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HAMAP rule MF_01050

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General rule information [?]

Accession MF_01050
Dates 12-MAR-2003 (Created)
12-MAR-2024 (Last updated, Version 25)
Name CaiB
Scope(s) Bacteria
Template(s) P31572 (CAIB_ECOLI); Q8GB19 (CAIB_PROSL); [ Recover all ]
Triggered by HAMAP; MF_01050 (Get profile general information and statistics)

Propagated annotation [?]

Identifier, protein and gene names [?]

Identifier CAIB
Protein name RecName: Full=L-carnitine CoA-transferase;
AltName: Full=Crotonobetainyl-CoA:carnitine CoA-transferase;
Gene name Name=caiB;

Comments [?]

FUNCTIONCatalyzes the reversible transfer of the CoA moiety from gamma-butyrobetainyl-CoA to L-carnitine to generate L-carnitinyl-CoA and gamma-butyrobetaine. Is also able to catalyze the reversible transfer of the CoA moiety from gamma-butyrobetainyl-CoA or L- carnitinyl-CoA to crotonobetaine to generate crotonobetainyl-CoA.
CATALYTIC ACTIVITY Reaction=(R)-carnitine + crotonobetainyl-CoA = (R)-carnitinyl-CoA + crotonobetaine; Xref=Rhea:RHEA:28526, ChEBI:CHEBI:16347, ChEBI:CHEBI:17237, ChEBI:CHEBI:60932, ChEBI:CHEBI:60933; EC=;
CATALYTIC ACTIVITY Reaction=(R)-carnitine + 4-(trimethylamino)butanoyl-CoA = (R)- carnitinyl-CoA + 4-(trimethylamino)butanoate; Xref=Rhea:RHEA:28418, ChEBI:CHEBI:16244, ChEBI:CHEBI:16347, ChEBI:CHEBI:60932, ChEBI:CHEBI:61513; EC=;
PATHWAYAmine and polyamine metabolism; carnitine metabolism.
SIMILARITYBelongs to the CoA-transferase III family. CaiB subfamily.

Keywords [?]

Gene Ontology [?]

GO:0008410; Molecular function:CoA-transferase activity
GO:0009437; Biological process:carnitine metabolic process
GO:0005737; Cellular component:cytoplasm

Cross-references [?]

Pfam PF02515; CoA_transf_3; 1;

Features [?]

From: CAIB_ECOLI (P31572)
Key From To Description Tag Condition FTGroup
ACT_SITE 169 169 /note="Nucleophile" D
BINDING 97 97 /ligand="CoA"
BINDING 104 104 /ligand="CoA"

Additional information [?]

Size range 405-406 amino acids
Related rules None
Fusion Nter: None Cter: None

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