum Desulfurispirillum indicum (strain ATCC BAA-1389 / DSM 22839 / S5) (UP000002572) UniProtKB Star E6W2Q8_DESIS


Coprothermobacterota (1/1, 1 hit, 0 weak hit)
Coprothermobacteria Coprothermobacterales Coprothermobacteraceae Coprothermobacter Coprothermobacter proteolyticus (strain ATCC 35245 / DSM 5265 / OCM 4 ... (UP000001732) UniProtKB Star SYE_COPPD


Deferribacterota (7/7, 7 hits, 4 weak hits)
Deferribacteres Deferribacterales Calditerrivibrionaceae Calditerrivibrio nitroreducens (strain DSM 19672 / NBRC 101217 / Yu37-1) (UP000007039) UniProtKB Star E4THT0_CALNY UniProtKB Star E4TJJ9_CALNY Deferribacteraceae Deferribacter Deferribacter desulfuricans (strain DSM 14783 / JCM 11476 / NBRC 10101... (UP000001520) UniProtKB Star D3PD67_DEFDS Flexistipitaceae Flexistipes Flexistipes sinusarabici (strain ATCC 49648 / DSM 4947 / MAS 10) (UP000006621) UniProtKB Star F8E508_FLESM Geovibrionaceae Denitrovibrio Denitrovibrio acetiphilus (strain DSM 12809 / NBRC 114555 / N2460) (UP000002012) UniProtKB Star D4H6S8_DENA2 UniProtKB Star D4H6S9_DENA2 Geovibrio Geovibrio thiophilus (UP000287502) UniProtKB Star A0A3R5V367_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3R5YYF3_9BACT Seleniivibrio Seleniivibrio woodruffii (UP000294614) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1K7W3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4R1KB71_9BACT Mucispirillaceae Mucispirillum Mucispirillum schaedleri ASF457 (UP000017429) UniProtKB Star V2QDQ4_9BACT


Deinococcota (33/33, 33 hits, 43 weak hits)
Deinococci Deinococcales Deinococcaceae Deinobacterium Deinobacterium chartae (UP000569951) UniProtKB Star A0A841I5R6_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A841HVC8_9DEIO Deinococcus Deinococcus aerius (UP000236569) UniProtKB Star A0A2I9CU45_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A2I9DQ45_9DEIO Deinococcus aquiradiocola (UP000635726) UniProtKB Star A0A917P4L1_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A917UNR7_9DEIO Deinococcus arboris (UP000483286) UniProtKB Star A0A7C9M5N0_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A7C9HTD7_9DEIO Deinococcus budaensis (UP000525389) UniProtKB Star A0A7W8GGN1_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A7W8GF64_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A7W8GD31_9DEIO Deinococcus cavernae (UP000286287) UniProtKB Star A0A418V733_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A418V7B3_9DEIO Deinococcus cellulosilyticus (strain DSM 18568 / NBRC 106333 / KACC 11... (UP000321306) UniProtKB Star A0A511N4Q7_DEIC1 UniProtKB Star A0A511MVE0_DEIC1 UniProtKB Star A0A511N0V3_DEIC1 Deinococcus deserti (strain DSM 17065 / CIP 109153 / LMG 22923 / VCD115) (UP000002208) UniProtKB Star C1CWG2_DEIDV UniProtKB Star C1CY94_DEIDV Deinococcus ficus (UP000259030) UniProtKB Star A0A221SZV3_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A221SYR4_9DEIO Deinococcus hopiensis KR-140 (UP000192582) UniProtKB Star A0A1W1VAY0_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A1W1V6H0_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A1W1VGY0_9DEIO Deinococcus irradiatisoli (UP000245368) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z3JL11_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A2Z3JD89_9DEIO Deinococcus koreensis (UP000236379) UniProtKB Star A0A2K3UVS6_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A2K3UZS3_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A2K3UU22_9DEIO Deinococcus maricopensis (strain DSM 21211 / LMG 22137 / NRRL B-23946 ... (UP000008635) UniProtKB Star E8U832_DEIML UniProtKB Star E8U5L8_DEIML Deinococcus peraridilitoris (strain DSM 19664 / LMG 22246 / CIP 109416... (UP000010467) UniProtKB Star L0A6Y0_DEIPD UniProtKB Star L0A2S1_DEIPD UniProtKB Star L0A7Y0_DEIPD Deinococcus proteolyticus (strain ATCC 35074 / DSM 20540 / JCM 6276 / ... (UP000007718) UniProtKB Star F0RN23_DEIPM UniProtKB Star F0RJ44_DEIPM UniProtKB Star F0RM61_DEIPM Deinococcus puniceus (UP000077363) UniProtKB Star A0A172T7Q3_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A172TBD1_9DEIO Deinococcus radiodurans (strain ATCC 13939 / DSM 20539 / JCM 16871 / C... (UP000002524) UniProtKB Star SYE_DEIRA UniProtKB Star SYQ_DEIRA Deinococcus radiopugnans (UP000030634) UniProtKB Star A0A0A7KJB2_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A0A7KCS0_9DEIO Deinococcus reticulitermitis (UP000199223) UniProtKB Star A0A1H6WB41_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A1H6YVW7_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A1H6VJ97_9DEIO Deinococcus ruber (UP000603865) UniProtKB Star A0A918F1B6_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A918EZT1_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A918C0M9_9DEIO Deinococcus soli (ex Cha et al. 2016) (UP000034024) UniProtKB Star A0A0F7JQ27_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A0F7JR32_9DEIO Deinococcus sp. Leaf326 (UP000051652) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5IDE6_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5KHV5_9DEIO Deinococcus sp. RL (UP000027898) UniProtKB Star A0A072NE13_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A072NBK1_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A072NPG9_9DEIO Deinococcus yavapaiensis KR-236 (UP000248326) UniProtKB Star A0A318SFJ5_9DEIO UniProtKB Star A0A318S6R7_9DEIO Thermales Thermaceae Allomeiothermus Allomeiothermus silvanus (strain ATCC 700542 / DSM 9946 / NBRC 106475 ... (UP000001916) UniProtKB Star D7BF53_ALLS1 UniProtKB Star D7BEF1_ALLS1 Calidithermus Calidithermus roseus (UP000265341) UniProtKB Star A0A399ET10_9DEIN UniProtKB Star A0A399EI57_9DEIN Marinithermus Marinithermus hydrothermalis (strain DSM 14884 / JCM 11576 / T1) (UP000007030) UniProtKB Star F2NM49_MARHT UniProtKB Star F2NKB2_MARHT Meiothermus Meiothermus granaticius NBRC 107808 (UP000266178) UniProtKB Star A0A399FFA1_9DEIN UniProtKB Star A0A399F847_9DEIN Meiothermus sp. QL-1 (UP000255346) UniProtKB Star A0A370JXF8_9DEIN UniProtKB Star A0A370JZ78_9DEIN Oceanithermus Oceanithermus profundus (strain DSM 14977 / NBRC 100410 / VKM B-2274 /... (UP000008722) UniProtKB Star E4U787_OCEP5 UniProtKB Star E4U9B0_OCEP5 Thermus Thermus thermophilus (strain ATCC 27634 / DSM 579 / HB8) (UP000000532) UniProtKB Star SYE_THET8 UniProtKB Star Q5SKU4_THET8 Trueperales Trueperaceae Truepera Truepera radiovictrix (strain DSM 17093 / CIP 108686 / LMG 22925 / RQ-... (UP000000379) UniProtKB Star D7CWK7_TRURR UniProtKB Star D7CQX9_TRURR UniProtKB Star D7CW77_TRURR Truepera sp. (UP000680755) UniProtKB Star A0A942K8E1_9DEIN UniProtKB Star A0A942QBJ7_9DEIN


Deltaproteobacteria (6/7, 7 hits, 9 weak hits)
Bradymonadales Bradymonadaceae Bradymonas Bradymonas sediminis (UP000249799) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z4FJ20_9DELT UniProtKB Star A0A2Z4FQ24_9DELT UniProtKB Star A0A2Z4FIV8_9DELT Persicimonas Persicimonas caeni (UP000315995) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y6Q1G1_PERCE UniProtKB Star A0A4Y6PRR6_PERCE UniProtKB Star A0A4Y6PZD2_PERCE Lujinxingiaceae Lujinxingia Lujinxingia litoralis (UP000249169) UniProtKB Star A0A328C698_9DELT UniProtKB Star A0A328CB19_9DELT UniProtKB Star A0A328C614_9DELT Microvenatoraceae Microvenator Microvenator marinus (UP000321595) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8XSN0_9DELT UniProtKB Star A0A5B8XNB8_9DELT UniProtKB Star A0A5B8XVJ1_9DELT Dissulfurirhabdaceae Dissulfurirhabdus Dissulfurirhabdus thermomarina (UP000469346) UniProtKB Star A0A6N9TPF0_DISTH Olavius algarvensis Delta 4 endosymbiont (UP000614654) delta proteobacterium NaphS2 (UP000003834) UniProtKB Star D8EWH5_9DELT UniProtKB Star D8F2I3_9DELT UniProtKB Star D8F2G4_9DELT


Dictyoglomota (1/1, 1 hit, 0 weak hit)
Dictyoglomia Dictyoglomales Dictyoglomaceae Dictyoglomus Dictyoglomus turgidum (strain DSM 6724 / Z-1310) (UP000007719) UniProtKB Star B8E0A6_DICTD


Elusimicrobiota (5/5, 7 hits, 1 weak hit)
Elusimicrobia Elusimicrobiales Elusimicrobiaceae Elusimicrobium Elusimicrobium minutum (strain Pei191) (UP000001029) UniProtKB Star SYE_ELUMP Elusimicrobium sp. An273 (UP000196368) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4DKD5_9BACT Endomicrobiia Endomicrobiales Endomicrobiaceae Candidatus Endomicrobiellum Endomicrobium trichonymphae (UP000095237) UniProtKB Star A0A1E5ILK8_ENDTX UniProtKB Star A0A1E5IIN8_ENDTX UniProtKB Star A0A1E5IFG4_ENDTX UniProtKB Star A0A1E5IFE3_ENDTX Endomicrobium Endomicrobium proavitum (UP000035337) UniProtKB Star A0A0G3WIY6_9BACT Endomicrobiia bacterium (UP001064802) UniProtKB Star A0A9P3EL81_9BACT


Fibrobacterota (5/5, 5 hits, 5 weak hits)
Chitinivibrionia Chitinivibrionales Chitinivibrionaceae Chitinivibrio Chitinivibrio alkaliphilus ACht1 (UP000017148) UniProtKB Star U7D7U9_9BACT UniProtKB Star U7D671_9BACT Fibrobacteria Fibrobacterales Fibrobacteraceae Fibrobacter Fibrobacter sp. UWB4 (UP000197626) UniProtKB Star A0A254S2K2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A254SBU8_9BACT Fibrobacter sp. UWEL (UP000184030) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6U4I4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1M6UHH9_9BACT Fibrobacter sp. UWR2 (UP000197391) UniProtKB Star A0A254RNU4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A254RH69_9BACT Hallerella Hallerella succinigenes (UP000231134) UniProtKB Star A0A2M9A636_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2M9AB04_9BACT


Fusobacteriota (22/22, 22 hits, 0 weak hit)
Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Fusobacteriaceae Cetobacterium Cetobacterium ceti (UP000191153) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4Q221_9FUSO Cetobacterium somerae ATCC BAA-474 (UP000017081) UniProtKB Star U7VA97_9FUSO Cetobacterium sp. 2A (UP000542230) UniProtKB Star A0A842J3F0_9FUSO Fusobacterium Fusobacterium animalis ATCC 51191 (UP000005392) UniProtKB Star F9EKA8_9FUSO Fusobacterium gonidiaformans 3-1-5R (UP000002975) UniProtKB Star E5BE46_9FUSO Fusobacterium hominis (UP000515913) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9GX70_9FUSO Fusobacterium necrogenes (UP000255328) UniProtKB Star A0A377GYG9_9FUSO Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. nucleatum (strain ATCC 25586 / DSM 1564... (UP000002521) UniProtKB Star SYE_FUSNN Fusobacterium sp. FSA-380-WT-3A (UP000591197) UniProtKB Star A0A848BZG9_9FUSO Fusobacterium ulcerans 12-1B (UP000003233) UniProtKB Star H1PVD2_9FUSO Hypnocyclicus Hypnocyclicus thermotrophus (UP000294678) UniProtKB Star A0AA46DYP8_9FUSO Ilyobacter Ilyobacter polytropus (strain ATCC 51220 / DSM 2926 / LMG 16218 / CuHB... (UP000006875) UniProtKB Star E3HAY9_ILYPC Propionigenium Propionigenium maris DSM 9537 (UP001144471) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6LMN9_9FUSO Psychrilyobacter Psychrilyobacter sp. S5 (UP000253914) UniProtKB Star A0A369Y565_9FUSO Leptotrichiaceae Leptotrichia Leptotrichia hofstadii F0254 (UP000006233) UniProtKB Star C9MWJ9_9FUSO Leptotrichia shahii (UP000322617) UniProtKB Star A0A510JMP0_9FUSO Leptotrichia sp. oral taxon 215 str. W9775 (UP000016640) UniProtKB Star U2T0U7_9FUSO Oceanivirga Oceanivirga miroungae (UP000419017) UniProtKB Star A0A6I8MEL1_9FUSO Pseudoleptotrichia Pseudoleptotrichia goodfellowii F0264 (UP000004226) UniProtKB Star D0GJR7_9FUSO Sebaldella Sebaldella termitidis (strain ATCC 33386 / NCTC 11300) (UP000000845) UniProtKB Star D1AQD5_SEBTE Sneathia Sneathia vaginalis (UP000033103) UniProtKB Star A0A0E3UV14_9FUSO Streptobacillus Streptobacillus moniliformis (strain ATCC 14647 / DSM 12112 / NCTC 106... (UP000002072) UniProtKB Star D1AWM1_STRM9


Gemmatimonadota (8/8, 8 hits, 10 weak hits)
Gemmatimonadia Gemmatimonadales Gemmatimonadaceae Gemmatimonas Gemmatimonas aurantiaca (strain DSM 14586 / JCM 11422 / NBRC 100505 / ... (UP000002209) UniProtKB Star C1A7U1_GEMAT UniProtKB Star C1AAD4_GEMAT Gemmatimonas groenlandica (UP000500938) UniProtKB Star A0A6M4IL73_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6M4IYT0_9BACT Gemmatimonas phototrophica (UP000076404) UniProtKB Star A0A143BJS6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A143BKK5_9BACT Gemmatimonas sp. (UP000470823) UniProtKB Star A0A843TAY6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A843T2P6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A843T2B7_9BACT Gemmatirosa Gemmatirosa kalamazoonensis (UP000019151) UniProtKB Star W0RM56_9BACT UniProtKB Star W0RJB8_9BACT Pseudogemmatithrix Pseudogemmatithrix spongiicola (UP001229955) UniProtKB Star A0AA49JZG0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AA49JWJ7_9BACT Roseisolibacter Roseisolibacter agri (UP001161325) UniProtKB Star A0AA37QH79_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AA37QCS7_9BACT Longimicrobiia Longimicrobiales Longimicrobiaceae Longimicrobium Longimicrobium terrae (UP000582837) UniProtKB Star A0A841GR15_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A841GZV3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A841GLP0_9BACT


Ignavibacteriota (6/6, 6 hits, 6 weak hits)
Ignavibacteria Ignavibacteriales Ignavibacteriaceae Ignavibacterium Ignavibacterium album (strain DSM 19864 / JCM 16511 / NBRC 101810 / Ma... (UP000007394) UniProtKB Star I0AKG7_IGNAJ UniProtKB Star I0AKH0_IGNAJ Ignavibacterium sp. (UP000682732) UniProtKB Star A0A942N671_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A942MWU3_9BACT Ignavibacteriales bacterium (UP000678872) UniProtKB Star A0A942RQ96_UNCIG UniProtKB Star A0A942RQF9_UNCIG Melioribacteraceae Melioribacter Melioribacter roseus (strain JCM 17771 / P3M-2) (UP000009011) UniProtKB Star I7A6K1_MELRP UniProtKB Star I6Z8L7_MELRP Melioribacter sp. (UP000680570) UniProtKB Star A0A942GFE3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A942GAC7_9BACT Stygiobacter Stygiobacter electus (UP001221302) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3P137_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AAE3P3D2_9BACT


Kiritimatiellota (4/4, 4 hits, 4 weak hits)
Kiritimatiellia Kiritimatiellales Kiritimatiellaceae Kiritimatiella Kiritimatiella glycovorans (UP000035268) UniProtKB Star A0A0G3EBW9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0G3ED34_9BACT Pontiellaceae Pontiella Pontiella desulfatans (UP000366872) UniProtKB Star A0A6C2U954_PONDE UniProtKB Star A0A6C2U855_PONDE Pontiella sulfatireligans (UP000346198) UniProtKB Star A0A6C2UK19_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6C2UIH8_9BACT Tichowtungiia Tichowtungiales Tichowtungiaceae Tichowtungia Tichowtungia aerotolerans (UP000464954) UniProtKB Star A0A6P1MDA2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6P1MAC1_9BACT


Lentisphaerota (3/4, 3 hits, 3 weak hits)
Lentisphaeria Lentisphaerales Lentisphaeraceae Lentisphaera Lentisphaera araneosa HTCC2155 (UP000004947) Victivallales Victivallaceae Victivallis Victivallis vadensis (UP000245959) UniProtKB Star A0A2U1AJP5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2U1BA94_9BACT Lentisphaerota bacterium (UP000663363) UniProtKB Star A0A975A7D0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A975A985_9BACT Oligosphaeria Oligosphaerales Oligosphaeraceae Oligosphaera Oligosphaera ethanolica (UP001238163) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3VCQ3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AAE3VEE3_9BACT


Myxococcota (30/30, 30 hits, 47 weak hits)
Myxococcia Deltaproteobacteria bacterium (UP000430523) UniProtKB Star A0A6I1R495_UNCDE UniProtKB Star A0A6I1RBI6_UNCDE Myxococcales Cystobacterineae Anaeromyxobacteraceae Anaeromyxobacter Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans (strain 2CP-C) (UP000001935) UniProtKB Star SYE_ANADE UniProtKB Star Q2IMP1_ANADE UniProtKB Star Q2IL36_ANADE Anaeromyxobacter diazotrophicus (UP000503640) UniProtKB Star A0A7I9VP26_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7I9VJ57_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7I9VN78_9BACT Anaeromyxobacter sp. (strain Fw109-5) (UP000006382) UniProtKB Star SYE_ANADF UniProtKB Star A7H739_ANADF UniProtKB Star A7H9S5_ANADF Archangiaceae Archangium Archangium sp. Cb G35 (UP000185945) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q3HGV3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1Q3HGN7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1Q3HCD0_9BACT Cystobacter Cystobacter ferrugineus (UP000182229) UniProtKB Star A0A1L9BBV2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1L9AWM1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1L9B1Y0_9BACT Hyalangium Hyalangium minutum (UP000028725) UniProtKB Star A0A085WAG3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A085WC84_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A085WIY1_9BACT Melittangium Melittangium boletus DSM 14713 (UP000217289) UniProtKB Star A0A250I7G7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A250IJ72_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A250IHL5_9BACT Stigmatella Stigmatella aurantiaca (UP000182719) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7UPI2_STIAU UniProtKB Star A0A1H7FCZ2_STIAU UniProtKB Star A0A1H7FWB3_STIAU Vitiosangium Vitiosangium sp. (strain GDMCC 1.1324) (UP000240889) UniProtKB Star A0A2T4V6X2_VITXG UniProtKB Star A0A2T4VJU5_VITXG UniProtKB Star A0A2T4VAH6_VITXG Myxococcaceae Aggregicoccus Aggregicoccus sp. 17bor-14 (UP000425013) UniProtKB Star A0A6I2GNF4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6I2H146_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6I2GTC8_9BACT Corallococcus Corallococcus coralloides (strain ATCC 25202 / DSM 2259 / NBRC 100086 ... (UP000007587) UniProtKB Star H8MW24_CORCM UniProtKB Star H8MQJ5_CORCM UniProtKB Star H8MFH2_CORCM Myxococcaceae bacterium (UP000664836) UniProtKB Star A0A916GKR9_9BACT Myxococcus Myxococcus xanthus (strain DK1622) (UP000002402) UniProtKB Star SYE_MYXXD UniProtKB Star Q1DCU5_MYXXD UniProtKB Star Q1D9U0_MYXXD Pyxidicoccus Pyxidicoccus fallax (UP000518300) UniProtKB Star A0A848LDZ4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A848LU95_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A848M123_9BACT Vulgatibacteraceae Vulgatibacter Vulgatibacter incomptus (UP000055590) UniProtKB Star A0A0K1PC85_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0K1PI46_9BACT Enhygromyxa Enhygromyxa salina (UP000237968) UniProtKB Star A0A2S9YE73_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2S9XGI2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2S9XR97_9BACT Myxococcales bacterium (UP000291769) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q5XDM3_UNCMY UniProtKB Star A0A4Q5XE53_UNCMY Sorangiineae Sorangiineae bacterium NIC37A_2 (UP000242921) UniProtKB Star A0A1W9QCW3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1W9QFR1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1W9QFL8_9BACT Polyangia Haliangiales Kofleriaceae Haliangium Haliangium ochraceum (strain DSM 14365 / JCM 11303 / SMP-2) (UP000001880) UniProtKB Star D0LRC5_HALO1 UniProtKB Star D0LSY5_HALO1 Nannocystales Nannocystaceae Nannocystis Nannocystis exedens (UP000199400) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1T6L4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1I1V9J3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1I1SNU1_9BACT Nannocystis pusilla (UP001150924) UniProtKB Star A0A9X3IX80_9BACT Plesiocystis Plesiocystis pacifica SIR-1 (UP000005801) UniProtKB Star A6GBU5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A6G135_9BACT UniProtKB Star A6G2C8_9BACT Pseudenhygromyxa Pseudenhygromyxa sp. WMMC2535 (UP000533969) UniProtKB Star A0A850GLD9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A850GE62_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A850GFS1_9BACT Polyangiales Labilitrichaceae Labilithrix Labilithrix luteola (UP000064967) UniProtKB Star A0A0K1PSJ7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0K1QD68_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0K1PRJ9_9BACT Polyangiaceae Chondromyces Chondromyces crocatus (UP000067626) UniProtKB Star A0A0K1E8X1_CHOCO UniProtKB Star A0A0K1EHR4_CHOCO Pajaroellobacter abortibovis (UP000185544) UniProtKB Star A0A1L6MYN0_9BACT Polyangium Polyangium spumosum (UP000440224) UniProtKB Star A0A6N7PNP4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6N7PJJ7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6N7PYW9_9BACT Sorangium Sorangium cellulosum (strain So ce56) (UP000002139) UniProtKB Star SYE_SORC5 Sandaracinaceae Sandaracinus Sandaracinus amylolyticus (UP000034883) UniProtKB Star A0A0F6SE86_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0F6VZC6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0F6YGA9_9BACT


Nitrospinota/Tectimicrobiota group (2/3, 2 hits, 3 weak hits)
Candidatus Tectimicrobiota Candidatus Entotheonellia Candidatus Entotheonellales Candidatus Entotheonellaceae Candidatus Entotheonella Candidatus Entotheonella gemina (UP000019140) UniProtKB Star W4MHD9_9BACT Entotheonella factor (UP000019141) UniProtKB Star W4LTD3_ENTF1 UniProtKB Star W4LKS2_ENTF1 Nitrospinota Nitrospinia Nitrospinales Nitrospinaceae Nitrospina Nitrospina gracilis (strain 3/211) (UP000011704) UniProtKB Star M1YYX3_NITG3 UniProtKB Star M1YZJ5_NITG3


Nitrospirota (20/20, 20 hits, 13 weak hits)
Nitrospiria Candidatus Troglogloeales Candidatus Manganitrophaceae Candidatus Manganitrophus Candidatus Manganitrophus noduliformans (UP000534783) UniProtKB Star A0A7X6IAV9_9BACT Nitrospirales Nitrospiraceae Candidatus Sulfobium Candidatus Sulfobium mesophilum (UP000245125) UniProtKB Star A0A2U3QHJ6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2U3QHL1_9BACT Leptospirillum Leptospirillum ferriphilum YSK (UP000027059) UniProtKB Star A0A059XRT6_9BACT Leptospirillum ferrodiazotrophum (UP000009374) UniProtKB Star C6HWZ3_9BACT Leptospirillum ferrooxidans (strain C2-3) (UP000007382) UniProtKB Star I0IRU5_LEPFC Nitrospira Candidatus Nitrospira inopinata (UP000066284) UniProtKB Star A0A0S4KQP0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0S4KQM0_9BACT Candidatus Nitrospira nitrificans (UP000198736) UniProtKB Star A0A0S4LI89_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0S4LLA3_9BACT Candidatus Nitrospira nitrosa (UP000199032) UniProtKB Star A0A0S4L997_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0S4LBE7_9BACT Nitrospira defluvii (UP000001660) UniProtKB Star D8P856_9BACT UniProtKB Star D8P853_9BACT Nitrospira japonica (UP000192042) UniProtKB Star A0A1W1I1J6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1W1I159_9BACT Nitrospira lenta (UP000248168) UniProtKB Star A0A330L718_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A330L732_9BACT Nitrospira moscoviensis (UP000069205) UniProtKB Star A0A0K2GIC9_NITMO UniProtKB Star A0A0K2GIC4_NITMO Nitrospira sp. KM1 (UP000501139) UniProtKB Star A0A679HV94_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A679HIR1_9BACT Nitrospira sp. SCGC AG-212-E16 (UP000078320) UniProtKB Star A0A177QHR8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A177QK25_9BACT Nitrospira tepida (UP001179121) UniProtKB Star A0AA86N2J0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AA86N2E6_9BACT Nitrospiraceae bacterium AH_259_D15_M11_P09 (UP001147470) UniProtKB Star A0A9X3PNL1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A9X3PNM5_9BACT Nitrospirales bacterium LBB_01 (UP000298402) UniProtKB Star A0A8F2B1G6_9BACT Thermodesulfovibrionia Thermodesulfovibrionales Candidatus Magnetobacteriaceae Candidatus Magnetobacterium Candidatus Magnetobacterium bavaricum (UP000033423) UniProtKB Star A0A0F3GJV4_9BACT Dissulfurispiraceae Dissulfurispira Dissulfurispira thermophila (UP000516360) UniProtKB Star A0A7G1H4V1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7G1H5H7_9BACT Thermodesulfovibrionaceae Thermodesulfovibrio Thermodesulfovibrio yellowstonii (strain ATCC 51303 / DSM 11347 / YP87) (UP000000718) UniProtKB Star SYE_THEYD


Planctomycetota (104/104, 106 hits, 142 weak hits)
Candidatus Brocadiia Candidatus Brocadiales Candidatus Brocadiaceae Candidatus Brocadia Candidatus Brocadia fulgida (UP000034954) UniProtKB Star A0A0M2UYJ0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0M2UUK3_9BACT Candidatus Brocadia sapporoensis (UP000242219) UniProtKB Star A0A1V6LXL6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1V6M336_9BACT Candidatus Brocadiaceae bacterium S225 (UP000315241) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6DI96_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C6DQ47_9BACT Candidatus Jettenia Candidatus Jettenia caeni (UP000002985) UniProtKB Star I3IQ35_9BACT UniProtKB Star I3IHG5_9BACT Candidatus Kuenenia Kuenenia stuttgartiensis (UP000221734) UniProtKB Star A0A2C9CD92_KUEST UniProtKB Star A0A2C9CH96_KUEST Candidatus Scalinduaceae Candidatus Scalindua Candidatus Scalindua japonica (UP000218542) UniProtKB Star A0A286TZD7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A286TUA1_9BACT Candidatus Uabimicrobiia Candidatus Uabimicrobiales Candidatus Uabimicrobiaceae Candidatus Uabimicrobium Uabimicrobium amorphum (UP000326354) UniProtKB Star A0A5S9IVA5_UABAM UniProtKB Star A0A5S9INF4_UABAM Phycisphaerae Phycisphaerae bacterium RAS1 (UP000316082) UniProtKB Star A0A5C5W1E2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C5W251_9BACT Phycisphaerae bacterium RAS2 (UP000320198) UniProtKB Star A0A518LG70_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A518LGJ9_9BACT Phycisphaerales Phycisphaeraceae Algisphaera Algisphaera agarilytica (UP000541810) UniProtKB Star A0A7X0HBY3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7X0H8X4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7X0H956_9BACT Mucisphaera Mucisphaera calidilacus (UP000320386) UniProtKB Star A0A518BVA2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A518BV74_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A518BWM0_9BACT Phycisphaera Phycisphaera mikurensis (strain NBRC 102666 / KCTC 22515 / FYK2301M01) (UP000007881) UniProtKB Star I0IAH0_PHYMF UniProtKB Star I0IFF5_PHYMF UniProtKB Star I0IB99_PHYMF Phycisphaera sp. (UP000270436) UniProtKB Star A0A3M8FRH9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3M8FRJ2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3M8FTR2_9BACT Poriferisphaera Poriferisphaera corsica (UP000317369) UniProtKB Star A0A517YSB0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A517YTK9_9BACT Phycisphaerales bacterium (UP000664142) UniProtKB Star A0A916DJU0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A916GC99_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A916M1G6_9BACT Sedimentisphaerales Anaerohalosphaeraceae Anaerohalosphaera Anaerohalosphaera lusitana (UP000189674) UniProtKB Star A0A1U9NKL9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1U9NKV6_9BACT Sedimentisphaeraceae Limihaloglobus Limihaloglobus sulfuriphilus (UP000188181) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q2MJ28_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1Q2MC62_9BACT Sedimentisphaera Sedimentisphaera salicampi (UP000193334) UniProtKB Star A0A1W6LMK4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1W6LNC7_9BACT Planctomycetes bacterium CA13 (UP000315010) UniProtKB Star A0A5C5Z843_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C5Z8G8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C5ZD36_9BACT Planctomycetes bacterium K23_9 (UP000319817) UniProtKB Star A0A517NPT7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A517NPT5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A517NZ74_9BACT Planctomycetes bacterium MalM25 (UP000320156) UniProtKB Star A0A517TNI8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A517TNC1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A517THK6_9BACT Planctomycetes bacterium Pan216 (UP000317093) UniProtKB Star A0A518AYH6_9BACT Planctomycetes bacterium Pla133 (UP000316921) UniProtKB Star A0A518BLA5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A518BSB0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A518BKI6_9BACT Planctomycetes bacterium Pla163 (UP000319342) UniProtKB Star A0A518CZ50_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A518D0P8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A518CY23_9BACT Planctomycetes bacterium Poly30 (UP000320390) UniProtKB Star A0A518EUG8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A518EN38_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A518ET56_9BACT Planctomycetes bacterium SV_7m_r (UP000315003) UniProtKB Star A0A517SPC5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A517SPC4_9BACT Planctomycetia Gemmatales Gemmataceae Fimbriiglobus Fimbriiglobus ruber (UP000214646) UniProtKB Star A0A225DD36_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A225E2Z1_9BACT Frigoriglobus Frigoriglobus tundricola (UP000503447) UniProtKB Star A0A6M5YQM1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6M5YSR4_9BACT Gemmata Gemmata obscuriglobus (UP000245802) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z3H2M8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2Z3GU04_9BACT Gemmata sp. SH-PL17 (UP000076098) UniProtKB Star A0A142XRG0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A142XP75_9BACT Gemmataceae bacterium (UP000485840) UniProtKB Star A0A4V0I1U1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4V0HZC6_9BACT Limnoglobus Limnoglobus roseus (UP000324974) UniProtKB Star A0A5C1AN55_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C1AKQ3_9BACT Telmatocola sphagniphila (UP000676194) UniProtKB Star A0A8E6B1R3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A8E6ETV4_9BACT Thermogemmata Thermogemmata fonticola (UP000542342) UniProtKB Star A0A7V9ACG0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7V8VE45_9BACT Tuwongella Tuwongella immobilis (UP000464378) UniProtKB Star A0A6C2YQL2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6C2YPG8_9BACT Urbifossiella Urbifossiella limnaea (UP000319576) UniProtKB Star A0A517XMP8_9BACT Isosphaerales Isosphaeraceae Aquisphaera Aquisphaera giovannonii (UP000324233) UniProtKB Star A0A5B9WD08_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5B9WD93_9BACT Isosphaera Isosphaera pallida (strain ATCC 43644 / DSM 9630 / IS1B) (UP000008631) UniProtKB Star E8QY82_ISOPI UniProtKB Star E8R513_ISOPI Paludisphaera Paludisphaera borealis (UP000186309) UniProtKB Star A0A1U7CV13_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1U7CY45_9BACT Singulisphaera Singulisphaera acidiphila (strain ATCC BAA-1392 / DSM 18658 / VKM B-24... (UP000010798) UniProtKB Star L0DML5_SINAD UniProtKB Star L0D9L1_SINAD Tautonia Tautonia plasticadhaerens (UP000317835) UniProtKB Star A0A518GZ12_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A518H965_9BACT Tautonia sociabilis (UP000280296) UniProtKB Star A0A432MM29_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A432MS40_9BACT Pirellulales Lacipirellulaceae Adhaeretor Adhaeretor mobilis (UP000319852) UniProtKB Star A0A517MXW3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A517MY32_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A517MPJ2_9BACT Aeoliella Aeoliella mucimassa (UP000315750) UniProtKB Star A0A518AJS0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A518ANS7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A518ATQ5_9BACT Aeoliella straminimaris (UP001155241) UniProtKB Star A0A9X2F7S7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A9X2F700_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A9X2FFB7_9BACT Botrimarina Botrimarina colliarenosi (UP000317421) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6AIE9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C6AL62_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C6AKR6_9BACT Botrimarina hoheduenensis (UP000318995) UniProtKB Star A0A5C5VYA3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C5VWE3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C5WAC3_9BACT Bythopirellula Bythopirellula polymerisocia (UP000318437) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6CUP9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C6CBM5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C6D0N7_9BACT Lacipirellula Lacipirellula limnantheis (UP000317909) UniProtKB Star A0A517U0F9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A517U3Q1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A517TRA0_9BACT Lacipirellula parvula (UP000326837) UniProtKB Star A0A5K7XAP3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5K7XL36_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5K7XNF6_9BACT Pirellulimonas Pirellulimonas nuda (UP000317429) UniProtKB Star A0A518D9W8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A518D8E7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A518DFQ4_9BACT Posidoniimonas Posidoniimonas polymericola (UP000318478) UniProtKB Star A0A5C5YCJ1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C5YI58_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C5YR21_9BACT Pseudobythopirellula Pseudobythopirellula maris (UP000315440) UniProtKB Star A0A5C5ZGN6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C5ZMS3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C5ZI16_9BACT Pirellulaceae Allorhodopirellula Allorhodopirellula solitaria (UP000318053) UniProtKB Star A0A5C5WZ69_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C5YHK3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C5YHJ1_9BACT Anatilimnocola Anatilimnocola aggregata (UP000315017) UniProtKB Star A0A517YHB4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A517Y553_9BACT Aporhodopirellula Aporhodopirellula rubra (UP000536179) UniProtKB Star A0A7W5E648_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7W5DX32_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7W5DUF3_9BACT Aureliella Aureliella helgolandensis (UP000318017) UniProtKB Star A0A518GFW8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A518G8K3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A518GG92_9BACT Blastopirellula Blastopirellula retiformator (UP000318878) UniProtKB Star A0A5C5VL60_9BACT Bremerella Bremerella alba (UP000551616) UniProtKB Star A0A7V8V9B1_9BACT Lignipirellula Lignipirellula cremea (UP000317648) UniProtKB Star A0A518DSV4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A518DT83_9BACT Mariniblastus Mariniblastus fucicola (UP000322214) UniProtKB Star A0A5B9PML8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5B9PAP6_9BACT Neorhodopirellula Neorhodopirellula pilleata (UP000316213) UniProtKB Star A0A5C5ZG45_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C5ZQC5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C6AUL4_9BACT Novipirellula Novipirellula artificiosorum (UP000319143) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6DBU7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C6DMB4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C6DZC9_9BACT Novipirellula aureliae (UP000315471) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6E510_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C6E7V4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C6DXT6_9BACT Novipirellula galeiformis (UP000316304) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6CSJ8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C6CTI8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C6CD58_9BACT Pirellula Pirellula sp. SH-Sr6A (UP000076398) UniProtKB Star A0A142Y1N0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A142Y4W2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A142Y5Y5_9BACT Pirellula staleyi (strain ATCC 27377 / DSM 6068 / ICPB 4128) (UP000001887) UniProtKB Star D2QZF9_PIRSD UniProtKB Star D2R191_PIRSD Rhodopirellula Rhodopirellula baltica (strain DSM 10527 / NCIMB 13988 / SH1) (UP000001025) UniProtKB Star SYE_RHOBA UniProtKB Star SYQ_RHOBA UniProtKB Star GLUQ_RHOBA Rhodopirellula maiorica SM1 (UP000011991) UniProtKB Star M5RY30_9BACT UniProtKB Star M5S297_9BACT UniProtKB Star M5RYB3_9BACT Rhodopirellula sallentina SM41 (UP000011885) UniProtKB Star M5TTP2_9BACT UniProtKB Star M5UCU9_9BACT UniProtKB Star M5TXT0_9BACT Rhodopirellula sp. MGV (UP000236615) UniProtKB Star A0A255QIT4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A255R1C2_9BACT Roseiconus Roseiconus nitratireducens (UP000324479) UniProtKB Star A0A5M6DEK4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5M6DAM7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5M6D5Z3_9BACT Roseimaritima Roseimaritima multifibrata (UP000320672) UniProtKB Star A0A517M9X0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A517MB86_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A517M9T5_9BACT Roseimaritima ulvae (UP000325286) UniProtKB Star A0A5B9R9N1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5B9QTK7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5B9QX12_9BACT Rosistilla Rosistilla oblonga (UP000316770) UniProtKB Star A0A518IPU2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A518IZ50_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A518IVH7_9BACT Rubripirellula Rubripirellula amarantea (UP000316598) UniProtKB Star A0A5C5WRX9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C5WQV9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C5WRZ9_9BACT Rubripirellula lacrimiformis (UP000318538) UniProtKB Star A0A517N8A7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A517N8A8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A517N6Z4_9BACT Rubripirellula obstinata (UP000322699) UniProtKB Star A0A5B1CG24_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5B1CKT5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5B1CIM4_9BACT Rubripirellula reticaptiva (UP000317977) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6F3P6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C6F5E0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C6F8U2_9BACT Rubripirellula tenax (UP000318288) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6F032_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C6FHM4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C6EXR2_9BACT Stieleria Stieleria maiorica (UP000321353) UniProtKB Star A0A5B9M574_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5B9M860_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5B9MJS3_9BACT Stieleria varia (UP000320176) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6AYW4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C6B660_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5C6ATK5_9BACT Thermoguttaceae Thermogutta Thermogutta terrifontis (UP000215086) UniProtKB Star A0A286RLG3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A286RLF8_9BACT Planctomycetales Planctomycetaceae Alienimonas Alienimonas californiensis (UP000318741) UniProtKB Star A0A517P5C9_9PLAN Calycomorphotria Calycomorphotria hydatis (UP000319976) UniProtKB Star A0A517TCI3_9PLAN Caulifigura Caulifigura coniformis (UP000315700) UniProtKB Star A0A517SHF9_9PLAN UniProtKB Star A0A517SL64_9PLAN UniProtKB Star A0A517SHL8_9PLAN Crateriforma Crateriforma conspicua (UP000317238) UniProtKB Star A0A5C5Y5R6_9PLAN UniProtKB Star A0A5C5Y3C4_9PLAN UniProtKB Star A0A5C5Y021_9PLAN Fuerstiella Fuerstiella marisgermanici (UP000187735) UniProtKB Star A0A1P8WHM3_9PLAN UniProtKB Star A0A1P8WJU1_9PLAN Gimesia Gimesia aquarii (UP000318384) UniProtKB Star A0A517WU90_9PLAN UniProtKB Star A0A517WU81_9PLAN Maioricimonas Maioricimonas rarisocia (UP000320496) UniProtKB Star A0A517ZF14_9PLAN UniProtKB Star A0A517ZF39_9PLAN Planctomicrobium Planctomicrobium piriforme (UP000199518) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3MTA1_9PLAN UniProtKB Star A0A1I3JGI3_9PLAN Planctomyces Planctomyces bekefii (UP000321083) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6M512_9PLAN Planctomyces sp. SH-PL14 (UP000076318) UniProtKB Star A0A142WSD6_9PLAN UniProtKB Star A0A142WT39_9PLAN UniProtKB Star A0A142WTP1_9PLAN Planctomyces sp. SH-PL62 (UP000076365) UniProtKB Star A0A142YFD0_9PLAN UniProtKB Star A0A142YDF4_9PLAN Planctopirus Planctopirus limnophila (strain ATCC 43296 / DSM 3776 / IFAM 1008 / Mu... (UP000002220) UniProtKB Star D5SQM0_PLAL2 UniProtKB Star D5SV13_PLAL2 UniProtKB Star D5SUA3_PLAL2 Polystyrenella Polystyrenella longa (UP000317178) UniProtKB Star A0A518CGT4_9PLAN Rubinisphaera Rubinisphaera brasiliensis (strain ATCC 49424 / DSM 5305 / JCM 21570 /... (UP000006860) UniProtKB Star F0SP06_RUBBR UniProtKB Star F0SP05_RUBBR Rubinisphaera italica (UP000316095) UniProtKB Star A0A5C5XHE9_9PLAN UniProtKB Star A0A5C5XIJ6_9PLAN Stratiformator Stratiformator vulcanicus (UP000317318) UniProtKB Star A0A517R6R8_9PLAN Symmachiella Symmachiella dynata (UP000319383) UniProtKB Star A0A517ZL00_9PLAN UniProtKB Star A0A517ZKZ8_9PLAN Thalassoglobus Thalassoglobus neptunius (UP000317243) UniProtKB Star A0A5C5X2M3_9PLAN UniProtKB Star A0A5C5WM36_9PLAN Thalassoglobus polymorphus (UP000315724) UniProtKB Star A0A517QHL5_9PLAN UniProtKB Star A0A517QNP8_9PLAN Planctomycetales bacterium 10988 (UP000352687) UniProtKB Star A0A5Q3L8Q1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5Q3L7Z0_9BACT Planctomycetales bacterium ZRK34 (UP000593606) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9NRZ4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7G9NSH9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7G9NS03_9BACT


Pseudomonadota (3259/3324, 4610 hits, 2178 weak hits)
Acidithiobacillia Acidithiobacillales Acidithiobacillaceae Acidithiobacillus Acidithiobacillus caldus (strain SM-1) (UP000006135) UniProtKB Star F9ZRS6_ACICS UniProtKB Star F9ZN34_ACICS Acidithiobacillus ferrianus (UP000470022) UniProtKB Star A0A845U616_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A845U7B8_9PROT Acidithiobacillus ferridurans (UP000280188) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6IMM5_ACIFI UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6IET2_ACIFI Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (UP000078302) UniProtKB Star A0A179BK61_ACIFR UniProtKB Star A0A179B6U9_ACIFR Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (strain ATCC 23270 / DSM 14882 / CIP 10... (UP000001362) UniProtKB Star B7J4G5_ACIF2 UniProtKB Star B7J5K9_ACIF2 Acidithiobacillus marinus (UP000234329) UniProtKB Star A0A2I1DQG6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A2I1DKP2_9PROT Acidithiobacillus sulfuriphilus (UP000271650) UniProtKB Star A0A3M8R471_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A3M8RM42_9PROT Igneacidithiobacillus Igneacidithiobacillus copahuensis (UP001197378) UniProtKB Star A0AAE2YMK5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0AAE2YPJ2_9PROT Alphaproteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria bacterium (UP000291202) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q5XXJ2_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4Q5W9N7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4Q5W8W7_9PROT Alphaproteobacteria bacterium HT1-32 (UP000469391) UniProtKB Star A0A7X2KFB8_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A7X2FX40_9PROT Alphaproteobacteria bacterium PA2 (UP000215921) UniProtKB Star A0A257J6X9_9PROT Alphaproteobacteria bacterium PA3 (UP000215583) UniProtKB Star A0A257JSL2_9PROT Alphaproteobacteria bacterium PA4 (UP000215773) UniProtKB Star A0A257EK99_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A257ELM2_9PROT Candidatus Pelagibacterales Candidatus Pelagibacteraceae Candidatus Pelagibacter Pelagibacter sp. (strain HTCC7211) (UP000004675) UniProtKB Star B6BPV3_PELS7 Pelagibacter sp. (strain IMCC9063) (UP000009181) UniProtKB Star F2I109_PELSM Pelagibacter ubique (strain HTCC1062) (UP000002528) UniProtKB Star SYE_PELUB Pelagibacteraceae bacterium (UP000668061) UniProtKB Star A0A940HWH7_9PROT SAR11 cluster bacterium PRT-SC02 (UP000050662) alpha proteobacterium HIMB114 (UP000033990) UniProtKB Star D0RP47_9PROT alpha proteobacterium HIMB59 (UP000006097) UniProtKB Star J9Z322_9PROT UniProtKB Star J9Z2C0_9PROT Pelagibacterales bacterium SAG-MED05 (UP000625659) UniProtKB Star A0A926RQT3_9PROT Pelagibacterales bacterium SAG-MED14 (UP000647944) UniProtKB Star A0A926MVV7_9PROT Pelagibacterales bacterium SAG-MED15 (UP000618275) UniProtKB Star A0A8I0KGP7_9PROT Pelagibacterales bacterium SAG-MED30 (UP000656500) UniProtKB Star A0A926REM7_9PROT Pelagibacterales bacterium SAG-MED32 (UP000651905) UniProtKB Star A0A926R9V2_9PROT Pelagibacterales bacterium SAG-MED38 (UP000622465) UniProtKB Star A0A926M1K6_9PROT Pelagibacterales bacterium SAG-MED39 (UP000600260) UniProtKB Star A0A926M275_9PROT Pelagibacterales bacterium SAG-MED48 (UP000596800) UniProtKB Star A0A926R4H8_9PROT Candidatus Puniceispirillales Candidatus Puniceispirillaceae Candidatus Puniceispirillum Puniceispirillum marinum (strain IMCC1322) (UP000007460) UniProtKB Star D5BR32_PUNMI UniProtKB Star D5BRM5_PUNMI Caulobacterales Caulobacteraceae Asticcacaulis Asticcacaulis benevestitus DSM 16100 = ATCC BAA-896 (UP000017837) UniProtKB Star V4Q8M6_9CAUL UniProtKB Star V4P9T2_9CAUL Asticcacaulis endophyticus (UP000662572) UniProtKB Star A0A918UVY9_9CAUL UniProtKB Star A0A918Q7F3_9CAUL Asticcacaulis excentricus (strain ATCC 15261 / DSM 4724 / KCTC 12464 /... (UP000001492) UniProtKB Star E8RR04_ASTEC Asticcacaulis sp. AC402 (UP000017812) UniProtKB Star V4QEV7_9CAUL Asticcacaulis sp. AC466 (UP000017826) UniProtKB Star V4QUS9_9CAUL UniProtKB Star V4P8V5_9CAUL Asticcacaulis sp. YBE204 (UP000017808) UniProtKB Star V4NYF7_9CAUL UniProtKB Star V4NF01_9CAUL Brevundimonas Brevundimonas abyssalis TAR-001 (UP000016569) UniProtKB Star A0A8E0TSD8_9CAUL Brevundimonas basaltis (UP000566663) UniProtKB Star A0A7W8HVX4_9CAUL UniProtKB Star A0A7W8MGF1_9CAUL Brevundimonas bullata (UP000539957) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7INY4_9CAUL UniProtKB Star A0A7W7IS60_9CAUL Brevundimonas goettingensis (UP000663918) UniProtKB Star A0A975GWG9_9CAUL UniProtKB Star A0A975GVY7_9CAUL Brevundimonas halotolerans (UP000548978) UniProtKB Star A0A7W9A1Y7_9CAUL UniProtKB Star A0A7W9A3R1_9CAUL Brevundimonas naejangsanensis (UP000077603) UniProtKB Star A0A172Y400_9CAUL UniProtKB Star A0A172Y4S8_9CAUL Brevundimonas sp. (UP000317223) UniProtKB Star A0A519J2Q2_9CAUL UniProtKB Star A0A519IZH3_9CAUL Brevundimonas sp. AAP58 (UP000037838) UniProtKB Star A0A0N0K6M6_9CAUL UniProtKB Star A0A0N1BQM6_9CAUL Brevundimonas sp. Leaf363 (UP000051182) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5VI43_9CAUL UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5V6H8_9CAUL Brevundimonas sp. M20 (UP000320100) UniProtKB Star A0A514C0M1_9CAUL UniProtKB Star A0A514C114_9CAUL Brevundimonas sp. Root1423 (UP000051815) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7RXJ2_9CAUL UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7SJ34_9CAUL Brevundimonas sp. S30B (UP000297351) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9RGX5_9CAUL UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9RFI0_9CAUL Brevundimonas sp. SH203 (UP000195546) UniProtKB Star A0A1V1UW93_9CAUL UniProtKB Star A0A1V1UYC7_9CAUL Brevundimonas subvibrioides (strain ATCC 15264 / DSM 4735 / LMG 14903 ... (UP000002696) UniProtKB Star D9QIX3_BRESC UniProtKB Star D9QHF5_BRESC Brevundimonas variabilis (UP000545037) UniProtKB Star A0A7W9CIE2_9CAUL UniProtKB Star A0A7W9FE44_9CAUL Caulobacter Caulobacter henricii (UP000056905) UniProtKB Star A0A0P0NZ54_9CAUL Caulobacter mirabilis (UP000228945) UniProtKB Star A0A2D2AXX4_9CAUL UniProtKB Star A0A2D2AWX4_9CAUL Caulobacter radicis (UP000244913) UniProtKB Star A0A2T9JNK6_9CAUL Caulobacter sp. (UP000666063) UniProtKB Star A0A940LS44_9CAUL Caulobacter sp. 17J65-9 (UP000482044) UniProtKB Star A0A6B3UIG3_9CAUL UniProtKB Star A0A6B3UUY4_9CAUL Caulobacter sp. Root655 (UP000051604) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8G526_9CAUL Caulobacter vibrioides (strain ATCC 19089 / CIP 103742 / CB 15) (UP000001816) UniProtKB Star SYE_CAUVC Caulobacter vibrioides (strain NA1000 / CB15N) (UP000001364) UniProtKB Star A0A0H3C8P5_CAUVN Caulobacteraceae bacterium (UP000291219) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q3SAT1_9CAUL UniProtKB Star A0A4Q3S3P2_9CAUL Phenylobacterium Phenylobacterium deserti (UP000249725) UniProtKB Star A0A328AE56_9CAUL Phenylobacterium glaciei (UP000622580) UniProtKB Star A0A941HWA5_9CAUL Phenylobacterium hankyongense (UP000249842) UniProtKB Star A0A328B4Q6_9CAUL Phenylobacterium kunshanense (UP000249524) UniProtKB Star A0A328BNK1_9CAUL Phenylobacterium montanum (UP000676409) UniProtKB Star A0A975IV69_9CAUL Phenylobacterium parvum (UP000247763) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z3HWC4_9CAUL Phenylobacterium soli (UP000249254) UniProtKB Star A0A328APR2_9CAUL Phenylobacterium sp. Root1277 (UP000051150) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7D332_9CAUL Phenylobacterium zucineum (strain HLK1) (UP000001868) UniProtKB Star SYE_PHEZH Terricaulis Terricaulis silvestris (UP000431269) UniProtKB Star A0A6I6MUL9_9CAUL UniProtKB Star A0A6I6MQZ4_9CAUL Caulobacterales incertae sedis Candidatus Phycosocius Candidatus Phycosocius bacilliformis (UP000245086) UniProtKB Star A0A2P2EBF3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A2P2EBI5_9PROT Emcibacterales Emcibacteraceae Emcibacter Emcibacter nanhaiensis (UP000319148) UniProtKB Star A0A501PRY6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A501PB37_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A501PH72_9PROT Paremcibacter Paremcibacter congregatus (UP000229730) UniProtKB Star A0A2G4YSN7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A2G4YUV9_9PROT Govaniaceae Govania Govania unica (UP001141619) UniProtKB Star A0A9X3TY10_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A9X3TXS1_9PROT Futianiales Futianiaceae Futiania Futiania mangrovi (UP001055804) UniProtKB Star A0A9J6PI99_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A9J6PBH3_9PROT Geminicoccales Geminicoccaceae Arboricoccus Arboricoccus pini (UP000197065) UniProtKB Star A0A212RBY0_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A212RBZ1_9PROT Tistrella Tistrella mobilis (strain KA081020-065) (UP000005258) UniProtKB Star I3TLG6_TISMK UniProtKB Star I3TMZ8_TISMK Holosporales Caedimonadaceae Caedimonas Caedimonas varicaedens (UP000036771) UniProtKB Star A0A0K8MF72_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A0K8MDU3_9PROT Candidatus Nucleicultrix Candidatus Nucleicultrix amoebiphila FS5 (UP000237351) UniProtKB Star A0A1W6N2U0_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1W6N6E7_9PROT Candidatus Paracaedibacteraceae Candidatus Bodocaedibacter Candidatus Bodocaedibacter vickermanii (UP000594001) UniProtKB Star A0A7L9RTB2_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A7L9RUF6_9PROT Candidatus Finniella Candidatus Finniella inopinata (UP000293550) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7DHY4_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7DJ53_9PROT Candidatus Paracaedibacter Candidatus Paracaedibacter acanthamoebae (UP000028926) UniProtKB Star A0A077B0R6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A077B2G1_9PROT Holosporaceae Candidatus Cytomitobacter Candidatus Cytomitobacter primus (UP000325004) UniProtKB Star A0A5C0UF45_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A5C0UE91_9PROT Candidatus Nesciobacter Candidatus Nesciobacter abundans (UP000324924) UniProtKB Star A0A5C0UHK4_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A5C0UHJ6_9PROT Holospora Holospora curviuscula (UP000239425) UniProtKB Star A0A2S5RI61_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A2S5RAA3_9PROT Holospora obtusa F1 (UP000019112) UniProtKB Star W6TH14_HOLOB UniProtKB Star W6TE77_HOLOB Holospora undulata HU1 (UP000026922) UniProtKB Star A0A061JIW8_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A061JIL1_9PROT endosymbiont of Acanthamoeba sp. UWC8 (UP000028183) UniProtKB Star A0A075MJ75_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A075MNN8_9PROT Hyphomicrobiales Aestuariivirgaceae Aestuariivirga Aestuariivirga litoralis (UP000248795) UniProtKB Star A0A2W2B9I8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2W2BC69_9HYPH Afifellaceae Afifella Afifella marina DSM 2698 (UP000199347) UniProtKB Star A0A1G5MMN3_AFIMA UniProtKB Star A0A1G5NJK6_AFIMA Faunimonas Faunimonas pinastri (UP000199647) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9J5D9_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1H9JBF1_9HYPH Ahrensiaceae Ahrensia Ahrensia marina (UP000038011) UniProtKB Star A0A0M9GN72_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0M9GMF6_9HYPH Ahrensia sp. R2A130 (UP000003904) UniProtKB Star E0MKB8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star E0MKT3_9HYPH Oricola Oricola cellulosilytica (UP000291301) UniProtKB Star A0A4R0PAC8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A4R0P767_9HYPH Oricola thermophila (UP000509367) UniProtKB Star A0A6N1VFW3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A6N1VFC4_9HYPH Roseitalea Roseitalea porphyridii (UP000293719) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6V1Y7_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A4P6V2A5_9HYPH Alsobacteraceae Alsobacter Alsobacter metallidurans (UP000603912) UniProtKB Star A0A917I639_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A917I524_9HYPH Alsobacter soli (UP000239772) UniProtKB Star A0A2T1HS12_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2T1HVU2_9HYPH Amorphaceae Acuticoccus Acuticoccus mangrovi (UP000609531) UniProtKB Star A0A934IMY4_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A934II17_9HYPH Acuticoccus sediminis (UP000249590) UniProtKB Star A0A8B2NPV2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A8B2NL25_9HYPH Amorphus Amorphus orientalis (UP001229244) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3VNX8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0AAE3VPW2_9HYPH Ancalomicrobiaceae Siculibacillus Siculibacillus lacustris (UP000292781) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9VS90_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9VY46_9HYPH Aurantimonadaceae Aurantimonas Aurantimonas aggregata (UP000476332) UniProtKB Star A0A6L9MKI5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A6L9MC15_9HYPH Aurantimonas manganoxydans (strain ATCC BAA-1229 / DSM 21871 / SI85-9A1) (UP000000321) UniProtKB Star Q1YI33_AURMS UniProtKB Star Q1YMY8_AURMS Aurantimonas marianensis (UP001155220) UniProtKB Star A0A9X2H5K7_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A9X2H6V2_9HYPH Aurantimonas sp. Leaf443 (UP000051458) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6EM75_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6FBF1_9HYPH Aureimonas Aureimonas altamirensis (UP000030826) UniProtKB Star A0A0B1Q5Z6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0B1Q456_9HYPH Aureimonas endophytica (UP000644699) UniProtKB Star A0A916ZCV4_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A917E118_9HYPH Aureimonas fodinaquatilis (UP000324738) UniProtKB Star A0A5B0DVI5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A5B0DZF5_9HYPH Aureimonas glaciei (UP000613160) UniProtKB Star A0A916Y0I2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A917DAF6_9HYPH Aureimonas jatrophae (UP000198793) UniProtKB Star A0A1H0GX16_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1H0GHK2_9HYPH Aureimonas leprariae (UP000432089) UniProtKB Star A0A7V7PRV4_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A7V7TXG3_9HYPH Aureimonas pseudogalii (UP000542776) UniProtKB Star A0A7W6H518_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A7W6H5V7_9HYPH Aureimonas sp. AU20 (UP000060544) UniProtKB Star A0A0S2EPT0_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0S2EP68_9HYPH Aureimonas sp. Leaf324 (UP000050862) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5HK48_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5HPG0_9HYPH Aureimonas sp. Leaf454 (UP000051585) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6C6E0_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6C642_9HYPH Aureimonas sp. Leaf460 (UP000051159) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6ENW1_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6EH99_9HYPH Consotaella Consotaella salsifontis (UP000190135) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4SZL7_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1T4P6K9_9HYPH Fulvimarina Fulvimarina endophytica (UP000264310) UniProtKB Star A0A371X4V4_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A371WYV4_9HYPH Fulvimarina manganoxydans (UP000192656) UniProtKB Star A0A1W2DNE0_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1W2DM21_9HYPH Fulvimarina pelagi HTCC2506 (UP000004310) UniProtKB Star Q0G3H0_9HYPH UniProtKB Star Q0FY99_9HYPH Jiella Jiella avicenniae (UP001139035) UniProtKB Star A0A9X1NY68_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A9X1T4G9_9HYPH Jiella endophytica (UP000298179) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8RJU4_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8RCR1_9HYPH Jiella flava (UP000664122) UniProtKB Star A0A939FVH6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A939FY30_9HYPH Martelella Martelella alba (UP000318801) UniProtKB Star A0A506UH70_9HYPH Martelella endophytica (UP000032611) UniProtKB Star A0A0D5LNA2_MAREN Martelella mediterranea (UP000295097) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3NSB3_9HYPH Martelella mediterranea DSM 17316 (UP000191135) UniProtKB Star A0A1U9Z769_9HYPH Martelella sp. AD-3 (UP000070688) UniProtKB Star A0A127CLH4_9HYPH Bartonellaceae Bartonella Bartonella ancashensis (UP000057213) UniProtKB Star A0A0M4LH39_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0M4L8Q0_9HYPH Bartonella apis (UP000187344) UniProtKB Star A0A1R0F7H7_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1R0F7H5_9HYPH Bartonella bovis 91-4 (UP000014038) UniProtKB Star N6VG83_9HYPH UniProtKB Star N6UIG5_9HYPH Bartonella rochalimae ATCC BAA-1498 (UP000027336) UniProtKB Star E6YM52_9HYPH UniProtKB Star E6YM40_9HYPH Bartonella tamiae Th239 (UP000008952) UniProtKB Star J0ZK00_9HYPH UniProtKB Star J1JVS4_9HYPH Limoniibacter Limoniibacter endophyticus (UP000641137) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3DJB3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A8J3DL26_9HYPH Beijerinckiaceae Beijerinckia Beijerinckia indica subsp. indica (strain ATCC 9039 / DSM 1715 / NCIMB... (UP000001695) UniProtKB Star SYE1_BEII9 UniProtKB Star SYE2_BEII9 Beijerinckia sp. 28-YEA-48 (UP000199261) UniProtKB Star A0A1H4QLW3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1H5B6T5_9HYPH Beijerinckiaceae bacterium (UP000236108) UniProtKB Star A0A2N8M7C8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2N8M932_9HYPH Beijerinckiaceae bacterium RH AL1 (UP000305723) UniProtKB Star A0A5E4NY08_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A5E4NWU6_9HYPH Methylocapsa Methylocapsa palsarum (UP000198755) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3XTB5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1I3ZR54_9HYPH Methylocella Methylocella silvestris (strain DSM 15510 / CIP 108128 / LMG 27833 / N... (UP000002257) UniProtKB Star B8EK88_METSB UniProtKB Star B8EMX8_METSB Methylocella tundrae (UP000294360) UniProtKB Star A0A4U8Z4E7_METTU UniProtKB Star A0A4U8YZZ5_METTU Methylovirgula Methylovirgula ligni (UP000256900) UniProtKB Star A0A3D9YTV3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A3D9Z2Z1_9HYPH Methylovirgula sp. 4M-Z18 (UP000264016) UniProtKB Star A0A371WU73_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A371WWI0_9HYPH Blastochloridaceae Blastochloris Blastochloris tepida (UP000266934) UniProtKB Star A0A348G036_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A348G035_9HYPH Blastochloris viridis (UP000065734) UniProtKB Star A0A0H5BFL9_BLAVI UniProtKB Star A0A0H5BCG0_BLAVI Boseaceae Bosea Bosea caraganae (UP000255207) UniProtKB Star A0A370L567_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A370L360_9HYPH Bosea lathyri (UP000236743) UniProtKB Star A0A1H5VRP0_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1H6BXA4_9HYPH Bosea sp. (strain PAMC 26642) (UP000061184) UniProtKB Star A0A126NT39_BOSS2 UniProtKB Star A0A126NRA2_BOSS2 Bosea sp. AAP35 (UP000037890) UniProtKB Star A0A0N1LEC1_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0N1BFR6_9HYPH Bosea sp. LC85 (UP000028622) UniProtKB Star A0A085FBV8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A085EXD1_9HYPH Bosea sp. Leaf344 (UP000050986) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6K683_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6KGZ6_9HYPH Bosea sp. OK403 (UP000199667) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3FFH9_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1I3S9V2_9HYPH Bosea sp. RAC05 (UP000094689) UniProtKB Star A0A1B3NJJ9_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1B3NKK6_9HYPH Bosea sp. Root381 (UP000050937) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q9IHR2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0Q9IZ24_9HYPH Bosea sp. Root483D1 (UP000051771) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q9I7E9_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0Q9IWT3_9HYPH Bosea sp. TND4EK4 (UP000186109) UniProtKB Star A0A1N6T6Y5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1N6P4U2_9HYPH Bosea sp. WAO (UP000053994) UniProtKB Star A0A101K2V2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A101K237_9HYPH Bosea spartocytisi (UP000619295) UniProtKB Star A0A927EDI6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A927E4W3_9HYPH Bosea thiooxidans (UP000051562) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q3M7N0_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0Q3T4B1_9HYPH Brucellaceae Brucella/Ochrobactrum group Brucella Brucella abortus (strain 2308) (UP000002719) UniProtKB Star SYE2_BRUA2 UniProtKB Star SYE1_BRUA2 Brucella anthropi (strain ATCC 49188 / DSM 6882 / CCUG 24695 / JCM 210... (UP000002301) UniProtKB Star SYE1_BRUA4 UniProtKB Star SYE2_BRUA4 Brucella endophytica (UP000646478) UniProtKB Star A0A916S3C4_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A916WBR6_9HYPH Brucella gallinifaecis (UP000315388) UniProtKB Star A0A502BPK5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A502BRL3_9HYPH Brucella intermedia 229E (UP000016842) UniProtKB Star U4VBK7_9HYPH Brucella rhizosphaerae (UP000216345) UniProtKB Star A0A256FIF1_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A256FHY5_9HYPH Falsochrobactrum Falsochrobactrum ovis (UP000249453) UniProtKB Star A0A364JY18_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A364JTX7_9HYPH Falsochrobactrum shanghaiense (UP000245865) UniProtKB Star A0A316JF97_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A316J8T3_9HYPH Paenochrobactrum Paenochrobactrum gallinarii (UP000555393) UniProtKB Star A0A841LNQ6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A841LNC7_9HYPH Pseudochrobactrum Pseudochrobactrum saccharolyticum (UP000531231) UniProtKB Star A0A7W8AK56_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A7W8AHZ3_9HYPH Candidatus Tokpelaia Candidatus Tokpelaia hoelldobleri (UP000188912) UniProtKB Star A0A1U9JUB8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1U9JUD2_9HYPH Candidatus Tokpelaia sp. (UP000322788) UniProtKB Star A0A5M8P7D0_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A5M8P7M6_9HYPH Candidatus Tokpelaia sp. JSC085 (UP000253652) UniProtKB Star A0A367ZYQ5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A367ZYA9_9HYPH Candidatus Tokpelaia sp. JSC161 (UP000252602) UniProtKB Star A0A368A595_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A368A2B5_9HYPH Candidatus Tokpelaia sp. JSC188 (UP000252697) UniProtKB Star A0A367ZX17_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A368A0Z6_9HYPH Candidatus Tokpelaia sp. JSC189 (UP000253650) UniProtKB Star A0A368A0K3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A367ZW76_9HYPH Chelatococcaceae Camelimonas Camelimonas lactis (UP000294881) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2GW44_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A4R2GQW7_9HYPH Chelatococcus Chelatococcus asaccharovorans (UP000248021) UniProtKB Star A0A2V3UCU5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2V3TT72_9HYPH Chelatococcus composti (UP000588017) UniProtKB Star A0A841KCJ4_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A841K6Y3_9HYPH Chelatococcus reniformis (UP000637002) UniProtKB Star A0A916UD97_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A916XIJ6_9HYPH Pseudochelatococcus Pseudochelatococcus contaminans (UP000537592) UniProtKB Star A0A7W6EFP5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A7W5Z3G7_9HYPH Cohaesibacteraceae Cohaesibacter celericrescens (UP000234881) UniProtKB Star A0A2N5XSS7_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2N5XSD6_9HYPH Cohaesibacter gelatinilyticus (UP000219439) UniProtKB Star A0A285NG25_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A285NFB3_9HYPH Cohaesibacter marisflavi (UP000199236) UniProtKB Star A0A1I5FMF3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1I5FYW6_9HYPH Cohaesibacter sp. CAU 1516 (UP000306709) UniProtKB Star A0A5R8YFG6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A5R8YF39_9HYPH Cohaesibacter sp. ES.047 (UP000217978) UniProtKB Star A0A285MB62_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A285MD18_9HYPH Devosiaceae Arsenicitalea Arsenicitalea aurantiaca (UP000281547) UniProtKB Star A0A433XFA6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A433XA84_9HYPH Devosia Devosia aurantiaca (UP000474802) UniProtKB Star A0A6M1SYC2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A6M1STQ4_9HYPH Devosia chinhatensis (UP000033649) UniProtKB Star A0A0F5FQ69_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0F5FJM6_9HYPH Devosia crocina (UP000199074) UniProtKB Star A0A1I7NCJ9_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1I7NM03_9HYPH Devosia enhydra (UP000183447) UniProtKB Star A0A1K2HUB5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1K2HU32_9HYPH Devosia epidermidihirudinis (UP000033411) UniProtKB Star A0A0F5QF31_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0F5QID0_9HYPH Devosia equisanguinis (UP000268844) UniProtKB Star A0A3S4CVK2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A447ICL4_9HYPH Devosia geojensis (UP000033632) UniProtKB Star A0A0F5FRB5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0F5FQ83_9HYPH Devosia limi DSM 17137 (UP000033608) UniProtKB Star A0A0F5LKH7_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0F5LM24_9HYPH Devosia litorisediminis (UP000678281) UniProtKB Star A0A942E984_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A942E7W6_9HYPH Devosia oryzisoli (UP000654108) UniProtKB Star A0A927FSH3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A927ISB2_9HYPH Devosia pacifica (UP000646579) UniProtKB Star A0A918RSJ5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A918S8L4_9HYPH Devosia sediminis (UP000602124) UniProtKB Star A0A934IWR1_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A934IZR7_9HYPH Devosia soli (UP000033514) UniProtKB Star A0A0F5L783_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0F5LGC0_9HYPH Devosia sp. I507 (UP000237704) UniProtKB Star A0A2L1SC97_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2L1S1Z8_9HYPH Devosia sp. LC5 (UP000028638) UniProtKB Star A0A085FLJ2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A085FIE2_9HYPH Devosia sp. MC521 (UP000515290) UniProtKB Star A0A7G5LQ65_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A7G5LNA3_9HYPH Devosia sp. Root413D1 (UP000051002) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7EC04_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7EA61_9HYPH Devosia sp. Root436 (UP000051058) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7IQY6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7HRD4_9HYPH Devosia sp. Root685 (UP000051865) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8IT21_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8IZL5_9HYPH Devosia sp. YR412 (UP000198710) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9G8M7_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1H9AG64_9HYPH Maritalea Maritalea myrionectae (UP000258927) UniProtKB Star A0A2R4MF45_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2R4MG70_9HYPH Paradevosia Paradevosia shaoguanensis (UP001156140) UniProtKB Star A0AA41UFY4_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0AA41UAQ0_9HYPH Pelagibacterium Pelagibacterium halotolerans (strain DSM 22347 / JCM 15775 / CGMCC 1.7... (UP000008850) UniProtKB Star G4R8V5_PELHB UniProtKB Star G4RF54_PELHB Pelagibacterium lacus (UP000253759) UniProtKB Star A0A369W085_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A369W963_9HYPH Pelagibacterium lentulum (UP000596977) UniProtKB Star A0A916VY31_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A916RBE5_9HYPH Pelagibacterium luteolum (UP000199495) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7X181_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1G7TF28_9HYPH Enhydrobacter Enhydrobacter aerosaccus (UP000190092) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4KYS6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1T4JVP1_9HYPH Hyphomicrobiaceae Dichotomicrobium Dichotomicrobium thermohalophilum (UP000266273) UniProtKB Star A0A397Q4M6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A397PGF8_9HYPH Filomicrobium Candidatus Filomicrobium marinum (UP000033187) UniProtKB Star A0A0D6JHU7_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0D6JIB4_9HYPH Hyphomicrobium Hyphomicrobium album (UP000440694) UniProtKB Star A0A6I3KG76_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A6I3KF54_9HYPH Hyphomicrobium denitrificans (strain ATCC 51888 / DSM 1869 / NCIMB 117... (UP000002033) UniProtKB Star D8JZA2_HYPDA UniProtKB Star D8JZ40_HYPDA Hyphomicrobium facile (UP000199423) UniProtKB Star A0A1I7NFV5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1I7NWT8_9HYPH Hyphomicrobium nitrativorans NL23 (UP000018542) UniProtKB Star V5SI85_9HYPH UniProtKB Star V5SD88_9HYPH Hyphomicrobium sp. (strain MC1) (UP000000494) UniProtKB Star F8J873_HYPSM UniProtKB Star F8J7I9_HYPSM Hyphomicrobium sulfonivorans (UP000059074) UniProtKB Star A0A120CW90_HYPSL UniProtKB Star A0A109B9C1_HYPSL Methyloceanibacter Methyloceanibacter marginalis (UP000095042) Methyloceanibacter methanicus (UP000094501) UniProtKB Star A0A1E3VY56_9HYPH Methyloceanibacter stevinii (UP000094172) UniProtKB Star A0A1E3VMH6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1E3VM93_9HYPH Methyloceanibacter superfactus (UP000094472) UniProtKB Star A0A1E3VPB8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1E3W1P2_9HYPH Methyloligella Methyloligella halotolerans (UP000095087) UniProtKB Star A0A1E2S202_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1E2RWN9_9HYPH Methyloligella sp. GL2 (UP000509225) UniProtKB Star A0A6N0DU42_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A6N0DSZ0_9HYPH Rhodomicrobium Rhodomicrobium vannielii (strain ATCC 17100 / DSM 162 / LMG 4299 / NCI... (UP000001399) UniProtKB Star E3I1P7_RHOVT UniProtKB Star E3I836_RHOVT Rhodoplanes Rhodoplanes elegans (UP000248863) UniProtKB Star A0A327KP63_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A327KRD1_9HYPH Rhodoplanes roseus (UP000249130) UniProtKB Star A0A327L581_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A327KXB5_9HYPH Rhodoplanes serenus (UP000289200) UniProtKB Star A0A3S4B595_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A3S4FDH4_9HYPH Rhodoplanes sp. (UP000616795) UniProtKB Star A0A973XFC8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A973XIX0_9HYPH Rhodoplanes sp. Z2-YC6860 (UP000070354) UniProtKB Star A0A127EVS2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A127EVS7_9HYPH Hyphomicrobiales bacterium (UP000679647) UniProtKB Star A0A942PHY3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A942PGI2_9HYPH Kaistiaceae Bauldia Bauldia litoralis (UP000199071) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6AXF0_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1G6AXF1_9HYPH Kaistia Kaistia hirudinis (UP000553963) UniProtKB Star A0A840AKU3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A840ALX5_9HYPH Kaistia soli DSM 19436 (UP000184485) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5GHV1_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1M5K3N3_9HYPH Kaistia sp. 32K (UP000595395) UniProtKB Star A0A7R7T6K5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A7R7T817_9HYPH Prosthecomicrobium Prosthecomicrobium hirschii (UP000048984) UniProtKB Star A0A0P6VUP1_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0P6WJW3_9HYPH Prosthecomicrobium pneumaticum (UP000523821) UniProtKB Star A0A7W9CTU6_9HYPH Lichenihabitantaceae Lichenibacterium Lichenibacterium minor (UP000290759) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2U4T7_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2U9G2_9HYPH Lichenibacterium ramalinae (UP000289411) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2R8P7_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2R969_9HYPH Lichenifustis Lichenifustis flavocetrariae (UP001165667) UniProtKB Star A0AA41YZQ0_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0AA41YZZ8_9HYPH Methylobacteriaceae Enterovirga Enterovirga aerilata (UP000564885) UniProtKB Star A0A849I4B3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A849I4M2_9HYPH Enterovirga rhinocerotis (UP000295122) UniProtKB Star A0A4R7C7E1_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A4R7CBM9_9HYPH Methylobacterium Methylobacterium durans (UP000245926) UniProtKB Star A0A2U8W6X7_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2U8W149_9HYPH Methylobacterium gnaphalii (UP000321750) UniProtKB Star A0A512JEY0_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A512JQ06_9HYPH Methylobacterium gossipiicola (UP000199229) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2SLK6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1I2RS03_9HYPH Methylobacterium gregans (UP001055108) UniProtKB Star A0AA37MA96_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0AA37MD09_9HYPH Methylobacterium haplocladii (UP000321258) UniProtKB Star A0A512ISY9_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A512IP17_9HYPH Methylobacterium nodulans (strain LMG 21967 / CNCM I-2342 / ORS 2060) (UP000008207) UniProtKB Star B8INI9_METNO UniProtKB Star B8IIK5_METNO UniProtKB Star B8ID77_METNO Methylobacterium oryzihabitans (UP000286997) UniProtKB Star A0A3S2V8P0_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A437P4N6_9HYPH Methylobacterium planeticum (UP000441523) UniProtKB Star A0A6N6MZL3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A6N6MTT8_9HYPH Methylobacterium sp. BTF04 (UP000480288) UniProtKB Star A0A6M0HLX6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A6M0HM89_9HYPH Methylobacterium sp. GXS13 (UP000053043) UniProtKB Star A0A0V7Z2I7_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0V7Z1S5_9HYPH Methylobacterium sp. Leaf399 (UP000052067) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5ZCI9_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5ZPF5_9HYPH Methylobacterium sp. Leaf93 (UP000052062) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4Y0C6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4Y890_9HYPH Methylobacterium sp. Leaf99 (UP000052050) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4XUT2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4XH05_9HYPH Methylobacterium sp. WL8 (UP000321605) UniProtKB Star A0A5C8X158_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A5C8WSU2_9HYPH Methylobacterium symbioticum (UP000410984) UniProtKB Star A0A509EG25_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A509EEZ2_9HYPH Methylobacterium terrae (UP000245444) UniProtKB Star A0A2U8WTU6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2U8WS05_9HYPH Methylorubrum Methylorubrum extorquens (strain ATCC 14718 / DSM 1338 / JCM 2805 / NC... (UP000009081) UniProtKB Star C5AU35_METEA UniProtKB Star C5AV24_METEA Methylorubrum rhodinum (UP000583454) UniProtKB Star A0A840ZNI2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A840ZEP2_9HYPH Microvirga Microvirga aerilata (UP000605848) UniProtKB Star A0A936Z9R6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A936ZE98_9HYPH Microvirga aerophila (UP000321085) UniProtKB Star A0A512BNN4_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A512BNH2_9HYPH Microvirga alba (UP000599312) UniProtKB Star A0A931BKB3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A931BP20_9HYPH Microvirga brassicacearum (UP000325684) UniProtKB Star A0A5N3PIN6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A5N3PAF5_9HYPH Microvirga flocculans (UP000519439) UniProtKB Star A0A7W6N8N4_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A7W6N7J6_9HYPH Microvirga guangxiensis (UP000199569) UniProtKB Star A0A1G5J5P6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1G5BWZ9_9HYPH Microvirga makkahensis (UP000436483) UniProtKB Star A0A7X3SNE1_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A7X3MT21_9HYPH Microvirga mediterraneensis (UP000572984) UniProtKB Star A0A838BNM2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A838BRH9_9HYPH Microvirga sp. BSC39 (UP000028825) UniProtKB Star A0A086MGY0_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A086MLZ9_9HYPH Microvirga sp. VF16 (UP000662825) UniProtKB Star A0A974SZD5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A974T0P5_9HYPH Microvirga subterranea (UP000254925) UniProtKB Star A0A370HGW6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A370HR10_9HYPH Microvirga thermotolerans (UP000325614) UniProtKB Star A0A5P9JWD4_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A5P9K0G4_9HYPH Microvirga tunisiensis (UP000403266) UniProtKB Star A0A5N7MC65_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A5N7MIT9_9HYPH Microvirga vignae (UP000035489) UniProtKB Star A0A0H1RI94_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0H1RJ71_9HYPH Methylocystaceae Methylocystaceae bacterium (UP000545614) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y6YUE5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A7Y6YTC5_9HYPH Methylocystis Methylocystis bryophila (UP000193978) UniProtKB Star A0A1W6N1D4_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1W6MVH5_9HYPH Methylocystis echinoides (UP001144323) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6GSP4_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A9W6GRV0_9HYPH Methylocystis heyeri (UP000309061) UniProtKB Star A0A6B8KDF8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A6B8KCG3_9HYPH Methylocystis parvus (UP000422569) UniProtKB Star A0A6B8MAX8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A6B8M5X0_9HYPH Methylocystis sp. B8 (UP000306803) UniProtKB Star A0A5R8QLQ3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A5R8QHX7_9HYPH Methylosinus Methylosinus sp. 3S-1 (UP000093657) UniProtKB Star A0A1A6FMW2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1A6FSR1_9HYPH Methylosinus sporium (UP000245137) UniProtKB Star A0A2U1SNJ1_METSR UniProtKB Star A0A2U1SWA2_METSR Methylopilaceae Chenggangzhangella Chenggangzhangella methanolivorans (UP000825701) UniProtKB Star A0A9E6UQA6_9HYPH Hansschlegelia Hansschlegelia beijingensis (UP000528964) UniProtKB Star A0A7W6D095_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A7W6CV95_9HYPH Hansschlegelia plantiphila (UP001143372) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6MX56_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A9W6IZU8_9HYPH Hansschlegelia quercus (UP000291613) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9GBC4_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9GRB4_9HYPH Hansschlegelia zhihuaiae (UP000289708) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0MLR8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0MF02_9HYPH Methylopila Methylopila jiangsuensis (UP001143364) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6N2S8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A9W6JCY1_9HYPH Methylopila sp. Yamaguchi (UP000236388) UniProtKB Star A0A2H6BGW3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2H6BIS2_9HYPH Methylopila turkensis (UP001143309) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6JQW3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A9W6JIS7_9HYPH Nitrobacteraceae Afipia Afipia broomeae ATCC 49717 (UP000001096) UniProtKB Star K8P9G4_9BRAD UniProtKB Star K8PF17_9BRAD Afipia carboxidovorans (strain ATCC 49405 / DSM 1227 / KCTC 32145 / OM5) (UP000007730) UniProtKB Star SYE_AFIC5 UniProtKB Star B6JH83_AFIC5 Afipia sp. GAS231 (UP000198617) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9XEK0_9BRAD UniProtKB Star A0A1G9XDV5_9BRAD Afipia sp. P52-10 (UP000018975) UniProtKB Star W3RDX5_9BRAD UniProtKB Star W3RDU7_9BRAD Afipia sp. Root123D2 (UP000051348) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6Z400_9BRAD UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6Z5G9_9BRAD Candidatus Afipia apatlaquensis (UP000480266) UniProtKB Star A0A7C9VG36_9BRAD UniProtKB Star A0A7C9VH05_9BRAD Bradyrhizobiaceae bacterium (UP000291587) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q5PWV1_9BRAD UniProtKB Star A0A4Q5PY45_9BRAD Bradyrhizobium Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens (strain JCM 10833 / BCRC 13528 / IAM 136... (UP000002526) UniProtKB Star SYE_BRADU UniProtKB Star SYQ_BRADU Bradyrhizobium erythrophlei (UP000184096) UniProtKB Star A0A1M7USK7_9BRAD UniProtKB Star A0A1M7USI7_9BRAD Bradyrhizobium ivorense (UP000328092) UniProtKB Star A0A508TKF1_9BRAD UniProtKB Star A0A508TKP9_9BRAD Bradyrhizobium sediminis (UP000676951) UniProtKB Star A0A975NTG9_9BRAD UniProtKB Star A0A975NUZ2_9BRAD Bradyrhizobium sp. (strain BTAi1 / ATCC BAA-1182) (UP000000246) UniProtKB Star SYE_BRASB Bradyrhizobium sp. (strain ORS 278) (UP000001994) UniProtKB Star SYE_BRASO UniProtKB Star A4YVF0_BRASO Bradyrhizobium sp. LMTR 3 (UP000093220) UniProtKB Star A0A1B9YQ37_9BRAD UniProtKB Star A0A1B9YPZ8_9BRAD Bradyrhizobium sp. Leo170 (UP000292824) UniProtKB Star A0A4V2HUU5_9BRAD UniProtKB Star A0A4Q8R5I3_9BRAD Bradyrhizobium sp. STM 3843 (UP000002686) UniProtKB Star H0TFV9_9BRAD UniProtKB Star H0TFW0_9BRAD Nitrobacter Nitrobacter hamburgensis (strain DSM 10229 / NCIMB 13809 / X14) (UP000001953) UniProtKB Star SYE_NITHX UniProtKB Star SYQ_NITHX Nitrobacter sp. Nb-311A (UP000003725) UniProtKB Star A3X108_9BRAD UniProtKB Star A3X115_9BRAD Nitrobacter winogradskyi (strain ATCC 25391 / DSM 10237 / CIP 104748 /... (UP000002531) UniProtKB Star SYE_NITWN UniProtKB Star SYQ_NITWN Rhodopseudomonas Rhodopseudomonas faecalis (UP000248148) UniProtKB Star A0A318TLG0_9BRAD UniProtKB Star A0A318TUD5_9BRAD Rhodopseudomonas palustris (strain ATCC BAA-98 / CGA009) (UP000001426) UniProtKB Star A0AAE9XZH8_RHOPA UniProtKB Star Q6N5R6_RHOPA Rhodopseudomonas palustris (strain HaA2) (UP000008809) UniProtKB Star SYE_RHOP2 UniProtKB Star Q2IW97_RHOP2 Rhodopseudomonas rhenobacensis (UP000542353) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7Z1L1_9BRAD UniProtKB Star A0A7W7Z1L2_9BRAD Rhodopseudomonas sp. (UP000606196) UniProtKB Star A0A973X011_RHOSP UniProtKB Star A0A973X3F7_RHOSP Tardiphaga Tardiphaga robiniae (UP000076574) UniProtKB Star A0A161SSX8_9BRAD UniProtKB Star A0A161R5T3_9BRAD Tardiphaga sp. vice352 (UP000319639) UniProtKB Star A0A515KKS7_9BRAD UniProtKB Star A0A515KKF9_9BRAD Variibacter Variibacter gotjawalensis (UP000236884) UniProtKB Star A0A0S3PWG6_9BRAD UniProtKB Star A0A0S3PWH8_9BRAD Nordella Nordella sp. HKS 07 (UP000502747) UniProtKB Star A0A6G6X123_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A6G6WXV0_9HYPH Notoacmeibacteraceae Notoacmeibacter Notoacmeibacter marinus (UP000215405) UniProtKB Star A0A231UW43_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A231UTN2_9HYPH Zhengella Zhengella mangrovi (UP000221168) UniProtKB Star A0A2G1QQV7_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2G1QM29_9HYPH Parvibaculaceae Kaustia Kaustia mangrovi (UP000593594) UniProtKB Star A0A7S8C7H6_9HYPH Parvibaculum Parvibaculum lavamentivorans (strain DS-1 / DSM 13023 / NCIMB 13966) (UP000006377) UniProtKB Star SYE2_PARL1 UniProtKB Star SYE1_PARL1 Parvibaculum sedimenti (UP000468901) UniProtKB Star A0A6N6VH90_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A6N6VCY2_9HYPH Pyruvatibacter Pyruvatibacter mobilis (UP000470384) UniProtKB Star A0A845QAK4_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A845QBN6_9HYPH Tepidicaulis Tepidicaulis marinus (UP000028702) UniProtKB Star A0A081B908_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A081BCS2_9HYPH Phreatobacteraceae Phreatobacter Phreatobacter aquaticus (UP000298588) UniProtKB Star A0A4D7QPM4_9HYPH Phreatobacter cathodiphilus (UP000237889) UniProtKB Star A0A2S0N9X1_9HYPH Phyllobacteriaceae Aminobacter Aminobacter sp. J15 (UP000318170) UniProtKB Star A0A562FH70_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A562ER06_9HYPH Aminobacter sp. MSH1 (UP000244404) UniProtKB Star A0A2S0XLJ6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2S0XLA9_9HYPH Aquamicrobium Aquamicrobium aerolatum DSM 21857 (UP000242763) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3K5Q2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1I3KV51_9HYPH Aquamicrobium lusatiense (UP000533306) UniProtKB Star A0A7W9VW74_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A7W9VUG9_9HYPH Aquamicrobium sp. LC103 (UP000050670) UniProtKB Star A0A4U6CBA6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A4U6C0S8_9HYPH Aquibium Aquibium carbonis (UP000278398) UniProtKB Star A0A3S0A0F2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A429YZZ8_9HYPH Aquibium oceanicum (UP000182840) UniProtKB Star A0A1L3SSW8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1L3SS80_9HYPH Chelativorans Chelativorans petroleitrophicus (UP001149009) UniProtKB Star A0A9X2X971_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A9X3B010_9HYPH Mesorhizobium Mesorhizobium albiziae (UP000323300) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4BSQ2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1I3YNX9_9HYPH Mesorhizobium alhagi CCNWXJ12-2 (UP000003250) UniProtKB Star H0HV69_9HYPH UniProtKB Star H0HW30_9HYPH Mesorhizobium amorphae CCNWGS0123 (UP000002949) UniProtKB Star G6YHG1_9HYPH UniProtKB Star G6YJW8_9HYPH Mesorhizobium australicum (UP000193083) UniProtKB Star A0A1X7PC07_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1X7P4K4_9HYPH Mesorhizobium australicum (strain HAMBI 3006 / LMG 24608 / WSM2073) (UP000010998) UniProtKB Star L0KQM3_MESAW UniProtKB Star L0KQ70_MESAW Mesorhizobium ciceri (UP001060070) UniProtKB Star A0AB38T531_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0AB38T5F8_9HYPH Mesorhizobium denitrificans (UP000262379) UniProtKB Star A0A371XDG4_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A371X930_9HYPH Mesorhizobium ephedrae (UP000241229) UniProtKB Star A0A2P7SC91_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2P7SSV2_9HYPH Mesorhizobium hungaricum (UP000094412) UniProtKB Star A0A1C2DSZ5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1C2DSA3_9HYPH Mesorhizobium intechi (UP000235507) UniProtKB Star A0A8T9APV4_9HYPH Mesorhizobium microcysteis (UP000323258) UniProtKB Star A0A5D4GZS9_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A5D4GYR1_9HYPH Mesorhizobium sanjuanii (UP000219182) UniProtKB Star A0A2A6FE70_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2A6F6F9_9HYPH Mesorhizobium soli (UP000240653) UniProtKB Star A0A2P7SBJ6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2P7SN74_9HYPH Mesorhizobium sp. 8 (UP000312852) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8AY87_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A5B8AYD1_9HYPH Mesorhizobium sp. J18 (UP000317542) UniProtKB Star A0A562CP94_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A562C899_9HYPH Mesorhizobium sp. L-8-10 (UP000595886) UniProtKB Star A0A7R7CK81_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A7R7CJT9_9HYPH Mesorhizobium sp. LSHC420B00 (UP000018524) UniProtKB Star V7FS27_9HYPH UniProtKB Star V7FG01_9HYPH Mesorhizobium sp. NBSH29 (UP000594401) UniProtKB Star A0A7S8EJ16_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A7S8EJ84_9HYPH Mesorhizobium sp. ORS 3428 (UP000179771) UniProtKB Star A0A1S1TSE8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1S1TV88_9HYPH Mesorhizobium sp. Root102 (UP000051147) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6ND73_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6P6B4_9HYPH Mesorhizobium sp. Root157 (UP000053761) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8BRV8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8BC88_9HYPH Mesorhizobium sp. Root554 (UP000054487) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7WU65_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7WVD9_9HYPH Mesorhizobium sp. WSM3876 (UP000218091) UniProtKB Star A0A2A3CF53_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2A3CDW3_9HYPH Mesorhizobium sp. YM1C-6-2 (UP000268088) UniProtKB Star A0A3F2U2H0_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A3F2U031_9HYPH Mesorhizobium wenxiniae (UP000215931) UniProtKB Star A0A271KDY7_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A271KC25_9HYPH Mesorhizobium zhangyense (UP000481252) UniProtKB Star A0A7C9V407_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A7C9R4U2_9HYPH Nitratireductor Nitratireductor aestuarii (UP000636264) UniProtKB Star A0A916VZY3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A916REK8_9HYPH Nitratireductor basaltis (UP000053675) UniProtKB Star A0A084UAH7_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A084UAW1_9HYPH Nitratireductor indicus C115 (UP000007374) UniProtKB Star K2P0M8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star K2P9B0_9HYPH Nitratireductor mangrovi (UP000321389) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8L3W3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A5B8L2U2_9HYPH Nitratireductor pacificus pht-3B (UP000006786) UniProtKB Star K2N5S9_9HYPH UniProtKB Star K2ML29_9HYPH Nitratireductor sp. StC3 (UP000240666) UniProtKB Star A0A2P8NKR5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2P8NIS1_9HYPH Oryzicola Oryzicola mucosus (UP000643405) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6U0Z0_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A8J6PPR1_9HYPH Paramesorhizobium Paramesorhizobium deserti (UP000070107) UniProtKB Star A0A135HW16_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A135HUX4_9HYPH Phyllobacterium Phyllobacterium endophyticum (UP000241158) UniProtKB Star A0A2P7AVA6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2P7AU31_9HYPH Phyllobacterium leguminum (UP000247454) UniProtKB Star A0A318T0Y8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A318TAC3_9HYPH Phyllobacterium myrsinacearum (UP000238563) UniProtKB Star A0A2S9JZ81_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2S9JXV5_9HYPH Phyllobacterium sp. YR531 (UP000007283) UniProtKB Star J3HK58_9HYPH UniProtKB Star J2VUJ6_9HYPH Phyllobacterium sp. YR620 (UP000199768) UniProtKB Star A0A1H0UAQ5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1H0PA18_9HYPH Phyllobacterium zundukense (UP000232163) UniProtKB Star A0A2N9W1I3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2N9VVL7_9HYPH Pseudaminobacter Pseudaminobacter arsenicus (UP000281647) UniProtKB Star A0A432VB80_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A432V765_9HYPH Pseudaminobacter manganicus (UP000191905) UniProtKB Star A0A1V8RIV0_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1V8RS05_9HYPH Pseudaminobacter salicylatoxidans (UP000245396) UniProtKB Star A0A316C9M4_PSESE UniProtKB Star A0A316C910_PSESE Pseudaminobacter soli (UP000680348) UniProtKB Star A0A942E1F3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A942DV21_9HYPH Tianweitania Tianweitania populi (UP000630142) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3GJQ2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A8J3DU27_9HYPH Tianweitania sediminis (UP000666240) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7R3B5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A8J7QZM9_9HYPH Pleomorphomonadaceae Hartmannibacter Hartmannibacter diazotrophicus (UP000223606) UniProtKB Star A0A2C9D5C2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2C9D796_9HYPH Methylobrevis Methylobrevis albus (UP000631694) UniProtKB Star A0A931I5U2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A931I4B3_9HYPH Methylobrevis pamukkalensis (UP000094622) UniProtKB Star A0A1E3H4A6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1E3H516_9HYPH Oharaeibacter Oharaeibacter diazotrophicus (UP000294547) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6R7U8_9HYPH Pleomorphomonas Pleomorphomonas diazotrophica (UP000233491) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4TRB1_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1I4U7N7_9HYPH Propylenellaceae Propylenella Propylenella binzhouense (UP000773614) UniProtKB Star A0A964WTD1_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A964T2W8_9HYPH Pseudorhodoplanes Pseudorhodoplanes sinuspersici (UP000194137) UniProtKB Star A0A1W6ZY28_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1W6ZWG0_9HYPH Reyranellaceae Reyranella Reyranella soli (UP000321058) UniProtKB Star A0A512N7C2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A512N6P6_9HYPH Rhizobiaceae Aliirhizobium Aliirhizobium cellulosilyticum (UP000524535) UniProtKB Star A0A7W6UWL8_9HYPH Ciceribacter Ciceribacter lividus (UP000252582) UniProtKB Star A0A6I7HK19_9HYPH Ciceribacter selenitireducens ATCC BAA-1503 (UP000254764) UniProtKB Star A0A376AH32_9HYPH Ciceribacter sp. L1K22 (UP000680848) UniProtKB Star A0A939TWB1_9HYPH Ectorhizobium Ectorhizobium quercum (UP001208771) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3MXQ1_9HYPH Endobacterium Endobacterium cereale (UP000435138) UniProtKB Star A0A6A8AC01_9HYPH Ferirhizobium Ferirhizobium litorale (UP001161580) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3U0H2_9HYPH Flavimaribacter Flavimaribacter sediminis (UP001196509) UniProtKB Star A0AAE2ZL84_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0AAE2ZH00_9HYPH Gellertiella Gellertiella hungarica (UP000528286) UniProtKB Star A0A7W6J1D2_9HYPH Georhizobium Georhizobium profundi (UP000268192) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q8XPB0_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A3Q8XTM0_9HYPH Hoeflea Hoeflea halophila (UP000219465) UniProtKB Star A0A286IAV4_9HYPH Hoeflea marina (UP000246352) UniProtKB Star A0A317PFA7_9HYPH Hoeflea olei (UP000094795) UniProtKB Star A0A1C1Z175_9HYPH Hoeflea phototrophica (strain DSM 17068 / NCIMB 14078 / DFL-43) (UP000004291) UniProtKB Star A9D1Y2_HOEPD Hoeflea prorocentri (UP001151234) UniProtKB Star A0A9X3ZHE4_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A9X3ZH12_9HYPH Hoeflea sp. IMCC20628 (UP000050665) UniProtKB Star A0A0F7PCW7_9HYPH Liberibacter Candidatus Liberibacter americanus str. Sao Paulo (UP000017862) UniProtKB Star U6B7Y9_9HYPH Liberibacter crescens (strain BT-1) (UP000010799) UniProtKB Star L0EVE9_LIBCB Metarhizobium Metarhizobium album (UP000245252) UniProtKB Star A0A2U2DW30_9HYPH Mycoplana Mycoplana azooxidifex (UP000574761) UniProtKB Star A0A7W6GJP4_9HYPH Mycoplana dimorpha (UP000241247) UniProtKB Star A0A2T5B5H5_MYCDI Pseudohoeflea Pseudohoeflea suaedae (UP000295131) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5PID7_9HYPH Rhizobium/Agrobacterium group Agrobacterium Agrobacterium albertimagni AOL15 (UP000007123) UniProtKB Star K2QUR0_9HYPH Agrobacterium bohemicum (UP000070498) UniProtKB Star A0A135NXM9_9HYPH Agrobacterium sp. AGB01 (UP000633269) UniProtKB Star A0A927QEF0_9HYPH Agrobacterium tumefaciens complex Agrobacterium fabrum (strain C58 / ATCC 33970) (UP000000813) UniProtKB Star SYE_AGRFC Allorhizobium Allorhizobium ampelinum Allorhizobium ampelinum (strain ATCC BAA-846 / DSM 112012 / S4) (UP000001596) UniProtKB Star B9JST5_ALLAM Allorhizobium borbori (UP000584824) UniProtKB Star A0A7W6JZ12_9HYPH Neorhizobium Neorhizobium alkalisoli (UP000320653) UniProtKB Star A0A561QNS4_9HYPH Neorhizobium galegae bv. orientalis str. HAMBI 540 (UP000028181) UniProtKB Star A0A068ST69_NEOGA Neorhizobium lilium (UP000287687) UniProtKB Star A0A3S3RLE1_9HYPH Neorhizobium sp. S3-V5DH (UP000294663) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3XN05_9HYPH Neorhizobium sp. SOG26 (UP000263748) UniProtKB Star A0A346YP72_9HYPH Pararhizobium Pararhizobium antarcticum (UP000182661) UniProtKB Star A0A657LYA0_9HYPH Pararhizobium mangrovi (UP000320314) UniProtKB Star A0A506UAZ8_9HYPH Pararhizobium polonicum (UP000093111) UniProtKB Star A0A1C7P1S2_9HYPH Pseudorhizobium Pseudorhizobium banfieldiae (UP000010792) UniProtKB Star L0NI43_9HYPH Pseudorhizobium pelagicum (UP000052167) UniProtKB Star A0A922P1C3_9HYPH Rhizobium Rhizobium daejeonense (UP000477849) UniProtKB Star A0A6M1RZB2_9HYPH Rhizobium deserti (UP000295238) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5UNI6_9HYPH Rhizobium etli (strain ATCC 51251 / DSM 11541 / JCM 21823 / NBRC 15573... (UP000001936) UniProtKB Star SYE_RHIEC Rhizobium gallicum bv. gallicum R602sp (UP000031368) UniProtKB Star A0A0B4X432_9HYPH Rhizobium giardinii (UP000585507) UniProtKB Star A0A7W8UAX7_9HYPH Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii (strain WSM2304) (UP000008330) UniProtKB Star SYE_RHILW Rhizobium mesoamericanum STM3625 (UP000009319) UniProtKB Star K0Q3Q3_9HYPH Rhizobium metallidurans (UP000582090) UniProtKB Star A0A7W6CUN5_9HYPH Rhizobium oryziradicis (UP000186894) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q8ZX03_9HYPH Rhizobium setariae (UP000633219) UniProtKB Star A0A937CN66_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. AC44/96 (UP000093137) UniProtKB Star A0A1B9RXL8_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. BG4 (UP000663351) UniProtKB Star A0A974YK13_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. BK251 (UP000295799) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1RT45_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. BK275 (UP000588925) UniProtKB Star A0A7W5L1D8_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. BK376 (UP000295383) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3F7X0_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. JAB6 (UP000243756) UniProtKB Star A0A2T3EA66_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. K1/93 (UP000826893) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q7B9U4_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. LC145 (UP000034908) UniProtKB Star A0A0M3BGA3_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. Leaf306 (UP000052122) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5CUS2_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. Leaf371 (UP000052161) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5VUJ1_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. Leaf453 (UP000050939) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6G3H7_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. NFR07 (UP000199253) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0Z2P1_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. P32RR-XVIII (UP000547048) UniProtKB Star A0A7X8TB37_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. PDO1-076 (UP000017669) UniProtKB Star H4FB45_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. RU20A (UP000325303) UniProtKB Star A0A1N6XBN4_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. RU36D (UP000192550) UniProtKB Star A0A1W1Z5A2_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. Root1212 (UP000052066) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6SD89_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. Root149 (UP000051907) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7Y080_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. Root482 (UP000052057) UniProtKB Star A0A0T1WP34_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. SEMIA4064 (UP000242816) UniProtKB Star A0A2T3GMY6_9HYPH Rhizobium sp. YS-1r (UP000029602) UniProtKB Star A0A095US71_9HYPH Rhizobium straminoryzae (UP000316801) UniProtKB Star A0A549TAW6_9HYPH Rhizobium subbaraonis (UP000219167) UniProtKB Star A0A285U610_9HYPH Rhizobium tubonense (UP000248925) UniProtKB Star A0A2W4C4K8_9HYPH Xaviernesmea Xaviernesmea oryzae (UP000186364) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q9AZ51_9HYPH Shinella Shinella fusca (UP000535406) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7YYI8_9HYPH Shinella sp. H4-D48 (UP000829302) UniProtKB Star A0A8T9G5H9_9HYPH Shinella sp. WSJ-2 (UP000264280) UniProtKB Star A0A372NDX7_9HYPH Sinorhizobium/Ensifer group Ensifer Ensifer sp. LCM 4579 (UP000180026) UniProtKB Star A0A1S1SQF7_9HYPH Ensifer sp. M14 (UP000254132) UniProtKB Star A0A395L8C7_9HYPH Sinorhizobium Rhizobium meliloti (strain 1021) (UP000001976) UniProtKB Star SYE_RHIME Sinorhizobium fredii (strain NBRC 101917 / NGR234) (UP000001054) UniProtKB Star C3M8Z0_SINFN Sinorhizobium sp. BG8 (UP000663401) UniProtKB Star A0A974TRP4_9HYPH Sinorhizobium terangae (UP000439983) UniProtKB Star A0A6N7L9H6_SINTE Rhizobiales bacterium GAS113 (UP000199484) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1IU03_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1H1KJW6_9HYPH Rhizobiales bacterium PAR1 (UP000216512) UniProtKB Star A0A257HHJ6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A257HG85_9HYPH Rhodobiaceae Rhodobiaceae bacterium (UP000253117) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z4UGK2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2Z4UH81_9HYPH Rhodobiaceae bacterium UBA7378 (UP001158182) UniProtKB Star A0AA35XUK0_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0AA35UTF4_9HYPH Rhodobium Rhodobium orientis (UP000249299) UniProtKB Star A0A327JTZ7_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A327JX73_9HYPH Rhodoblastaceae Rhodoblastus Rhodoblastus acidophilus (UP000198418) UniProtKB Star A0A212RCF7_RHOAC UniProtKB Star A0A212QM02_RHOAC Rhodoblastus sp. (UP000510896) UniProtKB Star A0A7L5Y064_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A7L5XZX7_9HYPH Roseiarcaceae Roseiarcus Roseiarcus fermentans (UP000253529) UniProtKB Star A0A366FFX3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A366FN61_9HYPH Salinarimonadaceae Salinarimonas Salinarimonas ramus (UP000600449) UniProtKB Star A0A917QAZ9_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A917QH04_9HYPH Salinarimonas soli (UP000323142) UniProtKB Star A0A5B2W0C9_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A5B2VE35_9HYPH Segnochrobactraceae Pseudoxanthobacter Pseudoxanthobacter soli DSM 19599 (UP000186406) UniProtKB Star A0A1M7ZR49_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1M7Z7T2_9HYPH Segnochrobactrum Segnochrobactrum spirostomi (UP000332515) UniProtKB Star A0A6A7XZC3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A6A7XXA6_9HYPH Stappiaceae Breoghania Breoghania corrubedonensis (UP000244081) UniProtKB Star A0A2T5VBN2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2T5VAZ5_9HYPH Breoghania sp. L-A4 (UP000264772) UniProtKB Star A0A346R1R2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A346R1F7_9HYPH Labrenzia Labrenzia sp. 011 (UP000244780) UniProtKB Star A0A2T7HGB2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2T7HIA0_9HYPH Labrenzia sp. THAF82 (UP000327552) UniProtKB Star A0A5P9D0S7_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A5P9D361_9HYPH Pannonibacter Pannonibacter phragmitetus (UP000064921) UniProtKB Star A0A0U3MWF2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0U3P9H3_9HYPH Pannonibacter tanglangensis (UP000586722) UniProtKB Star A0A7X5F1C5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A7X5J846_9HYPH Pseudovibrio Pseudovibrio axinellae (UP000076577) UniProtKB Star A0A161VCI5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A165XKH6_9HYPH Pseudovibrio exalbescens (UP000185783) UniProtKB Star A0A1U7JFW1_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1U7JE84_9HYPH Roseibium Roseibium aggregatum (UP000048926) UniProtKB Star A0A0M6XY96_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0M6XXH5_9HYPH Roseibium album (UP000049983) UniProtKB Star A0A0M6ZN76_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0M7ALP4_9HYPH Roseibium alexandrii (UP000053235) UniProtKB Star A0A0M7AET9_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0M6ZW02_9HYPH Roseibium aquae (UP000605148) UniProtKB Star A0A916TMD4_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A916TF88_9HYPH Roseibium hamelinense (UP000320593) UniProtKB Star A0A562TGU8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A562T7Q9_9HYPH Roseibium limicola (UP000664779) UniProtKB Star A0A939EL06_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A939EP45_9HYPH Roseibium sp. RKSG952 (UP000471755) UniProtKB Star A0A6N7ZVU9_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A6N8A8P1_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A6N8AE29_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A6N8A536_9HYPH Roseibium sp. TrichSKD4 (UP000005735) UniProtKB Star E2CCM8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star E2CQ19_9HYPH Roseibium suaedae (UP000186002) UniProtKB Star A0A1M7PEZ2_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1M7LNI0_9HYPH Stappia Stappia albiluteola (UP000541109) UniProtKB Star A0A839ABI1_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A839AHP4_9HYPH Stappia indica (UP000219331) UniProtKB Star A0A285S7P5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A285TQ81_9HYPH Stappia sediminis (UP000433101) UniProtKB Star A0A7X3LXT4_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A7X3LY02_9HYPH Stappia sp. ES.058 (UP000199466) UniProtKB Star A0A1H2FVU1_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1H2GC10_9HYPH Stappia taiwanensis (UP000559404) UniProtKB Star A0A838XMT3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A838XMD9_9HYPH Tepidamorphaceae Lutibaculum Lutibaculum baratangense AMV1 (UP000017819) UniProtKB Star V4TAM3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star V4T8P0_9HYPH Tepidamorphus Tepidamorphus gemmatus (UP000295678) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3MJJ3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A4R3MJ31_9HYPH Terrihabitans Terrihabitans soli (UP000515317) UniProtKB Star A0A6S6QUL1_9HYPH Vineibacter Vineibacter terrae (UP000321638) UniProtKB Star A0A5C8PPG8_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A5C8P897_9HYPH Xanthobacteraceae Ancylobacter Ancylobacter defluvii (UP001143330) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6NAK3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A9W6JZG2_9HYPH Ancylobacter pratisalsi (UP000464751) UniProtKB Star A0A6P1YVU5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A6P1YI59_9HYPH Ancylobacter rudongensis (UP000198889) UniProtKB Star A0A1G4QAP6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A1G4TL52_9HYPH Ancylobacter sp. TS-1 (UP000327444) UniProtKB Star A0A5P8MWH9_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A5P8MUN1_9HYPH Ancylobacter tetraedralis (UP000533469) UniProtKB Star A0A839ZH85_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A839Z7E3_9HYPH Aquabacter Aquabacter sp. L1I39 (UP000678036) UniProtKB Star A0A975DNM0_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A975DTN6_9HYPH Aquabacter spiritensis (UP000294664) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3LL10_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A4V2UXT2_9HYPH Azorhizobium Azorhizobium caulinodans (strain ATCC 43989 / DSM 5975 / JCM 20966 / L... (UP000000270) UniProtKB Star SYE_AZOC5 Azorhizobium oxalatiphilum (UP000606044) UniProtKB Star A0A917BXM6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A917C6I7_9HYPH Labrys Labrys okinawensis (UP000237682) UniProtKB Star A0A2S9Q6Y6_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A2S9QFU8_9HYPH Pseudolabrys Pseudolabrys sp. Root1462 (UP000051186) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7TL56_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7TV10_9HYPH Pseudolabrys taiwanensis (UP000254889) UniProtKB Star A0A345ZSF3_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A345ZSF4_9HYPH Starkeya Starkeya nomas (UP000433050) UniProtKB Star A0A5S9NP32_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A5S9NGY0_9HYPH Starkeya sp. ORNL1 (UP000501533) UniProtKB Star A0A858WR41_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A858WW17_9HYPH Xanthobacter Xanthobacter autotrophicus (strain ATCC BAA-1158 / Py2) (UP000002417) UniProtKB Star SYE1_XANP2 UniProtKB Star SYE2_XANP2 Xanthobacter dioxanivorans (UP000596427) UniProtKB Star A0A974PUG0_9HYPH Xanthobacter sp. SG618 (UP000549908) UniProtKB Star A0A848JRW5_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A848JV92_9HYPH Xanthobacter tagetidis (UP000269692) UniProtKB Star A0A3L6ZWS4_9HYPH UniProtKB Star A0A3L7A358_9HYPH Hyphomonadales Hyphomonadaceae Candidatus Viadribacter Candidatus Viadribacter manganicus (UP000092498) UniProtKB Star A0A1B1ADB7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1B1AMC7_9PROT Henriciella Henriciella algicola (UP000265845) UniProtKB Star A0A399RE35_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A399RGD0_9PROT Henriciella mobilis (UP000266385) UniProtKB Star A0A399RCD7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A399RE21_9PROT Hirschia Hirschia baltica (strain ATCC 49814 / DSM 5838 / IFAM 1418) (UP000002745) UniProtKB Star C6XJU5_HIRBI UniProtKB Star C6XKK8_HIRBI Hyphomonas Hyphomonas chukchiensis (UP000027190) UniProtKB Star A0A062UBI6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A062UBA2_9PROT Hyphomonas neptunium (strain ATCC 15444) (UP000001959) UniProtKB Star SYE1_HYPNA UniProtKB Star SYE2_HYPNA Hyphomonas sp. CY54-11-8 (UP000024460) UniProtKB Star A0A059DNQ2_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A059DSZ5_9PROT Hyphomonas sp. L-53-1-40 (UP000024938) UniProtKB Star A0A059E5Q9_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A059E3H3_9PROT Iodidimonadales Iodidimonadaceae Iodidimonas Iodidimonas gelatinilytica (UP000325187) UniProtKB Star A0A5A7MPI5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A5A7MYX8_9PROT Kordiimonadales Kordiimonadaceae Eilatimonas Eilatimonas milleporae (UP000271227) UniProtKB Star A0A3M0CGQ8_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A3M0CPW4_9PROT Kordiimonas Kordiimonas lacus (UP000183685) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6WDA3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1G6W5U7_9PROT Kordiimonas sediminis (UP000630923) UniProtKB Star A0A919AXY2_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A919AY99_9PROT Temperatibacteraceae Gimibacter Gimibacter soli (UP001217500) UniProtKB Star A0AAE9XMJ7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0AAE9XMM9_9PROT Temperatibacter Temperatibacter marinus (UP001268683) UniProtKB Star A0AA52H8R1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0AA52ECB2_9PROT Magnetococcales Magnetococcaceae Magnetococcus Magnetococcus marinus (strain ATCC BAA-1437 / JCM 17883 / MC-1) (UP000002586) UniProtKB Star SYE_MAGMM Magnetofaba Magnetofaba australis IT-1 (UP000194003) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2K365_9PROT Maricaulales Maricaulaceae Alkalicaulis Alkalicaulis satelles (UP000325122) UniProtKB Star A0A5M6ZCN6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A5M6ZA54_9PROT Glycocaulis Glycocaulis alkaliphilus (UP000286954) UniProtKB Star A0A3T0EA62_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A3T0E9Z1_9PROT Hyphobacterium Hyphobacterium sp. CCMP332 (UP000515886) UniProtKB Star A0A7G8ZIT8_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A7G8ZK14_9PROT Maricaulis Maricaulis maris (strain MCS10) (UP000001964) UniProtKB Star SYE2_MARMM UniProtKB Star SYE1_MARMM Maricaulis salignorans (UP000199759) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9VAS5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1G9PYA1_9PROT Maricaulis virginensis (UP001143486) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6MNQ4_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A9W6II55_9PROT Marinicauda Marinicauda algicola (UP000308054) UniProtKB Star A0A4S2GWD0_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4S2GVN1_9PROT Marinicauda pacifica (UP000305451) UniProtKB Star A0A4S2HF63_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4S2HE29_9PROT Marinicauda salina (UP000245168) UniProtKB Star A0A2U2BUZ1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A2U2BSX5_9PROT Oceanicaulis Oceanicaulis sp. HTCC2633 (UP000006011) UniProtKB Star A3UCR4_9PROT UniProtKB Star A3UDU1_9PROT Robiginitomaculaceae Algimonas Algimonas arctica (UP000634004) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3CQ65_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A8J3G247_9PROT Litorimonas cladophorae (UP000600865) UniProtKB Star A0A918NA48_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A918NCI6_9PROT Litorimonas taeanensis (UP000282211) UniProtKB Star A0A420WKV1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A420WKH3_9PROT Micropepsales Micropepsaceae Rhizomicrobium Rhizomicrobium palustre (UP000570514) UniProtKB Star A0A846N0W9_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A846MUV3_9PROT Rhizomicrobium sp. SCGC AG-212-E05 (UP000242922) Minwuiales Minwuiaceae Minwuia Minwuia thermotolerans (UP000229498) UniProtKB Star A0A2M9G1H2_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A2M9G221_9PROT PS1 clade alpha proteobacterium IMCC14465 (UP000004836) UniProtKB Star J9DYU5_9PROT UniProtKB Star J9A691_9PROT Parvularculales Parvularculaceae Amphiplicatus Amphiplicatus metriothermophilus (UP000198346) UniProtKB Star A0A239Q066_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A239PKT0_9PROT Aquisalinus Aquisalinus flavus (UP000613582) UniProtKB Star A0A8J2Y6J2_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A8J2Y363_9PROT Hyphococcus Hyphococcus flavus (UP001214043) UniProtKB Star A0AAE9ZE87_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0AAF0CHN5_9PROT Marinicaulis Marinicaulis flavus (UP000239504) UniProtKB Star A0A2S7K2D1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A2S7K482_9PROT Parvularcula Parvularcula bermudensis (strain ATCC BAA-594 / HTCC2503 / KCTC 12087) (UP000001302) UniProtKB Star E0TG22_PARBH UniProtKB Star E0TFG4_PARBH Parvularcula dongshanensis (UP000563524) UniProtKB Star A0A840HYP9_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A840I3G7_9PROT Parvularcula marina (UP000264589) UniProtKB Star A0A371RGI7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A371RFC4_9PROT Parvularcula maris (UP001142610) UniProtKB Star A0A9X2RKE7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A9X2L9G6_9PROT Parvularcula mediterranea (UP000536835) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y3RND5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A7Y3W5S0_9PROT Rhodobacterales Paracoccaceae Agaricicola Agaricicola taiwanensis (UP000602745) UniProtKB Star A0A8J2YI88_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A8J2VPC3_9RHOB Albidovulum Albidovulum inexpectatum (UP000239736) UniProtKB Star A0A2S5JJL2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2S5JKY9_9RHOB Albimonas Albimonas donghaensis (UP000199118) UniProtKB Star A0A1H2RXP7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1H2SY50_9RHOB Albimonas pacifica (UP000199377) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3IQQ4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I3K622_9RHOB Algicella Algicella marina (UP000464495) UniProtKB Star A0A6P1SVL3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A6P1T151_9RHOB Aliigemmobacter Aliigemmobacter aestuarii (UP000309450) UniProtKB Star A0A4S3MS83_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A4S3MMA4_9RHOB Aliiroseovarius Aliiroseovarius crassostreae (UP000050471) UniProtKB Star A0A0P7I2L2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0P7KPJ8_9RHOB Aliiroseovarius pelagivivens (UP000244911) UniProtKB Star A0A2R8AII1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2R8AHA7_9RHOB Aliiroseovarius sediminilitoris (UP000199650) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0P361_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I0QPH7_9RHOB Aliishimia Aliishimia ponticola (UP000306602) UniProtKB Star A0A4S4NJD0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A4S4N9E5_9RHOB Allosediminivita Allosediminivita pacifica (UP000244069) UniProtKB Star A0A2T6B2I8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2T6B3W4_9RHOB Amaricoccus Amaricoccus macauensis (UP000549457) UniProtKB Star A0A840SN11_9RHOB Amaricoccus solimangrovi (UP000319255) UniProtKB Star A0A501X039_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A501WUG3_9RHOB Amaricoccus sp. HAR-UPW-R2A-40 (UP000232137) UniProtKB Star A0A2M9PGJ1_9RHOB Amylibacter Amylibacter cionae (UP000628017) UniProtKB Star A0A916QTE7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A916QSV4_9RHOB Amylibacter kogurei (UP000231516) UniProtKB Star A0A2G5K5K9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2G5KAS1_9RHOB Amylibacter sp. SFDW26 (UP000430014) UniProtKB Star A0A6I1ECP4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A6I1E482_9RHOB Antarcticimicrobium Antarcticimicrobium sediminis (UP000294662) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5EZS0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A4R5EX15_9RHOB Aquimixticola Aquimixticola soesokkakensis (UP000193862) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5TMZ2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5S7K0_9RHOB Arenibacterium Arenibacterium arenosum (UP000619079) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7IS54_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A8J7IN86_9RHOB Ascidiaceihabitans Ascidiaceihabitans donghaensis (UP000244880) UniProtKB Star A0A2R8BF64_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2R8BIB9_9RHOB Boseongicola Boseongicola aestuarii (UP000201838) UniProtKB Star A0A238IVS8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A238J1C0_9RHOB Brevirhabdus Brevirhabdus pacifica (UP000187266) UniProtKB Star A0A1U7DFL9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1U7DGK6_9RHOB Cereibacter Cereibacter changlensis JA139 (UP000241010) UniProtKB Star A0A2T4JWE2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2T4JT74_9RHOB Cereibacter ovatus (UP000219467) UniProtKB Star A0A285CQ08_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A285CP68_9RHOB Cereibacter sphaeroides (strain ATCC 17023 / DSM 158 / JCM 6121 / CCUG... (UP000002703) UniProtKB Star SYE1_CERS4 UniProtKB Star SYE2_CERS4 Cognatishimia Cognatishimia activa (UP000051184) UniProtKB Star A0A0P1ITW6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0P1IW00_9RHOB Cognatishimia maritima (UP000184211) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5JA46_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1M5S489_9RHOB Cognatiyoonia Cognatiyoonia koreensis (UP000199167) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0PKM6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I0MT49_9RHOB Cognatiyoonia sediminum (UP000184074) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5LLR4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1M5NWB1_9RHOB Cribrihabitans Cribrihabitans marinus (UP000199379) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7DTR2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1H7CNN0_9RHOB Cypionkella Cypionkella aquatica (UP001157355) UniProtKB Star A0AA37TYX2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0AA37TVH3_9RHOB Defluviimonas Defluviimonas aquaemixtae (UP000244924) UniProtKB Star A0A2R8B516_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2R8B2C9_9RHOB Defluviimonas denitrificans (UP000238338) UniProtKB Star A0A2S8SDG8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2S8RYH0_9RHOB Falsigemmobacter Falsigemmobacter intermedius (UP000287168) UniProtKB Star A0A3S3YK65_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A444MCW9_9RHOB Falsirhodobacter Falsirhodobacter algicola (UP000679284) UniProtKB Star A0A8J8MSX5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A8J8SLP2_9RHOB Falsiroseicyclus Pseudoroseicyclus tamaricis (UP000474757) UniProtKB Star A0A6B2JTA5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A6B2JWJ0_9RHOB Fertoeibacter Fertoeibacter niger (UP000484076) UniProtKB Star A0A8X8KJZ5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A8X8KR54_9RHOB Flavimaricola Flavimaricola marinus (UP000201613) UniProtKB Star A0A238LE47_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A238LGN0_9RHOB Frigidibacter Frigidibacter albus (UP000477083) UniProtKB Star A0A6L8VCQ3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A6L8VH66_9RHOB Fuscibacter Fuscibacter oryzae (UP000619033) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7MVK7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A8J7MW68_9RHOB Fuscovulum Fuscovulum blasticum DSM 2131 (UP000241362) UniProtKB Star A0A2T4J5V0_FUSBL UniProtKB Star A0A2T4JCT5_FUSBL Gemmobacter Gemmobacter aquarius (UP000244496) UniProtKB Star A0A2S0UKK6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2S0UNL7_9RHOB Gemmobacter aquaticus (UP000598196) UniProtKB Star A0A917YIV0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A917YJC1_9RHOB Gemmobacter aquatilis (UP000198761) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8CFZ3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1H8IR03_9RHOB Gemmobacter fulvus (UP000679352) UniProtKB Star A0A975P7U4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A975P8P7_9RHOB Gemmobacter lanyuensis (UP000628984) UniProtKB Star A0A918MHX9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A918IQR6_9RHOB Gemmobacter lutimaris (UP000266649) UniProtKB Star A0A398BYG5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A398BMV7_9RHOB Gemmobacter megaterium (UP000186141) UniProtKB Star A0A1N7LZR3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1N7QKB5_9RHOB Gemmobacter tilapiae (UP000638981) UniProtKB Star A0A918TS46_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A918WHP9_9RHOB Haematobacter Haematobacter massiliensis (UP000028826) UniProtKB Star A0A086XZF0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A086Y7S6_9RHOB Halocynthiibacter Halocynthiibacter halioticoli (UP001208041) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3LQ73_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0AAE3LPL1_9RHOB Halocynthiibacter styelae (UP000640583) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7INS7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A8J7IYX8_9RHOB Halovulum Halovulum dunhuangense (UP000572377) UniProtKB Star A0A849L3F9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A849L0X4_9RHOB Halovulum marinum (UP000474957) UniProtKB Star A0A6L5Z1H1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A6L5YUZ1_9RHOB Histidinibacterium Histidinibacterium aquaticum (UP000326554) UniProtKB Star A0A5J5GLE9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A5J5GRR6_9RHOB Histidinibacterium lentulum (UP000268016) UniProtKB Star A0A3N2QKY7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A3N2R7U0_9RHOB Jhaorihella Jhaorihella thermophila (UP000236742) UniProtKB Star A0A1H5RSU2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1H5RV47_9RHOB Kangsaoukella Kangsaoukella pontilimi (UP000480350) UniProtKB Star A0A7C9IMT4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A7C9IHI0_9RHOB Limimaricola Limimaricola hongkongensis DSM 17492 (UP000025047) UniProtKB Star A0A017HE64_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A017HDG8_9RHOB Litorivita Litorivita pollutaquae (UP000248012) UniProtKB Star A0A2V4MVE0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2V4MUG7_9RHOB Maliponia Maliponia aquimaris (UP000207598) UniProtKB Star A0A238L263_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A238JPG5_9RHOB Mangrovicoccus Mangrovicoccus algicola (UP000609121) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6YX41_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A8J6YXQ5_9RHOB Marimonas Marimonas arenosa (UP001226762) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3W977_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0AAE3WEH8_9RHOB Marinibacterium Marinibacterium profundimaris (UP000215377) UniProtKB Star A0A225NST5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A225NLB9_9RHOB Marinosulfonomonas Marinosulfonomonas sp. PRT-SC04 (UP000054415) UniProtKB Star A0A0P8YQ44_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0P8YXC4_9RHOB Marivivens group Marivivens Marivivens niveibacter (UP000194664) UniProtKB Star A0A251WWS9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A251X0E9_9RHOB Marivivens sp. JLT3646 (UP000185032) UniProtKB Star A0AA34SDI1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0AA34WZY9_9RHOB Meinhardsimonia Meinhardsimonia xiamenensis (UP000199328) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9CXH3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1G9E4D2_9RHOB Meridianimarinicoccus Meridianimarinicoccus roseus (UP000245680) UniProtKB Star A0A2V2LC51_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2V2LEG7_9RHOB Monaibacterium Monaibacterium marinum (UP000220034) UniProtKB Star A0A2C9CQX8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2C9CU15_9RHOB Neotabrizicola Neotabrizicola shimadae (UP000826300) UniProtKB Star A0A8G0ZQT8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A8G0ZY55_9RHOB Oceanicella Oceanicella actignis (UP000184066) UniProtKB Star A0A1M7RT29_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1M7RUQ3_9RHOB Oceanomicrobium Oceanomicrobium pacificus (UP000436016) UniProtKB Star A0A6B0TX09_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A6B0TJI2_9RHOB Pacificitalea Pacificitalea manganoxidans (UP000219050) UniProtKB Star A0A291LYQ5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A291LX05_9RHOB Paracoccaceae bacterium (UP000319595) UniProtKB Star A0A545B5R8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A545B874_9RHOB Paracoccus Paracoccus aestuarii (UP000285530) UniProtKB Star A0A418ZPB8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A419A0L8_9RHOB Paracoccus aestuariivivens (UP000478183) UniProtKB Star A0A6L6J9Q2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A6L6J8E7_9RHOB Paracoccus alcaliphilus (UP000199054) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8L5U5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1H8P1I9_9RHOB Paracoccus alkenifer (UP000199125) UniProtKB Star A0A1H6NGU6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1H6KDE1_9RHOB Paracoccus aminophilus JCM 7686 (UP000015480) UniProtKB Star S5Y122_PARAH UniProtKB Star S5XRF1_PARAH Paracoccus aminovorans (UP000183635) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2Y4G9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I3BMT0_9RHOB Paracoccus amoyensis (UP000608594) UniProtKB Star A0A926J5X0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A926GDB4_9RHOB Paracoccus aurantiacus (UP000321562) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6S9M7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A5C6S411_9RHOB Paracoccus caeni (UP000640485) UniProtKB Star A0A934SEY1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A934SD98_9RHOB Paracoccus contaminans (UP000193017) UniProtKB Star A0A1W6CZH1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1W6CVA5_9RHOB Paracoccus denitrificans (strain Pd 1222) (UP000000361) UniProtKB Star SYE2_PARDP UniProtKB Star SYE1_PARDP Paracoccus halophilus (UP000029846) UniProtKB Star A0A099EZY8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A099EZJ4_9RHOB Paracoccus homiensis (UP000199180) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9ZZV1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I0GAE0_9RHOB Paracoccus isoporae (UP000199344) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7BMQ5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1G6SNY6_9RHOB Paracoccus jeotgali (UP000234882) UniProtKB Star A0A2K9MEM5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2K9MFP2_9RHOB Paracoccus liaowanqingii (UP000297972) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1CET9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1CCJ8_9RHOB Paracoccus limosus (UP000442533) UniProtKB Star A0A844H3H2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A844H510_9RHOB Paracoccus lutimaris (UP000253345) UniProtKB Star A0A368YYQ7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A368YQ94_9RHOB Paracoccus methylarcula (UP000238137) UniProtKB Star A0A422R032_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A3R7LKK6_9RHOB Paracoccus onubensis (UP000284202) UniProtKB Star A0A418SQF3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A418T3Y3_9RHOB Paracoccus salipaludis (UP000218023) UniProtKB Star A0A2A2GFT4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2A2GH89_9RHOB Paracoccus sanguinis (UP000029858) UniProtKB Star A0A099GF53_9RHOB Paracoccus seriniphilus (UP000198307) UniProtKB Star A0A239PMN2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A239PXK8_9RHOB Paracoccus shanxieyensis (UP000478740) UniProtKB Star A0A6L6J075_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A6L6IVS7_9RHOB Paracoccus siganidrum (UP000283587) UniProtKB Star A0A419A5S5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A419ABJ2_9RHOB Paracoccus sp. 228 (UP000032743) UniProtKB Star A0A0D6TDS8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0D6TDE2_9RHOB Paracoccus sp. AK26 (UP000501571) UniProtKB Star A0A6G9WC18_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A6G9W561_9RHOB Paracoccus sp. J56 (UP000193912) UniProtKB Star A0A1X7L088_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1X7JQ97_9RHOB Paracoccus sp. M683 (UP000318517) UniProtKB Star A0A553ASA9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A553AS72_9RHOB Paracoccus sp. R12_2 (UP000680877) UniProtKB Star A0A940IP49_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A940IV31_9RHOB Paracoccus sp. S-4012 (UP000434754) UniProtKB Star A0A6I2LWG1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A6I2M2Y1_9RHOB Paracoccus sp. S1E-3 (UP000556552) UniProtKB Star A0A7W1WGX1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A7W1WI36_9RHOB Paracoccus sp. SM22M-07 (UP000183790) UniProtKB Star A0A1L9BQY0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1L9BTL3_9RHOB Paracoccus sphaerophysae (UP000029917) UniProtKB Star A0A099FAY7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A099EYN3_9RHOB Paracoccus subflavus (UP000293520) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9G5F3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9FWP3_9RHOB Paracoccus sulfuroxidans (UP000316225) UniProtKB Star A0A562NAP2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A562NUW3_9RHOB Paracoccus suum (UP000252023) UniProtKB Star A0A344PP53_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A344PNI7_9RHOB Paracoccus tegillarcae (UP000233742) UniProtKB Star A0A2K9F0S5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2K9EXV7_9RHOB Paracoccus thiocyanatus (UP000256679) UniProtKB Star A0A3D8PD91_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A3D8PF52_9RHOB Paracoccus tibetensis (UP000199502) UniProtKB Star A0A1G5GG25_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1G5G5L5_9RHOB Paracoccus yeei (UP000191257) UniProtKB Star A0A1V0GPB8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2P1BUF5_9RHOB Paracoccus zhejiangensis (UP000234530) UniProtKB Star A0A2H5F3G3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2H5EYQ4_9RHOB Pararhodobacter Pararhodobacter aggregans (UP000244810) UniProtKB Star A0A2T7UXP5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2T7UMY0_9RHOB Pararhodobacter marinus (UP000244940) UniProtKB Star A0A2U2C840_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2U2C9Z8_9RHOB Pararhodobacter oceanensis (UP000245911) UniProtKB Star A0A2T8HZ60_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2T8HX37_9RHOB Parasedimentitalea Parasedimentitalea huanghaiensis (UP000478892) UniProtKB Star A0A6L6WA22_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A6L6WNI0_9RHOB Paroceanicella Paroceanicella profunda (UP000305888) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8FZE7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A5B8G1I6_9RHOB Pelagivirga Pelagivirga sediminicola (UP000244446) UniProtKB Star A0A2T7GBJ1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2T7G680_9RHOB Pelagovum Pelagovum pacificum (UP000314011) UniProtKB Star A0A5C5GC13_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A5C5GGS0_9RHOB Phaeovulum Phaeovulum veldkampii DSM 11550 (UP000241899) UniProtKB Star A0A2T4JKP1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2T4JI54_9RHOB Phaeovulum vinaykumarii (UP000186098) UniProtKB Star A0A1N7LTP9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1N7M4C9_9RHOB Pikeienuella Pikeienuella piscinae (UP000503336) UniProtKB Star A0A7L5BW28_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A7L5BTW3_9RHOB Planktotalea Planktotalea frisia (UP000184514) UniProtKB Star A0A1L9NY20_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1L9NQY4_9RHOB Polymorphum Polymorphum gilvum (strain LMG 25793 / CGMCC 1.9160 / SL003B-26A1) (UP000008130) UniProtKB Star F2IY30_POLGS UniProtKB Star F2J5B1_POLGS Pontibrevibacter Pontibrevibacter nitratireducens (UP000500791) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7VMZ0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A6G7VJ30_9RHOB Pontivivens Pontivivens insulae (UP000244932) UniProtKB Star A0A2R8AAQ4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2R8A716_9RHOB Pontivivens ytuae (UP000594800) UniProtKB Star A0A7S9LRU9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A7S9LU01_9RHOB Profundibacter Profundibacter amoris (UP000261704) UniProtKB Star A0A347UH92_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A347UDL2_9RHOB Pseudaestuariivita Pseudaestuariivita atlantica (UP000036938) UniProtKB Star A0A0L1JMQ1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0L1JTB3_9RHOB Pseudodonghicola Pseudodonghicola xiamenensis (UP000611500) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3H7Q3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A8J3H7G4_9RHOB Pseudogemmobacter Pseudogemmobacter humi (UP000277498) UniProtKB Star A0A3P5X7I6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A3P5WY29_9RHOB Pseudooceanicola Pseudooceanicola albus (UP000477911) UniProtKB Star A0A6L7G993_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A6L7G2Q3_9RHOB Pseudooceanicola algae (UP000283786) UniProtKB Star A0A418SFV7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A418SKT8_9RHOB Pseudooceanicola atlanticus (UP000030004) UniProtKB Star A0A0A0EBD6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0A0EM62_9RHOB Pseudooceanicola batsensis (strain ATCC BAA-863 / DSM 15984 / KCTC 121... (UP000004318) UniProtKB Star A3U2X1_PSEBH UniProtKB Star A3U2C6_PSEBH Pseudooceanicola lipolyticus (UP000231553) UniProtKB Star A0A2M8IUM9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2M8IWQ7_9RHOB Pseudooceanicola marinus (UP000193963) UniProtKB Star A0A1X6YNX4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1X7A220_9RHOB Pseudooceanicola nanhaiensis (UP000649829) UniProtKB Star A0A917SQH2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A917SVZ2_9RHOB Pseudooceanicola nitratireducens (UP000231644) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1MGT3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I1P005_9RHOB Pseudooceanicola pacificus (UP000443843) UniProtKB Star A0A844W8L4_9RHOB Pseudooceanicola spongiae (UP000594118) UniProtKB Star A0A7L9WLD0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A7L9WME3_9RHOB Pseudooctadecabacter Pseudooctadecabacter jejudonensis (UP000193623) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5RE46_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5SRS5_9RHOB Pseudoprimorskyibacter Pseudoprimorskyibacter insulae (UP000244904) UniProtKB Star A0A2R8AXZ0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2R8AQ09_9RHOB Pseudorhodobacter Pseudorhodobacter antarcticus (UP000183002) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8DKS3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1H8B9F2_9RHOB Pseudorhodobacter sp. E13 (UP000267424) UniProtKB Star A0A433S389_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A3S1GT94_9RHOB Pseudorhodobacter sp. MZDSW-24AT (UP000230388) UniProtKB Star A0A2M8MX24_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2M8MYA5_9RHOB Pseudorhodobacter turbinis (UP000298631) UniProtKB Star A0A4P8EE35_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A4P8EIL1_9RHOB Pseudoroseicyclus Pseudoroseicyclus aestuarii (UP000248311) UniProtKB Star A0A318SND0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A318STZ1_9RHOB Pseudothioclava Pseudothioclava arenosa (UP000243507) UniProtKB Star A0A2A4CSZ5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2A4CS88_9RHOB Psychromarinibacter Psychromarinibacter sediminicola (UP001220964) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3NR82_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0AAE3T7F5_9RHOB Pukyongiella Pukyongiella litopenaei (UP000237655) UniProtKB Star A0A2S0MTR2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2S0MPE1_9RHOB Puniceibacterium Puniceibacterium antarcticum (UP000231259) UniProtKB Star A0A2G8RE27_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2G8R974_9RHOB Puniceibacterium sediminis (UP000198417) UniProtKB Star A0A238W374_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A238ZC72_9RHOB Puniceibacterium sp. IMCC21224 (UP000036046) UniProtKB Star A0A0J5QII1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0J5QIM0_9RHOB Qingshengfaniella Qingshengfaniella alkalisoli (UP000318483) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8IWP2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A5B8I7A2_9RHOB Rhabdonatronobacter Rhabdonatronobacter sediminivivens (UP000529417) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z0KYD8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A7Z0HWQ7_9RHOB Rhodobacteraceae bacterium 63075 (UP000264392) UniProtKB Star A0A372EWB7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A372EVN1_9RHOB Rhodobacteraceae bacterium AsT-22 (UP000249713) UniProtKB Star A0A327M024_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A327LVP1_9RHOB Rhodobacteraceae bacterium CCMM004 (UP000287438) UniProtKB Star A0A437LG08_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A437LNE6_9RHOB Rhodobacteraceae bacterium EhC02 (UP000078223) UniProtKB Star A0A1B6YI81_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1B6YMN5_9RHOB Rhodobacteraceae bacterium F11138 (UP000634606) UniProtKB Star A0A934UGJ0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A934PGB0_9RHOB Rhodobacteraceae bacterium HIMB11 (UP000016848) UniProtKB Star U4UYH3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star U4UVM0_9RHOB Rhodobacteraceae bacterium HTCC2083 (UP000005746) UniProtKB Star B6B1D4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star B6AYC3_9RHOB Rhodobacteraceae bacterium HTCC2150 (UP000004731) UniProtKB Star A3JSC2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A3JVG8_9RHOB Rhodobacteraceae bacterium IMCC1909 (UP001241536) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ1RNT5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0AAJ1RME5_9RHOB Rhodobacteraceae bacterium KLH11 (UP000005135) UniProtKB Star B9NRB3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star B9NR99_9RHOB Rhodobacteraceae bacterium PARR1 (UP000216502) UniProtKB Star A0A257EV72_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A257EU10_9RHOB Rhodobacteraceae bacterium PD-2 (UP000023196) UniProtKB Star X6KVD5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star X6L4T1_9RHOB Rhodobacteraceae bacterium SB2 (UP000077333) UniProtKB Star A0A177H8H5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A177HBK0_9RHOB Rhodobacteraceae bacterium THAF1 (UP000275054) UniProtKB Star A0A3P5XLY3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A3P5WQL8_9RHOB Rhodobacteraceae bacterium W635 (UP000264655) UniProtKB Star A0A372IIZ3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A372IDG4_9RHOB Rhodobacteraceae bacterium WD3A24 (UP000237945) UniProtKB Star A0A2S8EV32_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2S8EXL2_9RHOB Rhodobaculum Rhodobaculum claviforme (UP000706333) UniProtKB Star A0A934WK26_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A934TLB6_9RHOB Rhodophyticola Rhodophyticola porphyridii (UP000281343) UniProtKB Star A0A3L9YH97_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A3L9YAU9_9RHOB Rhodosalinus Rhodosalinus halophilus (UP000253370) UniProtKB Star A0A365U867_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A365U5X8_9RHOB Rhodosalinus sediminis (UP000257131) UniProtKB Star A0A3D9BVV9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A3D9BY88_9RHOB Rhodovulum Rhodovulum adriaticum (UP000295733) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2NTU9_RHOAD UniProtKB Star A0A4R2NYU3_RHOAD Rhodovulum euryhalinum (UP000295142) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2KNJ8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A4R2KI78_9RHOB Rhodovulum imhoffii (UP000243859) UniProtKB Star A0A2T5BQH6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2T5BWA9_9RHOB Rhodovulum sp. 12E13 (UP000253860) UniProtKB Star A0A369QUT6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A369QRS3_9RHOB Rhodovulum sp. BSW8 (UP000252347) UniProtKB Star A0A366C454_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A366BWS7_9RHOB Rhodovulum sp. ES.010 (UP000184943) UniProtKB Star A0A1N6GPH2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1N6KFH4_9RHOB Rhodovulum sp. FJ3 (UP001187224) UniProtKB Star A0AAE4P7V3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0AAE4T9N9_9RHOB Rhodovulum sp. P5 (UP000191808) UniProtKB Star A0A1V0PQZ4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1V0PS19_9RHOB Rhodovulum sp. PH10 (UP000002930) UniProtKB Star J5PPA4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star J6UFV7_9RHOB Roseibaca Roseibaca ekhonensis (UP000272908) UniProtKB Star A0A3B0MQX9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A3B0MF30_9RHOB Roseicitreum Roseicitreum antarcticum (UP000198539) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3CDU3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1H2R745_9RHOB Roseinatronobacter Roseinatronobacter bogoriensis subsp. barguzinensis (UP000228948) UniProtKB Star A0A2K8KC33_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2K8KGL5_9RHOB Rubricella Rubricella aquisinus (UP000553766) UniProtKB Star A0A840WYH7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A840WSU5_9RHOB Rubrimonas Rubrimonas cliftonensis (UP000198703) UniProtKB Star A0A1H4BEG7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1H3VRS2_9RHOB Sedimentitalea Sedimentitalea nanhaiensis (UP000182466) UniProtKB Star A0A1I7BAL8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I6XJE7_9RHOB Silicimonas algicola (UP000245390) UniProtKB Star A0A316G7I9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A316G4Y2_9RHOB Stagnihabitans Stagnihabitans tardus (UP001193501) UniProtKB Star A0AAE4YCM4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0AAE4YBS4_9RHOB Szabonella Szabonella alba (UP000648908) UniProtKB Star A0A8K0VE69_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A8K0Y1H6_9RHOB Tabrizicola Tabrizicola oligotrophica (UP000477782) UniProtKB Star A0A6M0QV38_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A6M0QTQ7_9RHOB Tabrizicola piscis (UP000282002) UniProtKB Star A0A3S8UAX4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A3S8U4Y3_9RHOB Tabrizicola sp. TH137 (UP000234539) UniProtKB Star A0A2N4YHY4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2N4YHF3_9RHOB Thalassobium Thalassobium sp. R2A62 (UP000004701) UniProtKB Star C7D760_9RHOB UniProtKB Star C7DAU5_9RHOB Thalassorhabdomicrobium Thalassorhabdomicrobium marinisediminis (UP000244817) UniProtKB Star A0A2T7G1K8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2T7FVG9_9RHOB Thermohalobaculum Thermohalobaculum xanthum (UP000655420) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7SDG0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A8J7SCK1_9RHOB Thioclava Thioclava dalianensis (UP000027725) UniProtKB Star A0A074TJY1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A074U6D1_9RHOB Thioclava indica (UP000027471) UniProtKB Star A0A074KJH5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A074JRS5_9RHOB Thioclava pacifica DSM 10166 (UP000027432) UniProtKB Star A0A074JL39_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A074J8X9_9RHOB Thioclava sp. SK-1 (UP000094269) UniProtKB Star A0A1C2HS00_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1C2HU02_9RHOB Tritonibacter Tritonibacter aquimaris (UP000436694) UniProtKB Star A0A844AKE0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A844B316_9RHOB Tritonibacter horizontis (UP000068382) UniProtKB Star A0A132BR67_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A132BR14_9RHOB Tritonibacter litoralis (UP000444174) UniProtKB Star A0A843YDT0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A843YM30_9RHOB Tritonibacter multivorans (UP000052022) UniProtKB Star A0A0P1GJ33_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0N7LZD0_9RHOB Vannielia Vannielia litorea (UP000184932) UniProtKB Star A0A1N6FQD6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1N6GS01_9RHOB Yoonia Yoonia litorea (UP000198926) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6MAE3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I6N1A8_9RHOB Yoonia ponticola (UP000535415) UniProtKB Star A0A7W9BK22_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A7W9BMA4_9RHOB Yoonia rosea (UP000186997) UniProtKB Star A0A1R3WG17_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1R3WBJ8_9RHOB Yoonia sediminilitoris (UP000244523) UniProtKB Star A0A2T6KRV8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2T6KFW3_9RHOB Yoonia tamlensis (UP000199478) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6G5U9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I6GYJ7_9RHOB Yoonia vestfoldensis SKA53 (UP000004507) UniProtKB Star A3V4C0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A3V0T1_9RHOB Rhodobacter group Paenirhodobacter Paenirhodobacter enshiensis (UP000028824) UniProtKB Star A0A086XVX6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A086Y9D4_9RHOB Rhodobacter Candidatus Rhodobacter oscarellae (UP000037178) UniProtKB Star A0A0J9E1S7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0J9E747_9RHOB Rhodobacter aestuarii (UP000186221) UniProtKB Star A0A1N7NNS6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1N7KVY0_9RHOB Rhodobacter capsulatus (strain ATCC BAA-309 / NBRC 16581 / SB1003) (UP000002361) UniProtKB Star D5ALN2_RHOCB UniProtKB Star D5ARM8_RHOCB Rhodobacter sp. 24-YEA-8 (UP000199640) UniProtKB Star A0A1H4LZB6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1H4J9F5_9RHOB Rhodobacter sp. CACIA14H1 (UP000018503) UniProtKB Star V7EIQ2_9RHOB Rhodobacter sp. SGA-6-6 (UP000473292) UniProtKB Star A0A6M1ML44_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A6M1MH52_9RHOB Rhodobacter sp. SW2 (UP000010121) UniProtKB Star C8S2M2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star C8S022_9RHOB Rhodobacter xanthinilyticus (UP000176562) UniProtKB Star A0A1D9MBD0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1D9M9Z2_9RHOB Sinirhodobacter Sinirhodobacter hankyongi (UP000279673) UniProtKB Star A0A421BKI0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A421BL94_9RHOB Sinirhodobacter populi (UP000285710) UniProtKB Star A0A443JSQ7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A443IWF3_9RHOB Rhodobacterales bacterium (UP000324880) UniProtKB Star A0A5D0VPZ0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A5D0VW69_9RHOB Rhodobacterales bacterium HTCC2255 (UP000009381) UniProtKB Star Q0FAN9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star Q0FCE0_9RHOB Roseobacteraceae Actibacterium Actibacterium atlanticum (UP000024836) UniProtKB Star A0A058ZQF8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A058ZK26_9RHOB Actibacterium lipolyticum (UP000202922) UniProtKB Star A0A238KIH5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A238JM65_9RHOB Actibacterium mucosum KCTC 23349 (UP000026249) UniProtKB Star A0A037ZEF7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A037ZNI2_9RHOB Actibacterium naphthalenivorans (UP000585681) UniProtKB Star A0A840CDV9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A840C902_9RHOB Actibacterium pelagium (UP000606730) UniProtKB Star A0A917AD71_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A917EIT4_9RHOB Aliiruegeria Aliiruegeria haliotis (UP000239480) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0S076_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2T0RKP4_9RHOB Aliiruegeria lutimaris (UP000199382) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8ZJ29_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1G8JNQ6_9RHOB Antarctobacter Antarctobacter heliothermus (UP000203589) UniProtKB Star A0A222E5B9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A222E0T1_9RHOB Celeribacter Celeribacter baekdonensis B30 (UP000006762) UniProtKB Star K2K5X6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star K2JS50_9RHOB Celeribacter ethanolicus (UP000217935) UniProtKB Star A0A291G9V3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A291GFV4_9RHOB Celeribacter halophilus (UP000183299) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3NXR7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I3U5A5_9RHOB Celeribacter indicus (UP000031521) UniProtKB Star A0A0B5DZY6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0B5E4M0_9RHOB Celeribacter marinus (UP000064920) UniProtKB Star A0A0P0A8B3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0P0AEP4_9RHOB Celeribacter neptunius (UP000199630) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3JNB4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I3VCG2_9RHOB Citreicella Citreicella sp. C3M06 (UP000813096) UniProtKB Star A0A9E2JUL1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A9E2JMC5_9RHOB Citreimonas Citreimonas salinaria (UP000199286) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3G5V0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1H3FAS5_9RHOB Dinoroseobacter Dinoroseobacter shibae (strain DSM 16493 / NCIMB 14021 / DFL 12) (UP000006833) UniProtKB Star SYE1_DINSH UniProtKB Star SYE2_DINSH Donghicola Donghicola eburneus (UP000184085) UniProtKB Star A0A1M4N5S1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1M4N400_9RHOB Donghicola tyrosinivorans (UP000238392) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0X5E1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2T0X086_9RHOB Epibacterium Epibacterium ulvae (UP000198767) UniProtKB Star A0A1G5Q7M9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1G5R6J7_9RHOB Falsihalocynthiibacter Falsihalocynthiibacter arcticus (UP000070371) UniProtKB Star A0A126V2C7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A126UVN3_9RHOB Falsiruegeria Falsiruegeria litorea R37 (UP000193077) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5SAT5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5TLS7_9RHOB Hasllibacter Hasllibacter halocynthiae (UP000238801) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0X858_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2T0X9R8_9RHOB Jannaschia Jannaschia aquimarina (UP000032232) UniProtKB Star A0A0D1EJ24_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0D1EJX9_9RHOB Jannaschia donghaensis (UP000049222) UniProtKB Star A0A0M6YL77_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0M6YQ28_9RHOB Jannaschia helgolandensis (UP000199283) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7LJ55_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1H7ML15_9RHOB Jannaschia pohangensis (UP000199110) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3GLJ7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I3IB71_9RHOB Jannaschia rubra (UP000048908) UniProtKB Star A0A0M6XS33_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0M6XME1_9RHOB Jannaschia seohaensis (UP000245839) UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9BZJ4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9C5M7_9RHOB Jannaschia seosinensis (UP000049455) UniProtKB Star A0A0M7B7X1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0M7B628_9RHOB Jannaschia sp. (strain CCS1) (UP000008326) UniProtKB Star SYE1_JANSC UniProtKB Star SYE2_JANSC Ketogulonicigenium Ketogulonicigenium robustum (UP000242447) UniProtKB Star A0A1W6P0L6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1W6NXU5_9RHOB Ketogulonicigenium vulgare (strain WSH-001) (UP000000692) UniProtKB Star F9YAG6_KETVW UniProtKB Star F9Y9Y2_KETVW Leisingera Leisingera sp. ANG1 (UP000031201) UniProtKB Star A0A0B4DZA6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0B4F9X1_9RHOB Lentibacter Lentibacter algarum (UP000199026) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3L1V6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1H3JVG7_9RHOB Litoreibacter Litoreibacter arenae DSM 19593 (UP000015351) UniProtKB Star S9QHF6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star S9Q767_9RHOB Litoreibacter ponti (UP000243978) UniProtKB Star A0A2T6BIN9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2T6BN87_9RHOB Litoreibacter roseus (UP000436822) UniProtKB Star A0A6N6JKL7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A6N6JFZ3_9RHOB Loktanella Loktanella atrilutea (UP000183987) UniProtKB Star A0A1M4T983_LOKAT UniProtKB Star A0A1M4XID1_LOKAT Loktanella fryxellensis (UP000199585) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7YNM1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1H8AI18_9RHOB Loktanella salsilacus (UP000199550) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4BLX4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I4DYD8_9RHOB Loktanella sp. 3ANDIMAR09 (UP000051463) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q2Y5A0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0Q2XPL9_9RHOB Loktanella sp. IMCC34160 (UP000294096) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q3Y8W8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A4Q3YDD9_9RHOB Loktanella sp. S4079 (UP000033741) UniProtKB Star A0A0F4RJ87_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0F4RFD3_9RHOB Lutimaribacter Lutimaribacter saemankumensis (UP000199340) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8GUP0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1G8M5T8_9RHOB Mameliella Mameliella alba (UP000030960) UniProtKB Star A0A0B3S0A7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0B3S0Q2_9RHOB Marinovum Marinovum algicola (UP000182932) UniProtKB Star A0A975ZNL5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A975W634_9RHOB Maritimibacter Maritimibacter alkaliphilus HTCC2654 (UP000002931) UniProtKB Star A3VE52_9RHOB Maritimibacter fusiformis (UP000322080) UniProtKB Star A0A5D0RMR9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A5D0RHM8_9RHOB Maritimibacter harenae (UP000467322) UniProtKB Star A0A845LYH2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A845LXE1_9RHOB Maritimibacter sp. 55A14 (UP000245064) UniProtKB Star A0A2U2CQY2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2U2CJP3_9RHOB Maritimibacter sp. HL-12 (UP000193836) UniProtKB Star A0A1X7Q231_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1X7PG11_9RHOB Marivita Marivita geojedonensis (UP000193926) UniProtKB Star A0A1X4NKQ5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1X4NHM6_9RHOB Marivita hallyeonensis (UP000184221) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5VTD5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1M5MU32_9RHOB Mesobaculum Mesobaculum littorinae (UP000285908) UniProtKB Star A0A438AKV1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A438ADH5_9RHOB Nereida Nereida ignava (UP000048949) UniProtKB Star A0A0U1NLP1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0U1NM20_9RHOB Oceanicola Oceanicola granulosus (strain ATCC BAA-861 / DSM 15982 / KCTC 12143 / ... (UP000003635) UniProtKB Star Q2CG22_OCEGH UniProtKB Star Q2CA74_OCEGH Oceanicola sp. 22II-s10i (UP000197567) UniProtKB Star A0A254RAX7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A254R9M1_9RHOB Oceaniovalibus Oceaniovalibus guishaninsula JLT2003 (UP000006765) UniProtKB Star K2GLV6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star K2HB85_9RHOB Oceaniovalibus sp. ACAM 378 (UP000324423) UniProtKB Star A0A5D0SC67_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A5D0RXE1_9RHOB Octadecabacter Octadecabacter arcticus 238 (UP000004688) UniProtKB Star M9RFL1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star M9RTF4_9RHOB Octadecabacter ascidiaceicola (UP000203464) UniProtKB Star A0A238JLI2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A238KRN7_9RHOB Octadecabacter sp. SW4 (UP000323131) UniProtKB Star A0A5B9ET78_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A5B9EK12_9RHOB Pacificibacter Pacificibacter marinus (UP000193307) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5RM76_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5SEX8_9RHOB Pacificibacter maritimus (UP000269689) UniProtKB Star A0A3N4VBI0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A3N4UAE2_9RHOB Palleronia Palleronia abyssalis (UP000244912) UniProtKB Star A0A2R8BQG2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2R8BY31_9RHOB Palleronia aestuarii (UP000248916) UniProtKB Star A0A2W7NBL7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2W7NIN1_9RHOB Palleronia caenipelagi (UP000318590) UniProtKB Star A0A547Q9C6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A547Q771_9RHOB Palleronia marisminoris (UP000193870) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5RL93_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5TI51_9RHOB Palleronia pontilimi (UP000642488) UniProtKB Star A0A934MFY8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A934IJ64_9RHOB Palleronia salina (UP000184040) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6ABV5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1M6FRA4_9RHOB Palleronia sediminis (UP000295701) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6AKJ0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A4R5ZXF8_9RHOB Pelagimonas Pelagimonas phthalicica (UP000225972) UniProtKB Star A0A238JED3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A238J7Y6_9RHOB Pelagimonas varians (UP000220836) UniProtKB Star A0A238JU45_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A238KBH1_9RHOB Phaeobacter Phaeobacter gallaeciensis (UP000092565) UniProtKB Star A0A1B0ZLD3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1B0ZVA2_9RHOB Phaeobacter italicus (UP000043764) UniProtKB Star A0A0H5CXP9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0H5DGR2_9RHOB Phaeobacter sp. 22II1-1F12B (UP000197279) UniProtKB Star A0A254QL21_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A254QVV5_9RHOB Phaeobacter sp. CECT 5382 (UP000050782) UniProtKB Star A0A0N7M3F0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0N7M3G3_9RHOB Pontibaca Pontibaca methylaminivorans (UP000192455) UniProtKB Star A0A1R3X005_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1R3WXX1_9RHOB Pontibaca salina (UP000613255) UniProtKB Star A0A934M2R4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A934HPI5_9RHOB Poseidonocella Poseidonocella pacifica (UP000198796) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0VQX7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I0WGU1_9RHOB Poseidonocella sedimentorum (UP000199302) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6CRZ9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I6EEK4_9RHOB Primorskyibacter Primorskyibacter flagellatus (UP000192330) UniProtKB Star A0A1W1ZAE3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1W2BQN3_9RHOB Primorskyibacter sedentarius (UP000295696) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3JB54_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A4R3JKT5_9RHOB Profundibacterium Profundibacterium mesophilum KAUST100406-0324 (UP000698242) UniProtKB Star A0A921NY65_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A921NU40_9RHOB Pseudoponticoccus Pseudoponticoccus marisrubri (UP000054396) UniProtKB Star A0A0W7WP66_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0W7WIU0_9RHOB Pseudoruegeria Pseudoruegeria aquimaris (UP000193409) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5SJN9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5REZ1_9RHOB Pseudoruegeria sp. SK021 (UP000194129) UniProtKB Star A0A1X4J0S6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1X4J248_9RHOB Pseudosulfitobacter Pseudosulfitobacter pseudonitzschiae (UP000027746) UniProtKB Star A0A073J5K3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A073J0V6_9RHOB Rhodalgimonas Rhodalgimonas zhirmunskyi (UP001227162) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ1U3R2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0AAJ1X5J9_9RHOB Roseibacterium Roseibacterium elongatum DSM 19469 (UP000019593) UniProtKB Star W8RW74_9RHOB UniProtKB Star W8RYN6_9RHOB Roseibacterium persicicum (UP000526408) UniProtKB Star A0A7X6H0Q0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A7X6GWU0_9RHOB Roseicyclus Roseicyclus mahoneyensis (UP000245708) UniProtKB Star A0A316GNT7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A316GIP8_9RHOB Roseisalinus Roseisalinus antarcticus (UP000193900) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5RFF6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5S171_9RHOB Roseivivax Roseivivax halodurans JCM 10272 (UP000022447) UniProtKB Star X7EI32_9RHOB UniProtKB Star X7EJ64_9RHOB Roseivivax halotolerans (UP000243106) UniProtKB Star A0A1I5XCU7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I5XT52_9RHOB Roseivivax isoporae LMG 25204 (UP000023430) UniProtKB Star X7F8T2_9RHOB Roseivivax jejudonensis (UP000193570) UniProtKB Star A0A1X6Z6C8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1X6ZIJ0_9RHOB Roseivivax marinus (UP000019063) UniProtKB Star W4HQB1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star W4HMC4_9RHOB Roseivivax sediminis (UP000325289) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1SHS6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I2BHL5_9RHOB Roseivivax sp. THAF197b (UP000325639) UniProtKB Star A0A5P8Z0J2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A5P8YXL4_9RHOB Roseobacter Roseobacter cerasinus (UP000436522) UniProtKB Star A0A640VVN9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A640VT79_9RHOB Roseobacter denitrificans (strain ATCC 33942 / OCh 114) (UP000007029) UniProtKB Star SYE2_ROSDO UniProtKB Star SYE1_ROSDO Roseobacter insulae (UP001138661) UniProtKB Star A0A9X1K2W5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A9X1FYP8_9RHOB Roseobacter ponti (UP000503308) UniProtKB Star A0A858STP4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A858SN09_9RHOB Roseobacter sp. (strain GAI101) (UP000002944) UniProtKB Star B7RPS5_ROSS0 UniProtKB Star B7RGZ5_ROSS0 Roseobacter sp. HKCCD8822 (UP000599682) UniProtKB Star A0A972JRI9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A972G791_9RHOB Roseobacter sp. SK209-2-6 (UP000005964) UniProtKB Star A4EWY7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A4ERT2_9RHOB Roseovarius Roseovarius aestuarii (UP000193224) UniProtKB Star A0A1X7BQ25_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1X7BL92_9RHOB Roseovarius albus (UP000193061) UniProtKB Star A0A1X6Z193_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1X6YHD7_9RHOB Roseovarius azorensis (UP000199582) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7W2S6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1H7T1F2_9RHOB Roseovarius bejariae (UP000564704) UniProtKB Star A0A844D140_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A844CKN2_9RHOB Roseovarius faecimaris (UP000428330) UniProtKB Star A0A6I6IPN8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A6I6IQ09_9RHOB Roseovarius gaetbuli (UP000194012) UniProtKB Star A0A1X6YCY8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1X6YQN7_9RHOB Roseovarius gahaiensis (UP000639775) UniProtKB Star A0A967BA05_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A967BBZ8_9RHOB Roseovarius halotolerans (UP000193207) UniProtKB Star A0A1X6YIX7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1X6Y8S0_9RHOB Roseovarius indicus (UP000051401) UniProtKB Star A0A0T5P984_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0T5P4B4_9RHOB Roseovarius litoreus (UP000322545) UniProtKB Star A0A1M7D119_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1M7I172_9RHOB Roseovarius litorisediminis (UP000193827) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5RDK1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5SG48_9RHOB Roseovarius mucosus (UP000192273) UniProtKB Star A0A1V0RJU2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1V0RTP0_9RHOB Roseovarius nanhaiticus (UP000186019) UniProtKB Star A0A1N7G859_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1N7FKA7_9RHOB Roseovarius nubinhibens (strain ATCC BAA-591 / DSM 15170 / ISM) (UP000005954) UniProtKB Star A3SNU5_ROSNI UniProtKB Star A3SK92_ROSNI Roseovarius pacificus (UP000183974) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6XJH5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1M6YQT7_9RHOB Roseovarius sp. A46 (UP000289944) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2ABU9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1ZWE7_9RHOB Roseovarius sp. TE539 (UP000252940) UniProtKB Star A0A365U048_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A365TWM3_9RHOB Roseovarius sp. THAF27 (UP000325526) UniProtKB Star A0A5P9H492_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A5P9H3Z2_9RHOB Roseovarius spongiae (UP000281128) UniProtKB Star A0A3A8AY28_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A3A8AUX6_9RHOB Roseovarius tolerans (UP000037046) UniProtKB Star A0A0L6CZ71_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0L6CSV2_9RHOB Rubellimicrobium Rubellimicrobium mesophilum DSM 19309 (UP000019666) UniProtKB Star A0A017HEA6_9RHOB Rubellimicrobium roseum (UP000305709) UniProtKB Star A0A5C4NF07_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A5C4N514_9RHOB Rubellimicrobium rubrum (UP000305887) UniProtKB Star A0A5C4N0N3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A5C4MYG3_9RHOB Rubellimicrobium sp. CFH 75288 (UP000630328) UniProtKB Star A0A964TGW9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A964TL25_9RHOB Rubellimicrobium thermophilum DSM 16684 (UP000015346) UniProtKB Star S9SIU9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star S9QZA0_9RHOB Ruegeria Ruegeria arenilitoris (UP000202485) UniProtKB Star A0A238JX77_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A238KDZ8_9RHOB Ruegeria marina (UP000199628) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6J0L0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1G6LYL8_9RHOB Ruegeria marisrubri (UP000053791) UniProtKB Star A0A117KH34_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0X3TKG5_9RHOB Ruegeria pomeroyi (strain ATCC 700808 / DSM 15171 / DSS-3) (UP000001023) UniProtKB Star SYE2_RUEPO UniProtKB Star SYE1_RUEPO Ruegeria sp. (strain TM1040) (UP000000636) UniProtKB Star SYE1_RUEST UniProtKB Star SYE2_RUEST Ruegeria sp. ANG-R (UP000031318) UniProtKB Star A0A0C1JH50_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0C1IPK2_9RHOB Ruegeria sp. ANG-S4 (UP000031326) UniProtKB Star A0A0C1JMJ6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0C1JG97_9RHOB Ruegeria sp. THAF57 (UP000530050) UniProtKB Star A0A6V6ZMU3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A6V6ZI38_9RHOB Sagittula Sagittula marina (UP000541426) UniProtKB Star A0A7W6DTS9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A7W6GVV1_9RHOB Sagittula salina (UP000675940) UniProtKB Star A0A940S075_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A940S2N4_9RHOB Sagittula stellata (strain ATCC 700073 / DSM 11524 / E-37) (UP000005713) UniProtKB Star A3K6J0_SAGS3 UniProtKB Star A3K2S6_SAGS3 Salibaculum Salibaculum griseiflavum (UP000245293) UniProtKB Star A0A2V1P3Q9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2V1P6Z4_9RHOB Salinihabitans Salinihabitans flavidus (UP000198893) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8TW88_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1H8SV75_9RHOB Salipiger Salipiger abyssi (UP000187059) UniProtKB Star A0A1P8UZ03_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1P8UT28_9RHOB Salipiger aestuarii (UP000249165) UniProtKB Star A0A327YIL4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A327YE60_9RHOB Salipiger bermudensis (strain DSM 26914 / JCM 13377 / KCTC 12554 / HTC... (UP000006230) UniProtKB Star Q0FPY8_SALBH UniProtKB Star Q0FMN4_SALBH Salipiger marinus (UP000199093) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8N4W3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1G8IAI2_9RHOB Salipiger mucosus DSM 16094 (UP000015347) UniProtKB Star S9S988_9RHOB UniProtKB Star S9QEN5_9RHOB Salipiger pallidus (UP000617145) UniProtKB Star A0A8J2ZG97_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A8J2ZLW1_9RHOB Salipiger profundus (UP000186559) UniProtKB Star A0A1U7DAB1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1U7D3F5_9RHOB Salipiger sp. CCB-MM3 (UP000092483) UniProtKB Star A0A1B1PKL8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1B1PP88_9RHOB Salipiger sp. IMCC34102 (UP000293145) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q3YX60_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A4Q3YU88_9RHOB Salipiger thiooxidans (UP000198994) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7GK33_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1G7CMY4_9RHOB Seohaeicola Seohaeicola zhoushanensis (UP000626220) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3GX29_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A8J3GUK0_9RHOB Shimia abyssi (UP000240418) UniProtKB Star A0A2P8FG28_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A2P8FK97_9RHOB Shimia aestuarii (UP000199144) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4PDI8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I4HQ43_9RHOB Shimia gijangensis (UP000183982) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6ES22_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1M6GZK3_9RHOB Shimia litoralis (UP000306575) UniProtKB Star A0A4U7N5T8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A4U7N9J0_9RHOB Shimia marina (UP000054823) UniProtKB Star A0A0P1ETF2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0P1ENN3_9RHOB Shimia sp. SK013 (UP000037951) UniProtKB Star A0A0M9EGL3_9RHOB Shimia thalassica (UP000051870) UniProtKB Star A0A0P1I803_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0P1IDD0_9RHOB Sulfitobacter Sulfitobacter aestuariivivens (UP000635142) UniProtKB Star A0A927HH15_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A927HI37_9RHOB Sulfitobacter albidus (UP000683291) UniProtKB Star A0A975JG19_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A975JDS0_9RHOB Sulfitobacter brevis (UP000198977) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2CJB7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I1SYZ2_9RHOB Sulfitobacter donghicola DSW-25 = KCTC 12864 = JCM 14565 (UP000027734) UniProtKB Star A0A073IIV6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A073IHT4_9RHOB Sulfitobacter guttiformis (UP000284407) UniProtKB Star A0A420DN48_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A420DTD6_9RHOB Sulfitobacter marinus (UP000199239) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6SEE0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I6U4D6_9RHOB Sulfitobacter mediterraneus (UP000027337) UniProtKB Star A0A061SXU1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A061SVZ6_9RHOB Sulfitobacter noctilucicola (UP000565745) UniProtKB Star A0A7W6Q5T1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A7W6Q4F0_9RHOB Sulfitobacter sabulilitoris (UP000309550) UniProtKB Star A0A5S3PKJ9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A5S3Q3N3_9RHOB Sulfitobacter sediminilitoris (UP000468591) UniProtKB Star A0A6P0C698_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A6P0CAI8_9RHOB Sulfitobacter sp. D7 (UP000274386) UniProtKB Star A0A386TD43_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A386TBJ3_9RHOB Sulfitobacter sp. HI0023 (UP000077323) UniProtKB Star A0A166RGL8_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A166Q0W1_9RHOB Sulfitobacter sp. JL08 (UP000253748) UniProtKB Star A0A345RAP2_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A345RET5_9RHOB Sulfitobacter sp. SK011 (UP000253968) UniProtKB Star A0A345QBS6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A345QDT2_9RHOB Sulfitobacter sp. SK012 (UP000253903) UniProtKB Star A0A345QLG7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A345QS33_9RHOB Sulfitobacter sp. THAF37 (UP000327025) UniProtKB Star A0A5P9FC22_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A5P9F6L3_9RHOB Sulfitobacter undariae (UP000530268) UniProtKB Star A0A7W6E6Z5_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A7W6E8Z1_9RHOB Tateyamaria Tateyamaria sp. ANG-S1 (UP000031171) UniProtKB Star A0A0B4C211_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0B4D5Y8_9RHOB Thalassobacter Thalassobacter sp. 16PALIMAR09 (UP000029829) UniProtKB Star A0A099TFA7_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A099T6M0_9RHOB Thalassococcus Thalassococcus halodurans (UP000236752) UniProtKB Star A0A1H5S5I3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1H5ZWI9_9RHOB Thalassococcus profundi (UP000253977) UniProtKB Star A0A369TNB6_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A369TMF0_9RHOB Thalassococcus sp. S3 (UP000289812) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6MKA1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A4V0Z980_9RHOB Thalassovita Thalassobius vesicularis (UP000306113) UniProtKB Star A0A4S3MAZ3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A4S3MDF0_9RHOB Thalassovita gelatinovora (UP000051587) UniProtKB Star A0A0N7LU65_THAGE UniProtKB Star A0A0N7LUS3_THAGE Thalassovita mediterranea (UP000051681) UniProtKB Star A0A0P1GMJ0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0P1HCH0_9RHOB Thalassovita taeanensis (UP000198634) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8YVE1_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1H9ANI8_9RHOB Thetidibacter Thetidibacter halocola (UP000681356) UniProtKB Star A0A8J8B676_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A8J8B805_9RHOB Tranquillimonas Tranquillimonas alkanivorans (UP000199356) UniProtKB Star A0A1I5P1V3_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I5T1X3_9RHOB Tranquillimonas rosea (UP000198885) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9V7Y4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1H9RPF6_9RHOB Tropicibacter Tropicibacter naphthalenivorans (UP000054935) UniProtKB Star A0A0N7LZ73_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0P1GCL6_9RHOB Tropicimonas Tropicimonas isoalkanivorans (UP000198728) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1E5U4_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1I1G095_9RHOB Tropicimonas sediminicola (UP000198426) UniProtKB Star A0A239H807_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A239KF65_9RHOB Tropicimonas sp. IMCC6043 (UP000293926) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q3Z9T9_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A4Q3ZIA9_9RHOB Wenxinia Wenxinia marina DSM 24838 (UP000035100) UniProtKB Star A0A0D0PBU0_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A0D0NQB4_9RHOB Wenxinia saemankumensis (UP000184292) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6D448_9RHOB UniProtKB Star A0A1M6FJR8_9RHOB Rhodospirillales Acetobacteraceae Acetobacter Acetobacter estunensis (UP000597459) UniProtKB Star A0A967B3T2_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A967B659_9PROT Acetobacter garciniae (UP000664073) UniProtKB Star A0A939HM16_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A939HL35_9PROT Acetobacter malorum (UP000242683) UniProtKB Star A0A177G7W9_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3G5U3_9PROT Acetobacter nitrogenifigens DSM 23921 = NBRC 105050 (UP000321635) UniProtKB Star A0A511XEP3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A511X851_9PROT Acetobacter oeni (UP000321746) UniProtKB Star A0A511XGM3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A511XHX4_9PROT Acetobacter orientalis (UP000032670) UniProtKB Star A0A0D6NH29_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5ZMR8_9PROT Acetobacter peroxydans (UP000317730) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y3TW31_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4Y3TUQ4_9PROT Acetobacter pomorum DM001 (UP000018454) UniProtKB Star F1YTA2_9PROT UniProtKB Star F1YWN7_9PROT Acetobacter senegalensis (UP000056109) UniProtKB Star A0A0U5B5J8_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A0U5ER74_9PROT Acetobacter sp. DmW_043 (UP000196359) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3G0N4_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3G1Z7_9PROT Acetobacter sp. DsW_54 (UP000194822) UniProtKB Star A0A252B8N0_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A252B7X8_9PROT Acetobacter subgen. Acetobacter Acetobacter aceti (UP000188937) UniProtKB Star A0A1U9KKW4_ACEAC UniProtKB Star A0A1U9KG13_ACEAC Acetobacter vaccinii (UP000324536) UniProtKB Star A0A5C1YM47_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A5C1YQ80_9PROT Acetobacteraceae bacterium (UP000297111) UniProtKB Star A0A4P7W7I4_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4P7WAK4_9PROT Acetobacteraceae bacterium AT-5844 (UP000003292) UniProtKB Star H0A5V1_9PROT UniProtKB Star H0A4J1_9PROT UniProtKB Star G9ZY80_9PROT Acetobacteraceae bacterium H6797 (UP000646848) UniProtKB Star A0A929KJJ0_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A929PT81_9PROT Acidiphilium Acidiphilium cryptum (strain JF-5) (UP000000245) UniProtKB Star SYE1_ACICJ UniProtKB Star SYE2_ACICJ Acidiphilium rubrum (UP000186308) UniProtKB Star A0A8G2FH51_ACIRU UniProtKB Star A0A8G2CI32_ACIRU Acidisoma Acidisoma silvae (UP000708298) UniProtKB Star A0A963YRI6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A964DXC6_9PROT Acidisphaera Acidisphaera rubrifaciens HS-AP3 (UP000032680) Acidocella Acidocella aminolytica 101 = DSM 11237 (UP000032668) UniProtKB Star A0A0D6PBB9_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A0D6PIY5_9PROT Acidocella aromatica (UP000553706) UniProtKB Star A0A840VBX8_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A840VKI4_9PROT Acidocella sp. MX-AZ02 (UP000006217) UniProtKB Star K5Z152_9PROT UniProtKB Star K5YRG8_9PROT Acidomonas Acidomonas methanolica NBRC 104435 (UP000019760) UniProtKB Star A0A023D3P0_ACIMT UniProtKB Star A0A023D1P5_ACIMT Ameyamaea Ameyamaea chiangmaiensis (UP000585665) UniProtKB Star A0A850PIR1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A850P4Y3_9PROT Aristophania Aristophania vespae (UP000463975) UniProtKB Star A0A6P1NC97_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A6P1NFK1_9PROT Belnapia Belnapia rosea (UP000198925) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6KTW4_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1G6P5X7_9PROT Bombella Bombella intestini (UP000200980) UniProtKB Star A0A1S8GPI5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1S8GPZ3_9PROT Brytella Brytella acorum (UP001176960) UniProtKB Star A0AA35UF27_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0AA35UH25_9PROT Caldovatus Caldovatus sediminis (UP000597507) UniProtKB Star A0A8J2Z8X1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A8J3EC59_9PROT Commensalibacter melissae (UP000247565) UniProtKB Star A0A318MYF6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A318N3G1_9PROT Commensalibacter papalotli (ex Servin-Garciduenas et al. 2014) (UP000019250) UniProtKB Star W7DM06_9PROT UniProtKB Star W7E5L3_9PROT Dankookia Dankookia rubra (UP000295096) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5QL51_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4V6PKB2_9PROT Endobacter Endobacter medicaginis (UP000557688) UniProtKB Star A0A839V1D0_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A839UX92_9PROT Entomobacter Entomobacter blattae (UP000516349) UniProtKB Star A0A7H1NUN7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A7H1NUL1_9PROT Falsiroseomonas Falsiroseomonas bella (UP000245765) UniProtKB Star A0A317F8Z3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A317FI94_9PROT Falsiroseomonas stagni DSM 19981 (UP000199473) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4FJM3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1I3YFT0_9PROT Formicincola Formicincola oecophyllae (UP000318709) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y6U8F3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4Y6UAJ4_9PROT Gluconacetobacter Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus (strain ATCC 49037 / DSM 5601 / CCUG ... (UP000001176) UniProtKB Star SYE1_GLUDA UniProtKB Star SYE2_GLUDA Gluconacetobacter johannae (UP000561066) UniProtKB Star A0A7W4J6V3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A7W4P1X5_9PROT Gluconacetobacter takamatsuzukensis (UP000540556) UniProtKB Star A0A7W4KG78_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A7W4PNQ5_9PROT Gluconobacter Gluconobacter morbifer G707 (UP000004949) UniProtKB Star G6XMH0_9PROT UniProtKB Star G6XG63_9PROT Gluconobacter oxydans (strain 621H) (UP000006375) UniProtKB Star SYE1_GLUOX UniProtKB Star SYE2_GLUOX Gluconobacter sp. DsW_058 (UP000194786) UniProtKB Star A0A252BQ07_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A252BKH1_9PROT Gluconobacter wancherniae NBRC 103581 (UP000321230) UniProtKB Star A0A511B028_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A511AWX4_9PROT Granulibacter Granulibacter bethesdensis (strain ATCC BAA-1260 / CGDNIH1) (UP000001963) UniProtKB Star SYE1_GRABC UniProtKB Star SYE2_GRABC Humitalea Humitalea rosea (UP000249688) UniProtKB Star A0A2W7IWA2_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A2W7K185_9PROT Komagataeibacter Komagataeibacter saccharivorans (UP000264120) UniProtKB Star A0A347WBZ8_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A347W913_9PROT Kozakia Kozakia baliensis (UP000179145) UniProtKB Star A0A1D8UXF6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1D8UUG4_9PROT Lichenicoccus Lichenicoccus roseus (UP000305654) UniProtKB Star A0A5R9J8R0_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A5R9J9U1_9PROT Lichenicola Lichenicola cladoniae (UP000500767) UniProtKB Star A0A6M8HSN3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A6M8HWA1_9PROT Limobrevibacterium Limobrevibacterium gyesilva (UP001165679) UniProtKB Star A0AA42CI89_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0AA41YV11_9PROT Neoasaia Neoasaia chiangmaiensis (UP000188604) UniProtKB Star A0A1U9KTJ8_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1U9KN20_9PROT Neokomagataea Neokomagataea tanensis (UP000317214) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y6V6P3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4Y6V6L1_9PROT Neoroseomonas Neoroseomonas alkaliterrae (UP000562254) UniProtKB Star A0A840XZF8_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A840XNU3_9PROT Neoroseomonas lacus (UP000661507) UniProtKB Star A0A917KJE2_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A917KBQ9_9PROT Nguyenibacter Nguyenibacter vanlangensis (UP000534870) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y7M8G8_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A7Y7IUX5_9PROT Novacetimonas Novacetimonas maltaceti (UP000237344) UniProtKB Star A0A2S3VZ57_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A2S3W277_9PROT Oecophyllibacter Oecophyllibacter saccharovorans (UP000315037) UniProtKB Star A0A506UM22_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A506UMM2_9PROT Oleomonas Oleomonas cavernae (UP000284605) UniProtKB Star A0A418WBK8_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A418W988_9PROT Pararoseomonas Pararoseomonas indoligenes (UP000677537) UniProtKB Star A0A940MXQ5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A940N024_9PROT Plastoroseomonas Plastoroseomonas arctica (UP001196068) UniProtKB Star A0AAF1KUP6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0AAF1KLG5_9PROT Pseudoroseomonas Pseudoroseomonas cervicalis ATCC 49957 (UP000005324) UniProtKB Star D5RPE2_9PROT UniProtKB Star D5RP24_9PROT Pseudoroseomonas coralli (UP000460715) UniProtKB Star A0A845B8Z3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A845B6R2_9PROT Pseudoroseomonas deserti (UP000188879) UniProtKB Star A0A1V2H736_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1V2GXR2_9PROT Pseudoroseomonas oryzae (UP000322110) UniProtKB Star A0A5B2TKT5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A5B2TEQ3_9PROT Pseudoroseomonas rhizosphaerae (UP000223527) UniProtKB Star A0A2C7AG76_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A2C7A951_9PROT Rhodopila Rhodopila globiformis (UP000239724) UniProtKB Star A0A2S6N8D0_RHOGL UniProtKB Star A0A2S6N2R0_RHOGL UniProtKB Star A0A2S6MZN3_RHOGL Rhodovarius Rhodovarius crocodyli (UP000282957) UniProtKB Star A0A437LXD7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A437MPK5_9PROT Rhodovastum Rhodovastum atsumiense (UP000325255) UniProtKB Star A0A5M6J2E0_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A5M6IIZ1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A5M6J112_9PROT Roseicella Roseicella aerolata (UP001139311) UniProtKB Star A0A9X1LDI0_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A9X1IDB2_9PROT Roseicella aquatilis (UP000295023) UniProtKB Star A0A4R4DY28_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4V2WJJ0_9PROT Roseicella frigidaeris (UP000249065) UniProtKB Star A0A327M1J7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A327MG85_9PROT Roseococcus Roseococcus sp. SYP-B2431 (UP000292335) UniProtKB Star A0A4R0Y9S5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4R0YK00_9PROT Roseococcus suduntuyensis (UP000553193) UniProtKB Star A0A840AC90_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A840AGK9_9PROT Roseomonas Roseomonas acroporae (UP001139516) UniProtKB Star A0A9X1Y7J6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A9X1Y8L6_9PROT Roseomonas genomospecies 6 (UP000480854) UniProtKB Star A0A9W7NH07_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A9W7NLA4_9PROT Roseomonas mucosa (UP000054844) UniProtKB Star A0A1S8D2V6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1S8DAW5_9PROT Roseomonas nepalensis (UP000317078) UniProtKB Star A0A502GIW3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A502FAE5_9PROT Roseomonas pecuniae (UP000580654) UniProtKB Star A0A840XXE7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A840Y935_9PROT Roseomonas rosea (UP000184387) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6QFM9_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1M6LR72_9PROT Saccharibacter Saccharibacter sp. 17.LH.SD (UP000463253) UniProtKB Star A0A6I4YR24_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A6I4Z4Y5_9PROT Saccharibacter sp. EH611 (UP000431119) UniProtKB Star A0A6I4Z040_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A6I4Z1H7_9PROT Sediminicoccus Sediminicoccus sp. KRV36 (UP000830341) UniProtKB Star A0A9E7DAR4_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A9E7DAS9_9PROT Siccirubricoccus Siccirubricoccus deserti (UP000600101) UniProtKB Star A0A9X0QYB6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A9X0R0M1_9PROT Swaminathania Swaminathania salitolerans (UP000321405) UniProtKB Star A0A511BKN5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A511BYR1_9PROT Swingsia Swingsia samuiensis (UP000316313) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y6UNL8_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4Y6ULG2_9PROT Tanticharoenia Tanticharoenia sakaeratensis NBRC 103193 (UP000032679) UniProtKB Star A0A0D6MI21_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A0D6MLM6_9PROT Azospirillaceae Azospirillum Azospirillum doebereinerae (UP000280346) UniProtKB Star A0A3S0WT54_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A3S0WYK5_9PROT Azospirillum griseum (UP000277007) UniProtKB Star A0A3S0I3J5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A431VAY8_9PROT Azospirillum sp. (strain B510) (UP000002040) UniProtKB Star D3NV17_AZOS1 UniProtKB Star D3NX01_AZOS1 Azospirillum sp. RU38E (UP000198368) UniProtKB Star A0A239E1R8_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A239E4S3_9PROT Azospirillum sp. TSO22-1 (UP000245126) UniProtKB Star A0A2U1WTX8_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A2U1VYE4_9PROT Azospirillum thermophilum (UP000245629) UniProtKB Star A0A2S2CMX9_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A2S2CSC5_9PROT Nitrospirillum Nitrospirillum viridazoti Nitrospirillum viridazoti CBAmc (UP000197153) UniProtKB Star A0A248JPV6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A248JP50_9PROT Niveispirillum Niveispirillum lacus (UP000216998) UniProtKB Star A0A255YWL7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A255YUJ2_9PROT Skermanella Skermanella aerolata (UP000321523) UniProtKB Star A0A512DK16_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A512DIB7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A512DMJ4_9PROT Skermanella stibiiresistens SB22 (UP000019486) UniProtKB Star W9H825_9PROT UniProtKB Star W9H7E7_9PROT Dongiaceae Aliidongia Aliidongia dinghuensis (UP000646365) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3E632_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A8J3E5F5_9PROT Dongia Dongia mobilis (UP000295783) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6WDI6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4R6WH21_9PROT Hypericibacter Hypericibacter adhaerens (UP000325797) UniProtKB Star A0A5J6N060_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A5J6N571_9PROT Elioraeaceae Elioraea Elioraea sp. Yellowstone (UP000315375) UniProtKB Star A0A541C486_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A541CGY7_9PROT Elioraea tepida (UP000694001) UniProtKB Star A0A975U1M5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A975U2V4_9PROT Kiloniellaceae Aestuariispira Aestuariispira insulae (UP000256845) UniProtKB Star A0A3D9HV46_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A3D9HX16_9PROT Kiloniella Kiloniella litopenaei (UP000034491) UniProtKB Star A0A0M2R676_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A0M2R451_9PROT Kiloniellaceae bacterium (UP000466029) UniProtKB Star A0A843RET9_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A843RKN5_9PROT Magnetospirillaceae Paramagnetospirillum Paramagnetospirillum marisnigri (UP000078428) UniProtKB Star A0A178M3X0_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A178MQY3_9PROT Magnetovibrionaceae Magnetovibrio Magnetovibrio blakemorei (UP000095347) UniProtKB Star A0A1E5Q9A7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1E5Q8C6_9PROT Varunaivibrio Varunaivibrio sulfuroxidans (UP000295304) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3JEF6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4R3J6T7_9PROT Novispirillaceae Caenispirillum Caenispirillum bisanense (UP000219621) UniProtKB Star A0A286GF75_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A286GF30_9PROT Caenispirillum salinarum AK4 (UP000009881) UniProtKB Star K9H180_9PROT UniProtKB Star K9HRG4_9PROT Haematospirillum Haematospirillum jordaniae (UP000076066) UniProtKB Star A0A143DEW9_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A143DEL9_9PROT Insolitispirillum Insolitispirillum peregrinum (UP000185678) UniProtKB Star A0A1N7ILI4_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1N7NIP5_9PROT Novispirillum Novispirillum itersonii (UP000544872) UniProtKB Star A0A7W9ZFL6_NOVIT UniProtKB Star A0A7W9ZGM6_NOVIT Oceanibaculaceae Oceanibaculum Oceanibaculum indicum P24 (UP000006746) UniProtKB Star K2IXU3_9PROT UniProtKB Star K2JI26_9PROT Oceanibaculum pacificum (UP000076400) UniProtKB Star A0A154W0W7_9PROT Rhodospirillaceae Candidatus Endolissoclinum Candidatus Endolissoclinum faulkneri L5 (UP000018700) UniProtKB Star V9TSZ8_9PROT UniProtKB Star V9TT37_9PROT Defluviicoccus Candidatus Defluviicoccus seviourii (UP000326641) UniProtKB Star A0A564WBY1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A564WBR6_9PROT Defluviicoccus sp. (UP000509596) UniProtKB Star A0A7D5MUJ0_9PROT Defluviicoccus vanus (UP000516369) UniProtKB Star A0A7H1N5I9_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A7H1MYR2_9PROT Denitrobaculum Denitrobaculum tricleocarpae (UP000315252) UniProtKB Star A0A545TPJ2_9PROT Elstera Elstera cyanobacteriorum (UP000216361) UniProtKB Star A0A255XN81_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A255XWU0_9PROT Elstera litoralis (UP000033774) UniProtKB Star A0A0F3IRS1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A0F3IUD1_9PROT Ferrovibrio Ferrovibrio terrae (UP000317496) UniProtKB Star A0A516H3X2_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A516H3N1_9PROT Ferruginivarius Ferruginivarius sediminum (UP000253941) UniProtKB Star A0A369TC75_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A369T8J5_9PROT Hwanghaeella Hwanghaeella grinnelliae (UP000287447) UniProtKB Star A0A3S2VTA1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A437QK81_9PROT Inquilinus Inquilinus limosus (UP000196655) UniProtKB Star A0A211ZI59_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A211Z2K1_9PROT Magnetospirillum Magnetospirillum aberrantis SpK (UP000480684) UniProtKB Star A0A7C9QSZ4_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A7C9QVT3_9PROT Magnetospirillum fulvum (UP000182983) UniProtKB Star A0A1H6HXR5_MAGFU UniProtKB Star A0A1H6IIF3_MAGFU Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense (strain DSM 6361 / JCM 21280 / NBRC 1... (UP000018922) UniProtKB Star V6EZH4_MAGGM UniProtKB Star V6EWQ8_MAGGM Magnetospirillum moscoviense (UP000078543) UniProtKB Star A0A178M879_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A178MMU1_9PROT Magnetospirillum sp. ME-1 (UP000193515) UniProtKB Star A0A1W6CM00_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1W6CQY3_9PROT Magnetospirillum sp. SS-4 (UP000480297) UniProtKB Star A0A6J4G2J6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A6J4FTR6_9PROT Magnetospirillum sp. UT-4 (UP000476617) UniProtKB Star A0A6J4G1D0_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A6J4F8C5_9PROT Marivibrio Marivibrio halodurans (UP000672602) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7SKF6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A8J7S5B7_9PROT Pacificispira Pacificispira spongiicola (UP000539372) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y0DYN6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A7Y0DWS2_9PROT Pararhodospirillum Pararhodospirillum oryzae (UP000321567) UniProtKB Star A0A512H649_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A512H5K9_9PROT Pararhodospirillum photometricum DSM 122 (UP000033220) UniProtKB Star H6SSD2_PARPM UniProtKB Star H6SQ06_PARPM Phaeovibrio Phaeovibrio sulfidiphilus (UP000631034) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7CRV9_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A8J6YQN4_9PROT Rhodospira Rhodospira trueperi (UP000199412) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6ZZI4_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1G7A368_9PROT Rhodospirillaceae bacterium B3 (UP000501891) UniProtKB Star A0A858R672_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A858R6B1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A858R375_9PROT Rhodospirillaceae bacterium LM-1 (UP000459463) UniProtKB Star A0A7U6Y2Z5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A7U6Y7F0_9PROT Rhodospirillum Rhodospirillum centenum (strain ATCC 51521 / SW) (UP000001591) UniProtKB Star SYE2_RHOCS UniProtKB Star SYE1_RHOCS Rhodospirillum rubrum (strain ATCC 11170 / ATH 1.1.1 / DSM 467 / LMG 4... (UP000001929) UniProtKB Star SYE2_RHORT UniProtKB Star SYE1_RHORT Roseospira Roseospira goensis (UP000555728) UniProtKB Star A0A7W6WKP8_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A7W6S2X4_9PROT Roseospira marina (UP000324065) UniProtKB Star A0A5M6IBK5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A5M6ICR6_9PROT Roseospira navarrensis (UP000434582) UniProtKB Star A0A7X2D395_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A7X1ZD78_9PROT Roseospira visakhapatnamensis (UP000554286) UniProtKB Star A0A7W6RCN7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A7W6W8Q5_9PROT Roseospirillum Roseospirillum parvum (UP000217076) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7U8S7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1G8CK79_9PROT Telmatospirillum Telmatospirillum siberiense (UP000233293) UniProtKB Star A0A2N3PZE0_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A2N3PZN1_9PROT Rhodospirillales bacterium (UP000438537) UniProtKB Star A0A6A7M7B3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A6A7MDE2_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A6A7MDA9_9PROT Rhodospirillales bacterium TMPK1 (UP000681075) UniProtKB Star A0A8S8X693_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A8S8X7D7_9PROT Rhodovibrionaceae Limibacillus Limibacillus halophilus (UP000581135) UniProtKB Star A0A839SSV8_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A839SW45_9PROT Limimonas Limimonas halophila (UP000199415) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7N9Y6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1G7QSM1_9PROT Pelagibius Pelagibius litoralis (UP000761264) UniProtKB Star A0A967EV51_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A967K939_9PROT Rhodovibrio Rhodovibrio salinarum (UP000778970) UniProtKB Star A0A934QIT5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A934QIE2_9PROT Tistlia Tistlia consotensis USBA 355 (UP000192917) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y6CSD8_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1Y6CR55_9PROT Stellaceae Stella Stella humosa (UP000278222) UniProtKB Star A0A3N1MD40_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A3N1M7I1_9PROT Terasakiellaceae Terasakiella Candidatus Terasakiella magnetica (UP000231658) UniProtKB Star A0A1C3RCN9_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1C3RKL0_9PROT Terasakiella brassicae (UP000632498) UniProtKB Star A0A917BMY8_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A917C154_9PROT Thalassobaculaceae Nisaea Nisaea acidiphila (UP001060336) UniProtKB Star A0A9J7AT57_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A9J7AQX1_9PROT Thalassobaculum Thalassobaculum fulvum (UP000630353) UniProtKB Star A0A918XRD9_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A919CPC8_9PROT Thalassobaculum litoreum DSM 18839 (UP000198615) UniProtKB Star A0A8G2BNR1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A8G2BIP4_9PROT Thalassospiraceae Magnetospira Magnetospira sp. (strain QH-2) (UP000032733) UniProtKB Star W6KAI0_MAGSQ UniProtKB Star W6KCL6_MAGSQ Thalassospira Thalassospira mesophila (UP000193391) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2L0S3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2L354_9PROT Thalassospira sp. HJ (UP000032356) UniProtKB Star A0A0D8CK57_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A0D8CIG2_9PROT Zavarziniaceae Zavarzinia Zavarzinia aquatilis (UP000245461) UniProtKB Star A0A317EKW1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A317EGE8_9PROT Zavarzinia compransoris (UP000246077) UniProtKB Star A0A317EF73_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A317EBJ1_9PROT Rhodothalassiales Rhodothalassiaceae Rhodothalassium Rhodothalassium salexigens DSM 2132 (UP000295399) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2PVS6_RHOSA UniProtKB Star A0A4R2PUP9_RHOSA Rickettsiales Anaplasmataceae Anaplasma Anaplasma marginale (strain Florida) (UP000007307) UniProtKB Star B9KIV6_ANAMF UniProtKB Star B9KHG6_ANAMF Anaplasma platys (UP000500930) UniProtKB Star A0A858PY01_9RICK UniProtKB Star A0A858PXA3_9RICK phagocytophilum group Anaplasma phagocytophilum (UP000055047) UniProtKB Star A0A098EF60_ANAPH UniProtKB Star A0A098EG28_ANAPH Candidatus Mesenet Candidatus Mesenet longicola (UP000637906) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3MNY1_9RICK UniProtKB Star A0A8J3HNR5_9RICK Candidatus Neoehrlichia Candidatus Neoehrlichia lotoris str. RAC413 (UP000033562) UniProtKB Star A0A0F3NMD5_9RICK UniProtKB Star A0A0F3NMD2_9RICK Candidatus Xenolissoclinum Candidatus Xenolissoclinum pacificiensis L6 (UP000018951) UniProtKB Star W2V2E4_9RICK UniProtKB Star W2UYR2_9RICK Ehrlichia Ehrlichia chaffeensis (strain ATCC CRL-10679 / Arkansas) (UP000008320) UniProtKB Star SYE2_EHRCR UniProtKB Star SYE1_EHRCR Ehrlichia muris AS145 (UP000018689) UniProtKB Star V9R614_9RICK UniProtKB Star V9R9Q0_9RICK Neorickettsia Neorickettsia helminthoeca str. Oregon (UP000023755) UniProtKB Star X5H4Y6_9RICK UniProtKB Star X5HK42_9RICK Wolbachieae Wolbachia Wolbachia endosymbiont of Onchocerca ochengi (UP000007516) UniProtKB Star I7IA79_9RICK UniProtKB Star I7JEM0_9RICK Wolbachia endosymbiont of Pentalonia nigronervosa (UP000610575) UniProtKB Star A0A8I0K9M1_9RICK UniProtKB Star A0A8I0FFG8_9RICK Wolbachia pipientis (UP000175679) UniProtKB Star A0A1E7QK22_WOLPI UniProtKB Star A0A1E7QKB7_WOLPI Wolbachia sp. subsp. Brugia malayi (strain TRS) (UP000000534) UniProtKB Star SYE2_WOLTR UniProtKB Star SYE1_WOLTR Candidatus Arcanobacter Candidatus Arcanobacter lacustris (UP000033358) UniProtKB Star A0A0F5MPV4_9RICK UniProtKB Star A0A0F5MQ73_9RICK Candidatus Deianiraeaceae Candidatus Deianiraea Candidatus Deianiraea vastatrix (UP000321934) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8XBZ5_9RICK Candidatus Midichloriaceae Candidatus Aquarickettsia Candidatus Aquarickettsia rohweri (UP000279470) UniProtKB Star A0A3R9XY72_9RICK UniProtKB Star A0A3R9Z573_9RICK Candidatus Fokinia Candidatus Fokinia solitaria (UP000244519) UniProtKB Star A0A2U8BS57_9RICK UniProtKB Star A0A2U8BT01_9RICK Candidatus Midichloria Midichloria mitochondrii (strain IricVA) (UP000006639) UniProtKB Star F7XWG3_MIDMI UniProtKB Star F7XX43_MIDMI Lyticum Lyticum sinuosum (UP001289135) UniProtKB Star A0AAE4VKK5_9RICK UniProtKB Star A0AAE4VKN1_9RICK Rickettsiaceae Candidatus Phycorickettsia Candidatus Phycorickettsia trachydisci (UP000241762) UniProtKB Star A0A2P1P9T5_9RICK UniProtKB Star A0A2P1P6V9_9RICK Rickettsieae Candidatus Sneabacter Candidatus Sneabacter namystus (UP000323844) UniProtKB Star A0A5C0UI71_9RICK UniProtKB Star A0A5C0UIM9_9RICK Orientia Orientia chuto str. Dubai (UP000033616) UniProtKB Star A0A0F3MLN3_9RICK UniProtKB Star A0A0F3MGR6_9RICK Orientia tsutsugamushi (strain Boryong) (UP000001565) UniProtKB Star SYE1_ORITB UniProtKB Star SYE2_ORITB Orientia tsutsugamushi str. Gilliam (UP000244959) UniProtKB Star A0A2U3RE18_ORITS UniProtKB Star A0A0F3M966_ORITS Rickettsia Rickettsia endosymbiont of Culicoides newsteadi (UP000216097) UniProtKB Star A0A261DBW9_9RICK UniProtKB Star A0A261DD59_9RICK Rickettsia sp. (UP000624429) UniProtKB Star A0A931AP86_9RICK UniProtKB Star A0A931ALH8_9RICK typhus group Rickettsia prowazekii (strain Madrid E) (UP000002480) UniProtKB Star SYE2_RICPR UniProtKB Star SYE1_RICPR Rickettsiales bacterium Ac37b (UP000028936) UniProtKB Star A0A077FKC3_9RICK UniProtKB Star A0A077FRD4_9RICK Rickettsiales endosymbiont of Peranema trichophorum (UP000291274) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7DIR2_9RICK UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7DKV3_9RICK Rickettsiales endosymbiont of Stachyamoeba lipophora (UP000267655) UniProtKB Star A0A3S8T0R7_9RICK UniProtKB Star A0A3Q8T743_9RICK SAR116 cluster SAR116 cluster alpha proteobacterium HIMB100 (UP000004261) UniProtKB Star G5ZYJ3_9PROT UniProtKB Star G5ZWZ8_9PROT SAR116 cluster bacterium (UP001158167) UniProtKB Star A0AA35UA77_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0AA35ULC6_9PROT SAR116 cluster bacterium MED-G04 (UP001160002) UniProtKB Star A0AA35UEG8_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0AA35UTH9_9PROT Sneathiellales Sneathiellaceae Oceanibacterium Oceanibacterium hippocampi (UP000193200) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5T2V9_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1Y5SV31_9PROT Sneathiella Sneathiella litorea (UP000476030) UniProtKB Star A0A6L8W5Q7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A6L8W5C1_9PROT Sphingomonadales Erythrobacteraceae Actirhodobacter Actirhodobacter atriluteus (UP000561438) UniProtKB Star A0A850GWG0_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A850H3M8_9SPHN Allopontixanthobacter Allopontixanthobacter confluentis (UP000473531) UniProtKB Star A0A6L7GFY6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A6L7GFU9_9SPHN Allopontixanthobacter sediminis (UP000431922) UniProtKB Star A0A845AX08_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A845B330_9SPHN Alteraurantiacibacter Alteraurantiacibacter aestuarii (UP000435243) UniProtKB Star A0A844ZIW1_9SPHN Alteraurantiacibacter aquimixticola (UP000309389) UniProtKB Star A0A4T3F3C6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A4T3F434_9SPHN Alteraurantiacibacter buctensis (UP000466966) UniProtKB Star A0A844YXH5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A844YT75_9SPHN Altererythrobacter Altererythrobacter epoxidivorans (UP000057938) UniProtKB Star A0A0M4M476_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0M3TB20_9SPHN Altererythrobacter ishigakiensis (UP000320547) UniProtKB Star A0A562UWU9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A562URZ1_9SPHN Altererythrobacter lutimaris (UP000546031) UniProtKB Star A0A850H8Y2_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A850HBB2_9SPHN Altererythrobacter sp. B11 (UP000263119) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5YYH5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5YUE5_9SPHN Altererythrobacter sp. BO-6 (UP000502110) UniProtKB Star A0A6G6X5X3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A6G6XAH2_9SPHN Altererythrobacter sp. Root672 (UP000051125) UniProtKB Star A0A0T2QFC7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0T2Q8L1_9SPHN Altererythrobacter sp. TH136 (UP000315722) UniProtKB Star A0A515L799_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A515LA20_9SPHN Altererythrobacter xiamenensis (UP000194420) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y6FIS3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1Y6F3E5_9SPHN Altericroceibacterium Altericroceibacterium endophyticum (UP000438476) UniProtKB Star A0A6I4T7M2_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A6I4T678_9SPHN Altericroceibacterium indicum (UP000460561) UniProtKB Star A0A845A7G7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A845AIQ8_9SPHN Altericroceibacterium spongiae (UP000284395) UniProtKB Star A0A420ERM8_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A420ELV0_9SPHN Alteripontixanthobacter Alteripontixanthobacter maritimus (UP000253727) UniProtKB Star A0A369QA00_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A369QCF2_9SPHN Alteriqipengyuania Alteriqipengyuania halimionae (UP000429229) UniProtKB Star A0A6I4U0Q0_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A6I4U5A8_9SPHN Aurantiacibacter Aurantiacibacter atlanticus (UP000059113) UniProtKB Star A0A0H4VH95_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0H4W0T0_9SPHN Aurantiacibacter gangjinensis (UP000053070) UniProtKB Star A0A0G9MUG3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0G9MM43_9SPHN Aurantiacibacter luteus (UP000053464) UniProtKB Star A0A0G9MXN4_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0G9MVC6_9SPHN Aurantiacibacter marinus (UP000053455) UniProtKB Star A0A0H0XUK1_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0H0XTH9_9SPHN Aurantiacibacter rhizosphaerae (UP000461409) UniProtKB Star A0A844XBY8_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A844X879_9SPHN Aurantiacibacter spongiae (UP000275232) UniProtKB Star A0A3N5DFD6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A3N5CX21_9SPHN Aurantiacibacter xanthus (UP000265366) UniProtKB Star A0A3A1P927_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A3A1P176_9SPHN Aurantiacibacter zhengii (UP000286576) UniProtKB Star A0A418NVX5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A418NT81_9SPHN Caenibius Caenibius tardaugens NBRC 16725 (UP000016568) UniProtKB Star U2ZRF0_9SPHN UniProtKB Star U2YHS1_9SPHN Croceibacterium Croceibacterium atlanticum (UP000034392) UniProtKB Star A0A0F7KSD0_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0F7KWR9_9SPHN Croceibacterium mercuriale (UP000030988) UniProtKB Star A0A0B2BYR5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0B2BYV0_9SPHN Croceibacterium salegens (UP000433652) UniProtKB Star A0A6I4SUF5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A6I4SZ98_9SPHN Croceibacterium soli (UP000469159) UniProtKB Star A0A6I4UUA3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A6I4UND2_9SPHN Croceibacterium xixiisoli (UP000469430) UniProtKB Star A0A6I4TYV0_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A6I4U0N3_9SPHN Croceicoccus Croceicoccus marinus (UP000195807) UniProtKB Star A0A1Z1FA93_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1Z1FDE7_9SPHN Croceicoccus mobilis (UP000612349) UniProtKB Star A0A916Z4G5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A916Z131_9SPHN Croceicoccus naphthovorans (UP000035287) UniProtKB Star A0A0G3XEH2_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0G3XJT0_9SPHN Croceicoccus pelagius (UP000598997) UniProtKB Star A0A916YI97_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A916YEF7_9SPHN Croceicoccus ponticola (UP000283003) UniProtKB Star A0A437H0B9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A437GXI8_9SPHN Croceicoccus sp. YJ47 (UP000595177) UniProtKB Star A0A7T7VRH5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7T7VP06_9SPHN Erythrobacter/Porphyrobacter group Erythrobacter Erythrobacter aureus (UP000254508) UniProtKB Star A0A345YFE5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A345YAW1_9SPHN Erythrobacter insulae (UP000316343) UniProtKB Star A0A547PEJ3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A547PBR0_9SPHN Erythrobacter litoralis (UP000027866) UniProtKB Star A0A074N360_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A074MVM1_9SPHN Erythrobacter litoralis (strain HTCC2594) (UP000008808) UniProtKB Star SYE1_ERYLH UniProtKB Star SYE2_ERYLH Erythrobacter longus (UP000027647) UniProtKB Star A0A074MI15_ERYLO UniProtKB Star A0A074M531_ERYLO Erythrobacter neustonensis (UP000078263) UniProtKB Star A0A192D565_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A192D2W0_9SPHN Erythrobacter sp. 3-20A1M (UP000681018) UniProtKB Star A0A975R4B6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A975MC05_9SPHN Erythrobacter sp. EC-HK427 (UP000325427) UniProtKB Star A0A5E7ZCM4_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A5E7YHK7_9SPHN Erythrobacter sp. NAP1 (UP000002995) UniProtKB Star A3WC04_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A3WF59_9SPHN Erythrobacter sp. QSSC1-22B (UP000092728) UniProtKB Star A0A1A7QLJ5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1A7QKL7_9SPHN Erythrobacter sp. SG61-1L (UP000049978) UniProtKB Star A0A0P6WLC3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0P6X2L9_9SPHN Erythrobacter sp. THAF29 (UP000326213) UniProtKB Star A0A5P9GWA1_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A5P9GN11_9SPHN Erythrobacter sp. YT30 (UP000055668) UniProtKB Star A0A109LSN0_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A125QJL6_9SPHN Erythrobacteraceae bacterium CFH 75059 (UP000293887) UniProtKB Star A0A4V2MMC7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A4R0P153_9SPHN Parapontixanthobacter Parapontixanthobacter aurantiacus (UP000433104) UniProtKB Star A0A844ZEE4_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A844ZEE6_9SPHN Paraurantiacibacter Paraurantiacibacter namhicola (UP000092698) UniProtKB Star A0A1C7D9B4_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1C7D4Y6_9SPHN Pelagerythrobacter Pelagerythrobacter marensis (UP000037643) UniProtKB Star A0A0G3X726_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0G3XBT1_9SPHN Pelagerythrobacter rhizovicinus (UP000293623) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2KRU4_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2KKR1_9SPHN Pontixanthobacter Pontixanthobacter aestiaquae (UP000460290) UniProtKB Star A0A844Z4R1_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A844Z3D7_9SPHN Pontixanthobacter luteolus (UP000471435) UniProtKB Star A0A6I4UYA1_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A6I4V2M0_9SPHN Pontixanthobacter rizhaonensis (UP000561181) UniProtKB Star A0A848QPM1_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A848QTY4_9SPHN Qipengyuania Qipengyuania algicida (UP000439780) UniProtKB Star A0A845AH92_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A845AEQ2_9SPHN Qipengyuania flava (UP000290057) UniProtKB Star A0A3T1CIZ6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A3T1CE72_9SPHN Qipengyuania gaetbuli (UP000444185) UniProtKB Star A0A844XY21_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A844Y560_9SPHN Qipengyuania marisflavi (UP000309668) UniProtKB Star A0A5S3P9H1_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A5S3P136_9SPHN Qipengyuania oceanensis (UP000445582) UniProtKB Star A0A844YFE8_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A844YHL3_9SPHN Qipengyuania pelagi (UP000430272) UniProtKB Star A0A844Y850_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A844Y8N7_9SPHN Qipengyuania soli (UP000594459) UniProtKB Star A0A7S8IWJ6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7S8IUJ3_9SPHN Qipengyuania vulgaris (UP000448199) UniProtKB Star A0A844XT34_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A844XSA9_9SPHN Tsuneonella Tsuneonella aeria (UP000439522) UniProtKB Star A0A6I4TAH3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A6I4TI08_9SPHN Tsuneonella dongtanensis (UP000092932) UniProtKB Star A0A1B2AEZ0_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1B2AAT2_9SPHN Tsuneonella suprasediminis (UP000284322) UniProtKB Star A0A419R0U1_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A419R5V7_9SPHN Sphingomonadaceae Allosphingosinicella Allosphingosinicella indica (UP000192934) UniProtKB Star A0A1X7GY78_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1X7G0A0_9SPHN Blastomonas Blastomonas sp. AAP25 (UP000037930) UniProtKB Star A0A0N1LGB2_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0N1BD81_9SPHN Citromicrobium Citromicrobium sp. RCC1897 (UP000077614) UniProtKB Star A0A2P0B1N8_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2P0B4H3_9SPHN Hankyongella Hankyongella ginsenosidimutans (UP000298714) Hephaestia Hephaestia caeni (UP000266568) UniProtKB Star A0A397PMH9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A397P5H2_9SPHN Novosphingobium Novosphingobium aromaticivorans (strain ATCC 700278 / DSM 12444 / CCUG... (UP000009134) UniProtKB Star SYE2_NOVAD UniProtKB Star SYE1_NOVAD Novosphingobium arvoryzae (UP000634139) UniProtKB Star A0A918RG54_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A918VLJ5_9SPHN Novosphingobium aureum (UP000617634) UniProtKB Star A0A931HCD7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A931HG64_9SPHN Novosphingobium barchaimii LL02 (UP000052268) UniProtKB Star A0A0J7Y6K2_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0J7XUF2_9SPHN Novosphingobium chloroacetimidivorans (UP000555448) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7K6C3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7W7KBS9_9SPHN Novosphingobium colocasiae (UP000648075) UniProtKB Star A0A918UH79_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A918PFA3_9SPHN Novosphingobium endophyticum (UP000608154) UniProtKB Star A0A916TPB6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A916X6R7_9SPHN Novosphingobium flavum (UP000566813) UniProtKB Star A0A7X1FSZ8_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7X1KLB0_9SPHN Novosphingobium fluoreni (UP000561459) UniProtKB Star A0A7W6C9U5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7W6BWR7_9SPHN Novosphingobium fuchskuhlense (UP000058012) UniProtKB Star A0A117UUK8_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A117UZC2_9SPHN Novosphingobium ginsenosidimutans (UP000321172) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8S8Z3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A5B8S3A8_9SPHN Novosphingobium guangzhouense (UP000236327) UniProtKB Star A0A2K2G597_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2K2FZ61_9SPHN Novosphingobium hassiacum (UP000562395) UniProtKB Star A0A7W5ZZD9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7W5ZX01_9SPHN Novosphingobium kunmingense (UP000232587) UniProtKB Star A0A2N0I2W1_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2N0HJV4_9SPHN Novosphingobium lindaniclasticum LE124 (UP000015527) UniProtKB Star T0IQQ2_9SPHN UniProtKB Star T0HWJ4_9SPHN Novosphingobium malaysiense (UP000031057) UniProtKB Star A0A0B1ZQQ8_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0B1ZTJ6_9SPHN Novosphingobium marinum (UP000522081) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9XWC5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9XUM5_9SPHN Novosphingobium nitrogenifigens DSM 19370 (UP000004728) UniProtKB Star F1Z9K0_9SPHN UniProtKB Star F1Z6A2_9SPHN Novosphingobium olei (UP000583556) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y0BPG6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7Y0BRG1_9SPHN Novosphingobium pentaromativorans US6-1 (UP000004030) UniProtKB Star G6EIP4_9SPHN UniProtKB Star G6ECE1_9SPHN Novosphingobium piscinae (UP000551327) UniProtKB Star A0A7X1FZ44_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7X1G063_9SPHN Novosphingobium sediminicola (UP000548867) UniProtKB Star A0A7W6CK28_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7W6CD34_9SPHN Novosphingobium silvae (UP000465810) UniProtKB Star A0A7X4GDX9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7X4GDE3_9SPHN Novosphingobium sp. (UP000320223) UniProtKB Star A0A519QYC3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A519QVS9_9SPHN Novosphingobium sp. 9U (UP000431236) UniProtKB Star A0A653J1G9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A653JA67_9SPHN Novosphingobium sp. AAP1 (UP000037880) UniProtKB Star A0A0N1L4E5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0N1AJ10_9SPHN Novosphingobium sp. AAP83 (UP000037998) UniProtKB Star A0A0N1C0N4_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0N1C435_9SPHN Novosphingobium sp. AP12 (UP000007515) UniProtKB Star J2PXA7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star J2GN39_9SPHN Novosphingobium sp. BW1 (UP000323719) UniProtKB Star A0A5D0WRC5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A5D0WPU7_9SPHN Novosphingobium sp. CF614 (UP000199304) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2MW04_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1I2MIQ4_9SPHN Novosphingobium sp. FSW06-99 (UP000061032) UniProtKB Star A0A102D8P3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A102D7H3_9SPHN Novosphingobium sp. Fuku2-ISO-50 (UP000056630) UniProtKB Star A0A102DDU7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A124JYZ6_9SPHN Novosphingobium sp. Gsoil 351 (UP000426325) UniProtKB Star A0A6I5WTZ3_9SPHN Novosphingobium sp. Leaf2 (UP000050893) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4BWK9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4C8X9_9SPHN Novosphingobium sp. MD-1 (UP000266860) UniProtKB Star A0A1W7M971_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1W7MFA3_9SPHN Novosphingobium sp. PC22D (UP000220675) UniProtKB Star A0A2A8HWT8_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2A8HN73_9SPHN Novosphingobium sp. PP1Y (UP000009242) UniProtKB Star F6IPZ1_9SPHN UniProtKB Star F6IJG0_9SPHN Novosphingobium sp. PhB165 (UP000295319) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1V3Y9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A4R1UIY4_9SPHN Novosphingobium sp. Rr 2-17 (UP000004732) UniProtKB Star I9CA14_9SPHN UniProtKB Star I9C691_9SPHN Novosphingobium sp. ST904 (UP000037878) UniProtKB Star A0A0N0LZV6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0N1MSB5_9SPHN Novosphingobium sp. TH158 (UP000234499) UniProtKB Star A0A2N4X5A7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2N4X4T0_9SPHN Novosphingobium umbonatum (UP000282837) UniProtKB Star A0A3S2X272_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A3S2V5T9_9SPHN Novosphingopyxis Novosphingopyxis sp. YJ-S2-01 (UP000616288) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7IG17_9SPHN Parasphingopyxis Parasphingopyxis lamellibrachiae (UP000256310) UniProtKB Star A0A3D9FC55_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A3D9FH85_9SPHN Parasphingopyxis marina (UP000564378) UniProtKB Star A0A842HXJ6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A842HUM8_9SPHN Parasphingorhabdus Parasphingorhabdus halotolerans (UP000501600) UniProtKB Star A0A6H2DI87_9SPHN Parasphingorhabdus marina DSM 22363 (UP000185192) UniProtKB Star A0A1N6FZJ2_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1N6CQ07_9SPHN Rhizorhabdus Rhizorhabdus dicambivorans (UP000218934) UniProtKB Star A0A2A4FZQ5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2A4FS15_9SPHN Rhizorhabdus wittichii (strain DSM 6014 / CCUG 31198 / JCM 15750 / NBR... (UP000001989) UniProtKB Star SYE2_RHIWR UniProtKB Star SYE1_RHIWR Rhizorhapis Rhizorhapis suberifaciens (corky root of lettuce) (UP000575068) UniProtKB Star A0A840HXI8_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A840HT01_9SPHN Sphingobium Sphingobium algorifonticola (UP000282977) UniProtKB Star A0A437J6R8_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A437JCX7_9SPHN Sphingobium amiense (UP000279959) UniProtKB Star A0A494VZI6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A494W9N3_9SPHN Sphingobium baderi (UP000056968) UniProtKB Star A0A0S3F209_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0S3EVD7_9SPHN Sphingobium baderi LL03 (UP000015524) UniProtKB Star T0GHP9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star T0GHX4_9SPHN Sphingobium boeckii (UP000549617) UniProtKB Star A0A7W9AGD8_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7W9AEI2_9SPHN Sphingobium chlorophenolicum L-1 (UP000007150) UniProtKB Star F6F0J6_SPHCR UniProtKB Star F6EXS8_SPHCR Sphingobium cloacae (UP000218272) UniProtKB Star A0A1E1F145_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1E1F3U6_9SPHN Sphingobium cupriresistens LL01 (UP000052232) UniProtKB Star A0A0J7Y3U9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0J7XQV8_9SPHN Sphingobium fluviale (UP000290958) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1KMH7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1KEE3_9SPHN Sphingobium fontiphilum (UP000552757) UniProtKB Star A0A7W6DCT7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7W6GPX8_9SPHN Sphingobium herbicidovorans (strain ATCC 700291 / DSM 11019 / CCUG 564... (UP000024284) UniProtKB Star A0A086P872_SPHHM UniProtKB Star A0A086P501_SPHHM Sphingobium indicum (strain DSM 16413 / CCM 7287 / MTCC 6362 / UT26 / ... (UP000007753) UniProtKB Star D4YZE6_SPHIU UniProtKB Star D4YXS2_SPHIU Sphingobium indicum BiD32 (UP000013201) UniProtKB Star N1MQL4_9SPHN UniProtKB Star N1MMK7_9SPHN Sphingobium jiangsuense (UP000571950) UniProtKB Star A0A7W6BH37_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7W6BNX4_9SPHN Sphingobium nicotianae (UP001138757) UniProtKB Star A0A9X1DBM4_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A9X1DEM4_9SPHN Sphingobium phenoxybenzoativorans (UP000681425) UniProtKB Star A0A975K2Z3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A975Q277_9SPHN Sphingobium sp. (UP000668555) UniProtKB Star A0A940JP79_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A940FPZ4_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A940G270_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A940G1K2_9SPHN Sphingobium sp. (strain NBRC 103272 / SYK-6) (UP000001275) UniProtKB Star G2IJ30_SPHSK UniProtKB Star G2IQJ6_SPHSK Sphingobium sp. AP50 (UP000199255) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7AIJ3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1H6VY53_9SPHN Sphingobium sp. C100 (UP000018867) UniProtKB Star W1S2Y1_9SPHN UniProtKB Star W1S2P1_9SPHN Sphingobium sp. CAP-1 (UP000426201) UniProtKB Star A0A6I5YV95_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A6I5YLR6_9SPHN Sphingobium sp. EP60837 (UP000078304) UniProtKB Star A0A173KYA9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A173KVN8_9SPHN Sphingobium sp. LB126 (UP000229267) UniProtKB Star A0A2M8QU89_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2M8QRP6_9SPHN Sphingobium sp. RAC03 (UP000094323) UniProtKB Star A0A1B3MWR7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1B3MX25_9SPHN Sphingobium sp. SCG-1 (UP000239825) UniProtKB Star A0A2L0A9K1_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2L0A4X3_9SPHN Sphingobium sp. TB-6 (UP000532274) UniProtKB Star A0A848I195_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A848HXI6_9SPHN Sphingobium sp. TCM1 (UP000078322) UniProtKB Star A0A196MUR0_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A196M9G1_9SPHN Sphingobium sp. TKS (UP000060779) UniProtKB Star A0A126RKK9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A126RR09_9SPHN Sphingobium sp. YG1 (UP000267239) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6ADK3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6AGX1_9SPHN Sphingobium subterraneum (UP000552700) UniProtKB Star A0A841J1W2_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A841J7A7_9SPHN Sphingobium ummariense RL-3 (UP000015523) UniProtKB Star T0KL63_9SPHN UniProtKB Star T0IZD6_9SPHN Sphingobium vermicomposti (UP000576821) UniProtKB Star A0A846M778_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A846MAK8_9SPHN Sphingobium xenophagum (UP000290975) UniProtKB Star A0A401J1Y0_SPHXE UniProtKB Star A0A401J5N6_SPHXE Sphingobium yanoikuyae ATCC 51230 (UP000009887) UniProtKB Star K9DH00_SPHYA UniProtKB Star K9D9T6_SPHYA Sphingomicrobium Sphingomicrobium lutaoense (UP000578569) UniProtKB Star A0A839YXF3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A839YXA9_9SPHN Sphingomicrobium sediminis (UP001155128) UniProtKB Star A0A9X2EKG4_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A9X2EJS5_9SPHN Sphingomonadaceae bacterium G21617-S1 (UP001143671) UniProtKB Star A0A9X3GYV1_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A9X3K291_9SPHN Sphingomonas Sphingomonas adhaesiva (UP000218323) UniProtKB Star A0A2A4IBX7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2A4I511_9SPHN Sphingomonas aerolata (UP000240996) UniProtKB Star A0A2T4YSQ8_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2T4YVM3_9SPHN Sphingomonas aerophila (UP000546200) UniProtKB Star A0A7W9BB37_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7W9BB72_9SPHN Sphingomonas aliaeris (UP000595894) UniProtKB Star A0A974NXA0_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A974S436_9SPHN Sphingomonas alpina (UP000516148) UniProtKB Star A0A7H0LPE0_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7H0LH68_9SPHN Sphingomonas aracearum (UP000253918) UniProtKB Star A0A369VW72_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A369VW91_9SPHN Sphingomonas baiyangensis (UP000309138) UniProtKB Star A0A4U1L0N2_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A4U1L4J7_9SPHN Sphingomonas carotinifaciens (UP000323502) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7QIQ2_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1G7N172_9SPHN Sphingomonas cavernae (UP000286100) UniProtKB Star A0A418WLT9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A418WR92_9SPHN Sphingomonas changbaiensis NBRC 104936 (UP000033202) UniProtKB Star A0A0E9MLQ6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0E9MU27_9SPHN Sphingomonas changnyeongensis (UP000464468) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z2S923_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7Z2NUQ7_9SPHN Sphingomonas chungangi (UP000570166) UniProtKB Star A0A838LBK1_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A838L9F1_9SPHN Sphingomonas cremea (UP001139410) UniProtKB Star A0A9X1QK08_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A9X1QLS0_9SPHN Sphingomonas deserti (UP000241167) UniProtKB Star A0A2P7QPV4_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2P7QUJ5_9SPHN Sphingomonas desiccabilis (UP000292347) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2IR76_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2IQ43_9SPHN Sphingomonas gellani (UP000199206) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8EQP6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1H8JLU5_9SPHN Sphingomonas gilva (UP000266693) UniProtKB Star A0A396RLC9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A396RVQ6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A396RQR4_9SPHN Sphingomonas ginkgonis (UP000274661) UniProtKB Star A0A429VAJ8_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A429V745_9SPHN Sphingomonas ginsenosidivorax (UP000321250) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6UB48_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A5C6UIJ2_9SPHN Sphingomonas guangdongensis (UP000219494) UniProtKB Star A0A285QZK0_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A285QJN2_9SPHN Sphingomonas hengshuiensis (UP000032300) UniProtKB Star A0A7U4J811_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7U4LGH4_9SPHN Sphingomonas jatrophae (UP000198824) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6JV25_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1I6LQ38_9SPHN Sphingomonas jeddahensis (UP000188729) UniProtKB Star A0A1V2ERB9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1V2EW08_9SPHN Sphingomonas jinjuensis (UP000529795) UniProtKB Star A0A840FD24_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A840FEG6_9SPHN Sphingomonas kaistensis (UP000558192) UniProtKB Star A0A7X6BGS7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7X5Y525_9SPHN Sphingomonas koreensis (UP000185161) UniProtKB Star A0A1L6JA12_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1L6J745_9SPHN Sphingomonas lacunae (UP000503018) UniProtKB Star A0A6M4AX81_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A6M4AX04_9SPHN Sphingomonas laterariae (UP000198281) UniProtKB Star A0A239IJA0_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A239K5S6_9SPHN Sphingomonas lenta (UP000218151) UniProtKB Star A0A2A2SJD6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2A2SDQ9_9SPHN Sphingomonas liriopis (UP001139486) UniProtKB Star A0A9X2KNY3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A9X2HV21_9SPHN Sphingomonas lutea (UP000515971) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9SFX7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7G9SIL5_9SPHN Sphingomonas lycopersici (UP001165565) UniProtKB Star A0AA42CUA7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0AA42CS09_9SPHN Sphingomonas melonis (UP000033203) UniProtKB Star A0A0D1MG27_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0D1JZ44_9SPHN Sphingomonas metalli (UP000623067) UniProtKB Star A0A916WVJ7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A916TBN3_9SPHN Sphingomonas montanisoli (UP000322077) UniProtKB Star A0A5D9C3U8_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A5D9CAN1_9SPHN Sphingomonas mucosissima (UP000197783) UniProtKB Star A0A245ZQY9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A245ZQ74_9SPHN Sphingomonas oleivorans (UP000244162) UniProtKB Star A0A2T5FWW4_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2T5G2H4_9SPHN Sphingomonas oligophenolica (UP000318413) UniProtKB Star A0A502CIY8_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A502CSB2_9SPHN Sphingomonas paeninsulae (UP000276254) UniProtKB Star A0A494TR16_SPHPE UniProtKB Star A0A494TBR7_SPHPE Sphingomonas palmae (UP000199214) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7ILJ3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1H7S717_9SPHN Sphingomonas panacisoli (UP000315673) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8LDM5_9SPHN Sphingomonas parapaucimobilis NBRC 15100 (UP000032305) UniProtKB Star A0A0A1W2P7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0A1W6T3_9SPHN Sphingomonas parva (UP000298213) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8ZL77_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8ZLU1_9SPHN Sphingomonas piscis (UP000503222) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7YPR4_9SPHN Sphingomonas prati (UP000546701) UniProtKB Star A0A7W9BU20_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7W9BRW3_9SPHN Sphingomonas rhizophila (UP000515955) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9SDS9_9SPHN Sphingomonas rubra (UP000199586) UniProtKB Star A0A1I5S0Z1_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1I5RBC7_9SPHN Sphingomonas sabuli (UP000515861) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9L2W2_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7G9L0I8_9SPHN Sphingomonas sanxanigenens DSM 19645 = NX02 (UP000018851) UniProtKB Star W0AH59_9SPHN UniProtKB Star W0AH08_9SPHN Sphingomonas sinipercae (UP000502502) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7ZML5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A6G7ZKS0_9SPHN Sphingomonas solaris (UP000318681) UniProtKB Star A0A558R175_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A558QUF1_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. (strain SKA58) (UP000005395) UniProtKB Star Q1NDP2_SPHSS UniProtKB Star Q1N9U7_SPHSS Sphingomonas sp. AAP5 (UP000291099) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6X842_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A4P6XE83_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. AP4-R1 (UP000502143) UniProtKB Star A0A6M5JDT1_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A6M5J812_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. AX6 (UP000436053) UniProtKB Star A0A654CK86_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A653ZIN3_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. Ant20 (UP000033201) UniProtKB Star A0A0A6CYQ5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0A6CUS6_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. BK345 (UP000584526) UniProtKB Star A0A7W5QJQ2_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7W5QK80_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. CFBP 13720 (UP000604071) UniProtKB Star A0A927PWS7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A927K1V9_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. CFBP 8760 (UP000656998) UniProtKB Star A0A927JK53_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A927JHH0_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. CL5.1 (UP000509198) UniProtKB Star A0A6N0X021_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A6N0WZA0_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. EC-HK361 (UP000326488) UniProtKB Star A0A5E7YLS6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A5E7XUP9_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. FARSPH (UP000254856) UniProtKB Star A0A345WSP8_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A345WNB2_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. G-3-2-10 (UP000569864) UniProtKB Star A0A7X9ZN78_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7X9WRJ4_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. HDW15A (UP000502908) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7ZFN1_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A6G7ZJC8_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. HMP6 (UP000509259) UniProtKB Star A0A6S6FZC3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A6S6G556_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. HMWF008 (UP000244749) UniProtKB Star A0A2R7JHR9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2R7JZR3_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. IBVSS2 (UP000194216) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2Q653_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2QMX5_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. IC081 (UP000319092) UniProtKB Star A0A514WGT5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A514WKL8_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. ID1715 (UP000522753) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y3JNT5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7Y3JRA7_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. JC676 (UP000613564) UniProtKB Star A0A926G6P6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A926JA42_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. KC8 (UP000194475) UniProtKB Star A0A1X9YCS8_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1X9YI44_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. Leaf17 (UP000051777) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4FHR5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4FL17_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. Leaf198 (UP000050871) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5UR43_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5UI48_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. Leaf20 (UP000051642) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4GGG9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4GPF1_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. Leaf231 (UP000051427) UniProtKB Star A0A0S9CKN7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0S9CFV7_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. Leaf33 (UP000051455) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4KXZ5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4KCV9_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. Leaf339 (UP000051371) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6L4P6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6KRJ4_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. Leaf343 (UP000051323) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5PRC3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5PTZ3_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. Leaf357 (UP000051080) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5REU9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5RBU5_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. Leaf412 (UP000051178) UniProtKB Star A0A0T0PTT4_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0T0PYS4_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. Leaf42 (UP000051880) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4LT55_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4LL60_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. MM-1 (UP000011816) UniProtKB Star M4S1C7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star M4S0U1_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. NFR15 (UP000199327) UniProtKB Star A0A1G5SZR1_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1G5UJ78_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. Root241 (UP000051629) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8XK18_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8XG07_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. Root710 (UP000051854) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8Q258_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8QAR9_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. Root720 (UP000051570) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8QWK6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8QV73_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. S-NIH.Pt15_0812 (UP000287772) UniProtKB Star A0A430BJS9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A430BA10_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. SRS2 (UP000033680) UniProtKB Star A0A0F5PGK7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0F5P9G5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0F5P9Z7_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. TF3 (UP000275325) UniProtKB Star A0A3S0YFU3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A3S0SVM9_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. WG (UP000052965) UniProtKB Star A0A0W1QKV0_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0W1QI41_9SPHN Sphingomonas sp. YR710 (UP000198912) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6S5C2_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1G6P984_9SPHN Sphingomonas spermidinifaciens (UP000218366) UniProtKB Star A0A2A4B5W8_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2A4B5A0_9SPHN Sphingomonas suaedae (UP000318055) UniProtKB Star A0A518RET1_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A518RIS2_9SPHN Sphingomonas tagetis (UP001139451) UniProtKB Star A0A9X2HKD2_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A9X2HSF5_9SPHN Sphingomonas taxi (UP000033200) UniProtKB Star A0A097EE62_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A097EI35_9SPHN Sphingomonas turrisvirgatae (UP000094487) UniProtKB Star A0A1E3LWN5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1E3LYV2_9SPHN Sphingomonas xanthus (UP000321857) UniProtKB Star A0A516ITT5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A516IRY0_9SPHN Sphingomonas xinjiangensis (UP000527143) UniProtKB Star A0A840YJL0_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A840YMP9_9SPHN Sphingopyxis Sphingopyxis alaskensis (strain DSM 13593 / LMG 18877 / RB2256) (UP000006578) UniProtKB Star SYE1_SPHAL UniProtKB Star SYE2_SPHAL Sphingopyxis bauzanensis (UP000197361) UniProtKB Star A0A246JT35_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A246K0M5_9SPHN Sphingopyxis indica (UP000198339) UniProtKB Star A0A239L5Q8_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A239HXG4_9SPHN Sphingopyxis lindanitolerans (UP000238954) UniProtKB Star A0A2S8B5D9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2S8B9M9_9SPHN Sphingopyxis macrogoltabida (UP000058074) UniProtKB Star A0A0N7GSB0_SPHMC UniProtKB Star A0A0N9V4E4_SPHMC Sphingopyxis panaciterrulae (UP000537161) UniProtKB Star A0A7W9B5Y3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7W9B1X1_9SPHN Sphingopyxis sp. (strain 113P3) (UP000061305) UniProtKB Star A0A0M4D9D0_SPHS1 UniProtKB Star A0A0M5IY33_SPHS1 Sphingopyxis sp. FD7 (UP000273587) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5V2C2_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5V5J0_9SPHN Sphingopyxis sp. JAI108 (UP000523698) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9SVN6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9SYQ0_9SPHN Sphingopyxis sp. MG (UP000239707) UniProtKB Star A0A2L0VQ56_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2L0VUD8_9SPHN Sphingopyxis sp. Root1497 (UP000051141) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7YZ29_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7ZAH0_9SPHN Sphingopyxis witflariensis (UP000197097) UniProtKB Star A0A246K6J4_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2D0AMM3_9SPHN Sphingorhabdus Sphingorhabdus lutea (UP000242561) UniProtKB Star A0A1L3JFD7_9SPHN Sphingorhabdus profundilacus (UP000471147) UniProtKB Star A0A6I4LZ14_9SPHN Sphingorhabdus pulchriflava (UP000263833) UniProtKB Star A0A371BJM4_9SPHN Sphingorhabdus soli (UP000321129) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6U7W0_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A5C6UQP4_9SPHN Sphingorhabdus sp. SMR4y (UP000198359) UniProtKB Star A0A220W4Y9_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A220W8J5_9SPHN Sphingorhabdus wooponensis (UP000268553) UniProtKB Star A0A426RV71_9SPHN Sphingosinithalassobacter Sphingosinithalassobacter tenebrarum (UP000501568) UniProtKB Star A0A6G6Y686_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A6G6Y1P6_9SPHN Stakelama Stakelama marina (UP000676996) UniProtKB Star A0A8T4I9R6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A8T4IF49_9SPHN Stakelama pacifica (UP000295493) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6FX35_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A4R6FNB8_9SPHN Stakelama sediminis (UP000554342) UniProtKB Star A0A840YUU5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A840YX22_9SPHN Tardibacter Tardibacter chloracetimidivorans (UP000182063) UniProtKB Star A0A1L3ZRB3_9SPHN Sphingomonadales bacterium (UP000292783) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q5RNH4_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A4Q5S0Q9_9SPHN Sphingomonadales bacterium EhC05 (UP000078455) UniProtKB Star A0A1B6ZE88_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A1B6ZC49_9SPHN Sphingosinicellaceae Glacieibacterium Glacieibacterium frigidum (UP000317894) UniProtKB Star A0A552U7Y3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A552U842_9SPHN Pacificimonas Pacificimonas flava (UP000011717) UniProtKB Star M2SGU4_9SPHN UniProtKB Star M2U237_9SPHN Polymorphobacter Polymorphobacter arshaanensis (UP000297737) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9ESS2_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9EKY6_9SPHN Polymorphobacter fuscus (UP000481327) UniProtKB Star A0A7C9GVY6_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7C9KM01_9SPHN Polymorphobacter glacialis (UP000635071) UniProtKB Star A0A916ZRE7_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A916ZS93_9SPHN Polymorphobacter multimanifer (UP000538147) UniProtKB Star A0A841LIP8_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A841LDR0_9SPHN Sandaracinobacter Sandaracinobacter neustonicus (UP000319897) UniProtKB Star A0A501XKQ2_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A501XQT9_9SPHN Sandaracinobacteroides Sandaracinobacteroides saxicola (UP000515292) UniProtKB Star A0A7G5IEN5_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7G5IJV0_9SPHN Sandarakinorhabdus Sandarakinorhabdus cyanobacteriorum (UP000216991) UniProtKB Star A0A255YHG3_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A255YTM1_9SPHN Sphingosinicella Sphingosinicella flava (UP000594873) UniProtKB Star A0A7T2GKH4_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7T2LLS6_9SPHN Sphingosinicella ginsenosidimutans (UP000321249) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6TVS2_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A5C6TTH7_9SPHN Sphingosinicella humi (UP000245916) UniProtKB Star A0A2U2J507_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A2U2J2J8_9SPHN Sphingosinicella soli (UP000566324) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7AY14_9SPHN UniProtKB Star A0A7W7B251_9SPHN Zymomonadaceae Zymomonas Zymomonas mobilis subsp. mobilis (strain ATCC 31821 / ZM4 / CP4) (UP000001173) UniProtKB Star SYE2_ZYMMO UniProtKB Star SYE1_ZYMMO alpha proteobacterium AAP81b (UP000037971) UniProtKB Star A0A0N1BK00_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A0N1BDP6_9PROT alpha proteobacterium BAL199 (UP000003417) UniProtKB Star A8TUI1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A8TJK0_9PROT alpha proteobacterium Q-1 (UP000027360) UniProtKB Star A0A061Q966_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A061QDF5_9PROT alpha proteobacterium U9-1i (UP000188260) UniProtKB Star A0A1V1PSD6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1V1PRL1_9PROT Betaproteobacteria Betaproteobacteria bacterium (UP000437529) UniProtKB Star A0A7X1TYI1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A7X1P6V1_9PROT Betaproteobacteria bacterium AqS2 (UP000604381) UniProtKB Star A0A930UE59_9PROT Betaproteobacteria bacterium MOLA814 (UP000017838) UniProtKB Star V4YP19_9PROT UniProtKB Star V4YRM9_9PROT Betaproteobacteria bacterium SCGC AG-212-J23 (UP000077532) UniProtKB Star A0A177QSI2_9PROT Betaproteobacteria bacterium SCN1 (UP000430901) UniProtKB Star A0A6H9YDT6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A6H9YAD7_9PROT Betaproteobacteria bacterium SCN2 (UP000430388) UniProtKB Star A0A6H9Y4H4_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A6H9Y747_9PROT Betaproteobacteria bacterium UKL13-2 (UP000075227) UniProtKB Star A0A142LI72_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A142LNA3_9PROT Burkholderiales Alcaligenaceae Achromobacter Achromobacter dolens (UP000494272) UniProtKB Star A0A6S7EG45_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6S7DM20_9BURK Achromobacter sp. AONIH1 (UP000236176) UniProtKB Star A0A2I8DF08_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2I8DFV5_9BURK Advenella faeciporci (UP000608345) UniProtKB Star A0A918JMM8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A918JRE1_9BURK Advenella mimigardefordensis (strain DSM 17166 / LMG 22922 / DPN7) (UP000019095) UniProtKB Star W0PHS3_ADVMD UniProtKB Star W0PGG9_ADVMD Alcaligenaceae bacterium 429 (UP000306734) UniProtKB Star A0A4S1EDA9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4S1EJL1_9BURK Alcaligenes Alcaligenes sp. EGD-AK7 (UP000016497) UniProtKB Star U7U6P4_9BURK UniProtKB Star U7UAF7_9BURK Allopusillimonas Allopusillimonas soli (UP000580517) UniProtKB Star A0A853FB62_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A853F9Q4_9BURK Basilea Basilea psittacipulmonis DSM 24701 (UP000028945) UniProtKB Star A0A077DHG0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A077DFQ3_9BURK Bordetella Bordetella ansorpii (UP000076848) UniProtKB Star A0A157SR38_9BORD UniProtKB Star A0A157S647_9BORD Bordetella avium (strain 197N) (UP000001977) UniProtKB Star SYE_BORA1 UniProtKB Star SYQ_BORA1 Bordetella genomosp. 4 (UP000216885) UniProtKB Star A0A261UTC9_9BORD UniProtKB Star A0A261UBQ1_9BORD Bordetella genomosp. 5 (UP000216913) UniProtKB Star A0A261U2Q0_9BORD UniProtKB Star A0A261T7P6_9BORD Bordetella genomosp. 7 (UP000216947) UniProtKB Star A0A261RR22_9BORD UniProtKB Star A0A261RIR2_9BORD Bordetella genomosp. 9 (UP000194139) UniProtKB Star A0A1W6Z3H6_9BORD UniProtKB Star A0A1W6Z2V8_9BORD Bordetella pertussis (strain Tohama I / ATCC BAA-589 / NCTC 13251) (UP000002676) UniProtKB Star SYE_BORPE UniProtKB Star SYQ_BORPE Bordetella sp. 02P26C-1 (UP000439382) UniProtKB Star A0A844TKN2_9BORD UniProtKB Star A0A844TW45_9BORD Bordetella sp. H567 (UP000093512) UniProtKB Star A0A1B2QYK8_9BORD UniProtKB Star A0A1B2QZI0_9BORD Bordetella sp. N (UP000064621) UniProtKB Star A0A0S1Y4X6_9BORD UniProtKB Star A0A0S1Y3P0_9BORD Bordetella trematum (UP000076825) UniProtKB Star A0A157PK42_9BORD UniProtKB Star A0A157S8E3_9BORD Candidimonas Candidimonas nitroreducens (UP000214603) UniProtKB Star A0A225MFU8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A225MLB2_9BURK Candidimonas sp. SYP-B2681 (UP000288599) UniProtKB Star A0A3S0MXA7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A3S0N0G8_9BURK Castellaniella Castellaniella defragrans (strain DSM 12143 / CCUG 39792 / 65Phen) (UP000019805) UniProtKB Star W8X674_CASD6 UniProtKB Star W8X572_CASD6 Corticimicrobacter Corticimicrobacter populi (UP000245212) UniProtKB Star A0A2V1K4F8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2V1K7X5_9BURK Derxia Derxia gummosa DSM 723 (UP000675920) UniProtKB Star A0A8B6X122_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A8B6X7T9_9BURK Eoetvoesiella Eoetvoesiella caeni (UP000253628) UniProtKB Star A0A366HCH6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A366HAP6_9BURK Jezberella Jezberella montanilacus (UP000238308) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0XCZ2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2T0XRL0_9BURK Kerstersia Kerstersia gyiorum (UP000078084) UniProtKB Star A0A171KQM6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A171KNZ3_9BURK Oligella Oligella urethralis DNF00040 (UP000029629) UniProtKB Star A0A096BE36_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A096AJV7_9BURK Orrella Orrella dioscoreae (UP000078558) UniProtKB Star A0A1C3JXP3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1C3K0D6_9BURK Orrella marina (UP000244571) UniProtKB Star A0A2R4XN20_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2R4XNF3_9BURK Paenalcaligenes Paenalcaligenes hominis (UP000189369) Paracandidimonas Paracandidimonas soli (UP000294692) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3V5C7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4R3V667_9BURK Paralcaligenes Paralcaligenes ureilyticus (UP000295525) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3M742_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4R3LQW5_9BURK Parapusillimonas Parapusillimonas granuli (UP000559809) UniProtKB Star A0A853FXV4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A853G0J8_9BURK Parvibium Parvibium lacunae (UP000252357) UniProtKB Star A0A368L489_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A368L2A6_9BURK Pelistega Pelistega europaea (UP000541421) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y4LAC5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7Y4LCA9_9BURK Pelistega indica (UP000018766) UniProtKB Star V8FSF1_9BURK UniProtKB Star V8G279_9BURK Pelistega ratti (UP000477651) UniProtKB Star A0A6L9Y4I7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6L9Y6W7_9BURK Pigmentiphaga Pigmentiphaga aceris (UP000325161) UniProtKB Star A0A5C0AST6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A5C0B0L4_9BURK Pigmentiphaga humi (UP000277294) UniProtKB Star A0A3P4AXL8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A3P4B5R1_9BURK Pigmentiphaga litoralis (UP000542125) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9IXU5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9ISL1_9BURK Pigmentiphaga sp. NML030171 (UP000196306) UniProtKB Star A0A208YCJ7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A208YCQ9_9BURK Pollutimonas Pollutimonas bauzanensis (UP000184226) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5TV61_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1M5X0Y9_9BURK Pollutimonas harenae (UP000554144) UniProtKB Star A0A853GYD4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A853GT00_9BURK Pollutimonas nitritireducens (UP000234328) UniProtKB Star A0A2N4UIF4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2N4UDJ2_9BURK Pollutimonas thiosulfatoxidans (UP000283474) UniProtKB Star A0A410GDA7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A410G8F4_9BURK Pusillimonas Pusillimonas noertemannii (UP000246145) UniProtKB Star A0A2U1CQL8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2U1CRF4_9BURK Pusillimonas sp. ANT_WB101 (UP000325305) UniProtKB Star A0A5A9XC19_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A5A9XAS1_9BURK Pusillimonas sp. DMV24BSW_D (UP000502685) UniProtKB Star A0A6G8I6U1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6G8I713_9BURK Pusillimonas sp. T2 (UP000216496) UniProtKB Star A0A231HPD7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A231HPU0_9BURK Taylorella Taylorella asinigenitalis (strain MCE3) (UP000009284) UniProtKB Star G4QA44_TAYAM UniProtKB Star G4QC80_TAYAM Verticiella Verticiella sediminum (UP000318405) UniProtKB Star A0A556ALY7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A556AQ46_9BURK Zwartia Zwartia hollandica (UP000739565) UniProtKB Star A0A953N9Z0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A953NB47_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A953T3Z4_9BURK Aquabacterium Aquabacterium commune (UP000294593) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6RN33_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4R6RHG3_9BURK Aquabacterium lacunae (UP000292120) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9H5P6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9GXL1_9BURK Aquabacterium olei (UP000244892) UniProtKB Star A0A2U8FSQ1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2U8FP14_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2U8FTA7_9BURK Aquabacterium soli (UP000269265) UniProtKB Star A0A426V6I0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A426V934_9BURK Aquabacterium sp. NJ1 (UP000029993) UniProtKB Star A0A0A0DT39_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0A0DPC0_9BURK Aquariibacter Aquariibacter albus (UP000586093) UniProtKB Star A0A839HSI1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A839HFG6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A839HIE1_9BURK Burkholderiaceae Burkholderia Burkholderia cepacia complex Burkholderia multivorans (strain ATCC 17616 / 249) (UP000008815) UniProtKB Star SYE_BURM1 UniProtKB Star A0A0H3KMS0_BURM1 Burkholderia seminalis (UP000027834) Burkholderia gladioli (strain BSR3) (UP000008316) UniProtKB Star F2LG51_BURGS UniProtKB Star F2L8B9_BURGS UniProtKB Star F2LEX6_BURGS Burkholderia plantarii (UP000031838) UniProtKB Star A0A0B6RXV6_BURPL UniProtKB Star A0A0B6RY72_BURPL Burkholderia sp. Leaf177 (UP000051826) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5Q121_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5PJK2_9BURK Burkholderia sp. SRS-W-2-2016 (UP000186182) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q8IUZ8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1Q8IUD5_9BURK Burkholderia sp. WAC0059 (UP000243676) UniProtKB Star A0A2J6MRG0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2J6ML43_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2J6MPD8_9BURK Burkholderia sp. lig30 (UP000027020) UniProtKB Star A0A063BGP1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A063BHY6_9BURK Candidatus Burkholderia verschuerenii (UP000036959) UniProtKB Star A0A0L0MD81_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0L0M5J6_9BURK pseudomallei group Burkholderia mallei (strain ATCC 23344) (UP000006693) UniProtKB Star SYE_BURMA UniProtKB Star A0A0H2WHS7_BURMA Burkholderia pseudomallei (strain K96243) (UP000000605) UniProtKB Star SYE_BURPS UniProtKB Star Q63TF6_BURPS Burkholderia singularis (UP000062788) UniProtKB Star A0A103E2T8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A118DQG7_9BURK Burkholderiaceae bacterium (UP000510879) UniProtKB Star A0A7L5Y308_9BURK Burkholderiaceae bacterium PBA (UP000004277) UniProtKB Star A0A4U8VDZ6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4U8V388_9BURK Caballeronia Caballeronia choica (UP000054770) UniProtKB Star A0A158HGZ4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A158KF07_9BURK Caballeronia concitans (UP000198263) UniProtKB Star A0A658R533_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A658R212_9BURK Caballeronia glathei (UP000027466) UniProtKB Star A0A069PRH6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A069PR37_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A069PK42_9BURK Caballeronia novacaledonica (UP000238169) UniProtKB Star A0A2U3IA32_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2U3I9Y8_9BURK Caballeronia sp. LZ002 (UP001253205) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ2E264_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0AAJ2E145_9BURK Caballeronia sp. SBC1 (UP000501028) UniProtKB Star A0A6G8NH24_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6G8NL37_9BURK Caballeronia telluris (UP000054717) UniProtKB Star A0A158KE84_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A158HPZ5_9BURK Candidatus Glomeribacter Candidatus Glomeribacter gigasporarum BEG34 (UP000054051) UniProtKB Star G2J7X9_9BURK Candidatus Vallotia Candidatus Vallotia tarda (UP000693996) UniProtKB Star A0A916JTX0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A916NUN1_9BURK Chitinasiproducens Chitinasiproducens palmae (UP000243719) UniProtKB Star A0A1H2PM25_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1H2PSV9_9BURK Cupriavidus Cupriavidus agavae (UP000291078) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7S7S9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7S6V3_9BURK Cupriavidus basilensis (UP000031843) UniProtKB Star A0A0C4YHD0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0C4Y4Z7_9BURK Cupriavidus gilardii J11 (UP000318141) UniProtKB Star A0A562BNJ1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A562B7G9_9BURK Cupriavidus metallidurans (strain ATCC 43123 / DSM 2839 / NBRC 102507 ... (UP000002429) UniProtKB Star SYE_CUPMC UniProtKB Star SYQ_CUPMC UniProtKB Star GLUQ_CUPMC Cupriavidus necator (strain ATCC 17699 / DSM 428 / KCTC 22496 / NCIMB ... (UP000008210) UniProtKB Star SYE_CUPNH UniProtKB Star SYQ_CUPNH UniProtKB Star Q0K876_CUPNH Cupriavidus plantarum (UP000245754) UniProtKB Star A0A316F0C1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A316F216_9BURK Cupriavidus sp. HPC (UP000053474) UniProtKB Star V2JDJ0_9BURK UniProtKB Star V2JJV8_9BURK UniProtKB Star V2H0E0_9BURK Cupriavidus sp. SK-3 (UP000023560) UniProtKB Star A0A069I8H0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A069IDL6_9BURK Cupriavidus sp. USMAA2-4 (UP000178101) UniProtKB Star A0A1D9H0X0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1D9H078_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1D9H038_9BURK Cupriavidus sp. YR651 (UP000198719) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6IPV6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1G6JI11_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1G6JFK6_9BURK Cupriavidus yeoncheonensis (UP000672934) UniProtKB Star A0A916IMR5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A916IXC7_9BURK Ephemeroptericola Ephemeroptericola cinctiostellae (UP000252182) UniProtKB Star A0A345DC24_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A345DED9_9BURK Formosimonas Formosimonas limnophila (UP000614287) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3CM65_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A8J3CMD8_9BURK Hydromonas Hydromonas duriensis (UP000294480) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6YAS1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4R6YBK4_9BURK Lautropia Lautropia mirabilis ATCC 51599 (UP000011021) UniProtKB Star E7RWP4_9BURK UniProtKB Star E7RTL6_9BURK Limnobacter Limnobacter sp. MED105 (UP000010322) UniProtKB Star A6GS15_9BURK UniProtKB Star A6GPY3_9BURK Mycetohabitans Mycetohabitans endofungorum (UP000243096) UniProtKB Star A0A2P5K7N9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2P5KET3_9BURK Mycoavidus Mycoavidus cysteinexigens (UP000282597) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6EVB6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6ETJ7_9BURK Pandoraea Pandoraea sputorum (UP000215126) UniProtKB Star A0A239SK93_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A239SN85_9BURK Pandoraea terrae (UP000414233) UniProtKB Star A0A5E4VXV4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A5E4VPQ8_9BURK Pandoraea thiooxydans (UP000036700) UniProtKB Star A0A0G3EWV8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0G3ERF8_9BURK Paraburkholderia Candidatus Paraburkholderia kirkii UZHbot1 (UP000003511) UniProtKB Star G4MHV9_9BURK UniProtKB Star G4MC92_9BURK Paraburkholderia acidiphila (UP000434209) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z2G3P5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7Z2G322_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7Z2G2T1_9BURK Paraburkholderia acidisoli (UP000433577) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z2GH44_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7Z2GFZ4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7Z2JDV1_9BURK Paraburkholderia caballeronis (UP000199120) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7NAT1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1H7V2E0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1H7T6A6_9BURK Paraburkholderia caffeinitolerans (UP000494119) UniProtKB Star A0A6J5G1U0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6J5GIC0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6J5FNK1_9BURK Paraburkholderia diazotrophica (UP000198866) UniProtKB Star A0A1H6V135_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1H6ZLT6_9BURK Paraburkholderia dinghuensis (UP000272778) UniProtKB Star A0A3N6NFP6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A3N6MYL6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A3N6P4L5_9BURK Paraburkholderia domus (UP000675121) UniProtKB Star A0A9N8R0M7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A9N8MZB6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A9N8R3I8_9BURK Paraburkholderia eburnea (UP000237381) UniProtKB Star A0A2S4MG40_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2S4LUU5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2S4MMX4_9BURK Paraburkholderia fungorum (UP000183487) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1CIV3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1H1D580_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1H1AHQ9_9BURK Paraburkholderia fynbosensis (UP000494252) UniProtKB Star A0A6J5G3N0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6J5GHB0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6J5G7I7_9BURK Paraburkholderia graminis (strain ATCC 700544 / DSM 17151 / LMG 18924 ... (UP000005045) UniProtKB Star B1GAY1_PARG4 UniProtKB Star B1G7U9_PARG4 UniProtKB Star B1FXU1_PARG4 Paraburkholderia humisilvae (UP000494363) UniProtKB Star A0A6J5D3B6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6J5DJN8_9BURK Paraburkholderia lacunae (UP000254875) UniProtKB Star A0A370NAM6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A370N735_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A370N4B2_9BURK Paraburkholderia megapolitana (UP000199548) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3NEN3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1I3P356_9BURK Paraburkholderia monticola (UP000075613) UniProtKB Star A0A149PMY4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A149PTU6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A149PVU5_9BURK Paraburkholderia panacisoli (UP000325273) UniProtKB Star A0A5B0HLJ5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A5B0HKJ8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A5B0GM15_9BURK Paraburkholderia phenazinium (UP000185151) UniProtKB Star A0A1N6KUD5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1N6KXI2_9BURK Paraburkholderia phymatum (strain DSM 17167 / CIP 108236 / LMG 21445 /... (UP000001192) UniProtKB Star SYE_PARP8 UniProtKB Star B2JG14_PARP8 UniProtKB Star B2JE51_PARP8 Paraburkholderia phytofirmans OLGA172 (UP000076852) UniProtKB Star A0A160FL02_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A161I6V6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A167VU60_9BURK Paraburkholderia ribeironis (UP000187012) UniProtKB Star A0A1N7RSQ0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1N7SBU2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1N7S073_9BURK Paraburkholderia sacchari (UP000030460) Paraburkholderia saeva (UP000789704) UniProtKB Star A0A9N8RWX1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A9N8RX32_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A9N8WZX8_9BURK Paraburkholderia sediminicola (UP000494255) UniProtKB Star A0A6J5C5Y6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6J5B407_9BURK Paraburkholderia solisilvae (UP000494329) UniProtKB Star A0A6J5EIQ1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6J5D885_9BURK Paraburkholderia sp. BL10I2N1 (UP000294982) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6F5T5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4R6F4I7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4R6EYS6_9BURK Paraburkholderia sp. BL23I1N1 (UP000284337) UniProtKB Star A0A419ZT62_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A3R7DMM5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A3R7E841_9BURK Paraburkholderia sp. DHOC27 (UP000263097) UniProtKB Star A0A372K1R6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A372K3R2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A372K1V1_9BURK Paraburkholderia sp. LEh10 (UP000676887) UniProtKB Star A0A940SBK8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A940NEU2_9BURK Paraburkholderia steynii (UP000294200) UniProtKB Star A0A4R0XFK0_9BURK Paraburkholderia susongensis (UP000193228) UniProtKB Star A0A1X7I315_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1X7IHK8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1X7KYZ9_9BURK Paraburkholderia tagetis (UP001139308) UniProtKB Star A0A9X1UKD3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A9X1UI58_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A9X1RSU8_9BURK Paraburkholderia ultramafica (UP000494365) UniProtKB Star A0A6S7B2Y9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6S7BSZ1_9BURK Paraburkholderia xenovorans (strain LB400) (UP000001817) UniProtKB Star SYE_PARXL UniProtKB Star Q13W93_PARXL UniProtKB Star Q142Q0_PARXL Pararobbsia Pararobbsia alpina (UP000494115) UniProtKB Star A0A6S7C8N0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6S7CCW5_9BURK Pararobbsia silviterrae (UP000270342) UniProtKB Star A0A494XYN6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A494Y3E1_9BURK Paucimonas Paucimonas lemoignei (UP000295382) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3HQA2_PAULE UniProtKB Star A0A4R3HTN5_PAULE Polynucleobacter Polynucleobacter asymbioticus (strain DSM 18221 / CIP 109841 / QLW-P1D... (UP000000231) UniProtKB Star SYE_POLAQ UniProtKB Star SYQ_POLAQ UniProtKB Star A4SWF9_POLAQ Polynucleobacter kasalickyi (UP000192708) UniProtKB Star A0A1W1Y950_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1W1YGY5_9BURK Polynucleobacter victoriensis (UP000197215) UniProtKB Star A0A212T1L5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A212TGH0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A212T6J5_9BURK Quisquiliibacterium Quisquiliibacterium transsilvanicum (UP000532440) UniProtKB Star A0A7W8HFV8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7W8HJ99_9BURK Ralstonia Ralstonia solanacearum species complex Ralstonia nicotianae (strain ATCC BAA-1114 / GMI1000) (UP000001436) UniProtKB Star SYE_RALN1 UniProtKB Star SYQ_RALN1 Ralstonia solanacearum IPO1609 (UP000053470) Ralstonia sp. 5_2_56FAA (UP000016506) UniProtKB Star U3GG44_9RALS UniProtKB Star U3GDE3_9RALS UniProtKB Star U3GBK5_9RALS Robbsia Robbsia andropogonis (UP000033618) UniProtKB Star A0A0F5JXS6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0F5K1U8_9BURK Trinickia Trinickia caryophylli (UP000192911) UniProtKB Star A0A1X7DHW9_TRICW UniProtKB Star A0A1X7E0D8_TRICW Trinickia dabaoshanensis (UP000235616) UniProtKB Star A0A2N7W2Z6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2N7VTB9_9BURK Trinickia dinghuensis (UP000256838) UniProtKB Star A0A3D8K363_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A3D8JX02_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A3D8JVQ4_9BURK Trinickia fusca (UP000280434) UniProtKB Star A0A494XQH2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A494XRC4_9BURK Trinickia soli (UP000235347) UniProtKB Star A0A2N7VK64_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2N7VXN0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2N7W063_9BURK Trinickia symbiotica (UP000235777) UniProtKB Star A0A2N7X0J4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2N7X9N1_9BURK Trinickia terrae (UP000305539) UniProtKB Star A0A4U1HSN0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4U1HNK7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4U1HT24_9BURK Zeimonas Zeimonas arvi (UP000321548) UniProtKB Star A0A5C8NNC9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A5C8P594_9BURK Burkholderiales bacterium (UP000664003) UniProtKB Star A0A916M7C0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A916DN06_9BURK Burkholderiales bacterium GJ-E10 (UP000031649) UniProtKB Star A0A0A1GZ98_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0A1H1T2_9BURK Burkholderiales bacterium JOSHI_001 (UP000004674) UniProtKB Star H5WQV0_9BURK UniProtKB Star H5WNQ3_9BURK UniProtKB Star H5WM15_9BURK Burkholderiales bacterium LSUCC0115 (UP000484162) UniProtKB Star A0A7C9GRI2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7C9KZ17_9BURK Burkholderiales bacterium PBB1 (UP000216950) UniProtKB Star A0A257DE37_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A257DG19_9BURK Burkholderiales bacterium PBB3 (UP000216249) UniProtKB Star A0A257CTN7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A257CWL3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A257CS04_9BURK Burkholderiales bacterium PBB4 (UP000216392) UniProtKB Star A0A257H223_9BURK Burkholderiales bacterium PBB5 (UP000215735) UniProtKB Star A0A257LJ85_9BURK Burkholderiales bacterium PBB6 (UP000216978) UniProtKB Star A0A257CAV6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A257CEV2_9BURK Candidatus Ichthyocystis Candidatus Ichthyocystis hellenicum (UP000198651) UniProtKB Star A0A0S4LZW8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0S4LZA1_9BURK Comamonadaceae Acidovorax Acidovorax carolinensis (UP000194432) UniProtKB Star A0A240U493_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A240U1U5_9BURK Acidovorax delafieldii 2AN (UP000003856) UniProtKB Star C5T4Y3_ACIDE UniProtKB Star C5T3F1_ACIDE Acidovorax sp. (UP000317181) Acidovorax sp. CF316 (UP000004811) UniProtKB Star J0U3P6_9BURK UniProtKB Star J0U8T2_9BURK Acidovorax sp. HDW3 (UP000501978) UniProtKB Star A0A6G8AFJ0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6G8AF05_9BURK Acidovorax sp. Leaf160 (UP000051403) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5MDA2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5MEG4_9BURK Acidovorax sp. MR-S7 (UP000030646) UniProtKB Star A0A0A1VMZ9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0A1VJI0_9BURK Acidovorax sp. RAC01 (UP000094760) UniProtKB Star A0A1B3PH45_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1B3PJB5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1B3PIH0_9BURK Acidovorax temperans (UP000032566) UniProtKB Star A0A0D7K6P3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0D7K564_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0D7K6F6_9BURK Albitalea Albitalea terrae (UP000267464) UniProtKB Star A0A3N7HTT9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A3N7K4A3_9BURK Alicycliphilus Alicycliphilus denitrificans (strain DSM 14773 / CIP 107495 / K601) (UP000007938) UniProtKB Star F4GAM8_ALIDK UniProtKB Star F4GAL3_ALIDK Allofranklinella Allofranklinella schreckenbergeri (UP000267035) UniProtKB Star A0A3M6QGE9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A3M6QI83_9BURK Brachymonas Brachymonas denitrificans DSM 15123 (UP000199531) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8JN83_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1H8EIL4_9BURK Caenimonas Caenimonas aquaedulcis (UP000651050) UniProtKB Star A0A931H7D4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A931MGD3_9BURK Caenimonas koreensis DSM 17982 (UP000487350) UniProtKB Star A0A844B4E6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A844B9I2_9BURK Caenimonas sedimenti (UP000318199) UniProtKB Star A0A562ZX53_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A562ZLQ1_9BURK Candidatus Symbiobacter mobilis CR (UP000017184) UniProtKB Star U5NEG1_9BURK UniProtKB Star U5N4U5_9BURK Comamonadaceae bacterium (UP000292155) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q3LDV7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4Q3LNZ1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4V1TRI1_9BURK Comamonadaceae bacterium G21597-S1 (UP001143664) UniProtKB Star A0A9X3JYA8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A9X3GL64_9BURK Comamonas Comamonas antarctica (UP000509579) UniProtKB Star A0A6N1X069_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6N1X3R8_9BURK Comamonas aquatica DA1877 (UP000020766) UniProtKB Star A0A014NIC4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A014M9V3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A014NHR5_9BURK Comamonas denitrificans (UP000664731) UniProtKB Star A0A939H188_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A939GUZ5_9BURK Comamonas flocculans (UP000321199) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8RRU8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A5B8RVE7_9BURK Comamonas kerstersii (UP000053300) UniProtKB Star A0A0W7YWP4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0W7Z3C2_9BURK Comamonas serinivorans (UP000196138) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0ERF1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0ENH3_9BURK Comamonas sp. BIGb0124 (UP000267274) UniProtKB Star A0A3N1X7R4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A3N1XH27_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A3N1WWK7_9BURK Comamonas sp. JNW (UP000251772) UniProtKB Star A0A363RU36_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A363RQL1_9BURK Comamonas suwonensis (UP000530032) Comamonas terrigena (UP000220246) UniProtKB Star A0A2A7UXN2_COMTR UniProtKB Star A0A2A7UU42_COMTR Comamonas testosteroni (UP000255070) UniProtKB Star A0A8B4S1V6_COMTE UniProtKB Star A0A8B4S5N7_COMTE Corticibacter Corticibacter populi (UP000278006) UniProtKB Star A0A3M6QZ95_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A3M6QSP2_9BURK Curvibacter Curvibacter sp. AEP1-3 (UP000196261) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0N6G4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0N6D1_9BURK Curvibacter sp. PAE-UM (UP000051912) UniProtKB Star A0A0R0MD84_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0R0MIS3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0R0MMT9_9BURK Delftia Delftia acidovorans (strain DSM 14801 / SPH-1) (UP000000784) UniProtKB Star SYE_DELAS UniProtKB Star A9BZ27_DELAS Diaphorobacter Acidovorax ebreus (strain TPSY) (UP000000450) UniProtKB Star A0A9J9Q827_ACIET UniProtKB Star A0A9J9QEA8_ACIET Diaphorobacter aerolatus (UP000516028) UniProtKB Star A0A7H0GLX3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7H0GM53_9BURK Diaphorobacter ruginosibacter (UP000515811) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9RJ21_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7G9RSU2_9BURK Diaphorobacter sp. HDW4B (UP000502343) UniProtKB Star A0A6G8BRV9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6G8BS79_9BURK Extensimonas Extensimonas vulgaris (UP000252174) UniProtKB Star A0A369ATP5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A369ARG5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A369AKN1_9BURK Giesbergeria Giesbergeria anulus (UP000199766) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9HJQ5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1H9KQP2_9BURK Hydrogenophaga Hydrogenophaga aromaticivorans (UP000545507) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y8H079_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7Y8KWS8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7Y8GWV9_9BURK Hydrogenophaga borbori (UP000261931) UniProtKB Star A0A372EL37_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A372EF25_9BURK Hydrogenophaga crocea (UP000503162) UniProtKB Star A0A6G8ID00_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6G8IDJ0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6G8IEC7_9BURK Hydrogenophaga sp. (UP000683229) Hydrogenophaga sp. A37 (UP000189189) UniProtKB Star A0A1V3RQM9_9BURK Hydrogenophaga sp. BPS33 (UP000464549) UniProtKB Star A0A6P1J049_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6P1ISD0_9BURK Hydrogenophaga sp. H7 (UP000189907) UniProtKB Star A0A1V4CI25_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1V4CHJ0_9BURK Hydrogenophaga sp. IBVHS1 (UP000194358) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2R3E2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2R5Y9_9BURK Hydrogenophaga sp. IBVHS2 (UP000243193) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2QCX3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2QH31_9BURK Hydrogenophaga sp. PAMC20947 (UP000296448) UniProtKB Star A0A4P7RBC5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4P7RB15_9BURK Hydrogenophaga sp. RAC07 (UP000186579) UniProtKB Star A0A1B3LWH8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1B3M4B1_9BURK Hylemonella Hylemonella gracilis ATCC 19624 (UP000016368) UniProtKB Star F3KT13_9BURK UniProtKB Star F3KPS8_9BURK UniProtKB Star F3KRA7_9BURK Lampropedia Lampropedia aestuarii (UP000306236) UniProtKB Star A0A4S5BLU2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4S5BSM9_9BURK Lampropedia cohaerens (UP000050580) UniProtKB Star A0A0U1PYI6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0U1Q1N3_9BURK Lampropedia hyalina DSM 16112 (UP000184327) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5CK45_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1M4YKS1_9BURK Lampropedia puyangensis (UP000308917) UniProtKB Star A0A4S8F0Z7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4S8FA84_9BURK Limnohabitans Limnohabitans radicicola (UP000647424) UniProtKB Star A0A927FK33_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A927IJY6_9BURK Limnohabitans sp. 103DPR2 (UP000063254) UniProtKB Star A0A0P0MH62_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0P0MFE5_9BURK Limnohabitans sp. 63ED37-2 (UP000059510) UniProtKB Star A0A0N7J8E8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0P0MA65_9BURK Limnohabitans sp. B9-3 (UP000228506) UniProtKB Star A0A2M6VJA6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2M6VAI8_9BURK Limnohabitans sp. Jir61 (UP000251648) UniProtKB Star A0A315DW18_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A315CF76_9BURK Limnohabitans sp. JirII-31 (UP000228925) UniProtKB Star A0A2M6UZ11_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2M6V604_9BURK Limnohabitans sp. MMS-10A-192 (UP000250858) UniProtKB Star A0A315BHU9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A315BAE4_9BURK Limnohabitans sp. T6-5 (UP000251804) UniProtKB Star A0A315C6P0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A315AJU8_9BURK Malikia Malikia granosa (UP000238589) UniProtKB Star A0A2S9K7Y7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2S9K0H5_9BURK Melaminivora Melaminivora alkalimesophila (UP000246483) UniProtKB Star A0A317RGV3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A317R9R0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A317R975_9BURK Oryzisolibacter Oryzisolibacter propanilivorax (UP000198552) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9UFR2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1G9T0P8_9BURK Ottowia Ottowia beijingensis (UP000589716) Ottowia oryzae (UP000239709) UniProtKB Star A0A2S0MI82_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2S0MFK7_9BURK Ottowia sp. GY511 (UP000321694) UniProtKB Star A0A5C8J4G2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A5C8J857_9BURK Ottowia testudinis (UP000663903) UniProtKB Star A0A975CF20_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A975H4K9_9BURK Paenacidovorax Paenacidovorax caeni (UP000183656) UniProtKB Star A0A1I7I453_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1I7KH08_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1I7JP13_9BURK Paenacidovorax monticola (UP000516057) UniProtKB Star A0A7H0HH68_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7H0HJN0_9BURK Paracidovorax Paracidovorax avenae (strain ATCC 19860 / DSM 7227 / CCUG 15838 / JCM ... (UP000002482) UniProtKB Star F0Q6G9_PARA1 UniProtKB Star F0Q430_PARA1 Paracidovorax valerianellae (UP000198781) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6YME5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1G6JSV3_9BURK Polaromonas Polaromonas eurypsychrophila (UP000620596) UniProtKB Star A0A916SFM6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A916S935_9BURK Polaromonas naphthalenivorans (strain CJ2) (UP000000644) UniProtKB Star SYE_POLNA UniProtKB Star A1VLY8_POLNA Polaromonas sp. (strain JS666 / ATCC BAA-500) (UP000001983) UniProtKB Star SYE_POLSJ UniProtKB Star Q127N2_POLSJ Polaromonas sp. A23 (UP000218978) UniProtKB Star A0A1S8FC30_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1S8FE94_9BURK Polaromonas sp. CG9_12 (UP000043372) UniProtKB Star A0A068YZE8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A068YWK0_9BURK Polaromonas sp. OV174 (UP000218980) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1JBQ0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1I1DF01_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1I1GKL9_9BURK Polaromonas sp. Pch-P (UP000357164) UniProtKB Star A0A5Q3HH58_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A5Q3HA51_9BURK Polaromonas vacuolata (UP000502041) UniProtKB Star A0A6H2HBR8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6H2H7U0_9BURK Pseudacidovorax Pseudacidovorax intermedius (UP000072741) UniProtKB Star A0A147GMD1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A147GMR3_9BURK Pseudorhodoferax sp. Leaf267 (UP000051560) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4YDD7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4YD08_9BURK Pseudorhodoferax sp. Leaf274 (UP000051759) UniProtKB Star A0A0S9NDS4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0S9NCU1_9BURK Pulveribacter Pulveribacter suum (UP000241829) UniProtKB Star A0A2P1NKH3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2P1NLZ6_9BURK Ramlibacter Ramlibacter agri (UP000541185) UniProtKB Star A0A848H640_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A848H655_9BURK Ramlibacter albus (UP000596827) UniProtKB Star A0A923MDD0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A923S479_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A923MBF6_9BURK Ramlibacter algicola (UP000617041) UniProtKB Star A0A934PZ66_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A934PYC1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A934Q046_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A934Q0N7_9BURK Ramlibacter aurantiacus (UP000613011) UniProtKB Star A0A936ZMV3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A936ZRS4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A936ZMI9_9BURK Ramlibacter cellulosilyticus (UP000608513) UniProtKB Star A0A923SBZ9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A923MML7_9BURK Ramlibacter ginsenosidimutans (UP000630528) UniProtKB Star A0A934TWL3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A934WNX7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A934WPW1_9BURK Ramlibacter humi (UP000297839) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0BQD7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0CES5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0CAQ7_9BURK Ramlibacter lithotrophicus (UP000521868) UniProtKB Star A0A7X6I7C8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7X6DDW1_9BURK Ramlibacter montanisoli (UP000552954) UniProtKB Star A0A849KBU7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A849K7B8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A849K576_9BURK Ramlibacter monticola (UP000599109) UniProtKB Star A0A937CT86_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A937CT10_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A936Z8N4_9BURK Ramlibacter pinisoli (UP000469385) UniProtKB Star A0A6N8J1G2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6N8IRY1_9BURK Ramlibacter rhizophilus (UP000297564) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0BPI2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0BDQ9_9BURK Ramlibacter sp. Leaf400 (UP000051173) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5ZLK8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5Z9M6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5YXH2_9BURK Ramlibacter sp. WS9 (UP000317475) UniProtKB Star A0A975VIK4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A975VIF2_9BURK Ramlibacter tataouinensis (UP000070433) UniProtKB Star A0A127JVU6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A127JPT9_9BURK Ramlibacter tataouinensis (strain ATCC BAA-407 / DSM 14655 / LMG 21543... (UP000008385) UniProtKB Star F5Y0D4_RAMTT UniProtKB Star F5Y4F2_RAMTT Rhodoferax Albidiferax ferrireducens (strain ATCC BAA-621 / DSM 15236 / T118) (UP000008332) UniProtKB Star SYE_ALBFT UniProtKB Star Q21XF2_ALBFT Rhodoferax antarcticus ANT.BR (UP000185911) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q8YA55_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1Q8YAK9_9BURK Rhodoferax fermentans (UP000190750) UniProtKB Star A0A1T1AWD7_RHOFE UniProtKB Star A0A1T1AVJ4_RHOFE Rhodoferax koreense (UP000186609) UniProtKB Star A0A1P8JUJ3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1P8JSN5_9BURK Rhodoferax lacus (UP000260665) UniProtKB Star A0A3E1REF9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A3E1RGN1_9BURK Rhodoferax saidenbachensis (UP000186110) UniProtKB Star A0A1P8K7M4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1P8KC57_9BURK Rhodoferax sediminis (UP000316798) UniProtKB Star A0A515DED6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A515DD73_9BURK Rhodoferax sp. (UP000641280) UniProtKB Star A0A974AML5_9BURK Rhodoferax sp. AJA081-3 (UP000664977) UniProtKB Star A0A975E9M6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A975I022_9BURK Rhodoferax sp. OV413 (UP000199151) UniProtKB Star A0A1H0QW08_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1H0JNN6_9BURK Rhodoferax sp. TH121 (UP000216607) UniProtKB Star A0A255ZMP6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A255ZJD8_9BURK Serpentinimonas Serpentinimonas raichei (UP000067461) UniProtKB Star A0A060NPB7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A060NHT8_9BURK Simplicispira Simplicispira hankyongi (UP000266302) UniProtKB Star A0A398C6V9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A398CA13_9BURK Simplicispira metamorpha (UP000295182) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2NB89_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4R2NB01_9BURK Simplicispira sp. 125 (UP000245599) UniProtKB Star A0A2U1C617_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2U1C6L3_9BURK Tibeticola Tibeticola sediminis (UP000272193) UniProtKB Star A0A3N4URJ2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A3N4UQE6_9BURK Vandammella Vandammella animalimorsus (UP000218054) UniProtKB Star A0A2A2AAV4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2A2AE48_9BURK Variovorax Variovorax gossypii (UP000267418) UniProtKB Star A0A3S0IAI4_9BURK Variovorax paradoxus (UP000035170) UniProtKB Star A0A0H2M793_VARPD UniProtKB Star A0A0H2LYN3_VARPD Variovorax sp. (UP000315748) UniProtKB Star A0A519FAB1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A519FK71_9BURK Variovorax sp. CF079 (UP000198763) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6I8Z9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1G6IM93_9BURK Variovorax sp. JS1663 (UP000195166) UniProtKB Star A0A244E965_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A244EFH0_9BURK Variovorax sp. MHTC-1 (UP000276058) UniProtKB Star A0A3R9ZUX1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A3R9Z1C5_9BURK Variovorax sp. OV329 (UP000199688) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4LJT1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1I4ZGK6_9BURK Variovorax sp. OV700 (UP000199505) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8H6D9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1G8HKI6_9BURK Variovorax sp. PAMC 28711 (UP000070169) UniProtKB Star A0A126ZAY0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A126Z8C8_9BURK Variovorax sp. PAMC28562 (UP000515986) UniProtKB Star A0A7G8VUY7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7G8VVQ4_9BURK Variovorax sp. PBL-E5 (UP000464400) UniProtKB Star A0A6P2F1W1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6P2F399_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6P2FXI9_9BURK Variovorax sp. PBS-H4 (UP000464985) UniProtKB Star A0A6P2ESF4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6P2EYD2_9BURK Variovorax sp. PDC80 (UP000199369) UniProtKB Star A0A1I5E0S7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1I5DN10_9BURK Variovorax sp. Sphag1AA (UP000553992) UniProtKB Star A0A7W5DAP2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7W5D4J0_9BURK Variovorax terrae (UP001139447) UniProtKB Star A0A9X1VRV5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A9X1VRG5_9BURK Verminephrobacter Verminephrobacter eiseniae (strain EF01-2) (UP000000374) UniProtKB Star SYE_VEREI UniProtKB Star A1WQN2_VEREI Verminephrobacter sp. Larva24 (UP000293756) Xenophilus Xenophilus arseniciresistens (UP001212602) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3N6N9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0AAE3SXE4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0AAE3T0C8_9BURK Oxalobacteraceae Candidatus Zinderia Zinderia insecticola (strain CARI) (UP000001303) UniProtKB Star E0TIR4_ZINIC UniProtKB Star E0TIY5_ZINIC Collimonas Collimonas fungivorans (strain Ter331) (UP000008392) UniProtKB Star G0AAK5_COLFT UniProtKB Star G0AJ52_COLFT Glaciimonas Glaciimonas immobilis (UP000571084) UniProtKB Star A0A840RVC3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A840RR85_9BURK Glaciimonas soli (UP000451565) UniProtKB Star A0A843YJI9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A843YV35_9BURK Glaciimonas sp. PCH181 (UP000244112) UniProtKB Star A0A2T6F1W3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2T6FAY0_9BURK Herbaspirillum Herbaspirillum seropedicae (strain SmR1) (UP000000329) UniProtKB Star D8J0K9_HERSS UniProtKB Star D8IQI6_HERSS Herbaspirillum sp. SJZ107 (UP000315195) UniProtKB Star A0A542M499_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A542MAL1_9BURK Herbaspirillum sp. Sphag64 (UP000574694) UniProtKB Star A0A839VRV1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A839VL51_9BURK Herbaspirillum sp. YR522 (UP000007507) UniProtKB Star J2V0T5_9BURK UniProtKB Star J2VV14_9BURK Herbaspirillum sp. meg3 (UP000214937) UniProtKB Star A0A223PBJ9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A223P747_9BURK Herminiimonas Herminiimonas arsenicoxydans (UP000006697) UniProtKB Star SYE_HERAR UniProtKB Star A4G2S5_HERAR Herminiimonas fonticola (UP000294737) UniProtKB Star A0A4V3BV76_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4V3BV27_9BURK Janthinobacterium Janthinobacterium agaricidamnosum NBRC 102515 = DSM 9628 (UP000027604) UniProtKB Star W0V2S4_9BURK UniProtKB Star W0V7J3_9BURK Janthinobacterium sp. 17J80-10 (UP000288813) UniProtKB Star A0A410UTZ6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A410UQW3_9BURK Janthinobacterium sp. KBS0711 (UP000034315) UniProtKB Star A0A0M2WLP2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0M2WGL7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0M2WKW4_9BURK Noviherbaspirillum Noviherbaspirillum autotrophicum (UP000031572) UniProtKB Star A0A0C1YP88_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0C2BUV7_9BURK Noviherbaspirillum cavernae (UP000285190) UniProtKB Star A0A418WZF4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A418X315_9BURK Noviherbaspirillum denitrificans (UP000197535) UniProtKB Star A0A254TLS3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A254TI98_9BURK Noviherbaspirillum galbum (UP000482155) UniProtKB Star A0A6B3SQE4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6B3SI32_9BURK Noviherbaspirillum humi (UP000198284) UniProtKB Star A0A239GU33_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A239KH79_9BURK Noviherbaspirillum pedocola (UP000622890) UniProtKB Star A0A934SUJ7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A934W4U9_9BURK Noviherbaspirillum saxi (UP000265955) UniProtKB Star A0A3A3G7I8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A3A3FVF6_9BURK Noviherbaspirillum sedimenti (UP000266327) UniProtKB Star A0A3A3G207_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A3A3G8H5_9BURK Noviherbaspirillum sp. Root189 (UP000051303) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8R138_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8PTD1_9BURK Oxalicibacterium Oxalicibacterium flavum (UP000620266) UniProtKB Star A0A8J2UP45_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A8J2UP73_9BURK Oxalicibacterium solurbis (UP000627205) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3B0F2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A8J3F5T5_9BURK Oxalobacter Oxalobacter formigenes OXCC13 (UP000005089) UniProtKB Star C3XAK7_OXAFO UniProtKB Star C3XB96_OXAFO UniProtKB Star C3X9S6_OXAFO Oxalobacter paraformigenes (UP000003973) UniProtKB Star C3X4F1_9BURK UniProtKB Star C3X526_9BURK UniProtKB Star C3X2U3_9BURK Oxalobacter vibrioformis (UP001156215) UniProtKB Star A0A9E9LZY5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A9E9LWC0_9BURK Oxalobacteraceae bacterium CAVE-383 (UP000289999) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2ITK0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2IWS1_9BURK Oxalobacteraceae bacterium IMCC9480 (UP000004494) UniProtKB Star F1W4G0_9BURK UniProtKB Star F1VUR3_9BURK Oxalobacteraceae bacterium OM1 (UP000297806) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9RHE1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9R800_9BURK Sapientia Sapientia aquatica (UP000294829) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5W4C3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4V3AUX8_9BURK Solimicrobium Solimicrobium silvestre (UP000237839) UniProtKB Star A0A2S9H5D1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2S9H4Y9_9BURK Telluria group Duganella Duganella fentianensis (UP000444316) UniProtKB Star A0A845I0I7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A845I1U9_9BURK Duganella sp. 1224 (UP000533804) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9HIS8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9HPJ5_9BURK Duganella sp. CF517 (UP000198691) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8ESZ6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1H8HBN0_9BURK Duganella sp. Leaf126 (UP000051032) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5DEU6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5DJX5_9BURK Duganella sp. Root198D2 (UP000051728) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8Q864_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8RRU2_9BURK Massilia Massilia arenosa (UP000298438) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9RQY7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9RWL6_9BURK Massilia cavernae (UP000284006) UniProtKB Star A0A418XRB4_9BURK Massilia eurypsychrophila (UP000230390) UniProtKB Star A0A2G8THT5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2G8TAH1_9BURK Massilia forsythiae (UP000502415) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z2ZTD2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7Z2ZQY6_9BURK Massilia glaciei (UP000241421) UniProtKB Star A0A2U2I4D6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2U2HEM0_9BURK Massilia horti (UP000297258) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9T4C7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9SW06_9BURK Massilia polaris (UP000583752) UniProtKB Star A0A848HE42_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A848HU88_9BURK Massilia psychrophila (UP000228593) UniProtKB Star A0A2G8SYT1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2G8SYD1_9BURK Massilia sp. BSC265 (UP000028843) UniProtKB Star A0A086W9R6_9BURK Massilia sp. CF038 (UP000184361) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5L3I2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1M5QW92_9BURK Massilia sp. Dwa41.01b (UP000515434) UniProtKB Star A0A7G5ZFV9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7G5ZC79_9BURK Massilia sp. KIM (UP000190838) UniProtKB Star A0A1S9AFL9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1S9AL43_9BURK Massilia sp. Leaf139 (UP000051760) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5HWK4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0Q5GYH2_9BURK Massilia sp. NR 4-1 (UP000056897) UniProtKB Star A0A0K1JTE8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0K1JYY2_9BURK Massilia sp. Root335 (UP000051156) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6TSX8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6T267_9BURK Massilia sp. Root351 (UP000051876) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6W4G1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6WJI8_9BURK Massilia sp. WF1 (UP000036336) UniProtKB Star A0A0J1GH82_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0J1D6R9_9BURK Massilia timonae CCUG 45783 (UP000009874) UniProtKB Star K9DCM1_9BURK UniProtKB Star K9DA32_9BURK Massilia violaceinigra (UP000229897) UniProtKB Star A0A2D2DMT3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2D2DID7_9BURK Pseudoduganella Pseudoduganella armeniaca (UP000240505) UniProtKB Star A0A2R4CD84_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2R4C829_9BURK Pseudoduganella dura (UP000431684) UniProtKB Star A0A6I3XS04_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6I3XF80_9BURK Pseudoduganella ginsengisoli (UP000484015) UniProtKB Star A0A6L6PXQ9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6L6Q7C8_9BURK Pseudoduganella lurida (UP000318431) UniProtKB Star A0A562RCM4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A562R8H0_9BURK Pseudoduganella namucuonensis (UP000199391) UniProtKB Star A0A1I7LFB8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1I7I8V8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1I7IAD1_9BURK Rugamonas Rugamonas brunnea (UP000534388) UniProtKB Star A0A7W2ENQ1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7W2EQT7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7W2IAY3_9BURK Rugamonas rivuli (UP000444318) UniProtKB Star A0A843SGQ9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A843S7Q2_9BURK Rugamonas rubra (UP000199470) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4LMU3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1I4LYM6_9BURK Undibacterium Undibacterium fentianense (UP000678545) UniProtKB Star A0A941IBV7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A941E5V0_9BURK Undibacterium jejuense (UP000634011) UniProtKB Star A0A923HKH7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A923HHE6_9BURK Undibacterium luofuense (UP000680067) UniProtKB Star A0A941I6R2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A941DL23_9BURK Undibacterium nitidum (UP000627446) UniProtKB Star A0A923HN48_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A923HRD8_9BURK Undibacterium oligocarboniphilum (UP000588051) UniProtKB Star A0A850QNA9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A850QLR3_9BURK Undibacterium piscinae (UP000274350) UniProtKB Star A0A6M4A7D5_9BURK Undibacterium rugosum (UP000612361) UniProtKB Star A0A923L0J6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A923I3U6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A923I0X6_9BURK Undibacterium sp. KW1 (UP000464899) UniProtKB Star A0A6N4T5F8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6N4T7D1_9BURK Undibacterium terreum (UP000637423) UniProtKB Star A0A916XJE5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A916UER1_9BURK Rhizobacter Rhizobacter sp. AJA081-3 (UP000664964) UniProtKB Star A0A975E3X4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A975HWG1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A975DWS4_9BURK Rhizobacter sp. Root1221 (UP000051465) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6XDX2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6XW63_9BURK Rhizobacter sp. Root29 (UP000051195) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6MKF0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0Q6MJW7_9BURK Rhizobacter sp. Root404 (UP000051611) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7AGW0_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7AWZ8_9BURK Rivibacter Rivibacter subsaxonicus (UP000293671) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7VPG3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4V2FUQ6_9BURK Saezia Saezia sanguinis (UP000286947) UniProtKB Star A0A433SG60_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A433SG16_9BURK Sphaerotilaceae Azohydromonas Azohydromonas caseinilytica (UP000574067) UniProtKB Star A0A848F9I7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A848FB91_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A848F643_9BURK Caldimonas Caldimonas brevitalea (UP000035352) UniProtKB Star A0A0G3BP40_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0G3BLF9_9BURK Caldimonas caldifontis (UP000238605) UniProtKB Star A0A2S5SY84_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2S5SYD6_9BURK Caldimonas thermodepolymerans (UP000239406) UniProtKB Star A0A2S5T1L4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2S5T991_9BURK Schlegelella koreensis (UP000529637) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y6NL81_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7Y6TVT0_9BURK Ideonella Ideonella aquatica (UP000678374) UniProtKB Star A0A940YJW3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A941BQV8_9BURK Ideonella dechloratans (UP000430120) UniProtKB Star A0A643FC17_IDEDE UniProtKB Star A0A643F7I6_IDEDE Ideonella livida (UP000484255) UniProtKB Star A0A7C9TLM6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7C9PFM8_9BURK Ideonella sp. MAG2 (UP000319140) UniProtKB Star A0A523QAC2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A523QAL0_9BURK Inhella Inhella crocodyli (UP000288587) UniProtKB Star A0A3S2VIH8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A437LCK4_9BURK Inhella gelatinilytica (UP000620139) UniProtKB Star A0A931IW87_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A931J0Q6_9BURK Inhella inkyongensis (UP000554837) UniProtKB Star A0A840SB02_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A840SA95_9BURK Inhella proteolytica (UP000613266) UniProtKB Star A0A931J3Y7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A931NI69_9BURK Leptothrix Leptothrix cholodnii (strain ATCC 51168 / LMG 8142 / SP-6) (UP000001693) UniProtKB Star SYE_LEPCP UniProtKB Star B1Y1C4_LEPCP Leptothrix ochracea L12 (UP000053899) Methylibium Methylibium petroleiphilum (strain ATCC BAA-1232 / LMG 22953 / PM1) (UP000000366) UniProtKB Star A2SHR6_METPP UniProtKB Star A2SFD7_METPP UniProtKB Star A2SJW4_METPP Methylibium sp. NZG (UP000053102) UniProtKB Star A0A0L6T3V1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0L6TAF7_9BURK Piscinibacter Piscinibacter aquaticus (UP000321832) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6U0N7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A5C6U101_9BURK Piscinibacter gummiphilus (UP000193427) UniProtKB Star A0A1W6L8J1_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1W6LB20_9BURK Piscinibacter sakaiensis (UP000037660) UniProtKB Star A0A0K8P1Q1_PISS1 UniProtKB Star A0A0K8P3K9_PISS1 Piscinibacter sp. HJYY11 (UP000623397) UniProtKB Star A0A937A4C7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A936ZXP9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A937DHZ0_9BURK Roseateles Mitsuaria sp. 7 (UP000078154) UniProtKB Star A0A1A9HHP3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1A9HEK3_9BURK Mitsuaria sp. PDC51 (UP000199246) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6JIV4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1I6LGG5_9BURK Mitsuaria sp. WAJ17 (UP000558274) UniProtKB Star A0A839LES2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A839LLC9_9BURK Paucibacter aquatile (UP000235916) UniProtKB Star A0A2N8KU41_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2N8KRP8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2N8KUG5_9BURK Paucibacter sediminis (UP001177769) UniProtKB Star A0AA95N9M2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0AA95NAZ8_9BURK Paucibacter sp. KBW04 (UP000274884) UniProtKB Star A0A3N7CHE2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A3N7CAY2_9BURK Paucibacter sp. KCTC 42545 (UP000056576) UniProtKB Star A0A0U3F9V9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0U3EVE2_9BURK Pelomonas aquatica (UP001152766) UniProtKB Star A0A9X4R4B3_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A9X4LIA5_9BURK Pelomonas sp. HMWF004 (UP000244686) UniProtKB Star A0A2R7TCT6_9BURK Pelomonas sp. Root1444 (UP000051648) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7SAG6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7S1Q2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7S8S1_9BURK Roseateles aquatilis (UP000197468) UniProtKB Star A0A246IV43_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A246JFI0_9BURK Roseateles asaccharophilus (UP000295357) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6N5H4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4V3CIB8_9BURK Roseateles puraquae (UP000197446) UniProtKB Star A0A254NKE7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A254NLK5_9BURK Roseateles sp. DAIF2 (UP000594526) UniProtKB Star A0A7S9C886_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7S9GHE2_9BURK Roseateles sp. YR242 (UP000198631) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7MD72_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A1H7G639_9BURK Roseateles toxinivorans (UP000295361) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6QUP5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4R6QJS2_9BURK Rubrivivax Rubrivivax albus (UP000288178) UniProtKB Star A0A437K167_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A3S2TPA1_9BURK Rubrivivax gelatinosus (strain NBRC 100245 / IL144) (UP000007883) UniProtKB Star I0HNL6_RUBGI UniProtKB Star I0HW11_RUBGI UniProtKB Star I0HNW5_RUBGI Rubrivivax pictus (UP000301751) UniProtKB Star A0A480AQ97_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A480ALR1_9BURK Rubrivivax sp. (UP000316214) UniProtKB Star A0A519ZTL4_9BURK Rubrivivax sp. A210 (UP000632062) UniProtKB Star A0A916ENX4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A916A910_9BURK Scleromatobacter Scleromatobacter humisilvae (UP001139353) UniProtKB Star A0A9X2C364_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A9X1YH41_9BURK Sphaerotilus Sphaerotilus hippei (UP000247811) UniProtKB Star A0A318HFT8_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A318H337_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A318GUZ8_9BURK Sphaerotilus mobilis (UP000293433) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7LW90_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7LQX6_9BURK Sphaerotilus montanus (UP000518288) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9QTF7_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A7Y9R0H9_9BURK Sphaerotilus natans subsp. natans DSM 6575 (UP000026714) UniProtKB Star A0A059KGY2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A059KHX2_9BURK Sutterellaceae Mesosutterella Mesosutterella multiformis (UP000266091) UniProtKB Star A0A388SE10_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A388SBD3_9BURK Parasutterella Parasutterella excrementihominis YIT 11859 (UP000005156) UniProtKB Star F3QMI8_9BURK UniProtKB Star F3QMX1_9BURK Parasutterella muris (UP000472580) UniProtKB Star A0A6L6YKA6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A6L6YFW9_9BURK Sutterella Sutterella megalosphaeroides (UP000271003) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6I8B4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6I828_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6I8H5_9BURK Sutterella parvirubra YIT 11816 (UP000004956) UniProtKB Star H3KGK9_9BURK UniProtKB Star H3KG41_9BURK Sutterella sp. AM11-39 (UP000284958) UniProtKB Star A0A415CF40_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A415CIH9_9BURK Sutterella wadsworthensis 2_1_59BFAA (UP000005835) UniProtKB Star K1JW35_9BURK UniProtKB Star K1JKM6_9BURK Sutterella wadsworthensis HGA0223 (UP000014400) UniProtKB Star S3BP37_9BURK UniProtKB Star S3C6W9_9BURK Tepidicella Tepidicella xavieri (UP000295510) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6UBG2_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A4R6UFA4_9BURK Tepidimonas Tepidimonas alkaliphilus (UP000315736) UniProtKB Star A0A554WD06_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A554W4G5_9BURK Tepidimonas charontis (UP000318294) UniProtKB Star A0A554XF11_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A554XFF5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A554XDG7_9BURK Tepidimonas taiwanensis (UP000317763) UniProtKB Star A0A554XD67_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A554XBG0_9BURK Tepidimonas thermarum (UP000318542) UniProtKB Star A0A554X630_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A554X589_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A554WXB7_9BURK Thiomonas Thiomonas bhubaneswarensis (UP000183649) UniProtKB Star A0A0K6I410_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0K6I4X4_9BURK Thiomonas delicata (UP000214566) UniProtKB Star A0A238D4D8_THIDL UniProtKB Star A0A238D4I4_THIDL Thiomonas sp. X19 (UP000250096) UniProtKB Star A0A975VZG6_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A975VZK1_9BURK Xylophilus Xylophilus rhododendri (UP000464787) UniProtKB Star A0A857J2Y4_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A857J0X9_9BURK Xylophilus sp. Leaf220 (UP000051325) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4FUP5_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4GPC9_9BURK UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4GTN1_9BURK Candidatus Accumulibacter Accumulibacter regalis (UP000022141) UniProtKB Star A0A011NRB8_ACCRE UniProtKB Star A0A011P8F4_ACCRE UniProtKB Star A0A011PVA9_ACCRE Candidatus Accumulibacter aalborgensis (UP000199169) UniProtKB Star A0A1A8XEY5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1A8XWT3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1A8XZF0_9PROT Candidatus Accumulibacter adjunctus (UP000020218) UniProtKB Star A0A011MHI2_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A011PN91_9PROT Candidatus Accumulibacter cognatus (UP000021315) UniProtKB Star A0A080M3K4_9PROT Candidatus Accumulibacter sp. BA-94 (UP000020878) UniProtKB Star A0A011RF84_9PROT Candidatus Accumulibacter sp. SK-11 (UP000020226) UniProtKB Star A0A011NK63_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A011PEY5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A011PGF3_9PROT Candidatus Kinetoplastibacterium Candidatus Kinetoplastibacterium blastocrithidii TCC012E (UP000011563) UniProtKB Star M1LC58_9PROT UniProtKB Star M1M4E1_9PROT Candidatus Kinetoplastibacterium crithidii TCC036E (UP000011686) UniProtKB Star M1L5H6_9PROT UniProtKB Star M1M6W9_9PROT Candidatus Kinetoplastibacterium sorsogonicusi (UP000266796) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q8EUI3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A3Q8ETW7_9PROT Candidatus Nasuia Candidatus Nasuia deltocephalinicola (UP000663075) Candidatus Nasuia deltocephalinicola str. NAS-ALF (UP000015382) Candidatus Profftella Candidatus Profftella armatura (UP000015216) UniProtKB Star S5RLQ0_9PROT UniProtKB Star S5RM12_9PROT Candidatus Tremblaya Candidatus Tremblaya phenacola (UP000222818) UniProtKB Star A0A2G0V727_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A2G0V720_9PROT Tremblaya princeps (UP000075244) Candidatus Vidania Candidatus Vidania fulgoroideae (UP000257084) UniProtKB Star A0A346E0K5_9PROT Chitinivorax Chitinivorax tropicus (UP000575898) UniProtKB Star A0A840MHX9_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A840MSY5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A840MYC3_9PROT Ferrovales Ferrovaceae Ferrovum Ferrovum myxofaciens (UP000075653) UniProtKB Star A0A149VX69_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A149W147_9PROT Ferrovum sp. PN-J185 (UP000075387) UniProtKB Star A0A149VU32_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A149VR09_9PROT Neisseriales Aquaspirillaceae Aquaspirillum Aquaspirillum sp. LM1 (UP000188659) UniProtKB Star A0A1U9JL94_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A1U9JL14_9NEIS Laribacter Laribacter hongkongensis (strain HLHK9) (UP000002010) UniProtKB Star C1D8P4_LARHH UniProtKB Star C1D7F4_LARHH UniProtKB Star C1DD00_LARHH Microvirgula Microvirgula aerodenitrificans (UP000244173) UniProtKB Star A0A2S0PFE0_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A2S0PD20_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A2S0P766_9NEIS Chitinibacteraceae Amantichitinum Amantichitinum ursilacus (UP000037939) UniProtKB Star A0A0N1JSX8_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A0N1JTI3_9NEIS Andreprevotia Andreprevotia lacus DSM 23236 (UP000192761) UniProtKB Star A0A1W1XZ85_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A1W1WZ12_9NEIS Chitinibacter Chitinibacter fontanus (UP000510822) UniProtKB Star A0A7D5ZF49_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A7D5ZAY4_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A7D5ZFE2_9NEIS Chitinilyticum Chitinilyticum piscinae (UP000604481) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7FJN7_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A8J7FZP8_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A8J7FP31_9NEIS Chitinimonas Chitinimonas arctica (UP000317550) UniProtKB Star A0A516SCY9_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A516SCJ2_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A516SB26_9NEIS Chitinimonas sp. BJB300 (UP000225101) UniProtKB Star A0A2G3K732_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A2G3K8D8_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A2G3K943_9NEIS Chitinimonas taiwanensis DSM 18899 (UP000186513) UniProtKB Star A0A1K2HRS3_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A1K2HR07_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A1K2HF80_9NEIS Chitiniphilus Chitiniphilus eburneus (UP000310016) UniProtKB Star A0A4U0Q3F3_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A4U0QD72_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A4U0Q1X5_9NEIS Deefgea Deefgea piscis (UP000504844) UniProtKB Star A0A6M8SVB4_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A6M8SWR5_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A6M8SQ79_9NEIS Formivibrio Formivibrio citricus (UP000242869) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4W0S4_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A1I4ZUY3_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A1I4V8L7_9NEIS Iodobacter Iodobacter ciconiae (UP000282438) UniProtKB Star A0A3S8ZWH3_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A3S8ZR36_9NEIS Jeongeupia Jeongeupia sp. HS-3 (UP000593654) UniProtKB Star A0A7I8EB71_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A7I8E945_9NEIS Silvimonas Silvimonas terrae (UP000543030) UniProtKB Star A0A840RC75_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A840RBR3_9NEIS Chromobacteriaceae Aquitalea Aquitalea sp. FJL05 (UP000272943) UniProtKB Star A0A3N7DK47_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A3N7FM13_9NEIS Chromobacterium Chromobacterium sp. LK11 (UP000036114) UniProtKB Star A0A0J6NH89_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A0J6NHH9_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A0J6NJI2_9NEIS Chromobacterium violaceum (UP000196342) UniProtKB Star A0A202B602_CHRVL UniProtKB Star A0A202B927_CHRVL UniProtKB Star A0A202B3P0_CHRVL Chromobacterium violaceum (strain ATCC 12472 / DSM 30191 / JCM 1249 / ... (UP000001424) UniProtKB Star SYE_CHRVO UniProtKB Star SYQ_CHRVO UniProtKB Star GLUQ_CHRVO Gulbenkiania Gulbenkiania indica (UP000243535) UniProtKB Star A0A0K6H513_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A0K6GUW2_9NEIS Paludibacterium Paludibacterium denitrificans (UP000446658) Paludibacterium paludis (UP000645257) UniProtKB Star A0A918P0P2_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A918NYE5_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A918P0F0_9NEIS Paludibacterium purpuratum (UP000295611) UniProtKB Star A0A4R7BCW3_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A4R7BBQ8_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A4R7AX53_9NEIS Pseudogulbenkiania Pseudogulbenkiania sp. (strain NH8B) (UP000001274) UniProtKB Star G2J0J8_PSEUL UniProtKB Star G2IWK2_PSEUL UniProtKB Star G2IYA2_PSEUL Vogesella Vogesella sp. EB (UP000054352) UniProtKB Star A0A0J5GD79_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A0J5GIY6_9NEIS Vogesella sp. LIG4 (UP000198213) UniProtKB Star A0A1C6NIV8_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A1C6NDB4_9NEIS Leeiaceae Leeia Leeia aquatica (UP000587991) UniProtKB Star A0A847SF90_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A847RZF2_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A847S9G5_9NEIS Neisseriaceae Alysiella Alysiella crassa (UP000254209) UniProtKB Star A0A376BVI1_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A376BVQ2_9NEIS Alysiella filiformis DSM 16848 (UP000219669) UniProtKB Star A0A286EGA0_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A286E5M6_9NEIS Aquella Aquella oligotrophica (UP000236655) UniProtKB Star A0A2I7N9F4_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A2I7N3B2_9NEIS Conchiformibius Conchiformibius kuhniae (UP000831534) UniProtKB Star A0A8T9MX77_9NEIS Conchiformibius steedae (UP000269923) UniProtKB Star A0A3P2A853_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A3P2A8F9_9NEIS Craterilacuibacter Craterilacuibacter sinensis (UP000467214) UniProtKB Star A0A845BLZ5_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A845BKJ6_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A845BGX9_9NEIS Crenobacter Crenobacter intestini (UP000308891) UniProtKB Star A0A4V4N8J1_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A4T0UX78_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A4T0UZI0_9NEIS Crenobacter luteus (UP000076625) UniProtKB Star A0A161RAD8_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A161SIT5_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A163CLE7_9NEIS Eikenella Eikenella corrodens CC92I (UP000018554) UniProtKB Star V7IGX7_EIKCO UniProtKB Star V7IGG1_EIKCO UniProtKB Star V7IEK8_EIKCO Kingella Kingella denitrificans ATCC 33394 (UP000004088) UniProtKB Star F0EY70_9NEIS UniProtKB Star F0F2E3_9NEIS UniProtKB Star F0EWS9_9NEIS Kingella kingae ATCC 23330 (UP000004207) UniProtKB Star F5S5S4_KINKI UniProtKB Star F5S8Q0_KINKI UniProtKB Star F5S5J1_KINKI Kingella negevensis (UP000215450) UniProtKB Star A0A238TDX3_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A238HFC9_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A238T9U4_9NEIS Kingella oralis ATCC 51147 (UP000003009) UniProtKB Star C4GIA0_9NEIS UniProtKB Star C4GJW2_9NEIS Kingella potus (UP000254293) UniProtKB Star A0A377QYF3_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A377QY30_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A377R295_9NEIS Neisseria Neisseria animalis (UP000325536) UniProtKB Star A0A5P3MRZ2_NEIAN UniProtKB Star A0A5P3MPC9_NEIAN UniProtKB Star A0A5P3MSY2_NEIAN Neisseria animaloris (UP000268229) UniProtKB Star A0A3S5F6N4_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A448UA81_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A3S4YI43_9NEIS Neisseria arctica (UP000036027) UniProtKB Star A0A0J0YS13_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A0J0YU48_9NEIS Neisseria bacilliformis ATCC BAA-1200 (UP000004105) UniProtKB Star F2B9T9_9NEIS UniProtKB Star F2BF67_9NEIS UniProtKB Star F2B9W0_9NEIS Neisseria brasiliensis (UP000486297) UniProtKB Star A0A5Q3S250_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A7X2GWQ8_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A7X2KYC5_9NEIS Neisseria canis (UP000279284) UniProtKB Star A0A1X3CYJ6_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A448D9E6_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A448DB60_9NEIS Neisseria chenwenguii (UP000198238) UniProtKB Star A0A220S1Q0_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A220RZ70_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A220S223_9NEIS Neisseria dentiae (UP000193118) UniProtKB Star A0A1X3D348_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A1X3D2J1_9NEIS Neisseria elongata subsp. glycolytica ATCC 29315 (UP000031392) UniProtKB Star D4DUW9_NEIEG UniProtKB Star D4DSN4_NEIEG UniProtKB Star A0A0B5CRV7_NEIEG Neisseria gonorrhoeae (UP000255551) Neisseria gonorrhoeae (strain ATCC 700825 / FA 1090) (UP000000535) UniProtKB Star SYE_NEIG1 UniProtKB Star SYQ_NEIG1 UniProtKB Star GLUQ_NEIG1 Neisseria lactamica (UP000254193) UniProtKB Star A0A378VPC8_NEILA UniProtKB Star A0A378VMU2_NEILA UniProtKB Star A0A378VL81_NEILA Neisseria leonii (UP001149607) UniProtKB Star A0A9X4IB71_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A9X4I9Z0_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A9X4IEW4_9NEIS Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B (strain ATCC BAA-335 / MC58) (UP000000425) UniProtKB Star SYE_NEIMB UniProtKB Star SYQ_NEIMB Neisseria shayeganii 871 (UP000003019) UniProtKB Star G4CJP6_9NEIS UniProtKB Star G4CFF1_9NEIS UniProtKB Star G4CI56_9NEIS Neisseria sp. oral taxon 020 str. F0370 (UP000010457) UniProtKB Star L1NVC5_9NEIS UniProtKB Star L1NMG1_9NEIS Neisseria subflava (UP000626795) UniProtKB Star A0A9X9SNT2_NEISU UniProtKB Star A0A9X9R114_NEISU UniProtKB Star A0A9X9QZE8_NEISU Neisseria weaveri (UP000272771) UniProtKB Star A0A3S4YRS8_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A3S5C4K2_9NEIS Neisseriaceae bacterium (UP000678663) UniProtKB Star A0A974YWK9_9NEIS Paralysiella Paralysiella testudinis (UP000653156) UniProtKB Star A0A892ZJG6_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A892ZRA5_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A892ZMQ2_9NEIS Simonsiella Simonsiella muelleri ATCC 29453 (UP000017813) UniProtKB Star V9H876_9NEIS UniProtKB Star V9HKG0_9NEIS Snodgrassella Snodgrassella alvi (UP000230202) UniProtKB Star A0A2N9X6R4_9NEIS UniProtKB Star A0A2N9X4P8_9NEIS Vitreoscilla Vitreoscilla filiformis (UP000199729) UniProtKB Star A0A221KIP8_VITFI UniProtKB Star A0A221KAE5_VITFI Vitreoscilla sp. (strain C1) (UP000238938) UniProtKB Star A0A2L0PIJ3_VITS1 Nitrosomonadales Gallionellaceae Candidatus Nitrotoga Candidatus Nitrotoga fabula (UP000675882) UniProtKB Star A0A916BDM9_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A916BCW4_9PROT Candidatus Nitrotoga sp. AM1P (UP000502491) UniProtKB Star A0A455X2G5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A455XC24_9PROT Ferriphaselus Ferriphaselus amnicola (UP000033070) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6GDX7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6GDX4_9PROT Gallionella Gallionella capsiferriformans (strain ES-2) (UP000001235) UniProtKB Star D9SGI3_GALCS UniProtKB Star D9SJE3_GALCS Sideroxydans Sideroxydans lithotrophicus (strain ES-1) (UP000001625) UniProtKB Star D5CS39_SIDLE UniProtKB Star D5CNK0_SIDLE Methylophilaceae Candidatus Methylopumilus Candidatus Methylopumilus planktonicus (UP000064007) UniProtKB Star A0A0D6EWD9_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A0D6EX85_9PROT Candidatus Methylopumilus turicensis (UP000056322) UniProtKB Star A0A0B7IU93_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A0B7IVQ4_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A0B7ITU6_9PROT Methylobacillus Methylobacillus flagellatus (strain ATCC 51484 / DSM 6875 / VKM B-1610... (UP000002440) UniProtKB Star SYE_METFK UniProtKB Star Q1GZI8_METFK UniProtKB Star Q1H2B0_METFK Methylobacillus sp. MM3 (UP000077549) UniProtKB Star A0A1A9NMS6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1A9NQF4_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1A9NQW4_9PROT Methylophilaceae bacterium (UP000664716) UniProtKB Star A0A916G932_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A916M4S1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A916HJE5_9PROT Methylophilaceae bacterium 11 (UP000022668) UniProtKB Star Y0KGR5_9PROT UniProtKB Star Y0KIT4_9PROT Methylophilus Methylophilus medardicus (UP000311008) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8CS03_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A5B8CTD5_9PROT Methyloradius Methyloradius palustris (UP000826722) UniProtKB Star A0A8D5GD26_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A8D5GCE2_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A8D5G7V0_9PROT Methylotenera Methylotenera mobilis (strain JLW8 / ATCC BAA-1282 / DSM 17540) (UP000002742) UniProtKB Star C6WV49_METML UniProtKB Star C6WUH3_METML Methylotenera versatilis (strain 301) (UP000000383) UniProtKB Star D7DPV5_METV0 UniProtKB Star D7DJL6_METV0 Methylovorus Methylovorus glucosotrophus (strain SIP3-4) (UP000002743) UniProtKB Star C6XEG3_METGS UniProtKB Star C6X9S9_METGS Methylovorus sp. MM2 (UP000077545) UniProtKB Star A0A1A9T525_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1A9SZF1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1A9T3Z7_9PROT Novimethylophilus Novimethylophilus kurashikiensis (UP000245081) UniProtKB Star A0A2R5FCK1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A2R5F788_9PROT Pseudomethylobacillus Pseudomethylobacillus aquaticus (UP000275137) UniProtKB Star A0A3N0UY20_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A3N0UVK3_9PROT Nitrosomonadaceae Nitrosomonas Nitrosomonas aestuarii (UP000199533) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3X4K3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1I3Z0V4_9PROT Nitrosomonas communis (UP000034156) UniProtKB Star A0A0F7KF19_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A0F7KJ68_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A0F7KHK4_9PROT Nitrosomonas cryotolerans ATCC 49181 (UP000185062) UniProtKB Star A0A1N6JBD7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1N6I834_9PROT Nitrosomonas europaea (strain ATCC 19718 / CIP 103999 / KCTC 2705 / NB... (UP000001416) UniProtKB Star SYE_NITEU UniProtKB Star SYQ_NITEU Nitrosomonas halophila (UP000198640) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3HRC8_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1H3EA12_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1H3G026_9PROT Nitrosomonas mobilis (UP000198729) UniProtKB Star A0A1G5SB02_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1G5SFC8_9PROT Nitrosomonas nitrosa (UP000199561) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4L1P2_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1I4T2L7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1I4KU35_9PROT Nitrosomonas oligotropha (UP000198814) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8R4X6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1H8MYU0_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1H8KK65_9PROT Nitrosomonas sp. AL212 (UP000001629) UniProtKB Star F9ZFM6_9PROT UniProtKB Star F9ZJ47_9PROT Nitrosomonas sp. Nm166 (UP000199102) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2BYP6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1I2APY2_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1I2F709_9PROT Nitrosomonas sp. Nm51 (UP000198732) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9L341_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1H9P425_9PROT Nitrosomonas sp. Nm58 (UP000199646) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3K2W4_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1H3JRV5_9PROT Nitrosomonas sp. Nm84 (UP000248024) UniProtKB Star A0A2V3WC72_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A2V3W0N7_9PROT Nitrosomonas stercoris (UP000316473) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y1YQD0_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4Y1YS64_9PROT Nitrosospira Nitrosospira briensis (UP000183107) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4Z0B7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1I5D436_9PROT Nitrosospira lacus (UP000012179) UniProtKB Star A0A1W6SR29_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1W6SS94_9PROT Nitrosospira multiformis (strain ATCC 25196 / NCIMB 11849 / C 71) (UP000002718) UniProtKB Star SYE_NITMU UniProtKB Star Q2Y794_NITMU Nitrosospira sp. Nl5 (UP000198645) UniProtKB Star A0A1G5C0Z2_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1G5HL31_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1G5GH93_9PROT Nitrosospira sp. Nsp1 (UP000198764) UniProtKB Star A0A1G4XFW2_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1G4YDN5_9PROT Nitrosospira sp. Nsp14 (UP000198772) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3AZR4_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1I2YAQ7_9PROT Nitrosovibrio Nitrosovibrio sp. Nv17 (UP000183249) UniProtKB Star A0A1K1LUT3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1K1NLW1_9PROT Nitrosovibrio tenuis (UP000198620) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7NSX3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1H7Q7W5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1H7HEQ7_9PROT OM43 clade Methylophilales bacterium HTCC2181 (UP000054262) UniProtKB Star A0P767_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0P658_9PROT Methylophilales bacterium MBRS-H7 (UP000066549) UniProtKB Star A0A0H4J3M3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A0H4JA78_9PROT Sterolibacteriaceae Denitratisoma Denitratisoma oestradiolicum (UP000515733) UniProtKB Star A0A6S6XY49_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A6S6YJD1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A6S6Y693_9PROT Denitratisoma sp. DHT3 (UP000316827) UniProtKB Star A0A518UCT4_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A518U7S5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A518UE66_9PROT Georgfuchsia Georgfuchsia toluolica (UP000742786) UniProtKB Star A0A916J427_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A916J5B0_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A916J5Y3_9PROT Methyloversatilis Methyloversatilis sp. RAC08 (UP000094168) UniProtKB Star A0A1B3LRP4_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1B3LR05_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1B3LQ52_9PROT Methyloversatilis universalis (strain ATCC BAA-1314 / DSM 25237 / JCM ... (UP000005019) UniProtKB Star F5R7B4_METUF UniProtKB Star F5RH84_METUF UniProtKB Star F5RHL6_METUF Rugosibacter Rugosibacter aromaticivorans (UP000061603) UniProtKB Star A0A0C5J9G1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A0C5J8Y9_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A0C5J7L0_9PROT Sterolibacterium Sterolibacterium denitrificans (UP000243416) UniProtKB Star A0A656Z8W9_9PROT Sulfurisoma Sulfurisoma sediminicola (UP000268908) UniProtKB Star A0A497XF40_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A497XBQ7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A497XJ31_9PROT Sulfuritalea Sulfuritalea hydrogenivorans sk43H (UP000031637) UniProtKB Star W0SGJ0_9PROT UniProtKB Star W0SM31_9PROT UniProtKB Star W0SJ59_9PROT Sulfuritalea sp. (UP000678867) Sulfuricellaceae Sulfuricella Sulfuricella denitrificans (strain DSM 22764 / NBRC 105220 / skB26) (UP000015559) UniProtKB Star S6AK85_SULDS UniProtKB Star S6AJN9_SULDS UniProtKB Star S6B6K3_SULDS Sulfuricella sp. (UP000681964) UniProtKB Star A0A942SE74_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A942PIN8_9PROT Sulfuriferula Sulfuriferula nivalis (UP000463939) UniProtKB Star A0A809S946_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A809RHU1_9PROT Sulfuriferula plumbiphila (UP000321337) UniProtKB Star A0A512LAI1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A512L473_9PROT Sulfuriferula sp. AH1 (UP000195558) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0GCH1_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0G704_9PROT Sulfurimicrobium Sulfurimicrobium lacus (UP000502260) UniProtKB Star A0A6F8VBJ2_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A6F8VFT9_9PROT Sulfurirhabdus Sulfurirhabdus autotrophica (UP000295367) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3YEA6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4V2W375_9PROT Thiobacillaceae Parasulfuritortus Parasulfuritortus cantonensis (UP000295443) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1BQ56_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4R1BM97_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4R1B8C2_9PROT Sulfuritortus Sulfuritortus calidifontis (UP000295135) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3JUN4_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4R3K039_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A4R3JW02_9PROT Thiobacillus Thiobacillus denitrificans (UP000064243) UniProtKB Star A0A125BBK5_THIDE UniProtKB Star A0A106BKN6_THIDE UniProtKB Star A0A125BBL5_THIDE Thiobacillus denitrificans (strain ATCC 25259 / T1) (UP000008291) UniProtKB Star SYE_THIDA UniProtKB Star Q3SKH8_THIDA Thiobacillus sp. (UP000510829) UniProtKB Star A0A7L5YA91_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A7L5YDA2_9PROT Usitatibacteraceae Usitatibacter Usitatibacter palustris (UP000503096) UniProtKB Star A0A6M4H5Q3_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A6M4H395_9PROT Usitatibacter rugosus (UP000501534) UniProtKB Star A0A6M4GU26_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A6M4GV81_9PROT Rhodocyclales Azonexaceae Azonexus Azonexus hydrophilus (UP000187526) UniProtKB Star A0A1R1I7V0_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A1R1IDM5_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A1R1I318_9RHOO Dechloromonas Dechloromonas denitrificans (UP000070186) UniProtKB Star A0A133XI93_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A133XJA8_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A133XDP8_9RHOO Dechloromonas sp. (UP000509529) UniProtKB Star A0A6N1XAY9_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A6N1XCW9_9RHOO Dechloromonas sp. HYN0024 (UP000257259) UniProtKB Star A0A3B7A5Z0_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A3B7AHA9_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A3B7ABF0_9RHOO Dechloromonas sp. TW-R-39-2 (UP000663379) UniProtKB Star A0A974SWZ6_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A974SYF6_9RHOO Fluviibacteraceae Fluviibacter Fluviibacter phosphoraccumulans (UP000463961) UniProtKB Star A0A679I934_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A679HUY0_9RHOO Rhodocyclaceae Aromatoleum Aromatoleum aromaticum (strain DSM 19018 / LMG 30748 / EbN1) (UP000006552) UniProtKB Star SYE_AROAE UniProtKB Star GLUQ_AROAE UniProtKB Star Q5P2N2_AROAE Aromatoleum tolulyticum (UP000186819) UniProtKB Star A0A1N6PSR5_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A1N7A8A3_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A1N7C2I2_9RHOO Azospira Azospira inquinata (UP000683428) UniProtKB Star A0A975XUG1_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A975SNY4_9RHOO Azospira restricta (UP000663444) UniProtKB Star A0A974PX99_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A974SRL6_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A974Y3N5_9RHOO Azospira sp. I13 (UP000244972) UniProtKB Star A0A2R5E8H5_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A2R5EGB8_9RHOO Niveibacterium Niveibacterium umoris (UP000561045) UniProtKB Star A0A840BGR2_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A840BM59_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A840BJ31_9RHOO Oryzomicrobium Oryzomicrobium terrae (UP000323671) UniProtKB Star A0A5C1E8W9_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A5C1ECH5_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A5C1E5W8_9RHOO Propionivibrio Candidatus Propionivibrio aalborgensis (UP000199600) UniProtKB Star A0A1A8XTU4_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A1A8XWU1_9RHOO Propionivibrio dicarboxylicus (UP000198607) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8JJW4_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A1G8L317_9RHOO Rhodocyclaceae bacterium (UP000235024) UniProtKB Star A0A2K9L9L3_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A2K9LEU8_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A2K9L7V9_9RHOO Rhodocyclus Rhodocyclus tenuis (UP000587070) UniProtKB Star A0A840FZI3_RHOTE UniProtKB Star A0A840G8A1_RHOTE Zoogloeaceae Azoarcus Azoarcus indigens (UP000295129) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6EFA7_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A4R6E3E7_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A4R6E6X7_9RHOO Azoarcus sp. (strain BH72) (UP000002588) UniProtKB Star SYE_AZOSB UniProtKB Star A1K3P8_AZOSB Azoarcus sp. KH32C (UP000007106) UniProtKB Star H0PZB0_9RHOO UniProtKB Star H0PRZ9_9RHOO Azoarcus taiwanensis (UP000599523) UniProtKB Star A0A972J8V6_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A972FBG9_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A972FIJ6_9RHOO Denitromonas Denitromonas iodatirespirans (UP000694660) UniProtKB Star A0A944DGH5_DENI1 UniProtKB Star A0A944DCZ9_DENI1 UniProtKB Star A0A944D7E3_DENI1 Nitrogeniibacter Nitrogeniibacter mangrovi (UP000501991) UniProtKB Star A0A6C1B2H0_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A6C1B821_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A6C1B832_9RHOO Parazoarcus Parazoarcus communis (UP000244930) UniProtKB Star A0A2U8GMU3_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A2U8GVD8_9RHOO Parazoarcus communis SWub3 = DSM 12120 (UP000248259) UniProtKB Star A0A323UVC4_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A323V2D4_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A323UT58_9RHOO Pseudazoarcus Pseudazoarcus pumilus (UP000242205) UniProtKB Star A0A2I6S702_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A2I6S499_9RHOO Pseudothauera Pseudothauera lacus (UP000241193) UniProtKB Star A0A2T4IGT3_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A2T4IC77_9RHOO Pseudothauera nasutitermitis (UP000308430) UniProtKB Star A0A4S4B5H3_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A4S4ALY1_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A4V3WBN3_9RHOO Pseudothauera rhizosphaerae (UP000307956) UniProtKB Star A0A4S4AVZ2_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A4V3WA42_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A4S4APQ5_9RHOO Thauera Thauera aminoaromatica (UP000002186) UniProtKB Star C4ZNU5_THASP UniProtKB Star C4KCX1_THASP UniProtKB Star C4KBQ7_THASP Thauera aromatica K172 (UP000241885) UniProtKB Star A0A2R4BLW8_THAAR UniProtKB Star A0A2R4BKG8_THAAR UniProtKB Star A0A2R4BJG7_THAAR Thauera linaloolentis (strain DSM 12138 / JCM 21573 / CCUG 41526 / CIP... (UP000013232) UniProtKB Star N6XVN4_THAL4 UniProtKB Star N6Z7K8_THAL4 UniProtKB Star N6YVX1_THAL4 Thauera propionica (UP000215181) UniProtKB Star A0A235F0M2_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A235EYF1_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A235EWW3_9RHOO Thauera sp. 27 (UP000013140) UniProtKB Star N6XHY9_9RHOO UniProtKB Star N6YB30_9RHOO Thauera sp. K11 (UP000217984) UniProtKB Star A0A290ZJZ9_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A290ZIJ0_9RHOO Thauera terpenica 58Eu (UP000015455) UniProtKB Star T0AN43_9RHOO UniProtKB Star T0AUT7_9RHOO Uliginosibacterium Uliginosibacterium sp. TH139 (UP000234247) UniProtKB Star A0A2N4XPJ1_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A2N4XLJ1_9RHOO Zoogloea Zoogloea dura (UP000580043) UniProtKB Star A0A848G452_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A848G742_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A848GBE5_9RHOO Zoogloea oleivorans (UP000389128) UniProtKB Star A0A6C2CSM8_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A6C2CSN9_9RHOO UniProtKB Star A0A6C2CNS1_9RHOO Zoogloea ramigera (UP000318422) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y4CPZ8_ZOORA UniProtKB Star A0A4Y4CSX1_ZOORA UniProtKB Star A0A4Y4CXD6_ZOORA beta proteobacterium AAP65 (UP000037849) UniProtKB Star A0A0N1AFG7_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A0N1A6K9_9PROT beta proteobacterium AAP99 (UP000037960) UniProtKB Star A0A0N0JTE9_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A0N1LCM5_9PROT Gammaproteobacteria Acidiferrobacterales Acidiferrobacteraceae Acidiferrobacter Acidiferrobacter sp. SPIII_3 (UP000246696) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z3QZ79_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2Z3R2G0_9GAMM Sulfuricaulis Sulfuricaulis limicola (UP000243180) UniProtKB Star A0A1B4XGV7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1B4XEF4_9GAMM Sulfurifustis Sulfurifustis variabilis (UP000218899) UniProtKB Star A0A1B4V3F6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1B4V1F2_9GAMM Aeromonadales Aeromonadaceae Aeromonas Aeromonas hydrophila subsp. hydrophila (strain ATCC 7966 / DSM 30187 /... (UP000000756) UniProtKB Star SYE_AERHH UniProtKB Star A0KIG6_AERHH Aeromonas simiae (UP000594034) UniProtKB Star A0A5J6WV31_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5J6WTM7_9GAMM Oceanimonas Oceanimonas doudoroffii (UP000242757) UniProtKB Star A0A233RBU4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A233RHF9_9GAMM Oceanimonas sp. (strain GK1 / IBRC-M 10197) (UP000007742) UniProtKB Star H2FZ25_OCESG UniProtKB Star H2FWM0_OCESG Oceanisphaera Oceanisphaera arctica (UP000242231) UniProtKB Star A0A2P5TMK7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2P5TQ05_9GAMM Oceanisphaera avium (UP000243793) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0CY18_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0CUX8_9GAMM Tolumonas Tolumonas auensis (strain DSM 9187 / NBRC 110442 / TA 4) (UP000009073) UniProtKB Star C4L9K1_TOLAT UniProtKB Star SYQ_TOLAT Succinivibrionaceae Anaerobiospirillum Anaerobiospirillum thomasii (UP000250086) UniProtKB Star A0A2X0V5A4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2X0WZ14_9GAMM Ruminobacter Ruminobacter amylophilus (UP000243745) UniProtKB Star A0A662ZKT5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A662ZIR2_9GAMM Succinatimonas Succinatimonas hippei (strain DSM 22608 / JCM 16073 / KCTC 15190 / YIT... (UP000018458) UniProtKB Star E8LHQ7_SUCHY UniProtKB Star E8LMN5_SUCHY Succinivibrio Succinivibrio dextrinosolvens DSM 3072 (UP000242432) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4VP98_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1T4VN74_9GAMM Alkalimonas Alkalimonas amylolytica (UP000198773) UniProtKB Star A0A1H4EV67_ALKAM UniProtKB Star A0A1H3ZVK0_ALKAM Alteromonadales Alteromonadaceae Agaribacter Agaribacter marinus (UP001156601) UniProtKB Star A0AA37T234_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0AA37T0Y1_9ALTE Agarivorans Agarivorans sp. Toyoura001 (UP000304255) UniProtKB Star A0AA37B531_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0AA37B4I6_9ALTE Alginatibacterium Alginatibacterium sediminis (UP000286482) UniProtKB Star A0A420EA45_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A420EIA3_9ALTE Aliiglaciecola Aliiglaciecola lipolytica E3 (UP000006334) UniProtKB Star K6XQR9_9ALTE UniProtKB Star K6YCG7_9ALTE Aliiglaciecola sp. M165 (UP000317204) UniProtKB Star A0A553L6Z9_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A553L6H6_9ALTE Alishewanella Alishewanella agri BL06 (UP000035062) UniProtKB Star I9DTX5_9ALTE UniProtKB Star I8UCR9_9ALTE Alkalimarinus Alkalimarinus sediminis (UP001164472) UniProtKB Star A0A9E8KQI8_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A9E8HP02_9ALTE Alteromonadaceae bacterium (UP000541524) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y7DJ63_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A7Y7DKV1_9ALTE Alteromonadaceae bacterium 2753L.S.0a.02 (UP000318527) UniProtKB Star A0A559QNW1_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A559QMU0_9ALTE Alteromonadaceae bacterium Bs31 (UP000192901) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y6CF08_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A1Y6C908_9ALTE Alteromonadaceae bacterium M269 (UP000295324) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5HDP2_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A4R5HDB4_9ALTE Alteromonas/Salinimonas group Alteromonas Alteromonas aestuariivivens (UP000256561) UniProtKB Star A0A3D8M3R1_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A3D8M8A0_9ALTE Alteromonas australica (UP000056090) UniProtKB Star A0A075P595_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A075NWC4_9ALTE Alteromonas confluentis (UP000175691) UniProtKB Star A0A1E7Z737_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A1E7ZE32_9ALTE Alteromonas halophila (UP000631300) UniProtKB Star A0A918MVZ2_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A918JLM5_9ALTE Alteromonas lipolytica (UP000176037) UniProtKB Star A0A1E8FEM6_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A1E8FGL9_9ALTE Alteromonas pelagimontana (UP000219285) UniProtKB Star A0A6M4MCB2_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A6M4MH55_9ALTE Alteromonas sediminis (UP000275281) UniProtKB Star A0A3N5Y5W2_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A3N5Z994_9ALTE Alteromonas sp. 5E99-2 (UP000664717) UniProtKB Star A0A939KH10_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A939H5L7_9ALTE Alteromonas sp. KUL49 (UP000293649) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q8UHM1_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A4Q8UH46_9ALTE Salinimonas Salinimonas iocasae (UP000304912) UniProtKB Star A0A5B7YEH5_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A5B7YD26_9ALTE Salinimonas marina (UP000595095) UniProtKB Star A0A7S9HBY8_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A7S9DUT2_9ALTE Bowmanella Bowmanella dokdonensis (UP000664654) UniProtKB Star A0A939DNS2_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A939DQK2_9ALTE Bowmanella pacifica (UP000606935) UniProtKB Star A0A917Z2E6_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A917Z196_9ALTE Bowmanella sp. JS7-9 (UP000291390) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9XH62_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9XRW3_9ALTE Catenovulum Catenovulum agarivorans DS-2 (UP000019276) UniProtKB Star W7QU87_9ALTE UniProtKB Star W7QWT3_9ALTE Catenovulum maritimum (UP000037600) UniProtKB Star A0A0J8GZG1_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A0J8GYP3_9ALTE Glaciecola Glaciecola nitratireducens (strain JCM 12485 / KCTC 12276 / FR1064) (UP000009282) UniProtKB Star G4QL41_GLANF UniProtKB Star G4QLL2_GLANF Glaciecola punicea ACAM 611 (UP000053586) UniProtKB Star H5TAI6_9ALTE UniProtKB Star H5TA66_9ALTE UniProtKB Star H5TEV9_9ALTE Glaciecola sp. (strain KUL10) (UP000247426) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6UCF0_GLASK UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6UG33_GLASK Hydrocarboniclastica Hydrocarboniclastica marina (UP000298049) UniProtKB Star A0A4V1D8L2_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A4P7XG63_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A4P7XDF9_9ALTE Lacimicrobium Lacimicrobium alkaliphilum (UP000068447) UniProtKB Star A0A0U3AZ93_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A0U3AHX6_9ALTE Marisediminitalea Marisediminitalea aggregata (UP000184520) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5K752_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A1M5IUB1_9ALTE Neptunicella Neptunicella marina (UP000601768) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6M6I0_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A8J6M478_9ALTE Opacimonas Opacimonas viscosa (UP001165413) UniProtKB Star A0AA42BMF9_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0AA41X161_9ALTE Paraglaciecola Paraglaciecola arctica BSs20135 (UP000006327) UniProtKB Star K6ZC59_9ALTE UniProtKB Star K6YL89_9ALTE Paraglaciecola mesophila (UP000464524) UniProtKB Star A0A857JSU9_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A857JDS7_9ALTE Paraglaciecola psychrophila 170 (UP000011864) UniProtKB Star K6YSP1_9ALTE UniProtKB Star K7A6I4_9ALTE Paraglaciecola sp. MB-3u-78 (UP000233828) UniProtKB Star A0A2N1D6E1_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A2N1DDK4_9ALTE Saccharobesus Saccharobesus litoralis (UP000244441) UniProtKB Star A0A2S0VU70_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A2S0VUZ1_9ALTE Saliniradius Saliniradius amylolyticus (UP000245728) UniProtKB Star A0A2S2E2V6_9ALTE UniProtKB Star A0A2S2E286_9ALTE Alteromonadales bacterium alter-6D02 (UP000233605) UniProtKB Star A0A2N0WT30_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2N0WT18_9GAMM Alteromonadales genera incertae sedis Motilimonas Motilimonas pumila (UP000283255) UniProtKB Star A0A418YGX8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A418YEV6_9GAMM Colwelliaceae Colwellia Colwellia chukchiensis (UP000199297) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7M596_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H7R280_9GAMM Colwellia ponticola (UP000307702) UniProtKB Star A0A8H2JJ13_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A8H2PLF2_9GAMM Colwellia sp. 12G3 (UP000233831) UniProtKB Star A0A2N1IJ92_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2N1IGQ3_9GAMM Colwellia sp. C1TZA3 (UP000321702) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6QN20_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5C6QJI5_9GAMM Colwellia sp. MT41 (UP000065319) UniProtKB Star A0A0S2JEG4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0S2JEH4_9GAMM Colwellia sp. PAMC 20917 (UP000177820) UniProtKB Star A0A1D8RRX5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1D8RS37_9GAMM Litorilituus Litorilituus lipolyticus (UP000315303) UniProtKB Star A0A502L6J5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A502KRU2_9GAMM Thalassomonas Thalassomonas actiniarum (UP000032568) UniProtKB Star A0AAF0C5N2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0AAF0BYR4_9GAMM Thalassomonas sp. M1454 (UP000318329) UniProtKB Star A0A553FIE6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A553FH65_9GAMM Thalassotalea Thalassotalea agarivorans (UP000199308) UniProtKB Star A0A1I0BR04_THASX UniProtKB Star A0A1I0EP00_THASX Thalassotalea algicola (UP000568664) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y0LDH0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7Y0LDZ7_9GAMM Thalassotalea euphylliae (UP000256899) UniProtKB Star A0A3E0TXC4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3E0TIN3_9GAMM Thalassotalea mangrovi (UP000307999) UniProtKB Star A0A4U1B2V2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4U1B5G7_9GAMM Thalassotalea marina (UP000623842) UniProtKB Star A0A919BRL6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A919EK46_9GAMM Thalassotalea piscium (UP000537141) UniProtKB Star A0A7X0NF19_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7X0NII2_9GAMM Thalassotalea sp. HSM 43 (UP000294826) UniProtKB Star A0A4P7JI59_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4P7JP17_9GAMM Thalassotalea sp. LPB0316 (UP000594087) UniProtKB Star A0A7L9S386_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7L9S1Z4_9GAMM Thalassotalea sp. ND16A (UP000029848) UniProtKB Star A0A099L1B7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A099LD94_9GAMM Thalassotalea sp. PP2-459 (UP000186791) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q6CMT9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1Q6CH25_9GAMM Echinimonadaceae Echinimonas Echinimonas agarilytica (UP001165393) UniProtKB Star A0AA41W5N2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0AA42B8D8_9GAMM Neiella Neiella litorisoli (UP000638014) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6R4D6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A8J6UJQ6_9GAMM Ferrimonadaceae Ferrimonas Ferrimonas aestuarii (UP000305675) UniProtKB Star A0A4U1BFM3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4U1BMI7_9GAMM Ferrimonas balearica (strain DSM 9799 / CCM 4581 / KCTC 23876 / PAT) (UP000006683) UniProtKB Star E1SPF6_FERBD UniProtKB Star E1SMN5_FERBD Ferrimonas lipolytica (UP000501602) UniProtKB Star A0A6H1U9X1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6H1UAG2_9GAMM Ferrimonas marina (UP000184268) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5Y8I0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1M5YUV2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1M5ZEY1_9GAMM Ferrimonas sediminicola (UP000305674) UniProtKB Star A0A4U1B8C5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4U1BC65_9GAMM Paraferrimonas Paraferrimonas haliotis (UP001157439) UniProtKB Star A0AA37TW54_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0AA37TRD8_9GAMM Paraferrimonas sedimenticola (UP001161422) UniProtKB Star A0AA37VWH4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0AA37VSA2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0AA37RUN0_9GAMM Idiomarinaceae Aliidiomarina Aliidiomarina haloalkalitolerans (UP000288212) UniProtKB Star A0A432VXF8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A432VZ10_9GAMM Aliidiomarina minuta (UP000288293) UniProtKB Star A0A432W7Z6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A432W7H7_9GAMM Aliidiomarina sanyensis (UP000288405) UniProtKB Star A0A432WNE3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A432WR46_9GAMM Aliidiomarina soli (UP000287823) UniProtKB Star A0A432WH27_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A432WHL1_9GAMM Aliidiomarina taiwanensis (UP000286976) UniProtKB Star A0A432X1U3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A432XAJ9_9GAMM Idiomarina Idiomarina loihiensis (strain ATCC BAA-735 / DSM 15497 / L2-TR) (UP000001171) UniProtKB Star SYE_IDILO UniProtKB Star SYQ_IDILO Idiomarina seosinensis (UP000287908) UniProtKB Star A0A432ZJ56_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A432ZIH2_9GAMM Idiomarina sp. A28L (UP000053031) UniProtKB Star F7S0W5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star F7RZ48_9GAMM Idiomarina sp. MD25a (UP000181743) UniProtKB Star A0A1S2T509_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1S2T5T4_9GAMM Idiomarina tyrosinivorans (UP000287996) UniProtKB Star A0A432ZLG8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A432ZUF2_9GAMM Idiomarina xiamenensis 10-D-4 (UP000014115) UniProtKB Star K2KAC9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star K2KJD1_9GAMM Pseudidiomarina Pseudidiomarina indica (UP000199626) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6CA80_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1G6AQS8_9GAMM Pseudidiomarina piscicola (UP000481517) UniProtKB Star A0A6S6WPZ1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6S6WQW8_9GAMM Pseudidiomarina planktonica (UP000194450) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y6F5P0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y6F0U3_9GAMM Pseudidiomarina salinarum (UP000054363) UniProtKB Star A0A094J0P3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A094J1V4_9GAMM Pseudidiomarina taiwanensis (UP000288279) UniProtKB Star A0A432ZNS7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A432ZMQ7_9GAMM Moritellaceae Moritella Moritella sp. Urea-trap-13 (UP000243369) UniProtKB Star A0A2I0FD92_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2I0FAA5_9GAMM Pseudoalteromonadaceae Pseudoalteromonas Pseudoalteromonas denitrificans DSM 6059 (UP000198862) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1E1X0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I1G878_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I1E3J7_9GAMM Pseudoalteromonas galatheae (UP000307537) Pseudoalteromonas luteoviolacea DSM 6061 (UP000076643) UniProtKB Star A0A166XKP1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A161ZTS8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A167CCK8_9GAMM Pseudoalteromonas phenolica (UP000061457) UniProtKB Star A0A0S2JZH4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0S2K287_9GAMM Pseudoalteromonas piratica (UP000030341) UniProtKB Star A0A0A7EDP8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0A7EGH0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0A7EFF5_9GAMM Pseudoalteromonas rubra (UP000033452) UniProtKB Star A0A0F4QNZ7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0F4QX68_9GAMM Pseudoalteromonas ruthenica (UP000033664) UniProtKB Star A0A0F4PMK1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0F4Q214_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0F4PTX1_9GAMM Pseudoalteromonas sp. CIP111854 (UP001152467) UniProtKB Star A0A9W4VU38_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A9W4QXA7_9GAMM Pseudoalteromonas sp. MSK9-3 (UP000266286) UniProtKB Star A0A3A3D4R5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3A3DNW7_9GAMM Pseudoalteromonas sp. NBT06-2 (UP000215836) UniProtKB Star A0A269PR86_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A269PT02_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A269PU66_9GAMM Pseudoalteromonas sp. NC201 (UP000234640) UniProtKB Star A0A2K9JUQ6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2K9JWW1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2K9K0U5_9GAMM Pseudoalteromonas translucida (strain TAC 125) (UP000006843) UniProtKB Star SYE_PSET1 UniProtKB Star SYQ_PSET1 Pseudoalteromonas ulvae (UP000194841) UniProtKB Star A0A244CQA2_PSEDV UniProtKB Star A0A244CM66_PSEDV Pseudoalteromonas xiamenensis (UP000664904) UniProtKB Star A0A975HLT0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A975DHZ2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A975DLA2_9GAMM Psychrosphaera Psychrosphaera haliotis (UP000439994) UniProtKB Star A0A6N8F6A4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6N8F562_9GAMM Psychrosphaera saromensis (UP000239007) UniProtKB Star A0A2S7UWX0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2S7UWF4_9GAMM Psychrosphaera ytuae (UP000682739) UniProtKB Star A0A975DCY1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A975DBT9_9GAMM Psychromonadaceae Corallincola Corallincola holothuriorum (UP000252558) UniProtKB Star A0A368NGX0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A368NKY1_9GAMM Psychromonas Psychromonas ingrahamii (strain DSM 17664 / CCUG 51855 / 37) (UP000000639) UniProtKB Star SYE_PSYIN UniProtKB Star SYQ_PSYIN Psychromonas sp. B3M02 (UP000252071) UniProtKB Star A0A366WH02_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A366WF48_9GAMM Psychromonas sp. CNPT3 (UP000010320) UniProtKB Star M4U3N6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star M4U6Y1_9GAMM Psychromonas sp. RZ22 (UP000297619) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y7ZW72_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4Y7ZYW5_9GAMM Psychromonas sp. Urea-02u-13 (UP000233836) UniProtKB Star A0A2N1A1Y3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2N1A7B1_9GAMM Psychromonas sp. psych-6C06 (UP000233619) UniProtKB Star A0A2N0X166_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2N0WZQ6_9GAMM Shewanellaceae Parashewanella Parashewanella curva (UP000281474) UniProtKB Star A0A3L8Q3M9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3L8PQJ9_9GAMM Parashewanella spongiae (UP000273022) UniProtKB Star A0A3A6TXE6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3A6T6B3_9GAMM Shewanella Shewanella algae (UP000254069) UniProtKB Star A0A380BFZ9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A380C6C2_9GAMM Shewanella amazonensis (strain ATCC BAA-1098 / SB2B) (UP000009175) UniProtKB Star SYE_SHEAM UniProtKB Star A1S4W7_SHEAM Shewanella baltica (strain OS155 / ATCC BAA-1091) (UP000001557) UniProtKB Star SYE_SHEB5 UniProtKB Star A3D2Z7_SHEB5 Shewanella cyperi (UP000663281) UniProtKB Star A0A975AJM6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A974XMN0_9GAMM Shewanella denitrificans (strain OS217 / ATCC BAA-1090 / DSM 15013) (UP000001982) UniProtKB Star SYE_SHEDO UniProtKB Star Q12LI3_SHEDO Shewanella fodinae (UP000294832) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2FB15_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R2FKV4_9GAMM Shewanella frigidimarina (strain NCIMB 400) (UP000000684) UniProtKB Star SYE_SHEFN UniProtKB Star Q07ZV9_SHEFN Shewanella gaetbuli (UP001139333) UniProtKB Star A0A9X2CHM4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A9X1ZWF5_9GAMM Shewanella gelidii (UP000613743) UniProtKB Star A0A917JK95_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A917N9I0_9GAMM Shewanella loihica (strain ATCC BAA-1088 / PV-4) (UP000001558) UniProtKB Star SYE_SHELP UniProtKB Star A3QFY4_SHELP Shewanella mangrovi (UP000029264) UniProtKB Star A0A094LPH5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A094JDS7_9GAMM Shewanella oneidensis (strain ATCC 700550 / JCM 31522 / CIP 106686 / L... (UP000008186) UniProtKB Star K4PSJ0_SHEON UniProtKB Star SYQ_SHEON Shewanella pealeana (strain ATCC 700345 / ANG-SQ1) (UP000002608) UniProtKB Star SYE_SHEPA UniProtKB Star A8H622_SHEPA Shewanella salipaludis (UP000737113) UniProtKB Star A0A972G6Z4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A972JLV4_9GAMM Shewanella sediminis (strain HAW-EB3) (UP000002015) UniProtKB Star SYE_SHESH UniProtKB Star A8FTH1_SHESH Shewanella sp. P1-14-1 (UP000050414) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q0ILD5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0Q0HEB9_9GAMM Shewanella sp. SNU WT4 (UP000316850) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y6IDG8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4Y6IBG9_9GAMM Shewanella sp. XMDDZSB0408 (UP000477631) UniProtKB Star A0A6L5NUK2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6L5NV94_9GAMM Shewanella violacea (strain JCM 10179 / CIP 106290 / LMG 19151 / DSS12) (UP000002350) UniProtKB Star D4ZIL4_SHEVD UniProtKB Star D4ZAD2_SHEVD Shewanella woodyi (strain ATCC 51908 / MS32) (UP000002168) UniProtKB Star SYE_SHEWM UniProtKB Star B1KLU5_SHEWM gamma proteobacterium IMCC1989 (UP000010300) UniProtKB Star F3LGQ2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star F3LHL0_9GAMM Arenicellales Arenicellaceae Arenicella Arenicella chitinivorans (UP000614811) UniProtKB Star A0A918VNW7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A918VP02_9GAMM Arenicella xantha (UP000253083) UniProtKB Star A0A395JNC9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A395JNH8_9GAMM Bathymodiolus platifrons methanotrophic gill symbiont (UP000196430) UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5HA36_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5H8D8_9GAMM Candidatus Azoamicaceae Candidatus Azoamicus Candidatus Azoamicus ciliaticola (UP000509549) UniProtKB Star A0A6J5JXX5_9GAMM Candidatus Berkiellales Candidatus Berkiellaceae Candidatus Berkiella Candidatus Berkiella aquae (UP000051497) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q9YP12_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0Q9YWX0_9GAMM Candidatus Berkiella cookevillensis (UP000051494) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q9YPG2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0Q9Y9H8_9GAMM Candidatus Competibacteraceae Plasticicumulans Plasticicumulans acidivorans (UP000246569) UniProtKB Star A0A317MSQ1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A317MX82_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A317N0C3_9GAMM Plasticicumulans lactativorans (UP000295765) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2L6T2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R2L9Z3_9GAMM Candidatus Nardonella endosymbiont of Pachyrhynchus infernalis (UP000290088) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5TNS1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5TFV7_9GAMM endosymbiont of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (UP000289537) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5T3N1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5T7P7_9GAMM endosymbiont of Sipalinus gigas (UP000289404) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5TA77_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5TJ76_9GAMM Candidatus Palibaumannia Baumannia cicadellinicola subsp. Homalodisca coagulata (UP000002427) UniProtKB Star SYE_BAUCH UniProtKB Star Q1LTZ7_BAUCH Candidatus Palibaumannia cicadellinicola (UP000056466) UniProtKB Star A0A0K2BLC4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0K2BK31_9GAMM Candidatus Pseudothioglobus Candidatus Pseudothioglobus singularis PS1 (UP000068905) UniProtKB Star A0A0M3T1W4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0M3T274_9GAMM Candidatus Thioglobus Candidatus Thioglobus autotrophicus (UP000058020) UniProtKB Star A0A0M4NFV3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0M4PMJ7_9GAMM Cardiobacteriales Cardiobacteriaceae Cardiobacterium Cardiobacterium hominis (strain ATCC 15826 / DSM 8339 / NCTC 10426 / 6... (UP000004870) UniProtKB Star C8N9G0_CARH6 UniProtKB Star C8NB30_CARH6 Cardiobacterium valvarum (UP000254572) UniProtKB Star A0A381DXP8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A381EBD8_9GAMM Dichelobacter Dichelobacter nodosus (strain VCS1703A) (UP000000248) UniProtKB Star SYE_DICNV UniProtKB Star A5EXN7_DICNV Suttonella Suttonella indologenes (UP000254575) UniProtKB Star A0A380MZ61_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A380N0S5_9GAMM Suttonella ornithocola (UP000254601) UniProtKB Star A0A380MK76_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A380MZW3_9GAMM Ignatzschineriaceae Ignatzschineria Ignatzschineria ureiclastica (UP000245020) UniProtKB Star A0A2U2ACH8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2U2AGJ0_9GAMM Wohlfahrtiimonas Wohlfahrtiimonas chitiniclastica SH04 (UP000011617) UniProtKB Star L8XV98_9GAMM UniProtKB Star L8XWW4_9GAMM Ostreibacteriaceae Ostreibacterium Ostreibacterium oceani (UP000471298) UniProtKB Star A0A6N7EZG4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6N7F0I8_9GAMM Celerinatantimonadaceae Celerinatantimonas Celerinatantimonas diazotrophica (UP000295565) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1K4I6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R1J7M7_9GAMM Cellvibrionales Cellvibrionaceae Aestuariicella Aestuariicella hydrocarbonica (UP000787472) UniProtKB Star A0A9E5JQK4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A9E5MLT3_9GAMM Cellvibrio Cellvibrio japonicus (strain Ueda107) (UP000001036) UniProtKB Star SYE_CELJU UniProtKB Star B3PEV6_CELJU Cellvibrio polysaccharolyticus (UP000652567) UniProtKB Star A0A928YTJ2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A928YW19_9GAMM Cellvibrio sp. KY-GH-1 (UP000327354) UniProtKB Star A0A5J6PJ55_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5J6P2Z3_9GAMM Cellvibrio sp. PSBB006 (UP000196143) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0FUW6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0FT87_9GAMM Cellvibrio sp. PSBB023 (UP000189646) UniProtKB Star A0A1U9NF22_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1U9N6U6_9GAMM Exilibacterium Exilibacterium tricleocarpae (UP000319732) UniProtKB Star A0A545TNI3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A545TLS4_9GAMM Gilvimarinus Gilvimarinus sp. DA14 (UP001056808) UniProtKB Star A0A9J7A5L7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A9J7A854_9GAMM Marinibactrum Marinibactrum halimedae (UP001156870) UniProtKB Star A0AA37TBY2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0AA37T7L8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0AA37WMZ5_9GAMM Marinimicrobium Marinimicrobium koreense (UP000273643) UniProtKB Star A0A3N1NU73_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3N1NY41_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3N1P867_9GAMM Pseudomaricurvus Pseudomaricurvus sp. HS19 (UP000467441) UniProtKB Star A0A845FNP6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A845FNS6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A845FVV9_9GAMM Pseudoteredinibacter Pseudoteredinibacter isoporae (UP000528457) UniProtKB Star A0A7X0JVN1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7X0JVP0_9GAMM Saccharophagus Saccharophagus degradans (strain 2-40 / ATCC 43961 / DSM 17024) (UP000001947) UniProtKB Star SYE_SACD2 UniProtKB Star Q21JG7_SACD2 Simiduia Simiduia aestuariiviva (UP000559987) UniProtKB Star A0A839UIW0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A839UJM9_9GAMM Simiduia agarivorans (strain DSM 21679 / JCM 13881 / BCRC 17597 / SA1) (UP000000466) UniProtKB Star R9S4Z0_SIMAS UniProtKB Star K4KTN3_SIMAS UniProtKB Star K4KHT2_SIMAS Teredinibacter Teredinibacter turnerae (strain ATCC 39867 / T7901) (UP000009080) UniProtKB Star C5BLR1_TERTT UniProtKB Star C5BI14_TERTT Umboniibacter Umboniibacter marinipuniceus (UP000267187) UniProtKB Star A0A3M0A157_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3M0AF75_9GAMM Halieaceae Aequoribacter Aequoribacter fuscus (UP000005615) UniProtKB Star F3KZW0_9GAMM Chromatocurvus Chromatocurvus halotolerans (UP000294980) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2L346_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R2KZH6_9GAMM Congregibacter Congregibacter litoralis KT71 (UP000019205) UniProtKB Star A4ACF8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A4A860_9GAMM Halioglobus Halioglobus maricola (UP000326287) UniProtKB Star A0A5P9NIS1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5P9NJX9_9GAMM Halioglobus pacificus (UP000644693) UniProtKB Star A0A918XH39_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A918XGZ9_9GAMM Kineobactrum Kineobactrum salinum (UP000477680) UniProtKB Star A0A6C0TWJ9_9GAMM Kineobactrum sediminis (UP000234845) UniProtKB Star A0A2N5Y324_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2N5Y1N4_9GAMM Luminiphilus Luminiphilus syltensis NOR5-1B (UP000004699) UniProtKB Star B8KXN1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star B8KYF2_9GAMM Mangrovimicrobium Mangrovimicrobium sediminis (UP000298050) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0M9M3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0M9Y0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0LUN8_9GAMM Parahaliea Parahaliea aestuarii (UP000321933) UniProtKB Star A0A5C8ZUH6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5C9A0A5_9GAMM Parahaliea mediterranea (UP000664303) UniProtKB Star A0A939IM51_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A939IK37_9GAMM Pseudohaliea Pseudohaliea rubra DSM 19751 (UP000029640) UniProtKB Star A0A095VUW0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A095XSZ3_9GAMM Pseudohalioglobus Pseudohalioglobus lutimaris (UP000235005) UniProtKB Star A0A2N5X3D6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2N5X4N4_9GAMM Sediminihaliea Sediminihaliea albiluteola (UP000539350) UniProtKB Star A0A7W2TU67_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7W2YI26_9GAMM Seongchinamella Seongchinamella unica (UP000295554) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5LTQ6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4V2ZX88_9GAMM gamma proteobacterium HIMB55 (UP000003408) UniProtKB Star H3NW34_9GAMM UniProtKB Star H3NT36_9GAMM marine gamma proteobacterium HTCC2080 (UP000004719) UniProtKB Star A0Z800_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0Z912_9GAMM marine gamma proteobacterium HTCC2148 (UP000002793) UniProtKB Star B7RZ06_9GAMM UniProtKB Star B7RU77_9GAMM Microbulbiferaceae Microbulbifer Microbulbifer agarilyticus (UP000188219) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q2M2K0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1Q2M3Y7_9GAMM Microbulbifer rhizosphaerae (UP000535937) UniProtKB Star A0A7W4ZB42_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7W4WFE1_9GAMM Microbulbifer sp. THAF38 (UP000326835) UniProtKB Star A0A5P9ETQ6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5P9EWQ5_9GAMM Microbulbifer sp. ZGT114 (UP000054457) UniProtKB Star A0A0X3U690_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0X3UB23_9GAMM Microbulbifer thermotolerans (UP000076077) UniProtKB Star A0A143HNS3_MICTH UniProtKB Star A0A143HME3_MICTH Porticoccaceae Gammaproteobacteria bacterium MOLA455 (UP000018839) UniProtKB Star W2UER5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star W2UGE1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star W2UCZ1_9GAMM Porticoccaceae bacterium LTM1 (UP001177579) UniProtKB Star A0AA95N9E9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0AA95SL26_9GAMM SAR92 clade Gammaproteobacteria bacterium LSUCC0057 (UP000298133) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8UPI0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8UL52_9GAMM Spongiibacteraceae BD1-7 clade BD1-7 clade bacterium (UP000441399) UniProtKB Star A0A5S9R016_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5S9QXP6_9GAMM marine gamma proteobacterium HTCC2143 (UP000004931) UniProtKB Star A0YE84_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0YGS6_9GAMM Dasania Dasania phycosphaerae (UP001069090) UniProtKB Star A0A9J6RNW0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A9J6RS19_9GAMM Oceanicoccus Oceanicoccus sagamiensis (UP000193450) UniProtKB Star A0A1X9NGN5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1X9NCZ7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1X9N717_9GAMM Sinobacterium Sinobacterium caligoides (UP000275394) UniProtKB Star A0A3N2D5Q6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3N2DZC5_9GAMM Spongiibacter Spongiibacter nanhainus (UP000596063) UniProtKB Star A0A7T4R3P8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7T4R3U7_9GAMM Spongiibacter pelagi (UP000610558) UniProtKB Star A0A927C1L5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A927C2U2_9GAMM Spongiibacter sp. IMCC21906 (UP000035013) UniProtKB Star A0A0F7M2F2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0F7M6S9_9GAMM Zhongshania Zhongshania aliphaticivorans (UP000435877) UniProtKB Star A0A5S9QQE0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5S9NJ99_9GAMM gamma proteobacterium BDW918 (UP000003473) UniProtKB Star I2JMU7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star I2JJI1_9GAMM Chromatiales Chromatiaceae Allochromatium Allochromatium vinosum (strain ATCC 17899 / DSM 180 / NBRC 103801 / NC... (UP000001441) UniProtKB Star D3RNB9_ALLVD UniProtKB Star D3RND2_ALLVD UniProtKB Star D3RMR4_ALLVD Allochromatium warmingii (UP000198672) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3FVK6_ALLWA UniProtKB Star A0A1H3GX75_ALLWA Arsukibacterium Arsukibacterium sp. MJ3 (UP000034895) UniProtKB Star A0A0M2VEX0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0M2VJB4_9GAMM Caldichromatium Caldichromatium japonicum (UP000502699) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7VGN5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6G7VGC8_9GAMM Candidatus Nitrosacidococcus Candidatus Nitrosacidococcus tergens (UP000516072) UniProtKB Star A0A7G1Q7D4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7G1Q8F3_9GAMM Candidatus Nitrosoglobus Candidatus Nitrosoglobus terrae (UP000243679) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q2SPQ4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1Q2SM58_9GAMM Candidatus Tenderia Candidatus Tenderia electrophaga (UP000055136) UniProtKB Star A0A0S2TFT0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0S2TFP0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0S2THQ4_9GAMM Chromatium Chromatium okenii (UP000239936) UniProtKB Star A0A2S7XSM6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2S7XSV1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2S7XRC7_9GAMM Halochromatium Halochromatium glycolicum (UP001296776) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0U349_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0U6K4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0XCL9_9GAMM Halochromatium salexigens (UP001296967) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0UDF1_HALSE UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0UGD3_HALSE UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0UIE5_HALSE Imhoffiella Imhoffiella purpurea (UP000019460) UniProtKB Star W9VE92_9GAMM UniProtKB Star W9V4V9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star W9VGZ5_9GAMM Lamprobacter Lamprobacter modestohalophilus (UP001138768) UniProtKB Star A0A9X0WE89_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A9X0WBH4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A9X0W9P1_9GAMM Marichromatium Marichromatium purpuratum 984 (UP000005275) UniProtKB Star W0E2F5_MARPU UniProtKB Star W0E219_MARPU Nitrosococcus Nitrosococcus halophilus (strain Nc4) (UP000001844) UniProtKB Star D5C3H2_NITHN UniProtKB Star D5BYC6_NITHN Nitrosococcus oceani (strain ATCC 19707 / BCRC 17464 / JCM 30415 / NCI... (UP000006838) UniProtKB Star SYE1_NITOC UniProtKB Star SYE2_NITOC Rheinheimera Rheinheimera mesophila (UP000276260) UniProtKB Star A0A3P3QQ45_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3P3QNT1_9GAMM Rheinheimera nanhaiensis E407-8 (UP000004374) UniProtKB Star I1DTK6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star I1E0Y4_9GAMM Rheinheimera salexigens (UP000242258) UniProtKB Star A0A1E7Q5J1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1E7Q619_9GAMM Rheinheimera sp. D18 (UP000291444) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6VPN7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4P6VTG8_9GAMM Rheinheimera sp. F8 (UP000059499) UniProtKB Star A0A0U4X301_9GAMM Rheinheimera sp. SA_1 (UP000092258) UniProtKB Star A0A1B7ULX7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1B7UKU7_9GAMM Thiobaca Thiobaca trueperi (UP000295717) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3N6Z8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4V2V1Y6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R3MR69_9GAMM Thiocapsa Thiocapsa imhoffii (UP001138802) UniProtKB Star A0A9X0WHQ3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A9X0WHG3_9GAMM Thiocapsa marina 5811 (UP000005459) UniProtKB Star F9U507_9GAMM UniProtKB Star F9U7W2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star F9UFM5_9GAMM Thiocystis Thiocystis violascens (strain ATCC 17096 / DSM 198 / 6111) (UP000006062) UniProtKB Star I3YFB4_THIV6 UniProtKB Star I3YBK4_THIV6 Thiodictyon Candidatus Thiodictyon syntrophicum (UP000232638) UniProtKB Star A0A2K8U3Z9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2K8U8L6_9GAMM Thioflavicoccus Thioflavicoccus mobilis 8321 (UP000010816) UniProtKB Star L0GXY2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star L0GVP0_9GAMM Thiohalocapsa Thiohalocapsa marina (UP000322981) UniProtKB Star A0A5M8FPB0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5M8FQ50_9GAMM Thiohalocapsa sp. PB-PSB1 (UP000017935) UniProtKB Star V4JJ25_9GAMM Thiorhodococcus Thiorhodococcus minor (UP000483379) UniProtKB Star A0A6M0K3B8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6M0K4E0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6M0K0G7_9GAMM Thiorhodovibrio Thiorhodovibrio frisius (UP000002964) UniProtKB Star H8Z4F5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star H8Z3J4_9GAMM Thiospirillum Thiospirillum jenense (UP000548632) UniProtKB Star A0A839HB39_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A839HF21_9GAMM Ectothiorhodospiraceae Acidihalobacter Acidihalobacter aeolianus (UP000095342) UniProtKB Star A0A1D8K680_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1D8K8Q8_9GAMM Acidihalobacter ferrooxydans (UP000243807) UniProtKB Star A0A1P8UK35_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1P8UEV4_9GAMM Acidihalobacter prosperus (UP000029273) UniProtKB Star A0A1A6C2C4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1A6C6W9_9GAMM Alkalilimnicola Alkalilimnicola ehrlichii (UP000256763) UniProtKB Star A0A3E0WUV8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3E0WVB6_9GAMM Alkalilimnicola ehrlichii (strain ATCC BAA-1101 / DSM 17681 / MLHE-1) (UP000001962) UniProtKB Star SYE1_ALKEH UniProtKB Star SYE2_ALKEH Alkalilimnicola sp. S0819 (UP000438795) UniProtKB Star A0A833ISK4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A833IS56_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A833ISX2_9GAMM Aquisalimonas Aquisalimonas asiatica (UP000199657) UniProtKB Star A0A1H8UJG4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H8RYY1_9GAMM Aquisalimonas sp. 2447 (UP000502501) UniProtKB Star A0A6H0IY78_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6H0IZ64_9GAMM Candidatus Macondimonas Candidatus Macondimonas diazotrophica (UP000297890) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0FC25_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0F9K4_9GAMM Ectothiorhodosinus Ectothiorhodosinus mongolicus (UP000223759) UniProtKB Star A0A1R3W579_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1R3W6T0_9GAMM Ectothiorhodospira Ectothiorhodospira magna (UP000199496) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9DCB8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H9F2X0_9GAMM Ectothiorhodospira marina (UP000199256) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7FE69_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H7M0W4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H7FEW6_9GAMM Ectothiorhodospira mobilis (UP000199556) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4QPM4_ECTMO UniProtKB Star A0A1I4QRF7_ECTMO Ectothiorhodospiraceae bacterium 2226 (UP000509184) UniProtKB Star A0A6N1DRK8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6N1DL86_9GAMM Ectothiorhodospiraceae bacterium AqS1 (UP000606098) UniProtKB Star A0A930Y3Z7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A930URZ3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A930UJN4_9GAMM Ectothiorhodospiraceae bacterium BW-2 (UP000324770) UniProtKB Star A0A5C2HP84_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5C2HNQ5_9GAMM Ectothiorhodospiraceae bacterium WFHF3C12 (UP000534375) UniProtKB Star A0A7V8QH77_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7V8QHE8_9GAMM Halorhodospira Halorhodospira halochloris (UP000218890) UniProtKB Star A0A0X8X9C4_HALHR UniProtKB Star A0A0X8X8N9_HALHR Halorhodospira halophila (strain DSM 244 / SL1) (UP000000647) UniProtKB Star SYE2_HALHL UniProtKB Star SYE1_HALHL Inmirania Inmirania thermothiophila (UP000276634) UniProtKB Star A0A3N1Y0Z0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3N1Y1L4_9GAMM Natronocella Natronocella acetinitrilica (UP001205843) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3KBK1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0AAE3KD82_9GAMM Nitrococcus Nitrococcus mobilis Nb-231 (UP000003374) UniProtKB Star A4BQE3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A4BQ92_9GAMM Spiribacter Spiribacter curvatus (UP000017640) UniProtKB Star U5T475_9GAMM UniProtKB Star U5T4C3_9GAMM Spiribacter halobius (UP000245474) UniProtKB Star A0A2U2MZT4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2U2N5W5_9GAMM Spiribacter salilacus (UP000433788) UniProtKB Star A0A6N7QYD6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6N7R1B0_9GAMM Spiribacter salinus M19-40 (UP000017881) UniProtKB Star R4VP16_9GAMM UniProtKB Star R4VGM6_9GAMM Spiribacter sp. (UP001181779) UniProtKB Star A0AAE4DGI6_9GAMM Spiribacter sp. 2438 (UP000363759) UniProtKB Star A0A6B8JUG3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6B8JRT2_9GAMM Thioalbus Thioalbus denitrificans (UP000252707) UniProtKB Star A0A369CDG9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A369CHK5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A369CCA4_9GAMM Thioalkalivibrio Thioalkalivibrio denitrificans (UP000189462) UniProtKB Star A0A1V3NJH9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1V3NKA1_9GAMM Thioalkalivibrio halophilus (UP000189177) UniProtKB Star A0A1V3A046_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1V2ZX47_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1V2ZZI6_9GAMM Thioalkalivibrio paradoxus ARh 1 (UP000005289) UniProtKB Star W0DME7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star W0DMR4_9GAMM Thioalkalivibrio sulfidiphilus (strain HL-EbGR7) (UP000002383) UniProtKB Star B8GRV9_THISH UniProtKB Star B8GNT4_THISH UniProtKB Star B8GP29_THISH Thioalkalivibrio versutus (UP000064201) UniProtKB Star A0A0G3G0M1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0G3G3M6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0G3G5A6_9GAMM Thiogranum Thiogranum longum (UP000295707) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1HL83_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R1HBR5_9GAMM Granulosicoccaceae Granulosicoccus Granulosicoccus antarcticus IMCC3135 (UP000250079) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z2P0L2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2Z2P2D0_9GAMM Halothiobacillaceae Halothiobacillus Halothiobacillus diazotrophicus (UP000078596) UniProtKB Star A0A191ZFT0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A191ZE05_9GAMM Halothiobacillus neapolitanus (strain ATCC 23641 / c2) (UP000009102) UniProtKB Star D0KYL1_HALNC UniProtKB Star D0L033_HALNC Oceanococcaceae Abyssibacter Abyssibacter profundi (UP000251800) UniProtKB Star A0A363UM04_9GAMM Oceanococcus Oceanococcus atlanticus (UP000192342) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1SFZ3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1SE30_9GAMM Sedimenticolaceae Candidatus Thiodiazotropha Candidatus Thiodiazotropha endoloripes (UP000094849) UniProtKB Star A0A1E2URT3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1E2URY9_9GAMM Candidatus Thiodiazotropha endolucinida (UP000094769) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z0VJM8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7Z0VKE1_9GAMM Sedimenticola Candidatus Sedimenticola endophacoides (UP000243361) Sedimenticola thiotaurini (UP000034410) UniProtKB Star A0A0F7JWU8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0F7JYV1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0F7JWE6_9GAMM Thiolapillus Thiolapillus brandeum (UP000031631) UniProtKB Star A0A7U6JIR6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7U6JHI7_9GAMM Thioalkalibacteraceae Guyparkeria Guyparkeria sp. XI15 (UP000053033) UniProtKB Star A0A0W1RVF2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0W1RVE3_9GAMM Wenzhouxiangellaceae Marinihelvus Marinihelvus fidelis (UP000325372) UniProtKB Star A0A5N0TDS1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5N0T522_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5N0TBI0_9GAMM Wenzhouxiangella Wenzhouxiangella limi (UP000484885) UniProtKB Star A0A845UYM6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A845V1N6_9GAMM Wenzhouxiangella marina (UP000066624) UniProtKB Star A0A0K0XX32_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0K0XSH8_9GAMM Wenzhouxiangella sp. 15181 (UP000262558) UniProtKB Star A0A372BTJ4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A372BU84_9GAMM Wenzhouxiangella sp. AB-CW3 (UP000554683) UniProtKB Star A0A7H4GJJ4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7H4GMV3_9GAMM Wenzhouxiangella sp. XN24 (UP000476891) UniProtKB Star A0A6M1Y982_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6M1Y8Z1_9GAMM Enterobacterales Bruguierivoracaceae Biostraticola Biostraticola tofi (UP000295719) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3Z8P7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R3YXQ5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R3Z0P6_9GAMM Sodalis Candidatus Sodalis pierantonius str. SOPE (UP000019025) UniProtKB Star W0HKS0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star W0HHK6_9GAMM Sodalis endosymbiont of Henestaris halophilus (UP000219272) UniProtKB Star A0A2C8CW22_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2C8D0T0_9GAMM Sodalis ligni (UP000294555) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1NJ15_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R1NBB4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R1NG98_9GAMM Sodalis praecaptivus (UP000019028) UniProtKB Star W0HUW4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star W0I019_9GAMM Sodalis sp. Fse (UP001059407) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q9GCP5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A9Q9LDC4_9GAMM Sodalis sp. TME1 (UP000181913) UniProtKB Star A0A1J7CPT8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1J7CQ64_9GAMM Sodalis-like endosymbiont of Proechinophthirus fluctus (UP000217500) UniProtKB Star A0A151UM94_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A151ULT4_9GAMM Sodalis-like symbiont of Bactericera trigonica (UP000274168) UniProtKB Star A0A3L7LVL0_9GAMM Sodalis-like symbiont of Philaenus spumarius (UP000216612) UniProtKB Star A0A261QS37_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A261QQN6_9GAMM Budviciaceae Budvicia Budvicia aquatica (UP000224974) UniProtKB Star A0A2C6DVF8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2C6DPH7_9GAMM Leminorella Leminorella richardii (UP000249005) UniProtKB Star A0A2X4XKQ7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2X4URZ7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2X4XJZ3_9GAMM Limnobaculum Limnobaculum parvum (UP000244908) UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9U206_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9TVG4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9U0V3_9GAMM Enterobacterales bacterium CwR94 (UP000237543) UniProtKB Star A0A2I0FXU0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2I0FRW9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2I0FVE0_9GAMM Enterobacteriaceae Atlantibacter Atlantibacter hermannii NBRC 105704 (UP000010297) UniProtKB Star H5UY19_ATLHE UniProtKB Star H5V344_ATLHE Buttiauxella Buttiauxella agrestis ATCC 33320 (UP000028653) UniProtKB Star A0A085G8G4_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A085GG81_9ENTR Candidatus Annandia Candidatus Annandia adelgestsuga (UP000274458) UniProtKB Star A0A3S9J7W0_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A3Q9CLI9_9ENTR Candidatus Doolittlea Candidatus Doolittlea endobia (UP000095322) UniProtKB Star A0A143WSD0_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A143WSN8_9ENTR Candidatus Gullanella Candidatus Gullanella endobia (UP000095665) UniProtKB Star A0A143WQM3_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A143WU16_9ENTR Candidatus Hoaglandella Candidatus Hoaglandella endobia (UP000095477) UniProtKB Star A0A143WTU2_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A143WVS1_9ENTR Candidatus Ishikawella Candidatus Ishikawaella capsulata Mpkobe (UP000061704) UniProtKB Star C5WCB5_9ENTR UniProtKB Star C5WDD9_9ENTR Candidatus Moranella Moranella endobia (strain PCIT) (UP000000504) UniProtKB Star F7XXZ6_MOREP UniProtKB Star F7XY70_MOREP Candidatus Profftia Candidatus Profftia tarda (UP000683585) UniProtKB Star A0A8E4EYA6_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A8E4GHY2_9ENTR Candidatus Purcelliella Candidatus Purcelliella pentastirinorum (UP000256856) UniProtKB Star A0A346DZJ6_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A346DZ53_9ENTR Candidatus Riesia Candidatus Riesia pediculischaeffi (UP000242793) UniProtKB Star A0A1V0HK29_9ENTR Candidatus Riesia sp. GBBU (UP000242633) UniProtKB Star A0A1V0HQA2_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A1V0HPP4_9ENTR Candidatus Symbiopectobacterium sp. Dall1.0 (UP000612615) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7GQM8_9ENTR Candidatus Symbiopectobacterium sp. PLON1 (UP000654998) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7L1L2_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A8J7H7R5_9ENTR Candidatus Tachikawaea Candidatus Tachikawaea gelatinosa (UP000031627) UniProtKB Star A0A090BWD6_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A090AJG8_9ENTR Cedecea Cedecea neteri (UP000029481) UniProtKB Star A0A089Q5K5_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A089PW53_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A089Q2B5_9ENTR Citrobacter Citrobacter koseri (UP000270272) UniProtKB Star A0A3G5Y7H0_CITKO UniProtKB Star A0A078LJT8_CITKO Citrobacter koseri (strain ATCC BAA-895 / CDC 4225-83 / SGSC4696) (UP000008148) UniProtKB Star SYE_CITK8 UniProtKB Star SYQ_CITK8 Citrobacter rodentium (strain ICC168) (UP000001889) UniProtKB Star D2TIK1_CITRI UniProtKB Star D2TNI9_CITRI Citrobacter sp. BDA59-3 (UP000594134) UniProtKB Star A0A7M2V3I6_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A7M2VFV7_9ENTR Citrobacter sp. JGM124 (UP000682339) UniProtKB Star A0A941UET0_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A941Z5S9_9ENTR Cronobacter Cronobacter sakazakii (strain ATCC BAA-894) (UP000000260) UniProtKB Star SYE_CROS8 UniProtKB Star SYQ_CROS8 UniProtKB Star GLUQ_CROS8 Enterobacter Enterobacter cloacae complex Enterobacter cancerogenus (UP000351155) UniProtKB Star A0A484X118_9ENTR Enterobacteriaceae bacterium (strain FGI 57) (UP000011002) UniProtKB Star L0M3D0_ENTBF UniProtKB Star L0M5B3_ENTBF Enterobacteriaceae endosymbiont of Macroplea appendiculata (UP000502108) UniProtKB Star A0A6H2F8X4_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A6H2F9M6_9ENTR Enterobacteriaceae endosymbiont of Plateumaris pusilla (UP000500947) UniProtKB Star A0A6H2F548_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A6H2F5X4_9ENTR Escherichia Escherichia coli (strain 55989 / EAEC) (UP000000746) UniProtKB Star B7LCE8_ECO55 UniProtKB Star SYQ_ECO55 UniProtKB Star B7LGK6_ECO55 Escherichia coli (strain B / BL21-DE3) (UP000002032) UniProtKB Star A0A140N9E5_ECOBD UniProtKB Star A0A140NAB7_ECOBD Escherichia coli (strain K12) (UP000000625) UniProtKB Star SYE_ECOLI UniProtKB Star SYQ_ECOLI UniProtKB Star GLUQ_ECOLI Escherichia coli O127:H6 (strain E2348/69 / EPEC) (UP000008205) UniProtKB Star B7UGA5_ECO27 UniProtKB Star SYQ_ECO27 UniProtKB Star B7UII8_ECO27 Escherichia coli O139:H28 (strain E24377A / ETEC) (UP000001122) UniProtKB Star SYE_ECO24 UniProtKB Star SYQ_ECO24 Escherichia coli O157:H7 (UP000000558) UniProtKB Star SYE_ECO57 UniProtKB Star SYQ_ECO57 Escherichia coli O1:K1 / APEC (UP000008216) UniProtKB Star SYE_ECOK1 UniProtKB Star SYQ_ECOK1 UniProtKB Star A0A0H2YVL4_ECOK1 Escherichia coli O45:K1 (strain S88 / ExPEC) (UP000000747) UniProtKB Star B7MH56_ECO45 UniProtKB Star SYQ_ECO45 UniProtKB Star B7MBC7_ECO45 Escherichia coli O6:H1 (strain CFT073 / ATCC 700928 / UPEC) (UP000001410) UniProtKB Star SYE_ECOL6 UniProtKB Star SYQ_ECOL6 UniProtKB Star GLUQ_ECOL6 Escherichia coli O83:H1 (strain NRG 857C / AIEC) (UP000008614) UniProtKB Star A0A0H3EJK1_ECO8N UniProtKB Star A0A0H3EEK9_ECO8N UniProtKB Star A0A0H3EF58_ECO8N Escherichia coli O9:H4 (strain HS) (UP000001123) UniProtKB Star SYE_ECOHS UniProtKB Star SYQ_ECOHS UniProtKB Star A0A7M3S292_ECOHS Jejubacter Jejubacter calystegiae (UP000302163) UniProtKB Star A0A4P8YQ93_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A4P8YKN9_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A4P8YGX6_9ENTR Klebsiella/Raoultella group Klebsiella Klebsiella indica (UP000307430) UniProtKB Star A0A5R9LH10_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A5R9LJX7_9ENTR Klebsiella pneumoniae IS43 (UP000019183) UniProtKB Star W1DRY4_KLEPN Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. ozaenae (UP000255382) UniProtKB Star A0A377ZCC7_KLEPO Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae (strain HS11286) (UP000007841) UniProtKB Star A0A0H3GTA8_KLEPH UniProtKB Star A0A0H3GPY5_KLEPH Klebsiella sp. RIT-PI-d (UP000053401) UniProtKB Star A0A0L0AR77_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A0L0ANK2_9ENTR Klebsiella variicola (UP000789617) UniProtKB Star A0A9P0YCV5_KLEVA UniProtKB Star A0A087FKR7_KLEVA Raoultella Raoultella terrigena (UP000267630) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z8Z9Q8_RAOTE UniProtKB Star A0A6D1S9B1_RAOTE Kluyvera Kluyvera cryocrescens (UP000401081) UniProtKB Star A0A485AW97_KLUCR UniProtKB Star A0A485CLN5_KLUCR Kluyvera genomosp. 3 (UP000197098) UniProtKB Star A0A248KI90_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A248KKN9_9ENTR Kosakonia Kosakonia cowanii JCM 10956 = DSM 18146 (UP000187148) UniProtKB Star A0A830ZE90_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A807LEH8_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A807LBC7_9ENTR Kosakonia oryzendophytica (UP000198975) UniProtKB Star A0A1C3ZB96_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A1C4B9A0_9ENTR Mangrovibacter Mangrovibacter sp. MFB070 (UP000027726) UniProtKB Star A0A071LP37_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A071LU01_9ENTR Plautia stali symbiont (UP000016901) UniProtKB Star U3TXC8_9ENTR UniProtKB Star U3TSX3_9ENTR Plesiomonas Plesiomonas shigelloides 302-73 (UP000014012) UniProtKB Star R8AQT5_PLESH UniProtKB Star R8ANK1_PLESH UniProtKB Star R8ATF0_PLESH Pluralibacter Enterobacter lignolyticus (strain SCF1) (UP000006872) UniProtKB Star E3G9K5_ENTLS UniProtKB Star E3G4I7_ENTLS Pluralibacter gergoviae (UP000036196) UniProtKB Star A0A0J5KUQ6_PLUGE UniProtKB Star A0A0F0VSY9_PLUGE Pseudescherichia Pseudescherichia vulneris NBRC 102420 (UP000029462) UniProtKB Star A0A090VQ57_PSEVU UniProtKB Star A0A090V3T7_PSEVU UniProtKB Star A0A090UZ68_PSEVU Salmonella Salmonella arizonae (strain ATCC BAA-731 / CDC346-86 / RSK2980) (UP000002084) UniProtKB Star SYE_SALAR UniProtKB Star SYQ_SALAR Salmonella enterica subsp. arizonae (UP000248731) UniProtKB Star A0A2X4T5J7_SALER UniProtKB Star A0A2X4WID9_SALER Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Poona (UP000298196) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0L1I0_SALET UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0NIB1_SALET Salmonella typhimurium (strain LT2 / SGSC1412 / ATCC 700720) (UP000001014) UniProtKB Star SYE_SALTY UniProtKB Star SYQ_SALTY Shigella Shigella boydii serotype 18 (strain CDC 3083-94 / BS512) (UP000001030) UniProtKB Star SYE_SHIB3 UniProtKB Star SYQ_SHIB3 UniProtKB Star B2U2Y8_SHIB3 Shigella dysenteriae 1617 (UP000031647) UniProtKB Star E2X6P1_SHIDY UniProtKB Star E2XAA1_SHIDY UniProtKB Star A0A0A6ZM65_SHIDY Shigella dysenteriae serotype 1 (strain Sd197) (UP000002716) UniProtKB Star SYE_SHIDS UniProtKB Star SYQ_SHIDS UniProtKB Star Q32JW3_SHIDS Shigella flexneri (UP000001006) UniProtKB Star SYE_SHIFL UniProtKB Star SYQ_SHIFL UniProtKB Star GLUQ_SHIFL Shigella sonnei (strain Ss046) (UP000002529) UniProtKB Star SYE_SHISS UniProtKB Star SYQ_SHISS UniProtKB Star Q3Z5L3_SHISS Shimwellia Shimwellia blattae (strain ATCC 29907 / DSM 4481 / JCM 1650 / NBRC 105... (UP000001955) UniProtKB Star I2B6R7_SHIBC UniProtKB Star I2BB70_SHIBC UniProtKB Star I2BCM7_SHIBC Tenebrionibacter/Tenebrionicola group Tenebrionibacter Tenebrionibacter intestinalis (UP000659047) UniProtKB Star A0A8K0XY51_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A8K0V531_9ENTR Trabulsiella Trabulsiella odontotermitis (UP000037393) UniProtKB Star A0A0L0GZ47_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A0L0H088_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A0L0GFZ5_9ENTR ant endosymbionts Candidatus Blochmanniella Blochmannia endosymbiont of Camponotus (UP000033104) UniProtKB Star A0A0E3Y9Q4_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A0E3U422_9ENTR Blochmannia endosymbiont of Polyrhachis (UP000033094) UniProtKB Star A0A0E3U469_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A0E3U3Z9_9ENTR Blochmanniella floridana (UP000002192) UniProtKB Star SYE_BLOFL UniProtKB Star Q7VR98_BLOFL Blochmanniella pennsylvanica (strain BPEN) (UP000007794) UniProtKB Star SYE_BLOPB UniProtKB Star Q492Y5_BLOPB aphid secondary symbionts Candidatus Hamiltonella Candidatus Hamiltonella defensa (UP000216438) UniProtKB Star A0A249E055_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A249DVU1_9ENTR Candidatus Regiella Candidatus Regiella insecticola 5.15 (UP000004116) UniProtKB Star G2H2D7_9ENTR Candidatus Regiella insecticola LSR1 (UP000005726) UniProtKB Star E0WTU4_9ENTR UniProtKB Star E0WSP1_9ENTR secondary endosymbiont of Ctenarytaina eucalypti (UP000003936) UniProtKB Star J3TXY7_9ENTR UniProtKB Star J3VSR6_9ENTR secondary endosymbiont of Heteropsylla cubana (UP000003937) UniProtKB Star J3Z576_9ENTR UniProtKB Star J3Z5U3_9ENTR secondary endosymbiont of Trabutina mannipara (UP000092809) UniProtKB Star A0A1C3L3T0_9ENTR UniProtKB Star A0A1C3L422_9ENTR Erwiniaceae Buchnera Buchnera aphidicola (UP000298677) UniProtKB Star A0A4D6XQ97_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4D6XR07_9GAMM Buchnera aphidicola (UP000006811) UniProtKB Star F7WYY4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star F7WZI5_9GAMM Buchnera aphidicola (UP000317544) UniProtKB Star A0A455T9S2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A455TAI5_9GAMM Buchnera aphidicola (UP000298636) UniProtKB Star A0A4D6YKT3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4D6YBE2_9GAMM Buchnera aphidicola (UP000298782) UniProtKB Star A0A4D6YEY4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4D6YP20_9GAMM Buchnera aphidicola (UP000298603) UniProtKB Star A0A4D6YCM8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4D6YBE5_9GAMM Buchnera aphidicola subsp. Acyrthosiphon pisum (strain APS) (UP000001806) UniProtKB Star SYE_BUCAI UniProtKB Star SYQ_BUCAI Buchnera aphidicola subsp. Baizongia pistaciae (strain Bp) (UP000000601) UniProtKB Star SYE_BUCBP UniProtKB Star SYQ_BUCBP Buchnera aphidicola subsp. Cinara cedri (strain Cc) (UP000000669) UniProtKB Star SYE_BUCCC UniProtKB Star Q057H4_BUCCC Buchnera aphidicola subsp. Schlechtendalia chinensis (UP000077654) UniProtKB Star A0A172WE91_BUCSC UniProtKB Star A0A172WDV5_BUCSC Buchnera aphidicola subsp. Tuberolachnus salignus (UP000243633) UniProtKB Star A0A160SYM4_BUCTT UniProtKB Star A0A170PC57_BUCTT Duffyella Duffyella gerundensis (UP000059419) UniProtKB Star A0A0U5L6P4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0U5KZ33_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0U5KXU5_9GAMM Erwinia Candidatus Erwinia dacicola (UP000244334) UniProtKB Star A0A1E7Z523_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1E7Z4Y3_9GAMM Candidatus Erwinia haradaeae (UP000294462) UniProtKB Star A0A451DJ39_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A451DJN6_9GAMM Erwinia billingiae (strain Eb661) (UP000008793) UniProtKB Star D8MVD9_ERWBE UniProtKB Star D8MPP6_ERWBE UniProtKB Star D8MNB1_ERWBE Erwinia mallotivora (UP000019918) UniProtKB Star A0A014LZ03_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A014LVE0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A014N8I7_9GAMM Erwinia sp. 198 (UP000273595) UniProtKB Star A0A3R8YS28_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A427KAB9_9GAMM Erwinia sp. Leaf53 (UP000050856) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4MWB0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4MVT4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0Q4N033_9GAMM Erwinia sp. OLSSP12 (UP000229786) UniProtKB Star A0A2G8ENF0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2G8E4H3_9GAMM Erwinia tasmaniensis (strain DSM 17950 / CFBP 7177 / CIP 109463 / NCPP... (UP000001726) UniProtKB Star SYE_ERWT9 UniProtKB Star SYQ_ERWT9 UniProtKB Star B2VCL9_ERWT9 Erwinia tracheiphila (UP000033924) UniProtKB Star A0A0M2KEE0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0M2KFE5_9GAMM [Pantoea] beijingensis (UP000288794) UniProtKB Star A0A443IAX2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A443IAH9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A443I8Q1_9GAMM Izhakiella Izhakiella capsodis (UP000242222) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4WIM6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I5B499_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I4WTW8_9GAMM Pantoea Candidatus Pantoea carbekii (UP000016900) UniProtKB Star U3U6C2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star U3U8C8_9GAMM Candidatus Pantoea edessiphila (UP000296144) UniProtKB Star A0A2P5SWK7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2P5SX22_9GAMM Pantoea agglomerans group Enterobacter agglomerans (UP000254640) UniProtKB Star A0A379ACX4_ENTAG Pantoea alhagi (UP000192900) UniProtKB Star A0A1W6BAZ7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1W6B101_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1W6B1Y6_9GAMM Pantoea ananatis (strain LMG 20103) (UP000001702) UniProtKB Star D4GJV3_PANAM UniProtKB Star D4GMI1_PANAM Pantoea sp. Aalb (UP000435266) UniProtKB Star A0A6I4VE38_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6I4V9T7_9GAMM Pantoea sp. Eser (UP000429602) UniProtKB Star A0A6I4V8Y6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6I4V4B7_9GAMM Pantoea sp. M_5 (UP000322210) UniProtKB Star A0A5M7QEG8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5M7Q0L4_9GAMM Pantoea sp. Mhis (UP000443529) UniProtKB Star A0A7X3LZZ3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7X3M0B3_9GAMM Pantoea sp. Nvir (UP000441083) UniProtKB Star A0A7X3MBI5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7X3MB55_9GAMM Pantoea vagans (UP000069096) UniProtKB Star A0A0U3U5Y8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0U3K0U3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0U3KYC1_9GAMM Paramixta Paramixta manurensis (UP000505325) UniProtKB Star A0A6M8UK23_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6M8ULW2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6M8UKB3_9GAMM Tatumella Tatumella morbirosei (UP000029577) UniProtKB Star A0A095T778_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A095ULN4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A095V6S6_9GAMM Tatumella ptyseos ATCC 33301 (UP000028602) UniProtKB Star A0A085JI06_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A085JBI3_9GAMM Wigglesworthia Wigglesworthia glossinidia brevipalpis (UP000000562) UniProtKB Star SYE_WIGBR UniProtKB Star Q8D2R6_WIGBR Winslowiella Winslowiella iniecta (UP000037088) UniProtKB Star A0A0L7TAD6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0L7T2J0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0L7T911_9GAMM Gallaecimonadaceae Gallaecimonas Gallaecimonas xiamenensis 3-C-1 (UP000006755) UniProtKB Star K2IX58_9GAMM UniProtKB Star K2KD17_9GAMM Hafniaceae Edwardsiella Edwardsiella piscicida (UP000002634) UniProtKB Star A0AAU8P298_EDWPI UniProtKB Star A0AAU8P710_EDWPI UniProtKB Star A0AAU8P3J4_EDWPI Edwardsiella tarda (strain FL6-60) (UP000002230) UniProtKB Star A0A0H3DP60_EDWTF UniProtKB Star A0A0H3DVD8_EDWTF UniProtKB Star A0A0H3DQK9_EDWTF Enterobacillus Enterobacillus tribolii (UP000254848) UniProtKB Star A0A370QRR0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A370QHR4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A370QPY4_9GAMM Hafnia Hafnia alvei FB1 (UP000029986) UniProtKB Star A0A097R0I3_HAFAL UniProtKB Star A0A097R056_HAFAL Morganellaceae Arsenophonus Arsenophonus endosymbiont of Aleurodicus dispersus (UP000269014) UniProtKB Star A0A3B1E8G2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3B1DN90_9GAMM Arsenophonus endosymbiont of Aleurodicus floccissimus (UP000266575) UniProtKB Star A0A3B0J472_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3B0JBA1_9GAMM Arsenophonus endosymbiont of Aphis craccivora (UP000510724) UniProtKB Star A0A7D6DMR8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7D6I7M6_9GAMM Arsenophonus endosymbiont of Bemisia tabaci Q2 (UP000546438) UniProtKB Star A0A6S6RV69_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6S6S2P6_9GAMM Arsenophonus sp. ENCA (UP000217542) UniProtKB Star A0A2A2GYY2_9GAMM Arsenophonus sp. aPb (UP001177707) UniProtKB Star A0AA95GES3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0AA95GLN5_9GAMM Candidatus Arsenophonus lipoptenae (UP000069926) UniProtKB Star A0A0X9VLR4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0X9W6X5_9GAMM Moellerella Moellerella wisconsensis ATCC 35017 (UP000053226) UniProtKB Star A0A0N0Z8K1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0N0Z7U3_9GAMM Morganella Morganella morganii subsp. morganii KT (UP000011834) UniProtKB Star M1SIJ2_MORMO UniProtKB Star J7TF22_MORMO Photorhabdus Photorhabdus laumondii subsp. laumondii (strain DSM 15139 / CIP 105565... (UP000002514) UniProtKB Star SYE_PHOLL UniProtKB Star SYQ_PHOLL UniProtKB Star GLUQ_PHOLL Proteus Proteus myxofaciens ATCC 19692 (UP000094023) UniProtKB Star A0A198GFX5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A198FHP5_9GAMM Providencia Providencia heimbachae ATCC 35613 (UP000078224) UniProtKB Star A0A1B7JJN2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1B7JZ58_9GAMM Providencia sneebia DSM 19967 (UP000010290) UniProtKB Star K8WDY7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star K8WFX6_9GAMM Providencia stuartii (UP000179588) UniProtKB Star A0A1S1HMP0_PROST UniProtKB Star A0A1S1HVT1_PROST UniProtKB Star A0A1S1HS93_PROST Xenorhabdus Xenorhabdus bovienii str. kraussei Quebec (UP000028500) UniProtKB Star A0A077PG17_XENBV UniProtKB Star A0A077P703_XENBV UniProtKB Star A0A077PHN0_XENBV Xenorhabdus cabanillasii (UP000256294) UniProtKB Star A0A3D9UDN9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3D9UVX1_9GAMM Xenorhabdus koppenhoeferi (UP000242496) UniProtKB Star A0A1I7GWI0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I7HAJ4_9GAMM Xenorhabdus nematophila (strain ATCC 19061 / DSM 3370 / CCUG 14189 / L... (UP000008075) UniProtKB Star D3VLD1_XENNA UniProtKB Star D3VAI5_XENNA Xenorhabdus stockiae (UP000222366) UniProtKB Star A0A2D0KAV8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2D0KR62_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2D0KKD0_9GAMM Xenorhabdus szentirmaii DSM 16338 (UP000019202) UniProtKB Star W1J4U4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star W1J146_9GAMM UniProtKB Star W1IXX8_9GAMM Pectobacteriaceae Acerihabitans Acerihabitans arboris (UP000461443) UniProtKB Star A0A845STX6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A845SID8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A845SIS5_9GAMM Affinibrenneria Affinibrenneria salicis (UP000335415) UniProtKB Star A0A5J5FR05_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5J5G0U7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5J5FQU5_9GAMM Brenneria Brenneria goodwinii (UP000044377) UniProtKB Star A0A0G4JWQ9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0G4JPA3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0G4JX89_9GAMM Brenneria rubrifaciens (UP000299580) UniProtKB Star A0A4V1FA04_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4P8QM50_9GAMM Dickeya Dickeya dadantii (strain 3937) (UP000006859) UniProtKB Star E0SBI6_DICD3 UniProtKB Star E0SEW5_DICD3 UniProtKB Star E0SBL1_DICD3 Lonsdalea Lonsdalea quercina (UP000187280) UniProtKB Star A0A1H4E8Q9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H3W0J1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H4ECR3_9GAMM Pectobacterium Pectobacterium atrosepticum (strain SCRI 1043 / ATCC BAA-672) (UP000007966) UniProtKB Star SYE_PECAS UniProtKB Star SYQ_PECAS UniProtKB Star GLUQ_PECAS Prodigiosinella Serratia sp. (strain ATCC 39006) (UP000017700) UniProtKB Star A0A2I5TI24_SERS3 UniProtKB Star A0A2I5TMW2_SERS3 Thorselliaceae Thorsellia Thorsellia anophelis DSM 18579 (UP000242642) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9YW01_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H9ZA48_9GAMM Yersiniaceae Candidatus Fukatsuia Candidatus Fukatsuia symbiotica (UP000261875) UniProtKB Star A0A2U8I7D2_9GAMM Chania Chania multitudinisentens RB-25 (UP000019030) UniProtKB Star W0L532_9GAMM UniProtKB Star W0LCY2_9GAMM Chimaeribacter Chimaeribacter arupi (UP000234626) UniProtKB Star A0A2N5EQ65_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2N5EQD2_9GAMM Ewingella Ewingella americana (strain ATCC 33852 / DSM 4580 / CCUG 14506 / JCM 5... (UP000028640) UniProtKB Star A0A085G8K3_EWIA3 UniProtKB Star A0A085GL99_EWIA3 UniProtKB Star A0A085GNS0_EWIA3 Gibbsiella Gibbsiella quercinecans (UP000217182) UniProtKB Star A0A250B4U3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A250AYB2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A250B3I0_9GAMM Rahnella Rahnella aquatilis (strain ATCC 33071 / DSM 4594 / JCM 1683 / NBRC 105... (UP000009010) UniProtKB Star H2IZX2_RAHAC UniProtKB Star H2IX91_RAHAC Rouxiella Rouxiella aceris (UP000585363) UniProtKB Star A0A848MP99_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A848MJ12_9GAMM Rouxiella badensis (UP000192536) UniProtKB Star A0A1X0WCE5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1X0WLB6_9GAMM Serratia Serratia ficaria (UP000215134) UniProtKB Star A0A240C8C3_SERFI UniProtKB Star A0A240BKF6_SERFI Serratia fonticola (UP000315437) UniProtKB Star A0A559T8I8_SERFO UniProtKB Star A0A542D601_SERFO UniProtKB Star A0A542CYF0_SERFO Serratia odorifera DSM 4582 (UP000005723) UniProtKB Star D4E3D6_SEROD UniProtKB Star D4E9N5_SEROD Serratia oryzae (UP000216021) UniProtKB Star A0A1S8CDZ5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1S8CMW3_9GAMM Serratia sp. DD3 (UP000017810) UniProtKB Star A0A084A4A0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A084A1F1_9GAMM Serratia symbiotica Serratia symbiotica str. Tucson (UP000013568) UniProtKB Star E9CPQ2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star E9CMA8_9GAMM Yersinia Yersinia pestis (UP000000815) UniProtKB Star SYE_YERPE UniProtKB Star SYQ_YERPE UniProtKB Star GLUQ_YERPE Yersinia ruckeri (UP000255169) UniProtKB Star A0A0A5H946_YERRU UniProtKB Star A0A085U621_YERRU bacteria symbiont BFo2 of Frankliniella occidentalis (UP000036794) UniProtKB Star A0A0J8YT52_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0J8YVK6_9GAMM Gammaproteobacteria bacterium (UP000292529) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q5VF78_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4Q5VCS2_9GAMM Gammaproteobacteria bacterium AqS3 (UP000614457) UniProtKB Star A0A930UKA7_9GAMM Gammaproteobacteria bacterium ESL0073 (UP000246096) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z3I259_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2Z3HT37_9GAMM Gammaproteobacteria bacterium LSUCC0112 (UP000297483) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8UXF1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8UV94_9GAMM Gammaproteobacteria bacterium SCGC AG-212-F23 (UP000092275) UniProtKB Star A0A177QQU3_9GAMM Halospina Halospina denitrificans (UP000295830) UniProtKB Star A0A4R7JMQ7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R7JP46_9GAMM Immundisolibacterales Immundisolibacteraceae Immundisolibacter Immundisolibacter cernigliae (UP000092952) UniProtKB Star A0A1B1YQF8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1B1YTQ5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1B1YQG6_9GAMM Kangiellales Kangiellaceae Kangiella Kangiella geojedonensis (UP000034071) UniProtKB Star A0A0F6TQA4_9GAMM Kangiella koreensis (strain DSM 16069 / JCM 12317 / KCTC 12182 / SW-125) (UP000001231) UniProtKB Star C7RC95_KANKD UniProtKB Star C7R8P3_KANKD Kangiella sp. HZ709 (UP000475520) UniProtKB Star A0A6L5QR71_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6L5QYX6_9GAMM Kangiellaceae bacterium (UP000585322) UniProtKB Star A0A850KYN2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A850KXB0_9GAMM Legionellales Coxiellaceae Aquicella Aquicella lusitana (UP000254720) UniProtKB Star A0A370GPI6_9COXI UniProtKB Star A0A370GGA8_9COXI Aquicella siphonis (UP000324194) UniProtKB Star A0A5E4PHL5_9COXI UniProtKB Star A0A5E4PH24_9COXI Candidatus Aquirickettsiella Candidatus Aquirickettsiella gammari (UP000226429) UniProtKB Star A0A370CK05_9COXI UniProtKB Star A0A370CIS7_9COXI Coxiella Coxiella burnetii (strain RSA 493 / Nine Mile phase I) (UP000002671) UniProtKB Star SYE1_COXBU UniProtKB Star SYE2_COXBU Coxiella endosymbiont of Amblyomma americanum (UP000059222) UniProtKB Star A0A0A8EE02_9COXI UniProtKB Star A0A0A8EDJ5_9COXI Coxiella-like endosymbiont (UP000235447) UniProtKB Star A0A2N6N5K1_9COXI UniProtKB Star A0A2N6N5U3_9COXI Coxiellaceae bacterium (UP000509696) UniProtKB Star A0A7D5S3F0_9COXI UniProtKB Star A0A7D5N1A3_9COXI Rickettsiella Candidatus Rickettsiella isopodorum (UP000183924) UniProtKB Star A0A1J8PIZ2_9COXI UniProtKB Star A0A1J8NJK1_9COXI Candidatus Rickettsiella viridis (UP000282483) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5UVN8_9COXI UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5UW71_9COXI Legionellaceae Legionella Legionella adelaidensis (UP000054859) UniProtKB Star A0A0W0R325_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0W0R4F9_9GAMM Legionella antarctica (UP000502894) UniProtKB Star A0A6F8T433_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6F8T4Y0_9GAMM Legionella beliardensis (UP000254968) UniProtKB Star A0A378I3R6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A378I2X3_9GAMM Legionella clemsonensis (UP000201728) UniProtKB Star A0A222P440_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A222P1E3_9GAMM Legionella drancourtii LLAP12 (UP000002770) UniProtKB Star G9EQU2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star G9EU64_9GAMM Legionella fallonii LLAP-10 (UP000032430) UniProtKB Star A0A098G2H3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A098G3X1_9GAMM Legionella feeleii (UP000054698) UniProtKB Star A0A0W0TU60_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0W0TJ37_9GAMM Legionella geestiana (UP000054785) UniProtKB Star A0A0W0U8P2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0W0TZM0_9GAMM Legionella impletisoli (UP000630149) UniProtKB Star A0A917NB73_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A917NBG0_9GAMM Legionella israelensis (UP000054761) UniProtKB Star A0A0W0VHR6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0W0VU14_9GAMM Legionella jordanis (UP000055035) UniProtKB Star A0A0W0VE68_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0W0V7X5_9GAMM Legionella lansingensis (UP000054869) UniProtKB Star A0A0W0VV63_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0W0VTW2_9GAMM Legionella londiniensis (UP000054997) UniProtKB Star A0A0W0VQ58_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0W0VNA0_9GAMM Legionella longbeachae serogroup 1 (strain NSW150) (UP000001060) UniProtKB Star D3HRR6_LEGLN UniProtKB Star D3HRK4_LEGLN Legionella maceachernii (UP000054908) UniProtKB Star A0A0W0W0P4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0W0WBQ2_9GAMM Legionella massiliensis (UP000044071) UniProtKB Star A0A078KZ59_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A078L1M5_9GAMM Legionella nautarum (UP000054725) UniProtKB Star A0A0W0WTS0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0W0WVA7_9GAMM Legionella oakridgensis ATCC 33761 = DSM 21215 (UP000018838) UniProtKB Star W0BCR1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star W0BCB3_9GAMM Legionella pneumophila subsp. pneumophila (strain Philadelphia 1 / ATC... (UP000000609) UniProtKB Star SYE_LEGPH UniProtKB Star Q5ZVY2_LEGPH Legionella quinlivanii (UP000054618) UniProtKB Star A0A0W0Y0M5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0W0XUS3_9GAMM Legionella rubrilucens (UP000054608) UniProtKB Star A0A0W0XRC7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0W0XWE3_9GAMM Legionella septentrionalis (UP000288012) UniProtKB Star A0A3S0XH12_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A433JH41_9GAMM Legionella shakespearei DSM 23087 (UP000054600) UniProtKB Star A0A0W0Z7L3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0W0YQY4_9GAMM Legionella sp. km772 (UP000287796) UniProtKB Star A0A3S0XIG1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3S0VKU3_9GAMM Legionella spiritensis (UP000054877) UniProtKB Star A0A0W0ZA56_LEGSP UniProtKB Star A0A0W0YXP3_LEGSP Legionella tucsonensis (UP000054693) UniProtKB Star A0A0W0ZV05_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0W0ZWW8_9GAMM Legionella waltersii (UP000054729) UniProtKB Star A0A0W1AMG7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0W1AM38_9GAMM Legionella worsleiensis (UP000054662) UniProtKB Star A0A0W1A930_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0W1AL25_9GAMM Litorivivens Litorivivens lipolytica (UP000537130) UniProtKB Star A0A7W4W291_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7W4W3Y2_9GAMM Lysobacterales Lysobacteraceae Alkalisalibacterium Alkalisalibacterium limincola (UP000321248) UniProtKB Star A0A5C8KYV8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5C8KYD5_9GAMM Arenimonas Arenimonas composti TR7-09 = DSM 18010 (UP000029391) UniProtKB Star A0A091BA52_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A091BHT8_9GAMM Arenimonas donghaensis DSM 18148 = HO3-R19 (UP000029085) UniProtKB Star A0A087MIT9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A087MIN7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A087ML73_9GAMM Arenimonas fontis (UP000322165) UniProtKB Star A0A5B2ZFC8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5B2Z5T8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5B2ZBQ7_9GAMM Arenimonas maotaiensis (UP000632858) UniProtKB Star A0A917FJS6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A917CJJ2_9GAMM Arenimonas metalli CF5-1 (UP000029393) UniProtKB Star A0A091AN16_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A091BAD7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A091AYG6_9GAMM Arenimonas oryziterrae DSM 21050 = YC6267 (UP000029385) UniProtKB Star A0A091B011_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A091AXI2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A091AZ45_9GAMM Coralloluteibacterium Coralloluteibacterium stylophorae (UP000675747) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7VVE9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A8J8AXP2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0AAP2C9U0_9GAMM Luteimonas Luteimonas aestuarii (UP000294796) UniProtKB Star A0A4R5TVH1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R5TK30_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R5TV50_9GAMM Luteimonas chenhongjianii (UP000218968) UniProtKB Star A0A290XGS7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A290XD31_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A290XF73_9GAMM Luteimonas cucumeris (UP000315167) UniProtKB Star A0A562L005_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A562L4X4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A562L7G8_9GAMM Luteimonas gilva (UP000308707) UniProtKB Star A0A4U5JVF5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4U5JWN2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4U5JWA0_9GAMM Luteimonas granuli (UP000316584) UniProtKB Star A0A518N600_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A518N6C0_9GAMM Luteimonas marina (UP000319980) UniProtKB Star A0A5C5TWT6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5C5U5X7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5C5UBL0_9GAMM Luteimonas salinisoli (UP000578091) UniProtKB Star A0A853JE50_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A853JDR3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A853JC05_9GAMM Luteimonas sp. FCS-9 (UP000035397) UniProtKB Star A0A0H1AK30_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0H1ARC6_9GAMM Luteimonas sp. J16 (UP000315271) UniProtKB Star A0A562C9D3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A562C6J6_9GAMM Luteimonas sp. JM171 (UP000095036) UniProtKB Star A0A1B3W4Q0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1B3W500_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1B3W9N6_9GAMM Luteimonas sp. MC1825 (UP000534662) UniProtKB Star A0A7X0UXE5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7X0QP74_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7X0QQX1_9GAMM Luteimonas weifangensis (UP000262917) UniProtKB Star A0A372DIR9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A372DKH7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A372DMG0_9GAMM Luteimonas yindakuii (UP000298681) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1R4R6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1RET2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1R3R5_9GAMM Lysobacter Lysobacter alkalisoli (UP000317199) UniProtKB Star A0A514BQ51_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A514BTP0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A514BSS4_9GAMM Lysobacter antibioticus (UP000060787) UniProtKB Star A0A0S2FEJ7_LYSAN UniProtKB Star A0A0S2FF12_LYSAN UniProtKB Star A0A0S2FD66_LYSAN Lysobacter arseniciresistens ZS79 (UP000029989) UniProtKB Star A0A0A0F347_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0A0F275_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0A0EWK1_9GAMM Lysobacter bugurensis (UP000646426) UniProtKB Star A0A918SUK9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A918WAJ2_9GAMM Lysobacter capsici AZ78 (UP000023435) UniProtKB Star A0A125MNN4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A125MNK8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A125U026_9GAMM Lysobacter concretionis Ko07 = DSM 16239 (UP000030017) UniProtKB Star A0A0A0EQU2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0A0EKJ2_9GAMM Lysobacter daejeonensis GH1-9 (UP000029998) UniProtKB Star A0A0A0ET28_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0A0ESL9_9GAMM Lysobacter defluvii IMMIB APB-9 = DSM 18482 (UP000030003) UniProtKB Star A0A0A0MBD0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0A0M656_9GAMM Lysobacter dokdonensis DS-58 (UP000030518) UniProtKB Star A0A0A2WIG0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0A2WMR3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0A2WLR6_9GAMM Lysobacter lacus (UP000323164) UniProtKB Star A0A5D8Z6G5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5D8Z773_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5D8ZEL0_9GAMM Lysobacter lycopersici (UP000315891) UniProtKB Star A0A516V1M6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A516V7Y8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A516V3T8_9GAMM Lysobacter maris (UP000249447) UniProtKB Star A0A2U9T5A8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2U9T6E4_9GAMM Lysobacter oculi (UP000251842) UniProtKB Star A0A344J3I7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A344J367_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A344J5B0_9GAMM Lysobacter penaei (UP000552587) UniProtKB Star A0A7W3U5U7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7W3U3V8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7W3U4S0_9GAMM Lysobacter psychrotolerans (UP000267049) UniProtKB Star A0A3M8SM39_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3M8T1E9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3M8T023_9GAMM Lysobacter pythonis (UP000275012) UniProtKB Star A0A3M2HV11_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3M2HGP8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3M2I3K2_9GAMM Lysobacter silvestris (UP000236220) UniProtKB Star A0A2K1Q3J9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2K1PXK5_9GAMM Lysobacter soli (UP000256829) UniProtKB Star A0A3D8VKB7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3D8V931_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3D8V9T1_9GAMM Lysobacter solisilvae (UP000639274) UniProtKB Star A0A975ARE4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A975ATW7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A974Y077_9GAMM Lysobacter sp. A03 (UP000032077) UniProtKB Star A0A0D0R9J5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0D0RX87_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0D0RYL1_9GAMM Lysobacter sp. HDW10 (UP000503283) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7YXB7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6G7YWV1_9GAMM Lysobacter sp. N42 (UP000294500) UniProtKB Star A0A4R4F9Y4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R4F160_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R4F7K5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4V2WQH1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R4EVH9_9GAMM Lysobacter sp. Root494 (UP000051738) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7PVY4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7PU76_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0Q7PM08_9GAMM Lysobacter sp. Root96 (UP000050805) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q9EVQ5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0Q9EM34_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0Q9EHJ0_9GAMM Lysobacter sp. TY2-98 (UP000254438) UniProtKB Star A0A345ZL61_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A345ZLH5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A345ZKJ6_9GAMM Lysobacter spongiicola DSM 21749 (UP000190061) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4S6J0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1T4R042_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1T4NRU9_9GAMM Lysobacteraceae bacterium (UP000292226) UniProtKB Star A0A4V2B2E8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4Q6C1T5_9GAMM Lysobacteraceae bacterium NML03-0222 (UP000229850) UniProtKB Star A0A2M9EC53_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2M9DZ84_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2M9E4V5_9GAMM Pseudolysobacter Pseudolysobacter antarcticus (UP000291562) UniProtKB Star A0A411HKM6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A411HMI5_9GAMM Pseudoxanthomonas Pseudoxanthomonas broegbernensis (UP000462066) UniProtKB Star A0A7V8GKY8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7V8K7G0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7V8GPV9_9GAMM Pseudoxanthomonas composti (UP000289784) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1JWW0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1JV78_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1JYT9_9GAMM Pseudoxanthomonas dokdonensis (UP000052052) UniProtKB Star A0A0R0CTJ4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0R0CMV0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0R0CMQ0_9GAMM Pseudoxanthomonas helianthi (UP000673447) UniProtKB Star A0A941ARD0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A940X5E6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A941AVA0_9GAMM Pseudoxanthomonas indica (UP000190341) UniProtKB Star A0A1T5LNB4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1T5LJ32_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1T5LVL0_9GAMM Pseudoxanthomonas sp. (UP000665655) UniProtKB Star A0A940M3B2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A940M4H8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A940M836_9GAMM Pseudoxanthomonas sp. CF125 (UP000199049) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1H853_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H1F2Q8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H0Z8L4_9GAMM Pseudoxanthomonas sp. GM95 (UP000199164) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7IU32_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H7SPI0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H7LSK7_9GAMM Pseudoxanthomonas sp. Root65 (UP000051430) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8F9X2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8F5H5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0Q8EYM8_9GAMM Pseudoxanthomonas spadix (strain BD-a59) (UP000005870) UniProtKB Star G7URF9_PSEUP UniProtKB Star G7UQM1_PSEUP Pseudoxanthomonas suwonensis (UP000033067) UniProtKB Star A0A0E3Z0B1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0E3Z3A0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0E3UPT2_9GAMM Pseudoxanthomonas suwonensis (strain 11-1) (UP000008632) UniProtKB Star E6WV89_PSEUU UniProtKB Star E6WVP1_PSEUU UniProtKB Star E6WSJ0_PSEUU Pseudoxanthomonas taiwanensis (UP000717981) UniProtKB Star A0A921P0K7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A921P392_9GAMM Pseudoxanthomonas wuyuanensis (UP000219374) UniProtKB Star A0A286D7F5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A286D7S2_9GAMM Rehaibacterium Rehaibacterium terrae (UP000519004) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7Y0E7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7W8DFM3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7W7Y1D3_9GAMM Silanimonas Silanimonas sp. (UP000680299) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7WXD6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A8J7X5V0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A8J8BJ13_9GAMM Stenotrophomonas Stenotrophomonas chelatiphaga (UP000051386) UniProtKB Star A0A0R0D452_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0R0CXP3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0R0CXY1_9GAMM Stenotrophomonas daejeonensis (UP000050940) UniProtKB Star A0A0R0ECA6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0R0DTA4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0R0DZY6_9GAMM Stenotrophomonas koreensis (UP000051254) UniProtKB Star A0A0R0BY55_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0R0BMS2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0R0BME3_9GAMM Stenotrophomonas maltophilia group Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (strain K279a) (UP000008840) UniProtKB Star SYE_STRMK UniProtKB Star B2FPH9_STRMK UniProtKB Star B2FN31_STRMK Stenotrophomonas panacihumi (UP000051802) UniProtKB Star A0A0R0B4Z7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0R0ADY7_9GAMM Stenotrophomonas pictorum JCM 9942 (UP000050836) UniProtKB Star A0A0R0A3I3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0R0A7M3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0R0ACP5_9GAMM Stenotrophomonas sp. 278 (UP000274083) UniProtKB Star A0A427CGJ4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3R8T5W2_9GAMM Stenotrophomonas tumulicola (UP000547058) UniProtKB Star A0A7W3FIP4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7W3FNL8_9GAMM Thermomonas Thermomonas carbonis (UP000515804) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9SM74_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7G9SLX1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7G9SPZ1_9GAMM Thermomonas haemolytica (UP000295414) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3N626_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R3N5X6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R3N9A2_9GAMM Thermomonas hydrothermalis (UP000242857) UniProtKB Star A0A1M4W037_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1M4YY76_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1M4UM16_9GAMM Thermomonas sp. HDW16 (UP000503116) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7ZWS2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6G7ZYI0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6G7ZW42_9GAMM Vulcaniibacterium Vulcaniibacterium tengchongense (UP000269708) UniProtKB Star A0A3N4VCD0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3N4VP03_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3N4VK18_9GAMM Vulcaniibacterium thermophilum (UP000636453) UniProtKB Star A0A919DAM0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A919D8I6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A918Z8B5_9GAMM Xanthomonas Xanthomonas albilineans (strain GPE PC73 / CFBP 7063) (UP000001890) UniProtKB Star D2UEH2_XANAP UniProtKB Star D2UBG3_XANAP UniProtKB Star D2UCT7_XANAP Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (strain ATCC 33913 / DSM 3586 / ... (UP000001010) UniProtKB Star SYE_XANCP UniProtKB Star SYQ_XANCP UniProtKB Star GLUQ_XANCP Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (strain KACC10331 / KXO85) (UP000006735) UniProtKB Star SYE_XANOR UniProtKB Star SYQ_XANOR UniProtKB Star GLUQ_XANOR Xanthomonas sp. XNM01 (UP000631838) UniProtKB Star A0A927QA71_9XANT UniProtKB Star A0A927KEF8_9XANT Xanthomonas theicola (UP000239898) UniProtKB Star A0A2S6ZF46_9XANT UniProtKB Star A0A2S6ZES9_9XANT UniProtKB Star A0A2S6ZIU7_9XANT Xylella Xylella fastidiosa (strain Temecula1 / ATCC 700964) (UP000002516) UniProtKB Star SYE_XYLFT UniProtKB Star SYQ_XYLFT [Pseudomonas] boreopolis (UP000623958) UniProtKB Star A0A919KHB2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A919FAD3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A919F661_9GAMM Rhodanobacteraceae Aerosticca Aerosticca soli (UP000270530) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6E547_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6E2X6_9GAMM Ahniella Ahniella affigens (UP000241074) UniProtKB Star A0A2P1PNZ0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2P1PVF2_9GAMM Aquimonas Aquimonas voraii (UP000199603) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6XQI6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1G6U175_9GAMM Chiayiivirga Chiayiivirga flava (UP000521199) UniProtKB Star A0A7W8D385_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7W8G1I7_9GAMM Dokdonella Dokdonella fugitiva (UP000294862) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2IE01_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R2I4Q2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R2IBE7_9GAMM Dokdonella immobilis (UP000198575) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4YA48_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I4Z4L9_9GAMM Dokdonella koreensis DS-123 (UP000076830) UniProtKB Star A0A160DTG3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A160DRJ4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A160DU79_9GAMM Dokdonella sp. (UP000667269) UniProtKB Star A0A940KWQ7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A940KW46_9GAMM Dyella Dyella choica (UP000274358) UniProtKB Star A0A3S0PQH1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A432M8A0_9GAMM Dyella dinghuensis (UP000267077) UniProtKB Star A0A3S0PIS8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A432LQ26_9GAMM Dyella japonica A8 (UP000027987) UniProtKB Star A0A075K2W6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A075JYB5_9GAMM Dyella monticola (UP000254258) UniProtKB Star A0A370WUU9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A370X827_9GAMM Dyella soli (UP000291822) UniProtKB Star A0A4R0Z1M8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4V2NLP0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R0YNF0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R0YFA5_9GAMM Dyella sp. M7H15-1 (UP000288967) UniProtKB Star A0A410UGM9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A410ULI8_9GAMM Dyella sp. OK004 (UP000198834) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6LHK4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I6KCF2_9GAMM Dyella tabacisoli (UP000253782) UniProtKB Star A0A369USW0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A369ULL4_9GAMM Dyella thiooxydans (UP000077255) UniProtKB Star A0A160MX43_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A160N558_9GAMM Frateuria Frateuria aurantia (strain ATCC 33424 / DSM 6220 / KCTC 2777 / LMG 155... (UP000005234) UniProtKB Star H8L1N3_FRAAD UniProtKB Star H8L6M9_FRAAD Frateuria terrea (UP000199420) UniProtKB Star A0A1H6Q5U1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H6YTN8_9GAMM Fulvimonas Fulvimonas soli (UP000245812) UniProtKB Star A0A316HYM6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A316I4Z4_9GAMM Luteibacter Luteibacter anthropi (UP000490980) UniProtKB Star A0A7X5U8G7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7X5ZI95_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7X5ZHZ4_9GAMM Luteibacter sp. Sphag1AF (UP000555859) UniProtKB Star A0A7W5HJH4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7W5HG99_9GAMM Luteibacter sp. UNCMF366Tsu5.1 (UP000182005) UniProtKB Star A0A1K1M2T7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1K1QB42_9GAMM Metallibacterium Metallibacterium scheffleri (UP000307749) UniProtKB Star A0A4S3KLJ1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4S3KUB9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4S3KNT4_9GAMM Mizugakiibacter Mizugakiibacter sediminis (UP000253740) UniProtKB Star A0A0K8QM10_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0K8QRD0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0K8QLX9_9GAMM Oleiagrimonas Oleiagrimonas soli (UP000029708) UniProtKB Star A0A099CV62_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A099CTD8_9GAMM Pseudofulvimonas Pseudofulvimonas gallinarii (UP000294599) UniProtKB Star A0A4S3KUV1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R3LIN8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4S3KQX5_9GAMM Rhodanobacter Rhodanobacter fulvus Jip2 (UP000004210) UniProtKB Star I4VK27_9GAMM UniProtKB Star I4VXZ4_9GAMM Rhodanobacter glycinis (UP000198725) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4E8X9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I4BFJ6_9GAMM Rhodanobacter sp. ANJX3 (UP000543279) UniProtKB Star A0A7W8JJ08_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7W8NBT1_9GAMM Rhodanobacter sp. B04 (UP000189196) UniProtKB Star A0A1V3QFF5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1V3QHP6_9GAMM Rhodanobacter sp. B05 (UP000188464) UniProtKB Star A0A1V3PRE7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1V3Q5K8_9GAMM Rhodanobacter sp. C06 (UP000189228) UniProtKB Star A0A1V3P9H3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1V3PET9_9GAMM Rhodanobacter sp. MP7CTX1 (UP000542368) UniProtKB Star A0A7X0DG36_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7X0DGN9_9GAMM Rhodanobacter sp. OK091 (UP000184078) UniProtKB Star A0A1M7FZ23_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1M7CZZ1_9GAMM Rhodanobacter spathiphylli B39 (UP000003226) UniProtKB Star I4W681_9GAMM UniProtKB Star I4VYP1_9GAMM Rhodanobacter thiooxydans (UP000076131) UniProtKB Star A0A154QGA7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A154QDV6_9GAMM Tahibacter Tahibacter aquaticus (UP000295293) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6YMM6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R6ZAA9_9GAMM Tahibacter soli (UP001139971) UniProtKB Star A0A9X3YH69_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A9X3YFW8_9GAMM Methylococcales Methylococcaceae Candidatus Methylospira Candidatus Methylospira mobilis (UP000325755) UniProtKB Star A0A5Q0BFM4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5Q0BEY6_9GAMM Methylobacter Candidatus Methylobacter favarea (UP000494216) UniProtKB Star A0A8S0XL28_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A8S0XGH5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A8S0WM49_9GAMM Candidatus Methylobacter titanis (UP001160519) UniProtKB Star A0AA43QA02_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0AA43Q362_9GAMM Methylobacter tundripaludum (strain ATCC BAA-1195 / DSM 17260 / SV96) (UP000004664) UniProtKB Star G3J2F8_METTV UniProtKB Star G3J132_METTV Methylocaldum Methylocaldum marinum (UP000266313) UniProtKB Star A0A250L0B4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A250KUG6_9GAMM Methylococcus Methylococcus capsulatus (strain ATCC 33009 / NCIMB 11132 / Bath) (UP000006821) UniProtKB Star SYE2_METCA UniProtKB Star SYE1_METCA UniProtKB Star GLUQ_METCA Methylococcus sp. EFPC2 (UP000663584) UniProtKB Star A0A974VYA4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A974VSM8_9GAMM Methylocucumis Methylocucumis oryzae (UP000033684) Methylogaea Methylogaea oryzae (UP000824988) UniProtKB Star A0A8D4VPW7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A8D4VQ18_9GAMM Methyloglobulus Methyloglobulus morosus KoM1 (UP000017842) UniProtKB Star V5BKX0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star V5BYF2_9GAMM Methylomagnum Methylomagnum ishizawai (UP000192923) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y6D1R3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y6CW56_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y6D439_9GAMM Methylomicrobium Methylomicrobium album BG8 (UP000005090) UniProtKB Star H8GGR1_METAL UniProtKB Star H8GRF9_METAL UniProtKB Star H8GHA6_METAL Methylomonas Methylomonas denitrificans (UP000030512) UniProtKB Star A0A140E3T3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A126T9N3_9GAMM Methylomonas lenta (UP000078476) UniProtKB Star A0A177MX70_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A177NTL2_9GAMM Methylomonas methanica (strain DSM 25384 / MC09) (UP000008888) UniProtKB Star F9ZYH4_METMM UniProtKB Star G0A7I4_METMM Methylomonas paludis (UP000676649) UniProtKB Star A0A975MMG8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A975RB94_9GAMM Methylomonas sp. (UP000680099) UniProtKB Star A0A2P5NF33_METSP UniProtKB Star A0A2P5N4N2_METSP UniProtKB Star A0A2P5N7L6_METSP Methylomonas sp. (strain DH-1) (UP000077385) UniProtKB Star A0A172UAW6_METSD UniProtKB Star A0A172U9R4_METSD Methylomonas sp. LL1 (UP000595102) UniProtKB Star A0A7T0NXY1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7T0NYT2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7T0JS40_9GAMM Methylomonas sp. LWB (UP000180009) UniProtKB Star A0A1S1XZH7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1S1Y4L3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1S1XZ23_9GAMM Methyloprofundus Methyloprofundus sedimenti (UP000191980) UniProtKB Star A0A1V8M2K4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1V8MA62_9GAMM Methyloprofundus sp. (UP000595511) UniProtKB Star A0A7R7AH00_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7R7AF42_9GAMM Methylotuvimicrobium Methylotuvimicrobium alcaliphilum (strain DSM 19304 / NCIMB 14124 / VK... (UP000008315) UniProtKB Star G4SU08_META2 UniProtKB Star G4SUV9_META2 Methylovulum Methylovulum psychrotolerans (UP000197019) UniProtKB Star A0A1Z4C0R7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1Z4C581_9GAMM Methylohalomonadales Methylohalomonadaceae Methylohalomonas Methylohalomonas lacus (UP001204445) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3HJM6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0AAE3L5U0_9GAMM Moraxellales Moraxellaceae Acinetobacter Acinetobacter brisouii CIP 110357 (UP000018418) UniProtKB Star V2UWI4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star V2UBF1_9GAMM Acinetobacter calcoaceticus/baumannii complex Acinetobacter baumannii (strain ATCC 19606 / DSM 30007 / JCM 6841 / CC... (UP000005740) UniProtKB Star D0CCM2_ACIB2 UniProtKB Star D0C654_ACIB2 Acinetobacter pittii (strain PHEA-2) (UP000007477) UniProtKB Star F0KG28_ACIP2 UniProtKB Star F0KH76_ACIP2 Acinetobacter defluvii (UP000245977) UniProtKB Star A0A2S2FHH7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2S2FFG2_9GAMM Acinetobacter gerneri DSM 14967 = CIP 107464 = MTCC 9824 (UP000013117) UniProtKB Star N8ZJN5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star N8Y846_9GAMM Acinetobacter guillouiae NIPH 991 (UP000013148) UniProtKB Star N8YIC8_ACIGI UniProtKB Star N8YAG8_ACIGI Acinetobacter indicus CIP 110367 (UP000018415) UniProtKB Star V2UBM6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star V2UIC2_9GAMM Acinetobacter larvae (UP000093391) UniProtKB Star A0A1B2M2N5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1B2M433_9GAMM Acinetobacter nectaris CIP 110549 (UP000023785) UniProtKB Star V2TT57_9GAMM UniProtKB Star V2TXC9_9GAMM Acinetobacter populi (UP000196536) UniProtKB Star A0A1Z9Z3L1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1Z9Z143_9GAMM Acinetobacter qingfengensis (UP000185895) UniProtKB Star A0A1E7R572_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1E7QYW0_9GAMM Acinetobacter rudis CIP 110305 (UP000014568) UniProtKB Star S3NLN4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star S3NAI9_9GAMM Acinetobacter sedimenti (UP001139701) UniProtKB Star A0A9X2B6Y4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A9X1WWS7_9GAMM Acinetobacter sp. ANC 4558 (UP000194907) UniProtKB Star A0A241W4F9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A241W0B4_9GAMM Acinetobacter sp. CIP 102637 (UP000023788) UniProtKB Star N8W578_9GAMM UniProtKB Star N8X994_9GAMM Acinetobacter sp. TGL-Y2 (UP000076238) UniProtKB Star A0A143G726_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A143G457_9GAMM Acinetobacter ursingii ANC 3649 (UP000013276) UniProtKB Star N9C5C6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star N9D8N9_9GAMM Agitococcus Agitococcus lubricus (UP000244223) UniProtKB Star A0A2T5IWG4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2T5J1U4_9GAMM Amnimonas Amnimonas aquatica (UP000243900) UniProtKB Star A0A2P6ASB2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2P6ASX8_9GAMM Aquirhabdus Aquirhabdus parva (UP000253940) UniProtKB Star A0A345PAB2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A345P6J0_9GAMM Fluviicoccus Fluviicoccus keumensis (UP000292423) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7YK48_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7Z442_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4Q7ZAW6_9GAMM Moraxella Moraxella atlantae (UP000092616) UniProtKB Star A0A1B8QEN8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1B8QK73_9GAMM Moraxella bovoculi 237 (UP000035860) UniProtKB Star A0A066UK58_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A066UM61_9GAMM Moraxella caviae (UP000190435) UniProtKB Star A0A1T0A1N5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1T0ABP4_9GAMM Moraxella cuniculi DSM 21768 (UP000187495) UniProtKB Star A0A1N7DQI7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1N7ERG1_9GAMM Moraxella lincolnii (UP000191094) UniProtKB Star A0A1T0CF72_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1T0CHP8_9GAMM Moraxella macacae 0408225 (UP000023795) UniProtKB Star L2F840_9GAMM UniProtKB Star L2F5D9_9GAMM Moraxella nonliquefaciens (UP000092671) UniProtKB Star A0A1B8PL57_MORNO UniProtKB Star A0A1B8PMW4_MORNO Moraxella osloensis (UP000255230) UniProtKB Star A0A378QBH5_MOROS UniProtKB Star A0A378Q9Y7_MOROS Moraxella pluranimalium (UP000189800) UniProtKB Star A0A1T0CLE5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1T0CTX0_9GAMM Moraxella sp. HMSC061H09 (UP000186001) UniProtKB Star A0A1E9VSF9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1E9VWE7_9GAMM Moraxella sp. VT-16-12 (UP000215182) Moraxellaceae bacterium (UP000291344) UniProtKB Star A0A4V2ABW1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4Q5VKT2_9GAMM Paraperlucidibaca Paraperlucidibaca baekdonensis (UP000256774) UniProtKB Star A0A3E0H2E5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3E0H6I3_9GAMM Psychrobacter Psychrobacter arcticus (strain DSM 17307 / VKM B-2377 / 273-4) (UP000000546) UniProtKB Star SYE_PSYA2 UniProtKB Star Q4FTV5_PSYA2 Psychrobacter piechaudii (UP000188357) UniProtKB Star A0A1R4GFR7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1R4GT50_9GAMM Psychrobacter sp. KH172YL61 (UP000317823) UniProtKB Star A0A7U6KSX2_9GAMM Nevskiales Nevskiaceae Fontimonas Fontimonas thermophila (UP000199771) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2IE52_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I2HVD2_9GAMM Hydrocarboniphaga Hydrocarboniphaga daqingensis (UP000199758) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5KGH5_9GAMM Hydrocarboniphaga effusa AP103 (UP000003704) UniProtKB Star I7Z9Y4_9GAMM Panacagrimonas Panacagrimonas perspica (UP000295341) UniProtKB Star A0A4S3K3T1_9GAMM Sinimarinibacterium Sinimarinibacterium flocculans (UP000248330) UniProtKB Star A0A318E734_9GAMM Sinimarinibacterium sp. CAU 1509 (UP000310227) UniProtKB Star A0A4U0GDZ0_9GAMM Sinimarinibacterium sp. NLF-5-8 (UP000464548) UniProtKB Star A0A6P1U8N7_9GAMM Solimonas Solimonas aquatica (UP000199233) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9CIK6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H9I2F2_9GAMM Solimonas fluminis (UP000238220) UniProtKB Star A0A2S5TBP1_9GAMM Solimonas marina (UP000653472) UniProtKB Star A0A970B4L7_9GAMM Solimonas terrae (UP000472676) UniProtKB Star A0A6M2BYG7_9GAMM Stagnimonas Stagnimonas aquatica (UP000282106) UniProtKB Star A0A3N0V7N0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3N0VE08_9GAMM Stenotrophobium Stenotrophobium rhamnosiphilum (UP000244248) UniProtKB Star A0A2T5MKV1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2T5MHN3_9GAMM Oceanospirillales Aestuariirhabdaceae Aestuariirhabdus Aestuariirhabdus litorea (UP000280792) UniProtKB Star A0A3P3VQA8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3P3VSG0_9GAMM Alcanivoracaceae Alcanivorax Alcanivorax borkumensis (strain ATCC 700651 / DSM 11573 / NCIMB 13689 ... (UP000008871) UniProtKB Star SYE_ALCBS UniProtKB Star Q0VQ93_ALCBS Alloalcanivorax Alcanivorax dieselolei (strain DSM 16502 / CGMCC 1.3690 / MCCC 1A00001... (UP000006286) UniProtKB Star K0CGB7_ALCDB UniProtKB Star K0CG31_ALCDB Alloalcanivorax marinus (UP001108027) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q3UM36_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A9Q3YPQ1_9GAMM Isoalcanivorax Isoalcanivorax pacificus W11-5 (UP000006764) UniProtKB Star A0A0B4XMW5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0B4XQ48_9GAMM Marinicella Marinicella litoralis (UP000295724) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6XN49_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R6XK81_9GAMM Marinicella pacifica (UP000605253) UniProtKB Star A0A917FQS1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A917CK95_9GAMM Endozoicomonadaceae Candidatus Endonucleobacter Candidatus Endonucleobacter bathymodioli (UP001178148) UniProtKB Star A0AA90NSD3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0AA90NLW3_9GAMM Candidatus Endonucleobacter sp. (ex Gigantidas childressi) (UP001178162) UniProtKB Star A0AA90NHT1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0AA90SUF7_9GAMM Endozoicomonas Endozoicomonas elysicola (UP000027997) UniProtKB Star A0A081KF50_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A081KBY8_9GAMM Endozoicomonas montiporae (UP000028006) UniProtKB Star A0A081N4Y2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A081NBZ1_9GAMM Endozoicomonas numazuensis (UP000028073) UniProtKB Star A0A081NG64_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A081NCJ0_9GAMM Endozoicomonas sp. G2_1 (UP000677869) UniProtKB Star A0A940J0G9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A940J018_9GAMM Parendozoicomonas Parendozoicomonas haliclonae (UP000196573) UniProtKB Star A0A1X7AHZ7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1X7AME2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1X7AII8_9GAMM Hahellaceae Hahella Hahella chejuensis (strain KCTC 2396) (UP000000238) UniProtKB Star SYE_HAHCH UniProtKB Star Q2SK41_HAHCH UniProtKB Star Q2S8X0_HAHCH Hahella sp. (strain CCB-MM4) (UP000215632) UniProtKB Star A0A261GSV6_HAHS4 UniProtKB Star A0A261GIJ9_HAHS4 Halomonadaceae Aidingimonas Aidingimonas halophila (UP000198500) UniProtKB Star A0A1H3EGX0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H3BBX7_9GAMM Billgrantia Billgrantia gudaonensis (UP000198525) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8MPI1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1G8WUQ0_9GAMM Bisbaumannia Bisbaumannia pacifica (UP000321275) UniProtKB Star A0A510X4N4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A510X3U1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A510X9I3_9GAMM Chromohalobacter Chromohalobacter salexigens (strain ATCC BAA-138 / DSM 3043 / CIP 1068... (UP000000239) UniProtKB Star SYE_CHRSD UniProtKB Star Q1QVV5_CHRSD Cobetia Cobetia sp. UCD-24C (UP000050261) UniProtKB Star A0A0P7E3G3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0P7EB02_9GAMM Halomonas Halomonas beimenensis (UP000219993) UniProtKB Star A0A291P999_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A291P786_9GAMM Halomonas cerina (UP000547614) UniProtKB Star A0A839V7S0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A839V9T6_9GAMM Halomonas chromatireducens (UP000063387) UniProtKB Star A0A0X8HFY4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0X8HDA1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A120JWS5_9GAMM Halomonas halmophila (UP000319812) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y4EZ92_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4Y4F473_9GAMM Halomonas heilongjiangensis (UP000235346) UniProtKB Star A0A2N7TG95_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2N7TMA8_9GAMM Halomonas huangheensis (UP000019113) UniProtKB Star W1N4D9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star W1NBU7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star W1N822_9GAMM Halomonas icarae (UP000448235) UniProtKB Star A0A7X5AK57_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7X4VY01_9GAMM Halomonas korlensis (UP000198693) UniProtKB Star A0A1I7FY18_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I7JT65_9GAMM Halomonas sp. A11-A (UP000246506) UniProtKB Star A0A317P6C9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A317NYQ4_9GAMM Halomonas sp. BC04 (UP000019279) UniProtKB Star W7Q691_9GAMM UniProtKB Star W7QDD2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star W7Q318_9GAMM Halomonas sp. DQ26W (UP000253873) UniProtKB Star A0A369L2D8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A369KZH3_9GAMM Halomonas sp. GFAJ-1 (UP000004512) UniProtKB Star H0J2D3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star H0J0M1_9GAMM Halomonas sp. PA5 (UP000501340) UniProtKB Star A0A6M4FL67_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6M4FHB7_9GAMM Halomonas sp. THAF12 (UP000326829) UniProtKB Star A0A5P9H8V1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5P9HH13_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5P9HH18_9GAMM Halomonas sp. THAF5a (UP000327197) UniProtKB Star A0A5P9IKB4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5P9INE2_9GAMM Halomonas sp. YLB-10 (UP000276016) UniProtKB Star A0A3N9U4A2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3N9TZ88_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3N9TW42_9GAMM Halomonas urumqiensis (UP000235547) UniProtKB Star A0A2N7UDL1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2N7ULW6_9GAMM Halotalea Halotalea alkalilenta (UP000077875) UniProtKB Star A0A172YHB2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A172YEP5_9GAMM Halovibrio Halovibrio salipaludis (UP000218896) UniProtKB Star A0A2A2F9V1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2A2F9R6_9GAMM Halovibrio variabilis (UP000321303) UniProtKB Star A0A511US52_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A511UKI7_9GAMM Kushneria Kushneria marisflavi (UP000194457) UniProtKB Star A0A240ULX5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A240UL10_9GAMM Kushneria sinocarnis (UP000281975) UniProtKB Star A0A420WUE8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A420WYP1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A420WSS7_9GAMM Larsenimonas Larsenimonas rhizosphaerae (UP001165678) UniProtKB Star A0AA41ZLJ7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0AA42CTC8_9GAMM Litchfieldella Litchfieldella anticariensis (strain DSM 16096 / CECT 5854 / CIP 10849... (UP000014463) UniProtKB Star S2KQ48_LITA3 UniProtKB Star S2KRJ3_LITA3 Modicisalibacter Modicisalibacter ilicicola DSM 19980 (UP000184346) UniProtKB Star A0A1M4Y5F4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1M4Z2M0_9GAMM Modicisalibacter muralis (UP000198654) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9ESA0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1G9FNC9_9GAMM Modicisalibacter xianhensis (UP000199040) UniProtKB Star A0A1I2ZB87_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I3A6M2_9GAMM Onishia Onishia taeanensis (UP000198641) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7T250_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1G7Q1D6_9GAMM Pistricoccus Pistricoccus aurantiacus (UP000321272) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8SSX8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5B8SYG9_9GAMM Salinicola Salinicola sp. MIT1003 (UP000179615) UniProtKB Star A0A1S2DA01_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1S2DJH8_9GAMM Vreelandella Vreelandella azerica (UP000588806) Vreelandella salicampi (UP000586119) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z0LI79_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7Z0RUU6_9GAMM Vreelandella songnenensis (UP000237647) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0V8I6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2T0V5X7_9GAMM Vreelandella subglaciescola (UP000190911) UniProtKB Star A0A1M7ICH7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1M7ESX5_9GAMM Vreelandella zhuhanensis (UP000437638) UniProtKB Star A0A7X3H2N7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7X3H132_9GAMM Zymobacter group Candidatus Carsonella Candidatus Carsonella ruddii HC isolate Thao2000 (UP000003934) Candidatus Johnevansia Candidatus Johnevansia muelleri (UP000032420) UniProtKB Star A0A078KHI6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A078KEW7_9GAMM Candidatus Portiera Candidatus Portiera aleyrodidarum (UP000510842) UniProtKB Star A0A6S6S5I2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6S6RYW3_9GAMM Zymobacter Zymobacter palmae (UP000267342) UniProtKB Star A0A348HE80_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A348HDW7_9GAMM Litorivicinaceae Litorivicinus Litorivicinus lipolyticus (UP000388235) UniProtKB Star A0A5Q2QEX1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5Q2QFQ3_9GAMM Natronospirillaceae Natronospirillum Natronospirillum operosum (UP000297475) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0WFL0_9GAMM Oceanospirillaceae Allopseudospirillum Allopseudospirillum japonicum (UP000242999) UniProtKB Star A0A1H6RJT7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H6QC48_9GAMM Amphritea Amphritea balenae (UP000267535) UniProtKB Star A0A3P1SWI1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3P1SID1_9GAMM Amphritea japonica ATCC BAA-1530 (UP000595663) UniProtKB Star A0A7R6SSX9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7R6PAB9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7R6PNR3_9GAMM Bacterioplanes Bacterioplanes sanyensis (UP000202440) UniProtKB Star A0A222FML0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A222FLS9_9GAMM Bacterioplanoides Bacterioplanoides sp. SCSIO 12839 (UP001058168) UniProtKB Star A0A9J7AK31_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A9J7ACS1_9GAMM Bermanella Bermanella marisrubri (UP000004263) UniProtKB Star Q1MXU9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star Q1N564_9GAMM Litoribrevibacter Litoribrevibacter albus (UP001161389) UniProtKB Star A0AA37S6V8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0AA37SD47_9GAMM Maribrevibacterium Maribrevibacterium harenarium (UP000315901) UniProtKB Star A0A501WK99_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A501X591_9GAMM Marinobacterium Marinobacterium aestuarii (UP000078070) UniProtKB Star A0A1A9EXF6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1A9EZ50_9GAMM Marinobacterium iners DSM 11526 (UP000242469) UniProtKB Star A0A1H4A3A1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H3ZHF2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H4GJ88_9GAMM Marinobacterium lacunae (UP000028252) UniProtKB Star A0A081FW12_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A081FZA0_9GAMM Marinobacterium lutimaris (UP000236745) UniProtKB Star A0A1H5XQR9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H5UT03_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H6D6P5_9GAMM Marinobacterium marinum (UP000538931) UniProtKB Star A0A7W2ACQ0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7W1WXQ1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7W1WV76_9GAMM Marinobacterium nitratireducens (UP000599578) UniProtKB Star A0A917ZNS0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A917Z635_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A918DX17_9GAMM Marinobacterium sp. xm-g-59 (UP000636008) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q5GA26_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A9Q5CBR8_9GAMM Marinobacterium stanieri (UP000186895) UniProtKB Star A0A1N6Q4V4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1N6PTL1_9GAMM Marinomonas Marinomonas aquimarina (UP000092627) UniProtKB Star A0A1A8T385_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1A8THE6_9GAMM Marinomonas hwangdonensis (UP000280507) UniProtKB Star A0A3M8Q4A2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3M8Q5K9_9GAMM Marinomonas mediterranea (strain ATCC 700492 / JCM 21426 / NBRC 103028... (UP000001062) UniProtKB Star F2JXA6_MARM1 UniProtKB Star F2JTI5_MARM1 Marinomonas piezotolerans (UP000254326) UniProtKB Star A0A370U7X1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A370UE24_9GAMM Marinomonas pollencensis (UP000256542) UniProtKB Star A0A3E0DPV8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3E0DVY3_9GAMM Marinomonas sp. S3726 (UP000033747) UniProtKB Star A0A0F4R3K7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0F4QYQ5_9GAMM Marinomonas spartinae (UP000092544) UniProtKB Star A0A1A8TH97_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1A8TKG6_9GAMM Marinomonas transparens (UP000628710) UniProtKB Star A0A934JWD9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A934MXM5_9GAMM Marinomonas ushuaiensis DSM 15871 (UP000054058) UniProtKB Star X7E7I8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star X7E6X6_9GAMM Marinospirillum Marinospirillum alkaliphilum DSM 21637 (UP000182350) UniProtKB Star A0A1K1TYX3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1K1TD89_9GAMM Marinospirillum celere (UP000199058) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1EAE0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I1DY07_9GAMM Motiliproteus Motiliproteus coralliicola (UP000253769) UniProtKB Star A0A369WE39_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A369WRE3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A369W812_9GAMM Motiliproteus sp. MSK22-1 (UP000187359) UniProtKB Star A0A1R1LDU9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1R1MGB1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1R1LXF2_9GAMM Neptuniibacter Neptuniibacter caesariensis (UP000002171) UniProtKB Star A0A7U8C7D0_NEPCE UniProtKB Star A0A7U8GQV0_NEPCE UniProtKB Star A0A7U8C288_NEPCE Neptunomonas Neptunomonas concharum (UP000324760) UniProtKB Star A0A5P1RBR5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5P1RAP4_9GAMM Neptunomonas japonica JAMM 1380 (UP000595332) UniProtKB Star A0A7R6PJ31_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7R6PHM8_9GAMM Neptunomonas marina (UP000282818) UniProtKB Star A0A437QE10_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A437Q9J8_9GAMM Nitrincola Nitrincola lacisaponensis (UP000027318) UniProtKB Star A0A063Y3U4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A063Y0Z7_9GAMM Nitrincola sp. A-D6 (UP000029924) UniProtKB Star A0A099PD37_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A099PFS1_9GAMM Nitrincola tapanii (UP000325302) UniProtKB Star A0A5A9W448_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5A9W5I0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5A9W285_9GAMM Nitrincola tibetensis (UP000250744) UniProtKB Star A0A364NJJ0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A364NKC3_9GAMM Oceanospirillaceae bacterium (UP000567520) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y6YAC3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7Y6Y8F9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7Y6YD07_9GAMM Oceanospirillum Oceanospirillum linum (UP000190064) UniProtKB Star A0A1T1HF63_OCELI UniProtKB Star A0A1T1HCW6_OCELI Oceanospirillum multiglobuliferum (UP000191418) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4KFX3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1T4P3I1_9GAMM Oceanospirillum sediminis (UP000565262) UniProtKB Star A0A839IV20_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A839ITP3_9GAMM Oleispira Oleispira antarctica RB-8 (UP000032749) UniProtKB Star R4YSB2_OLEAN UniProtKB Star R4YMV4_OLEAN Parathalassolituus Parathalassolituus penaei (UP001150830) UniProtKB Star A0A9X3EG95_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A9X3EF61_9GAMM Pontibacterium Pontibacterium sinense (UP000640333) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7K5V0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A8J7FDK9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A8J7FX46_9GAMM Thalassolituus Thalassolituus maritimus (UP000185639) UniProtKB Star A0A1N7Q681_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1N7Q539_9GAMM Thalassolituus oleivorans MIL-1 (UP000011866) UniProtKB Star M5DSA0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star M5DSU6_9GAMM Thalassolituus sp. C2-1 (UP000316365) UniProtKB Star A0A558NM49_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A558NM72_9GAMM Venatoribacter Venatoribacter cucullus (UP000596074) UniProtKB Star A0A9X7YNX3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A9X7UZL3_9GAMM Oceanospirillales bacterium LUC14_002_19_P2 (UP000192421) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1R3D8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1R4W1_9GAMM Oleiphilaceae Oleiphilus Oleiphilus messinensis (UP000196027) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0I6Y0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0I783_9GAMM Oleiphilus sp. HI0043 (UP000077305) UniProtKB Star A0A657AK13_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A657AEQ3_9GAMM Oleiphilus sp. HI0066 (UP000076952) UniProtKB Star A0A657B082_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A657AUE0_9GAMM Oleiphilus sp. HI0079 (UP000077439) UniProtKB Star A0A657BCA1_9GAMM Pelagibaculum Pelagibaculum spongiae (UP000244906) UniProtKB Star A0A2V1H0R5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2V1H0Z1_9GAMM Pleioneaceae Aliikangiella Aliikangiella coralliicola (UP000315439) UniProtKB Star A0A545UD14_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A545U7Y0_9GAMM Aliikangiella marina (UP000317839) UniProtKB Star A0A545TJR6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A545T9G3_9GAMM Pleionea Pleionea mediterranea (UP000245790) UniProtKB Star A0A316FLR2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A316FEK7_9GAMM Saccharospirillaceae Gynuella Gynuella sunshinyii YC6258 (UP000032266) UniProtKB Star A0A0C5VX28_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0C5VSP5_9GAMM Reinekea Reinekea blandensis MED297 (UP000005953) UniProtKB Star A4BHB6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A4B9G1_9GAMM Reinekea forsetii (UP000229757) UniProtKB Star A0A2K8KQV2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2K8KKH2_9GAMM Reinekea marinisedimentorum (UP000295793) UniProtKB Star A0A4R3I842_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R3HVM3_9GAMM Reinekea thalattae (UP000321764) UniProtKB Star A0A5C8Z6W7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5C8ZBQ0_9GAMM Saccharospirillum Saccharospirillum salsuginis (UP000626148) UniProtKB Star A0A918KUR4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A918N4R2_9GAMM Saccharospirillum sp. MSK14-1 (UP000244044) UniProtKB Star A0A2T6E502_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2T6E3T7_9GAMM Terasakiispira Terasakiispira papahanaumokuakeensis (UP000094291) UniProtKB Star A0A1E2VA30_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1E2V9T1_9GAMM Zooshikellaceae Spartinivicinus Spartinivicinus marinus (UP000569732) UniProtKB Star A0A853ICI0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A853I1N9_9GAMM Zooshikella Zooshikella ganghwensis (UP000257039) UniProtKB Star A0A4P9VJ79_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4P9VQ72_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4P9VUA0_9GAMM Olavius algarvensis Gamma 1 endosymbiont (UP000629850) Olavius algarvensis Gamma 3 endosymbiont (UP000634154) Orbales Orbaceae Frischella Frischella perrara (UP000030901) UniProtKB Star A0A0A7RXC2_FRIPE UniProtKB Star A0A0A7S957_FRIPE UniProtKB Star A0A0A7S4J7_FRIPE Gilliamella Gilliamella bombicola (UP000199670) UniProtKB Star A0A1C4CEQ1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1C4BM84_9GAMM Orbus Orbus hercynius (UP000278542) UniProtKB Star A0A495RES1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A495REW1_9GAMM Zophobihabitans Zophobihabitans entericus (UP000501168) UniProtKB Star A0A6G9I7U7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6G9IDK4_9GAMM Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Actinobacillus Actinobacillus delphinicola (UP000279799) UniProtKB Star A0A448TTF9_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A448TW85_9PAST Actinobacillus indolicus (UP000294444) UniProtKB Star A0A4P7CGI6_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A4P7CD85_9PAST Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 5b (strain L20) (UP000001432) UniProtKB Star SYE_ACTP2 UniProtKB Star A3N043_ACTP2 Actinobacillus succinogenes (strain ATCC 55618 / DSM 22257 / CCUG 4384... (UP000001114) UniProtKB Star SYE_ACTSZ UniProtKB Star SYQ_ACTSZ Aggregatibacter Aggregatibacter segnis ATCC 33393 (UP000032871) UniProtKB Star E6KW04_9PAST UniProtKB Star E6KXH3_9PAST Avibacterium Avibacterium volantium (UP000268198) UniProtKB Star A0A447SP33_AVIVO UniProtKB Star A0A3S4GZU1_AVIVO Bisgaardia Bisgaardia hudsonensis (UP000294841) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2N2D4_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A4R2N1B5_9PAST Caviibacterium Caviibacterium pharyngocola (UP000230282) UniProtKB Star A0A2M8RVJ9_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A2M8RYV3_9PAST Chelonobacter Chelonobacter oris (UP000030380) UniProtKB Star A0A0A3AUI9_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A0A3ATY8_9PAST Conservatibacter Conservatibacter flavescens (UP000229329) UniProtKB Star A0A2M8RZS2_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A2M8S431_9PAST Cricetibacter Cricetibacter osteomyelitidis (UP000295763) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2TA95_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A4R2SMK3_9PAST Gallibacterium Gallibacterium salpingitidis (UP000092649) UniProtKB Star A0A1A7PSG6_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A1A7NZB8_9PAST Glaesserella Glaesserella parasuis serovar 5 (strain SH0165) (UP000006743) UniProtKB Star B8F8D9_GLAP5 UniProtKB Star B8F3Q8_GLAP5 Haemophilus Haemophilus ducreyi (strain 35000HP / ATCC 700724) (UP000001022) UniProtKB Star SYE_HAEDU UniProtKB Star SYQ_HAEDU Haemophilus influenzae (strain ATCC 51907 / DSM 11121 / KW20 / Rd) (UP000000579) UniProtKB Star SYE_HAEIN UniProtKB Star SYQ_HAEIN Haemophilus paracuniculus (UP000190867) UniProtKB Star A0A1T0AQ80_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A1T0AVB0_9PAST Haemophilus paraphrohaemolyticus (UP000253945) UniProtKB Star A0A369ZQJ1_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A369ZWM7_9PAST Haemophilus pittmaniae (UP000255264) UniProtKB Star A0A377IYB3_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A377J1L1_9PAST Histophilus Histophilus somni (UP000595373) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q7E4Z7_HISSO UniProtKB Star A0A9Q7E792_HISSO Lonepinella Lonepinella koalarum (UP000295496) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1L0Y0_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A4R1KXY1_9PAST Mannheimia Mannheimia granulomatis (UP000054123) UniProtKB Star A0A011ML28_9PAST Mergibacter Mergibacter septicus (UP000955338) UniProtKB Star A0A8E3SBF2_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A8D4LN48_9PAST Mesocricetibacter Mesocricetibacter intestinalis (UP000295657) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6VBD5_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A4R6VAK8_9PAST Muribacter Muribacter muris (UP000036270) UniProtKB Star A0A0J5P805_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A0J5P6C6_9PAST Nicoletella Nicoletella semolina (UP000295537) UniProtKB Star A0A4R2N5D8_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A4R2NAK5_9PAST Pasteurella Pasteurella bettyae CCUG 2042 (UP000006457) UniProtKB Star I3DIU4_9PAST UniProtKB Star I3DI23_9PAST Pasteurella langaaensis DSM 22999 (UP000245909) UniProtKB Star A0A2U0T821_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A2U0SP10_9PAST Pasteurella multocida (strain Pm70) (UP000000809) UniProtKB Star SYE_PASMU UniProtKB Star SYQ_PASMU Pasteurellaceae bacterium 15-036681 (UP000188845) UniProtKB Star A0A1V3TLQ8_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A1V3TTW2_9PAST Pasteurellaceae bacterium RH1A (UP000502472) UniProtKB Star A0A6H0T603_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A6H0T716_9PAST Phocoenobacter Phocoenobacter uteri (UP000255417) UniProtKB Star A0A379CCZ8_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A379C9E5_9PAST Rodentibacter Rodentibacter trehalosifermentans (UP000189161) UniProtKB Star A0A1V3IZJ5_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A1V3IZG9_9PAST Vespertiliibacter Vespertiliibacter pulmonis (UP000281691) UniProtKB Star A0A3N4VGG4_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A3N4VX27_9PAST Volucribacter Volucribacter psittacicida (UP000294702) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1G464_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A4R1G5F4_9PAST [Haemophilus] felis (UP000190023) UniProtKB Star A0A1T0B268_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A1T0B7C3_9PAST [Pasteurella] mairii (UP000254280) UniProtKB Star A0A379B840_9PAST UniProtKB Star A0A379B528_9PAST Psittacicellaceae Psittacicella Psittacicella hinzii (UP000265916) UniProtKB Star A0A3A1YPZ9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3A1YL24_9GAMM Psittacicella melopsittaci (UP000266258) UniProtKB Star A0A3A1YAV3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3A1Y7Q1_9GAMM Pseudomonadales Ketobacteraceae Ketobacter Ketobacter alkanivorans (UP000235116) UniProtKB Star A0A2K9LRC3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2K9LQP2_9GAMM Ketobacter sp. (UP000280615) UniProtKB Star A0A3F2VA19_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3F2V8R0_9GAMM Marinobacteraceae Marinobacter Marinobacter confluentis (UP000298325) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1CJ21_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1CBL5_9GAMM Marinobacter daqiaonensis (UP000198644) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6H4A7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I6H334_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I6JW96_9GAMM Marinobacter gudaonensis (UP000199290) UniProtKB Star A0A1I6GGU5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I6GGB2_9GAMM Marinobacter litoralis (UP000265903) UniProtKB Star A0A3M2RL18_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3M2RL84_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3M2RB65_9GAMM Marinobacter lutaoensis (UP000189339) UniProtKB Star A0A1V2DWY2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1V2DXP0_9GAMM Marinobacter mobilis (UP000199675) UniProtKB Star A0A1H2Z199_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H2Z754_9GAMM Marinobacter persicus (UP000199445) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3S8A6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I3THW9_9GAMM Marinobacter similis (UP000061489) Marinobacter sp. AC-23 (UP000179744) Marinobacter sp. BSs20148 (UP000011757) UniProtKB Star M1FE93_9GAMM UniProtKB Star M1F8Q6_9GAMM Marinobacter sp. F3R11 (UP000253080) UniProtKB Star A0A366WJG8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A366WIU8_9GAMM Marinobacter sp. R17 (UP000278479) UniProtKB Star A0A3N2R2W7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3N2R336_9GAMM Marinobacter sp. X15-166B (UP000175667) UniProtKB Star A0A1E7PZB6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1E7PYX8_9GAMM Marinobacter vulgaris (UP000253987) UniProtKB Star A0A2V3ZKB9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2V3ZK03_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2V3ZGN0_9GAMM Tamilnaduibacter Tamilnaduibacter salinus (UP000218332) UniProtKB Star A0A2A2I831_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2A2I4W6_9GAMM Pseudohongiellaceae Pseudohongiella Pseudohongiella acticola (UP000175669) UniProtKB Star A0A1E8CHH1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1E8CGH5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1E8CFR5_9GAMM Pseudohongiella nitratireducens (UP000627715) UniProtKB Star A0A916QMU4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A917LTE1_9GAMM Pseudohongiella spirulinae (UP000065641) UniProtKB Star A0A0S2KCV4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0S2KDY9_9GAMM Pseudomonadaceae Atopomonas Atopomonas hussainii (UP000185766) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7GVI9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H7PN55_9GAMM Azomonas Azomonas agilis (UP000319627) UniProtKB Star A0A562I302_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A562I0H0_9GAMM Azomonas macrocytogenes (UP000549250) UniProtKB Star A0A839SX49_AZOMA UniProtKB Star A0A839T4X2_AZOMA Azotobacter Azotobacter chroococcum NCIMB 8003 (UP000068210) UniProtKB Star A0A0C4WN31_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0C4WMU3_9GAMM Entomomonas Entomomonas asaccharolytica (UP000595278) UniProtKB Star A0A974NG10_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A974NGM2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A974NEI2_9GAMM Geopseudomonas Geopseudomonas guangdongensis (UP000243063) UniProtKB Star A0A1H2E0P5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H2HRH7_9GAMM Halopseudomonas Halopseudomonas bauzanensis (UP000186599) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9VI62_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I4PTL8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I4MBG8_9GAMM Halopseudomonas laoshanensis (UP000463138) UniProtKB Star A0A7V7GWT3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7V7GWR6_9GAMM Halopseudomonas pachastrellae (UP000242847) UniProtKB Star A0A1S8DLL9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1S8DL01_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1S8DFG6_9GAMM Halopseudomonas phragmitis (UP000243488) UniProtKB Star A0A1V0B8A3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1V0B764_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1V0B0Y8_9GAMM Halopseudomonas salegens (UP000243924) UniProtKB Star A0A1H2FTT5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H2F3R6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H2DVZ8_9GAMM Halopseudomonas xinjiangensis (UP000243207) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1NU87_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H1QPP4_9GAMM Halopseudomonas yangmingensis (UP000243629) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4NJM3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I4QFB6_9GAMM Metapseudomonas Metapseudomonas resinovorans NBRC 106553 (UP000015503) UniProtKB Star S6AE02_METRE UniProtKB Star S6AGJ0_METRE Permianibacter Permianibacter aggregans (UP000295375) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6UJ53_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R6UR80_9GAMM Pseudomonas Pseudomonas aeruginosa (strain ATCC 15692 / DSM 22644 / CIP 104116 / J... (UP000002438) UniProtKB Star SYE_PSEAE UniProtKB Star SYQ_PSEAE Pseudomonas agarici (UP000063229) UniProtKB Star A0A0X1T6D0_PSEAA UniProtKB Star A0A0X1T6Q6_PSEAA UniProtKB Star A0A0X1T4U5_PSEAA Pseudomonas asplenii (UP000199524) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1WSH3_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A1H1WJP8_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A1H1U011_9PSED Pseudomonas carbonaria (UP000583387) UniProtKB Star A0A7U7ES71_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A7U7IBJ2_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A7U7EMX4_9PSED Pseudomonas cavernae (UP000265560) UniProtKB Star A0A385Z2P9_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A385Z8H2_9PSED Pseudomonas corrugata (UP000270661) UniProtKB Star A0A3M3EM42_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A3M3ENB5_9PSED Pseudomonas cremoricolorata (UP000029493) UniProtKB Star A0A089WSH4_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A089WWG2_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A089Y8M0_9PSED Pseudomonas flexibilis (UP000030980) UniProtKB Star A0A0B3C1J3_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A0B3BZZ8_9PSED Pseudomonas fluorescens (strain SBW25) (UP000002332) Pseudomonas fulva (strain 12-X) (UP000000686) UniProtKB Star F6A8H6_PSEF1 UniProtKB Star F6ABL7_PSEF1 Pseudomonas graminis (UP000501989) UniProtKB Star A0A6M8MKM1_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A6M8MT10_9PSED Pseudomonas guineae (UP000243606) UniProtKB Star A0A1I3PUI0_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A1I3HIX2_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A1I3PC46_9PSED Pseudomonas indica (UP000198706) UniProtKB Star A0A1G9BZJ4_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A1G8X392_9PSED Pseudomonas japonica (UP000198407) UniProtKB Star A0A239GDG1_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A239HR06_9PSED Pseudomonas jinjuensis (UP000242957) UniProtKB Star A0A1H0I760_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A1G9YWZ1_9PSED Pseudomonas knackmussii (strain DSM 6978 / CCUG 54928 / LMG 23759 / B13) (UP000025241) UniProtKB Star A0A024HL14_PSEKB UniProtKB Star A0A024HFT8_PSEKB Pseudomonas kuykendallii (UP000243778) UniProtKB Star A0A2W5EVA7_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A1H3DAK0_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A1H2QFX1_9PSED Pseudomonas mangiferae (UP000315235) UniProtKB Star A0A553H2H4_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A553GV20_9PSED Pseudomonas mangrovi (UP000244064) UniProtKB Star A0A2T5PB27_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A2T5P808_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A2T5P851_9PSED Pseudomonas marginalis pv. marginalis (UP000276587) UniProtKB Star A0A3M3XB94_PSEMA UniProtKB Star A0A3M3WTQ2_PSEMA Pseudomonas marincola (UP000325451) Pseudomonas matsuisoli (UP000635983) UniProtKB Star A0A917PI95_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A917Q189_9PSED Pseudomonas oryzae (UP000243359) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1LW85_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A1H1RYE4_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A1H1Z1K0_9PSED Pseudomonas oryzihabitans (UP000064137) UniProtKB Star A0A0U4WBN3_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A0U4VQD4_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A0U4WFE0_9PSED Pseudomonas panipatensis (UP000199636) UniProtKB Star A0A1G8C7T7_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A1G8FBK9_9PSED Pseudomonas pharmacofabricae (UP000242861) UniProtKB Star A0A2I0CRD4_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A2I0CQK5_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A2I0CT34_9PSED Pseudomonas pohangensis (UP000243232) UniProtKB Star A0A1H2G7Z4_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A1H2F4Y9_9PSED Pseudomonas putida (strain ATCC 47054 / DSM 6125 / CFBP 8728 / NCIMB 1... (UP000000556) UniProtKB Star SYE_PSEPK UniProtKB Star SYQ_PSEPK UniProtKB Star GLUQ_PSEPK Pseudomonas rhizosphaerae (UP000029499) UniProtKB Star A0A089YKH0_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A089YIL7_9PSED Pseudomonas saudiphocaensis (UP000053902) UniProtKB Star A0A078LQ26_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A078LR80_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A078LY26_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. 1239 (UP000195310) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3L9D8_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3KES3_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3LH35_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. 21C1 (UP000094259) UniProtKB Star A0A1E4UTZ6_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A1E4UWT4_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. 8AS (UP000435285) UniProtKB Star A0A653V8D5_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A653VDK6_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A653QHD1_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. ABC1 (UP000509591) UniProtKB Star A0A7L5RYD9_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A7L5RQS5_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A7L5RSJ6_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. BAY1663 (UP000019475) UniProtKB Star W9TBL5_9PSED UniProtKB Star W9T9N1_9PSED UniProtKB Star W9T6G3_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. Boi14 (UP000679778) UniProtKB Star A0A8S0GXU4_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. C27(2019) (UP000327522) UniProtKB Star A0A5J6Q7Z3_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A5J6Q9I0_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. FeS53a (UP000032531) UniProtKB Star A0A0D6SHT6_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A0D6SZR3_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. GD03985 (UP001158693) UniProtKB Star A0AA42T017_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0AA42NEN5_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. GV071 (UP000244119) UniProtKB Star A0A2T5HQ78_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A2T5HD85_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A2T5H4Q8_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. HAR-UPW-AIA-41 (UP000243299) UniProtKB Star A0A2A2J0B7_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A2A2IUV9_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. HLS-6 (UP000230810) UniProtKB Star A0A2D2M9L1_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A2D2M510_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. HPB0071 (UP000017050) UniProtKB Star N2IRM2_9PSED UniProtKB Star N2JN61_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. M30-35 (UP000196445) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0KTI9_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A1Y0KY42_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. M47T1 (UP000004339) UniProtKB Star I4MWA1_9PSED UniProtKB Star I4N0U6_9PSED UniProtKB Star I4MVE6_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. MRSN 12121 (UP000032239) UniProtKB Star A0A0C5DUT6_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A0C5EC35_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. NZIPFR-PS5 (UP000222513) UniProtKB Star A0A2G4E063_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. OIL-1 (UP000476718) UniProtKB Star A0A6C0TYT2_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A6C0TZV8_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A6C0TPT8_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. SDI (UP000251762) UniProtKB Star A0A315WYQ4_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A315WT75_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. SSM44 (UP000268556) UniProtKB Star A0A3N4AJN7_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A3N4AHT9_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. StFLB209 (UP000031652) UniProtKB Star A0A077LKG2_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A077LNI2_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. TAD18 (UP000056648) UniProtKB Star A0A105TAX1_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A105TA69_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. THAF187a (UP000326483) UniProtKB Star A0A5P9C6Z7_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A5P9C893_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. TTU2014-080ASC (UP000051864) UniProtKB Star A0A0T6UN33_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A0T6UJE2_9PSED Pseudomonas sp. URIL14HWK12:I9 (UP000232228) UniProtKB Star A0A285PA19_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A285NYE0_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A285NX35_9PSED Pseudomonas syringae (UP000028631) UniProtKB Star A0A085VDB8_PSESX UniProtKB Star A0A085VEK0_PSESX Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi str. 1704B (UP000004986) UniProtKB Star F3G7E1_PSESJ Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (strain ATCC BAA-871 / DC3000) (UP000002515) UniProtKB Star SYE_PSESM UniProtKB Star SYQ_PSESM Pseudomonas taeanensis MS-3 (UP000030063) UniProtKB Star A0A0A1YJX1_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A0A1YHM6_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A0A1YRD3_9PSED Pseudomonas tritici (UP000615613) UniProtKB Star A0A8H9YQC6_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A8H9Z3Y8_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A8I0D2I1_9PSED UniProtKB Star A0A8H9YQS3_9PSED Stutzerimonas Stutzerimonas nosocomialis (UP000306753) UniProtKB Star A0A5R9Q8I5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5R9QBL2_9GAMM Stutzerimonas stutzeri (strain A1501) (UP000000233) UniProtKB Star SYE_STUS1 UniProtKB Star SYQ_STUS1 UniProtKB Star A4VPM0_STUS1 Thiopseudomonas Thiopseudomonas alkaliphila (UP000063953) UniProtKB Star A0A0K1XBG6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0K1XC50_9GAMM Thiopseudomonas denitrificans (UP000294575) UniProtKB Star A0A4R6U4B9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R6U3F3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R6U2N6_9GAMM Ventosimonadaceae Ventosimonas Ventosimonas gracilis (UP000072660) UniProtKB Star A0A139SWW9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A139SR01_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A139SSN7_9GAMM SAR86 cluster SAR86 cluster bacterium (UP001056381) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q8X1N5_9GAMM SAR86 cluster bacterium SAR86E (UP000010310) Salinisphaerales Salinisphaeraceae Salinisphaera Salinisphaera hydrothermalis (strain C41B8) (UP000028302) UniProtKB Star A0A084IG65_SALHC UniProtKB Star A0A084IM77_SALHC Salinisphaera japonica YTM-1 (UP000285310) UniProtKB Star A0A423PH00_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A423PJZ8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A423Q284_9GAMM Salinisphaera orenii MK-B5 (UP000283993) UniProtKB Star A0A423PFS7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A423PMV7_9GAMM Salinisphaera shabanensis E1L3A (UP000006242) UniProtKB Star U2G1F4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star U2FRQ1_9GAMM Salinisphaera sp. Q1T1-3 (UP000269039) UniProtKB Star A0A3A5J6G6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A3A5J2U3_9GAMM Steroidobacterales Steroidobacteraceae Povalibacter Povalibacter uvarum (UP000588068) UniProtKB Star A0A841HH53_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A841HFC7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A841HIN3_9GAMM Steroidobacter Steroidobacter agaridevorans (UP000445000) UniProtKB Star A0A829YFH1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A829Y8V5_9GAMM Steroidobacter denitrificans (UP000070250) UniProtKB Star A0A127F7Q9_STEDE UniProtKB Star A0A127FAN6_STEDE Thiohalobacterales Thiohalobacteraceae Thiohalobacter Thiohalobacter thiocyanaticus (UP000218765) UniProtKB Star A0A1Z4VSL7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1Z4VRJ9_9GAMM Thiohalomonadales Thiohalomonadaceae Thiohalomonas Thiohalomonas denitrificans (UP000199648) UniProtKB Star A0A1G5QFW7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1G5QFF6_9GAMM Thiohalophilaceae Thiohalophilus Thiohalophilus thiocyanatoxydans (UP000294914) UniProtKB Star A0A4R8III1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R8IRG4_9GAMM Thiohalorhabdales Thiohalorhabdaceae Thiohalorhabdus Thiohalorhabdus denitrificans (UP000183104) UniProtKB Star A0A0P9CR45_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1G5F6F1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0P9GKM7_9GAMM Thiohalospirales Thiohalospiraceae Thiohalospira Thiohalospira halophila DSM 15071 (UP000198611) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1NQT8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I1PFD6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1I1NDB2_9GAMM Thiotrichales Fastidiosibacteraceae Cysteiniphilum Cysteiniphilum litorale (UP000636949) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3E8L4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A8J3E9V6_9GAMM Francisellaceae Francisella Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica (strain LVS) (UP000001944) UniProtKB Star SYE_FRATH Francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis (strain SCHU S4 / Schu 4) (UP000001174) UniProtKB Star SYE_FRATT UniProtKB Star Q5NHK6_FRATT Piscirickettsiaceae Cycloclasticus Cycloclasticus sp. (strain P1) (UP000006282) UniProtKB Star K0C384_CYCSP UniProtKB Star K0C2S1_CYCSP Cycloclasticus sp. symbiont of Bathymodiolus heckerae (UP000193616) UniProtKB Star A0A1X1QSQ1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1X1QSN8_9GAMM Cycloclasticus sp. symbiont of Poecilosclerida sp. M (UP000193579) UniProtKB Star A0A1X1QFN5_9GAMM Cycloclasticus sp. symbiont of Poecilosclerida sp. N (UP000193416) UniProtKB Star A0A1X1QJM1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1X1QKS1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1X1QQ37_9GAMM Hydrogenovibrio Hydrogenovibrio crunogenus (UP000296201) UniProtKB Star A0A4V1C8V7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4V1C8S7_9GAMM Hydrogenovibrio marinus (UP000027341) UniProtKB Star A0A066ZNU0_HYDMR UniProtKB Star A0A066ZXV2_HYDMR Hydrogenovibrio sp. SC-1 (UP000234529) UniProtKB Star A0A2I2A200_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2I2A5W9_9GAMM Methylophaga Methylophaga aminisulfidivorans MP (UP000003544) UniProtKB Star F5SZ80_9GAMM UniProtKB Star F5SV05_9GAMM UniProtKB Star F5T1U9_9GAMM Methylophaga frappieri (strain ATCC BAA-2434 / DSM 25690 / JAM7) (UP000009145) UniProtKB Star I1YKA1_METFJ UniProtKB Star I1YGA3_METFJ Methylophaga lonarensis MPL (UP000012019) UniProtKB Star M7PFI1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star M7NY32_9GAMM Methylophaga muralis (UP000094379) UniProtKB Star A0A1E3GTP2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1E3GSN5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1E3GT81_9GAMM Methylophaga thiooxydans DMS010 (UP000004679) UniProtKB Star C0N5K7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star C0N9Y8_9GAMM Piscirickettsia Piscirickettsia salmonis (UP000422232) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q6PVN0_PISSA UniProtKB Star A0A9Q6LQI1_PISSA Sulfurivirga Sulfurivirga caldicuralii (UP000198461) UniProtKB Star A0A1N6FA59_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1N6F4V1_9GAMM Thiomicrorhabdus Thiomicrorhabdus sediminis (UP000304864) UniProtKB Star A0A4V1HHT4_9GAMM Thiomicrospira Thiomicrospira cyclica (strain DSM 14477 / JCM 11371 / ALM1) (UP000009232) UniProtKB Star F6DBQ9_THICA UniProtKB Star F6DC69_THICA Thiomicrospira sp. WB1 (UP000053531) UniProtKB Star A0A0X3TCG6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0X3TB46_9GAMM Thiosulfatimonas Thiosulfatimonas sediminis (UP000501726) UniProtKB Star A0A6F8PV13_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6F8PVD3_9GAMM Thiosulfativibrio Thiosulfativibrio zosterae (UP000501466) UniProtKB Star A0A6F8PNH7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6F8PNZ8_9GAMM Thioflexithrix Thioflexithrix psekupsensis (UP000194798) UniProtKB Star A0A251X5W8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A251X8E6_9GAMM Thiotrichaceae Achromatium Achromatium sp. WMS2 (UP000037003) Achromatium sp. WMS3 (UP000036918) UniProtKB Star A0A0M1JG57_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0M1JHE5_9GAMM Beggiatoa Beggiatoa alba B18LD (UP000005744) UniProtKB Star I3CC40_9GAMM UniProtKB Star I3CCZ3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star I3CIS2_9GAMM Cocleimonas Cocleimonas flava (UP000294887) UniProtKB Star A0A4R1F8I7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4R1EUE2_9GAMM Leucothrix Leucothrix arctica (UP000245506) UniProtKB Star A0A317C619_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A317CDS6_9GAMM Leucothrix pacifica (UP000245539) UniProtKB Star A0A317CMV5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A317CE53_9GAMM Thiomargarita Candidatus Thiomargarita nelsonii (UP000030428) UniProtKB Star A0A4E0QN86_9GAMM Thioploca Thioploca ingrica (UP000031623) UniProtKB Star A0A090ADZ8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A090ABY0_9GAMM Thiothrix Candidatus Thiothrix singaporensis (UP000510621) UniProtKB Star A0A7L6AQ38_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A7L6AR73_9GAMM Thiothrix caldifontis (UP000199397) UniProtKB Star A0A1H4CKA4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H4EIN3_9GAMM Thiothrix eikelboomii (UP000190460) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4X148_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1T4W979_9GAMM Thiothrix nivea (strain ATCC 35100 / DSM 5205 / JP2) (UP000005317) UniProtKB Star A0A656HE23_THINJ UniProtKB Star A0A656HEC0_THINJ Thiothrix unzii (UP000672009) UniProtKB Star A0A975IG37_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A975F6W4_9GAMM Venteria Candidatus Venteria ishoeyi (UP000236724) UniProtKB Star A0A1H6FGL5_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H6F8Q8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H6F996_9GAMM Vibrionales Vibrionaceae Aliivibrio Aliivibrio fischeri (strain ATCC 700601 / ES114) (UP000000537) UniProtKB Star SYE_ALIF1 UniProtKB Star SYQ_ALIF1 Candidatus Photodesmus Candidatus Photodesmus blepharus (UP000053784) UniProtKB Star A0A084CP46_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A084CMY3_9GAMM Candidatus Photodesmus katoptron Akat1 (UP000053688) UniProtKB Star S3DL47_9GAMM UniProtKB Star S3E0H7_9GAMM Enterovibrio Candidatus Enterovibrio escicola (UP000219020) UniProtKB Star A0A2A5T1A6_9GAMM Enterovibrio coralii (UP000070529) UniProtKB Star A0A135I737_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A135I7N5_9GAMM Grimontia Grimontia hollisae CIP 101886 (UP000003604) UniProtKB Star D0ICD6_GRIHO UniProtKB Star D0IBT4_GRIHO Paraphotobacterium Paraphotobacterium marinum (UP000242175) UniProtKB Star A0A220VDK2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A220VDQ8_9GAMM Photobacterium Photobacterium aphoticum (UP000036426) UniProtKB Star A0A0J1GS31_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0J1GJW6_9GAMM Photobacterium aquimaris (UP000196485) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y6KS50_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1Y6KX79_9GAMM Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae CIP 102761 (UP000003579) UniProtKB Star D0YZB5_PHODD UniProtKB Star D0YYZ9_PHODD Photobacterium gaetbulicola Gung47 (UP000032303) UniProtKB Star A0A0C5WD06_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0C5WS54_9GAMM Photobacterium ganghwense (UP000035909) UniProtKB Star A0A0J1HHD3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0J1GXB0_9GAMM Photobacterium halotolerans (UP000033633) UniProtKB Star A0A0F5VG95_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0F5VGW1_9GAMM Photobacterium jeanii (UP000078503) UniProtKB Star A0A178KB44_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A178KPN6_9GAMM Photobacterium lipolyticum (UP000240904) UniProtKB Star A0A2T3N5D0_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2T3N4X8_9GAMM Photobacterium profundum (strain SS9) (UP000000593) UniProtKB Star SYE_PHOPR UniProtKB Star SYQ_PHOPR Photobacterium proteolyticum (UP000186905) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q9GMX7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1Q9G5V0_9GAMM Photobacterium sp. GB-1 (UP000240453) UniProtKB Star A0A2T3LRT6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2T3LRC9_9GAMM Salinivibrio Salinivibrio sp. KP-1 (UP000033449) UniProtKB Star A0A0F5AUY7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0F5ATI3_9GAMM Veronia Veronia nyctiphanis (UP000290287) UniProtKB Star A0A4V1LSU2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A4Q0YZZ8_9GAMM Veronia pacifica (UP000094936) UniProtKB Star A0A1C3EEM2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1C3ERJ0_9GAMM Vibrio Vibrio aerogenes CECT 7868 (UP000184608) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5WDX2_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A1M5Z0B9_9VIBR Vibrio agarilyticus (UP000535589) UniProtKB Star A0A7X8TN55_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A7X8YFQ4_9VIBR Vibrio aquimaris (UP000326936) UniProtKB Star A0A5P9CIM6_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A5P9CL31_9VIBR Vibrio astriarenae (UP000464262) UniProtKB Star A0A7Z2T3Y7_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A7Z2T1R8_9VIBR Vibrio azureus NBRC 104587 (UP000016567) UniProtKB Star U3C8W3_9VIBR UniProtKB Star U3A7F9_9VIBR Vibrio caribbeanicus ATCC BAA-2122 (UP000002943) UniProtKB Star E3BIE0_9VIBR UniProtKB Star E3BPU4_9VIBR Vibrio cholerae serotype O1 (strain ATCC 39315 / El Tor Inaba N16961) (UP000000584) UniProtKB Star SYE_VIBCH UniProtKB Star SYQ_VIBCH Vibrio eleionomae (UP000462621) UniProtKB Star A0A7X4LGT2_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A7X4LKS0_9VIBR Vibrio ezurae NBRC 102218 (UP000016562) UniProtKB Star U3B311_9VIBR UniProtKB Star U3AWZ4_9VIBR Vibrio furnissii (UP000051221) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q2MZN9_VIBFU UniProtKB Star A0A0Q2XS63_VIBFU Vibrio galatheae (UP000033673) UniProtKB Star A0A0F4NF20_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A0F4NQC5_9VIBR Vibrio gelatinilyticus (UP001139488) UniProtKB Star A0A9X1W7H7_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A9X1WF27_9VIBR Vibrio genomosp. F10 (UP000093173) UniProtKB Star A0A1B9QZB1_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A1B9R0Y6_9VIBR Vibrio genomosp. F6 str. FF-238 (UP000094165) UniProtKB Star A0A1E5DBT7_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A1E5DBI7_9VIBR Vibrio ishigakensis (UP000031671) UniProtKB Star A0A0B8NZ93_9VIBR Vibrio maritimus (UP000029224) Vibrio metschnikovii (UP000615796) UniProtKB Star A0A9X0UKH4_VIBME UniProtKB Star A0A9X0R7W0_VIBME Vibrio mytili (UP000031977) UniProtKB Star A0A0C3I5C8_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A0C3IBA3_9VIBR Vibrio natriegens NBRC 15636 = ATCC 14048 = DSM 759 (UP000092741) UniProtKB Star A0AAN1CV97_VIBNA UniProtKB Star A0AAN1CV03_VIBNA Vibrio navarrensis (UP000029994) UniProtKB Star A0A099LSK6_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A099LRF3_9VIBR Vibrio nereis (UP000037515) UniProtKB Star A0A0M0HJJ8_VIBNE UniProtKB Star A0A0M0HPE6_VIBNE Vibrio nigripulchritudo (UP000016895) UniProtKB Star U4KGI3_9VIBR UniProtKB Star U4KHA9_9VIBR UniProtKB Star U4K7Q9_9VIBR Vibrio ordalii FS-238 (UP000094808) UniProtKB Star A0A853R9J8_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A853QVB9_9VIBR Vibrio ostreae (UP000694232) UniProtKB Star A0A975YNR3_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A975U7H8_9VIBR Vibrio palustris (UP000189475) UniProtKB Star A0A1R4B021_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A1R4B1E7_9VIBR Vibrio paucivorans (UP001155586) UniProtKB Star A0A9X3HT36_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A9X3HQI1_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A9X3CAY2_9VIBR Vibrio proteolyticus NBRC 13287 (UP000016570) UniProtKB Star U3A2D8_VIBPR UniProtKB Star U2ZXL5_VIBPR Vibrio renipiscarius (UP000031672) UniProtKB Star A0A0C2JR18_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A0C2NS26_9VIBR Vibrio ruber (strain DSM 16370 / JCM 11486 / BCRC 17186 / CECT 7878 / ... (UP000188276) UniProtKB Star A0A1R4LF45_VIBR1 UniProtKB Star A0A1R4L9P4_VIBR1 Vibrio rumoiensis 1S-45 (UP000094070) UniProtKB Star A0A1E5E147_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A1E5E0J9_9VIBR Vibrio sp. 10N.286.49.B3 (UP000235563) UniProtKB Star A0A2N7DC35_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A2N7DJE0_9VIBR Vibrio sp. 99-8-1 (UP000533102) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y4C8K7_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A7Y4C8Q8_9VIBR Vibrio sp. AND4 (UP000005159) UniProtKB Star A8TBX6_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A8T814_9VIBR Vibrio sp. HA2012 (UP000232179) UniProtKB Star A0A2M8GXG0_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A2M8GVX3_9VIBR Vibrio sp. PID23_8 (UP000266362) UniProtKB Star A0A3A2I8Y7_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A3A2IC06_9VIBR Vibrio sp. V28_P6S34P95 (UP000468500) UniProtKB Star A0A6I5IRN1_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A6I5IUZ3_9VIBR Vibrio sp. qd031 (UP000193432) UniProtKB Star A0A1X1MPK1_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A1X1MSM1_9VIBR Vibrio tapetis subsp. tapetis (UP000235828) UniProtKB Star A0A2N8ZBW9_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A2N8ZBH2_9VIBR Vibrio tarriae (UP000198371) UniProtKB Star A0AAU8WY03_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0AAU8WIJ1_9VIBR Vibrio thalassae (UP000219336) UniProtKB Star A0A240EF86_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A240E8F2_9VIBR Vibrio toranzoniae (UP000057389) UniProtKB Star A0A120DH87_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A109D8K6_9VIBR Vibrio viridaestus (UP000281112) UniProtKB Star A0A3N9TI69_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A3N9TE47_9VIBR Vibrio xiamenensis (UP000198854) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7W9H3_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A1G8E6X3_9VIBR Vibrio ziniensis (UP000503003) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7CKB3_9VIBR UniProtKB Star A0A6G7CGE7_9VIBR Woeseiales Woeseiaceae Woeseia Woeseia oceani (UP000092695) UniProtKB Star A0A193LEM3_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A193LEF9_9GAMM bacterium endosymbiont of Pedicinus badii (UP000192007) UniProtKB Star A0A1V8ND66_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1V8NDB9_9GAMM endosymbiont of Euscepes postfasciatus (UP000289362) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5T729_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A2Z5TFI4_9GAMM endosymbiont of unidentified scaly snail isolate Monju (UP000015562) UniProtKB Star S6BSK2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star S6CFX3_9GAMM gamma proteobacterium HTCC5015 (UP000004692) UniProtKB Star B5JY47_9GAMM UniProtKB Star B5JWM1_9GAMM gamma proteobacterium HdN1 (UP000002677) UniProtKB Star E1VPQ7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star E1VQ39_9GAMM gamma proteobacterium IMCC2047 (UP000004485) UniProtKB Star F3KBC9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star F3KBK4_9GAMM gamma proteobacterium SS-5 (UP000326736) UniProtKB Star A0A5Q0ENC4_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A5Q0EPP6_9GAMM methanotrophic endosymbiont of Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis (UP000476210) UniProtKB Star A0A6N1YCW9_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A6N1YAR8_9GAMM sulfur-oxidizing symbionts Bathymodiolus azoricus thioautotrophic gill symbiont (UP000198988) UniProtKB Star A0A1H6K627_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1H6M4S6_9GAMM Candidatus Vesicomyosocius Vesicomyosocius okutanii subsp. Calyptogena okutanii (strain HA) (UP000000247) UniProtKB Star SYE_VESOH UniProtKB Star A5CVV0_VESOH Solemya elarraichensis gill symbiont (UP000190198) UniProtKB Star A0A1T2LBS7_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1T2LBZ7_9GAMM Solemya pervernicosa gill symbiont (UP000191110) UniProtKB Star A0A1T2L6N8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1T2L6V5_9GAMM Solemya velesiana gill symbiont (UP000190896) UniProtKB Star A0A1T2KY02_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A1T2KY51_9GAMM Solemya velum gill symbiont (UP000030856) UniProtKB Star A0A0B0H9A4_SOVGS UniProtKB Star A0A0B0H5Q9_SOVGS endosymbiont of Bathymodiolus septemdierum str. Myojin knoll (UP000067399) UniProtKB Star A0A0N7KBB6_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A0P0UT41_9GAMM endosymbiont of Escarpia spicata (UP000254771) UniProtKB Star A0A370DT53_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A370DT45_9GAMM endosymbiont of Galathealinum brachiosum (UP000254266) UniProtKB Star A0A370D8J8_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A370DA12_9GAMM endosymbiont of Tevnia jerichonana (vent Tica) (UP000005167) UniProtKB Star G2FHH2_9GAMM UniProtKB Star G2FHH1_9GAMM thiotrophic endosymbiont of Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis (UP000307467) UniProtKB Star A0A483ATY1_9GAMM UniProtKB Star A0A483AWJ5_9GAMM Hydrogenophilia Hydrogenophilales Hydrogenophilaceae Hydrogenophilus Hydrogenophilus thermoluteolus (UP000262004) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6DXJ8_HYDTE UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6DVK7_HYDTE UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6E038_HYDTE Tepidiphilus Tepidiphilus thermophilus (UP000182108) UniProtKB Star A0A0K6IVY6_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A0K6IYH7_9PROT Hydrogenophilalia incertae sedis Pelomicrobium Pelomicrobium methylotrophicum (UP000321201) UniProtKB Star A0A5C7ETA5_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A5C7EM66_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A5C7EL28_9PROT Pseudomonadota bacterium (UP000293400) Zetaproteobacteria Mariprofundales Mariprofundaceae Mariprofundus Mariprofundus erugo (UP000306585) UniProtKB Star A0A5R9GUR0_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A5R9GRW4_9PROT Mariprofundus ferrinatatus (UP000231637) UniProtKB Star A0A2K8L6E0_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A2K8L8R0_9PROT Mariprofundus ferrooxydans PV-1 (UP000005297) UniProtKB Star Q0F1G1_9PROT UniProtKB Star Q0F062_9PROT Mariprofundus sp. EBB-1 (UP000270267) UniProtKB Star A0A498DJE9_9PROT UniProtKB Star A0A498E067_9PROT


Rhodothermota (8/8, 8 hits, 9 weak hits)
Rhodothermia Rhodothermales Rhodothermaceae Rhodothermaceae bacterium (UP001155242) UniProtKB Star A0A9X1KUM8_9BACT Rhodothermaceae bacterium RA (UP000055617) UniProtKB Star A0A1V0DB26_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1V0DBF1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1V0DJ56_9BACT Rhodothermus Rhodothermus marinus (strain ATCC 43812 / DSM 4252 / R-10) (UP000002221) UniProtKB Star D0MI71_RHOM4 Rubricoccaceae Rubricoccus Rubricoccus marinus (UP000216446) UniProtKB Star A0A259U0E1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A259U164_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A259TZU5_9BACT Rubrivirga Rubrivirga marina (UP000216339) UniProtKB Star A0A271J4K6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A271J6J7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A271J312_9BACT Salinibacteraceae Salinibacter Salinibacter ruber (strain DSM 13855 / M31) (UP000008674) UniProtKB Star SYE_SALRD UniProtKB Star Q2S1L9_SALRD Salisaetaceae Longibacter Longibacter salinarum (UP000220102) UniProtKB Star A0A2A8D2M0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2A8D2E4_9BACT Longimonas Longimonas halophila (UP000221024) UniProtKB Star A0A2H3PAZ2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2H3NMC2_9BACT


Spirochaetota (57/62, 57 hits, 27 weak hits)
Spirochaetia Brachyspirales Brachyspiraceae Brachyspira Brachyspira pilosicoli (strain ATCC BAA-1826 / 95/1000) (UP000000332) UniProtKB Star D8IAZ7_BRAP9 Brevinematales Brevinemataceae Brevinema Brevinema andersonii (UP000240042) UniProtKB Star A0A1I1EL98_BREAD Leptospirales Leptospiraceae Leptonema Leptonema illini DSM 21528 (UP000005737) UniProtKB Star H2CIX7_9LEPT Leptospira Leptospira biflexa serovar Patoc (strain Patoc 1 / ATCC 23582 / Paris) (UP000001847) UniProtKB Star SYE_LEPBP Leptospira borgpetersenii str. 200701203 (UP000011783) UniProtKB Star M3GBM2_LEPBO Leptospira fluminis (UP000297855) UniProtKB Star A0A4R9GS31_9LEPT Leptospira ilyithenensis (UP000298264) UniProtKB Star A0A4R9LW28_9LEPT Leptospira interrogans serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae serovar Lai (stra... (UP000001408) UniProtKB Star SYE_LEPIN Leptospira interrogans serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae str. Verdun HP (UP000012092) UniProtKB Star M6RDD4_LEPIR Leptospira interrogans serovar Pyrogenes str. 200701872 (UP000012117) UniProtKB Star M6ZWT5_LEPIR Leptospira ryugenii (UP000245133) UniProtKB Star A0A2P2DZN5_9LEPT Leptospira weilii serovar Topaz str. LT2116 (UP000011770) UniProtKB Star M3EKV2_9LEPT Turneriella Turneriella parva (strain ATCC BAA-1111 / DSM 21527 / NCTC 11395 / H) (UP000006048) UniProtKB Star I4B0R0_TURPD Spirochaetales Borreliaceae Borrelia Borrelia duttonii CR2A (UP000019148) UniProtKB Star W6TM56_9SPIR Borrelia turicatae (strain 91E135) (UP000001205) Borreliella Borreliella burgdorferi (strain ATCC 35210 / DSM 4680 / CIP 102532 / B... (UP000001807) UniProtKB Star SYE_BORBU Breznakiellaceae Breznakiella Breznakiella homolactica (UP000595917) UniProtKB Star A0A7T7XK63_9SPIR UniProtKB Star A0A7T7XPY6_9SPIR Gracilinema Gracilinema caldarium (strain ATCC 51460 / DSM 7334 / H1) (UP000000503) UniProtKB Star F8F1J2_GRAC1 UniProtKB Star F8EX69_GRAC1 Leadbettera Leadbettera azotonutricia (strain ATCC BAA-888 / DSM 13862 / ZAS-9) (UP000009222) UniProtKB Star F5YE90_LEAAZ UniProtKB Star F5Y839_LEAAZ Olavius algarvensis spirochete endosymbiont (UP000271413) UniProtKB Star A0AA47GVL7_9SPIR UniProtKB Star A0AA47BRZ3_9SPIR Sphaerochaetaceae Parasphaerochaeta Parasphaerochaeta coccoides (strain ATCC BAA-1237 / DSM 17374 / SPN1) (UP000007939) UniProtKB Star F4GJE1_PARC1 UniProtKB Star F4GIN8_PARC1 Sphaerochaeta Sphaerochaeta globosa (strain ATCC BAA-1886 / DSM 22777 / Buddy) (UP000008466) UniProtKB Star F0RWZ4_SPHGB UniProtKB Star F0RWW2_SPHGB Sphaerochaeta halotolerans (UP000264002) UniProtKB Star A0A372MHW8_9SPIR UniProtKB Star A0A372MJG4_9SPIR Sphaerochaeta pleomorpha (strain ATCC BAA-1885 / DSM 22778 / Grapes) (UP000005632) UniProtKB Star G8QYA6_SPHPG UniProtKB Star G8QYE4_SPHPG Spirochaetaceae Alkalispirochaeta Alkalispirochaeta americana (UP000186400) UniProtKB Star A0A1N6W594_9SPIO UniProtKB Star A0A1N6P0Z7_9SPIO Entomospira Entomospira culicis (UP000778951) UniProtKB Star A0A968KZL6_9SPIO Entomospira nematocerorum (UP000752013) UniProtKB Star A0A968GFV4_9SPIO Marispirochaeta Marispirochaeta aestuarii (UP000192343) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1RUJ6_9SPIO UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1RYD8_9SPIO Oceanispirochaeta Oceanispirochaeta crateris (UP000324209) UniProtKB Star A0A5C1QLX7_9SPIO UniProtKB Star A0A5C1QR77_9SPIO Oceanispirochaeta sp. M1 (UP000253869) UniProtKB Star A0A370AWZ7_9SPIO UniProtKB Star A0A370AND4_9SPIO Salinispira Salinispira pacifica (UP000018680) UniProtKB Star V5WI00_9SPIO UniProtKB Star V5WEU7_9SPIO Sediminispirochaeta Sediminispirochaeta smaragdinae (strain DSM 11293 / JCM 15392 / SEBR 4... (UP000002318) UniProtKB Star E1R5C5_SEDSS UniProtKB Star E1R573_SEDSS Spirochaeta Spirochaeta africana (strain ATCC 700263 / DSM 8902 / Z-7692) (UP000007383) UniProtKB Star H9UKD2_SPIAZ UniProtKB Star H9UKR7_SPIAZ Spirochaeta isovalerica (UP000587760) UniProtKB Star A0A841R4W9_9SPIO UniProtKB Star A0A841R611_9SPIO Spirochaeta lutea (UP000029692) UniProtKB Star A0A098R0F1_9SPIO UniProtKB Star A0A098QSU3_9SPIO Spirochaeta sp. LUC14_002_19_P3 (UP000192694) UniProtKB Star A0A1W9NA96_9SPIO UniProtKB Star A0A1W9N8D1_9SPIO Spirochaeta thermophila (strain ATCC 700085 / DSM 6578 / Z-1203) (UP000007254) UniProtKB Star G0GB45_SPITZ UniProtKB Star G0GAI6_SPITZ Thiospirochaeta Thiospirochaeta perfilievii (UP000323824) UniProtKB Star A0A5C1QEX0_9SPIO UniProtKB Star A0A5C1QAT5_9SPIO Treponemataceae Teretinema Teretinema zuelzerae (UP001198163) UniProtKB Star A0AAE3EF67_9SPIR Treponema Treponema berlinense (UP000190395) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4LGE6_9SPIR Treponema brennaborense (strain DSM 12168 / CIP 105900 / DD5/3) (UP000006546) UniProtKB Star F4LK16_TREBD Treponema bryantii (UP000182360) UniProtKB Star A0A1H9CAD9_9SPIR Treponema denticola (strain ATCC 35405 / DSM 14222 / CIP 103919 / JCM ... (UP000008212) UniProtKB Star SYE_TREDE Treponema maltophilum ATCC 51939 (UP000014541) UniProtKB Star S3K2Z2_TREMA Treponema pallidum (strain Nichols) (UP000000811) UniProtKB Star SYE_TREPA Treponema parvum (UP000671908) UniProtKB Star A0A975F367_9SPIR Treponema pedis str. T A4 (UP000015620) UniProtKB Star S5ZYS3_9SPIR Treponema peruense (UP000595224) UniProtKB Star A0A7T3REU5_9SPIR Treponema phagedenis (UP000042527) UniProtKB Star A0A0B7GWK5_TREPH Treponema porcinum (UP000190423) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4JIZ8_TREPO Treponema primitia (strain ATCC BAA-887 / DSM 12427 / ZAS-2) (UP000009223) UniProtKB Star F5YPX3_TREPZ UniProtKB Star F5YKT6_TREPZ Treponema rectale (UP000578697) UniProtKB Star A0A840SFT1_9SPIR Treponema ruminis (UP000518887) UniProtKB Star A0A7W8GBD8_9SPIR UniProtKB Star A0A7W8LMJ4_9SPIR Treponema saccharophilum DSM 2985 (UP000003571) UniProtKB Star H7ELQ8_9SPIR UniProtKB Star H7EGY8_9SPIR Treponema sp. J25 (UP000294625) UniProtKB Star A0A4R4BR57_9SPIR UniProtKB Star A0A4R4BQC8_9SPIR Treponema sp. JC4 (UP000002967) UniProtKB Star I0X8S7_9SPIR Treponema sp. Marseille-Q3903 (UP000660053) UniProtKB Star A0A923NQD1_9SPIR Treponema sp. Marseille-Q4132 (UP000515827) UniProtKB Star A0A7G9FD06_9SPIR Treponema succinifaciens (strain ATCC 33096 / DSM 2489 / 6091) (UP000006852) UniProtKB Star F2NSP7_TRES6 Treponema vincentii F0403 (UP000014605) UniProtKB Star S3LAI8_9SPIR spirochete symbiont of Stewartia floridana (UP000285996) Spirochaetota bacterium (UP000510830) UniProtKB Star A0A6S4QHT4_UNCSP


Synergistota (14/14, 17 hits, 8 weak hits)
Synergistia Synergistales Acetomicrobiaceae Acetomicrobium Acetomicrobium mobile (strain ATCC BAA-54 / DSM 13181 / JCM 12221 / NGA) (UP000006061) UniProtKB Star I4BXP0_ACEMN UniProtKB Star I4BW06_ACEMN Aminithiophilaceae Aminithiophilus Aminithiophilus ramosus (UP000671879) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q7EYJ7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A9Q7AN12_9BACT Aminobacteriaceae Aminivibrio Aminivibrio pyruvatiphilus (UP000295066) UniProtKB Star A0A4R8M6D1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4R8M363_9BACT Aminobacterium Aminobacterium colombiense (strain DSM 12261 / ALA-1) (UP000002366) UniProtKB Star D5EFQ0_AMICL UniProtKB Star D5EEX1_AMICL Fretibacterium Fretibacterium sp. OH1220_COT-178 (UP000267192) UniProtKB Star A0A3P1Y3I6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3P1Y6E5_9BACT Dethiosulfovibrionaceae Dethiosulfovibrio Dethiosulfovibrio peptidovorans DSM 11002 (UP000006427) UniProtKB Star D2Z4V2_9BACT Jonquetella Jonquetella anthropi DSM 22815 (UP000003806) UniProtKB Star H0UJY2_9BACT Pyramidobacter Pyramidobacter sp. CG50-2 (UP000276276) UniProtKB Star A0A3A9HF42_9BACT Synergistaceae Aminomonas Aminomonas paucivorans DSM 12260 (UP000005096) UniProtKB Star E3D142_9BACT UniProtKB Star E3CZH4_9BACT Cloacibacillus Cloacibacillus porcorum (UP000093044) UniProtKB Star A0A1B2I4B2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1B2I479_9BACT Cloacibacillus sp. An23 (UP000196418) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4GFL4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4GAR7_9BACT Synergistes Synergistes jonesii (UP000027665) UniProtKB Star A0A073J794_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A073ITD6_9BACT Thermanaerovibrio Thermanaerovibrio acidaminovorans (strain ATCC 49978 / DSM 6589 / Su883) (UP000002030) UniProtKB Star D1B5M1_THEAS UniProtKB Star D1B726_THEAS Thermovirgaceae Thermovirga Thermovirga lienii (strain ATCC BAA-1197 / DSM 17291 / Cas60314) (UP000005868) UniProtKB Star G7V5L9_THELD UniProtKB Star G7V6Y8_THELD


Thermodesulfobacteriota (133/139, 142 hits, 172 weak hits)
Candidatus Desulfofervidia Candidatus Desulfofervidales Candidatus Desulfofervidaceae Candidatus Desulfofervidus Desulfofervidus auxilii (UP000070560) UniProtKB Star A0A7U4QM23_DESA2 UniProtKB Star A0A7U4QKQ1_DESA2 Desulfarculia Desulfarculales Desulfarculaceae Desulfarculus Desulfarculus baarsii (strain ATCC 33931 / DSM 2075 / LMG 7858 / VKM B... (UP000009047) UniProtKB Star E1QDG1_DESB2 UniProtKB Star E1QM17_DESB2 Dethiosulfatarculus Dethiosulfatarculus sandiegensis (UP000032233) UniProtKB Star A0A0D2HXP0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0D2J8J9_9BACT Desulfobaccia Desulfobaccales Desulfobaccaceae Desulfobacca Desulfobacca acetoxidans (strain ATCC 700848 / DSM 11109 / ASRB2) (UP000000483) UniProtKB Star F2NJL7_DESAR UniProtKB Star F2NDP9_DESAR Desulfobacteria Desulfobacterales Candidatus Magnetomoraceae Candidatus Magnetomorum Candidatus Magnetomorum sp. HK-1 (UP000037988) UniProtKB Star A0A0M9E0I1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0M9EA49_9BACT Desulfatibacillaceae Desulfatibacillum Desulfatibacillum aliphaticivorans (UP000000739) UniProtKB Star B8FMD5_DESAL UniProtKB Star B8FLI8_DESAL Desulfobacteraceae Desulfamplus Desulfamplus magnetovallimortis (UP000191931) UniProtKB Star A0A1W1HA43_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1W1HDJ5_9BACT Desulfobacter Desulfobacter latus (UP000553343) UniProtKB Star A0A850SVE9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A850SYX6_9BACT Desulfobacter postgatei 2ac9 (UP000005778) UniProtKB Star I5B5C5_9BACT UniProtKB Star I5B4E7_9BACT Desulfobacula Desulfobacula toluolica (strain DSM 7467 / Tol2) (UP000007347) UniProtKB Star K0NLC9_DESTT UniProtKB Star K0N558_DESTT Desulfobotulus Desulfobotulus alkaliphilus (UP000318307) UniProtKB Star A0A562S6N4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A562RMQ2_9BACT Desulfocicer Desulfocicer vacuolatum DSM 3385 (UP000192418) UniProtKB Star A0A1W2C2M4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1W2AJH1_9BACT Desulforapulum Desulforapulum autotrophicum (strain ATCC 43914 / DSM 3382 / VKM B-195... (UP000000442) UniProtKB Star C0QKX7_DESAH UniProtKB Star C0QET4_DESAH Desulfotignum Desulfotignum phosphitoxidans DSM 13687 (UP000014216) UniProtKB Star S0FZR3_9BACT UniProtKB Star S0FSX5_9BACT Desulfococcaceae Desulfococcus Desulfococcus multivorans DSM 2059 (UP000014977) UniProtKB Star S7V9Z2_DESML UniProtKB Star S7V5C6_DESML Desulfonema Desulfonema ishimotonii (UP000288096) UniProtKB Star A0A401FWW8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A401G2S8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A401G3G7_9BACT Desulfonema limicola (UP000663720) UniProtKB Star A0A975B9E5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A975B3W4_9BACT Desulfonema magnum (UP000663722) UniProtKB Star A0A975GR62_9BACT Desulfolunaceae Desulfoluna Desulfoluna spongiiphila (UP000198870) UniProtKB Star A0A1G5GQP0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1G5FRK9_9BACT Desulfosalsimonadaceae Desulfosalsimonas Desulfosalsimonas propionicica (UP000525298) UniProtKB Star A0A7W0C771_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7W0CAY3_9BACT Desulfosarcinaceae Desulfatitalea Desulfatitalea alkaliphila (UP001165427) UniProtKB Star A0AA41QZG9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AA41R4S3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AA41QZW6_9BACT Desulfosarcina Desulfosarcina alkanivorans (UP000427906) UniProtKB Star A0A5K7YIW5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5K7YP67_9BACT Desulfosarcina ovata subsp. ovata (UP000422108) UniProtKB Star A0A5K8AGF7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5K8A8U5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5K8ABF1_9BACT Desulfosarcina widdelii (UP000427769) UniProtKB Star A0A5K7Z6S1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5K7ZA08_9BACT Desulfosudaceae Desulfosudis Desulfosudis oleivorans (strain DSM 6200 / JCM 39069 / Hxd3) (UP000008561) UniProtKB Star SYE_DESOH UniProtKB Star A8ZZZ9_DESOH Desulfobulbia Desulfobulbales Desulfobulbaceae Candidatus Electronema Candidatus Electronema aureum (UP000316238) UniProtKB Star A0A521G050_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A521FYI3_9BACT Candidatus Electrothrix Candidatus Electrothrix aarhusensis (UP000287853) UniProtKB Star A0A3S3RNS0_9BACT Candidatus Electrothrix communis (UP000288086) Candidatus Electrothrix marina (UP000288892) UniProtKB Star A0A444JGX2_9BACT Desulfobulbaceae bacterium (UP000682332) UniProtKB Star A0A942LI20_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A942LTL5_9BACT Desulfobulbus Desulfobulbus oligotrophicus (UP000596092) UniProtKB Star A0A7T5VAN0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7T5VAM9_9BACT Desulfobulbus oralis (UP000239867) UniProtKB Star A0A2L1GPE2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2L1GPH1_9BACT Desulfobulbus propionicus (strain ATCC 33891 / DSM 2032 / VKM B-1956 /... (UP000006365) UniProtKB Star A0A7U4DQ06_DESPD UniProtKB Star A0A7U3YNH5_DESPD Desulfobulbus sp. Tol-SR (UP000030148) UniProtKB Star A0A0A2HT31_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0A2HVD0_9BACT Desulfolithobacter Desulfolithobacter dissulfuricans (UP001063350) UniProtKB Star A0A915TZX5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A915U172_9BACT Desulfomarina Desulfomarina profundi (UP000826725) UniProtKB Star A0A8D5FUM4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A8D5FGF8_9BACT Desulfurivibrio Desulfurivibrio alkaliphilus (strain DSM 19089 / UNIQEM U267 / AHT2) (UP000001508) UniProtKB Star D6Z0I4_DESAT UniProtKB Star D6Z0I3_DESAT Desulfocapsaceae Desulfocapsa Desulfocapsa sulfexigens (strain DSM 10523 / SB164P1) (UP000011721) UniProtKB Star M1PBM7_DESSD UniProtKB Star M1PRQ8_DESSD Desulfofustis Desulfofustis glycolicus DSM 9705 (UP000184139) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5W6S1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1M5W739_9BACT Desulfopila Desulfopila aestuarii DSM 18488 (UP000184603) UniProtKB Star A0A1M7YCZ9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1M7YDC3_9BACT Desulfopila sp. IMCC35006 (UP000306911) UniProtKB Star A0A4U1AGJ6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4U1AMW0_9BACT Desulforhopalus Desulforhopalus singaporensis (UP000199073) UniProtKB Star A0A1H0MSR9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1H0MSM6_9BACT Desulforhopalus sp. IMCC35007 (UP000308209) UniProtKB Star A0A4U0ZT81_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4V6WM17_9BACT Desulfotalea Desulfotalea psychrophila (strain LSv54 / DSM 12343) (UP000000602) UniProtKB Star SYE_DESPS UniProtKB Star Q6AJL3_DESPS Thiovibrionaceae Thiovibrio Thiovibrio frasassiensis (UP001154240) UniProtKB Star A0A9X4MDG5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A9X4MFI7_9BACT Desulfomonilia Desulfomonilales Desulfomonilaceae Desulfomonile Desulfomonile tiedjei (strain ATCC 49306 / DSM 6799 / DCB-1) (UP000006055) UniProtKB Star I4CD47_DESTA Desulfovibrionia Desulfovibrionales Desulfohalobiaceae Desulfohalobium Desulfohalobium retbaense (strain ATCC 49708 / DSM 5692 / JCM 16813 / ... (UP000001052) UniProtKB Star C8X2P9_DESRD UniProtKB Star C8X2M4_DESRD Desulfomicrobiaceae Desulfomicrobium Desulfomicrobium baculatum (strain DSM 4028 / VKM B-1378 / X) (UP000002216) UniProtKB Star C7LSJ1_DESBD UniProtKB Star C7LXG8_DESBD UniProtKB Star C7LQL6_DESBD UniProtKB Star C7LWG8_DESBD Desulfonatronaceae Desulfonatronum Desulfonatronum sp. SC1 (UP000240513) UniProtKB Star A0A2T5CCZ2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2T5CE54_9BACT Desulfonatronum thiosulfatophilum (UP000198771) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6DX90_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1G6A0H7_9BACT Desulfonatronovibrionaceae Desulfonatronospira Desulfonatronospira thiodismutans ASO3-1 (UP000005496) UniProtKB Star D6SM71_9BACT UniProtKB Star D6SS36_9BACT Desulfonauticaceae Desulfonauticus Desulfonauticus submarinus (UP000199602) UniProtKB Star A0A1H0BMF8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1H0CEH7_9BACT Desulfoplanaceae Desulfoplanes Desulfoplanes formicivorans (UP000095200) UniProtKB Star A0A194ACR5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A194AJQ4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A194ALR2_9BACT Desulfovibrionaceae Alkalidesulfovibrio Alkalidesulfovibrio alkalitolerans DSM 16529 (UP000014975) UniProtKB Star S7T978_9BACT UniProtKB Star S7T487_9BACT UniProtKB Star S7UE48_9BACT Bilophila Bilophila wadsworthia (strain 3_1_6) (UP000006034) UniProtKB Star E5Y4Z6_BILW3 UniProtKB Star E5Y4G6_BILW3 UniProtKB Star E5Y4S8_BILW3 Desulfobaculum Desulfobaculum bizertense DSM 18034 (UP000189733) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4VEM0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1T4VYB3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1T4WM05_9BACT Desulfobaculum xiamenense (UP000580856) UniProtKB Star A0A846QLK1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A846QLL2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A846QHN5_9BACT Desulfocurvibacter Desulfocurvibacter africanus subsp. africanus str. Walvis Bay (UP000007844) UniProtKB Star F3YXZ1_DESAF UniProtKB Star F3YYA2_DESAF UniProtKB Star F3YV93_DESAF Desulfolutivibrio Desulfolutivibrio sulfodismutans (UP000469724) UniProtKB Star A0A7K3NLY2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7K3NSC4_9BACT Desulfovibrio Candidatus Desulfovibrio trichonymphae (UP000242645) UniProtKB Star A0A1J1DRQ0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1J1DP53_9BACT Desulfovibrio ferrophilus (UP000269883) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6B0F7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6B114_9BACT Desulfovibrio intestinalis (UP000539075) UniProtKB Star A0A7W8FGA0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7W8BYT0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7W8FGY2_9BACT Desulfovibrio legallii (UP000199355) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7PRP1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1G7PJL3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1G7QAM4_9BACT Desulfovibrio litoralis DSM 11393 (UP000186469) UniProtKB Star A0A1M7RVZ6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1M7SNF1_9BACT Desulfovibrio piger (UP000186323) UniProtKB Star A0A1K1LFT5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1K1LGU6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1K1LEC5_9BACT Desulfovibrio psychrotolerans (UP000503820) UniProtKB Star A0A7J0BU38_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7J0BQS3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7J0BQR2_9BACT Desulfovibrio sp. 6_1_46AFAA (UP000006424) UniProtKB Star G1USL1_9BACT UniProtKB Star G1UW40_9BACT UniProtKB Star G1UU48_9BACT Desulfovibrio sp. An276 (UP000195838) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4D4Y3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4CU42_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1Y4D448_9BACT Desulfovibrio sp. OH1186_COT-070 (UP000267796) UniProtKB Star A0A3P1ZVS6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3P1ZTW8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3P1ZTN4_9BACT Desulfovibrio sp. X2 (UP000014960) UniProtKB Star S7U6T4_9BACT UniProtKB Star S7TLC3_9BACT UniProtKB Star S7TWI9_9BACT Fundidesulfovibrio Fundidesulfovibrio magnetotacticus (UP000494245) UniProtKB Star A0A6V8LV33_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6V8LS75_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6V8LUD6_9BACT Halodesulfovibrio Halodesulfovibrio spirochaetisodalis (UP000091979) UniProtKB Star A0A1B7XAP4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1B7XJV1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1B7XMX7_9BACT Humidesulfovibrio Humidesulfovibrio mexicanus (UP000198324) UniProtKB Star A0A239BG78_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A239AS85_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A238ZAX7_9BACT Lawsonia Lawsonia intracellularis (strain PHE/MN1-00) (UP000002430) UniProtKB Star SYE_LAWIP UniProtKB Star Q1MR29_LAWIP Maridesulfovibrio Maridesulfovibrio salexigens (strain ATCC 14822 / DSM 2638 / NCIMB 840... (UP000002601) UniProtKB Star C6BYE6_MARSD UniProtKB Star C6C0X3_MARSD Megalodesulfovibrio Megalodesulfovibrio gigas (strain ATCC 19364 / DSM 1382 / NCIMB 9332 /... (UP000016587) UniProtKB Star T2GG85_MEGG1 UniProtKB Star T2GBY8_MEGG1 UniProtKB Star T2G8I3_MEGG1 Nitratidesulfovibrio Nitratidesulfovibrio sp. HK-II (UP000266086) UniProtKB Star A0A388SG67_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A388SSR9_9BACT Nitratidesulfovibrio vulgaris (strain ATCC 29579 / DSM 644 / CCUG 3422... (UP000002194) UniProtKB Star SYE_NITV2 UniProtKB Star GLUQ_NITV2 UniProtKB Star Q727A5_NITV2 Oceanidesulfovibrio Oceanidesulfovibrio indonesiensis (UP000448292) UniProtKB Star A0A7M3MIV5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7M3MB89_9BACT Oleidesulfovibrio Oleidesulfovibrio alaskensis (strain ATCC BAA-1058 / DSM 17464 / G20) (UP000002710) UniProtKB Star SYE_OLEA2 UniProtKB Star Q30ZU5_OLEA2 UniProtKB Star Q315G9_OLEA2 Paucidesulfovibrio Paucidesulfovibrio gracilis DSM 16080 (UP000190027) UniProtKB Star A0A1T4W5W0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1T4W688_9BACT Pseudodesulfovibrio alkaliphilus (UP000461162) UniProtKB Star A0A7K1KKD6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7K1KM37_9BACT Pseudodesulfovibrio cashew (UP000428328) UniProtKB Star A0A6I6JG07_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6I6JGQ1_9BACT Pseudodesulfovibrio hydrargyri (UP000181901) UniProtKB Star A0A1J5MRQ8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1J5N0N2_9BACT Pseudodesulfovibrio piezophilus (strain DSM 21447 / JCM 15486 / C1TLV30) (UP000011724) UniProtKB Star M1WM23_PSEP2 UniProtKB Star M1WKP9_PSEP2 Pseudodesulfovibrio profundus (UP000219215) UniProtKB Star A0A2C8FAK5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2C8FEA5_9BACT Pseudodesulfovibrio senegalensis (UP000438699) UniProtKB Star A0A6N6N350_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6N6N424_9BACT Pseudodesulfovibrio sp. JC047 (UP000473968) UniProtKB Star A0A6L9LUJ7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6L9LZG7_9BACT Solidesulfovibrio Solidesulfovibrio carbinoliphilus subsp. oakridgensis (UP000004662) UniProtKB Star G7QA14_9BACT UniProtKB Star G7QAB6_9BACT Desulfuromonadia Desulfuromonadales Desulfuromonadaceae Desulfuromonas Desulfuromonas acetexigens (UP000317155) UniProtKB Star A0A550JKV8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A550JBA1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A550JJ46_9BACT Desulfuromonas acetoxidans (strain DSM 684 / 11070) (UP000005695) UniProtKB Star Q1K2H1_DESA6 UniProtKB Star Q1K1W2_DESA6 Desulfuromonas soudanensis (UP000057158) UniProtKB Star A0A0M3QFP3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0M4CU52_9BACT Desulfuromonas sp. AOP6 (UP000419033) Desulfuromonas sp. DDH964 (UP000075994) UniProtKB Star A0A143B7E1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A143B3T3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A143BB10_9BACT Desulfuromonas thiophila (UP000243205) UniProtKB Star A0A1G7CE26_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1G7E0U8_9BACT Pelobacter Pelobacter propionicus (strain DSM 2379 / NBRC 103807 / OttBd1) (UP000006732) UniProtKB Star SYE_PELPD UniProtKB Star A1APR7_PELPD Desulfuromonadales bacterium (UP000525821) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y7TF79_DESBX UniProtKB Star A0A7Y7N988_DESBX UniProtKB Star A0A7Y7N7Y2_DESBX Geoalkalibacteraceae Geoalkalibacter Geoalkalibacter ferrihydriticus DSM 17813 (UP000035068) UniProtKB Star A0A0C2EDU2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0C2HSI0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0C2HT20_9BACT Geoalkalibacter subterraneus (UP000035036) UniProtKB Star A0A0B5FS04_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0B5FDI3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0B5FBV5_9BACT Geopsychrobacteraceae Desulfuromusa Desulfuromusa kysingii (UP000199409) UniProtKB Star A0A1H4DNQ7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1H4ASM0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1H3XGB0_9BACT Malonomonas Malonomonas rubra DSM 5091 (UP000184171) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6LHI7_MALRU UniProtKB Star A0A1M6MR43_MALRU Geothermobacteraceae Geothermobacter Geothermobacter ehrlichii (UP000324159) UniProtKB Star A0A5D3WP19_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5D3WFZ2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5D3WJP6_9BACT Geothermobacter hydrogeniphilus (UP000193136) UniProtKB Star A0A1X0YET6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1X0XZI6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1X0XQ86_9BACT Syntrophotaleaceae Syntrophotalea Syntrophotalea carbinolica (strain DSM 2380 / NBRC 103641 / GraBd1) (UP000002534) UniProtKB Star SYE_SYNC1 UniProtKB Star Q3A8C8_SYNC1 UniProtKB Star Q3A123_SYNC1 Geobacterales Geobacteraceae Citrifermentans Citrifermentans bemidjiense (strain ATCC BAA-1014 / DSM 16622 / JCM 12... (UP000008825) UniProtKB Star SYE_CITBB UniProtKB Star B5EEK5_CITBB UniProtKB Star B5E8A6_CITBB Geobacter Geobacter argillaceus (UP000319449) UniProtKB Star A0A562VP43_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A562VLY6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A562V7B2_9BACT Geobacter metallireducens (strain ATCC 53774 / DSM 7210 / GS-15) (UP000007073) UniProtKB Star SYE_GEOMG UniProtKB Star Q39ZL7_GEOMG UniProtKB Star Q39UR3_GEOMG Geobacter pickeringii (UP000057609) UniProtKB Star A0A0B5BF31_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0B5BD44_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0B5BIB8_9BACT Geobacter sp. DSM 9736 (UP000197023) UniProtKB Star A0A212PG20_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A212PL91_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A212PGE3_9BACT Geobacter sp. OR-1 (UP000030972) UniProtKB Star A0A0A8WVC9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0A8WNJ1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0A8WTT9_9BACT Geobacter sp. SVR (UP000494220) UniProtKB Star A0A6F9WS32_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6F9WWJ6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6F9WUX2_9BACT Geobacter sulfurreducens (strain ATCC 51573 / DSM 12127 / PCA) (UP000000577) UniProtKB Star SYE_GEOSL UniProtKB Star GLUQ_GEOSL UniProtKB Star Q747A1_GEOSL Geobacteraceae bacterium (UP000578267) UniProtKB Star A0A7Y7NL14_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7Y7NRQ3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7Y7NR57_9BACT Geomesophilobacter Geomesophilobacter sediminis (UP000636888) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7M3J7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A8J7LUL1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A8J7LXH4_9BACT Geomonas Geomonas silvestris (UP000556026) UniProtKB Star A0A6V8MCV1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6V8MEY9_9BACT Geotalea Geotalea daltonii (strain DSM 22248 / JCM 15807 / FRC-32) (UP000007721) UniProtKB Star B9M2R8_GEODF UniProtKB Star B9LZW1_GEODF UniProtKB Star B9M2Y8_GEODF Geotalea uraniireducens (strain Rf4) (UP000006695) UniProtKB Star SYE_GEOUR UniProtKB Star A5G942_GEOUR UniProtKB Star A5G3P1_GEOUR Oryzomonas Oryzomonas rubra (UP000324298) UniProtKB Star A0A5A9XGX9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5A9XQB4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5A9XGL6_9BACT Pelovirga Pelovirga terrestris (UP000632828) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6QLJ7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A8J6UR16_9BACT Trichlorobacter Trichlorobacter lovleyi (strain ATCC BAA-1151 / DSM 17278 / SZ) (UP000002420) UniProtKB Star SYE_TRIL1 UniProtKB Star B3E423_TRIL1 UniProtKB Star B3E5J9_TRIL1 Dissulfuribacteria Dissulfuribacterales Dissulfuribacteraceae Dissulfuribacter Dissulfuribacter thermophilus (UP000093080) UniProtKB Star A0A1B9F7H5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1B9F759_9BACT Syntrophia Syntrophales Smithellaceae Smithella Smithella sp. D17 (UP000035039) UniProtKB Star A0A094KJA2_9BACT Smithella sp. F21 (UP000035018) UniProtKB Star A0A091AF42_9BACT Smithella sp. SCADC (UP000029283) UniProtKB Star A0A091FEW2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A091F993_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A091FD25_9BACT Syntrophaceae Syntrophaceae bacterium (UP000683141) UniProtKB Star A0A942EWL3_UNCSY UniProtKB Star A0A942EWC1_UNCSY UniProtKB Star A0A942IP85_UNCSY Syntrophus Syntrophus aciditrophicus (strain SB) (UP000001933) UniProtKB Star SYE1_SYNAS UniProtKB Star SYE2_SYNAS UniProtKB Star Q2LS81_SYNAS Syntrophus gentianae (UP000198744) UniProtKB Star A0A1H7ZVK5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1H8APK1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1H7UHW4_9BACT Syntrophobacteria Syntrophobacterales Syntrophobacteraceae Desulfacinum Desulfacinum hydrothermale DSM 13146 (UP000192783) UniProtKB Star A0A1W1X6P4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1W1XVK1_9BACT Desulfoglaeba Desulfoglaeba alkanexedens ALDC (UP000298602) UniProtKB Star A0A4P8L407_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4P8L260_9BACT Desulforhabdus Desulforhabdus amnigena (UP001144372) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6FTF8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A9W6FTG3_9BACT Desulfosoma Desulfosoma caldarium (UP000276223) UniProtKB Star A0A3N1VLS0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A3N1VN50_9BACT Syntrophobacter Syntrophobacter fumaroxidans (strain DSM 10017 / MPOB) (UP000001784) UniProtKB Star SYE_SYNFM UniProtKB Star A0LP35_SYNFM Thermodesulforhabdaceae Thermodesulforhabdus Thermodesulforhabdus norvegica (UP000199611) UniProtKB Star A0A1I4SPK3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1I4QWG3_9BACT Thermodesulfobacteria Thermodesulfobacteriales Thermodesulfatatoraceae Thermodesulfatator Thermodesulfatator indicus (strain DSM 15286 / JCM 11887 / CIR29812) (UP000006793) UniProtKB Star F8A957_THEID Thermodesulfobacteriaceae Caldimicrobium Caldimicrobium thiodismutans (UP000068196) UniProtKB Star A0A0U4VZU7_9BACT Thermodesulfobacterium Thermodesulfobacterium commune DSM 2178 (UP000028481) UniProtKB Star A0A075WS51_9BACT Thermodesulfobacterium geofontis (strain OPF15) (UP000006583) UniProtKB Star F8C4R8_THEGP Thermosulfurimonas Thermosulfurimonas marina (UP000501253) UniProtKB Star A0A6H1WSG3_9BACT Thermosulfuriphilus Thermosulfuriphilus ammonigenes (UP000502179) UniProtKB Star A0A6G7PW20_9BACT


Thermodesulfobiota (1/1, 1 hit, 0 weak hit)
Thermodesulfobiia Thermodesulfobiales Thermodesulfobiaceae Thermodesulfobium Thermodesulfobium narugense DSM 14796 (UP000011765) UniProtKB Star M1E7F4_9BACT


Thermomicrobiota (3/4, 3 hits, 0 weak hit)
Thermomicrobia Sphaerobacterales Sphaerobacterineae Sphaerobacteraceae Nitrolancea Nitrolancea hollandica Lb (UP000004221) Sphaerobacter Sphaerobacter thermophilus (strain ATCC 49802 / DSM 20745 / KCCM 41009... (UP000002027) UniProtKB Star D1C5W9_SPHTD Thermomicrobiales Thermomicrobiaceae Thermalbibacter Thermalbibacter longus (UP001165306) UniProtKB Star A0AA42BAG6_9BACT Thermomicrobium Thermomicrobium roseum (strain ATCC 27502 / DSM 5159 / P-2) (UP000000447) UniProtKB Star B9L1Z0_THERP


Thermosulfidibacterota (1/1, 2 hits, 0 weak hit)
Thermosulfidibacteria Thermosulfidibacterales Thermosulfidibacteraceae Thermosulfidibacter takaii (strain DSM 17441 / JCM 13301 / NBRC 103674... (UP000063234) UniProtKB Star A0A0S3QUG2_THET7 UniProtKB Star A0A0S3QU56_THET7


Thermotogota (17/17, 33 hits, 0 weak hit)
Thermotogae Kosmotogales Kosmotogaceae Kosmotoga Kosmotoga olearia (strain ATCC BAA-1733 / DSM 21960 / TBF 19.5.1) (UP000002382) UniProtKB Star C5CFQ2_KOSOT UniProtKB Star C5CGW2_KOSOT Kosmotoga pacifica (UP000035159) UniProtKB Star A0A0G2Z6J4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0G2Z8X7_9BACT Kosmotoga sp. (UP000324413) UniProtKB Star A0A5D0SQL4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5D0SD79_9BACT Mesotoga Mesotoga prima MesG1.Ag.4.2 (UP000002881) UniProtKB Star I2F2D4_9BACT UniProtKB Star I2F6G6_9BACT Mesotoga sp. SC_3PWM13N19 (UP000248952) UniProtKB Star A0A328IZL6_9BACT Petrotogales Petrotogaceae Defluviitoga Defluviitoga tunisiensis (UP000032809) UniProtKB Star A0A0C7NV80_DEFTU UniProtKB Star A0A0C7P120_DEFTU Geotoga Geotoga petraea (UP000199322) UniProtKB Star A0A1G6NNG4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1G6M8M4_9BACT Marinitoga Marinitoga piezophila (strain DSM 14283 / JCM 11233 / KA3) (UP000007161) UniProtKB Star H2J8C1_MARPK UniProtKB Star H2J3X8_MARPK Oceanotoga Oceanotoga teriensis (UP000245921) UniProtKB Star A0AA45C7P4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AA45C646_9BACT Tepiditoga Tepiditoga spiralis (UP000516361) UniProtKB Star A0A7G1G219_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7G1G1N8_9BACT Thermotogales Fervidobacteriaceae Fervidobacterium Fervidobacterium nodosum (strain ATCC 35602 / DSM 5306 / Rt17-B1) (UP000002415) UniProtKB Star SYE1_FERNB UniProtKB Star SYE2_FERNB Thermosipho Thermosipho atlanticus DSM 15807 (UP000242592) UniProtKB Star A0A1M5S5B9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1M5QT63_9BACT Thermosipho sp. 1063 (UP000243045) UniProtKB Star A0A1L7BDJ8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1L7BG22_9BACT Thermotogaceae Pseudothermotoga Pseudothermotoga hypogea DSM 11164 = NBRC 106472 (UP000077469) UniProtKB Star A0A0X1KTD8_9THEM UniProtKB Star A0A0X1KSM8_9THEM Pseudothermotoga lettingae (strain ATCC BAA-301 / DSM 14385 / NBRC 107... (UP000002016) UniProtKB Star SYE1_PSELT UniProtKB Star SYE2_PSELT Pseudothermotoga thermarum DSM 5069 (UP000006804) UniProtKB Star F7YXQ0_9THEM UniProtKB Star F7YWR7_9THEM Thermotoga Thermotoga maritima (strain ATCC 43589 / DSM 3109 / JCM 10099 / NBRC 1... (UP000008183) UniProtKB Star SYE1_THEMA UniProtKB Star SYE2_THEMA


Verrucomicrobiota (58/63, 58 hits, 55 weak hits)
Candidatus Pinguicoccus Candidatus Pinguicoccus supinus (UP000594451) Lentimonas Lentimonas sp. CC11 (UP000445227) UniProtKB Star A0A6N4WW78_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6N4X088_9BACT Methylacidimicrobium Methylacidimicrobium cyclopophantes (UP000381693) UniProtKB Star A0A5E6M6K0_9BACT Methylacidiphilae Methylacidiphilales Methylacidiphilaceae Candidatus Methylacidithermus Candidatus Methylacidithermus pantelleriae (UP000663859) UniProtKB Star A0A8J2FS30_9BACT Methylacidiphilum (ex Ratnadevi et al. 2023) Methylacidiphilum caldifontis (UP000297713) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8PB36_9BACT Opitutia Opitutales Opitutaceae Cephaloticoccus Cephaloticoccus capnophilus (UP000071392) UniProtKB Star A0A139SSN6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A139STK3_9BACT Ereboglobus Ereboglobus luteus (UP000244896) UniProtKB Star A0A2U8E190_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2U8E0X7_9BACT Horticoccus Horticoccus luteus (UP000825051) UniProtKB Star A0A8F9TYS9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A8F9TYC7_9BACT Lacunisphaera Lacunisphaera limnophila (UP000095228) UniProtKB Star A0A1D8AXJ5_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1D8AXK9_9BACT Nibricoccus Nibricoccus aquaticus (UP000217265) UniProtKB Star A0A290Q8J1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A290Q9X7_9BACT Opitutaceae bacterium EW11 (UP000244239) UniProtKB Star A0A2T6DJ17_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2T6DJN4_9BACT Opitutaceae bacterium TAV4 (UP000078325) UniProtKB Star A0A3R8QFR8_9BACT Opitutaceae bacterium TAV5 (UP000003813) UniProtKB Star W0J7I3_9BACT UniProtKB Star W0ISK9_9BACT Opitutus Opitutus sp. ER46 (UP000244023) UniProtKB Star A0A2T6DD51_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A2T6DD17_9BACT Opitutus sp. GAS368 (UP000199432) UniProtKB Star A0A1H1ST89_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1H1STH9_9BACT Opitutus terrae (strain DSM 11246 / JCM 15787 / PB90-1) (UP000007013) UniProtKB Star SYE_OPITP UniProtKB Star B1ZXF6_OPITP Rariglobus Rariglobus hedericola (UP000315648) UniProtKB Star A0A556QMW4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A556QMV2_9BACT Synoicihabitans Synoicihabitans lomoniglobus (UP001218638) UniProtKB Star A0AAF0CS65_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AAF0CS61_9BACT Termitidicoccus Termitidicoccus mucosus (UP000078486) UniProtKB Star A0A178ILA3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A178IHL9_9BACT Puniceicoccales Cerasicoccaceae Cerasicoccus Cerasicoccus arenae (UP000642829) UniProtKB Star A0A8J3DEV1_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A8J3DEK8_9BACT Ruficoccus Ruficoccus amylovorans (UP000546464) UniProtKB Star A0A842HGJ3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A842HH01_9BACT Coraliomargaritaceae Coraliomargarita Coraliomargarita akajimensis (strain DSM 45221 / IAM 15411 / JCM 23193... (UP000000925) UniProtKB Star D5EPJ0_CORAD UniProtKB Star D5EPI9_CORAD Coraliomargarita sinensis (UP000247099) UniProtKB Star A0A317ZIT8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A317ZGJ2_9BACT Oceanipulchritudinaceae Oceanipulchritudo Oceanipulchritudo coccoides (UP000478417) UniProtKB Star A0A6B2LYT3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6B2LYF5_9BACT Pelagicoccaceae Pelagicoccus Pelagicoccus albus (UP000526501) UniProtKB Star A0A7X1B7F9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7X1B521_9BACT Pelagicoccus enzymogenes (UP000622317) UniProtKB Star A0A927FDC3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A927FDI0_9BACT Pelagicoccus mobilis (UP000617628) UniProtKB Star A0A934S3D9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A934S498_9BACT Puniceicoccaceae Puniceicoccus Puniceicoccus vermicola (UP000525652) UniProtKB Star A0A7X1AWW0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7X1E3V1_9BACT Spartobacteria Candidatus Xiphinematobacter Candidatus Xiphinematobacter sp. Idaho Grape (UP000062177) UniProtKB Star A0A0P0G4K1_9BACT Chthoniobacterales Chthoniobacteraceae Candidatus Udaeobacter Candidatus Udaeobacter sp. (UP000618171) UniProtKB Star A0A8J4TNI0_9BACT Chthoniobacter Chthoniobacter flavus Ellin428 (UP000005824) UniProtKB Star B4CYQ9_9BACT UniProtKB Star B4D9B1_9BACT Spartobacteria bacterium LR76 (UP000244019) UniProtKB Star A0A2T6CSF9_9BACT Verrucomicrobia bacterium IMCC26134 (UP000033046) UniProtKB Star A0A0E3YU50_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A0E3YSM6_9BACT Verrucomicrobia bacterium LW23 (UP000244158) UniProtKB Star A0A2T6DEE8_9BACT Verrucomicrobia bacterium S94 (UP000289135) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6PII4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A4P6PE31_9BACT Verrucomicrobiia Limisphaerales Limisphaeraceae Limisphaera Limisphaera ngatamarikiensis (UP000477311) UniProtKB Star A0A6M1RZK8_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6M1RW03_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6M1RY56_9BACT Limisphaerales incertae sedis Pedosphaera Pedosphaera parvula (strain Ellin514) (UP000003688) UniProtKB Star B9XJ13_PEDPL UniProtKB Star B9XB86_PEDPL Verrucomicrobiales Akkermansiaceae Akkermansia Akkermansia glycaniphila (UP000176204) UniProtKB Star A0A1C7PGE7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1H6KLL3_9BACT Akkermansia muciniphila (strain ATCC BAA-835 / DSM 22959 / JCM 33894 /... (UP000001031) UniProtKB Star SYE_AKKM8 UniProtKB Star B2UNE7_AKKM8 Akkermansiaceae bacterium (UP000665032) UniProtKB Star A0A975EGJ7_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A975EJY3_9BACT Rubritaleaceae Rubritalea Rubritalea profundi (UP000239907) UniProtKB Star A0A2S7TYY5_9BACT Rubritalea squalenifaciens DSM 18772 (UP000184510) UniProtKB Star A0A1M6EUH4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A1M6PUA7_9BACT Verrucomicrobiaceae Brevifollis gellanilyticus (UP000321577) UniProtKB Star A0A512ME46_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A512M4N8_9BACT Haloferula Haloferula luteola (UP000557717) UniProtKB Star A0A840VCF4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A840V2D7_9BACT Haloferula rosea (UP000658278) UniProtKB Star A0A934VAP4_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A934VEP4_9BACT Luteolibacter Luteolibacter ambystomatis (UP000676169) UniProtKB Star A0A975G7M6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A975PG26_9BACT Luteolibacter luteus (UP000501812) UniProtKB Star A0A858RHE0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A858RLN8_9BACT Luteolibacter pohnpeiensis (UP000603141) UniProtKB Star A0A934S9J6_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A934S5B0_9BACT Luteolibacter yonseiensis (UP000600139) UniProtKB Star A0A934R1Z0_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A934R6U9_9BACT Oceaniferula Oceaniferula flava (UP000634206) UniProtKB Star A0AAE2SBB9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0AAE2SB32_9BACT Oceaniferula marina (UP000557872) UniProtKB Star A0A851GBS9_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A851GJ89_9BACT Persicirhabdus Persicirhabdus sediminis (UP000624703) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7MDJ3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A8J7MDB3_9BACT Phragmitibacter Phragmitibacter flavus (UP000306196) UniProtKB Star A0A5R8KC40_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A5R8KBC8_9BACT Prosthecobacter Prosthecobacter dejongeii (UP000534294) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7YMS3_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7W7YNI4_9BACT Prosthecobacter vanneervenii (UP000590740) UniProtKB Star A0A7W7Y739_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A7W8DIE4_9BACT Roseibacillus Roseibacillus ishigakijimensis (UP000604083) UniProtKB Star A0A934VH22_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A934RSD2_9BACT Roseibacillus persicicus (UP000644507) UniProtKB Star A0A918TV12_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A918TV94_9BACT Roseimicrobium Roseimicrobium sp. ORNL1 (UP000500777) UniProtKB Star A0A6G6K0G2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6G6K775_9BACT Sulfuriroseicoccus Sulfuriroseicoccus oceanibius (UP000475117) UniProtKB Star A0A6B3L5Z2_9BACT UniProtKB Star A0A6B3LFK1_9BACT Verrucomicrobiaceae bacterium (UP000293567) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2XLG9_9BACT Verrucomicrobium Verrucomicrobium sp. GAS474 (UP000198591) UniProtKB Star A0A1H2ELC6_9BACT Verrucomicrobiales bacterium VVV1 (UP000216473) UniProtKB Star A0A257M014_9BACT Verrucomicrobiia bacterium DG1235 (UP000003839) UniProtKB Star B5JMF1_9BACT UniProtKB Star B5JMF2_9BACT


Amoebozoa (8/10, 8 hits, 19 weak hits)
Discosea Longamoebia Centramoebida Acanthamoebidae Acanthamoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii (strain ATCC 30010 / Neff) (UP000011083) UniProtKB Star L8GDZ9_ACACF UniProtKB Star L8HDJ2_ACACF UniProtKB Star L8GWR8_ACACF Evosea Archamoebae Mastigamoebida Entamoebidae Entamoeba Entamoeba histolytica (strain ATCC 30459 / HM-1:IMSS / ABRM) (UP000001926) UniProtKB Star C4LWA8_ENTH1 UniProtKB Star C4M1P6_ENTH1 Entamoeba invadens IP1 (UP000014680) UniProtKB Star A0A0A1U5Z6_ENTIV Eumycetozoa Dictyostelia Acytosteliales Acytosteliaceae Heterostelium Heterostelium pallidum (strain ATCC 26659 / Pp 5 / PN500) (UP000001396) UniProtKB Star D3BU50_HETP5 UniProtKB Star D3B344_HETP5 UniProtKB Star D3B9H8_HETP5 Cavenderiaceae Cavenderia Cavenderia fasciculata (UP000007797) UniProtKB Star F4PK87_CACFS UniProtKB Star F4QE83_CACFS UniProtKB Star F4PHW4_CACFS Dictyosteliales Dictyosteliaceae Dictyostelium Dictyostelium discoideum (UP000002195) UniProtKB Star Q869Z3_DICDI UniProtKB Star SYQ_DICDI UniProtKB Star SYEC_DICDI Dictyostelium purpureum (UP000001064) UniProtKB Star F1A3S5_DICPU UniProtKB Star F0ZLS8_DICPU UniProtKB Star F0ZU88_DICPU Polysphondylium Polysphondylium violaceum (UP000695562) UniProtKB Star A0A8J4PPQ8_9MYCE UniProtKB Star A0A8J4PT79_9MYCE UniProtKB Star A0A8J4PZH7_9MYCE Raperosteliaceae Tieghemostelium Tieghemostelium lacteum (UP000076078) UniProtKB Star A0A151Z2S6_TIELA UniProtKB Star A0A151ZHV1_TIELA UniProtKB Star A0A151Z4M5_TIELA Variosea Cavosteliida Cavosteliaceae Planoprotostelium Planoprotostelium fungivorum (UP000241769) UniProtKB Star A0A2P6MYL2_9EUKA UniProtKB Star A0A2P6NKE7_9EUKA UniProtKB Star A0A2P6NW80_9EUKA


Apusozoa (1/1, 1 hit, 2 weak hits)
Apusomonadida Apusomonadidae Thecamonas Thecamonas trahens ATCC 50062 (UP000054408) UniProtKB Star A0A0L0DH10_THETB UniProtKB Star A0A0L0DR76_THETB UniProtKB Star A0A0L0DGD3_THETB


Choanoflagellata (2/2, 2 hits, 3 weak hits)
Craspedida Salpingoecidae Monosiga Monosiga brevicollis (UP000001357) UniProtKB Star A9URL2_MONBE UniProtKB Star A9URH0_MONBE Salpingoeca Salpingoeca rosetta (strain ATCC 50818 / BSB-021) (UP000007799) UniProtKB Star F2TZV8_SALR5 UniProtKB Star F2UBC5_SALR5 UniProtKB Star F2U204_SALR5


Cryptophyceae (1/1, 3 hits, 2 weak hits)
Pyrenomonadales Geminigeraceae Guillardia Guillardia theta (strain CCMP2712) (UP000011087) UniProtKB Star L1JXY7_GUITC UniProtKB Star L1IYN4_GUITC UniProtKB Star L1J7L6_GUITC UniProtKB Star L1JPC8_GUITC UniProtKB Star L1JCQ8_GUITC


Discoba (3/24, 3 hits, 43 weak hits)
Euglenozoa Kinetoplastea Metakinetoplastina Eubodonida Bodonidae Bodo Bodo saltans (UP000051952) UniProtKB Star A0A0S4KIR8_BODSA UniProtKB Star A0A0S4JKF2_BODSA Trypanosomatida Trypanosomatidae Leishmaniinae Leishmania Leishmania braziliensis species complex Leishmania braziliensis (UP000007258) UniProtKB Star A4HIR3_LEIBR UniProtKB Star A4H8B1_LEIBR Leishmania infantum (UP000008153) UniProtKB Star A4I608_LEIIN UniProtKB Star A4HWN1_LEIIN Leishmania major (UP000000542) UniProtKB Star Q4Q6W5_LEIMA UniProtKB Star Q4QF36_LEIMA Leptomonas Leptomonas pyrrhocoris (UP000037923) UniProtKB Star A0A0M9G6R3_LEPPY UniProtKB Star A0A0M9FS91_LEPPY Phytomonas Phytomonas sp. EM1 (UP000027080) UniProtKB Star W6KVY1_9TRYP UniProtKB Star W6KSZ2_9TRYP Phytomonas sp. Hart1 (UP000053358) UniProtKB Star W6L116_9TRYP UniProtKB Star W6L1Y5_9TRYP Strigomonadinae Angomonas Angomonas deanei (UP000515908) Strigomonas Strigomonas culicis (UP000015354) UniProtKB Star S9VN50_9TRYP UniProtKB Star S9U166_9TRYP UniProtKB Star S9TZ60_9TRYP Trypanosoma Duttonella Trypanosoma vivax (strain Y486) (UP000009027) Herpetosoma Trypanosoma rangeli (UP000283634) UniProtKB Star A0A422P0U9_TRYRA UniProtKB Star A0A422NC24_TRYRA Trypanosoma rangeli SC58 (UP000031737) UniProtKB Star A0A061IXM4_TRYRA UniProtKB Star A0A061JDX2_TRYRA Nannomonas Trypanosoma congolense (strain IL3000) (UP000000702) Schizotrypanum Trypanosoma cruzi (strain CL Brener) (UP000002296) UniProtKB Star Q4D7F9_TRYCC UniProtKB Star Q4D4C4_TRYCC UniProtKB Star Q4E0Y0_TRYCC Trypanosoma cruzi Dm28c (UP000017861) UniProtKB Star V5BSE6_TRYCR Trypanosoma cruzi marinkellei (UP000007350) UniProtKB Star K2P9F4_TRYCR UniProtKB Star K2N6W6_TRYCR Trypanosoma brucei brucei (strain 927/4 GUTat10.1) (UP000008524) UniProtKB Star Q587C5_TRYB2 UniProtKB Star Q38F32_TRYB2 Trypanosoma conorhini (UP000284403) UniProtKB Star A0A422PF59_9TRYP UniProtKB Star A0A422PC52_9TRYP Trypanosoma theileri (UP000192257) UniProtKB Star A0A1X0P200_9TRYP UniProtKB Star A0A1X0NUJ0_9TRYP Prokinetoplastina Ichthyobodonidae Perkinsela Perkinsela sp. CCAP 1560/4 (UP000036983) UniProtKB Star A0A0L1KLQ8_9EUGL UniProtKB Star A0A0L1KZW3_9EUGL Heterolobosea Tetramitia Eutetramitia Vahlkampfiidae Naegleria Naegleria fowleri (UP000444721) UniProtKB Star A0A6A5B0G5_NAEFO UniProtKB Star A0A6A5BVT6_NAEFO UniProtKB Star A0A6A5C8D1_NAEFO Naegleria gruberi (UP000006671) UniProtKB Star D2UXD3_NAEGR UniProtKB Star D2VH77_NAEGR UniProtKB Star D2W2H0_NAEGR Naegleria lovaniensis (UP000816034) UniProtKB Star A0AA88GSV1_NAELO UniProtKB Star A0AA88GTQ8_NAELO UniProtKB Star A0AA88KMZ2_NAELO Jakobida Andalucina Andaluciidae Andalucia Andalucia godoyi (UP000799049) UniProtKB Star A0A8K0AJ85_ANDGO UniProtKB Star A0A8K0F2L0_ANDGO


Filasterea (1/1, 1 hit, 3 weak hits)
Capsaspora Capsaspora owczarzaki (strain ATCC 30864) (UP000008743) UniProtKB Star A0A0D2UFA4_CAPO3 UniProtKB Star A0A0D2VS14_CAPO3 UniProtKB Star A0A0D2VXF2_CAPO3 UniProtKB Star A0A0D2WL53_CAPO3


Fungi (974/1229, 988 hits, 2725 weak hits)
Dikarya Ascomycota Pezizomycotina Dothideomycetes Dothideomycetes incertae sedis Acrospermales Acrospermaceae Pseudovirgaria Pseudovirgaria hyperparasitica (UP000799437) UniProtKB Star A0A6A6WA47_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6VRN6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6VWI3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6VXR2_9PEZI Botryosphaeriales Aplosporellaceae Aplosporella Aplosporella prunicola CBS 121167 (UP000799438) UniProtKB Star A0A6A6BBZ5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6B9K0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6BES4_9PEZI Botryosphaeriaceae Botryosphaeria Botryosphaeria dothidea (UP000572817) UniProtKB Star A0A8H4IMT3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8H4IP48_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8H4ISV1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8H4MYL0_9PEZI Diplodia Diplodia corticola (UP000183809) UniProtKB Star A0A1J9QR46_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1J9RXG4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1J9R4C6_9PEZI Diplodia seriata (UP000190776) UniProtKB Star A0A1S8BKL3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A0G2EKM0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A0G2EPC7_9PEZI Lasiodiplodia Lasiodiplodia theobromae (UP000325902) UniProtKB Star A0A5N5D4I3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A5N5DMK8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A5N5DB11_9PEZI Macrophomina Macrophomina phaseolina (strain MS6) (UP000007129) UniProtKB Star K2RD79_MACPH UniProtKB Star K2S926_MACPH UniProtKB Star K2RHL5_MACPH Neofusicoccum Botryosphaeria parva (strain UCR-NP2) (UP000013521) UniProtKB Star R1EDL6_BOTPV UniProtKB Star R1ETS3_BOTPV UniProtKB Star R1EY80_BOTPV Saccharataceae Saccharata Saccharata proteae CBS 121410 (UP000799776) UniProtKB Star A0A9P4HWG0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P4M1E2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P4LZD7_9PEZI Coniosporium Coniosporium apollinis (strain CBS 100218) (UP000016924) UniProtKB Star R7YQF2_CONA1 UniProtKB Star R7YNU9_CONA1 UniProtKB Star R7YM11_CONA1 Cryomyces Cryomyces minteri (UP000308768) UniProtKB Star A0A4V5NIY3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4U0WT53_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4U0X8Q1_9PEZI Eremomycetales Eremomycetaceae Eremomyces Eremomyces bilateralis CBS 781.70 (UP000504638) UniProtKB Star A0A6G1GAK4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6G1FTS5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6G1G4B4_9PEZI Lineolatales Lineolataceae Lineolata Lineolata rhizophorae (UP000799766) UniProtKB Star A0A6A6PDK7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6NWV4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6NW48_9PEZI Microthyriales Microthyriaceae Microthyrium Microthyrium microscopicum (UP000799302) UniProtKB Star A0A6A6UE82_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6UN09_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6TWK0_9PEZI Patellariales Patellariaceae Patellaria Patellaria atrata CBS 101060 (UP000799429) UniProtKB Star A0A9P4S3K8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P4VPS4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P4SH84_9PEZI Peltaster Peltaster fructicola (UP000503462) UniProtKB Star A0A6H0XK26_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6H0Y282_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6H0Y405_9PEZI Phaeotrichales Phaeotrichaceae Trichodelitschia Trichodelitschia bisporula (UP000799640) UniProtKB Star A0A6G1HPL6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6G1I586_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6G1IAT0_9PEZI Trypetheliales Trypetheliaceae Viridothelium Viridothelium virens (UP000800092) UniProtKB Star A0A6A6HDW8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6H3V4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6HEN6_9PEZI Zopfiaceae Zopfia Zopfia rhizophila CBS 207.26 (UP000800200) UniProtKB Star A0A6A6DRQ4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6EM88_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6E7K3_9PEZI Dothideomycetidae Capnodiales Capnodiaceae Polychaeton Polychaeton citri CBS 116435 (UP000799441) UniProtKB Star A0A9P4UN09_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P4URT2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P4QHW6_9PEZI Piedraiaceae Piedraia Piedraia hortae CBS 480.64 (UP000799421) UniProtKB Star A0A6A7BXR7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A7BV45_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A7BXU1_9PEZI Cladosporiales Cladosporiaceae Cryoendolithus Cryoendolithus antarcticus (UP000192596) UniProtKB Star A0A1V8TGD2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1V8SE80_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1V8TRP0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1V8TUY8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1V8T6A6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1V8ST83_9PEZI Rachicladosporium Rachicladosporium sp. CCFEE 5018 (UP000192386) UniProtKB Star A0A1V8UFD0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1V8V1F5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1V8U5J8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1V8U4N5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1V8U2R8_9PEZI Dothideales Saccotheciaceae Aureobasidium Aureobasidium melanogenum (UP000729357) UniProtKB Star A0A9P8FN92_AURME UniProtKB Star A0A9P8G0P1_AURME Aureobasidium melanogenum (strain CBS 110374) (UP000030672) UniProtKB Star A0A074VHS2_AURM1 UniProtKB Star A0A074VCS5_AURM1 UniProtKB Star A0A074VKY6_AURM1 Aureobasidium mustum (UP000714618) UniProtKB Star A0A9N8JGC5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9N8PNB1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9N8K416_9PEZI Aureobasidium namibiae CBS 147.97 (UP000027730) UniProtKB Star A0A074X315_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A074WP15_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A074WTD0_9PEZI Aureobasidium pullulans EXF-150 (UP000030706) UniProtKB Star A0A074Y1Z1_AURPU UniProtKB Star A0A074XXC4_AURPU UniProtKB Star A0A074XLR9_AURPU Aureobasidium subglaciale (strain EXF-2481) (UP000030641) UniProtKB Star A0A074Y3Y8_AURSE UniProtKB Star A0A074YK41_AURSE UniProtKB Star A0A074YBK4_AURSE Aureobasidium uvarum (UP000745764) UniProtKB Star A0A9N8KEY1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9N8KQR7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9N8PV13_9PEZI Aureobasidium vineae (UP000716446) UniProtKB Star A0A9N8P470_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9N8JRI5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9N8JPF4_9PEZI Dothideomycetidae sp. (strain 11243) (UP000054361) UniProtKB Star A0A0S6XFF1_DOTX1 UniProtKB Star A0A0S6XDX5_DOTX1 UniProtKB Star A0A0C9LXH6_DOTX1 Mycosphaerellales Dissoconiaceae Dissoconium Dissoconium aciculare CBS 342.82 (UP000504637) UniProtKB Star A0A6J3MG89_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6J3M6G1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6J3M5N6_9PEZI Extremaceae Extremus Extremus antarcticus (UP001271007) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0D4B1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0GHP3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0GFJ6_9PEZI Mycosphaerellaceae Cercospora Cercospora berteroae (UP000237631) UniProtKB Star A0A2S6C5U3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A2S6BQT6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A2S6CC82_9PEZI Cercospora zeae-maydis SCOH1-5 (UP000799539) UniProtKB Star A0A6A6FHI8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6F1T6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6F4F6_9PEZI Dothistroma Dothistroma septosporum (strain NZE10 / CBS 128990) (UP000016933) UniProtKB Star N1PYX0_DOTSN UniProtKB Star N1PXF9_DOTSN UniProtKB Star M2XKJ1_DOTSN Fulvia Passalora fulva (UP000756132) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q8LAH1_PASFU UniProtKB Star A0A9Q8LB02_PASFU UniProtKB Star A0A9Q8LJ84_PASFU Lecanosticta Lecanosticta acicola (UP001296104) UniProtKB Star A0AAI8YXF1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAI8Z2S5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAI8YW64_9PEZI Pseudocercospora Pseudocercospora eumusae (UP000070133) UniProtKB Star A0A139H4R7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A139HSR1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A139H7B5_9PEZI Pseudocercospora fijiensis (strain CIRAD86) (UP000016932) UniProtKB Star M2Z7K2_PSEFD UniProtKB Star M3A2H5_PSEFD UniProtKB Star M3AD49_PSEFD Pseudocercospora fuligena (UP000660729) UniProtKB Star A0A8H6RPD3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8H6RM00_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8H6VJP0_9PEZI Pseudocercospora musae (UP000073492) UniProtKB Star A0A139I7B2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A139IH61_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A139H3J3_9PEZI Ramularia Ramularia collo-cygni (UP000225277) UniProtKB Star A0A2D3VNV2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A2D3VAA6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A2D3V8D8_9PEZI Septoria Septoria linicola (UP001056384) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q9EJ15_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9Q9EIU2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9Q9ASL1_9PEZI Sphaerulina Sphaerulina musiva (strain SO2202) (UP000016931) UniProtKB Star M3C4G1_SPHMS UniProtKB Star M3CMC8_SPHMS UniProtKB Star N1QKA0_SPHMS Zasmidium Zasmidium cellare ATCC 36951 (UP000799537) UniProtKB Star A0A6A6C1U2_ZASCE UniProtKB Star A0A6A6BXQ9_ZASCE UniProtKB Star A0A6A6C8Q6_ZASCE Zymoseptoria Zymoseptoria brevis (UP000033647) UniProtKB Star A0A0F4GX89_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A0F4GKY1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A0F4GRE5_9PEZI Zymoseptoria tritici (strain CBS 115943 / IPO323) (UP000008062) UniProtKB Star F9X4A4_ZYMTI UniProtKB Star F9XHM8_ZYMTI UniProtKB Star F9XLN0_ZYMTI Zymoseptoria tritici (strain ST99CH_3D7) (UP000215127) UniProtKB Star A0A1X7RJV9_ZYMT9 UniProtKB Star A0A1X7S0Z3_ZYMT9 UniProtKB Star A0A1X7S4I7_ZYMT9 Teratosphaeriaceae Acidomyces Acidomyces richmondensis BFW (UP000075602) UniProtKB Star A0A150V3R0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A150UVW2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A150UZH7_9PEZI Baudoinia Baudoinia panamericana (strain UAMH 10762) (UP000011761) UniProtKB Star M2LV05_BAUPA UniProtKB Star M2LPL1_BAUPA UniProtKB Star M2MRP1_BAUPA Friedmanniomyces Friedmanniomyces endolithicus (UP000310066) UniProtKB Star A0A4U0U1C7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4U0UNP7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4U0U101_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4U0VAE5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4U0TXS1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4V6WKB5_9PEZI Friedmanniomyces simplex (UP000309340) UniProtKB Star A0A4U0WUM7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4U0X6P3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4U0XNG8_9PEZI Hortaea Hortaea werneckii (UP000276864) UniProtKB Star A0A3M7APA3_HORWE UniProtKB Star A0A3M6Z9Z0_HORWE UniProtKB Star A0A3M7AJ65_HORWE UniProtKB Star A0A3M7AX41_HORWE UniProtKB Star A0A3M6Z5H3_HORWE UniProtKB Star A0A3M6Z7D7_HORWE UniProtKB Star A0A3M7AWR0_HORWE Hortaea werneckii EXF-2000 (UP000194280) UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5TAH5_HORWE UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5SLY7_HORWE UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5SVR3_HORWE UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5SZU2_HORWE UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5T5Z4_HORWE UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5T7I8_HORWE UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5TSV5_HORWE Neohortaea Neohortaea acidophila (UP000799767) UniProtKB Star A0A6A6Q1T9_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6PU28_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6PKK7_9PEZI Recurvomyces Recurvomyces mirabilis (UP001274830) UniProtKB Star A0AAE0WXR3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0TMR5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0WXT8_9PEZI Salinomyces Salinomyces thailandica (UP000308549) UniProtKB Star A0A4U0U2J3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4U0U4S0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4U0U3T9_9PEZI Teratosphaeria Teratosphaeria destructans (UP001138500) UniProtKB Star A0A9W7SWL1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9W7SNY0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9W7T188_9PEZI Teratosphaeria nubilosa (UP000799436) UniProtKB Star A0A6G1L493_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6G1KXL0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6G1L9F4_9PEZI Myriangiales Elsinoaceae Elsinoe Elsinoe australis (UP000243723) UniProtKB Star A0A2P7Z3S3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A2P7YMX0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A2P7YL33_9PEZI Elsinoe batatas (UP000809789) UniProtKB Star A0A8K0PMM5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8K0L162_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8K0PHE5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8K0KYV0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8K0PLC2_9PEZI Sphaceloma Sphaceloma murrayae (UP000243797) UniProtKB Star A0A2K1QRL7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A2K1R1U1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A2K1R147_9PEZI Myriangiaceae Myriangium Myriangium duriaei CBS 260.36 (UP000799439) UniProtKB Star A0A9P4MNU9_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P4MLP6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P4J2Z7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P4IZ85_9PEZI Pleosporomycetidae Aulographales Aulographaceae Aulographum hederae CBS 113979 (UP000800041) UniProtKB Star A0A6G1GSX8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6G1H0K2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6G1HGL2_9PEZI Rhizodiscinaceae Rhizodiscina Rhizodiscina lignyota (UP000799772) UniProtKB Star A0A9P4INS5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P4IKA7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P4M3Q1_9PEZI Mytilinidiales Argynnaceae Lepidopterella Lepidopterella palustris CBS 459.81 (UP000250266) UniProtKB Star A0A8E2E7R3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8E2EIA5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8E2E9K4_9PEZI Mytilinidiaceae Lophium Lophium mytilinum (UP000799750) UniProtKB Star A0A6A6RC59_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6RF55_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6QW48_9PEZI Mytilinidion Mytilinidion resinicola (UP000504636) UniProtKB Star A0A6A6Z7Z2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6Z973_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A6A6Y2W3_9PEZI Pleosporales Amniculicolaceae Amniculicola Amniculicola lignicola CBS 123094 (UP000799779) UniProtKB Star A0A6A5WTM5_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A5VWA7_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A5W030_9PLEO Corynesporascaceae Corynespora Corynespora cassiicola Philippines (UP000240883) UniProtKB Star A0A2T2NLF6_CORCC UniProtKB Star A0A2T2P1D9_CORCC UniProtKB Star A0A2T2PCG3_CORCC Delitschiaceae Delitschia Delitschia confertaspora ATCC 74209 (UP000799536) UniProtKB Star A0A9P4JPM9_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P4MV84_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P4JQY7_9PLEO Diademaceae Clathrospora Clathrospora elynae (UP000800038) UniProtKB Star A0A6A5SIT9_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A5SRP6_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A5S629_9PLEO Dothidotthiaceae Dothidotthia Dothidotthia symphoricarpi CBS 119687 (UP000799771) UniProtKB Star A0A6A6A732_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A6A8U0_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A6A0L6_9PLEO Lindgomycetaceae Clohesyomyces Clohesyomyces aquaticus (UP000193144) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2A9D5_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1YZ34_9PLEO Lophiostomataceae Lophiostoma Lophiostoma macrostomum CBS 122681 (UP000799324) UniProtKB Star A0A6A6TIX9_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A6STV0_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A6SRU4_9PLEO Lophiotremataceae Lophiotrema Lophiotrema nucula (UP000799770) UniProtKB Star A0A6A5ZV74_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A5ZTJ7_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A5YVW4_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A5ZBA2_9PLEO Massarineae Didymosphaeriaceae Bimuria Bimuria novae-zelandiae CBS 107.79 (UP000800036) UniProtKB Star A0A6A5UL27_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A5UWZ9_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A5UXL7_9PLEO Didymosphaeria Didymosphaeria enalia (UP000800093) UniProtKB Star A0A9P4TP11_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P4N3Z5_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P4N0M3_9PLEO Didymosphaeria variabile (UP001140513) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9C9B5_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9W8XBV1_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9W8XKL7_9PLEO Karstenula Karstenula rhodostoma CBS 690.94 (UP000799764) UniProtKB Star A0A9P4PXD1_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P4PT37_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P4PVH1_9PLEO Paraphaeosphaeria Paraphaeosphaeria minitans (UP000756921) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6KUB0_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P6GAX2_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P6GJS1_9PLEO Paraphaeosphaeria sporulosa (UP000077069) UniProtKB Star A0A177CQX4_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A177CH04_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A177CCD7_9PLEO Lentitheciaceae Lentithecium Lentithecium fluviatile CBS 122367 (UP000799291) UniProtKB Star A0A6G1J9J3_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6G1J5B7_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6G1J127_9PLEO Massarinaceae Byssothecium Byssothecium circinans (UP000800035) UniProtKB Star A0A6A5UBT1_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A5TJP6_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A5TYU8_9PLEO Massarina Massarina eburnea CBS 473.64 (UP000799753) UniProtKB Star A0A6A6S8D5_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A6RVM3_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A6SIW2_9PLEO Periconiaceae Periconia Periconia digitata (UP001152607) UniProtKB Star A0A9W4UA06_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9W4XIS9_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9W4XJX8_9PLEO Periconia macrospinosa (UP000244855) UniProtKB Star A0A2V1E3J9_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A2V1DV18_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A2V1DGW5_9PLEO Trematosphaeriaceae Trematosphaeria Trematosphaeria pertusa (UP000800094) UniProtKB Star A0A6A6IK90_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A6I676_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A6I9C8_9PLEO Melanommataceae Melanomma Melanomma pulvis-pyrius CBS 109.77 (UP000799757) UniProtKB Star A0A6A6XSC8_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A6WZL2_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A6XWI3_9PLEO Pleomassariaceae Pleomassaria Pleomassaria siparia CBS 279.74 (UP000799428) UniProtKB Star A0A6G1KBX2_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6G1KL11_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6G1JQD5_9PLEO Pleosporales incertae sedis Aaosphaeria Aaosphaeria arxii CBS 175.79 (UP000799778) UniProtKB Star A0A6A5XNY3_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A5XNL7_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A5Y8N4_9PLEO Massariosphaeria Massariosphaeria phaeospora (UP000481861) UniProtKB Star A0A7C8M767_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A7C8I459_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A7C8HZ43_9PLEO Pleosporineae Cucurbitariaceae Cucurbitaria Cucurbitaria berberidis CBS 394.84 (UP000800039) UniProtKB Star A0A9P4LCN3_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P4GS13_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P4GMF4_9PLEO Neocucurbitaria Neocucurbitaria cava (UP001140560) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8YI63_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9CIQ4_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9W8YI45_9PLEO Pyrenochaeta Pyrenochaeta sp. DS3sAY3a (UP000077535) UniProtKB Star A0A178DZ80_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A178DUP7_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A178DGJ8_9PLEO Pyrenochaeta sp. MPI-SDFR-AT-0127 (UP000785799) UniProtKB Star A0A9P9QDJ7_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P9SQ18_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P9TAE8_9PLEO Didymellaceae Ascochyta Ascochyta lentis (UP000651452) UniProtKB Star A0A8H7ME59_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A8H7J0V0_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A8H7MCY5_9PLEO Didymella rabiei (UP000076837) UniProtKB Star A0A162VEN8_DIDRA UniProtKB Star A0A162VU53_DIDRA UniProtKB Star A0A163MF18_DIDRA Didymella Didymella exigua CBS 183.55 (UP000800082) UniProtKB Star A0A6A5RIG2_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A5RLR6_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A5RN03_9PLEO Didymella glomerata (UP001140562) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8WWA6_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9C0U7_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9W8WWA1_9PLEO Didymella heteroderae (UP000758155) UniProtKB Star A0A9P4X126_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P4WPV2_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P4X0Q7_9PLEO Didymella pomorum (UP001140510) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8ZC81_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9W8ZMK3_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9W8ZC88_9PLEO Epicoccum Epicoccum nigrum (UP000193240) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2M6Y7_EPING UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2MA83_EPING UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2LS32_EPING Leptosphaeriaceae Plenodomus Plenodomus lingam/Leptosphaeria maculans species complex Leptosphaeria maculans (strain JN3 / isolate v23.1.3 / race Av1-4-5-6-... (UP000002668) UniProtKB Star E5A4M2_LEPMJ UniProtKB Star E5A6H3_LEPMJ UniProtKB Star E5AEI3_LEPMJ Plenodomus tracheiphilus IPT5 (UP000799423) UniProtKB Star A0A6A7B8C9_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A7B0W8_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A7B9A8_9PLEO Phaeosphaeriaceae Ampelomyces Ampelomyces quisqualis (UP000800096) UniProtKB Star A0A6A5QT37_AMPQU UniProtKB Star A0A6A5QC00_AMPQU UniProtKB Star A0A6A5QU24_AMPQU Ophiobolus Ophiobolus disseminans (UP000799424) UniProtKB Star A0A6A6ZNY2_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A6ZL41_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A7A2A2_9PLEO Paraphoma Paraphoma chrysanthemicola (UP000813461) UniProtKB Star A0A8K0RB08_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A8K0R2H8_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A8K0QYY9_9PLEO Parastagonospora Phaeosphaeria nodorum (strain SN15 / ATCC MYA-4574 / FGSC 10173) (UP000663193) UniProtKB Star A0A7U2I730_PHANO UniProtKB Star A0A7U2NPB4_PHANO UniProtKB Star A0A7U2FGX0_PHANO Phaeosphaeria Phaeosphaeria sp. MPI-PUGE-AT-0046c (UP000730381) UniProtKB Star A0A9P9P774_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P9SZ73_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P9QVR5_9PLEO Phaeosphaeriaceae sp. SRC1lsM3a (UP000077206) UniProtKB Star A0A178AU76_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A178AZ51_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A178ARP0_9PLEO Setomelanomma Setomelanomma holmii (UP000799777) UniProtKB Star A0A9P4HA06_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P4HGM4_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P4LGJ7_9PLEO Pleosporaceae Alternaria Alternaria sect. Alternaria Alternaria alternata complex Alternaria alternata (UP000077248) UniProtKB Star A0A177DVF7_ALTAL UniProtKB Star A0A177DJW8_ALTAL UniProtKB Star A0A177DS52_ALTAL Alternaria burnsii (UP000596902) UniProtKB Star A0A8H7BIL9_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A8H7B9V5_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A8H7B7I9_9PLEO Alternaria sect. Panax Alternaria panax (UP001199106) UniProtKB Star A0AAD4IFQ6_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0AAD4IHV0_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0AAD4NU27_9PLEO Alternaria sect. Ulocladioides Alternaria atra (UP000676310) UniProtKB Star A0A8J2MZY7_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A8J2HYL8_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A8J2N672_9PLEO Alternaria sp. MG1 (UP000266453) UniProtKB Star A0A399HQS1_9PLEO Bipolaris Cochliobolus carbonum (strain 26-R-13) (UP000053841) UniProtKB Star W6XXC8_COCC2 UniProtKB Star W6XT88_COCC2 UniProtKB Star W6Y7B9_COCC2 Cochliobolus heterostrophus (strain C5 / ATCC 48332 / race O) (UP000016936) UniProtKB Star M2US70_COCH5 UniProtKB Star M2THC8_COCH5 UniProtKB Star M2T4H4_COCH5 Cochliobolus sativus (UP000624244) UniProtKB Star A0A8H5ZPZ1_COCSA UniProtKB Star A0A8H5ZR95_COCSA Cochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (UP000016934) UniProtKB Star M2SPF1_COCSN UniProtKB Star M2SZ79_COCSN UniProtKB Star M2TDS3_COCSN Curvularia Curvularia clavata (UP001056012) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q8Z3P0_CURCL UniProtKB Star A0A9Q9DND3_CURCL Curvularia kusanoi (UP000801428) UniProtKB Star A0A9P4TMQ1_CURKU UniProtKB Star A0A9P4T9X6_CURKU UniProtKB Star A0A9P4TNZ7_CURKU Decorospora Decorospora gaudefroyi (UP000800040) UniProtKB Star A0A6A5KJ06_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A5K6Q9_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A5K3C0_9PLEO Exserohilum Exserohilum turcicum (strain 28A) (UP000016935) UniProtKB Star R0KNB9_EXST2 UniProtKB Star R0KA19_EXST2 UniProtKB Star R0K743_EXST2 Pyrenophora Pyrenophora seminiperda CCB06 (UP000265663) UniProtKB Star A0A3M7M7H6_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A3M7M6Q1_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A3M7M100_9PLEO Pyrenophora teres f. teres (strain 0-1) (UP000001067) UniProtKB Star E3RWG8_PYRTT UniProtKB Star E3RSN2_PYRTT UniProtKB Star E3RMG7_PYRTT Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (UP000249757) UniProtKB Star A0A2W1HKI0_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A834RU62_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A2W1HNZ0_9PLEO Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (strain Pt-1C-BFP) (UP000001471) UniProtKB Star B2WIG2_PYRTR UniProtKB Star B2W3S1_PYRTR UniProtKB Star B2WHL0_PYRTR Stemphylium Stemphylium lycopersici (UP000249619) UniProtKB Star A0A364N1W4_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A364N092_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A364ND81_9PLEO Sporormiaceae Sporormia Sporormia fimetaria CBS 119925 (UP000799440) UniProtKB Star A0A6A6VF34_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A6UYZ1_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A6A6UVC5_9PLEO Westerdykella Westerdykella ornata (UP000800097) UniProtKB Star A0A6A6JR69_WESOR UniProtKB Star A0A6A6JUF4_WESOR UniProtKB Star A0A6A6JUV5_WESOR Tetraplosphaeriaceae Polyplosphaeria Polyplosphaeria fusca (UP000799444) UniProtKB Star A0A9P4V340_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P4QXU1_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P4UX92_9PLEO Torulaceae Dendryphion Dendryphion nanum (UP000700596) UniProtKB Star A0A9P9E517_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P9DYI3_9PLEO UniProtKB Star A0A9P9IYP5_9PLEO Pleosporomycetidae incertae sedis Gloniaceae Glonium Glonium stellatum (UP000250140) UniProtKB Star A0A8E2EZ41_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8E2JLY4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8E2ENY5_9PEZI Venturiales Cylindrosympodiaceae Tothia Tothia fuscella (UP000800235) UniProtKB Star A0A9P4NX11_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P4NRN2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P4NHL8_9PEZI Sympoventuriaceae Verruconis Verruconis gallopava (UP000053259) UniProtKB Star A0A0D1YSM4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A0D1XCY8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A0D2AQY2_9PEZI Venturiaceae Venturia Venturia effusa (UP000316270) UniProtKB Star A0A517LJX4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A517L9U7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A517L099_9PEZI Venturia inaequalis (UP000433883) UniProtKB Star A0A8H3UXJ8_VENIN UniProtKB Star A0A8H3YKB6_VENIN UniProtKB Star A0A8H3VH14_VENIN Venturia nashicola (UP000298493) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1P3A5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1P2I8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1PI82_9PEZI Eurotiomycetes Chaetothyriomycetidae Chaetothyriales Chaetothyriales sp. CBS 132003 (UP000281228) UniProtKB Star A0A3M7MX46_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A3M7NB67_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A3M7MUT1_9EURO Chaetothyriales sp. CBS 134916 (UP000274348) UniProtKB Star A0A3M7NX87_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A3M7NMQ7_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A3M7NTY7_9EURO Chaetothyriales sp. CBS 134920 (UP000278137) UniProtKB Star A0A3M0W7U5_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A3M0W0I9_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A3M0W6V6_9EURO Chaetothyriales sp. CBS 135597 (UP000273645) UniProtKB Star A0A3M7N8G5_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A3M7N3D5_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A3M7N0E1_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A3M7MZH7_9EURO Cyphellophoraceae Cyphellophora Cyphellophora attinorum (UP000038010) UniProtKB Star A0A0N1HQF1_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0N1HAD5_9EURO Cyphellophora europaea (strain CBS 101466) (UP000030752) UniProtKB Star W2RVA6_CYPE1 UniProtKB Star W2RL02_CYPE1 UniProtKB Star W2S410_CYPE1 Herpotrichiellaceae Capronia Capronia coronata CBS 617.96 (UP000019484) UniProtKB Star W9XUP0_9EURO UniProtKB Star W9XD53_9EURO UniProtKB Star W9YMW3_9EURO Capronia epimyces CBS 606.96 (UP000019478) UniProtKB Star W9XRA8_9EURO UniProtKB Star W9XYW2_9EURO UniProtKB Star W9ZBS0_9EURO Cladophialophora Cladophialophora carrionii (UP000094526) UniProtKB Star A0A1C1D2N7_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1C1CBC0_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1C1CCK6_9EURO Cladophialophora chaetospira (UP001172673) UniProtKB Star A0AA38XF26_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0AA39CE06_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0AA38X237_9EURO Cladophialophora immunda (UP000054466) UniProtKB Star A0A0D2APV9_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0D2CN34_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0D2C3E3_9EURO Cladophialophora psammophila CBS 110553 (UP000019471) UniProtKB Star W9X4B7_9EURO UniProtKB Star W9XEQ8_9EURO UniProtKB Star W9VMW5_9EURO Cladophialophora yegresii CBS 114405 (UP000019473) UniProtKB Star W9W423_9EURO UniProtKB Star W9W639_9EURO UniProtKB Star W9VYG9_9EURO Exophiala Exophiala aquamarina CBS 119918 (UP000027920) UniProtKB Star A0A072PLG0_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A072PU79_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A072PS28_9EURO Exophiala dermatitidis (strain ATCC 34100 / CBS 525.76 / NIH/UT8656) (UP000007304) UniProtKB Star H6C083_EXODN UniProtKB Star H6BUY9_EXODN UniProtKB Star H6CBG4_EXODN Exophiala mesophila (UP000054302) UniProtKB Star A0A0D1WQL7_EXOME UniProtKB Star A0A0D1ZEE2_EXOME UniProtKB Star A0A0D1YBP7_EXOME Exophiala oligosperma (UP000053342) UniProtKB Star A0A0D2EIF0_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0D2DE53_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0D2B194_9EURO Exophiala sideris (UP000053599) UniProtKB Star A0A0D1W931_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0D1YXH9_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0D1YQY9_9EURO Exophiala spinifera (UP000053328) UniProtKB Star A0A0D1ZWM2_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0D1YI65_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0D2C3L0_9EURO Exophiala xenobiotica (UP000054342) UniProtKB Star A0A0D2D4Y5_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0D2DAM5_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0D2FCJ5_9EURO Fonsecaea Fonsecaea erecta (UP000078343) UniProtKB Star A0A178ZBD2_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A178Z890_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A178ZKY2_9EURO Fonsecaea multimorphosa CBS 102226 (UP000053411) UniProtKB Star A0A0D2JX43_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0D2IUN5_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0D2H6N8_9EURO Fonsecaea pedrosoi CBS 271.37 (UP000053029) UniProtKB Star A0A0D2GAK9_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0D2FEQ3_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0D2GEL7_9EURO Phialophora Phialophora macrospora (UP000054266) UniProtKB Star A0A0D2EA87_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0D2G8L8_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0D2DL91_9EURO Rhinocladiella Rhinocladiella mackenziei CBS 650.93 (UP000053617) UniProtKB Star A0A0D2J387_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0D2HF61_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0D2FPM0_9EURO Trichomeriaceae Knufia Knufia peltigerae (UP001172681) UniProtKB Star A0AA39CSL7_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0AA38YFN7_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0AA38XHP6_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0AA38YA23_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0AA39CU84_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0AA38XKD3_9EURO Phaeomoniellales Phaeomoniellaceae Phaeomoniella Phaeomoniella chlamydospora (UP000053317) UniProtKB Star A0A0G2F041_PHACM UniProtKB Star A0A0G2EGE7_PHACM UniProtKB Star A0A0G2DZB2_PHACM Verrucariales Verrucariaceae Endocarpon Endocarpon pusillum (UP000606974) UniProtKB Star A0A8H7AU13_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A8H7AM04_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A8H7E2A4_9EURO Endocarpon pusillum (strain Z07020 / HMAS-L-300199) (UP000019373) UniProtKB Star U1GPN3_ENDPU UniProtKB Star U1GWS8_ENDPU UniProtKB Star U1GVG2_ENDPU Eurotiomycetidae Eurotiales Aspergillaceae Aspergillus Aspergillus awamori (UP000286921) UniProtKB Star A0A401L7H4_ASPAW UniProtKB Star A0A401L2E7_ASPAW UniProtKB Star A0A401KJW9_ASPAW Aspergillus bombycis (UP000179179) UniProtKB Star A0A1F8A351_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1F8A1J2_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1F7ZNC2_9EURO Aspergillus puulaauensis (UP000654913) UniProtKB Star A0A7R7XER1_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A7R7XLT8_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A7R7XTR4_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A7R7XX56_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A7R7XJC6_9EURO Aspergillus sp. HF37 (UP000272442) UniProtKB Star A0A3M2T9K9_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A3M2TD07_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A3M2TGN3_9EURO Aspergillus subgen. Aspergillus Aspergillus chevalieri (UP000637239) UniProtKB Star A0A7R7ZR92_ASPCH UniProtKB Star A0A7R7VUD9_ASPCH UniProtKB Star A0A7R7ZL44_ASPCH Aspergillus cristatus (UP000094569) UniProtKB Star A0A1E3BF33_ASPCR UniProtKB Star A0A1E3BGC3_ASPCR UniProtKB Star A0A1E3B5G5_ASPCR Aspergillus glaucus CBS 516.65 (UP000184300) UniProtKB Star A0A1L9VX84_ASPGL UniProtKB Star A0A1L9V9T1_ASPGL UniProtKB Star A0A1L9VVI7_ASPGL Aspergillus ruber (strain CBS 135680) (UP000019804) UniProtKB Star A0A017SI01_ASPRC UniProtKB Star A0A017RZV8_ASPRC UniProtKB Star A0A017SP94_ASPRC Aspergillus subgen. Circumdati Aspergillus aculeatus (strain ATCC 16872 / CBS 172.66 / WB 5094) (UP000184546) UniProtKB Star A0A1L9WLV7_ASPA1 UniProtKB Star A0A1L9WQT2_ASPA1 UniProtKB Star A0A1L9WH31_ASPA1 Aspergillus arachidicola (UP000231358) UniProtKB Star A0A2G7FZU5_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A2G7FGX1_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A2G7G1X9_9EURO Aspergillus avenaceus (UP000325780) UniProtKB Star A0A5N6TGL0_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A5N6TJX8_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A5N6TVM8_9EURO Aspergillus bertholletiae (UP000326198) UniProtKB Star A0A5N7ATJ4_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A5N7BGC6_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A5N7B430_9EURO Aspergillus brasiliensis (strain CBS 101740 / IMI 381727 / IBT 21946) (UP000184499) UniProtKB Star A0A1L9U5G8_ASPBC UniProtKB Star A0A1L9UA31_ASPBC UniProtKB Star A0A1L9UCD9_ASPBC Aspergillus caelatus (UP000326268) UniProtKB Star A0A5N7A9H8_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A5N7AGV5_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A5N7A356_9EURO Aspergillus candidus (UP000234585) UniProtKB Star A0A2I2FJ12_ASPCN UniProtKB Star A0A2I2FK28_ASPCN UniProtKB Star A0A2I2FP08_ASPCN Aspergillus carbonarius (strain ITEM 5010) (UP000188318) UniProtKB Star A0A1R3RB13_ASPC5 UniProtKB Star A0A1R3RHI3_ASPC5 UniProtKB Star A0A1R3RIP6_ASPC5 Aspergillus coremiiformis (UP000327118) UniProtKB Star A0A5N6ZAL5_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A5N6ZDQ7_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A5N6ZII2_9EURO Aspergillus ellipticus CBS 707.79 (UP000247810) UniProtKB Star A0A319DGR4_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A319D4N8_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A319DFM8_9EURO Aspergillus flavus (strain ATCC 200026 / FGSC A1120 / IAM 13836 / NRRL... (UP000596276) UniProtKB Star A0A7U2MWD0_ASPFN UniProtKB Star A0A7U2MHB8_ASPFN UniProtKB Star A0A7U2MV83_ASPFN UniProtKB Star A0A7U2R0H9_ASPFN Aspergillus heteromorphus CBS 117.55 (UP000247233) UniProtKB Star A0A317WUJ6_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A317V742_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A317W0U2_9EURO Aspergillus homomorphus (strain CBS 101889) (UP000248961) UniProtKB Star A0A395I544_ASPHC UniProtKB Star A0A395HRB5_ASPHC UniProtKB Star A0A395HPE3_ASPHC Aspergillus ibericus CBS 121593 (UP000249402) UniProtKB Star A0A395HAR2_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A395H5S7_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A395H412_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A395H9N7_9EURO Aspergillus kawachii (UP000661280) UniProtKB Star A0A146FBL8_ASPKA UniProtKB Star A0A146FP77_ASPKA Aspergillus leporis (UP000326565) UniProtKB Star A0A5N5WM23_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A5N5X7D8_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A5N5X207_9EURO Aspergillus luchuensis (strain CBS 106.47) (UP000184063) UniProtKB Star A0A1M3TG08_ASPLC UniProtKB Star A0A1M3TTZ8_ASPLC UniProtKB Star A0A1M3T626_ASPLC Aspergillus minisclerotigenes (UP000326289) UniProtKB Star A0A5N6JFZ2_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A5N6IMJ2_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A5N6J5N3_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A5N6JHX6_9EURO Aspergillus nanangensis (UP001194746) UniProtKB Star A0AAD4CTP2_ASPNN UniProtKB Star A0AAD4GQK6_ASPNN UniProtKB Star A0AAD4CCH5_ASPNN Aspergillus niger (strain ATCC MYA-4892 / CBS 513.88 / FGSC A1513) (UP000006706) UniProtKB Star A2R653_ASPNC UniProtKB Star A2QFZ1_ASPNC UniProtKB Star A2QUK7_ASPNC Aspergillus nomiae NRRL (strain ATCC 15546 / NRRL 13137 / CBS 260.88 /... (UP000037505) UniProtKB Star A0A0L1IQ09_ASPN3 UniProtKB Star A0A0L1INI5_ASPN3 UniProtKB Star A0A0L1JBC6_ASPN3 Aspergillus novoparasiticus (UP000326799) UniProtKB Star A0A5N6F9C8_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A5N6F2A7_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A5N6EQ12_9EURO Aspergillus oryzae (strain ATCC 42149 / RIB 40) (UP000006564) UniProtKB Star Q2UAU3_ASPOR UniProtKB Star Q2U827_ASPOR UniProtKB Star Q2UA31_ASPOR UniProtKB Star Q2U0A0_ASPOR Aspergillus parasiticus (UP000326532) UniProtKB Star A0A5N6DV47_ASPPA UniProtKB Star A0A5N6DJ27_ASPPA UniProtKB Star A0A5N6D5P3_ASPPA Aspergillus parasiticus (strain ATCC 56775 / NRRL 5862 / SRRC 143 / SU... (UP000033540) UniProtKB Star A0A0F0I7T3_ASPPU Aspergillus pseudonomiae (UP000325579) UniProtKB Star A0A5N6I4N0_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A5N6IGR6_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A5N7D517_9EURO Aspergillus pseudotamarii (UP000325672) UniProtKB Star A0A5N6SFM6_ASPPS UniProtKB Star A0A5N6SQ96_ASPPS UniProtKB Star A0A5N6SJF2_ASPPS UniProtKB Star A0A5N6T7P8_ASPPS Aspergillus saccharolyticus JOP 1030-1 (UP000248349) UniProtKB Star A0A318ZA92_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A318ZSV2_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A318Z8K3_9EURO Aspergillus sclerotiicarbonarius (strain CBS 121057 / IBT 28362) (UP000248423) UniProtKB Star A0A319EG66_ASPSB UniProtKB Star A0A319EIH4_ASPSB UniProtKB Star A0A319EPI3_ASPSB UniProtKB Star A0A319EH31_ASPSB Aspergillus sclerotioniger CBS 115572 (UP000246702) UniProtKB Star A0A317WV00_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A317VP31_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A317WIY3_9EURO Aspergillus steynii IBT 23096 (UP000234275) UniProtKB Star A0A2I2GE62_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A2I2GF34_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A2I2GGC6_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A2I2FYH7_9EURO Aspergillus tamarii (UP000326950) UniProtKB Star A0A5N6V767_ASPTM UniProtKB Star A0A5N6VCL2_ASPTM UniProtKB Star A0A5N6UT51_ASPTM Aspergillus tanneri (UP000308092) UniProtKB Star A0A4S3JCP7_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A4S3JBA4_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A4S3J9D8_9EURO Aspergillus terreus (UP000452235) UniProtKB Star A0A5M3YYF0_ASPTE UniProtKB Star A0A5M3Z989_ASPTE UniProtKB Star A0A5M3ZEK6_ASPTE UniProtKB Star A0A5M3YPS7_ASPTE Aspergillus terreus (strain NIH 2624 / FGSC A1156) (UP000007963) UniProtKB Star Q0CVG5_ASPTN UniProtKB Star Q0CE28_ASPTN UniProtKB Star Q0CCG3_ASPTN UniProtKB Star Q0CYQ6_ASPTN Aspergillus tubingensis (strain CBS 134.48) (UP000184304) UniProtKB Star A0A1L9MRG8_ASPTC UniProtKB Star A0A1L9N6C7_ASPTC UniProtKB Star A0A1L9NGK3_ASPTC Aspergillus uvarum CBS 121591 (UP000248340) UniProtKB Star A0A319E4G0_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A319CZ96_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A319BXU9_9EURO Aspergillus welwitschiae (UP000253729) UniProtKB Star A0A3F3PW56_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A3F3PNN4_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A3F3Q0X4_9EURO Petromyces alliaceus (UP000541154) UniProtKB Star A0A8H6E7R7_PETAA UniProtKB Star A0A8H5ZWA2_PETAA UniProtKB Star A0A8H6EC49_PETAA Aspergillus subgen. Cremei Aspergillus wentii DTO 134E9 (UP000184383) UniProtKB Star A0A1L9RRL5_ASPWE UniProtKB Star A0A1L9RMH0_ASPWE UniProtKB Star A0A1L9RDL6_ASPWE Aspergillus subgen. Fumigati Aspergillus clavatus (strain ATCC 1007 / CBS 513.65 / DSM 816 / NCTC 3... (UP000006701) UniProtKB Star A1C7W4_ASPCL UniProtKB Star A1C4Y2_ASPCL UniProtKB Star A1CFE6_ASPCL Aspergillus felis (UP000641853) UniProtKB Star A0A8H6V993_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A8H6UXU3_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A8H6VAJ9_9EURO Aspergillus fumigatiaffinis (UP000653565) UniProtKB Star A0A8H4GRM0_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4GSS8_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4GHA8_9EURO Aspergillus fumigatus (strain ATCC MYA-4609 / CBS 101355 / FGSC A1100 ... (UP000002530) UniProtKB Star Q4WZP0_ASPFU UniProtKB Star Q4WEM7_ASPFU UniProtKB Star Q4WIG6_ASPFU Aspergillus hiratsukae (UP000630445) UniProtKB Star A0A8H6PCQ6_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A8H6Q085_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A8H6PD14_9EURO Aspergillus novofumigatus (strain IBT 16806) (UP000234474) UniProtKB Star A0A2I1CPB5_ASPN1 UniProtKB Star A0A2I1CG82_ASPN1 UniProtKB Star A0A2I1CKF0_ASPN1 Aspergillus thermomutatus (UP000215305) UniProtKB Star A0A397G764_ASPTH UniProtKB Star A0A397GD21_ASPTH UniProtKB Star A0A397GS73_ASPTH Aspergillus turcosus (UP000215289) UniProtKB Star A0A229X3R8_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A421D033_9EURO Aspergillus viridinutans (UP000710440) UniProtKB Star A0A9P3BRZ2_ASPVI UniProtKB Star A0A9P3BW79_ASPVI UniProtKB Star A0A9P3EZK3_ASPVI Neosartorya fischeri (strain ATCC 1020 / DSM 3700 / CBS 544.65 / FGSC ... (UP000006702) UniProtKB Star A1DII7_NEOFI UniProtKB Star A1CZW1_NEOFI UniProtKB Star A1CYP1_NEOFI Aspergillus subgen. Nidulantes Aspergillus calidoustus (UP000054771) UniProtKB Star A0A0U5GAT8_ASPCI UniProtKB Star A0A0U5GPK0_ASPCI Aspergillus mulundensis (UP000256690) UniProtKB Star A0A3D8RZM8_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A3D8QHM6_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A3D8T3J3_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A3D8R915_9EURO Aspergillus rambellii (UP000034291) UniProtKB Star A0A0F8U5A9_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0F8VMZ9_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0F8TWV6_9EURO Aspergillus sydowii CBS 593.65 (UP000184356) UniProtKB Star A0A1L9U038_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1L9T3J7_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1L9T3Y9_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1L9TBZ1_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1L9TNI9_9EURO Aspergillus ustus (UP000053475) Aspergillus versicolor CBS 583.65 (UP000184073) UniProtKB Star A0A1L9PCB8_ASPVE UniProtKB Star A0A1L9Q2P3_ASPVE UniProtKB Star A0A1L9Q4K3_ASPVE UniProtKB Star A0A1L9PPG3_ASPVE UniProtKB Star A0A1L9PFQ5_ASPVE Emericella nidulans (strain FGSC A4 / ATCC 38163 / CBS 112.46 / NRRL 1... (UP000000560) UniProtKB Star Q5AWG9_EMENI UniProtKB Star Q5ARC3_EMENI Aspergillus subgen. Polypaecilum Aspergillus sclerotialis (UP000266188) UniProtKB Star A0A3A2ZM59_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A3A2ZHR9_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A3A2ZMT4_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A3A2ZAF4_9EURO Aspergillus violaceofuscus (strain CBS 115571) (UP000249829) UniProtKB Star A0A2V5HF46_ASPV1 UniProtKB Star A0A2V5HW75_ASPV1 UniProtKB Star A0A2V5IG60_ASPV1 Monascus Monascus purpureus (UP000319663) UniProtKB Star A0A507QY44_MONPU UniProtKB Star A0A507QUQ9_MONPU UniProtKB Star A0A507QRG1_MONPU Penicilliopsis Penicilliopsis zonata CBS 506.65 (UP000184188) UniProtKB Star A0A1L9SVX9_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1L9SN26_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1L9S9U8_9EURO Penicillium Penicillium alfredii (UP001141434) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9KEJ0_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9FQT5_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9EMF4_9EURO Penicillium angulare (UP001149165) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9EKU0_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9KSX8_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9EKV2_9EURO Penicillium antarcticum (UP000191672) UniProtKB Star A0A1V6QQE2_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1V6QGW1_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1V6Q3W6_9EURO Penicillium argentinense (UP001149074) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9KAM5_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9KC51_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9JXR8_9EURO Penicillium arizonense (UP000177622) UniProtKB Star A0A1F5LR76_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1F5LWA2_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1F5LZK0_9EURO Penicillium atrosanguineum (UP001147746) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9Q1R3_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9U3V4_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9Q3M4_9EURO Penicillium bovifimosum (UP001149079) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9GJW3_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9GVR2_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9HGS1_9EURO Penicillium brasilianum (UP000042958) UniProtKB Star A0A0F7TT61_PENBI UniProtKB Star A0A0F7TG22_PENBI UniProtKB Star A0A0F7TUM6_PENBI Penicillium brevicompactum (UP001148299) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9V3F0_PENBR UniProtKB Star A0A9W9RVQ4_PENBR UniProtKB Star A0A9W9RM80_PENBR Penicillium camemberti (strain FM 013) (UP000053732) UniProtKB Star A0A0G4PDE8_PENC3 UniProtKB Star A0A0G4PNZ5_PENC3 UniProtKB Star A0A0G4PLB4_PENC3 Penicillium canariense (UP001149163) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9HY17_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9IJB0_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9HTY3_9EURO Penicillium canescens (UP001219568) UniProtKB Star A0AAD6NCB3_PENCN UniProtKB Star A0AAD6I6K5_PENCN UniProtKB Star A0AAD6IFM3_PENCN Penicillium capsulatum (UP001146351) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9I153_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9IRH3_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9LZI8_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9IAP3_9EURO Penicillium cataractarum (UP001147782) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9S556_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9V0G9_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9SMY8_9EURO Penicillium cf. griseofulvum (UP001150879) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9JS31_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9ILC2_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9M144_9EURO Penicillium cf. viridicatum (UP001150942) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9MYC8_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9T3N3_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9MEQ3_9EURO Penicillium chermesinum (UP001150941) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9P7K4_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9N8B2_9EURO Penicillium chrysogenum species complex Penicillium rubens (strain ATCC 28089 / DSM 1075 / NRRL 1951 / Wiscons... (UP000000724) UniProtKB Star B6HIV0_PENRW UniProtKB Star B6HK72_PENRW UniProtKB Star B6H1D5_PENRW Penicillium cinerascens (UP001150904) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9M9Q3_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9J734_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9NFE0_9EURO Penicillium citrinum (UP001147733) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9TLK9_PENCI UniProtKB Star A0A9W9PB31_PENCI UniProtKB Star A0A9W9NEY9_PENCI Penicillium concentricum (UP001147752) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9RD69_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9SVM6_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9RT06_9EURO Penicillium coprophilum (UP000191500) UniProtKB Star A0A1V6V1S9_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1V6UB44_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1V6V9X8_9EURO Penicillium cosmopolitanum (UP001147747) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9W3I3_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9W8V8_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9SIE0_9EURO Penicillium crustosum (UP000701341) UniProtKB Star A0A9P5GD84_PENCR UniProtKB Star A0A9P5GIG1_PENCR UniProtKB Star A0A9P5L174_PENCR Penicillium daleae (UP001213681) UniProtKB Star A0AAD6BVT9_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0AAD6G1I1_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0AAD6CE80_9EURO Penicillium decumbens (UP000191522) UniProtKB Star A0A1V6PJ18_PENDC UniProtKB Star A0A1V6P805_PENDC Penicillium desertorum (UP001147760) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9WZE8_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9X0BWY2_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9WM09_9EURO Penicillium digitatum (strain PHI26 / CECT 20796) (UP000009882) UniProtKB Star K9G449_PEND2 UniProtKB Star K9FR73_PEND2 UniProtKB Star K9FKT6_PEND2 Penicillium egyptiacum (UP001154252) UniProtKB Star A0A9W4KIN5_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W4KDK2_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W4KBI2_9EURO Penicillium expansum (UP000030143) UniProtKB Star A0A0A2JNZ7_PENEN UniProtKB Star A0A0A2J227_PENEN UniProtKB Star A0A0A2J505_PENEN UniProtKB Star A0A0A2IR03_PENEN Penicillium fimorum (UP001149954) UniProtKB Star A0A9X0C429_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9XYI4_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W9Y2K7_9EURO Penicillium flavigenum (UP000191342) UniProtKB Star A0A1V6SM58_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1V6SLC9_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1V6TGU0_9EURO Penicillium freii (UP000055045) UniProtKB Star A0A101MB38_PENFR UniProtKB Star A0A124GSW4_PENFR UniProtKB Star A0A101M947_PENFR UniProtKB Star A0A101MQW4_PENFR Penicillium frequentans (UP001220324) UniProtKB Star A0AAD6CKN2_PENGL UniProtKB Star A0AAD6CK83_PENGL UniProtKB Star A0AAD6G9G2_PENGL Penicillium hordei (UP001213799) UniProtKB Star A0AAD6EGX3_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0AAD6E5K5_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0AAD6H7K2_9EURO Penicillium italicum (UP000030104) UniProtKB Star A0A0A2L6C8_PENIT UniProtKB Star A0A0A2L8X0_PENIT UniProtKB Star A0A0A2K9F3_PENIT UniProtKB Star A0A0A2L8Q9_PENIT Penicillium malachiteum (UP001215712) UniProtKB Star A0AAD6HER1_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0AAD6HEN6_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0AAD6HCJ5_9EURO Penicillium nalgiovense (UP000191691) UniProtKB Star A0A1V6XHI4_PENNA UniProtKB Star A0A1V6Y4G3_PENNA UniProtKB Star A0A1V6Y3P4_PENNA Penicillium nordicum (UP000037696) UniProtKB Star A0A0M9WEB2_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0M8P1H9_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0M8NTE9_9EURO Penicillium occitanis (nom. inval.) (UP000218381) UniProtKB Star A0A2H3J2V0_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A2H3IEA2_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A2H3IRE5_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A2H3IP58_9EURO Penicillium olsonii (UP001153618) UniProtKB Star A0A9W4HZC6_PENOL UniProtKB Star A0A9W4HC74_PENOL UniProtKB Star A0A9W4HSD7_PENOL Penicillium oxalicum (strain 114-2 / CGMCC 5302) (UP000019376) UniProtKB Star S8BCY2_PENO1 UniProtKB Star S8A0B0_PENO1 UniProtKB Star S7ZGA1_PENO1 Penicillium patulum (UP000070168) UniProtKB Star A0A135LFU4_PENPA UniProtKB Star A0A135LKV7_PENPA UniProtKB Star A0A135LXN1_PENPA UniProtKB Star A0A135L8J1_PENPA Penicillium polonicum (UP000191408) UniProtKB Star A0A1V6P2S0_PENPO UniProtKB Star A0A1V6P2T2_PENPO UniProtKB Star A0A1V6NRP5_PENPO Penicillium roqueforti (strain FM164) (UP000030686) UniProtKB Star W6QAL1_PENRF UniProtKB Star W6Q065_PENRF UniProtKB Star W6QZV2_PENRF Penicillium salamii (UP001152649) UniProtKB Star A0A9W4I244_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W4NKG1_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9W4IQD9_9EURO Penicillium solitum (UP000191612) UniProtKB Star A0A1V6RNU5_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1V6QWY5_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1V6R7A4_9EURO Penicillium steckii (UP000191285) UniProtKB Star A0A1V6TN35_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1V6T131_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1V6TFE6_9EURO Penicillium subrubescens (UP000186955) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q5UF24_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1Q5T0X1_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1Q5TL89_9EURO Penicillium thymicola (UP001227192) UniProtKB Star A0AAI9TU47_PENTH UniProtKB Star A0AAI9X3H3_PENTH UniProtKB Star A0AAI9X4W6_PENTH Penicillium ucsense (UP000631181) UniProtKB Star A0A8J8WHL2_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A8J8WB72_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A8J8W5N2_9EURO Penicillium vulpinum (UP000191518) UniProtKB Star A0A1V6RTE6_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1V6RHZ4_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1V6S3A7_9EURO Elaphomycetaceae Elaphomyces Elaphomyces granulatus (UP000243515) UniProtKB Star A0A232M2N9_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A232LQT3_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A232LP25_9EURO Thermoascaceae Paecilomyces Byssochlamys spectabilis (UP000283841) UniProtKB Star A0A443HQ67_BYSSP UniProtKB Star A0A443HK18_BYSSP UniProtKB Star A0A443I0P0_BYSSP UniProtKB Star A0A443HI08_BYSSP Byssochlamys spectabilis (strain No. 5 / NBRC 109023) (UP000018001) UniProtKB Star V5FIX9_BYSSN UniProtKB Star V5FXR0_BYSSN UniProtKB Star V5I4T4_BYSSN Trichocomaceae Rasamsonia Rasamsonia emersonii CBS 393.64 (UP000053958) UniProtKB Star A0A0F4Z0J2_TALEM UniProtKB Star A0A0F4YIV8_TALEM UniProtKB Star A0A0F4YEE6_TALEM Talaromyces Talaromyces sect. Bacilispori Talaromyces proteolyticus (UP001201262) UniProtKB Star A0AAD4KQ49_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0AAD4KYG4_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0AAD4KGM4_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0AAD4L109_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0AAD4KDE1_9EURO Talaromyces sect. Islandici Talaromyces islandicus (UP000054383) UniProtKB Star A0A0U1LL36_TALIS UniProtKB Star A0A0U1LXF7_TALIS UniProtKB Star A0A0U1LYP8_TALIS UniProtKB Star A0A0U1LZR0_TALIS Talaromyces rugulosus (UP000509510) UniProtKB Star A0A7H8QVB2_TALRU UniProtKB Star A0A7H8R1F6_TALRU UniProtKB Star A0A7H8R4D6_TALRU UniProtKB Star A0A7H8R7C9_TALRU UniProtKB Star A0A7H8QKG2_TALRU Talaromyces sect. Talaromyces Talaromyces amestolkiae (UP000249363) UniProtKB Star A0A364L4L4_TALAM UniProtKB Star A0A364L781_TALAM UniProtKB Star A0A364L9Q4_TALAM UniProtKB Star A0A364L412_TALAM Talaromyces marneffei (strain ATCC 18224 / CBS 334.59 / QM 7333) (UP000001294) UniProtKB Star B6Q2T3_TALMQ UniProtKB Star B6QFM6_TALMQ UniProtKB Star B6QID0_TALMQ UniProtKB Star B6QTU0_TALMQ Talaromyces stipitatus (strain ATCC 10500 / CBS 375.48 / QM 6759 / NRR... (UP000001745) UniProtKB Star B8MPY1_TALSN UniProtKB Star B8MDK7_TALSN UniProtKB Star B8MP16_TALSN Talaromyces sect. Trachyspermi Talaromyces atroroseus (UP000214365) UniProtKB Star A0A225AT62_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A225ASV5_9EURO Onygenales Ajellomycetaceae Blastomyces Blastomyces gilchristii (strain SLH14081) (UP000002038) UniProtKB Star A0A179UFA4_BLAGS UniProtKB Star A0A179UWY6_BLAGS UniProtKB Star A0A179UG66_BLAGS Blastomyces parvus (UP000224080) UniProtKB Star A0A2B7WR31_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A2B7WHV7_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A2B7X948_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A2B7X4R0_9EURO Blastomyces percursus (UP000242791) UniProtKB Star A0A1J9R3W3_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1J9R8S4_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1J9QDI2_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1J9R164_9EURO Blastomyces silverae (UP000053573) UniProtKB Star A0A0H1BPD2_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0H1BMP5_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0H1BQ35_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A0H1B2S5_9EURO Emergomyces Emergomyces africanus (UP000091918) UniProtKB Star A0A1B7NY87_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1B7NT58_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1B7NUA0_9EURO Emergomyces pasteurianus Ep9510 (UP000182235) UniProtKB Star A0A1J9QLP7_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1J9P7D9_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1J9P7L0_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A1J9PJU0_9EURO Emmonsia Emmonsia crescens (UP000226031) UniProtKB Star A0A2B7ZRY6_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A2B7ZNA0_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A2B7ZF35_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A2B7Z409_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A2B7ZBN1_9EURO Helicocarpus Helicocarpus griseus UAMH5409 (UP000223968) UniProtKB Star A0A2B7XPB9_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A2B7Y9E5_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A2B7XLZ0_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A2B7X1M0_9EURO Histoplasma Ajellomyces capsulatus (UP000670092) UniProtKB Star A0A8H7YHK9_AJECA UniProtKB Star A0A8H7Z130_AJECA UniProtKB Star A0A8H7YR42_AJECA Ajellomyces capsulatus (strain G186AR / H82 / ATCC MYA-2454 / RMSCC 24... (UP000001631) UniProtKB Star C0NWL7_AJECG UniProtKB Star C0NKS5_AJECG UniProtKB Star C0NZT8_AJECG Ajellomyces capsulatus (strain H143) (UP000002624) UniProtKB Star C6HBP7_AJECH UniProtKB Star C6HHX2_AJECH UniProtKB Star C6HB16_AJECH Ajellomyces capsulatus (strain H88) (UP000008142) UniProtKB Star F0UBR6_AJEC8 UniProtKB Star F0UDB9_AJEC8 UniProtKB Star F0UR48_AJEC8 Ajellomyces capsulatus (strain NAm1 / WU24) (UP000009297) UniProtKB Star A6R7Z1_AJECN UniProtKB Star A6RF34_AJECN UniProtKB Star A6QX12_AJECN Histoplasma ohiense (nom. inval.) (UP000671143) UniProtKB Star A0A8H8D4C9_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A8H8D0D4_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A8H7YDF8_9EURO Paracoccidioides Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (strain Pb18) (UP000001628) UniProtKB Star C1FZ61_PARBD UniProtKB Star C1FYE5_PARBD UniProtKB Star C1GG12_PARBD Paracoccidioides lutzii (strain ATCC MYA-826 / Pb01) (UP000002059) UniProtKB Star C1H790_PARBA UniProtKB Star C1GU76_PARBA UniProtKB Star C1GXJ8_PARBA Arthrodermataceae Microsporum Arthroderma otae (strain ATCC MYA-4605 / CBS 113480) (UP000002035) UniProtKB Star C5FMA9_ARTOC UniProtKB Star C5FTG7_ARTOC UniProtKB Star C5FDF3_ARTOC UniProtKB Star C5FUZ8_ARTOC Nannizzia Arthroderma gypseum (strain ATCC MYA-4604 / CBS 118893) (UP000002669) UniProtKB Star E4V490_ARTGP UniProtKB Star E4UVK5_ARTGP UniProtKB Star E4V1X3_ARTGP UniProtKB Star E5QYZ4_ARTGP Trichophyton Arthroderma benhamiae (strain ATCC MYA-4681 / CBS 112371) (UP000008866) UniProtKB Star D4B1S8_ARTBC UniProtKB Star D4B070_ARTBC UniProtKB Star D4B430_ARTBC UniProtKB Star D4AMT4_ARTBC Trichophyton interdigitale (UP000749309) UniProtKB Star A0A9P5CYL0_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A9P5CX56_9EURO Trichophyton interdigitale (strain MR816) (UP000024533) UniProtKB Star A0A059JBU0_TRIIM UniProtKB Star A0A059IYN9_TRIIM UniProtKB Star A0A059J559_TRIIM Trichophyton rubrum (UP000243015) UniProtKB Star A0A178EY23_TRIRU UniProtKB Star A0A178F0V1_TRIRU UniProtKB Star A0A178ETW9_TRIRU UniProtKB Star A0A178F9L5_TRIRU Trichophyton rubrum (strain ATCC MYA-4607 / CBS 118892) (UP000008864) UniProtKB Star F2SG93_TRIRC UniProtKB Star F2SRR6_TRIRC UniProtKB Star F2SWT9_TRIRC UniProtKB Star A0A080WI11_TRIRC UniProtKB Star F2SFE9_TRIRC UniProtKB Star A0A080WLH0_TRIRC Ascosphaeraceae Ascosphaera Ascosphaera apis ARSEF 7405 (UP000242877) UniProtKB Star A0A168BRE6_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A168DWK5_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0A168A4Q2_9EURO Onygenaceae Coccidioides Coccidioides immitis (strain RS) (UP000001261) UniProtKB Star A0A0E1S0F6_COCIM UniProtKB Star J3KC32_COCIM UniProtKB Star J3KGB3_COCIM Coccidioides immitis H538.4 (UP000054563) UniProtKB Star A0A0J8RMW0_COCIT UniProtKB Star A0A0J8RW59_COCIT Coccidioides immitis RMSCC 3703 (UP000054559) UniProtKB Star A0A0J8U3R2_COCIT UniProtKB Star A0A0J8R3G0_COCIT UniProtKB Star A0A0J8TQ33_COCIT Coccidioides posadasii (strain RMSCC 757 / Silveira) (UP000002497) UniProtKB Star E9D1K4_COCPS UniProtKB Star E9D080_COCPS UniProtKB Star E9D5F3_COCPS Uncinocarpus Uncinocarpus reesii (strain UAMH 1704) (UP000002058) UniProtKB Star C4JUL2_UNCRE UniProtKB Star C4JZA6_UNCRE UniProtKB Star C4JL06_UNCRE Onygenales incertae sedis Emydomyces Emydomyces testavorans (UP001219355) UniProtKB Star A0AAF0DMQ1_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0AAF0IG24_9EURO UniProtKB Star A0AAF0DBS4_9EURO Polytolypa Polytolypa hystricis (strain UAMH7299) (UP000224634) UniProtKB Star A0A2B7X644_POLH7 UniProtKB Star A0A2B7YC85_POLH7 UniProtKB Star A0A2B7XIB4_POLH7 Geoglossomycetes Geoglossales Geoglossaceae Glutinoglossum Glutinoglossum americanum (UP000698800) UniProtKB Star A0A9P8I166_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P8I3I0_9PEZI Trichoglossum Trichoglossum hirsutum (UP000750711) UniProtKB Star A0A9P8LGV1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P8LA04_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P8RSA3_9PEZI Lecanoromycetes OSLEUM clade Lecanoromycetidae Caliciales Physciaceae Heterodermia Heterodermia speciosa (UP000664521) UniProtKB Star A0A8H3J167_9LECA UniProtKB Star A0A8H3FE32_9LECA UniProtKB Star A0A8H3FKY7_9LECA Lecanorales Lecanorineae Cladoniaceae Cladonia Cladonia borealis (UP001166286) UniProtKB Star A0AA39QU93_9LECA UniProtKB Star A0AA39R681_9LECA UniProtKB Star A0AA39QY40_9LECA Parmeliaceae Alectoria Alectoria fallacina (UP000664203) UniProtKB Star A0A8H3G4Q6_9LECA UniProtKB Star A0A8H3I7B4_9LECA Imshaugia Imshaugia aleurites (UP000664534) UniProtKB Star A0A8H3PEM1_9LECA UniProtKB Star A0A8H3I7J8_9LECA UniProtKB Star A0A8H3ICA1_9LECA Letharia Letharia columbiana (UP000578531) UniProtKB Star A0A8H6L1B1_9LECA UniProtKB Star A0A8H6FRU8_9LECA Letharia lupina (UP000593566) UniProtKB Star A0A8H6CEQ2_9LECA UniProtKB Star A0A8H6KZH2_9LECA UniProtKB Star A0A8H6F895_9LECA Ramalinaceae Ramalina Ramalina farinacea (UP001161017) UniProtKB Star A0AA43QS88_9LECA UniProtKB Star A0AA43QMB2_9LECA UniProtKB Star A0AA43TNS3_9LECA Stereocaulaceae Lepraria Lepraria neglecta (UP001276659) UniProtKB Star A0AAE0DLG6_9LECA UniProtKB Star A0AAE0DJ61_9LECA Ostropomycetidae Ostropales Graphidaceae Gomphilloideae Gomphillus Gomphillus americanus (UP000664169) UniProtKB Star A0A8H3EH31_9LECA UniProtKB Star A0A8H3F2A9_9LECA UniProtKB Star A0A8H3FFN1_9LECA Leotiomycetes Erysiphales Erysiphaceae Blumeria Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (UP000324639) UniProtKB Star A0A9X9QGF8_BLUGR UniProtKB Star A0A9X9PRP7_BLUGR UniProtKB Star A0A9X9MMR5_BLUGR Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici 96224 (UP000053110) UniProtKB Star A0A061HCW3_BLUGR UniProtKB Star A0A061HGQ7_BLUGR Blumeria hordei Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (strain DH14) (UP000015441) UniProtKB Star N1JB99_BLUG1 UniProtKB Star N1J6L7_BLUG1 UniProtKB Star N1JBU5_BLUG1 Blumeria hordei (UP000275772) UniProtKB Star A0A383UPV5_BLUHO UniProtKB Star A0A383UI49_BLUHO UniProtKB Star A0A383UH64_BLUHO Erysiphe Erysiphe neolycopersici (UP000286134) UniProtKB Star A0A420HVU0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A420HXV7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A420HQ89_9PEZI Erysiphe pulchra (UP000237438) UniProtKB Star A0A2S4PS69_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A2S4PZH3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A2S4PQJ1_9PEZI Uncinula necator (UP000030854) UniProtKB Star A0A0B1P7F6_UNCNE UniProtKB Star A0A0B1PAR4_UNCNE UniProtKB Star A0A0B1PBG7_UNCNE Golovinomyces Golovinomyces cichoracearum (UP000283383) UniProtKB Star A0A420HKH2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A420HB72_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A420H846_9PEZI Helotiales Amorphothecaceae Amorphotheca Amorphotheca resinae ATCC 22711 (UP000241818) UniProtKB Star A0A2T3AW82_AMORE UniProtKB Star A0A2T3B8S6_AMORE UniProtKB Star A0A2T3AZG6_AMORE Dermateaceae Coleophoma Coleophoma cylindrospora (UP000256645) UniProtKB Star A0A3D8SQS1_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A3D8R5T2_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A3D8SPT1_9HELO Marssonina Marssonina coronariae (UP000242519) UniProtKB Star A0A218ZFV9_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A218ZCV6_9HELO Drepanopezizaceae Diplocarpon Diplocarpon rosae (UP001285354) UniProtKB Star A0AAD9T110_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0AAD9SW19_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0AAD9SWT8_9HELO Drepanopeziza Marssonina brunnea f. sp. multigermtubi (strain MB_m1) (UP000006753) UniProtKB Star K1Y404_MARBU UniProtKB Star K1Y4W8_MARBU UniProtKB Star K1X921_MARBU Helotiaceae Glarea Glarea lozoyensis (strain ATCC 20868 / MF5171) (UP000016922) UniProtKB Star S3CX94_GLAL2 UniProtKB Star S3CYM8_GLAL2 UniProtKB Star S3EES0_GLAL2 UniProtKB Star S3D919_GLAL2 Glarea lozoyensis (strain ATCC 74030 / MF5533) (UP000005446) UniProtKB Star H0EVU9_GLAL7 UniProtKB Star H0ESS2_GLAL7 Hymenoscyphus Hymenoscyphus albidus (UP000701801) UniProtKB Star A0A9N9LDR1_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A9N9LBF4_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A9N9LUC9_9HELO Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (UP000696280) UniProtKB Star A0A9N9KYI2_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A9N9PTN9_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A9N9LAY7_9HELO Helotiales incertae sedis Amylocarpus Amylocarpus encephaloides (UP000824998) UniProtKB Star A0A9P7YMN9_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A9P8C5Y8_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A9P8C1P8_9HELO Rhexocercosporidium Rhexocercosporidium sp. MPI-PUGE-AT-0058 (UP000745206) UniProtKB Star A0A9P9MIZ4_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A9P9RK23_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A9P9SP90_9HELO Hyaloscyphaceae Hyaloscypha Hyaloscypha bicolor Hyaloscypha bicolor E (UP000235371) UniProtKB Star A0A2J6T7U6_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A2J6SR06_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A2J6TJ48_9HELO Hyaloscypha hepaticicola (UP000235672) UniProtKB Star A0A2J6Q6V7_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A2J6PN28_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A2J6PSL3_9HELO Hyaloscypha variabilis Hyaloscypha variabilis (strain UAMH 11265 / GT02V1 / F) (UP000235786) UniProtKB Star A0A2J6RKX1_HYAVF UniProtKB Star A0A2J6RCQ4_HYAVF UniProtKB Star A0A2J6RGV3_HYAVF Hyphodiscaceae Hyphodiscus Hyphodiscus hymeniophilus (UP000785200) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6VJ00_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A9P6SPN3_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A9P6VEE0_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A9P6VEL0_9HELO Lachnaceae Lachnellula Lachnellula arida (UP000469559) UniProtKB Star A0A8T9BR16_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8T9B7X8_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8T9B0J0_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8T9BM82_9HELO Lachnellula cervina (UP000481288) UniProtKB Star A0A7D8YSM2_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A7D8UX36_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A7D8YYV5_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A7D8V1K4_9HELO Lachnellula hyalina (UP000431533) UniProtKB Star A0A8H8R079_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8H8TV72_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8H8U1X3_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8H8QUI4_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8H8R3I4_9HELO Lachnellula occidentalis (UP000443090) UniProtKB Star A0A8H8RY86_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8H8U7R4_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8H8S2F8_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8H8S7N1_9HELO Lachnellula subtilissima (UP000462212) UniProtKB Star A0A8H8RRV9_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8H8U8X8_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8H8RIS1_9HELO Lachnellula suecica (UP000469558) UniProtKB Star A0A8T9BUN8_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8T9C2S2_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8T9CER1_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8T9CKI4_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8T9CLA2_9HELO Lachnellula willkommii (UP000315522) UniProtKB Star A0A559MJX1_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A559MI28_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A559M7R0_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A559M397_9HELO Mollisiaceae Mollisia Mollisia scopiformis (UP000070700) UniProtKB Star A0A194XQ06_MOLSC UniProtKB Star A0A132B2U0_MOLSC UniProtKB Star A0A194X0Y4_MOLSC UniProtKB Star A0A194X8I8_MOLSC Mollisiaceae sp. DMI_Dod_QoI (UP000423986) UniProtKB Star A0A8S9BBY3_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8S9BG01_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8S9BWS4_9HELO Phialocephala Phialocephala fortinii species complex Phialocephala subalpina (UP000184330) UniProtKB Star A0A1L7WX64_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A1L7XK51_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A1L7XIG1_9HELO Pezizellaceae Calycina Calycina marina (UP000887226) UniProtKB Star A0A9P7Z7W8_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A9P8CFC9_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A9P7Z6F8_9HELO Pleuroascaceae Venustampulla Venustampulla echinocandica (UP000254866) UniProtKB Star A0A370TVH4_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A370TLS0_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A370TAJ3_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A370TGJ7_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A370TLP6_9HELO Ploettnerulaceae Cadophora Cadophora malorum (UP000664132) UniProtKB Star A0A8H7TER5_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8H7T373_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8H7TG23_9HELO Cadophora sp. DSE1049 (UP000244409) UniProtKB Star A0A2V1CVM0_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A2V1BFV3_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A2V1CQY6_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A2V1BLL3_9HELO Cadophora sp. M221 (UP000664768) UniProtKB Star A0A8H8C620_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8H7X125_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8H7WR05_9HELO Cadophora sp. MPI-SDFR-AT-0126 (UP000711815) UniProtKB Star A0A9P9R1Y5_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A9P9PKW2_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A9P9SYZ6_9HELO Rhynchosporium Rhynchosporium commune (UP000178129) UniProtKB Star A0A1E1KMV4_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A1E1LNC6_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A1E1KN90_9HELO Rutstroemiaceae Rutstroemia Rutstroemia sp. NJR-2017a BBW (UP000238072) UniProtKB Star A0A2S7PN54_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A2S7Q8F0_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A2S7Q240_9HELO Rutstroemia sp. NJR-2017a BVV2 (UP000238611) UniProtKB Star A0A2S7PUY5_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A2S7Q7G5_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A2S7QCG7_9HELO Rutstroemia sp. NJR-2017a WRK4 (UP000238813) UniProtKB Star A0A2S7R466_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A2S7QQC3_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A2S7PUF4_9HELO Sclerotiniaceae Botryotinia Botryotinia calthae (UP000297299) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8D6M4_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8CWT6_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A4Y8CQJ0_9HELO Botryotinia convoluta (UP000297527) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1I5J6_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1HJV5_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1IS04_9HELO Botryotinia narcissicola (UP000297452) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1I1Z9_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1HDQ9_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1IDU5_9HELO Botrytis Botryotinia fuckeliana (strain B05.10) (UP000001798) UniProtKB Star A0A384JPP4_BOTFB UniProtKB Star A0A384JFJ2_BOTFB UniProtKB Star A0A384K0D4_BOTFB Botryotinia fuckeliana (strain T4) (UP000008177) UniProtKB Star G2YQK7_BOTF4 UniProtKB Star G2YDR3_BOTF4 UniProtKB Star G2YMH1_BOTF4 Botrytis elliptica (UP000297229) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1K8A4_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1JVG9_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1JBJ3_9HELO Botrytis fragariae (UP000531561) UniProtKB Star A0A8H6B1B5_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8H6EI33_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8H6EF51_9HELO Botrytis porri (UP000297280) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1KYA2_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1K937_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1KGH2_9HELO Monilinia Monilinia fructicola (UP000322873) UniProtKB Star A0A5M9JL99_MONFR UniProtKB Star A0A5M9JVR5_MONFR UniProtKB Star A0A5M9JTP1_MONFR Monilinia fructigena (UP000249056) UniProtKB Star A0A395J7J8_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A395IL37_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A395IMQ7_9HELO Monilinia laxa (UP000326757) UniProtKB Star A0A5N6K1I9_MONLA UniProtKB Star A0A5N6K740_MONLA UniProtKB Star A0A5N6KIZ9_MONLA Monilinia vaccinii-corymbosi (UP000672032) UniProtKB Star A0A8A3PQP7_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8A3PGJ7_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8A3PHL1_9HELO Sclerotinia Sclerotinia borealis (strain F-4128) (UP000019487) UniProtKB Star W9CFB4_SCLBF UniProtKB Star W9CCN1_SCLBF UniProtKB Star W9CR86_SCLBF Sclerotinia nivalis (UP001152300) UniProtKB Star A0A9X0AV51_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A9X0A899_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A9X0AC68_9HELO Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (strain ATCC 18683 / 1980 / Ss-1) (UP000001312) UniProtKB Star A7EDF9_SCLS1 UniProtKB Star A7F887_SCLS1 UniProtKB Star A7EEQ9_SCLS1 Sclerotinia trifoliorum (UP000624404) UniProtKB Star A0A8H2ZPS1_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8H2W306_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8H2VWV3_9HELO Tricladiaceae Cudoniella Cudoniella acicularis (UP000566819) UniProtKB Star A0A8H4W4F6_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4W6F9_9HELO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4RAI9_9HELO Leotiomycetes incertae sedis Myxotrichaceae Oidiodendron Oidiodendron maius (strain Zn) (UP000054321) UniProtKB Star A0A0C3D186_OIDMZ UniProtKB Star A0A0C3HB25_OIDMZ UniProtKB Star A0A0C3CNA2_OIDMZ Scytalidium Scytalidium lignicola (UP000258309) UniProtKB Star A0A3E2HNL1_SCYLI UniProtKB Star A0A3E2GYB7_SCYLI UniProtKB Star A0A3E2H110_SCYLI Thelebolales Thelebolaceae Pseudogymnoascus Pseudogymnoascus destructans (strain ATCC MYA-4855 / 20631-21) (UP000011064) UniProtKB Star L8FMX9_PSED2 UniProtKB Star L8G8C0_PSED2 UniProtKB Star L8FU95_PSED2 Pseudogymnoascus sp. 05NY08 (UP000092096) UniProtKB Star A0A1B8ENG0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1B8F4Q2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1B8F7V5_9PEZI Pseudogymnoascus sp. 23342-1-I1 (UP000091879) UniProtKB Star A0A1B8DQ70_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1B8ECK5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1B8DU69_9PEZI Pseudogymnoascus sp. 24MN13 (UP000092157) UniProtKB Star A0A1B8DIW9_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1B8D9X4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1B8D0E0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1B8D4R6_9PEZI Pseudogymnoascus sp. VKM F-3557 (UP000029320) UniProtKB Star A0A093XUQ2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A093YAL2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A093YI23_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A093X5G5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A093ZJ32_9PEZI Pseudogymnoascus sp. VKM F-3775 (UP000029338) UniProtKB Star A0A094AAE4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A093ZM24_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A093ZCV3_9PEZI Pseudogymnoascus sp. VKM F-3808 (UP000029329) UniProtKB Star A0A094A944_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A093YJZ8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A093YFJ5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A093XWF7_9PEZI Pseudogymnoascus sp. VKM F-4246 (UP000029299) UniProtKB Star A0A093YWX6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A093ZHB7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094BCE2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A093Z8P4_9PEZI Pseudogymnoascus sp. VKM F-4281 (UP000029327) UniProtKB Star A0A094AY83_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094AR17_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094A7H9_9PEZI Pseudogymnoascus sp. VKM F-4513 (UP000029288) UniProtKB Star A0A094BGC3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094B768_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094AQQ5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094BFY8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094B0G5_9PEZI Pseudogymnoascus sp. VKM F-4515 (UP000029302) UniProtKB Star A0A094DKH4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094CX82_9PEZI Pseudogymnoascus sp. VKM F-4516 (UP000029268) UniProtKB Star A0A094DC17_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094CZA8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094CZV5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094CW98_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094FSM0_9PEZI Pseudogymnoascus sp. VKM F-4518 (UP000029284) UniProtKB Star A0A094FEK7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094FY70_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094FXP4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094EYN8_9PEZI Pseudogymnoascus sp. VKM F-4519 (UP000029315) UniProtKB Star A0A094GUI5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094IVB6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094GQN7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094GXR8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094J1A0_9PEZI Pseudogymnoascus sp. VKM F-4520 (UP000029308) UniProtKB Star A0A094J1E1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094HKT5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A094GYM8_9PEZI Pseudogymnoascus sp. WSF 3629 (UP000091997) UniProtKB Star A0A1B8CIL4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1B8C4L0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1B8C9F0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1B8CBG8_9PEZI Pseudogymnoascus verrucosus (UP000091956) UniProtKB Star A0A1B8G8B3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1B8GJ99_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1B8GWS5_9PEZI Orbiliomycetes Orbiliales Orbiliaceae Arthrobotrys Arthrobotrys flagrans (UP000283090) UniProtKB Star A0A436ZPA7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A437A9V7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A437AF05_9PEZI Dactylellina Dactylellina haptotyla (strain CBS 200.50) (UP000015100) UniProtKB Star S8BSF4_DACHA UniProtKB Star S8AQX9_DACHA UniProtKB Star S8A9J8_DACHA Drechslerella Arthrobotrys dactyloides (UP001221413) UniProtKB Star A0AAD6NKZ0_ARTDA UniProtKB Star A0AAD6IVA3_ARTDA UniProtKB Star A0AAD6IQU1_ARTDA Drechslerella stenobrocha 248 (UP000024837) UniProtKB Star W7I7Z1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star W7HK64_9PEZI Orbilia Orbilia oligospora Arthrobotrys oligospora (strain ATCC 24927 / CBS 115.81 / DSM 1491) (UP000008784) UniProtKB Star G1X6F8_ARTOA UniProtKB Star G1X2C7_ARTOA UniProtKB Star G1XK87_ARTOA Pezizomycetes Pezizales Ascobolaceae Ascobolus Ascobolus immersus RN42 (UP000275078) UniProtKB Star A0A3N4I6F6_ASCIM UniProtKB Star A0A3N4HL97_ASCIM UniProtKB Star A0A3N4HFJ3_ASCIM Ascodesmidaceae Ascodesmis Ascodesmis nigricans (UP000298138) UniProtKB Star A0A4V3SJS3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4S2N5J0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4S2N244_9PEZI Morchellaceae Morchella Morchella conica CCBAS932 (UP000277580) UniProtKB Star A0A3N4KLP5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A3N4KBR7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A3N4KRX1_9PEZI Pezizaceae Terfezia Terfezia boudieri ATCC MYA-4762 (UP000267821) UniProtKB Star A0A3N4MDB0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A3N4LHC9_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A3N4M193_9PEZI Pyronemataceae Sphaerosporella Sphaerosporella brunnea (UP000326924) UniProtKB Star A0A5J5EQR6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A5J5F7V1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A5J5EL17_9PEZI Tuberaceae Choiromyces Choiromyces venosus 120613-1 (UP000276215) UniProtKB Star A0A3N4J8B6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A3N4K863_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A3N4JRQ9_9PEZI Tuber Tuber borchii (UP000244722) UniProtKB Star A0A2T6ZN22_TUBBO UniProtKB Star A0A2T7A8J4_TUBBO Tuber magnatum (white Piedmont truffle) (UP000246991) UniProtKB Star A0A317T2I2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A317SVA4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A317SZX7_9PEZI Tuber melanosporum (strain Mel28) (UP000006911) UniProtKB Star D5GEP1_TUBMM UniProtKB Star D5GLL8_TUBMM UniProtKB Star D5GJ30_TUBMM Sordariomycetes Hypocreomycetidae Glomerellales Glomerellaceae Colletotrichum Colletotrichum acutatum species complex Colletotrichum abscissum (UP001056436) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0AXK6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P9X766_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P9XKV4_9PEZI Colletotrichum cuscutae (UP001239213) UniProtKB Star A0AAI9VHV4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAI9UYR9_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0DKK2_9PEZI Colletotrichum fioriniae PJ7 (UP000020467) UniProtKB Star A0A010RRB3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A010RWC5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A010QML6_9PEZI Colletotrichum godetiae (UP001224890) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0AT99_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0EP39_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0EVX0_9PEZI Colletotrichum lupini (UP000830671) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q8WC34_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9Q8WFS0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9Q8WNF4_9PEZI Colletotrichum phormii (UP001243989) UniProtKB Star A0AAI9ZQ77_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAI9ZTJ6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAI9ZD31_9PEZI Colletotrichum salicis (UP000070121) UniProtKB Star A0A135RWE3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A135RQ25_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A135UVA2_9PEZI Colletotrichum scovillei (UP000699042) UniProtKB Star A0A9P7QT28_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P7REW3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P7RFW5_9PEZI Glomerella acutata (UP001244207) UniProtKB Star A0AAD8UPI0_GLOAC UniProtKB Star A0AAD8UFC3_GLOAC UniProtKB Star A0AAD8UAZ2_GLOAC Colletotrichum boninense species complex Colletotrichum karsti (UP000781932) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6LJ21_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P6I7H9_9PEZI Colletotrichum chlorophyti (UP000186583) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q8REB4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1Q8RWQ2_9PEZI Colletotrichum destructivum species complex Colletotrichum higginsianum (UP000305883) UniProtKB Star A0A4T0WBS7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4T0W4S0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4T0W3H8_9PEZI Colletotrichum higginsianum (strain IMI 349063) (UP000092177) UniProtKB Star H1UYH8_COLHI UniProtKB Star H1VLG1_COLHI UniProtKB Star A0A1B7YL48_COLHI Colletotrichum shisoi (UP000326340) UniProtKB Star A0A5Q4C8G9_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A5Q4C6R8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A5Q4BC96_9PEZI Colletotrichum tanaceti (UP000310108) UniProtKB Star A0A4U6X4G4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4U6XH65_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4U6XJW3_9PEZI Colletotrichum gloeosporioides species complex Colletotrichum asianum (UP000434172) UniProtKB Star A0A8H3W4K1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8H3W747_9PEZI Colletotrichum chrysophilum (UP001243330) UniProtKB Star A0AAD9EM18_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAD9ATP6_9PEZI Colletotrichum fructicola (strain Nara gc5) (UP000011096) UniProtKB Star L2G854_COLFN UniProtKB Star L2G2H8_COLFN Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (UP000613401) UniProtKB Star A0A8H4CIQ4_COLGL UniProtKB Star A0A8H4FET9_COLGL Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (strain Cg-14) (UP000015530) UniProtKB Star T0L609_COLGC Colletotrichum kahawae (UP001281614) UniProtKB Star A0AAD9XZM0_COLKA UniProtKB Star A0AAD9YE58_COLKA UniProtKB Star A0AAD9YFT7_COLKA Colletotrichum noveboracense (UP001152533) UniProtKB Star A0A9W4S889_9PEZI Colletotrichum graminicola species complex Colletotrichum graminicola (strain M1.001 / M2 / FGSC 10212) (UP000008782) UniProtKB Star E3Q2G7_COLGM UniProtKB Star E3QVN0_COLGM UniProtKB Star E3QT21_COLGM Colletotrichum navitas (UP001230504) UniProtKB Star A0AAD8Q7D3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAD8PN85_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAD8V5W3_9PEZI Colletotrichum sublineola (UP000027238) UniProtKB Star A0A066XRM5_COLSU UniProtKB Star A0A066XUG7_COLSU UniProtKB Star A0A066XNG8_COLSU Colletotrichum zoysiae (UP001232148) UniProtKB Star A0AAD9LXQ8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAD9HRQ8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAD9HJE5_9PEZI Colletotrichum orbiculare species complex Colletotrichum orbiculare (strain 104-T / ATCC 96160 / CBS 514.97 / LA... (UP000014480) UniProtKB Star N4VGW9_COLOR UniProtKB Star N4VMQ3_COLOR UniProtKB Star N4ULS0_COLOR Colletotrichum trifolii (UP000295703) UniProtKB Star A0A4R8RQC5_COLTR UniProtKB Star A0A4R8QLE3_COLTR Colletotrichum orchidearum species complex Colletotrichum musicola (UP000639643) UniProtKB Star A0A8H6K6Y5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8H6MTL3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8H6U4M7_9PEZI Colletotrichum plurivorum (UP000654918) UniProtKB Star A0A8H6NGR7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8H6KCW8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8H6KGH5_9PEZI Colletotrichum orchidophilum (UP000176998) UniProtKB Star A0A1G4AZE7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1G4BKA5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1G4BNL5_9PEZI Colletotrichum spaethianum species complex Colletotrichum incanum (UP000076584) UniProtKB Star A0A167DC22_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A166ZRY0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A161Y536_9PEZI Colletotrichum liriopes (UP001055172) UniProtKB Star A0AA37LQW6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA37GVQ0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA37GDT6_9PEZI Colletotrichum spaethianum (UP001055115) UniProtKB Star A0AA37URY1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA37L3J1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA37UPK6_9PEZI Colletotrichum tofieldiae (UP000076552) UniProtKB Star A0A166MA74_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A166QAU8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A161YC26_9PEZI Plectosphaerellaceae Plectosphaerella Plectosphaerella cucumerina (UP000813385) UniProtKB Star A0A8K0TCQ3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8K0TSI8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8K0XAB6_9PEZI Plectosphaerella plurivora (UP000770015) UniProtKB Star A0A9P8VIQ1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P9ADG2_9PEZI Sodiomyces Sodiomyces alkalinus F11 (UP000272025) UniProtKB Star A0A3N2Q5W0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A3N2Q562_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A3N2PXA3_9PEZI Verticillium Verticillium alfalfae (strain VaMs.102 / ATCC MYA-4576 / FGSC 10136) (UP000008698) UniProtKB Star C9SP19_VERA1 UniProtKB Star C9SU48_VERA1 UniProtKB Star C9SNL3_VERA1 Verticillium dahliae (UP000288725) UniProtKB Star A0A444S7I8_VERDA UniProtKB Star A0A444RT83_VERDA UniProtKB Star A0A444RZL4_VERDA Verticillium dahliae (strain VdLs.17 / ATCC MYA-4575 / FGSC 10137) (UP000001611) UniProtKB Star G2X6B4_VERDV UniProtKB Star G2X4E4_VERDV UniProtKB Star G2XDA2_VERDV Verticillium longisporum (UP000044602) UniProtKB Star A0A0G4M7T1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A0G4KXI3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A0G4LPV3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A0G4MTN9_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A0G4KGG9_9PEZI Hypocreales Bionectriaceae Clonostachys Bionectria ochroleuca (UP000616885) UniProtKB Star A0A8H7N4V3_BIOOC UniProtKB Star A0A8H7NN49_BIOOC UniProtKB Star A0A8H7K2F9_BIOOC Clonostachys rhizophaga (UP000696573) UniProtKB Star A0A9N9V436_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9N9VKI3_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9N9V3W6_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9N9YQN7_9HYPO Emericellopsis Emericellopsis atlantica (UP000887229) UniProtKB Star A0A9P7ZFH7_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P7ZRP8_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P8CM97_9HYPO Emericellopsis cladophorae (UP001055219) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0BH68_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P9Y186_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P9Y364_9HYPO Geosmithia Geosmithia morbida (UP000749293) UniProtKB Star A0A9P4YQ35_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P5D2Z4_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P5D741_9HYPO Hapsidospora Hapsidospora chrysogenum (strain ATCC 11550 / CBS 779.69 / DSM 880 / I... (UP000029964) UniProtKB Star A0A086T3I7_HAPC1 UniProtKB Star A0A086T0A0_HAPC1 UniProtKB Star A0A086T2D9_HAPC1 Clavicipitaceae Claviceps Claviceps africana (UP000811619) UniProtKB Star A0A8K0NJY1_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8K0JAL1_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8K0NIY2_9HYPO Claviceps purpurea (strain 20.1) (UP000016801) UniProtKB Star M1WA90_CLAP2 UniProtKB Star M1W461_CLAP2 UniProtKB Star M1VYY1_CLAP2 Claviceps pusilla (UP000748025) UniProtKB Star A0A9P7T124_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P7NDD6_9HYPO Clavicipitaceae incertae sedis 'Torrubiella' clade [Torrubiella] hemipterigena (UP000039046) UniProtKB Star A0A0A1TKZ0_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A0A1T6J0_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A0A1SYH9_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A0A1TF22_9HYPO Conoideocrella Conoideocrella luteorostrata (UP001251528) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0CZ86_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0FN32_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0CUK1_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0FZ32_9HYPO Epichloe Epichloe festucae (strain Fl1) (UP000594364) UniProtKB Star A0A7S9KKS6_EPIFF UniProtKB Star A0A7S9KPM4_EPIFF UniProtKB Star A0A7S9PWM5_EPIFF UniProtKB Star A0A7S9PT68_EPIFF Metarhizium Metarhizium acridum (strain CQMa 102) (UP000002499) UniProtKB Star E9DVL4_METAQ UniProtKB Star E9E300_METAQ UniProtKB Star E9E854_METAQ Metarhizium album (strain ARSEF 1941) (UP000030816) UniProtKB Star A0A0B2X6R3_METAS UniProtKB Star A0A0B2X106_METAS UniProtKB Star A0A0B2WPS9_METAS Metarhizium anisopliae BRIP 53293 (UP000054544) UniProtKB Star A0A0D9PCW2_METAN UniProtKB Star A0A0D9PB73_METAN UniProtKB Star A0A0D9P315_METAN Metarhizium rileyi (strain RCEF 4871) (UP000243498) UniProtKB Star A0A167CCF0_METRR UniProtKB Star A0A167CWP0_METRR UniProtKB Star A0A167G4I6_METRR UniProtKB Star A0A162J4R8_METRR Moelleriella Moelleriella libera RCEF 2490 (UP000078544) UniProtKB Star A0A168A1P5_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A166VFP9_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A168ECE5_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A168BKC8_9HYPO Pochonia Pochonia chlamydosporia 170 (UP000078397) UniProtKB Star A0A179FMY8_METCM UniProtKB Star A0A179G862_METCM UniProtKB Star A0A179FAR4_METCM UniProtKB Star A0A179FI93_METCM Ustilaginoidea Ustilaginoidea virens (UP000027002) UniProtKB Star A0A8E5HY66_USTVR UniProtKB Star A0A8E5ME50_USTVR UniProtKB Star A0A1B5L0T4_USTVR UniProtKB Star A0A063C1J0_USTVR Cordycipitaceae Akanthomyces Cordyceps confragosa Akanthomyces lecanii RCEF 1005 (UP000076881) UniProtKB Star A0A162K9H1_CORDF UniProtKB Star A0A168AXV9_CORDF UniProtKB Star A0A162JQ01_CORDF Cordyceps confragosa (UP000243081) UniProtKB Star A0A179IGZ9_CORDF UniProtKB Star A0A179IIG1_CORDF UniProtKB Star A0A179IA68_CORDF Beauveria Beauveria bassiana (UP000235728) UniProtKB Star A0A2N6NCB1_BEABA UniProtKB Star A0A2N6NP36_BEABA UniProtKB Star A0A2N6NDG5_BEABA UniProtKB Star A0A2N6N9T5_BEABA Beauveria bassiana (strain ARSEF 2860) (UP000002762) UniProtKB Star J4KPC2_BEAB2 UniProtKB Star J5JNM6_BEAB2 UniProtKB Star J4W2N1_BEAB2 UniProtKB Star J4UJ64_BEAB2 Beauveria bassiana D1-5 (UP000030106) UniProtKB Star A0A0A2W5X9_BEABA UniProtKB Star A0A0A2VEB1_BEABA UniProtKB Star A0A0A2VH95_BEABA UniProtKB Star A0A0A2VUJ3_BEABA Cordyceps Cordyceps fumosorosea (strain ARSEF 2679) (UP000076744) UniProtKB Star A0A167Q3Q6_CORFA UniProtKB Star A0A168BPJ2_CORFA UniProtKB Star A0A162JQM9_CORFA Cordyceps javanica (UP000315783) UniProtKB Star A0A545UQX4_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A545VKG4_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A545VLJ5_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A545UMB8_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A545WCE9_9HYPO Cordyceps militaris (strain CM01) (UP000001610) UniProtKB Star G3JU99_CORMM UniProtKB Star G3JKS5_CORMM UniProtKB Star G3JBP4_CORMM UniProtKB Star G3JPB1_CORMM UniProtKB Star G3JKQ9_CORMM Cordyceps sp. RAO-2017 (UP000221130) UniProtKB Star A0A2C6A0D5_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A2C6AK86_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A2C5ZRH2_9HYPO Niveomyces Niveomyces insectorum RCEF 264 (UP000076874) UniProtKB Star A0A167TE88_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A162MR71_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A167RAY8_9HYPO Hypocreaceae Escovopsis Escovopsis weberi (UP000053831) UniProtKB Star A0A0M8N5P1_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A0M8N7X1_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A0M8MQH4_9HYPO Trichoderma Hypocrea atroviridis (strain ATCC 20476 / IMI 206040) (UP000005426) UniProtKB Star G9NLH0_HYPAI UniProtKB Star G9P4M4_HYPAI UniProtKB Star G9NR77_HYPAI Hypocrea jecorina (strain QM6a) (UP000008984) UniProtKB Star G0RET2_HYPJQ UniProtKB Star G0RHK1_HYPJQ UniProtKB Star G0RPG5_HYPJQ Hypocrea virens (strain Gv29-8 / FGSC 10586) (UP000007115) UniProtKB Star G9MVR6_HYPVG UniProtKB Star VIRJ_HYPVG UniProtKB Star G9MZD1_HYPVG Trichoderma aggressivum f. europaeum (UP001273209) UniProtKB Star A0AAE1JH42_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0AAE1IJ37_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0AAE1M135_9HYPO Trichoderma arundinaceum (UP000266272) UniProtKB Star A0A395NN76_TRIAR UniProtKB Star A0A395NUT3_TRIAR UniProtKB Star A0A395NK87_TRIAR Trichoderma asperellum (UP000517252) UniProtKB Star A0A6V8R897_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A6V8QXJ6_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A6V8R4S5_9HYPO Trichoderma asperellum CBS 433.97 (UP000240493) UniProtKB Star A0A2T3Z0C3_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A2T3ZCC1_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A2T3YXA1_9HYPO Trichoderma citrinoviride (UP000241546) UniProtKB Star A0A2T4B7M7_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A2T4BJ85_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A2T4B1I6_9HYPO Trichoderma cornu-damae (UP000827724) UniProtKB Star A0A9P8TSR0_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P8U1B4_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P8QK80_9HYPO Trichoderma gamsii (UP000054821) UniProtKB Star A0A2P4ZHF8_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A2P4ZR33_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A2P4ZQ91_9HYPO Trichoderma harzianum (UP000034112) UniProtKB Star A0A0F9XCQ0_TRIHA UniProtKB Star A0A0F9X1A4_TRIHA UniProtKB Star A0A0G0AEL5_TRIHA Trichoderma harzianum CBS 226.95 (UP000241690) UniProtKB Star A0A2T3ZXD4_TRIHA UniProtKB Star A0A2T4AM38_TRIHA UniProtKB Star A0A2T4A881_TRIHA Trichoderma longibrachiatum ATCC 18648 (UP000240760) UniProtKB Star A0A2T4CJH7_TRILO UniProtKB Star A0A2T4CB11_TRILO UniProtKB Star A0A2T4C0X1_TRILO Nectriaceae Cylindrodendrum Cylindrodendrum hubeiense (UP000722485) UniProtKB Star A0A9P5GXK1_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P5HDS0_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P5H8H6_9HYPO Dactylonectria Dactylonectria estremocensis (UP000717696) UniProtKB Star A0A9P9EQH3_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P9EU67_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P9EUX4_9HYPO Dactylonectria macrodidyma (UP000738349) UniProtKB Star A0A9P9ENL4_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P9ENE9_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P9FLR5_9HYPO Fusarium Fusarium burgessii species complex Fusarium beomiforme (UP000730481) UniProtKB Star A0A9P5AM05_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P5AFL1_9HYPO Fusarium concolor species complex Fusarium austroafricanum (UP000605986) UniProtKB Star A0A8H4KP46_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4KZ94_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4KM13_9HYPO Fusarium culmorum (UP000241587) UniProtKB Star A0A2T4GV24_FUSCU UniProtKB Star A0A2T4H4W0_FUSCU UniProtKB Star A0A2T4GTK5_FUSCU Fusarium decemcellulare species complex Fusarium albosuccineum (UP000554235) UniProtKB Star A0A8H4LNL5_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4LPY3_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4P7P5_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4L6A1_9HYPO Fusarium fujikuroi species complex Fusarium acutatum (UP000536711) UniProtKB Star A0A8H4NQP7_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4NTC9_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4K561_9HYPO Fusarium agapanthi (UP000737391) UniProtKB Star A0A9P5ECT9_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P5EBE4_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P5BD58_9HYPO Fusarium globosum (UP000532311) UniProtKB Star A0A8H5XLY9_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H5YWC7_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H5YMJ3_9HYPO Fusarium mundagurra (UP000544331) UniProtKB Star A0A8H5Z1I2_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H5YPI7_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H6DH12_9HYPO Fusarium napiforme (UP000574317) UniProtKB Star A0A8H5MI12_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H5MTC7_9HYPO Fusarium phyllophilum (UP000582016) UniProtKB Star A0A8H5MV70_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H5NGT5_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H5J458_9HYPO Fusarium pseudocircinatum (UP000546213) UniProtKB Star A0A8H5LB19_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H5LFI1_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H5NV30_9HYPO Fusarium xylarioides (UP000750502) UniProtKB Star A0A9P7L6H4_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P7LNQ0_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P7HLN3_9HYPO Gibberella fujikuroi (strain CBS 195.34 / IMI 58289 / NRRL A-6831) (UP000016800) UniProtKB Star S0EG55_GIBF5 UniProtKB Star S0E6L4_GIBF5 UniProtKB Star S0EHC0_GIBF5 Gibberella moniliformis (strain M3125 / FGSC 7600) (UP000009096) UniProtKB Star W7MHR2_GIBM7 UniProtKB Star W7MFF1_GIBM7 UniProtKB Star W7MLB9_GIBM7 Gibberella nygamai (UP000236664) UniProtKB Star A0A2K0WMK8_GIBNY UniProtKB Star A0A2K0VZA0_GIBNY UniProtKB Star A0A2K0UPH8_GIBNY Gibberella subglutinans (UP000547976) UniProtKB Star A0A8H5QD16_GIBSU UniProtKB Star A0A8H5QGT7_GIBSU UniProtKB Star A0A8H5Q4U2_GIBSU Fusarium heterosporum species complex Fusarium heterosporum (UP000567885) UniProtKB Star A0A8H5WQA8_FUSHE UniProtKB Star A0A8H5X0Y9_FUSHE UniProtKB Star A0A8H5WLD6_FUSHE Fusarium incarnatum-equiseti species complex Fusarium flagelliforme (UP000265631) UniProtKB Star A0A395MGK8_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A395MDD2_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A395MTI3_9HYPO Fusarium irregulare (UP001152130) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8PNA7_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9W8UEH6_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9W8PLR4_9HYPO Fusarium langsethiae (UP000037904) UniProtKB Star A0A0N0DDK7_FUSLA UniProtKB Star A0A0M9F1U0_FUSLA UniProtKB Star A0A0N0V5B0_FUSLA UniProtKB Star A0A0M9ERX4_FUSLA Fusarium lateritium species complex Fusarium sarcochroum (UP000622797) UniProtKB Star A0A8H4XG25_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4TRF9_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4X7U6_9HYPO Fusarium longipes (UP000266234) UniProtKB Star A0A395T6V4_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A395STL9_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A395S4E4_9HYPO Fusarium musae (UP000827133) UniProtKB Star A0A9P8IL53_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P8ILI5_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P8DIP0_9HYPO Fusarium nisikadoi species complex Fusarium gaditjirri (UP000604273) UniProtKB Star A0A8H4X3I2_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4T388_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4TH47_9HYPO Fusarium oxysporum species complex Fusarium oxysporum (UP000558688) UniProtKB Star A0A8H5AKG7_FUSOX UniProtKB Star A0A420SBS4_FUSOX UniProtKB Star A0A420QGI9_FUSOX Fusarium oxysporum (strain Fo5176) (UP000002489) UniProtKB Star A0A0D2Y5G0_FUSOF UniProtKB Star A0A0D2YBG4_FUSOF UniProtKB Star A0A0D2Y2J4_FUSOF Fusarium oxysporum NRRL 32931 (UP000030753) UniProtKB Star W9HYJ8_FUSOX UniProtKB Star W9IFK9_FUSOX UniProtKB Star W9HUQ2_FUSOX Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans (UP000593570) UniProtKB Star A0A8H6LI10_FUSOX UniProtKB Star A0A8H6LFI8_FUSOX UniProtKB Star A0A8H6GKB5_FUSOX Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (strain race 1) (UP000016928) UniProtKB Star N4V208_FUSC1 UniProtKB Star N4UXC0_FUSC1 UniProtKB Star N4UBC6_FUSC1 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (strain race 4) (UP000016929) UniProtKB Star N1RPB0_FUSC4 UniProtKB Star N1S2K5_FUSC4 UniProtKB Star N1RKK4_FUSC4 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (strain 4287 / CBS 123668 / FGSC... (UP000009097) UniProtKB Star A0A0J9VKW7_FUSO4 UniProtKB Star A0A0J9VH02_FUSO4 UniProtKB Star A0A0J9VVP8_FUSO4 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum (UP000219602) UniProtKB Star A0A2H3GR23_FUSOX UniProtKB Star A0A2H3HHG8_FUSOX UniProtKB Star A0A2H3GF23_FUSOX Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. rapae (UP000694050) UniProtKB Star A0A8J5NME5_FUSOX UniProtKB Star A0A8J5P8A4_FUSOX UniProtKB Star A0A8J5NK51_FUSOX Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. raphani 54005 (UP000030663) UniProtKB Star X0D6G8_FUSOX UniProtKB Star X0DCC7_FUSOX UniProtKB Star X0BVM0_FUSOX Fusarium poae (UP000091967) UniProtKB Star A0A1B8AY54_FUSPO UniProtKB Star A0A1B8B7B8_FUSPO UniProtKB Star A0A1B8AZL0_FUSPO Fusarium pseudograminearum (strain CS3096) (UP000007978) UniProtKB Star K3VWR7_FUSPC UniProtKB Star K3VEP9_FUSPC UniProtKB Star K3VHF7_FUSPC Fusarium redolens species complex Fusarium redolens (UP000720189) UniProtKB Star A0A9P9GKV9_FUSRE UniProtKB Star A0A9P9GTL6_FUSRE UniProtKB Star A0A9P9HKR0_FUSRE Fusarium solani species complex Fusarium duplospermum (UP000288168) UniProtKB Star A0A428P1K7_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A428R488_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A428PNH2_9HYPO Fusarium falciforme (UP001152087) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8V6I7_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9W8V3Z2_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9W8UX28_9HYPO Fusarium kuroshium (UP000277212) UniProtKB Star A0A3M2SF16_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A3M2RZE0_9HYPO Fusarium oligoseptatum (UP000287144) UniProtKB Star A0A428SXQ9_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A428T4Q5_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A428UBN6_9HYPO Fusarium piperis (UP001140502) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9BR90_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9W8W5D1_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9W8WKA4_9HYPO Fusarium solani (UP000736672) UniProtKB Star A0A9P9HNB1_FUSSL UniProtKB Star A0A9P9HMJ7_FUSSL UniProtKB Star A0A9P9GYI4_FUSSL Fusarium sp. AF-6 (UP000287544) UniProtKB Star A0A428P5G9_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A428NBK7_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A428Q0R2_9HYPO Fusarium vanettenii Fusarium vanettenii (strain ATCC MYA-4622 / CBS 123669 / FGSC 9596 / N... (UP000005206) UniProtKB Star C7Z9I0_FUSV7 UniProtKB Star C7Z065_FUSV7 UniProtKB Star C7Z9R4_FUSV7 Fusarium sp. LHS14.1 (UP001064648) UniProtKB Star A0AAD5HRF4_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0AAD5EZ74_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0AAD5EVT5_9HYPO Fusarium sp. NRRL 52700 (UP000569620) UniProtKB Star A0A8H5QPL2_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H5VVG0_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H5W3U1_9HYPO Fusarium sp. NRRL 66182 (UP000626568) UniProtKB Star A0A8H4Y9M9_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H5DIE3_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H5DI78_9HYPO Fusarium sporotrichioides (UP000266152) UniProtKB Star A0A395RDQ2_FUSSP UniProtKB Star A0A395RSC1_FUSSP UniProtKB Star A0A395SCI1_FUSSP Fusarium staphyleae species complex Fusarium zealandicum (UP000635477) UniProtKB Star A0A8H4UR06_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4XMD1_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4UUJ7_9HYPO Fusarium torreyae (UP001152049) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8S1I2_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9W8S0E1_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9W8VLG2_9HYPO Fusarium torulosum (UP001187734) UniProtKB Star A0AAE8MFZ7_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0AAE8M3D8_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0AAE8M853_9HYPO Fusarium tricinctum species complex Fusarium avenaceum (UP000782241) UniProtKB Star A0A9P7H4K6_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P7HCU2_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P7KXY1_9HYPO Fusarium tricinctum (UP000813427) UniProtKB Star A0A8K0RWM8_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8K0WIR4_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8K0RYB5_9HYPO Fusarium venenatum (UP000245910) UniProtKB Star A0A2L2SXR9_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A2L2TZ72_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A2L2T133_9HYPO Gibberella zeae (strain ATCC MYA-4620 / CBS 123657 / FGSC 9075 / NRRL ... (UP000070720) UniProtKB Star A0A1C3YN30_GIBZE UniProtKB Star V6R057_GIBZE UniProtKB Star V6R1K4_GIBZE Ilyonectria Ilyonectria sp. MPI-CAGE-AT-0026 (UP000813383) UniProtKB Star A0A8K0MCN7_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8K0MEW3_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8K0VI25_9HYPO Neonectria Neonectria ditissima (UP000050424) UniProtKB Star A0A0P7B0C9_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A0P7BYN2_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A0P7B2H4_9HYPO Thelonectria Thelonectria olida (UP000777438) UniProtKB Star A0A9P9ARW4_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P9AT34_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P9APY1_9HYPO Ophiocordycipitaceae Drechmeria Drechmeria coniospora (UP000076580) UniProtKB Star A0A151GHW1_DRECN UniProtKB Star A0A151GLV0_DRECN UniProtKB Star A0A151GG83_DRECN Hirsutella Hirsutella minnesotensis 3608 (UP000054481) UniProtKB Star A0A0F7ZLC0_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A0F7ZZN3_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A0F7ZM23_9HYPO Hirsutella rhossiliensis (UP000824596) UniProtKB Star A0A9P8SGN3_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P8MTJ4_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9P8NB86_9HYPO Ophiocordyceps Ophiocordyceps australis (UP000226192) UniProtKB Star A0A2C5XWL1_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A2C5YDV3_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A2C5Y7S6_9HYPO Ophiocordyceps camponoti-floridani (UP000562929) UniProtKB Star A0A8H4Q939_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4Q7H4_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4VC82_9HYPO Ophiocordyceps camponoti-leonardi (nom. inval.) (UP000252748) UniProtKB Star A0A369GLP2_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A369GXE7_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A369GXJ3_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A369GKL1_9HYPO Ophiocordyceps camponoti-rufipedis (UP000226431) UniProtKB Star A0A2C5ZBC6_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A2C5YRI4_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A2C5XUN1_9HYPO Ophiocordyceps camponoti-saundersi (nom. inval.) (UP000253071) UniProtKB Star A0A369HER9_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A369HDF6_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A369H3G5_9HYPO Ophiocordyceps polyrhachis-furcata BCC 54312 (UP000253664) UniProtKB Star A0A367KZG3_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A367LBD1_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A367L481_9HYPO Ophiocordyceps sinensis (UP000557566) UniProtKB Star A0A8H4PX28_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4PNH9_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4PKV0_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8H4LWZ6_9HYPO Ophiocordyceps sinensis (strain Co18 / CGMCC 3.14243) (UP000019374) UniProtKB Star T5A8Y4_OPHSC UniProtKB Star T5AJQ3_OPHSC UniProtKB Star T5AGD8_OPHSC UniProtKB Star T5ACE4_OPHSC Ophiocordyceps unilateralis (UP000037136) UniProtKB Star A0A2A9PPK1_OPHUN UniProtKB Star A0A2A9P9B8_OPHUN UniProtKB Star A0A2A9PIY0_OPHUN Purpureocillium Purpureocillium lilacinum (UP000078340) UniProtKB Star A0A179HUL8_PURLI UniProtKB Star A0A179GGT4_PURLI UniProtKB Star A0A179GYI2_PURLI Purpureocillium takamizusanense (UP000829364) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q8QAX8_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9Q8QG00_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A9Q8QIV2_9HYPO Tolypocladium Tolypocladium capitatum (UP000236621) UniProtKB Star A0A2K3QGP4_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A2K3Q7F8_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A2K3QR93_9HYPO Tolypocladium ophioglossoides (strain CBS 100239) (UP000036947) UniProtKB Star A0A0L0N9Q1_TOLOC UniProtKB Star A0A0L0NCD5_TOLOC UniProtKB Star A0A0L0NIA0_TOLOC UniProtKB Star A0A0L0NJU0_TOLOC Tolypocladium paradoxum (UP000237481) UniProtKB Star A0A2S4KS68_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A2S4L8P9_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A2S4KLR9_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A2S4KX58_9HYPO Sarocladiaceae Sarocladium Sarocladium strictum (UP001175261) UniProtKB Star A0AA39L8W4_SARSR UniProtKB Star A0AA39GSP5_SARSR UniProtKB Star A0AA39GNN8_SARSR Stachybotryaceae Stachybotrys Stachybotrys chlorohalonatus (strain IBT 40285) (UP000028524) UniProtKB Star A0A084QKU1_STAC4 UniProtKB Star A0A084QFX7_STAC4 UniProtKB Star A0A084QCK5_STAC4 Stachybotrys elegans (UP000813444) UniProtKB Star A0A8K0SF16_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8K0SS91_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8K0SU32_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8K0WME0_9HYPO UniProtKB Star A0A8K0SV88_9HYPO Microascales Ceratocystidaceae Ceratocystis Ceratocystis fimbriata CBS 114723 (UP000222788) UniProtKB Star A0A2C5X0R1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A2C5WX76_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A2C5WXU1_9PEZI Ceratocystis fimbriata f. sp. platani (UP000034841) UniProtKB Star A0A0F8BTE6_CERFI UniProtKB Star A0A0F8B531_CERFI Thielaviopsis Thielaviopsis punctulata (UP000033483) UniProtKB Star A0A0F4Z824_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A0F4Z970_9PEZI Microascaceae Cephalotrichum Cephalotrichum gorgonifer (UP001187682) UniProtKB Star A0AAE8SWD6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAE8MV87_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAE8N6D3_9PEZI Lomentospora Lomentospora prolificans (UP000233524) UniProtKB Star A0A2N3NLJ7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A2N3NDZ2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A2N3N4R1_9PEZI Parascedosporium Parascedosporium putredinis (UP000838763) UniProtKB Star A0A9P1MEK2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P1H424_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P1GUF8_9PEZI Scedosporium Pseudallescheria apiosperma (UP000028545) UniProtKB Star A0A084GD99_PSEDA UniProtKB Star A0A084GDN5_PSEDA UniProtKB Star A0A084FXG0_PSEDA Lulworthiomycetidae Lulworthiales Lulworthiaceae Zalerion Zalerion maritima (UP001201980) UniProtKB Star A0AAD5RV05_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAD5RZN4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAD5RV50_9PEZI Sordariomycetes incertae sedis Thyridiaceae Thyridium Thyridium curvatum (UP000319257) UniProtKB Star A0A507ASF1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A507BIM1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A507AN43_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A507BHX6_9PEZI Sordariomycetidae Calosphaeriales Pleurostomataceae Pleurostoma Pleurostoma richardsiae (UP001174694) UniProtKB Star A0AA38R3B6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA38RJT8_9PEZI Cephalothecales Cephalothecaceae Phialemonium Phialemonium atrogriseum (UP001244011) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0C288_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0BXV6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0BWQ4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0FLY4_9PEZI Coniochaetales Coniochaetaceae Coniochaeta Coniochaeta hoffmannii (UP001174691) UniProtKB Star A0AA38VM77_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA38RID8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA38VCU5_9PEZI Coniochaeta ligniaria NRRL 30616 (UP000182658) UniProtKB Star A0A1J7JUC1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1J7IS60_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1J7JQ03_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1J7JEX7_9PEZI Coniochaeta pulveracea (UP000275385) UniProtKB Star A0A420YJS0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A420YB36_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A420YG25_9PEZI Coniochaeta sp. 2T2.1 (UP000325492) UniProtKB Star A0A5N5NRP6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A5N5MUP2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A5N5LSN6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A5N5KQQ3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A5N5L0X8_9PEZI Diaporthales Cryphonectriaceae Cryphonectria-Endothia species complex Cryphonectria Cryphonectria parasitica EP155 (UP000803844) UniProtKB Star A0A9P4YBH8_CRYPA UniProtKB Star A0A9P4YEU5_CRYPA UniProtKB Star A0A9P5CLS4_CRYPA Diaporthaceae Diaporthe Diaporthe ampelina (UP000034680) UniProtKB Star A0A0G2FBE1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A0G2I5T6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A0G2FCY1_9PEZI Diaporthe helianthi (UP000094444) UniProtKB Star A0A2P5I956_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A2P5HZJ9_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A2P5HR38_9PEZI Phomopsis amygdali (UP001265746) UniProtKB Star A0AAD9SD47_PHOAM UniProtKB Star A0AAD9SKE2_PHOAM UniProtKB Star A0AAD9SAG3_PHOAM UniProtKB Star A0AAD9W864_PHOAM UniProtKB Star A0AAD9W585_PHOAM Gnomoniaceae Gnomoniopsis Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi (UP001140453) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9CYD4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9W8YRF3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9W8YKC1_9PEZI Schizoparmaceae Coniella Coniella lustricola (UP000241462) UniProtKB Star A0A2T3A5G2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A2T3A2M4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A2T3A541_9PEZI Valsaceae Cytospora Cytospora leucostoma (UP000285146) UniProtKB Star A0A423XHJ9_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A423XKW3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A423XN04_9PEZI Valsa Valsa mali var. pyri (nom. inval.) (UP000078576) UniProtKB Star A0A194UZ77_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A194UM62_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A194V0W5_9PEZI Valsa malicola (UP000283895) UniProtKB Star A0A423X967_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A423WRQ7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A423WMK8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A423WHZ9_9PEZI Valsa sordida (UP000284375) UniProtKB Star A0A423VHD9_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A423VQE6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A423WC96_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A423WKS8_9PEZI Magnaporthales Magnaporthaceae Gaeumannomyces Gaeumannomyces tritici (strain R3-111a-1) (UP000006039) UniProtKB Star J3NIG0_GAET3 UniProtKB Star J3P8M9_GAET3 UniProtKB Star J3NPT5_GAET3 Magnaporthiopsis Magnaporthiopsis poae (strain ATCC 64411 / 73-15) (UP000011715) UniProtKB Star A0A0C4E6D7_MAGP6 UniProtKB Star A0A0C4DSP2_MAGP6 UniProtKB Star A0A0C4DNT9_MAGP6 Pyriculariaceae Pyricularia Pyricularia grisea (UP000515153) UniProtKB Star A0A6P8ATI8_PYRGI UniProtKB Star A0A6P8BL92_PYRGI UniProtKB Star A0A6P8B122_PYRGI Pyricularia oryzae (strain 70-15 / ATCC MYA-4617 / FGSC 8958) (UP000009058) UniProtKB Star G4N5N7_PYRO7 UniProtKB Star G4N4B9_PYRO7 UniProtKB Star G4NHZ1_PYRO7 Ophiostomatales Ophiostomataceae Leptographium Grosmannia clavigera (strain kw1407 / UAMH 11150) (UP000007796) UniProtKB Star F0XNW3_GROCL UniProtKB Star F0XD33_GROCL Ophiostoma Ophiostoma piceae (strain UAMH 11346) (UP000016923) UniProtKB Star S3BSP2_OPHP1 UniProtKB Star S3CQH3_OPHP1 UniProtKB Star S3C0P2_OPHP1 UniProtKB Star S3CKI6_OPHP1 Sporothrix Sporothrix schenckii (strain ATCC 58251 / de Perez 2211183) (UP000018087) UniProtKB Star U7Q0K2_SPOS1 UniProtKB Star U7PVN1_SPOS1 UniProtKB Star U7PHN6_SPOS1 UniProtKB Star U7PSN4_SPOS1 Phyllachorales Phyllachoraceae Phyllachora Phyllachora maydis (UP001217918) UniProtKB Star A0AAD9M940_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAD9MEJ0_9PEZI Sordariales Chaetomiaceae Chaetomium Chaetomium fimeti (UP001278766) UniProtKB Star A0AAE0HG25_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0LTN3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0H935_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0LQL9_9PEZI Chaetomium globosum (strain ATCC 6205 / CBS 148.51 / DSM 1962 / NBRC 6... (UP000001056) UniProtKB Star Q2H9P0_CHAGB UniProtKB Star Q2GWP7_CHAGB UniProtKB Star Q2GZS5_CHAGB Chaetomium sp. MPI-SDFR-AT-0129 (UP000813426) UniProtKB Star A0A8K0PTF3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8K0PST0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8K0LU52_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A8K0LG76_9PEZI Chaetomium strumarium (UP001273166) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0GLU3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0M4B6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0GUV6_9PEZI Staphylotrichum Staphylotrichum longicolle (UP001197093) UniProtKB Star A0AAD4F0F8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAD4F1L8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAD4EVX2_9PEZI Thermochaetoides Chaetomium thermophilum (strain DSM 1495 / CBS 144.50 / IMI 039719) (UP000008066) UniProtKB Star G0S6V2_CHATD UniProtKB Star G0S5P0_CHATD UniProtKB Star G0S470_CHATD Thermothelomyces Thermothelomyces thermophilus (strain ATCC 42464 / BCRC 31852 / DSM 17... (UP000007322) UniProtKB Star G2QBC0_THET4 UniProtKB Star G2Q9S1_THET4 UniProtKB Star G2Q681_THET4 Thermothielavioides Thermothielavioides terrestris Thermothielavioides terrestris (strain ATCC 38088 / NRRL 8126) (UP000008181) UniProtKB Star G2QVJ4_THETT UniProtKB Star G2QZD1_THETT UniProtKB Star G2R9Y8_THETT UniProtKB Star G2QYH2_THETT Lasiosphaeriaceae Apiosordaria Apiosordaria backusii (UP001172159) UniProtKB Star A0AA40EGI8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA40BS00_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA40BL53_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA40ETG8_9PEZI Apodospora Apodospora peruviana (UP001283341) UniProtKB Star A0AAE0ICJ0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0IKJ5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0I3X6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0LZN1_9PEZI Bombardia Bombardia bombarda (UP001174934) UniProtKB Star A0AA39XBD9_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA40CG08_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA40C1N7_9PEZI Cercophora Cercophora newfieldiana (UP001174936) UniProtKB Star A0AA39Y5Y5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA39YH03_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA39Y1J3_9PEZI Cercophora samala (UP001174997) UniProtKB Star A0AA40DHI1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA39ZA10_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA39ZKH6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA39Z6M3_9PEZI Cercophora scortea (UP001286456) UniProtKB Star A0AAE0IYH5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0MEM7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0IGP1_9PEZI Immersiella Immersiella caudata (UP001175000) UniProtKB Star A0AA39WXL1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA39WQP5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA39WRU5_9PEZI Lasiosphaeria Lasiosphaeria hispida (UP001275084) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0HLB6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0HQM3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0MF62_9PEZI Lasiosphaeria miniovina (UP001172101) UniProtKB Star A0AA40E3B4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA40B524_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA40AL96_9PEZI Lasiosphaeria ovina (UP001287356) UniProtKB Star A0AAE0TST1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0KDG6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0JSS7_9PEZI Lasiosphaeris Lasiosphaeris hirsuta (UP001172102) UniProtKB Star A0AA40A8T7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA40AQK3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA40E8E2_9PEZI Podosporaceae Podospora Podospora anserina Podospora anserina (strain S / ATCC MYA-4624 / DSM 980 / FGSC 10383) (UP000001197) UniProtKB Star B2AW06_PODAN UniProtKB Star B2B637_PODAN UniProtKB Star B2ACK4_PODAN Podospora appendiculata (UP001270362) UniProtKB Star A0AAE0XF43_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0X4W0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0X8H7_9PEZI Podospora didyma (UP001285441) UniProtKB Star A0AAE0N2C8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0N5B7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0U3E5_9PEZI Schizotheciaceae Echria Echria macrotheca (UP001239445) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0B4W3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0BL46_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAJ0F9K1_9PEZI Schizothecium Schizothecium vesticola (UP001172155) UniProtKB Star A0AA40BQE2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA40F675_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AA40EWD6_9PEZI Sordariaceae Neurospora Neurospora crassa (strain ATCC 24698 / 74-OR23-1A / CBS 708.71 / DSM 1... (UP000001805) UniProtKB Star Q7RXX9_NEUCR UniProtKB Star Q1K698_NEUCR UniProtKB Star Q7S9Z2_NEUCR Neurospora tetraspora (UP001278500) UniProtKB Star A0AAE0JBK5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0JIY6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0MNC7_9PEZI Sordaria Sordaria brevicollis (UP001281003) UniProtKB Star A0AAE0UDD9_SORBR UniProtKB Star A0AAE0UGI7_SORBR UniProtKB Star A0AAE0UDA8_SORBR Sordaria macrospora (strain ATCC MYA-333 / DSM 997 / K (UP000001881) UniProtKB Star F7VS66_SORMK UniProtKB Star F7W2R6_SORMK UniProtKB Star F7VUE9_SORMK Sordariales incertae sedis Madurella Madurella mycetomatis (UP000078237) UniProtKB Star A0A175VW79_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A175VZ50_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A175VT20_9PEZI Togniniales Togniniaceae Phaeoacremonium Phaeoacremonium minimum (strain UCR-PA7) (UP000014074) UniProtKB Star R8BLB0_PHAM7 UniProtKB Star R8BWZ1_PHAM7 Xylariomycetidae Xylariales Apiosporaceae Neoarthrinium Neoarthrinium moseri (UP000829685) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0AKT5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P9WNA8_9PEZI Diatrypaceae Eutypa Eutypa lata (strain UCR-EL1) (UP000012174) UniProtKB Star M7TMZ8_EUTLA UniProtKB Star M7TGJ7_EUTLA UniProtKB Star M7SIC8_EUTLA Hypoxylaceae Daldinia Daldinia sp. EC12 (UP000243732) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2X6V1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2WXN3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2WVW5_9PEZI Hypoxylon Hypoxylon sp. CI-4A (UP000242955) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2WFJ1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2VUK3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2VT58_9PEZI Hypoxylon sp. CO27-5 (UP000194361) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2VJX2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2VIX8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2UY92_9PEZI Microdochiaceae Microdochium Microdochium bolleyi (UP000070501) UniProtKB Star A0A136JBX3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A136IVH0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A136J8M2_9PEZI Microdochium trichocladiopsis (UP000756346) UniProtKB Star A0A9P8YFK7_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P9BTE1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P8YCQ1_9PEZI Pseudomassariaceae Pseudomassariella Pseudomassariella vexata (UP000193689) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2EDL6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2ELI1_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2EG63_9PEZI Sporocadaceae Pestalotiopsis Pestalotiopsis fici (strain W106-1 / CGMCC3.15140) (UP000030651) UniProtKB Star W3WP96_PESFW UniProtKB Star W3WQW8_PESFW UniProtKB Star W3WQ25_PESFW Truncatella Truncatella angustata (UP000758603) UniProtKB Star A0A9P9A4L3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P8UUF0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9P8UZF3_9PEZI Xylariaceae Anthostomella Anthostomella pinea (UP001295740) UniProtKB Star A0AAI8VJD3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAI8VL33_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0AAI8VWP9_9PEZI Rosellinia Rosellinia necatrix (UP000054516) UniProtKB Star A0A1W2TEP4_ROSNE UniProtKB Star A0A1W2TPP5_ROSNE UniProtKB Star A0A1W2TR39_ROSNE Xylaria Xylaria arbuscula (UP001148614) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8N4P8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A9W8N5R6_9PEZI Xylaria flabelliformis (UP000319160) UniProtKB Star A0A553HWU4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A553I742_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A553HV93_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A553I0G8_9PEZI Xylaria grammica (UP000286045) UniProtKB Star A0A439D5J0_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A439D4L6_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A439DD27_9PEZI Xylaria hypoxylon (UP000297716) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0Z1L8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0YQZ6_9PEZI Xylaria multiplex (UP000481858) UniProtKB Star A0A7C8IPJ5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A7C8MT44_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A7C8IXH2_9PEZI Xylariales incertae sedis Monosporascus Monosporascus ibericus (UP000293360) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q4SV96_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4Q4TQB7_9PEZI Monosporascus sp. 5C6A (UP000292526) UniProtKB Star A0A4V1XTY5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4Q4YT47_9PEZI Monosporascus sp. CRB-8-3 (UP000292472) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q4WWY5_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4Q4XJK1_9PEZI Monosporascus sp. CRB-9-2 (UP000294245) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q4YXE8_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4Q4YP07_9PEZI Monosporascus sp. GIB2 (UP000291414) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q4U066_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4V1XAM6_9PEZI Monosporascus sp. MC13-8B (UP000292509) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q4VEF3_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4Q4VFT9_9PEZI Monosporascus sp. MG133 (UP000293831) UniProtKB Star A0A4V1XHA2_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4Q4VW60_9PEZI Monosporascus sp. mg162 (UP000292795) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q4W3W4_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A4Q4WXA8_9PEZI Xylariales sp. No.14919 (UP000189293) UniProtKB Star A0A1V1TU96_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1V1TS99_9PEZI UniProtKB Star A0A1V1T0R7_9PEZI Xylonomycetes Xylonales Xylonaceae Xylona Xylona heveae (strain CBS 132557 / TC161) (UP000076632) UniProtKB Star A0A165JSA3_XYLHT UniProtKB Star A0A165ADP7_XYLHT UniProtKB Star A0A161TC58_XYLHT UniProtKB Star A0A165FDM8_XYLHT Saccharomycotina Dipodascomycetes Dipodascales Dipodascaceae Geotrichum Geotrichum candidum (UP000750522) UniProtKB Star A0A9P5G6R4_GEOCN UniProtKB Star A0A9P5G4A4_GEOCN UniProtKB Star A0A9P5G7R1_GEOCN Magnusiomyces Magnusiomyces paraingens (UP000398389) UniProtKB Star A0A5E8BD96_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A5E8BIV0_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A5E8BUT0_9ASCO Dipodascales incertae sedis Nadsonia Nadsonia fulvescens var. elongata DSM 6958 (UP000095009) UniProtKB Star A0A1E3PHB8_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1E3PDH5_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1E3PCB0_9ASCO Yarrowia Yarrowia lipolytica (strain CLIB 122 / E 150) (UP000001300) UniProtKB Star Q6C5H9_YARLI UniProtKB Star Q6C4A4_YARLI UniProtKB Star Q6CD53_YARLI Trichomonascaceae Sugiyamaella Sugiyamaella lignohabitans (UP000189580) UniProtKB Star A0A167E2C9_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A167DZB5_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A167CRW5_9ASCO Trichomonascus Trichomonascus ciferrii complex Trichomonascus ciferrii (UP000761534) UniProtKB Star A0A642V6P6_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A642V3D1_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A642VEG3_9ASCO Wickerhamiella Wickerhamiella sorbophila (UP000238350) UniProtKB Star A0A2T0FL33_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A2T0FEE7_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A2T0FEG1_9ASCO Lipomycetes Lipomycetales Lipomycetaceae Lipomyces Lipomyces starkeyi NRRL Y-11557 (UP000094385) UniProtKB Star A0A1E3PY49_LIPST UniProtKB Star A0A1E3Q9F3_LIPST UniProtKB Star A0A1E3Q8X1_LIPST Lipomyces tetrasporus (UP001217417) UniProtKB Star A0AAD7VVR8_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0AAD7QWS7_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0AAD7QW81_9ASCO Pichiomycetes Debaryomycetaceae Candida/Lodderomyces clade Candida Candida albicans (UP000536275) UniProtKB Star A0A8H6F248_CANAX UniProtKB Star A0A8H6BZF1_CANAX UniProtKB Star A0A8H6BYI4_CANAX UniProtKB Star G1UAV5_CANAX Candida albicans (strain SC5314 / ATCC MYA-2876) (UP000000559) UniProtKB Star A0A1D8PSE8_CANAL UniProtKB Star A0A1D8PQL8_CANAL UniProtKB Star A0A1D8PQM9_CANAL Candida maltosa (strain Xu316) (UP000011777) UniProtKB Star M3K1P5_CANMX UniProtKB Star M3J5K8_CANMX UniProtKB Star M3JWM4_CANMX Candida oxycetoniae (UP001202479) UniProtKB Star A0AAI9SXD9_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0AAI9SXY9_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0AAI9WYL0_9ASCO Candida parapsilosis (strain CDC 317 / ATCC MYA-4646) (UP000005221) UniProtKB Star G8BC19_CANPC UniProtKB Star G8B923_CANPC UniProtKB Star G8B916_CANPC Candida tropicalis (strain ATCC MYA-3404 / T1) (UP000002037) UniProtKB Star C5M400_CANTT UniProtKB Star C5MG69_CANTT UniProtKB Star C5MG47_CANTT Candida verbasci (UP001152885) UniProtKB Star A0A9W4TQ50_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A9W4XF70_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A9W4U0Z0_9ASCO Candida viswanathii (UP000253472) UniProtKB Star A0A367Y9S5_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A367XZE8_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A367YIY6_9ASCO Lodderomyces Lodderomyces elongisporus (strain ATCC 11503 / CBS 2605 / JCM 1781 / N... (UP000001996) UniProtKB Star A5DSB0_LODEL UniProtKB Star A5E7A7_LODEL UniProtKB Star A5E799_LODEL Debaryomyces Debaryomyces hansenii (strain ATCC 36239 / CBS 767 / BCRC 21394 / JCM ... (UP000000599) UniProtKB Star Q6BY42_DEBHA UniProtKB Star Q6BKC8_DEBHA UniProtKB Star Q6BKD6_DEBHA Diutina Diutina rugosa (UP000449547) UniProtKB Star A0A642UZT3_DIURU UniProtKB Star A0A642UDV0_DIURU UniProtKB Star A0A642UYB4_DIURU Hyphopichia Hyphopichia burtonii NRRL Y-1933 (UP000095085) UniProtKB Star A0A1E4RGE0_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1E4RK63_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1E4REE7_9ASCO Kurtzmaniella [Candida] railenensis (UP000837801) UniProtKB Star A0A9P0QKT3_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A9P0QV49_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A9P0VZY8_9ASCO Meyerozyma Meyerozyma guilliermondii (strain ATCC 6260 / CBS 566 / DSM 6381 / JCM... (UP000001997) UniProtKB Star A5DF48_PICGU UniProtKB Star A5DAV9_PICGU UniProtKB Star A5DAV1_PICGU Meyerozyma sp. JA9 (UP000286412) UniProtKB Star A0A421JDE0_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A421J8X9_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A421J952_9ASCO Millerozyma Pichia sorbitophila (strain ATCC MYA-4447 / BCRC 22081 / CBS 7064 / NB... (UP000005222) UniProtKB Star G8YBI4_PICSO UniProtKB Star G8YMC9_PICSO UniProtKB Star G8Y0L5_PICSO UniProtKB Star G8Y3K2_PICSO UniProtKB Star G8Y3L1_PICSO UniProtKB Star G8Y0M4_PICSO Scheffersomyces Scheffersomyces spartinae (UP000790833) UniProtKB Star A0A9P7V693_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A9P8AIE5_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A9P8AJT4_9ASCO Scheffersomyces stipitis (strain ATCC 58785 / CBS 6054 / NBRC 10063 / ... (UP000002258) UniProtKB Star A3LQV1_PICST UniProtKB Star A3LWB3_PICST UniProtKB Star A3LWA5_PICST Spathaspora Spathaspora passalidarum (strain NRRL Y-27907 / 11-Y1) (UP000000709) UniProtKB Star G3AI38_SPAPN UniProtKB Star G3AV24_SPAPN UniProtKB Star G3AV16_SPAPN Spathaspora sp. JA1 (UP000285775) UniProtKB Star A0A421JIT9_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A421JNG3_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A421JN83_9ASCO [Candida] subhashii (UP000694255) UniProtKB Star A0A8J5UX36_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A8J5QBL4_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A8J5USF8_9ASCO Suhomyces Suhomyces tanzawaensis NRRL Y-17324 (UP000094285) UniProtKB Star A0A1E4SIT8_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1E4SHV0_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1E4SHT9_9ASCO Yamadazyma Candida tenuis (strain ATCC 10573 / BCRC 21748 / CBS 615 / JCM 9827 / ... (UP000000707) UniProtKB Star G3B787_CANTC UniProtKB Star G3B199_CANTC UniProtKB Star G3B1A8_CANTC Metschnikowiaceae Candidozyma Candidozyma auris (UP000230249) UniProtKB Star A0AAW0VG78_CANAR UniProtKB Star A0A2H0ZZX3_CANAR UniProtKB Star A0AAW0VLL6_CANAR Candidozyma haemuli (UP000244309) UniProtKB Star A0A2V1AUA7_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A2V1AMI7_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A2V1B1F9_9ASCO Candidozyma pseudohaemuli (UP000241107) UniProtKB Star A0A2P7YUM6_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A2P7YXF6_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A2P7YRC9_9ASCO Clavispora Clavispora lusitaniae (strain ATCC 42720) (UP000007703) UniProtKB Star C4Y6N6_CLAL4 UniProtKB Star C4Y8S5_CLAL4 UniProtKB Star C4Y897_CLAL4 Metschnikowia Metschnikowia aff. pulcherrima (UP000292447) UniProtKB Star A0A4P6XS29_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A4P6XKK0_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A4P6XSW2_9ASCO Metschnikowia bicuspidata (UP000268321) UniProtKB Star A0A4P9ZKX2_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A4P9ZDK0_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A4P9ZED7_9ASCO Metschnikowia bicuspidata var. bicuspidata NRRL YB-4993 (UP000092555) UniProtKB Star A0A1A0HHG2_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1A0GZ72_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1A0H9J6_9ASCO Metschnikowia pulcherrima (UP000649328) UniProtKB Star A0A8H7LCQ5_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A8H7GQ30_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A8H7GZB7_9ASCO Metschnikowia sp. JCM 33374 (UP000319698) UniProtKB Star A0A512UKF5_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A512U700_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A512U820_9ASCO Sungouiella Sungouiella intermedia (UP000182334) UniProtKB Star A0A1L0FU19_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1L0BRE1_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1L0C518_9ASCO Pachysolenaceae Pachysolen Pachysolen tannophilus NRRL Y-2460 (UP000094236) UniProtKB Star A0A1E4U2X1_PACTA UniProtKB Star A0A1E4TRA3_PACTA UniProtKB Star A0A1E4U2R3_PACTA Pichiales Pichiaceae Ambrosiozyma Ambrosiozyma monospora (UP001165063) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6YS26_AMBMO Brettanomyces Brettanomyces naardenensis (UP000290900) UniProtKB Star A0A448YRI6_BRENA UniProtKB Star A0A448YJZ4_BRENA UniProtKB Star A0A448YF66_BRENA Dekkera bruxellensis (UP000478008) UniProtKB Star A0A7D9H054_DEKBR UniProtKB Star A0A7D9GY19_DEKBR Eeniella nana (UP000662931) UniProtKB Star A0A875RV93_EENNA UniProtKB Star A0A875S367_EENNA UniProtKB Star A0A875SAL5_EENNA Komagataella Komagataella phaffii (strain GS115 / ATCC 20864) (UP000000314) UniProtKB Star C4QWI8_KOMPG UniProtKB Star C4QYY3_KOMPG UniProtKB Star C4R439_KOMPG Kuraishia Kuraishia capsulata CBS 1993 (UP000019384) UniProtKB Star W6MSP3_9ASCO UniProtKB Star W6MHW1_9ASCO UniProtKB Star W6MH33_9ASCO Ogataea Ogataea parapolymorpha (strain ATCC 26012 / BCRC 20466 / JCM 22074 / N... (UP000008673) UniProtKB Star W1Q8H2_OGAPD UniProtKB Star W1QK21_OGAPD UniProtKB Star W1QIJ0_OGAPD Ogataea philodendri (UP000769157) UniProtKB Star A0A9P8T3F5_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A9P8T9L8_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A9P8P8A7_9ASCO Ogataea polymorpha (UP000788993) UniProtKB Star A0A9P8T962_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1B7SFD4_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1B7SFK1_9ASCO Ogataea/Candida clade Candida boidinii (UP001165120) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6SY03_CANBO UniProtKB Star A0A9W6SWT6_CANBO [Candida] arabinofermentans NRRL YB-2248 (UP000094801) UniProtKB Star A0A1E4T4P1_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1E4T2A3_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1E4T907_9ASCO Pichia Pichia californica (UP000697127) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6WP94_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A9P6WJP9_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A9P6WNL1_9ASCO Pichia inconspicua (UP000307173) UniProtKB Star A0A4T0X6F6_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A4T0WWH3_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A4T0WZB6_9ASCO Pichia kudriavzevii (UP000249293) UniProtKB Star A0A2U9R1Y2_PICKU UniProtKB Star A0A2U9R109_PICKU UniProtKB Star A0A1Z8JNS2_PICKU Pichia membranifaciens (UP000186136) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q2YJC0_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1Q2YFZ3_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1Q2YG20_9ASCO Pichia membranifaciens NRRL Y-2026 (UP000094455) UniProtKB Star A0A1E3NKX5_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1E3NJV1_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1E3NI81_9ASCO Serinales incertae sedis Babjeviella Babjeviella inositovora NRRL Y-12698 (UP000094336) UniProtKB Star A0A1E3QNC0_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1E3QYC9_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1E3QXZ5_9ASCO Saccharomycetes Ascoideaceae Ascoidea Ascoidea rubescens DSM 1968 (UP000095038) UniProtKB Star A0A1D2VP55_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1D2VK22_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1D2V9K5_9ASCO Phaffomycetales Phaffomycetaceae Cyberlindnera Cyberlindnera fabianii (UP000189513) UniProtKB Star A0A1V2L7D6_CYBFA UniProtKB Star A0A1V2L5Q0_CYBFA UniProtKB Star A0A061AV07_CYBFA Cyberlindnera jadinii (strain ATCC 18201 / CBS 1600 / BCRC 20928 / JCM... (UP000094389) UniProtKB Star A0A0H5C3G7_CYBJN UniProtKB Star A0A0H5C6P6_CYBJN UniProtKB Star A0A0H5C639_CYBJN Wickerhamomycetaceae Wickerhamomyces Wickerhamomyces anomalus (strain ATCC 58044 / CBS 1984 / NCYC 433 / NR... (UP000094112) UniProtKB Star A0A1E3P300_WICAA UniProtKB Star A0A1E3NYC6_WICAA UniProtKB Star A0A1E3P706_WICAA Wickerhamomyces ciferrii (strain ATCC 14091 / BCRC 22168 / CBS 111 / J... (UP000009328) UniProtKB Star K0KE67_WICCF UniProtKB Star K0KQB3_WICCF UniProtKB Star K0KLA9_WICCF Wickerhamomyces mucosus (UP000769528) UniProtKB Star A0A9P8PP71_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A9P8PTB2_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A9P8PXK1_9ASCO Wickerhamomyces pijperi (UP000774326) UniProtKB Star A0A9P8Q375_WICPI UniProtKB Star A0A9P8Q2H7_WICPI UniProtKB Star A0A9P8Q718_WICPI Saccharomycetales Saccharomycetaceae Eremothecium Eremothecium cymbalariae (strain CBS 270.75 / DBVPG 7215 / KCTC 17166 ... (UP000006790) UniProtKB Star G8JQK6_ERECY UniProtKB Star G8JR70_ERECY Eremothecium gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NR... (UP000000591) UniProtKB Star Q758U0_EREGS UniProtKB Star Q753P8_EREGS UniProtKB Star Q74ZE0_EREGS Henningerozyma Henningerozyma blattae (strain ATCC 34711 / CBS 6284 / DSM 70876 / NBR... (UP000002866) UniProtKB Star I2H4G9_HENB6 UniProtKB Star I2H3Y0_HENB6 UniProtKB Star I2H6J2_HENB6 Huiozyma Huiozyma naganishii (strain ATCC MYA-139 / BCRC 22969 / CBS 8797 / KCT... (UP000006310) UniProtKB Star J7RCT5_HUIN7 UniProtKB Star J7RPX7_HUIN7 UniProtKB Star J7RST8_HUIN7 Kazachstania Kazachstania africana (strain ATCC 22294 / BCRC 22015 / CBS 2517 / CEC... (UP000005220) UniProtKB Star H2ATS8_KAZAF UniProtKB Star H2B153_KAZAF UniProtKB Star H2AY43_KAZAF Kluyveromyces Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1... (UP000000598) UniProtKB Star Q6CKU8_KLULA UniProtKB Star Q6CYG1_KLULA UniProtKB Star Q6CJ91_KLULA Lachancea Lachancea dasiensis (UP000190274) UniProtKB Star A0A1G4J0X5_9SACH UniProtKB Star A0A1G4JX08_9SACH UniProtKB Star A0A1G4IUW8_9SACH Lachancea fermentati (UP000190831) UniProtKB Star A0A1G4MBX2_LACFM UniProtKB Star A0A1G4MGI7_LACFM UniProtKB Star A0A1G4MCM1_LACFM Lachancea lanzarotensis (UP000054304) UniProtKB Star A0A0C7MZ27_9SACH UniProtKB Star A0A0C7NCN5_9SACH Lachancea mirantina (UP000191024) UniProtKB Star A0A1G4JZE8_9SACH UniProtKB Star A0A1G4J8T0_9SACH UniProtKB Star A0A1G4IXC1_9SACH Lachancea thermotolerans (strain ATCC 56472 / CBS 6340 / NRRL Y-8284) (UP000002036) UniProtKB Star C5DG67_LACTC UniProtKB Star C5DLH1_LACTC UniProtKB Star C5DEM0_LACTC Maudiozyma Maudiozyma saulgeensis (UP000196158) UniProtKB Star A0A1X7R3J7_9SACH UniProtKB Star A0A1X7QXH7_9SACH UniProtKB Star A0A1X7RBG9_9SACH Nakaseomyces Candida glabrata (strain ATCC 2001 / BCRC 20586 / JCM 3761 / NBRC 0622... (UP000002428) UniProtKB Star Q6FUS1_CANGA UniProtKB Star Q6FWY4_CANGA UniProtKB Star Q6FLC2_CANGA Naumovozyma Naumovozyma castellii (UP000001640) UniProtKB Star G0VJP3_NAUCA UniProtKB Star G0VF30_NAUCA UniProtKB Star G0VG88_NAUCA Naumovozyma dairenensis (strain ATCC 10597 / BCRC 20456 / CBS 421 / NB... (UP000000689) UniProtKB Star G0W5B1_NAUDC UniProtKB Star G0WGI2_NAUDC UniProtKB Star G0WI66_NAUDC Saccharomyces Saccharomyces arboricola (strain H-6 / AS 2.3317 / CBS 10644) (UP000006968) UniProtKB Star J8Q5E4_SACAR UniProtKB Star J8PHT9_SACAR Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c) (UP000002311) UniProtKB Star SYEM_YEAST UniProtKB Star SYEC_YEAST UniProtKB Star SYQ_YEAST Saccharomyces kudriavzevii (strain ATCC MYA-4449 / AS 2.2408 / CBS 884... (UP000002753) UniProtKB Star J6EIN2_SACK1 Tetrapisispora Tetrapisispora phaffii (strain ATCC 24235 / CBS 4417 / NBRC 1672 / NRR... (UP000005666) UniProtKB Star G8BZT7_TETPH UniProtKB Star G8BP48_TETPH UniProtKB Star G8BYD6_TETPH Torulaspora Torulaspora delbrueckii (UP000005627) UniProtKB Star G9A015_TORDE UniProtKB Star G8ZUC7_TORDE UniProtKB Star G8ZY19_TORDE Torulaspora globosa (UP000510647) UniProtKB Star A0A7H9HV95_9SACH UniProtKB Star A0A7H9HRW2_9SACH UniProtKB Star A0A7H9I018_9SACH Vanderwaltozyma Vanderwaltozyma polyspora (strain ATCC 22028 / DSM 70294 / BCRC 21397 ... (UP000000267) UniProtKB Star A7TP43_VANPO UniProtKB Star A7TPG0_VANPO UniProtKB Star A7TJX9_VANPO Zygosaccharomyces Zygosaccharomyces rouxii (strain ATCC 2623 / CBS 732 / NBRC 1130 / NCY... (UP000008536) UniProtKB Star C5DVD5_ZYGRC UniProtKB Star C5E4X8_ZYGRC UniProtKB Star C5DTB1_ZYGRC Zygotorulaspora Zygotorulaspora mrakii (UP000509704) UniProtKB Star A0A7H9B3N0_ZYGMR UniProtKB Star A0A7H9B9C9_ZYGMR UniProtKB Star A0A7H9B6R6_ZYGMR Saccharomycodales Saccharomycodaceae Hanseniaspora Hanseniaspora osmophila (UP000095728) UniProtKB Star A0A1E5RF00_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1E5R2K5_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1E5REL3_9ASCO Hanseniaspora uvarum (UP000095358) UniProtKB Star A0A1E5RQ74_HANUV UniProtKB Star A0A1E5RXT8_HANUV UniProtKB Star A0A1E5RRD7_HANUV Hanseniaspora valbyensis NRRL Y-1626 (UP000092321) UniProtKB Star A0A1B7TDE7_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1B7TC15_9ASCO Saccharomycodes Saccharomycodes ludwigii (UP000262825) UniProtKB Star A0A376B7Z8_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A376B4F3_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A376B982_9ASCO Trigonopsidomycetes Trigonopsidales Trigonopsidaceae Tortispora Tortispora caseinolytica NRRL Y-17796 (UP000095023) UniProtKB Star A0A1E4TJ79_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1E4TD92_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A1E4THI3_9ASCO Taphrinomycotina Neolectales Neolectaceae Neolecta Neolecta irregularis (strain DAH-3) (UP000186594) UniProtKB Star A0A1U7LWS6_NEOID UniProtKB Star A0A1U7LLY3_NEOID Pneumocystomycetes Pneumocystaceae Pneumocystis Pneumocystis jirovecii (UP000010422) UniProtKB Star L0PDV1_PNEJI UniProtKB Star L0PED9_PNEJI UniProtKB Star L0PH85_PNEJI Pneumocystis jirovecii (strain RU7) (UP000053447) UniProtKB Star A0A0W4ZES1_PNEJ7 UniProtKB Star A0A0W4ZVI9_PNEJ7 UniProtKB Star A0A0W4ZRI9_PNEJ7 Pneumocystis murina (strain B123) (UP000011958) UniProtKB Star M7NSV9_PNEMU UniProtKB Star M7NSJ5_PNEMU UniProtKB Star M7PK68_PNEMU Pneumocystis sp. 'macacae' (UP000675403) UniProtKB Star A0A8H8DPT1_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A8H8A6G2_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A8H8A8Q7_9ASCO Pneumocystis wakefieldiae (UP000663699) UniProtKB Star A0A899FWQ3_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A899G0R3_9ASCO UniProtKB Star A0A899G255_9ASCO Schizosaccharomycetes Schizosaccharomycetales Schizosaccharomycetaceae Schizosaccharomyces Schizosaccharomyces cryophilus (strain OY26 / ATCC MYA-4695 / CBS 1177... (UP000015464) UniProtKB Star S9W466_SCHCR UniProtKB Star S9X8H4_SCHCR UniProtKB Star S9VVU6_SCHCR Schizosaccharomyces japonicus (strain yFS275 / FY16936) (UP000001744) UniProtKB Star B6K389_SCHJY UniProtKB Star B6K3T6_SCHJY UniProtKB Star B6K6Y2_SCHJY Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843) (UP000002485) UniProtKB Star SYEM_SCHPO UniProtKB Star SYEC_SCHPO UniProtKB Star SYQ_SCHPO Taphrinomycetes Taphrinales Protomycetaceae Protomyces Protomyces lactucae-debilis (UP000193685) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2F8Y2_PROLT UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2FAL4_PROLT UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2FAQ1_PROLT Taphrinaceae Taphrina Taphrina deformans (strain PYCC 5710 / ATCC 11124 / CBS 356.35 / IMI 1... (UP000013776) UniProtKB Star R4X8J8_TAPDE UniProtKB Star R4XG37_TAPDE UniProtKB Star R4XC27_TAPDE Taphrinomycotina incertae sedis Saitoella Saitoella complicata (strain BCRC 22490 / CBS 7301 / JCM 7358 / NBRC 1... (UP000033140) UniProtKB Star A0A0E9NNP1_SAICN UniProtKB Star A0A0E9N7N7_SAICN UniProtKB Star A0A0E9NHL4_SAICN Basidiomycota Agaricomycotina Agaricomycetes Agaricomycetidae Agaricales Agaricales incertae sedis Dendrothele Dendrothele bispora (strain CBS 962.96) (UP000297245) UniProtKB Star A0A4S8LGE4_DENBC UniProtKB Star A0A4S8KRU9_DENBC UniProtKB Star A0A4V4HCV4_DENBC UniProtKB Star A0A4S8N0I2_DENBC Agaricineae Agaricaceae Agaricus Agaricus bisporus var. burnettii (UP000629468) UniProtKB Star A0A8H7KLP9_AGABI UniProtKB Star A0A8H7F333_AGABI UniProtKB Star A0A8H7F6C2_AGABI Agaricus bisporus var. burnettii (strain JB137-S8 / ATCC MYA-4627 / FG... (UP000008493) UniProtKB Star K5XQC4_AGABU UniProtKB Star K5XGP6_AGABU UniProtKB Star K5XXM5_AGABU Leucoagaricus Leucoagaricus leucothites (UP000559027) UniProtKB Star A0A8H5LFS0_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H5G4Z7_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H5GFD8_9AGAR Leucoagaricus sp. SymC.cos (UP000070249) UniProtKB Star A0A137QLD6_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A137QI64_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A137QQU2_9AGAR Leucocoprinus Leucocoprinus birnbaumii (UP001213000) UniProtKB Star A0AAD5YSR4_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD5W3U6_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD5VJ48_9AGAR Macrolepiota Macrolepiota fuliginosa MF-IS2 (UP000807342) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6BYM7_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9P5XSH8_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9P6C607_9AGAR Bolbitiaceae Cyclocybe Cyclocybe aegerita (UP000467700) UniProtKB Star A0A8S0WV43_CYCAE UniProtKB Star A0A8S0Y121_CYCAE UniProtKB Star A0A8S0VQH9_CYCAE Crepidotaceae Crepidotus Crepidotus variabilis (UP000807306) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6EEA4_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9P6EUL4_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9P6ESR9_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9P6EDR9_9AGAR Galeropsidaceae Panaeolus Panaeolus cyanescens (UP000284842) UniProtKB Star A0A409VAW3_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A409Y795_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A409YN76_9AGAR Hydnangiaceae Laccaria Laccaria amethystina LaAM-08-1 (UP000054477) UniProtKB Star A0A0C9XW49_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A0C9Y2Z3_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A0C9XSJ8_9AGAR Laccaria bicolor (strain S238N-H82 / ATCC MYA-4686) (UP000001194) UniProtKB Star B0DXI2_LACBS UniProtKB Star B0CXU5_LACBS Hymenogastraceae Gymnopilus Gymnopilus dilepis (UP000284706) UniProtKB Star A0A409VY31_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A409YER7_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A409VI25_9AGAR Gymnopilus junonius (UP000724874) UniProtKB Star A0A9P5NX71_GYMJU UniProtKB Star A0A9P5P3G7_GYMJU UniProtKB Star A0A9P5NVX0_GYMJU Hebeloma Hebeloma cylindrosporum h7 (UP000053424) UniProtKB Star A0A0C2YW38_HEBCY UniProtKB Star A0A0C3CKX4_HEBCY UniProtKB Star A0A0C3CR49_HEBCY Nidulariaceae Crucibulum Crucibulum laeve (UP000308652) UniProtKB Star A0A5C3M0T8_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A5C3MMV2_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A5C3MGB6_9AGAR Psathyrellaceae Candolleomyces Candolleomyces aberdarensis (UP000290288) UniProtKB Star A0A4V1Q2H5_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2DJK4_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2DZL2_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A4Q2DFL3_9AGAR Candolleomyces eurysporus (UP001140091) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8JET4_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9W8JL75_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9W8J7H6_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9W8JJ18_9AGAR Coprinellus Coprinellus micaceus (UP000298030) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y7T6P9_COPMI UniProtKB Star A0A4Y7TQG1_COPMI UniProtKB Star A0A4Y7TQI0_COPMI Coprinopsis Coprinopsis cinerea (strain Okayama-7 / 130 / ATCC MYA-4618 / FGSC 9003) (UP000001861) UniProtKB Star A8N0A9_COPC7 UniProtKB Star A8NYM0_COPC7 UniProtKB Star A8NEG0_COPC7 Coprinopsis marcescibilis (UP000307440) UniProtKB Star A0A5C3L6R6_COPMA UniProtKB Star A0A5C3LMU0_COPMA UniProtKB Star A0A5C3KPR0_COPMA Tulosesus Tulosesus angulatus (UP000521943) UniProtKB Star A0A8H6I6N3_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H6MG04_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H6ID78_9AGAR Strophariaceae Agrocybe Agrocybe chaxingu (UP001148786) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8N294_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9W8JZF9_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9W8TGD7_9AGAR Agrocybe pediades (UP000521872) UniProtKB Star A0A8H4R807_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H4VLR1_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H4VS41_9AGAR Galerina Galerina marginata (strain CBS 339.88) (UP000027222) UniProtKB Star A0A067SPE3_GALM3 UniProtKB Star A0A067TEQ2_GALM3 UniProtKB Star A0A067TY65_GALM3 Hypholoma Hypholoma sublateritium (strain FD-334 SS-4) (UP000054270) UniProtKB Star A0A0D2PLR3_HYPSF UniProtKB Star A0A0D2P818_HYPSF UniProtKB Star A0A0D2PNS9_HYPSF Pholiota Pholiota conissans (UP000807469) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6D2M6_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9P5YTR8_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9P5Z7Y3_9AGAR Psilocybe Psilocybe cf. subviscida (UP000567179) UniProtKB Star A0A8H5AXF3_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H5BEG2_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H5BVV7_9AGAR Psilocybe cubensis (UP000664032) UniProtKB Star A0A8H8CR71_PSICU UniProtKB Star A0A8H7Y5J0_PSICU UniProtKB Star A0A8H8CL85_PSICU Psilocybe cyanescens (UP000283269) UniProtKB Star A0A409VQ16_PSICY UniProtKB Star A0A409XR07_PSICY UniProtKB Star A0A409WGS9_PSICY Fistulinaceae Fistulina Fistulina hepatica ATCC 64428 (UP000054144) UniProtKB Star A0A0D7ARQ7_9AGAR Marasmiineae Marasmiaceae Marasmius Marasmius oreades (fairy-ring Marasmius) (UP001049176) UniProtKB Star A0A9P7RPL5_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9P8AC23_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9P7UUX7_9AGAR Moniliophthora Moniliophthora roreri (UP000054988) UniProtKB Star A0A0W0ETM3_MONRR UniProtKB Star A0A0W0F2X7_MONRR UniProtKB Star A0A0W0EZD4_MONRR Moniliophthora roreri (strain MCA 2997) (UP000017559) UniProtKB Star V2WK87_MONRO UniProtKB Star V2WMN3_MONRO UniProtKB Star V2X5M1_MONRO Tetrapyrgos Tetrapyrgos nigripes (UP000559256) UniProtKB Star A0A8H5FI40_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H5GYP9_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H5LJ53_9AGAR Mycenaceae Mycena Mycena albidolilacea (UP001218218) UniProtKB Star A0AAD7EWC0_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD7ENI3_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD7F6U8_9AGAR Mycena alexandri (UP001218188) UniProtKB Star A0AAD6S836_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD6TIA9_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD6THU7_9AGAR Mycena belliae (UP001222325) UniProtKB Star A0AAD6ULV2_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD6XI03_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD6XMY1_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD6UD64_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD6XY58_9AGAR Mycena chlorophos (UP000613580) UniProtKB Star A0A8H6THQ4_MYCCL UniProtKB Star A0A8H6WMC5_MYCCL UniProtKB Star A0A8H6S0G1_MYCCL Mycena citricolor (UP001295794) UniProtKB Star A0AAD2H525_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD2HBY3_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD2Q1W3_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD2Q549_9AGAR Mycena indigotica (UP000636479) UniProtKB Star A0A8H6T793_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H6S9T0_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H6SLX8_9AGAR Mycena kentingensis (nom. inval.) (UP000613374) UniProtKB Star A0A8H6WQV3_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H6T7N2_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H7CCC9_9AGAR Mycena maculata (UP001215280) UniProtKB Star A0AAD7HCT4_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD7IJ05_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD7HJN5_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD7JID9_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD7J737_9AGAR Mycena metata (UP001215598) UniProtKB Star A0AAD7NRY7_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD7JZR9_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD7JBT8_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD7K9E7_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD7HQH3_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD7H733_9AGAR Mycena pura (UP001219525) UniProtKB Star A0AAD7E3V6_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD6VWG7_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD6YTA2_9AGAR Mycena rosella (UP001221757) UniProtKB Star A0AAD7G747_MYCRO UniProtKB Star A0AAD7MBI0_MYCRO UniProtKB Star A0AAD7GY19_MYCRO UniProtKB Star A0AAD7GFK2_MYCRO UniProtKB Star A0AAD7DVC2_MYCRO Mycena sanguinolenta (UP000623467) UniProtKB Star A0A8H6ZCB0_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H6YPD6_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H7CYN6_9AGAR Mycena venus (UP000620124) UniProtKB Star A0A8H6WXG1_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H6XBK6_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H7CYB0_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H6YDH6_9AGAR Roridomyces Roridomyces roridus (UP001221142) UniProtKB Star A0AAD7CJA3_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD7BXB5_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AAD7C4Z4_9AGAR Omphalotaceae Collybiopsis Collybiopsis confluens (UP000518752) UniProtKB Star A0A8H5CIL6_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H5HH45_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H5HQF0_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H5HVZ7_9AGAR Collybiopsis luxurians Collybiopsis luxurians FD-317 M1 (UP000053593) UniProtKB Star A0A0D0B4J7_9AGAR Gymnopus Gymnopus androsaceus JB14 (UP000799118) UniProtKB Star A0A6A4HGK8_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A6A4GRG3_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A6A4IKX7_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A6A4IKQ6_9AGAR Lentinula Lentinula aciculospora (UP001150266) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9AL79_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9W9A7N7_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9W9DNB0_9AGAR Lentinula edodes (UP000188533) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q3EI67_LENED UniProtKB Star A0A1Q3E7H5_LENED UniProtKB Star A0A1Q3DVY8_LENED UniProtKB Star A0A1Q3DVJ6_LENED Lentinula guzmanii (UP001176059) UniProtKB Star A0AA38MX21_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AA38JBZ7_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AA38JIJ2_9AGAR Lentinula raphanica (UP001163846) UniProtKB Star A0AA38P1A1_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AA38UH10_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AA38PEL6_9AGAR Rhodocollybia Rhodocollybia butyracea (UP000772434) UniProtKB Star A0A9P5Q366_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9P5U548_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9P5Q1Y4_9AGAR Physalacriaceae Armillaria Armillaria borealis (UP001175226) UniProtKB Star A0AA39MTE1_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AA39JH95_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AA39J7W8_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AA39N178_9AGAR Armillaria gallica (UP000217790) UniProtKB Star A0A2H3E092_ARMGA UniProtKB Star A0A2H3DCJ3_ARMGA UniProtKB Star A0A2H3E4G4_ARMGA UniProtKB Star A0A2H3DL18_ARMGA Armillaria luteobubalina (UP001175228) UniProtKB Star A0AA39TXC0_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AA39Q757_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AA39UYR0_9AGAR Armillaria novae-zelandiae (UP001175227) UniProtKB Star A0AA39PFP1_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AA39PGY5_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0AA39PUJ5_9AGAR Armillaria ostoyae (UP000219338) UniProtKB Star A0A284R6N3_ARMOS UniProtKB Star A0A284QWD1_ARMOS UniProtKB Star A0A284RKK5_ARMOS UniProtKB Star A0A284QZA6_ARMOS Armillaria solidipes (UP000218334) UniProtKB Star A0A2H3CNZ7_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A2H3C661_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A2H3BUX9_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A2H3BKR1_9AGAR Cylindrobasidium Cylindrobasidium torrendii FP15055 ss-10 (UP000054007) UniProtKB Star A0A0D7BSI8_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A0D7BSH9_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A0D7BUX1_9AGAR Desarmillaria Armillaria tabescens (UP001175211) UniProtKB Star A0AA39JG38_ARMTA UniProtKB Star A0AA39NDQ9_ARMTA UniProtKB Star A0AA39NM24_ARMTA UniProtKB Star A0AA39JWZ0_ARMTA Guyanagaster Guyanagaster necrorhizus MCA 3950 (UP000812287) UniProtKB Star A0A9P8AYJ9_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9P8AVN6_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9P7VWW6_9AGAR Pleurotineae Pleurotaceae Pleurotus Pleurotus eryngii (UP000807025) UniProtKB Star A0A9P5ZLJ5_PLEER UniProtKB Star A0A9P6A7I7_PLEER UniProtKB Star A0A9P6D9F1_PLEER Pleurotus ostreatus (UP000623687) UniProtKB Star A0A8H7A7E5_PLEOS UniProtKB Star A0A8H7A2T9_PLEOS UniProtKB Star A0A8H7A5N8_PLEOS Pleurotus ostreatus PC15 (UP000027073) UniProtKB Star A0A067NT30_PLEOS UniProtKB Star A0A067P0Q8_PLEOS UniProtKB Star A0A067PBX9_PLEOS Pterulaceae Pterula Pterula gracilis (UP000305067) UniProtKB Star A0A5C3QNR5_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A5C3QJ66_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A5C3QGD1_9AGAR Stephanosporaceae Cristinia Cristinia sonorae (UP000813824) UniProtKB Star A0A8K0UPS9_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8K0UZL5_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8K0XTL7_9AGAR Pluteineae Amanitaceae Amanita Amanita muscaria (strain Koide BX008) (UP000054549) UniProtKB Star A0A0C2WVE7_AMAMK UniProtKB Star A0A0C2T1Z1_AMAMK UniProtKB Star A0A0C2XM39_AMAMK Amanita thiersii Skay4041 (UP000242287) UniProtKB Star A0A2A9N8R1_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A2A9NZW5_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A2A9NSI8_9AGAR Schizophyllaceae Auriculariopsis Auriculariopsis ampla (UP000320762) UniProtKB Star A0A550C891_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A550CXC5_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A550CTJ3_9AGAR Schizophyllum Schizophyllum commune (strain H4-8 / FGSC 9210) (UP000007431) UniProtKB Star D8PZX5_SCHCM UniProtKB Star D8PRN2_SCHCM Tricholomatineae Clitocybaceae Collybia Collybia nuda (UP000807353) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6CHZ4_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9P6CR45_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9P5Y7Z7_9AGAR Lyophyllaceae Asterophora Asterophora parasitica (UP000775547) UniProtKB Star A0A9P7K944_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9P7GAC1_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9P7GFW9_9AGAR Hypsizygus Hypsizygus marmoreus (UP000076154) UniProtKB Star A0A369K611_HYPMA UniProtKB Star A0A369KAJ7_HYPMA UniProtKB Star A0A369JNX8_HYPMA UniProtKB Star A0A369JSU9_HYPMA Lyophyllum Lyophyllum shimeji (UP001063166) UniProtKB Star A0A9P3UMI5_LYOSH UniProtKB Star A0A9P3PFZ9_LYOSH UniProtKB Star A0A9P3PDC8_LYOSH Sphagnurus Sphagnurus paluster (UP000717328) UniProtKB Star A0A9P7FRN8_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9P7FX09_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A9P7GPU0_9AGAR Termitomyces Termitomyces sp. J132 (UP000053712) UniProtKB Star A0A0L6WV43_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A0L6WSF6_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A0L6WGY6_9AGAR Tricholomella Tricholomella constricta (UP000565441) UniProtKB Star A0A8H5H5I4_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H5HCT1_9AGAR UniProtKB Star A0A8H5HQR8_9AGAR Amylocorticiales Amylocorticiaceae Plicaturopsis Plicaturopsis crispa FD-325 SS-3 (UP000053263) Atheliales Atheliaceae Athelia Athelia sp. TMB (UP000609673) UniProtKB Star A0A8H7L3U2_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A8H7KN86_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A8H7FNE7_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A8H7GGW3_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A8H7FJW8_9AGAM Fibularhizoctonia Fibularhizoctonia sp. CBS 109695 (UP000076532) UniProtKB Star A0A165XV26_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A166JSK3_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A166N6F6_9AGAM Piloderma Piloderma croceum (strain F 1598) (UP000054166) UniProtKB Star A0A0C3B6F7_PILCF UniProtKB Star A0A0C3B0G8_PILCF UniProtKB Star A0A0C3CN44_PILCF Boletales Boletineae Boletaceae Boletoideae Boletus Boletus edulis BED1 (UP001194468) UniProtKB Star A0AAD4G8E2_BOLED UniProtKB Star A0AAD4GJN7_BOLED UniProtKB Star A0AAD4C6E3_BOLED Boletus reticuloceps (UP000683000) UniProtKB Star A0A8I3A273_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A8I2YRW2_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A8I2YV84_9AGAM Coniophorineae Coniophoraceae Coniophora Coniophora puteana (strain RWD-64-598) (UP000053558) UniProtKB Star A0A5M3N3V5_CONPW UniProtKB Star A0A5M3N1J2_CONPW UniProtKB Star A0A5M3MT52_CONPW Serpulaceae Serpula Serpula lacrymans var. lacrymans (strain S7.3) (UP000008063) UniProtKB Star F8QFE3_SERL3 UniProtKB Star F8Q7P2_SERL3 UniProtKB Star F8PQ77_SERL3 Paxilineae Paxillaceae Hydnomerulius Hydnomerulius pinastri MD-312 (UP000053820) UniProtKB Star A0A0C9W2D3_9AGAM Paxillus Paxillus involutus ATCC 200175 (UP000053647) UniProtKB Star A0A0C9TTI5_PAXIN Paxillus rubicundulus Ve08.2h10 (UP000054538) UniProtKB Star A0A0D0DBQ6_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A0D0D4K3_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A0D0ECW3_9AGAM Sclerodermatineae Boletinellaceae Phlebopus Phlebopus sp. FC_14 (UP000813600) UniProtKB Star A0A8K0TZJ7_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A8K0U9S7_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A8K0XG04_9AGAM Pisolithaceae Pisolithus Pisolithus microcarpus 441 (UP000054018) UniProtKB Star A0A0C9YWC6_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A0D0AG82_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A0C9ZJ08_9AGAM Pisolithus tinctorius Marx 270 (UP000054217) UniProtKB Star A0A0C3JIM7_PISTI UniProtKB Star A0A0C3PW07_PISTI UniProtKB Star A0A0C3PTT1_PISTI Sclerodermataceae Scleroderma Scleroderma citrinum Foug A (UP000053989) UniProtKB Star A0A0C3D7I1_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A0C3DF74_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A0C3A5B8_9AGAM Suillineae Rhizopogonaceae Rhizopogon Rhizopogon vesiculosus (UP000183567) UniProtKB Star A0A1J8QIS5_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A1J8Q6P7_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A1J8PK71_9AGAM Rhizopogon vinicolor AM-OR11-026 (UP000092154) UniProtKB Star A0A1B7MVC8_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A1B7NA13_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A1B7NI98_9AGAM Suillaceae Suillus Suillus discolor (UP000823399) UniProtKB Star A0A9P7F1B1_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A9P7FGF6_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A9P7FH76_9AGAM Suillus fuscotomentosus (UP001195769) UniProtKB Star A0AAD4EM66_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0AAD4ECZ1_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0AAD4EIV2_9AGAM Suillus luteus UH-Slu-Lm8-n1 (UP000054485) UniProtKB Star A0A0D0BJN2_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A0D0BFD7_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A0D0BAP5_9AGAM Suillus placidus (UP000714275) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6ZQZ5_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A9P6ZZ04_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A9P7A611_9AGAM Suillus plorans (UP000719766) UniProtKB Star A0A9P7E398_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A9P7AIS2_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A9P7DZ55_9AGAM Suillus subaureus (UP000807769) UniProtKB Star A0A9P7JCD5_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A9P7JJK7_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A9P7EA43_9AGAM Jaapiales Jaapiaceae Jaapia Jaapia argillacea MUCL 33604 (UP000027265) UniProtKB Star A0A067PGN2_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A067QE56_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A067QDT2_9AGAM Auriculariales Auriculariaceae Auricularia Auricularia subglabra (strain TFB-10046 / SS5) (UP000006514) Auriculariales sp. MPI-PUGE-AT-0066 (UP000701757) UniProtKB Star A0A9P9CPV2_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A9P9I5P1_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A9P9CQS1_9AGAM Exidiaceae Exidia Exidia glandulosa HHB12029 (UP000077266) UniProtKB Star A0A165NGW4_EXIGL UniProtKB Star A0A165ENY5_EXIGL UniProtKB Star A0A165DWT5_EXIGL UniProtKB Star A0A165QKE3_EXIGL Cantharellales Botryobasidiaceae Botryobasidium Botryobasidium botryosum (strain FD-172 SS1) (UP000027195) UniProtKB Star A0A067MPR2_BOTB1 UniProtKB Star A0A067N2A2_BOTB1 UniProtKB Star A0A067M313_BOTB1 UniProtKB Star A0A067N9X0_BOTB1 Ceratobasidiaceae Ceratobasidium Ceratobasidium sp. AG-Ba (UP000650602) UniProtKB Star A0A8H8IU89_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A8H8JAM7_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A8H8SDS4_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A8H8ILC0_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A8H8JCG5_9AGAM Ceratobasidium theobromae (UP000383932) UniProtKB Star A0A5N5QP60_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A5N5R0J4_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A5N5QSH1_9AGAM Rhizoctonia Rhizoctonia solani (UP000044841) UniProtKB Star A0A0K6FYS8_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A0K6G8V3_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A0K6FVM5_9AGAM Rhizoctonia solani 123E (UP000027456) UniProtKB Star A0A074RXE1_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A074SFV5_9AGAM Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 Thanatephorus cucumeris (strain AG1-IA) (UP000011668) UniProtKB Star L8X6M4_THACA Thanatephorus cucumeris (strain AG1-IB / isolate 7/3/14) (UP000059188) UniProtKB Star A0A0B7FSW4_THACB UniProtKB Star A0A0B7F6V9_THACB UniProtKB Star A0A0B7FT63_THACB Hydnaceae Clavulina Clavulina sp. PMI_390 (UP000806005) UniProtKB Star A0A9P5J8W0_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A9P5JLP0_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A9P5JFH2_9AGAM Hydnum Hydnum rufescens UP504 (UP000886523) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6DU51_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A9P6DZJ7_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A9P6DZN2_9AGAM Tulasnellaceae Tulasnella Tulasnella calospora MUT 4182 (UP000054248) UniProtKB Star A0A0C3MIN0_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A0C3Q022_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A0C3L1R6_9AGAM Tulasnella sp. JGI-2019a (UP000729369) UniProtKB Star A0A9P8BBV8_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A9P8BJ72_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A9P7WX91_9AGAM Corticiales Punctulariaceae Punctularia Punctularia strigosozonata (strain HHB-11173) (UP000054196) Gloeophyllales Gloeophyllaceae Gloeophyllum Gloeophyllum trabeum (strain ATCC 11539 / FP-39264 / Madison 617) (UP000030669) UniProtKB Star S7QNY7_GLOTA UniProtKB Star S7RWY9_GLOTA UniProtKB Star S7QIF6_GLOTA Heliocybe Heliocybe sulcata (UP000305948) UniProtKB Star A0A5C3MU22_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A5C3NB72_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A5C3NCN6_9AGAM Neolentinus Neolentinus lepideus HHB14362 ss-1 (UP000076761) UniProtKB Star A0A165S496_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A165TX08_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A165V8R0_9AGAM Hymenochaetales Hymenochaetaceae Fomitiporia Fomitiporia mediterranea (strain MF3/22) (UP000053630) Phellinidium Phellinidium pouzarii (UP000308199) UniProtKB Star A0A4S4LFX6_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A4S4LBK2_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A4S4LI72_9AGAM Pyrrhoderma Pyrrhoderma noxium (UP000217199) UniProtKB Star A0A286UQB1_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A286UBC8_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A286UMN8_9AGAM Sanghuangporus Sanghuangporus baumii (UP000757232) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q5N8X1_SANBA UniProtKB Star A0A9Q5HR30_SANBA UniProtKB Star A0A9Q5I3K6_SANBA Rickenellaceae Rickenella Rickenella mellea (UP000294933) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y7Q3X6_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A4R5XEK2_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A4R5XGL5_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A4Y7PRD4_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A4Y7QEZ1_9AGAM Schizoporaceae Schizopora Schizopora paradoxa (UP000053477) UniProtKB Star A0A0H2RZU0_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A0H2RXA2_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A0H2S146_9AGAM Phallomycetidae Geastrales Sphaerobolaceae Sphaerobolus Sphaerobolus stellatus (strain SS14) (UP000054279) UniProtKB Star A0A0C9UQJ6_SPHS4 Polyporales Fibroporiaceae Fibroporia Fibroporia radiculosa (UP000006352) UniProtKB Star J4I878_9APHY UniProtKB Star J4GMY6_9APHY UniProtKB Star J4I1E5_9APHY Fomitopsis Daedalea quercina L-15889 (UP000076727) UniProtKB Star A0A165Q0M2_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A165RZP8_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A165SV77_9APHY Fomitopsis schrenkii (UP000015241) UniProtKB Star S8E4G9_FOMSC UniProtKB Star S8DS14_FOMSC UniProtKB Star S8FQS4_FOMSC Gelatoporiaceae Gelatoporia Ceriporiopsis subvermispora (strain B) (UP000016930) UniProtKB Star M2RAN2_CERS8 UniProtKB Star M2QM47_CERS8 UniProtKB Star M2QUZ0_CERS8 Obba Obba rivulosa (UP000250043) UniProtKB Star A0A8E2DR37_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A8E2DQA2_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A8E2AZW8_9APHY Grifolaceae Grifola Grifola frondosa (UP000092993) UniProtKB Star A0A1C7MUK5_GRIFR UniProtKB Star A0A1C7LP05_GRIFR UniProtKB Star A0A1C7MJX5_GRIFR Laetiporus Laetiporus sulphureus 93-53 (UP000076871) UniProtKB Star A0A165FJE8_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A165G1B4_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A165IGK8_9APHY Meripilaceae Physisporinus Physisporinus lineatus (UP001212997) UniProtKB Star A0AAD5YD68_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0AAD5YCH5_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0AAD5VAP7_9APHY Meruliaceae Hermanssonia Hermanssonia centrifuga (UP000186601) UniProtKB Star A0A2R6RM33_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A2R6NQS7_9APHY Phaeolaceae Wolfiporia Wolfiporia cocos (strain MD-104) (UP000218811) UniProtKB Star A0A2H3J953_WOLCO UniProtKB Star A0A2H3J6G2_WOLCO UniProtKB Star A0A2H3JH31_WOLCO Phanerochaetaceae Phanerochaete Phanerochaete carnosa (strain HHB-10118-sp) (UP000008370) UniProtKB Star K5WMJ8_PHACS UniProtKB Star K5VUB3_PHACS Phanerochaete sordida (UP000703269) UniProtKB Star A0A9P3LK62_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A9P3GL20_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A9P3FXQ3_9APHY Phlebiopsis Phlebiopsis gigantea (strain 11061_1 CR5-6) (UP000053257) UniProtKB Star A0A0C3SAU7_PHLG1 UniProtKB Star A0A0C3SCJ2_PHLG1 UniProtKB Star A0A0C3S4I9_PHLG1 Polyporaceae Dichomitus Dichomitus squalens (UP000292082) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9PWX1_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9QCL6_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9Q943_9APHY Dichomitus squalens (strain LYAD-421) (UP000053319) Ganoderma Ganoderma sinense ZZ0214-1 (UP000230002) UniProtKB Star A0A2G8RS87_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A2G8ST62_9APHY Lentinus Lentinus tigrinus ALCF2SS1-6 (UP000313359) UniProtKB Star A0A5C2S652_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A5C2T2A9_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A5C2SSB0_9APHY Polyporus Polyporus arcularius HHB13444 (UP000308197) UniProtKB Star A0A5C3P5D3_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A5C3PRG3_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A5C3NXR8_9APHY Polyporus brumalis (UP000256964) UniProtKB Star A0A371CUH8_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A371D2Z5_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A371DM97_9APHY Trametes Pycnoporus cinnabarinus (UP000029665) UniProtKB Star A0A060SFE3_PYCCI UniProtKB Star A0A060S8M3_PYCCI UniProtKB Star A0A060SGP6_PYCCI Trametes coccinea (strain BRFM310) (UP000193067) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2IYS5_TRAC3 UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2J505_TRAC3 UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2IF83_TRAC3 Trametes cubensis (UP001215151) UniProtKB Star A0AAD7TXY0_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0AAD7XDH8_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0AAD7U0V7_9APHY Trametes pubescens (UP000184267) UniProtKB Star A0A1M2VLU0_TRAPU UniProtKB Star A0A1M2VER5_TRAPU UniProtKB Star A0A1M2VRZ4_TRAPU Trametes versicolor (strain FP-101664) (UP000054317) Postiaceae Postia Postia placenta (UP000639403) UniProtKB Star A0A8H7P356_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A8H7U5P1_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A8H7U667_9APHY Postia placenta MAD-698-R-SB12 (UP000194127) UniProtKB Star A0A1X6NHK4_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A1X6N9Q5_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A1X6MUS7_9APHY Rhodofomes Rhodofomes roseus (UP000298390) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9YF45_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9YN08_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9Z3L3_9APHY Sparassidaceae Sparassis Sparassis crispa (UP000287166) UniProtKB Star A0A401G8V1_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A401GHY4_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A401H3W4_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A401GCX2_9APHY Steccherinaceae Antrodiella Antrodiella citrinella (UP000308730) UniProtKB Star A0A4S4MSL1_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A4S4MXW9_9APHY Steccherinum Steccherinum ochraceum (UP000292702) UniProtKB Star A0A4V6N785_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A4R0RSR7_9APHY UniProtKB Star A0A4R0RP39_9APHY Russulales Bondarzewiaceae Bondarzewia Bondarzewia mesenterica (UP000310158) UniProtKB Star A0A4S4LRS3_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A4S4M3Q3_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A4S4LNA7_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A4S4LFM4_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A4S4LV99_9AGAM Heterobasidion Heterobasidion annosum species complex Heterobasidion irregulare (strain TC 32-1) (UP000030671) UniProtKB Star W4KPF7_HETIT UniProtKB Star W4KL84_HETIT UniProtKB Star W4KFA0_HETIT Hericiaceae Dentipellis Dentipellis fragilis (UP000298327) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9ZBP7_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9XY47_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9YKP6_9AGAM Dentipellis sp. KUC8613 (UP000322482) UniProtKB Star A0A5B1QH17_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A5B1QJL3_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A5B1QBV4_9AGAM Hericium Hericium alpestre (UP000298061) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z0A0D8_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9ZP81_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A4Y9ZRD7_9AGAM Peniophoraceae Peniophora Peniophora sp. CBMAI 1063 (UP000365756) UniProtKB Star A0A5E3WHD9_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A5E3WS94_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A5E3WDL7_9AGAM Peniophora sp. CONT (UP000077086) UniProtKB Star A0A166LYS7_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A166DVH3_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A166JZP5_9AGAM Russulaceae Lactarius Lactarius akahatsu (UP001201163) UniProtKB Star A0AAD4LG40_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0AAD4LUX4_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0AAD4LAW6_9AGAM Multifurca Multifurca ochricompacta (UP001203297) UniProtKB Star A0AAD4ME78_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0AAD4MC53_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0AAD4QS54_9AGAM Russula Russula ochroleuca (UP000759537) UniProtKB Star A0A9P5MX18_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A9P5MTQ9_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A9P5MQL1_9AGAM Stereaceae Stereum Stereum hirsutum (strain FP-91666) (UP000053927) Sebacinales Serendipitaceae Serendipita Serendipita indica (strain DSM 11827) (UP000007148) UniProtKB Star G4T560_SERID UniProtKB Star G4TCM2_SERID UniProtKB Star G4TGU6_SERID Serendipita vermifera MAFF 305830 (UP000054097) UniProtKB Star A0A0C3AXA0_SERVB UniProtKB Star A0A0C2WGN8_SERVB UniProtKB Star A0A0C3BJ60_SERVB Thelephorales Thelephoraceae Thelephora Thelephora terrestris (UP000736335) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6H4J7_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A9P6HP62_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A9P6L309_9AGAM Trechisporales Trechisporales incertae sedis Sistotremastrum Sistotremastrum niveocremeum HHB9708 (UP000076722) UniProtKB Star A0A164R6I7_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A164P4C4_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A164P496_9AGAM Sistotremastrum suecicum HHB10207 ss-3 (UP000076798) UniProtKB Star A0A166HKK3_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A166EM28_9AGAM UniProtKB Star A0A166EM73_9AGAM Dacrymycetes Dacrymycetales Dacrymycetaceae Calocera Calocera cornea HHB12733 (UP000076842) UniProtKB Star A0A165G178_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A165CRF4_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A165DQC3_9BASI Calocera viscosa (strain TUFC12733) (UP000076738) UniProtKB Star A0A167Q317_CALVF UniProtKB Star A0A167NJS2_CALVF UniProtKB Star A0A167NXU3_CALVF Dacryopinax Dacryopinax primogenitus (strain DJM 731) (UP000030653) UniProtKB Star M5FRQ6_DACPD UniProtKB Star M5GGC9_DACPD UniProtKB Star M5GFL3_DACPD Tremellomycetes Filobasidiales Filobasidiaceae Filobasidium Filobasidium floriforme (UP000812966) UniProtKB Star A0A8K0JP85_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A8K0JPU3_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A8K0JJC3_9TREE Naganishia Naganishia liquefaciens (UP000620104) UniProtKB Star A0A8H3TYF0_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A8H3TVV4_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A8H3TQB9_9TREE Tremellales Bulleribasidiaceae Dioszegia Dioszegia hungarica (UP001164286) UniProtKB Star A0AA38HAM9_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0AA38HHJ3_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0AA38H9K9_9TREE Cryptococcaceae Cryptococcus Cryptococcus amylolentus CBS 6039 (UP000094065) UniProtKB Star A0A1E3HIH6_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A1E3HJ28_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A1E3HW26_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A1E3HII3_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A1E3HXU0_9TREE Cryptococcus depauperatus CBS 7841 (UP000094043) UniProtKB Star A0A1E3IJE6_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A1E3I3S3_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A1E3HS02_9TREE Cryptococcus gattii species complex Cryptococcus deuterogattii Ram5 (UP000053392) UniProtKB Star A0A0D0VBC0_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A0D0UZZ3_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A0D0T398_9TREE Cryptococcus neoformans species complex Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans serotype D (strain JEC21 / ATC... (UP000002149) UniProtKB Star Q5K9R5_CRYNJ UniProtKB Star Q5KQ22_CRYNJ UniProtKB Star Q5KFZ4_CRYNJ Kwoniella Kwoniella bestiolae CBS 10118 (UP000092730) UniProtKB Star A0A1B9G9Q2_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A1B9G203_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A1B9GCA5_9TREE Kwoniella dejecticola CBS 10117 (UP000078595) UniProtKB Star A0A1A6AFV5_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A1A6A5Q7_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A1A5ZUH9_9TREE Kwoniella heveanensis BCC8398 (UP000092666) UniProtKB Star A0A1B9GYS3_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A1B9H100_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A1B9GXE0_9TREE Kwoniella mangroviensis CBS 10435 (UP000092583) UniProtKB Star A0A1B9IVI1_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A1B9IY48_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A1B9IL11_9TREE Kwoniella pini CBS 10737 (UP000094020) UniProtKB Star A0A1B9ICU6_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A1B9I231_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A1B9HZP8_9TREE Kwoniella shandongensis (UP000322225) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ8N071_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A5M6BPS4_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0AAJ8LNU6_9TREE Cuniculitremaceae Kockovaella Kockovaella imperatae (UP000193218) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1UAZ0_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1UH86_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1UM76_9TREE Naemateliaceae Naematelia Naematelia encephala (UP000193986) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2ANV4_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2BDK9_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2BE82_9TREE Rhynchogastremaceae Papiliotrema Papiliotrema laurentii (UP001182556) UniProtKB Star A0AAD9L7A6_PAPLA UniProtKB Star A0AAD9FQU2_PAPLA UniProtKB Star A0AAD9FPF1_PAPLA Tremellaceae Tremella Tremella mesenterica (UP000289152) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1BGQ9_TREME UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1BS68_TREME UniProtKB Star A0A4Q1BKD9_TREME Trimorphomycetaceae Saitozyma Saitozyma podzolica (UP000279259) UniProtKB Star A0A427Y3B9_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A427YVN9_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A427XRT7_9TREE Saitozyma sp. JCM 24511 (UP000815604) UniProtKB Star A0A9P3E9H2_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A9P3E2A0_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A9P2ZYE8_9TREE Trichosporonales Trichosporonaceae Apiotrichum Apiotrichum porosum (UP000279236) UniProtKB Star A0A427XQ30_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A427XLF6_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A427XE87_9TREE Cutaneotrichosporon Cutaneotrichosporon cavernicola (UP001233271) UniProtKB Star A0AA48I4F5_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0AA48QW02_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0AA48QWT6_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0AA48L5T1_9TREE Cutaneotrichosporon oleaginosum (UP000053611) UniProtKB Star A0A0J0XNX6_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A0J1BED5_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A0J1B8T9_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0A0J1AYR9_9TREE Cutaneotrichosporon spelunceum (UP001222932) UniProtKB Star A0AAD3TTM8_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0AAD3TUS1_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0AAD3TS64_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0AAD3TT90_9TREE Trichosporon Trichosporon asahii var. asahii (strain CBS 8904) (UP000006757) UniProtKB Star K1WUD2_TRIAC UniProtKB Star K1VG80_TRIAC UniProtKB Star K1VNK6_TRIAC Vanrija Vanrija humicola (UP000473826) UniProtKB Star A0A7D8ZH77_VANHU UniProtKB Star A0A7D8UYI8_VANHU UniProtKB Star A0A7D8Z2R5_VANHU Vanrija pseudolonga (UP000827549) UniProtKB Star A0AAF0YF51_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0AAF0YHA9_9TREE UniProtKB Star A0AAF0YHY6_9TREE Pucciniomycotina Microbotryomycetes Leucosporidiales Leucosporidium Leucosporidium creatinivorum (UP000193467) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2EGR0_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2FR25_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2CID1_9BASI Microbotryales Microbotryaceae Microbotryum Microbotryum intermedium (UP000198372) UniProtKB Star A0A238FE35_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A238FJM2_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A238F8W5_9BASI Microbotryum lychnidis-dioicae (strain p1A1 Lamole / MvSl-1064) (UP000017200) UniProtKB Star U5GZ65_USTV1 UniProtKB Star U5HDZ4_USTV1 UniProtKB Star U5HD78_USTV1 Microbotryum saponariae (UP000249723) UniProtKB Star A0A2X0KN86_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A2X0MP18_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A2X0L054_9BASI Microbotryum silenes-dioicae (UP000249464) UniProtKB Star A0A2X0P9L6_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A2X0LZB3_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A2X0MK34_9BASI Sporidiobolales Sporidiobolaceae Rhodotorula Rhodotorula diobovata (UP000311382) UniProtKB Star A0A5C5G4P4_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A5C5FLH1_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A5C5FYP3_9BASI Rhodotorula graminis (strain WP1) (UP000053890) UniProtKB Star A0A0P9ENG5_RHOGW UniProtKB Star A0A0P9F8D3_RHOGW UniProtKB Star A0A194SAL9_RHOGW Rhodotorula sp. CCFEE 5036 (UP000310668) UniProtKB Star A0A4V5NCL9_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A4U0VLY2_9BASI Rhodotorula sp. JG-1b (UP000062823) UniProtKB Star A0A109FK64_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A109FH03_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A109FHP2_9BASI Rhodotorula taiwanensis (UP000237144) UniProtKB Star A0A2S5B6A5_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A2S5B7W7_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A2S5BFY7_9BASI Rhodotorula toruloides (UP000199069) UniProtKB Star A0A0K3CFM2_RHOTO UniProtKB Star A0A0K3CNL8_RHOTO UniProtKB Star A0A0K3CGC5_RHOTO Mixiomycetes Mixiales Mixiaceae Mixia Mixia osmundae (strain CBS 9802 / IAM 14324 / JCM 22182 / KY 12970) (UP000009131) UniProtKB Star G7E7H5_MIXOS UniProtKB Star G7E7H9_MIXOS UniProtKB Star G7DVL9_MIXOS Pucciniomycetes Pucciniales Coleosporiaceae Cronartium Cronartium quercuum f. sp. fusiforme G11 (UP000886653) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6TFB0_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A9P6TG39_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A9P6NSI7_9BASI Melampsoraceae Melampsora Melampsora larici-populina (strain 98AG31 / pathotype 3-4-7) (UP000001072) UniProtKB Star F4RFJ1_MELLP UniProtKB Star F4R4W1_MELLP UniProtKB Star F4RAW5_MELLP Pucciniaceae Puccinia Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae (UP000235388) UniProtKB Star A0A2N5TWK8_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A2N5VSY9_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A2N5THL1_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A2N5V5D1_9BASI Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (UP000324748) UniProtKB Star A0A5B0NY13_PUCGR UniProtKB Star A0A5B0QFL0_PUCGR UniProtKB Star A0A5B0QDT1_PUCGR UniProtKB Star A0A5B0R4B1_PUCGR UniProtKB Star A0A5B0MBI5_PUCGR UniProtKB Star A0A5B0MJJ2_PUCGR Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (strain CRL 75-36-700-3 / race SCCL) (UP000008783) UniProtKB Star E3KM05_PUCGT UniProtKB Star E3L4J4_PUCGT Puccinia sorghi (UP000037035) UniProtKB Star A0A0L6VBG2_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A0L6V4K1_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A0L6VJL7_9BASI Puccinia striiformis (UP000239156) UniProtKB Star A0A2S4VKJ9_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A2S4W4E2_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A2S4UXK6_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A2S4W782_9BASI Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici PST-78 (UP000054564) UniProtKB Star A0A0L0UTI2_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A0L0VJ74_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A0L0VA12_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A0L0VQT8_9BASI Puccinia triticina (isolate 1-1 / race 1 (UP000005240) UniProtKB Star A0A0C4F4J1_PUCT1 UniProtKB Star A0A0C4F4I6_PUCT1 UniProtKB Star A0A0C4F387_PUCT1 UniProtKB Star A0A0C4F432_PUCT1 Sphaerophragmiaceae Austropuccinia Austropuccinia psidii MF-1 (UP000765509) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q3DIY6_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A9Q3BP52_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A9Q3CCJ3_9BASI Ustilaginomycotina Exobasidiomycetes Ceraceosorales Ceraceosoraceae Ceraceosorus Ceraceosorus bombacis (UP000054845) UniProtKB Star A0A0P1BGK6_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A0N7L9T5_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A0N7LBF4_9BASI Ceraceosorus guamensis (UP000245783) UniProtKB Star A0A316W337_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A316VQD7_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A316VQM9_9BASI Entylomatales Entylomatales incertae sedis Tilletiopsis Tilletiopsis washingtonensis (UP000245946) UniProtKB Star A0A316ZG62_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A316Z6Z2_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A316Z0G2_9BASI Exobasidiales Brachybasidiaceae Meira Meira miltonrushii (UP000245771) UniProtKB Star A0A316V2F9_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A316VMY3_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A316VD71_9BASI Cryptobasidiaceae Acaromyces Acaromyces ingoldii (UP000245768) UniProtKB Star A0A316YPZ5_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A316YW51_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A316YNU9_9BASI Georgefischeriales Tilletiariaceae Tilletiaria Tilletiaria anomala (strain ATCC 24038 / CBS 436.72 / UBC 951) (UP000027361) UniProtKB Star A0A066WIA4_TILAU UniProtKB Star A0A066WPP6_TILAU UniProtKB Star A0A066W3G2_TILAU Microstromatales Microstromatales incertae sedis Jaminaea Jaminaea rosea (UP000245884) UniProtKB Star A0A316UHX0_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A316UQ52_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A316UJQ1_9BASI Pseudomicrostroma Pseudomicrostroma glucosiphilum (UP000245942) UniProtKB Star A0A316U627_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A316UC44_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A316U102_9BASI Tilletiales Tilletiaceae Tilletia Tilletia controversa (dwarf bunt fungus) (UP000077684) UniProtKB Star A0A8X7MNR8_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A8X7MV33_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A8X7N256_9BASI Tilletia indica (UP000077521) UniProtKB Star A0A177TV52_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A177TVG6_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A177TMW0_9BASI Tilletia walkeri (UP000078113) UniProtKB Star A0A8X7NEA5_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A8X7N923_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A8X7T844_9BASI Malasseziomycetes Malasseziales Malasseziaceae Malassezia Malassezia brasiliensis (UP001216638) UniProtKB Star A0AAF0DSI3_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0AAF0DUK7_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0AAF0DXT7_9BASI Malassezia caprae (UP001220961) UniProtKB Star A0AAF0EEL6_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0AAF0E4S3_9BASI Malassezia cuniculi (UP001219933) UniProtKB Star A0AAF0EUR1_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0AAF0J642_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0AAF0ETF9_9BASI Malassezia equina (UP001214415) UniProtKB Star A0AAF0J0C4_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0AAF0EAJ7_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0AAF0IYC8_9BASI Malassezia globosa (strain ATCC MYA-4612 / CBS 7966) (UP000008837) UniProtKB Star A8Q0L0_MALGO UniProtKB Star A8Q789_MALGO UniProtKB Star A8PYE6_MALGO Malassezia japonica (UP001217754) UniProtKB Star A0AAF0J9Y3_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0AAF0F423_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0AAF0F2U2_9BASI Malassezia nana (UP001213623) UniProtKB Star A0AAF0EJJ6_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0AAF0EPW6_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0AAF0EKR0_9BASI Malassezia obtusa (UP001214603) UniProtKB Star A0AAF0E0M2_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0AAF0IUN6_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0AAF0ITC6_9BASI Malassezia pachydermatis (UP000037751) UniProtKB Star A0A0M8MQG0_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A0M8MJU6_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A0M8MX16_9BASI Malassezia psittaci (UP001214628) UniProtKB Star A0AAF0F5N3_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0AAF0F983_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0AAF0JM75_9BASI Malassezia restricta (strain ATCC 96810 / NBRC 103918 / CBS 7877) (UP000269793) UniProtKB Star A0A3G2S3M6_MALR7 UniProtKB Star A0A3G2S9P3_MALR7 UniProtKB Star A0A3G2RZC9_MALR7 Malassezia sympodialis (strain ATCC 42132) (UP000186303) UniProtKB Star A0A1M7ZZY6_MALS4 UniProtKB Star M5EDG8_MALS4 UniProtKB Star A0A1M8A2J8_MALS4 Malassezia vespertilionis (UP000232875) UniProtKB Star A0A2N1JGP6_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A2N1JF38_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A2N1JAY6_9BASI Ustilaginomycetes Ustilaginales Anthracoideaceae Testicularia Testicularia cyperi (UP000246740) UniProtKB Star A0A317XN65_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A317XI63_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A317XVZ7_9BASI Ustilaginaceae Kalmanozyma Kalmanozyma brasiliensis (strain GHG001) (UP000019377) UniProtKB Star V5GIX4_KALBG UniProtKB Star V5ETQ1_KALBG UniProtKB Star V5EY21_KALBG Melanopsichium Melanopsichium pennsylvanicum (UP001294444) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ4XJ65_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0AAJ5C849_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0AAJ4XN16_9BASI Moesziomyces Pseudozyma antarctica (UP000053758) UniProtKB Star A0A081CEF7_PSEA2 UniProtKB Star A0A081CJ40_PSEA2 Pseudozyma antarctica (strain T-34) (UP000011976) UniProtKB Star M9MFW6_PSEA3 UniProtKB Star M9LT53_PSEA3 UniProtKB Star M9LJ02_PSEA3 Mycosarcoma Mycosarcoma maydis (UP000000561) UniProtKB Star A0A0D1CTV5_USTMA UniProtKB Star A0A0D1CIC7_USTMA UniProtKB Star A0A0D1E2G3_USTMA Pseudozyma Pseudozyma flocculosa (UP000323386) UniProtKB Star A0A5C3EYZ3_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A5C3FAZ5_9BASI Pseudozyma flocculosa PF-1 (UP000053664) UniProtKB Star A0A061H532_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A061H9T2_9BASI Pseudozyma hubeiensis (strain SY62) (UP000014071) UniProtKB Star R9PB15_PSEHS UniProtKB Star R9PAG1_PSEHS UniProtKB Star R9P319_PSEHS Ustilago Ustilago bromivora (UP000658997) UniProtKB Star A0A1K0FWN1_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A1K0GAU4_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A1K0G312_9BASI Ustilago trichophora (UP000324022) UniProtKB Star A0A5C3EQW8_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A5C3EIA0_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A5C3ESG4_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A5C3E9B8_9BASI Wallemiomycotina Wallemiomycetes Wallemiales Wallemiaceae Wallemia Wallemia hederae (UP000310189) UniProtKB Star A0A4T0FAV7_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A4T0FQT3_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A4T0FIJ4_9BASI Wallemia ichthyophaga (UP000310689) UniProtKB Star A0A4V4LX72_WALIC UniProtKB Star A0A4T0JIZ7_WALIC UniProtKB Star A0A4T0EWI8_WALIC Wallemia ichthyophaga (strain EXF-994 / CBS 113033) (UP000014064) UniProtKB Star R9ARW1_WALI9 UniProtKB Star R9ADN6_WALI9 UniProtKB Star R9AA91_WALI9 Wallemia mellicola (UP000310685) UniProtKB Star A0A4V4MH20_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A4T0PSF3_9BASI UniProtKB Star A0A4T0LUZ4_9BASI Wallemia mellicola (strain ATCC MYA-4683 / CBS 633.66) (UP000005242) UniProtKB Star I4YAT4_WALMC UniProtKB Star I4Y780_WALMC UniProtKB Star I4Y5R1_WALMC Fungi incertae sedis Blastocladiomycota Blastocladiomycetes Blastocladiales Blastocladiaceae Allomyces Allomyces macrogynus (strain ATCC 38327) (UP000054350) UniProtKB Star A0A0L0T540_ALLM3 UniProtKB Star A0A0L0RZD2_ALLM3 UniProtKB Star A0A0L0SC91_ALLM3 UniProtKB Star A0A0L0RXF6_ALLM3 UniProtKB Star A0A0L0S271_ALLM3 Catenariaceae Catenaria Catenaria anguillulae PL171 (UP000193411) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2HCP9_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2HHP9_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2HWD4_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2HWL0_9FUNG Chytridiomycota Chytridiomycota incertae sedis Chytridiomycetes Caulochytriales Caulochytriaceae Caulochytrium Caulochytrium protostelioides (UP000274922) UniProtKB Star A0A4P9X0H5_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A4P9WZX3_9FUNG Chytridiales Chytriomycetaceae Chytriomyces Chytriomyces confervae (UP000320333) UniProtKB Star A0A507F0S3_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A507FIH5_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A507EJ37_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A507EXA9_9FUNG Physocladia Physocladia obscura (UP001211907) UniProtKB Star A0AAD5T7U4_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0AAD5XGR6_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0AAD5XD25_9FUNG Rhizoclosmatium Rhizoclosmatium globosum (UP000193642) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2CK61_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2CY34_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2C6I5_9FUNG Chytridiomycetes incertae sedis Blyttiomyces Blyttiomyces helicus (UP000269721) UniProtKB Star A0A4P9W3J0_9FUNG Lobulomycetales Lobulomycetaceae Clydaea Clydaea vesicula (UP001211065) UniProtKB Star A0AAD5XSJ0_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0AAD5U235_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0AAD5TSX7_9FUNG Rhizophlyctidales Rhizophlyctidaceae Rhizophlyctis Rhizophlyctis rosea (UP001212841) UniProtKB Star A0AAD5X437_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0AAD5S5N3_9FUNG Rhizophydiales Rhizophydiales incertae sedis Batrachochytrium Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (strain JAM81 / FGSC 10211) (UP000007241) UniProtKB Star F4NUB4_BATDJ UniProtKB Star F4NXW0_BATDJ Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (strain JEL423) (UP000077115) UniProtKB Star A0A177W8G0_BATDL UniProtKB Star A0A177WLN5_BATDL Terramycetaceae Boothiomyces Boothiomyces macroporosus (UP001210925) UniProtKB Star A0AAD5YBD7_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0AAD5ULS0_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0AAD5UKU3_9FUNG Spizellomycetales Powellomycetaceae Geranomyces Geranomyces variabilis (UP001212152) UniProtKB Star A0AAD5XMM8_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0AAD5TH75_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0AAD5XPJ9_9FUNG Powellomyces Powellomyces hirtus (UP000318582) UniProtKB Star A0A507EBV8_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A507EC99_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A507DUG6_9FUNG Spizellomycetaceae Spizellomyces Spizellomyces punctatus (strain DAOM BR117) (UP000053201) UniProtKB Star A0A0L0HIQ5_SPIPD UniProtKB Star A0A0L0HHY4_SPIPD UniProtKB Star A0A0L0HLK2_SPIPD UniProtKB Star A0A0L0HB01_SPIPD Synchytriales Synchytriaceae Synchytrium Synchytrium endobioticum (UP000317494) UniProtKB Star A0A507CYH9_9FUNG Synchytrium microbalum (UP000319731) UniProtKB Star A0A507C1Q7_9FUNG Monoblepharidomycetes Monoblepharidales Gonapodyaceae Gonapodya Gonapodya prolifera (strain JEL478) (UP000070544) UniProtKB Star A0A139AXL3_GONPJ UniProtKB Star A0A139AL48_GONPJ UniProtKB Star A0A139ASI2_GONPJ Neocallimastigomycetes Neocallimastigales Neocallimastigaceae Anaeromyces Anaeromyces robustus (UP000193944) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1WQU9_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1X710_9FUNG Neocallimastix Neocallimastix californiae (UP000193920) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2FIX0_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2AIH0_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2AGE0_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2AUT6_9FUNG Piromyces Piromyces finnis (UP000193719) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1UXR4_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1VHE8_9FUNG Piromyces sp. (strain E2) (UP000195826) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3NKV1_PIRSE UniProtKB Star A0A1Y3NGK8_PIRSE Cryptomycota Cryptomycota incertae sedis Paramicrosporidium Paramicrosporidium saccamoebae (UP000240830) UniProtKB Star A0A2H9TN84_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A2H9TGP2_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A2H9TN03_9FUNG Rozella Rozella allomycis (strain CSF55) (UP000030755) UniProtKB Star A0A075B414_ROZAC Microsporidia Amphiacanthidae Amphiamblys Amphiamblys sp. WSBS2006 (UP000182028) UniProtKB Star A0A1J5WLC5_9MICR UniProtKB Star A0A1J5WKJ9_9MICR Dubosqiidae Hamiltosporidium Hamiltosporidium magnivora (UP000291404) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9LGL5_9MICR UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9L4N7_9MICR Hamiltosporidium tvaerminnensis (UP000292282) UniProtKB Star A0A4Q9M166_9MICR Edhazardia Edhazardia aedis (strain USNM 41457) (UP000003163) UniProtKB Star J9D1D6_EDHAE UniProtKB Star J8ZUQ6_EDHAE Enterocytozoonidae Enterocytozoon Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (UP000192758) UniProtKB Star A0A1W0E7A8_9MICR Enterospora Enterospora canceri (UP000192639) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1S6I1_9MICR UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1S7M3_9MICR Hepatosporidae Hepatospora Hepatospora eriocheir (UP000192356) UniProtKB Star A0A1X0QBP3_9MICR Mitosporidium Mitosporidium daphniae (UP000029725) UniProtKB Star A0A098VST1_9MICR UniProtKB Star A0A098VMG7_9MICR Nematocida Nematocida ausubeli (strain ATCC PRA-371 / ERTm2) (UP000054524) UniProtKB Star A0A086J331_NEMA1 UniProtKB Star A0A086J4Q8_NEMA1 Nematocida displodere (UP000185944) UniProtKB Star A0A177ECI2_9MICR UniProtKB Star A0A177EJ12_9MICR Nematocida parisii (strain ERTm3) (UP000002872) UniProtKB Star I3EJK1_NEMP3 UniProtKB Star I3EHG3_NEMP3 Nosematidae Nosema Nosema bombycis (strain CQ1 / CVCC 102059) (UP000016927) UniProtKB Star R0KPE2_NOSB1 UniProtKB Star R0KT45_NOSB1 Nosema granulosis (UP000740883) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6H0Z8_9MICR UniProtKB Star A0A9P6GXY7_9MICR Vairimorpha Vairimorpha apis BRL 01 (UP000053780) UniProtKB Star T0MFQ2_9MICR Vairimorpha ceranae (UP000034350) UniProtKB Star A0A0F9WHM0_9MICR UniProtKB Star A0A0F9WDM5_9MICR Vairimorpha ceranae (strain BRL01) (UP000009082) UniProtKB Star SYQ_VAIC1 UniProtKB Star SYEC_VAIC1 Vittaforma Vittaforma corneae (strain ATCC 50505) (UP000011082) UniProtKB Star L2GKH3_VITCO UniProtKB Star L2GQ25_VITCO Ordosporidae Ordospora Ordospora colligata OC4 (UP000031056) UniProtKB Star A0A0B2UL57_9MICR UniProtKB Star A0A0B2UM14_9MICR Pleistophoridae Trachipleistophora Trachipleistophora hominis (UP000011185) UniProtKB Star L7JR39_TRAHO UniProtKB Star L7JW94_TRAHO Vavraia Vavraia culicis (isolate floridensis) (UP000011081) UniProtKB Star L2GUU3_VAVCU UniProtKB Star L2GWX5_VAVCU Pseudoloma Pseudoloma neurophilia (UP000051530) UniProtKB Star A0A0R0M0F6_9MICR Spragueidae Spraguea Spraguea lophii (strain 42_110) (UP000014978) UniProtKB Star S7XIJ6_SPRLO UniProtKB Star S7XT44_SPRLO Tubulinosematoidea Tubulinosematidae Anncaliia Anncaliia algerae PRA339 (UP000030655) UniProtKB Star A0A059EYP9_9MICR Tubulinosema Tubulinosema ratisbonensis (UP000282876) UniProtKB Star A0A437AMZ6_9MICR Unikaryonidae Encephalitozoon Encephalitozoon cuniculi (strain GB-M1) (UP000000819) UniProtKB Star SYQ_ENCCU UniProtKB Star SYEC_ENCCU Mucoromycota Glomeromycotina Glomeromycetes Archaeosporales Ambisporaceae Ambispora Ambispora gerdemannii (UP000789831) UniProtKB Star A0A9N9BF78_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A9N8WQQ2_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A9N8VF47_9GLOM Ambispora leptoticha (UP000789508) UniProtKB Star A0A9N8V7N3_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A9N8V7J5_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A9N8YWD4_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A9N8WEP4_9GLOM Diversisporales Acaulosporaceae Acaulospora Acaulospora morrowiae (UP000789342) UniProtKB Star A0A9N9G6I0_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A9N9II70_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A9N8Z5S2_9GLOM Diversisporaceae Diversispora Diversispora eburnea (UP000789706) UniProtKB Star A0A9N8YM50_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A9N8ZLI5_9GLOM Diversispora epigaea (UP000266861) UniProtKB Star A0A397IE80_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A397JGK8_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A397GAA3_9GLOM Gigasporaceae Cetraspora Cetraspora pellucida (UP000789759) UniProtKB Star A0A9N9EJJ4_9GLOM Dentiscutata Dentiscutata erythropus (UP000789405) UniProtKB Star A0A9N9EUM7_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A9N9IRA7_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A9N9IWU6_9GLOM Gigaspora Gigaspora margarita (UP000439903) UniProtKB Star A0A8H3X6F9_GIGMA UniProtKB Star A0A8H3X534_GIGMA UniProtKB Star A0A8H3XDI3_GIGMA UniProtKB Star A0A8H4AAI9_GIGMA Gigaspora rosea (UP000266673) UniProtKB Star A0A397W382_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A397VS61_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A397VDT7_9GLOM Racocetra Racocetra fulgida (UP000789396) UniProtKB Star A0A9N8Z516_9GLOM Glomerales Glomeraceae Funneliformis Funneliformis caledonium (UP000789570) UniProtKB Star A0A9N9FWI9_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A9N8YQY8_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A9N9GWU6_9GLOM Funneliformis geosporum (UP001153678) UniProtKB Star A0A9W4SUJ9_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A9W4WV39_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A9W4WWI2_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A9W4WTD7_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A9W4WPP7_9GLOM Funneliformis mosseae (UP000789375) UniProtKB Star A0A9N9BLA0_FUNMO UniProtKB Star A0A9N8V4Q1_FUNMO Glomus Glomus cerebriforme (UP000265703) UniProtKB Star A0A397TLH6_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A397T2N1_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A397T7Y0_9GLOM Rhizophagus Rhizophagus clarus (UP000247702) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6SBK1_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6Q132_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6RQC1_9GLOM Rhizophagus irregularis (UP000234323) UniProtKB Star A0A2I1GNF7_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A2I1GV73_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A2I1FTI0_9GLOM Rhizophagus irregularis (strain DAOM 181602 / DAOM 197198 / MUCL 43194) (UP000018888) UniProtKB Star A0A2P4QIL1_RHIID UniProtKB Star U9TZ39_RHIID UniProtKB Star A0A2H5SBK5_RHIID Rhizophagus irregularis (strain DAOM 197198w) (UP000022910) UniProtKB Star A0A015LCE7_RHIIW UniProtKB Star A0A015I1N6_RHIIW Rhizophagus sp. MUCL 43196 (UP000263633) UniProtKB Star A0A372RCA6_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A372QE20_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A372RV12_9GLOM Paraglomerales Paraglomeraceae Paraglomus Paraglomus brasilianum (UP000789739) UniProtKB Star A0A9N9CMT9_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A9N9GSH5_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A9N8ZRC1_9GLOM Paraglomus occultum (UP000789572) UniProtKB Star A0A9N9AJV0_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A9N9EXX4_9GLOM UniProtKB Star A0A9N9FBM1_9GLOM Mortierellomycotina Mortierellomycetes Mortierellales Mortierellaceae Actinomortierella Actinomortierella ambigua (UP000807716) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6QIA7_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6QIF3_9FUNG Dissophora Dissophora globulifera (UP000738325) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6UXM6_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6UW14_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6RS35_9FUNG Entomortierella Entomortierella chlamydospora (UP000703661) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6T293_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6N099_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6MS33_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6N030_9FUNG Entomortierella parvispora (UP000827284) UniProtKB Star A0A9P3LW24_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P3HIZ1_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P3H304_9FUNG Linnemannia Linnemannia elongata AG-77 (UP000078512) UniProtKB Star A0A197JHG0_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A197KCC3_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A197JS78_9FUNG Linnemannia exigua (UP001194580) UniProtKB Star A0AAD4DD70_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0AAD4DEM2_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0AAD4D604_9FUNG Linnemannia gamsii (UP000823405) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6UUX6_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6RCK4_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6QY84_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6R5Z4_9FUNG Linnemannia hyalina (UP000707451) UniProtKB Star A0A9P8BUI2_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P8BZR3_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P7XUB9_9FUNG Linnemannia schmuckeri (UP000748756) UniProtKB Star A0A9P5VC35_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P5RUY1_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P5RSI9_9FUNG Lobosporangium Lobosporangium transversale (UP000193648) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2GSL7_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2GW24_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1Y2GMB7_9FUNG Lunasporangiospora Lunasporangiospora selenospora (UP000780801) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6KEW5_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6FPU8_9FUNG Modicella Modicella reniformis (UP000749646) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6J5Z8_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6M9A5_9FUNG Mortierella Mortierella alpina (UP000738359) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6M4H9_MORAP UniProtKB Star A0A9P6M4L2_MORAP Mortierella hygrophila (UP000723463) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6F5X2_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6F0D0_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6JXD3_9FUNG Mortierella polycephala (UP000726737) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6Q6V2_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6PXH3_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6PYS2_9FUNG Mortierella sp. 14UC (UP000702732) UniProtKB Star A0A9P5V1K2_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P5RME0_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P5R281_9FUNG Mortierella sp. AD011 (UP000822831) UniProtKB Star A0A9P5WQQ9_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6BN61_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6BMC1_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6BK41_9FUNG Mortierella sp. AD032 (UP000764349) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6V991_9FUNG Mortierella sp. AM989 (UP000764092) UniProtKB Star A0A9P5UPV5_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P5UTM3_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P5QLM7_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P5QIR8_9FUNG Mortierella sp. NVP85 (UP000730408) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6BHZ5_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P5VVA1_9FUNG Podila Podila minutissima (UP000696485) UniProtKB Star A0A9P5SJK6_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P5SNY2_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P5SY54_9FUNG Podila verticillata NRRL 6337 (UP000243308) UniProtKB Star A0A086TKJ5_9FUNG Mucoromycotina Endogonomycetes Endogonales Endogonaceae Endogone Endogone sp. FLAS-F59071 (UP000278417) UniProtKB Star A0A433PX25_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A433PYN8_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A433PR60_9FUNG Jimgerdemannia Jimgerdemannia flammicorona (UP000268093) UniProtKB Star A0A433CXP5_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A433DEU4_9FUNG Endogonales incertae sedis Bifiguratus Bifiguratus adelaidae (UP000242875) UniProtKB Star A0A261Y241_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A261XYH3_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A261Y284_9FUNG Mucoromycetes Mucorales Cunninghamellaceae Absidia Absidia glauca (UP000078561) UniProtKB Star A0A168S9F9_ABSGL UniProtKB Star A0A163JM13_ABSGL UniProtKB Star A0A163JBR2_ABSGL Absidia repens (UP000193560) UniProtKB Star A0A1X2INS1_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1X2IK73_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1X2IZT0_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1X2IZL6_9FUNG Hesseltinella Hesseltinella vesiculosa (UP000242146) UniProtKB Star A0A1X2GKR7_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1X2GNK8_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1X2GTC8_9FUNG Lichtheimiaceae Circinella Circinella minor (UP000646827) UniProtKB Star A0A8H7SG63_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A8H7VLT0_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A8H7S6N1_9FUNG Lichtheimia Lichtheimia corymbifera JMRC:FSU:9682 (UP000027586) UniProtKB Star A0A068S8Q8_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A068RMX3_9FUNG Phascolomyces Phascolomyces articulosus (UP001209540) UniProtKB Star A0AAD5JT95_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0AAD5P8Y8_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0AAD5KC22_9FUNG Mucorineae Choanephoraceae Choanephoroideae Choanephora Choanephora cucurbitarum (UP000093000) UniProtKB Star A0A1C7NDU3_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1C7NQR4_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1C7NL95_9FUNG Mucoraceae Apophysomyces Apophysomyces ossiformis (UP000605846) UniProtKB Star A0A8H7EQ22_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A8H7ESH6_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A8H7BVT4_9FUNG Apophysomyces sp. BC1034 (UP000713366) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6TNQ7_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6TT32_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6TSU5_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6PA75_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6TTH4_9FUNG Mucor Mucor ambiguus (UP000053815) UniProtKB Star A0A0C9M6Z7_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A0C9MXA5_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A0C9MKB6_9FUNG Mucor circinelloides f. circinelloides (strain 1006PhL) (UP000014254) UniProtKB Star S2JV58_MUCC1 UniProtKB Star S2JA54_MUCC1 UniProtKB Star S2KL32_MUCC1 Mucor lusitanicus CBS 277.49 (UP000077051) UniProtKB Star A0A168PSD1_MUCCL UniProtKB Star A0A162RFV8_MUCCL UniProtKB Star A0A168JV60_MUCCL Mucor plumbeus (UP000650833) UniProtKB Star A0A8H7RTM5_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A8H7V7W9_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A8H7V7M7_9FUNG Mucor saturninus (UP000603453) UniProtKB Star A0A8H7R9J7_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A8H7RNR6_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A8H7RNY3_9FUNG Parasitella Parasitella parasitica (UP000054107) UniProtKB Star A0A0B7N3Q9_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A0B7N2G1_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A0B7NEH1_9FUNG Thamnidium Thamnidium elegans (UP000613177) UniProtKB Star A0A8H7SRL7_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A8H7T091_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A8H7SIU2_9FUNG Rhizopodaceae Rhizopus Rhizopus azygosporus (UP000252139) UniProtKB Star A0A367JVQ0_RHIAZ UniProtKB Star A0A367JE14_RHIAZ UniProtKB Star A0A367K9B4_RHIAZ UniProtKB Star A0A367JZG0_RHIAZ Rhizopus delemar (UP000740926) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6Z5B3_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P7CSJ6_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6YW81_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9P6YXR9_9FUNG Rhizopus delemar (strain RA 99-880 / ATCC MYA-4621 / FGSC 9543 / NRRL ... (UP000009138) UniProtKB Star I1BZX0_RHIO9 UniProtKB Star I1C819_RHIO9 UniProtKB Star I1BTT8_RHIO9 UniProtKB Star I1CEB6_RHIO9 Rhizopus microsporus (UP000242381) UniProtKB Star A0A1X0S3J7_RHIZD UniProtKB Star A0A1X0SCP0_RHIZD UniProtKB Star A0A1X0SCK3_RHIZD Rhizopus microsporus ATCC 52813 (UP000242254) UniProtKB Star A0A2G4SKC9_RHIZD UniProtKB Star A0A2G4SR57_RHIZD UniProtKB Star A0A2G4TA17_RHIZD Rhizopus oryzae (UP000716291) UniProtKB Star A0A9P6XK97_RHIOR UniProtKB Star A0A9P6XGS6_RHIOR UniProtKB Star A0A9P7BTT2_RHIOR UniProtKB Star A0A9P6XJ58_RHIOR Rhizopus stolonifer (UP000253551) UniProtKB Star A0A367J4K1_RHIST UniProtKB Star A0A367KUX8_RHIST UniProtKB Star A0A367KHK6_RHIST UniProtKB Star A0A367J0J5_RHIST Phycomycetaceae Phycomyces Phycomyces blakesleeanus (strain ATCC 8743b / DSM 1359 / FGSC 10004 / ... (UP000077315) UniProtKB Star A0A162NJS0_PHYB8 UniProtKB Star A0A162YC45_PHYB8 UniProtKB Star A0A162V423_PHYB8 Syncephalastraceae Syncephalastrum Syncephalastrum racemosum (UP000242180) UniProtKB Star A0A1X2HLK9_SYNRA UniProtKB Star A0A1X2HES2_SYNRA UniProtKB Star A0A1X2HVR9_SYNRA Umbelopsidomycetes Umbelopsidales Umbelopsidaceae Umbelopsis Mortierella isabellina (UP000654370) UniProtKB Star A0A8H7PMX3_MORIS UniProtKB Star A0A8H7Q1R4_MORIS UniProtKB Star A0A8H7UG61_MORIS Umbelopsis ramanniana AG (UP001206595) UniProtKB Star A0AAD5E5Z7_UMBRA UniProtKB Star A0AAD5EC96_UMBRA UniProtKB Star A0AAD5HAZ7_UMBRA Umbelopsis vinacea (UP000612746) UniProtKB Star A0A8H7PKV7_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A8H7PN11_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A8H7UQQ1_9FUNG Olpidiomycota Olpidiomycotina Olpidiomycetes Olpidiales Olpidiaceae Olpidium Olpidium bornovanus (UP000673691) Zoopagomycota Entomophthoromycotina Basidiobolomycetes Basidiobolales Basidiobolaceae Basidiobolus Basidiobolus meristosporus CBS 931.73 (UP000193498) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1ZDY6_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1Z6D8_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1Z4E3_9FUNG Entomophthoromycetes Entomophthorales Ancylistaceae Conidiobolus Conidiobolus coronatus (strain ATCC 28846 / CBS 209.66 / NRRL 28638) (UP000070444) UniProtKB Star A0A137P336_CONC2 UniProtKB Star A0A137PC94_CONC2 UniProtKB Star A0A137PFQ8_CONC2 Kickxellomycotina Dimargaritomycetes Dimargaritales Dimargaritaceae Dimargaris Dimargaris cristalligena (UP000268162) UniProtKB Star A0A4P9ZU40_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A4V1J4P7_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A4P9ZYZ3_9FUNG Dimargaris verticillata (UP001151582) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8B5I5_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8B3A8_9FUNG Dispira Dispira parvispora (UP001150925) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8AQD1_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8AP09_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8ANN7_9FUNG Tieghemiomyces Tieghemiomyces parasiticus (UP001150569) UniProtKB Star A0A9W7ZS13_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8AEB2_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8AA96_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8AFM8_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8DM84_9FUNG Harpellomycetes Harpellales Harpellaceae Furculomyces Furculomyces boomerangus (UP000245699) UniProtKB Star A0A2T9Z6G2_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A2T9Y7T3_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A2T9YM45_9FUNG Legeriomycetaceae Smittium Smittium culicis (UP000187283) UniProtKB Star A0A1R1XFH3_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1R1XII5_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1R1XW21_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1R1XDS8_9FUNG Smittium megazygosporum (UP000245609) UniProtKB Star A0A2T9Y8I3_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A2T9Y225_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A2T9ZDV7_9FUNG Smittium mucronatum (UP000187455) UniProtKB Star A0A1R0GTH1_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1R0GUP1_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1R0GYL7_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1R0GT89_9FUNG Smittium simulii (UP000245383) UniProtKB Star A0A2T9YD90_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A2T9YTJ0_9FUNG Zancudomyces Zancudomyces culisetae (UP000188320) UniProtKB Star A0A1R1PL30_ZANCU UniProtKB Star A0A1R1PC98_ZANCU Kickxellomycetes Kickxellales Kickxellaceae Coemansia Coemansia aciculifera (UP001140074) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8IHV4_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8IN63_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8INC5_9FUNG Coemansia asiatica (UP001145021) UniProtKB Star A0A9W7XJC9_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W7XI03_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W7XS16_9FUNG Coemansia biformis (UP001143981) UniProtKB Star A0A9W7YIM0_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8D142_9FUNG Coemansia brasiliensis (UP001139887) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8LYT8_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8LWT7_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8LXI0_9FUNG Coemansia erecta (UP001149813) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8CQP1_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W7Y692_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W7Y0N0_9FUNG Coemansia guatemalensis (UP001140094) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8LQK9_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8HZG8_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8HVE6_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8HX66_9FUNG Coemansia interrupta (UP001140172) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8LEH0_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8HF42_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8LMV6_9FUNG Coemansia javaensis (UP001140217) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8H9E2_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8LDD5_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8LI70_9FUNG Coemansia pectinata (UP001140011) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8L8V6_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8GTK8_9FUNG Coemansia reversa (strain ATCC 12441 / NRRL 1564) (UP000242474) UniProtKB Star A0A2G5B703_COERN UniProtKB Star A0A2G5B6N6_COERN UniProtKB Star A0A2G5B1M9_COERN UniProtKB Star A0A2G5B1P2_COERN Coemansia sp. RSA 1591 (UP001150731) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8D7F6_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8D5M6_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W7YL11_9FUNG Coemansia sp. RSA 1813 (UP001151626) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8FJ52_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8KJZ6_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8FE03_9FUNG Coemansia sp. RSA 2050 (UP001151568) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8F4W6_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8F0I7_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8FB81_9FUNG Coemansia sp. RSA 638 (UP001150545) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8DA83_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W7Z5T4_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8D8B7_9FUNG Coemansia sp. RSA 990 (UP001150563) UniProtKB Star A0A9W7ZHV8_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8DDN5_9FUNG Coemansia spiralis (UP001151516) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8GEQ7_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8GE39_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8GPE8_9FUNG Coemansia thaxteri (UP001150907) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8BIJ9_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8BKX7_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8EGX2_9FUNG Linderina Linderina pennispora (UP000193922) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1WHZ1_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1WEN0_9FUNG Mycoemilia Mycoemilia scoparia (UP001150538) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8AAV8_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8DLN0_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A9W8DSA5_9FUNG Zoopagomycotina Zoopagomycetes Zoopagales Piptocephalidaceae Piptocephalis Piptocephalis cylindrospora (UP000267251) UniProtKB Star A0A4P9Y8H8_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A4V1IXM2_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A4P9Y899_9FUNG Syncephalis Syncephalis pseudoplumigaleata (UP000278143) UniProtKB Star A0A4P9YXA2_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A4P9Z5X3_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A4P9Z190_9FUNG Sigmoideomycetaceae Thamnocephalis Thamnocephalis sphaerospora (UP000271241) UniProtKB Star A0A4P9XT57_9FUNG UniProtKB Star A0A4V1IXG6_9FUNG


Haptista (3/3, 4 hits, 8 weak hits)
Haptophyta Pavlovales Pavlovaceae Diacronema Diacronema lutheri (UP000751190) UniProtKB Star A0A8J5XD25_DIALT UniProtKB Star A0A8J5XM46_DIALT UniProtKB Star A0A8J5XGF0_DIALT UniProtKB Star A0A8J5XZR5_DIALT Prymnesiophyceae Isochrysidales Noelaerhabdaceae Emiliania Emiliania huxleyi CCMP1516 (UP000013827) UniProtKB Star A0A0D3J2J3_EMIH1 UniProtKB Star A0A0D3IW95_EMIH1 UniProtKB Star A0A0D3KAS2_EMIH1 UniProtKB Star A0A0D3I1U2_EMIH1 Prymnesiales Chrysochromulinaceae Chrysochromulina Chrysochromulina tobinii (UP000037460) UniProtKB Star A0A0M0JF47_9EUKA UniProtKB Star A0A0M0JW28_9EUKA UniProtKB Star A0A0M0K1A2_9EUKA UniProtKB Star A0A0M0J8A7_9EUKA


Ichthyosporea (1/1, 2 hits, 1 weak hit)
Ichthyophonida Sphaeroforma Sphaeroforma arctica JP610 (UP000054560) UniProtKB Star A0A0L0FYB3_9EUKA UniProtKB Star A0A0L0GHB2_9EUKA UniProtKB Star A0A0L0G622_9EUKA


Metamonada (1/8, 1 hit, 15 weak hits)
Anaeramoebidae Anaeramoeba Anaeramoeba ignava (UP001149090) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0RE09_ANAIG UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0REV7_ANAIG Carpediemonas-like organisms Carpediemonas Carpediemonas membranifera (UP000717585) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6EB63_9EUKA UniProtKB Star A0A8J6AWV2_9EUKA Kipferlia Kipferlia bialata (UP000265618) Diplomonadida Hexamitidae Giardiinae Giardia Giardia intestinalis (strain ATCC 50803 / WB clone C6) (UP000001548) UniProtKB Star A8BEZ0_GIAIC UniProtKB Star A8BT15_GIAIC Giardia muris (UP000315496) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1SPC4_GIAMU UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1SPN3_GIAMU UniProtKB Star A0A4Z1SWI0_GIAMU Hexamitinae Spironucleus Spironucleus salmonicida (UP000018208) UniProtKB Star V6LYG6_9EUKA UniProtKB Star V6LCI5_9EUKA Parabasalia Trichomonadida Trichomonadidae Trichomonas Trichomonas vaginalis (strain ATCC PRA-98 / G3) (UP000001542) UniProtKB Star A2FJ97_TRIV3 UniProtKB Star A2EZH8_TRIV3 UniProtKB Star A2E942_TRIV3 Tritrichomonadida Tritrichomonadidae Tritrichomonas Tritrichomonas foetus (UP000179807) UniProtKB Star A0A1J4K247_9EUKA UniProtKB Star A0A1J4KWI5_9EUKA


Metazoa (836/1035, 1019 hits, 2820 weak hits)
Chordata Cephalochordata Leptocardii Amphioxiformes Branchiostomatidae Branchiostoma Branchiostoma belcheri (UP000515135) UniProtKB Star A0A6P4YZW6_BRABE UniProtKB Star A0A6P4ZQU3_BRABE UniProtKB Star A0A6P4Z9H4_BRABE UniProtKB Star A0A6P4Z3V4_BRABE UniProtKB Star A0A6P4Z814_BRABE Branchiostoma floridae (UP000001554) UniProtKB Star C3YJE6_BRAFL UniProtKB Star A0A9J7N6T4_BRAFL UniProtKB Star A0A9J7M375_BRAFL UniProtKB Star A0A9J7MR82_BRAFL UniProtKB Star A0A9J7L605_BRAFL Branchiostoma lanceolatum (UP000838412) UniProtKB Star A0A8J9Z0K6_BRALA UniProtKB Star A0A8K0EWE9_BRALA UniProtKB Star A0A8K0ETQ9_BRALA UniProtKB Star A0A8J9ZPW8_BRALA UniProtKB Star A0A8J9ZQ21_BRALA UniProtKB Star A0A8J9ZRD9_BRALA Craniata Vertebrata Chondrichthyes Elasmobranchii Galeomorphii Galeoidea Carcharhiniformes Scyliorhinidae Scyliorhinus Scyliorhinus torazame (UP000288216) UniProtKB Star A0A401Q1L6_SCYTO UniProtKB Star A0A401NLY6_SCYTO Orectolobiformes Hemiscylliidae Chiloscyllium Chiloscyllium punctatum (UP000287033) UniProtKB Star A0A401T0K8_CHIPU UniProtKB Star A0A401RZ97_CHIPU Holocephali Chimaeriformes Callorhinchidae Callorhinchus Callorhinchus milii (UP000314986) UniProtKB Star A0A4W3IIS9_CALMI UniProtKB Star A0A4W3JX23_CALMI UniProtKB Star A0A4W3JM07_CALMI UniProtKB Star A0A4W3JZL0_CALMI UniProtKB Star A0A4W3JJS9_CALMI UniProtKB Star A0A4W3JZK4_CALMI UniProtKB Star A0A4W3KDC9_CALMI UniProtKB Star A0A4W3JZJ0_CALMI UniProtKB Star A0A4W3KKJ3_CALMI UniProtKB Star A0A4W3K0V4_CALMI UniProtKB Star A0A4W3JJR7_CALMI UniProtKB Star A0A4W3JZH0_CALMI UniProtKB Star A0A4W3JZH6_CALMI UniProtKB Star A0A4W3K9E6_CALMI UniProtKB Star A0A4W3JZG8_CALMI Cyclostomata Myxini Myxiniformes Myxinidae Eptatretinae Eptatretus Eptatretus burgeri (UP000694388) UniProtKB Star A0A8C4NGP1_EPTBU UniProtKB Star A0A8C4NES7_EPTBU UniProtKB Star A0A8C4WWR5_EPTBU Euteleostomi Actinopterygii Chondrostei Acipenseriformes Acipenseridae Acipenser Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus (UP001230051) UniProtKB Star A0AAD8D7P1_ACIOX Acipenser ruthenus (UP000289886) UniProtKB Star A0A444UB48_ACIRT UniProtKB Star A0A444UQ63_ACIRT UniProtKB Star A0A444U0M7_ACIRT Neopterygii Holostei Semionotiformes Lepisosteidae Atractosteus Atractosteus spatula (UP000736164) UniProtKB Star A0A8J7T8H6_ATRSP UniProtKB Star A0A8J7NH99_ATRSP Lepisosteus Lepisosteus oculatus (UP000018468) UniProtKB Star W5M904_LEPOC UniProtKB Star W5NB53_LEPOC Teleostei Albuliformes Albulidae Albula Albula glossodonta (roundjaw bonefish) (UP000824540) UniProtKB Star A0A8T2PBA7_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A8T2N8Y3_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A8T2N7Y3_9TELE Albula goreensis (UP000829720) UniProtKB Star A0A8T3DIE3_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A8T3DAD1_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A8T3DCJ6_9TELE Anguilliformes Anguillidae Anguilla Anguilla anguilla (UP001044222) UniProtKB Star A0A9D3MTA5_ANGAN UniProtKB Star A0A9D3N118_ANGAN Congridae Conger Conger conger (UP001152803) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q1DYE8_CONCO UniProtKB Star A0A9Q1DB29_CONCO UniProtKB Star A0A9Q1E3V1_CONCO Synaphobranchidae Synaphobranchus Synaphobranchus kaupii (UP001152622) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q1FQR3_SYNKA UniProtKB Star A0A9Q1FZX6_SYNKA Clupei Clupeiformes Clupeoidei Clupeidae Clupea Clupea harengus (UP000515152) UniProtKB Star A0A6P8EPB9_CLUHA UniProtKB Star A0A6P8G844_CLUHA UniProtKB Star A0A6P8G8A5_CLUHA UniProtKB Star A0A6P8FFW4_CLUHA Denticipitoidei Denticipitidae Denticeps Denticeps clupeoides (denticle herring) (UP000694580) UniProtKB Star A0AAY4ASS8_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4AQ25_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4DCQ9_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4D9B1_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4DCT9_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4AGE3_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4BXY1_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4BZ72_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4BWZ9_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4AGD4_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4BX17_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4AKW0_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4AGH6_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4BXU4_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4BXL3_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4BZJ5_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4BYC7_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4AGR6_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4AGK8_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4AGR1_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4BX05_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4AGA6_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4AGG2_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4BXJ3_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAY4AGB6_9TELE Elopiformes Megalopidae Megalops Megalops atlanticus (UP001046870) UniProtKB Star A0A9D3QFZ7_MEGAT UniProtKB Star A0A9D3T1I0_MEGAT UniProtKB Star A0A9D3Q036_MEGAT Neoteleostei Acanthomorphata Anabantaria Anabantiformes Anabantoidei Anabantidae Anabas Anabas testudineus (UP000265040) UniProtKB Star A0A7N6AWU7_ANATE UniProtKB Star A0A3Q1IUJ0_ANATE UniProtKB Star A0A3Q1HWK1_ANATE UniProtKB Star A0A7N5ZXE4_ANATE UniProtKB Star A0A7N6BSN0_ANATE UniProtKB Star A0A7N5ZR62_ANATE UniProtKB Star A0A7N6BH52_ANATE UniProtKB Star A0A3Q1HWI6_ANATE UniProtKB Star A0A7N6BG55_ANATE UniProtKB Star A0A7N6BXL3_ANATE UniProtKB Star A0A3Q1HWH4_ANATE UniProtKB Star A0A7N5ZQ48_ANATE UniProtKB Star A0A3Q1HUN2_ANATE UniProtKB Star A0A3Q1JCH7_ANATE UniProtKB Star A0A7N6AGE0_ANATE UniProtKB Star A0A7N6AFV4_ANATE Osphronemidae Betta Betta splendens (UP000515150) UniProtKB Star A0A6P7M9N1_BETSP UniProtKB Star A0A6P7MAY5_BETSP UniProtKB Star A0A6P7M1B8_BETSP UniProtKB Star A0A6P7M1D9_BETSP UniProtKB Star A0A9W2XNI3_BETSP UniProtKB Star A0A9W2XMU0_BETSP UniProtKB Star A0A6P7M1B3_BETSP UniProtKB Star A0A6P7MXU0_BETSP Channoidei Channidae Channa Channa argus (northern snakehead) (UP000503349) UniProtKB Star A0A6G1PC90_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A6G1P9J7_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A6G1Q3V3_9TELE Channa striata (UP001187415) UniProtKB Star A0AA88IMR9_CHASR UniProtKB Star A0AA88NCI6_CHASR UniProtKB Star A0AA88N5I4_CHASR Synbranchiformes Mastacembelidae Mastacembelus Mastacembelus armatus (zig-zag eel) (UP000261640) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q3LIF7_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A7N8WP96_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A7N8YC99_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A3Q3L5F6_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A3Q3RSZ4_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A3Q3LGX0_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A3Q3L6V0_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A7N8YFV6_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A3Q3RSX2_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A7N8XEZ5_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A3Q3L771_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A7N8WYQ8_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A7N8XC17_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A7N8WKD3_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A3Q3M8R1_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A3Q3LWY8_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A7N8XW69_9TELE Carangaria Carangaria incertae sedis Centropomidae Lates Lates calcarifer (UP000314980) UniProtKB Star A0A4W6G9D3_LATCA UniProtKB Star A0A4W6GBG3_LATCA UniProtKB Star A0A4W6G2N3_LATCA UniProtKB Star A0A4W6G4H1_LATCA UniProtKB Star A0A4W6G4F0_LATCA UniProtKB Star A0A4W6G2C3_LATCA UniProtKB Star A0A4W6G2D0_LATCA UniProtKB Star A0A4W6G1R4_LATCA UniProtKB Star A0A4W6G2J9_LATCA UniProtKB Star A0A4W6CDS0_LATCA UniProtKB Star A0A4W6G1R0_LATCA UniProtKB Star A0A4W6G2L8_LATCA UniProtKB Star A0A4W6EQW6_LATCA UniProtKB Star A0A4W6ELK8_LATCA UniProtKB Star A0A4W6EP55_LATCA UniProtKB Star A0A4W6EQV4_LATCA UniProtKB Star A0A4W6ERZ2_LATCA UniProtKB Star A0A4W6EQX0_LATCA Lates japonicus (UP001279410) UniProtKB Star A0AAD3RD08_LATJO UniProtKB Star A0AAD3MKN8_LATJO Carangiformes Echeneidae Echeneis Echeneis naucrates (UP000472264) UniProtKB Star A0A665TGR7_ECHNA UniProtKB Star A0A665SX60_ECHNA UniProtKB Star A0A665SX66_ECHNA UniProtKB Star A0A665T7Z9_ECHNA UniProtKB Star A0A665WJM7_ECHNA UniProtKB Star A0A665WKU3_ECHNA UniProtKB Star A0A665SZ05_ECHNA UniProtKB Star A0A665WJ02_ECHNA UniProtKB Star A0A665WJE3_ECHNA UniProtKB Star A0A665SXS9_ECHNA UniProtKB Star A0A665T669_ECHNA UniProtKB Star A0A665SZ10_ECHNA Pleuronectiformes Pleuronectoidei Cynoglossidae Cynoglossinae Cynoglossus Cynoglossus semilaevis (UP000265120) UniProtKB Star A0A3P8X0S4_CYNSE UniProtKB Star A0A3P8X4C6_CYNSE UniProtKB Star A0A3P8VL60_CYNSE UniProtKB Star A0A3P8X5J0_CYNSE UniProtKB Star A0A3P8X3B2_CYNSE Pleuronectidae Pleuronectes Pleuronectes platessa (UP001153269) UniProtKB Star A0A9N7VSN6_PLEPL UniProtKB Star A0A9N7ZE94_PLEPL Scophthalmidae Scophthalmus Scophthalmus maximus (UP000246464) UniProtKB Star A0A2U9BME5_SCOMX UniProtKB Star A0A2U9BDV6_SCOMX UniProtKB Star A0A2U9C2L0_SCOMX Eupercaria Labriformes Labridae Labrus Labrus bergylta (ballan wrasse) (UP000261660) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q3EZG8_9LABR UniProtKB Star A0A3Q3MLT0_9LABR UniProtKB Star A0A3Q3FNS9_9LABR UniProtKB Star A0A3Q3FNX8_9LABR UniProtKB Star A0A3Q3ETX9_9LABR Moronidae Dicentrarchus Dicentrarchus labrax (UP000694389) UniProtKB Star A0A8C4NRT5_DICLA UniProtKB Star A0A8C4HHI1_DICLA UniProtKB Star A0A8C4HIH8_DICLA UniProtKB Star A0A8C4HJT2_DICLA UniProtKB Star A0A8C4HI01_DICLA UniProtKB Star A0A8C4HHK1_DICLA UniProtKB Star A0A8C4HIW8_DICLA UniProtKB Star A0A8C4HIE6_DICLA UniProtKB Star A0A8C4HJK4_DICLA UniProtKB Star A0A8C4EWD6_DICLA UniProtKB Star A0A8C4ETG0_DICLA UniProtKB Star A0A8C4GPJ8_DICLA UniProtKB Star A0A8C4GQ72_DICLA UniProtKB Star A0A8C4HJ59_DICLA UniProtKB Star A0A8C4EW92_DICLA Perciformes Cottioidei Cottales Cyclopteridae Cyclopterus Cyclopterus lumpus (UP000694565) UniProtKB Star A0A8C2WIX5_CYCLU UniProtKB Star A0A8C2WKN3_CYCLU UniProtKB Star A0A8C2WLD4_CYCLU UniProtKB Star A0A8C3A7E0_CYCLU UniProtKB Star A0A8C3A579_CYCLU UniProtKB Star A0A8C3A702_CYCLU UniProtKB Star A0A8C2WR22_CYCLU UniProtKB Star A0A8C2WQ35_CYCLU UniProtKB Star A0A8C2YYZ4_CYCLU UniProtKB Star A0A8C2YYU9_CYCLU UniProtKB Star A0A8C2WPR7_CYCLU UniProtKB Star A0A8C2YYZ9_CYCLU UniProtKB Star A0A8C2WRM3_CYCLU UniProtKB Star A0A8C2WQ52_CYCLU UniProtKB Star A0A8C2WYX5_CYCLU Liparidae Liparis Liparis tanakae (UP000314294) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z2FFY2_9TELE Gasterosteales Gasterosteidae Gasterosteus Gasterosteus aculeatus aculeatus (three-spined stickleback) (UP000007635) UniProtKB Star G3Q7H2_GASAC UniProtKB Star G3Q7G8_GASAC UniProtKB Star G3PPP0_GASAC UniProtKB Star G3NEN5_GASAC UniProtKB Star A0AAQ4S6C5_GASAC UniProtKB Star A0AAQ4RYS5_GASAC UniProtKB Star A0AAQ4Q2S1_GASAC Notothenioidei Bathydraconidae Gymnodraco Gymnodraco acuticeps (UP000515161) UniProtKB Star A0A6P8SQM7_GYMAC UniProtKB Star A0A6P8WQB3_GYMAC UniProtKB Star A0A6P8VVX4_GYMAC UniProtKB Star A0A6P8TS23_GYMAC Bovichtidae Cottoperca Cottoperca gobio (UP000504630) UniProtKB Star A0A6J2P7G7_COTGO UniProtKB Star A0A6J2P650_COTGO UniProtKB Star A0A6J2RQF3_COTGO UniProtKB Star A0A6J2Q1T1_COTGO Nototheniidae Dissostichus Dissostichus eleginoides (UP001228049) UniProtKB Star A0AAD9BPA0_DISEL UniProtKB Star A0AAD9BWT6_DISEL Dissostichus mawsoni (UP000518266) UniProtKB Star A0A7J5YT38_DISMA UniProtKB Star A0A7J5ZG66_DISMA Notothenia Notothenia coriiceps (black rockcod) (UP000504611) UniProtKB Star A0A6I9NF78_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A6I9NX29_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A6I9NS23_9TELE Pogonophryne Pogonophryne albipinna (UP001219934) UniProtKB Star A0AAD6BHI4_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAD6AZB2_9TELE Percoidei Percidae Etheostomatinae Etheostoma Etheostoma spectabile (orangethroat darter) (UP000327493) UniProtKB Star A0A5J5DRC7_9PERO UniProtKB Star A0A5J5D9S0_9PERO Luciopercinae Sander Sander lucioperca (UP000694568) UniProtKB Star A0A8C9WWI1_SANLU UniProtKB Star A0A8C9WWU5_SANLU UniProtKB Star A0A8D0ALR0_SANLU UniProtKB Star A0A8D0ANZ5_SANLU UniProtKB Star A0A8D0AT47_SANLU UniProtKB Star A0A8D0ANM4_SANLU UniProtKB Star A0A8D0AVV3_SANLU UniProtKB Star A0A8D0AHL8_SANLU UniProtKB Star A0A8D0AT56_SANLU UniProtKB Star A0A8D0AHV2_SANLU UniProtKB Star A0A8D0AKI1_SANLU UniProtKB Star A0A8D0AHE9_SANLU UniProtKB Star A0A8D0A8B1_SANLU UniProtKB Star A0A8D0DCD4_SANLU UniProtKB Star A0A8D0A3Z3_SANLU UniProtKB Star A0A8D0D9N5_SANLU Percinae Perca Perca flavescens (UP000295070) UniProtKB Star A0A484DKQ4_PERFV UniProtKB Star A0A484DMF0_PERFV UniProtKB Star A0A484D4X1_PERFV Perca fluviatilis (UP000465112) UniProtKB Star A0A6A5FIZ9_PERFL UniProtKB Star A0A6A5FAY4_PERFL UniProtKB Star A0A6A5FM67_PERFL Sciaenidae Collichthys Collichthys lucidus (UP000298787) UniProtKB Star A0A4U5U4U9_COLLU UniProtKB Star A0A4U5U359_COLLU UniProtKB Star A0A4U5U652_COLLU UniProtKB Star A0A4U5UVL7_COLLU Larimichthys Larimichthys crocea (UP000424527) UniProtKB Star A0A6G0JAI6_LARCR UniProtKB Star A0A6G0J9M2_LARCR UniProtKB Star A0A6G0J0V0_LARCR UniProtKB Star A0A6G0IQQ9_LARCR Spariformes Sparidae Sparus Sparus aurata (UP000472265) UniProtKB Star A0A671TNB7_SPAAU UniProtKB Star A0A671YUF6_SPAAU UniProtKB Star A0A671YMM7_SPAAU UniProtKB Star A0A671YNL9_SPAAU UniProtKB Star A0A671YQC7_SPAAU UniProtKB Star A0A671YME5_SPAAU UniProtKB Star A0A671YNE1_SPAAU UniProtKB Star A0A671YUK1_SPAAU UniProtKB Star A0A671YQ46_SPAAU UniProtKB Star A0A671YTX5_SPAAU UniProtKB Star A0A671X1L6_SPAAU UniProtKB Star A0A671WZE4_SPAAU UniProtKB Star A0A671WX03_SPAAU UniProtKB Star A0A671WZ01_SPAAU UniProtKB Star A0A671WXF8_SPAAU UniProtKB Star A0A671X3V6_SPAAU Tetraodontiformes Molidae Mola Mola mola (UP000261620) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q3WIZ7_MOLML UniProtKB Star A0A3Q3XQM8_MOLML Tetradontoidea Tetraodontidae Takifugu Takifugu bimaculatus (UP000516260) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z2AZ10_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A4Z2B534_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A4Z2BE26_9TELE Takifugu flavidus (sansaifugu) (UP000324091) UniProtKB Star A0A5C6MZP3_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A5C6NKJ1_9TELE Takifugu rubripes (UP000005226) UniProtKB Star A0A674N3Y8_TAKRU UniProtKB Star A0A674MJ50_TAKRU UniProtKB Star H2UQM1_TAKRU UniProtKB Star A0A674PDE1_TAKRU UniProtKB Star H2SX04_TAKRU UniProtKB Star H2SX05_TAKRU UniProtKB Star H2SX03_TAKRU UniProtKB Star A0A3B5KA12_TAKRU UniProtKB Star A0A674PH57_TAKRU UniProtKB Star A0A3B5KDN5_TAKRU Tetraodon Tetraodon nigroviridis (UP000007303) UniProtKB Star H3CS44_TETNG UniProtKB Star H3D2X2_TETNG Gobiaria Gobiiformes Gobioidei Gobiidae Benthophilinae Neogobiini Neogobius Neogobius melanostomus (round goby) (UP000694523) UniProtKB Star A0A8C6U3D0_9GOBI Kurtiformes Apogonoidei Apogonidae Apogoninae Sphaeramia Sphaeramia orbicularis (orbiculate cardinalfish) (UP000472271) UniProtKB Star A0A672YG18_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A672YG23_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A672YG30_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673BMD2_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673BPB4_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673BSW4_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673BNK3_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A672ZWF7_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673BKU2_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673BRP9_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673BMW8_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673BSW9_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673BQN5_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A672ZZ68_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A672ZX04_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A672ZX84_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673BL06_9TELE Holocentriformes Holocentridae Myripristis Myripristis murdjan (pinecone soldierfish) (UP000472263) UniProtKB Star A0A667WT27_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A667W7Y5_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A668AJ17_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A668AZG5_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A668AN34_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A668AJ31_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A668AJ27_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A668AWU8_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A668AIU7_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A668ASM9_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A668AN30_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A668AWS8_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A667Y9M6_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A667Y6V1_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A667YHP7_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A667Y6W4_9TELE Ovalentaria Ambassidae Parambassis Parambassis ranga (UP000515145) UniProtKB Star A0A6P7J3F1_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A6P7HXP8_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A6P7IJA9_9TELE Atherinomorphae Atheriniformes Atherinopsidae Menidiinae Menidia Menidia menidia (UP000677803) UniProtKB Star A0A8S4B9B8_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A8S4ABP7_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A8S4C039_9TELE Beloniformes Adrianichthyidae Oryziinae Oryzias Oryzias javanicus (UP000283210) UniProtKB Star A0A437DLD6_ORYJA UniProtKB Star A0A437D7N4_ORYJA UniProtKB Star A0A3S2PG45_ORYJA Oryzias latipes (UP000001038) UniProtKB Star H2M2G6_ORYLA UniProtKB Star A0A3B3H833_ORYLA UniProtKB Star A0A3B3I4Q2_ORYLA UniProtKB Star H2MIU6_ORYLA UniProtKB Star A0A3B3IHG1_ORYLA UniProtKB Star H2M4U8_ORYLA UniProtKB Star H2MIU4_ORYLA Oryzias melastigma (UP000646548) UniProtKB Star A0A834C588_ORYME Oryzias sinensis (UP000694383) UniProtKB Star A0A8C7YYY3_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A8C7Z3V0_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A8C8DG34_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A8C7WVU9_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A8C7YZR2_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A8C7Z680_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A8C8DWW9_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A8C7Z514_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A8C7YZ75_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A8C7Z5W1_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A8C7Z2X1_9TELE Cyprinodontiformes Cyprinodontidae Cyprinodon Cyprinodon variegatus (UP000265020) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q2D2B0_CYPVA UniProtKB Star A0A3Q2GC26_CYPVA UniProtKB Star A0A3Q2GI66_CYPVA UniProtKB Star A0A3Q2FTC3_CYPVA UniProtKB Star A0A3Q2E2Q1_CYPVA Nothobranchiidae Nothobranchius Nothobranchius furzeri (UP000694548) UniProtKB Star A0A8C6NMN3_NOTFU UniProtKB Star A0A8C6L0H1_NOTFU UniProtKB Star A0A8C6PV69_NOTFU UniProtKB Star A0A8C6PSP6_NOTFU UniProtKB Star A0A8C6PT31_NOTFU UniProtKB Star A0A8C6PTQ0_NOTFU UniProtKB Star A0A8C6PT19_NOTFU UniProtKB Star A0A8C6PVH5_NOTFU UniProtKB Star A0A8C6VY94_NOTFU UniProtKB Star A0A8C6PT85_NOTFU UniProtKB Star A0A8C6PSE5_NOTFU UniProtKB Star A0A1A7ZXG1_NOTFU Poeciliidae Poeciliinae Gambusia Gambusia affinis (UP000250572) UniProtKB Star A0A315W9X4_GAMAF UniProtKB Star A0A315V6H0_GAMAF UniProtKB Star A0A315W860_GAMAF Poecilia Poecilia formosa (UP000028760) UniProtKB Star A0A087Y572_POEFO UniProtKB Star A0A096LSP0_POEFO UniProtKB Star A0A087YJF0_POEFO UniProtKB Star A0A087Y303_POEFO UniProtKB Star A0A096LS01_POEFO Poecilia reticulata (UP000242638) UniProtKB Star A0A3P9PF18_POERE UniProtKB Star A0A3P9PFA6_POERE UniProtKB Star A0A3P9NA26_POERE UniProtKB Star A0A3P9NAI3_POERE UniProtKB Star A0A3P9N9X4_POERE UniProtKB Star A0A3P9NA95_POERE UniProtKB Star A0A3P9NA14_POERE Xiphophorus Xiphophorus maculatus (UP000002852) UniProtKB Star M4AK90_XIPMA UniProtKB Star A0A3B5R1Z7_XIPMA UniProtKB Star A0A3B5QUD4_XIPMA UniProtKB Star M4ABB4_XIPMA UniProtKB Star M4AND0_XIPMA UniProtKB Star A0A3B5QTC9_XIPMA Rivulidae Austrofundulus Austrofundulus limnaeus (UP000192220) UniProtKB Star A0A2I4BU62_AUSLI UniProtKB Star A0A2I4C0D6_AUSLI UniProtKB Star A0A2I4BV78_AUSLI Kryptolebias Kryptolebias marmoratus (UP000264800) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q3A9Z0_KRYMA UniProtKB Star A0A3Q2ZDP3_KRYMA UniProtKB Star A0A3Q3GB95_KRYMA Blenniimorphae Blenniiformes Blennioidei Blenniidae Salariinae Salarias Salarias fasciatus (UP000472267) UniProtKB Star A0A672GAL6_SALFA UniProtKB Star A0A672HKB8_SALFA UniProtKB Star A0A672HL63_SALFA UniProtKB Star A0A672HZP9_SALFA UniProtKB Star A0A672HZG1_SALFA UniProtKB Star A0A672HZA1_SALFA UniProtKB Star A0A672HYB5_SALFA UniProtKB Star A0A672HY71_SALFA UniProtKB Star A0A672HY13_SALFA Gobiesocoidei Gobiesocidae Gobiesocinae Gouania Gouania willdenowi (UP000694680) UniProtKB Star A0A8C5HVG1_GOUWI UniProtKB Star A0A8C5HWP7_GOUWI UniProtKB Star A0A8C5EEK7_GOUWI UniProtKB Star A0A8C5EIH5_GOUWI UniProtKB Star A0A8C5G7D5_GOUWI UniProtKB Star A0A8C5EGT5_GOUWI UniProtKB Star A0A8C5EFS6_GOUWI UniProtKB Star A0A8C5EHI5_GOUWI UniProtKB Star A0A8C5ECS0_GOUWI UniProtKB Star A0A8C5EF66_GOUWI UniProtKB Star A0A8C5H8G4_GOUWI UniProtKB Star A0A8C5HAJ4_GOUWI UniProtKB Star A0A8C5NAZ1_GOUWI Cichlomorphae Cichliformes Cichlidae African cichlids Pseudocrenilabrinae Haplochromini Haplochromis Haplochromis burtoni (UP000264840) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q2V2T1_HAPBU UniProtKB Star A0A3Q2X0J6_HAPBU UniProtKB Star A0A3Q3CA25_HAPBU UniProtKB Star A0A3Q2WS56_HAPBU Maylandia Maylandia zebra complex Maylandia zebra (zebra mbuna) (UP000265160) UniProtKB Star A0A3P9C942_9CICH UniProtKB Star A0A3P9B956_9CICH UniProtKB Star A0A3P9DDP2_9CICH UniProtKB Star A0A3P9DE93_9CICH Pundamilia Pundamilia nyererei (UP000695023) UniProtKB Star A0A3B4FJK7_9CICH UniProtKB Star A0A9Y3R5K9_9CICH UniProtKB Star A0A9Y3R4Y4_9CICH UniProtKB Star A0A3B4FIP0_9CICH UniProtKB Star A0A3B4FB92_9CICH Lamprologini Neolamprologus Neolamprologus brichardi (UP000261580) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q4MGM1_NEOBR UniProtKB Star A0A3Q4GM48_NEOBR UniProtKB Star A0A3Q4HRM3_NEOBR UniProtKB Star A0A3Q4HRP9_NEOBR Oreochromini Oreochromis Oreochromis aureus (UP000472276) UniProtKB Star A0A668VJY4_OREAU UniProtKB Star A0A668W5Y9_OREAU UniProtKB Star A0A668W513_OREAU UniProtKB Star A0A668W0S0_OREAU UniProtKB Star A0A668RLR2_OREAU Oreochromis niloticus (UP000005207) UniProtKB Star A0A669F1B5_ORENI UniProtKB Star I3J7N2_ORENI UniProtKB Star A0A669BWD4_ORENI UniProtKB Star A0A669F2F2_ORENI UniProtKB Star A0A669DJU8_ORENI UniProtKB Star A0A669EJB2_ORENI UniProtKB Star A0A669AW03_ORENI UniProtKB Star A0A669F2J5_ORENI UniProtKB Star A0A669ELB3_ORENI UniProtKB Star A0A669CU11_ORENI UniProtKB Star I3J4N5_ORENI UniProtKB Star I3J4N4_ORENI UniProtKB Star A0A669CDC8_ORENI UniProtKB Star A0A669EGU5_ORENI UniProtKB Star A0A669CA08_ORENI UniProtKB Star A0A669CYV2_ORENI UniProtKB Star A0A669DVA1_ORENI Pomacentridae Acanthochromis Acanthochromis polyacanthus (spiny chromis) (UP000257200) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q1G3R5_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A3Q1EBQ1_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A3Q1G3W9_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A3Q1FYN3_9TELE Amphiprion Amphiprion percula (UP000265080) UniProtKB Star A0A3P8SPG0_AMPPE UniProtKB Star A0A3P8RQK3_AMPPE UniProtKB Star A0A3P8T109_AMPPE Stegastes Stegastes partitus (bicolor damselfish) (UP000694891) UniProtKB Star A0A3B5A2J0_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A3B5A1A6_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A3B4ZZS0_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A3B5A2H9_9TELE Zeiogadaria Gadariae Gadiformes Gadoidei Gadidae Gadus Gadus morhua (UP000694546) UniProtKB Star A0A8C4ZNA8_GADMO UniProtKB Star A0A8C4ZB10_GADMO UniProtKB Star A0A8C5AH73_GADMO UniProtKB Star A0A8C5B6W1_GADMO UniProtKB Star A0A8C5BCS9_GADMO UniProtKB Star A0A8C5BTS0_GADMO UniProtKB Star A0A8C5CN35_GADMO UniProtKB Star A0A8C5A8C8_GADMO UniProtKB Star A0A8C5C947_GADMO UniProtKB Star A0A8C5FEP1_GADMO UniProtKB Star A0A8C5F959_GADMO UniProtKB Star A0A8C4ZWC5_GADMO UniProtKB Star A0A8C5A8Q8_GADMO UniProtKB Star A0A8C5FN23_GADMO Merlucciidae Merluccius Merluccius polli (UP001174136) UniProtKB Star A0AA47NBP3_MERPO UniProtKB Star A0AA47P6T1_MERPO Muraenolepidoidei Muraenolepididae Muraenolepis Muraenolepis orangiensis (UP001148018) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0IVS2_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0DR16_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0I609_9TELE Notacanthiformes Halosauridae Aldrovandia Aldrovandia affinis (UP001221898) UniProtKB Star A0AAD7RX87_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAD7SEU4_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAD7S2D8_9TELE Ostariophysi Characiformes Characoidei Characidae Astyanax Astyanax mexicanus (UP000018467) UniProtKB Star W5KTT9_ASTMX UniProtKB Star W5L592_ASTMX UniProtKB Star A0A3B1K4Z7_ASTMX UniProtKB Star A0A3B1K407_ASTMX UniProtKB Star W5K388_ASTMX UniProtKB Star W5K386_ASTMX UniProtKB Star A0A3B1IRP8_ASTMX Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Acrossocheilinae Onychostoma Onychostoma macrolepis (UP000579812) UniProtKB Star A0A7J6DF59_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A7J6CQQ0_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A7J6C565_9TELE Cyprininae Carassius Carassius auratus (UP000515129) UniProtKB Star A0A6P6N1G6_CARAU UniProtKB Star A0A6P6N2T5_CARAU UniProtKB Star A0A6P6R8E5_CARAU UniProtKB Star A0A6P6PB93_CARAU UniProtKB Star A0A6P6PZ17_CARAU Cyprinus Cyprinus carpio (UP000694427) UniProtKB Star A0A8C1RN94_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1NMQ0_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1R7R9_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1LCY8_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1L9Q0_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1QR98_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1LBU7_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1LC68_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1G1P3_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1FWF5_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1FZ43_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1FZ84_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1G5L2_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1LG82_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1LBE3_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1LFB3_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1FWZ1_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1FVE0_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1FX17_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1LDH1_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1LDN6_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1L6B4_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1L7Q5_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1LB26_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1L988_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1LDG2_CYPCA Cyprinus carpio carpio (UP001108240) UniProtKB Star A0A9J7YYZ5_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A9J7YVX8_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A9J7Y2B9_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A9J7ZX99_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A9J8BWT5_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A9J7YRT0_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A9J8A1N4_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1BZL4_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A9J8D4Y2_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A9J7XBR8_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A9J7ZFV2_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A9J8CW12_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A9J8DAY8_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1ENW3_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1EPN5_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A9J8B8B1_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A9J7XM18_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1HWJ7_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A9J7XZ10_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A9J8CQ61_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A9J8D290_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A9J8AQG3_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1AXG8_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A9J7XHV7_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1H553_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A9J8DMD9_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1H551_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C1AX19_CYPCA UniProtKB Star A0A9J8CQK8_CYPCA Sinocyclocheilus Sinocyclocheilus anshuiensis (UP000472260) UniProtKB Star A0A671RF35_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671RF34_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671N8F5_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671QT88_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671QTB6_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671QTA4_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671QTA9_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671N4D0_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671N3X9_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671N1E1_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671N8A0_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671N0A1_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671KVH8_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671KR92_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671KWG7_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671KSV0_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671KUL0_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671KUQ6_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671KYT9_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671KSA0_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671KUJ5_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A671KTB1_9TELE Sinocyclocheilus grahami (UP000472262) UniProtKB Star A0A672MGI6_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672MCG6_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672M7K3_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672L3I2_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672L2V9_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672KXZ3_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672L2A8_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672KWW1_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672NJ10_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672NJC6_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672NJD2_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672NNQ6_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672NK98_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672NNM6_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672T1W6_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672T3R1_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672T251_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672T247_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672T363_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672T273_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672T269_SINGR UniProtKB Star A0A672L2Z0_SINGR Sinocyclocheilus rhinocerous (UP000472270) UniProtKB Star A0A673H383_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673NJ93_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673L094_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673KS12_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673KS25_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673KR50_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673KWS9_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673L0P4_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673KZA1_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673KQZ8_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673NMP2_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673NAK5_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673KV23_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673KZC0_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673L2G2_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673KZ80_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673KW27_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673L3P3_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673KTV5_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673KX14_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A673KU42_9TELE Labeoninae Labeonini Cirrhinus Cirrhinus molitorella (mud carp) (UP001187343) UniProtKB Star A0AA88TVS7_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AA88PTT4_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AA88TEZ3_9TELE Labeo Labeo rohita (UP000290572) UniProtKB Star A0A498MGH1_LABRO UniProtKB Star A0A498LPV0_LABRO Danionidae Danioninae Danio Danio rerio (UP000000437) UniProtKB Star SYEM_DANRE UniProtKB Star A0AB13AA26_DANRE UniProtKB Star A0AB32TSP8_DANRE UniProtKB Star A0AB13AB14_DANRE UniProtKB Star F1QP23_DANRE UniProtKB Star A0A8M3ARK1_DANRE Nemacheilidae Triplophysa Triplophysa rosa (UP001059041) UniProtKB Star A0A9W8C8W7_TRIRA UniProtKB Star A0A9W7WFQ7_TRIRA Triplophysa tibetana (UP000324632) UniProtKB Star A0A5A9PGY5_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A5A9NMT9_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A5A9NV17_9TELE Xenocyprididae Xenocypridinae Xenocypridinae incertae sedis Anabarilius Anabarilius grahami (UP000281406) UniProtKB Star A0A3N0XWD0_ANAGA UniProtKB Star A0A3N0Y1M6_ANAGA Gonorynchiformes Chanidae Chanos Chanos chanos (UP000504632) UniProtKB Star A0A6J2VTK6_CHACN UniProtKB Star A0A6J2WCP7_CHACN UniProtKB Star A0A6J2WCH7_CHACN UniProtKB Star A0A6J2W6M3_CHACN UniProtKB Star A0A6J2W6B1_CHACN Gymnotiformes Gymnotoidei Gymnotidae Electrophorus Electrophorus electricus (UP000314983) UniProtKB Star A0AAY5EKC7_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4GE43_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4GEQ9_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4HEM7_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4H7F8_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4HFL0_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4DNZ7_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4HEV4_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4H7L2_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4HFE0_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4HFL3_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4HFN6_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4HEU9_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4H7K7_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4DN86_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4DNY7_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4DNF2_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4DNB5_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4DNB8_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4DN61_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4DN55_ELEEL UniProtKB Star A0A4W4DP39_ELEEL Electrophorus voltai (UP001239994) UniProtKB Star A0AAD8ZRY6_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAD9DN25_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAD8Z6M1_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAD8YNZ3_9TELE Siluriformes Bagridae Hemibagrus Hemibagrus guttatus (UP001274896) UniProtKB Star A0AAE0Q0B3_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAE0V8T8_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0AAE0QZJ1_9TELE Hemibagrus wyckioides (UP000824219) UniProtKB Star A0A9D3N7J5_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A9D3NRM8_9TELE Tachysurus Tachysurus vachellii (UP001187315) UniProtKB Star A0AA88LMS0_TACVA UniProtKB Star A0AA88SLE9_TACVA UniProtKB Star A0AA88SRR9_TACVA Clariidae Clarias Clarias magur (UP000727407) UniProtKB Star A0A8J4TXN7_CLAMG UniProtKB Star A0A8J4TKY3_CLAMG Ictaluridae Ameiurus Ameiurus melas (UP000593565) UniProtKB Star A0A7J6A0W4_AMEME UniProtKB Star A0A7J6AN67_AMEME UniProtKB Star A0A7J5ZJG2_AMEME Pangasiidae Pangasianodon Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (UP000327468) UniProtKB Star A0A5N5K078_PANHP UniProtKB Star A0A5N5N6G8_PANHP UniProtKB Star A0A5N5NJL8_PANHP Siluridae Silurus Silurus asotus (UP001205998) UniProtKB Star A0AAD5AKC1_SILAS UniProtKB Star A0AAD5AJ45_SILAS UniProtKB Star A0AAD5ATM7_SILAS Silurus meridionalis (UP000606274) UniProtKB Star A0A8T0BBQ2_SILME UniProtKB Star A0A8T0ATL6_SILME Sisoridae Sisorinae Bagarius Bagarius yarrelli (UP000319801) UniProtKB Star A0A556VAH1_BAGYA UniProtKB Star A0A556U7I9_BAGYA UniProtKB Star A0A556U215_BAGYA Osteoglossocephala Osteoglossomorpha Osteoglossiformes Osteoglossidae Scleropages Scleropages formosus (UP000034805) UniProtKB Star A0A0P7YTU1_SCLFO UniProtKB Star A0A0P7UM38_SCLFO Protacanthopterygii Esociformes Esocidae Esox Esox lucius (UP000265140) UniProtKB Star A0A3P8YYI4_ESOLU UniProtKB Star A0A3P8YZK9_ESOLU UniProtKB Star A0A6Q2X3Q9_ESOLU UniProtKB Star A0A6Q2YMQ1_ESOLU UniProtKB Star A0A3P8YUP7_ESOLU UniProtKB Star A0A6Q2WZT6_ESOLU UniProtKB Star A0A3P8YUQ4_ESOLU UniProtKB Star A0A3P8YUI1_ESOLU UniProtKB Star A0A3P9AEC4_ESOLU UniProtKB Star A0A6Q2YWD9_ESOLU UniProtKB Star A0A6Q2XNK5_ESOLU UniProtKB Star A0A6Q2XI68_ESOLU UniProtKB Star A0A3P8Z970_ESOLU UniProtKB Star A0A3P9APW1_ESOLU UniProtKB Star A0A6Q2XFA3_ESOLU UniProtKB Star A0A6Q2YJG1_ESOLU Salmoniformes Salmonidae Coregoninae Coregonus Coregonus sp. 'balchen' (UP000502089) UniProtKB Star A0A6F9B603_9TELE Salmoninae Hucho Hucho hucho (huchen) (UP000314982) UniProtKB Star A0A4W5M2W4_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A4W5LQR8_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A4W5L1H4_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A4W5MJF5_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A4W5Q934_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A4W5Q0W3_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A4W5QEN0_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A4W5L820_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A4W5QA51_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A4W5KYT6_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A4W5L7W9_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A4W5Q462_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A4W5L920_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A4W5LJE7_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A4W5LJB8_9TELE UniProtKB Star A0A4W5LJH2_9TELE Oncorhynchus Oncorhynchus kisutch (UP000694557) UniProtKB Star A0A8C7JP94_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7IWG3_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7JVF2_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7IUZ4_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7K834_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7KE02_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7K7Q1_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7GUX8_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7GT65_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7GYK2_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7ME26_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7K7H3_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7GY78_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7GSU3_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7K8V6_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7GXZ3_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7N3P1_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7GVM7_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7K4Z5_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7K8M2_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7HL93_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7N3Q4_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7K690_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7MK68_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7GTH9_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7GV88_ONCKI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7HTU5_ONCKI Oncorhynchus mykiss (UP000193380) UniProtKB Star A0A060X623_ONCMY UniProtKB Star A0A060W0B3_ONCMY Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (UP000694402) UniProtKB Star A0A8C8FKH2_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8LQS7_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8FJH5_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8FKE9_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8HVJ0_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8FI40_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8FLF2_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0AAZ3NNE9_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8HKX1_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8M6L4_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8M5G0_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8HM17_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8FKA6_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8FKF5_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8FL66_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8M5I7_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8FKL5_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8HUV6_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8HNK8_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8MB24_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8I9M7_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0AAZ3RFH6_ONCTS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8FJ45_ONCTS Salmo Salmo salar (UP000087266) UniProtKB Star C0HBB8_SALSA UniProtKB Star A0A1S3L3N3_SALSA UniProtKB Star A0A1S3PG83_SALSA UniProtKB Star A0A1S3PGA2_SALSA UniProtKB Star A0A1S3KTJ9_SALSA UniProtKB Star A0A1S3KSQ7_SALSA UniProtKB Star A0A1S3KSK9_SALSA UniProtKB Star A0A1S3KSG1_SALSA UniProtKB Star A0A1S3SM99_SALSA UniProtKB Star A0A1S3LHA3_SALSA Salmo trutta (UP000472277) UniProtKB Star A0A673ZU80_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A673ZY03_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A673ZVU2_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A674A5S0_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A674A7J6_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A674A4W5_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A674A4X7_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A673ZW17_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A673ZUD9_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A673ZYL0_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A674A500_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A674A629_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A674A533_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A673WS78_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A673WHX2_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A673WHB2_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A673WGR9_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A674BTM8_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A673WR33_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A673WHL1_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A674BTF7_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A674BTB1_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A673WHR8_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A674BTU2_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A674BVL1_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A674BUW0_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A673WU55_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A674BVZ5_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A673WRM6_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A673WHE4_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A674BUR4_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A674BW13_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A673Y702_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A673Y5K8_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A673Y6J8_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A673Y6F7_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A674BU20_SALTR UniProtKB Star A0A673Y7L3_SALTR Salvelinus Salvelinus namaycush (UP000808372) UniProtKB Star A0A8U0QFM8_SALNM UniProtKB Star A0A8U0TPW6_SALNM UniProtKB Star A0A8U0PH96_SALNM UniProtKB Star A0A8U1H1I8_SALNM Polypteriformes Polypteridae Erpetoichthys Erpetoichthys calabaricus (UP000694620) UniProtKB Star A0A8C4SKI0_ERPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C4RDH5_ERPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C4X2Z4_ERPCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C4TN82_ERPCA Polypterus Polypterus senegalus (UP000886611) UniProtKB Star A0A8X8BIW7_POLSE UniProtKB Star A0A8X7XHX8_POLSE UniProtKB Star A0A8X8BYU1_POLSE Amphibia Batrachia Anura Neobatrachia Hyloidea Eleutherodactylidae Eleutherodactylinae Eleutherodactylus Eleutherodactylus Eleutherodactylus coqui (UP000770717) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6EX55_ELECQ UniProtKB Star A0A8J6EXJ0_ELECQ UniProtKB Star A0A8J6EY47_ELECQ UniProtKB Star A0A8J6K6S4_ELECQ Ranoidea Ranidae Aquarana Aquarana catesbeiana (UP000228934) UniProtKB Star A0A2G9RSW2_AQUCT Pelobatoidea Megophryidae Leptobrachium Leptobrachium leishanense (UP000694569) UniProtKB Star A0A8C5RAK4_9ANUR UniProtKB Star A0A8C5R7U1_9ANUR UniProtKB Star A0A8C5M6K6_9ANUR UniProtKB Star A0A8C5M9G7_9ANUR UniProtKB Star A0A8C5QQ13_9ANUR UniProtKB Star A0A8C5QMP1_9ANUR UniProtKB Star A0A8C5QQX1_9ANUR Pelobatidae Pelobates Pelobates cultripes (UP001295444) UniProtKB Star A0AAD1ST17_PELCU UniProtKB Star A0AAD1RHA6_PELCU UniProtKB Star A0AAD1RGW5_PELCU UniProtKB Star A0AAD1VSA7_PELCU UniProtKB Star A0AAD1SYD3_PELCU UniProtKB Star A0AAD1SVM2_PELCU Pipoidea Pipidae Pipinae Hymenochirus Hymenochirus boettgeri (UP000812440) UniProtKB Star A0A8T2IRN1_9PIPI UniProtKB Star A0A8T2IPX5_9PIPI UniProtKB Star A0A8T2IMB2_9PIPI UniProtKB Star A0A8T2IQ12_9PIPI UniProtKB Star A0A8T2IMW8_9PIPI UniProtKB Star A0A8T2IJL8_9PIPI UniProtKB Star A0A8T2JME5_9PIPI UniProtKB Star A0A8T2IXY3_9PIPI UniProtKB Star A0A8T2J0Q6_9PIPI Xenopodinae Xenopus Silurana Xenopus tropicalis (UP000008143) UniProtKB Star SYEM_XENTR UniProtKB Star A0A8J1JM70_XENTR UniProtKB Star A0A8J1JM71_XENTR UniProtKB Star A0A8J1JPL4_XENTR UniProtKB Star A0A6I8PWQ6_XENTR Xenopus Xenopus laevis (UP000186698) UniProtKB Star A0A1L8EY42_XENLA UniProtKB Star A0A1L8EQK8_XENLA UniProtKB Star A0A8J0TXA8_XENLA UniProtKB Star A0A8J1LXA0_XENLA UniProtKB Star A0A8J1KP01_XENLA UniProtKB Star A0A8J1KKX8_XENLA UniProtKB Star A0A8J1KKX1_XENLA UniProtKB Star A0A8J0V8C8_XENLA UniProtKB Star A0A1L8G6S2_XENLA UniProtKB Star A0A8J1KST2_XENLA UniProtKB Star A0A8J1KR56_XENLA UniProtKB Star B1WBE0_XENLA UniProtKB Star Q6PF26_XENLA UniProtKB Star A0A1L8GQ05_XENLA Gymnophiona Geotrypetes Geotrypetes seraphini (UP000515159) UniProtKB Star A0A6P8SJY7_GEOSA UniProtKB Star A0A6P8PZJ8_GEOSA UniProtKB Star A0A6P8R072_GEOSA UniProtKB Star A0A6P8PKJ1_GEOSA Siphonopidae Microcaecilia Microcaecilia unicolor (UP000515156) UniProtKB Star A0A6P7YKK3_9AMPH UniProtKB Star A0A6P7XN96_9AMPH UniProtKB Star A0A6P7XHF3_9AMPH UniProtKB Star A0A6P7X8G1_9AMPH UniProtKB Star A0A6P7XFA6_9AMPH UniProtKB Star A0A6P7YLG5_9AMPH Archelosauria Archosauria Crocodylia Alligatoridae Alligatorinae Alligator Alligator mississippiensis (UP000050525) UniProtKB Star A0A151NXD5_ALLMI UniProtKB Star A0A151P3H5_ALLMI UniProtKB Star A0A151P3E6_ALLMI UniProtKB Star A0A151NFR0_ALLMI Alligator sinensis (UP000189705) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q0GX49_ALLSI UniProtKB Star A0A1U7RQR9_ALLSI UniProtKB Star A0A1U8DAR2_ALLSI UniProtKB Star A0A1U8DCA5_ALLSI UniProtKB Star A0A3Q0GFU7_ALLSI UniProtKB Star A0A1U7S8E4_ALLSI Longirostres Crocodylidae Crocodylus Crocodylus porosus (UP000594220) UniProtKB Star A0A7M4EXL2_CROPO UniProtKB Star A0A7M4EVW5_CROPO UniProtKB Star A0A7M4DZW3_CROPO UniProtKB Star A0A7M4E023_CROPO UniProtKB Star A0A7M4FRC5_CROPO UniProtKB Star A0A7M4FRG1_CROPO UniProtKB Star A0A7M4DZJ6_CROPO UniProtKB Star A0A7M4DZE5_CROPO UniProtKB Star A0A7M4G1X0_CROPO UniProtKB Star A0A7M4DZP8_CROPO Dinosauria Saurischia Theropoda Coelurosauria Aves Neognathae Galloanserae Anseriformes Anatidae Anatinae Anas Anas platyrhynchos (UP000296049) UniProtKB Star R0JIH7_ANAPL Anas platyrhynchos platyrhynchos (UP000016666) UniProtKB Star A0A493TWB5_ANAPP UniProtKB Star A0A493T0T1_ANAPP UniProtKB Star A0A493TBH1_ANAPP UniProtKB Star A0A493TQE6_ANAPP UniProtKB Star U3I6C2_ANAPP UniProtKB Star U3II50_ANAPP Anas zonorhyncha (UP000694549) UniProtKB Star A0A8B9UCE1_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9U418_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9ZNK2_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9ZMX6_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9U4C6_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9U745_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9ZNP4_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9ZNG1_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9U9B0_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9U9D0_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9VFM4_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9VE68_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9U7F1_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9VEN2_9AVES Asarcornis Asarcornis scutulata (UP000525565) UniProtKB Star A0A7K7L5P9_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A7K7LHG9_9AVES Cairina Cairina moschata (UP000694556) UniProtKB Star A0A8C3GML4_CAIMO UniProtKB Star A0A8C3CXP8_CAIMO UniProtKB Star A0A8C3CYK5_CAIMO UniProtKB Star A0A8C3CWK4_CAIMO UniProtKB Star A0A8C3GQM8_CAIMO Anserinae Anser Anser brachyrhynchus (UP000694426) UniProtKB Star A0A8B9CUC5_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9CFD6_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9CFP2_9AVES Anser cygnoides (UP000694521) UniProtKB Star A0A8B9EAZ8_ANSCY UniProtKB Star A0A8B9EBJ1_ANSCY UniProtKB Star A0A8B9DCJ5_ANSCY UniProtKB Star A0A8B9DA89_ANSCY UniProtKB Star A0A8B9DBD9_ANSCY UniProtKB Star A0A8B9DBC0_ANSCY UniProtKB Star A0A8B9DCL7_ANSCY UniProtKB Star A0A8B9DBC9_ANSCY Aythyinae Aythya Aythya fuligula (UP000504639) UniProtKB Star A0A6J3DUJ6_AYTFU UniProtKB Star A0A6J3CSJ6_AYTFU UniProtKB Star A0A6J3CS17_AYTFU UniProtKB Star A0A6J3CPV0_AYTFU UniProtKB Star A0A6J3CUU5_AYTFU UniProtKB Star A0A6J3CVY8_AYTFU UniProtKB Star A0A6J3DLS8_AYTFU Anhimidae Chauna Chauna torquata (UP000537522) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0JST8_CHATO UniProtKB Star A0A7L0JYU8_CHATO Anseranatidae Anseranas Anseranas semipalmata (UP000567872) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9V3J2_ANSSE UniProtKB Star A0A7K9VH07_ANSSE Galliformes Cracidae Penelope Penelope pileata (UP000613066) UniProtKB Star A0A851PBM5_9GALL Megapodiidae Alectura Alectura lathami (UP000562322) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0W0T3_ALELA UniProtKB Star A0A7L0WAR3_ALELA Odontophoridae Callipepla Callipepla squamata (UP000198323) UniProtKB Star A0A226NN70_CALSU UniProtKB Star A0A226NLN2_CALSU UniProtKB Star A0A226NF76_CALSU Odontophorus Odontophorus gujanensis (marbled wood quail) (UP000522663) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9YQ58_9GALL UniProtKB Star A0A7K9Y0U4_9GALL UniProtKB Star A0A7K9YQ72_9GALL Phasianidae Meleagridinae Meleagris Meleagris gallopavo (UP000001645) UniProtKB Star G1N480_MELGA UniProtKB Star G1NAJ7_MELGA UniProtKB Star A0A803XUA2_MELGA UniProtKB Star A0A803Y886_MELGA UniProtKB Star A0A803Y5L7_MELGA UniProtKB Star A0A803Y9G9_MELGA UniProtKB Star A0A803YLU3_MELGA UniProtKB Star A0A803YS12_MELGA UniProtKB Star G1N7Y8_MELGA UniProtKB Star A0A803YRG8_MELGA Perdicinae Bambusicola Bambusicola thoracicus (UP000237246) UniProtKB Star A0A2P4SDT7_BAMTH UniProtKB Star A0A2P4SJ05_BAMTH Coturnix Coturnix japonica (UP000694412) UniProtKB Star A0A8C2TG62_COTJA UniProtKB Star A0A8C2YAB8_COTJA UniProtKB Star A0A8C2T3B2_COTJA UniProtKB Star A0A8C2T5G3_COTJA UniProtKB Star A0A8C2YEI8_COTJA Phasianinae Chrysolophus Chrysolophus pictus (UP000694543) UniProtKB Star A0A8C3L0J7_CHRPC UniProtKB Star A0A8C3L4R6_CHRPC Gallus Gallus gallus (UP000000539) UniProtKB Star SYEM_CHICK UniProtKB Star A0A8V0YTD4_CHICK UniProtKB Star A0A8V0YWK2_CHICK UniProtKB Star A0A8V0YUK7_CHICK UniProtKB Star A0A3Q2TSP8_CHICK UniProtKB Star A0A8V0Z1C2_CHICK UniProtKB Star A0A8V0ZF10_CHICK UniProtKB Star A0A8V0ZDW4_CHICK Pavo Pavo cristatus (UP000694428) UniProtKB Star A0A8C9F0Z4_PAVCR UniProtKB Star A0A8C9FFR6_PAVCR UniProtKB Star A0A8C9FDL0_PAVCR UniProtKB Star A0A8C9FNH2_PAVCR UniProtKB Star A0A8C9FQ47_PAVCR UniProtKB Star A0A8C9FPP3_PAVCR Phasianus Phasianus colchicus (UP000472261) UniProtKB Star A0A669QVJ9_PHACC UniProtKB Star A0A669P444_PHACC Neoaves Aequornithes Ciconiiformes Ciconiidae Ciconia Ciconia maguari (UP000537039) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0AAM7_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A7L0AF51_9AVES Thinocoridae Thinocorus Thinocorus orbignyianus (UP000565698) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1XVX8_9AVES Gaviiformes Gaviidae Gavia Gavia stellata (UP000054313) Pelecaniformes Ardeidae Cochlearius Cochlearius cochlearius (UP000525205) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8PS38_COCCO UniProtKB Star A0A7K8P4W8_COCCO Egretta Egretta garzetta (UP000053119) UniProtKB Star A0A091ISK1_EGRGA UniProtKB Star A0A091JPQ8_EGRGA UniProtKB Star A0A091ITD4_EGRGA Balaenicipitidae Balaeniceps Balaeniceps rex (UP000528411) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2UQY1_BALRX UniProtKB Star A0A7L2U9F4_BALRX Pelecanidae Pelecanus Pelecanus crispus (UP000054150) Scopidae Scopus Scopus umbretta (UP000539032) UniProtKB Star A0A7L4I7G9_SCOUM Threskiornithidae Mesembrinibis Mesembrinibis cayennensis (UP000574277) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0PM41_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A7L0PWP1_9AVES Nipponia Nipponia nippon (UP000053283) UniProtKB Star A0A091VB50_NIPNI UniProtKB Star A0A091VRX1_NIPNI UniProtKB Star A0A091VHR5_NIPNI Procellariiformes Diomedeidae Thalassarche Thalassarche chlororhynchos (UP000556761) UniProtKB Star A0A7L3JVH9_THACH UniProtKB Star A0A7L3IY34_THACH Hydrobatidae Fregetta Fregetta grallaria (UP000563060) UniProtKB Star A0A7L3YIV7_FREGA UniProtKB Star A0A7L3YWA6_FREGA Oceanites Oceanites oceanicus (UP000569728) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8TQ70_OCEOC UniProtKB Star A0A7K8U4H0_OCEOC Oceanodroma Oceanodroma tethys (UP000527232) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9M9T7_OCETE Procellariidae Calonectris Calonectris borealis (UP000535403) UniProtKB Star A0A7L3XI66_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A7L3XL45_9AVES Fulmarus Fulmarus glacialis (UP000053806) UniProtKB Star A0A093IFU7_FULGA Pelecanoides Pelecanoides urinatrix (UP000555367) UniProtKB Star A0A7L3C0L0_PELUR UniProtKB Star A0A7L3BJW2_PELUR Sphenisciformes Spheniscidae Aptenodytes Aptenodytes forsteri (UP000053286) UniProtKB Star A0A087RG99_APTFO UniProtKB Star A0A087QXC8_APTFO UniProtKB Star A0A087RC33_APTFO Aptenodytes patagonicus (UP000751161) UniProtKB Star A0A8J4KZ04_APTPA Eudyptes Eudyptes chrysocome (UP000716595) UniProtKB Star A0A8J4NXL1_EUDCH Eudyptula Eudyptula minor (UP000782854) UniProtKB Star A0A8J4KB13_EUDMI Pygoscelis Pygoscelis adeliae (UP000054081) UniProtKB Star A0A093NX51_PYGAD UniProtKB Star A0A093ND69_PYGAD Pygoscelis papua (UP001177209) UniProtKB Star A0AA40GLU0_PYGPA Suliformes Anhingidae Anhinga Anhinga anhinga (UP000657035) Anhinga rufa (UP000528690) UniProtKB Star A0A7L3GSQ9_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A7L3G9U2_9AVES Fregatidae Fregata Fregata magnificens (UP000632118) UniProtKB Star A0A850WC68_FREMA UniProtKB Star A0A850VR74_FREMA Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax Phalacrocorax carbo (UP000053238) UniProtKB Star A0A093R8F9_PHACA Sulidae Sula Sula dactylatra (UP000619137) UniProtKB Star A0A851ANM4_SULDA Charadriiformes Alcidae Alca Alca torda (UP000536033) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6YLG0_ALCTO UniProtKB Star A0A7K6ZB78_ALCTO Cepphus Cepphus grylle (UP000578766) UniProtKB Star A0A7L3RN74_CEPGR UniProtKB Star A0A7L3R9R0_CEPGR Burhinidae Burhinus Burhinus bistriatus (UP000574691) UniProtKB Star A0A7K4TFR4_9CHAR Charadriidae Charadrius Charadrius vociferus (UP000053858) UniProtKB Star A0A099ZY16_CHAVO UniProtKB Star A0A0A0A063_CHAVO Ibidorhyncha Ibidorhyncha struthersii (UP000587655) UniProtKB Star A0A7K7TZK0_9CHAR Pluvianellus Pluvianellus socialis (UP000519225) UniProtKB Star A0A7L3D293_PLUSO UniProtKB Star A0A7L3DTN9_PLUSO Chionididae Chionis Chionis minor (UP000557271) UniProtKB Star A0A7K7FI43_CHIMN UniProtKB Star A0A7K7EZC3_CHIMN Dromadidae Dromas Dromas ardeola (UP000586671) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5XXL0_9CHAR UniProtKB Star A0A7K5XZI6_9CHAR Glareolidae Glareola Glareola pratincola (UP000583049) UniProtKB Star A0A7L4M4D8_GLAPT Rhinoptilus Smutsornis africanus (UP000525158) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1IJK1_SMUAF UniProtKB Star A0A7L1IF81_SMUAF Jacanidae Jacana Jacana jacana (UP000550086) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2YDE0_JACJC UniProtKB Star A0A7L2YVF7_JACJC Laridae Larus Larus smithsonianus (UP000620207) UniProtKB Star A0A852GI29_9CHAR UniProtKB Star A0A852GRH3_9CHAR Phaetusa Phaetusa simplex (large-billed tern) (UP000556165) UniProtKB Star A0A7L4AW86_9CHAR UniProtKB Star A0A7L4B7P9_9CHAR Rissa Rissa tridactyla (UP000540089) UniProtKB Star A0A7L3SU77_RISTR UniProtKB Star A0A7L3T333_RISTR Rynchops Rynchops niger (UP000525416) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1JY59_RYNNI UniProtKB Star A0A7L1KDJ5_RYNNI Pedionomidae Pedionomus Pedionomus torquatus (UP000565207) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6P0J3_PEDTO UniProtKB Star A0A7K6N8R4_PEDTO Recurvirostridae Himantopus Himantopus himantopus (UP000571567) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1KY11_HIMHI UniProtKB Star A0A7L1KLV4_HIMHI Rostratulidae Nycticryphes Nycticryphes semicollaris (UP000586634) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1HY59_9CHAR UniProtKB Star A0A7L1HRU6_9CHAR Rostratula Rostratula benghalensis (greater painted-snipe) (UP000545435) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0D355_9CHAR UniProtKB Star A0A7L0CZV9_9CHAR Scolopacidae Arenaria Arenaria interpres (UP000541811) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0HBU3_AREIN UniProtKB Star A0A7L0I279_AREIN Calidris Calidris pygmaea (UP000694419) UniProtKB Star A0A8C3PR62_9CHAR UniProtKB Star A0A8C3PU43_9CHAR UniProtKB Star A0A8C3KQQ0_9CHAR UniProtKB Star A0A8C3KRG8_9CHAR UniProtKB Star A0A8C3K4J8_9CHAR UniProtKB Star A0A8C3K356_9CHAR UniProtKB Star A0A8C3K5C9_9CHAR UniProtKB Star A0A8C3K5A9_9CHAR UniProtKB Star A0A8C3K523_9CHAR Limosa Limosa lapponica baueri (UP000233556) UniProtKB Star A0A2I0U0C9_LIMLA UniProtKB Star A0A2I0USD5_LIMLA UniProtKB Star A0A2I0TU66_LIMLA Stercorariidae Stercorarius Stercorarius parasiticus (UP000532908) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9EYR0_STEPR UniProtKB Star A0A7K9FR79_STEPR Turnicidae Turnix Turnix velox (UP000582182) UniProtKB Star A0A7L3LHP1_9CHAR Columbimorphae Columbiformes Columbidae Caloenas Caloenas nicobarica (UP000546235) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6TCS3_CALNI UniProtKB Star A0A7K6THF8_CALNI Columba Columba livia (UP000053872) UniProtKB Star A0A2I0LX08_COLLI UniProtKB Star A0A2I0M9V3_COLLI Columbina Columbina picui (UP000530263) Pampusana Pampusana beccarii (UP000541332) UniProtKB Star A0A7L4FH61_9COLU UniProtKB Star A0A7L4FW78_9COLU Patagioenas Patagioenas fasciata monilis (UP000190648) UniProtKB Star A0A1V4KSU1_PATFA UniProtKB Star A0A1V4JJA4_PATFA UniProtKB Star A0A1V4JJA1_PATFA UniProtKB Star A0A1V4JID3_PATFA Mesitornithiformes Mesitornithidae Mesitornis Mesitornis unicolor (brown roatelo) (UP000053369) UniProtKB Star A0A091SE22_9AVES Pterocliformes Pteroclidae Pterocles Pterocles burchelli (UP000522270) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5YRH0_9AVES Pterocles gutturalis (yellow-throated sandgrouse) (UP000053149) UniProtKB Star A0AAW3DFL5_9AVES Syrrhaptes Syrrhaptes paradoxus (UP000536260) UniProtKB Star A0A7L3ATA6_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A7L3AUI6_9AVES Gruiformes Aramidae Aramus Aramus guarauna (UP000567570) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1SNG7_ARAGA UniProtKB Star A0A7L1SK90_ARAGA Gruidae Balearica Balearica regulorum gibbericeps (UP000053309) UniProtKB Star A0A087VBG9_BALRE Grus Grus americana (UP000640762) UniProtKB Star A0A850TW42_GRUAM UniProtKB Star A0A850U513_GRUAM Heliornithidae Heliornis Heliornis fulica (sungrebe) (UP000590868) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2AJG4_9GRUI UniProtKB Star A0A7L2ASN0_9GRUI Psophiidae Psophia Psophia crepitans (common trumpeter) (UP000587472) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9XMQ8_9GRUI Rallidae Atlantisia Atlantisia rogersi (UP000518911) UniProtKB Star A0A7L3WZJ0_9GRUI UniProtKB Star A0A7L3WYK7_9GRUI Zapornia Zapornia atra (UP000557426) UniProtKB Star A0A7L3F4V1_9GRUI UniProtKB Star A0A7L3FNV2_9GRUI Mirandornithes Phoenicopteriformes Phoenicopteridae Phoenicopterus Phoenicopterus ruber ruber (UP000053700) UniProtKB Star A0A091TZX5_PHORB UniProtKB Star A0A091TYB0_PHORB Podicipediformes Podicipedidae Podiceps Podiceps cristatus (UP000053854) Podilymbus Podilymbus podiceps (UP000555275) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0SJJ4_PODPO UniProtKB Star A0A7L0SZ65_PODPO Opisthocomiformes Opisthocomidae Opisthocomus Opisthocomus hoazin (UP000053605) UniProtKB Star A0A091X3A3_OPIHO UniProtKB Star A0A091W2R6_OPIHO Otidimorphae Cuculiformes Centropidae Centropus Centropus unirufus (UP000517892) UniProtKB Star A0A7K4ZXM3_9AVES Coccyzidae Piaya Piaya cayana (UP000653271) UniProtKB Star A0A850X8U6_PIACA Crotophagidae Crotophaga Crotophaga sulcirostris (UP000549499) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5I7Y6_CROSL UniProtKB Star A0A7K5HH32_CROSL Cuculidae Ceuthmochares Ceuthmochares aereus (UP000519239) Cuculus Cuculus canorus (common cuckoo) (UP000053760) UniProtKB Star A0A091GI27_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A091GI57_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A091GBW0_9AVES Neomorphidae Geococcyx Geococcyx californianus (UP000531151) UniProtKB Star A0A7K4JT94_GEOCA UniProtKB Star A0A7K4JME9_GEOCA Musophagiformes Musophagidae Corythaeola Corythaeola cristata (UP000621168) UniProtKB Star A0A851M2W4_CORCR Corythaixoides Corythaixoides concolor (UP000526942) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0FH19_CORCN UniProtKB Star A0A7L0EXU3_CORCN Tauraco Tauraco erythrolophus (UP000053661) UniProtKB Star A0A093DX66_TAUER UniProtKB Star A0A093CW77_TAUER Otidiformes Otididae Ardeotis Ardeotis kori (UP000560386) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8L035_9AVES Chlamydotis Chlamydotis macqueenii (UP000053330) UniProtKB Star A0A091KKB7_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A091KKK5_9AVES Lophotis Lophotis ruficrista (UP000533896) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8JQL0_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A7K8KI80_9AVES Phaethontimorphae Eurypygiformes Eurypygidae Eurypyga Eurypyga helias (UP000054232) UniProtKB Star A0A093J4K5_EURHL UniProtKB Star A0A093JDQ9_EURHL Rhynochetidae Rhynochetos Rhynochetos jubatus (kagu) (UP000570016) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6RXU3_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A7K6S2P5_9AVES Phaethontiformes Phaethontidae Phaethon Phaethon lepturus (UP000053638) UniProtKB Star A0A091UKE4_PHALP UniProtKB Star A0A091T9M5_PHALP Strisores Apodiformes Apodidae Apodinae Chaetura Chaetura pelagica (UP000031515) Hemiprocninae Hemiprocne Hemiprocne comata (UP000518305) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9CS96_9AVES Trochilidae Calypte Calypte anna (UP000054308) UniProtKB Star A0A091HI77_CALAN UniProtKB Star A0A091HJS6_CALAN Oreotrochilus Oreotrochilus melanogaster (UP000579904) UniProtKB Star A0A7L3N990_9AVES Caprimulgiformes Aegothelidae Aegotheles Aegotheles bennettii (UP000559068) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6U7A8_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A7K6UF46_9AVES Caprimulgidae Antrostomus Antrostomus carolinensis (UP000053620) UniProtKB Star A0A094KVI4_ANTCR UniProtKB Star A0A094JZP7_ANTCR Chordeilinae Chordeiles Chordeiles acutipennis (UP000568556) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0U332_CHOAC UniProtKB Star A0A7L0TMP4_CHOAC Nyctiprogne Nyctiprogne leucopyga (UP000551823) UniProtKB Star A0A7L4CQN0_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A7L4CD75_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A7L4CCW9_9AVES Nyctibiidae Nyctibius Nyctibius bracteatus (UP000538472) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8SXX3_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A7K8SS54_9AVES Nyctibius grandis (UP000567826) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2G406_NYCGR UniProtKB Star A0A7L2GED1_NYCGR Podargidae Podargus Podargus strigoides (UP000584326) UniProtKB Star A0A7L4GHI4_PODST Steatornithidae Steatornis Steatornis caripensis (UP000516988) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6WEB8_STECA Telluraves Accipitrimorphae Accipitriformes Accipitridae Accipitrinae Accipiter Accipiter nisus (UP000694541) UniProtKB Star A0A8B9MJM9_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9MJP3_9AVES Aquila Aquila chrysaetos chrysaetos (UP000472275) UniProtKB Star A0A663EZK3_AQUCH UniProtKB Star A0A663F7B1_AQUCH UniProtKB Star A0A663FA05_AQUCH UniProtKB Star A0A663F8D4_AQUCH UniProtKB Star A0A663EYH5_AQUCH Buteo Buteo japonicus (UP000694555) UniProtKB Star A0A8C0AS11_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9Z4U5_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9Z4T0_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9YZR1_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9ZA99_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9Z808_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9Z8V8_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8C0AN76_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9Z205_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8C0HPT7_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B9YZ42_9AVES Circaetus Circaetus pectoralis (black-chested snake-eagle) (UP000562238) UniProtKB Star A0A7L4A217_9AVES Haliaeetus Haliaeetus albicilla (UP000054379) UniProtKB Star A0A091PCH3_HALAL Spizaetus Spizaetus tyrannus (black hawk-eagle) (UP000519115) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0BZ29_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A7L0BUZ9_9AVES Cathartidae Cathartes Cathartes aura (UP000053745) UniProtKB Star A0A091LD43_CATAU UniProtKB Star A0A091LL61_CATAU Pandionidae Pandion Pandion haliaetus (UP000580171) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2W732_PANHA UniProtKB Star A0A7L2WIJ7_PANHA Sagittariidae Sagittarius Sagittarius serpentarius (UP000539599) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2HUS7_SAGSE UniProtKB Star A0A7L2H3X2_SAGSE Australaves Cariamiformes Cariamidae Cariama Cariama cristata (UP000054116) UniProtKB Star A0A091LS31_CARIC UniProtKB Star A0A091N5W0_CARIC Chunga Chunga burmeisteri (UP000541181) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5GAB5_9AVES Falconiformes Falconidae Falco Falco tinnunculus (UP000694562) UniProtKB Star A0A8C4USX8_FALTI UniProtKB Star A0A8C4VB95_FALTI UniProtKB Star A0A8C4V571_FALTI UniProtKB Star A0A8C4XUI3_FALTI UniProtKB Star A0A8C4V9L1_FALTI UniProtKB Star A0A8C4V7G0_FALTI UniProtKB Star A0A8C4UA88_FALTI UniProtKB Star A0A8C4V9F3_FALTI Herpetotheres Herpetotheres cachinnans (UP000555649) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0GDN0_HERCA Passeriformes Acanthisittidae Acanthisitta Acanthisitta chloris (rifleman) (UP000053537) UniProtKB Star A0A091MW57_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A091NDZ4_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A091ML01_9PASS Artamidae Gymnorhina Gymnorhina tibicen (UP000579941) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1BAG7_GYMTI UniProtKB Star A0A7L1AIU8_GYMTI Bombycillidae Bombycilla Bombycilla garrulus (UP000532545) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1MLD8_BOMGA UniProtKB Star A0A7L1MD84_BOMGA Phainopepla Phainopepla nitens (UP000579685) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1TLL8_PHANI UniProtKB Star A0A7L1U674_PHANI Cardinalidae Cardinalis Cardinalis cardinalis (UP000583740) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5LYV4_CARCD Passerina Passerina amoena (UP000625584) Pheucticus Pheucticus melanocephalus (UP000578259) UniProtKB Star A0A7K7D349_PHEME Certhiidae Certhiinae Certhia Certhia brachydactyla (short-toed tree-creeper) (UP000536092) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1WHR4_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7L1W2N6_9PASS Certhia familiaris (UP000611277) UniProtKB Star A0A851S4R3_CERFA Polioptilinae Polioptila Polioptila caerulea (UP000573697) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5E439_POLCE UniProtKB Star A0A7K5DVD3_POLCE Troglodytinae Thryothorus Thryothorus ludovicianus (UP000558509) UniProtKB Star A0A7K7Y1V6_THRLU UniProtKB Star A0A7K7YF45_THRLU Cinclidae Cinclus Cinclus mexicanus (UP000590623) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2JB91_CINMU Climacteridae Climacteris Climacteris rufus (rufous treecreeper) (UP000580879) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6QWU5_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7K6QY12_9PASS Corvoidea Callaeidae Callaeas Callaeas wilsoni (UP000576729) UniProtKB Star A0A7L4LHF2_9CORV UniProtKB Star A0A7L4LPA6_9CORV Campephagidae Edolisoma Edolisoma coerulescens (UP000526889) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9NT72_9CORV Cinclosomatidae Ifrita Ifrita kowaldi (blue-capped ifrita) (UP000542689) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6Q410_9CORV UniProtKB Star A0A7K6Q466_9CORV Ptilorrhoa Ptilorrhoa leucosticta (UP000547721) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8MJ23_9CORV Corcoracidae Struthidea Struthidea cinerea (UP000548317) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8FGC6_9CORV UniProtKB Star A0A7K8EX11_9CORV Corvidae Aphelocoma Aphelocoma coerulescens (UP000575874) UniProtKB Star A0A7K7BXX0_APHCE UniProtKB Star A0A7K7BU79_APHCE Cnemophilus Cnemophilus loriae (UP000517678) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8BE06_9CORV UniProtKB Star A0A7K8AG96_9CORV Corvus Corvus brachyrhynchos (UP000052976) UniProtKB Star A0A091ERG8_CORBR UniProtKB Star A0A091EJW0_CORBR UniProtKB Star A0A091F8C3_CORBR Corvus moneduloides (UP000603793) UniProtKB Star A0A851WAI4_CORMO UniProtKB Star A0A851VXE8_CORMO Oriolus Oriolus oriolus (UP000534407) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1PXG4_ORIOR Dicruridae Dicrurus Dicrurus megarhynchus (UP000537234) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0ADK9_9CORV UniProtKB Star A0A7L0A413_9CORV Erythrocercus Erythrocercus mccallii (UP000532437) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5Q440_9CORV UniProtKB Star A0A7K5PZX6_9CORV Machaerirhynchus Machaerirhynchus nigripectus (UP000574967) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6IIA3_9CORV UniProtKB Star A0A7K6JBD5_9CORV Irenidae Chloropsis Chloropsis cyanopogon (UP000614263) UniProtKB Star A0A852ASG0_9CORV UniProtKB Star A0A852BKM9_9CORV Chloropsis hardwickii (UP000640999) UniProtKB Star A0A850V0H2_9CORV UniProtKB Star A0A850UJV4_9CORV Irena Irena cyanogastra (UP000530962) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9QN19_IRECY UniProtKB Star A0A7K9QRS2_IRECY Laniidae Lanius Lanius ludovicianus (UP000547499) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5RWP3_LANLU UniProtKB Star A0A7K5RMT6_LANLU Malaconotidae Dryoscopus Dryoscopus gambensis (UP000604080) UniProtKB Star A0A851EAF8_9CORV UniProtKB Star A0A851EFD3_9CORV Monarchidae Myiagra Myiagra hebetior (UP000534930) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9J1Q2_9CORV UniProtKB Star A0A7K9JGJ7_9CORV Orthonychidae Orthonyx Orthonyx spaldingii (UP000526602) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8H4E3_ORTSP UniProtKB Star A0A7K8H585_ORTSP Pachycephalidae Aleadryas Aleadryas rufinucha (rufous-naped whistler) (UP000557196) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8HZX4_9CORV Daphoenositta Daphoenositta chrysoptera (varied sittella) (UP000557315) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6FXJ1_9CORV UniProtKB Star A0A7K6FJ24_9CORV Eulacestoma Eulacestoma nigropectus (wattled ploughbill) (UP000540150) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8CW06_9CORV UniProtKB Star A0A7K8DK03_9CORV Falcunculus Falcunculus frontatus (UP000534626) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6L1J2_9CORV Pachycephala Pachycephala philippinensis (yellow-belllied whistler) (UP000570547) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9Q1Q2_9CORV Rhagologus Rhagologus leucostigma (UP000564948) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8BLM8_9CORV UniProtKB Star A0A7K8CKJ4_9CORV Platysteiridae Platysteira Platysteira castanea (UP000584415) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5VMI8_9CORV UniProtKB Star A0A7K5V673_9CORV Vireonidae Vireoninae Vireo Vireo altiloquus (UP000589495) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5L2N4_VIRAL Cotingidae Cephalopterus Cephalopterus ornatus (UP000543364) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5TRT3_CEPOR UniProtKB Star A0A7K5UIJ4_CEPOR Oxyruncus Oxyruncus cristatus (sharpbill) (UP000564466) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0ZXX0_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7L0ZM13_9PASS Dendrocolaptidae Campylorhamphus Campylorhamphus procurvoides (UP000614027) UniProtKB Star A0A851MVN4_9DEND UniProtKB Star A0A851MHE1_9DEND Xiphorhynchus Xiphorhynchus elegans (elegant woodcreeper) (UP000551443) UniProtKB Star A0A7L3NZ10_9DEND Elachuridae Elachura Elachura formosa (spotted wren-babbler) (UP000623542) UniProtKB Star A0A851U7Z2_9PASS Eurylaimidae Calyptomena Calyptomena viridis (UP000642973) UniProtKB Star A0A851CQR0_CALVR Serilophus Serilophus lunatus (silver-breasted broadbill) (UP000553648) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1D8Z6_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7L1CT23_9PASS Smithornis Smithornis capensis (UP000567624) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8Q6J8_9PASS Formicariidae Formicarius Formicarius rufipectus (UP000520463) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0NEH1_9PASS Grallaria Grallaria varia (variegated antpitta) (UP000591535) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9A4N2_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7K9A857_9PASS Furnariidae Furnarius Furnarius figulus (UP000529852) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5AYS4_9FURN UniProtKB Star A0A7K5AI85_9FURN Sclerurus Sclerurus mexicanus (tawny-throated leaftosser) (UP000588334) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8WSU8_9FURN UniProtKB Star A0A7K8WE91_9FURN Meliphagoidea Acanthizidae Mohoua Mohoua ochrocephala (UP000586926) UniProtKB Star A0A7K7XL95_9PASS Origma Origma solitaria (UP000571324) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6D9U2_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7K6D9P9_9PASS Dasyornithidae Dasyornis Dasyornis broadbenti (rufous bristle-bird) (UP000521322) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6HV24_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7K6I6J0_9PASS Maluridae Malurus Malurus cyaneus samueli (UP000694560) UniProtKB Star A0A8C5TAF0_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A8C5TWB2_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A8C5TS14_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A8C5TQN1_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A8C5TTA2_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A8C5TV23_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A8C5X5C8_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A8C5TK26_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A8C5TSX3_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A8C5TIB2_9PASS Malurus elegans (UP000564407) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6GHE3_9PASS Meliphagidae Grantiella Grantiella picta (UP000575029) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6ETD4_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7K6E0A9_9PASS Pardalotidae Pardalotus Pardalotus punctatus (spotted pardalote) (UP000570592) UniProtKB Star A0A7L3IG13_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7L3IT29_9PASS Menuridae Atrichornis Atrichornis clamosus (UP000658642) UniProtKB Star A0A852PSX8_9PASS Menura Menura novaehollandiae (superb lyrebird) (UP000521578) UniProtKB Star A0AA97N7C3_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0AA97N1V6_9PASS Mimidae Donacobius Donacobius atricapilla (UP000660704) UniProtKB Star A0A851JKQ0_9PASS Toxostoma Toxostoma redivivum (UP000523146) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5IVU3_TOXRE UniProtKB Star A0A7K5IJJ2_TOXRE Muscicapidae Cercotrichas Tychaedon coryphoeus (UP000631545) UniProtKB Star A0A851QXL6_TYCCO Copsychus Copsychus sechellarum (UP000659062) UniProtKB Star A0A851VM33_9PASS Ficedula Ficedula albicollis (UP000016665) UniProtKB Star U3JMK0_FICAL UniProtKB Star A0A803VI44_FICAL UniProtKB Star A0A803W919_FICAL UniProtKB Star A0A803W3W9_FICAL UniProtKB Star U3KF37_FICAL Oenanthe Oenanthe oenanthe (UP000565754) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1EJJ3_OENON UniProtKB Star A0A7L1EGG6_OENON Notiomystidae Notiomystis Notiomystis cincta (UP000579558) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6VC51_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7K6VEZ1_9PASS Paridae Anthoscopus Anthoscopus minutus (UP000554720) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2EI51_ANTMN UniProtKB Star A0A7L2EJ98_ANTMN Cyanistes Cyanistes caeruleus (UP000694410) UniProtKB Star A0A8C0ZC08_CYACU UniProtKB Star A0A8C0V3D1_CYACU UniProtKB Star A0A8C0ZFI3_CYACU UniProtKB Star A0A8C0V4R9_CYACU UniProtKB Star A0A8C0V004_CYACU UniProtKB Star A0A8C0Z8N1_CYACU UniProtKB Star A0A8C0U4A8_CYACU UniProtKB Star A0A8C0U1I6_CYACU UniProtKB Star A0A8C0U0Z6_CYACU Poecile Poecile atricapillus (UP000540071) UniProtKB Star A0A7K7QM59_POEAT Passerellidae Junco Junco hyemalis (UP000694408) UniProtKB Star A0A8C5NJ63_JUNHY UniProtKB Star A0A8C5JCI8_JUNHY UniProtKB Star A0A8C5NMB3_JUNHY UniProtKB Star A0A8C5IWF8_JUNHY UniProtKB Star A0A8C5IZV0_JUNHY UniProtKB Star A0A8C5IW29_JUNHY UniProtKB Star A0A8C5IZC5_JUNHY UniProtKB Star A0A8C5J0Z6_JUNHY Melospiza Melospiza melodia (UP000560247) UniProtKB Star A0A7K4PC90_MELMO Spizella Spizella passerina (UP000618746) UniProtKB Star A0A852K7L6_SPIPA Zonotrichia Zonotrichia albicollis (UP000694413) UniProtKB Star A0A8D2MSC3_ZONAL UniProtKB Star A0A8D2MP92_ZONAL UniProtKB Star A0A8D2MPN0_ZONAL UniProtKB Star A0A8D2M3S8_ZONAL UniProtKB Star A0A8D2M3H3_ZONAL UniProtKB Star A0A8D2M5K6_ZONAL UniProtKB Star A0A8D2M686_ZONAL UniProtKB Star A0A8D2M2C5_ZONAL UniProtKB Star A0A8D2M4W2_ZONAL UniProtKB Star A0A8D2M114_ZONAL Passeroidea Dicaeidae Dicaeum Dicaeum eximium (UP000523279) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9KKE0_9PASE UniProtKB Star A0A7K9JRF5_9PASE Estrildidae Estrildinae Lonchura Lonchura striata (white-rumped munia) (UP000197619) UniProtKB Star A0A218UAQ6_9PASE UniProtKB Star A0A218UAT2_9PASE UniProtKB Star A0A218VC30_9PASE Taeniopygia Taeniopygia guttata (UP000007754) UniProtKB Star H0Z6J0_TAEGU UniProtKB Star A0A674GH52_TAEGU UniProtKB Star A0A674GRQ3_TAEGU UniProtKB Star A0A674GR93_TAEGU UniProtKB Star H0YX62_TAEGU UniProtKB Star A0A674H794_TAEGU UniProtKB Star H0ZF52_TAEGU Viduinae Vidua Vidua chalybeata (UP000634236) UniProtKB Star A0A851L1X6_VIDCH UniProtKB Star A0A851L081_VIDCH Vidua macroura (UP000656497) UniProtKB Star A0A852DW69_VIDMA UniProtKB Star A0A852EEU5_VIDMA Fringillidae Carduelinae Loxia Loxia curvirostra (UP000564784) UniProtKB Star A0A7K7IFL3_LOXCU Loxia leucoptera (UP000573793) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9GH44_LOXLE UniProtKB Star A0A7K9G7M2_LOXLE Serinus Serinus canaria (UP000694409) UniProtKB Star A0A8C9MIG1_SERCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C9MIV4_SERCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C9MIU9_SERCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C9MID7_SERCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C9UA62_SERCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C9U8T3_SERCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C9MR88_SERCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C9MS67_SERCA UniProtKB Star A0A8C9MSS1_SERCA Emberizinae Emberizini Calcarius Calcarius ornatus (UP000603627) UniProtKB Star A0A852ABZ3_CALOR UniProtKB Star A0A851ZW52_CALOR Emberiza Emberiza fucata (UP000580681) UniProtKB Star A0A7K4VNT0_9EMBE UniProtKB Star A0A7K4VLL4_9EMBE Peucedraminae Peucedramus Peucedramus taeniatus (UP000629713) UniProtKB Star A0A852FGD2_PEUTA UniProtKB Star A0A852FS32_PEUTA Urocynchramus Urocynchramus pylzowi (UP000524542) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5T7W5_9FRIN UniProtKB Star A0A7K5T728_9FRIN Icteridae Molothrus Molothrus ater (UP000553862) UniProtKB Star A0A7L3VHD8_MOLAT UniProtKB Star A0A7L3VBS2_MOLAT Quiscalus Quiscalus mexicanus (UP000552319) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2F048_QUIME UniProtKB Star A0A7L2F9R0_QUIME Melanocharitidae Melanocharis Melanocharis versteri (UP000538725) UniProtKB Star A0A7K7ZUN2_9PASE UniProtKB Star A0A7K8A5X5_9PASE Motacillidae Motacilla Motacilla alba (UP000532252) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5BMW9_MOTAL UniProtKB Star A0A7K5CBL0_MOTAL Nectariniidae Leptocoma Leptocoma aspasia (UP000558164) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0VIE0_9PASE UniProtKB Star A0A7L0V6G2_9PASE Promerops Promerops cafer (UP000587587) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6XW99_9PASE UniProtKB Star A0A7K6XJ64_9PASE Paramythiidae Oreocharis Oreocharis arfaki (tit berrypecker) (UP000542358) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6KQD1_9PASE Parulidae Setophaga Setophaga kirtlandii (UP000550059) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0QGH1_SETKR UniProtKB Star A0A7L0QTN8_SETKR Passeridae Chloebia Chloebia gouldiae (UP000276834) UniProtKB Star A0A3L8RZ71_CHLGU UniProtKB Star A0A3L8SSF9_CHLGU UniProtKB Star A0A3L8SB84_CHLGU Ploceidae Ploceinae Ploceus Ploceus nigricollis (UP000539920) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0Y656_9PASE UniProtKB Star A0A7L0Z128_9PASE Prunellidae Prunella Prunella fulvescens (UP000553798) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2ZSR5_9PASE UniProtKB Star A0A7L2ZYE8_9PASE Prunella himalayana (UP000566454) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5R0T7_9PASE Petroicidae Drymodes Drymodes brunneopygia (UP000525319) UniProtKB Star A0A7L3K6W4_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7L3K6I4_9PASS Philepittidae Neodrepanis Neodrepanis coruscans (wattled asity) (UP000560066) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2RXR3_9PASS Picathartidae Chaetops Chaetops frenatus (UP000563107) UniProtKB Star A0A7L3EIN7_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7L3DWT1_9PASS Picathartes Picathartes gymnocephalus (UP000631391) UniProtKB Star A0A851BC38_PICGY UniProtKB Star A0A851BVC6_PICGY Pipridae Lepidothrix Lepidothrix coronata (blue-crowned manakin) (UP000504624) UniProtKB Star A0A6J0HX11_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A6J0H2I2_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A6J0H1Y6_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A6J0HRA8_9PASS Manacus Manacus vitellinus (golden-collared manakin) (UP000053258) UniProtKB Star A0A093QDN0_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A093PE72_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A093QF54_9PASS Pipra Pipra filicauda (UP000504627) UniProtKB Star A0A6J2HW05_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7R5KCZ4_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7R5K9E3_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A6J2HXL7_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A6J2HQE7_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A6J2HQI9_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A6J2HRG6_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A6J2HQJ4_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A6J2HRG3_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A6J2G2P2_9PASS Piprites Piprites chloris (UP000520962) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0ITF4_PIPCL UniProtKB Star A0A7L0IVM3_PIPCL Pittidae Pitta Pitta sordida (UP000633448) UniProtKB Star A0A851FIV8_PITSO UniProtKB Star A0A851F469_PITSO Ptilonorhynchidae Ptilonorhynchus Ptilonorhynchus violaceus (UP000584880) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6C949_PTIVI UniProtKB Star A0A7K6BN38_PTIVI Regulidae Regulus Regulus satrapa (UP000529728) UniProtKB Star A0A7K4XKG2_REGSA Rhabdornithidae Rhabdornis Rhabdornis inornatus (UP000583164) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9KXD0_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7K9KN65_9PASS Rhinocryptidae Scytalopus Scytalopus superciliaris (UP000580825) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1Y8A9_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7L1YSV5_9PASS Rhipiduridae Chaetorhynchus Chaetorhynchus papuensis (pygmy drongo) (UP000541605) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8IJ17_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7K8JB98_9PASS Rhipidura Rhipidura dahli (UP000561178) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9VU17_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7K9WKX7_9PASS Sittidae Sitta Sitta europaea (UP000583915) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1VDJ0_SITEU Tichodroma Tichodroma muraria (UP000629438) UniProtKB Star A0A850Z5T7_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A850Z9P9_9PASS Sturnidae Buphagus Buphagus erythrorhynchus (red-billed oxpecker) (UP000566314) Lamprotornis Lamprotornis superbus (UP000618051) UniProtKB Star A0A835NJ26_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A835TZW0_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A835NER3_9PASS Leucopsar Leucopsar rothschildi (UP000522331) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8ESG1_LEURO UniProtKB Star A0A7K8EIG4_LEURO Sylvioidea Aegithalidae Aegithalos Aegithalos caudatus (UP000628412) UniProtKB Star A0A850YRN9_AEGCA Alaudidae Alaudala Alaudala cheleensis (UP000571582) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2BQ47_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7L2BMF9_9PASS Cisticolidae Cisticola Cisticola juncidis (UP000546986) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1R0H3_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7L1Q6P2_9PASS Hirundinidae Hirundo Hirundo rustica (UP000585317) UniProtKB Star A0A7L4EF87_HIRRU Hirundo rustica rustica (UP000269221) UniProtKB Star A0A3M0KW07_HIRRU UniProtKB Star A0A3M0KMA2_HIRRU UniProtKB Star A0A3M0JDQ2_HIRRU Leiothrichidae Leiothrix Leiothrix lutea (UP000524007) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2A2J9_LEILU Locustellidae Helopsaltes Helopsaltes ochotensis (UP000572057) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1RRL6_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7L1RCL7_9PASS Phylloscopidae Rhadina Rhadina sibilatrix (UP000587697) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2MZL2_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7L2NCN7_9PASS Pycnonotidae Brachypodius Brachypodius melanocephalos (black-headed bulbul) (UP000540762) UniProtKB Star A0A7K7MQM7_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7K7M6A7_9PASS Nicator Nicator chloris (UP000653383) UniProtKB Star A0A852HFQ9_9PASS Pycnonotus Pycnonotus jocosus (UP000535705) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2P1F5_PYCJO UniProtKB Star A0A7L2NN70_PYCJO Scotocercidae Horornis Horornis vulcanius (UP000558460) UniProtKB Star A0A7L3MZA2_9PASS Sylviidae Acrocephalinae Acrocephalus Acrocephalus arundinaceus (UP000549775) UniProtKB Star A0A7K7Q2A3_ACRAR UniProtKB Star A0A7K7Q018_ACRAR Cettia Cettia cetti (UP000524451) UniProtKB Star A0A7L3R2R5_9SYLV UniProtKB Star A0A7L3QFG5_9SYLV Hippolais Hippolais icterina (icterine warbler) (UP000527178) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2M5S2_9SYLV UniProtKB Star A0A7L2M6D9_9SYLV Hylia Hylia prasina (green hylia) (UP000557268) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5WWM2_9SYLV UniProtKB Star A0A7K5W9S7_9SYLV Sylvietta Sylvietta virens (UP000567822) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0L6V4_9SYLV UniProtKB Star A0A7L0KRL9_9SYLV Sinosuthora Sinosuthora webbiana (UP000580691) UniProtKB Star A0A7K4UDH4_9SYLV UniProtKB Star A0A7K4ULK8_9SYLV Sylviidae incertae sedis Panurus Panurus biarmicus (UP000545574) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6MNY2_PANBI UniProtKB Star A0A7K6M2N9_PANBI Sylviinae Sylvia Sylvia atricapilla (blackcap) (UP000573818) UniProtKB Star A0A7K7EJK4_9SYLV UniProtKB Star A0A7K7EQ53_9SYLV Sylvia borin (UP000538515) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1FX36_SYLBO UniProtKB Star A0A7L1EYN8_SYLBO Timaliidae Cyanoderma Cyanoderma ruficeps (rufous-capped babbler) (UP000694396) UniProtKB Star A0A8C3QVP6_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A8C3R2X0_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A8C3R300_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A8C3R224_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A8C3R2W3_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A8C3R358_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A8C3NQR4_9PASS Erpornis Erpornis zantholeuca (UP000545329) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2XZ48_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7L2X632_9PASS Illadopsis Illadopsis cleaveri (blackcap illadopsis) (UP000534634) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1BUP0_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7L1BYK3_9PASS Mystacornis Mystacornis crossleyi (UP000537747) Oxylabes Oxylabes madagascariensis (white-throated Oxylabes) (UP000570288) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2RBK1_9PASS Pomatorhinus Pomatorhinus ruficollis (streak-breasted scimitar babbler) (UP000572837) UniProtKB Star A0A7L4JAC3_9PASS Pomatostomus Pomatostomus ruficeps (UP000583496) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2TDW9_POMRU UniProtKB Star A0A7L2T628_POMRU Pteruthius Pteruthius melanotis (UP000603297) UniProtKB Star A0A852MPY8_9PASS Zosteropidae Hypocryptadius Hypocryptadius cinnamomeus (UP000574191) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2QA73_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7L2PTW8_9PASS Sterrhoptilus Sterrhoptilus dennistouni (UP000572325) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9RWW6_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7K9RUE1_9PASS Zosterops Zosterops borbonicus (UP000796761) UniProtKB Star A0A8K1LNT7_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A8K1G2T9_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A8K1GMN8_9PASS Zosterops hypoxanthus (UP000549157) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2KUP5_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7L2KW93_9PASS Zosterops lateralis melanops (UP000694401) UniProtKB Star A0A8D2Q0M4_ZOSLA UniProtKB Star A0A8D2QV25_ZOSLA UniProtKB Star A0A8D2PY78_ZOSLA UniProtKB Star A0A8D2PVL2_ZOSLA UniProtKB Star A0A8D2PMF8_ZOSLA UniProtKB Star A0A8D2PBN4_ZOSLA UniProtKB Star A0A8D2QV19_ZOSLA UniProtKB Star A0A8D2PEW9_ZOSLA UniProtKB Star A0A8D2PDC3_ZOSLA UniProtKB Star A0A8D2PC43_ZOSLA Thamnophilidae Sakesphorus Sakesphorus luctuosus (UP000558958) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8YT50_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7K8Z452_9PASS Thraupidae Camarhynchus Geospiza parvula (UP000694382) UniProtKB Star A0A8C3N5Y4_GEOPR UniProtKB Star A0A8C3N0D8_GEOPR UniProtKB Star A0A8C3Q9T6_GEOPR UniProtKB Star A0A8C3MZQ1_GEOPR UniProtKB Star A0A8C3N7D8_GEOPR UniProtKB Star A0A8C3Q8W6_GEOPR Geospiza Geospiza fortis (UP000504602) UniProtKB Star A0A8N5ERY5_GEOFO UniProtKB Star A0A6I9Z6Q2_GEOFO UniProtKB Star A0A8N5EQ32_GEOFO UniProtKB Star A0A8N5EVQ7_GEOFO UniProtKB Star A0A8N5ENY1_GEOFO UniProtKB Star A0A8N5EIU8_GEOFO Nesospiza Nesospiza acunhae (UP000549091) UniProtKB Star A0A7K7SD12_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7K7RT63_9PASS Rhodinocichla Rhodinocichla rosea (UP000574210) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8RXU8_9PASS UniProtKB Star A0A7K8RAL9_9PASS Turdidae Catharus Catharus fuscescens (UP000519684) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2D0C5_CATFU UniProtKB Star A0A7L2DDR0_CATFU Catharus ustulatus (UP000694563) UniProtKB Star A0A8C3Y8P6_CATUS UniProtKB Star A0A8C3UGS9_CATUS UniProtKB Star A0A8C3Y402_CATUS UniProtKB Star A0A8C3UM19_CATUS UniProtKB Star A0A8C3UL61_CATUS UniProtKB Star A0A8C3UGQ9_CATUS UniProtKB Star A0A8C3UI93_CATUS UniProtKB Star A0A8C3UGB6_CATUS UniProtKB Star A0A8C3V9B9_CATUS Erithacus Erithacus rubecula (UP000529965) UniProtKB Star A0A7K7GDQ2_ERIRU Tyrannidae Mionectes Mionectes macconnelli (UP000525714) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5K9L4_9TYRA UniProtKB Star A0A7K5KL20_9TYRA Neopipo Neopipo cinnamomea (UP000556200) UniProtKB Star A0A7K4QM73_9TYRA UniProtKB Star A0A7K4QH60_9TYRA Onychorhynchus Onychorhynchus coronatus (UP000550309) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5ZQ91_ONYCO UniProtKB Star A0A7K5ZSQ5_ONYCO Pachyramphus Pachyramphus minor (UP000525089) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5DN09_9TYRA Sapayoa Sapayoa aenigma (broad-billed sapayoa) (UP000589485) UniProtKB Star A0A7K7SHI0_9TYRA Tachuris Tachuris rubrigastra (UP000540952) UniProtKB Star A0A7K4WE62_9TYRA Tyrannus Tyrannus savana (UP000537779) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0X9R3_TYRSA Psittaciformes Cacatuidae Eolophus Eolophus roseicapilla (UP000637704) UniProtKB Star A0A851XQI0_EOLRO UniProtKB Star A0A851XWY2_EOLRO Probosciger Probosciger aterrimus (UP000562415) UniProtKB Star A0A7K5F3F4_PROAR UniProtKB Star A0A7K5FQG0_PROAR Psittacidae Amazona Amazona aestiva (UP000051836) UniProtKB Star A0A0Q3XBD5_AMAAE UniProtKB Star A0A0Q3R742_AMAAE UniProtKB Star A0A0Q3MPX5_AMAAE Amazona collaria (yellow-billed parrot) (UP000694522) UniProtKB Star A0A8B9FH85_9PSIT UniProtKB Star A0A8B9G0Y4_9PSIT UniProtKB Star A0A8B9G239_9PSIT UniProtKB Star A0A8B9G1W9_9PSIT UniProtKB Star A0A8B9G0M4_9PSIT UniProtKB Star A0A8B9G2B3_9PSIT UniProtKB Star A0A8B9IZQ0_9PSIT UniProtKB Star A0A8B9G0V9_9PSIT UniProtKB Star A0A8B9G1C3_9PSIT UniProtKB Star A0A8B9G1M2_9PSIT UniProtKB Star A0A8B9GAG6_9PSIT UniProtKB Star A0A8B9G268_9PSIT Amazona guildingii (UP000531168) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0MSW3_9PSIT UniProtKB Star A0A7L0M064_9PSIT Nestor Nestor notabilis (UP000053840) Strigops Strigops habroptila (UP000472266) UniProtKB Star A0A672VD75_STRHB UniProtKB Star A0A672VE90_STRHB UniProtKB Star A0A672VB84_STRHB UniProtKB Star A0A672UXE5_STRHB UniProtKB Star A0A672UV59_STRHB Psittaculidae Melopsittacus Melopsittacus undulatus (UP000694405) UniProtKB Star A0A8V5FM73_MELUD UniProtKB Star A0A8C6JST1_MELUD UniProtKB Star A0A8C6NEH4_MELUD UniProtKB Star A0A8V5FKM5_MELUD UniProtKB Star A0A8C6JUL8_MELUD UniProtKB Star A0A8V5H3M6_MELUD Coraciimorphae Bucerotiformes Bucerotidae Buceros Buceros rhinoceros silvestris (UP000054064) UniProtKB Star A0A091HPG9_BUCRH Bucorvidae Bucorvus Bucorvus abyssinicus (UP000551127) UniProtKB Star A0A7K4Z579_BUCAB UniProtKB Star A0A7K4YP71_BUCAB Rhinopomastidae Rhinopomastus Rhinopomastus cyanomelas (UP000565785) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1N3S6_RHICY UniProtKB Star A0A7L1P091_RHICY Upupidae Upupa Upupa epops (UP000544127) UniProtKB Star A0A7K6AWN5_UPUEP UniProtKB Star A0A7K6B580_UPUEP Coliiformes Coliidae Colius Colius striatus (UP000053615) UniProtKB Star A0A091K734_COLST UniProtKB Star A0A091JXK0_COLST UniProtKB Star A0A091K9I7_COLST Urocolius Urocolius indicus (UP000654395) UniProtKB Star A0A852KUR1_UROIN UniProtKB Star A0A852L387_UROIN Coraciiformes Alcedinidae Ceyx Ceyx cyanopectus (UP000586704) Halcyon Halcyon senegalensis (UP000648918) UniProtKB Star A0A851Z7P2_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A851YY57_9AVES Brachypteraciidae Brachypteracias Brachypteracias leptosomus (short-legged ground-roller) (UP000520535) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2VBV8_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A7L2V7L3_9AVES Cerylidae Chloroceryle Chloroceryle aenea (UP000579406) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9UFC6_9AVES Coraciidae Eurystomus Eurystomus gularis (UP000541249) UniProtKB Star A0A7L4DCP3_9AVES Leptosomidae Leptosomus Leptosomus discolor (UP000053001) UniProtKB Star A0A091PF07_LEPDC UniProtKB Star A0A091PWF0_LEPDC Meropidae Merops Merops nubicus (UP000052967) UniProtKB Star A0A091QQ29_MERNU UniProtKB Star A0A091RT32_MERNU Momotidae Baryphthengus Baryphthengus martii (UP000578343) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9E582_BARMA Todidae Todus Todus mexicanus (UP000660247) UniProtKB Star A0A851D7F5_TODME UniProtKB Star A0A851DI17_TODME Piciformes Bucconidae Bucco Bucco capensis (collared puffbird) (UP000534107) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9I774_9PICI UniProtKB Star A0A7K9HIB9_9PICI Galbulidae Galbula Galbula dea (UP000566440) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9SXA8_9PICI UniProtKB Star A0A7K9SW26_9PICI Indicatoridae Indicator Indicator maculatus (spotted honeyguide) (UP000557230) UniProtKB Star A0A7L1G387_9PICI UniProtKB Star A0A7L1GPP6_9PICI Lybiidae Tricholaema lacrymosa Tricholaema leucomelas (pied barbet) (UP000627253) UniProtKB Star A0A852IFN0_9PICI UniProtKB Star A0A852IRI2_9PICI Megalaimidae Psilopogon Psilopogon haemacephalus (coppersmith barbet) (UP000574528) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9BST5_9PICI Picidae Dryobates Dryobates pubescens (UP000053875) UniProtKB Star A0A093H4H1_DRYPU UniProtKB Star A0A093GJ81_DRYPU UniProtKB Star A0A093GWK4_DRYPU Ramphastidae Eubucco Eubucco bourcierii (red-headed barbet) (UP000583613) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8Y661_9PICI UniProtKB Star A0A7K8XKG8_9PICI Ramphastos Ramphastos sulfuratus (UP000611227) UniProtKB Star A0A852BYZ8_9PICI UniProtKB Star A0A852BYS3_9PICI Semnornis Semnornis frantzii (UP000536381) UniProtKB Star A0A7L2IS73_9PICI UniProtKB Star A0A7L2IB28_9PICI Trogoniformes Trogonidae Apaloderma Apaloderma vittatum (UP000054244) UniProtKB Star A0A091NQW2_APAVI UniProtKB Star A0A091PLV7_APAVI Trogon Trogon melanurus (UP000550660) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0ENN9_TROML Strigiformes Strigidae Athene Athene cunicularia (UP000472269) UniProtKB Star A0A663LUR5_ATHCN UniProtKB Star A0A663LUH6_ATHCN UniProtKB Star A0A663M0V2_ATHCN UniProtKB Star A0A663M0T8_ATHCN UniProtKB Star A0A663M0Y9_ATHCN UniProtKB Star A0A663M0B0_ATHCN UniProtKB Star A0A663M0U0_ATHCN UniProtKB Star A0A663M0Z5_ATHCN UniProtKB Star A0A663M1U6_ATHCN UniProtKB Star A0A663M0M8_ATHCN UniProtKB Star A0A663LV53_ATHCN UniProtKB Star A0A663LV77_ATHCN UniProtKB Star A0A663LUQ9_ATHCN UniProtKB Star A0A663M0X7_ATHCN UniProtKB Star A0A663LUF3_ATHCN UniProtKB Star A0A663LUL9_ATHCN UniProtKB Star A0A663LV94_ATHCN Bubo Bubo bubo (UP000694567) UniProtKB Star A0A8C0FMR9_BUBBB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0ET15_BUBBB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0ERS0_BUBBB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0EPL0_BUBBB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0ENV5_BUBBB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0EPN0_BUBBB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0ER82_BUBBB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0FSW0_BUBBB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0ETP0_BUBBB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0G1N5_BUBBB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0FRT7_BUBBB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0G1S4_BUBBB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0FUF1_BUBBB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0IID1_BUBBB Ciccaba Ciccaba nigrolineata (UP000542434) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8VC81_9STRI UniProtKB Star A0A7K8VJ06_9STRI Glaucidium Glaucidium brasilianum (UP000591073) UniProtKB Star A0A7L0RG77_GLABR UniProtKB Star A0A7L0RX37_GLABR Otus Otus sunia (UP000694552) UniProtKB Star A0A8C8ABB0_9STRI UniProtKB Star A0A8C8BA69_9STRI UniProtKB Star A0A8C8BH57_9STRI UniProtKB Star A0A8C8BDD5_9STRI UniProtKB Star A0A8C8BG67_9STRI UniProtKB Star A0A8C8B9M4_9STRI UniProtKB Star A0A8C8BA71_9STRI UniProtKB Star A0A8C8ECU1_9STRI UniProtKB Star A0A8C8ECZ5_9STRI UniProtKB Star A0A8C8ANL9_9STRI UniProtKB Star A0A8C8AKP6_9STRI UniProtKB Star A0A8C8AK74_9STRI UniProtKB Star A0A8C8AIR7_9STRI UniProtKB Star A0A8C8BA48_9STRI Strix Strix occidentalis caurina (northern spotted owl) (UP000694551) UniProtKB Star A0A8D0KYW4_STROC UniProtKB Star A0A8D0EZ77_STROC UniProtKB Star A0A8D0KWS2_STROC Tytonidae Tyto Tyto alba (UP000054190) UniProtKB Star A0A093FNA6_TYTAL Palaeognathae Apterygiformes Apterygidae Apteryx Apteryx mantelli Apteryx mantelli mantelli (UP000694841) UniProtKB Star A0A8B7IMV1_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B7IN02_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B7J251_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A8B7J2E1_9AVES Apteryx owenii (UP000694424) UniProtKB Star A0A8B9P8J3_APTOW UniProtKB Star A0A8B9Q203_APTOW UniProtKB Star A0A8B9PQL2_APTOW UniProtKB Star A0A8B9PTB3_APTOW UniProtKB Star A0A8B9PQ64_APTOW UniProtKB Star A0A8B9PQF6_APTOW UniProtKB Star A0A8B9PSG9_APTOW UniProtKB Star A0A8B9PS42_APTOW UniProtKB Star A0A8B9QAB5_APTOW UniProtKB Star A0A8B9PSY0_APTOW Casuariiformes Casuariidae Casuarius Casuarius casuarius (UP000524187) UniProtKB Star A0A7K8NMB7_CASCA UniProtKB Star A0A7K8NNW8_CASCA Dromaiidae Dromaius Dromaius novaehollandiae (UP000543287) UniProtKB Star A0A7K9B2R4_DRONO UniProtKB Star A0A7K9B9S0_DRONO Struthioniformes Struthionidae Struthio Struthio camelus australis (UP000053584) UniProtKB Star A0A093GT13_STRCA UniProtKB Star A0A093HFV2_STRCA UniProtKB Star A0A093HGL3_STRCA Tinamiformes Tinamidae Crypturellus Crypturellus soui (UP000545332) UniProtKB Star A0A7K4KHD8_9AVES Crypturellus undulatus (UP000534426) UniProtKB Star A0A7K4LLG1_9AVES Eudromia Eudromia elegans (UP000533954) UniProtKB Star A0A7K7VAC2_EUDEL Nothocercus Nothocercus julius (UP000531559) UniProtKB Star A0A7K7WGU5_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A7K7VUN4_9AVES Nothoprocta Nothoprocta ornata (UP000531938) UniProtKB Star A0A7K7B3R3_9AVES UniProtKB Star A0A7K7AWB6_9AVES Nothoprocta perdicaria (UP000694420) UniProtKB Star A0A8C6ZKU7_NOTPE UniProtKB Star A0A8C6ZNH5_NOTPE UniProtKB Star A0A8C7EAC3_NOTPE Tinamus Tinamus guttatus (UP000053641) UniProtKB Star A0A099Z783_TINGU UniProtKB Star A0A099ZFV3_TINGU UniProtKB Star A0A099Z8Z0_TINGU Testudinata Testudines Cryptodira Durocryptodira Americhelydia Chelonioidea Cheloniidae Chelonia Chelonia mydas (UP000031443) UniProtKB Star M7C8M9_CHEMY UniProtKB Star M7BSQ5_CHEMY Chelydroidea Chelydridae Chelydra Chelydra serpentina (UP000694403) UniProtKB Star A0A8C3T3A3_CHESE UniProtKB Star A0A8C3T7J9_CHESE UniProtKB Star A0A8C3T7Z3_CHESE Testudinoidea Emydidae Chrysemys Chrysemys picta bellii (UP000694380) UniProtKB Star A0A8C3F499_CHRPI UniProtKB Star A0A8C3HE18_CHRPI UniProtKB Star A0A8C3FMI5_CHRPI UniProtKB Star A0A8C3FN90_CHRPI UniProtKB Star A0A8C3HGL0_CHRPI UniProtKB Star A0A8C3HG23_CHRPI UniProtKB Star A0A8C3HFG9_CHRPI UniProtKB Star A0A8C3HDT8_CHRPI UniProtKB Star A0A8C3HA21_CHRPI UniProtKB Star A0A8C3HF71_CHRPI Terrapene Terrapene triunguis (UP000472274) UniProtKB Star A0A674JXD0_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A674JVF7_9SAUR Geoemydidae Geoemydinae Mauremys Mauremys mutica (yellowpond turtle) (UP000827986) UniProtKB Star A0A9D4B0V0_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A9D3WUJ2_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A9D3X6I4_9SAUR Platysternidae Platysternon Platysternon megacephalum (big-headed turtle) (UP000297703) UniProtKB Star A0A4D9EWY1_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A4D9EGF2_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A4D9F092_9SAUR Testudinidae Chelonoidis Chelonoidis abingdonii (UP000694404) UniProtKB Star A0A8C0HEK4_CHEAB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0HCQ4_CHEAB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0INP7_CHEAB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0GFB1_CHEAB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0GF41_CHEAB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0GI86_CHEAB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0GH97_CHEAB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0GHP1_CHEAB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0GQT1_CHEAB UniProtKB Star A0A8C0GHW9_CHEAB Gopherus Gopherus agassizii (UP000291020) UniProtKB Star A0A452HBW3_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A452IAP7_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A452IA87_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A452IAN6_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A452IA89_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A452IAR2_9SAUR Gopherus evgoodei (UP000694390) UniProtKB Star A0A8C4Y726_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A8C4VM24_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A8C4VKU9_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A8C4W954_9SAUR Trionychia Trionychidae Pelodiscus Pelodiscus sinensis (UP000007267) UniProtKB Star K7FGH0_PELSI UniProtKB Star K7FW45_PELSI UniProtKB Star K7FW57_PELSI Pleurodira Pelomedusidae Pelusios Pelusios castaneus (UP000694393) UniProtKB Star A0A8C8RVK0_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A8C8SGV3_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A8C8SEJ7_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A8C8VMF4_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A8C8SYK7_9SAUR Coelacanthiformes Coelacanthidae Latimeria Latimeria chalumnae (UP000008672) UniProtKB Star H2ZUH4_LATCH UniProtKB Star M3XH78_LATCH UniProtKB Star H3AUQ0_LATCH UniProtKB Star H3AUQ1_LATCH UniProtKB Star H3A9R5_LATCH Lepidosauria Sphenodontia Sphenodontidae Sphenodon Sphenodon punctatus (UP000694392) UniProtKB Star A0A8D0H062_SPHPU UniProtKB Star A0A8D0GQY5_SPHPU UniProtKB Star A0A8D0GWU1_SPHPU Squamata Bifurcata Gekkota Eublepharidae Eublepharinae Eublepharis Eublepharis macularius (UP001190640) UniProtKB Star A0AA97LBE3_EUBMA UniProtKB Star A0AA97LBP0_EUBMA UniProtKB Star A0AA97JDR6_EUBMA UniProtKB Star A0AA97KZJ5_EUBMA UniProtKB Star A0AA97JDP1_EUBMA UniProtKB Star A0AA97JFU6_EUBMA UniProtKB Star A0AA97J9A1_EUBMA Unidentata Episquamata Laterata Lacertibaenia Lacertidae Podarcis Podarcis lilfordi (UP001178461) UniProtKB Star A0AA35PPS1_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0AA35PNW9_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0AA35P0D8_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0AA35K502_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0AA35NX88_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0AA35NZT9_9SAUR Podarcis muralis (UP000472272) UniProtKB Star A0A670KGU0_PODMU UniProtKB Star A0A670KKF1_PODMU UniProtKB Star A0A670KGU5_PODMU UniProtKB Star A0A670I170_PODMU UniProtKB Star A0A670JBK4_PODMU UniProtKB Star A0A670JDF7_PODMU UniProtKB Star A0A670JBH5_PODMU UniProtKB Star A0A670JBN0_PODMU UniProtKB Star A0A670JEX2_PODMU UniProtKB Star A0A670JDI2_PODMU UniProtKB Star A0A670JET1_PODMU UniProtKB Star A0A670JAP4_PODMU UniProtKB Star A0A670JBE3_PODMU UniProtKB Star A0A670JEF3_PODMU UniProtKB Star A0A670I2V8_PODMU UniProtKB Star A0A670I263_PODMU UniProtKB Star A0A670I0J8_PODMU UniProtKB Star A0A670I222_PODMU UniProtKB Star A0A670I0H7_PODMU UniProtKB Star A0A670I0N2_PODMU Teiioidea Teiidae Salvator Salvator merianae (UP000694421) UniProtKB Star A0A8D0DTU8_SALMN UniProtKB Star A0A8D0DZZ2_SALMN UniProtKB Star A0A8D0DZI2_SALMN UniProtKB Star A0A8D0DZL8_SALMN UniProtKB Star A0A8D0DUZ3_SALMN Toxicofera Anguimorpha Paleoanguimorpha Varanoidea Varanidae Varanus Varanus komodoensis (UP000694545) UniProtKB Star A0A8D2L2E5_VARKO UniProtKB Star A0A8D2L2U5_VARKO UniProtKB Star A0A8D2LI41_VARKO UniProtKB Star A0A8D2LK48_VARKO UniProtKB Star A0A8D2LLI1_VARKO UniProtKB Star A0A8D2LL25_VARKO UniProtKB Star A0A8D2LKD6_VARKO UniProtKB Star A0A8D2LLP7_VARKO UniProtKB Star A0A8D2LKH3_VARKO UniProtKB Star A0A8D2LJN7_VARKO UniProtKB Star A0A8D2Q6K6_VARKO UniProtKB Star A0A8D2LLE5_VARKO UniProtKB Star A0A8D2LIV5_VARKO Iguania Acrodonta Agamidae Agaminae Phrynocephalus Phrynocephalus forsythii (UP001142489) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q1ARA2_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A9Q1B6J3_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0XJW9_9SAUR Amphibolurinae Pogona Pogona vitticeps (central bearded dragon) (UP000504619) UniProtKB Star A0A6J0UID7_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A6J0V0P7_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A6J0UTT6_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A6J0UTS9_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A6J0UTS7_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A6J0UXT1_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A6J0TYI4_9SAUR Dactyloidae Anolis Anolis carolinensis (UP000001646) UniProtKB Star A0A803T7W8_ANOCA UniProtKB Star G1K9F2_ANOCA UniProtKB Star A0A803T2L4_ANOCA UniProtKB Star A0A803TLQ5_ANOCA UniProtKB Star A0A803U1F4_ANOCA UniProtKB Star A0A803T638_ANOCA UniProtKB Star G1KN02_ANOCA UniProtKB Star A0A803SQM8_ANOCA Serpentes Colubroidea Colubridae Colubrinae Pantherophis Pantherophis guttatus (UP000515157) UniProtKB Star A0A6P9BXL5_PANGU UniProtKB Star A0A6P9CW77_PANGU UniProtKB Star A0A6P9CVU5_PANGU UniProtKB Star A0A6P9CTC3_PANGU UniProtKB Star A0A6P9CWH1_PANGU Natricinae Thamnophis Thamnophis sirtalis (UP000504617) UniProtKB Star A0A6I9YUV1_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A6I9YTP5_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A6I9Y5D9_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A6I9XUF7_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A6I9Y0C4_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A6I9XZD1_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A6I9XSS6_9SAUR Elapidae Acanthophiinae Notechis Notechis scutatus (mainland tiger snake) (UP000504612) UniProtKB Star A0A6J1W2B1_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A6J1V6H8_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A6J1V4W8_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A6J1VEU3_9SAUR UniProtKB Star A0A6J1VCQ6_9SAUR Pseudonaja Pseudonaja textilis (UP000472273) UniProtKB Star A0A670XWX5_PSETE UniProtKB Star A0A670XUF0_PSETE UniProtKB Star A0A670Z494_PSETE UniProtKB Star A0A670Z108_PSETE Elapinae Naja Naja naja (UP000694559) UniProtKB Star A0A8C7E280_NAJNA UniProtKB Star A0A8C6XTZ2_NAJNA UniProtKB Star A0A8C6VDU6_NAJNA UniProtKB Star A0A8C6XWL9_NAJNA UniProtKB Star A0A8C6Y022_NAJNA UniProtKB Star A0A8C6XY65_NAJNA UniProtKB Star A0A8C7E373_NAJNA UniProtKB Star A0A8C6XZ06_NAJNA UniProtKB Star A0A8C6XVH1_NAJNA UniProtKB Star A0A8C6XV66_NAJNA UniProtKB Star A0A8C6XSV9_NAJNA Ophiophagus Ophiophagus hannah (UP000018936) UniProtKB Star V8P2Z0_OPHHA UniProtKB Star V8NYB3_OPHHA Laticaudinae Laticauda Laticauda laticaudata (UP000694406) UniProtKB Star A0A8C5WT29_LATLA UniProtKB Star A0A8C5S235_LATLA UniProtKB Star A0A8C5S244_LATLA UniProtKB Star A0A8C5S289_LATLA Henophidia Pythonidae Python Python bivittatus (UP000695026) UniProtKB Star A0A9F5N0L1_PYTBI UniProtKB Star A0A9F5IZ24_PYTBI UniProtKB Star A0A9F2WF58_PYTBI Mammalia Eutheria Afrotheria Chrysochloridae Chrysochlorinae Chrysochloris Chrysochloris asiatica (UP000504623) UniProtKB Star A0A9B0TKZ7_CHRAS UniProtKB Star A0A9B0WWM8_CHRAS UniProtKB Star A0A9B0U785_CHRAS UniProtKB Star A0A9B0WYT0_CHRAS Proboscidea Elephantidae Loxodonta Loxodonta africana (UP000007646) UniProtKB Star G3SMT9_LOXAF UniProtKB Star G3SVB3_LOXAF UniProtKB Star G3U148_LOXAF UniProtKB Star G3TA73_LOXAF Sirenia Trichechidae Trichechus Trichechus manatus latirostris (UP000248480) UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9DEY4_TRIMA UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9QZG6_TRIMA UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9D667_TRIMA UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9QKY2_TRIMA Tubulidentata Orycteropodidae Orycteropus Orycteropus afer afer (UP000694850) UniProtKB Star A0A8B6ZHF1_ORYAF UniProtKB Star A0A8B7B0U6_ORYAF UniProtKB Star A0A8B7B008_ORYAF Euarchontoglires Glires Lagomorpha Leporidae Oryctolagus Oryctolagus cuniculus (UP000001811) UniProtKB Star G1SV59_RABIT UniProtKB Star A0A5F9DFC8_RABIT UniProtKB Star G1SN68_RABIT Rodentia Castorimorpha Castoridae Castor Castor canadensis (UP000694852) UniProtKB Star A0A8C0X922_CASCN UniProtKB Star A0A8B7W8A1_CASCN UniProtKB Star A0A8B7WD96_CASCN UniProtKB Star A0A8B7U1Q8_CASCN UniProtKB Star A0A8B7VAE9_CASCN Heteromyidae Dipodomyinae Dipodomys Dipodomys ordii (UP000081671) UniProtKB Star A0A1S3ER09_DIPOR UniProtKB Star A0A1S3ESE1_DIPOR Hystricomorpha Bathyergidae Fukomys Fukomys damarensis (UP000028990) UniProtKB Star A0A091DSP8_FUKDA UniProtKB Star A0A091DRG2_FUKDA UniProtKB Star A0A091CND4_FUKDA Heterocephalus Heterocephalus glaber (UP000006813) UniProtKB Star G5BV73_HETGA UniProtKB Star G5AQT1_HETGA UniProtKB Star G5BZV3_HETGA Caviidae Cavia Cavia porcellus (UP000005447) UniProtKB Star H0V8S5_CAVPO UniProtKB Star A0A286XVI6_CAVPO UniProtKB Star H0V178_CAVPO UniProtKB Star H0VFT4_CAVPO UniProtKB Star A0A286XU66_CAVPO Chinchillidae Chinchilla Chinchilla lanigera (UP000694398) UniProtKB Star A0A8C2VPQ1_CHILA UniProtKB Star A0A8C2UT40_CHILA UniProtKB Star A0A8C2UT66_CHILA UniProtKB Star A0A8C2VIL1_CHILA UniProtKB Star A0A8C2VL73_CHILA Octodontidae Octodon Octodon degus (UP000515203) UniProtKB Star A0A6P3ET30_OCTDE UniProtKB Star A0A6P6EDD2_OCTDE UniProtKB Star A0A6P6EE64_OCTDE UniProtKB Star A0A6P3EL80_OCTDE UniProtKB Star A0A6P3EX40_OCTDE Myomorpha Dipodoidea Dipodidae Dipodinae Jaculus Jaculus jaculus (UP000694385) UniProtKB Star A0A8C5K2A9_JACJA UniProtKB Star A0A8C5L903_JACJA Muroidea Cricetidae Arvicolinae Microtus Microtus ochrogaster (UP000710432) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6KLK3_MICOH UniProtKB Star A0A8J6KUV4_MICOH UniProtKB Star A0A8J6GGM8_MICOH Cricetinae Cricetulus Cricetulus griseus (UP000001075) UniProtKB Star G3IIV1_CRIGR UniProtKB Star G3IB71_CRIGR UniProtKB Star G3GRE1_CRIGR Mesocricetus Mesocricetus auratus (UP000189706) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q0CW60_MESAU UniProtKB Star A0A1U7QZH9_MESAU UniProtKB Star A0A1U7QLX9_MESAU Neotominae Neotoma Neotoma lepida (UP000092124) UniProtKB Star A0A1A6GZB0_NEOLE Peromyscus Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii (UP000504601) UniProtKB Star A0A6I9LPN4_PERMB UniProtKB Star A0A6J0DF24_PERMB UniProtKB Star A0A6J0EFN5_PERMB UniProtKB Star A0A6I9LJV6_PERMB Muridae Murinae Mus Mus Mus musculus (UP000000589) UniProtKB Star SYEM_MOUSE UniProtKB Star SYEP_MOUSE UniProtKB Star SYQ_MOUSE UniProtKB Star D3Z158_MOUSE Mus spicilegus (UP000694415) UniProtKB Star A0A8C6ICH7_MUSSI UniProtKB Star A0A8C6G5L9_MUSSI UniProtKB Star A0A8C6G5G2_MUSSI UniProtKB Star A0A8C6I0W6_MUSSI UniProtKB Star A0A8C6I0Y9_MUSSI Rattus Rattus norvegicus (UP000002494) UniProtKB Star M0RAI4_RAT UniProtKB Star SYQ_RAT UniProtKB Star A0A8I6G8C4_RAT UniProtKB Star A0A0G2JZI2_RAT UniProtKB Star A0A8I6GJ92_RAT UniProtKB Star Q6TXE9_RAT UniProtKB Star A0A8I5ZY25_RAT UniProtKB Star A0A8L2R4U7_RAT UniProtKB Star A0A8I6GL54_RAT UniProtKB Star A0A8I6A418_RAT UniProtKB Star A0A8I6A3K2_RAT UniProtKB Star A0A8I5ZUS3_RAT Spalacidae Spalacinae Nannospalax Nannospalax galili (UP000694381) UniProtKB Star A0A8C6QIJ6_NANGA UniProtKB Star A0A8C6QNB8_NANGA UniProtKB Star A0A8C6W409_NANGA UniProtKB Star A0A8C6WAY3_NANGA UniProtKB Star A0A8C6RNF5_NANGA Sciuromorpha Sciuridae Sciurinae Sciurini Sciurus Sciurus carolinensis (UP001166674) UniProtKB Star A0AA41MR38_SCICA UniProtKB Star A0AA41SN39_SCICA UniProtKB Star A0AA41MSE7_SCICA Sciurus vulgaris (UP000694564) UniProtKB Star A0A8D2E2G1_SCIVU UniProtKB Star A0A8D2JTA6_SCIVU UniProtKB Star A0A8D2DIV5_SCIVU UniProtKB Star A0A8D2DD87_SCIVU Xerinae Marmotini Ictidomys Ictidomys tridecemlineatus (UP000005215) UniProtKB Star I3N9S8_ICTTR UniProtKB Star I3NG24_ICTTR UniProtKB Star I3MI61_ICTTR UniProtKB Star A0A287D9J2_ICTTR UniProtKB Star I3LZB1_ICTTR UniProtKB Star A0A287D7N0_ICTTR Marmota Marmota marmota marmota (UP000694407) UniProtKB Star A0A8C6A9Q0_MARMA UniProtKB Star A0A8C5YMH7_MARMA UniProtKB Star A0A8C6ACT8_MARMA UniProtKB Star A0A8C5YWM9_MARMA UniProtKB Star A0A8C6EPM4_MARMA Marmota monax (UP000335636) UniProtKB Star A0A5E4B257_MARMO UniProtKB Star A0A5E4B338_MARMO UniProtKB Star A0A5E4B4Z8_MARMO UniProtKB Star A0A5E4B7F1_MARMO Spermophilus Spermophilus dauricus (UP000694422) UniProtKB Star A0A8C9PCN9_SPEDA UniProtKB Star A0A8C9P916_SPEDA UniProtKB Star A0A8C9Q359_SPEDA UniProtKB Star A0A8C9Q0Q6_SPEDA Urocitellus Urocitellus parryii (UP000694417) UniProtKB Star A0A8D2HI63_UROPR UniProtKB Star A0A8D2HGH4_UROPR UniProtKB Star A0A8D2IBI6_UROPR UniProtKB Star A0A8D2IC53_UROPR UniProtKB Star A0A8D2KPE9_UROPR Primates Haplorrhini Catarrhini Cercopithecidae Cercopithecinae Cercocebus Cercocebus atys (UP000233060) UniProtKB Star A0A2K5KLV1_CERAT UniProtKB Star A0A2K5KLV2_CERAT UniProtKB Star A0A2K5P6D7_CERAT UniProtKB Star A0A2K5MS89_CERAT UniProtKB Star A0A2K5MRX9_CERAT Chlorocebus Chlorocebus sabaeus (UP000029965) UniProtKB Star A0A0D9R3A1_CHLSB UniProtKB Star A0A0D9RTB5_CHLSB UniProtKB Star A0A0D9RRQ6_CHLSB Macaca Macaca fascicularis (UP000233100) UniProtKB Star SYEM_MACFA UniProtKB Star A0A2K5U2T6_MACFA UniProtKB Star A0A2K5U2W2_MACFA UniProtKB Star A0A7N9CIY8_MACFA UniProtKB Star A0A2K5VY76_MACFA UniProtKB Star A0A2K5V8Z3_MACFA UniProtKB Star A0A7N9CFV2_MACFA UniProtKB Star A0A7N9IH91_MACFA UniProtKB Star A0A2K5VXT8_MACFA UniProtKB Star A0A7N9CKL2_MACFA UniProtKB Star A0A2K5VY96_MACFA UniProtKB Star G7NXU7_MACFA Macaca mulatta (UP000006718) UniProtKB Star A0A5F8AHU2_MACMU UniProtKB Star F6R4X7_MACMU UniProtKB Star A0A5F7ZYJ1_MACMU UniProtKB Star F7E161_MACMU UniProtKB Star A0A5F8AMY5_MACMU UniProtKB Star A0A5F8A160_MACMU UniProtKB Star A0A1D5QB56_MACMU UniProtKB Star F7GGB3_MACMU UniProtKB Star A0A1D5QZV5_MACMU UniProtKB Star F7GZY5_MACMU Macaca nemestrina (UP000233120) UniProtKB Star A0A2K6B8X9_MACNE UniProtKB Star A0A2K6B8Z1_MACNE UniProtKB Star A0A2K6B358_MACNE UniProtKB Star A0A2K6B342_MACNE UniProtKB Star A0A2K6B2Y1_MACNE UniProtKB Star A0A2K6B2X1_MACNE UniProtKB Star A0A2K6CH85_MACNE UniProtKB Star A0A2K6CH70_MACNE Mandrillus Mandrillus leucophaeus (UP000233140) UniProtKB Star A0A2K5YIM2_MANLE UniProtKB Star A0A2K5YIK2_MANLE UniProtKB Star A0A2K5YN48_MANLE UniProtKB Star A0A2K5YN15_MANLE UniProtKB Star A0A2K6A9A7_MANLE UniProtKB Star A0A2K6A9A3_MANLE Papio Papio anubis (UP000028761) UniProtKB Star A0A096NHE8_PAPAN UniProtKB Star A0A2I3NEN3_PAPAN UniProtKB Star A0A8I5NFM9_PAPAN UniProtKB Star A0A8I5R9P3_PAPAN UniProtKB Star A0A2I3M7I1_PAPAN UniProtKB Star A0A8I5NSR9_PAPAN UniProtKB Star A0A096MPN8_PAPAN UniProtKB Star A0A8I5NUE9_PAPAN UniProtKB Star A0A096N2E6_PAPAN UniProtKB Star A0A8I5MWS2_PAPAN Theropithecus Theropithecus gelada (UP000694411) UniProtKB Star A0A8D2FRA1_THEGE UniProtKB Star A0A8D2FQT0_THEGE UniProtKB Star A0A8D2EK55_THEGE UniProtKB Star A0A8D2JXY2_THEGE Colobinae Colobus Colobus angolensis palliatus (UP000233080) UniProtKB Star A0A2K5HU87_COLAP UniProtKB Star A0A2K5HUC8_COLAP UniProtKB Star A0A2K5HSA7_COLAP UniProtKB Star A0A2K5HS52_COLAP UniProtKB Star A0A2K5IXM0_COLAP UniProtKB Star A0A2K5IXP9_COLAP Piliocolobus Piliocolobus tephrosceles (UP000694416) UniProtKB Star A0A8C9H6H5_9PRIM UniProtKB Star A0A8C9H5K2_9PRIM UniProtKB Star A0A8C9LMT9_9PRIM UniProtKB Star A0A8C9GR14_9PRIM UniProtKB Star A0A8C9GEI8_9PRIM UniProtKB Star A0A8C9LNY1_9PRIM UniProtKB Star A0A8C9GTC2_9PRIM Rhinopithecus Rhinopithecus bieti (UP000233180) UniProtKB Star A0A2K6K284_RHIBE UniProtKB Star A0A2K6K2A9_RHIBE UniProtKB Star A0A2K6K296_RHIBE UniProtKB Star A0A2K6LDR9_RHIBE UniProtKB Star A0A2K6LDS0_RHIBE UniProtKB Star A0A2K6LDT8_RHIBE UniProtKB Star A0A2K6LDU3_RHIBE UniProtKB Star A0A2K6KNV0_RHIBE UniProtKB Star A0A2K6KNV4_RHIBE Rhinopithecus roxellana (UP000233200) UniProtKB Star A0A2K6PU32_RHIRO UniProtKB Star A0A2K6PU18_RHIRO UniProtKB Star A0A2K6PU17_RHIRO UniProtKB Star A0A2K6QV00_RHIRO UniProtKB Star A0A2K6QUZ9_RHIRO UniProtKB Star A0A2K6Q0A5_RHIRO UniProtKB Star A0A2K6Q0B5_RHIRO Hominidae Gorilla Gorilla gorilla gorilla (UP000001519) UniProtKB Star A0A2I2ZVK8_GORGO UniProtKB Star G3SH30_GORGO UniProtKB Star G3S6M5_GORGO UniProtKB Star G3R9N6_GORGO UniProtKB Star A0A2I2ZGT5_GORGO UniProtKB Star G3RFZ6_GORGO UniProtKB Star A0A2I2YFY2_GORGO Homo Homo sapiens (UP000005640) UniProtKB Star SYEM_HUMAN UniProtKB Star H3BTB7_HUMAN UniProtKB Star SYEP_HUMAN UniProtKB Star SYQ_HUMAN UniProtKB Star V9GYZ6_HUMAN UniProtKB Star A0A1B0GVU9_HUMAN UniProtKB Star B4DDN1_HUMAN Pan Pan paniscus (UP000240080) UniProtKB Star A0A2R8ZZ88_PANPA UniProtKB Star A0A2R8ZY49_PANPA UniProtKB Star A0A2R9A3N6_PANPA UniProtKB Star A0A2R9BDI4_PANPA UniProtKB Star A0A2R9BLX6_PANPA UniProtKB Star A0A2R9BM26_PANPA UniProtKB Star A0A2R9BH93_PANPA UniProtKB Star A0A2R9CHB0_PANPA UniProtKB Star A0A2R9CET8_PANPA UniProtKB Star A0A2R9CET0_PANPA Pan troglodytes (UP000002277) UniProtKB Star H2QAR9_PANTR UniProtKB Star A0A2I3SUR9_PANTR UniProtKB Star A0A2I3SUJ1_PANTR UniProtKB Star H2Q156_PANTR UniProtKB Star A0A2I3TUI6_PANTR UniProtKB Star A0A2I3TC64_PANTR UniProtKB Star K7DIB3_PANTR UniProtKB Star H2QMK8_PANTR UniProtKB Star A0A2I3RGL3_PANTR Pongo Pongo abelii (UP000001595) UniProtKB Star A0A6D2XDB6_PONAB UniProtKB Star A0A8I5YUG7_PONAB UniProtKB Star A0A2J8TJ49_PONAB UniProtKB Star H2N3P2_PONAB UniProtKB Star H2PAS4_PONAB UniProtKB Star A0A8I5TVI5_PONAB Hylobatidae Nomascus Nomascus leucogenys (UP000001073) UniProtKB Star G1RN22_NOMLE UniProtKB Star G1RV62_NOMLE UniProtKB Star A0A2I3G6X8_NOMLE UniProtKB Star A0A2I3HT79_NOMLE Platyrrhini Aotidae Aotus Aotus nancymaae (UP000233020) UniProtKB Star A0A2K5BW97_AOTNA UniProtKB Star A0A2K5BW77_AOTNA UniProtKB Star A0A2K5BW98_AOTNA UniProtKB Star A0A2K5CJ23_AOTNA UniProtKB Star A0A2K5CJB8_AOTNA UniProtKB Star A0A2K5E535_AOTNA UniProtKB Star A0A2K5E4Z9_AOTNA Cebidae Callitrichinae Callithrix Callithrix Callithrix jacchus (UP000008225) UniProtKB Star U3CAI2_CALJA UniProtKB Star A0A2R8MFL5_CALJA UniProtKB Star F7IE27_CALJA UniProtKB Star U3DDW8_CALJA UniProtKB Star F6PHB1_CALJA UniProtKB Star A0A8J8YPR6_CALJA UniProtKB Star A0A5F4VS00_CALJA UniProtKB Star A0A8I3WS85_CALJA UniProtKB Star U3EE66_CALJA Cebinae Cebus Cebus imitator (UP000233040) UniProtKB Star A0A2K5QVG7_CEBIM UniProtKB Star A0A2K5QVD6_CEBIM UniProtKB Star A0A2K5QYH4_CEBIM UniProtKB Star A0A2K5QYF7_CEBIM Sapajus Sapajus apella (UP000504640) UniProtKB Star A0A6J3EZ66_SAPAP UniProtKB Star A0A6J3IRK4_SAPAP UniProtKB Star A0A6J3IRJ7_SAPAP UniProtKB Star A0A6J3IST6_SAPAP UniProtKB Star A0A6J3IU80_SAPAP Saimiriinae Saimiri Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis (UP000233220) UniProtKB Star A0A2K6UB37_SAIBB UniProtKB Star A0A2K6UAZ9_SAIBB UniProtKB Star A0A2K6UB08_SAIBB UniProtKB Star A0A2K6U622_SAIBB UniProtKB Star A0A2K6U660_SAIBB UniProtKB Star A0A2K6U669_SAIBB UniProtKB Star A0A2K6TFD9_SAIBB UniProtKB Star A0A2K6TFI4_SAIBB Tarsiiformes Tarsiidae Carlito Carlito syrichta (UP000189704) UniProtKB Star A0A1U7TJ26_CARSF UniProtKB Star A0A3Q0DY96_CARSF UniProtKB Star A0A1U7T086_CARSF UniProtKB Star A0A3Q0DQY4_CARSF UniProtKB Star A0A3Q0DVU6_CARSF UniProtKB Star A0A3Q0EGV2_CARSF UniProtKB Star A0A3Q0EEG2_CARSF UniProtKB Star A0A3Q0EB01_CARSF UniProtKB Star A0A1U7UKG4_CARSF Strepsirrhini Lemuriformes Cheirogaleidae Microcebus Microcebus murinus (UP000694394) UniProtKB Star A0A8C5YA55_MICMU UniProtKB Star A0A8C5Y6T0_MICMU UniProtKB Star A0A8C5UUK9_MICMU UniProtKB Star A0A8B7I9C4_MICMU UniProtKB Star A0A8C5UVH6_MICMU Indriidae Propithecus Propithecus coquereli (UP000233160) UniProtKB Star A0A2K6G679_PROCO UniProtKB Star A0A2K6EHU4_PROCO UniProtKB Star A0A2K6G4P6_PROCO Lemuridae Prolemur Prolemur simus (UP000694414) UniProtKB Star A0A8C9A5T4_PROSS UniProtKB Star A0A8C9AC15_PROSS UniProtKB Star A0A8C8ZCC1_PROSS UniProtKB Star A0A8C9B827_PROSS UniProtKB Star A0A8C9AZ73_PROSS UniProtKB Star A0A8C9B0I9_PROSS UniProtKB Star A0A8C9AUS9_PROSS Lorisiformes Galagidae Otolemur Otolemur garnettii (UP000005225) UniProtKB Star H0WHT9_OTOGA UniProtKB Star H0WRR5_OTOGA Scandentia Tupaiidae Tupaia Tupaia chinensis (UP000011518) UniProtKB Star L9KTM5_TUPCH UniProtKB Star L9LCA9_TUPCH UniProtKB Star L8Y010_TUPCH Laurasiatheria Artiodactyla Ruminantia Pecora Bovidae Bovinae Bison Bison bison bison (UP000515208) UniProtKB Star A0A6P3H0K6_BISBB UniProtKB Star A0A6P3H8A3_BISBB UniProtKB Star A0A6P3IKN8_BISBB UniProtKB Star A0A6P3IE55_BISBB Bos Bos indicus (UP000515132) UniProtKB Star A0A6P5DNK7_BOSIN Bos indicus x Bos taurus (UP000314981) UniProtKB Star A0A4W2BRX1_BOBOX UniProtKB Star A0A4W2CUI0_BOBOX UniProtKB Star A0A4W2CYS4_BOBOX UniProtKB Star A0A4W2BV02_BOBOX Bos mutus (wild yak) (UP000011080) UniProtKB Star L8HYT3_9CETA UniProtKB Star L8HRA3_9CETA Bos mutus grunniens (UP000694520) UniProtKB Star A0A8C0AJE4_BOSMU UniProtKB Star A0A8B9WNH1_BOSMU UniProtKB Star A0A8B9XXX5_BOSMU Bos taurus (UP000009136) UniProtKB Star G3N260_BOVIN UniProtKB Star SYQ_BOVIN UniProtKB Star G3X6L9_BOVIN UniProtKB Star A0A3Q1MKR2_BOVIN UniProtKB Star A0AAA9TMZ2_BOVIN UniProtKB Star A0A3Q1MSP0_BOVIN UniProtKB Star A0AAA9S244_BOVIN Caprinae Capra Capra hircus (UP000291000) UniProtKB Star A0A452FNV1_CAPHI UniProtKB Star A0A452FNT0_CAPHI UniProtKB Star A0A452FIF9_CAPHI UniProtKB Star A0A452FIH7_CAPHI UniProtKB Star A0A452FRN1_CAPHI UniProtKB Star A0A452FR55_CAPHI UniProtKB Star A0A452FRN6_CAPHI Ovis Ovis ammon polii (UP001214576) UniProtKB Star A0AAD4TR37_OVIAM UniProtKB Star A0AAD4Y7B8_OVIAM UniProtKB Star A0AAD4Y2M3_OVIAM Ovis aries (UP000002356) UniProtKB Star W5Q6N0_SHEEP UniProtKB Star W5PQF8_SHEEP UniProtKB Star W5Q0S2_SHEEP Cervidae Cervinae Cervus Cervus elaphus hippelaphus (UP000242450) UniProtKB Star A0A212CYR4_CEREH UniProtKB Star A0A212C9X2_CEREH Cervus hanglu yarkandensis (UP000631465) Muntiacinae Muntiacus Muntiacus reevesi (UP000326062) UniProtKB Star A0A5J5MQR2_MUNRE UniProtKB Star A0A5N3XVC7_MUNRE UniProtKB Star A0A5N3Y0Q8_MUNRE Odocoileinae Odocoileus Odocoileus virginianus texanus (UP000504613) UniProtKB Star A0A6J0VWV7_ODOVR UniProtKB Star A0A6J0Z292_ODOVR UniProtKB Star A0A6J0ZE78_ODOVR Moschidae Moschus Moschus moschiferus (UP000694544) UniProtKB Star A0A8C6MLD4_MOSMO UniProtKB Star A0A8C6FZU7_MOSMO UniProtKB Star A0A8C6CJR4_MOSMO UniProtKB Star A0A8C6DZD6_MOSMO Suina Suidae Sus Sus scrofa (UP000008227) UniProtKB Star F1SAB4_PIG UniProtKB Star A0A286ZQW0_PIG UniProtKB Star A0A5G2R930_PIG UniProtKB Star F1S9K5_PIG UniProtKB Star A0A5G2RBG3_PIG UniProtKB Star M3TYW5_PIG Tayassuidae Catagonus Catagonus wagneri (UP000694540) UniProtKB Star A0A8C3VW31_9CETA UniProtKB Star A0A8C3VPL2_9CETA UniProtKB Star A0A8C3WP12_9CETA UniProtKB Star A0A8C3X2E9_9CETA Tylopoda Camelidae Camelus Camelus bactrianus (UP000694950) UniProtKB Star A0A9W3GWW2_CAMBA UniProtKB Star A0A9W3GDR2_CAMBA UniProtKB Star A0A9W3FFC2_CAMBA UniProtKB Star A0A9W3F8X6_CAMBA Camelus dromedarius (UP000299084) UniProtKB Star A0A5N4CY11_CAMDR UniProtKB Star A0A5N4CY30_CAMDR UniProtKB Star A0A5N4CY09_CAMDR UniProtKB Star A0A5N4CID8_CAMDR UniProtKB Star A0A5N4D0H3_CAMDR Vicugna Vicugna pacos (UP000504605) UniProtKB Star A0A6J3BAZ9_VICPA UniProtKB Star A0A6J3B8G4_VICPA UniProtKB Star A0A6I9I058_VICPA UniProtKB Star A0A6J3BFU5_VICPA UniProtKB Star A0A6I9HUW1_VICPA Whippomorpha Cetacea Mysticeti Balaenopteridae Balaenoptera Balaenoptera acutorostrata scammoni (UP000261681) UniProtKB Star A0A384BF67_BALAS UniProtKB Star A0A383ZAS6_BALAS UniProtKB Star A0A383ZAD9_BALAS UniProtKB Star A0A452C7G7_BALAS Balaenoptera musculus (UP000694857) UniProtKB Star A0A8B8VBU1_BALMU UniProtKB Star A0A8B8VC28_BALMU UniProtKB Star A0A8B8VBY1_BALMU UniProtKB Star A0A8B8VD46_BALMU UniProtKB Star A0A8B8WES0_BALMU UniProtKB Star A0A8B8WJ72_BALMU UniProtKB Star A0A8B8WLZ4_BALMU UniProtKB Star A0A8B8YUY7_BALMU UniProtKB Star A0A8B8YWV4_BALMU Balaenoptera physalus (UP000437017) UniProtKB Star A0A643BWN2_BALPH Odontoceti Delphinidae Sousa Sousa chinensis (UP000295264) UniProtKB Star A0A484GT35_SOUCH UniProtKB Star A0A484GUD3_SOUCH Tursiops Tursiops truncatus (UP000245320) UniProtKB Star A0A2U4A8T4_TURTR UniProtKB Star A0A2U4A953_TURTR UniProtKB Star A0A2U4A8T3_TURTR UniProtKB Star A0A2U4A9I0_TURTR UniProtKB Star A0A2U4A8W2_TURTR UniProtKB Star A0A2U4BNS2_TURTR UniProtKB Star A0A2U4A4W0_TURTR UniProtKB Star A0A2U4A4U9_TURTR UniProtKB Star A0A2U4A5P8_TURTR UniProtKB Star A0A6J3S2T4_TURTR Lipotidae Lipotes Lipotes vexillifer (UP000265300) UniProtKB Star A0A340WSV7_LIPVE UniProtKB Star A0A340X885_LIPVE UniProtKB Star A0A340WCG6_LIPVE Monodontidae Delphinapterus Delphinapterus leucas (UP000248483) UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9PED0_DELLE UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9PLR9_DELLE UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9PBC8_DELLE UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9PNA2_DELLE UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9PNA8_DELLE UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9PED5_DELLE UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9PBD6_DELLE UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9PLS4_DELLE UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9M713_DELLE UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9NLQ1_DELLE UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9N3W8_DELLE UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9NBT3_DELLE Monodon Monodon monoceros (UP000308365) UniProtKB Star A0A4U1FAH3_MONMO UniProtKB Star A0A4U1ESG3_MONMO UniProtKB Star A0A4U1EMP6_MONMO Phocoenidae Neophocaena Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis (UP000252040) UniProtKB Star A0A341BCF1_NEOAA UniProtKB Star A0A341BU44_NEOAA UniProtKB Star A0A341AUZ1_NEOAA Phocoena Phocoena sinus (UP000694554) UniProtKB Star A0A8C9C6Q0_PHOSS UniProtKB Star A0A8C9BDW3_PHOSS UniProtKB Star A0A8C9BDS8_PHOSS UniProtKB Star A0A8C9BBS9_PHOSS Physeteridae Physeter Physeter macrocephalus (UP000248484) UniProtKB Star A0A9W2X442_PHYMC UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9T7M9_PHYMC UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9FVR5_PHYMC Carnivora Caniformia Canidae Canis Canis lupus dingo (dingo) (UP000694391) UniProtKB Star A0A8C0L9R3_CANLU UniProtKB Star A0A8C0L735_CANLU UniProtKB Star A0A8C0JRE1_CANLU UniProtKB Star A0A8C0L8F1_CANLU Canis lupus familiaris (UP000805418) UniProtKB Star A0A8I3MJU3_CANLF UniProtKB Star A0A8I3SBI9_CANLF UniProtKB Star A0A8I3Q110_CANLF UniProtKB Star A0A8I3S702_CANLF Nyctereutes Nyctereutes procyonoides (UP000645828) UniProtKB Star A0A811Z4L3_NYCPR UniProtKB Star A0A811YTK4_NYCPR UniProtKB Star A0A811Z928_NYCPR Vulpes Vulpes vulpes (UP000286640) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q7RBT8_VULVU UniProtKB Star A0A3Q7R2P0_VULVU UniProtKB Star A0A3Q7RY58_VULVU UniProtKB Star A0A3Q7SXC1_VULVU UniProtKB Star A0A3Q7REW0_VULVU Musteloidea Mustelidae Guloninae Gulo Gulo gulo (UP000269945) UniProtKB Star A0A9X9LNL7_GULGU UniProtKB Star A0A9X9QAR4_GULGU UniProtKB Star A0A9X9MD53_GULGU Lutrinae Enhydra Enhydra lutris kenyoni (northern sea otter) (UP000248482) UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9L7W3_ENHLU UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9K3Z6_ENHLU UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9IZJ2_ENHLU UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9J2W6_ENHLU Mustelinae Mustela Mustela putorius furo (UP000000715) UniProtKB Star M3YL14_MUSPF UniProtKB Star A0A8U0NLQ1_MUSPF UniProtKB Star A0A8U0UU11_MUSPF UniProtKB Star A0A8U0RSV1_MUSPF UniProtKB Star A0A8U0NDJ1_MUSPF UniProtKB Star M3XYH1_MUSPF UniProtKB Star A0A8U0MZG4_MUSPF Neogale Neovison vison (UP000694425) UniProtKB Star A0A8C7ELM7_NEOVI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7EUI9_NEOVI UniProtKB Star A0A8C7EXK8_NEOVI Pinnipedia Odobenidae Odobenus Odobenus rosmarus divergens (UP000245340) UniProtKB Star A0A2U3VU28_ODORO UniProtKB Star A0A2U3WZP9_ODORO UniProtKB Star A0A2U3VV38_ODORO UniProtKB Star A0A2U3VV51_ODORO UniProtKB Star A0A2U3VV39_ODORO Otariidae Callorhinus Callorhinus ursinus (UP000286641) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q7MVQ7_CALUR UniProtKB Star A0A3Q7S329_CALUR UniProtKB Star A0A3Q7S3B9_CALUR UniProtKB Star A0A3Q7Q5K4_CALUR Phocidae Leptonychotes Leptonychotes weddellii (UP000245341) UniProtKB Star A0A2U3XHA6_LEPWE UniProtKB Star A0A7F8QJ19_LEPWE UniProtKB Star A0A7F8QKC2_LEPWE UniProtKB Star A0A2U3YMN3_LEPWE UniProtKB Star A0A2U3Z2P3_LEPWE Neomonachus Neomonachus schauinslandi (UP000248481) UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9GZ61_NEOSC UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9HXR3_NEOSC UniProtKB Star A0A8M1MKF0_NEOSC UniProtKB Star A0A2Y9GTY8_NEOSC Ursidae Ailuropoda Ailuropoda melanoleuca (UP000008912) UniProtKB Star G1M702_AILME UniProtKB Star A0A7N5JZT6_AILME UniProtKB Star A0A7N5KQY4_AILME UniProtKB Star A0A7N5P3M5_AILME UniProtKB Star G1LTY5_AILME UniProtKB Star A0A7N5K3C8_AILME UniProtKB Star G1M2M2_AILME Ursus Ursus americanus (UP000291022) UniProtKB Star A0A452S4A8_URSAM UniProtKB Star A0A452R2N5_URSAM Ursus maritimus (UP000261680) UniProtKB Star A0A384CLM8_URSMA UniProtKB Star A0A8M1GAR6_URSMA UniProtKB Star A0A8M1FWZ9_URSMA Feliformia Felidae Acinonychinae Acinonyx Acinonyx jubatus (UP000504626) UniProtKB Star A0A6I9ZKZ0_ACIJB UniProtKB Star A0A6J2AQX9_ACIJB UniProtKB Star A0A6J2AQF3_ACIJB UniProtKB Star A0A6I9ZVK9_ACIJB Felinae Felis Felis catus (UP000011712) UniProtKB Star M3X6Q0_FELCA UniProtKB Star M3W3M1_FELCA UniProtKB Star A0A5F5XBT2_FELCA UniProtKB Star A0A5F5Y5Q0_FELCA UniProtKB Star M3VYT1_FELCA UniProtKB Star A0A2I2UCN5_FELCA Lynx Lynx canadensis (UP000472241) UniProtKB Star A0A667J4Q6_LYNCA UniProtKB Star A0A667INV4_LYNCA UniProtKB Star A0A667HZL1_LYNCA UniProtKB Star A0A667HYZ4_LYNCA UniProtKB Star A0A667GXD1_LYNCA Lynx pardinus (UP000386466) UniProtKB Star A0A485NZ74_LYNPA UniProtKB Star A0A485MPX8_LYNPA UniProtKB Star A0A485MBX1_LYNPA Puma Puma concolor (UP000515131) UniProtKB Star A0A6P6HAZ0_PUMCO UniProtKB Star A0A6P6I655_PUMCO UniProtKB Star A0A6P6HAR0_PUMCO UniProtKB Star A0A6P6H9J1_PUMCO Pantherinae Panthera Panthera leo (UP000694399) UniProtKB Star A0A8C8Y9K9_PANLE UniProtKB Star A0A8C8Y7I4_PANLE UniProtKB Star A0A8C8Y177_PANLE UniProtKB Star A0A8C9D8U0_PANLE Panthera tigris altaica (UP000675900) UniProtKB Star A0A8C9KI67_PANTA UniProtKB Star A0A8C9KUK6_PANTA UniProtKB Star A0A8C9JTQ0_PANTA UniProtKB Star A0A8C9KJT2_PANTA Herpestidae Suricata Suricata suricatta (UP000472268) UniProtKB Star A0A673TKF3_SURSU UniProtKB Star A0A673USA9_SURSU UniProtKB Star A0A673UEW7_SURSU Hyaenidae Crocuta Crocuta crocuta (UP000475037) UniProtKB Star A0A6G1BGT6_CROCR UniProtKB Star A0A6G1AI04_CROCR Chiroptera Yangochiroptera Molossidae Molossus Molossus molossus (UP000550707) UniProtKB Star A0A7J8IXG4_MOLMO UniProtKB Star A0A7J8IXC1_MOLMO UniProtKB Star A0A7J8IZE4_MOLMO UniProtKB Star A0A7J8IYF1_MOLMO UniProtKB Star A0A7J8BMN4_MOLMO UniProtKB Star A0A7J8DD81_MOLMO UniProtKB Star A0A7J8DD21_MOLMO Phyllostomidae Phyllostominae Phyllostomus Phyllostomus discolor (pale spear-nosed bat) (UP000504628) UniProtKB Star A0A7E6DE32_9CHIR UniProtKB Star A0A7E6DE25_9CHIR UniProtKB Star A0A7E6DE36_9CHIR UniProtKB Star A0A6J2NA52_9CHIR UniProtKB Star A0A6J2N3S3_9CHIR UniProtKB Star A0A7E6E4K0_9CHIR UniProtKB Star A0A6J2M3S2_9CHIR Vespertilionidae Eptesicus Eptesicus nilssonii (UP001177744) UniProtKB Star A0AA40I8J7_EPTNI UniProtKB Star A0AA40HBD9_EPTNI UniProtKB Star A0AA40HK48_EPTNI Myotis Myotis brandtii (UP000052978) UniProtKB Star S7NJP0_MYOBR UniProtKB Star S7PYY1_MYOBR UniProtKB Star S7PAR4_MYOBR Myotis davidii (UP000010556) UniProtKB Star L5MJD0_MYODS UniProtKB Star L5M374_MYODS UniProtKB Star L5LHB3_MYODS Myotis lucifugus (UP000001074) UniProtKB Star G1PJV5_MYOLU UniProtKB Star G1PP17_MYOLU Myotis myotis (UP000527355) UniProtKB Star A0A7J7XZA7_MYOMY UniProtKB Star A0A7J7XYA2_MYOMY UniProtKB Star A0A7J7XYR9_MYOMY UniProtKB Star A0A7J7RUC9_MYOMY UniProtKB Star A0A7J7UE65_MYOMY UniProtKB Star A0A7J7UDZ9_MYOMY UniProtKB Star A0A7J7UDV6_MYOMY Pipistrellus Pipistrellus kuhlii (UP000558488) UniProtKB Star A0A7J7T2H2_PIPKU UniProtKB Star A0A7J7T270_PIPKU UniProtKB Star A0A7J7T275_PIPKU UniProtKB Star A0A7J7TQ18_PIPKU UniProtKB Star A0A7J7WE75_PIPKU UniProtKB Star A0A7J7WE23_PIPKU Yinpterochiroptera Pteropodoidea Pteropodidae Pteropodinae Pteropus Pteropus alecto (UP000010552) UniProtKB Star L5KKD3_PTEAL UniProtKB Star L5KB90_PTEAL UniProtKB Star L5KUE3_PTEAL Pteropus vampyrus (UP000515202) UniProtKB Star A0A6P3QZV3_PTEVA UniProtKB Star A0A6P3R1B3_PTEVA UniProtKB Star A0A6P6CSR8_PTEVA UniProtKB Star A0A6P3R373_PTEVA Rousettinae Rousettus Rousettus aegyptiacus (UP000593571) UniProtKB Star A0A7J8EY32_ROUAE UniProtKB Star A0A7J8B8R0_ROUAE UniProtKB Star A0A7J8HU20_ROUAE UniProtKB Star A0A7J8HU65_ROUAE UniProtKB Star A0A7J8HVB4_ROUAE UniProtKB Star A0A7J8HVU2_ROUAE UniProtKB Star A0A7J8HU00_ROUAE UniProtKB Star A0A7J8HUZ3_ROUAE Rhinolophoidea Hipposideridae Hipposideros Hipposideros armiger (UP000694851) UniProtKB Star A0A8B7S1D2_HIPAR UniProtKB Star A0A8B7R286_HIPAR UniProtKB Star A0A8B7R3H2_HIPAR UniProtKB Star A0A8B7R611_HIPAR UniProtKB Star A0A8B7R4X6_HIPAR UniProtKB Star A0A8B7QBP2_HIPAR Rhinolophidae Rhinolophinae Rhinolophus Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (UP000472240) UniProtKB Star A0A671FC95_RHIFE UniProtKB Star A0A671FCC1_RHIFE UniProtKB Star A0A671G9H7_RHIFE UniProtKB Star A0A671EBJ0_RHIFE Eulipotyphla Erinaceidae Erinaceinae Erinaceus Erinaceus europaeus (UP000079721) UniProtKB Star A0A1S2ZB31_ERIEU UniProtKB Star A0A1S2ZLU8_ERIEU UniProtKB Star A0A1S3W952_ERIEU UniProtKB Star A0A1S3AE92_ERIEU UniProtKB Star A0A1S3AEH2_ERIEU UniProtKB Star A0A1S3WPC1_ERIEU Talpidae Galemys Galemys pyrenaicus (UP000700334) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6DMB0_GALPY UniProtKB Star A0A8J6DTV8_GALPY UniProtKB Star A0A8J6AVG3_GALPY Perissodactyla Equidae Equus Equus asinus (UP000694387) UniProtKB Star A0A8C4ME27_EQUAS UniProtKB Star A0A9L0JMH0_EQUAS UniProtKB Star A0A8C4L9G9_EQUAS UniProtKB Star A0A9L0K389_EQUAS UniProtKB Star A0A8C4L5P7_EQUAS UniProtKB Star A0A8C4PM83_EQUAS UniProtKB Star A0A8C4LRK9_EQUAS UniProtKB Star A0A8C4LS69_EQUAS Equus caballus (UP000002281) UniProtKB Star F7C4S4_HORSE UniProtKB Star A0A9L0RK20_HORSE UniProtKB Star A0A9L0T1W9_HORSE UniProtKB Star A0A9L0SU39_HORSE UniProtKB Star F6PNS7_HORSE UniProtKB Star A0A3Q2LSB2_HORSE UniProtKB Star A0A9L0RM17_HORSE UniProtKB Star A0A9L0R4G4_HORSE Rhinocerotidae Diceros Diceros bicornis minor (UP000551758) UniProtKB Star A0A7J7EEU1_DICBM UniProtKB Star A0A7J7EEC2_DICBM UniProtKB Star A0A7J7F0X0_DICBM Metatheria Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae Sarcophilus Sarcophilus harrisii (UP000007648) UniProtKB Star G3VHP9_SARHA UniProtKB Star G3VHP8_SARHA UniProtKB Star A0A7N4P2J6_SARHA UniProtKB Star G3WQP0_SARHA Didelphimorphia Didelphidae Monodelphis Monodelphis domestica (UP000002280) UniProtKB Star F7CD53_MONDO UniProtKB Star F6SVJ6_MONDO UniProtKB Star A0A5F8GSQ8_MONDO UniProtKB Star A0A5F8GSL4_MONDO UniProtKB Star A0A5F8GHN3_MONDO UniProtKB Star F7GJG2_MONDO Diprotodontia Phascolarctidae Phascolarctos Phascolarctos cinereus (UP000515140) UniProtKB Star A0A6P5JTD6_PHACI UniProtKB Star A0A6P5JUJ6_PHACI UniProtKB Star A0A6P5JY60_PHACI UniProtKB Star A0A6P5LAC1_PHACI Vombatidae Vombatus Vombatus ursinus (UP000314987) UniProtKB Star A0A4X2L930_VOMUR UniProtKB Star A0A4X2KTG4_VOMUR UniProtKB Star A0A4X2KVC4_VOMUR UniProtKB Star A0A4X2LG81_VOMUR UniProtKB Star A0A4X2LQI2_VOMUR Monotremata Ornithorhynchidae Ornithorhynchus Ornithorhynchus anatinus (UP000002279) UniProtKB Star A0A6I8N4C4_ORNAN UniProtKB Star F6TQT9_ORNAN UniProtKB Star A0A6I8P1G0_ORNAN UniProtKB Star A0A6I8NTB7_ORNAN UniProtKB Star F7GEC7_ORNAN UniProtKB Star A0A6I8NUM6_ORNAN UniProtKB Star A0A6I8NC63_ORNAN UniProtKB Star A0A6I8PKI0_ORNAN UniProtKB Star A0A6I8PDD3_ORNAN UniProtKB Star F6VM76_ORNAN Tunicata Appendicularia Copelata Oikopleuridae Oikopleura Oikopleura dioica (UP000001307) UniProtKB Star E4XSP8_OIKDI UniProtKB Star E4XIS3_OIKDI Ascidiacea Phlebobranchia Cionidae Ciona Ciona intestinalis (UP000008144) UniProtKB Star F7B2R9_CIOIN UniProtKB Star F6T8P3_CIOIN UniProtKB Star F6S399_CIOIN Ciona savignyi (UP000007875) UniProtKB Star H2ZFM2_CIOSA UniProtKB Star H2Z215_CIOSA UniProtKB Star H2Z216_CIOSA UniProtKB Star H2Z217_CIOSA UniProtKB Star H2Z218_CIOSA UniProtKB Star H2Z219_CIOSA UniProtKB Star H2Z210_CIOSA UniProtKB Star H2Z213_CIOSA UniProtKB Star H2Z212_CIOSA UniProtKB Star H2Z211_CIOSA UniProtKB Star H2Z214_CIOSA UniProtKB Star H2Z6K2_CIOSA UniProtKB Star H2Z6K5_CIOSA UniProtKB Star H2Z6K3_CIOSA UniProtKB Star H2Z6K1_CIOSA Cnidaria Anthozoa Hexacorallia Actiniaria Actiniidae Actinia Actinia tenebrosa (UP000515163) UniProtKB Star A0A6P8IBH0_ACTTE UniProtKB Star A0A6P8J047_ACTTE Aiptasiidae Exaiptasia Exaiptasia diaphana (UP000887567) UniProtKB Star A0A913YA95_EXADI UniProtKB Star A0A913YMV0_EXADI Edwardsiidae Nematostella Nematostella vectensis (UP000001593) UniProtKB Star A7S8N2_NEMVE Scleractinia Astrocoeniina Acroporidae Acropora Acropora cervicornis (UP001249851) UniProtKB Star A0AAD9QII1_ACRCE Pocilloporidae Pocillopora Pocillopora damicornis (UP000275408) UniProtKB Star A0A3M6UGZ6_POCDA Stylophora Stylophora pistillata (UP000225706) UniProtKB Star A0A2B4RHS6_STYPI UniProtKB Star A0A2B4RQE5_STYPI Caryophylliina Caryophylliidae Desmophyllum Desmophyllum pertusum (UP001163046) UniProtKB Star A0A9W9ZBJ3_9CNID UniProtKB Star A0A9W9YMB2_9CNID Octocorallia Malacalcyonacea Plexauridae Paramuricea Paramuricea clavata (UP001152795) UniProtKB Star A0A7D9JDY9_PARCT UniProtKB Star A0A7D9JEP2_PARCT Hydrozoa Hydroidolina Anthoathecata Aplanulata Hydridae Hydra Hydra vulgaris (UP000694840) UniProtKB Star A0A8B6XJP2_HYDVU UniProtKB Star A0A8B6XJZ7_HYDVU UniProtKB Star A0A8B6XYN9_HYDVU Leptothecata Obeliida Clytiidae Clytia Clytia hemisphaerica (UP000594262) UniProtKB Star A0A7M5TTE7_9CNID UniProtKB Star A0A7M5V9W6_9CNID Myxozoa Myxosporea Bivalvulida Platysporina Myxobolidae Thelohanellus Thelohanellus kitauei (UP000031668) UniProtKB Star A0A0C2N0W9_THEKT Ecdysozoa Arthropoda Chelicerata Arachnida Acari Acariformes Sarcoptiformes Astigmata Glycyphagoidea Echimyopodidae Blomia Blomia tropicalis (UP001142055) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0M9P4_BLOTA UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0RQ49_BLOTA UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0RKU2_BLOTA Psoroptidia Analgoidea Pyroglyphidae Dermatophagoidinae Dermatophagoides Dermatophagoides farinae (UP000790347) UniProtKB Star A0A922I6A6_DERFA UniProtKB Star A0A922I0B5_DERFA UniProtKB Star A0A922KVX3_DERFA Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (UP000515146) UniProtKB Star A0A6P6YBW2_DERPT UniProtKB Star A0A6P6XXI7_DERPT UniProtKB Star A0A6P6XKH3_DERPT UniProtKB Star A0A6P6YGM8_DERPT UniProtKB Star A0A6P6Y2N4_DERPT Pyroglyphinae Euroglyphus Euroglyphus maynei (UP000194236) Sarcoptoidea Sarcoptidae Sarcoptinae Sarcoptes Sarcoptes scabiei (UP000070412) UniProtKB Star A0A834VAT4_SARSC UniProtKB Star A0A834RFQ3_SARSC UniProtKB Star A0A834VBZ5_SARSC Oribatida Brachypylina Oppioidea Oppiidae Medioppia Medioppia subpectinata (UP000759131) UniProtKB Star A0A7R9Q811_9ACAR UniProtKB Star A0A7R9KE75_9ACAR Oppiella Oppiella nova (UP000728032) UniProtKB Star A0A7R9LCS3_9ACAR UniProtKB Star A0A7R9Q9W1_9ACAR UniProtKB Star A0A7R9QSS9_9ACAR UniProtKB Star A0A7R9LT99_9ACAR UniProtKB Star A0A7R9LHM4_9ACAR Trombidiformes Prostigmata Anystina Parasitengona Trombiculoidea Trombiculidae Leptotrombidium Leptotrombidium deliense (UP000288716) UniProtKB Star A0A443SWR2_9ACAR UniProtKB Star A0A443S0T8_9ACAR Trombidioidea Trombidiidae Dinothrombium Dinothrombium tinctorium (UP000285301) UniProtKB Star A0A443R3Q0_9ACAR UniProtKB Star A0A443RIA7_9ACAR UniProtKB Star A0A3S3S2U2_9ACAR Eleutherengona Raphignathae Tetranychoidea Tetranychidae Tetranychus Tetranychus urticae (UP000015104) UniProtKB Star T1K822_TETUR UniProtKB Star T1KIP3_TETUR Parasitiformes Ixodida Ixodoidea Ixodidae Haemaphysalinae Haemaphysalis Haemaphysalis longicornis (UP000821853) UniProtKB Star A0A9J6G637_HAELO UniProtKB Star A0A9J6FP37_HAELO UniProtKB Star A0A9J6GS32_HAELO Hyalomminae Hyalomma Hyalomma marginatum (UP000837675) UniProtKB Star A0A8S4C0C0_9ACAR UniProtKB Star A0A8S4C476_9ACAR Ixodinae Ixodes Ixodes scapularis (UP000001555) UniProtKB Star B7PXQ3_IXOSC UniProtKB Star B7PZU6_IXOSC UniProtKB Star B7P652_IXOSC UniProtKB Star B7PKR5_IXOSC UniProtKB Star B7P5X4_IXOSC Rhipicephalinae Rhipicephalus Boophilus Rhipicephalus microplus (UP000821866) UniProtKB Star A0A9J6EX39_RHIMP UniProtKB Star A0A9J6FB37_RHIMP UniProtKB Star A0A9J6E991_RHIMP Rhipicephalus Rhipicephalus sanguineus (UP000821837) UniProtKB Star A0A9D4PWZ7_RHISA UniProtKB Star A0A9D4QDV4_RHISA Mesostigmata Gamasina Dermanyssoidea Laelapidae Tropilaelaps Tropilaelaps mercedesae (UP000192247) UniProtKB Star A0A1V9Y2Q3_9ACAR UniProtKB Star A0A1V9XLA1_9ACAR Varroidae Varroa Varroa destructor (UP000594260) UniProtKB Star A0A7M7JXN5_VARDE UniProtKB Star A0A7M7JXL7_VARDE UniProtKB Star A0A7M7K6X3_VARDE UniProtKB Star A0A7M7J221_VARDE UniProtKB Star A0A7M7J0C4_VARDE UniProtKB Star A0A7M7K0B1_VARDE UniProtKB Star A0A7M7JXM4_VARDE UniProtKB Star A0A7M7JWZ8_VARDE Phytoseioidea Phytoseiidae Typhlodrominae Galendromus Galendromus occidentalis (western predatory mite) (UP000694867) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ6QSQ2_9ACAR UniProtKB Star A0AAJ7SGN7_9ACAR UniProtKB Star A0AAJ7SFS7_9ACAR Araneae Araneomorphae Entelegynae Araneoidea Araneidae Araneus Araneus ventricosus (UP000499080) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y2LTG5_ARAVE UniProtKB Star A0A4Y2KSY2_ARAVE UniProtKB Star A0A4Y2DGR8_ARAVE Argiope Argiope bruennichi (UP000807504) UniProtKB Star A0A8T0EQP8_ARGBR UniProtKB Star A0A8T0EPG9_ARGBR UniProtKB Star A0A8T0FRG8_ARGBR UniProtKB Star A0A8T0EPW0_ARGBR Nephilidae Nephila Nephila pilipes (UP000887013) UniProtKB Star A0A8X6PCH6_NEPPI UniProtKB Star A0A8X6PQ54_NEPPI Trichonephila Trichonephila clavata (UP000887116) UniProtKB Star A0A8X6JBX3_TRICU UniProtKB Star A0A8X6FQ19_TRICU UniProtKB Star A0A8X6HDX1_TRICU UniProtKB Star A0A8X6LLB1_TRICU UniProtKB Star A0A8X6KGI4_TRICU UniProtKB Star A0A8X6EWM3_TRICU UniProtKB Star A0A8X6HJJ1_TRICU UniProtKB Star A0A8X6G3J3_TRICU Trichonephila clavipes (UP000887159) Trichonephila inaurata Trichonephila inaurata madagascariensis (UP000886998) UniProtKB Star A0A8X7CNW0_9ARAC UniProtKB Star A0A8X6IPT0_9ARAC UniProtKB Star A0A8X7CAW5_9ARAC UniProtKB Star A0A8X6XNU2_9ARAC Eresoidea Eresidae Stegodyphus Stegodyphus mimosarum (UP000054359) UniProtKB Star A0A087TS52_STEMI UniProtKB Star A0A087UX38_STEMI UniProtKB Star A0A087TU11_STEMI Crustacea Branchiopoda Anostraca Artemiidae Artemia Artemia franciscana (UP001187531) UniProtKB Star A0AA88HD94_ARTSF UniProtKB Star A0AA88I5D7_ARTSF Diplostraca Cladocera Anomopoda Daphniidae Daphnia Daphnia galeata (UP000789390) UniProtKB Star A0A8J2RPE3_9CRUS UniProtKB Star A0A8J2RZU6_9CRUS UniProtKB Star A0A8J2WLX3_9CRUS Daphnia magna (UP000076858) UniProtKB Star A0A0P5YWK4_9CRUS UniProtKB Star A0A0P5TLX8_9CRUS UniProtKB Star A0A164UIH2_9CRUS Daphnia pulex (UP000000305) UniProtKB Star E9G264_DAPPU UniProtKB Star E9H862_DAPPU UniProtKB Star E9FZJ3_DAPPU Daphnia similis group Daphnia sinensis (UP000820818) UniProtKB Star A0AAD5KYY5_9CRUS UniProtKB Star A0AAD5KFH7_9CRUS UniProtKB Star A0AAD5KWW8_9CRUS UniProtKB Star A0AAD5KQ66_9CRUS Multicrustacea Cirripedia Thoracica Thoracicalcarea Balanomorpha Balanoidea Balanidae Amphibalaninae Amphibalanus Amphibalanus amphitrite (UP000440578) UniProtKB Star A0A6A4X1Q2_AMPAM UniProtKB Star A0A6A4VBD6_AMPAM UniProtKB Star A0A6A4WV49_AMPAM Hexanauplia Copepoda Harpacticoida Harpacticidae Tigriopus Tigriopus californicus (UP000318571) UniProtKB Star A0A553NYS4_TIGCA UniProtKB Star A0A553NBV6_TIGCA Siphonostomatoida Caligidae Caligus Caligus rogercresseyi (UP000595437) Lepeophtheirus Lepeophtheirus salmonis (UP000675881) UniProtKB Star A0A7R8CKT7_LEPSM UniProtKB Star A0A7R8D5X2_LEPSM Malacostraca Eumalacostraca Eucarida Decapoda Dendrobranchiata Penaeoidea Penaeidae Penaeus Penaeus vannamei (UP000283509) UniProtKB Star A0A423TNJ6_PENVA UniProtKB Star A0A3R7P5C3_PENVA UniProtKB Star A0A3R7MCN6_PENVA Pleocyemata Anomura Galatheoidea Porcellanidae Petrolisthes Petrolisthes cinctipes (UP001286313) UniProtKB Star A0AAE1KYR9_PETCI UniProtKB Star A0AAE1GFJ9_PETCI UniProtKB Star A0AAE1G2D3_PETCI UniProtKB Star A0AAE1ERL2_PETCI UniProtKB Star A0AAE1FF33_PETCI Petrolisthes manimaculis (UP001292094) UniProtKB Star A0AAE1PS46_9EUCA UniProtKB Star A0AAE1PEW9_9EUCA UniProtKB Star A0AAE1P6R1_9EUCA Astacidea Nephropoidea Nephropidae Homarus Homarus americanus (UP000747542) UniProtKB Star A0A8J5N926_HOMAM UniProtKB Star A0A8J5KA78_HOMAM Brachyura Eubrachyura Majoidea Majidae Chionoecetes Chionoecetes opilio (UP000770661) UniProtKB Star A0A8J5CK37_CHIOP Portunoidea Portunidae Portuninae Portunus Portunus trituberculatus (UP000324222) UniProtKB Star A0A5B7DRN0_PORTR Peracarida Amphipoda Senticaudata Talitrida Talitroidea Hyalellidae Hyalella Hyalella azteca (UP000694843) UniProtKB Star A0A8B7N8Q3_HYAAZ UniProtKB Star A0A8B7NY36_HYAAZ UniProtKB Star A0A8B7PIU9_HYAAZ UniProtKB Star A0A8B7PL33_HYAAZ Isopoda Oniscidea Crinocheta Armadillidiidae Armadillidium Armadillidium nasatum (UP000326759) UniProtKB Star A0A5N5T627_9CRUS UniProtKB Star A0A5N5T6W4_9CRUS UniProtKB Star A0A5N5T7T6_9CRUS UniProtKB Star A0A5N5TJV2_9CRUS Oligostraca Ostracoda Podocopa Podocopida Cypridocopina Cypridoidea Cyprididae Notodromas Notodromas monacha (UP000678499) UniProtKB Star A0A7R9BS65_9CRUS UniProtKB Star A0A7R9BEJ2_9CRUS UniProtKB Star A0A7R9GGP4_9CRUS Darwinulocopina Darwinuloidea Darwinulidae Darwinula Darwinula stevensoni (UP000677054) UniProtKB Star A0A7R9A108_9CRUS UniProtKB Star A0A7R8X8D6_9CRUS UniProtKB Star A0A7R8X8D8_9CRUS Hexapoda Collembola Entomobryomorpha Entomobryoidea Orchesellidae Orchesellinae Orchesella Orchesella cincta (UP000094527) UniProtKB Star A0A1D2NHN5_ORCCI UniProtKB Star A0A1D2MRC6_ORCCI Isotomoidea Isotomidae Proisotominae Folsomia Folsomia candida (UP000198287) UniProtKB Star A0A226ETA3_FOLCA UniProtKB Star A0A226EV25_FOLCA Symphypleona Sminthuridae Allacma Allacma fusca (UP000708208) UniProtKB Star A0A8J2K3T1_9HEXA UniProtKB Star A0A8J2PAS5_9HEXA UniProtKB Star A0A8J2K3S3_9HEXA Insecta Pterygota Neoptera Endopterygota Coleoptera Polyphaga Cucujiformia Chrysomeloidea Chrysomelidae Bruchinae Bruchini Acanthoscelides Acanthoscelides obtectus (UP001152888) UniProtKB Star A0A9P0KX30_ACAOB UniProtKB Star A0A9P0LWQ7_ACAOB UniProtKB Star A0A9P0LNK4_ACAOB UniProtKB Star A0A9P0LVS7_ACAOB UniProtKB Star A0A9P0LNE3_ACAOB Callosobruchus Callosobruchus maculatus (UP000410492) UniProtKB Star A0A653BKW7_CALMS UniProtKB Star A0A653CZ32_CALMS UniProtKB Star A0A653C1U7_CALMS UniProtKB Star A0A653BEW2_CALMS Chrysomelinae Chrysomelini Phaedon Phaedon cochleariae (UP001153737) UniProtKB Star A0A9P0DZ49_PHACE UniProtKB Star A0A9N9S7N5_PHACE UniProtKB Star A0A9N9S8G7_PHACE UniProtKB Star A0A9N9SB14_PHACE Galerucinae Alticini Phyllotreta Phyllotreta striolata (UP001153712) UniProtKB Star A0A9N9TQ80_PHYSR UniProtKB Star A0A9P0DT52_PHYSR UniProtKB Star A0A9N9XNR8_PHYSR Psylliodes Psylliodes chrysocephala (UP001153636) UniProtKB Star A0A9P0DDB0_9CUCU UniProtKB Star A0A9P0GDY6_9CUCU UniProtKB Star A0A9P0D3Q3_9CUCU Diabroticina Diabroticites Diabrotica Diabrotica balteata (UP001153709) UniProtKB Star A0A9P0H0J6_DIABA UniProtKB Star A0A9N9XCM3_DIABA UniProtKB Star A0A9N9TC24_DIABA Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (western corn rootworm) (UP000515147) UniProtKB Star A0A6P7FU06_DIAVI UniProtKB Star A0A6P7FFP2_DIAVI UniProtKB Star A0A6P7FFN4_DIAVI Curculionidae Ceutorhynchinae Ceutorhynchus Ceutorhynchus assimilis (cabbage seed weevil) (UP001152799) UniProtKB Star A0A9N9N0G7_9CUCU UniProtKB Star A0A9N9MMJ8_9CUCU UniProtKB Star A0A9P0DKZ2_9CUCU Dryophthorinae Rhynchophorus Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (UP000625711) UniProtKB Star A0A834ML57_RHYFE UniProtKB Star A0A834M3S6_RHYFE UniProtKB Star A0A834INB0_RHYFE Sitophilus Sitophilus oryzae (UP000504635) UniProtKB Star A0A6J2Y3M8_SITOR UniProtKB Star A0A6J2YMN7_SITOR UniProtKB Star A0A6J2XE00_SITOR Scolytinae Dendroctonus Dendroctonus ponderosae (UP000030742) UniProtKB Star U4U4V7_DENPD Nitidulidae Meligethinae Brassicogethes Brassicogethes aeneus (UP001154078) UniProtKB Star A0A9P0FJ10_BRAAE UniProtKB Star A0A9P0FFL5_BRAAE UniProtKB Star A0A9P0ANZ0_BRAAE Tenebrionidae Pimeliinae Asbolus Asbolus verrucosus (UP000292052) UniProtKB Star A0A482VR15_ASBVE UniProtKB Star A0A482WD08_ASBVE UniProtKB Star A0A482W1L8_ASBVE Tenebrio Tenebrio molitor (UP000719412) UniProtKB Star A0A8J6H9C7_TENMO UniProtKB Star A0A8J6HGN2_TENMO Tenebrionidae incertae sedis Tribolium Tribolium castaneum (UP000007266) UniProtKB Star A0A139WI37_TRICA UniProtKB Star D6WN97_TRICA UniProtKB Star A0A139WFG4_TRICA UniProtKB Star D6WDE3_TRICA Zophobas Zophobas morio (UP001168821) UniProtKB Star A0AA38ILY2_9CUCU UniProtKB Star A0AA38MLC4_9CUCU UniProtKB Star A0AA38MGP7_9CUCU UniProtKB Star A0AA38MGT2_9CUCU Elateriformia Buprestoidea Buprestidae Agrilinae Agrilus Agrilus planipennis (UP000192223) UniProtKB Star A0A7F5R2E2_AGRPL UniProtKB Star A0A1W4WMG2_AGRPL UniProtKB Star A0A1W4WZL5_AGRPL Elateroidea Elateridae Agrypninae Pyrophorini Ignelater Ignelater luminosus (UP000801492) UniProtKB Star A0A8K0CM16_IGNLU UniProtKB Star A0A8K0DGQ0_IGNLU UniProtKB Star A0A8K0C6K4_IGNLU Lampyridae Lampyrinae Photinus Photinus pyralis (UP000327044) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1KQD4_PHOPY UniProtKB Star A0A5N4AR56_PHOPY UniProtKB Star A0A5N4A4J4_PHOPY Scarabaeiformia Scarabaeidae Dynastinae Oryctes Oryctes borbonicus (UP000051574) Diptera Brachycera Muscomorpha Ephydroidea Drosophilidae Drosophila Drosophila albomicans (UP000515160) UniProtKB Star A0A6P8WN57_DROAB UniProtKB Star A0A6P8ZF56_DROAB UniProtKB Star A0A9C6TCR5_DROAB UniProtKB Star A0A6P8XKK9_DROAB Drosophila busckii (UP000494163) UniProtKB Star A0A0M3QWE0_DROBS UniProtKB Star A0A0M4EBJ1_DROBS UniProtKB Star A0A0M3QYL1_DROBS UniProtKB Star A0A0M4F566_DROBS Drosophila mojavensis (UP000009192) UniProtKB Star B4L9J7_DROMO UniProtKB Star B4K6U5_DROMO UniProtKB Star B4KD69_DROMO Drosophila navojoa (UP000295192) UniProtKB Star A0A484BH25_DRONA UniProtKB Star A0A484BH17_DRONA UniProtKB Star A0A484BHT1_DRONA Drosophila rubida (UP001200034) UniProtKB Star A0AAD4JX18_9MUSC UniProtKB Star A0AAD4KEE5_9MUSC UniProtKB Star A0AAD4JSR7_9MUSC Drosophila virilis (UP000008792) UniProtKB Star B4LI46_DROVI UniProtKB Star B4M0G6_DROVI UniProtKB Star B4LZ26_DROVI Hawaiian Drosophila Drosophila grimshawi (UP000001070) UniProtKB Star B4J0V6_DROGR UniProtKB Star B4JZ15_DROGR UniProtKB Star B4JT86_DROGR Sophophora Drosophila ananassae (UP000007801) UniProtKB Star B3M6Y1_DROAN UniProtKB Star A0A0P8YH03_DROAN UniProtKB Star B3LWJ8_DROAN UniProtKB Star B3M314_DROAN Drosophila gunungcola (fruit fly) (UP001059596) UniProtKB Star A0A9P9YY36_9MUSC UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0BUJ8_9MUSC Drosophila kikkawai (UP000515200) UniProtKB Star A0A6P4I1D3_DROKI UniProtKB Star A0A6P4JKY7_DROKI UniProtKB Star A0A6P4HNX0_DROKI Drosophila melanogaster (UP000000803) UniProtKB Star Q9VV59_DROME UniProtKB Star SYEP_DROME UniProtKB Star SYQ_DROME Drosophila persimilis (UP000008744) UniProtKB Star B4H224_DROPE UniProtKB Star B4G4B7_DROPE UniProtKB Star B4GEZ5_DROPE Drosophila pseudoobscura pseudoobscura (UP000001819) UniProtKB Star A0A6I8UAW5_DROPS UniProtKB Star A0A6I8UPN3_DROPS UniProtKB Star A0A6I8UQQ1_DROPS Drosophila rhopaloa (UP000515209) UniProtKB Star A0A6P4EMR8_DRORH UniProtKB Star A0A6P4ETW9_DRORH UniProtKB Star A0A6P4EZJ6_DRORH Drosophila sechellia (UP000001292) UniProtKB Star B4HJN2_DROSE UniProtKB Star B4IJJ7_DROSE UniProtKB Star B4HG12_DROSE Drosophila simulans (UP000000304) UniProtKB Star B4QMT5_DROSI UniProtKB Star B4QUS0_DROSI UniProtKB Star B4QSD7_DROSI Drosophila willistoni (UP000007798) UniProtKB Star B4MMI0_DROWI UniProtKB Star B4NIU8_DROWI UniProtKB Star B4N9E6_DROWI Scaptodrosophila Drosophila lebanonensis (UP000504634) UniProtKB Star A0A6J2T737_DROLE UniProtKB Star A0A6J2T8C7_DROLE UniProtKB Star A0A6J2THG2_DROLE Muscoidea Muscidae Musca Musca domestica (UP000694905) UniProtKB Star A0A1I8MN60_MUSDO UniProtKB Star A0A1I8MW01_MUSDO UniProtKB Star A0A1I8N3T0_MUSDO Oestroidea Calliphoridae Luciliinae Lucilia Lucilia cuprina (UP000037069) UniProtKB Star A0A0L0C0W7_LUCCU UniProtKB Star A0A0L0C9X6_LUCCU UniProtKB Star A0A0L0BWB5_LUCCU Platypezoidea Phoridae Megaseliini Megaselia Megaselia scalaris (UP000015102) Tephritoidea Tephritidae Bactrocera Bactrocera Bactrocera dorsalis (UP000504616) UniProtKB Star A0A6I9UYV5_BACDO UniProtKB Star A0A8N4L5D4_BACDO UniProtKB Star A0A034WV61_BACDO Ceratitis Ceratitis Ceratitis capitata (UP000606786) UniProtKB Star W8BW97_CERCA UniProtKB Star A0A811TZU7_CERCA Stratiomyomorpha Stratiomyidae Hermetiinae Hermetia Hermetia illucens (UP000594454) UniProtKB Star A0A7R8UJ80_HERIL UniProtKB Star A0A7R8YSX5_HERIL UniProtKB Star A0A7R8UN55_HERIL UniProtKB Star A0A7R8Z359_HERIL Nematocera Chironomoidea Chironomidae Chironominae Chironomus Chironomus riparius (UP001153620) UniProtKB Star A0A9N9RY85_9DIPT UniProtKB Star A0A9N9WXF7_9DIPT UniProtKB Star A0A9N9S471_9DIPT Polypedilum Polypedilum Polypedilum vanderplanki (UP001107558) UniProtKB Star A0A9J6CHP4_POLVA UniProtKB Star A0A9J6BH01_POLVA UniProtKB Star A0A9J6BWA7_POLVA UniProtKB Star A0A9J6BS20_POLVA Clunio Clunio marinus (UP000183832) UniProtKB Star A0A1J1IDH7_9DIPT UniProtKB Star A0A1J1I248_9DIPT UniProtKB Star A0A1J1IVI3_9DIPT Culicoidea Culicidae Anophelinae Anopheles Anopheles darlingi (UP000000673) UniProtKB Star W5J5U2_ANODA UniProtKB Star W5J719_ANODA Anopheles gambiae (UP000007062) UniProtKB Star Q7QCD2_ANOGA UniProtKB Star Q7PRA2_ANOGA UniProtKB Star Q7Q0M3_ANOGA Anopheles sinensis (UP000030765) UniProtKB Star A0A084WRJ5_ANOSI UniProtKB Star A0A084WR59_ANOSI UniProtKB Star A0A084W5L1_ANOSI Anopheles stephensi (UP000076408) UniProtKB Star A0A182Y6F7_ANOST UniProtKB Star A0A182XWB2_ANOST UniProtKB Star A0A182YRS7_ANOST Culicinae Aedini Aedes Stegomyia Aedes aegypti (UP000008820) UniProtKB Star Q178Z5_AEDAE UniProtKB Star A0A6I8U6N0_AEDAE UniProtKB Star Q16Q55_AEDAE Culicini Culex Culex Culex quinquefasciatus (UP000002320) UniProtKB Star B0XC16_CULQU UniProtKB Star B0W0R5_CULQU Sciaroidea Sciaridae Pseudolycoriella Pseudolycoriella hygida (UP001151699) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0RY04_9DIPT UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0S4Q3_9DIPT UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0S688_9DIPT UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0MJQ0_9DIPT Hymenoptera Apocrita Aculeata Apoidea Anthophila Apidae Apis Apis cerana cerana (UP000242457) UniProtKB Star A0A2A3E8P3_APICC UniProtKB Star A0A2A3E8D8_APICC UniProtKB Star A0A2A3E8U3_APICC Apis mellifera (UP000005203) UniProtKB Star A0A7M7MPD5_APIME UniProtKB Star A0A7M7SS21_APIME UniProtKB Star A0A7M7L3P0_APIME UniProtKB Star A0A7M7TFP7_APIME Bombus Pyrobombus Bombus vosnesenskii (UP000504631) UniProtKB Star A0A6J3KTH6_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A6J3KXZ4_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A6J3L155_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A6J3L5M7_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A6J3KM44_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A6J3KMN0_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A6J3KQX2_9HYME Ceratina Zadontomerus Ceratina calcarata (UP000694925) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ7N7V6_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0AAJ7N7W5_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0AAJ7IUQ7_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0AAJ7S130_9HYME Eufriesea Eufriesea mexicana (UP000250275) UniProtKB Star A0A310SPE5_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A310SM01_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A310SJ21_9HYME Frieseomelitta Frieseomelitta varia (UP000655588) UniProtKB Star A0A833SDX1_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A833W243_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A833RVQ0_9HYME Habropoda Habropoda laboriosa (UP000053825) UniProtKB Star A0A0L7QZ91_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A0L7QQN9_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A0L7QKJ9_9HYME Heterotrigona Heterotrigona itama (UP000752696) UniProtKB Star A0A6V7H9X0_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A6V7HA42_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A6V7GYS1_9HYME Melipona Melipona bicolor (UP001177670) UniProtKB Star A0AA40KTF4_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0AA40G141_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0AA40FJJ6_9HYME Melipona quadrifasciata (UP000053105) UniProtKB Star A0A0N0BBU7_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A0N0BHN4_9HYME Halictidae Rophitinae Dufourea Dufourea novaeangliae (UP000076502) UniProtKB Star A0A154PCC4_DUFNO UniProtKB Star A0A154PG10_DUFNO UniProtKB Star A0A154PK38_DUFNO Formicoidea Formicidae Dorylinae Ooceraea Ooceraea biroi (UP000053097) UniProtKB Star A0A026WIL0_OOCBI UniProtKB Star A0A026WRM1_OOCBI UniProtKB Star A0A026X3L9_OOCBI Formicinae Camponotus Camponotus floridanus (UP000000311) UniProtKB Star E1ZZZ8_CAMFO UniProtKB Star E2AH59_CAMFO UniProtKB Star E2B161_CAMFO Lasius Lasius Lasius niger (UP000036403) UniProtKB Star A0A0J7KIK0_LASNI UniProtKB Star A0A0J7KQK9_LASNI UniProtKB Star A0A0J7L2W8_LASNI UniProtKB Star A0A0J7L167_LASNI Nylanderia Nylanderia fulva (UP000479987) Myrmicinae Acromyrmex Acromyrmex charruanus (UP000669903) UniProtKB Star A0A836GPF1_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A836GCL9_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A836K7Y1_9HYME Acromyrmex echinatior (UP000007755) UniProtKB Star F4WW98_ACREC UniProtKB Star F4X1E4_ACREC UniProtKB Star F4WLV2_ACREC Acromyrmex insinuator (UP000667349) UniProtKB Star A0A836JC52_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A836EIR2_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A836JJ48_9HYME Atta Atta cephalotes (UP000005205) UniProtKB Star A0A158NKH4_ATTCE UniProtKB Star A0A158NXU5_ATTCE UniProtKB Star A0A158NAR5_ATTCE Atta colombica (UP000078540) UniProtKB Star A0A195B0X1_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A195BJ39_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A151I404_9HYME Cyphomyrmex Cyphomyrmex costatus (UP000078542) UniProtKB Star A0A151IJY4_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A195CUZ9_9HYME Pogonomyrmex Pogonomyrmex barbatus (red harvester ant) (UP000504615) UniProtKB Star A0A6I9WCN2_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A6I9W9D7_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A6I9VXM6_9HYME Pseudoatta Pseudoatta argentina (UP000668214) UniProtKB Star A0A836EV10_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A836E8B0_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A836EQZ8_9HYME Temnothorax Temnothorax curvispinosus (UP000504618) UniProtKB Star A0A6J1PMC7_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A6J1R5C9_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A6J1PQ04_9HYME Temnothorax longispinosus (UP000310200) UniProtKB Star A0A4V3S7E7_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A4S2KDQ3_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A4S2JNE0_9HYME Trachymyrmex Trachymyrmex cornetzi (UP000078492) UniProtKB Star A0A151J273_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A195DLN0_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A151JMB3_9HYME Trachymyrmex septentrionalis (UP000078541) UniProtKB Star A0A195FC32_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A195FR79_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A195FWX0_9HYME Trachymyrmex zeteki (UP000075809) UniProtKB Star A0A151WT67_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A151WWK9_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A151WIJ5_9HYME Ponerinae Ponerini Dinoponera Dinoponera quadriceps (UP000515204) UniProtKB Star A0A6P3X3L9_DINQU UniProtKB Star A0A6P3WZ17_DINQU UniProtKB Star A0A6P3X169_DINQU Harpegnathos Harpegnathos saltator (UP000008237) UniProtKB Star E2B309_HARSA UniProtKB Star E2BUI8_HARSA UniProtKB Star E2C1V4_HARSA Vespoidea Vespidae Eumeninae Odynerus Odynerus spinipes (UP001258017) UniProtKB Star A0AAD9S1I6_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0AAD9R992_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0AAD9VU81_9HYME Vespinae Vespula Vespula germanica (UP000617340) UniProtKB Star A0A834JEZ6_VESGE UniProtKB Star A0A834K1S1_VESGE UniProtKB Star A0A834JPF6_VESGE Vespula pensylvanica (UP000600918) UniProtKB Star A0A834NH89_VESPE UniProtKB Star A0A834U8U1_VESPE UniProtKB Star A0A834NQU8_VESPE Vespula vulgaris (UP000614350) UniProtKB Star A0A834MUN8_VESVU UniProtKB Star A0A834N420_VESVU UniProtKB Star A0A834MZA0_VESVU Ichneumonoidea Braconidae Aphidiinae Aphidius Aphidius gifuensis (UP000639338) UniProtKB Star A0A835CRM2_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A834XRM9_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A835CQI7_9HYME Euphorinae Microctonus Microctonus aethiopoides (UP001168990) UniProtKB Star A0AA39C5L8_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0AA39C8N7_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0AA39F6Z0_9HYME Microctonus hyperodae (UP001168972) UniProtKB Star A0AA39F5V5_MICHY UniProtKB Star A0AA39C7X0_MICHY UniProtKB Star A0AA39G6E4_MICHY Microgastrinae Cotesia Cotesia congregata (UP000786811) UniProtKB Star A0A8J2MP03_COTCN UniProtKB Star A0A8J2HQ04_COTCN Cotesia typhae (UP000729913) UniProtKB Star A0A8J5QZ08_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A8J5R7B0_9HYME Opiinae Diachasma Diachasma alloeum (UP000297026) Fopius Fopius arisanus (UP000694866) UniProtKB Star A0A0C9QXF8_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A9R1TB73_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A9R1TCZ3_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A9R1TF87_9HYME Ichneumonidae Pimplinae Ephialtini Dolichomitus Dolichomitus sp. PSUC_FEM 10030005 (UP000785944) Proctotrupomorpha Chalcidoidea Agaonidae Agaoninae Ceratosolen Ceratosolen solmsi marchali (UP000695007) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ6YP14_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0AAJ6YWQ8_9HYME Pteromalidae Pteromalinae Nasonia Nasonia vitripennis (UP000002358) UniProtKB Star A0A7M7G9H5_NASVI UniProtKB Star A0A7M7QFY7_NASVI UniProtKB Star A0A7M7G9U5_NASVI Trichomalopsis Trichomalopsis sarcophagae (UP000215335) UniProtKB Star A0A232EVQ0_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A232EXF6_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A232F933_9HYME Trichogrammatidae Trichogramma Trichogramma brassicae (UP000479190) UniProtKB Star A0A6H5HSV3_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A6H5IZH0_9HYME UniProtKB Star A0A6H5IMF9_9HYME Tenthredinoidea Diprionidae Diprioninae Neodiprion Neodiprion lecontei (UP000504622) UniProtKB Star A0A6J0BUG3_NEOLC UniProtKB Star A0A6J0BTD1_NEOLC UniProtKB Star A0A6J0C2L5_NEOLC UniProtKB Star A0A6J0CCN7_NEOLC Lepidoptera Glossata Ditrysia Bombycoidea Bombycidae Bombycinae Bombyx Bombyx mori (UP000005204) UniProtKB Star A0A8R2DP52_BOMMO UniProtKB Star A0A8R2HP68_BOMMO UniProtKB Star A0A8R2HP90_BOMMO UniProtKB Star A0A8R2R210_BOMMO Sphingidae Sphinginae Sphingini Manduca Manduca sexta (UP000791440) UniProtKB Star A0A921ZFB7_MANSE UniProtKB Star A0A921ZFA0_MANSE UniProtKB Star A0A921ZS40_MANSE UniProtKB Star A0A921ZW70_MANSE UniProtKB Star A0A922CU80_MANSE Geometroidea Geometridae Larentiinae Operophtera Operophtera brumata (UP000037510) Noctuoidea Erebidae Arctiinae Arctia Arctia plantaginis (UP000494106) UniProtKB Star A0A8S1AJL3_ARCPL UniProtKB Star A0A8S1AFE7_ARCPL UniProtKB Star A0A8S0Z5X4_ARCPL Noctuidae Amphipyrinae Spodoptera Spodoptera exigua (UP000648187) UniProtKB Star A0A835GBV0_SPOEX UniProtKB Star A0A835G413_SPOEX Spodoptera littoralis (UP001153321) UniProtKB Star A0A9P0N5G9_SPOLI UniProtKB Star A0A9P0HZV6_SPOLI UniProtKB Star A0A9P0HWQ7_SPOLI Spodoptera litura (UP000301870) UniProtKB Star A0A9J7DW86_SPOLT UniProtKB Star A0A9J7DYI8_SPOLT UniProtKB Star A0A9J7EJH4_SPOLT Hadeninae Mythimna Mythimna separata (UP001231518) UniProtKB Star A0AAD7Z0M5_MYTSE UniProtKB Star A0AAD7YR02_MYTSE UniProtKB Star A0AAD7YSY1_MYTSE Heliothinae Helicoverpa Helicoverpa armigera (UP000249218) UniProtKB Star A0A2W1BRL5_HELAM Plusiinae Chrysodeixis Chrysodeixis includens (UP001154114) UniProtKB Star A0A9P0BWU8_CHRIL UniProtKB Star A0A9N8Q287_CHRIL UniProtKB Star A0A9P0C1V9_CHRIL Trichoplusia Trichoplusia ni (UP000322000) UniProtKB Star A0A7E5VDY6_TRINI UniProtKB Star A0A7E5W0U1_TRINI UniProtKB Star A0A7E5W0U9_TRINI UniProtKB Star A0A7E5X451_TRINI Papilionoidea Nymphalidae Danainae Danaini Danaina Danaus Anosia Danaus chrysippus (UP000789524) UniProtKB Star A0A8J2R4X1_9NEOP UniProtKB Star A0A8J2VTS8_9NEOP UniProtKB Star A0A8J2QPV8_9NEOP Danaus Danaus plexippus plexippus (UP000007151) UniProtKB Star A0A212F8Q9_DANPL UniProtKB Star A0A212FJ95_DANPL UniProtKB Star A0A212F4G9_DANPL Heliconiinae Argynnini Brenthis Brenthis ino (lesser marbled fritillary) (UP000838878) UniProtKB Star A0A8J9V0H6_9NEOP UniProtKB Star A0A8J9VKN1_9NEOP UniProtKB Star A0A8J9Y7B9_9NEOP Nymphalinae Vanessa Vanessa tameamea (UP000694848) UniProtKB Star A0A8B8HJM4_VANTA UniProtKB Star A0A8B8ITB2_VANTA UniProtKB Star A0A8B8I2H0_VANTA Satyrinae Satyrini Mycalesina Bicyclus Bicyclus anynana (UP000504620) Parargina Pararge Pararge aegeria aegeria (UP000838756) UniProtKB Star A0A8S4SJN4_9NEOP UniProtKB Star A0A8S4QN75_9NEOP UniProtKB Star A0A8S4SQB9_9NEOP Papilionidae Papilioninae Papilio Papilio machaon (UP000053240) UniProtKB Star A0A194RP91_PAPMA UniProtKB Star A0A194RHZ0_PAPMA Papilio xuthus (UP000053268) UniProtKB Star A0A194Q0N5_PAPXU UniProtKB Star A0A194Q932_PAPXU UniProtKB Star A0A194QES4_PAPXU Parnassiinae Parnassini Parnassius Parnassius Parnassius apollo (UP000691718) UniProtKB Star A0A8S3Y4U7_PARAO UniProtKB Star A0A8S3VYJ7_PARAO UniProtKB Star A0A8S3WK73_PARAO Pieridae Dismorphiinae Leptidea Leptidea sinapis (UP000324832) UniProtKB Star A0A5E4QWP5_9NEOP UniProtKB Star A0A5E4PU34_9NEOP UniProtKB Star A0A5E4PTH2_9NEOP UniProtKB Star A0A5E4PQJ8_9NEOP UniProtKB Star A0A5E4PU06_9NEOP UniProtKB Star A0A5E4PVH6_9NEOP Pierinae Pieris Pieris brassicae (UP001152562) UniProtKB Star A0A9P0WV03_PIEBR UniProtKB Star A0A9P0XE41_PIEBR UniProtKB Star A0A9P0TU06_PIEBR Pieris macdunnoughi (UP000663880) UniProtKB Star A0A821UVZ9_9NEOP UniProtKB Star A0A821P8U1_9NEOP UniProtKB Star A0A821X5E0_9NEOP Pyraloidea Crambidae Crambinae Diatraea Diatraea saccharalis (sugarcane borer) (UP001153714) UniProtKB Star A0A9N9N1J5_9NEOP UniProtKB Star A0A9N9R3Y7_9NEOP UniProtKB Star A0A9N9R9K6_9NEOP Pyralidae Galleriinae Galleria Galleria mellonella (UP000504614) UniProtKB Star A0A6J1X573_GALME Tineoidea Psychidae Oiketicinae Eumeta Eumeta variegata (UP000299102) UniProtKB Star A0A4C1THM1_EUMVA Yponomeutoidea Plutellidae Plutella Plutella xylostella (UP000653454) UniProtKB Star A0A8S4DYE5_PLUXY UniProtKB Star A0A8S4D3V4_PLUXY Paraneoptera Hemiptera Auchenorrhyncha Fulgoroidea Delphacidae Criomorphinae Laodelphax Laodelphax striatellus (UP000291343) UniProtKB Star A0A482XJB3_LAOST UniProtKB Star A0A482XFR4_LAOST UniProtKB Star A0A482XC51_LAOST Heteroptera Panheteroptera Cimicomorpha Cimicidae Cimex Cimex lectularius (UP000494040) UniProtKB Star A0A8I6SIH9_CIMLE UniProtKB Star A0A8I6SBM5_CIMLE UniProtKB Star A0A8I6S1T0_CIMLE UniProtKB Star A0A8I6RGP1_CIMLE Miridae Dicyphina Nesidiocoris Nesidiocoris tenuis (UP000479000) UniProtKB Star A0A6H5HP42_9HEMI UniProtKB Star A0A6H5G1D5_9HEMI UniProtKB Star A0A6H5GJI1_9HEMI Mirini Apolygus Apolygus lucorum (UP000466442) UniProtKB Star A0A6A4IY53_APOLU Reduviidae Triatominae Rhodnius Rhodnius prolixus (UP000015103) UniProtKB Star T1IFM6_RHOPR UniProtKB Star T1HZD4_RHOPR UniProtKB Star T1HR21_RHOPR Pentatomomorpha Pentatomoidea Pentatomidae Pentatominae Nezara Nezara viridula (UP001152798) UniProtKB Star A0A9P0HBG4_NEZVI UniProtKB Star A0A9P0HEG5_NEZVI UniProtKB Star A0A9P0H018_NEZVI Sternorrhyncha Aleyrodoidea Aleyrodidae Aleyrodinae Bemisia Bemisia tabaci (UP001152759) UniProtKB Star A0A9P0AC04_BEMTA UniProtKB Star A0A9P0AI32_BEMTA UniProtKB Star A0A9P0AFI8_BEMTA UniProtKB Star A0A9P0F2J8_BEMTA Aphidomorpha Aphidoidea Aphididae Aphidini Aphis Aphis Aphis craccivora (UP000478052) UniProtKB Star A0A6G0ZET1_APHCR UniProtKB Star A0A6G0W1Z3_APHCR UniProtKB Star A0A6G0Y207_APHCR UniProtKB Star A0A6G0Y0D7_APHCR UniProtKB Star A0A6G0XE81_APHCR UniProtKB Star A0A6G0Y0X0_APHCR Aphis glycines (UP000475862) UniProtKB Star A0A6G0TU28_APHGL UniProtKB Star A0A6G0SXI6_APHGL UniProtKB Star A0A6G0TYQ9_APHGL Aphis gossypii (UP001154329) UniProtKB Star A0A9P0NRQ9_APHGO UniProtKB Star A0A9P0J721_APHGO UniProtKB Star A0A9P0JAD3_APHGO UniProtKB Star A0A9P0NLA4_APHGO Lachninae Cinara Cinara cedri (UP000325440) UniProtKB Star A0A5E4N2S3_9HEMI UniProtKB Star A0A5E4M5L0_9HEMI UniProtKB Star A0A5E4N8I7_9HEMI UniProtKB Star A0A5E4N3Y0_9HEMI UniProtKB Star A0A5E4MZB8_9HEMI Macrosiphini Acyrthosiphon Acyrthosiphon pisum (UP000007819) UniProtKB Star A0A8R2ABL1_ACYPI UniProtKB Star A0A8R2B4F8_ACYPI UniProtKB Star A0A8R2D4R1_ACYPI UniProtKB Star A0A8R2NJN7_ACYPI UniProtKB Star A0A8R1W0A0_ACYPI UniProtKB Star A0A8R2B8L1_ACYPI UniProtKB Star A0A8R2B925_ACYPI Sipha Sipha flava (yellow sugarcane aphid) (UP000694846) UniProtKB Star A0A8B8GHE7_9HEMI UniProtKB Star A0A8B8G6C6_9HEMI UniProtKB Star A0A8B8FYK1_9HEMI Psylloidea Psyllidae Diaphorininae Diaphorina Diaphorina citri (UP000079169) UniProtKB Star A0A1S3D893_DIACI UniProtKB Star A0A1S4EHW6_DIACI UniProtKB Star A0A3Q0J8Q5_DIACI Psocodea Phthiraptera Anoplura Pediculidae Pediculus Pediculus humanus subsp. corporis (UP000009046) UniProtKB Star E0VI43_PEDHC UniProtKB Star E0VJ15_PEDHC UniProtKB Star E0VVD4_PEDHC Thysanoptera Terebrantia Thripoidea Thripidae Frankliniella Frankliniella fusca (UP001219518) UniProtKB Star A0AAE1HSA2_9NEOP UniProtKB Star A0AAE1H2L9_9NEOP UniProtKB Star A0AAE1LMA9_9NEOP Frankliniella occidentalis (UP000504606) UniProtKB Star A0A9C6U2V4_FRAOC UniProtKB Star A0A6J1RY18_FRAOC UniProtKB Star A0A6J1TBX5_FRAOC Thrips Thrips palmi (UP000515158) UniProtKB Star A0A6P8ZL45_THRPL UniProtKB Star A0A6P8YF65_THRPL UniProtKB Star A0A6P9A1J9_THRPL Polyneoptera Dictyoptera Blattodea Blaberoidea Blaberidae Diplopterinae Diploptera Diploptera punctata (UP001233999) UniProtKB Star A0AAD8A9K4_DIPPU UniProtKB Star A0AAD8AC67_DIPPU UniProtKB Star A0AAD7ZPQ4_DIPPU UniProtKB Star A0AAD7Z6B3_DIPPU UniProtKB Star A0AAD7Z6K0_DIPPU UniProtKB Star A0AAD7Z7I0_DIPPU Blattoidea Termitoidae Kalotermitidae Cryptotermitinae Cryptotermes Cryptotermes secundus (UP000235965) UniProtKB Star A0A2J7R115_9NEOP UniProtKB Star A0A2J7R2T7_9NEOP Rhinotermitidae Coptotermes Coptotermes formosanus (UP000502823) UniProtKB Star A0A6L2PPP1_COPFO UniProtKB Star A0A6L2PKP7_COPFO UniProtKB Star A0A6L2Q434_COPFO Termopsidae Zootermopsis Zootermopsis nevadensis (UP000027135) UniProtKB Star A0A067R6M3_ZOONE UniProtKB Star A0A067QTT5_ZOONE Palaeoptera Ephemeroptera Pisciforma Baetidae Cloeon Cloeon dipterum (UP000494165) UniProtKB Star A0A8S1DFN5_9INSE UniProtKB Star A0A8S1CJC5_9INSE UniProtKB Star A0A8S1D2J0_9INSE Odonata Epiprocta Anisoptera Libellulidae Ladona Ladona fulva (UP000792457) UniProtKB Star A0A8K0JSL9_LADFU Myriapoda Chilopoda Pleurostigmophora Geophilomorpha Linotaeniidae Strigamia Strigamia maritima (UP000014500) UniProtKB Star T1IN70_STRMM UniProtKB Star T1IPR4_STRMM UniProtKB Star T1J7Y6_STRMM Nematoda Chromadorea Plectida Plectina Plectoidea Plectidae Plectus Plectus sambesii (UP000887566) UniProtKB Star A0A914W049_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A914XBV9_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A914VYG5_9BILA Rhabditida Rhabditina Diplogasteromorpha Diplogasteroidea Neodiplogasteridae Pristionchus Pristionchus pacificus (UP000005239) UniProtKB Star A0A2A6D0N1_PRIPA UniProtKB Star A0A2A6BUB6_PRIPA UniProtKB Star A0A2A6BYL4_PRIPA Rhabditomorpha Rhabditoidea Rhabditidae Auanema Auanema sp. JU1783 (UP001154013) UniProtKB Star A0A9P1MHL3_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A9P1MNL8_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A9P1MMK0_9BILA Diploscapter Diploscapter pachys (UP000218231) UniProtKB Star A0A2A2JYX7_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A2A2KI05_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A2A2KSD6_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A2A2L4U2_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A2A2LF33_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A2A2M0E3_9BILA Mesorhabditinae Mesorhabditis Mesorhabditis belari (UP000887575) UniProtKB Star A0AAF3ER49_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AAF3J505_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AAF3F5H4_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AAF3FCG1_9BILA Mesorhabditis spiculigera (UP001177023) UniProtKB Star A0AA36G088_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AA36C2U9_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AA36CTR9_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AA36CSY6_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AA36G4Z4_9BILA Peloderinae Caenorhabditis Caenorhabditis angaria (UP001152747) UniProtKB Star A0A9P1IN57_9PELO UniProtKB Star A0A9P1I5N0_9PELO Caenorhabditis auriculariae (UP000835052) UniProtKB Star A0A8S1HAQ9_9PELO UniProtKB Star A0A8S1HN20_9PELO UniProtKB Star A0A8S1GT35_9PELO Caenorhabditis bovis (UP000494206) UniProtKB Star A0A8S1F6H7_9PELO UniProtKB Star A0A8S1ES00_9PELO UniProtKB Star A0A8S1FDX8_9PELO Caenorhabditis brenneri (UP000008068) UniProtKB Star G0NYC8_CAEBE UniProtKB Star G0NHA6_CAEBE UniProtKB Star G0PJG2_CAEBE UniProtKB Star G0NXV8_CAEBE UniProtKB Star G0NDU8_CAEBE UniProtKB Star G0NXW0_CAEBE Caenorhabditis briggsae (UP000008549) UniProtKB Star A8XI55_CAEBR UniProtKB Star A8XZV8_CAEBR UniProtKB Star A8XIN7_CAEBR Caenorhabditis elegans (UP000001940) UniProtKB Star O44413_CAEEL UniProtKB Star SYQ_CAEEL UniProtKB Star Q23315_CAEEL UniProtKB Star D3YT95_CAEEL Caenorhabditis japonica (UP000005237) UniProtKB Star A0A8R1DPQ7_CAEJA UniProtKB Star A0A8R1DXH1_CAEJA Caenorhabditis latens (UP000216463) UniProtKB Star A0A261BJD9_9PELO UniProtKB Star A0A261CDE2_9PELO Caenorhabditis nigoni (UP000230233) UniProtKB Star A0A2G5UE09_9PELO UniProtKB Star A0A2G5VIF6_9PELO UniProtKB Star A0A2G5TWH8_9PELO Caenorhabditis remanei (UP000008281) UniProtKB Star E3MYB1_CAERE UniProtKB Star E3LUW3_CAERE UniProtKB Star E3NGP7_CAERE Caenorhabditis sp. 36 PRJEB53466 (UP001153352) UniProtKB Star A0A9P1AJ12_9PELO UniProtKB Star A0A9P1A984_9PELO UniProtKB Star A0A9P1F0N3_9PELO Strongyloidea Ancylostomatidae Ancylostomatinae Ancylostoma Ancylostoma caninum (UP000252519) UniProtKB Star A0A368GYT6_ANCCA UniProtKB Star A0A368FXU9_ANCCA UniProtKB Star A0A368FRT5_ANCCA Ancylostoma ceylanicum (UP000024635) UniProtKB Star A0A016TQI1_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A016TR51_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A016TPF3_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A016WXZ2_9BILA Ancylostoma duodenale (UP000054047) UniProtKB Star A0A0C2DTB3_9BILA Bunostominae Necator Necator americanus (UP000053676) UniProtKB Star W2SZ17_NECAM UniProtKB Star W2TVJ6_NECAM Heligmosomidae Nippostrongylus Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (UP000271162) UniProtKB Star A0A0N4XTY7_NIPBR Metastrongylidae Angiostrongylus Angiostrongylus cantonensis (UP000035642) UniProtKB Star A0A0K0DBX5_ANGCA UniProtKB Star A0A158P8U3_ANGCA Angiostrongylus costaricensis (UP000267027) UniProtKB Star A0A0R3PL28_ANGCS UniProtKB Star A0A0R3PMY1_ANGCS Dictyocaulus Dictyocaulus viviparus (UP000053766) UniProtKB Star A0A0D8XX14_DICVI UniProtKB Star A0A0D8YAM1_DICVI Parelaphostrongylus Parelaphostrongylus tenuis (UP001196413) UniProtKB Star A0AAD5MGT5_PARTN Strongylidae Cylicocyclus Cylicocyclus nassatus (UP001176961) UniProtKB Star A0AA36GUN4_CYLNA UniProtKB Star A0AA36LZL2_CYLNA UniProtKB Star A0AA36M8U1_CYLNA Cylicostephanus Cylicostephanus goldi (UP000271889) Oesophagostomum Oesophagostomum dentatum (UP000053660) UniProtKB Star A0A0B1TJ92_OESDE UniProtKB Star A0A0B1T5K9_OESDE Strongylus Strongylus vulgaris (UP000270094) UniProtKB Star A0A3P7LA55_STRVU Trichostrongylidae Haemonchus Haemonchus placei (UP000268014) UniProtKB Star A0A0N4W3U7_HAEPC UniProtKB Star A0A0N4WSI9_HAEPC Teladorsagia Teladorsagia circumcincta (UP000230423) Spirurina Ascaridomorpha Ascaridoidea Anisakidae Anisakis Anisakis simplex complex Anisakis simplex (UP000267096) UniProtKB Star A0A0M3K7F4_ANISI UniProtKB Star A0A0M3JST8_ANISI Ascarididae Parascaris Parascaris equorum (UP000887564) Parascaris univalens (UP000887569) UniProtKB Star A0A915BGB4_PARUN UniProtKB Star A0A915BGA0_PARUN UniProtKB Star A0A915BG53_PARUN UniProtKB Star A0A915BGS4_PARUN UniProtKB Star A0A915AX52_PARUN UniProtKB Star A0A915AYC0_PARUN UniProtKB Star A0A914ZL78_PARUN Toxocaridae Toxocara Toxocara canis (UP000031036) UniProtKB Star A0A0B2VPI7_TOXCA UniProtKB Star A0A0B2UPF5_TOXCA UniProtKB Star A0A0B2UN27_TOXCA Dracunculoidea Dracunculidae Dracunculus Dracunculus medinensis (UP000274756) UniProtKB Star A0A0N4ULJ1_DRAME UniProtKB Star A0A0N4UDS7_DRAME UniProtKB Star A0A0N4U3X4_DRAME Oxyuridomorpha Oxyuroidea Oxyuridae Enterobius Enterobius vermicularis (UP000274131) UniProtKB Star A0A0N4VEN3_ENTVE UniProtKB Star A0A0N4V607_ENTVE Spiruromorpha Filarioidea Onchocercidae Acanthocheilonema Acanthocheilonema viteae (UP000276991) UniProtKB Star A0A498SIN4_ACAVI UniProtKB Star A0A498SS44_ACAVI UniProtKB Star A0A498S810_ACAVI Brugia Brugia malayi (UP000006672) UniProtKB Star A0A4E9F3M9_BRUMA UniProtKB Star A0A0K0JKQ8_BRUMA UniProtKB Star A0A4E9F9W8_BRUMA UniProtKB Star A0A4E9F295_BRUMA Brugia pahangi (UP000278627) UniProtKB Star A0A0N4T729_BRUPA UniProtKB Star A0A158PQG1_BRUPA UniProtKB Star A0A0N4TYU1_BRUPA UniProtKB Star A0A0N4T695_BRUPA Brugia timori (UP000280834) UniProtKB Star A0A3P7TQC0_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0R3QLF7_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0R3Q538_9BILA Cercopithifilaria Cercopithifilaria johnstoni (UP000746747) UniProtKB Star A0A8J2M0K7_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A8J2LZV1_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A8J2M5U0_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A8J2M007_9BILA Litomosoides Litomosoides sigmodontis (UP000277928) UniProtKB Star A0A3P6S565_LITSI UniProtKB Star A0A3P6T2X7_LITSI UniProtKB Star A0A3P6SXT1_LITSI Loa Loa loa (UP000095285) UniProtKB Star A0A1I7VPS8_LOALO UniProtKB Star A0A1I7V6J3_LOALO Onchocerca Onchocerca flexuosa (UP000242913) UniProtKB Star A0A238BSH9_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A238BR45_9BILA Onchocerca ochengi (UP000271087) UniProtKB Star A0A3P6U3W1_ONCOC UniProtKB Star A0A182EDI5_ONCOC UniProtKB Star A0A182E402_ONCOC Onchocerca volvulus (UP000024404) UniProtKB Star A0A2K6VU20_ONCVO UniProtKB Star A0A8R1TKT2_ONCVO UniProtKB Star A0A8R1XLX2_ONCVO UniProtKB Star A0A2K6WLB3_ONCVO Wuchereria Wuchereria bancrofti (UP000270924) UniProtKB Star A0A3P7DJH6_WUCBA UniProtKB Star A0A3P7GDV2_WUCBA UniProtKB Star A0A3P7DC95_WUCBA Setariidae Setaria Setaria digitata (UP000887581) UniProtKB Star A0A915PD33_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A915PK29_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A915Q616_9BILA Spiruroidea Gongylonematidae Gongylonema Gongylonema pulchrum (UP000271098) Thelazioidea Thelaziidae Thelazia Thelazia callipaeda (UP000276776) UniProtKB Star A0A0N5CW63_THECL UniProtKB Star A0A0N5CLZ9_THECL UniProtKB Star A0A158RBQ7_THECL UniProtKB Star A0A158RCD9_THECL Tylenchina Cephalobomorpha Cephaloboidea Cephalobidae Acrobeloides Acrobeloides nanus (UP000887540) UniProtKB Star A0A914CGQ0_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A914C7K0_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A914DU73_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A914C5K2_9BILA Panagrolaimomorpha Panagrolaimoidea Panagrolaimidae Halicephalobus Halicephalobus sp. NKZ332 (UP000488831) UniProtKB Star A0A6G0V3K5_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A6G0UQS2_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A6G0V4L7_9BILA Panagrellus Panagrellus redivivus (UP000492821) UniProtKB Star A0A7E4VYP0_PANRE UniProtKB Star A0A7E4W1H1_PANRE UniProtKB Star A0A7E4VRL9_PANRE Panagrolaimus Panagrolaimus davidi (UP000887578) Panagrolaimus sp. ES5 (UP000887579) UniProtKB Star A0A914FJY2_9BILA Panagrolaimus sp. JU765 (UP000887576) UniProtKB Star A0A914KEQ9_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A914KEQ8_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A914JS05_9BILA Panagrolaimus sp. PS1159 (UP000887580) UniProtKB Star A0A914U3W8_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A914TKA4_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A914U1D5_9BILA Panagrolaimus superbus (UP000887577) UniProtKB Star A0A914YNG2_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A914YQN9_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A914ZFI1_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A914ZAU4_9BILA Strongyloidoidea Steinernematidae Steinernema Steinernema carpocapsae (UP000298663) UniProtKB Star A0A4U5NDM8_STECR UniProtKB Star A0A4U5PIA7_STECR UniProtKB Star A0A4U8V575_STECR UniProtKB Star A0A4U8V0G2_STECR Steinernema hermaphroditum (UP001175271) UniProtKB Star A0AA39HFM5_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AA39HFU0_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AA39HGM9_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AA39HH10_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AA39HF79_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AA39HEM1_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AA39MBS8_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AA39IUD6_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AA39ISU2_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AA39IT37_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AA39MBF6_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AA39MCI3_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AA39MBZ1_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AA39MC10_9BILA Strongyloididae Strongyloides Strongyloides ratti (UP000035682) UniProtKB Star A0A090LN27_STRRB UniProtKB Star A0A090MYI5_STRRB UniProtKB Star A0A090L2C7_STRRB Strongyloides stercoralis (UP000035681) UniProtKB Star A0A0K0DYI7_STRER UniProtKB Star A0AAF5DIB3_STRER UniProtKB Star A0A0K0E2M2_STRER UniProtKB Star A0AAF5D1Q5_STRER UniProtKB Star A0A0K0E9U0_STRER Strongyloides venezuelensis (UP000035680) UniProtKB Star A0A0K0FZ05_STRVS UniProtKB Star A0A0K0FDM5_STRVS Tylenchomorpha Aphelenchoidea Aphelenchoididae Bursaphelenchus Bursaphelenchus okinawaensis (UP000614601) UniProtKB Star A0A811LL25_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A811KG12_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A811KZ70_9BILA Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (UP000659654) UniProtKB Star A0A1I7S9U2_BURXY UniProtKB Star A0A1I7RV85_BURXY UniProtKB Star A0A7I8X8Z9_BURXY Sphaerularioidea Anguinidae Anguininae Ditylenchus Ditylenchus destructor (UP001201812) UniProtKB Star A0AAD4R220_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AAD4R886_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0AAD4N0D8_9BILA Ditylenchus dipsaci (UP000887574) UniProtKB Star A0A915CT90_9BILA Tylenchoidea Heteroderidae Heteroderinae Globodera Globodera rostochiensis (UP000887572) UniProtKB Star A0A914IAY1_GLORO UniProtKB Star A0A914HG75_GLORO UniProtKB Star A0A914HJJ3_GLORO UniProtKB Star A0A914HIF8_GLORO UniProtKB Star A0A914HHI0_GLORO UniProtKB Star A0A914I6G4_GLORO Meloidogynidae Meloidogyninae Meloidogyne Meloidogyne enterolobii (UP000580250) UniProtKB Star A0A6V7XIM1_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A6V7UFV2_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A6V7V0R9_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A6V7Y8N8_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A6V7V632_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A6V7TMR9_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A6V7U364_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A6V7W5Q4_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A6V7WTN9_9BILA Meloidogyne floridensis (UP000887560) UniProtKB Star A0A915NJQ7_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A915NM08_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A915NGZ4_9BILA Meloidogyne graminicola (UP000605970) UniProtKB Star A0A8S9ZDZ8_9BILA Meloidogyne incognita group Meloidogyne incognita (UP000887563) UniProtKB Star A0A914LKE0_MELIC UniProtKB Star A0A914MVH6_MELIC UniProtKB Star A0A914LG86_MELIC UniProtKB Star A0A914L876_MELIC UniProtKB Star A0A914LCB3_MELIC UniProtKB Star A0A914LNE4_MELIC UniProtKB Star A0A914NKC8_MELIC UniProtKB Star A0A914LIF6_MELIC Meloidogyne javanica (UP000887561) UniProtKB Star A0A915LPP5_MELJA UniProtKB Star A0A915MZ73_MELJA Enoplea Dorylaimia Dioctophymatida Dioctophymatoidea Soboliphymatidae Soboliphyme Soboliphyme baturini (UP000270296) UniProtKB Star A0A3P8EFB0_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A183IMW1_9BILA Mermithida Mermithoidea Mermithidae Romanomermis Romanomermis culicivorax (UP000887565) UniProtKB Star A0A915ICY2_ROMCU UniProtKB Star A0A915IZZ6_ROMCU Trichinellida Trichinellidae Trichinella Trichinella britovi (UP000054653) UniProtKB Star A0A0V1DHK8_TRIBR UniProtKB Star A0A0V1CIX7_TRIBR UniProtKB Star A0A0V1CIR5_TRIBR UniProtKB Star A0A0V1CIX2_TRIBR UniProtKB Star A0A0V1D7B6_TRIBR Trichinella murrelli (UP000055048) UniProtKB Star A0A0V0UGX6_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0TA91_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0TAB2_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0UE20_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0UDX0_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0UDN6_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0UFL4_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0UEJ4_9BILA Trichinella nativa (UP000054721) UniProtKB Star A0A0V1LNW7_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1KYF0_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1LMC0_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1LLX6_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1LLY6_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1LLX4_9BILA Trichinella nelsoni (UP000054630) UniProtKB Star A0A0V0RT69_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0REJ6_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0SEP6_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0SDM9_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0SDU6_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0RF45_9BILA Trichinella papuae (UP000054843) UniProtKB Star A0A0V1N2K5_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1MPE6_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1MG26_9BILA Trichinella patagoniensis (UP000054783) UniProtKB Star A0A0V1ADJ9_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0Z989_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1ABU9_9BILA Trichinella pseudospiralis (UP000054815) UniProtKB Star A0A0V0YM12_TRIPS UniProtKB Star A0A0V0XIV5_TRIPS UniProtKB Star A0A0V0XIU5_TRIPS UniProtKB Star A0A0V0YAR6_TRIPS UniProtKB Star A0A0V0YAE6_TRIPS UniProtKB Star A0A0V0YBN7_TRIPS UniProtKB Star A0A0V0YAS6_TRIPS UniProtKB Star A0A0V0XJ48_TRIPS Trichinella sp. T6 (UP000054673) UniProtKB Star A0A0V0X8V5_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0X7E5_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0W837_9BILA Trichinella sp. T8 (UP000054924) UniProtKB Star A0A0V1NS16_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1P730_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1P6U2_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1P6Y1_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1P6L7_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1P693_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1NT36_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1P6M3_9BILA Trichinella sp. T9 (UP000054681) UniProtKB Star A0A0V0VSQ0_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0VJX8_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0VJY9_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0VK41_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0VKC1_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0UWX5_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V0UWD6_9BILA Trichinella spiralis (UP000054776) UniProtKB Star E5SGZ5_TRISP UniProtKB Star A0A0V1B1N5_TRISP UniProtKB Star A0A0V1C0X7_TRISP UniProtKB Star A0A0V1C0S9_TRISP UniProtKB Star A0A0V1C0S8_TRISP UniProtKB Star A0A0V1B1N4_TRISP UniProtKB Star A0A0V1B1R5_TRISP UniProtKB Star A0A0V1C1K8_TRISP UniProtKB Star A0A0V1B1M8_TRISP Trichinella zimbabwensis (UP000055024) UniProtKB Star A0A0V1HQB9_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1HPH2_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1H409_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1H3X4_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1H4C4_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1H4D1_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1H588_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1H4B6_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1HQU0_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A0V1HQR0_9BILA Trichuridae Trichuris Trichuris trichiura (UP000030665) UniProtKB Star A0A077ZHR9_TRITR UniProtKB Star A0A077YXR2_TRITR UniProtKB Star A0A077ZJA2_TRITR UniProtKB Star A0A077YYP6_TRITR Tardigrada Eutardigrada Parachela Hypsibioidea Hypsibiidae Hypsibius Hypsibius exemplaris (UP000192578) UniProtKB Star A0A1W0X205_HYPEX UniProtKB Star A0A1W0WN39_HYPEX UniProtKB Star A0A1W0WD24_HYPEX Ramazzottiidae Ramazzottius Ramazzottius varieornatus (UP000186922) UniProtKB Star A0A1D1UYD1_RAMVA UniProtKB Star A0A1D1V3I5_RAMVA UniProtKB Star A0A1D1UVG2_RAMVA Echinodermata Eleutherozoa Asterozoa Asteroidea Valvatacea Valvatida Acanthasteridae Acanthaster Acanthaster planci (UP000694845) UniProtKB Star A0A8B7YYE6_ACAPL UniProtKB Star A0A8B7YWL7_ACAPL UniProtKB Star A0A8B7XM91_ACAPL UniProtKB Star A0A8B7ZGX1_ACAPL Asterinidae Patiria Patiria miniata (UP000887568) UniProtKB Star A0A914B385_PATMI UniProtKB Star A0A913ZSN1_PATMI UniProtKB Star A0A914B7F7_PATMI Echinozoa Echinoidea Euechinoidea Echinacea Camarodonta Echinidea Strongylocentrotidae Strongylocentrotus Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (UP000007110) UniProtKB Star A0A7M7NM25_STRPU UniProtKB Star A0A7M7NK81_STRPU UniProtKB Star A0A7M7NK13_STRPU UniProtKB Star A0A7M7HKA9_STRPU UniProtKB Star A0A7M7HK22_STRPU UniProtKB Star A0A7M7T508_STRPU UniProtKB Star A0A7M7LTG2_STRPU UniProtKB Star A0A7M7N1Y5_STRPU UniProtKB Star A0A7M7MXM1_STRPU Holothuroidea Aspidochirotacea Aspidochirotida Holothuriidae Holothuria Holothuria leucospilota (UP001152320) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q1H2M8_HOLLE UniProtKB Star A0A9Q1CJ60_HOLLE UniProtKB Star A0A9Q1CM18_HOLLE Stichopodidae Apostichopus Stichopus japonicus (UP000230750) UniProtKB Star A0A2G8JYT8_STIJA UniProtKB Star A0A2G8L4D2_STIJA UniProtKB Star A0A2G8KHN1_STIJA Placozoa Uniplacotomia Trichoplacea Trichoplacidae Trichoplax Trichoplax adhaerens (UP000009022) UniProtKB Star B3S612_TRIAD UniProtKB Star B3RQG2_TRIAD UniProtKB Star B3RIA1_TRIAD Trichoplax sp. H2 (UP000253843) UniProtKB Star A0A369RS24_9METZ UniProtKB Star A0A369S9K0_9METZ UniProtKB Star A0A369SJW8_9METZ Porifera Demospongiae Heteroscleromorpha Haplosclerida Niphatidae Amphimedon Amphimedon queenslandica (UP000007879) UniProtKB Star A0A1X7V462_AMPQE UniProtKB Star A0A1X7VRZ0_AMPQE Tetractinellida Astrophorina Geodiidae Geodia Geodia barretti (UP001174909) UniProtKB Star A0AA35S8Q1_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35TIP5_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35S7K7_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35X718_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35QZN0_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35S5N1_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35RQA0_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35S5M6_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35RGI0_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35WRN4_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35R6Y4_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35X864_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35QZB6_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35QZB1_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35T1Q8_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35S646_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35VXV4_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35SHV3_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35TIX7_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35S5T7_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35TI38_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35R5M0_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35W7Z1_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35TI13_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35X7L8_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35XDH6_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35XEF6_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35R5L5_GEOBA UniProtKB Star A0AA35W5Y2_GEOBA Spiralia Gnathifera Rotifera Eurotatoria Bdelloidea Adinetida Adinetidae Adineta Adineta ricciae (UP000663828) UniProtKB Star A0A816ERV5_ADIRI UniProtKB Star A0A816CFE0_ADIRI UniProtKB Star A0A814M9M8_ADIRI UniProtKB Star A0A814MET4_ADIRI Adineta steineri (UP000663832) UniProtKB Star A0A815LEL1_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A816FUA8_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A814AEM4_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A813MP36_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A813SMT0_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A815RPU5_9BILA Philodinida Philodinidae Didymodactylos Didymodactylos carnosus (UP000663829) UniProtKB Star A0A814C750_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A813RTE5_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A814UEG4_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A814M049_9BILA Rotaria Rotaria magnacalcarata (UP000663866) UniProtKB Star A0A819SZH7_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A816MA23_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A816NPH9_9BILA Rotaria socialis (UP000663873) UniProtKB Star A0A820G4T5_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A819V9B5_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A820S6F0_9BILA Rotaria sordida (UP000663870) UniProtKB Star A0A816DNA7_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A813SQF5_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A813PNK5_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A813PQP1_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A813PIN5_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A813Y614_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A814L9J8_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A813MRK7_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A814ZB32_9BILA Rotaria sp. Silwood1 (UP000663835) UniProtKB Star A0A820VBR8_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A818A4U3_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A817UAC0_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A813NLX0_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A813QQ60_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A813RAB4_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A815BF23_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A815BMY3_9BILA Rotaria sp. Silwood2 (UP000663884) UniProtKB Star A0A819N0K7_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A817EM97_9BILA Monogononta Pseudotrocha Ploima Brachionidae Brachionus Brachionus calyciflorus (UP000663879) UniProtKB Star A0A814F5S5_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A813QXG3_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A813N234_9BILA Brachionus plicatilis (UP000276133) UniProtKB Star A0A3M7SIL0_BRAPC UniProtKB Star A0A3M7QWC6_BRAPC UniProtKB Star A0A3M7QX66_BRAPC Lophotrochozoa Annelida Clitellata Hirudinea Rhynchobdellida Glossiphoniidae Helobdella Helobdella robusta (UP000015101) UniProtKB Star T1EFX1_HELRO UniProtKB Star T1G3F3_HELRO UniProtKB Star T1FXK3_HELRO Polychaeta Polychaeta incertae sedis Dinophilidae Dimorphilus Dimorphilus gyrociliatus (UP000549394) UniProtKB Star A0A7I8VSQ6_9ANNE UniProtKB Star A0A7I8VTW7_9ANNE UniProtKB Star A0A7I8VSD1_9ANNE Sedentaria Canalipalpata Sabellida Oweniida Oweniidae Owenia Owenia fusiformis (UP000749559) UniProtKB Star A0A8J1T4N1_OWEFU UniProtKB Star A0A8J1XZC1_OWEFU UniProtKB Star A0A8S4NS91_OWEFU Siboglinidae Ridgeia Ridgeia piscesae (UP001209878) UniProtKB Star A0AAD9KPP2_RIDPI UniProtKB Star A0AAD9NXA2_RIDPI Terebellida Terebelliformia Alvinellidae Paralvinella Paralvinella palmiformis (UP001208570) UniProtKB Star A0AAD9J0S6_9ANNE UniProtKB Star A0AAD9MY18_9ANNE UniProtKB Star A0AAD9JIR5_9ANNE Scolecida Capitellidae Capitella Capitella teleta (UP000014760) UniProtKB Star R7U1B9_CAPTE UniProtKB Star R7U613_CAPTE Brachiopoda Linguliformea Lingulata Lingulida Linguloidea Lingulidae Lingula Lingula unguis (UP000085678) UniProtKB Star A0A1S3ISS6_LINUN UniProtKB Star A0A1S3JVD0_LINUN UniProtKB Star A0A1S3J8N8_LINUN UniProtKB Star A0A1S3J8F1_LINUN UniProtKB Star A0A1S3HQU9_LINUN Bryozoa Gymnolaemata Cheilostomatida Flustrina Buguloidea Bugulidae Bugula Bugula neritina (UP000593567) UniProtKB Star A0A7J7JPA5_BUGNE UniProtKB Star A0A7J7KJI0_BUGNE UniProtKB Star A0A7J7K7F0_BUGNE Mesozoa Orthonectida Rhopaluridae Intoshia Intoshia linei (UP000078046) UniProtKB Star A0A177BC09_9BILA UniProtKB Star A0A177B1C1_9BILA Mollusca Bivalvia Autobranchia Heteroconchia Euheterodonta Imparidentia Neoheterodontei Myida Dreissenoidea Dreissenidae Dreissena Dreissena polymorpha (UP000828390) UniProtKB Star A0A9D4FW02_DREPO UniProtKB Star A0A9D4JAY0_DREPO UniProtKB Star A0A9D4LF73_DREPO UniProtKB Star A0A9D4GSU7_DREPO UniProtKB Star A0A9D4GPG0_DREPO Palaeoheterodonta Unionida Unionoidea Unionidae Ambleminae Lampsilini Potamilus Potamilus streckersoni (UP001195483) UniProtKB Star A0AAE0VLS1_9BIVA UniProtKB Star A0AAE0T608_9BIVA UniProtKB Star A0AAE0SRH7_9BIVA UniProtKB Star A0AAE0RX88_9BIVA Pteriomorphia Mytilida Mytiloidea Mytilidae Mytilinae Mytilus Mytilus coruscus (UP000507470) UniProtKB Star A0A6J8BES9_MYTCO UniProtKB Star A0A6J8DDI8_MYTCO UniProtKB Star A0A6J8D2H1_MYTCO UniProtKB Star A0A6J8D706_MYTCO Mytilus edulis (UP000683360) UniProtKB Star A0A8S3RYE7_MYTED UniProtKB Star A0A8S3Q950_MYTED UniProtKB Star A0A8S3VJR6_MYTED UniProtKB Star A0A8S3V819_MYTED Mytilus galloprovincialis (UP000596742) UniProtKB Star A0A8B6CIL6_MYTGA UniProtKB Star A0A8B6CIW3_MYTGA UniProtKB Star A0A8B6CK21_MYTGA UniProtKB Star A0A8B6H805_MYTGA UniProtKB Star A0A8B6FWA8_MYTGA UniProtKB Star A0A8B6FUL8_MYTGA UniProtKB Star A0A8B6FSG4_MYTGA UniProtKB Star A0A8B6FXM7_MYTGA UniProtKB Star A0A8B6FUE0_MYTGA UniProtKB Star A0A8B6FVU0_MYTGA UniProtKB Star A0A8B6FW61_MYTGA Ostreida Ostreoidea Ostreidae Crassostrea Crassostrea virginica (UP000694844) UniProtKB Star A0A8B8A6E5_CRAVI UniProtKB Star A0A8B8DXR3_CRAVI UniProtKB Star A0A8B8DW96_CRAVI UniProtKB Star A0A8B8BGC8_CRAVI UniProtKB Star A0A8B8BIK2_CRAVI Magallana Magallana gigas (UP000005408) UniProtKB Star A0A8W8IT72_MAGGI UniProtKB Star A0A8W8IVE2_MAGGI UniProtKB Star A0A8W8HX82_MAGGI UniProtKB Star A0A8W8LIP1_MAGGI Pectinida Pectinoidea Pectinidae Mizuhopecten Mizuhopecten yessoensis (UP000242188) UniProtKB Star A0A210R0W7_MIZYE UniProtKB Star A0A210PS75_MIZYE Pterioida Pterioidea Pteriidae Pinctada Pinctada imbricata (UP001186944) UniProtKB Star A0AA88Y2K7_PINIB UniProtKB Star A0AA88YF28_PINIB Cephalopoda Coleoidea Decapodiformes Sepiida Sepiina Sepiidae Sepia Sepia pharaonis (UP000597762) UniProtKB Star A0A812BC37_SEPPH UniProtKB Star A0A812BVJ7_SEPPH Octopodiformes Octopoda Incirrata Octopodidae Octopus Octopus vulgaris (UP000515154) UniProtKB Star A0A6P7S942_OCTVU UniProtKB Star A0A7E6ERG1_OCTVU UniProtKB Star A0A7E6EJW7_OCTVU UniProtKB Star A0A7E6F6E3_OCTVU UniProtKB Star A0A6P7T5Y6_OCTVU Gastropoda Caenogastropoda Architaenioglossa Ampullarioidea Ampullariidae Pomacea Pomacea canaliculata (UP000245119) UniProtKB Star A0A2T7NCR0_POMCA UniProtKB Star A0A2T7NWL0_POMCA UniProtKB Star A0A2T7NVM6_POMCA Heterobranchia Euthyneura Panpulmonata Eupulmonata Stylommatophora Helicina Helicoidea Geomitridae Candidula Candidula unifasciata (UP000678393) UniProtKB Star A0A8S3YYI8_9EUPU UniProtKB Star A0A8S3YUG3_9EUPU UniProtKB Star A0A8S3Z423_9EUPU Hygrophila Lymnaeoidea Planorbidae Biomphalaria Biomphalaria glabrata (UP001165740) UniProtKB Star A0A9W2Z8T7_BIOGL UniProtKB Star A0A9W2ZT71_BIOGL UniProtKB Star A0A9W2ZT96_BIOGL UniProtKB Star A0A9W2ZTA9_BIOGL UniProtKB Star A0A9W3A5X3_BIOGL Biomphalaria pfeifferi (UP001233172) UniProtKB Star A0AAD8F9S6_BIOPF UniProtKB Star A0AAD8BHY2_BIOPF UniProtKB Star A0AAD8FH24_BIOPF Sacoglossa Placobranchoidea Plakobranchidae Elysia Elysia chlorotica (UP000271974) UniProtKB Star A0A433SIK1_ELYCH UniProtKB Star A0A433TSU1_ELYCH UniProtKB Star A0A433TWX9_ELYCH Elysia crispata (lettuce slug) (UP001283361) UniProtKB Star A0AAE1A8J1_9GAST UniProtKB Star A0AAE0XU84_9GAST UniProtKB Star A0AAE1B0R2_9GAST Patellogastropoda Lottioidea Lottiidae Lottia Lottia gigantea (UP000030746) UniProtKB Star V4AMQ8_LOTGI UniProtKB Star V4B9C1_LOTGI UniProtKB Star V4A847_LOTGI Platyhelminthes Cestoda Eucestoda Cyclophyllidea Hymenolepididae Hymenolepis Hymenolepis diminuta (UP000274504) UniProtKB Star A0A0R3S966_HYMDI UniProtKB Star A0A158QBW2_HYMDI Rodentolepis Rodentolepis nana (UP000278807) UniProtKB Star A0A0R3T495_RODNA UniProtKB Star A0A0R3TNS8_RODNA Mesocestoididae Mesocestoides Mesocestoides corti (UP000267029) UniProtKB Star A0A0R3UK85_MESCO UniProtKB Star A0A0R3UNM6_MESCO UniProtKB Star A0A158QT25_MESCO Taeniidae Echinococcus Echinococcus granulosus group Echinococcus granulosus (UP000019149) UniProtKB Star U6IXL3_ECHGR UniProtKB Star W6UBC0_ECHGR UniProtKB Star W6UAU5_ECHGR Echinococcus multilocularis (UP000017246) UniProtKB Star A0A068YD78_ECHMU UniProtKB Star A0A068Y6M9_ECHMU UniProtKB Star A0A087W1R7_ECHMU Hydatigera Hydatigena taeniaeformis (UP000274429) UniProtKB Star A0A0R3X6R4_HYDTA UniProtKB Star A0A158RDA7_HYDTA Taenia Taenia asiatica (UP000282613) UniProtKB Star A0A0R3WAK0_TAEAS UniProtKB Star A0A3P6PTP4_TAEAS Diphyllobothriidea Diphyllobothriidae Dibothriocephalus Dibothriocephalus latus (UP000281553) UniProtKB Star A0A3P6VBN9_DIBLA Schistocephalus Schistocephalus solidus (UP000275846) UniProtKB Star A0A183TP70_SCHSO UniProtKB Star A0A183SDI1_SCHSO Monogenea Polyopisthocotylea Polystomatidea Polystomatidae Protopolystoma Protopolystoma xenopodis (UP000784294) Rhabditophora Macrostomorpha Macrostomida Macrostomidae Macrostomum Macrostomum lignano (UP000215902) UniProtKB Star A0A267GB95_9PLAT UniProtKB Star A0A267DQK1_9PLAT UniProtKB Star A0A267F4S8_9PLAT UniProtKB Star A0A267FWZ7_9PLAT UniProtKB Star A0A267DXE1_9PLAT UniProtKB Star A0A267GN78_9PLAT UniProtKB Star A0A267E6B3_9PLAT UniProtKB Star A0A267ES50_9PLAT Trematoda Digenea Opisthorchiida Opisthorchiata Opisthorchiidae Clonorchis Clonorchis sinensis (UP000008909) UniProtKB Star H2KQE5_CLOSI UniProtKB Star H2KT10_CLOSI UniProtKB Star H2KSF9_CLOSI Opisthorchis Opisthorchis felineus (UP000308267) UniProtKB Star A0A4S2LK28_OPIFE UniProtKB Star A0A4S2LCT7_OPIFE UniProtKB Star A0A4S2LCU4_OPIFE UniProtKB Star A0A4S2MAW8_OPIFE UniProtKB Star A0A4V3SDM3_OPIFE UniProtKB Star A0A4S2LEW8_OPIFE Opisthorchis viverrini (UP000054324) UniProtKB Star A0A074ZS63_9TREM UniProtKB Star A0A074ZYK0_9TREM UniProtKB Star A0A074ZNI0_9TREM Plagiorchiida Echinostomata Echinostomatoidea Echinostomatidae Echinostoma Echinostoma caproni (UP000272942) UniProtKB Star A0A183AFL9_9TREM UniProtKB Star A0A182ZZG2_9TREM Fasciolidae Fasciola Fasciola gigantica (UP000316759) UniProtKB Star A0A504Z154_FASGI UniProtKB Star A0A504YCY3_FASGI Fasciola hepatica (UP000230066) UniProtKB Star A0A4E0RWS7_FASHE UniProtKB Star A0A4E0RXE3_FASHE Fasciolopsis Fasciolopsis buski (UP000728185) UniProtKB Star A0A8E0S494_9TREM UniProtKB Star A0A8E0RJU2_9TREM Troglotremata Troglotrematidae Paragonimus Paragonimus heterotremus (UP000748531) UniProtKB Star A0A8J4SVD7_9TREM UniProtKB Star A0A8J4TFH5_9TREM Paragonimus skrjabini miyazakii (UP000822476) UniProtKB Star A0A8S9YCJ7_9TREM UniProtKB Star A0A8S9YIC4_9TREM Paragonimus westermani (UP000324629) UniProtKB Star A0A5J4NEM6_9TREM Strigeidida Schistosomatoidea Schistosomatidae Schistosoma Schistosoma bovis (UP000290809) UniProtKB Star A0A430Q5L1_SCHBO UniProtKB Star A0A430QI21_SCHBO UniProtKB Star A0A430Q2U0_SCHBO Schistosoma curassoni (UP000279833) UniProtKB Star A0A183K2G3_9TREM UniProtKB Star A0A3P8H8Z1_9TREM Schistosoma haematobium (UP000471633) UniProtKB Star A0A922IR03_SCHHA UniProtKB Star A0A094ZSW5_SCHHA UniProtKB Star A0A922IKU4_SCHHA UniProtKB Star A0A922ILW3_SCHHA UniProtKB Star A0A922LYE7_SCHHA Schistosoma japonicum (UP000311919) UniProtKB Star A0A4Z2CXC3_SCHJA UniProtKB Star A0A4Z2CX39_SCHJA UniProtKB Star C1L4U3_SCHJA UniProtKB Star A0A4Z2D9Q0_SCHJA UniProtKB Star A0A4Z2CZB8_SCHJA Schistosoma mansoni (UP000008854) UniProtKB Star G4V9R9_SCHMA UniProtKB Star A0A5K4FFE7_SCHMA UniProtKB Star A0A3Q0KMZ1_SCHMA Schistosoma margrebowiei (UP000277204) UniProtKB Star A0A183L9N7_9TREM UniProtKB Star A0A183N3P6_9TREM Schistosoma mattheei (UP000269396) UniProtKB Star A0A183P0M1_9TREM UniProtKB Star A0A183PN45_9TREM Schistosoma mekongi (UP001292079) UniProtKB Star A0AAE1ZA39_SCHME UniProtKB Star A0AAE1ZI70_SCHME UniProtKB Star A0AAE2D393_SCHME


Rhodophyta (5/7, 5 hits, 14 weak hits)
Bangiophyceae Bangiales Bangiaceae Porphyra Porphyra umbilicalis (UP000218209) UniProtKB Star A0A1X6NRP2_PORUM UniProtKB Star A0A1X6NRX6_PORUM Cyanidiales Cyanidiaceae Cyanidiococcus Cyanidiococcus yangmingshanensis (UP000530660) UniProtKB Star A0A7J7IFC4_9RHOD UniProtKB Star A0A7J7IKS4_9RHOD UniProtKB Star A0A7J7IFP8_9RHOD Cyanidioschyzon Cyanidioschyzon merolae (strain NIES-3377 / 10D) (UP000007014) UniProtKB Star M1V774_CYAM1 UniProtKB Star M1V3Y5_CYAM1 UniProtKB Star M1V798_CYAM1 Galdieriales Galdieriaceae Galdieria Galdieria sulphuraria (UP000030680) UniProtKB Star M2XI72_GALSU UniProtKB Star M2X356_GALSU UniProtKB Star M2Y0I3_GALSU Porphyridiales Porphyridiaceae Porphyridium Porphyridium purpureum (UP000324585) UniProtKB Star A0A5J4Z5T2_PORPP UniProtKB Star A0A5J4YVQ6_PORPP UniProtKB Star A0A5J4YI47_PORPP Florideophyceae Rhodymeniophycidae Gigartinales Gigartinaceae Chondrus Chondrus crispus (UP000012073) UniProtKB Star R7QLJ9_CHOCR UniProtKB Star R7Q7X6_CHOCR Gracilariales Gracilariaceae Gracilariopsis Gracilariopsis chorda (UP000247409) UniProtKB Star A0A2V3IPR9_9FLOR UniProtKB Star A0A2V3IUL5_9FLOR UniProtKB Star A0A2V3IFV9_9FLOR


Rotosphaerida (1/1, 1 hit, 2 weak hits)
Fonticulaceae Fonticula Fonticula alba (UP000030693) UniProtKB Star A0A058Z0Y4_FONAL UniProtKB Star A0A058ZD74_FONAL UniProtKB Star A0A058ZHA3_FONAL


Sar (90/149, 99 hits, 346 weak hits)
Alveolata Apicomplexa Aconoidasida Haemosporida Plasmodiidae Hepatocystis Hepatocystis sp. ex Piliocolobus tephrosceles (UP000492440) UniProtKB Star A0A653HD68_9APIC UniProtKB Star A0A653H3J5_9APIC Plasmodium Plasmodium (Haemamoeba) Plasmodium relictum (UP000220158) UniProtKB Star A0A1J1H8A3_PLARL UniProtKB Star A0A1J1H9Y8_PLARL UniProtKB Star A0A1J1H9W4_PLARL Plasmodium (Laverania) Plasmodium falciparum (isolate 3D7) (UP000001450) UniProtKB Star Q8IDD3_PLAF7 UniProtKB Star Q8IE10_PLAF7 UniProtKB Star Q8IDK7_PLAF7 Plasmodium falciparum (isolate Camp / Malaysia) (UP000030694) UniProtKB Star A0A024X1E9_PLAFC UniProtKB Star A0A024X4K9_PLAFC UniProtKB Star A0A024X132_PLAFC Plasmodium falciparum (isolate Dd2) (UP000054282) UniProtKB Star A0A0L7M623_PLAF4 UniProtKB Star A0A0L7M1N4_PLAF4 Plasmodium falciparum (isolate HB3) (UP000054289) UniProtKB Star A0A0L7KGB1_PLAFX UniProtKB Star A0A0L7KDS9_PLAFX UniProtKB Star A0A0L7KEF3_PLAFX Plasmodium falciparum (isolate NF54) (UP000030673) UniProtKB Star W7K0M6_PLAFO UniProtKB Star W7K0L0_PLAFO UniProtKB Star W7JP55_PLAFO Plasmodium falciparum (isolate Palo Alto / Uganda) (UP000019103) UniProtKB Star W4J0B2_PLAFP UniProtKB Star W4IWZ8_PLAFP UniProtKB Star W4J1W5_PLAFP Plasmodium falciparum FCH/4 (UP000030656) UniProtKB Star A0A024VHT5_PLAFA UniProtKB Star A0A024VIJ5_PLAFA UniProtKB Star A0A024VI29_PLAFA Plasmodium falciparum IGH-CR14 (UP000054562) UniProtKB Star A0A0L1I4C4_PLAFA UniProtKB Star A0A0L1I4A9_PLAFA UniProtKB Star A0A0L1I921_PLAFA Plasmodium falciparum MaliPS096_E11 (UP000030699) UniProtKB Star A0A024WLK1_PLAFA UniProtKB Star A0A024WJ45_PLAFA UniProtKB Star A0A024WKZ2_PLAFA Plasmodium falciparum RAJ116 (UP000054566) UniProtKB Star A0A0L0CXK1_PLAFA Plasmodium falciparum Tanzania (2000708) (UP000030708) UniProtKB Star A0A024W0M0_PLAFA UniProtKB Star A0A024W223_PLAFA UniProtKB Star A0A024W0Y9_PLAFA Plasmodium falciparum UGT5.1 (UP000030697) UniProtKB Star W7JHV8_PLAFA UniProtKB Star W7JSX0_PLAFA UniProtKB Star W7JI19_PLAFA Plasmodium (Plasmodium) Plasmodium cynomolgi (strain B) (UP000006319) UniProtKB Star K6UKX6_PLACD UniProtKB Star K6ULI3_PLACD UniProtKB Star K6VEA2_PLACD Plasmodium gonderi (UP000195521) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1JNP5_PLAGO UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1JIB1_PLAGO UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1JNV6_PLAGO Plasmodium knowlesi (strain H) (UP000031513) UniProtKB Star A0A384KIA1_PLAKH UniProtKB Star A0A384KTQ0_PLAKH UniProtKB Star A0A384L3W6_PLAKH Plasmodium malariae (UP000219813) UniProtKB Star A0A1D3SMG5_PLAMA UniProtKB Star A0A1A8W8L1_PLAMA UniProtKB Star A0A1D3SNS8_PLAMA Plasmodium ovale (UP000242942) UniProtKB Star A0A1D3TJ01_PLAOA UniProtKB Star A0A1D3TKG5_PLAOA UniProtKB Star A0A1D3TK17_PLAOA Plasmodium ovale curtisi (UP000078560) UniProtKB Star A0A1A8VZC0_PLAOA UniProtKB Star A0A1A8W267_PLAOA UniProtKB Star A0A1A8W289_PLAOA Plasmodium ovale wallikeri (UP000078555) UniProtKB Star A0A1A8YZW2_PLAOA UniProtKB Star A0A1A8ZBN0_PLAOA Plasmodium vivax (strain Salvador I) (UP000008333) UniProtKB Star A5K2H9_PLAVS UniProtKB Star A5K7W4_PLAVS UniProtKB Star A5K8C9_PLAVS Plasmodium (Vinckeia) Plasmodium berghei (strain Anka) (UP000074855) UniProtKB Star A0A509AMC1_PLABA UniProtKB Star A0A509AP37_PLABA UniProtKB Star A0A509AR09_PLABA Plasmodium yoelii yoelii (UP000008553) UniProtKB Star Q7RSJ4_PLAYO UniProtKB Star Q7RMK2_PLAYO UniProtKB Star Q7RKL0_PLAYO Piroplasmida Babesiidae Babesia Babesia bigemina (UP000033188) UniProtKB Star A0A061D139_BABBI UniProtKB Star A0A061DE31_BABBI UniProtKB Star A0A061DA82_BABBI Babesia bovis (UP000002173) UniProtKB Star A7AS98_BABBO UniProtKB Star A7AQA2_BABBO UniProtKB Star A7ANR7_BABBO Babesia divergens (UP001195914) UniProtKB Star A0AAD9GCM4_BABDI UniProtKB Star A0AAD9GF60_BABDI UniProtKB Star A0AAD9G6R3_BABDI Babesia duncani (UP001214638) UniProtKB Star A0AAD9PJ15_9APIC UniProtKB Star A0AAD9UQJ6_9APIC UniProtKB Star A0AAD9UP65_9APIC Babesia gibsoni (UP001230268) UniProtKB Star A0AAD8LRQ3_BABGI UniProtKB Star A0AAD8UV14_BABGI UniProtKB Star A0AAD8UVL4_BABGI Babesia microti (strain RI) (UP000002899) UniProtKB Star A0A1R4AC98_BABMR UniProtKB Star A0A1N6LX95_BABMR UniProtKB Star A0A0K3ARD9_BABMR Babesia ovata (UP000236319) UniProtKB Star A0A2H6KBA6_9APIC UniProtKB Star A0A2H6KHW2_9APIC UniProtKB Star A0A2H6K7J5_9APIC Babesia ovis (UP001057455) UniProtKB Star A0A9W5TA56_BABOV UniProtKB Star A0A9W5TCY7_BABOV UniProtKB Star A0A9W5WTV6_BABOV Babesia sp. Xinjiang (UP000193856) UniProtKB Star A0A1X1BH96_9APIC UniProtKB Star A0A1X1BPB8_9APIC Theileriidae Theileria Theileria annulata (UP000001950) UniProtKB Star Q4UHR6_THEAN UniProtKB Star Q4UIP5_THEAN UniProtKB Star Q4UE24_THEAN Theileria equi strain WA (UP000031512) UniProtKB Star L1LES5_THEEQ UniProtKB Star L1LG37_THEEQ UniProtKB Star L0AWA8_THEEQ Theileria orientalis strain Shintoku (UP000003786) UniProtKB Star J4C2T0_THEOR UniProtKB Star J4C2Z3_THEOR UniProtKB Star J4C392_THEOR Theileria parva (UP000001949) UniProtKB Star Q4N5G8_THEPA Conoidasida Coccidia Eucoccidiorida Eimeriorina Cryptosporidiidae Cryptosporidium Cryptosporidium muris (strain RN66) (UP000001460) UniProtKB Star B6AAR2_CRYMR UniProtKB Star B6AHX4_CRYMR Cryptosporidium parvum (strain Iowa II) (UP000006726) UniProtKB Star A3FPY0_CRYPI UniProtKB Star Q5CSM0_CRYPI Eimeriidae Cyclospora Cyclospora cayetanensis (UP000095192) UniProtKB Star A0A1D3D1N8_9EIME UniProtKB Star A0A1D3D9Z7_9EIME UniProtKB Star A0A1D3CYE6_9EIME Eimeria Eimeria acervulina (UP000018050) UniProtKB Star U6GSJ7_EIMAC UniProtKB Star U6GFV9_EIMAC Eimeria brunetti (UP000030750) UniProtKB Star U6LYY3_9EIME UniProtKB Star U6L8B3_9EIME Eimeria maxima (UP000030763) UniProtKB Star U6M2T3_EIMMA Eimeria mitis (UP000030744) UniProtKB Star U6JPW0_9EIME Eimeria necatrix (UP000030754) UniProtKB Star U6MVS8_9EIME UniProtKB Star U6MZH6_9EIME UniProtKB Star U6MVZ7_9EIME Eimeria praecox (UP000018201) UniProtKB Star U6G6F1_9EIME Eimeria tenella (UP000030747) UniProtKB Star U6L4L2_EIMTE UniProtKB Star U6KV40_EIMTE UniProtKB Star U6KPI1_EIMTE Sarcocystidae Besnoitia Besnoitia besnoiti (UP000224006) UniProtKB Star A0A2A9ML31_9APIC UniProtKB Star A0A2A9MNZ6_9APIC UniProtKB Star A0A2A9MM24_9APIC Cystoisospora Cystoisospora suis (UP000221165) UniProtKB Star A0A2C6L4N7_9APIC UniProtKB Star A0A2C6L848_9APIC UniProtKB Star A0A2C6KEH0_9APIC Neospora Neospora caninum (strain Liverpool) (UP000007494) UniProtKB Star F0VDZ4_NEOCL UniProtKB Star F0VFX7_NEOCL Toxoplasma Toxoplasma gondii (strain ATCC 50861 / VEG) (UP000002226) UniProtKB Star B9QJX1_TOXGV UniProtKB Star V4YUG0_TOXGV UniProtKB Star B6KTZ0_TOXGV Gregarinasina Eugregarinorida Gregarinidae Gregarina Gregarina niphandrodes (UP000019763) UniProtKB Star A0A023B965_GRENI UniProtKB Star A0A023B449_GRENI Ciliophora Intramacronucleata Oligohymenophorea Hymenostomatida Ophryoglenina Ichthyophthirius Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (UP000008983) UniProtKB Star G0QYH5_ICHMU UniProtKB Star G0QPL7_ICHMU UniProtKB Star G0QMQ7_ICHMU UniProtKB Star G0R1P5_ICHMU Tetrahymenina Tetrahymenidae Tetrahymena Tetrahymena thermophila (strain SB210) (UP000009168) UniProtKB Star I7M034_TETTS UniProtKB Star Q22WR7_TETTS UniProtKB Star I7MD81_TETTS UniProtKB Star Q22FX6_TETTS UniProtKB Star I7M6U9_TETTS Peniculida Parameciidae Paramecium Paramecium octaurelia (UP000683925) UniProtKB Star A0A8S1T1M9_PAROT UniProtKB Star A0A8S1SCZ7_PAROT UniProtKB Star A0A8S1V4X4_PAROT UniProtKB Star A0A8S1X5X8_PAROT UniProtKB Star A0A8S1XWN9_PAROT Paramecium pentaurelia (UP000689195) UniProtKB Star A0A8S1STI0_9CILI UniProtKB Star A0A8S1SZD5_9CILI UniProtKB Star A0A8S1VH30_9CILI UniProtKB Star A0A8S1TXM2_9CILI UniProtKB Star A0A8S1Y3D1_9CILI Paramecium primaurelia (UP000688137) UniProtKB Star A0A8S1JZE6_PARPR UniProtKB Star A0A8S1MEL6_PARPR UniProtKB Star A0A8S1NY92_PARPR UniProtKB Star A0A8S1QCT4_PARPR Paramecium sonneborni (UP000692954) UniProtKB Star A0A8S1L1H8_9CILI UniProtKB Star A0A8S1KVX3_9CILI UniProtKB Star A0A8S1MRS8_9CILI UniProtKB Star A0A8S1R7S4_9CILI Paramecium tetraurelia (UP000000600) UniProtKB Star A0DKF1_PARTE UniProtKB Star A0C491_PARTE UniProtKB Star A0BTM6_PARTE Scuticociliatia Philasterida Pseudocohnilembidae Pseudocohnilembus Pseudocohnilembus persalinus (UP000054937) UniProtKB Star A0A0V0QMA6_PSEPJ UniProtKB Star A0A0V0QUX8_PSEPJ UniProtKB Star A0A0V0QNQ3_PSEPJ Spirotrichea Hypotrichia Euplotida Euplotidae Moneuplotes Euplotes crassus (UP001295684) UniProtKB Star A0AAD1X901_EUPCR UniProtKB Star A0AAD1Y4T9_EUPCR UniProtKB Star A0AAD2DA62_EUPCR Stichotrichia Sporadotrichida Halteriidae Halteria Halteria grandinella (UP000785679) UniProtKB Star A0A8J8NVJ6_HALGN UniProtKB Star A0A8J8NT87_HALGN UniProtKB Star A0A8J8SX91_HALGN Oxytrichidae Oxytrichinae Oxytricha Oxytricha trifallax (UP000053232) Stylonychinae Stylonychia Stylonychia lemnae (UP000039865) UniProtKB Star A0A078B5L7_STYLE UniProtKB Star A0A078ACZ2_STYLE UniProtKB Star A0A078A746_STYLE Postciliodesmatophora Heterotrichea Heterotrichida Stentoridae Stentor Stentor coeruleus (UP000187209) UniProtKB Star A0A1R2CK77_9CILI UniProtKB Star A0A1R2B5N0_9CILI Colpodellida Vitrellaceae Vitrella Vitrella brassicaformis (strain CCMP3155) (UP000041254) UniProtKB Star A0A0G4G314_VITBC UniProtKB Star A0A0G4H7R9_VITBC UniProtKB Star A0A0G4EHG5_VITBC Dinophyceae Suessiales Suessiaceae Polarella Polarella glacialis (UP000654075) UniProtKB Star A0A813GP54_POLGL UniProtKB Star A0A813GW10_POLGL UniProtKB Star A0A813DHY5_POLGL Symbiodiniaceae Cladocopium Cladocopium goreaui (UP001152797) UniProtKB Star A0A9P1BFA0_9DINO UniProtKB Star A0A9P1GJX6_9DINO UniProtKB Star A0A9P1D0G8_9DINO UniProtKB Star A0A9P1CHS6_9DINO UniProtKB Star A0A9P1BRL5_9DINO Effrenium Effrenium voratum (UP001178507) UniProtKB Star A0AA36IS76_9DINO UniProtKB Star A0AA36N6D4_9DINO UniProtKB Star A0AA36JAL8_9DINO UniProtKB Star A0AA36NHY4_9DINO Symbiodinium Symbiodinium microadriaticum (UP000186817) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q9EJ83_SYMMI UniProtKB Star A0A1Q9CVC0_SYMMI UniProtKB Star A0A1Q9DKJ3_SYMMI UniProtKB Star A0A1Q9DLE1_SYMMI Symbiodinium natans (UP000604046) UniProtKB Star A0A812JKX7_9DINO UniProtKB Star A0A812K5Y9_9DINO UniProtKB Star A0A812L278_9DINO Symbiodinium necroappetens (UP000601435) UniProtKB Star A0A812TLD9_9DINO UniProtKB Star A0A812MT28_9DINO UniProtKB Star A0A812VN01_9DINO Symbiodinium pilosum (UP000649617) UniProtKB Star A0A812U0R1_SYMPI UniProtKB Star A0A812NYP5_SYMPI UniProtKB Star A0A812KZA0_SYMPI UniProtKB Star A0A812T8M6_SYMPI UniProtKB Star A0A812IRP9_SYMPI UniProtKB Star A0A812IZZ4_SYMPI Symbiodinium sp. CCMP2456 (UP000639591) UniProtKB Star A0A812Z9A3_9DINO UniProtKB Star A0A812STF0_9DINO UniProtKB Star A0A812V2P5_9DINO Symbiodinium sp. CCMP2592 (UP000643038) UniProtKB Star A0A812X716_9DINO UniProtKB Star A0A812MDG1_9DINO UniProtKB Star A0A812Y3G3_9DINO UniProtKB Star A0A812QFR2_9DINO Syndiniales Amoebophryaceae Amoebophrya Amoebophrya sp. A120 (UP000697958) UniProtKB Star A0A8J1ZKJ7_9DINO UniProtKB Star A0A8J1ZV75_9DINO Amoebophrya sp. A25 (UP000748552) UniProtKB Star A0A8J1ZQP4_9DINO UniProtKB Star A0A8J2B1F4_9DINO Perkinsozoa Perkinsea Perkinsida Perkinsidae Perkinsus Perkinsus chesapeaki (UP000591131) UniProtKB Star A0A7J6N385_PERCH Perkinsus marinus (strain ATCC 50983 / TXsc) (UP000007800) UniProtKB Star C5LNH3_PERM5 UniProtKB Star C5K744_PERM5 UniProtKB Star C5KE56_PERM5 UniProtKB Star C5LFD6_PERM5 Perkinsus olseni (UP000553632) UniProtKB Star A0A7J6U2V5_PEROL UniProtKB Star A0A7J6Q5D2_PEROL Perkinsus sp. BL_2016 (UP000298064) Rhizaria Cercozoa Imbricatea Silicofilosea Euglyphida Paulinellidae Paulinella Paulinella micropora (UP000503178) UniProtKB Star A0A5K7W4W1_9EUKA Endomyxa Phytomyxea Plasmodiophorida Plasmodiophoridae Plasmodiophora Plasmodiophora brassicae (UP000039324) UniProtKB Star A0A0G4IQ48_PLABS UniProtKB Star A0A0G4J5E0_PLABS UniProtKB Star A0A0G4IYM9_PLABS Retaria Foraminifera Monothalamids Reticulomyxidae Reticulomyxa Reticulomyxa filosa (UP000023152) UniProtKB Star X6NIZ2_RETFI Stramenopiles Bigyra Labyrinthulomycetes Thraustochytrida Thraustochytriaceae Hondaea Hondaea fermentalgiana (UP000241890) UniProtKB Star A0A2R5GTE3_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A2R5GRB7_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A2R5H1D5_9STRA Opalozoa Bicosoecida Cafeteriaceae Cafeteria Cafeteria roenbergensis (UP000323011) UniProtKB Star A0A5A8CT66_CAFRO UniProtKB Star A0A5A8CFP4_CAFRO Opalinata Blastocystidae Blastocystis Blastocystis hominis (UP000008312) UniProtKB Star D8M241_BLAHO UniProtKB Star D8LVN8_BLAHO UniProtKB Star D8LZ07_BLAHO UniProtKB Star D8M7N4_BLAHO UniProtKB Star D8MAP2_BLAHO Blastocystis sp. subtype 1 (strain ATCC 50177 / NandII) (UP000078348) UniProtKB Star A0A196SN97_BLAHN UniProtKB Star A0A196SEC5_BLAHN UniProtKB Star A0A196SKR2_BLAHN UniProtKB Star A0A196S925_BLAHN Ochrophyta Bacillariophyta Bacillariophyceae Bacillariophycidae Bacillariales Bacillariaceae Cylindrotheca Cylindrotheca closterium (UP001295423) UniProtKB Star A0AAD2FGU8_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0AAD2GEK0_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0AAD2CIA0_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0AAD2PV71_9STRA Fragilariopsis Fragilariopsis cylindrus CCMP1102 (UP000095751) UniProtKB Star A0A1E7FCZ5_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A1E7EUW5_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A1E7FPY5_9STRA Nitzschia Nitzschia inconspicua (UP000693970) UniProtKB Star A0A9K3L1X3_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9K3KX04_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9K3K939_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9K3KHF0_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9K3K6L0_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9K3KSB3_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9K3Q3Z0_9STRA Pseudo-nitzschia Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata (UP000291116) UniProtKB Star A0A448ZLQ0_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A448YZB6_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A448ZPH2_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A448Z9F5_9STRA Naviculales Naviculaceae Fistulifera Fistulifera solaris (UP000198406) UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5K1Y0_FISSO UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5JGP4_FISSO UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5JDM5_FISSO UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5JAJ0_FISSO UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5K758_FISSO UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5JFE6_FISSO UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5JS28_FISSO UniProtKB Star A0A1Z5JJD5_FISSO Seminavis Seminavis robusta (UP001153069) UniProtKB Star A0A9N8DB01_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9N8DG83_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9N8HVN1_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9N8DHU9_9STRA Phaeodactylaceae Phaeodactylum Phaeodactylum tricornutum (strain CCAP 1055/1) (UP000000759) UniProtKB Star B7GCT6_PHATC UniProtKB Star B7FQ83_PHATC UniProtKB Star B7GE88_PHATC UniProtKB Star B7FYY2_PHATC Coscinodiscophyceae Chaetocerotophycidae Chaetocerotales Chaetocerotaceae Chaetoceros Chaetoceros tenuissimus (UP001054902) UniProtKB Star A0AAD3H7S4_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0AAD3H847_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0AAD3CXJ2_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0AAD3CPT6_9STRA Thalassiosirophycidae Thalassiosirales Skeletonemataceae Skeletonema Skeletonema marinoi-dohrnii complex Skeletonema marinoi (UP001224775) UniProtKB Star A0AAD8XU64_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0AAD8YEX4_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0AAD9DBT8_9STRA Thalassiosiraceae Thalassiosira Thalassiosira oceanica (UP000266841) UniProtKB Star K0RA66_THAOC UniProtKB Star K0R8D1_THAOC UniProtKB Star K0TLV1_THAOC Thalassiosira pseudonana (UP000001449) UniProtKB Star B8CGL5_THAPS UniProtKB Star B8CBE9_THAPS UniProtKB Star B8BQK8_THAPS UniProtKB Star B8C444_THAPS Bolidophyceae Parmales Triparmaceae Triparma Triparma columacea (UP001165065) UniProtKB Star A0A9W7G7F4_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9W7G550_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9W7LBN1_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9W7GPH7_9STRA Triparma laevis f. inornata (UP001162640) UniProtKB Star A0A9W7ANR0_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9W7DUX6_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9W7BY83_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9W7BBF0_9STRA Triparma laevis f. longispina (UP001165122) UniProtKB Star A0A9W7E9I1_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9W7AK65_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9W7AQS7_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9W7F7B3_9STRA Triparma retinervis (UP001165082) UniProtKB Star A0A9W7AM31_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9W7DYT5_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9W7DLN8_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9W6ZPJ0_9STRA Triparma strigata (UP001165085) UniProtKB Star A0A9W7EGI1_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9W7C487_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9W6ZXU0_9STRA Eustigmatophyceae Eustigmatales Monodopsidaceae Microchloropsis Microchloropsis salina Nannochloropsis salina CCMP1776 (UP000355283) UniProtKB Star A0A4D9DHT9_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A4D9DI41_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A4D9D408_9STRA Nannochloropsis Nannochloropsis gaditana (UP000019335) UniProtKB Star W7TTC6_9STRA UniProtKB Star W7TTA8_9STRA UniProtKB Star W7TED8_9STRA PX clade Phaeophyceae Ectocarpales Ectocarpaceae Ectocarpus Ectocarpus siliculosus (UP000002630) UniProtKB Star D7G909_ECTSI UniProtKB Star D7FN57_ECTSI UniProtKB Star D7FJX2_ECTSI Ectocarpus sp. CCAP 1310/34 (UP000485383) UniProtKB Star A0A6H5JRQ0_9PHAE UniProtKB Star A0A6H5KM12_9PHAE Xanthophyceae Tribonematales Tribonemataceae Tribonema Tribonema minus (UP000664859) UniProtKB Star A0A836CIJ4_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A835Z3U2_9STRA Pelagophyceae Pelagomonadales Pelagomonadaceae Aureococcus Aureococcus anophagefferens (UP000002729) UniProtKB Star F0YJJ2_AURAN UniProtKB Star F0YI30_AURAN UniProtKB Star F0YCB2_AURAN UniProtKB Star F0XYH8_AURAN UniProtKB Star F0XVP6_AURAN Chrysophaeum Chrysophaeum taylorii (UP001230188) UniProtKB Star A0AAD7UHE3_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0AAD7U9P0_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0AAD7XMR6_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0AAD7XLL6_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0AAD7XIV0_9STRA Pelagomonas Pelagomonas calceolata (UP000789595) UniProtKB Star A0A8J2SSU1_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A8J2SGS7_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A8J2SQK3_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A8J2WTA6_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A7S4A634_9STRA Oomycota Albuginales Albuginaceae Albugo Albugo candida (UP000053237) UniProtKB Star A0A024GQ43_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A024G102_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A024G6W9_9STRA Peronosporales Peronosporaceae Bremia Bremia lactucae (UP000294530) UniProtKB Star A0A976FPP5_BRELC UniProtKB Star A0A976IL51_BRELC UniProtKB Star A0A976FMC3_BRELC Hyaloperonospora Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis (strain Emoy2) (UP000011713) UniProtKB Star M4BZJ4_HYAAE UniProtKB Star M4B9Q4_HYAAE UniProtKB Star M4BBL4_HYAAE Nothophytophthora Nothophytophthora sp. (strain Chile5) (UP000274840) UniProtKB Star A0A662XCV1_NOTX5 UniProtKB Star A0A662XW83_NOTX5 UniProtKB Star A0A662XNB3_NOTX5 UniProtKB Star A0A662XXA0_NOTX5 UniProtKB Star A0A662Y9V0_NOTX5 UniProtKB Star A0A662XU04_NOTX5 Peronospora Peronospora effusa (UP000282087) UniProtKB Star A0A3M6VQE1_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A3M6VJU0_9STRA Phytophthora Phytophthora aleatoria (UP000709295) UniProtKB Star A0A8J5JAK7_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A8J5IQR8_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A8J5I9D6_9STRA Phytophthora boehmeriae (UP000693981) UniProtKB Star A0A8T1X8F6_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A8T1VPE2_9STRA Phytophthora cactorum (UP000251314) UniProtKB Star A0A329S9N3_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A329SRF6_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A329RFB3_9STRA Phytophthora citrophthora (UP001259832) UniProtKB Star A0AAD9GIV1_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0AAD9GI80_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0AAD9G897_9STRA Phytophthora fragariae (UP000433483) UniProtKB Star A0A6A3MFL8_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A6A3E7W4_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A6A3E5R2_9STRA Phytophthora fragariaefolia (UP001165121) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6Y905_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9W6XZ05_9STRA Phytophthora infestans (UP000602510) UniProtKB Star A0A833W4R8_PHYIN UniProtKB Star A0A833WLE1_PHYIN UniProtKB Star A0A833SBW2_PHYIN Phytophthora infestans (strain T30-4) (UP000006643) UniProtKB Star D0N3C3_PHYIT UniProtKB Star D0NPW4_PHYIT UniProtKB Star D0N2K2_PHYIT Phytophthora kernoviae (UP000285624) UniProtKB Star A0A3R7I1B0_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A3R7GNX7_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A3R7FZ93_9STRA Phytophthora lilii (UP001165083) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6YJT9_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A9W6X255_9STRA Phytophthora megakarya (UP000198211) Phytophthora nicotianae (strain INRA-310) (UP000018817) UniProtKB Star W2RCJ9_PHYN3 UniProtKB Star W2PM22_PHYN3 UniProtKB Star W2R3U4_PHYN3 Phytophthora nicotianae P10297 (UP000018948) UniProtKB Star W2ZJD5_PHYNI UniProtKB Star W2ZIA3_PHYNI UniProtKB Star W2YFI5_PHYNI UniProtKB Star W2YRH8_PHYNI Phytophthora nicotianae P1569 (UP000018721) UniProtKB Star V9FD65_PHYNI UniProtKB Star V9FEA0_PHYNI UniProtKB Star V9E7A1_PHYNI UniProtKB Star V9ELE1_PHYNI Phytophthora palmivora (UP000237271) UniProtKB Star A0A2P4XTE3_9STRA Phytophthora pseudosyringae (UP000694044) UniProtKB Star A0A8T1WDK1_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A8T1VLD2_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A8T1V7U0_9STRA Phytophthora ramorum (UP000005238) UniProtKB Star H3HAW0_PHYRM UniProtKB Star H3G6S6_PHYRM Phytophthora rubi (UP000434957) UniProtKB Star A0A6A3NVA4_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A6A3JEU6_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A6A4ESP1_9STRA Phytophthora sojae (strain P6497) (UP000002640) UniProtKB Star G4YRI5_PHYSP Plasmopara Plasmopara halstedii (UP000054928) UniProtKB Star A0A0P1B7F2_PLAHL UniProtKB Star A0A0P1AWN0_PLAHL UniProtKB Star A0A0P1B2J9_PLAHL Pythiales Pythiaceae Globisporangium Globisporangium ultimum (strain ATCC 200006 / CBS 805.95 / DAOM BR144) (UP000019132) UniProtKB Star K3X9E6_GLOUD UniProtKB Star K3WF84_GLOUD [Pythium] brassicae (nom. inval.) (UP000323770) UniProtKB Star A0A5D6XM30_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A5D6XVZ1_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A5D6YB13_9STRA Pythium Pythium insidiosum (UP001209570) UniProtKB Star A0AAD5M5C7_PYTIN UniProtKB Star A0AAD5LPG7_PYTIN UniProtKB Star A0AAD5Q6Y9_PYTIN Pythium oligandrum (UP000794436) UniProtKB Star A0A8K1CHL0_PYTOL UniProtKB Star A0A8K1CFD6_PYTOL UniProtKB Star A0A8K1FK98_PYTOL Saprolegniales Saprolegniaceae Achlya Achlya hypogyna (UP000243579) UniProtKB Star A0A1V9YCP9_ACHHY UniProtKB Star A0A1V9YRF8_ACHHY UniProtKB Star A0A1V9ZFU0_ACHHY Aphanomyces Aphanomyces astaci (UP000284702) UniProtKB Star A0A425CS00_APHAT UniProtKB Star A0A425DAL5_APHAT Aphanomyces euteiches (UP000481153) UniProtKB Star A0A6G0WWQ0_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A6G0W8H2_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A6G0X631_9STRA Aphanomyces invadans (UP000285060) UniProtKB Star A0A418B9N3_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A3R7D3K5_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A3R7AG04_9STRA Aphanomyces stellatus (UP000332933) UniProtKB Star A0A485K3A1_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A485LKW5_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A485L6Y5_9STRA Saprolegnia Saprolegnia diclina (strain VS20) (UP000030762) UniProtKB Star T0PMA0_SAPDV UniProtKB Star T0RKD4_SAPDV UniProtKB Star T0Q489_SAPDV Saprolegnia parasitica (strain CBS 223.65) (UP000030745) UniProtKB Star A0A067CSM3_SAPPC UniProtKB Star A0A067CIR2_SAPPC UniProtKB Star A0A067CIY7_SAPPC Thraustotheca Thraustotheca clavata (UP000243217) UniProtKB Star A0A1V9ZK61_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A1W0ACM3_9STRA UniProtKB Star A0A1W0A4N3_9STRA


Viridiplantae (255/293, 330 hits, 941 weak hits)
Chlorophyta Chloropicophyceae Chloropicales Chloropicaceae Chloropicon Chloropicon primus (UP000316726) UniProtKB Star A0A5B8MQW4_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A5B8MJT8_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A5B8MK92_9CHLO Mamiellophyceae Mamiellales Bathycoccaceae Bathycoccus Bathycoccus prasinos (UP000198341) UniProtKB Star K8EVI1_9CHLO UniProtKB Star K8EA95_9CHLO UniProtKB Star K8EAA6_9CHLO Ostreococcus Ostreococcus lucimarinus (strain CCE9901) (UP000001568) UniProtKB Star A4RZ66_OSTLU UniProtKB Star A4RRL4_OSTLU UniProtKB Star A4RQT2_OSTLU Ostreococcus tauri (UP000009170) UniProtKB Star A0A090N2S7_OSTTA UniProtKB Star A0A090M3I4_OSTTA UniProtKB Star A0A090N2T0_OSTTA Mamiellaceae Micromonas Micromonas commoda (strain RCC299 / NOUM17 / CCMP2709) (UP000002009) UniProtKB Star C1DYX8_MICCC UniProtKB Star C1FDL2_MICCC Micromonas pusilla (strain CCMP1545) (UP000001876) UniProtKB Star C1N1N8_MICPC UniProtKB Star C1MKJ2_MICPC UniProtKB Star C1ML61_MICPC Pedinophyceae Pedinophyceae sp. YPF-701 (UP000836011) UniProtKB Star A0A8S4GSH6_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A8S4H2Y9_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A8S4GZJ9_9CHLO Pycnococcaceae Pycnococcus Pycnococcus provasolii (UP000660262) UniProtKB Star A0A830HPG7_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A830HRB8_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A830HEN8_9CHLO Pyramimonadophyceae Pyramimonadales Pyramimonadaceae Cymbomonas Cymbomonas tetramitiformis (UP001190700) UniProtKB Star A0AAE0FDQ1_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0AAE0FE04_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0AAE0G974_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0AAE0BZU3_9CHLO Ulvophyceae TCBD clade Bryopsidales Ostreobineae Ostreobiaceae Ostreobium Ostreobium quekettii (UP000708148) UniProtKB Star A0A8S1ILS5_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A8S1IR87_9CHLO core chlorophytes Chlorophyceae CS clade Chlamydomonadales Astrephomenaceae Astrephomene Astrephomene gubernaculifera (UP001054857) UniProtKB Star A0AAD3DUJ9_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0AAD3E0N9_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0AAD3DJH1_9CHLO Chlamydomonadaceae Chlamydomonas Chlamydomonas eustigma (UP000232323) UniProtKB Star A0A250WY84_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A250XIY6_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A250XGZ5_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A250XEQ6_9CHLO Chlamydomonas incerta (UP000650467) UniProtKB Star A0A835TLZ9_CHLIN UniProtKB Star A0A835W0Z0_CHLIN UniProtKB Star A0A835SJ14_CHLIN Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (UP000006906) UniProtKB Star A0A2K3DII9_CHLRE UniProtKB Star A8JF35_CHLRE UniProtKB Star A0A2K3CXJ2_CHLRE UniProtKB Star A0A2K3CXL9_CHLRE Chlamydomonas schloesseri (UP000613740) UniProtKB Star A0A835WM29_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A835WIK9_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A835TIJ6_9CHLO Chlamydomonadales incertae sedis Edaphochlamys Edaphochlamys debaryana (UP000612055) UniProtKB Star A0A835XUU8_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A836BPL0_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A835XTZ5_9CHLO Haematococcaceae Haematococcus Haematococcus lacustris (UP000485058) Tetrabaenaceae Tetrabaena Tetrabaena socialis (UP000236333) UniProtKB Star A0A2J8A2J3_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A2J8AB97_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A2J8AD36_9CHLO Volvocaceae Gonium Gonium pectorale (UP000075714) UniProtKB Star A0A150GE66_GONPE UniProtKB Star A0A150G449_GONPE UniProtKB Star A0A150GPS2_GONPE Pleodorina Pleodorina starrii (UP001165080) UniProtKB Star A0A9W6BDM2_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A9W6BGV0_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A9W6BLC6_9CHLO Volvox Volvox africanus (UP000747399) UniProtKB Star A0A8J4BHU8_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A8J4BFN8_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A8J4BFD7_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A8J4BF07_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A8J4ERT1_9CHLO Volvox carteri f. nagariensis (UP000001058) UniProtKB Star D8U6A6_VOLCA UniProtKB Star D8TH65_VOLCA UniProtKB Star D8UHB4_VOLCA Volvox reticuliferus (UP000747110) UniProtKB Star A0A8J4CZD4_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A8J4CG71_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A8J4CJP2_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A8J4D2S3_9CHLO Sphaeropleales Scenedesmaceae Scenedesmus Scenedesmus sp. NREL 46B-D3 (UP000588193) UniProtKB Star A0A7J7PM57_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A7J7QL53_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A7J7Q2N7_9CHLO Tetradesmus Tetradesmus obliquus (UP000256970) UniProtKB Star A0A383VW33_TETOB UniProtKB Star A0A383VX40_TETOB UniProtKB Star A0A383WD66_TETOB UniProtKB Star A0A383W857_TETOB UniProtKB Star A0A383WDA0_TETOB Selenastraceae Monoraphidium Monoraphidium neglectum (UP000054498) UniProtKB Star A0A0D2L912_9CHLO Raphidocelis Raphidocelis subcapitata (UP000247498) UniProtKB Star A0A2V0NSQ8_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A2V0P5T8_9CHLO Trebouxiophyceae Chlorellales Chlorellaceae Auxenochlorella Auxenochlorella protothecoides (UP000028924) UniProtKB Star A0A087SEI8_AUXPR UniProtKB Star A0A087ST73_AUXPR Chlorella clade Chlorella Chlorella desiccata (nom. nud.) (UP000693320) UniProtKB Star A0A8T2W7I4_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A8T2VYT9_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A8T2VNS2_9CHLO Chlorella ohadii (UP001205105) UniProtKB Star A0AAD5GZD0_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0AAD5H8A7_9CHLO Chlorella sorokiniana (UP000239899) UniProtKB Star A0A2P6TSJ4_CHLSO UniProtKB Star A0A2P6TM42_CHLSO UniProtKB Star A0A2P6TM81_CHLSO UniProtKB Star A0A2P6TQX8_CHLSO Chlorella variabilis (UP000008141) UniProtKB Star E1ZGZ9_CHLVA UniProtKB Star E1Z7M5_CHLVA Chlorella vulgaris (UP001055712) UniProtKB Star A0A9D4TYJ4_CHLVU UniProtKB Star A0A9D4TGD4_CHLVU UniProtKB Star A0A9D4TKD4_CHLVU UniProtKB Star A0A9D4TRL9_CHLVU Micractinium Micractinium conductrix (UP000239649) UniProtKB Star A0A2P6VDC0_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A2P6VEE7_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A2P6VIG5_9CHLO Helicosporidium Helicosporidium sp. ATCC 50920 (UP000026042) UniProtKB Star A0A059LL75_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A059LPQ3_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A059LIW2_9CHLO Prototheca Prototheca wickerhamii (UP001255856) UniProtKB Star A0AAD9IG12_PROWI UniProtKB Star A0AAD9IKP6_PROWI UniProtKB Star A0AAD9MGZ4_PROWI Trebouxiophyceae incertae sedis Elliptochloris clade Coccomyxa Coccomyxa sp. Obi (UP000827759) UniProtKB Star A0A8J9WJ12_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A8J9WQG9_9CHLO UniProtKB Star A0A8J9WIV0_9CHLO Coccomyxa subellipsoidea Coccomyxa subellipsoidea (strain C-169) (UP000007264) UniProtKB Star I0Z7L4_COCSC UniProtKB Star I0YW46_COCSC UniProtKB Star I0Z3X5_COCSC Streptophyta Charophyceae Charales Characeae Chara Chara braunii (UP000265515) UniProtKB Star A0A388L6T3_CHABU UniProtKB Star A0A388L7J7_CHABU Embryophyta Bryophyta Bryophytina Bryopsida Dicranidae Pseudoditrichales Ditrichaceae Ceratodon Ceratodon purpureus (UP000822688) UniProtKB Star A0A8T0GT73_CERPU UniProtKB Star A0A8T0I0K5_CERPU UniProtKB Star A0A8T0JBE4_CERPU UniProtKB Star A0A8T0GQR1_CERPU Funariidae Funariales Funariaceae Physcomitrium Physcomitrium patens (UP000006727) UniProtKB Star A0A2K1L7N5_PHYPA UniProtKB Star A9S3X4_PHYPA UniProtKB Star A0A2K1IEL1_PHYPA UniProtKB Star A0A7I4CNW1_PHYPA UniProtKB Star A9S2J6_PHYPA UniProtKB Star A0A2K1IJH5_PHYPA Marchantiophyta Marchantiopsida Marchantiidae Marchantiales Marchantiaceae Marchantia Marchantia polymorpha (UP000244005) UniProtKB Star A0A2R6XR19_MARPO UniProtKB Star A0A2R6XCE2_MARPO UniProtKB Star A0A2R6XC57_MARPO UniProtKB Star A0A2R6X368_MARPO UniProtKB Star A0A2R6X366_MARPO Marchantia polymorpha subsp. ruderalis (UP001162541) UniProtKB Star A0A176VFJ1_MARPO UniProtKB Star A0AAF6B1U2_MARPO UniProtKB Star A0A176VVR5_MARPO Tracheophyta Lycopodiopsida Selaginellales Selaginellaceae Selaginella Selaginella moellendorffii (UP000001514) UniProtKB Star D8SLI2_SELML UniProtKB Star D8RME9_SELML UniProtKB Star D8SNX9_SELML UniProtKB Star D8SSC5_SELML UniProtKB Star D8S3R7_SELML UniProtKB Star D8R589_SELML UniProtKB Star D8QV01_SELML UniProtKB Star D8QU78_SELML Polypodiopsida Polypodiidae Polypodiales Pteridineae Pteridaceae Parkerioideae Ceratopteris Ceratopteris richardii (UP000825935) UniProtKB Star A0A8T2UUV4_CERRI UniProtKB Star A0A8T2UVR9_CERRI UniProtKB Star A0A8T2UVC0_CERRI UniProtKB Star A0A8T2TA72_CERRI UniProtKB Star A0A8T2TBX0_CERRI UniProtKB Star A0A8T2UVX2_CERRI UniProtKB Star A0A8T2UYU2_CERRI UniProtKB Star A0A8T2V384_CERRI Vittarioideae Adiantum Adiantum capillus-veneris (UP000886520) UniProtKB Star A0A9D4Z7V8_ADICA UniProtKB Star A0A9D4URA5_ADICA UniProtKB Star A0A9D4Z6S6_ADICA Spermatophyta Magnoliopsida Amborellales Amborellaceae Amborella Amborella trichopoda (UP000017836) UniProtKB Star W1PNC9_AMBTC UniProtKB Star W1NWS3_AMBTC UniProtKB Star W1PDP3_AMBTC Liliopsida Araceae Aroideae Colocasieae Colocasia Colocasia esculenta (UP000652761) UniProtKB Star A0A843X4A2_COLES UniProtKB Star A0A843W2H5_COLES Lemnoideae Spirodela Spirodela intermedia (UP000663760) UniProtKB Star A0A7I8LJP4_SPIIN UniProtKB Star A0A7I8KDW7_SPIIN UniProtKB Star A0A7I8LIX0_SPIIN Arecaceae Arecoideae Cocoseae Attaleinae Cocos Cocos nucifera (UP000797356) UniProtKB Star A0A8K0IHY9_COCNU UniProtKB Star A0A8K0I8J6_COCNU UniProtKB Star A0A8K0IS48_COCNU Elaeidinae Elaeis Elaeis guineensis var. tenera (UP000504607) UniProtKB Star A0A6I9S260_ELAGV UniProtKB Star A0A8N4F1A6_ELAGV UniProtKB Star A0A6I9SCG4_ELAGV UniProtKB Star A0A8N4ICA3_ELAGV UniProtKB Star A0A6I9S9Z9_ELAGV UniProtKB Star A0A6I9QTQ4_ELAGV Coryphoideae Phoeniceae Phoenix Phoenix dactylifera (UP000228380) UniProtKB Star A0A8B7BX04_PHODC UniProtKB Star A0A8B8ZQ14_PHODC UniProtKB Star A0A8B7BEQ6_PHODC UniProtKB Star A0A8B7CBY1_PHODC Asparagales Asparagaceae Asparagoideae Asparagus Asparagus officinalis (UP000243459) UniProtKB Star A0A5P1ERV6_ASPOF UniProtKB Star A0A5P1FKD1_ASPOF Orchidaceae Apostasioideae Apostasia Apostasia shenzhenica (UP000236161) UniProtKB Star A0A2H9ZVN9_9ASPA UniProtKB Star A0A2I0B5H8_9ASPA UniProtKB Star A0A2I0B6J3_9ASPA Epidendroideae Malaxideae Dendrobiinae Dendrobium Dendrobium catenatum (UP000233837) UniProtKB Star A0A2I0W0I2_9ASPA UniProtKB Star A0A2I0WQV3_9ASPA UniProtKB Star A0A2I0VJF7_9ASPA Dendrobium nobile (UP000829196) UniProtKB Star A0A8T3AYH1_DENNO UniProtKB Star A0A8T3B4S3_DENNO UniProtKB Star A0A8T3C321_DENNO Vanilloideae Vanilleae Vanilla Vanilla planifolia (UP000636800) UniProtKB Star A0A835UB49_VANPL Dioscoreales Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea Dioscorea zingiberensis (UP001085076) UniProtKB Star A0A9D5CNF2_9LILI UniProtKB Star A0A9D5D1I2_9LILI UniProtKB Star A0A9D5DA62_9LILI UniProtKB Star A0A9D5CMK5_9LILI UniProtKB Star A0A9D5BUQ1_9LILI Poales Bromeliaceae Bromelioideae Ananas Ananas comosus (UP000092600) UniProtKB Star A0A199W8P2_ANACO UniProtKB Star A0A199VBV8_ANACO UniProtKB Star A0A199VQY0_ANACO UniProtKB Star A0A199VWS0_ANACO Cyperaceae Cyperoideae Cariceae Carex Carex subgen. Euthyceras Carex littledalei (UP000623129) UniProtKB Star A0A833QCN3_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A833QGT1_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A833RHX3_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A833QRU3_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A833VC61_9POAL Rhynchosporeae Rhynchospora Rhynchospora breviuscula (UP001151287) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0CYK0_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0HFU4_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0CC50_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A9P9ZAN1_9POAL Poaceae BOP clade Oryzoideae Oryzeae Oryzinae Leersia Leersia perrieri (UP000032180) UniProtKB Star A0A0D9VBG9_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0D9VBH0_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0D9UZI0_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0D9XJ24_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0D9UZI1_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0D9WDI3_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0D9UXN1_9ORYZ Oryza Oryza barthii (UP000026960) UniProtKB Star A0A0D3EZY4_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0D3EM85_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0D3HCW5_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0D3EKG0_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0D3G3Z5_9ORYZ Oryza brachyantha (UP000006038) UniProtKB Star J3L927_ORYBR UniProtKB Star J3N244_ORYBR UniProtKB Star J3KYP2_ORYBR UniProtKB Star J3KX40_ORYBR UniProtKB Star J3M4K2_ORYBR Oryza glumipatula (UP000026961) UniProtKB Star A0A0D9YLG7_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0E0B9K6_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0D9Y6L7_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0E0B9K7_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0D9Y4A3_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0D9Y4A1_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0D9Y4A2_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0D9ZUZ9_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0D9ZV01_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0D9ZV00_9ORYZ Oryza meridionalis (UP000008021) UniProtKB Star A0A0E0CE14_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0E0CE15_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0E0EX32_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0E0C0J9_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0E0BYC9_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A0E0DMW5_9ORYZ Oryza meyeriana Oryza meyeriana var. granulata (UP000479710) UniProtKB Star A0A6G1FDR1_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A6G1EUQ3_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A6G1CE10_9ORYZ UniProtKB Star A0A6G1DT84_9ORYZ Oryza nivara (UP000006591) UniProtKB Star A0A0E0G0A5_ORYNI UniProtKB Star A0A0E0IR82_ORYNI UniProtKB Star A0A0E0FJZ1_ORYNI UniProtKB Star A0A0E0FHA9_ORYNI UniProtKB Star A0A0E0HAG1_ORYNI Oryza punctata (UP000026962) UniProtKB Star A0A0E0JUT5_ORYPU UniProtKB Star A0A0E0JGW9_ORYPU UniProtKB Star A0A0E0M700_ORYPU UniProtKB Star A0A0E0K1R7_ORYPU UniProtKB Star A0A0E0JF02_ORYPU UniProtKB Star A0A0E0KZ96_ORYPU Oryza rufipogon (UP000008022) UniProtKB Star A0A0E0N901_ORYRU UniProtKB Star A0A0E0QY87_ORYRU UniProtKB Star A0A0E0MUH5_ORYRU UniProtKB Star A0A0E0MSD1_ORYRU UniProtKB Star A0A0E0PIC7_ORYRU Oryza sativa Oryza sativa subsp. indica (UP000007015) UniProtKB Star B8AGK7_ORYSI UniProtKB Star A2Z6H7_ORYSI UniProtKB Star A2WNB8_ORYSI UniProtKB Star B8ADM6_ORYSI UniProtKB Star A2Y140_ORYSI Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (UP000059680) UniProtKB Star Q6YUS0_ORYSJ UniProtKB Star Q8S5M6_ORYSJ UniProtKB Star Q0JNQ8_ORYSJ UniProtKB Star Q5VRX8_ORYSJ UniProtKB Star Q0DK87_ORYSJ Zizaniinae Zizania Zizania palustris (UP000729402) UniProtKB Star A0A8J5V3Y6_ZIZPA UniProtKB Star A0A8J5W3Q7_ZIZPA UniProtKB Star A0A8J5W4T4_ZIZPA UniProtKB Star A0A8J5V3P0_ZIZPA UniProtKB Star A0A8J5WJ82_ZIZPA UniProtKB Star A0A8J5TKJ5_ZIZPA UniProtKB Star A0A8J5RAQ6_ZIZPA UniProtKB Star A0A8J5SFG0_ZIZPA UniProtKB Star A0A8J5WHQ6_ZIZPA Pooideae Poodae Poeae Poeae Chloroplast Group 2 (Poeae type) Loliodinae Loliinae Lolium Lolium multiflorum (UP001231189) UniProtKB Star A0AAD8VRI0_LOLMU UniProtKB Star A0AAD8SV85_LOLMU UniProtKB Star A0AAD8QJB7_LOLMU UniProtKB Star A0AAD8RGB1_LOLMU UniProtKB Star A0AAD8SRI6_LOLMU UniProtKB Star A0AAD8WI59_LOLMU Stipodae Brachypodieae Brachypodium Brachypodium distachyon (UP000008810) UniProtKB Star I1HWI9_BRADI UniProtKB Star I1HED3_BRADI UniProtKB Star I1HCS5_BRADI Triticodae Triticeae Hordeinae Hordeum Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare (UP000011116) UniProtKB Star A0A8I6YPR9_HORVV UniProtKB Star A0A8I6X8S7_HORVV UniProtKB Star M0XNG3_HORVV UniProtKB Star A0A8I6X522_HORVV Triticinae Aegilops Aegilops tauschii subsp. strangulata (UP000015105) UniProtKB Star A0A453N137_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A453N1N2_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A453N142_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A453N1M4_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A452ZRB8_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A452ZRF9_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A452ZRF1_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A452ZRE7_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A452ZRD9_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A452ZRD4_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A452ZRC8_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A453EQD6_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A453EQA7_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A453EQD1_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A452ZRE1_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A453E7C1_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A453E7J2_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A453E7K1_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A453E7U3_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A453E7C5_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A452ZL94_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A452ZLB5_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A452ZRC1_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A452ZRE6_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A452ZRG4_AEGTS UniProtKB Star A0A453E7T3_AEGTS Triticum Triticum aestivum (UP000019116) UniProtKB Star A0A3B6NKF5_WHEAT UniProtKB Star A0A3B6QCY2_WHEAT UniProtKB Star A0A3B6PII2_WHEAT UniProtKB Star A0A3B5Y6B5_WHEAT UniProtKB Star A0A3B6GQ76_WHEAT UniProtKB Star A0A3B6A1P7_WHEAT UniProtKB Star A0A3B6A0F5_WHEAT UniProtKB Star A0A3B6EED3_WHEAT UniProtKB Star A0A077S002_WHEAT UniProtKB Star A0A3B6A0Q1_WHEAT UniProtKB Star A0A3B5Z3B8_WHEAT UniProtKB Star A0A3B6EDY7_WHEAT UniProtKB Star A0A3B6SJE5_WHEAT UniProtKB Star A0A3B6GNX8_WHEAT UniProtKB Star A0A3B6FIX9_WHEAT UniProtKB Star W5CPG2_WHEAT UniProtKB Star A0A3B6LHE8_WHEAT UniProtKB Star A0A3B6TRK1_WHEAT UniProtKB Star A0A3B6RR64_WHEAT Triticum turgidum subsp. durum (UP000324705) UniProtKB Star A0A9R0XTR7_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R1B793_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R1B7C5_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R0XT28_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R0YEU6_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R0XT41_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R0QEN9_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R0V2K7_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R0QGQ1_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R0QFJ5_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R0VIC6_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R1S028_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R0VDL9_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R0R1S0_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R0VBN3_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R0V2T8_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R0VFJ1_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R0RCD3_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R0RG65_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R0V0V4_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R1Q9Y6_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R1RYA2_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R1QAB7_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R0RGQ6_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R1AAN9_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R1S0R5_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R1AAH5_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R1QEJ7_TRITD UniProtKB Star A0A9R1C503_TRITD Triticum urartu (UP000015106) UniProtKB Star A0A8R7QK79_TRIUA UniProtKB Star A0A8R7QQ41_TRIUA UniProtKB Star A0A8R7PSG6_TRIUA UniProtKB Star A0A8R7K3L8_TRIUA UniProtKB Star A0A8R7PNW5_TRIUA PACMAD clade Chloridoideae Eragrostideae Eragrostidinae Eragrostis Eragrostis curvula (weeping love grass) (UP000324897) UniProtKB Star A0A5J9VCC8_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A5J9V3Z4_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A5J9UGS1_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A5J9SQR2_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A5J9SWD0_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A5J9UCQ2_9POAL Panicoideae Andropogonodae Andropogoneae Saccharinae Miscanthus Miscanthus lutarioriparius (UP000604825) UniProtKB Star A0A811PZX3_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A811Q660_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A811MAV1_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A811SMH7_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A811MM70_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A811MZ28_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A811PJC2_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A811P5Z5_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A811SNR2_9POAL Sorghinae Sorghum Sorghum bicolor (UP000000768) UniProtKB Star C5XT03_SORBI UniProtKB Star C5WYH8_SORBI UniProtKB Star C5WYW2_SORBI UniProtKB Star C5YU83_SORBI UniProtKB Star C5XMK4_SORBI Tripsacinae Zea Zea mays (UP000007305) UniProtKB Star C0HG18_MAIZE UniProtKB Star A0A804P4N5_MAIZE UniProtKB Star A0A804PE79_MAIZE UniProtKB Star A0A804U7D5_MAIZE UniProtKB Star A0A804PEQ9_MAIZE UniProtKB Star A0A804P4N6_MAIZE UniProtKB Star A0A1D6JNB0_MAIZE UniProtKB Star K7VHH0_MAIZE UniProtKB Star A0A804RBJ8_MAIZE UniProtKB Star A0A1D6FGA7_MAIZE UniProtKB Star B6UC34_MAIZE UniProtKB Star A0A1D6MID5_MAIZE Paspaleae Paspalinae Paspalum Paspalum vaginatum (UP001164776) Panicodae Paniceae Anthephorinae Digitaria Digitaria exilis (UP000636709) UniProtKB Star A0A835BAF1_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A835B5E0_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A835EZZ6_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A835ALI5_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A835F2B9_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A835BQN4_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A835AGZ9_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A835F359_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A835F0V4_9POAL Cenchrinae Setaria Setaria italica (UP000004995) UniProtKB Star K3YR82_SETIT UniProtKB Star K3YQC8_SETIT UniProtKB Star K3XF09_SETIT UniProtKB Star K3XEP0_SETIT UniProtKB Star K3Z3Y9_SETIT UniProtKB Star K3Z459_SETIT Setaria viridis (UP000298652) UniProtKB Star A0A4U6W6U1_SETVI UniProtKB Star A0A4U6WBM2_SETVI UniProtKB Star A0A4U6WIJ8_SETVI UniProtKB Star A0A4U6UA20_SETVI UniProtKB Star A0A4V6D6D0_SETVI UniProtKB Star A0A4U6V9T8_SETVI Dichantheliinae Dichanthelium Dichanthelium oligosanthes (UP000095767) UniProtKB Star A0A1E5UQT2_9POAL Panicinae Panicum Panicum miliaceum (UP000275267) UniProtKB Star A0A3L6QEY9_PANMI UniProtKB Star A0A3L6RML6_PANMI UniProtKB Star A0A3L6Q3L4_PANMI UniProtKB Star A0A3L6SIW5_PANMI UniProtKB Star A0A3L6RAV8_PANMI UniProtKB Star A0A3L6R241_PANMI UniProtKB Star A0A3L6SHR6_PANMI UniProtKB Star A0A3L6SUL9_PANMI Panicum sect. Hiantes Panicum virgatum (UP000823388) UniProtKB Star A0A8T0WJG3_PANVG UniProtKB Star A0A8T0X1Y9_PANVG UniProtKB Star A0A8T0Q9Y9_PANVG UniProtKB Star A0A8T0Q012_PANVG UniProtKB Star A0A8T0SAD4_PANVG UniProtKB Star A0A8T0SFY9_PANVG UniProtKB Star A0A8T0RNP8_PANVG UniProtKB Star A0A8T0USL6_PANVG UniProtKB Star A0A8T0USG2_PANVG UniProtKB Star A0A8T0UV72_PANVG UniProtKB Star A0A8T0URY3_PANVG Panicum sect. Panicum Panicum hallii var. hallii (UP000244336) UniProtKB Star A0A2T7F136_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A2T7CUG9_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A2T7DS43_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A2T7E8Z4_9POAL UniProtKB Star A0A2T7DS61_9POAL Zingiberales Musaceae Musa Musa acuminata subsp. malaccensis (UP000012960) UniProtKB Star A0A804KAX5_MUSAM UniProtKB Star A0A804IGB8_MUSAM UniProtKB Star A0A804HQM2_MUSAM UniProtKB Star A0A804JKG9_MUSAM Musa balbisiana (UP000317650) UniProtKB Star A0A4S8K6H5_MUSBA UniProtKB Star A0A4S8JL95_MUSBA UniProtKB Star A0A4S8IQI2_MUSBA Musa troglodytarum (UP001055439) UniProtKB Star A0A9E7L077_9LILI UniProtKB Star A0A9E7E7K9_9LILI UniProtKB Star A0A9E7GFH3_9LILI UniProtKB Star A0A9E7EE50_9LILI Zingiberaceae Zingiber Zingiber officinale (UP000734854) UniProtKB Star A0A8J5KI05_ZINOF UniProtKB Star A0A8J5FJR2_ZINOF UniProtKB Star A0A8J5HAC7_ZINOF UniProtKB Star A0A8J5H2W2_ZINOF UniProtKB Star A0A8J5HBL1_ZINOF UniProtKB Star A0A8J5FC89_ZINOF UniProtKB Star A0A8J5FBW4_ZINOF UniProtKB Star A0A8J5H603_ZINOF UniProtKB Star A0A8J5HWQ8_ZINOF UniProtKB Star A0A8J5LSZ0_ZINOF Zosteraceae Zostera Zostera marina (UP000036987) UniProtKB Star A0A0K9PFS8_ZOSMR UniProtKB Star A0A0K9P241_ZOSMR UniProtKB Star A0A0K9PGA4_ZOSMR Magnoliidae Laurales Lauraceae Cinnamomum Cinnamomum micranthum f. kanehirae (UP000283530) UniProtKB Star A0A443PW41_9MAGN UniProtKB Star A0A443P217_9MAGN Proteales Nelumbonaceae Nelumbo Nelumbo nucifera (UP000189703) UniProtKB Star A0A1U8ARN3_NELNU UniProtKB Star A0A1U7ZPZ1_NELNU UniProtKB Star A0A1U8AXN0_NELNU Proteaceae Protea Protea cynaroides (UP001141806) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0L1N9_9MAGN UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0K2V4_9MAGN UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0GUT0_9MAGN UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0H9Z0_9MAGN Ranunculales Circaeasteraceae Kingdonia Kingdonia uniflora (UP000541444) UniProtKB Star A0A7J7P3Z5_9MAGN UniProtKB Star A0A7J7LJN3_9MAGN UniProtKB Star A0A7J7N0T5_9MAGN Papaveraceae Papaveroideae Macleaya Macleaya cordata (UP000195402) UniProtKB Star A0A200PR84_MACCD UniProtKB Star A0A200R937_MACCD UniProtKB Star A0A200QG18_MACCD Papaver Papaver atlanticum (UP001202328) UniProtKB Star A0AAD4T4V5_9MAGN UniProtKB Star A0AAD4TCT4_9MAGN UniProtKB Star A0AAD4XWR7_9MAGN UniProtKB Star A0AAD4SAL6_9MAGN UniProtKB Star A0AAD4T8X1_9MAGN Papaver nudicaule (UP001177140) UniProtKB Star A0AA41VQP9_PAPNU UniProtKB Star A0AA41S7R3_PAPNU UniProtKB Star A0AA42B2I0_PAPNU UniProtKB Star A0AA41VJC5_PAPNU Papaver somniferum (UP000316621) UniProtKB Star A0A4Y7IM03_PAPSO UniProtKB Star A0A4Y7L6K8_PAPSO UniProtKB Star A0A4Y7IL80_PAPSO UniProtKB Star A0A4Y7KR30_PAPSO UniProtKB Star A0A4Y7JA23_PAPSO UniProtKB Star A0A4Y7KDP2_PAPSO Ranunculaceae Coptidoideae Coptis Coptis chinensis (UP000631114) UniProtKB Star A0A835LIE0_9MAGN UniProtKB Star A0A835H921_9MAGN UniProtKB Star A0A835H8L2_9MAGN Thalictroideae Aquilegia Aquilegia coerulea (UP000230069) UniProtKB Star A0A2G5C4B9_AQUCA UniProtKB Star A0A2G5C310_AQUCA UniProtKB Star A0A2G5EG09_AQUCA UniProtKB Star A0A2G5EG05_AQUCA UniProtKB Star A0A2G5EU28_AQUCA UniProtKB Star A0A2G5EU61_AQUCA UniProtKB Star A0A2G5CPW9_AQUCA UniProtKB Star A0A2G5CPQ4_AQUCA UniProtKB Star A0A2G5CQ35_AQUCA UniProtKB Star A0A2G5DV73_AQUCA Thalictrum Thalictrum thalictroides (UP000554482) UniProtKB Star A0A7J6VNI2_THATH UniProtKB Star A0A7J6WV68_THATH UniProtKB Star A0A7J6X616_THATH Trochodendrales Trochodendraceae Tetracentron Tetracentron sinense (UP000655225) UniProtKB Star A0A834ZH33_TETSI UniProtKB Star A0A834ZHI5_TETSI eudicotyledons Gunneridae Pentapetalae Caryophyllales Cactineae Cactaceae Cactoideae Echinocereeae Carnegiea Carnegiea gigantea (UP001153076) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q1QUU0_9CARY UniProtKB Star A0A9Q1JI67_9CARY UniProtKB Star A0A9Q1KCJ4_9CARY UniProtKB Star A0A9Q1JEZ0_9CARY Chenopodiaceae Betoideae Beta Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris (UP000035740) UniProtKB Star A0A0J8B812_BETVV Chenopodioideae Anserineae Spinacia Spinacia oleracea (UP001155700) UniProtKB Star A0A9R0ICR2_SPIOL UniProtKB Star A0A9R0I4N5_SPIOL UniProtKB Star A0A9R0INZ6_SPIOL Atripliceae Chenopodium Chenopodium quinoa (UP000596660) UniProtKB Star A0A803LGV0_CHEQI UniProtKB Star A0A803MFQ9_CHEQI UniProtKB Star A0A803L883_CHEQI UniProtKB Star A0A803M8X1_CHEQI UniProtKB Star A0A803MFD2_CHEQI UniProtKB Star A0A803KUY9_CHEQI Nepenthaceae Nepenthes Nepenthes gracilis (UP001279734) UniProtKB Star A0AAD3SSU8_NEPGR UniProtKB Star A0AAD3XJI8_NEPGR UniProtKB Star A0AAD3Y5G1_NEPGR Saxifragales Crassulaceae Kalanchoe Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi (UP000594263) UniProtKB Star A0A7N0U4X4_KALFE UniProtKB Star A0A7N0UD46_KALFE UniProtKB Star A0A7N0UD81_KALFE UniProtKB Star A0A7N0U843_KALFE UniProtKB Star A0A7N0VNK1_KALFE UniProtKB Star A0A7N0V8P5_KALFE UniProtKB Star A0A7N0UU53_KALFE asterids Cornales Nyssaceae Nyssa Nyssa sinensis (UP000325577) UniProtKB Star A0A5J5AZU0_9ASTE UniProtKB Star A0A5J5BUS5_9ASTE UniProtKB Star A0A5J5ASK3_9ASTE Ericales Actinidiaceae Actinidia Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis (UP000241394) UniProtKB Star A0A2R6R738_ACTCC UniProtKB Star A0A2R6QIG1_ACTCC UniProtKB Star A0A2R6QS00_ACTCC UniProtKB Star A0A2R6PBE8_ACTCC Actinidia rufa (UP000585474) UniProtKB Star A0A7J0F768_9ERIC UniProtKB Star A0A7J0DT05_9ERIC UniProtKB Star A0A7J0FLS9_9ERIC UniProtKB Star A0A7J0GZ48_9ERIC UniProtKB Star A0A7J0DDS9_9ERIC Ericaceae Ericoideae Rhodoreae Rhododendron Rhododendron simsii (UP000626092) UniProtKB Star A0A834H1P7_RHOSS UniProtKB Star A0A834GRH3_RHOSS UniProtKB Star A0A834LJ58_RHOSS UniProtKB Star A0A834GMH4_RHOSS UniProtKB Star A0A834L6Y2_RHOSS UniProtKB Star A0A834GI53_RHOSS Rhododendron williamsianum (UP000428333) UniProtKB Star A0A6A4LG38_9ERIC UniProtKB Star A0A6A4KTH6_9ERIC Theaceae Camellia Camellia sinensis (UP000593564) UniProtKB Star A0A7J7HFQ2_CAMSI UniProtKB Star A0A7J7HZ14_CAMSI UniProtKB Star A0A7J7GHN3_CAMSI Camellia sinensis var. sinensis (UP000306102) UniProtKB Star A0A4S4E0D8_CAMSI UniProtKB Star A0A4S4DZ80_CAMSI UniProtKB Star A0A4S4ECZ0_CAMSI UniProtKB Star A0A4S4EDU5_CAMSI campanulids Apiales Apiaceae Apioideae Scandiceae Daucinae Daucus Daucus sect. Daucus Daucus carota subsp. sativus (UP000077755) UniProtKB Star A0A161Y7E7_DAUCS UniProtKB Star A0AAF0W3E8_DAUCS UniProtKB Star A0AAF0XMD4_DAUCS UniProtKB Star A0AAF1B6M1_DAUCS UniProtKB Star A0A164SR62_DAUCS apioid superclade Apieae Apium Apium graveolens (UP000593563) Tordylieae Tordyliinae Heracleum Heracleum sosnowskyi (UP001237642) UniProtKB Star A0AAD8ID73_9APIA UniProtKB Star A0AAD8IZL6_9APIA UniProtKB Star A0AAD8MJ51_9APIA UniProtKB Star A0AAD8ISC3_9APIA Asterales Asteraceae Asteroideae Anthemideae Artemisiinae Artemisia Artemisia annua (UP000245207) UniProtKB Star A0A2U1MI56_ARTAN UniProtKB Star A0A2U1MI15_ARTAN UniProtKB Star A0A2U1MI05_ARTAN UniProtKB Star A0A2U1MI41_ARTAN UniProtKB Star A0A2U1M314_ARTAN UniProtKB Star A0A2U1M001_ARTAN UniProtKB Star A0A2U1PAC1_ARTAN UniProtKB Star A0A2U1MQS9_ARTAN UniProtKB Star A0A2U1NV43_ARTAN UniProtKB Star A0A2U1L886_ARTAN UniProtKB Star A0A2U1Q969_ARTAN Heliantheae alliance Eupatorieae Mikania Mikania micrantha (UP000326396) UniProtKB Star A0A5N6NLP0_9ASTR UniProtKB Star A0A5N6NXY8_9ASTR UniProtKB Star A0A5N6M0G3_9ASTR Heliantheae Ambrosia Ambrosia artemisiifolia (UP001206925) UniProtKB Star A0AAD5G7L3_AMBAR Helianthus Helianthus annuus (UP000215914) UniProtKB Star A0A251SKE2_HELAN UniProtKB Star A0A251V6Z5_HELAN UniProtKB Star A0A251T326_HELAN UniProtKB Star A0A9K3DPL6_HELAN UniProtKB Star A0A251RYH1_HELAN Tageteae Tagetes Tagetes erecta (UP001229421) UniProtKB Star A0AAD8NXA5_TARER UniProtKB Star A0AAD8P2T8_TARER UniProtKB Star A0AAD8K4B7_TARER UniProtKB Star A0AAD8LI41_TARER Carduoideae Cardueae Carduinae Cynara Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus (UP000243975) UniProtKB Star A0A124SAU7_CYNCS UniProtKB Star A0A103XYW1_CYNCS Centaureinae Centaurea Centaurea solstitialis (UP001172457) UniProtKB Star A0AA38WFJ7_9ASTR UniProtKB Star A0AA38UC08_9ASTR UniProtKB Star A0AA38T1T9_9ASTR Cichorioideae Cichorieae Lactucinae Lactuca Lactuca saligna (UP001177003) UniProtKB Star A0AA36EKL1_LACSI UniProtKB Star A0AA35YPT2_LACSI UniProtKB Star A0AA36EHK1_LACSI UniProtKB Star A0AA35ZQ39_LACSI UniProtKB Star A0AA35VF17_LACSI Lactuca sativa (UP000235145) UniProtKB Star A0A9R1X0L6_LACSA UniProtKB Star A0A9R1X2E0_LACSA UniProtKB Star A0A9R1W066_LACSA Escalloniales Escalloniaceae Escallonia Escallonia herrerae (UP001188597) UniProtKB Star A0AA89AIQ9_9ASTE UniProtKB Star A0AA89B6Q3_9ASTE UniProtKB Star A0AA89BAT3_9ASTE UniProtKB Star A0AA88W734_9ASTE UniProtKB Star A0AA88S565_9ASTE UniProtKB Star A0AA89AFE5_9ASTE UniProtKB Star A0AA88WI31_9ASTE Escallonia rubra (UP001187471) UniProtKB Star A0AA88RL27_9ASTE UniProtKB Star A0AA88QUC3_9ASTE UniProtKB Star A0AA88UEN1_9ASTE lamiids Gentianales Rubiaceae Ixoroideae Gardenieae complex Bertiereae - Coffeeae clade Coffeeae Coffea Coffea arabica (UP000515148) UniProtKB Star A0A6P6UA36_COFAR UniProtKB Star A0A6P6UHF5_COFAR UniProtKB Star A0A6P6W0I2_COFAR UniProtKB Star A0A6P6WHJ9_COFAR UniProtKB Star A0A6P6VAI1_COFAR UniProtKB Star A0A6P6V531_COFAR Coffea canephora (UP000295252) UniProtKB Star A0A068V1N4_COFCA UniProtKB Star A0A068VB26_COFCA UniProtKB Star A0A068TX85_COFCA Lamiales Bignoniaceae Crescentiina Tabebuia alliance Handroanthus Handroanthus impetiginosus (UP000231279) UniProtKB Star A0A2G9HB80_9LAMI UniProtKB Star A0A2G9G7S7_9LAMI UniProtKB Star A0A2G9I8J8_9LAMI Gesneriaceae Didymocarpoideae Trichosporeae Loxocarpinae Dorcoceras Dorcoceras hygrometricum (UP000250235) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z7C5T6_9LAMI UniProtKB Star A0A2Z7CXS8_9LAMI UniProtKB Star A0A2Z7A1I8_9LAMI UniProtKB Star A0A2Z7BUH8_9LAMI Lamiaceae Nepetoideae Elsholtzieae Perilla Perilla frutescens var. hirtella (UP001190926) UniProtKB Star A0AAD4P193_PERFH UniProtKB Star A0AAD4J2D9_PERFH UniProtKB Star A0AAD4JKT1_PERFH Mentheae Salviinae Salvia Salvia subgen. Calosphace core Calosphace Salvia splendens (UP000298416) UniProtKB Star A0A8X8XFB6_SALSN UniProtKB Star A0A8X8XGR3_SALSN UniProtKB Star A0A8X8WT58_SALSN UniProtKB Star A0A8X8ZIZ0_SALSN UniProtKB Star A0A8X8XAJ5_SALSN UniProtKB Star A0A8X8X7U6_SALSN UniProtKB Star A0A8X8XG79_SALSN UniProtKB Star A0A8X8W7Y6_SALSN UniProtKB Star A0A8X8ZMS0_SALSN UniProtKB Star A0A8X8Z590_SALSN Lentibulariaceae Genlisea Genlisea aurea (UP000015453) UniProtKB Star S8CJK3_9LAMI Oleaceae Oleeae Fraxinus Fraxinus pennsylvanica (UP000834106) UniProtKB Star A0AAD1ZH79_9LAMI UniProtKB Star A0AAD2EAW2_9LAMI UniProtKB Star A0AAD1Z7N4_9LAMI UniProtKB Star A0AAD2A5Y1_9LAMI Olea Olea europaea subsp. europaea (UP000594638) UniProtKB Star A0A8S0URG0_OLEEU UniProtKB Star A0A8S0VGD9_OLEEU UniProtKB Star A0A8S0VIK3_OLEEU UniProtKB Star A0A8S0P879_OLEEU UniProtKB Star A0A8S0P9S8_OLEEU UniProtKB Star A0A8S0P786_OLEEU UniProtKB Star A0A8S0VHN5_OLEEU UniProtKB Star A0A8S0UZ60_OLEEU UniProtKB Star A0A8S0RYF6_OLEEU UniProtKB Star A0A8S0S124_OLEEU Orobanchaceae Buchnereae Striga Striga asiatica (UP000325081) UniProtKB Star A0A5A7QT40_STRAF UniProtKB Star A0A5A7Q597_STRAF UniProtKB Star A0A5A7P941_STRAF UniProtKB Star A0A5A7QHL9_STRAF Striga hermonthica (UP001153555) UniProtKB Star A0A9N7P5L0_STRHE UniProtKB Star A0A9N7MQ16_STRHE UniProtKB Star A0A9N7NXA6_STRHE UniProtKB Star A0A9N7MKN1_STRHE UniProtKB Star A0A9N7R8G8_STRHE Rhinantheae Phtheirospermum Phtheirospermum japonicum (UP000653305) UniProtKB Star A0A830CS81_9LAMI UniProtKB Star A0A830BAD0_9LAMI Pedaliaceae Sesamum Sesamum alatum (UP001293254) UniProtKB Star A0AAE1YX07_9LAMI UniProtKB Star A0AAE1YCC2_9LAMI UniProtKB Star A0AAE1YHB6_9LAMI UniProtKB Star A0AAE1Y565_9LAMI Sesamum angolense (UP001289374) UniProtKB Star A0AAE2BXN3_9LAMI UniProtKB Star A0AAE1WYK6_9LAMI UniProtKB Star A0AAE2BW36_9LAMI Sesamum indicum (UP000504604) UniProtKB Star A0A6I9TUZ5_SESIN UniProtKB Star A0A6I9U1A0_SESIN UniProtKB Star A0A8M8VDB9_SESIN UniProtKB Star A0A6I9T051_SESIN UniProtKB Star A0A8M8VDL0_SESIN Phrymaceae Erythranthe Erythranthe guttata (UP000030748) UniProtKB Star A0A022RCT3_ERYGU UniProtKB Star A0A022RCI0_ERYGU UniProtKB Star A0A022PYN7_ERYGU UniProtKB Star A0A022RL83_ERYGU Solanales Convolvulaceae Cuscuteae Cuscuta Cuscuta subgen. Cuscuta Cuscuta europaea (UP001152484) UniProtKB Star A0A9P1E4S4_CUSEU UniProtKB Star A0A9P0ZUK5_CUSEU UniProtKB Star A0A9P0YLC1_CUSEU UniProtKB Star A0A9P1E4W7_CUSEU UniProtKB Star A0A9P1E502_CUSEU Cuscuta subgen. Grammica Cuscuta sect. Cleistogrammica Cuscuta australis (UP000249390) UniProtKB Star A0A328DP63_9ASTE UniProtKB Star A0A328DN49_9ASTE UniProtKB Star A0A328DNK5_9ASTE Cuscuta campestris (UP000595140) UniProtKB Star A0A484KIS5_9ASTE UniProtKB Star A0A484NDF1_9ASTE UniProtKB Star A0A484KZI3_9ASTE UniProtKB Star A0A484LWB7_9ASTE UniProtKB Star A0A484NDV9_9ASTE UniProtKB Star A0A484KUD8_9ASTE Ipomoeeae Ipomoea Ipomoea nil (UP000243839) Solanaceae Nicotianoideae Nicotianeae Nicotiana Nicotiana attenuata (UP000187609) UniProtKB Star A0A314LBU6_NICAT UniProtKB Star A0A314KSQ2_NICAT UniProtKB Star A0A1J6HTN3_NICAT Nicotiana sylvestris (UP000189701) UniProtKB Star A0A1U7YC13_NICSY UniProtKB Star A0A1U7XT83_NICSY UniProtKB Star A0A1U7YGK9_NICSY Nicotiana tabacum (UP000084051) UniProtKB Star SYE_TOBAC UniProtKB Star A0A1S3ZA01_TOBAC UniProtKB Star A0A1S3YD67_TOBAC UniProtKB Star A0A1S3YDK1_TOBAC UniProtKB Star A0A1S4DHA4_TOBAC UniProtKB Star A0A1S3Y052_TOBAC UniProtKB Star A0A1S3YF68_TOBAC Solanoideae Capsiceae Capsicum Capsicum annuum (UP000222542) UniProtKB Star A0A1U8E8C4_CAPAN UniProtKB Star A0A2G2YC56_CAPAN Capsicum baccatum (UP000224567) UniProtKB Star A0A2G2W9E0_CAPBA UniProtKB Star A0A2G2W897_CAPBA Hyoscyameae Anisodus Anisodus acutangulus (UP001152561) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q1QU17_9SOLA UniProtKB Star A0A9Q1L799_9SOLA UniProtKB Star A0A9Q1L925_9SOLA UniProtKB Star A0A9Q1MVX3_9SOLA UniProtKB Star A0A9Q1LZK7_9SOLA Anisodus tanguticus (UP001291623) UniProtKB Star A0AAE1QSD1_9SOLA UniProtKB Star A0AAE1UWJ1_9SOLA UniProtKB Star A0AAE1RU40_9SOLA UniProtKB Star A0AAE1QPG7_9SOLA UniProtKB Star A0AAE1SVB7_9SOLA Solaneae Solanum Solanum commersonii (UP000824120) UniProtKB Star A0A9J6AJ59_SOLCO UniProtKB Star A0A9J6AP61_SOLCO UniProtKB Star A0A9J5YSV3_SOLCO Solanum subgen. Lycopersicon Solanum lycopersicum (UP000004994) UniProtKB Star A0A3Q7EUN5_SOLLC UniProtKB Star A0A3Q7EQU1_SOLLC UniProtKB Star A0A3Q7GEE9_SOLLC Solanum tuberosum (UP000011115) UniProtKB Star M1BJW9_SOLTU UniProtKB Star M1B5V8_SOLTU Solanum verrucosum (UP001234989) UniProtKB Star A0AAF0PYP2_SOLVR UniProtKB Star A0AAF0QTT4_SOLVR rosids Vitales Vitaceae Viteae Vitis Vitis riparia x Vitis cinerea (UP000425232) Vitis rotundifolia (UP001168098) UniProtKB Star A0AA39E2D1_VITRO UniProtKB Star A0AA38Z3I9_VITRO UniProtKB Star A0AA38Z3A5_VITRO UniProtKB Star A0AA38Z1F9_VITRO UniProtKB Star A0AA38Z1E6_VITRO UniProtKB Star A0AA39AL61_VITRO UniProtKB Star A0AA39AKS7_VITRO Vitis vinifera (UP000009183) UniProtKB Star D7U4Q0_VITVI UniProtKB Star F6I4J3_VITVI UniProtKB Star D7SM09_VITVI UniProtKB Star D7T929_VITVI fabids Celastrales Celastraceae Tripterygium Tripterygium wilfordii (UP000593562) UniProtKB Star A0A7J7CGZ3_TRIWF UniProtKB Star A0A7J7CYQ6_TRIWF UniProtKB Star A0A7J7CXP5_TRIWF Cucurbitales Cucurbitaceae Benincaseae Cucumis Cucumis melo (UP000089565) UniProtKB Star A0A1S3BQW8_CUCME UniProtKB Star A0A1S3BPD2_CUCME UniProtKB Star A0A1S3C6V4_CUCME UniProtKB Star A0A1S3C6B8_CUCME UniProtKB Star A0A1S3C666_CUCME UniProtKB Star A0A1S3CD39_CUCME Cucumis melo var. makuwa (UP000321393) UniProtKB Star A0A5A7V179_CUCMM UniProtKB Star A0A5A7U6S0_CUCMM UniProtKB Star A0A5D3DZE8_CUCMM UniProtKB Star A0A5A7TSC9_CUCMM Cucumis sativus (UP000029981) UniProtKB Star A0A0A0K502_CUCSA UniProtKB Star A0A0A0LYW4_CUCSA UniProtKB Star A0A0A0LMF7_CUCSA UniProtKB Star A0A0A0LIR0_CUCSA Cucurbiteae Cucurbita Cucurbita maxima (UP000504608) UniProtKB Star A0A6J1HWL8_CUCMA UniProtKB Star A0A6J1I0W4_CUCMA UniProtKB Star A0A6J1HZT5_CUCMA UniProtKB Star A0A6J1K1Q6_CUCMA Momordiceae Momordica Momordica charantia (UP000504603) UniProtKB Star A0A6J1C3V0_MOMCH UniProtKB Star A0A6J1DWY8_MOMCH UniProtKB Star A0A6J1BZM8_MOMCH Fabales Fabaceae Caesalpinioideae Cassia clade Senna Senna tora (UP000634136) UniProtKB Star A0A835CIM9_9FABA UniProtKB Star A0A834WCA0_9FABA UniProtKB Star A0A834TUL0_9FABA mimosoid clade Acacieae Acacia Acacia crassicarpa (UP001293593) UniProtKB Star A0AAE1NAY0_9FABA UniProtKB Star A0AAE1N3P5_9FABA UniProtKB Star A0AAE1M852_9FABA UniProtKB Star A0AAE1MWZ4_9FABA UniProtKB Star A0AAE1MD80_9FABA Papilionoideae 50 kb inversion clade NPAAA clade Hologalegina IRL clade Cicereae Cicer Cicer arietinum (UP000087171) UniProtKB Star A0A1S2YUK7_CICAR UniProtKB Star A0A1S2XX32_CICAR UniProtKB Star A0A1S2XYC1_CICAR UniProtKB Star A0A1S2XZV0_CICAR Fabeae Pisum Pisum sativum (UP001058974) UniProtKB Star A0A9D4XNA0_PEA UniProtKB Star A0A9D4W2Z2_PEA UniProtKB Star A0A9D4WDU0_PEA UniProtKB Star A0A9D4WII4_PEA Trifolieae Medicago Medicago truncatula (UP000002051) UniProtKB Star A0A072TKH0_MEDTR UniProtKB Star A0A072TWU9_MEDTR UniProtKB Star G7IAE3_MEDTR UniProtKB Star G7ICA2_MEDTR Trifolium Trifolium medium (UP000265520) Trifolium pratense (UP000236291) UniProtKB Star A0A2K3MMM0_TRIPR UniProtKB Star A0A2K3N9Q3_TRIPR UniProtKB Star A0A2K3LFR6_TRIPR Trifolium subterraneum (UP000242715) UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6M7V0_TRISU UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6MER9_TRISU UniProtKB Star A0A2Z6LHU9_TRISU indigoferoid/millettioid clade Abreae Abrus Abrus precatorius (UP000694853) UniProtKB Star A0A8B8JRJ7_ABRPR UniProtKB Star A0A8B8LIQ6_ABRPR UniProtKB Star A0A8B8MFF3_ABRPR UniProtKB Star A0A8B8MFS8_ABRPR UniProtKB Star A0A8B8MHA2_ABRPR UniProtKB Star A0A8B8MH99_ABRPR UniProtKB Star A0A8B8MD26_ABRPR Phaseoleae Cajanus Cajanus cajan (UP000075243) UniProtKB Star A0A151QX19_CAJCA UniProtKB Star A0A151SRX7_CAJCA UniProtKB Star A0A151U750_CAJCA Glycine Glycine subgen. Soja Glycine max (UP000008827) UniProtKB Star I1JME7_SOYBN UniProtKB Star K7L0Z1_SOYBN UniProtKB Star I1JME8_SOYBN UniProtKB Star A0A0R0JDC0_SOYBN UniProtKB Star I1LAX4_SOYBN UniProtKB Star I1NES7_SOYBN UniProtKB Star A0A0R0J2H9_SOYBN UniProtKB Star I1LEV4_SOYBN UniProtKB Star I1LEV5_SOYBN Glycine soja (UP000289340) UniProtKB Star A0A0B2RG09_GLYSO UniProtKB Star A0A445JVW1_GLYSO UniProtKB Star A0A445L9X6_GLYSO UniProtKB Star A0A445IM89_GLYSO UniProtKB Star A0A445F2H7_GLYSO UniProtKB Star A0A445F3U9_GLYSO UniProtKB Star A0A445F3N9_GLYSO UniProtKB Star A0A445ITH5_GLYSO Phaseolus Phaseolus vulgaris (UP000000226) UniProtKB Star V7ALD7_PHAVU UniProtKB Star V7AM42_PHAVU UniProtKB Star V7BGS0_PHAVU UniProtKB Star V7BBD3_PHAVU Sphenostylis Sphenostylis stenocarpa (UP001189624) UniProtKB Star A0AA86SQ03_9FABA UniProtKB Star A0AA86W3L1_9FABA UniProtKB Star A0AA86W2Y9_9FABA Vigna Phaseolus angularis (UP000053144) UniProtKB Star A0A0L9VUC0_PHAAN UniProtKB Star A0A0L9TZ06_PHAAN UniProtKB Star A0A0L9U0F8_PHAAN Vigna angularis var. angularis (UP000291084) UniProtKB Star A0A0S3SVS8_PHAAN UniProtKB Star A0A0S3SQS4_PHAAN UniProtKB Star A0A0S3SLQ7_PHAAN Vigna radiata var. radiata (UP000087766) UniProtKB Star A0A1S3VEH2_VIGRR UniProtKB Star A0A1S3V813_VIGRR UniProtKB Star A0A1S3V788_VIGRR dalbergioids sensu lato Dalbergieae Pterocarpus clade Arachis Arachis duranensis (UP000515211) UniProtKB Star A0A6P4BTM8_ARADU UniProtKB Star A0A6P4BBI1_ARADU UniProtKB Star A0A6P4C3D5_ARADU Arachis hypogaea (UP000289738) UniProtKB Star A0A445EIM3_ARAHY UniProtKB Star A0A444XEB9_ARAHY UniProtKB Star A0A444XE76_ARAHY UniProtKB Star A0A444XEV2_ARAHY UniProtKB Star A0A445BLF8_ARAHY UniProtKB Star A0A445BLF5_ARAHY UniProtKB Star A0A444XUY1_ARAHY UniProtKB Star A0A445BEK9_ARAHY genistoids sensu lato core genistoids Genisteae Lupinus Lupinus albus (UP000447434) UniProtKB Star A0A6A4PPK3_LUPAL UniProtKB Star A0A6A4QB49_LUPAL UniProtKB Star A0A6A4NQ60_LUPAL UniProtKB Star A0A6A5N798_LUPAL UniProtKB Star A0A6A4QX80_LUPAL UniProtKB Star A0A6A4QDT5_LUPAL Lupinus angustifolius (UP000188354) UniProtKB Star A0A1J7GKY6_LUPAN UniProtKB Star A0A4P1RUX0_LUPAN UniProtKB Star A0A4P1RBF3_LUPAN UniProtKB Star A0A1J7HJG6_LUPAN Quillajaceae Quillaja Quillaja saponaria (UP001163823) UniProtKB Star A0AAD7M2Y6_QUISA UniProtKB Star A0AAD7QA75_QUISA UniProtKB Star A0AAD7Q1L7_QUISA UniProtKB Star A0AAD7PFW2_QUISA UniProtKB Star A0AAD7KPB7_QUISA Fagales Betulaceae Carpinus Carpinus fangiana (UP000327013) UniProtKB Star A0A5N6QQY9_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A5N6KYE8_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A5N6KYZ2_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A5N6KNS8_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A5N6RFA4_9ROSI Fagaceae Castanea Castanea mollissima (UP000737018) UniProtKB Star A0A8J4QJZ5_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A8J4RNL9_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A8J4RVN6_9ROSI Quercus Quercus lobata (UP000594261) UniProtKB Star A0A7N2N3B9_QUELO UniProtKB Star A0A7N2LI57_QUELO UniProtKB Star A0A7N2L5W3_QUELO UniProtKB Star A0A7N2KQ81_QUELO Juglandaceae Carya Carya illinoinensis (UP000811609) UniProtKB Star A0A8T1QHL7_CARIL UniProtKB Star A0A8T1PYU6_CARIL UniProtKB Star A0A8T1Q394_CARIL Juglans Juglans regia (UP000235220) UniProtKB Star A0A2I4FCC3_JUGRE UniProtKB Star A0A2I4DHL4_JUGRE UniProtKB Star A0A2I4H0N6_JUGRE Myricaceae Morella Morella rubra (UP000516437) UniProtKB Star A0A6A1VFK1_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A6A1VPG9_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A6A1UG60_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A6A1UYT7_9ROSI Malpighiales Euphorbiaceae Acalyphoideae Acalypheae Ricinus Ricinus communis (UP000008311) UniProtKB Star B9T2L7_RICCO UniProtKB Star B9RFS6_RICCO UniProtKB Star B9SLX3_RICCO Crotonoideae Jatropheae Jatropha Jatropha curcas (UP000027138) UniProtKB Star A0A067JZD8_JATCU UniProtKB Star A0A067JUV4_JATCU UniProtKB Star A0A067LDA3_JATCU Manihoteae Manihot Manihot esculenta (UP000091857) UniProtKB Star A0A2C9WDT7_MANES UniProtKB Star A0A2C9WDT4_MANES UniProtKB Star A0A2C9VBW0_MANES UniProtKB Star A0A251KD30_MANES UniProtKB Star A0A2C9VNM2_MANES UniProtKB Star A0A2C9UKN3_MANES Micrandreae Hevea Hevea brasiliensis (UP000467840) UniProtKB Star A0A6A6K3F8_HEVBR UniProtKB Star A0A6A6KQB7_HEVBR UniProtKB Star A0A6A6K1Y1_HEVBR UniProtKB Star A0A6A6M4C4_HEVBR UniProtKB Star A0A6A6MVI0_HEVBR Passifloraceae Turnera Turnera subulata (UP001141552) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0GBD2_9ROSI Salicaceae Saliceae Populus Populus alba (UP000309997) UniProtKB Star A0A4V6A7B5_POPAL UniProtKB Star A0A4U5QH88_POPAL UniProtKB Star A0A4U5Q280_POPAL UniProtKB Star A0A4V6ABM2_POPAL UniProtKB Star A0A4U5NPM7_POPAL Populus alba x Populus x berolinensis (UP001164929) UniProtKB Star A0AAD6ML13_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0AAD6QSC4_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0AAD6Q1N0_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0AAD6MIP3_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0AAD6Q0K7_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0AAD6MAY3_9ROSI Populus deltoides (UP000807159) UniProtKB Star A0A8T2XY45_POPDE UniProtKB Star A0A8T2XY20_POPDE UniProtKB Star A0A8T2XBW2_POPDE UniProtKB Star A0A8T2YQ74_POPDE UniProtKB Star A0A8T2XF72_POPDE UniProtKB Star A0A8T2Y6R8_POPDE UniProtKB Star A0A8T2Y6R7_POPDE Populus euphratica (UP000694918) UniProtKB Star A0AAJ6X042_POPEU UniProtKB Star A0AAJ6SXG6_POPEU UniProtKB Star A0AAJ6Y1Q9_POPEU UniProtKB Star A0AAJ6U357_POPEU UniProtKB Star A0AAJ6U2T5_POPEU Populus tomentosa (UP000886885) UniProtKB Star A0A8X8CR74_POPTO UniProtKB Star A0A8X8CGQ9_POPTO UniProtKB Star A0A8X7YSH4_POPTO UniProtKB Star A0A8X7ZKE8_POPTO UniProtKB Star A0A8X7YER2_POPTO UniProtKB Star A0A8X7Z6G7_POPTO UniProtKB Star A0A8X7ZE18_POPTO UniProtKB Star A0A8X7ZAY5_POPTO Populus trichocarpa (UP000006729) UniProtKB Star A0A2K1Z963_POPTR UniProtKB Star A0A2K1XYM2_POPTR UniProtKB Star B9N401_POPTR UniProtKB Star A0A2K1ZFZ9_POPTR UniProtKB Star A0A2K1ZG00_POPTR Salix Salix brachista (UP000326939) UniProtKB Star A0A5N5N2P2_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A5N5MM81_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A5N5LS27_9ROSI Salix dunnii (UP000657918) UniProtKB Star A0A835K5T6_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A835K674_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A835MTV9_9ROSI Salix koriyanagi (UP001151752) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0UZV3_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0SMF0_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A9Q1AI73_9ROSI Salix purpurea (UP001151532) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0WE41_SALPP UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0UAA4_SALPP UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0Z297_SALPP Salix udensis (UP001162972) UniProtKB Star A0AAD6JEL3_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0AAD6JDQ7_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0AAD6K1S5_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0AAD6K0F1_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0AAD6KVQ1_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0AAD6PKN2_9ROSI Salix viminalis (UP001151529) UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0QKN5_SALVM UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0ZKI2_SALVM UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0U0K7_SALVM UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0U0F1_SALVM UniProtKB Star A0A9Q0PKM1_SALVM Oxalidales Cephalotaceae Cephalotus Cephalotus follicularis (UP000187406) UniProtKB Star A0A1Q3CNX3_CEPFO UniProtKB Star A0A1Q3BP88_CEPFO UniProtKB Star A0A1Q3AQV0_CEPFO Rosales Cannabaceae Cannabis Cannabis sativa (UP000583929) UniProtKB Star A0A7J6EML9_CANSA UniProtKB Star A0A7J6EZY3_CANSA UniProtKB Star A0A7J6EXG1_CANSA UniProtKB Star A0A7J6HW65_CANSA Parasponia Parasponia andersonii (UP000237105) UniProtKB Star A0A2P5DPJ0_PARAD UniProtKB Star A0A2P5DEH0_PARAD UniProtKB Star A0A2P5D8G1_PARAD UniProtKB Star A0A2P5BVI6_PARAD Trema Trema orientale (UP000237000) UniProtKB Star A0A2P5BHQ1_TREOI UniProtKB Star A0A2P5DRC6_TREOI UniProtKB Star A0A2P5G299_TREOI UniProtKB Star A0A2P5EL11_TREOI Moraceae Ficeae Ficus Ficus carica (UP001187192) UniProtKB Star A0AA88D8S9_FICCA UniProtKB Star A0AA87Z7T3_FICCA UniProtKB Star A0AA88E8T6_FICCA Moreae Morus Morus notabilis (UP000030645) UniProtKB Star W9R803_9ROSA UniProtKB Star W9R1E0_9ROSA UniProtKB Star W9SWJ4_9ROSA UniProtKB Star W9RVG7_9ROSA Rhamnaceae Paliureae Ziziphus Ziziphus jujuba (UP000515210) UniProtKB Star A0A6P4AQ67_ZIZJJ UniProtKB Star A0A6P3Z515_ZIZJJ UniProtKB Star A0A6P3ZIL9_ZIZJJ UniProtKB Star A0A6P4AFE5_ZIZJJ Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa (UP000813462) UniProtKB Star A0A978VVM8_ZIZJJ UniProtKB Star A0A978UNV9_ZIZJJ rhamnoid group Rhamneae Rhamnella Rhamnella rubrinervis (UP000796880) UniProtKB Star A0A8K0E138_9ROSA UniProtKB Star A0A8K0HN98_9ROSA UniProtKB Star A0A8K0GRP9_9ROSA Rosaceae Amygdaloideae Amygdaleae Prunus Prunus armeniaca (UP000507245) UniProtKB Star A0A6J5Y050_PRUAR UniProtKB Star A0A6J5XPA4_PRUAR UniProtKB Star A0A6J5XUS9_PRUAR UniProtKB Star A0A6J5Y7T4_PRUAR UniProtKB Star A0A6J5W7M5_PRUAR Prunus avium (UP000515124) UniProtKB Star A0A6P5RHK1_PRUAV UniProtKB Star A0A6P5TTI7_PRUAV UniProtKB Star A0A6P5SSC3_PRUAV UniProtKB Star A0A6P5T6A6_PRUAV Prunus dulcis (UP000327085) UniProtKB Star A0A5E4FV01_PRUDU UniProtKB Star A0A5E4EKV9_PRUDU UniProtKB Star A0A5E4EQP6_PRUDU Prunus persica (UP000006882) UniProtKB Star M5VME3_PRUPE UniProtKB Star M5W7G9_PRUPE UniProtKB Star M5XLP3_PRUPE Prunus yedoensis var. nudiflora (UP000250321) UniProtKB Star A0A314XHU2_PRUYE UniProtKB Star A0A314ZZA9_PRUYE UniProtKB Star A0A314UGA6_PRUYE UniProtKB Star A0A314Y7I8_PRUYE UniProtKB Star A0A314Y5Z8_PRUYE UniProtKB Star A0A314YHC7_PRUYE Maleae Malus Malus baccata (UP000315295) UniProtKB Star A0A540NRA0_MALBA UniProtKB Star A0A540N798_MALBA UniProtKB Star A0A540N7L1_MALBA UniProtKB Star A0A540KS10_MALBA UniProtKB Star A0A540M118_MALBA UniProtKB Star A0A540KB38_MALBA Malus domestica (UP000290289) UniProtKB Star A0A498IQA2_MALDO UniProtKB Star A0A498K2Q7_MALDO UniProtKB Star A0A498K0H4_MALDO UniProtKB Star A0A498IFV1_MALDO UniProtKB Star A0A498I6D0_MALDO UniProtKB Star A0A498HLB2_MALDO Pyrus Pyrus ussuriensis x Pyrus communis (UP000327157) UniProtKB Star A0A5N5I5M1_9ROSA UniProtKB Star A0A5N5FLA1_9ROSA UniProtKB Star A0A5N5H2D0_9ROSA UniProtKB Star A0A5N5I424_9ROSA UniProtKB Star A0A5N5H8D5_9ROSA Rosoideae Rosoideae incertae sedis Rosa Rosa chinensis (UP000238479) UniProtKB Star A0A2P6PSJ2_ROSCH UniProtKB Star A0A2P6R833_ROSCH UniProtKB Star A0A2P6R1L9_ROSCH UniProtKB Star A0A2P6PPU8_ROSCH malvids Brassicales Brassicaceae Arabideae Arabis Arabis alpina (UP000029120) UniProtKB Star A0A087GDZ1_ARAAL UniProtKB Star A0A087G971_ARAAL UniProtKB Star A0A087HQZ0_ARAAL UniProtKB Star A0A087GKE7_ARAAL Arabis nemorensis (UP000489600) UniProtKB Star A0A565CX15_9BRAS UniProtKB Star A0A565CN97_9BRAS UniProtKB Star A0A565ASY6_9BRAS Brassiceae Brassica Brassica campestris (UP000011750) UniProtKB Star M4E658_BRACM UniProtKB Star M4ECA1_BRACM UniProtKB Star M4F676_BRACM UniProtKB Star M4DVI5_BRACM Brassica carinata (UP000886595) UniProtKB Star A0A8X7UXK5_BRACI UniProtKB Star A0A8X7WAE8_BRACI UniProtKB Star A0A8X8B0N7_BRACI UniProtKB Star A0A8X7UJU3_BRACI UniProtKB Star A0A8X7S5C5_BRACI UniProtKB Star A0A8X7PDI8_BRACI UniProtKB Star A0A8X7R9R1_BRACI UniProtKB Star A0A8X7U864_BRACI UniProtKB Star A0A8X7QHD8_BRACI Brassica napus (UP000028999) UniProtKB Star A0A078I2F0_BRANA UniProtKB Star A0A078G4X5_BRANA UniProtKB Star A0A078HXQ7_BRANA Brassica oleracea var. oleracea (UP000032141) UniProtKB Star A0A0D3BF80_BRAOL UniProtKB Star A0A0D3A6Q3_BRAOL UniProtKB Star A0A0D3E183_BRAOL UniProtKB Star A0A0D3AXJ1_BRAOL UniProtKB Star A0A0D3CD87_BRAOL Raphanus Raphanus sativus (UP000504610) UniProtKB Star A0A6J0NUL6_RAPSA UniProtKB Star A0A9W3CHR6_RAPSA UniProtKB Star A0A6J0LBC0_RAPSA UniProtKB Star A0A6J0JXG7_RAPSA UniProtKB Star A0A6J0JYD2_RAPSA Camelineae Arabidopsis Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata (UP000008694) UniProtKB Star D7MQK5_ARALL UniProtKB Star D7M5B1_ARALL UniProtKB Star D7KBZ2_ARALL UniProtKB Star D7LZB1_ARALL UniProtKB Star D7KAJ6_ARALL Arabidopsis thaliana (UP000006548) UniProtKB Star SYEM_ARATH UniProtKB Star SYEC_ARATH UniProtKB Star SYQ_ARATH Capsella Capsella rubella (UP000029121) UniProtKB Star R0GU32_9BRAS UniProtKB Star R0H913_9BRAS UniProtKB Star R0FCB4_9BRAS UniProtKB Star R0HXX8_9BRAS UniProtKB Star R0I7A4_9BRAS UniProtKB Star R0GM02_9BRAS Coluteocarpeae Microthlaspi Microthlaspi erraticum (UP000467841) UniProtKB Star A0A6D2JC36_9BRAS UniProtKB Star A0A6D2HLU6_9BRAS UniProtKB Star A0A6D2IUL1_9BRAS UniProtKB Star A0A6D2HE07_9BRAS UniProtKB Star A0A6D2JG86_9BRAS Eutremeae Eutrema Eutrema salsugineum (UP000030689) UniProtKB Star V4K0V8_EUTSA UniProtKB Star V4MJG7_EUTSA UniProtKB Star V4KQB9_EUTSA UniProtKB Star V4KSE7_EUTSA Malvales Malvaceae Byttnerioideae Herrania Herrania umbratica (UP000504621) UniProtKB Star A0A6J1A2G2_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A6J1A4E4_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A6J1AN58_9ROSI Theobroma Theobroma cacao (UP000026915) UniProtKB Star A0A061E2R9_THECC UniProtKB Star A0A061F558_THECC UniProtKB Star A0A061FGX0_THECC UniProtKB Star A0A061F8N5_THECC UniProtKB Star A0A061F9Y1_THECC Grewioideae Apeibeae Corchorus Corchorus capsularis (UP000188268) UniProtKB Star A0A1R3K4Z0_COCAP UniProtKB Star A0A1R3GPC4_COCAP UniProtKB Star A0A1R3HRM5_COCAP UniProtKB Star A0A1R3HF97_COCAP Corchorus olitorius (UP000187203) UniProtKB Star A0A1R3KWB9_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A1R3HBD1_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A1R3KL15_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A1R3KM01_9ROSI Helicteroideae Durio Durio zibethinus (UP000515121) UniProtKB Star A0A6P5XFK8_DURZI UniProtKB Star A0A6P5XEB8_DURZI UniProtKB Star A0A6P5XEB9_DURZI UniProtKB Star A0A6P6ABH7_DURZI UniProtKB Star A0A6P6ALC8_DURZI UniProtKB Star A0A6P6AL93_DURZI UniProtKB Star A0A6P5XBU0_DURZI UniProtKB Star A0A6P6BFR8_DURZI Malvoideae Gossypium Gossypium anomalum (UP000701853) UniProtKB Star A0A8J5Z3N2_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A8J5ZQ28_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A8J5Z3X4_9ROSI Gossypium arboreum (UP000032142) UniProtKB Star A0A0B0MIW5_GOSAR UniProtKB Star A0A0B0MQL1_GOSAR UniProtKB Star A0A0B0N8F1_GOSAR UniProtKB Star A0A0B0MWM0_GOSAR Gossypium aridum (UP000593577) UniProtKB Star A0A7J8XZI5_GOSAI Gossypium armourianum (UP000593575) UniProtKB Star A0A7J9K4S2_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A7J9K640_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A7J9JUT2_9ROSI Gossypium australe (UP000325315) UniProtKB Star A0A5B6VFQ8_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A5B6V626_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A5B6U5G4_9ROSI Gossypium barbadense (UP000239757) UniProtKB Star A0A2P5YU74_GOSBA UniProtKB Star A0A2P5WHG3_GOSBA UniProtKB Star A0A2P5WFG7_GOSBA UniProtKB Star A0A2P5Y1A8_GOSBA Gossypium davidsonii (UP000593561) UniProtKB Star A0A7J8STI4_GOSDV UniProtKB Star A0A7J8SU00_GOSDV UniProtKB Star A0A7J8SWY1_GOSDV UniProtKB Star A0A7J8SVB2_GOSDV Gossypium gossypioides (UP000593579) UniProtKB Star A0A7J9CDT4_GOSGO Gossypium harknessii (UP000593560) UniProtKB Star A0A7J9HUR0_9ROSI Gossypium hirsutum (UP000189702) UniProtKB Star A0A1U8LMM0_GOSHI UniProtKB Star A0A1U8IW20_GOSHI UniProtKB Star A0A1U8LME2_GOSHI UniProtKB Star A0A1U8KI66_GOSHI UniProtKB Star A0A1U8LHS9_GOSHI UniProtKB Star A0A1U8PMM3_GOSHI Gossypium klotzschianum (UP000593573) UniProtKB Star A0A7J8VRM6_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A7J8VR43_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A7J8VSJ3_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A7J8VT41_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A7J8VBZ6_9ROSI Gossypium laxum (UP000593574) UniProtKB Star A0A7J9AQ78_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A7J9APJ4_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A7J9AC50_9ROSI Gossypium lobatum (UP000593572) UniProtKB Star A0A7J8MQS1_9ROSI Gossypium mustelinum (UP000323597) UniProtKB Star A0A5D3AAF3_GOSMU UniProtKB Star A0A5D2W1K5_GOSMU UniProtKB Star A0A5D2TBI0_GOSMU UniProtKB Star A0A5D2ZIU2_GOSMU UniProtKB Star A0A5D2V9D1_GOSMU UniProtKB Star A0A5D2V4R0_GOSMU UniProtKB Star A0A5D2ZDJ4_GOSMU Gossypium raimondii (UP000032304) UniProtKB Star A0A0D2PZ05_GOSRA UniProtKB Star A0A0D2NGM0_GOSRA UniProtKB Star A0A0D2Q6E7_GOSRA UniProtKB Star A0A0D2QYQ4_GOSRA UniProtKB Star A0A0D2Q6F4_GOSRA UniProtKB Star A0A0D2M5D3_GOSRA UniProtKB Star A0A0D2V0P6_GOSRA UniProtKB Star A0A0D2TC21_GOSRA UniProtKB Star A0A0D2UWM8_GOSRA UniProtKB Star A0A0D2TH84_GOSRA UniProtKB Star A0A0D2U015_GOSRA UniProtKB Star A0A0D2QT74_GOSRA Gossypium schwendimanii (UP000593576) UniProtKB Star A0A7J9MI56_GOSSC UniProtKB Star A0A7J9MNP9_GOSSC UniProtKB Star A0A7J9MP52_GOSSC UniProtKB Star A0A7J9M5R5_GOSSC Gossypium stocksii (UP000828251) UniProtKB Star A0A9D3WB19_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A9D3ZL39_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A9D3UD09_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A9D3UXQ0_9ROSI Gossypium trilobum (UP000593568) UniProtKB Star A0A7J9F5L4_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A7J9F7A9_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A7J9F9C1_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A7J9ETD8_9ROSI Hibiscus Hibiscus syriacus (UP000436088) UniProtKB Star A0A6A2YCW6_HIBSY UniProtKB Star A0A6A3AER8_HIBSY UniProtKB Star A0A6A2YF43_HIBSY UniProtKB Star A0A6A3BNL2_HIBSY UniProtKB Star A0A6A2W8D4_HIBSY UniProtKB Star A0A6A2ZN60_HIBSY Hibiscus trionum (UP001165190) UniProtKB Star A0A9W7MQD7_HIBTR UniProtKB Star A0A9W7HN64_HIBTR UniProtKB Star A0A9W7LN76_HIBTR UniProtKB Star A0A9W7I4B8_HIBTR Myrtales Lythraceae Punica Punica granatum (UP000233551) UniProtKB Star A0A218WIN0_PUNGR UniProtKB Star A0A2I0J2U9_PUNGR Myrtaceae Myrtoideae Eucalypteae Corymbia Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata (UP000806378) Eucalyptus Eucalyptus grandis (UP000030711) Myrteae Australasian group Rhodamnia Rhodamnia argentea (UP000694854) UniProtKB Star A0A8B8PXM3_9MYRT UniProtKB Star A0A8B8QGX2_9MYRT UniProtKB Star A0A8B8P4J9_9MYRT UniProtKB Star A0A8B8PQR9_9MYRT UniProtKB Star A0A8B8QZU1_9MYRT UniProtKB Star A0A8B8R4L4_9MYRT Sapindales Rutaceae Aurantioideae Citrus Citrus clementina (UP000030687) UniProtKB Star V4S5M3_CITCL UniProtKB Star V4SB37_CITCL UniProtKB Star V4U700_CITCL UniProtKB Star V4UHD9_CITCL UniProtKB Star V4W6G7_CITCL UniProtKB Star V4TMK2_CITCL Citrus sinensis (UP000027120) UniProtKB Star A0A067FLS8_CITSI UniProtKB Star A0A067FQE2_CITSI UniProtKB Star A0A067DV09_CITSI UniProtKB Star A0A067GBI4_CITSI UniProtKB Star A0A067GE73_CITSI UniProtKB Star A0A067GBB7_CITSI UniProtKB Star A0A067GBC2_CITSI UniProtKB Star A0A067GNR0_CITSI Citrus unshiu (UP000236630) UniProtKB Star A0A2H5P1A5_CITUN UniProtKB Star A0A2H5Q3G8_CITUN UniProtKB Star A0A2H5P5C1_CITUN UniProtKB Star A0A2H5P643_CITUN UniProtKB Star A0A2H5P5A9_CITUN Sapindaceae Hippocastanoideae Acereae Acer Acer negundo (UP001064489) UniProtKB Star A0AAD5IZ36_ACENE UniProtKB Star A0AAD5ITA7_ACENE UniProtKB Star A0AAD5IME5_ACENE Acer saccharum (UP001168877) UniProtKB Star A0AA39S1W4_ACESA UniProtKB Star A0AA39SPF9_ACESA UniProtKB Star A0AA39RGZ0_ACESA UniProtKB Star A0AA39RNF7_ACESA Acer yangbiense (UP000323000) UniProtKB Star A0A5C7I761_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A5C7HK05_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A5C7IPU5_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A5C7IQL7_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A5C7INW5_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A5C7HKE4_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0A5C7HXV8_9ROSI Dipteronia Dipteronia dyeriana (UP001280121) UniProtKB Star A0AAE0CX82_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0AAD9TFU6_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0AAD9TFG1_9ROSI Dipteronia sinensis (UP001281410) UniProtKB Star A0AAD9ZVV8_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0B413_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0AMY8_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0AC55_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0EAD7_9ROSI UniProtKB Star A0AAE0DUM4_9ROSI Pinopsida Pinidae Conifers II Cupressales Cupressaceae Cryptomeria Cryptomeria japonica (UP001234787) Taxaceae Taxus Taxus chinensis (UP000824469) UniProtKB Star A0AA38G7Z8_TAXCH UniProtKB Star A0AA38GJ00_TAXCH Klebsormidiophyceae Klebsormidiales Klebsormidiaceae Klebsormidium Klebsormidium nitens (UP000054558) UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1I2H6_KLENI UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1I5N4_KLENI UniProtKB Star A0A1Y1HZ43_KLENI Zygnemophyceae Zygnematophycidae Desmidiales Closteriaceae Closterium Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale complex Closterium sp. NIES-67 (UP001150374) UniProtKB Star A0A9P3KZQ5_9VIRI UniProtKB Star A0A9P3KF70_9VIRI UniProtKB Star A0A9P3KZ06_9VIRI UniProtKB Star A0A9P3NVN3_9VIRI Closterium sp. NIES-68 (UP001150463) UniProtKB Star A0A9P3IWF8_9VIRI UniProtKB Star A0A9P3MEJ5_9VIRI UniProtKB Star A0A9P3ILF4_9VIRI UniProtKB Star A0A9P3MHS4_9VIRI