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HAMAP profiles: User Manual for the Web View

The HAMAP family profiles are used to determine family membership of protein sequences. They are automatically generated from manually curated seed alignments of trusted family members of orthologous proteins using a PROSITE procedure. The profiles can be displayed in a user-friendly Web View which consists of the following two main sections and associated sub-sections.

General profile information

Persistent URL (PURL)
The persistent uniform resource locator (PURL) is a URL which is intended to be stable over time. It is used to provide a permanent link to a web resource. It is the URL you should use to refer to a HAMAP family profile in publications or data records.

This section indicates the accession number of the family profile, in the form MF_xxxxx.

Entry name
This section provides the short name of the family profile.

Entry type
This section indicates the type of the entry. HAMAP family profiles are stored in PROSITE format and are always of the type MATRIX.

This section indicates the date the last time the family profile was modified.

This section indicates the version of the family profile.

This section provides a description of the family profile, usually giving the recommended protein name of the protein family members matched by the profile.

Taxonomic range
This section indicates the taxonomic coverage of the family profile. It lists all major kingdoms (Archaea, Bacteria, Eukaryota and Viruses) that contain hits to the family profile.

This section contains a cross-reference to InterPro, linking to the InterPro record for this family profile.

Associated rule(s)
This section indicates the HAMAP annotation rule(s) that is (are) associated to the family profile. It provides the rule accession number (clickable to access the rule), the rule short name as well as the taxonomic scope of each rule.

On the right hand of the 'General Profile Information' section, we provide links to:

Note: data from HAMAP may differ from that provided by UniProtKB due to differing release cycles.

Number of hits
In this section, the count of profile hits is indicated for the two sections of UniProtKB:
Taxonomic distribution
In this section, the count of profile hits in UniProtKB is indicated for each major kingdom.

On the right hand of the 'Statistics' section, we provide links to: